inventedfangirling · 1 year
just watched the soonvijarn reaction video of bad buddy episode 4 for the first time and my words...... i was NOT expecting p'aof to start fricking tearing up because of that insanely great scene at the end (nanon you absolute absolute legend i don't think i could ever get over his performance here).
i mean of course i and you and everybody teared up when we watched it but i just did NOT expect the frigging director who had shot the scene (and who had probably seen the edits and the cuts multiple times) to do that.
throughout that part i wasn't looking at anybody else on that screen not even patpran cos here was the guy who brought them together on the screen who was behind the scenes who made this all possible viewing his show from the point of view of a passive audience member and feeling moved for his own characters and perhaps seeing his own queer self there too (idk if he has spoken about why he teared up or we know more about this from somewhere else) but with no other context this legit made me (as a queer person who writes queer stories) tear up and i had to pause and take a second to appreciate just how much this show is doing for queer people even outside the show.
it's all just a lot for my tiny fragile heart. i love bad buddy so much yall its made such a special place in my mind i could cry.
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ahhh look at his eyes all welling up with tears arghhh I CANNOT
in hindsight though it was funny cos here i was tearing up over p'aof tearing up over pran tearing up over pat. it was inception but with tears, it was a tearception. alright thats it goodbye i will see myself out.
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the tear sheds tears,,,,,,, tearception
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notanearlyadopter · 11 years
We got the very first Stilinski first name and it is Mama's.
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