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llbmania18 · 4 years ago
Twitter’s non-compliance to IT rules, 2021
Twitter’s non-compliance to IT rules, 2021
by Pratibha Chandiramani Introduction  The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) in February 2021 released The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules. Three months was given to the social media platforms to act per the new rules issued by the ministry. In addition, a fresh notice to all social media platforms was issued by the…
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ammarthemystic · 4 years ago
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Some slides from the First Lecture of Technology Law course with the title " Legality of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics" at Tashkent State University of Law When I was asked to increase the duration of each lecture to 2 hours, I anticipated a rather dull and unresponsive audience, but students proved me wrong with their unwavering attention throughout all of it. #TechnologyLaw is energizing and entertaining not only for students but for me as a teacher as well. (at Tashkent State University of Law Ташкентский Государственный Юридический Университет) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJWLzcAHGX3/?igshid=134utbv89t3ee
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h2smedia · 5 years ago
Legal Requirements for operating drones in India
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The invention of drones has opened a new dynamic in technology. In aviation, a Drone is often referred to as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with a number of uses varying from scientific advancements to airstrikes, from tracking and apprehending criminals, fugitives, terrorists to research and development programs, from combat missions to governmental supervision and even agricultural and mining purposes. In fact, drones have brought a revolution in more than one field thereby making them one of the most important outcomes of artificial intelligence. There are more than a hundred sectors in which drone facilities are currently being applied. In fact, new types of sensors are being developed in order to make the receptivity of the drones stronger and also to increase their field of utilization. The Multifarious uses of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle): Military Missions: One of the most important uses of drones is in the military sector and combat missions. In traditional warfares, the soldiers-cavalry and infantry are required to enter the enemy territories for accomplishing dual purposes of fighting a war as well as gathering information from the enemy provinces. The goal of military drones is to reduce the fatalities which the soldiers are subject to. The United States of America is leading in its military Drone production expenditure with an estimated amount of 2.2 billion dollars dedicated to the production of drones. Read the full article
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medialawreview · 5 years ago
25 February 2020
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thetechnologylaw · 4 years ago
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Prof. Jean Carlos Dal Bianco founder of  “The Brazilian Institute of Arbitration, Mediation, and Conciliation (IBRAMAC)” will be interviewing our Founder Ammar Younas in his program "Let's Make Peace with Jean Carlos Dal Bianco". They will be discussing Technology Law and Arbitration in Central Asia: Past, Present and Future.
Save the date. link bit.ly/3ngKoas
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nolanross1 · 7 years ago
Internship at Percipient
Very fortunate to be in Chicago this summer learning Nimble CRM. I also learned many aspects of digital marketing and how to grow a podcast. Thanks to the professionals at Percipient legal technology and services company for the exposure, hospitality and candor. The entrepreneurial spirit in Chicago has never been more alive! Chicago has done an amazing job fostering, cultivating and attracting companies in tech sector. I now understand the MANY benefits of working in Chicago vs the Silicone Valley!
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www.percipient.co (800) 971-2291 [email protected] per·cip·i·ent    pərˈsipēənt/ adjective 1. (of a person) having a good understanding of things; perceptive. "he is a percipient interpreter of the public mood" noun 1. (especially in philosophy or with reference to psychic phenomena) a person who is able to perceive things.
Percipient also launched a podcast recently called “Technically Legal” where they talk about everything related to law.
Check it out: https://tlpodcast.com/episode-8-angie-hickey-on-the-benefits-of-business-people-holding-law-firm-leadership-roles/
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lawandit · 7 years ago
Job offer @department of innovation and digitalisation in law in Vienna
Ever thought about working in a start up? Or as an academic? You can have both now: https://univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibungstellensuche/flow/bew_ausschreibung-flow?_flowExecutionKey=_c1CB9D3E1-3D2B-19E1-89FE-25C9FFA8C9FE_k9457DB74-27A5-8249-D349-F53548E7B89F&tid=64579.28
Join us! If you join us, you will be part of the founding generation of the newly established department at University of Vienna’s law school with employee numbers below 5. Your work will be free, self determined and of utmost importance for the long term development of the department. We need creative minds with entrepreneurial spirit, we need geeks, techies, hackers, coders, writers and passionate lawyers. We need team players able to work independently, passionate thinkers and congenial colleagues.  Sounds like you?! - I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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marymosley · 6 years ago
In Conversation with Puneet Bhasin on scope of Cyber Law
In Conversation with Advocate Puneet Bhasin, Cyber Law Expert & Founder at Cyberjure Legal Consulting.
