#technically today cause I do be stayin up late
ghosty-ghouls · 4 months
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womanofwords · 8 months
STEM Kids Shenanigans (Chapter 26)
Chapter 26: The Hated One
Melanie groaned as she prepared herself for another day of school. Another day of trying to keep order in a place where nobody appreciated her for it. Even the teachers wouldn't give her the time of day now.
"Melanie, you're late," Mr Oluwatola said. "Care to explain yourself?"
"Traffic," Melanie groaned. "It doesn't matter. Nothing special is happening today."
"Actually, something is, I think," Sonia said. "The nursery near to the school is coming here to partner with some of the older students. Or is that some other day?"
"No, that's today," Mr Oluwatola said. "They'll be coming over to your classrooms while you work."
"So we're just going to be surrounded by a bunch of little children?" Sonia asked.
"I hope my little sister comes to one of my classes," Angelo sighed.
"She won't," Melanie snarked. "I know you, Angelo. She'll probably cause chaos."
"She's three. What do you expect her to do?" Angelo said.
"Nothing good," Melanie said.
"What's her problem?" Dante asked.
"She hates us, that's what her problem is," Layla said. "Let's just hope she leaves us alone. She's already lost everything she values."
"The only thing she's ever valued is her prefect badge," Yujin pointed out.
"And since she had it taken away from her, I'm technically correct," Layla remarked.
It was art class when the little ones descended by way of an open door. A little boy wearing dinosaur overalls waddled into the room, giggling as students cooed at him. Two little girls wandered in after him. One of them was Mirella.
"Angie!" she giggled, rushing over to him. Angelo scooped her up, sitting her on the desk while the other small children clambered up him.
"Angelo, do you know these children?" Miss Powers asked.
"Yes. This is my little sister, Mirella," Angelo said. "These other children must be her friends from nursery. Mirella, are these your friends?"
"Uh-huh," Mirella said.
"Mirella, where's your teacher?" Yujin asked.
"I don't care," Mirella said. Angelo's classmates laughed.
"Now, Mirella, how about big brother takes you and your classmates back to your teacher?" Angelo asked.
"No!" Mirella snapped. "I stay here!"
"I'm stayin', too!" the boy with the dinosaur overalls said. The other little girl agreed, and Angelo was outnumbered.
"OK. But if your teacher comes in, you have to go," Angelo said.
"No! I can't go!" Mirella said, rushing over to Yujin and grabbing on tight. "I wanna stay with Yujee!"
"Aww!" Yujin cooed.
"They are just the cutest!" Layla gushed. Their classmates were agreeing with them as they orbited around Angelo Riva.
A frazzled young man in a light blue dress shirt rushed in. "Excuse me, have you seen three children?"
"Yes, they're right here," Miss Powers said.
"No, I don't wanna go! I wanna stay with my big brother!" Mirella cried.
"Mimi, you have to go. Your teacher's worried about you," Angelo said.
"But I won't see you until we're at home!" Mirella whined.
"I'm sure you'll live," Melanie spat. She thought she was saying it to herself, but heads turned in anger and shock. The kindergarten teacher looked horrified.
"Melanie, she's only three!" Layla snapped.
"Why is she mean, Angie?" Mirella asked.
"Melanie, outside, please," Miss Powers said. Her typical smile was gone. Melanie sighed and waltzed out.
"Pardon me for wanting class to carry on as normal," Melanie snarked, as she left the room. How was she the bad guy here? Angelo was the one shamelessly milking them for their own reactions by using some little kid, and they were falling for it.
For the rest of the day, she could tell that she was being looked at differently. More people avoided her, people gave her more dirty looks than usual. And now there were the whispers.
"Did you hear what she said to Angelo's little sister?"
"Almost made her cry."
"So glad since she got her prefect badge removed."
"I've hated her since forever."
Melanie stomped over to her room immediately after she got home. "Melanie, how was school?" her mother asked.
"I don't want to talk about it," Melanie said, storming up the stairs to her room. Sonia came in a few minutes later.
"What's up with her?" Melanie's mother asked.
"I don't know. I just remember seeing a bunch of little kids invade art class and she's just been in a foul mood ever since," Sonia said. "You'll have to ask her."
