lupita13fan · 2 months
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Cuando quieres presentar a presentar a tus amigos y sale mal.
- Rock the Unicorn & Han the Owl by: @e09etm
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yatgb · 7 months
Who's putz12?
Very infamous splatoon streamer who got his name for being the most ragey angry explosive gamer you could ever think of. Imagine a 12 year old in a COD lobby screaming at his teammates thats exactly this guy except instead of being 12 years old hes 40 and screams at kids in an E10+ game. Its not even for the bit or ragebaiting or whatever hes legitimately just Like That and is banned from pretty much every single splatoon tournament out there
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jo-v-ie · 1 year
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First attack for #OwlFight2023 !! ✨
Prompt: „Princess Luz AU of any sort“ by @Lavendotdurr on Twitter
#TeamMagic Let's go!
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bhaalswn-arch · 1 year
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just your average day with your teammage, alkas
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thornbushy · 1 year
𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙠 for #OwlFight2023 and the prompt was "Titan Luz"! 𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙤! #TeamMagic
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xshielded · 2 years
A Slice of a Better Life
The Westview incident was far in the rearview, and receding every day. It was understandable, Steve thought: everything that had happened, all the wrong that had been done, all the hurt that had been inflicted. He understood regret; he understood guilt, and shame. He might have been the poster boy for the US Army, once upon a time (a dubious honor, he often considered it), but he knew the way that people looked at those they could not understand. The fear. The approbation. It was so easy to hate, and so difficult to forgive...
But he didn’t blame Wanda for what had happened in Westview. Not by a long shot. She was as much a victim of her powers as anyone, and by the time she had learned just how powerful they were, she had shut them down, destroying the entire simulation, regardless of what personal happiness she might lose. That was courage, and it was more than Steve could say of some of his other teammages. Wanda bore the true spirit of an Avenger, and he had to admire that. Goodness knows all of them had things they regretted, things that would haunt them to their dying days. There was no sense in withholding compassion from their friends, their loved ones, not when every action was fixed on making things right, not when self-guilt was so much greater than any external punishment.
And so, Steve found himself knocking at the door of Wanda’s new place, a home-baked apple pie tucked one arm, a baseball and and glove in a bag looped awkwardly around his fingers, to give to her boys. That was a small kindness, there, that she still had her children, and that by all accounts, they were the sort of young men any mother would be proud of.
     “Wanda?” He called, raising his voice just enough that she might hear him. “It’s Steve. I brought, uh, pie. Not sure how good it is, but I thought you might like it. Can I come in?”
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danypooh80 · 4 years
Stories. A lot of stories.
I write WAAAAY too much. I also cannot do anything half-assed, so why not make a whole world of interconnected stories? And of course, all these stories are connected because WTF not, right? 
So, where do you start? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, the good news is, if you hate/don’t know a certain fandom, you can still read whichever one strikes your fancy. However, if you’re a completionist, like me, or if you’re just curious, here’s the order:
Waiting at the edge of Forever: This series is the prequel (yeah, I’m playing by Star Wars rules here). Outer Worlds fandom, story of how this stuff all started in the first place (2 stories)
A Dream Across the Universe: Chronologically (yeah, that term is gonna mean absolutely nothing a bit), this is the first story. It’s Sam’s intro to Thedas, takes place during Dragon Age: Origins
Misfits of the Commonwealth: This series takes place at the same time as a Dream Across the Universe. It’s Grace’s story, set in the Fallout 4 universe. (2 stories- one main and one collection of one-shots)
The Endless Year: Short (for me) story set after Dream Across the Universe and during Nothing Ever Goes Right the First Time. This one is set during Dragon Age 2 and the beginning of Dragon Age: Inquisition (part of the Team Mage Chronicles).
A Moment Between: Actual short story set in the Mass Effect 2 universe. Story of an assignment for Sam and Nia, set during the Endless Year.
Anchor in a Sea of Stars: Final (I’m calling it, until DA 4 comes out and I prove myself to be a liar) story in the Team Mage Chronicles. Set after the Endless Year, and is all about Team Mage during Dragon Age: Inquisition. Has a cast plucked from almost every other story in here, but you don’t need their backstories to enjoy the ride.
Welp. There you go, and I instantly feel like I think too dang much after writing this out. But I make no apologies- I love this crew, and I’m having an awesome time scribing out these crazy adventures.
