#team usa is one of the countries that rented a house
prettyimpossiblelady · 2 months
obsessed with all things olympic and olympic tiktok right now but thinking about the surfers in Tahiti on the cruise ship in particular... there's only 48 total surfers and not even all of them are staying on the cruise ship? Some countries rented houses so there are less than 48 total athletes even on the cruise ship it must be so weird and also so cool???
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scalamore · 8 months
Social FYI post: Kakaopage
So I see on various social media spaces the immense hatred of KKP lately, because their anti-piracy task force, P.cok is going around and throwing DMCAs at scanlation and translation groups. There's been more anger towards them lately because every time a series is axed or unexpectedly cancelled, western readers have a tendency to blame everything on kakaopage.
So this is an information post!
Misinformation: KKP axes series Answer: The publisher axes series Kakaopage is an online distributor, not a publisher (although they do have some shares/involvement in some series) and are for the most part, an online platform to share content. They're a platform that allows anyone, from novices to big publishing houses to post their content in an easy and accessible way. Other such platforms include Naver or Ridi.
To give an example, Kakaopage is like Amazon, or Barnes and Nobles (USA bookstore), or even wattpad. They host a ton of stuff, but don't necessarily own it. Back in 2017, it was reported that for all content sold, the revenue is shared between Google Play (30 %), Kakao (20 %), and the publisher (50 %). The publisher then distributes those profits to the manhwa teams.
As part of their agreements with various publishers, the p.cok anti-piracy task force was created to stop piracy and illegal distribution. Their intent is purely to keep things to the official sources, to make sure the publishers (like DAON, D&C, Carrotoon etc) get paid to pass on to the manhwa teams.
As such, over the past few years, Kakaopage has invested tremendously in legal ways to read their stories in various countries:
China (Podo, Lehzin)
USA or "english speaking countries" (Tapas, Tappytoon, Radish, Webtoon, manta etc)
Indonesia (KKP indonesia)
Japan (Piccoma)
Tappy France
Tappy Germany
etc Misinformation: Kakaopage doesn't care about your language/country Answer: Slight truth, but the more accurate answer is "the publishers don't care about your language/country" As one might notice, this isn't a very comprehensive list of countries. That's the point. Kakaopage and the Korean publishers don't care about their readers in low-readership countries (or continents) like South America, Africa, the middle east, India, Vietnam, or the Phillipines. Because simply, it's too much to invest in countries/languages that won't have high enough readership. So they focus on the "richer" countries to invest in, with translations and localization. They literally do not care about readers not in their list of localization/countries, as these readers would not pay for their services in the first place. Capitalist societies do not want their products out there for free, and that's what piracy is - people reading for free when they could be paying to support the original authors. Misinformation: Supporting officially is expensive!! Answer: Not really When you break it down, not really. on the KKP app, if you want to rent a chapter for 72 hrs, it's 200 coins. If you want to permanently buy a chapter "collect", it's 500 coins. 5000 coins = $4 on the app store 10000 coins = $9 on the app store, etc. Basically, if you want to collect a chapter, with the lowest tier = 5000 coins = 10 chapters = $4 ----> 25 cents per chapter. If you purchase on Tappytoon, I believe it comes out to about 35 cents per chapter If you purchase on Tapas, I heard it's around 30-40 cents per chapter? back to KKP: Now, as each chapter is 25 cents, imagine how that's distributed: 12.5 cents to the publisher, and 5 cents to KKP to host it. For each YM chapter purchased on KKP, which costs a reader 25 cents, DAON Entertainment gets 12.5 cents to split amongst Hayeonnim, Hyeyongnim, and the other staff. Yikes. For a 100 chapter series --> $25 to read it on kakaopage --> $12.5 goes to DAON to distribute to the manhwa team. That's not much per person. If we're lucky to get a physical release, I believe it's about $10 USD for 12 chapters for the YM physicals in KR. For Villains are Destined to Die, or Stepmothers Marchen, who have physical ENG releases, someone told me it's about $15 for 6-8 chapters (needs verification) Back to the webtoons: imagine, 100 people read 100 chapters on aggregate sites instead of one of the official routes: Hayeonnim and Hyeyongnim have already lost $1,250 in royalties/income from the series. from bato alone i see a chapter can have about 55K views. I'm not sure how to translate "views" to "readers", so lets arbitrarily say each chapter is read by 10,000 people internationally who for whatever reason, don't read officially. So 10,000 readers x 100 chapters at 0.12 cents each = loss of $125,000 of income for the manhwa teams for a series with 3 seasons released. Bottom line is, if you can support and want to support, it would be a good idea to. No one's forcing you to, but think of your favorite authors and artists ---!
Sources: https://www.techinasia.com/kakaotalk-launches-kakaopage-digital-content-marketplace
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travel-nurse · 7 months
The Role Of Travel Nurses in Rural Healthcare
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Rural communities across the United States faces a fundamental challenge: ensuring access to quality health care. These areas are facing an acute shortage of qualified nurses, leaving hospitals and clinics struggling to meet the needs of their patients. 
This is where travel nurses emerge as important people in bridging the gap and providing needed care. So today through this article we are going to learn the role of travel nurses in rural healthcare in the USA. Let’s set go!
