#teddybear season
mysdrymmumbles · 2 years
Why did Leonard burst into flames?
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islenskihesturinn · 2 years
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So it begins…
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vegaprose · 2 years
[ open ; enzo cavendish ] 
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“ You’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens, but I made a mistake. “
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aimseytv · 1 month
sorry, but of a stupid question, but are marceline and princess bubblegum in love in the show, or is it one of those things that are heavily implied?
they are in love. despite peoples strange complaints and "criticisms" that say it was a rushed romance, you can see the signs and hints from the first episode they are introduced which is "go with me". evident bitterness between the pair and its the *first* time the audience is introduced to them, and their dynamic, and the entire episode is about marceline "helping" finn ask bubblegum out on a date, despite her purposely meddeling and telling him to complete tasks that are the opposite of what bubblegum would want. then we fast forward to season 3, and we see the pair in the episode "what was missing" which is an episode where a door-lord as stolen each of the characters most prized possesions, and the item stolen from bubblegum is a rock t-shirt marceline gave her years and years ago that bubblegum admits she still sleeps in.. which causes marceline to blush. you may think im joking but no, marcy blushes which is followed with bubblegum then blushing about it. we move a few episodes down the line and marcy asks bonnie for help with a task in retrieving her teddybear, hambo, which was given to her by her father figure simon before he abandoned her (ouch). in the start of this episode however, we have scenes of bonnie waking up wearing the t-shirt marcy gave her years ago, her sniffing it as she wakes up (???) then moving to her CLOSET which REVEALS a POLAROID of MARCY AND BONNIE in the CLOSET that is STUCK THERE hidden AWAY only for BONNIE TO SEE.... anyway back to the teddy bear hambo, to retrieve it bubblegum had to give away the t-shirt i just mentioned, which according to maja the skywitch had more meaning and "sentimenal value" than the LITERALLY TEDDY BEAR GIVEN TO MARCY BEFORE SHE WAS ABANDONENDED!! CONTEXT CLUES BABY!! anyway then we move forward to season 7, specifcally the episode varmints, which is an episode very clear in healing the pair through their past as bonnie finally apologises for the problems and issues the pair had, as well as them both opening up to each other about the things neither one of them wanted to bring up in fear of being either rejected or the fear the other would just shoot them down. its an episode of healing, and in the end of it bonnie falls asleep on marcy, a clear sign of returning to comfort and what they used to know. then we have the stakes mini-series which is all about marcy going back to what she thinks she wants (humanity), and gives us the gorgeous amazing and talented scene of marcy not understanding these new human feelings, and thinking her being hungry is her being in love.. as shes with bonnie.. which causes bonnie to blush hard. gay people right? and then we have the finale, which is where the pair finally make up in the midst of a war where marcy thought bonnie had died, and marcy reveals the gorgeous quote of "even when we werent talking i was always scared something bad would happen to you and id not be there to protect you, and i guess i didnt want to lose you again". they then both kiss. so to answer your question, yes, there are clear signs throughout the show. sorry i am not normal about this okay goodnight
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shadowpeachceo · 9 months
Ninjago incorrect quotes Garmadad
Lloyd: What are you doing here?
Emperor Garmadon: I could ask you the same question.
Lloyd: I live here. This is my house.
Emperor Garmadon: I should probably ask you a different question.
Lord Garmadon: I’m going to hell.
Lloyd: Probably.
Lord Garmadon: I'll pick you up?
Lloyd: *nodding* Carpool.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Sensei Garmadon: *types in Lloyd*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Sensei Garmadon: How fucking DARE YOU-
Emperor Garmadon: Quick! You must come with me! Your in great danger!
Lloyd: Why?!
Emperor Garmadon: Because I’ll kill you if you don’t.
Lil Lloyd: Help! I’m drowning!
Lord Garmadon: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water!
Lil Lloyd: But that’s censorship.
Lord Garmadon: Well done. You are correct. You’re being censored. Now go.
Sensei Garmadon: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Lloyd: Which one? I can't do both.
Emporer Garmadon: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.
Lloyd: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!
Lil Lloyd: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into-
Lord Garmadon: You sleep with a teddybear.
Lord Garmadon: I love cooking breakfast. It makes the whole house smell like bacon.
Lil Lloyd: That’s true, but it also smells like fire and panic.
Lord Garmadon: You and the smoke detector need to get off my case.
Lloyd in season 4: *About to do something incredibly stupid*
Sensei Garmadon: I know I can't stop you, but I won't let you go by yourself.
Lil Lloyd: Hand me the people opener.
Lord Garmadon: ...
Lord Garmadon: Pardon?
Lil Lloyd, annoyed: The g! Just hand it to me!
Lord Garmadon, stressed: WHAT THE FUCK IS A PEOPLE OPENER?
Lil Lloyd: How do you not know what a people opener is? Its pointy- you know? With a handle?
Lord Garmadon: Knife. It's called a knife.
*Lord Garmadon raised Lloyd Au*
Lil Lloyd: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Lord Garmadon: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Lloyd: *Kicks the door open, looking panicked*
Lord Garmadon: What did you do?!
Lloyd: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
Garmadon: Oh no.
Lloyd: More like "oh yes!"
Lloyd: Might I make a suggestion you possibly won’t like?
Sensei Garmadon: Do you make any other kind?
Season 3 Garmadon: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
Season 11 Lloyd: Killed without hesitation.
Emperor Garmadon: If we lose, you'll go back to not being my son.
Lloyd: I was your son again?
Movie Garmadon: *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep?
Movie Lloyd: Yes?
Movie Garmadon: We’re in too deep.
Sensei Garmadon: How has life been treating you lately?
Movie Lloyd: Horribly.
Movie Garmadon: What do you call a dictionary on drugs?
Show Lloyd: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you.
Movie Garmadon: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better.
Movie and show Lloyd: ...
*movieverse At the police station*
Movie Lloyd: Hi, I’m here for Lord Garmadon.
Police officer: Who’s Garmadon?
movie Lloyd: Ah, you must be new.
Sensei Garmadon: How are you today?
Oni Lloyd: Please don’t make me think about my life.
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archangeldyke-all · 9 months
Hello Angel!!!
