#teen titans mas y menos
ajaxbleachishere · 1 year
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Version without title and shot I took from show :DDDD
I love my dysfunctional superhero team-
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kkkirriii · 7 months
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laadeplata · 28 days
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I'm pissed on what they did in Crisis on infinite Earths part 3!
I refuse to believe the titans are dead!
Even more knowing they own an object that allowes them to travel between worlds.
What the twins say in Spanish:
Más: We are going to win.
Menos: You will see.
I changed my Tumblr username:
"la A de P" → "la A de Plata"
Why? Because although I wanted to write a shorter name, it wasn't understandable enough. It looks more complete now.
⚠ Later I have to fix all the broken links caused by the change of the name.
Versiones en español latino:
DeviantArt | Instagram
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mikejbecker · 2 years
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Teen Titans East
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aulysoldacc · 6 months
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Was listening to pan kogekoge ni nacchatta by picdo anddd this random idea popped up in my mind soooo
(Feel free to make a comic dub of this!)
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starlizlia · 3 months
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What if the 2003 Teen Titans were pokemon trainers Part II Titans East and other characters
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When I made part one I acknowledged that the show was 20 years old and some laptop problems on my end resulted in it being posted months after my previous posts and about 2 months after the aniversary of the shows pilot so I understood if it did not get many views. I said I still wanted to make it because these lists are a lot of fun to make, and 2003 Teen Titans was one of my favorite shows growing up. I guess I am not the only one who still remmberes it fondly, because I got multiple likes and a couple reblogs in just a couple weeks (Thank you!). So here is my promised part 2. If you haven't seen Pat I (which has the main titans and Terra's teams) then I will link it at the end of this post.
A few things to go over before you see my lists. I am not giving any character more than three pokemon. These teens all have super powers (or in some of them's case, gadgets and martial arts abilities that rival super powers) and they go on missions and handle all bad guys/foes as a group, So I do not think any of them would have a need for six pokemon. Secondly I am basing my lists off pokemon that I think would work best for the 2003 version, since that is the version I grew up with. But the pokemon I chose could also work for the Teen titans go versions too, if anyone who see this perfers that version. Lastly I like to gove characters that have particularly significant/close relationships I like to give them both paralle or similar pokemon to show that. The titans are a pretty close knit team, so I wanted for them I decided to do a team mascot pokemon. the main/core titans all got a shiny pokemon. For titans East I wound up giving each of them a fairy type (for half of them it just happened, and once I saw that I rolled with it for the othet half). Okay that should be everything, so moving on to my teams below
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The Leader of the Titans East
Beedrill & Ribombee: Bee pokemon for the Bee themed superhero. One is ficesty with a sharp sting, and one is cute and sweet honey bee. Bumblebee could be both, depending on what angle she was working or how good of friends you and her were. Ribombee also takes the role of being her fairy type. On final thing, when I showed this list to friends before typing it out I was asked by two of them why I did not give Bumblee a vespaqueen instead of a beedrill. Well the answer to that is quit simple my dear Watsons: There can only ever be one queen bee per hive. Titans East's tower already has a queen bee, and that's Bumblebee
Pikachu: I was out of Bee pokemon. Bumble Bee is skilled election so I thought she should also have an electric type. I also deduced that it needed to be a small because Bumblebee always operated under the philosophy that smaller meant harder to hit. After that it was a no brainer to give her the pokemon franchises electric icon and round out her team.
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Robin's look-alike, and the second titan to prove you do not have to have powers to be able to keep up with other Super hero's
Dedenne: This is Speedy's fairy type. I picked it because both its color scheem and its electric/fairy type. Due to its small size and scrappy nature I like to picture Speedy's dedenne riding on top of his arrow and giving them an extra extra boost of electric charge.
Hitmonlee: Goes with Robin's Hitmonchan. as both Robin and Speedy are powerless hero's who rely on their own battle, so I am giving them both fighting pokemon that they can spar and train with. Speedy knows how to fight close range, but as an archer is more skilled at fighting from a distance. So off the field he and Hitmonlee can spar together and practice close range. On the field it stands in front of Speedy and keeps villains inside Speedy's archary range
Decidueye: I had to use this one, since its the only archery based pokemon. Speedy could probably learn to shoot its shed feathers, and it could maybe...maybe shoot a couple of his arrows (???). It has a rivialry/broship with one of Aqualad's pokemon; their relationship mirroring that of their trainers.
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The telepath, hydro-kinetic, and pretty face of the Titans East
Squirtle: It's a tough water pokemon, can easily battle on land or in water, and is exceedingly brave. An all around good pokemon for Aqualad who's team would be made up of water pokemon.
Vaporeon: Vaporeon is another powerful watertype that can fight on lad or in the water. It also posses the power to turn its body into water and move through bodies of water while invincible. So its a perfect pokemon for stealth missions that are by the water.