Mrs Sainsbury went upstairs to her daughter's bedroom and knocked on the door. "Melanie, dear?" she asked, tentatively. "I'd like to talk to you about school."
"Why?" Melanie sobbed. "I hate it there!"
"Melanie!" Mrs Sainsbury admonished. "This isn't like you at all, what happened?"
"Those horrible kids from the STEM club! One of them made the children like them and the children were interrupting the lesson," Melanie explained in such detail that it made her mother wince. "I wanted the little kids to leave and now everyone hates me! I want a new school!"
"I'm sure you're just saying that," her mother said.
"No! I hate them so much! I want them to go away! I want you to go away! Go away!" Melanie sobbed.
Winifred Sainsbury backed out of her daughter's room slowly. "Sonia, I think Melanie might need some space to think," she said to Sonia.
"Fine by me," Sonia said.
To read the other parts of this fic, see Masterlist.
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maribatshipper · 4 years
Trollhunting Lantern Chapter 1
A/N: This was written down long before Wizards, about two/three years ago, so this is an alternate universe.
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“It’s Marnie & Campo, on River 94.9!  We play the best music mix from the 80s till now!”
The song “Hungry Like The Wolf” starts playing as two strange figures fight in the early morning light. Technically, morning shadows. They don’t touch the light.
“Yield, Trollhunter Jim!” One of the figures exclaims.
This figure is terrifyingly tall, has glowing yellow eyes, and a crimson coloured armour all around him, only revealing the glowing eyes. He has a long sword in his right hand the same colour as his armour.
The other figure, who has now been identified as Jim, replies, “A Trollhunter never yields, Venjo! I’d rather die!”
Jim is a tall creature that looks like he was once human. He has teeth pointing out of his bottom jaw, blue skin, horns on the top of his head, messy black hair, blue eyes, and red/black armour on with a sword made of the same material as his armour.
A human female with brown hair, a white streak and hairclips in her hair, reddish-brown eyes and purple armour jumps into the fray.
“& I’ll kill you if you kill him!” She exclaims.
Venjo smirks, “Terms accepted Trollhunter. Flesh-bag! This is not your battle!”
Jim smirks, “I can take him, Claire. Get out of here. Stay with Blinky.”
Claire smirks, “And let you have all the fun?’
Venjo jumps at Claire, who dodges and slams into him with her armour.
She smirks, “I gotta thank Merlin for the armour.”
Jim scoffs, “You’ve already thanked him a dozen times!”
Venjo slams into Jim, causing Jim to come dangerously close to the sunlight.
“Master Jim! Careful!” Another male voice calls.
Jim jumps away from the sunlight and slams into Venjo. Venjo gets thrown across the ground. Jim holds his sword towards Venjo.
“Your reign of terror will soon be over, Venjo!” Jim frowns.
The sunlight touches Jim’s armour, causing it to burn. Jim panics, & Venjo takes this opportunity to kick him in the face. Jim flies away, close to another beam of sunlight, with his sword in the sun. Venjo gets up, ready to run into Jim. Jim reaches into the sunlight to grab his sword, burning his hand. Claire keeps Venjo occupied while Jim shakes the sparks off his hand. Venjo hits Claire away, into the sun, which doesn’t affect her has much as it does the other two creatures.
“There is nowhere left for you to run, Trollhunter! Give me the Amulet!” Venjo yells.
Jim looks towards the circle on his chest. He jumps up a tree, trying to get away from Venjo for a short while. But every now and then, the branches snap underneath his weight. Jim stops and looks around for Venjo, when Venjo hits him from behind.
“OW! That was worse than your breath!” Jim groans.
Claire jumps on the branches too; her weight being supported more than Jim’s and Venjo’s. Venjo pushes Jim close to the end of the trees, where the sun is shining.
“It ends here, Trollhunter. It’s either me or the sun. Either way, you’re doomed.” Venjo laughs.
Claire hits Venjo away from Jim, who is burning.
“Doesn’t matter. The Amulet will find a champion. That Trollhunter will stop you and your schemes.” Jim groans.
Claire gasps as she realises what he’s saying.
“JIM! NO!” She screams as he jumps into the sun.
