nightly-birdie · 4 months
there is no absolute truth nobody is right and nobody is wrong
the issue with many libleftists is that they see conservatives as the absolute evil that cannot ever be satiated
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7artsysoulroamblog · 5 days
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wolfluna091 · 4 months
Timelog- 22/05/2024 - 00:34:27
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azspot · 1 year
Douglas Rushkoff: I Will Not Be Autotuned - Crashing Technosolutionism
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fchumans-art · 2 years
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Here’s Lauretta Salvadori in her new design! I hope you guys like her! She belongs to me! Don’t copy or steal!
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royalbabble · 6 months
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I haven't made art in awhile, so I decided to come back with DA's March Madness event. The challenge was Humans vs. Animals vs. Anthros, and I went with #TeamHuman!
Not sure what this lady's deal is. I just needed a warm up lmao.
🌟|My DA|My AO3|🌟
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I literally don't understand this poll. less than 3 hours ago it was 45 yes x 55 no, and now it's 56 yes x 44 no (very suspicious). there's probably someone voting over and over again, and I don't think a minority should decide for the majority, as most comments on posts are #TeamHuman.
MMMM I didn't think about this, I think you can only vote once because it only has the option to change your vote after you've voted but Idk.
I am gonna stick with what the poll says at the end of the week but I agree it is a little sus!
I will consider my options, thank you for helping me out anon <3
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juanmecanico · 5 months
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"¡Descubre el Escándalo P2P que Team Penske's Cindric y Ruzewski Revelan! ¡No Podrás Creer el Porqué!" - ¡Hola a todos los amantes de los autos! Hoy quería hablar de este artículo que leí recientemente sobre algo que está causando un gran alboroto en el mundo de las carreras de automóviles - el uso del sistema P2P (Push to Pass). El mundo de las carreras está lleno de innovaciones, pero esta nueva tecnología me parece... bueno, bastante inútil. Para empezar, el P2P es un sistema que permite a los conductores obtener más potencia durante un corto periodo de tiempo. Sin embargo, la verdadera cuestión aquí es el abuso de esta tecnología. Según Tim Cindric y Kyle Moyer de Team Penske, algunos pilotos utilizan el P2P en situaciones en las que no es necesario. ¡Vaya 'quevedazo! Me gusta una buena pelea en la pista, pero si están usando trucos para sacar ventaja es simplemente ridículo.¿Sabes que me parece? Que el P2P debería utilizarse para adelantar, no para defender posiciones. En definitiva, lo que busco en las carreras de coches es ver a pilotos talentosos, no a una máquina que les haga todo el trabajo. El arte del adelantamiento es una habilidad y algo que deberíamos valorar. Y eso no es todo: Penske también argumenta que el P2P cambia la dinámica del combustible, haciendo más difícil gestionar el consumo durante la carrera. Y en cuanto a las estrategias demanejo, también altera el delicado equilibrio que los equipos han trabajado mucho para conseguir. Sin duda los directores de carreras tendrán una discusión seria sobre esto. Al final del día, me pregunto si realmente necesitamos el P2P. ¿Nos estamos alejando de la verdadera esencia de las carreras de coches? Las carreras no son sólo sobre la velocidad, sino también sobre la habilidad y la estrategia de los pilotos. Y el P2P parece simplificar demasiado las cosas. Antes de terminar, una última cosa: déjame decirte, yo siempre seré #TeamHuman. Si estamos tan obsesionados con el futuro de la tecnología en las carreras, en lugar de mejorar el P2P, deberíamos invertir en autos autónomos. Pero, por Dios, ¡no nos quiten el placer de ver a los pilotos aplicando su talento y astucia en la pista! Por supuesto, estas son sólo mis opiniones y puede que tú pienses de manera diferente. ¿Qué opinas del sistema P2P y su uso en las carreras? ¿Crees que está matando la esencia de las carreras? Comparte tus opiniones, Y recuerda, #LoveCars! (Oh, y con respecto al tema de 'quién es más macho'... No voy a decir nada más que esto: No importa el tamaño de tu auto, ¡lo que realmente importa es cómo lo manejas! ¿Quién está conmigo? #BigCarSmallCarDebate 😂)
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rlewisphilly · 5 months
What's your job anyway?
