#teen wolf holidays
feelsforsterek · 9 months
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perseephoneee · 10 months
I would love to see secret santa with isaac lahey for ficmas!
secret santa (isaac lahey x f!reader) ficmas 2023
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 4 of ficmas!
a/n: my special special boy isaac for the holiday season. dedicated to @mayfieldss for being my wifey.
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ join my taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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“How did you convince Derek to let you host a Christmas party at his loft?” you questioned, laying on Stiles’ bed as you crocheted. Stiles spun around in his desk chair and occasionally put more red string on his “murder board.” 
“Because of my charm,” Stiles turned towards you, clicking a pen in one of his hands. You paused your crochet project to look at him with exasperation. “Okay, fine; I promised to leave him alone for a month and clean his car.”
“That sounds more accurate,” you chuckled, resuming your project. You let out a huff of annoyance as Stiles threw a paper ball at your head. “Why is this so important to you?”
“I thought you liked Christmas.”
“I love Christmas; I want to know what has got you in the overt Christmas spirit this year,” you asked pointedly. You started another row as Stiles let out a short breath. 
“We’re all graduating, and I’m worried that we’ll never spend another holiday together again,” Stiles admitted, scooting his chair back to slap a new magnet on his board. You dropped your project, scooting to the end of the bed so you could look at Stiles. He refused to make eye contact. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” you sighed, touching Stiles’ shoulder. “Even being friends with you couldn’t get me to leave this place behind.” Stiles smiled, covering his hand with your own. You knew Stiles was nervous that we would all go our separate ways and never speak again, especially with him attending the FBI academy in the fall. Even the people you knew Stiles would pretend not to miss (Liam, Isaac, etc.), as his friend, you were fully aware he would miss everyone. 
“Y/N…thanks for always being my friend,” Stiles sniffled. You jumped off the bed to hug him, Stiles laughing as you almost tackled him. 
“You’re my best friend, buddy boy– you can’t ditch me,” you collapsed on the ground at Stiles’ feet, a smile covering your face. “Now, what must we do to prepare for this party?”
“Well, Lydia has got most of it covered. I did manage to convince her to do one thing, though, as a gift for you,” Stiles held his hands in front of him like a movie villain, and you started to get very suspicious. You got back up on the bed, curling your legs into yourself as Stiles gave himself a drum roll. “I got Isaac to be your Secret Santa.”
“You what?” you screeched, eyes growing wide.
“Look, even though I think Isaac is the worst, I know you’ve had a crush on him for years. This is why he will be giving you a gift this year.”
“That’s not very secret.”
“I’m also setting up mistletoe all over the loft. There will be other casualties to my mistletoe plan, but I will happily sacrifice that for your happiness.”
“I…have no words,” you gulped. You liked Isaac since you first saw him, even before he became a wolf. And then he joined your pack, everyone started hanging out together, and your crush grew stronger. You jumped at the opportunity every time you got to do stakeouts or other missions with just Isaac. You didn’t believe that he liked you back, though. You were human, a lot quieter than the other pack members, and also prone to word vomit when feelings of awkwardness arose. 
“This way, you’ll have something he got specifically for you.”
“Unless he gives me a gag gift because he doesn’t care.”
“If he does that, then he’s not worth your time. I’m saying that as your friend with the knowledge that you are a great person,” Stiles grins. He turns back to his laptop, feet propped up on the corner of the table and fidget spinner in his other hand. You had a slight smile as you returned to your project, and that smile didn’t leave your face as you spent the rest of the night with Stiles. 
The party happened a week later. You, Kira, and Mason had spent time getting a bunch of decorations to make it look more festive and then left Lydia to boss Parrish around on where to put things up. Lydia had a vision; none of you dared ruin it. It gave you time to go home and get ready anyway. You dressed in a simple burgundy sweater with jeans and boots but bothered putting on more makeup than usual. You even clipped your hair back with some star clips you found in the back of your drawer. When you returned to the loft, your jaw almost dropped with how pretty it looked. Twinkly lights and tinsel covered the available surface area, and a tree was in the back with presents already stacked. There was a table with all the amuse bouches one could wish for, and the scent of cranberries and oranges filled the room. 