They fulfill the requirements & demand
Travel Nurses are RNs who choose to complete temporary assignments in the healthcare sector across the country. Unlike those who get permanent positions in hospitals and clinics, they work as a travel nurse who can travel and work with flexibility. These wanderlust nurses coupled with their skillsets and experience, make them perfectly suited to address the staffing shortages in rural settings. 
Being experience and expertise in rural areas
Rural hospitals often need more resources compared to urban hospitals in terms of salaries and benefits. The benefits can make it challenging to attract and retain permanent staff in the healthcare sector. Travel nurses often come equipped with specialized training and extensive experience in various areas, such as critical care, emergency medicine, and pediatrics. They bring valuable experience to rural areas and ensure that the patient can receive high-quality medical and patient care even in unprivileged areas. 
Beyond fill the gap
The impact of travel nurses is extending each day, they are much in demand in the US healthcare sector, mostly in the rural areas. Their presence in the rural areas is not just the fill the gap but beyond, let’s learn how: 
Boost morale and knowledge sharing: Collaborating with local staff and communicate with them, travel nurses can share their knowledge and best practices with other staff members also educate people. They also help to fostering a positive learning environment and uplifting the team's overall morale.
Contribute to the local economy: Being a temporary residents, the travel nurses can contribute to the local economy by renting housing, shopping at local stores, and engaging with small businesses easily in the rural areas.
Promote health and wellness: Many travel nurses actively participate in community outreach programs, educating residents about preventive healthcare and promoting healthy living practices, this way they can help residence to gain knowledge about their health.
Challenged they face along with the opportunity they 
As travel nurses are the crucial in rural healthcare but coming with opportunities, challenges are always on the way. They have to pass their knowledge to other nurses and healthcare professional to ensure the smooth process going forward. The short term training required careful planning and coordination. However, these challenges are far outweighed by the opportunities travel nurses present.
Wrapping up 
Travel nurses are the backbone of rural healthcare, ensuring that patients in underserved communities have access to the care they deserve. Their flexibility, diverse skillsets, and willingness to serve in remote locations make them invaluable assets in the fight for equitable access to healthcare across the nation. By acknowledging their contributions and fostering supportive work environments, we can further leverage the potential of travel nurses to strengthen the future of rural healthcare.
If you are the one who is seeking for the job as a travel nurse- MedCadre travel nurse staffing agency can help you. We have a list of 1000+ jobs as a travel nurse in the USA. You just need to drop us your CV so we can check your profile, along with your requirement, so we can help to find the right travel nurse job that matches your requirements perfectly.
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The zombie economy and digital arm-breakers
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It's a zombie economy. For 40 years, we've eroded the wages of workers and transfered their share of profit and productivity to owners of capital. This is a problem, because people need money to buy things, and if they run out of money, they stop buying and profits vanish.
Time and again, capitalism has kicked any reckoning over this down the road. First came the great liquidation: pension cashouts, raided savings, reverse mortgages. Then came consumer borrowing, a tidal wave of unrepayable debt.
That's the zombie part: all the unpayable debt, which has been turned into bonds that enrich debt-holders. As Michael Hudson has told us again and again, debt that can't be paid, won't be paid. Our debt-based economy is the walking dead, a zombie.
We can either stabilize the economy (by forgiving debts, so that producers can pay for necessities and go on producing); or we can stabilize finance (by coercing debtors into destroying their lives in order to keep up on payments):
Think of the loan-shark's arm-breaker: he wants to collect on debt, so he threatens to break your arm. You steal your kid's college fund. You secretly mortgage the house. You sell your wedding-ring. You end up divorced and homeless. You still owe. So he breaks your arm.
Now you're divorced, homeless, and you've lost your ability to earn, and you've got medical bills. He threatens to break your other arm. You start breaking into cars to steal the toll money in the ashtrays. You go to jail. Finally the arm-breaker and his boss are out of luck.
Debts that can't be paid, won't be paid. But as loan-sharks know, fortunes can be collected by applying the right incentives.
Give debtors the choice of immediate ruin from nonpayment, and making a payment today and ruining their lives tomorrow, and they're pay.
They'll pay...until they can't. Because debts that can't be paid, won't be paid.
The zombie economy is the subprime economy. "Subprime" came into collective consciousness thanks to the great financial crisis, where banks tricked poor homebuyers into predatory loans.
The banks knew that the loans couldn't be repaid - they had "balloon" clauses that jacked up payments beyond the borrowers' ability to repay a few years into the mortgage - but they also knew that threats of homelessness are powerful motivators.
The inscrutable equations used to "guarantee" subprime bonds all shared an unspoken assumption: people who face homelessness will go to extraordinary lengths to pay their mortgages. Behind every subprime loan is an arm-breaker.
The zombie economy shambles on. Obama's loan-shark bailout and the eviction crisis let the architects of subprime buy up whole towns' worth of homes and turn them into hugely profitable slums: high-rent, low-quality deathtraps.
Wall St landlords package rents from subprime rentals into bonds, backed by the loan-shark's guarantee: arm-breakers will evict the shit out of anyone who stops paying.
