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litechgmbh · 2 years ago
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Sampling solution for solids #rifflesplitter #samplesplitter #sampledivider #sampling #litechgmbh #technologycenter #samplepreparation #representativesampling https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq2U0oltuAK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fangyi-blog7 · 2 years ago
Why is it important for museums to tell inclusive stories that are relevant to the communities they serve?
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I'm a person from China who is interested in Museum field, in China, There are not many things about race or different races of community. Based on the same culture and same race as well as the same environment where they grow up - They have the same empathy for the same things at the museum.
But I totally understand it's not the same situation in the United States. Because it's a country of immigrants, so here has so many race and even not the same culture. Then it's really important try to let everyone can understand what are museum saying. For visitors, it's important for them to learn stories that relevant to the communities they serve. cause In the development of museums, there is a great deal of disinterest and reluctance to participate, and there are many issues of color, so we're thinking that much of the reason for this indifference is that museums don't empathize with the visitor's point of view.
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“In 2000, museum leader Lonnie Bunch’s essay“Flies in the Buttermilk: Museums, Diversity,and the Will to Change”highlighted the lackof progress. (It is important to note that Bunchand colleagues of color have been raising theseissues for the many years they have been in thefield (Cole and Lott 2019). Studies funded byAAM (Farrell and Medvedeva 2010) and theMellon Foundation (Schonfield andWestermann 2015) tell the same story. In par-ticular the Mellon survey found:•A lack of diversity in professionalmuseum rolesthat did not reflect thedemographic composition of the US popu-lation•The existence of“structural barriers toentry in these positions for people ofcolor”(emphasis ours)While the Mellon study focused on diversityin art museums, two work force surveys conductedjointly by the Association of Science-TechnologyCenters (ASTC) and the Association of Chil-dren’s Museums (ACM) produced similar datafor the very low number of people of color in lead-ership positions in the science and children’smuseum sector (ASTC-ACM 2011, 2016).Silos: disparate attempts at inclusionSinceExcellence and Equity the field has mounted multiple efforts to achieve diversityand inclusion, as Jennings and Jones-Rizzi (2017, 66-67) recount: the hiring of people of color to be“community outreach coordinators;”the creation of diversity fellowships placing people of color in curatorial or management roles; temporary exhibitions featuring artists or scientists of color; grants to promote the at ten-dance of people of color at museum conferences.”[1]
Telling the story of the community as a unit of the museum will make people interested in their own community and then empathize with it, so they will be interested in the museum's storytelling. Museums serve the people so it's important to let people feel what they're talking about.
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joaquinfagundo · 4 years ago
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Things You Need To Know About Information And Technology
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wadegriffith · 5 years ago
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Designed by SmithGroup with a newly renovated interior space focused on customer interactions and employee environment, this Technology Center in Irving, Texas is a high-end assembly area used to engage customers in collaborative sessions. The renovated expanse includes an updated entry with immediate access to the activity space and the Envisioning Center for client interfacing. Additional areas include small, medium and large conference rooms, a multi-purpose training room, kitchen and entertainment area, and a maker space.
