#technically cuz that's her hand?????? bye
mintypsii · 3 months
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hi there's no way i'm finishing this enjoy puppy sanji
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sniigura-archive · 2 months
Adam x Reader x Mammon AU anon again.
You: You should be writing fic instead of me anon!
Also You: *Expands upon my idea in ways I didn't think of and once again proving to me you're an amazing writer <3*
I feel like Reader would refuse to find out who the father is cuz she KNOWS it would be a shitshow with these two either way (one claiming "ownership" of her and the kid and the other making her life miserable because of it), so as such Adam and Mammon are both the Dad That Stepped Up(tm).
They def fight over whether or not Reader should get an abortion early on (neither of them believe in women having agency over their bodies *sobs*). Adam's so offended cuz he doesn't believe in abortion and is like "how could you suggest murdering my baby????" and Mammon's like "it's a clump of cells and I can't have a pregnant bitch riding a pole" he needs Reader back to work asap. Reader decides on her own to keep it ONLY if they promise to not make her life hell for it (or else bye bye snu snu). Mammon begrudgingly gives her paid leave and Adam begrudgingly accepts that Reader is keeping her job.
When the baby comes the men def both spoil the shit out of them. Adam happily offers to babysit/help out with anything no questions asked, Mammon gives Reader all the money she needs and more for the baby and buying the kid all the best toys and clothes. Reader has the main authority on how the kid will be raised (she does not want her kid to end up like either of them lmao) and the boys just gotta accept it like Yes Ma'am.
WAHHH THANK UU but if you ever need help to like brain storm stuff for a fanfic im your man my dms are always open for that i love going through ideas so much RAHHH
mammon: i can’t have a pregnant bitch riding the pole
adam: why not? pregnant bitches are hot as fuck
reader fighting off pregnancy nausea: can you both leave now pls
reader is so done with these sexists guys 😭 she’s aware that technically she doesn’t need them and she can just leave for another city. she has made enough good financial decisions to make her be able to live a comfortable life with her child with no problems
reader says neither of them will be the father and then they’re like „who else were you fucking 🤨🤨🤨“ NO ONE YOURE JUSZ ANNOYING!!!! reader is lucky the baby is her carbon copy other wise both of them would throw hands with each other
adam probably says it’s his since she has been with mammon for longer and all it takes is one night with him to get knocked up because he’s just that good
i think it’d be interesting once reader is too far along to continue working at the club if that’s when glitz and glam make an appearance. they really want to steal that spot of being favourites with all the benefits. they’re very willing to fill in all the spots. mammon considers it for a hot sec but then he visits reader and is pissed the fuck off that he actually genuinely likes reader. the realisation hits him like a truck
adam and mammon refuse to acknowledge that they’re basically in a poly relationship now with you. they get along surprisingly well as long as the topic isn’t you and the baby. as soon as it’s about you and the baby they remember they are Sworn Enemies
but it also gets very annoying for reader when they agree on something because they’re soo stubborn 😭 poor woman. should have moved away lmaoo
THEM AS DADS!!! precious as fuck. imagine if it’s a girl shishsjs girl dads…….little girl who looks like reader so she has wrapped them around her finger. who can say no to such a cute face 😔
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repdragons13 · 19 days
I'm trying to write a college au 9-1-1 fic.
but I can't figure out what major to give the characters.
age-wise I decided:
Ravi and Albert: freshmen
Eddie and Buck: sophomores
Maddie, Hen, Karen, Chimney: seniors
Bobby and Athena: professors
Harry and May: hs sophomore and senior
Chris: 3 years old.
Yes, almost everyone is aged down but otherwise this cannot be a college au.
As of now I only have
Bobby: Theology Professor
Athena: Law & Ethics Professor
I would love help from #thepeople.
So, thank you. Bye Bye.
#1, lemme reveal this is actually also an urban fantasy au based on the world building of my books?🤭
Eddie ended up as a psychology major because he's had so much trauma (had Chris at 16, while actively being forced by his parents in a supernatural war, HES BEEN THROUGH A LOT) and he wants to give back.
Buck is an Elemental Literature (similar to world literature) major cuz in his alternate life coma dream he was a teacher.
Maddie is an Healing Studies major (basic med essentially) because nurse.
chim AND hen: alchemy & potion making majors (the hands on version of medicine) because I felt like it fit them to be more direct (?)
Karen is an aerospace engineering major because someone had to have a normal major. and also rocket scientist. her and chim met freshman year bc she was the only one who sat with him at lunch. Chim introduced them. henren already canon
Albert is an Elemental history major (but maybe he'll switch to business at some point I'm still on the fence), bc I genuinely didn't know what to give him.
ravi is obviously a property management major because as we're all sadly aware he is in fact a landlord.
oh, and technically Bobby's course is called Namology. and Athena's Elemental Law & Ethics. but same thing. oh, and Bobby's classroom is Class 118, obviously.
if anybody then wants to know their specieses lemme know.
Funny addition: did not realize this beforehand but I had previously literally already named the School of Law college ATHENA SCHOOL OF LAW. Athena Grant-Nash is really THAT GURL (technically it's named after the Greek Goddess but ssshhh that's a detail)
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devilsrecreation · 7 months
Outlander ship headcanons
Disclaimer: Lot of oc x canon
- Reptiles have a very different way of showing affection. For the snakes and lizards, they touch noses. The crocodiles actually kiss each other by touching the tips of their snouts or one kisses the other like in this image:
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Another way is how one puts their head under their mate’s neck and nuzzle it
- Monitor lizards, however, touch both their noses AND lips
- Crocodiles usually don’t show too much affection in public but Pua and Kuimba were a completely different story. They showed affection for each other all the time. They didn’t care if they were in public or private, if they wanted to flirt with each other, they’d do it. The other crocs wouldn’t dare say anything about it. They knew their leader’s love was too powerful
- The quickest way to make Makuu change his mind is for Ucheshi to simply kiss him
- Like Goigoi, Ucheshi has nicknames for Makuu. There’s “honey”, “baby”, “sugar jaws”, occasionally “Mak-kute” when referring to him
- Whenever Jasiri starts feeling stressed about ruling the Outlands, Janja will come over and give her an affectionate cuddle. It’s the least he could do after everything she does
- Chungu loves how soft and fluffy Aibu’s fur is, so he buries his face in it and uses it as a pillow. It always breaks her
- Cheezi immediately gained a crush on Nguvu when Chungu pointed her out. When Nguvu came over, the first thing he said was “Sorry, I don’t speak English bye!” and ran off. Nguvu’s reaction was “Huh. Weird dude….I’m gonna marry that weird dude”
- Aibu tends to go to Reirei for advice for asking Chungu out cuz she too has an idiot love interest. It was through her when she finally confessed
- Speaking of Reirei and Goigoi, they met as pups. Reirei was trying to get a snack when she overheard someone calling for help. Turns out, Goigoi had somehow gotten himself stuck in a log or a hole in a tree (don’t ask). She was luckily able to pull him out and they hung out ever since.
- Goigoi started calling her “honey paws” after Reirei accidentally stepped in honey as teens. It literally just slipped out and she just accepted it
- Njano’s the reason why Hodari and Kinyonga are together. Didn’t exactly like it at first after the events of “Undercover Kinyonga”, but he was still the best wingman(lizard) ever. He actually pushed Hodari into her so they could kiss
- Hodari and Kinyonga are like the cutest couple ever. They’re so awkward and sweet with each other
- Kenge surprisingly has a tender side and Maji is literally the only one who he really shows it around. He’ll confide in her whenever something is bothering him and she’ll give him her thoughts. It’s pretty impressive how she can read right through him
- He’s also really easy to seduce but he won’t admit it
- Hukumu sang “I won’t say I’m in love” when she realized she started to fall for Kiburi. No I will not take criticism
- Kiburi on the other hand had a hard time realizing it cuz he never really felt this sort of romantic connection before
- Who made the first move with Kiburi and Hukumu’s float:
- Kiburi and Hukumu both did. They leaned close and nuzzled
- Erevu had to make the first move. Tamka was either too shy or too clueless at the moment lmao
- Technically, Nduli. He anxiously leaned in and touched his nose under Kuamua’s chin. She told him he missed and the next thing he knows, she was nuzzling him. Nduli celebrated afterward
- Janja, Njano and Nduli all get super flustered when their respective mates flirt with them. Even saying their name makes them lose their shit at times
For example:
“Oh Nduli~”
*flustered Nduli noises*
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dakt37 · 2 years
Just because I can, here's the original version of my "take some SatAM stuff and clumsily shove it into my de-aged Tails Boom thing" concept. Not technically a ficlet, but idk what else to call it. A scene treatment with dialogue? Anyway.
Sonic finally relents and lets Amy babysit Tails at her house for a while. But of course right before Sonic comes back to get him, the kid vanishes.
Amy freaks out because she only took her eyes off him for HALF A MINUTE, but now he's GONE and Sonic is AT THE DOOR and will MURDER HER.
Whatever stalling/lying she attempts falls apart immediately (or maybe she just tells the truth up front), but to her surprise Sonic doesn't instantly blow up. He takes a step inside and scans the room with his eyes, including up into the ceiling rafters.
Then he points to her tote bag in the corner. Amy scurries over and sure enough, Tails is curled up inside. He looks up at her with enormous eyes, tails folded over and half covering his face. Amy turns to Sonic, awed. "How??"
Sonic shrugs and saunters over. "He used to ride around in my backpack a lot, especially when we needed to leave in a hurry. He knows it's time to go."
Amy cocks her head, staring at Sonic's back quills as he passes her. "How..?" She asks again.