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brainyheroine-blog · 2 years
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Reading slump = Reading Challenge #RYOA #TeamMage #RYOAreadathon #RYOAmages #Fantasy #Reader #ReadYourOwnAdventure https://www.instagram.com/p/CdCmjqiLhfC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yumireadsbooks · 5 years
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Currently reading: The Language of Fire: Joan of Arc Reimagined 🔥 Reading this for my Glimmer prompt for @the.book.junkie.trials #teammage ⭐️ What are you all currently reading? . . #book #bookworm #joanofarc #languageoffire #booklover #bookstagram #bookaholic #bookblogging #bookphotography #bookstagrammer #BookJunkieTrials https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz8cq9bgJKf/?igshid=qnf1nmasdklf
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"Shit I missed..." he cups his hands, "SORRY IRONHIDE"
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rabhobbies · 4 years
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Current case load of repairs. Sure I can fix. Sorry, when did you want it back ..... I'll call you. #repair #traxxas #nitrorustler #hobao #teammagic #riverhobby #cobra (at Parkdale, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDS95i5Aov1/?igshid=70ovia8bnnbu
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scienza-magia · 4 years
Confermata la velocità della luce nel vuoto anche per i GRB
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Magic conferma Einstein: la velocità della luce nel vuoto è costante anche alle energie più elevate. I telescopi MAGIC hanno rivelato per la prima volta un lampo di raggi gamma ad altissime energie e con un’intensità mai osservata prima da questo tipo di oggetti cosmici. L’elevato flusso di radiazione, osservata fino alle energie più alte, ha permesso agli scienziati della collaborazione di verificare la costanza della velocità della luce nel vuoto a diverse energie, fornendo una nuova conferma della teoria della relatività generale di Einstein. I risultati sono pubblicati su Physical Review Letters. I due telescopi per raggi gamma di alta energia MAGIC, operativi all’Osservatorio “Roque de los Muchachos” sull’isola di La Palma alle Canarie, hanno osservato alle altissime energie il lampo di raggi gamma (Gamma Ray Burst, GRB) denominato GRB190114C. Questa misura ha consentito di ottenere un’importante conferma della costanza della velocità della luce nel vuoto alle diverse energie osservate. Il risultato è stato pubblicato oggi, 9 luglio, su Physical Review Letters a firma della collaborazione scientifica MAGIC, di cui fanno parte per l’Italia l’INAF Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, l’INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare e numerose Università. Read the full article
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podcastofcolor-blog · 7 years
Thanks for the write-up, Team Magazine! We’re a month late, but no less shook.
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in support of @covenanthouse-blog and those in #TeamMagic i've designed a t-shirt! 100% of the money that i earn will be donated in support of people experiencing homelessness!
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ducktalkspodcast · 4 years
Two Official Images From “The Phantom And The Sorceress!”
Two Official Images From “The Phantom And The Sorceress!” #DuckTales #TeamMagic #Spooky #DuckTalesSeason3
Yesterday it was episode descriptions ( ) today it is official images! Enjoy these images from “The Phantom And The Sorceress!” premiering Monday September 21st at 7 pm!
When a mysterious magic thief arrives in Duckburg, Lena must confront her past and team with her treacherous aunt, Magica.
*Giancarlo Esposito (“Breaking Bad”) guest stars as Phantom Blot and Catherine Tate (“Doctor Who”)…
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nblenasabrewing · 5 years
What r u hoping for Lena in season 3 of Ducktales?
E V E R Y T H I N G.
Complete wishlist:
More interaction with Webby, but without Violet - I don’t want them to just be a package deal
That said, also some sisterly action with Violet without Webby
Lena addressing her trauma - between what happened with Magica and then the whole dying thing
Scrooge and Lena
More magical shenanigans
#TeamMagic shenanigans, of course
Lena and SabreDads
Lena vs. Magica, obviously
Oh, Lena and Beakley
Maybe address that she has a broken amulet in her chest keeping her alive? That can’t be the permanent way they’re keeping her alive
Along that vein, I have some concerns about how she grabbed her chest in NOKH when Magica presumably manipulated the amulet (dream logic) because is that a thing that can happen outside dreams? Is that a weak point for her? I NEED ANSWERS PROTECT MY BABY
Lena slowly finding peace with herself and coming to the realization that she’s really her own person and not just Magica’s shadow
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