Primaeina: Aqualad's fairy type and his ace. This is the pokemon that has the the rivalry/broship with Speedy's Decidueye. I like the idea of these two both having fully evolved Alolan starters
Mas y Menos
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Twin speedsters who speak 2 languages
Okay so I gave them complimentary teams, since back when the show came out twins were often written to be the same character (Glad that has changed). SO I am going to list their pokemon together and use there individual symbols (+) (-) to show which one belongs to which.
Plusle (+) & Minun (-): I had to give them these two. They are basically the same duo in two different universes.
Ninjask (+) & Accelgor (-): Two bug types that are some of the fastest pokemon for these speedsters.
Galarian Rapidash (+/-): This one does not have a pokeball, it is instead close friends with both of them (similar to Meowth's relationship with Jessie and James). IT is still their fairy type.
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Robin's Anti hero Alter.
Murkrow: I said on Raven's list that I could not give her one even if it looked like her favorite bird, because its a thieving bird that either steals independently or to because it works for a higher crook (a Honchkrow). A dark thieving bird is something I could see Red-X really taking a liking to. He is the metaphorical Honchkrow for whom his Murkrow steals for.
Frogadier: Red X's ace. A strong, quick, and agil pokemon. It can use its tounge and cotton to take out servaliance cameras, and the ninja like way it moves is similar to Rex-X
Regular Absol: Robin has a shiney absol on his team. I wanted to give him and Red-X one pokemon that was the same and picked Absol since they both at times walk the line between good and evil. Robin's is a shiny though; to show how his friends help him keep his eye on the light. Red-X unlike Robin is a loner, without friends, because he prefers to in his words "look out for number 1". He is not a bad guy at root of it all. He is what Robin probably would have become had he stayed a solo act after leaving Batman. So its fitting then that Red-X would have a regular Absol as opposed to the Robin's Shiny one, because he has less light in his life and a less shining career.
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Villian turned to good in the finale season.
So Jinx did not have a lot of character. She was the girl hive member, had "Bad luck Hex powers"??? Basically she was like a punk witch. In her second to finale episode a hero flirts with her and she says something about "Wanting a chance" (Not necessarily a chance to be good or bad, just a chance) and that because of her powers "Good was never an option for me". Well from her finale appearance it looked like Kid Flash gave her a chance and she switched to good. This could arguably place her in the "Anti-Hero" category so I felt like I should put her on this list. I had a friend give me some help with her. They suggested picking "Witchy pokemon". Here are the ones we picked
Sableye: goes with Jinx whole spooky punk esthetic, and has types she would like
Mismagius: A mischeivous and powerful ghost. It was a Misdreavus for most for the series. Jinx evolved it with a stone after meeting Kid Flash, being given her chance, and switching sides.
Phantump: My friend suggested Pumpkaboo, but I have already used that one quite a few times on other lists so I decided to give a bit more love to Phantump. It is still "witchy" and might actually suit jinx more since I believe a comic once hinted to her being a fan of "The Wizard of Oz".
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teentitansaudioclips · 8 months
"It is true!"
-- Menos, For Real, Teen Titans (2003 cartoon)
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teentitansheadcanons · 8 months
Honorary Titans Kid Flash and Mas y Menos From Teen Titans Animated Series By Gallery From The Sims 4 PC
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Speedy renditions!
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garbblogan · 2 years
Pantha: If you’re so young why the back pains?
BB: Because I carry the weight of being the funniest friend in my friend group.
Más, responding in Spanish: Your friends must have a terrible sense of humor.
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Say what you will about superhero media but there ain't no motto/battlecry better than "¡Más o Menos, sí podemos!"
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ajaxbleachishere · 1 year
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They're just hanging
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Starfire Lectora
Imaginate ser un alien similar a Starfire de DC, justamente puedes seguir la linea original del personaje (yo sigo mas que nada la de los comics o la de la serie de 2003) donde tu planeta fue conquistado por otra raza(gracias a tu hermana) o puedes ir por la linea mas "family friendly" que es que decidiste explorar el mundo fuera de tu planeta hogar pero terminaste en manos de una especie de red de trafico intergaláctica.
imagino que si es el primer caso, lo mas probable es que tu raza haya sido conquistada por los propios Viltrumita, lo que hizo que ocurriera una MASACRE de la cual milagrosamente tu y tu hermana pudieron huir.
indiferentemente de lo que elijas, terminaste en la tierra, aunque habiendo pasado grandes eventos traumaticos, por lo que cuando vez a este mundo nuevo, con una especie extraña, empiezas a atacar por mero instinto (como lo que hizo Starfire en el primer capítulo de Teen Titans)
es entonces cuando Mark o mejor dicho INVENCIBLE aparece.
el trata de pelear contigo al principio, alejarte de los civiles, eso hasta que se da cuenta de lo asustada que estas(especialmente si hablamos del caso de la invasión Viltrumita y te das cuenta que Mark ES un viltrumita). por lo que trata el cambia de estrategia e intenta calmarte lo mas que puede.
cuando lo logra el te termina llevando con los guardianes del Globo para ver que hacer. me imagino que eres un poco diferente que la Starfire original, estás mas asustada y a la defensiva en esta situación, al principio solo confiabas en Mark.
por lo mismo Cecil decide que te quedaras en el pentagono hasta que sepan que hacer contigo. Mark te hecha una mano para aprender las cosas "normales" de la tierra y mostrarle a Cecil que no eres una amenaza.