“Happy holidays, Y/N,” Peter said from right next to you, giving you a minor heart attack.
“Someone invited you?” you exclaimed, earning an eye roll from Peter. 
“I’ve been tasked with taking coats,” he sighed, already bored. You handed him your jacket and quickly left, not interested in being another meal. Malia was by the dining table eating all the different meats and cheeses. 
“Merry Christmas, Malia,” you said, grabbing an olive and popping it in your mouth. 
“Who knew food could be so fancy?” Malia mumbled, not taking a breather before eating more. She looked like a kid at a candy store, and it made you laugh. 
“Food is still food, just prepared differently,” you responded. You watched in slight admiration as she chugged a glass of champagne before eating half a block of cheese. You wished for her metabolism so you could eat so openly. 
“I like the pigs in a blanket the best,” a voice said behind you. You turned around and felt your heart catch as you saw Isaac, a slight grin on his face. He was dressed in a blue henley, and the lights reflected brilliantly off his eyes. “Although, I’m more a fan of the blanket.” He proceeded to suck off the bread part of the pig in a blanket, leaving you with a confused expression. 
“Did you seriously just suck the bread off?”
“I said I was more a fan of the blanket,” Isaac answered, finishing the rest of his snack with an expression that read duh. Before you could react to whatever that was, you were handed a holiday cracker by Lydia, who was running around and gifting them out. These were wrapped in a green and gold floral print and tied with red ribbon. You held your cracker to Isaac, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He took the other end of the cracker, and you both pulled, the contents exploding from inside. You happily picked up your kazoo and paper crown before helping Isaac open his Christmas cracker. You traded your kazoo for his deck of cards before putting your crowns on. 
“Let me help,” Isaac said, positioning the paper crown on your head at the perfect angle. His fingers brushed down your hair as he stepped back, and you felt a blush coat your cheeks before you could stop it. “Look, now you’re a king.”
“Not a queen? Or a princess?” you asked cheekily. 
“Pretty sure you could be whomever you want,” Isaac replied, hands in his pockets as he looked down awkwardly. For a boy who wasn’t always the best with words and frequently struggled to pick up social cues, he somehow managed to find a way to flatter you. Before you could respond, Stiles clinked his glass to alert everyone to Secret Santa starting. You found a spot on one of the couches, curling up into the corner. Malia sat beside you, offering you a candy cane she stole from somewhere. 
“Thank you guys for bothering to show up today,” Stiles started, fingers anxiously tapping the side of his glass. “I’m happy to be included in this group of people, and…I don’t intend to lose you guys even when we graduate.”
It was one of the more severe things Stiles had ever said, and you could tell that it took a lot of willpower not to break into a joke. Everyone clapped and yelled kind things, though, and you knew it relieved some pressure from Stiles’ chest. 
“Alright, let's start this party as we trash Derek’s loft!” Stiles clapped as Derek glared from the back. “Chill out, big guy; I was kidding.”
You had to give your friends credit; they put together some perfect gifts this year. You were excited as you had Kira the crochet fingerless gloves you had made in pink and black yarn. 
“It has a mitten cover that you can button back,” you explained as Kira excitedly put them on and cooed over how soft the fabric was. Liam did try to steal them at one point before you promised to make him a pair. 
You were shoving a cookie in your mouth when Lydia announced that it was your turn to receive your gift. Avoiding Isaac’s gaze, you watched as Lydia brought over a small box wrapped in brown paper with a silky ribbon. You anxiously untied it, carefully peeling the paper away. You were greeted with an emerald green velvet case that you opened with a small gasp. Inside was a simple silver chain with three different charms on it. One of the charms was the Celtic ruin for protection, another a car with a Christmas tree on top, and finally a coffee pot. 