"Cuz he's little. Hey, Big Guy." Sonic leans over the bag, grinning, ignoring the contradiction of words that just came out of his mouth.
Tails lights up at the sight of him, hugging his tails and chirping, "Juice!"
Amy glances towards her kitchen. "Oh. Do--"
"Yeah, time to juice." Sonic couches down and sticks his hand into the bag to mess up Tails' bangs. Then, to Amy: "Can I borrow your bag?"
He slips one arm through the handles and hoists the bag up onto his shoulder as he straightens up again. Tails giggles, the sound muffled slightly as the fabric folds closed over him.
Sonic raises a hand in farewell. "See you later. Thanks again for watching him."
"Anytime," says Amy, watching the bag wiggle.
Sonic pokes at it. "Say bye, buddy."
"Byyyyye" says the bag.
And with a whoosh, they're gone.
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noturlondonboy · 4 months
No More Excuses//Katelena
Chapter 12: Haunted and Preyed Upon
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Chapter Summary: Yelena waits until Kate is asleep to go on a man hunt- literally.
A/N: hey y’all anyone else obsessed with Yelena using her assassin skills cuz me too
Chapter Warnings: violence, blood, weapons, Yelena being a Black Widow Assassin
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Yelena bit back a yawn and leaned her head against the couch, eyes heavy on the sleeping form of Kate Bishop yet again. The other woman had nodded off just half an hour ago, her hand clasped with Yelena's tightly, fingers threaded together. A cramp had been building in Yelena's neck for the past ten minutes, but she didn't have the heart to move and risk waking her friend. Lucky lay beside her on the floor with his head in her lap, his legs twitching with dreams and soft puppy snuffles floating from his nose. She petted him softly, playing with his velvety ears and humming under her breath.
"Bye, bye, Miss American Pie," she sang quietly, throat raw from her lack of sleep. Yelena knew her body was beyond exhausted, but she could not find it in her to rest.
Not with that man still walking free.
Yelena sighed and rubbed away the crick in her neck slowly, shuffling to her feet and bending down to slip her hands under Kate's back. She took a moment to brace herself before scooping Kate up into her chest with her arms under the woman's shoulders and knees, bridal carrying her carefully up the stairs and into her loft bedroom. The archer grumbled quietly and nuzzled into Yelena's neck, the brush of her lips hot on the skin of her collarbones. The assassin's breath caught in her throat, and she faltered for a moment on the steps, her feet unevenly placed. Fire licked down her spine, up her neck to her cheeks, over her ears.
Yelena sucked in a deep lungful of air and made the rest of the way up the stairs, gingerly setting Kate down onto her own bed. The archer snuggled down into her pillows right away, her limbs sprawling out to take up as much blanket space as she could. A smile tipped itself over into the curve of Yelena's mouth, and somewhere in her gut, as she watched Kate Bishop get comfortable in her sleep, as she realized that she would do anything for her, anything in or beyond reason, she knew she was in deep shit.
Yelena blew hot air into her hands and rubbed them together before sprinting across the rooftops of New York City, the dark, supple leather of her stealth suit silencing her footfalls as she stalked her prey. It had been almost physically painful to leave Kate back in her apartment for the second night in a row- granted, it hadn't hurt the first time, not like this. She had stayed away to spend time with her dog and let herself breathe, but this time around, she was out for blood.
And yet, and yet, and yet...
Yelena only wanted to go back to Kate.
She knew she would not touch her. She would not try to press close to her in her bed, to snuggle up with her and Lucky, to claim any semblance of that comfort for herself. She would not demand anything; she would not be selfish. Not with this. Not with Kate.
She would take care of business, and when she got back, if there was still time, she would crash back onto that ridiculously lumpy and still oh-so comfortable couch and sleep for a million years if the nightmares relented.
And then- and then...
Yelena didn't know.
Once again, not knowing was terrifying. But the prospect of Kate Bishop being there to guide her through it lessened the blow. If Kate wanted her. If Kate even let her stay. They had technically gone for drinks now; Yelena had no reason to keep bumming around. She needed a reason.
And maybe she had one.
Maybe Yelena needed Kate.
And what if Kate needed Yelena, too?
A groan broke the silence of the night, and Yelena dropped down to press herself to the cold rooftop, inching forward to peer over the lip into the alleyway below. Connor had only managed to drag himself a dozen blocks away from where he had tried to assault the two women less than two hours ago, and the sight of him struggling to limp along sent a sadistic thrill running down Yelena's spine.
She only truly enjoyed her profession outside of the chemically subjugated mind control when she was 100% sure her victim absolutely deserved to suffer.
And this man deserved to suffer.
She watched him for a moment to ensure that he had stopped to rest, taking in the pacing of his uneven breaths before shimmying down the building and dropping in front of him with hardly a sound. Her knives flew with deadly accuracy, and he was pinned down by the weapons piercing through his clothes before he could make a noise.
Yelena slammed him back into the wall with a hand pressed tightly around his throat, blood roaring in her head. "Thought you had seen the last of me, didn't you?" she seethed, eyes aglow with murderous intent. He choked and clawed at her arms, but she didn't budge an inch.
"Enjoy your last moments," Yelena hissed, a feral grin spreading over her mouth. She knew she looked insane, probably downright demonic, but the terror dripping from Connor only fueled her further, and she bathed in it. Without warning, she pulled the knives from his clothes and jumped back. "Run."
Connor scrambled to his feet and took off, his broken ankle wobbling at a disturbing angle. Yelena watched him go for a moment before whipping out her batons and following behind him at a leisurely pace, laughing loudly enough for him to hear her and therefore piss himself.
Enjoy your last moments, because I sure as hell will.
When Yelena caught him again, Connor began to scream, and she let his voice ring through the streets.
Translations: none
Kate Bishop counter: 3
This chapter's meme(s):
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Comments/reblogs/notes make my day :)
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Fable 3, fuck Logan, lil bitch
Game: do u want to be Prince or Princess?
Me: I'd like to be the third secret sex
Game: what?
Game: y-yes that's-
Game: that's what the sex-
Me: gotta go girl, boys are so obvious, he's gonna be all proper
Game: have u ever met a man...?
Me: girls are so badass, just look at Buffy
"Ready to see my man... the bastard Reaver"
"Damn, the city sure got bigger in like 20? Years"
"The hen tried to fly but couldn't but they can actually fly so we were all lied to"
"Damn, children working..."
"I cant remember this part of my castle"
"Holy shit it's fucking huge omg"
"Hehe that's what she said"
"That feather had plans"
"Ew look at that hat"
"Damn my dog could've been prettier"
"Pff, do u wanna look princess-y or cool"
"Obviously I'm picking the short and movable one"
"I fucking LOVE Jasper"
"I'm standing still, I wanna hear his comments to it"
"What happens if I try to leave in my pjs"
"He just went 'are u sure?' "
"Damn, he just threw a word at me that idk what means, but I think its like 'silly' "
"I look so pretty- wtf is that hair?"
"Jasper said avoid my brother, but what kind of sister would I be if I did?"
"I'm glad the princess can talk"
"Lmao I just had like the most gangsta handshake with a guard love it"
"I'm so happy I get to pet my dog, not a fan of how she sounds tho"
"Oh wait, I think maybe since I'm playing 3rd on xbox one, but did the 2nd on 360, maybe I won't have the queen but default king..."
"I'm just walking around shaking people's hands"
"Elliot is such a.... name, and- wait... who's gonna be the girl if I'm playing as him???"
"Next time..."
"I will be EVIL and idk why that's a guy"
"Hohoho I kissed the man"
"The city doesn't look like my city :( or... are we not in bowerstone, was that the name? Jesus, I've played the 2nd game for so long and I've forgotten"
"I love we're holding hands"
"I love Walter"
"Oh no my Prince, he ran away"
Walter: I want u to fight me, like your life dependent on it
Me: wow, that doesn't sound like a tutorial at all
"I'm gonna fuck up the buttons"
"Hell ye I did not"
"Damn, thought I should end the game here so I could sleep, but apparently you can't until a spesific place in the game... oh nooo, I have to do my fave hobby? Terrible:)"
"Running with my bois<3"
"There were NOT this many doors in my castle"
"The default is king :/"
"Imo king is so vanilla, like you don't give the same respect as a queen"
"All my hard work of being a queen just gone"
"Basically next time I'm doing it all on xbox one"
"Right, war room"
"Listening in"
"Damn, I'd be upset too if I was Logan, if I had that haircut"
"Oh, same throne at least"
"Ah... here comes the choice"
"Well, as the queen... I'm a good person... until I charge rent ofc haha"
"Bye baby :("
"He loves me😭"
"My MOTHER'S daughter, thank u very much"
Game: the hero was your dad
Me: what was that?
Game: I said the her-
Me: sounded like the wind
Game: tHE HE-
Me: whatever it was, it was saying bs... I miss my queen
Game: u know what? Fuck it.
"Run run run- Where's my dog btw?"
"Oh nevermind"
"Ugh, we're gonna look at the imposter, the king"
"I mean technically, Reaver IS a hero, he's just a bad one"
"Did Logan also go through the whole grab seal, end up in front of Theresa?"
"The seer of the SPIRE???"
"The queen would've fucking whipped Logan's ass if she knew"
"I'm sensing the fanfic energy... not from that Logan thing but for Reaver"
"I'm such a simp"
"For these terrible men...
"And my queen"
"You guided my MOTHER"
"What does Theresa even do in her spare time? I bet she crochets"
"I got a glove that let's me use magic... can anyone say Link? Cuz im getting Link vibes"
"Do I get to name my hero? Or am I cursed to see 'hero' every time she speaks?"
"Do I get to name my dog?"