(si tuviste que aprender el idioma humano por "contacto labial" definitivamente todo el equipo se burla un poco de Mark por estar enamorado ahora).
¡imagínate a Mark e Eve trayendote ropa para probarte!🥺 Eve probablemente solo la crea apartir de la nada, pero tambien trae ropa que le dan sus padres que no quiere y por alguna razon a ti te gusta.
Mark se ofrece a ayudarte a entrenar! al principio trata de ir facil contigo, pero cuando casi lo dejas sin cabeza con tus rayos laser, aprende la leccion.
Definitivamente el te saca para comer comida chatarra! mas cuando se da cuenta de que la comida del pentágono no te ayuda mucho por tu gran apetito. Mark se sorprendió de la cantidad de comida que podias comer pero afortunadamente Cecil lo paga(solo no le digas todavia🤫)
definitivamente una de las cosas favoritas de Mark sobre ti, cuando ya tienes superado el trauma, es ru actitud inocente, aun después de todo, eres muy buebujeante y amigable. lo cual es cuanto menos difícil de encontrar en su linea de trabajo, por lo que quiere mantener esa parte de ti lo mas posible.
Mark definitivamente te llevo a conocer a su madre, al principio estaba algo nervioso de que no te aceptara después de lo que paso con su padre, pero sorprendentemente Debbie lo tomo muy bien.
gracias a esto pudiste conocer mas sobre la cultura de la tierra, le preguntabas a Debbie constantemente sobre los lugares que ella habia visto, como eran y su cultura (incluso algunas anécdotas de Mark cuando era niño), y con tu actitud burbujeante y juvenil no fue difícil para Debbie encariñarse contigo fácilmente.
aparte de que te ayudo a enamorarte bastante rapido de la tierra, ver su belleza por ti misma, lo cual te animo a ser tu propia version de un heroe.
cuando quieres volverte una heroina, Mark entra en un conflicto interno, por una parte SABE muy bien qje no quieres que alguien tome decisiones por ti, lo respeta, pero por otra parte le ATERRA la posibilidad de que te lastimes, te capturen, pierdas por completo tu ser o peor, MUERAS.
probablemente gracias a esta conversación es que ustedes dos se vuelven pareja.
en general al principio Mark trata de hacer tus primeras patrullas contigo para enseñarte lo basico, después de te deja hacer lo que quieras, y esta TAN ORGULLOSO cuando le ganas a alguien.
"¡ESA ES MI CHICA!" tipo de orgulloso.
definitivamente le gusta mucho volar contigo y simplemente divagar, por lo menos siente que ahi ustedes dos tienen mas Privacidad. aparte de que le gusta como te vez en tu elemento. segun el.
si hablamls del primer caso de origen que dije al principio y tu hermana vuelve, Mark ve atravez de TODAS las banderas rojas y sera el primero en advertirte sobre ella, ya el paso por algo similar con su familia, no quieres pasar por eso.
si ambos pelean juntos, PAREJA DE PODER. LITERAL. tienes ciertas habilidades que Mark no, por lo que se complementan muy bien.
si Mark se lastima, entras en MODO RAMPAGE y ¿sinceramente? Mark no sabe si deberia estar asustado o mas enamorado. o exitado.
si TU te lastimas DIOS AYÚDANOS, MARK ESTA ENOJADO--- alguien la va a pasar mal.
en general, ambos son como dos Golden Retrirvers siendo felices juntos.
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t4tails · 9 months
teen titans go has taken the COWARDS WAY OUT (gave mas y menos permanent english subtitles)
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gorogues · 8 months
Spoilers for Speed Force #4 in this post!
comicsandslushies replied to your text post: Mod miiight be Mad Mod the teen Titans villain? I'm just guessing though I only know him from the cartoon and I've never actually read his comic appearances so I don't know what he's like there.
Excellent idea! I hadn't thought of him, but he does sound like a very good candidate (with a significant makeover), especially considering the presence of Mas Y Menos.
demonbirdsforever replied to your text post: @comicsandslushies just looked. Mad Mod looks similar to the guy above.
I just looked too, and you're right. That's definitely Mad Mod! I didn't know he'd gotten a modern makeover, but it makes sense for him to change with the times.
Great catch, @comicsandslushies!
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