As he burns, he turns to stone. He smashes as soon as he hits the ground. Claire runs towards Jim’s remains.
“No! No, Jim, no.” Claire cries.
An alarm goes off at 7:00 playing “Eye of The Tiger”. A girl climbs out of bed. She has brown, curly hair, blue shining eyes, and looks like she’s only 13. She sings along to the song as she gets changed. She slides to the kitchen and cooks herself some scrambled eggs. She sets the table for the rest of her family, with six plates on the table, at six chairs, then she removes a plate. She puts milk, Milo Cereal, oats, and Rice Bubbles on the table. She continues to sing. Her family comes out with a smile on their faces.
“Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'till we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive!”
A boy slightly taller comes out and yells, “Shut up, Scarlett!”
The girl now identified as Scarlett ignores him.
“It's the eye of the tiger, it's the dream of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger!”
The boy yells, “If you don’t shut up, Scarlett, you’re gonna regret it.”
Scarlett stops, then looks at him.
“You know, if you had taste, and were a proper brother, Nick, you would be encouraging me, not patronising me for being happy. I have every right to be happy. You, Nicholas, should be happy too. But you have no idea what it’s like to be happy anymore. You don’t even know what it’s like to work at Maccas! I had to slave over a grill, a HOT grill, & clean it while it was still on!” Scarlett frowns.
The boy now identified as Nicholas smirks, “How many jobs have you had?” thinking he has the upper hand.
Scarlett retorts, “How many jobs have you kept for more than a month?”
Nicholas stumbles, and two young girls laugh.
“Thank you, little sisters. Now I must be off, to my ACTUAL and real job. Unlike your big brother here, who, A, I didn’t put a plate out for, because he needs to learn to do things himself, and B, is a freeloader.” Scarlett smirks.
Scarlett walks out the door with a satisfied smirk. She grabs her bike and sees someone.
“Hey Greeny!” Scarlett exclaims.
A girl with short red hair, a yellow shirt, blue eyes, and a few bruises rides up and sighs, “What did I say about calling me that? I’m trying to keep my secret, and if you blurt that all over town, they’ll figure it out.”
Scarlett giggles, “No one’s gonna find out, Bracha. When someone calls someone else a Greeny, they think the person is either a vegetarian or a person who cares too much for the environment. Not…”
Scarlett points to a little green ring on Bracha’s right hand.
“I get it. I just don’t like it. What if there are other people who know about them?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett sighs, “It’s fine, Bracha. Talking about Extra-terrestrial’s is all the rage now. People are even going to storm Area 51 according to the internet. They won’t find anything. It’s all been moved to Area 49b.”
Bracha asks, “What makes you say that?”
Scarlett giggles, “It’s what my Arcadian friend Eli told me before he told me that he had to study abroad in Cantaloupia.”
Bracha asks, “Cantaloupia?”
Scarlett giggles, “I believe he actually meant he was visiting an alien planet to be the human ambassador or something. Speaking of, have you visited any new planets?”
Bracha smirks, “Akaridian-5. The species there are made pretty much entirely of energy, and their hearts they call “Cores”, and if someone dies, as long as their core is intact, they can come back to life through regeneration chambers. Or that’s what I gathered from the peace treaty. Queen Aja seems to be a wonderful queen. She recognised me as being human though.”
Scarlett asks, “Are they blue?”
Bracha falls off the bike in surprise.
“How did you know?” She asks.
Scarlett hops off her bike to help Bracha up.
“I’ll show you later. Let’s just say, Eli knows two. He was surprised I was actually sixteen. He swore I was alien.” Scarlett replies.
Scarlett stiffens.
“Did you hear that?” Scarlett asks.
Bracha shakes her head.
Scarlett notices a few rocks. She points to the rocks and sneaks over, as if a snake were going to jump out.
Scarlett gasps, “Rocks are saying my name. If I get a ring from digging in that, and it’s green, I’m requesting to be on your team.”
Bracha makes sure no one is around and whispers, “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light.”
A green costume forms around Bracha, and a mask appears over her face. She thrusts her ring towards the pile of rocks and what appears to be a laser goes over them.