"Isn't the dog supposed bark when there's treasure close by? Cuz I only found that key cuz of my own memory"
"Jasper is scared of bats, he'd make a terrible batman"
Walter: did u see that Jasper???
Jasper: indeed your MOTHER would've been very proud
"Why can't I run"
"Did the queen make these tunnels?"
"What happens if I don't buy the castle in the second game?"
"Can I slut around in this game too?"
"Like mother like daughter, or is it like daughter like mother? I honestly don't know"
"What's with the gift in the symbol in the corner?"
"Thought all the transportation gates were all gone, I'm pretty sure I'm on one"
"Oh wow, look at all that winter. Just like norway"
"I can make friends by shaking hands"
"I'm gonna make everyone love me with how great I am with my hands"
"For handshakes, I meant handshakes"
"I forgot I had to go back to sanctuary to change, which is much better than just changing out into the open imo"
"Oh hell yea! Look at all those gifts!"
"Bleh the outfit is... yeah"
"Dog potion? For what?
"Pink poodle"
"White poodle... who wants a poodle?"
"Clockwork dog potion??? What does that even mean???"
"Setter dog potion??? What"
"Five star dog potion...?"
"That's all the gifts, i wanted a gift for myself"
"should be something fun-.... hehe"
"Betcha u can guess"
"I'm giving 10 coins to everyone, I have 129 left"
"Damn, 20coins left"
"Gotta talk to the man with the small fish name"
"What are those jester shoes"
"My mom, the queen, was busy for like 20 or something years..."
"Oh! I'm getting more gifts!"
"They better be for me istg"
"I went into a sink hole water thing and found a wedding ring"
"I think a fish is proposing to me"
"Ooo, dye"
"Are all my packages dye?"
"Tattoo set, nothing says rebel as much as this, I just got out of the castle"
"Bushy hairstyle"
"Bowerstone soldier uniform...???"
"Yule costume lmao"
"Silly outfits, dye and hair types, oh and that tattoo set"
"Out to explore more!"
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Hi this is "severitus with alive Jilly au, unboxing horcrux gone wrong". I'm not going to write this because it will take time and those ideas are basically my good bye letter to this fandom. It's a little painful for me but I know I cannot stay in this fandom anymore. There are obviously more reasons but the main one is because this has been a central part of my childhood and I feel like I just cannot let it be a part of me for an unknown amount of time. I might return to it later in life but this is technically my goodbye to my childhood and me saying hello to adulthood officially (this is also why I'm staying an anon, I don't want to be associated with this fandom anymore, I want a clean break). This took a sad turn, but anyways, returning to the au.
You know the drill, I might also drop in
Bellatrix has a knife to my throat, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say, I guess I don't have to say anything cuz Ron starts screaming
The rest of the week is kind of a blur everyone is panicking, we're sleeping in the Great hall, my parents come over and for some reason my dad asks what did I do to scare her off and is disappointed to find out I didn't do anything, she just kinda ran away after hearing Ron. My mom is kind of silent, she doesn't say anything, just asks if I got hurt "or something" (why did she say it like that does she not love me anymore?) and they just kind of leave after that, not making sure I was actually okay I wish Auntie or Peter were here instead of them
Snape did make sure I was okay, he gave me a cookie and a awkward head pat. Professor Lupin actually tries to talk to me, I appreciated that, he even offered to tutor me in any spell I wanted and I don't think any of us was expecting me to take up that offer. I had a dream where I couldn't cast a spell, it was called a Patronus and it apparently works against dementors, considering I still can't go outside without hearing children being tortured by a woman in a orphanage (I asked Tom about it and he apparently did grow up in an orphanage and we're his memories, I'm still not sure why am I hearing them but okay, sure, normal Tuesday shit for Harry Potter), I also know that Tom approves of this choice my soul was warmer that usual
Things go of as usual, aunt Petunia actually sends me an owl and that is a big step because usually hates owls.
I may not like being treated like I'm made out of glass by the rest of the school but I gained a new friend, Hermione, she is a little condescending and a little bit too nosey but she is super loyal and is willing to talk about things that Ron isn't ready for yet, like politics and bullies and the unfairness of being put a label on and being expected to act a certain way and how the wizarding world treats those they deam beneath them and how cute Blaise Zabini is and how hot Lavender is becoming. Though she is weirdly against dark magic and I am too, I think, but she takes it to a whole new level and now we are researching dark magic and how negatively it affect our society. I win three to one pro-dark magic.
School goes on and I have a bet with Ron and Hermione about the date of Snape and aunt Petunia's wedding because Spane handed me a letter from my aunt one morning and the Weasley twins said they saw a hickey of Snape's neck. I bet around summer after fifth year and summer before the forth year. Who cares I wasted twenty galleons, I'm rich, especially after my godfather dies.
I master the Patronus charm and leave everyone flabbergasted when I used it spontaneously on a dementor on my way to Herbology.
Somewhere in a tower towering over the school a batty old teacher named Trelawney said in a thousand voices that weren't her own but were: "That boy might as well save himself for Death if he is going to provoke him so, Death always loved a challenge." To bad the only person there to witness that didn't have any idea what that meant and thought that Trelawney was high and made a sexual joke so he laughed, like any 14 year old would, and went back to cleaning fake cristal balls.
The year ended so we went back home and I will spend the first month with my aunt and then head back to my parents. A scream is heard along the train and then another one and another one. Students are running along the hall so I get out of the compartment to see what's going on and a decapitated head (a boy in the year above me, a Hufflepuff), drenched in blood, lands at my feet (the only person who remebers what happens when you peak Death interest the only person who can begin to guess Harry's fate) with a a loud smacking sound and I look up from the blood filled floor and look into the eyes of a faded beauty, Bellatrix fucking Lestrange, in all her twisted glory.
The smiles at me, it's a gentle smile, it's the smile that a mother gives her child when their being endearing or funny, it's surprisingly... fond. "I finally found you again, my beautiful little doll." He grabs my collar with surprising force and forcefully drags me to a corpse filled compartment and the last thing I see before the window shatters behind me is her motherly smile.
'At least I can't lose the bet when I'm dead' is my last thought before pain erupted from my head and my back as hundreds of glass shards find their painfull home in my back.
Sorry for the wait, it took me 45 minutes to write this to make it quality to make up for my drunk ramblings last time, and don't worry, despite the cruelty I'm putting Harry through, he'll survive it somehow, he's a though little cookie.
Love you and your blog! Say hi to your wifey for me!
Oh! Well I’m proud of you for letting go! I’ll miss your asks!
Your idea is so good and I adore it!!! It was great that you put it out there before leaving! It’s very well thought out and I love the plot! You put some good thought into this.
You guys really inspire me to write.
“Thought that Trelawney was high and made a sexual joke, so he laughed” 😭😭 relatable
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This ^ had me in tears ngl 🤣🤣🤣 Blaise is cute…and Lavender is hot…no lies here
@moonlightdancer26 my anon says hi ☺️
Miss you 🥹
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ryssbelle · 3 years
Branching Timeline 2
I am once again experiencing brainrot, also before I say anything else, I should mention the quality goes down a bit as the pages go on, that’s because I occasionally have issues with my wrist and it started to flare up near the end so the art quality said good bye and left with the kids. 
again this brain rot is the result of these two @attllhak and @tortilla-of-courage​
A small guide in no particular order:
Part 1_ Part 2_ Part 3 (You are here!)_ Part 4
I shouldn’t have promised (Occurs before parts 1-3)
There are spoilers for skyward sword here, also a little warning there is a major (technically minor cuz I don’t put much detail into it) injury in this.
To help avoid spoilers and stuff Im gonna keep hiding the images under the read more, also this part does include some of my terrible writing, as like I said before my wrist failed and I had 4 more panels planned that I couldn’t do, so supplemented with writing and got a bit more in than what would’ve been in the panels. 
Hope you enjoy!
Edit: I organized this post and double checked it 100 times, but tumblr likes to mess things up, if you see anything that may be out of order please lmk, I've found 4 already that werent there before I posted sjdjd
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Injury is seen here in a close up! Transcript if you don’t want to see it:
Impa: Your Grace
Zelda: Please, Don’t call me that. How is he?
Impa: Ah- The Old woman did what she could but his injury is deeper than we first thought... Whatever Ghirahim did is preventing it from healing properly. The waters from the skyview temple spring could help, but he’s in no condition to make the trip. I can’t leave him unguarded either...
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Now for my terrible writing lol: 
“This shaking… I fear the seal has been broken,” The Ancient One spoke as soon as Zelda reappeared into the main room, “I suspected it may react to your lingering presence Your Grace, but I never imagined the seal would break so quickly,” Zelda had to stop herself from grimacing, that title has brought nothing but misfortune. “Zelda, there will be time to explain later. Right now, you must hurry to the bottom of the pit outside.” Zelda gave a quick nod in response, shuffling down the set of stairs planning to break into a sprint out the doors when she was stopped by Groose, who’d gone from the quivering mess he was before to what could only be described as a more composed version of a quivering mess. 
He gripped her arm tighter than she assumed he meant to, she could feel his hand shaking as it clung to her.
“You can’t go out there, the old grannie said it’s after you! It’ll,” Groose thought for a moment, he didn’t really know what was out there, other than it was most likely, definitely terrifying, “Well I don’t know!” He spat, “But whatever it is it can’t be good!” He said pulling her back gently, only for her to violently wrench her arm from his hands.
“Who’s going to do it then?!” She practically screamed, anger bubbling inside her spilling over from the encounter with Ghirahim, from her failure to protect Link. From starting this whole mess in the first place. “The only other person who could is in the other room dying!” She cried, taking the sword from her back and flashing it to the knight in training, he backed away from her, raising his arms a bit as if preparing to defend himself from her wrath. 