“I think I remembered that your family uses that sign for protection all over your home,” Isaac mumbled, a flush coating his cheeks as you finally looked up at him. “And the car is for when we were sent to get the Christmas tree, and you argued with the seller for trying to overcharge us. And the coffee pot is because of how you complain about needing coffee every time we hang out.”
You could feel your eyes tearing up as you looked at the thoughtful gift. Not only was it perfect, but Isaac gave it to you and put a lot of thought into it. You sat up, enveloping him in a hug that caught him off guard. Your face was buried in his shoulder as you inhaled the sweet vanilla scent that seemed to follow him. He tentatively hugged you back, bringing you in even closer. 
“Isaac,” you sniffled, pulling away. “It’s perfect, thank you.”
The smile that covered his face was infectious, and you knew that if you sat there any longer, you would combust into giggles and likely start screaming (something Stiles has witnessed you do whenever Isaac would do something personal and pleasant for you). You excused yourself, exiting to the kitchen to get some water. As you poured yourself a glass, you also went to the hot cocoa bar and stole a snowflake marshmallow to nibble on. 
“Are you okay?” you hear Isaac ask in the doorway. You turn to face him, softening at the look of concern coating his features. 
“I’m fine,” you reassure. “It was just a perfect gift; I didn’t want to get too emotional.”
“I’m glad you liked it,” Isaac whispered, looking down at an invisible spot on the floor. “I wanted to get you something that showed I cared.”
“I know you care,” you smiled, leaning against the counter. 
“I mean, like how I care about you,” Isaac breathed, slightly shaky. You furrowed your brows as your brain struggled to catch up. Isaac looked at you, waiting for realization to set in. When it finally did, your eyes widened to the size of saucers, and if the counter didn’t support you, you would’ve passed out. Instead of saying something, you glanced at the kitchen doorway's opening where Isaac was standing. 
“Mistletoe,” you whispered. 
“Huh?” Isaac looked confused, glancing around before finally glancing up. Conjuring courage you didn’t always have, you stepped right up to him and pulled him down for a kiss right under the mistletoe. He made a noise of surprise before finally placing his hands on your waist and kissing you back. 
“Happy holidays, Isaac,” you smiled, pulling away and looking up at him from under your lashes. His hand cradled your cheek before kissing you again, this time with the confidence of a boy who found his footing. You melted into his embrace, arms wrapping behind his neck and burying in his hair. One of his hands held the small of your back while he preserved your jaw, deepening the kiss. You let out a happy sigh as you let Isaac kiss the living daylights out of you as you thought to yourself:
This is the best Secret Santa ever.
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myrkky · 2 years
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Happy Holidays to one and all!
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toastybugguy · 1 year
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gotta be careful calling Scott your brother ‘cause in two episodes time he’ll rock your shit like only a sibling could 🙏🙏
For @scottappreciation’s Scott McCall Week 2023 — Day Three: Fight Scene
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batwynn · 2 years
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Giant ball fight. Totally normal.
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outcastpack · 1 year
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codychristiantreasures · 10 months
Getting a little festive.
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teenwolfholidayfest · 11 months
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Teen Wolf Holiday Fest 2023
Does your heart long for a specific Teen Wolf fic, graphic, video, or something else? Want to help spread holiday cheer and build community with other Teen Wolf fans?
This is a zero commitment fest!
Participants create wishlists of the Teen Wolf fanworks they’d love to receive, and then anyone else has the option to fulfill their wishes. No one is paired up; you just browse the list of what people want and make anything you like.
Want to only make a wishlist? Go for it Want to only hand out gifts? Wow, you’re generous Up for doing both? You decide how much
Wishlist requests open November 16th, 2023
Wishlist requests close November 30th, 2023
Gift giving begins December 15th, 2023
Gift giving deadline is January 1st, 2024
We’ll be tracking the tag #TeenWolfHolidayFest. See the Rules and FAQ for more info and feel free to send an Ask if you have questions.