Advocate Puneet Bhasin is a Pioneer in Technology Laws in India and a Cyber Law Expert practicing in Mumbai in matters involving Cyber Crimes, E-Commerce and Intellectual Property disputes in cyber space along with advising Online Gaming companies/ Content based Mobile Apps and Set Top boxes, Payment on Demand Video providers about the legalities of the same.  She is the Founder of Cyberjure Legal Consulting, a Mumbai based firm specializing in Technology, Media and Entertainment Laws. Among the first in India to lay the foundation of Cyber laws and Online Entertainment laws. Most Nationalised Banks, Multi-National Corporations and Companies are her clients for Cyber Crime cases along with Information TechnologyLaw Audits, GDPR Compliance Audits and Cyber Security Audits. She is a pioneer of Blockchain Laws in India and the only advocate practicing in Smart Contracts Legal Compliance and legal compliance of Blockchain Applications. For detailed profile, Click Here
  What inspired you to join law, were you able to satisfy yourself inspiration?
I don’t know if there was any inspiration or not? I firmly believe that whatever we have in life is already decided for us. So, even for me it was like law choosing me, rather than I choosing law. Out of all the courses, it was the law course which attracted me. Within a week to the college, I had realized that this was the place I wanted to be in. I would say that, rather than me, it was destiny and god’s grace to bring me to the right place and career.
  How was your law school journey?
I think that was among phases in which I grew up a lot. So, I joined law school at the age of seventeen, and when I graduated and came out at the age of twenty one and half, I was a very different person. The five years of the law school completely changed my life. The exposure at the law school helped me a lot to build a career thereafter. GLC played a very big role in my life not only academically but there are other aspects to practice which are important as well. Like there is a lot of stress in GLC for the activities like the Moot Court, Internships etc. I started to intern at a very young age of seventeen. Our college timings were till 12:00 Noon and then I used to intern till 9:00 PM in the night. So, it was easier for me to figure out that what to do in future.
  What’s the best thing about your job?
I never applied for the placement in my college. I took up long term internships because you never learn in a short term internship of a week or two or four weeks. I did internships in law firms, arbitration firms etc, but at the end of fifth year, I realized that I never wanted any of them. So, it was better that instead of joining a law firm after completing my course and then realizing that I didn’t want this and to leave it after a certain time. I was interested in Cyber law and I found that at that time no firm was hiring in that field. So, it was more like taking a chance and seeing that where it goes.
  Why did you pursue your career specifically in the field of Cyber law?
Me choosing law or a divine intervention that law choosing me…was there… When I was in 11th grade, I was keenly interested in computer programming and learning the cyber space things. So, I joined NIIT for two years to learn the computer programming. Then I joined the law school where I choose the cyber law branch, there one of the professors assigned me the cyber criminal law investigation case. So, I developed an interest in the Cyber law.
  What are the various aspects of Cyber law in the growing world today and in what matters our national legal system is still backing behind?
When I joined the cyber law field, there were only feature phones in the market. Only Blackberry was there in smart-phones, which was out of the reach of general public. Today, everyone is a prospective victim of cyber crime be it through your E-Wallet, Payments or Social Media. We are also culprits as we also download illegal movies, songs etc. Then apart from that committing all kinds of offences like group posting or cyber bullying. So, the cyber field has increased its horizon and dynamics has also changed a lot from the time I started my practice in this field. Regarding the infrastructure, in Maharashtra there is a lot of improvement but still we don’t have a judge adjudicating the cyber law cases full time. In other states, the condition is worse.
  What will be your advice to law students who want to build career in cyber law?
This is a new field and students are excited to join this, but honestly just because a field is new and it will have a lot of opportunity is something which is not the case, for example criminal law is an everlasting field. So, it is a growing field and if one wants to excel, he/she needs to be passionate enough to survive in this field.