“So unless you plan to go out there and stop it I suggest you stand aside and let me take care of it,” She spat, Groose surrendered, there was no way he could win this, she was right. He couldn’t go out there to stop whatever was about to be unleashed, he crumbled the second he set foot on the surface. 
Zelda wasted no time charging out of the Temple and down the pit, using her sail cloth to soften her falls. The second she landed at the center of the pit the seal within it began to glow, shifting with shades of red as a black smoke tore its way from the ground. 
A large dark scaled beast formed from the smoke, it’s scales feathered down its entire body, shining red when struck by the light. It was a lot taller than Zelda expected then again she really didn’t know what to expect, the beast was larger than the temple by a lot she estimated. The beast had no arms, but did have short legs which sported strange jiggly white toes, Zelda would have had the mind to be weirded out by that if the beast hadn’t reared it’s head down to roar in her face, showing off 3 rows of terrifyingly sharp teeth. She was almost certain it was going to devour her when it straightened up, taking a few steps forward.
“I knew it. The seal has given way!” The Ancient one called down, “I’ll explain later, but now is the time for action. We must keep that beast from escaping that pit! It must not reach the temple!”
All Zelda could think about the moment she mentioned the temple was Link, if this thing got up there… She readied herself for battle, only nodding in response to the woman’s words, though it was more for herself as she was sure the woman couldn’t see her.
Even if she could she didn’t care, all she cared about was stopping this thing from getting to the temple, getting to her friends. 
Getting to Link..
She wouldn’t fail him again.
Defeating the beast was easier than she thought it would be, as was sealing it away again, despite all that it was still an overall terrifying experience she knew would haunt her for years to come. Pushing those thoughts aside, however, she took a few deep breaths, readying herself to head straight for the skyview temple when she was met by the Ancient One.
“Though the Imprisoned had only just begun to awaken and break it’s bonds, I’m impressed you were able to restore the seal keeping it captive, of course it was not originally your duty to do so,” The Ancient one tacked the last part on most likely unintentionally, the pit of guilt already settled in Zelda’s stomach grew a bit at the comment, “Unfortunately,” The Ancient One continued, “You have only succeeded in buying us a little more time in which to act, the behemoth you beat back into confinement is a horror of unspeakable power,”
‘Could’ve fooled me,’ Zelda thought to herself, glancing back at the sealing spike behind her, the old woman's voice bringing her attention back to the conversation at hand. 
“Judging by what I saw, I would not be surprised if the seal gave way again soon,” Zelda mentally kicked herself, they didn’t have the time to waste on this thing, especially given the condition of her best friend. She ran a hand across her face turning towards the slope leading back up the temple.
“Then I need to start moving,” She spoke interrupting the Ancient One who herself had begun to speak again, she raised a hand in a motion of apology, “If we’re going to make and enact a new plan we need Link, whatever you need me to do can be done when I return, but for now I need you to seal up the temple, every inch of it, I don’t want anything getting in there until I get back.” Zelda ordered not waiting for a response before rushing off letting the vents take her back up the spiral. She realized her tone and actions were a bit rude, but judging by not only the Ancient One’s words, but the condition Link was currently in, she didn’t have time for social niceties, and she definitely didn’t have time to feel bad for being rude.
She could do that later, once Link was back on his feet..
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rosiedevil · 3 years
Good morning, after noon, evening or night to you all, call me K please, and i am here to say that i really was hoping to have any one of you ask me about my characters, heres a few, and incase anyone cant understand what i wrote cuz of my horrid hand writing,
Top left: Rose, 5'10,(i changed it) Demon, she/her
Top right: Virgo, 5'4, Demon he/him/they, Roses little brother
Bottom left: Able, 6'2, Angel, he/him, Roses technically- husband
Bottom right: Mirium, 7ft human form, 12 ft mermaid form, Mermaid, she/her
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And a few more, all of these four are humans
Top left: Dulce, 5'6, she/her, has a fairly different eye, but shes still human. in love with Rich lesbian girl, but fails to get her point across
Top right: Valentine, 5'5 she/her too airhead to figure out Dulces attempts, but shes in love too.
Bottom left: Ruthy, 5'7 she/her/they, college student, only talks to her love interest, but is as you can see, fairly edgy still, but still fairly smart.
Bottom right: Stape, 5'4, she/he/they, college student, absolute fucking genius with tech and editing, and usually has to talk for Ruthy whenever something happens.
Soooooooo, ask me anything u wanna, (within reason) about any of these characters, or me if you want, i definitely have a story for all of them thats definitely completely finished and definitely havent procrastinated making a few of their personalities, and definitely wont be using this as help to figure the scrambled mess that is my brain.
K das all, bye :>
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shooting-starry · 3 years
Trust me. Love me. Shoot me.
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Atsumu Miya x female reader
Summary: Atsumu finds himself with a young woman who is more that what she seems.
A/n: I honestly don’t know how to write fight scenes but I tried my best! Please support me by giving my any suggestions on fight scenes cuz I low key suck :O( any who, please dont repost, but feel free to reblog or like!
Y/n= your name
L/n= Your last name
Warning: misgendering, blood, weapons, death, dead bodies. Honestly, if gore is a no-no for you, then DO NOT READ THIS!!!!
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For the next few days, Atsumu drifted in and out of consciousness. Each waking moment was met with someone new in his room. There was the mystery man, Akaashi, who was reading a book, a large dude with bi-coloured hair doing pushups on the ground, a small girl with long blonde hair with dark roots playing on a Nintendo switch, and a rooster head who was sitting in the corner writing something in his notebook. Of course there was L/n. Atsumu was nervous about her. He wasn’t sure if he heard you properly two nights ago, or maybe 3 nights. Astumu wasn’t sure, but he was still cautious. When he wasn’t awake, he would dream of his brother and his comrades and acquaintances. He was not sure how his gang, Inarizaki, could have lost. He was on their side and was in good shape. The lose could not possibly be his fault. He was in great shape and fought extremely well. It had to be their fault. But of course, if they were hurt then he would have to blame himself. For what even he did to end up in L/n Y/n’s home. What ever her plan was, he didn’t understand nor want to know. He just wanted to get out as soon as possible. Because wherever he was, everyone around him was in danger.
This time, he woke up feeling entirely lucid. The room was empty, excluding the pair of crutches resting on the bedside table. He pulled his pant-less self off of the bed and grabbed the crutches. He placed one crutch under each arm and balanced himself on his unharmed foot. He moved to the mirror and observed his damaged body. He was wearing a pair of boxers and bandages covering his thigh. The large bandages that were wrapped around his chest, were now gone, exposing most of his tattoos. His face looking better, the stiches were taken out of his face, leaving a long scar down his face. His swollen lip and black eye had healed tremendously as well. His arms were still covered in bandages, but showed more of his tattoos. His blond hair was still messy, but it looked cleaner and more organized.
Atsumu opened the door and headed down the hallway which lead to the stairs. He hobbled down the hallway and stairs into a sitting room to see the mystery man, rooster head, the bi-coloured hair man, who looked scarily like an owl, the girl, and L/n. The five people were sitting in the dark sitting room, which was illuminated by a few candles, all except the girl with mugs in hand. As he entered the room, all five pairs of eyes, save for the girl, who was very invested in his Nintendo switch, focused on him. He once agin felt like a poop-flinging monkey in his enclosure.
The silence in the room was deafening. The silence was broken by the owl man who got up and ran towards him. He swung and arm around his shoulder and proceeded to carry Atsumu to the couch. Owl dude was a large man. He had exceptionally broad shoulders and biceps as large as his face. He was wearing a black muscle shirt with nike workout shorts. But damn, who knew an owl could be so buff.
As Atsumu was placed down gently on the couch (Atsumu swear he felt like a princess), the rooster head started to talk to him.
“So you are yakuza, right, Atsumu?” Asked the rooster head. “How did a yakuza like you end up in our little Y/n’s care”. Atsumu swore he was being provoked, two could play that game.
“Well it was an ambush, Rooster head-kun.” Atsumu rebutted. The air wasn’t tense, but felt playful. As Rooster head-kun was hyena laughing at his response, Owl-man was fidgeting in his seat and repeatedly taping Akaashi on the shoulder, like at a game show, Akaashi, showed little interest to the Owl and just told him to calm down.
“I still don’t get why you are even here.” Said a n unknown, tenor voice. Atsumu turned around to look at the source. He was staring at the “girl” who was definitely not a girl. He had his long blond hair pulled half back. His hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets, along with his switch. There was not much which was notable about this character. He was about 170cm with brown eyes.
“He is here because he was hurt on the sidewalk, Kenma.” L/n interjects, “so be nice. He will be here until he is better”. That statement seemed really contradictory to what you said the last night about “taking care of it”.
“Wait who are these people L/n?” Atsumu asked, scanning the room.  He noticed the tall fire place in the room, along with the floor-to-ceiling windows which showed a yard. The room was elegant, yet modern. Shit. How much was this place?
“Well this is Bokuto, Akaashi, Kenma, and Kuroo. And please just call me Y/n. Only Akaashi calls me L/n ‘cause he is too formal.” Y/n laughs. The group seem very cozy in the large sitting room. “We are partners and room mates. Kuroo is technically a lawyer, Bokuto is a personal trainer and body builder, Akaashi is an author and editor, and Kenma is, well a lot of things”.
“Well thank ya all the help, but I have’ta go. I don’t wanna stay here.” Atsumu replied. “A don’t think I should stay so bye”.  He said as he attempted to stand up. The owl head, Bokuto, grabbed the crutches before Atsumu could grab them.
