#techno revolution
foxxys-huzband · 20 days
"Techno Revolution" Issue #1: "Not Much of a Theory"
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
My Issue with Techno Optimism
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I think my least popular opinion within the solarpunk space is, that I do not like Techno Optimism. But there is a good reason for it.
The usual way techno optimists go about it is looking at the state of the world and say: "Well, it is not all bad, technology will save us one day." And this makes me so angry.
It is basically saying like: "One day there is gonna be magic and everything is gonna be okay."
This especially comes into play with the environmental stuff. "Oh, don't worry about clean energy. One day we are gonna have fusion reactors and with that unlimited clean energy." And also: "Oh, don't worry about the CO2 and climate change. One day we are gonna have machines to filter the CO2 from the air."
But actually, what they are saying is: "Let's not change anything right now. It is all gonna work out in the end."
We already have clean energy. We have photovoltaic, we have wind, we have hydro and we have nuclear. (And yes, contrary to what folks might have told you: We do know how to store nuclear waste safely.) We can invest money right now to build a renewable energy grid.
We also do know, how to store some of the CO2. Yes, trees, but also wetlands. Wetlands and especially marshes are AMAZING in storing CO2.
And no, we do not need some weird flying bus. Trains will do just fine.
To me the thing about solarpunk is, that already have all the tools we need to make it happen now. Techno optimists wanna wait for a solution to appear that allows them to not change their behavior. To just keep doing, what they have been doing the entire time. To not degrow. But that is just bullshit.
We need change. We need equity. We it now. Not in 20 years.
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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this valentine's day event is giving me so much nidoran candy
you are going to be the strongest nidoking out there buddy
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The Matrix Revolutions: Music From The Motion Picture - Don Davis (2003)
Artist : Frank Maddocks
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chris-ostkreuz · 1 month
Exploring iconic Berlin techno clubs
Exploring Iconic Berlin Techno Clubs Ah, Berlin! The city that never sleeps, where the sun sets and the bass drops. If you’ve ever found yourself wandering the streets of this vibrant metropolis, you might have noticed something peculiar: the air is thick with the promise of a good time, and the rhythm of techno pulses through the very veins of the city. But let’s be real—if you’re reading this,…
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chaos-coming · 11 months
So goddamn frustrated with the white communists who keep coopting the palestine solidarity meetings to either wage little recruitment turf wars (the stalinists) or turn every single point into a plug for their worker's revolution in sweden (the marxists).
The palestinian youth movement people literally Walked Out of the meeting today in frustration. One guy who survived the syrian revolution tried to tell them to stop and why this was not good and they just bulldozed over him. A black woman tried to talk about how as a person of color in sweden she feels like their voices are often suppressed, and this guy kiterally replied that he doesnt think race has anything to do with it. I feel like im in a bad parody.
Tried to talk to the marxists about how we are supposed to be supporting palestinian right to self determination and why you shouldnt show up to a solidarity meeting and alienate the people you claim to support by making it all about you and your ideas, and the most dogmatic of these guys (same one who said race has nothing to do with it) literally said no instead of toning it down he thinks they need to step it up with trying to recruit withing the solidarity umbrella org. Like...
Besides being the kind of contrarian rhetoric style thats the most frustrating (you say tone it down and he says no in fact turn it up), theyre just completely unable to work in an umbrella organization because they cant stop hounding on their socialist revolution long enohgh to build broad solidarity or even focus on the immediate crisis at hand.
This dude is completely convinced that he, personally, will be the vanguard of the revolution and wont stop about how everyone globally needs to implement his methods. Talking about how the palestinians should be centered in the discussion of their own struggle goes completely in one ear and out the other.
I'm so fucking frustrated and dont want peoole to think i'm associated with them its such bad white saviorism and completely dogmatic tunnel vision i wanna punch things
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i-don-world · 1 year
complete and un-visible -
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transmutationisms · 4 months
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@annevbonny yeah so first of all there's the overt framing issue that this whole idea rests on the premise that eliminating fatness is both possible and good, as though like. fat people haven't existed prior to the ~industrial revolution~ lol
more granularly this theory relies on misinterpreting the causes for the link between poverty and fatness (which is real---they are correlated) so that fatness can be configured as a failure of eating choices and urban design, meaning ofc that the 'solution' to this problem is more socially hygienic, monitored, controlled communities where everybody has been properly educated into the proper affective enjoyment of spinach and bike riding, and no one is fat anymore and the labour force lives for longer and generates more value for employers
in truth one of the biggest mediating factors in the poverty-body weight link is food insecurity, because intermittent access to food tends to result in periods of under-nourishment followed by periods of compensatory eating with corresponding weight regain/overshoot (this is typical of weight trajectories in anyone refeeding after a period of starvation or under-eating, for any reason). so this is all to say that the suggestion that fatness is caused by access to 'unhealthy foods' is not only off base but extremely harmful; food insecurity is rampant globally. what people need is consistent access to food, and more of it!
