en8y · 1 year
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technobogender + technobogshipec
technobogender: a gender related to the ship between technical boy and czernobog from american gods!
technobogshipec: a gendership identity that is, or is related to, the ship between technical boy and czernobog from american gods. it may refer to the entire ship throughout all iterations, or can be specific to a certain au or something similar. it may feel like a single gender, or a multigender with two components that tie together and result in the full identity.
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techno-bog · 3 years
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Making an outrun-inspired landscape for my game.
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veldian · 3 years
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i decided they need a nap
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roodle-things · 6 years
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Czernoboy x Technical Boy aesthetic for anon, I hope you like it!
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veldian · 3 years
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some old technobogs i still vibe with
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veldian · 4 years
💙 February
hi i love u. this isn't a "doodle" exactly but u get the og husbands,
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veldian · 3 years
8,, my dude,, please share technobog or polytanks hcs 👀 (also sorry ur doing Bad, sending hugs)
hi ily i don't know when you sent thifsfdgudt i shall try my best 👁️👄👁️
they are such polar opposites its Ridiculous. literally the last two gods anyone from either side would guess to get together. but at the same time, they're pretty similar. they mesh strangely well.
they both have a tendency to let their anger get a hold of them, and they're both not good at apologizing, but they always eventually just. silently make up by trying to share the same space. the other responds by getting closer or pulling them in. one day they'll actually talk things through
im sorry to any non-smoker who has to be in the same room as them
but the "not being able to talk about their emotions" thing works sometimes. they hate vocalizing serious stuff like that, and the other understands, so on some days they'll just. lay down together or sit with each other and do their own thing, but with company :)
czern is constantly on the verge of seeking out world and beating the shit out of them, mostly driven by what tech tells him. if czernobog is anything, he's protective over his loved ones and a big fan of violence
for real can you imagine how chaotic these two would be if they enjoyed each other's presence. and they're both relatively outcast from their respective factions, they need someone to talk to. plus i imagine tech could help czern out with bills + the like, and czern could pay vengeance to anyone who has harmed tech :)
HOLY FUCK date nights between all six are AWFUL to coordinate. everyone wants to do different things and Some people get cranky easily (looking directly at klein and 0). mobius is going grey primarily because of those 5.
they also have a detailed schedule for any combination of two ppl to get equal amount of time together. which works for the most part. but sometimes they'll tweak things to make trios, or quartets. "threes a crowd" doesn't apply here.
polygamy is legal in my rotting little brain so they all have matching rings :) 6 stones to symbolize each of them.
im.. still somewhat figuring out how they all got together. it was a gradual thing; it wasn't a spontaneous "oh all six of us should date." the timeline somewhat goes like:
and then the two trios started meshing together and eventually they were like well! fuck!! at least 6 is an even number??
the first two trios do tend to gravitate towards each other though. they're most accustomed to their mannerisms, and they're more similar.
8/dala/0 hangouts are more like fun sleepovers while klein/borous/mobius nights are.. what you'd expect from 3 middle aged men?? they play cards. make good use of klein's built-in bar.
(also with trios/quartets, i like to shorten the names to their corresponding higgs village houses. 8/dala/0 would be 480, while klein/borous/mobius would be 132. any combination of the numbers is fine though)
ive taken to nicknaming 132 the facial hair trio, and 480 the horny trio (and even though i do hc all 6 of them as being trans in some way, 8/dala/0 sometimes gets dubbed the trans trio. dala is a trans woman, 0 is a trans man, and 8 is :) *makes i-don't-know sound*)
0 having a soul patch doesn't exist in my mind. i do not see it. i don't perceive it.
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veldian · 5 years
czernobog: i had a boyfriend once. sometimes it's like i can still hear his voice.
technical boy: we literally got married six hours ago fuck off
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veldian · 5 years
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have you ever done something and youre like. this was most likely a mistake
dont tag as kin/me/etc, dont repost
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veldian · 4 years
can you imagine how scary tech and czern would be together if the writers stopped being cowards and let them get married?
both incredibly powerful, fiercely protective of what they believe in/who they love, violent to no ends -- but if all that energy was centered on protecting the other; tech wouldn't have to worry about world harassing him, czern would have enough money and power to take care of his sisters. it's a win-win.
and not only that, but they're both clearly outsiders in their respective groups, a mix of being looked down on and being feared. imagine how much they could grow from getting that undying love from each other.
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veldian · 5 years
czernobog, during sex: whore
tech boy: wig
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veldian · 5 years
czern: tech, you're on speaker. behave.
tech: or what? you'll spank me?
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veldian · 5 years
czernobog, at tech boy's apartment: your wife have very good sense of style.
tech: actually, i live here alone.
czern: ah, homosexual. figured. i live in the apartment under you.
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veldian · 5 years
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no one:
me: anyway here’s my crackship that i’ve gotten extremely attached to
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veldian · 5 years
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realized i fucked this up the first time so here it is again uwu
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veldian · 5 years
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shippy alternates are beneath the cut
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