“Sorry Tsum-Tsum, we can’t let you go until you are fully healed. Y/n even said so.” Bokuto said, holding one crutch in each hand.
“No! I have to go! Now please give me the damn crutches so I can leave.” He refuted. Atsumu felt a feeling of dread take over his body. The knew that they were coming. He was not sure who, but he felt that they were being watched thought the tall glass windows.
“Miya-san, you need to stay here until you are fully healed. So please don’t fight us.” Akaashi said.  Atsumu knew he had to leave now. There was no way he would let these nice people get hurt, even the cold Akaashi, who really dislikes him.
“I am sorry, but I need to—” Atsumu started, only to be interrupted by the smashing of the tall glass windows and doors being kicked in. Atsumu froze, waiting for the intruders next move. He was virtually defenceless in his current state, but he could at least help the other people escape. The intruders flooded in with revolvers and knives from all angles. There were no escape routes, and he could not see their faces. He turned around to expect 5 frightened faces, but instead he was met with an exited Bokuto, a smirking Kuroo, an ever-stoic Akaashi, a scheming Kenma, and a determined Y/n, still sitting around the coffee table. In a blink of an eye, weapons are pulled from under the coffee table, under couch cushions, and behind pillows. Guns, knifes, tasers, swords and a frying pan were pulled out from obscure places.
As the group behind Atsumu stood up, weapons were in hand as fighting ensued. Bokuto had A large frying pan (why, Atsumu could figure out) and was using it as a shield from in coming knifes, and a weapon for hitting people upside the head. Akaashi and Kenma were gracefully dodging and stabbing people with black knifes (maybe it was an Eckhorn, Atsumu wasn’t sure). Kuroo was tazing the masked men left and right. As for Y/n, she had disappeared somewhere in the span of a few seconds.
As much as Atsumu was enjoying the fighting, he was stuck in the middle, utterly defenceless. Blood was everywhere as bodies hit the floor. One after another. The intruders were killed and left on the ground to be kicked on stepped on. He was so intrigued in the fight around him, that he did not notice the tall man stalking towards him. Right as Atsumu noticed, a gun was placed on his head as he heard threats of death if he called for help or moved. Paralyzed, he froze, his thoughts raced, and his heart was beating one thousand times a minute. Then suddenly Y/n appeared from the shadows and sliced the man with a tomahawk. Blood spattered along her dark cardigan and onto his back. She swung again and again until his body fell to the floor in a bloody mess. The masked men were almost completely all dead. The boys were mostly unscathed, except for a scrap on Kuroo’s forehead, but covered in blood. Atsumu was still in shock over the fighting skills of a doctor, lawyer, writer, body builder and whatever Kenma did.
“Wait what just happened?” he asked in shock.
“Well our safe house was found and we were attacked by masked-” started Bokuto, only to be cut off by Kenma.
“We saved your life and killed some people.” He interjected. The other 5 were stripping off all their bloodied clothes.
“No, who are you really, and how did you act so quickly?” Atsumu clarified.
“Well, Kuroo and Kenma are from the Nekoma Yakuza, and Akaashi and Bokuto are from the Fukorodani Yakuza.” Y/n replies, now stripped down to a simple black sports bra and black cargo pants.
“And I am a freelance assassin.”
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muggycuphead · 3 years
Hey look I did my take on a concept idea for a possible FNF AGK mod because why not lol
This concept is actually based off of a real person and their backstory as well, not to mention it slightly contains strong topics such as school shooting allusions along with mental issues, yet I’m not meaning to glorify or romanticize these with this as I’m aware of how actually serious the matter is.
Viewed discretion is advised.
So yeah, I’m stuck on this whole FNF now and well…I’m trying to get out a little from it
Welp, let’s just get this rolling right round over here
Although my first idea for this was to make it a 5-6 phased level, each one referring to a façade of the Echter Gangster videos along with Norman’s actual rapper persona ‘Hercules Beatz’, after digging around the music he made surrounding his life during the hype of his satirical persona, and remembering that one video-documental covering it, I decided to make it a little more into his actual real-life story for the sake of making it more ‘true’ to the character (and cuz I think it’s truly inspiring as many would say)
Yet I’m still a little dum dum around the whole FNF stuff, so if there is something I might be lacking on over here, let me pretty please know
Aaand yes I accidentallydrew the sprites facing leftways (on Boyfriend’s position instead of the boss’), so beware for any technical mistakes in the drawings that I just gave up on fixing while editing the scans for the sake of better quality and lineart neatness (such as a weird-looking keyboard and stuff)
Anyway, these are my designs for the phases along with the environment’s characteristics:
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Phase I – Der Echte Gangster kind
‘Yo homie! It’s the one and only, Leopold Slikk!’
Song suggestions:
By Hercules Beatz
I’m a Real Gangster
By QPHX ft. Hercules Beatz
“Leopold’s” Neighbourhood (Monochrome Blue)
Author’s commentary: His design was kinda hard but real fun to make, and as you might guess, each item he has resembles a façade on his videos, such as the striped- puffy jacket referring to Das Murderische Jagd and that one video with him wearing a long white coat and stuff (also has to do with the fancy cigarette on his other hand) and the metal sign on his hand referring to Metaler, etc.
Also, I held myself from giving him the CV:C’R’ hairdo since Leroy is more like in a character ‘neutral point’ between Leopold and Norman (a fusion basically) and because it doesn’t match exactly with the original so ye
He still cute tho
Cute edgy bad boi...though he just acting but still
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Phase II – The Angry German Shooter
Song suggestion:
By Hercules Beatz
Possible scenarios:
-School resemblance (Distorted Mind Perspective)
-Distressed Subsconcious Mind side
Author’s commentary: Okay, now I’m getting serious here I based this one off of the song’s cover in the (official?) video it got uploaded in, as you can tell by the black-dyed hair and markings on his face. The bottle and cans behind him, along with the Kalashnikov (or AK-47 to be more clear) he’s holding and the shattered keyboard below/broken glasses next to his foot, are an allusion not only to the ‘shooting threat’ event where he was drunk and stuff, but also his darkest years because of you know what. But aside from that, just fyi no the Kalashnikov wasn’t the hardest thing for me to draw but the pose of the mic-holding arm, I originally wanted it to be forwards, maybe holding one or two alcohol bottles, but I just gave up long after a few more attempts. And please don’t ask me why I picked these clothes for him specifically, I just wanted to think out a simple yet concordant outfit for his ‘broken self’
Still, yikes about those guys in the news and the comments on his PC spielen video in the old days of the net They clearly couldn’t distinguish between real and satire And yeah I might have had my silly thoughts while watching the parodies and stuff, but even I would leave the benefit of doubt and not be so scummy/cold like these guys, jesus christ
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Phase II – H E R C U L E S B E A T Z
‘Yo, remember me?’
Song suggestions:
KING LIFE (Sunshine Remix)
MASSAKER [Secret extra boss?]
By Hercules Beatz
Possible scenarios:
-The Gym (outfit change possibility)
-The Night Club
-Norman’s (new?) Neighbourhood
Author’s commentary: Oml yess the man of steel on all his glory
I’m aro ik(?) but I can still say he’s quite handsome IRL, props to the man for taking care of himself, clap clap
Back to the topic, I honestly first though this one would be a pain to do…but surprisingly it came out really soft and fun, who could’ve thought? Guess the practice with buff characters, along with some new anatomy techniques I’ve been trying out did pay off after all
Also yeah the girl next to him is a recreation (my recreation mostly) of his gal, though the clothing I chose for her was mostly to match Norman’s outfit but in a softie-raddie style because reasons…and yes she also has a turn on the mic, a two-turns-me-two-turns-you dynamic to be more specific
And whoops I forgot the little back-down hair below his ears…oh well, not like it’s that much of a deal
The ‘bright’ eye on the other was just a silly detail I left there to give him a ‘savage’ vibe, nothing else. And as a little plus, if I were to make the sprites for when they have to rap, I’d do a particular one for each where there’s a little cuddle between them just to make it wholesome and stuff y’know- (left arrow for Norman, right arrow for his bae)
As for that ‘secret boss’ thing I put before, it’d think it like a ‘day-date-unlocked easter egg’ with a more ‘hardcore’ design and gameplay (if it ever goes to that point which I doubt but ok) where he goes entirely in solo and ‘full blast’ while his bae shares a seat in the boombox (a bigger one possibly) with Girlfriend and they both follow the rhythm as their boys get ready to 1v1 each other on the stage
So yea, that’s basically it
Imma head out now, bye
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jj-iz-bae · 4 years
Wild Wild Horses
Blurb prompt "Are you hurt?"
Requested with other prompts; doing this one as a separate concept cuz it's been in my head.
Jj Maybank x Reader
Note: so I'm a horse trainer and have been thinking about this type of thing with JJ. I hope you enjoy! ❤️
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Jj loved to visit y/N at work. He would bring water and food. Sometimes he would even bring her favorite coffee, which just made her heart swell with joy. Today was just like any other day, she had to get up around 7am to head to the barn. Per usual, Jj's arms clung around her waist tighter at the sound of the alarm going off. Y/N smiled at his cuddly form, snoozing the alarm. She turned to face him and kissed his nose lightly. He opened his sapphire eyes just a bit, peaking at her. " I hate when you have to get up early on the weekends" Jj groaned as he snuggled into her neck, kissing softly. " Baby I have to get dressed" y/N giggled, wiggling out of Jj's grip and over to the dresser. Jj watched her closely with half lidded eyes. She was wearing his t-shirt which hung just below her ass. He smiled to himself as he curled up with the covers once y/N was in the bathroom.