and [loud obvious disclaimer voice] although i absolutely agree that food justice means access to a variety of foods with a variety of nutrient profiles, access to any calories at all is always better than access to none or too few. which is to say, there aren't 'healthy' or 'unhealthy' foods in isolation (all foods can belong in a varied, sufficient diet) and this is a billion times more true when we are talking about people struggling to consume enough calories in the first place.
relatedly, proponents of the 'obesogenic environment' theory often invoke the idea of 'hyperpalatable foods' or 'food addiction'---different ways of saying that people 'overeat' 'junk food' because it's too tasty (often with the bonus techno-conspiricism of "they engineer it that way"). again it's this idea that the problem is people eating the 'wrong' foods, now because the foods themselves are exerting some inexorable chemical pull over them.
this is inane for multiple reasons including the failure to deal with access issues and the fact that people who routinely, reliably eat enough in non-restrictive patterns (between food insecurity and encouragement to deliberately diet/restrict, this is very few people) don't even tend to 'overeat' energy-dense demonised foods in the first place. ie, there is no need to proscribe or limit 'junk food' or 'fast food' or 'empty calories' or whatever nonsense euphemism; again the solution to nutritionally unbalanced diets is to guarantee everyone access to sufficient food and a variety of different foods (and to stop encouraging the sorts of moralising food taboos that make certain foods 'out of bounds' and therefore more likely to provoke a subjective sense of loss of control in the first place lol)
but tbc, when i say "the solution to nutritionally unbalanced diets"---because these certainly can and do exist, particularly (again) amongst people subjected to food insecurity---i am NOT saying "the solution to fatness" because fatness is not something that will ever be eliminated from the human population. and here again we circle back to one of the fundamental fears that animates the 'obesogenic environment' myth, which is that fatness is a medical threat to the race/nation/national future. which is of course blatant biopolitics and is relying on massive assumptions about the health status of fat and thin people that are simply not borne out in the data, and that misinterpret the relationship between fatness and illness (for example, the extent to which weight stigma prevents fat people from receiving medical care, or the role of 'metabolic syndrome' in causing weight gain, rather than the other way around).
people are fat for many reasons, including "their bodies just look like that"; fatness is neither a disease in itself nor inherently indicative of ill health, nor is it eradicable anyway (and fundamentally, while all people should have access to health-protective social and economic conditions, health is not something that people 'owe' to anyone else anyway)
the 'obesogenic environment' is a liberal technocratic fantasy---a world in which fatness is a problem of individual consumption and social engineering, and is to be eliminated by clever policy and personal responsibility. it assumes your health is 1) directly caused and indicated by your weight, 2) something you owe to the capitalist state as part of the bargain that is 'citizenship', and 3) something you can learn to control if only you are properly educated by the medical authorities on the rules of nutrition (and secondarily exercise) science. it's a factual misinterpretation of everything we know about weight, health, diet, and wealth, and it fundamentally serves as a defense of the existing economic order: the problem isn't that capitalism structurally does not provide sufficient access to resources for any but the capitalist class---no, we just need a nicer and more functional capitalism where labourers have a greengrocer in the neighbourhood, because this is a discourse incapable of grappling with the material realities of food production and consumption, and instead reliant on configuring them in terms of affectivity ('food addiction') or knowledge (the idea that food-insecure people need to be more educated about nutrition)
there are some additional aspects here obviously like the idea that exercising more would make people thin (similar issues to the food arguments, physical activity can be great but the reasons people do or don't do it are actually complex and related to things like work schedules and exercise doesn't guarantee thinness in the first place) or fearmongering about 'endocrine disruptors' (real, but are extremely ill-defined as a category and are often just a way to appeal to ideas of 'naturalness' and the vague yet pressing harms of 'chemicals', and which are also not shown to single-handedly 'cause' fatness, a normal state of existence for the human body) but this is most often an argument about food ime.
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firesnap · 9 months
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I'm sorry I saw this tweet and didn't have enough room to scream on my priv.
Dream literally did nothing other than suggest blowing up L'Manberg during the Revolution until Tommy's exile. And look at how that went. After Tommy's disc finale he sat and rotted in a prison, not answering people, and existed ENTIRELY as a plot device people had to drag him to do every few months.