“I’m getting an energy reading, but it’s not a Lantern energy. It’s something else. It registered the stones as k-spar.” Bracha frowns.
Scarlett turns and sighs, “Take that off. Someone could see you.”
Scarlett picks up a rock to show a glowing blue object.
“An amulet?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett sighs, “I thought it would be a ring. I was hoping. So I could hang out with you more often.”
Bracha’s green outfit disappears. Scarlett looks up and sees something white in the trees, then it disappears.
“Ever get that feeling you’re being watched, but you find no proof of it?” Scarlett asks.
Bracha nods.
“Let’s go. I’m gonna be late for work. Besides, if something does happen, I’m sure we can fight them off. Or you can.” Scarlett jokes.
The girls hop back on their bikes and ride off.
Meanwhile, above in the trees, a creature with blue skin and six eyes gasps.
“It chose a female human?” He asks.
Claire sighs, “I’ll keep an eye on the green girl. You keep an eye on the new Trollhunter. I have a feeling this isn’t going to be like Jim’s time as Trollhunter.”
 Scarlett smiles, “Will that be all for today, Ma’am?”
A woman replies, “That’ll be all honey. Too much damage to my account.”
Scarlett giggles and receives the payment. As the woman leaves, someone pats Scarlett on the back.
“Well done, kid.” A guy smiles.
Scarlett replies, “Well, like you said, Jack, at Macca’s, we strive to put a smile on every seat. Correct?”
Jack smirks, “Good job. You going soon?”
Scarlett sighs, “I gotta do some mopping, but I’ll go after that. Red bucket for customer space. Right?”
Jack smiles, “Right again, Scarlett. I’m going on break. Seeya tomorrow?”
Scarlett replies, “Sure Jack.”
Scarlett washes her hands and gets the mop. She mops the customer’s area, and a familiar figure comes up behind her.
“Anything interesting happening in there?” Bracha smirks.
Scarlett rolls her eyes, “Nothing really. I barely even know anyone outside of work. They are all old enough to be my cousins!”
Bracha smirks, “That’s rich. You have, like, fifty cousins. Half of them are much older than you. And they are on your mother’s side. I haven’t even met your father’s side.”
Scarlett smirks, “You & I both, kiddo.”
Bracha frowns, “I hate that nickname.”
Scarlett giggles, “I call everyone that looks young kiddo. Especially if they are younger than me. Like you.”
Bracha sighs, “Alright, Alright. But I still don’t like the name.”
Scarlett rolls her eyes and sighs.
“I’m done my mopping. I have other work to do. Seeya later, Greeny.” Scarlett smirks.
Bracha sighs, “Don’t call me that.”
Scarlett walks away and notices a young girl sitting down with a white stripe in her hair. It reminds her of Disney’s Princess Anna. Scarlett continues walking into the staff only area. She goes into the staff break room, where her workmates are having fun on their breaks.
“Is she still following you around, Scarlett?” A girl with blonde hair asks.
“She’s my friend. I’ve told her she can stay around as long as she doesn’t come into the staff area and doesn’t pick any fights. Besides, it’s safer when I ride home.” Scarlett replies.
A tall guy sighs, “Well, it’s none of my business, but a girl seems to have taken an interest in the two of you.”
Scarlett sighs, “Who, Caillou?”
Caillou replies, “A customer. Her name is Claire. She’s got a white stripe in her hair.”
Scarlett frowns, thinking.
“Could she know? No, she couldn’t know. Or maybe she does know Bracha’s Identity. Maybe that’s why she was looking at us.”
Scarlett sighs & realises her shift is almost up.
“Got to go, guys!” She smiles.
“Seeya later, Strange Scarlett.” Everyone smiles.
Scarlett laughs as she goes & grabs her bag. She shoves a jumper on so people know not to go to her for food now. She signs out & walks into the customer area.
“Scarlett! You ready to go?” Bracha calls.
Scarlett sighs, “Sure.”
 Scarlett frowns, deep in thought while riding.
“You okay, Scarlett?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett answers, “Yeah... I’m fine. It’s actually about a customer. I’ve been told she took an interest in us. She had a white stripe in her hair. Funny thing, I could’ve sworn I saw her in the forest, but no one was there.”