Perhaps Cowboy Sev breaking older Vi and Jinx out of jail. After so many years Sev would be so rusty that she needs reader to help too. Go wild with the shenanigans they get up too. Could bring back Silco and the boys to help legally maybe. Hilarious if somehow Vi got in trouble trying to impress Caitlyn and somehow managed to get Jinx involved. Also funny if Sev and reader meet Caitlyn as Vi’a girlfriend during this break out HAHHAHA
Pls I’m obsessed with cowboy Sevika HELP ME
Thank youuuuu
this is SOOOOOO cute such a good idea i'm crying.
men and minors dni
ten years into marriage, fifteen years into your relationship, eight years with the girls, five with them legally yours, and sevika finally retires.
there was no need for her to work at the ranch in the first place. the amount of loot she'd stolen and stored in your inn (both in your room hidden beneath the floorboards and in the rafters, and buried beneath your side garden) was enough to take care of you for ten lifetimes to come. but, sevika was used to spending her day on shimmer's back, and she needed something to do with her free time once she gave up her life of crime.
but now, things have changed. sevika's ready to settle down and spend her days in the inn with you. the girls are growing up, vi being sixteen and powder being twelve-- they'll be living their own lives soon, and sevika wants to be around to keep you company as you transition into empty nesters.
shimmer died last winter. the four of you spent her last days cuddled up beside her in the stable, feeding her sugar cubes by the handful, saying your final goodbyes to sev's trusty mare. she rests behind the side garden now, marked by a big stone vi and jinx engraved.
old man ernie died too, leaving his ranch to his son. when he took over, he offered to let sev keep her job, but she declined. she was ready to retire.
she's been adjusting to retired life really well.
she loves working behind the bar in the evening, chatting with locals who stop in for a drink and swapping stories with some of your shadier guests in the in.
she's gotten really into reading-- especially smutty paperback romances.
when she gets restless cooped up in the inn, you send her out to ride the new foal-- a sweet young horse the girls decided to name teddybear.
it's been great having sev around all the time. especially for your sex lives.
speaking of your sex lives, you and sevika have been having a particularly fun week. the girls took teddybear out on a trip to a town two days ride south. they're meeting up with mylo and claggor there to catch the traveling circus. and it's summer time, which is always your slow season, and as of two days ago-- you've got no guests. you and sevika have been having a fucking blast, fucking on any and every flat surface you can find. your legs have been like jelly all week long.
it's been paradise.
"what're you smilin' at?" sevika mumbles from her side of the bed. you grin, turning on your side to stare at your sleepy wife. it's the crack of dawn, not even the rooster is awake yet. just you and the crickets, singing through the open windows.
"you're awake." you say. sevika smiles.
"i am indeed. c'mon, what's got you smilin' all pretty, darlin'?" she asks again, yawning to punctuate her question.
you scooch forward to kiss her nose, and sevika grins, her eyes scrunching closed.
"what i've been smilin' at for the past fifteen years, baby." you say. sevika chuckles.
"havin' sweet dreams about me?"
"more like flashbacks to last night." you say, waggling youreyebrows salaciously. sevika laughs.
"mmm, knew we'd break the bedframe one'a these days." sevika says with a proud little smile. you giggle and sit up on your elbows to look over at the broken bedframe stacked against the wall beside where the two of you sleep-- on the mattress on the floor.
"shit, sev that was oak, can't believe you fucked me through oak." you laugh. sevika nods cockily.
"damn right i did." she says. you giggle and fall back down to bed, snuggling against her chest. "how're you feeling?" she asks.
you snort. "well, i don't think i'm gonna be able to walk straight for a few days, and i woke up giggling, so... i'm better than i've been since our honeymoon." you say.
sevika grins, her sweet little gap makes your heart melt, and she smacks your ass.
"fuck, i love you." she sighs. you giggle and kiss her neck.
"love you too."
you guys drift off to sleep in each other's arms.
an hour later, the rooster crows, and you both wake up smiling again.
"morning." sevika mumbles. you kiss her lips.
"i'll fetch some fresh water if you start breakfast?" sevika offers.
"will you let the chickens out?" you ask. sevika nods.
"duh." she says. you grin.
you guys move slowly, lazily rubbing your eyes and yawning as you wash your faces and brush your teeth, stretching and kissing between each article of clothing you pull over your naked bodies, luxuriating in the slow morning all to yourselves.
sevika laughs at the limp in your step, and you pinch the bruises you left on her shoulders in revenge.
you fry up some eggs and hashbowns, watching through the window over the stove as sevika pumps fresh water from the well, watering your garden, the chickens, and finally lugging two buckets inside for the two of you to share.
you guys eat breakfast on the front porch, cuddled together on the porch swing violet 'found' for the two of you a few years ago. (you're pretty sure she stole it off sheriff marcus' front porch, but violet hasn't admitted it yet, and the sheriff's still too scared of you and sev to say anything.)
"how do you think the girls're doin'?" you ask as you sip your coffee. sevika snorts.
"i knew you were gonna ask that." she teases. you roll you eyes and sevika leans over to press a kiss to your temple. "they're fine. you know they're fine." she says. you huff.
"i know, i just miss 'em." you say. sevika laughs.
"i do, too, darlin'." she says.
sevika leans in to kiss you, and you sigh against her, quickly melting against her lips. she licks against your lips and you hum, opening your mouth for her to slide her tongue into your mouth--
"ahem!" a voice calls.
you and sevika pull apart, necks snapping to the stairs in front of you where a teenage girl stands, blushing and rubbing the back of her neck.
sevika clears her throat in embarrassment. you giggle.
"how can we help you, honey?" you ask the girl. her eyes dart up to you, quickly shooting between you and sevika, back to you, and then sevika again.
"uh..." she chokes out. she squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, before taking a deep breath. "s-sorry to inturrupt ma'am, i just-- d-do you happen to know a mylo and claggor? or violet and jinx, percha-"
"oh fuck." sevika groans. the girl squeaks at the curse, and you chuckle. "what did those shits get themselves into now?" she asks.
she blinks. "uhm. jail, miss." she says.
you blink.
sevika's jaw drops.
the girl clears her throat. "a-about thirty miles south of here in a small town call--"
"what did they do?" sevika groans. "i trained them for every scenario, how the fuck did they get caught?!" she whines.
you blink again, spots in your vision popping up.
"uh... they shot the sheriff?" she says.
you gasp.
sevika laughs.
"shit." she says, somewhat impressed. "on purpose?" she asks, her eyebrow raising.
you feel lightheaded.