LITERALLY THAT'S ONE OF THE WORST PARTS OF THE SERVER. He took up being the big bad, then didn't answer people and locked himself in a prison and stalled lore and delayed things and just fucking sucked. And his important role in most people's lore could have easily been replaced by a cardboard cutout after exile ended.
BBH paid for the server. People were already getting bored as fuck when Wilbur joined. Do people seriously forget how quickly vanilla Minecraft servers died back then? Literally the introduction of L'Manberg gave people something to do other than walking up the same wooden path over and over.
Bait used to be believable. I'm sorry if you think that guy was a good actor you literally never watched Wilbur or Charlie or Quackity. I never cared for Techno's 4th wall breaks, but you can't compare a single monologue Drm made to ANY of Techno's. The amount of crazy good and memorable lines everyone else had in comparison is hilarious. He wasn't even the best actor on the Dteam and one of those dude's slept through the whole story.
Fuck that guy. He wanted to be the villain and then would fucking retcon and change shit to make sure his guy never lost. Even when the story would try to frame something as a loss for him his ass would come back months later and go UM ACTUALLY like he's the fucking JK Rowling of Minecraft Roleplay.
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splatoonpolls · 8 days
my splatoon 4 overthinking is very much alive
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sumwan · 8 months
I thought it would be interesting to look at c!Dream's inventory and ender chest both before and after the prison.
Before the prison
The latest time he showed his inventory before the prison was on August 31, 2020, when he was remodeling the Community House [x]
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Armor, weapons, and tools
Netherite Helmet (Protection IV, Unbreaking III)
Netherite Chestplate (Protection IV, Unbreaking III)
Netherite Leggings named "Punzo Chaps" (Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending) (given by c!Punz after c!Dream fell and lost his armor)
Netherite Boots (Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III, Mending)
Netherite Sword named "Netherite Sword11" (Sharpness V, Unbreaking III, Looting III, Fire Aspect I, Mending)
Netherite Pickaxe named "pp2" (Efficiency V)
Netherite Shovel (unenchanted)
Netherite Axe (unenchanted)
Bow (Punch I, Unbreaking III, Power V, Flame, Infinity)
Crossbow named "DEFINITELY NOT PENIS" (Quick Charge III, Piercing IV)
Food and support items
2 full stacks of arrows
16 ender pearls
1 water bucket
56 golden apples
2 enchanted golden apples
2 full stacks of steak plus one stack of 62 and one stack of 25
Various building blocks for remodeling the Community House
Ender chest
He doesn't show his ender chest in this stream, so the latest I could find was on July 31, 2020, which is shortly before the L'Manberg revolution war. [x]
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1 full stack of diamonds and a stack of 22
2 full stacks of golden apples and a stack of 11
4 full stacks of iron ingots plus two stacks of 32
4 enchanted golden apples
1 dark oak log
60 arrows
1 full stack of steak
Diamond helmet (unenchanted)
1 pink bed
3 full stacks of ender pearls
1 potion of swiftness
1 netherite ingot
1 Cat music disc (not c!Tommy's disc)
1 Blocks music disc
After the prison
The last time c!Dream showed his inventory and ender chest after the prison was on April 22, 2022. [x]
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Armor, weapons, and tools
Full set of enchanted Netherite Armor (given by c!Punz)
2 Netherite Swords (one given by c!Techno and one picked up from c!Bad during jailbreak)
2 Netherite Axes (also one from c!Techno and the other from c!Bad)
1 Netherite Pickaxe (given by c!Punz)
1 Netherite Shovel
1 trident (Riptide)
Shield (either given by c!Techno or picked up from c!Bad)
Bow named "Wardens Bow" (Infinity, Flame, Power V, Unbreaking III) (picked up from c!Bad)
Food and support items
1 splash potion of fire resistance
1 splash potion of strength II
4 full stacks of golden apples
10 enchanted golden apples
2 stacks of steak, one of 59 and one of 57
1 milk bucket
2 water buckets
1 full stack of regular arrows
54 harming arrows
1 full stack of obsidian
12 TNT
4 full stacks of ender pearls and a stack of 9 ender pearls
2 WARDEN ACCESS keycards
Various random items and stacks of dirt
Ender chest
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53 diamond blocks
46 iron blocks
1 lava bucket
1 full stack of steak
1 full stack of flint
2 full stacks of gold blocks
6 netherite ingots
1 book and quill (unknown content)
2 full stacks of golden apples
1 full stack of feathers
1 full stack of arrows
7 nether stars
There's a lot that can be said about this, but I'm sure it's very normal to have two swords, two axes, and four stacks of golden apples on you at all times.
