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sensedgadboalove · 1 year ago
xmas carol for the teamz :)
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pathbend-blog · 1 year ago
🦇 💋 🤡 🧵
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fashiondolloftheday · 2 years ago
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today's fashion dolls are: Bratz Play Sportz Sportz Teamz Yasmin & Meygan (2006)
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catghoulz · 2 months ago
itz a bit ludonarratively unsatisfying how in overwatch & many ov itz successorz therez like. lorewise a conflict between two opposing sidez tht the various heroez are all partisanz in but in actual gameplay the teamz are composed of a random mishmash ov ppl on completely opposite sidez ov it. i feel like u gotta either At least have a prominent game mode where team selection alignz with in universe factionz or just make all ov ur characterz mercenariez with no solid tiez. itz really odd for a team based shooter to have a "story" revolving around two teamz that are completely unrelated to the two teamz u are playing in th video game
obviously this doeznt happen bc keeping balance between an asymmetrical team selection in a hero shooter iz. Challenging. but i think itd be neat
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vivid-badsquad · 1 year ago
guyz would you like to see my niigo pokemon teamz hcz 🥺🥺🥺
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doll-tournament · 9 months ago
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doronjosama · 20 days ago
Day 10 of #28DaysOfBlackCosplay2025
features SoraKitsune's Meguru Bachira from Blue Lock! (Another sports anime/manga that's waiting in my queue! 🫰) #28daysofblackcosplay #CosplayIsForEveryone
Reposted from @sorakitsune
Day 29- Black Cosplayer Here of #29daysofblackcosplayers
We’ve finally gotten to the end of the month! So glad I did this challenge ^_^! But just because Feb is over doesn’t mean you can’t keep supporting black creators when you can! As todays theme is, we’re still here even from March 1st lol
I hope you enjoyed a whole month of me sharing posts! Now I need a bit of a rest for a few days at least 😂
Meguru Bachira: @sorakitsune
Series: Blue Lock
P: nari_pic
Hacostadium Osaka 2022
#worldcup2022 #worldcup #teamjapan #newcosplay #bluelock #bluelockcosplay #bachirameguru #bachiramegurucosplay #8 #soccer #socceranime #soccerplayer #striker #teamz #bluelockeleven #Monstrance #blackcosplayer #oklahomacosplayer #ブルーロック #ブルーロックコスプレ #蜂楽廻 #蜂楽廻コスプレ #大阪コスプレイヤー #大阪レイヤー #roadto3k #28daysofblackcosplay #blackcosplayerhere
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askrobouteguilliman40k · 1 year ago
"How do they keep getting this number?"
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thsixth · 2 years ago
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"It was fun to work with TeamZ, they're so talented I can't believe I'm a part of them.
"Please join us tomorrow for the premiere."
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battle-of-the-jrwi-aus · 11 months ago
Creator: @burning-sol
Links: au tag, animation
Riptide x Pokemon but *I* have the most based takes about it. Girl don't look at those other AUs, I have the best iteration.
Additional Propaganda
Okay so you can check the #jrwi poketide <- that tag if you wanna see shit. It's not fully developed but like here are some of my fav bits.
I have pokeball lore!!! It's actually pretty different to canon pokemon, so I just wanna shout it out. Jay Ferin has traditional pokeballs that grow and shrink and have the symbol of her family because they're custom made for the Ferins. Chip has older pokeballs he recieved as hand downs that do NOT work that good and don't adjust in size <- this is like a cheaper and more common pokeball, they're made from acorns. Gillion has undersea pokeballs that can hold multiple pokemon and are based on like shells? Which helps explain his much larger team of pokemon. And you should totally check out this underrated lil' video of mine that shows off how they look when used. (https://burning-sol.tumblr.com/post/695164166727663616) But yeah, basically they got some greater implications to themz.
ALSO FUCK STANDARD POKEMON TEAMZ. I don't wanna be rude but this is a bracket so I just wanna say, these bitches teams reflect something about them down to just how many pokemon they use. Jay has less pokemon because she's more rigid and deathly unsure about what she's meant to do with herself. Chip has a ragtag found family team, a lot of them very silly additions. Gillion has WAY too many pokemon, and he doesn't rlly follow the unspoken "6 pokemon battle" rule because he is a bad bitch!! Let Gillion have like 4 corsola btw, I think he's allowed to be high key obsessed with them and looking after them. (BTW pokemon fight alongside their trainers they arent separate battlez, just want you to know)
Pokemon highlights:
Jay and Eevee "Eevee was a pokemon she inhereted from her family. She was given a firestone to eventually evolve them into a Flareon but she hasn't done it on her journey yet. Jay thought that she was just procrastinating at first but as time goes on she's starting to realise she hasn't followed through because that's not what she wants for her Eevee or for her." And I have considered drawing a custom evolution for Eevee because that'd be so cool.