"n-no ma'am. accident. he's still alive-- but he's sentenced them to hang at the end of the week..."
that's the last thing you hear before you black out.
you wake up in bed, sevika nervously hovering over you, pressing a wet cloth to your forehead.
"you passed out."
"jinx and vi--" you snap up in bed, scrambling to your feet. sevika's beside you in an instant, steadying you as you're knees threaten to give out beneath you.
"it's oka--"
"sevika don't you dare say 'it's okay' to me right now!" you snap. she shuts her mouth.
footsteps start up the steps, and you look over your shoulder, where the teenager from before appears, a fresh bucket of water in her hands.
she freezes at the top of the steps, taking in the tense environment she walked in, then turning red as a tomato when she tries to avert her eyes from you and sevika, and makes direct eyecontact with the broken bedframe behind the two of you.
you would laugh at the poor, flustered girl. now though, she just reminds you a bit of the first time violet saw you and sev kiss, and that just makes you want to vomit.
"caitlyn, here," sevika starts in an irritatingly annoying voice, "was hanging out with the kids at the circus, right cait?" sevika asks. caitlyn nods.
"i live in town." she explains.
"and when they got arrested, cait was the only one who got away. violet told her to come get us, right cait?" sevika asks again. caitlyn clears her throat.
"i rode through the night. i also sent a telegraph to a mr. silco?" she says. you blink.
"right. and we're all gonna meet in town, and we're gonna figure something out, okay baby?" she asks. you gulp.
"honey, i'm not gonna let anyone put a damn finger on our kids." she says firmly. you look away from the teenager to take in the steely sincerity of your wife's eyes, and you gulp. she gently reaches up to cup your face. "c'mon, have a little faith in me, darlin'" she coos, melting into a soft smile. you sigh shakily. "i'm the fuckin' weary woman of the west-- what's a little jailbreak, huh?"
you take a deep breath and lean forward to press your forehead against hers.
"we're gonna need a few horses." you say. sevika grins.
"i'm way ahead of you." she says.
grayson was happy to lend you two horses and buggies, almost crying at the thought of the girls in trouble. she promised to come over every day to care for your chickens and garden while you were away, and you thanked her profusely before riding the animals home faster than you've ever ridden-- anxious to get back.
when you arrive, it's to caitlyn and sevika waist deep in the dirt behind your garden, a few yards away from where shimmer lays. for the first time since caitlyn's arrived, you laugh.
sevika's pulls a crate out of the ground prying it open with a crowbar. as she opens the crate, she reveals dozens of sticks of dynamite, and she grins up at you with a proud smile. you giggle, and roll your eyes. caitlyn shoots out of the hole, terrified by the explosives.
"i'm gonna pack up some food for the trip." you nod to your house. "come help me kid." you say. the girl nods eagerly, sprinting away from the dynamite. sevika laughs.
you guys pack quickly, visiting the cellar for cans of food, gathering the essentials for travel, a couple blankets and quilts, a pack of matches, canteens and jugs of water. while you're folding some clothes, both for you and sevika as well as jinx and powder, you break down into tears.
caitlyn flounders around you for a few seconds, and you try desperately to collect yourself, but you can't quite manage.
the girl gently, awkwardly pats your shoulder.
you turn around and hug her impossibly close to your chest. she squeaks.
"fuck. shit." you cry. you take a few deep breaths, squeezing the girl in your arms, before letting her go. "sorry." you say, dropping your hands at your sides. "thank you." you sob. "for coming to get us."
caitlyn blinks, then wraps her arms around you, pulling you toward her this time. you giggle through your laughs against her shoulder and she gently rubs your back.
"violet told me you'd freak out." she says... "you remind me of my mom."
"oh, fuck, do your parents know where you are?" you gasp, pulling away. caitlyn laughs.
"yes." she says. you raise an eyebrow at her and she sighs. "okay, no. but they think i'm safe, at the circus, they won't be looking for me for a while." she swears.
"you stupid fucking kids." you groan.
you leave town at noon, and ride until midnight. the trip is solemn, nobody tries to talk much.
sevika's got this look in her eye, something you haven't seen in a long time. she's up to something-- something more than her usual mischievous pranks and jokes. the gears in her head are grinding, you can practically see her run scenarios and outcomes back and forth through her mind's eye.
it's a little scary-- you forgot how focused and intense she gets when she's plotting something. it's mostly hot though.
but you can't really say that-- not with caitlyn lurking. still, sevika catches your eye a couple of times and smirks, like she knows just how hot she looks as she rides beside you.
caitlyn's a good navigator-- apparently she's a junior guide up and down the river, so she knows the route to town like the back of her hand. she gets you around mountains, avoids most hills, and knows the best spots to stop for when the horses need to rest. sevika's impressed. the two of them chat over the campfire about the surrounding areas, comparing notes and shortcuts they've learned over in their travels. it's so cute it breaks your heart.
it's a dry, warm night, so you sleep beneath the stars.
you don't sleep.
sevika doesn't sleep.
you just stare at the sky while caitlyn and the horses rest.
at one point, sevika reaches over and grabs your hand. "it's gonna be fine." she says. tears well up in your eyes.
"i love you so much." you say. sevika squeezes your hand so hard it's painful, and she replies shakily.
"i love you too darlin'."
it's silent long enough for you to think sevika's fallen asleep, but then she speaks again. "betcha five bucks caitlyn's vi's girlfriend."
you burst into laughter, smacking your hand over your mouth as you laugh. caitlyn stirs beside you, and you can feel sevika's silent, mischievous laughter beside you. you nudge her with your elbow.
when you catch your breath, and caitlyn's snoring returns, you whisper to your wife. "you have way too much faith in your daughter."
she snorts.
you get to town by noon, and sevika sets you and caitlyn up in a the saloon that was the address caitlyn had telegraphed to vander and silco. she takes off to scope out the police station.
it's a pretty gritty place, and you look around it with a raised eyebrow, then look down at caitlyn. she's sitting with perfect posture, dusting off her tailored riding coat.
"you hang out in this saloon?" you ask. she blinks up at you and then sighs.
"well, no... but it's where all the shootouts in town happen!" she says. "it felt... good for planning a crime?" she tries. you laugh.
"sevika's gonna love this." you say. she grins. "what do your parents do?" you ask. caitlyn gulps.