America-a land where eviction was once a rarity-now faces an eviction epidemic.
The foreclosure crisis was only possible because Wall St and the courts collaborated to streamline the historically complicated and time-consuming process of taking away someone's home. Same goes for the eviction epidemic.
It's a simple equation: the more loan-sharks spend on arm-breakers, the lower the expected profits.
Improvements to arm-breaking processes - cost-savings on traditional coercion or innovative new forms of terror - are powerful engines for unlocking new debt markets.
When innovation calls, tech answers. Our devices are increasingly "smart," and inside every smart device is a potential arm-breaker. Digital arm-breakers have been around since the first DRM systems, but they really took off in 2008.
That's when subprime car loans boomed. People who lost everything in the GFC still needed to get to work, and thanks to chronic US underinvestment in transit, that means owning a car. So loan-sharks and tech teamed up to deliver a new lost-cost, high-efficiency arm-breaker.
They leveraged the nation's mature wireless network to install cellular killswitches in cars. You could extend an unrepayable loan to a desperate person, and use an unmutable second stereo system to bombard them with earsplitting overdue notices.
If they didn't pay, you could remotely cut off the ignition and send a precise location to your repo man.
Smart killswitches let you impose fine-grained control over debtors - say, enforcing a rule against driving over the county line.
Within a decade, the bond-market for payments from subprime car drivers was edging up on $1T; not because borrowers didn't default, but because they defaulted later, and the car could be easily re-leased to another desperate person.
The zombie economy shambled on. Tech built undeletable, always-on kill-switches, lo-jacks, and spyware into an ever-expanding constellation of devices, like laptops.
Rent-to-own subprime laptops were tepicenter of innovation in digital arm-breaking. Laptops shipped with spyware for covert operation of cameras and mic and access ot files.
That went beyond repoing a laptop! Lenders could make and share covert sex-tapes of their customers!
They spied on children, plundered MP3 collections, stole passwords, read email. It was beyond the wildest dreams of analog loan-sharks.
To make a good digital arm-breaker, you need always-on network connectivity, a device that people really depend on, and a strong presumption that the device has core software that its owner is never allowed to remove.
Basically, a smartphone.
Mobile carriers were early to this party. They collaborated with device manufacturers to create a "subsidized phone" market. They would "give" you a phone in exchange for a long-term, abusive contract, and then repo it by terminating service if you missed payments.
This was only possible because the manufacturers helped, creating phones that could be locked to a single network, so you couldn't un-repo your phone by sliding in someone else's phone.
They relied on the "anti-circumvention" laws that the music industry lobbied for in the late 90s (like Section 1201 of the DMCA) to make it a felony to unlock these phones. Arm-breaking is a lot easier if it's a felony to evade the arm-breaker.
The smarter the phones got, the more subprime opportunities there were. Remember, there's a new market in every arm-breaking innovation and in every arm-breaking efficiency.
Which brings me to India.
India has a huge subprime market. As one of the world's inequality capitals, whose national government runs on performative culture war bullshit and giveaways to the super-rich, it's a land ripe for subprime innovation.
Phone manufacturers like Samsung are key to India's vast collateralized subprime smartphone market: first-time buyers get their phones on the installment plans at predatory interest rates so high that most will default
Remember: subprime isn't about debts being repaid in full. It's about making borrowers so desperate that they ruin their lives to make payments before they default.
Samsung's uninstallable arm-breaker app allows lenders to brick a smartphone without help from a carrier.
Writing for Rest of World, Nilesh Christopher describes an "escalating series of annoyances" culminating with a full lockout for failure to repay:
*  audiovisual prompts in regional languages as reminders
* changing the wallpaper on their cellphones
That escalates to coercion based on analysis of the users' device activity:
* For "a prolific selfie-taker," notifications every time the camera is invoked
* frequently used messaging and social apps like Facebook or Instagram are progressively blocked
One step at a time, the phone is made progressively less usable, until it is fully bricked.
It's a fully automated, self-configuring arm-breaker, one that substitutes a thug's unscientific ladder of mounting terror with bloodless, statistical science.
This is probably a good point to mention the Shitty Technology Adoption Curve: any disciplinary technology is tried out on powerless people first, and gradually works its way up the privilege gradient to encompass the whole world.
Debt, after all, is consuming all of us except for the lucky few at the very top of the wealth distribution who have not faced wage stagnation and forced liquidations.
The covid crisis pushed whole countries into subprime status. Pfizer has told poor countries that they can only get access to vaccines if they stake their sovereign assets as collateral to settle claims related to its products:
And the shitty-tech adoption curve is putting arm-breaking tech into every kind of device, spreading with alarming speed from the bottom of the social order to its apex.
Miss your Tesla payments and your car will lock itself, summon a repo man, back itself out of the parking lot, honk its horn, and unlock its doors for the repo man.
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As subprime climbs the shitty tech adoption curve, it gets a new name: "software as a service." In a SaaS world, you cannot own the tools of your profession. Adobe Photoshop becomes Adobe Creative Cloud, and any designer who stops monthly payments becomes economic roadkill.
What's more, software is the ghost in the shell, the animating spirit within physical devices. Remove software from a smart device and you don't have a dumb device, you have a brick.