What do the following people in any business have in common?The Marketing teamHuman ResourcesAccountingSales TeamCFO, COO, CEO, CMO (we still have a CMO?)ReceptionEngineeringExecutive AssistantsProductionThe IT nerdsStreet TeamMail Room They all sell.  If they don’t, they should. “There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes.” – thanks William J. Brennan, Jr.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
$50,000 Bugatti Replica for Kids - GIFs - Imgur
These things are coming to our attention that you guys think that you're getting to him and you're doing things that are weird and it doesn't make any sense because you're teaching him to fight you and you said you taught Dave but you did not and you're going to get screwed and we know you are but that's fine here's what he wants to do
1. Find people who want to build this particular vehicle the same size and he found a chassis and we have a design and we need partners and you'll be heading the whole thing up of course you'll be the chairman you'll be the board and the President and vice President and we'll have to be there and we have smaller people but we want you to start the company and we want to continue it with you all the way to the full size hypercars and fly cars that we mentioned and we have several more from other countries later on too after his and the deal would be that we would start out with this size vehicle which is smaller than a mini Lambo or Ferrari the ones you see in the video are pretty good sized but they're not full size they're the size of the lotus the smaller version and just a bit smaller and she is a small girl when our son is about 10 ft she could fit almost in his front pocket now but he can carry her around like a baby and in a sling and she was like 90 lb and she's only about 3 ft 8. I guess a lot of people could but this is a great idea he wants to start with this concept
2. We have picked a chassis it's due to its quality and speed and the motors are good and they're mostly stored and they store 10 or 12 at a time and it's the mini and they're not selling and they're not being used they say that too dangerous but really they're kind of a useless vehicle they're not fast enough to get out of the way because of the shell and they're not fast and they don't handle that well because of the tires and you can upgrade the suspension which they did not Fiat too same thing and they're about the size of this car they're teeny bit bigger like 1 inch each way there are hundreds of trillions of trillions of these two cars thousands of trillions and the old minis too I will make a version that works on the old ones and they'll be fast this particular vehicle on like a 1972 mini which is the last year they made those particular minis they started them up again in 1997 and to 2012 the 1972 mini with the standard motor will go 150 miles an hour and this version if you use a top end kit extra cooling and different gearing it will go about 250 mph and that's what we're interested in getting people into their thing and into this
3. I'm going to start out with a carbon fiber body and they're going to be made in the factory so they can be dropped on it takes a lot less time and you drop it right onto the frame that's on the chassis and you take off of the old body and once again we're introducing the idea of leaving the interior and just dialing it up and putting doodads and removing shifters and steering wheels and putting in high performance one that match the company credo and that would be a start and it would be a hefty start versus what we were thinking and he says if we have to and can't get anything going we'll take a step back and use the rider lawn mower there's a way to do it
1. And they might not be black people but they're into it in Los Angeles is crawling with kind of stuff like this and a whole bunch of lawn mowers came out and say they're wasted time but you got a cooling system and they work pretty well for a while and with lighter people so looking to do this we suggest a ride or mower of 45 horsepower minimum and that's for a fuel efficiency but the 55 works better and cools better and you go up probably two notches to 75 to get your gears and you have to add up the linkage people wanted this they want to do this and it would be like the Bugatti but smaller but about 4 in each way and you still fit in it because you make it like the MG midget granted he had the seats out no the Central like 2 in thick on the floor they both sitting on the floor but the seat was under them but you can see it's like a bathtub and that's why Nikki said that's what you do with the mini and they're pretty much the same size as the mg but you have to stretch it or they're teeny and sometimes you have to stretch the mini's big enough. So this is what the design is we should just starting the bottom so you don't attract attention except your own and it's good detention and there's nothing to take over for others
Lamborghini is a good selection and it would be front engine no moving the engine is almost necessary to make the linkage work in the rear so you take the engine and there's ways to do it they're really easy and you like it you put new tires and rims and suspension and just stretch it and there's a few ways to do it it's pretty easy basically you have a chassis. At first it probably won't have air conditioning and everything will be rudimentary and he says there's some Japanese cars that you can salvage a whole bunch of parts for and there are miniature there like the Toyota Tercel but they're newer even though it was kind of modern and there's a Nissan you take the whole interior out including the gear shifter and the dashboard then you make the kit fit. And the reason why you do this is the electrical is probably ruined and the working systems in the motor I can still put a vent in and it won't cost anything he says if you have that you have an automobile chassis which might be a better way to go but you have to find a motor you can use the lawn mower but it won't link up to the axle or the transmission but the lawn mower engine will you just shorten it and you shorten the axle so that's what you can do you can pirate the interior and the lawn mowers practically cost nothing they bring it out and they pay you to get them the car and a small discount and really it's very small if any they just get a spot and they work it out so you get your own car back well lawn mower and he's thinking this might take a little work but there's going to be a girl and a guy's name The magicians they look like two guy's names they take the lawn mower blade and the edge of it has a certain shape and you dull it a little around the edges and you chromate and you put it on as an emblem and you in bed Santini and smaller letters and the model she can take it off and you put the lambo in there and they don't like the idea so he says okay you go inside and you put it on the glove compartment and it's like the top edge is part of the lawn mower blade from the same lawn mower and it says on it and it's stenciled in there it says Lambo in the Lamborghini type handwriting and Santini and something corporation in the same handwriting but smaller so be inlaid like a black onyx inlay and they like it they think it's really cool and it's going to go ahead and it strengthens The edge on the glove compartment but you you'll be using the car so I'm going to show you that Nissan