"uh... oil?" she says.
you burst out into laughter.
"shit you're an heiress?" you ask. she nods. you shake your head. "no way vi's bagged you yet." you mumble. caitlyn blushes bright red and clears her throat.
sevika comes back before sunset, sitting beside you at the table and scrawling away in her notebook little sketches of the prison, mumbling to herself, occasionally looking up to ask caitlyn questions.
surprisingly, cait seemed to know a lot.
"do you know which cell they're in?"
"the one on the far end here." caitlyn says, circling a part of sevika's diagram.
"and who else is being held right now?"
"nobody. the sheriff's been itching for some action."
"how do you know all of this?" you ask. caitlyn blushes.
"it's good to stay up to date on local going ons." she says. you chuckle.
she's a dork, you think fondly. she's perfect for violet.
sevika returns to her drawings and you decide it's time to interrogate your daughter's possible future girlfriend.
"how exactly did the kids shoot the sheriff?" you ask. caitlyn blushes bright red, and you raise your eyebrow.
"uh. well..."
sevika looks up from her notebook, intrigued.
caitlyn gulps, then looks away. "it might've been me." she whispers.
your eyes widen.
"what?" sevika asks.
caitlyn blinks, then speaks so fast it's almost impossible to make out. "violet was showing off all the cool things she could do, and i had packed my gun to bring to the circus because they've got contests for clay duck shooting and you can win twenty bucks if you make it to the tournement and i'm a really good shot--" she sucks in a breath, tears bubbling up in her eyes "so i wanted to show off my shooting skills and vi told me to shoot the big roasted hog in the food tent and i did right through the eyes! but i didn't see the sheriff on the other side of the pig getting himself a serving, so the bullet went straight through his shoulder." she finishes, gasping for another breath.
"how did--"
"and before i could even do anything violet was already taking the gun from my hands and telling me to run and i'm so sorry--" she starts to sob.
"shit, relax, kid, it's okay." sevika says, reaching out to pat caitlyn's back. you smile. "it's fine, we're not mad." sevika says. caitlyn gasps, her eyes shooting up between you and sevika.
"you're not?" she asks. you shake your head no. "o-oh." she whispers, wiping her eyes. you ruffle her hair.
silco and vander arrive quickly after. they took the train, and they clearly left the moment they got the message-- wearing day old wrinkled clothes, no luggage, just pistols tucked in every pocket on their bodies.
silco's greeting is a gaurentee that he's going to kill the kids before the sheriff can, and vander's apologetic assurances that his husband is only joking. silco's appearance seems to ease something in sevika, and the two of them quickly fall into a hushed conversation as sevika discusses her plan with silco. caitlyn's right beside them, a little furrow in her brow as she absorbs their hushed discussions.
vander, cordial as ever, gives you a hug and presses a solid kiss to your scalp.
"how're you holding up?" he asks.
"better now that you're here." you respond. he laughs.
"can i be honest?" he mumbles. you nod. "silco's not gonna get the chance to kill the kids, i'll have already fucking done it." he whispers. you laugh. "we're not young and spry like you and sev-- we both nearly had heart attacks when we got your message." he groans. you rub his shoulder as you laugh.
"you wanna hear somethin' that'll make you laugh?" you ask. he nods.
"violet's got a crush on the girl here." you say. vander raises his eyebrow, looking over at caitlyn, who's absorbed by the diagram of the prison, pointing and mumbling to an interested and engaged silco and sevika. "an oil heiress." you say. vander chuckles.
"huh. well are the feelings mutual?" he asks. you laugh.
"they better be. violet got all our fuckin' kids arrested for her ass." you whisper. vander groans and rolls his eyes, grabbing his chest.
"oh, don't tell me these things." he begs. you laugh.
"you're lucky you don't have girls." you say.
you wait until midnight to start your plan.
you split up into three groups.
silco and vander are the horsemen, both of grayson's and cait's, plus teddybear, who they found outside the jail, wrangled up and tied to the two carts-- ready to get out of town fast once you break the kids out.
sevika's on explosives, obviously.
you and caitlyn have to find a way to communicate with the kids.
you're helping wrap a bandanna around the lower half of caitlyn's face, tugging an old hat low on her face to disguise her as best as possible. she grunts and squirms.
"quit movin'. you're a fuckin heiress, everyone knows your face. you can't be seen breakin' kids outta prison." you say. she sighs.
"fine." she grunts as you wrap a scarf over her neck.
"okay." you whisper, satisfied now that she's bundled enough to be indistinguishable. "show me this window."
caitlyn guides you around the back of the jail building, and quietly points up to a cell window about fifteen feet off the ground, iron barred.
"take the beef jerkey." you say, shoving the paper package in her hand. she pockets it, and then you crouch. "stand on my shoulders." you say. she nods, clambering on top of you.
once she's steady, you groan as you stand to your full height. with caitlyn on your shoulders, she can peek through the window.
the window, apparently, sits above the sheriff's desk-- likely where he's in a whiskey induced coma now-- sleeping away the pain of his shoulder. oppisite his desk, are the iron bars holding your children.
the sheriff's got a dog, hence the beef jerkey.
caitlyn whistles into the window. you cringe.
the sheriff snores, and the dog whines. you can make out the plop of a piece of jerkey, and then caitlyn's whispered, "hi doggie!"
you bite back your smile, and almost collapse when you hear jinx's voice.
"oh for fuck's sake-- violet!" she whispers."your stupid fucking girlfriend's here!"
you grin, tears welling in your eyes at the sound of your kid.
"caitlyn!" violet exclaims. you take a shaky breath.
"we're blowing the back wall down." caitlyn whispers. "you need to shelter on this end."
there's some shuffling as the kids wake up and run over to the oppisite wall, and you grin at the pitter patter.
the sheriff gasps, and you freeze. caitlyn bites squeaks.
and then he's back to snoring. you sigh shakily and squeeze caitlyn's ankles.
"stay there. we'll see you on the other side." she whispers, then she jumps down from your shoulders.
the two of you take off for the oppisite side of the building where sevika's waiting for the two of you.
she grabs your hand as she lights the line to the dynamite. you hold your breath. the line sizzles, sizzles, sizzles, quickly reaching the sticks at the base of the wall, until it... fizzles out.
sevika holds her breath. you hold your breath. caitlyn gasps, "oh fuck-- what do we do no--"
she's cut off by a BOOM!
the ground shakes, dust goes flying, and the wall comes tumbling down.
as the dust clears, a small fire illuminating the inside of the cell, you grin as the kids start hooting and hollaring in amazement.
"THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!" jinx and claggor shout at the same time as they all come sprinting out of the cell.
sevika snorts, then smacks them both upside the head.
"fuckin' stealth mission, assholes!" she whisper-scolds. mylo cackles.
"sorry sevika, but the stealth went out the window with that wall!" he laughs. sevika snorts and wraps all three of them up in her strong arms.
beside you, violet gasps, tears streaming down her eyes as she reaches up to pull caitlyn's bandana away.
"you came back." she whispers dramatically. you roll your eyes at the pure corniness, and then melt at the sweet sight of caitlyn darting forward and pressing her lips against your daughter's.
it's clumsy and quick, and they're both pull away bright red and gasping. you quickly look away when violet's eyes dart toward you, pretending like you weren't looking.
it doesn't seem to matter though, because next thing you know you have an armful of violet, sobbing into your shoulder. you squeeze her tight against your chest, and press a kiss against her head.
"you're in so much fucking trouble." you whisper against her hair. she giggles between her sobs.
"i knew you'd come." she whispers. you laugh.
"duh, dumbass. we need someone to take care of the chickens every day." you say. she cackles.
a gunshot rings out, and you all jump, turning around to face the now- open cell.
the sheriff stand sin the debris, a shard of wood speared through his unshot arm, his gun held weakly in his hand at his waist.
you push violet and caitlyn away to run grabbing their hands as you sprint down the street. beside you, sevika's got mylo under her arm, and calggor's got jinx on his back as they sprint, screaming and laughing down main street.
as the sheriff chases after you, unloading his gun at you, a bullet grazes violet's arm. she gasps in pain, and you gasp in horror, and before you know what's happening you're spinning on your heel and stopping dead in your tracks, reaching for the pistol you'd tucked into your waistband this morning.
you take a deep breath, and close one eye. lining your barrel up with the sheriff's bald, sweaty face.
he gets closer. he gets closer. sevika notices you're missing behind you, screaming your name, and the sheriff's right in front of you.
you shoot, and he crumbles to the ground.
it's quiet, and then your ears start ringing, and then, as the music fades, the sound of jinx's celebratory hoots fill your ears. you grin and turn back around, jogging to catch up to your family where everyone besides jinx (whose dancing in celebration at your shot) is frozen in place and gawking at you.
you smack sevika's ass as you pass her, grabbing jinx's wrist as you continue down main street, toward where silco and vander were waiting.
"c'mon y'all, someone's gonna check in on all this commotion soon!" you call over your shoulder.
shocked laughs fill the dusty main street as you and your family flee.
the ride back to your inn is mostly spent in long lectures, hilarious re-tellings of the kids' experience in jail, and tears and kisses being pressed to cringing children's heads.
but when you get back home to your inn, on your turf, all the anxiety and stress from the journey wear off, and you can finally relax.
you set up vander and silco and the boys in three rooms. violet eagerly volunteers to host caitlyn in her room, which makes you all laugh, (jinx groans in disgust) and you allow it.
and then, after scrubbing down with a washcloth, you fall crawl into the mattress on the floor beside sevika.
she's been snoring since you got back. she woke up for dinner, then fell back asleep after. but the second your weight hits the bed, she's blinking open, a smile on her face. you snort at her.
"what's that look for?" you ask.
"y'know that was the hottest thing i've ever fuckin' seen?" she whispers. you laugh.
"oh yeah?" you ask. she nods.
"didn't think you had it in you." she says, smirking. you just shrug and wink at her.
"you woulda done it anyways, i saw that look in your eye." you say. she grins and nods.
"yeah, but i didn't even have to try. my fuckin' outlaw wife killed the sheriff for me." she says, a blush working up her cheeks. you grin.
"now you know how it feels." you say. she laughs and you dart forward to kiss her forehead.
"i love you." she whispers. "i'm gonna fuck you through the floor tomorrow morning." she mumbles as she drifts off to sleep. you laugh.
"not happenin' babe." you say, kissing her forehead. "the kids are underneath us."
sevika groans. "those stupid fuckers."
you laugh and kiss her again. "i love you, sev."
"you owe me five bucks." she says.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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justmeinatree · 1 year
Black And White Film Camera
Summary : photography student harry x reader autumn themed meet cute
Word Count : 1.5k
A/N : fall is in the air where i live and i really couldn’t help myself ✌️
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autumn was here. finally. the heat of the summer had thankfully broken, the leaves were turning a mix of bright reds, muted oranges, and golden yellows, and pumpkin spice lattes were in full swing.
you were ecstatic to take out all of your cozy knit sweaters, cute boots, and colourful scarves. going for walks in the park, hot coffee, or hot cider, in hand, an extra skip in your step as you crunch your way through the early fallen leaves.
it was your favourite season, and it was no secret. you’re almost certain the people around you can tell that there’s a new twinkle in your eye, an added sparkle to your rosy cheeks, and a brighter smile gracing your lips.
as you lightly twirl under a tree, having turned to get a better view of the vivid orange colour that this tree specifically seems to embrace every season, you hear a faint, but deep, “excuse me.”
the voice catches your attention, making you twirl a little more than you were expecting, your feet stumbling a bit before catching your footing. a small “oop,” escapes your slightly cold chapped lips, followed by a giggle at the mere thought of yourself falling.
your eyes fall on the tall frame of a young lad, bundled up in a scarf, thick, loose fitted knitted sweater, and perfectly tailored corduroy pants, brown curls tousled from the wind, and what seems to be a fairly vintage appearing camera hanging around his neck.
you note that he seems a bit shy, the rosy tinge of chilly air on his cheeks having darkened significantly as your eyes shamelessly rake over his frame, a friendly smile gracing your lips, “yes ?”
he smiles at the sweet tone of your voice, biting his lip and furrowing his eyebrows, looking down at his camera, “umm,” he hums, taking a breath, “m’not too sure how to say this without sounding like a total creep.”
you giggle, because really, not a single ounce of this man screams creep. his demeanour is more that of a cuddly teddybear that’s much too shy to actually have a snuggle. but you don’t want to put him off, so following that giggle, your eyes flick to his camera as well, eyebrows furrowing in question, “do you want to take a photo ?”