(Please note: Because Tumblr is a broken mess, links to our Rules and FAQ on mobile will only open in the browser not the app itself. If you have Tumblr links set to open in the Tumblr app, it'll end up redirecting you to the main blog instead)
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oldfangirl81 · 6 months
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"Stiles no"
"Stiles yes"
"You are not bringing that to Easter dinner."
"How do you know it will look like one of those? Maybe mine will be good."
"Because you'll aim for something like those on purpose or worse."
"I think an Eldritch Lamb would be festive."
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Teen Wolf Fic Recs
The following is a sampling of my most reread/revisited fics and podfics from my bookmarks that fit the season.
Though I am personally a Halloween Queer, I know and love many (gender non specific) Holiday Girlies, so wanted to include a bit of each.
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Theme: Ghosts | Psychic Stiles
👻 🎃 👻 🫣 👻 🎃 👻
The story's all over you by MemeKon
Sterek | ch 1/1 | 3, 443 | T
Laura Hale is probably the nicest person Stiles' ever talked to. She's also very, very dead.
"I'm, uh, incredibly sorry about digging up your body."
Laura, ethereal looking and sitting on a chair of thin air, smiles at him.
"Oh, don't worry. A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do."
This House Has Long Been Over by ketren🔒
Sterek | ch 8/8 | 37.16K | T
The infamous Hale House is haunted by memories of the past—in more ways than one.
When a pretty-much-homeless Stiles allows Peter Hale to drag him to shelter on a cold winter night, he KNOWS it's a terrible idea. On the run from his own demons, Stiles is constantly trying to rein in his weird visions of residual hauntings—and in the Hale House, he can't always tell past from present.
Still, he watches Peter wrathfully hunt the guilty party while Derek rebuilds what's lost...and he grows curious about what really happened to the Hale ghosts. And just what that means for the remaining Hales.
don't know what I'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) by crazyassmurderwall
Sterek | ch 1/1 | 30.9K | T
Stiles sees dead people. Yep. Seriously.
(He’s got this. He’s totally got this. So what if one of them is Derek’s mom?)
Theme: Happy Holidays
❄️ 🥡 ❄️ 🍾 ❄️ 🫔 ❄️
A Holly Jolly Stiles by Triangulum for syriala
Steter | ch 1/1 | 7,160 | G
Stiles....goes a bit overboard at Christmas. He knows this. His dad knows this. Scott knows this. The pack...does not.
Stiles is going to give the pack a great Christmas whether they like it or not. And if special attention is paid to Peter, well...
[Podfic] This Awkward Love by roseszain for kbirb
Sterek | 9.5 mins | T
"Stiles," Scott hisses, voice low, frown firmly in place, "what did you do? That werewolf looks like he's about to murder you."
Derek's eyes narrow. Who's threatening his potential mate?
"Do you need me to get your dad? One of the Alphas?" Scott whispers.
Stiles rolls his eyes. "You do realize that's Alpha Hale's son, right? Derek Hale."
Shit! Shit. He's the creepy murder werewolf.
Sterek | 10-20 mins | G
[Podfic] Good to Eat by roseszain
So if Stiles married Derek Hale, he could become Jewish too? Perfect. It was settled. Stiles gleefully shoveled a forkful of cheesy shells into his mouth.
"Uh oh. I know that look." Claudia shook her head.
"Don't worry, Mom," Stiles said, reaching for his plastic Batman cup. "I've got a plan."
"Good luck, Derek Hale," his mother muttered.