Thor Freya
We're thinking of using the chassis then you have no motor now we understand what you're saying for the time being we can use the lawn mower engines and we know how to cool them very well and we can get a lot of money and have more influence and we can get motors it's a tough one the motorcycle motors don't work so good and he knows that but he wants to make a motorcycle motor that's a car engine for fly cycles and he's going to work on that with us too and we like that it'll be a four cylinder and be powerful and fast and larger CC probably 2000 or 2500 and people are interested and when you melt down those engines in LA it'll make a nice engine and people like that too so someone's probably going to work on it Dan wants to and you can't get it out of him but in China you can make it and we know about that they don't like that either okay so we can make it and piggyback and get you the motors and eventually to be like a six cylinder and really people will be getting bigger in a short time and they were getting Boss hoss that's true too it's time to write. So interested in this idea and we want to go ahead and we like it we have access to a lot of these cars and I'm going to show you which one
Nicki Minaj the cars don't work now and they're fairly fast but these will be faster even though the motor is a lesser motor
We estimate with a 45 horsepower rider lawn mower and the two gears up that the Alamo the white one it should be smaller that you see the white fiberglass would go about 180 mph steady at 160 with the cooling
Thor Freya
We need to go that fast and these tires and rims are everywhere and suspension and that's a 45 and we can get 55 and 60 and he says they're over 200 and up to 300 and you don't want to put performance kits on them but you can put the exhaust the 75 will go 320 mph with just the exhaust that's about what you want to do in the car they can handle it and it would be a trip because they're real small I mean you would be some sort of anomaly I mean it would be an amazing and cool looking and safer for you you can escape and now it is it's hard and he wants to make a motorcycle too by the way and who the way and the by the way we're going to make ae motorcycle and it will be a stitch frame and the rest you guys know about but instead of a new motor then instead of Harley-Davidson it would be Japanese brands and Ducati and maybe BMW for a smaller friend still the same company it's magic you see. And beauty and the bunch don't want to do anything they're concentrating on stealing something I really hate them for it. But soon I'll be over. I'm going to go ahead and put this idea in and when you make the vehicle you have to go up to really you take the lesser motor you bring it to the chassis and gearbox of the next one up it's much easier and you take the smaller chassis and you really can't do much the smaller ones are too small 45 horsepower and stuff for too small but you can make something out of the smaller chassis and our son has just devised what you're making a factory and you have all this stuff in there to move around and you need something to do it in and you're leaving the gears in and they're pretty sturdy so you put electric motor in you can buy at 3,000 kilowatt motor pretty cheap and you can put light weight lithium batteries in and charge them every day and it'll work for several months and you string them together and people do it all the time and you're making golf carts and they're really work cards and it's a light industry and you zooming around all day it's a nice time and the chassis it's good for you take the gear out and you can use it on the motorcycles and you'll be stepping up and you put in a solid axle and you use it as a trailer or you can turn it into a well it's better to have gears so we're going to print
Thor Freya
This sounds awesome and what they're saying is you want to gear up two and the damn thing goes very very fast and you want to go from a 45 to a 65 and it's going to go extremely fast a lot faster than you think and we have done it and it's ridiculous the next step is the mini then the Volkswagen and then our own versions of many with a new frames of our mini and then we're going into the big time by the time we get there we'll sold tons of cars huge numbers he says and we agree and made them too for us and he says you start out with the mini with that committee a reasonable car it's fast even like a Corvette cuz it's not really considered a supercar even though it really is and it can actually go very fast there's a saying with a 45 horsepower with a 65 gearing and stretch it and you fit it correctly and drop on the frpr whole can you use a Nissan interior you'll get probably 215 mph and you have to cool it well. We made these things before and we never got that speed and they're saying just with the exhaust no you would go to 25 with the exhaust it's always about 10 miles an hour for some reason 225 mph top speed and he says he thinks that's faster than the stock Corvette and it is and you got to watch out because handling is going to be touchy and extremely precise and lots of fun and very easy to drive and it's smaller and shorter and you can power up and down and get away from almost anything and helicopters don't go that fast I've seen him they go 150 I can't believe this this is going to work
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nightly-birdie · 4 months
today on communism, marx and engels attempt to call anarchists stupid and advocating for authority and thus authoritarianism.
the factory needs to exist the factory needs to exist they say
society cannot function without factories and factories owned by capitalists or by communists are still structures that promote authoritarianism through productivity margins
communists care just as much as capitalists about the productivity of a factory: everybody will have a job under communism
even in the socialist utopia, one must subject himself to authority
what the fuck?