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xerith-42 · 2 months
Techno and Wilbur not being brothers is so important to me you have no idea
Because them being Tommy's older brothers doesn't actually ever overlap. Wilbur acts as Tommy's brother through most of the stuff with L'Manburg, for better and usually for worse. Then once he's gone and Tommy's lost everyone he finds a new older brother in Techno.
Techno and Wilbur aren't brothers though. When they interacted they were friends at best, and tense at worst. Even if their goals do eventually line up, Wilbur still stabs Techno in the back. He promised destruction for Manberg, before setting up Tommy as a potential leader. He said he was down with anarchy but failed to properly condemn the very governments Technoblade's anarchy-based morality is centered around.
He realized that governments were the cause of all of his problems, but failed to see the bigger picture in regards to how L'Manburg had hurt everyone on the server. One of Wilbur's consistent problems is a failure to see how his actions effect those around him, or to act with a blatant disregard for consequences. And at the point that Technoblade came into his life, there wasn't really much hope for them to ever be the family they could've been.
Wilbur never cared about Techno as a person. He just saw him as
The Blade
An Anarchist
The Revolution
Wilbur knew that without Technoblade he didn't have a revolution and yet he was still willing to disregard Techno's fundamental ideals because he was too narrow minded to see anything else. Too focused on how L'Manburg hurt him, his L'Manburg, and the damage it caused his life. He barely thought of how Techno would feel in regards to his decision.
Techno's just another person Wilbur managed to burn before his death. He wasn't the last.
And when Tommy shows up in the floorboards of Techno's house a month later, after L'Manberg has exiled him and Techno has nearly lost everything to tyranny, and he has a hope that maybe this time things will be better. Tommy's young, still learning, and he's been through a lot at the hands of corrupt men wielding power.
Maybe this time Techno can have someone agree with his ideals and actually stick to it.
He humors Tommy, shelters him, but treats him as he'd treat anybody. Tommy's a nuisance, and Techno might yell at him for taking his stuff for the third time this week, but he'll never kick Tommy out. Not after he's been abandoned to this extent. Not after Tommy has suffered the hand he was nearly dealt at his botched execution.
Techno almost lost everything. Tommy did lose everything.
Techno becomes an older brother figure to a scared and grieving and traumatized Tommy, a wounded child grasping onto the last straws of normalcy he has as he watches everything he's ever known slip through his finger tips. Techno is willing to take Wilbur's place, to act as a role model to Tommy during hard times. To stay strong and teach him important values to carry through future hardships in life. Techno wants so badly for Tommy to be a proper younger brother to him.
And then he makes the same mistake his brother made.
Tommy disregards Techno.
In his desperate attempt to hold onto those strands of normalcy Tommy reaches for something he's always known in favor of the potential chaos of Techno. Tommy is trying to stick to what he knows, what he used to have, to Tubbo, to his discs, to anything that reminds him of all he's lost so he can feel like he has it back. He fails to see that Techno could have been a source of that familiarity, that Techno was trying to be the island of stability while he was crashing in the waves.
Instead Tommy takes Tubbo's outstretched hand and climbs into the lifeboat they've always been floating in together, not realizing that in doing so he has awakened a great storm that will leave him with less than he had before.
In the immediate comfort of familiarity Tommy fails to realize the consequences of his own actions, and proves that in spite of all the posturing he's done about changing, about growing, about being a bigger and better man, he's a frightened child with the worst habits of his family.
When Tommy stabs Techno in the back, he reopens an old wound
After all, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it
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dsmp-lainey · 2 months
changes i’ve made to the dsmp canon in my personal rewrite:
-c!sapnap is a cis woman who likes dressing masc, her story and personality stay the same she’s literally just a woman now lol
-c!eret and c!karl are both transfem (eret is non-binary she/they and karl is a trans woman)
-sally was NOT just a salmon she was a nymph who’s animal side was a salmon, fundy inherits his fox traits from her as that’s his animal side, he cannot shape shift like she could though
-c!eret and c!george are cousins who’s family lived on these lands for long before everyone else arrived, that’s why ruling them means so much to them. c!eret originally joined the revolution because wilbur said they would assist in taking back the crown once they were independent but once dream made the offer of the throne in return for betrayal eret took the quicker option. (also c!george also has cool glowing eyes in this because it’s a family trait, also both my c!george and c!eret are black, eret has very dark skin and wears long braids mostly, george is a little lighter and keeps his hair shaved short mostly)
-c!dream only has one canon life left from the first moment we meet him, we never know how he lost the others just that part of his obsessive need for control stems from his paranoia of losing his last life
-c!wilbur lied in the letters he wrote to c!phil during the revolution and in pogtopia, he never told phil he lost any of his canon lives, phil thought when he stabbed wilbur he would have enough time to haul his body off to a safe place to calm him down before he respawned, he was shocked and horrified when he saw that was wilbur’s final life
-c!wilbur is a lot less human than he presents himself to be, his father is an angel and his mother is a goddess, he has lived far longer than the age he appears already at the start of the smp and could likely far outlive most other characters in terms of natural lifespans. his refusal to wear armor is partially influenced by the fact that he heals far quicker than others, therefore his insistence on others not wearing armor is a rather selfish demand since he knows others are risking more than he is when going without.