20 or so minutes later, y/N came out with her y/h/c hair up in a pony tail. She wore her work shirt, which was just a t-shirt with the logo on it. Jj loved her pants. She called them britches. The way the tight pants hugged her curves and highlighted her long legs drove him crazy. Y/N walked over to the bed with socks in her hand, sitting them down to put them on. "When is your first lesson, babe?" JJ asked as he watched y/N pull on her socks. "9 is the first one but I have to bring the horses I'm not using outside before the kids show up." y/N explained as she leaned back towards JJ and kissed his lips. " You work too much, y/n" JJ said as he traced her jawline with his fingers, still half asleep. Y/N kisses his hand before standing up. "I do what I love, J. If it's ever too much I'm not afraid to ask for help. But I've been hauling hay bails and training babies since I was a kid. I promise I'm fine." y/N smiled down at JJ. He quickly sat up and hugged around her waist. Well if we're being technical he was more hugging her ass due to the fact that she was standing and he was still sitting in bed. " I love when you talk all farm girl,baby. And I really love these pants." JJ playful whacks y/n's ass as she starts to pull away laughing. "Well then, beach boy, maybe this farm girl will need help taking them off later." y/N smirks as she walks out of the room. Jj groans and lays back in bed. Y/N laughs while pulling her boots on and shouting goodbye to Jj before heading out the door.
Jj had been wandering around the house for hours. He didn't know what to do with himself. He cleaned so random things. He made some food. It was just plain boring when y/N was at work. Jj pulls out his phone as he grabs his car keys. He quickly texts y/N and heads out the door.
Y/N was teaching 4 young girls when he arrived, coffee and cinnamon roll in hand. He smiled watching how animated she was teaching the kids and explaining the actions of the horses. Jj smiled at some of the mothers watching their children ride around the ring. The women know him well. He was around more often than not, helping y/N do whatever was needed just to be around her. One of the moms shouted to y/N, "y/N, your coffee is here!" y/N turns around confused before seeing Jj waving at her. She walked over to Jj, actually she walked backwards towards Jj as she continue to teach and watch her students ride around. "There you go, Abby! Open that outside rein and squeeze with that inside leg to keep him on that rail!" y/N yells excitedly as she leaned against the fence in front of JJ. "Did you get bored without me already?" y/N joked quickly pecking him on the lips after he hands her coffee over. " That and I missed the ponies." He smiled as you sipped your coffee and smiled at his comment. "Tell you what, you go walk around and say hello to all the fur babies and I'll finish this last lesson. I'm going to take a ride on Veronica after this so you can keep me company." y/N says as she starts to walk towards the middle of the riding ring. "Sounds good, Darlin'" JJ answered as he pulled a plastic bag of carrots out from behind his back, super prepared to go feed and cuddle ponies.
Y/N had finished her lesson and now had Veronica on cross ties, tacking her up. Jj stood infront of the tall young horse scratching her face. "She's so pretty! What's her story again?“ JJ inquired while scratching down Veronica's neck. Y/N finished putting the saddle on and turned towards JJ." Well she is a retired racejorse at the age of 5 due to an injury. When we got her she was so nervous that she wouldn't eat unless I was there holding the grain bucket for her. She's gotten a lot better but still needs a lot of work. Luckily, we get along well and I'm happy to work with her. " y/N explained as she buckled her helmet and put Veronica's bridle on her.
Y/N, JJ and Veronica walked out to the ring, where jj leaned against the fence and watched y/N hop on Veronica with ease and practice. "Good girl, Ronnie." y/N cooed as she started walking around the ring. Y/n started to ask Veronica for a faster pace, which Veronica did beautifully. Jj watched in awe as y/N made the horse turn in a hundred different directions but didn't seem to move a muscle. Jj heard a car in the distance but didn't pay to much attention to it. The car grew louder as it drew closer. With a sudden punch on the gas, everything went to shit.
At the loud sound of some idiot gunning his car pretty close by, Veronica leaped into the air. Luckily, y/N had experience with riding through bucks and bolts of all sorts but JJ still felt his heart in his throat. Y/N remained calm, cooing to the horse to try and calm her down while pulling the reins to steer/try to stop her. Veronica soon began to calm down but her eyes were large and she was alert. "Well that was interesting!" y/N laughed breathing heavily when she reached JJ and asked the horse to stand. "I'm glad you found it interesting because I about shit my pants over here! “ Jj explained while running his hands through his hair. Jj lifted his head just as someone drove by the arena in a tractor. All he saw was hooves and grey fur. Veronica had no feet on the ground and was now galloping around the arena like a mad women. Wait. Jj looked at Veronica before standing up in shock and climbing over the fence. Y/N was on the ground in heap. Jj run towards her and pulled her into his arms. "Y/N, are you OK? Look at me babe! Wiggle your fingers and toes. Are you hurt? “ JJ tried to mimick what he had heard y/N say to kids how had fallen off in her lessons." Fucking asshole... He had to drive the damn tractor by right now! “ y/N cursed while taking a mental checklist of her body. Shit. Her arm." My arm is bad, J" y/N started to try and get to her feet, clinging on to Jj for support since her right arm was cradled across her body. "I have you. Take your time. I'm taking you to the ER." JJ states trying to stay calm but was honestly super concerned that you were down playing your injuries.
Upon standing fully, y/N started to cry while clutching her arm. A Co worker came running through the gate. "Shit, JJ if she's not back on the horse already she's really hurt! “ the co worker explained as JJ hugged y/N close." Is Ronnie OK?" y/N pulled away fromJJ looking around for the mare. Her Co worker had just caught the horse by her reins and was walking towards them. "She's OK y/N! I'll make sure she gets back to her stall OK. Please just let JJ take you to the hospital!“ she exclaimed walking by them. Jj wrapped an arm around Y/N's waist and started walking her towards the car knowing that y/N would try and go to the horse to make sure she was OK. That's one of the things JJ loved most about her. She cared so much for others especially animals. She would put herself in harms way to help them. Y/N didn't try and pull away. She knew her arm was broken. Jj lowered y/N into the passenger seat before running around to the driver's side and hopping in.
Jj got to the hospital in record speed. Y/N held his hand the whole way there. Her left hand in his as he drove. Every few moment, JJ would bring y/N's hand to his lips, leaving little reassuring kisses on her hand. Jj helped y/N out of the car and into the ER. The first place the ER sent them was to Xray. Y/N sat next to Jj, just leaning into him. "I feel so bad that Ronnie is so nervous. She seems like something happened to her to make her afraid of everything." y/N voiced just above a whisper, trying to keep her voice down in the waiting room. Jj laughed lightly before pressing his lips to her temple." Your arm is snapped like a piece of celery and you're still thinking about the horse. Unbelievable." JJ commented as y/N laughed. Y/N got called into the x Ray pretty immediately after jj's comment so she just shot him a look before following the nurse to the xray room. Jj picked up his phone and stepped out of the waiting room as soon as y/N was out of sight. He quickly pressed a few things on his phone before placing it to his ear. "Hello. This is JJ, y/N boyfriend. We are at the ER she's in getting an xray now. Pretty sure her arm is broken" JJ explained as your boss thanked him for the update and told him to give y/N her best. "Wait before you go," JJ interrupted as y/N's boss started to say good bye., "she's really worried about Veronica. Is she OK?" JJ asked. Y/N boss sighed on the phone before chuckling. "only y/N would be more concerned over the horse than her own broken arm!" her boss exclaimed and JJ laughed nodding his head even though no one can see him "that's exactly what I've been saying" JJ jokes with her boss. After y/N boss assures jj that Veronica is perfectly fine, JJ returns to the waiting room. A nurse walks out into the room and calls JJ Maybank. Jj quickly stood and walked towards the nurse. The nurse smiled and asked him to follow her. As the nurse led jj down several hallways, the nurse started talking to Jj. "y/N absolutely has a broken arm. She will need a cast. She didn't want to get it on without you there. Said she needed your color recommendation." the nurse smiled over her shoulder. Jj laughed "That sounds like her. Thank you for bringing me back." JJ responds politely before following the nurse into a room. Y/N sat looking at several different colors. "J! Just the guy I wanted to see! “ y/N exclaimed upon seeing him. Jj laughed and sat down next to her." OK I heard you need my amazing design skills to pick a color. What are our options? " JJ sassed as he put his arm over your shoulders. Y/N pointed to a royal blue, a light blue and a hot pink. Jj hummed in thought at the colors. "OK so no on the light blue cuz it will get dirty real quick and knowing you, you will be back at the barn tomorrow." JJ explained as y/N just laughed. "I like the blue but I think you should go pink cuz if you ever need to signal for help, you're all set!“ Jj smiled as y/N just laughed. The nurse giggled too hearing JJ over analyzing the colors." See! This is why I needed him!“ y/N told the nurse through laughs. Pretty soon the doctor came in and cleaned y/N's arm before putting on the plaster cast and wrapping it in a pretty pink tape. Once her arm was wrapped and placed in a sling, JJ helped her back in the car and drove them home.