“well, actually,” he bites his lip harder, his gaze falling on yours, cheeks turning a deeper red, if it was even at all possible. “i swear i didn’t know at the time, hadn’t realized at all, i was much too preoccupied trying to work this camera, and trying to get the perfect angle of the tree, and the lighting and such,” he rambles on, clearly a nervous habit of his. “but umm, you were here yesterday, weren’t you ?”
your eyebrows furrow again, a bit confused now as to where this was headed, but you catch yourself nodding, “yeah, m’here almost every day in the fall. it’s my favourite season, love spending it outside,” your face lights up as you have an opportunity to gush over your favourite time of year.
seeing your passion radiating through every bit of you, his smile grows wide, genuine, as he goes on, “right, so, again, i don’t mean to sound creepy, i swear i didn’t know. but i was right over there taking some photos yesterday,” he explains, nodding further away in the park. “when i got home, and sat to go through all of the pictures, i noticed that you seemed to be the focus of all of them.”
the more he tries to explain, in the least weird stalker man way that he can muster, the more you notice the strong blush on his cheeks is not going anywhere, anytime soon.
“i’m a photography student,” he explains further, not wanting to put you off, needing to explain so you don’t end up getting a restraining order against this random stranger, and so that you don’t have an opportunity to speak and shut him out completely. “i have this assignment, i wont bore you with the details, but you ended up in all of my photos. you were absolutely glowing, by the way. not a single bad angle on you, i reckon. and as much as i’d love to keep the photos, and submit them for my assignment, they’re really not fitting to the guidelines. but i also felt a bit weird hoarding all these photos of such a lovely stranger. so,” he trails off, reaching into the small bag that’s slung over his shoulder, pulling out a few papers.
as he hands them to you, you notice that he’s handed you some photo paper, the pictures from yesterday, edited and printed. and he was right, you appear to be the focus in all of them. 
flicking through the images in your hands, it seems to be your turn to blush. you’d never seen such beautifully captured snapshots, much less of yourself. he had obviously done some cropping and zooming on your frame in the editing process, the sparkle visible in your eye as you look at the trees, a slight twirl in the flowy skirt you’d worn yesterday, “these are beautiful,” you whisper, a growing fluttery warmth expanding in your chest.
“you think so ?” he smiles, biting his lip. “wasn’t sure what you’d think of it. was all pure coincidence, i swear. but you just looked so pretty,” his blush spreading down his neck, “i really wanted to meet the lovely lady that seemingly made her way into all of my pictures.”
you giggle, biting your lip, as your gaze finally leaves the photos in your hands, flicking up to meet his eyes, “m’y/n.”
“harry,” he smiles, reaching out to shake your hand, a task that you stumble your way through, both of you laughing at the slight awkwardness, as you try to juggle the stack of photos, and his greeting.
his hand held a welcomed warmth despite the nip in the air, fingers wrapped lightly, yet having a firm hold all around, “swear you dont think it’s weird ?” he asks, wanting to confirm, needing to confirm, really. he would never want to make anyone uncomfortable, it was absolutely not his intention at all.
“i swear,” you smile softly, “these are honestly breathtaking, harry. i almost can’t believe they’re of me. you’re an amazing photographer, and i’m honoured you’d go through all this trouble just for me.”
“no trouble at all,” he chuckles easily, the nerves seemingly at bay now that the conversation is flowing easily, and you don’t want to run off to the nearest police station. “m’just happy that i found you again. came back to try and take some proper photos for the assignment, and here you were again.”
your eyes grow wide, “oh, i’m sorry ! let me get out of your way. i just love this tree so much, i’ll move, i’ll move,” you rush out, gathering yourself, but harry’s quick to cut you off, “please don’t,” he blushes again. “i can take assignment photos any time. can even find myself another tree. i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i took you away from your favourite fall spot.”
you giggle breathily, intrigued and slightly infatuated with the man you’d just met, every bit curious to learn more about him. so with a rush of confidence that you’ve no idea where you managed to find, “would you be interested in-“ you cut yourself off, the confidence waning, eyes flicked down to your boots, feet scuffing together through the leaves, as you shake your now empty coffee cup, “m’out of coffee. want to join me for another ? my treat. as a thank you for the gorgeous photos. and then i can maybe show you an even better spot for photos.”
you watch as harry’s lips quirk up into a wide smile, teeth gnawing on the inside of his cheek as he nods, “on one condition.”
“what’s that ?” you hum, growing a bit nervous. had you misjudged this man ? was he about to turn creepy on you ?
“i need to work on my assignment, but-“ it’s his turn to cut himself off, weighing out whether this crosses that creep line he’s been flirting with. taking a deep breath, figuring you seem a lot more accepting than he’d originally wrongfully assumed, “will you let me take a few more photos of you on the way ? you’re so lovely, completely glowing in the midst of your favourite season.” 
he watches you blush, nodding shyly. and if it was an excuse to see you again, with the ruse of wanting to share his work, well, that can be his little secret.
tags : @gorlsinmultifandoms
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oursisthetear · 4 months
my thoughts about eunjoo, changjun, that ass of a principal and the whole scandal (heavily spoilerish and heavily hypothetical text ahead, you've been warned)
hwan found his father's high school box and was obviously interested in the cassettes but don't let this distract you from something really sus: of course there were only the cassettes even numbered (the odd ones must have been written by changjun so they belonged to eunjoo) but there were also a cute custom keychain with a teddybear picture and a single baby shoe.
now, we know changjun must have time travelled a lot and messed up his memories etc and we know eunjoo was severly depressed; that fucker of a principal kept telling everybody that eunjoo was having inappropriate conduct (and i don't believe it in the slightest) and that she falsely accused changjun of raping her (which i don't believe again since they were in love, jooan's father told cein that eunjoo was a good person and so the whole -he rejected her and she made up accusations for revenge- makes zero sense)
we have seen a flashback of eunjoo talking in a very distressed way while that awful man of a principal creepily caresses her face and this fucker also keeps telling hwan about how much his father had to forget things focusing only on his studies bla bla
my conclusion after all this mess is that the "scandal" was that eunjoo and changjun were actually a couple and they were going to have a baby; i don't know how the fucking principal managed to manipulate changjun but this must have brought to two possible outcomes: 1) eunjoo was forced to abort, 2) the baby is hwan
option 1 is far more tragic but also ic for that fucker of a principal while option 2 sounds weird, i know, but it would explain why changjun couldn't stand his wife and tries to erase everything about her (my bet is that this wife who had to raise hwan like he was her son was brought to changjun by none other than that ass of a principal), (it would also make hwan and cein brother ;;;;) - it's just so weird to me how they had to make them have this conversation that sounded like
hwan: omg you look SO much like your mother!!