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Since reveals are now up for @stereksecretsanta, I can finally share this Sterek art piece I got to make for GoNEF! You can also view Put My Mind at Ease on AO3. This is one of the few occasions where I opted in for a 3/4 or full body piece, and I went for something different from the usual cuddling/snuggling. Derek and Stiles might not be spooned against each other, but they’re still touching. I mean, Stiles has his fingers caressing Derek’s hair, and Derek has a gentle hand around Stiles’ wrist. And hello...their legs are entangled together, okay?!!  I went for soft intimacy here, and I am totally not sorry. The muted grey/navy color palette worked to give off nighttime and winter feels. Since I went off of the prompt of Derek and Stiles as mates, I zoned in on soulmates and soulbonds (because yeah, I’m a sucker for that trope. ;D). I had so much fun drawing this up and being part of this exchange. Make sure you check out the rest of the Sterek goodness from this year’s masterlist. Happy holidays, y’all!
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feelsforsterek · 9 months
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xijura · 9 months
Isaac put mistletoe in Scott's office and wasn't fully prepared for his reaction. Not sure he minds very much though 🤔🙄
(Does this count as nsfw? Not sure but imma put a warning anyway 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Late Christmas post but Happy Holidays anyways!! ^^
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noyzinerd · 2 years
As we close in around the Holiday season, let us not forget about what is really important.
This time of year isn't about the presents or the lights. It's not even about Christmas or spending time with your family.
It's about celebrating the pretend Birthday, loosely dictated by the lore printed on limited edition merchandise, of a fictional werewolf man from a show that started airing 11 years ago.
Happy Birthday, Derek! 🥳
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thatdesklamp · 9 months
lol my bad, sweets.
When I asked for fics I was mostly asking about jjk fics, but since you don't have those, maybe just what fics really REALLY does it to you in general. Personally I'm in multiple fandoms and I'd appreciate a good read. so really, anything. Like ur fav fics ever and ever.
Muah muah 😚😚
AHHHH I see I see
Yeah I don’t really read many jjk fics! Shocker, lol. Mainly because none of the main ships have really reeled me in (this includes satosugu… sorry, I’m just not a geto girlie…)
As for some general fic recs, I can happily oblige! (Most are haikyuu. That fandom shaped me as a person.)
‘campfire in your chest’ by deanpendragon: my all-time favourite fic ever. The fic that started it all: this is the reason I love friends-to-lovers, folks. Slowburn, mutual pining, everything I’ve tried for with IW was done first and done best here. I have reread this fic so many times that it feels nostalgic now. So, so incredibly beautiful. I will read anything by deanpendragon, but especially recommend ‘the certain things we lack’.
‘Then, Now, and Again’ by buttonstuck: I love so many of buttonstuck’s works but this is probably my favourite: poignant and so realistic, about getting together post-breakup and exploring what lead to the breakup in the first place. I loved the way it used time, and its structure was a huge inspiration for my other fic, ‘Soli Deo Gloria’.
‘Close to the Chest’ by darkmagicalgirl: Again: slowburn, coming of age, and really candid explorations of grappling with homophobia as a teen that did, in fact, make me a lil teary eyed.
‘Written in the Stars’ by Quixoticity: the pining. The pining. I remember reading this and thinking—oh, God, this is what I was going for with IW. I love soulmate aus with worldbuilding and angst and complexity (again, if you’ve read SDG you’ll know lmao) and this fulfilled everything.
‘Hemingway Can Suck It’ (orphan account): okay, this is just so funny. The premise is just giggle-inducing and I had to stop so many times to do the whole kicking-feet thing.
‘Spite’ by wellitcouldbeworse3: if you’re looking for a Levi x reader, literally look no further. I have such a soft spot for this fic (spot me in the comments!) but it truly is *that* levi fic from *that* levi author. A plethora of other fics, too (let me recommend ‘As The Spark Dies’ if you enjoyed the angst of IW).
There are so many more but these are the ones I’ve got off the top of my head. You’ll be able to tell that I have a genre of fic that I like, lmao. (I’ve also done a book rec list if you’re interested—it should be under the ‘book rec from me’ tag below) <3333
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Fa-la-la-la laaaa!