  The European Union (EU) has taken the lead in amending its existing data protection laws through the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): According to you how does it affect India?
It definitely affects India because it has certain provisions for the neighbourig and other states to adopt the smilar policy. A lot of provisions of GDPR are applicable in our domestic laws. So, in the field of business as well it affects…because the common methodology is that everyone’s data is sold everywhere. Business intelligence is new doing to it. It is definitely useful when you are dealing with the EU customers, EU Clients and EU citizens.
  What keeps you going in this new, challenging and emerging field of Cyber Law? How tough is this to convince the judges of the Indian court while dealing with a cyber law cases?
Today the younger generation is the technology friendly generation but the Indian Judges are not as young as 20s or 30s. They are someone who has adopted the technology at a later stage of their lives. So, definitely they need to know the various aspects of the cyber crimes which are changing its dynamics every single day. You cannot expect the judges of older generation to be technologically advanced, but they are improving very fast and especially in Maharashtra, the judges are technology friendly. They are open to understand the various aspects of cyber law.
  If we move on from Maharashtra, we have seen in the states of Uttar Pradesh or Bihar that the incidents of mob-lynching and other violent are increasing due to the cyber crimes? So, do you think that we need a law to curb these activities in India?
Obviously… because people blindly believe on what they read on WhatsApp, what they see on YouTube…nobody really questions about its genuineness…its dangerous for our population…and definitely these things influences people a lot and so, we need a law to deal with such issues.
  What would you suggest for the students who are new to the law profession and those who are graduating?
I would simply suggest that the best methodology to achieve what you want is that take a pause, sit back close your eyes and see where do you wish to be in next ten or fifteen years of time frame. Don’t run behind money, don’t run behind popularity. If you follow your passion, success will follow.
  How do you measure the success of any person in their career?
If you are sleeping in night peacefully and you are able to get up in the morning and go to the work with same jubilant and happiness for the work, you are successful.
  Interviewed by Vishal Kumar Singh, Asst. Director-Operations, Legal Desire Media & Publications. 
  Send your feedbacks and tip for interviews to [email protected]
        The post In Conversation with Puneet Bhasin on scope of Cyber Law appeared first on Legal Desire.
In Conversation with Puneet Bhasin on scope of Cyber Law published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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klemchukllp · 9 years ago
The Power of Now: Get More Out of Your Meetings By Being Mentally Present
Meetings. Everyone has them, and unfortunately there are always those you wish you could do without. Not every meeting can or will be fun, however, most every meeting can be made more effective and productive if everyone at the meeting is mentally engaged.
It’s difficult to have everyone thinking about the meeting and not about what’s on his or her to-do list or emails they have to respond to. Embolden your employees to be actively listening and responding to what’s being said. If someone doesn’t agree or has an opinion, let it be said and discussed. Feedback should always be appreciated. It is difficult for a leader to present an idea and receive nothing but silence as an answer.
Leaders should also encourage everyone to be in the present by requiring everyone to either leave their phones at their desks, or have them away from their line of sight. Let’s face it – phones are a distraction and usually divert attention from the issues being discussed. I once had a boss who made everyone put their phones in the center of the conference room table at each meeting. The owner of the first phone to go off had to buy lunch that day. If the distraction of emails, texts, and the all-knowing Internet isn’t at a person’s disposal, it is easier to get them to be present and actually pay attention to what’s being discussed.
Now, this is not promising for exciting, fun or even interesting gatherings – for some of those, you may have to pull out the “Friday drink cart.” However, being mentally present can lead towards more successful and productive meetings. At least if you’re going to have them, why not make them productive?
Klemchuk LLP is an Intellectual Property (IP), Technology, Internet, and Business law firm located in Dallas, TX. The firm offers comprehensive legal services including litigation and enforcement of all forms of IP as well as registration and licensing of patents, trademarks, trade dress, and copyrights. The firm also provides a wide range of technology, internet, e-commerce, and business services including business planning, formation, and financing, mergers and acquisitions, business litigation, data privacy, and domain name dispute resolution. Additional information about the business law firm and its attorneys may be found at www.klemchuk.com.