cein: aww thank you, you're the spitting image of your father instead
hwan: i know, i look nothing like my mother!!
you could tell me that maybe it's cein who is their son then but hwan is older than cein so it would make sense if he was the first son of changjun; hwan was taken away from eunjoo and no wonder she developed a severe depression, right? no idea about how she ended up with cein's father instead but it's clear it wasn't a marriage of love, hmmmm so yeah, in the end of the day it's always that fuckass principal's fault
hopefully season 2 gets released in 2025 to put an end to this madness brought to you by my mind wandering lmao
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bethaven · 1 year
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I finally scratched up enough energy and courage to watch the last two episodes of Sex Education. I cuddled my childhood teddybear and cried all through the last one. I always have a hard time dealing with final episodes, but this was particulary hard.
After having a massive breakdown after Erins funeral episode, which kept me up all night and ruined my entire day after, it took me several weeks to regain enough moxie to deal with the last two. Erin dying wasn't really a surprise, but what overflowed me in that moment was my reaction to her funeral. Both my grandfathers died this spring, so I recently been to two funerals for close relatives in a short time. Seeing the funeral-scene and seeing Maeve dealing with her mother's death turned out to be the tipping point for my brain and soul to finaly realize that my grandfathers really are gone and not coming back. I'll never call them again, I'll never hear their voices again and we'll never meet again. I think a big part of me really denied that up to that point.
With this in my luggage, I REALLY wanted things to end well in the last episode. Going in to the last season my only wish was for Maeve and Otis to end up together. That in mind you'd think I'm heartbrooken about the ending. Actually, I'm not. They could have made it easy and have Maeve stay or come back and she and Otis would live happily ever after. This was bigger than my sappy romantic brain ever could come up with, and still it was the most romantic ending to their story that they could've told. Maeve and Otis will always be together in heart and my sappy brain says that they'll find each other somehow, somewhere in life when they're supposed to. Faith, you know.
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But lets also talk about Aimee a bit. Dear, sweet Aimee, my absolute favourite character in this series. And what a journey she does in this season! It makes me quite proud, to be honest. She's honest to herself, dares to speak up truly and lets herself be loved. She'll definitely go on to do big things!
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Lastly I wanna talk about the journey that Otis's and Eric's friendship does in this season. Even though you've been friends forever it doesn't mean you can stop fighting for each other. It was natural for them to have a break, but I'm so glad they found their way back to each other because the truly complement one another.
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That's it, now it's over. Thanks for everything!
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
the wedding ring from your fic flu season has been on my mind for days. where did he get it and why did he bring it with him. i would sell you an arm and my left kidney for answers.
so there are actually two main reasons!!!
the first is that i simply,,, hc that chrollo, as a thief, would see pick-pocketing as a hobby, and pretty much just snatch up anything that catches his eye. it's become sort of a mindless reflex, to the point where he genuinely doesn't notice when he's doing it. like, he'll walk down a crowded street, check his pockets, a find seven wallets, four bracelets, and someone's car keys. for fun and profit, ig.
the second is that he's already taken a liking to the reader by the time he decides that he's going to be the one to take care of them while they're sick, and since he refuses to be straight-forward and flirt like a normal person, he opts to slip a few cryptic tokens of his affection into his care package (hence the teddybear, too) and just,,, continue to be creepy until they catch on. it made more sense in my fevered brain, but i still think it's something he'd do.
i will be expecting my kidney in the mail sometime this week.
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raspberrybluejeans · 9 months
❤️ Welcome to blog 💙
I post about Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, The Adventure Zone, Welcome to Night Vale, and more
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Almost everything I post is queued, so if you see me mass liking stuff the posts will probably start manifesting in 1-5 business days lol. I may also be reblogging them to one of my sideblogs!
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raspberrydrewthese My art
futurel Photography/Seasonal/Aesthetic
oliviasrevenge Our Flag Means Death (mostly inactive)
raymond--fielding The Magnus Archives and The Magnus Protocol
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I do not use them very much but I also have an Instagram and a Cohost
If anyone is interested in adding me on Discord just send me a message!
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credits: blinkshark @melonkittii moon star banners @cafekitsune back soon & the lover @terabye-teddybear
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sunshinemanstanley · 11 months
I finally found the scene where Nestor has a teddybear.... (It's season 2 episode 23)
Fuck Dr. Quakenheimer for shaming Nestor for having and cherishing it
Nobody's too old for plushies, YOU CRETIN!
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lilioopdf · 3 months
(replying to u and the anon ab prema dropping paul)
i rlly hope paul doesnt go back to prema actually for next season (painful to say this but i hope he doesn’t win f2 this year so he has another year to learn and improve and have teams more interested in him esp since i dont see any other seat openings for rookies in the f1 grid and i do not wanna see him js kicked to the sidelines after winning the championship! best case scenario for me is he gets p2 in the championship, gets picked up by a driver academy/given a reserve position, drives another 1-2 f2 seasons while participating in fp1s for experience, and maybe hadj*r is the one who wins this year so HE can be kicked to the sidelines and we dont have to see his annoying face again :) ) ANYWAYS if he gets p2 in the championship this season hes likely to go back for another f2 season which i hope he stays w hitech in cz prema looks like theyre on a downward hill and pls paul dont get involved in that even if love them PLEASE🙏🧎‍♀️ paul aron save urself ! as much as i miss you in the prema videos js dont baby DONT ! STAY WHERE U ARE !
lol thats my rant :)
same anon who gave the whole rant about the pain of paul and ollie’s podium🥲
also idk if u have anon icons but if u do i hope the teddybear is still available LOL
omg firstly, i am so SO sorry for the late reply 😓😓 ive been really busy recently and i didn’t want to give you a poorly thought out reply without reading your ask properly.