© Wade Griffith Photography 2019
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usporneinfo · 7 years ago
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#buggyra #technologycenter #buggyraracing #gyrtech #tatrabuggyra #tatrabuggyraracing #ecorallyteamcz #skodaoctavia #octaviagtec #octaviacombi #cng #octaviaclub #ecorally #ecorally2018 (v místě Buggyra Team Technology Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoLxVHWgz8t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=140ywgo7c1w72
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tankengineblog-blog · 7 years ago
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Any sufficiantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur clarke . . . The valencia eye!! . . . #valencia#technology#lovetotraveltheworld#spain❤#valenciamood#technologycenter#españa (at Valencia Arts & Science Park)
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baseusworld-blog · 6 years ago
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#Baseus Metal Age #Wireless #charger 10W Qi Wireless Charger Desktop Wireless Charging pad for Samsung Galaxy S9 Note 9 iPhone X 8 USB Ports: 1 Output: 5V/2A Support Quick Charge Technology: Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 Input: 5V/2A Quality Certification: CE,RoHS,FCC,CCC Output Interface: USB Type: Wireless Charger Compatible Brand: Universal Model Number: WXJS Power Source: USB Brand Name: BASEUS Note: With 1.2M Charging Cable(Non-detachable) Time to buy. Today SALE 20% - 34.99$ ----------- BUY NOW! STOCKS ARE LIMITED VISIT OUR SHOP DIRECT message Follow @BaseusWorld #BaseusWorld Choose your favourite Comment down below ----------- #Technology #technologyiscool #technologyinhome #technologybali #technologyandstyle #TechnologyInAfrica #technologyrecruitment #technologyswag #technologyweek #technologysolutions #technologydays #technologymatters #Technologychange #technologyneeds #technologyinteriors #technologyblog #technologycenter #technologyfreak #technologychangeseverything #technologys #technologyforinnovation #technologyworkersunion #technologycompany #technologyspecialist #technologyaddict #technologypackage (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/baseus.world/p/BuuETLGAWBI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rwmyguqe58tb
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eddymartin3-blog · 5 years ago
Internet Security Articles
A1. https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/preemptive-safety/top-10-internet-safety-rules-and-what-not-to-do-online
2. https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-kids-safety-stop-stressing-10-internet-safety-rules-to-help-keep-your-family-safe-online.html
3. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/aug/11/how-to-keep-kids-safe-online-children-advice
4. https://www.safety.com/internet-safety/
5. https://www.pandasecurity.com/mediacenter/family-safety/internet-safety-for-kids/
6. https://er.educause.edu/blogs/2018/12/august-2019-understanding-the-basics-of-online-safety-and-security
7. https://www.zdnet.com/article/cybersecurity-the-web-has-a-padlock-problem-and-your-internet-safety-is-at-risk/
I 8. https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Safe-on-the-Internet
I 9. https://www.consumer-action.org/modules/module_internet_safety
10. https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/technologycenter/downloads/ttintsafe.pdf
Most of these articles stress the importance of things that seem simple but people forget to do them. For example, using strong passwords. It is much easier for a coder to guess a password with no specific characters or numbers. Also, putting a password on your computer. This saves strangers from stealing/going onto your computer. Overall, it is important to follow these basics for your protection. 
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phdpositionsdk · 6 years ago
Postdoc in Design, Construction, and Demonstration of Biogas Upgrading for Pure CO2 Production
Postdoc in Design, Construction, and Demonstration of Biogas Upgrading for Pure CO2 Production
Center for Energy Resources Engineering(CERE), Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, TechnicalUniversity of Denmark (DTU) seeks a postdoc to work on our BioCO2 project. Theproposed work will be conducted in collaboration between DTU ChemicalEngineering and our partners Union Engineering and the Danish Gas TechnologyCenter.
Denmark has a great need to substitute ourdeclining North…
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firstdrivemexico · 7 years ago
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Celebrar la primera piedra es para cualquiera, festejar tu nueva planta haciendo donas con el @mclaren Senna, eso si es único. Conoce la nueva planta de @mclarenauto #mclaren #mclarensenna #Sheffield #england #technologycenter #carbonfiber — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2BDDHqz
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litechgmbh · 2 years ago
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Recycling solution for Catalysts #litechgmbh #milling #hammermill #samplepreparation #recyclingcatalyst #recycling #ceramiccatalyst #metalliccatalyst #technologycenter #wastetovalue #wastetomoney https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5evJyNxur/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetseda · 7 years ago
Super Solvers - Gizmos & Gadgets!
Super Solvers – Gizmos & Gadgets!
The challenging racing game thatmakes physical science fun!Product InformationMorty Maxwell the Master of Mischief has taken over the Shady Glen TechnologyCenter and claims he can build the best auto air and alternative energyvehicles.Now he’s challenging all Super Solvers to outrace him. To winyou’ll need to build the fastest vehicle. But first you’ll have to collectall the parts you need for…
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joaquinfagundo · 4 years ago
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The Critical Role Information Technology Plays in Business
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alvinlah · 8 years ago
Logotipo para empresa de tecnología by technologycenter
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tankengineblog-blog · 7 years ago
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Any sufficiantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur clarke . . . The valencia eye!! . . . #valencia#technology#lovetotraveltheworld#spain❤#valenciamood#technologycenter#españa (at Valencia Arts & Science Park)
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countynd · 11 years ago
Skills training class set to begin | northdakota.allembru.com
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