Once they finally got home, it was dark out. Y/N got out of the car and walked into the house. She layed on the couch and groaned. "That was a hell of a day." y/N huffed as JJ throw his keys onto the coffee table and lifting your legs to sit next to you. "You can say that again" JJ said, brushing off some dirt that was still all over her. Y/N phone dinged and she looked at it smiling. She turned the phone to show JJ. It was a video of Veronica in her stall, eating hay, happy as a clam. The caption on the video read don't worry, mom, I'm OK! Jj smiled at the video "She's completely fine just like I said" jj said looking at y/N's smile. "I know I'm crazy but I always worry about the horse when this happens."y/n laughed as she sat up and stood up walking to their shared bedroom. Jj followed her just in case she needed help with anything. He walked into your bedroom to find you struggling to pull of your dirt covered clothes." Here let me help you there, cutie! “ JJ giggled as he walked towards you, slowly guiding the shirt off your head and over the broken arm. Jj's hands then traveled down to undo her britches at which point y/N started laughing" You know, earlier when I said I might need help out of these later, this isn't what I had in mind." y/N admits while laughing. Jj chuckles sliding the britches down your legs and letting you hold onto his shoulder for balance." Me either, y/N, me either"
OK so this came out way longer than I intended but whatever lol. Hope you like it! Here's a picture of the real Veronica that is now much much better with her anxiety and is the most beautiful creature on planet earth😍
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katsuukiwii · 4 years
Proud-Levi X Reader Chapter Two
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Chapter Two- “Normal Days...For Now, At Least.”
Chapter Warnings: Language, Implied Masturbation, Gay Relationships, Tattoos, Implied Gay Sex.
Contains: Fluff
Levi holds Liam’s hand as they walk through aisles filled with costumes. The smaller boy’s icy blue eyes twinkle as he stares at all of them. He then spots a costume out of the corner of his eye and runs up to it, dragging Levi over with him. Liam points out a ‘My Hero Academia’ costume, “Ooh! Look, Papa! I can be Bakugo!” Levi smirks at the boys enthusiasm, pulling the neatly packed costume set off the wall. “C’mere. I need to check if this is your size,” he stares intently at the costume measurements, then to Liam, then back to the measurements. “It should fit you. Do you wanna be Ba...Baku…” Liam smiles, “It’s Bakugo! And yes!!” Levi chuckles, “Alright, here you go,” he hands the bag to him, “If you find a costume you like more tell me.” They continue to walk around the costumes. 
Levi grumbles, he hates costume shopping, if it's for him at least. But, like he told Jean, he was desperate. “Hey Liam, what should I be for Halloween?” Instead of Liam's voice, he hears someone else’s, “You should go in drag.” Levi turns around, seeing one of his closest friends, “Very funny, Mike.” Liam listens to the two men talking confused on almost EVERYTHING they were talking about. But, nonetheless, he answers, “You should go as something creepy! But not too creepy, ‘cuz I won’t like it..” All three of them looked around as Levi and Mike talked. 
Suddenly, Levi sees something that catches his eye. A wall filled with simple things you could pair with any normal clothes. Yeah, he’s kinda boring. Mike speaks up, “God, you’re no fun dude.” Levi sends him a glare, grabbing a pair of mid-length black horns and large black wings. “Yeah, I know. But every other costume is either a fucking joke, extra, or sexual.” Mike rolls his eyes, “Fine. Y’know, the ladies might like you more if you have an out-there costume!” Mike argues. Levi smirks, shaking his head in disbelief. He speaks quietly, but loud enough so that at least Mike can hear, “I can’t believe I’m doing this just to get pussy.” Mike laughs, patting Levi’s back, “It’s okay dude. You’ll get some eventually.”
Levi bought the costumes, and now he was laying on the couch watching Liam color. Suddenly the boy turns around and looks at him, “Papa?” Levi raised a thin brow, “What is it?” Liam stands up, grabbing some markers, “Can I color in your drawings?” He lays there, confused until he realizes what he meant. “Oh! My tattoos?” Liam nods his head gleefully and Levi sits up, taking off his shirt and lifting his right pant leg up to his knee, revealing two hidden tattoos. 
One started on his left upper arm, covering part of his chest, it contained daffodils and two cobras. Kuchel loved daffodils, and Levi helped her get over her fear of snakes by getting one, named Sir Racha (pronounced like sriracha). He obviously didn’t have a cobra, but he was fascinated by them. The second one started the side of his right calf, reaching down to his ankle. That one was a small portrait of Liam, with a border of things he loved. Everytime Liam started to like something new, Levi got it added. Technically, it was more than two tattoos, but it still counts as two to him. On there, he had Mr. Krabs (his favorite character in Spongebob), the ‘My Hero Academia’ logo, Tigger from Winnie The Pooh (since he’s so energetic), and a cat drawing Liam made when he was 3 (his favorite animal). Yes, it looked very childish, and often became a conversation topic, but people loved the story behind it. 
Liam moved to sit next to Levi, and started coloring the one of his chest. While he waited, Levi would start his homework, “Papa, what color is a cobra?” Levi looks at him and ruffles his hair, “Whatever color you want them to be.”
Levi was dropping his boy off at his elementary school, “Bye, Papa!”
“Cya buddy. I’ll pick you up today, alright?” He watches in the mirror as Liam jumps happily in his seat, “Yes! I don’t have to take the bus today! Woo hoo!!!” Levi smirks, “Nope, not today. Have a good day, I’ll see you later kid.” With that, Liam gets out of the car, waving goodbye before walking into the school. 
Levi loved him, he really did. But as soon as he drove away he took out one of his Mr. Bungle CD’s (!dont use headphones when listening!)and turned up the volume. He listened to somewhat... strange music. He had no idea what the hell he was supposed to call it other than that. But hey, he liked it nonetheless! He makes a left turn, pulling into the school’s parking lot, choosing one of the spots closest to the exit. He steps out of his car seeing a familiar blonde figure outside, staying away from the crowd of kids waiting for the doors to open.
“Yo, Erwin. What’s up?” The large man turns to look at him, nearly looking straight down, “Hey. We’re you listening to the with Liam in the car?” Of course Erwin had to mention his choice of music. “No! And who’s his father? Me. Not you.” The taller man shrugs, and Levi speaks up again, “I heard about Petra’s party. Are you going?” Erwin shrugs, “No, I’m not all for parties and-” Levi smirks, interrupting him, “But maybe you can hook up with someone. I know you’re still a virgin!” The blonde glares at him, “Levi, no offense, but you’ve had sex with more women than you can count. I, however, don’t want to waste it on women I don’t know.” Levi rolls his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. I hate when you’re right.” 
Just then, someone comes to unlock the doors, and everybody walks in. He taps Erwin’s shoulder, “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna cover my tattoo.” Erwin nods, and Levi walks into the locker room (it was closer than the bathroom). Just as he does that, he notices four feet instead of two in a stall, two of those feet quickly moving up to hide themselves. Levi shakes his head laughing, “It’s just me.” He starts to wrap some cloth around his tattoo, rolling his eyes as he hears two shy “hey”s and the stall opens. Levi turns, seeing Marco and Jean, “Have a good time?”
Marco blushes, “We were just having a little makeout…” Jean nods, “Yeah, people are too gossipy around here. We’re smarter than you.” He finishes wrapping the cloth around his arm, pulling the t-shirt sleeve back over and grabbing his backpack, “Yeah. Well, at least you know not to be like me.” 
The bell rings, and he’s finally done with school! He gets into his car and gets a call. He puts it on speaker and starts driving, “Hello.” Suddenly, Hanji’s voice comes from the other end, “Hiya, Levi,” he hears muffled voices, until he hears Liam’s, “Hey, Papa!” He smiles to himself, “Hey bud. How was school? Did Aunt Hanji teach you guys anything?” 
“Uh-huh! We’re learning all about the moon! We have one, but Jupiter has 79!” Levi makes a sound of acknowledgement, “That’s cool buddy. Do you know why Hanji called me?” He hears Hanji and Liam giggle, and Hanji speaks yet again, “Can I hang out with Liam today? I know you have work, and I don’t have much to do!
He shrugs, “Sure, just make sure he doesn’t eat too much sugar. I’ll take him home around 6? That gives him three hours with you.”
They both squeal, “Thank you Papa!” He laughs, “No problem. I love you, be safe.”
“Yes sir! Hehe” And they finally hang up, Levi turning back to drive home.
Levi groans out of boredom getting up to look for something to eat, legs shaking and arm hurting from a...busy afternoon. He passes the counter spotting something orange and white in the corner of his eye, he stops, taking a couple steps backwards to see what it was. A bag of Goldfish crackers, hell yeah. He grabs the bag and walks back to his room, flopping on the bed and curling up in warm blankets. Shit, maybe letting Hanji babysit wasn’t the worst.
Boom! Chapter two! Kinda boring, but it will start to get good around chapter four! Let me know what you thought! Upload schedule for each chapter is here 
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lionspridetingz · 4 years
Sweetener - Mason Mount
chapter seven - goodnight n go 
“Oh, why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you, why must you make me laugh so much? It's bad enough we get along so well. Just say goodnight and go.”
~A few days later~
“So let me get this straight, you two met up at your spot where you both share so much history and made up, to be ‘just friends’?” your friend asked you as you both set up the things for the barbecue your friend group was hosting. 
You nodded as she handed you a stack of cups to place on the table. She rose her eyebrow at you, “Righhhttt and you’re sure theres no feelings between you two, cuz that day I came to your house, you both looked a bit flushed, like you were hiding something.” 
“Anabelle, i promise nothing is going on between me and mason, we’re just friends, nothing more.” 
“Rightttt, whatever you say, just behave tonight, i remember how you two used to be at these kind of things.” she eyed you for a reaction but didn’t get anything. 
It wasn’t that you wanted to lie to your best friend, you just knew you had to for now, not that she would have a bad reaction to you two technically getting back together, it was cause you and mason promised to take it slow, which meant not saying anything to any of your friends yet, no matter how hard it was. 
And you can already tell its gonna be even harder as you hear Anabelle open the door to none other than Mr. Mason Mount looking ever so gorgeous with his nice summer tan, his longer hair, a little stint of facial hair, ‘god that facial hair looks so good on hi- Y/N get it together goddamn it.’ 