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studioninilong · 1 year
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My Statement:. I talk a lot.
I am an Artist.  What? No? yes!  Multidisciplinary.  Multilingual.
This is a character I've been writing and working with since 1998.  I've put his story into a script that I also started way back then....it's a very personal story to me so I hope it becomes well received. https://fullarmour.carrd.co/#
What is this Piece?
For now here's some very rough sketches of Li WeiLian aka Nathaniel Leonard Christopher.
What nature does this put me in the mind of?
To be honest, not much. Dead leaves maybe.  But i love fall so dead leaves are ok with me.
What do the Colourways mean to me?
I kinda like beige…when it’s closer to a gold.  I have a whole artbook i’m crafting on Patreon that’s gonna be beige.
What did this piece inspire?
His main outfit.  And the pony tails ofcourse.
What inspired it? - is there a Vid?
Lots of hanfu.  I’m a fool for traditional clothing I even have a few Hanfu. And i knew he was a bit of a traditionalist to start with anyhoww when i came up with him. So that’s why he wears what all he wears.
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Memory of an event pertaining to the Piece? - is there a Vid?
It was lockdown.  The beginning of it.  2020 was a stalling year for me. I was just getting up the nerve to put myself on dating apps, loosing weight, doing my dance and yoga again, restarting corsetry...
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Anything Funny pertaining to the piece - is there a Vid?
Out side of some wyyrd crotch action..no.
Do you have a Memory of a lesson or mistake surrounding or pertaining to the Piece? Any Philosophical insight? - is there a Vid?
Looking back on this piece. I should have done these in art school. But that place was the most DEPRESSING school to be in.  I’m shocked we made it out AT ALL.  but either way.  If i knew then. One i would not have gone and two i would have done more fashion sketches. Richmond in 2020 was seeing racial riots like many of our US cities.
Is there a Musical thought surrounding this Piece? - is there a Vid?
I think i was listening ot Demonhunter or the IceFantasy soundtrack…not sure long time ago.
Statement for posterity, a note to the 3 Thunders, and well wish to the piece
I hope these fashions make it to the screen…or even on one of my future son’s bodies. :) that’s make mom proud.
Hashtags and links to purchase?
I’m not selling this actually. But it’s up on Patreon.com/studionini to help explain out all the characters.
You all take care of yourselves…these days on Earth are trying.  Mind your words and the words of others.  Be kind and tough.  Persevere and remember humility.
#HUMANARTY my fledgling initiative for Artists of all Disciplines to support our OWN COMMUNITY “buy Human Made Art”
https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/index.html The Glaze Project!
Disclaimer Bits:
I draw, write, paint, and produce my own everything, so hyshh!
I use Adobe almost exclusively.
Yes, I am VERY for hire! [email protected]
#patreonartist #instaartist #blackfemaleartist #thefullarmourproject
-Stop Exploiting our creative industries! Just because you can doesn't mean you should! Regulate AI or shut it down! Stop the Violations to the public! Stop the damage to our creative platforms! Stop the damage to humanity! #SupportHumanArtists #TeamHuman #RegulateAI #humanmade
-Humans come in all colours, shapes, and sizes…lay off others just because they don’t look, talk or act like you. If you shut up, maybe you will learn something useful from someone else. #humanrights #stopasianhate #blackandasiansolidarity #blacklivesmatter #loveisamovement
-Take yourself out.  By your own flowers.  Pat yourself on the back. Talk healthily to yourself.
#speakyourselfloveyourself #trustyourself #cultivatewisdom #godmadenomistakes #youwerebornonpurpose
-I put feet to my faith, bro…
#creatorevidencedbyourcreativity #winnersfocusonwinning
—-------------on the other tentacle—----------------
Krakens of the World, Untie!
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thepigeonagenda · 1 year
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wolfluna091 · 4 months
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mrhumanitygives · 4 years
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$50 CASH during the public viewing at 7:45PM EST tonight with ZACK from The Big Bang Theory! I'm apologizing now, I'm in love this show. I'm promoting all day. Members only chat at 7:05pm - Must be an official monthly member for only 4.99  - www.youtube.com/mrhumanity/join 
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