This lets the arm-breakers exert pressure over larger, more powerful entities...like Hoboken, NJ. Hoboken had a payment dispute with the software vendor for its robotic parking garage, so the vendor bricked the garage and took all the cars hostage.
The strange mutations of arm-breaker tech bodes ill, especially in light of Chekhov's Law: "A phaser on the bulkhead in Act One will go off by Act Three."
The universal spread of devices *designed* to be remotely repoed - bricked, downgraded, turned into surveillance tools - means that oppressive governments that coerce manufacturers will have the power to reach into our homes, cars and pockets to attack us.
Same goes for unscrupulous insiders - like the subprime laptop jokers making nonconsensual sex-tapes with their customers' webcams - and criminals who can pressure insiders into acting on their behalf.
Nevertheless, subprime arm-breaking is bound to spread, and spread, and spread. Covid forced millions to liquidate everything, left them in precarious, sub-minimum-wage gig work, and there's the millions of evictions waiting for the moratorium to end.
Debts that can't be paid, won't be paid. And yet, people must participate in the zombie economy: they're not going to dig a hole, climb in, and pull the dirt in on top of themselves. There is strong demand for credit on any terms. Any.
Arm-breaker tech unlocks new markets by delaying defaults on unpayable debts. The zombie economy shambles on.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
Sachab (modified): https://www.flickr.com/photos/sachab/1422847855/
CC BY: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Kat Northern Lights Man (modified): https://www.flickr.com/photos/orangegreenblue/11375767914/
CC BY-NC: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/
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davebuckleslefthand · 3 years
the USA makes me so upset! U.S. CITIZENS ARISE!
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chelmsfordmatwvs956 · 3 years
17 Superstars We’d Love to Recruit for Our Chelmsford MA Team
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The lender initiated foreclosure proceedings on these Homes as the proprietor(s) were being in default on their personal loan obligations. Pre-foreclosures also consist of Attributes for which a foreclosure auction is scheduled.
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"It will probably be a slow and gradual method to reopen safely and securely," Director of Human Providers Debi Siriani mentioned in an announcement. Among the first things which has introduced again precise people towards the making —in incredibly restricted figures and with masks —are tax appointments, she reported.
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Successive Pennacook leaders Passaconaway and Wonalancet strove to placate and sustain peace with the eu settler-colonizers who founded Chelmsford within just their territory.[1] In spite of this, the settlers became progressively violent to the Pennacook, typically forcing them to flee north. On 1 these kinds of event in 1675, Chelmsford settlers burned alive the handful of Pennacook who had been much too Ill or outdated to flee north with their kin.[one] The Pennacook finally joined their relations in Odanak; right now their descendants, who will be members in the Abenaki Initial Nation, continue on to perspective Chelmsford as section of their country's ancestral and unceded homeland.[five][six]
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@bardofspades​ suggested we #wipitgood, which is to say, since Check Please is ending soon, clean out our WIP folders with all the OMGCP fic we never got around to finishing.
This is my first WIP to post. Trigger warning: Child sexual abuse
A bit of backstory: Curtis O’Brien, my OC, fills the same space, more or less, as real-life hockey player Sheldon Kennedy, who revealed as an NHL player that he was sexually abused by his hockey coach when he was a teenager. He traded off the ability to sue the pants off the Canadian Hockey League for the ability to force them to implement training and policies aimed at preventing and reporting child abuse. After he got his PTSD somewhat under control, he became a full-time advocate against child abuse. 
My headcanon is that Kent likewise suffered abuse from his Bantam coach, and has spent a long time determinedly not talking about it. I wanted to write a fic where, before he did start talking about it, someone (in this case, Andy) got him to talk to the one man who’s an expert on what it’s like to be an NHL player out as a survivor. This piece really stops before any of that actual stuff takes place. You just get, you know, Kent being awkward, and everyone being giant nerds about public health. Oh, and the claim that Cummerbund was Andy's dog before she moved to LV, when I later determined that Kent and Andy adopted him together.
Andy met Curtis O'Brien when he came out of Customs, smiling her customer-service smile with a card on his name on it but feeling a bit silly. He was easy to pick out of the crowd: an ex-hockey player in a suit, a tall man with a slightly jerky walk who scanned the crowd for her. When he approached she tried to upgrade to the relaxed cheer she tried to copy off rich people who had never been afraid of getting fired, transcending Director of the Aces Foundation to the offhanded, casually powerful just Andy. She couldn't think of him as a prominent expert in his field or the board member of national-level organizations in two countries or a consultant on an important initiative key to her job's success; she just had to smile and welcome a guest to her home. He clutched his checked baggage when she offered to take it from him at the carousel, so she just led him out to short-term parking.
Kent was back from morning workout when they arrived at the house, so he faked calm like Andy and shook Curtis's hand with the hockey-player head dip and mumbled greeting, which Curtis returned. Andy wrestled his suitcase to their guest room, having pounced on it when she parked the car, and invited him to make himself comfortable.