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fodsolicitors · 9 years ago
Our IP and Technology team has experience working in several jurisdictions, bringing an international depth. Our work spans many industry sectors across financial services, manufacturing, retail and IT, with a strong focus on the e-commerce and software sectors. 
Technology services include:
End-User Licence agreements
Out-sourcing agreements
Software/website development agreements
Non-disclosure agreements
Support and maintenance agreements
Domain name protection strategies
Compliance with consumer and data protection legislation
Contract formation in the on-line context
Website terms & conditions and privacy policies
...and much more. Find out more about how we can help you on out website. 
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llbmania18 · 4 years ago
Regulation of Certifying Authority under Information Technology Act, 2000
Regulation of Certifying Authority under Information Technology Act, 2000
 By Amit Sheoran (Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur) Introduction Modern era is the era of science and technology. Science and technology make our life easy, fast, and smart. We can keep our documents in digital form and also can share with any authority and any person whom we want to share. Today we see the authority of various organization and institutions create and send our certificate or any…
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ammarthemystic · 5 years ago
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Ai Mo Innovation Consultants and Central Asia Tech Law have published its third report on "#5GG in #CentralAsia”. @catechlaw @aimo_consultants @aimoconsultants #5G #ailaw #aiethics #aipolicy #china #CentralAsiaTechLaw #CentralAsia #AmmarYounas #Uzbekistan #Kyrgyzstan #Kazakhstan #Tajikistan #Turkmenistan #TechLaw #technologylaw #digital #ecommercetrends #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #technology #datascience #programming #robotics #coding #tech #BigData https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYKEGaH9gm/?igshid=16mpys7qkxtcy
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h2smedia · 5 years ago
Advancement of Space Laws- A new Horizon in Techno-legal field 
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The term space brings a flood of thoughts in our minds. Space is in fact anything and everything. The European Space Agency has defined outer space as the area that begins about a hundred kilometers above the Earth's surface and from a particular zone where the shell of air around our planet disappears completely. Therefore in the absence of air, sunlight cannot be scattered, and hence a blue sky is often observed. Space appears from the earth as a black blanket dotted with numerous stars. Now coming to the concept of space law, it can be described as the body of law, rules, and regulations governing space-related activities. A question may arise regarding what sort of activities may necessitate legal application and to what extent the laws are binding in nature. This article concentrates on how, why, and by whom the laws have been framed and what is India’s position in this sector. What Ignited the Need for Space Laws? Space research and development have been in practice since time immemorial. Celestial research had already been initiated by the 15th century when Nicolas Copernicus started propounding and formulating various models of the Universe and location of the sun and earth in the universe. However, it was not before the 20th century that space research and development started including the ejection of bodies such as spacecraft and satellites from the earth to the outer space for understanding the various perspectives of outer space. Read the full article
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technolawgical · 11 years ago
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Did you know that yesterday the World Wide Web turned 25? How time flies! Happy Birthday, Internet! :D
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thetechnologylaw · 3 years ago
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Today, Dr. Ammar Younas gave a lecture on Arbitration in China and Pakistan to the faculty of IBRAMAC Corporate University of Brazil and Arbitrators of “The Brazilian Institute of Arbitration, Mediation, and Conciliation (IBRAMAC)”.
#Arbitration #Mediation #negotiation #Catlaw #centralasia #centralasiatechlaw #technology #tajikistan #kyrgyzstan #kazakhstan #uzbekistan #beijing #education #china #computing #laws #techlaw #turkmenistan #innovation #shanghai #regulations #environmentaljustice #silkroad #digitaldivide #environmentallaw #technologylaw #ethics #ai
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llbmania18 · 4 years ago
Emergence of Cyber Crime : An Analysis with respect to Recent Legal Developments
Emergence of Cyber Crime : An Analysis with respect to Recent Legal Developments
By Ashlesha Suryawanshi (MNLU, Mumbai) Social media is part of our day to day life. It is a medium of information, communication, commerce and entertainment. Today’s world dominated by the internet, without the internet we can not do our basic work, we are not able to start our day. The Internet has not any limit it crosses all boundaries like space, age, time, nationality, gender, jurisdiction.…
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