Bracha stares at her ring.
“Well, maybe the ring went haywire and didn’t see her.” Bracha suggests.
Scarlett smiles, “Well, we gotta split now. Seeya, Bracha. Good luck with the GLs.”
Bracha smiles, “Call me if that thing does anything.”
The girls split up and go to their separate houses. Scarlett opens the door and walks in.
“Hey, Scarlett!” Her father smiles.
“Hi Dad! How were the busses in Brisbane today? Anything special?” Scarlett asks.
Her father says, “Just your normal day. There were a few grumpy customers. I met a weird old man. I think he was at a costume party. He had armour on.”
Nicholas comes in and says, “Hi, Michael.”
Scarlett gasps, “That’s Dad to you!”
Michael sighs, “I’ll deal with it, Scarlett. How about you tell your mother about your day?”
Scarlett smirks. She knows not to get her Dad angry. She walks into the loungeroom.
“Hi Mum. How was Joshua today? Did he give you a hard time?” Scarlett asks.
Her Mum says, “Not really. He was actually quiet today. And you know that’s hard for your brother.”
Scarlett nods.
“Hey, Heather, where are the Wasabi nuts?” Michael asks.
“In the pantry!” Heather answers.
“I’m gonna put my stuff away.” Scarlett smiles.
“Alright honey. Your dad and I have to visit someone. Can you take care of your sisters tonight?” Heather asks.
Scarlett answers, “Sure Mum. As long as Face-ache is gone before you go.”
She walks to the room she shares with her sisters.
“Scarlett’s home!” The youngest exclaims.
“Hi, girls. Oriel, did anything happen today?” Scarlett asks.
The girl with sandy blonde wavy hair replies, “Sophie wanted to hang out. But since Nicko’s here...”
The girl with straight brown hair growls, “I really want to-”
Scarlett sighs, “Crystal, I know what you want to do, but it’s not that simple. If he hurts you again, do all you can to fight back. Just use a broom to whack him. By the way, I’m in charge tonight.”
Crystal frowns.
“Ring-ring-ring, Ring-ring-aling. Ring-ring-ring, ring-ring-aling. Get your phone! When someone calls. Get your phone!”
Scarlett answers the phone.
“Has it done anything yet?” Bracha’s voice asks.
Scarlett sighs, “Nope. Nothing yet.”
Bracha asks, “You’ll tell me when it does something, right?”
Scarlett giggles, “Yes. Should I Pinkie Promise to ease your worries?”
Bracha sighs, “Alright.”
Scarlett rolls her eyes, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in my eye I will tell you when it does something.”
Bracha giggles, “Thanks. I’ll ask tomorrow. Got to report in for the corps.”
Scarlett smiles, “Got it, Bracha. TTYL!”
Bracha hangs up.
“She still a Lantern?” Oriel whispers.
Scarlett’s sisters are the only other people that know about Bracha’s secret.
“Of course. It’s rare to be fired from her job. She’s still one of them.” Scarlett smiles.
“Girls!” Heather calls.
All the girls run towards their Mum.
“It’s time for us to go. Scarlett, you’re in charge while we’re gone.” Heather smiles.
Crystal hugs Mum & Dad first and gives them both a goodbye kiss. Oriel gives them a goodbye hug.
“What? No kiss?” Michael asks.
Oriel exclaims, “Yukky!”
Everyone giggles. Scarlett gives them a hug & a kiss.
“Seeya later guys.” Scarlett smiles.
Michael and Heather walk out the door. Scarlett’s sisters almost immediately run to the TV. Scarlett pulls the Amulet out of her pocket.
“What exactly are you?” Scarlett whispers.
Suddenly, all the girls hear a crash in the basement. They see Joshua is sitting on the couch. Crystal and Scarlett grab brooms and Oriel stays with Joshua. Scarlett opens the door and walks down with a torch in her mouth. Crystal stays behind in case something comes up behind Scarlett. Scarlett holds her broom like one would a katana.
“I hope it’s not snakes.” She mumbles.
She goes over to a pile of boxes and looks behind it. She notices strange footprints on the floor. Meanwhile, something comes up behind her.