-c!techno grew up under a horrible dictatorship, that’s the largest contributor to his anarchist beliefs. he wears his crown as a symbol of the fact that he will never let someone else rule him ever again.
-c!tommy is religious like in canon but he primarily chooses to worship Lady death (mumza/c!kristin), she has shown him her favor many times in various ways over the years and was who guided him to wilbur in the first place. tommy has a elevated level of both respect and fear for c!phil throughout the smp no matter what because he is deaths angel.
okayyyy those are just a couple of them but i hope y’all like, PLEASE let me know your thoughts and what other hc and story changes you personally have cause i love hearing them!
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ezshellshocked · 5 months
⚡︎ ┊ TMNT : Finalized designs & Headcannons.
⚡︎ ┊ Finished my official designs, now I can make comics and such without them looking different every time. !! HEADCANNONS BELOW IMAGE, FOR ANYONE INTERESTED.
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Cannot be sneaked up on (Will catch whoever tries)
Lots of night terrors
Light sleeper
Loves bubblegum
Superiority complex
Talks to himself out loud
Really good at lying (Best liar in the family)
Always smells good
Very overprotective (especially over Mikey bc he's the youngest)
Annoying older brother vibes
Argues with Raph the most
Sleeps with one eye open (literally)
Allergic to dogs
Only turtle who CAN cook
Can't watch horror films (they freak him out)
"IDC" Thinks about it for hours
"I'm not scared!" Freaks out
Hates bugs
LOVES Halloween. (Has decorations all over his room)
Heavy sleeper
Snores but says he doesn't
Picks on Don the most
Swears in nearly every sentence
Bedroom? No, Mancave. (Barely leaves his room)
Talented artist
Plays the bass guitar
Hates everything and everyone.
Edgy middle child attitude
"IDGAF!!" Starts crying
Likes Mikey more bc he can playfight rough with him.
True crime >>>
Horror movies >>>
Works out to calm himself down
Only shows his "cool" art to his brothers, keeps everything else hidden
Always looks angry no matter what
Can't control his tone of voice (Speaks really loudly, and aggressively)
Hates being told what to do
Deathly terrified of roaches
Missing a tooth (From a fight with leo)
Very very VERY tired
Really picky with food
Won't eat spaghetti or most noodles bc it reminds him of worms
Hates wearing most clothes because they make him feel trapped
Gets hiccups when nervous
Doesn't drink coffee, though likes energy drinks
Must double check everything a billion times
Throws a fit when someone messes with his plans, or things
Swears as much as Raph
RARELY in his room, mostly in his lab.
Hates the smell of dust, sage, and greasy food
Likes collecting pens
Paranoid all the time
Almost always accidentally falls asleep in his lab.
Sticky notes, sticky notes, sticky notes
Can only draw mechs and vehicles, cant draw anything else
" We're poor as dirt " Has thousands of dollars hidden in his room.
Has to wear glasses but doesn't around his brothers (they pick on him :( )
Likes psychological horror better than visual horror.
Slouch king
yells a LOT
Listens to techno music when making inventions
#1 oingo boingo fan
Has slight bucked teeth
Speaks with a lisp
Spoiled younger brother vibes
Loves video games
Hates being left alone, or away from his brothers for long periods of time
ALWAYS asking Donatello for money (usually a yes)
LOVES candy (especially sour)
Borrows April's camcord to take stupid videos
Cracks every bone in his body when nervous
"The vibes are off right now…"
" Dudezz!! " " Chill out brozz " type of guy
Wears braces!
Always doing stupid shit
Sings in the shower
Puts on whole concerts for no reasons
Plays the drums
LOVES play fighting with Raph
Likes cooking, but cant do it good.
"I licked it, it's mine"
Steals from everyone, thinks its funny
Hides Donnie's tools for fun
Talks too fast
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