"Nice house," he said, but apparently there wasn't any kind of hidden message behind it. It was a nice house, for a strictly median definition of "nice"; Kent's teammates claimed mansions outside city limits and he'd left a penthouse taking up half a floor to come here, but nothing differentiated their house on the street from any other three-bedroom split level on the block. Its yard was neatly xeriscaped, its carpets clean, appliances undamaged, and she could afford the rent, which had long been the height of Andy's domestic ambitions, but a lot of people didn't think it befitted Kent's dignity or whatever.
"Nice dog," Curtis added, bending over to let Cummerbund wash his hand enthusiastically. Speaking of things that didn't fit Kent's dignity—but the dachshund had been Andy's first.
"Yeah, he's a big suck-up," Andy said. "Smell a fresh mark, hey boy? I bet he'll even scratch your belly for you."
"Don't be hard on him," Curtis said, scratching behind Cummerbund's ears. "He's a good boy."
Cummerbund sat under Curtis's chair and looked beseeching during lunch, while the humans ate cobb salad and made smalltalk. Andy was friends with some of the CWHL players Curtis did an annual fundraiser with. Kent thought one of the kids on Curtis's local WHL team was a good pick for Team USA for World Juniors. Curtis's officemate was doing Crossfit and using the supplements one of Kent's sponsors made; he was training for a marathon. Easy stuff.
From the tension in his shoulders Andy thought Kent would leave it there and move on for the afternoon, claim he was letting their guest settle in. Instead he grimaced in a friendly way and said, "You know, tomorrow will be the first time I've actually sat through one of your guys' trainings."
Curtis reached down to scratch Cummerbund's head. His movements were quiet, but still betrayed a lot of energy, like he was used to slowly leaking stress around the edges while keeping his eye on the puck. "It's getting rarer that anyone lasts very long in hockey without taking one of our classes," he said. "Almost everybody who works with kids does."
"Yeah," Kent said, his hands twitching where he kept them held down on the table, like he wanted to gesture. "I had to, I read the material and took the certificate exam online? I couldn't—I went, like, the morning of it, but I had to leave, so I caught up after." He paused, lifted a hand to scratch the back of his neck, and admitted, "You came to my team in Juniors to give a talk, and I pretended I was sick. Hid at home, got one of my friends to tell Coach I couldn't make it. They scratched me for a game." He was red by the time he'd finished saying it, reaching for his water bottle and fiddling with his lid, didn't look up; instead he picked a cube of cheese off his salad and offered it down to Cummerbund.
"Hard stuff to deal with," Curtis said oddhandedly, though high spots of colour were appearing in his cheeks. He was trying his best to downplay it, though. "Some people gotta take their own time."
"Yeah," Kent said, and blinked, like he'd expected a scolding that hadn't come. He shook his shoulders out a little. "Yeah. It's... yeah. I can't deal with... I couldn't, for a long time."
Curtis stayed quiet, looking at him, as Kent suffered through silence, until it seemed at Kent had no more words to summon up; then he turned to Andy and asked, without fuss, "You're organizing all the people coming in tomorrow, correct?"
"Yeah," she said, curling a hand around Kent's under the table and trying to pick up the conversational ball. "I, uh... yeah. We've got the researchers and the Children's Services people, and some state athletic associations, about ten different sports, and uh, we're expecting about twenty coaches and other people from the Four Corners area."
Curtis raised his eyebrows. "I thought you couldn't get steady numbers from them?"
"Well actually," Andy said, "I have a friend? She's indigenous Mexican and she's got some friends at the Hualapai reservation, and they invited us down to this inter-tribal baseball tournament in Phoenix last month, so I ended up meeting a lot of people there, some of them people I'd been emailing the last six months. But it was making the in-person contact that really got them to commit."
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coworkspacegurgaon · 4 years
How Virtual Office Is Going to Change Your Business Strategies
For most of the business houses, two things involve a major expense-
The people
The rent.
Won’t it be good if one of the two things gets eliminated, right?
This gives rise to the concept of “virtual offices”, which means that there is no physical office space, and everyone is working from home or elsewhere.
Besides, saving on the costs associated with renting out or buying out an office space, one of the obvious benefits of virtual office spaces is the enhanced quality of life of the employees, thus improving productivity and morale.
Corporate lives are evolving tremendously. Now it does not matter from where you log in. Virtual office space has become a new trend which is being followed by companies worldwide.
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Technology has acted as a primary vehicle
The question that arises here is that can we perform our job roles efficiently while working from the comfort of our homes? Is it possible for the service-based industries to take advantage of these benefits? Thanks to the developments made in virtual desktops and other cloud-based solutions, employees can now work from anywhere due to good internet connection and desktops.
But technology alone will not provide a good solution for virtual office spaces. Even if people get connected through technology, it is very difficult to eliminate the need for social interaction. Coordinated team efforts and social interaction can not be wiped off from the framework of the companies. You need to coordinate, coach and build teams when you are working in a professional environment. Moreover, virtual office spaces will miss out on those spontaneous and brilliant ideas that flow organically through casual conversations.
Let’s discuss how corporates can improve their productivity through virtual office spaces?
You can get the best person to work for your company. Even if your company is based in the UK and you have found the right candidate in the USA. There will be no geographical limitations. If you have found the perfect candidate residing in some other country, the person can work from home, and give the best output to the company. You can be flexible with your work schedule. This will ensure that the experience and knowledge base is not limited to the geographic location.