It's that time. I hope you know that I care about you and whatever you celebrate or don't I have a gift for you! Family can be really great but it can also be soul crushing. Just remember your found family is equally important and I consider you all my tumblr fandom family. Don't let them get you down. Escape into fic when you need a break!
(I asked for Turkey day fics and only got a few, so I thought I'd just include them in the Holiday fics list. I've done this a few years, so you can check out the Holiday tag for more.)
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Not Quite Lost (Not Quite Found) by alocalband
(1/1 I 25,025 I Explicit I Sterek)
A year after the nogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above a small town in Colorado.
Then Stiles shows up.
can't be hateful, gotta be grateful by HalfFizzbin
(1/1 I 6,260 I Teen I Sterek)
"Be cool, Dad, we've decided to con Grandma."
(Or, the one where the Stilinski men drag Derek to Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's and she gets the right wrong idea.)
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Pack is Pack, No Matter How Far by HappyJuicyfruit
(1/1 I 9,927 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek tries to deal with his pack moving away for college. Stiles helps (a lot).
Filter Out the Starlight by skoosiepants
(1/1 I 12,238 I Teen I Sterek)
“Why are you not more curious about me?” Stiles says when Derek’s got the door half open, sun spilling over the dark wood, dust motes spinning about his legs. Stiles is wearing fabric that hasn’t been invented yet, he’s clutching a smart phone to his chest, and he appeared out of nowhere, like an angel.
Softly, Derek says, “We all have our secrets,” and closes the door.
A heartbroken Stiles accidentally travels back in time to find his one true love. A harlequin-ish Christmas romance.
Cupboard Love by mklutz 
(2/2 I 32,286 I General I Sterek)
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
If that’s Derek Hale, he’s definitely not a mountain man.
A Hale for the Holidays by rlnerdgirl 
(1/1 I 38,095 I Explicit I Sterek)
“I sent you a Christmas card that got sent back to me. Did you get a new apartment?” his dad wonders. The question is all suspicion and little anything else.
A flicker of an idea sparks. It’s not nearly formed well enough for him to say, “Yeah, actually,” and when he follows that with, “I moved in with someone,” he wants to punch himself in the face. He’s living with someone?!
“You’re living with someone?” It’s the same voice and tone as the one in Stiles’ head, just thirty years older.
Two things keep Stiles from bashing his face onto the table: there’s a steaming cup of coffee in the way and, more importantly, his dad will definitely hear. Someone passes by in front of him and a semi-familiar book cover catches his eye. “Derek Hale,” he muses, and stops. No. That wasn’t meant to be out loud.
Three Marks by sanam
(8/8 I 113,736 I Mature I Sterek)
"And then there was pain again, but this time it was in only three places—his arm, below his clavicle, and next to his heart, all on the left side. It felt like the skin was being sliced apart, ripped open, flayed off— And suddenly it was done. Derek looked across the room and saw the boy on the floor, looking about as bad as Derek felt."
Derek and Stiles learn that bonding is probably best done with ridiculous amounts of video games and maybe a little bit of time.
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Come Light A Candle With Me by HappyJuicyfruit
(1/1 I 1,804 I General I Sterek)
Derek celebrates Hanukkah with Stiles.
My World Is Filled With Cheer And You by bleep0bleep
(1/1 I 10,832 I Teen I Sterek)
“It was a last minute decision. Single parents with children draw attention to themselves in this type of neighborhood, and this department didn’t have a big budget to relocate all the werewolf and werewolf sympathizers that were targeted on this list. We’ve combined a lot of our relocation assignments. It ended up working out that another family, Mr. Stilinski and his son, looked like a good fit for you guys, so you’ll be sharing a home with them for the time being.” Markowski grins at him. “Congratulations! You’re married!”
In which Derek and his daughter are displaced just in time for the holidays, matched up with Stiles and his young son in a government protection program.
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