“Lady Scarlett!” It exclaims.
Scarlett turns as fast as she can and whacks the creature with the broom. She now sees it has six eyes.
“Ow… Master Jim wasn’t so violent on his first encounter.” It comments.
Crystal comes down and goes to hit it when Scarlett grabs Crystal’s broom.
“Before we start attacking, and sorry, it was instinct, what are you?” Scarlett frowns.
The creature smiles, “I am Blinky. A troll. And you, Lady Scarlett, are the Trollhunter.”
Scarlett and Crystal exchange glances, look back at “Blinky”, then laugh. Blinky frowns in confusion.
“Sorry, Blinky. We just had to get that out of our system.” Scarlett smiles.
Crystal grips the broom again and goes to hit Blinky. Blinky winces when Scarlett grabs the broom, again.
“As you can see, Crystal’s prone to hit things that she doesn’t understand. I have adapted after living with her for thirteen years. Now, better explanation please before she hits me.” Scarlett asks in a deadpan voice.
“You have to fight evil trolls.” Blinky replies.
Crystal seems happy with this answer, then runs upstairs.
Scarlett sighs, “I’ll grab a mattress.”
She pulls a mattress out from behind some other boxes and puts it near the stairs as Crystal pulls Oriel and Joshua downstairs. Joshua acts like nothing’s different, and Oriel screams, promptly fainting on the mattress.
“You need to go before my parents get home. Either that, or get another beating, only from my mother. GET!” Scarlett orders.
Blinky leaves.
 Scarlett throws water on Oriel, and Oriel gasps.
“What was that for?” Oriel coughs.
Scarlett replies, “Simple. You fainted after seeing a troll. Crystal’s fault. She showed him to you. If I end up hanging out with him, getting rid of evil trolls, you two have to cover for me. Especially you, Crystal.”
A knock is heard upstairs.
“Mum and Dad!” Crystal gasps.
Scarlett orders, “Not a word. Oriel, shower.”
They run upstairs. Scarlett prays it’s not Nicholas. Oriel runs to the bathroom and the others finish running to the door. They open the curtain to see-
“Nicholas. I jinxed it!” Scarlett mumbles.
They open the door and scowl.
“What are you doing here, you monster? Didn’t Dad tell you that if you’re not back before Eight, don’t come back at all?” Scarlett asks.
Crystal growls in a growl that sounds like a lion’s growl.
Nicholas scoffs, “You’re not Dad.”
Scarlett feels her face go red in anger when suddenly, Crystal jumps on Nicholas and pulls his hair out, little bit at a time. Scarlett stares in shock when Oriel comes down, shower finished, and stares, slack-jawed.
“Is Crystal…?” She asks.
Scarlett nods, “Uh huh.”
Oriel pulls Scarlett’s phone out and records the ordeal.
“This is going to be awesome.” Oriel smiles.
“What is going on here?” everyone hears a voice asks.
Oriel stops the recording and hides the phone while Heather and Michael stare at Crystal and a boy that looks like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing.
“What did you just do?” Heather freaks out.
Michael just stares in shock.
“Uh… Mum, Dad, He had it coming for eight years. She’s done enough for both of us.” Scarlett sighs.
She pulls Crystal away from Nicholas and takes both of the girls to their bedroom, and collapses on the floor.
“This day went from normal to the craziest day I’ve ever had in my sixteen years of living. And I bet this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
 Nicholas comes back from the hospital, with his face and left arm in a cast. Heather walks upstairs and sits on the bed.
“I’m very disappointed in you girls.” Heather sighs.
Crystal frowns, “I’m sorry Mum. But he deserved it after all that he did to us!”
Scarlett keeps quiet, feeling ashamed.
“I know, but it wasn’t right. I know you have… issues, honey, but you should not do it. Scarlett, I know you were in shock, but please, take her off next time.” Heather frowns.
Scarlett nods. She walks over to the window and stares out.
“I understand Mum.” Scarlett frowns.
“I hope you all will be more responsible in the future.” Heather sighs as she walks out.
Oriel facepalms, “I can’t believe we let this happen.”
Crystal frowns, “Not my fault. He had it coming for years!”