Such candidates can be productive from anywhere and all thanks to the virtual desktops, speedy network connections, large-scale online collaborative scales, and smartphones, as long as they can rely on it.
Your company need not stick to a regimented work schedule or time-table- If there are differences in the time zones and time-scales, then the employee can work with a lot of flexibility. When people are permitted to work according to their own schedules, they will be able to balance their responsibilities and job roles both personally, as well as, professionally. If everyone is putting a collective team-effort, then the output will speak for itself. As long as all the employees of your company understand their responsibilities, this degree of flexibility will motivate the employees to perform to the best of their abilities.
Most of the companies have noticed higher productivity among the employees after they have implemented flexible working hours.
Extended work timings- You will be having employees from many continents, so one or more of the employees will be able to satisfy the client by being available as and when required.
24-hour constant feedback possible- Although there will be a lot of influx of messages in your inbox as 24 hours will be working, still, you will be constantly receiving insights into how smoothly your company is working and progressing. There will be high communication and if you are quick off the mark so will be your productivity and improvements in the business. You can simply chop and change your business strategies, as well as, the working style; you need not wait for “someone” to come into the office and complete the work. The work will get managed 24 hours from the comfort of the employee’s home.
Take the best advantage of your virtual office as a living machine and work hard to get the best out of it. It will be a great revolutionary step when you will give great freedom to your employees to deal with the clients as and when they desire.
Multitasking has become an important tool- A customer representative when solving the problem of a client can deal with one person at a time. Although their queries are no different from the queries of the previous client on the call, they have to be answered one call at a time. With the advancement in technology and new innovative software coming up, most of the customers are resorting to the medium of instant texting and messaging.
So, when you decide to throw off the shackles of typical shared office space, and you decide to work through virtual office space, then you can deal with multiple customers at a time. Extended working hours will happen and your clients will be more satisfied as the productivity of your organization will increase. In this mode, even your employees would be extremely happy and productive. It is your duty to make an office, but virtual office space is the ultimate chameleon.
In conclusion, the times are changing constantly. It is better you grow your business rather than growing your inbox. In today’s competitive scenario, if entrepreneurs will not cope up with the advancement in technology, then they will be left far behind.
It will be a perfect smart move which will save the business owners a lot of time and money- and at the same time assist them in implementing all the latest advancements in technology and management resources. That is the concept of virtual office spaces. Very simply, virtual office space is the one in which the employee might not be available on-site; in fact, the employee could be located in any part of the world but he will be constantly available through the online mode.
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sortblog · 5 years
Nørrebro Pride
It is difficult to know where to begin. It is difficult for me to know what to say and where to start. 
Last year Andrea Coloma and Cecilie Viet drank too much wine and hyped each other enough with talks about marching down Nørrebro. These beautiful people were tired and wanted something new. And I was tired too and foolish enough to join them. Last year we were overwhelmed by your power – but this year! Holy shit!
This year – please put your hand up! Give your self a round of applause. This year a lot of people are coming together. This is something else now. There has been so much effort into the community kitchen, to the security team, to outreach, to meeting with different groups the past six months. There are many lessons we have learnt organising this year, are learning right now, and have to continue to learn for this to continue. Thank you. 
And there’s a reason that you’re here; there is a reason why I am here. First of all, Pride is political! Queer and trans folk face hardships – both locally and globally. Isolated from families we create our own. For wanting to live in the bodies that we desire; for wanting a world in which we can desire, we are shamed, silenced, institutionalised, sterilised, assaulted, raped, and killed – either by others or the straight world order leading us to kill ourselves at extreme rates. Sometimes going outside is the hardest: being reminded of what limited place you have. Even if I am privileged I am reminded that the public is a hetero public, it is a white public – this was made totally clear to me just days ago when a man told in the calmest voice that if only I followed him, he and his friends could burn me alive – with no police watching he added. Repeatedly he told me of his intended crime. Repeatedly I witnessed how no one intervened. Repeatedly I was reminded that my black body, my black queer trans body is a body that can always be transgressed and don’t belong in this world. Reminded that I do not know how old I will get, faced with the reality that way too many black trans and gender non-conforming folks do not live to see 40. 
What ever reasons you have felt to come here today; whether it is to grieve loved ones you have lost or the lives that you cannot yet live; if it is to be joyous with friends and comrades; or you do not yet know why you’re here –  know that you belong, on this earth. That you deserve to belong here. 
But there are also other reasons why we are here. 
Nørrebro is a battlefield. It is one of several places politicians like to legislate on and against. When the government legislates against the homeless it’s also about the people here in Nørrebro; when the government makes squatting illegal it’s about the political extra-parliamentary movements in Nørrebro; when the government and police agree on stop-and-searching and special zones it is about brown and black boys in Nørrebro; when the government wants to privatise and limit social housing it’s about controlling Nørrebro & Nordvest (Gellerup, Vollsmose, etc); when it allows for Rasmus Paludan to be paraded around it is about provoking Nørrebro, and earning cheap political points in the rest of this fucking racist country; when the government legislates against muslim women wearing the veil it is concerned with Nørrebro. We could go on.