Chip and Bonsley "Chip stole this house plant. I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean-" He accidentally took a pokemon he mistook for a houseplant.
Chip and Sableye "Chip is so distressed that Gillion is throwing all their money away just wait until he realises his pokemon is eating it too. He genuinely has no fucking clue what this thing is."
Gillion and many magikarp "Gillion has a collection of Magikarp (all on the smaller side) he looks after so that one day they will evolve into big strong Gyarados. :) Jay and Chip did not understand why Gillion was collecting these Pokemon until one of them evolved on the journey with them and they're just, "WAIT THAT'S WHAT THEY EVOLVE INTO??" Gillion thought they knew."
...and Chip spinoff of above story "Funny side story, you remember Gillion and all those Magikarp? Well Gillion suggested that Chip help look after them and Chip found a Magikarp he fucking ADORED. He was feeding them! He was chatting with them! They were BESTIES!!! And then the Magikarp evolved but it didn't want to go back into the sea, they wanted to stay with Chip. Chip has a Gyarados because Gillion convinced him to look after a Magikarp and Chip decided they were the best Magikarp ever. I hope that makes you happy."
Gillion and Seadra "gillion has basically had kingdra since he was really really small, and it was regarded as one of the few times as a child where he really managed to step up and sort of embody what he's meant to be? but the kingdra actually was just a pokemon who looked at the tiny not very well treated child and adopted him. kingdra is older than gillion and i didnt quite realise HOW big kingdra was, but searching it up for drawing... kingdra is 5'11″ (180cm), which makes it even TALLER than gillion at his tallest. and that's a height i dont use so gillion is like 5'1" (154cm). kingdra rlly does just look like gillion's poke parent, its so silly." Seadra adopted gillion you guys.
Gillion and honedge "gillion STILL has a honedge when he joins the story, and they evolve into doublade episode 15 which coincicides with gillion's growth as he develops a better understanding of the world (also there was a sword fight like yeah its fitting). HOWEVER, to evolve into an aegislash you need a dusk stone. ... i propose that doublade evolves episode *73* in tandem with when gillion makes the oath of vengence... i feel like its such a noteworthy moment for gillion AND the magical effects charlie describes are as follows "..and you see as the sparkles around him- this funny, zanny, quirky pixie dust starts to turn into almost a charcoalish colour-" <- that seems like adequate dusk stone vibes to me."
also gillion has an Omanyte and Kabuto that he was given as a child that hate him because they think he's a disappointment i love when pokemon trauma <3
so that's a lot anyways MY pokemon au is the MOST fucking based PLEASE believe me
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plushpyromoved · 2 years ago
OKAY without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen yet overall thoughtz:
I REALLY love it quazies has improved so much on the animation itz written so well itz so charming emotion but silly!!!
rlly love the entire Blu teamz characterisation especially scout engiee and medic rlly loved seeing more of medimedes and red pyro honestly just love the whole thing!!!
I can't wait for the rest of season 2!!
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travelteamz · 1 year ago
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kk-doodles · 1 year ago
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I only drew this to manifest a bratz teamz tennis cloe doll💔 when will i ever find her….
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catghoulz · 2 months ago
i think itd have been cool if instead of stealth rockz the way to make flying typez fear hazardz would be roost causing you to take entry hazard damage az a result of losing flying type. prooobably once per switch in? ig levitate userz & flying typez who dont use roost could still ignore em but like. Idk im fine with flyerz without recovery not needing 2 worry abt hazardz personally. like idk i dont think superman teamz in gen 3 were really THAT broken. some later gen rock weak/levitatorz balanced around rockz might be a bit busted in a stealth rockless world but Idk simply design them better
ALSO itd be cool bc itd preserve the spike layer dynamix more. in stealthrockworld (our earth) ppl will Often just throw out the one rock & be getting 50% ov somethingz health bar wen our Humble, Honest spikerz dedicate three turnz to get 25% and we LOVE it,and itz riskz andrewardz. AND, itz geautiful sisteer toxoc spikez. the layer sidterz. and ouy knòooooœooo theyre layered
Stinky Web. probably a -3 speed stigky web shouldnt exist but a -1 iz fine so this one maybe gets a pass. but itz on THIN ice
o also probably put this same Entry hazard upon grounding az a secondary effect on some kinda spammable attackz. itd be kinda fun if part ov an entry hazard team waz trying to knock birdz & shit outta th air and ONTO ur spikelayerz. #IMO
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headgehug · 2 years ago
loving my millennial coworker because she's tech literate and young and has good opinions even though it's really hard right now because she just messaged me "hey dere! are you on da [microsoft] teamz?"
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savvystarfield · 6 months ago
zo, we have the zquizterz and oth va'z playing for their character'z teamz, doez thiz mean that deep cut'z va'z were playing for future..
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Keity Pop and Mari Kikuma [Callie and Marie VAs] are playing together for Team Past~
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