Scarlett just continues staring out the window, a blue glow emanating from the amulet she now has in her hand.
“We have bigger fish to fry now. Like what showed up in our basement.” Scarlett whispers.
The girls stare at Scarlett.
“So, what do we do, Trollhunter?” Crystal smirks.
Scarlett giggles. It’s funny how her family can be upset and angry one second, then can be happy as Larry the next.
“Well, first, I need to find out more about this thing. It seems to be connected to Blinky. I have a plan.” Scarlett smiles.
Oriel frowns, “What are you doing?”
Scarlett whips out the phone.
“Hi, you’ve reached Bracha. Unfortunately, I am unavailable at the moment, but I will call you back as soon as I can. *Beep*”
“Hey, Bracha. Big news. I have to tell you something in person. One question I have to ask though. Ever heard of a Trollhunter?” Scarlett says into the answering machine.
 Scarlett looks at her glow-in-the-dark watch and sneaks out the window. She looks at her sisters as they put pillows under her blanket. Scarlett gives them a thumbs up and walks as far as she can down her yard. Living in the middle of nowhere gives you a fairly big property to live in. She stops near the dam. She never goes this far from fear of snakes. Especially at night. She looks at the Amulet, which is glowing blue. A language comes up, which Scarlett finds familiar. Maybe Japanese or Chinese. It changes to another language, and another, then English.
“For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is Mine to command.” Scarlett reads.
A few blue lights start going into the left side of her chest, and she floats into the air. Armour appears around her, which is slightly bigger than herself. The Amulet is right where the blue lights went. The armour glows blue, then changes its size so it fits perfectly.
“Awesome. Now my sisters will want one.” Scarlett laughs.
She holds out her hand and as another blue light goes into her hand, putting a sword in her hand, only slightly bigger than she can hold. It drops to the ground, making her groan in pain.
“I hope it works for this sword too.” Scarlett sighs.
The sword slightly shrinks to fit Scarlett’s muscles.
“Much better. So this is what that guy meant.” Scarlett giggles.
She waves the sword around and gets it stuck in a tree. She relaxes, then the armour and sword disappear, and the amulet falls onto the ground.
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gonzogoth666-blog · 6 years
yung pajamas, aka casper
Let me tell you, it isn’t every day that I’m willing to go out of my way to interview someone. Let me tell you something else: I can’t remember the last time I was so hyped to interview someone that I said, “Fuck it, let me give you a phone call.” This is one of those times.
ColdWaterGhost, aka Casper, aka Yung Pajamas, despite being only 20, is probably one of the most wild people on the Indy Underground. I had the fortune of not only meeting him, but seeing him perform at Larry Cartier’s X-Day, and boy does this kid go off. I woke up the morning after, and despite the body buzz and raging headache associated with the wonderful crossfaded hangover, I had it on my mind that I would interview him TODAY. So, I hit him up on the Twitter, worked out some details, and asked this dude some questions.
“It was lit, bro. Everyone had good ass energy, everyone was going hard. This was the first show that I really did tech for, brought all the speakers and shit, and there really wasn’t no technical difficulties once the show went on. When they filmed the video for MOSHPIT, I saw two BIG ASS dudes go down and it was the most fried shit I’ve ever seen. I’d say it went pretty smoothly *laughs*.”
“Honestly, bro, in my opinion? I killed that shit. There was a great turn out, it was a really good vibe.”
“It’s a charity, there’s nothing better than that. We were all just out there, having a good time, enjoying the night, remembering one of the best musicians of our time. Ain’t nothing better than that.”
“Oh, Juice? No Comment. Maybe it’s just ‘cuz he’s in Cali and we’re in Indy, like people change when they move out to LA, everyone does it once they get big. People have their opinions, and that’s all good with me.”
“Awh, shit... There are so many. First of all, X. He’s been my biggest influence by far. Of course, the first song I heard from him was Look at Me and honestly kind of laughed at it. I didn’t know who this kid was, you couldn’t find this shit on Google, YouTube, nothing. All it was, was XXX and all that shit, all that cult type shit. But once I started finding more of his music, I fucked with it more and more. Like, King of the Dead? Hard as fuck. Or, or, or, like, in Save Me where he just yells ‘FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!’, that’s me sometimes, know what I’m saying? I also fucks heavily with Chris Travis. The whole ColdWaterGhost thing, that was from him kinda. I know he didn’t start the whole water thing, but he took it and made it his own.”