How the government acts when it sees Nørrebro and other places like it, is nothing short of fascism; a place infested with brown and black people and migrants who should be deported, vilified and discriminated against; a place where working-class communities are to be punished with higher rents and costs of living and cuts to social infrastructure. Until all of Copenhagen is free of single-mothers, muslim women and men, the sick and homeless folks, working-class folks and impoverished folks, black and brown folks, the government will not rest. The government wants many of us – some more than others – gone, and this neighbourhood turned into a paradise for the white middle- and upper classes. 
It does not make sense to talk about what Nørrebro Pride is – because it is nothing yet –  but all of the things it wants to be and could be.
Nørrebro Pride wants to be anti-commercial and anti-gentrification, but for this to happen we have to find ways of making sure businesses don’t just pinkwash themselves with our lives, but also to make sure that everyone – with or without papers – in this neighbourhood, in this city, in this country have access and the right to housing, transport, health care, safety, and workers rights. If we want a Pride which takes gentrification seriously, we have to think of how to stop global capital mangement funds like Blackstone’s undercover assault on the neighbourhood, as well as be ready to put our bodies on the line when people in Mjølnerparken soon will be evicted. We need to prevent and stop this.
Nørrebro Pride wants Black people, Indigenous people and People of Colour to the front, but, as it was stressed during the community kitchen thursday, must acknowledge the limits of this when even marginalised communities aren’t even equal between each other; when anti-Blackness runs through society and every community; when Greenland is still colonised; when Denmark sold 100.000 black caribbean people to the USA, who still cannot vote to this day; when muslim communities are targeted daily; when adoptees are ignored and their lives made into accessories for white heterosexuals and increasingly the lgbt community; when there are people in camps. In order to organise together, it will require work; it will require staying with the trouble; it will require conscious effort. It will require time. It will require white people decentralising themselves. 
Nørrebro Pride wants to be accessible but is not. There is work to do in making the City of Copenhagen to make a place for people without homes or living on the streets; people unable to attain shelter and health care because of their lack of cpr-numbers; people who are racialised and denied access to even the smallest resources to make our communities accessible; people with disabilities facing an infrastructure that tries to deny and limit their agency at every moment. 
Let Nørrebro Pride be one of many places where we can conspire about our next actions! Let it be the place where lovers meet, kiss and fuck!  
But most of all do not walk away from today without anger, pride or a plan. We need to build; we need to organise; and we need stronger communities! If every poor person, homeless person, working class person, migrant, black person, person of colour is not to be driven from this neighborhood or the next or the next – we need to ask questions and act on them.
Close your eyes *insert joke*
There are things we need to ask ourselves and act upon together.
Who gets the right to have a home? 
What kind of people have a right to claim a home? Home is often defined by white heteronormativity, but who are all of the other people that do not fit into that box? 
What do we have to leave behind to be welcomed home? 
How can we reclaim home? 
What does home mean if you cannot leave it, are forced to stay in it, or do not have access to it? 
How do we keep our cultures and histories alive when separated from our roots? 
How do we connect across generations? 
How do we make sure that our movements don’t just become the next hashtag that you can sell on a t-shirt? 
How do we make sure that it isn’t about individuals who can earn money of the struggle? Liberation doesn’t pay; it costs. 
How can we create sustainable economic structures that allow marginalised communities the time to have their voices heard and their own power grown? Survival is no joke. 
What do you have access to that others do not? Are you sharing it?
How do those of us privileged outside the asylum system, create sustainable structures that are capable of fighting for justice together with those imprisoned in the camps? 
How do we make sure our own communities stop accepting the premise of border regimes? 
How do we make sure our own communities stand in solidarity with sex workers? 
How do we prevent the lives of queer and trans folks from being marginalized in the struggle? As we have been in every struggle, in every political space, on every continent. No matter the movement, no matter the time. 
How do we ensure that queer and trans lives don’t become excuses for bombing, sanctioning or further exploiting the countries all diasporic folks are part of? 
How do we expand? How do we sustain? How do we lift each other? As a close friend and comrade says: How do we learn to organize with intention? What shall we do to remind each other of the fact, that we once too believed in the lies of the system? 
Open your eyes. And dream. 
Thank you. 
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clarkewilliams-blog · 5 years
     hey lads!!! i’m reese ( 21, est, they/them ) and this here is clarke. i’ve played too many versions of him but i’ve revamped him a bit here to make him a slightly better player so he can have the contract that would let him fit somewhat into this rp lmao. all you need to know about me is that i fucking love hockey and my og team fucking sucks so all i’ve done for the past five years is love on prospects and watch them develop and ( sometimes ) make it to the nhl. so i apologize in advance for going absolute ham on the details of clarke’s path to the nhl no one cares abt. clarke’s a mix of some of my fav nhl prospects and players which i’ll list at the end if anyone cares. also i don’t really know anything about the rangers besides lundqvist being the king and how to properly pronounce skjei so bear with me here.
     i’m always super excited to play clarke, so let’s get to it!!!