You shook your head and smiled as mason came walking over to you to greet you. Engulfing you in a ‘friendly hug’, before whispering in your ear, “hello beautiful, missed me?” winking at you at an angle only you can see making you roll your eyes at him as well as trying to hide a small blush on your cheeks. 
Anabelle came over wrapping her arms around both of you, asking for a favor, “since both of you are such good friends now, I can send you two to go finish setting up outside while I figure out the new speakers my brother bought in here.” you both nodded and headed outside. Mason smirking as he can still see the small blush you wore. 
The two of you setting up plates and utensils in silence, Mason looking over at you every so often with that look you can’t resist. 
“Mase,” his ears sprung up when you spoke his nickname, “tell me why you gotta look at me that way, you know what it does to me.” you eyed him making him smirk stepping closer to you. You looked back at the house hoping no one was looking. 
“Aww baby, whatcha trying to say?” he wiggled his eyebrows wiggled at you making you scoff before he continued talking, “ you know lately all i can think about is how all i want is you on top of me.” he started gently touching your side with his hand. 
“You know where your hands should be,” you said smacking his hand away before moving away from him, heading back towards the house to see if Anabelle figured out the new speakers. 
“If that's true, why don’t you come and show me?” he screamed, just loud enough for you to be the only one who heard it.  
The entire night you two could barely resist yourselves, constantly giving each other flirty looks, sneaking touches, yes you two were supposed to be going slow, but you really couldn’t help yourself, maybe it was the light buzz of the drink Anabelle kept pouring you but all you wanted to do was walk over to him where he was talking to some of the other guys at the barbecue and smash your lips on his. 
But you couldn’t, you needed to control yourself. 
That self control almost went out the window when you were both sat across each other at the table and he kept giving you the look, the look that left a shiver down your spine, and made your cheeks go red. 
“Hey Y/N you alright you look a bit flustered.” your friend Melanie asked, you nodded and just blamed it on the alcohol and the weather. Everyone seemed convinced of the answer except Mason, who just smirked as he continued to chew his food. You grimaced at him and decided to play at his level. 
Carefully slipping off your sandal by ‘accidentally’ dropping a napkin on the floor, picking it up and seeing he was in conversation with the guy sitting next to him, noticing it to be the perfect time for your plan. You pressed your foot to his leg making his eyes go wide and him cough a bit and turned to take a sip of his drink giving you a daring face, you just shrugged taking a bite of your food. He returned to his conversation as well as eating but not before you slid your foot up his leg slowly, drawing a reaction from him. When your foot made it to his thigh he gripped your ankle, looked at you with a face telling you to stop before pushing your foot off of him, and all you could do was smirk to your victory. 
The rest of the evening went by quickly, the two of you seemingly calmed down after what happened at dinner, and once it was time for the party to end, you both were the first to offer to help Anabelle with cleaning up, which she greatly accepted. She had your both on the washing dishes duty while she went to go pick up outside. 
The two of you stood there just quietly being in each others presence, mason not liking the silence so he nudged you playfully as you poured water over the soapy plate, making you giggle. 
“What was that earlier huh?” 
“What was what?” you smirked knowing exactly what he was talking about.  
“Oh you wanna be like that? I’m talking about the footsie game you were trying to play with me.” 
“Ohhhhh that, it was pretty fun to see you all flustered,” he rolled his eyes at that, “aww Mase I know you love how i tease ya,” you winked making him chuckled, “besides you kept giving me the look all night.” 
“Oh I was giving you the look huh? Do tell me Y/N what this look consists of.” he stopped drying the plate he had in his hand and looked at you. 
“You know damn well the look you were giving me and don’t you deny it, need i remind you we’re supposed to be taking it slow.” you finished handing him another plate to dry before rinsing out the excess soap in the sink. 
“Says the one who was trying to turn me on during dinner!” he exclaimed chuckling, making you shrug and wink at him as you went to get your things to head home. Anabelle coming in and thanking you both for your help, and asking how you’d get home. 
“I’ll probably just get an uber or something.” you shrugged pulling out your phone, but in true Mason fashion he protested. 
“You are not getting in an uber this late at night, I didn’t drink anything I’ll drop you off at home.” 
After a bit of back and forth you decided to let him drive you home, Anabelle saying bye to you at the door, and whispering “remember just friends” and winking at you.
This car ride was completely silent until you spoke up as he pulled up to your house. 
“Why do you make it so hard?” 
Mason turned down the music, “What do you mean?” he chuckled a bit, showing his perfect white smile that you adored. 
You couldn’t help but groan making him confused, “I mean it’s so hard to not find you cute or to resist you,  you make my guard go down every time you’re around, and I cant help but want to kiss you in front of all of our friends just like I used to, you make me wish we weren’t taking this slow.” 
“Butterfly… we don’t have to take this slo-” you stopped him 
“Are we making a mistake? Am i more importantly making a mistake, I just feel like I was getting better and then you come back and you pull me in again cuz you just have this control over m-” he cut you off with a kiss. Making your hands go to his hair as you kissed back, before pulling away and slumping back in the passenger seat. 
“Always have to leave me with a bang, couldn’t just say goodnight and go huh?” he smirked, leaning over and grabbing your hand. “You have just as much control over me Y/N and I wouldn’t want it any other way, I don’t think this is a mistake, we can take it at your pace, whatever you wan-” this time you cut him off with a kiss, a short and sweet one. 
“Stay tonight.” 
“What?” he was taken aback. 
“Stay the night with me, my parents won't be home til Wednesday, they’re visiting my aunt up north. I want to take it slow, but I’m not going to deny how bad I want to lay in your arms tonight like the old times. So please, stay the night and we can figure out the pace we’ll go at in the morning. I’m sure your big empty house won't miss you too much.” you winked and he nodded stealing another kiss from you making you smile. The both of you exiting the car and entering your house, feeling close together like the good old days.
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violexides · 4 years
18 with akane & nagito, maybe?
Prompt: ““I can only hope they’ll like it.”
Alright. Here’s the thing.
Akane doesn’t like Komaeda. Sure, she’s shoved some of her resentments down a bit, forgave the fucker and everything, but she still doesn’t like him all that much. It’s not like she sees him around much, anyway, to like… grow on him, or something. He always just hangs out in his room, or is at Hajime’s side all the time. 
Which is cool. If Akane saw him around all the time, she’d kind of want to punch him in the face. Which would be probably well deserved, but Nekomaru still tells her not to do it. 
But. Alright, Akane and Hajime get to talking, once. It’s a lot of bullshit about a lot of things-- important things, kinda, but it’s pretty easy for Akane to tune stuff out when Hajime goes all-Kamukura and starts talking about shit she doesn’t really get. But, at some point, it circles around to Hinata bringing up the bastard, mumbling some sorta self-deprecating shit about him nagging Komaeda, how nobody else talks to him, which makes sense but is still just a bit shitty, and…
Akane makes a split second decision, and goes to the MonoMono Machine. 
She fucks around with it a bit, finds something that she kinda likes (or maybe she can give it to Nekomaru, to thank him for being such a good fuckin’ trainer), but she finds something kinda. Spooky looking. It takes her a second to realize it’s a knife, and she really should not trust Komaeda with a knife, because he’s a creepy fucker and he’s hurt people before, but. Fuck it, she’s tired.
As she’s leaving, she runs into Hajime. “Yo, Hajiji!”
“Why do you have a knife, Owari?” Hajime says in a tired voice.
“I’m givin’ it to Komaeda!” she pauses. Then adds, “Is that a shitty idea?”
Hajime blinks. “Uh, maybe? Here,” he fiddles with his pockets for a second, and after a bit, he pulls out a ring. “Maybe. Give him this instead.”
“... A ring?” Scratch that. “Why d’ya have a ring?”
He shrugs. “Kamukura.”
Fair enough. She hands him the knife with a sigh and accepts the ring. “Thanks, dude.”
“No problem.” He stands there for a few seconds. “Uh. Why are you giving him something in the first place?”
She groans, “Didn’t ya tell me to? Like, talkin’ to the bastard or somethin’. I dunno how to have a conversation with him without havin’ta punch him in the face, so I just thought I’d get him somethin’. I can only hope he’ll like it, or whatever.”
Hajime stares at her for a few seconds before slowly nodding, a small smile appearing on his face. “Makes sense, yeah. Uh, go for it. Good luck.”
Hajime walks away, so she walks all the way to Komaeda’s cottage, knocks on the door, and shouts, “Komaeda!”
Komaeda opens it up pretty quickly-- good for him. He looks kinda like a mess, but not as bad as he was when they first woke up. Not that she saw him around much, but, y’know. Least he isn’t half dead, or something like that. “Ah, hello, Owari-san. Did you need something?” he says cordially. 
In lieu of a reply, she shoves the ring in his face. “Take it.”
He looks at it, eyes wide and mouth slightly open in surprise. She waits around for a bit (jeez, people need to work on answering shit faster), and he eventually says, “... This is a wonderful gift, Owari-san, but… why?”
Well. Better just be honest. “Cuz you’re lonely as fuck, dude. And, technically I was gonna get you somethin’ else, but Hajiji thought this would suit ya better.”
“Ah. Okay.” He looks at it some more. Seriously, there’s nothing fucking interesting about that ring. “... Thank you, Owari-san. I really don’t deserve this.”
“Yeah, well, I did it. So, just take it.” Should she say something else? … Nah. Not much to say to him. “Uh, see you around, or somethin’.”
He echoes, “Or something,” and smiles. It doesn’t look as freaky as normal. “Goodbye, Owari-san.”
“Yeah. Bye.” 
He closes the door.
Well. She grins a bit to herself. That wasn’t… that bad.
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