“Yeah, water, you know? That shit’s good as hell for you, I’m tryna get everyone to stay hydrated and shit, you know?”
“Absolutely, bro. I drink a fuck ton of water, and I was damn happy that people were out here stayin’ hydrated and shit.”
“The most important thing to me is that everyone stays drinking water, especially when it gets all hot like it did. I don’t want no motherfuckers passing out cuz of heat stroke or whatever. I just wanna see everyone having a good time, you know? I love being together with people, I love that intimate and close feeling you get at a show like this. We’re like one big family.”
“Well, for this one I met Cartier at a show I played in Muncie, and we linked up and he hit me up about this X-Day shit and I was there for sure. I’ve been rapping for a while now, actually. It started back in, uh, like 7th grade with me and the homie Grant. Grant had this XBox headset and a laptop, and all we did was make stupid ass songs with FL Studio. He had this RV by his house, and we used to sneak out at night and go smoke up and make these songs. We thought they snapped back then. I released a few songs, I guess, on an EP called “Just for Fun”. It didn’t mean anything, it wasn’t supposed to be serious. I didn’t really do much after that. It was like senior year of high school t hhat I started writing songs again, for real. It was PE class, and we had this sub, right? We could either play basketball or sit on the bleachers, and I suck at basketball so I rode the bleachers, and I was bored as fuck and I said, ‘Hey, fuck it, I’m gonna start writing songs’. I looked up this Smokepurpp type beat, and wrote a song called ‘Plug’. Like halfway through college, I went to ‘Ball State by the way, I linked up with this dude Feo. Feo is like my brother, man, and we started making music. I got my passion for making music, but I was trying to get my degree at the same time until I realized that I fucking hated this shit and music was my life choice.”
“Man, I got so many goals in music. I know I want to do this shit for the rest of my life. Of course I can’t be no rockstar when I’m 50 and shit, but I want to be with it ‘til I die. One of these days, I want to own a venue, and it’s not just for shows and shit. It’ll be an all day thing, and there will be a bunch of rooms. Like, one room will be an art gallery with an exhibition and artists can sell their work, and another room will be like a pop-up shop with local brands. The big room, the main room, will be like this HUGE stage and it’ll be a ton of underground groups, bands, rappers, everything local. I want to keep everything here local. My music? I wanna make music that I want to listen to. I wanna make shit you can rage to. I don’t wanna be famous, I just want to work, I just want to make connections, I just want to put Indiana on the map for real.”
“Well, I’m Yung Pajamas, you already knew that shit *laughs*. I’m just a goofy ass dude. My dad is really goofy, too. I grew up with that man, so I guess I get it from him a lot. He’s goofy as hell. My music, I love it. It reflects my personality; I’m just crazy. It’s great cuz I get full expression with my words, music, and clothes. I can wear whatever the fuck I want and it’s just normal, you know? Just like crazy ass shit, you know? You wanna know where the whole Yung PJ’s thing comes from? ((YES, OF COURSE. GO OFF.)) Well, it started back in 1st grade, they all called me PJ Boi because I stayed wearing my pajamas and shit to school. I’d go to parties at Ball State in my PJ’s. Who the fuck do you know that would go to a rager in fuckin’ pajamas? I don’t have to give a fuck, honestly, cuz all the dudes hatin probably broke and get no pussy *laughs*.”
“Yeah, bro, and make sure you get this direct from me, word for word:
I heavily, HEAVILY appreciate this man’s vibes, his eagerness to jump on this interview, and how fun it is to talk to him. I honestly can’t wait to go see this man rage again. Yung Pajamas is dropping some new tunes on July 23rd, so you can expect a review of the drop within that week. If you don’t already, follow this man on Twitter @coldwaterghost and Soundcloud at soundcloud.com/yung_pajamas.
This has been an interview. It’s late, I have to work in the morning, I’m gonna go sleep and shit.
Good Yard,
SAM NOVA ((xoxo))
0 notes