and ofc you can be teddybear anon! that’s literally so cute omg i love love love bears so much aaaaaa my fav cartoon character when i was a child was literally pooh because i loved how cute and cuddly and silly he was— and even till this day i sleep with like three bears in my bed and a bear eyemask so yes to conclude i really love bears, you made such a wonderful choice 🤭
but like i 100% agree that i don’t want paul to win because i want him to get a second year in F2 so he can gain more experience and knowledge yk? he might be performing really really well rn but he’s also learning SO much behind the wheel and i feel like a second year in F2 would be able to teach him so much and prepare him better for potential prospects in the future……. that being said, i don’t want poojar of all people to be the winner of F2 🫢🫢 like maybe let it be franco or pepe or just ANYONE ELSE but him…
okay but maybe i want him to do well enough like P6 or above so he can quickly move on to a new series and he won’t bother me in F2 or F1 anymore 😊😊
but yeah i think right now paul would do best by staying in a position where he isn’t be limited or fixed to a certain position yk? like another year for him to explore his options, participate in a few FPs, maybeee join some other series’ from time to time, would be SO beneficial for him, esp at this stage in his career (which is why as much as i love kimi, i don’t think he should be joining F1 next year because have we not learnt from our previous mistakes?? 😭 you’re literally doing an injustice by moving him up too early when he hasn’t properly mastered his current series well enough yet— just look at all the prev drivers that got put into F1 way too quickly by their academies)
anyway thank you for dropping by in my asks!! hope you have a lovely lovely week ahead 💗💗 take care!
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httpiastri · 3 months
omg yes im ok w being called teddybear anon lol and dw im def an ollie fan too so it works tho my all time fave just has to be mr. paul aron LMAO i’d say my fave f2 drivers are: paul, pepe, kimi, ollie, zak, jak, and jmc
you're like me then 🤭 ollie is lovely x1000 (the guy who got me into f2 also) but paul.... he's just different? special? idk 🥺 and god you have a lovely list!!! ig zak is the only one who i wouldn't personally put on my own list, but after the year he had with dino and paul last season... 🥺 it creates a special band yk??
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firstdivisiongirl · 7 months
Hello there! Can i request a perfect match for tokyo revengers with a male character please? Going by the list here, some of my likes are: thunderstorms/rainy weather (i love to fall asleep to the sound of the rain), food, music, freedom, money lol, spending time with my loved ones, looking pretty, surprises, learning something new, warm baths and spring season. Some of my dislikes are: being controlled and restricted, people who pester me to tell them what's wrong when i clearly want to be left alone, spiders, minions (kidding, i don't mind them), sneaky backstabbers, cheaters, really hot weather, being taken advantage of, people who can't mind their business and coffee.
My pronouns are she/her. My personality, i would describe myself as shy at first. Like i just don't know what to say sometimes, so i can be a bit awkward too but i try. Now if we're close i like talking about whatever comes to mind and i love hearing their opinions. Especially when i need advice on something. I don't waste my energy on people who don't put effort in relationships/friendships. I enjoy making others laugh. I'm responsible, caring and protective. I'm also playful and like to have fun. Of course i do know when to be serious, but sometimes certain situations make me giggle idk why. I don't like routines because after doing the same thing repeatedly i get bored. I can be childish and clumsy sometimes. Since i'm more of an introverted person, i do need some time to myself to recharge. Depending on how close we are, i either reply fast or take a while.
Hobbies: As i stated earlier, i like music so one of my hobbies is listening to music. I listen to a lots of types of music, but my favorite is kpop. Some of my favorite kpop groups are ive, newjeans, aespa and nmixx. Dancing, video gaming, learning new languages (besides english, im fluent in spanish and french. currently teaching myself italian!) yoga, graphic designing, solving puzzles are some of my other hobbies
Extra: I have HORRIBLE eyesight, but i rarely wear glasses. I need a stronger prescription anyways 😭 so whenever i cant see something from my afar i ask my friends or siblings what it is. My love language is gift giving and physical touch. My favorite dessert is cheesecake and my favorite food is pizza. My favorite colors are pink and purple. I don't like being babied for the most part (unless im sick), but i do like being spoiled
Thank you so much by the way🥰
Hi! I am excited to do your matchup. Sometimes for me, matchups are easy to figure out for me. And yours's was one of those. I hope you like who you get. And lets get started.
You Got...
Ken "Draken" Ryuguji!!!!
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You give me mad Emma Sano vibes in the best way
He would like that you aren't too serious, but not too carefree. You are mature and know when it is time to work and when it is time to play.
He would love to listen to you and give you his opinion. He is apparently really good at listening and giving advice.
The ladies at the brothel? They'd love you. I just know it.
He very good at taking care of people (as we see with Mikey), so he would definitely take good care of you. But he also is not one to baby someone, so he wouldn't baby you either.
I think dates would indoor movie nights or something fun that you like. He would love to see what you like and maybe he learn himself. Maybe he'll teach you something too.
He's spending lots of money on you. Expect lots of gifts. He probably one them for you.
He may seem cold, but he's a big teddybear. Remember that
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lilalaunetwin · 8 months
This was litteraly the best thing that happened to me this year 🥹 I had an absolute hell of a week with lots of bad things happening to me, but that day was the best.
I did a drawing of Alexandre Grenier and Moritz Müller of the German icehockey team Kölner Haie. Grenier is my favourite player this season and Müller... he had an incredible career so far and he is such a humble, down to earth human being.
So, a friend was so kind to offer that we visit the public practice of the sharks and she would help me get my stuff signed and take a picture.
First to come out was Grenier, I actually managed to get two whole English sentences out (they were grammatically correct and I remembered to say 'please' when I asked for his autograph) and the first thing he said was basically how much he likes my drawing 🥹 and he REPEATED THAT LIKE 4 TIMES while signing it. And right when I was about to ask for a picture, he asked if we should take one and wanted to have my drawing in it, too 🫣
I basically melted into a puddle. He was SO kind and made me so happy with that encounter.
Müller was basically the same. I really didn't like how my drawing turned out and originally didn't plan to have it signed. Got all my courage together to ask him and his reaction was "oh, did you do that? That looks nice!"
You can clearly tell how happy I was on my picture and that he kind of blindsided me with his reaction/request about my drawing, but somehow I love that picture. That was 2 days ago and I am still constantly smiling 🙈
So yeah, that's how my little artist-fangirl-heart skipped a few beats this week 😬
Proof that hockeyplayers are just huge teddybears and basically the kindest people on earth
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