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          gregg sulkin. male. he/him.  /  clarke williams just pulled up blasting high hopes by panic! at the disco — that song is so them! you know, for a twenty-four year old nyr defenseman, i’ve heard they’re really -private, but that they make up for it by being so +easygoing. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say cold lakewater against sweaty skin, the cool shadows around a spotlight, and an easy smile captured by an unnoticed camera. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble! ( reese, 21, est, they/them)
--- clarke williams was born on the coldest day of december in a snowstorm, it was only fitting then he would love the cold like nothing else. he fell in love with skating long before he did the sport of hockey : he loved how it made him feel, how exhilarating and freeing it was. when he was eight, he picked up his first hockey stick ( a little LATE by some standards ) and fell in love again.
--- he ascended beyond his peers quickly, driving the game from the blue line even at a young age. his high school made a bid for the coveted state championship TWICE : once his freshman year and again his sophomore year. they never did make it all the way and that’s something he wishes he could have experienced. despite not winning it all, he was noticed by scouts and invited to the tryout camp for the us national team development program. he made the program and finished his last two years of high school with the ntdp in ann arbor, michigan with the u17 and u18 teams, respectively.
--- after his graduation from the program, he was selected in the second round of the 2013 NHL draft, 49th overall to the san jose sharks ( IRONICALLY, that draft pick was originally from the rangers ). he was scouted by the university of north dakota, quinnapiac, and university of minnesota; ultimately, he committed to north dakota, the first school to offer him a scholarship. his freshman year he was selected to team usa at the 18u world juniors where they won gold (2014 u18 wjc), and again his junior year to the 20u world juniors where they won bronze (2016 wjc).
--- the end of his junior year he chose to sign his entry level contract with the sharks instead of finishing his final year at north dakota : they made the frozen four all three years of his tenure, finally winning it all in 2016. it seemed like a fitting time to move on. waiting out the full four years of college and going to free agency had never been on clarke’s mind, the sharks were the ones who’d seen something in him, drafted him, and believed in him — he was always going to sign with them. he finished the 15-16 season on a professional try out with the sharks’ ahl team, the san jose barracuda.
—- the next season (16-17) he played for the barracuda and was called up at the end of the season when injuries plagued the team. he played well during the playoffs but was held to no points and the next season despite his best efforts, he was sent down to the barracuda halfway through training camp. that season (17-18) he was called up in january, once again the sharks made playoffs and he played in them, building upon his progress from the season prior. he entered the off-season feeling like he was in a good place and ready to work through the season, determined to make the big club in october.
—- however, that off-season brought chaos. he’d already flown into san jose for training camp when his agent called with news of a trade. clarke was sent to ottawa as one of the many pieces in the erik karlsson trade. but it didn’t end there, he was still packing when news of a second trade hit : he’d been flipped to the new york rangers in exchange for a third round pick.
—- he arrived at rangers training camp with something to prove, determined to show not one but two teams they’d made a mistake in trading him. he still didn’t make the team straight out of camp, but he played a mere three games with the hartford wolfpack before an injury hit the rangers and he got the call to join the big club. determined to not let this opportunity slip through his hands, he played his heart out on the ice, having an impressive breakout season and establishing his place as a talented two-way defenseman. he did not get sent back down that year (18-19).
—- this past off-season, the team took a gamble and signed him to a lengthy contract instead of a bridge deal, 6 years 4.5 AAV. he starts the first year of this contract this upcoming season.
—- clarke spends his summers in minnesota at his family’s lake house. he 100% has that dumb minnesota energy and posts videos of him wakeboarding all the time. when he’s not training and preparing for the season or playing in da beauty league ( a summer minnesota hockey league ), he’s probably on a boat. he’s most likely just returned to new york very recently.
—- very calm off the ice ; very easy-going and likes to keep things light. it’s his way with dealing with stress and pressure : just pretend it isn’t there and it won’t affect you.— he’s a hella private person but kinda not in an obvious way?? like he doesn’t share much about himself, esp what he’s feeling or even when massive things happen in his life; even his mom doesn’t know a lot of things that happen/happened to him. however, at the same time he’s extremely personable and friendly, which makes it not super obvious to his friends that they don’t really know a ton about him until they really think about it.
— “tough as a junkyard dog” ; “an absolute beast” ; will play injured ( i don’t condone this and no one should but i can’t stop him… ). there’s this large blotchy thing on his neck that kinda looks like a hickey or rash but it’s actually a three a half inch scar he got when he was 16 when a skate slashed his neck. he’s very lucky it didn’t hit his main artery. it runs from about his adam’s apple and extends toward the side of his neck.
—- he lives in an apartment with two of his teammates during the season, it makes the rent a little more reasonable.
—- ain’t no lie, baby. bi bi bi. ( but on the DL obv ).
—- hockey may have been in clarke’s blood; however, his mother knew the merit of clarke being a well-rounded athlete : he ran cross-country and track, played baseball, and lacrosse. he especially excelled at baseball, but he absolutely hated the practices, so his stint with it did not last particular long. but he had a tough competitive streak, doing well in xc and track, and even lacrosse to a degree ( it certainly helped spades with his hand-eye coordination ). he started focuses more on hockey once hitting high school.
—- SEHNSUCHT : it’s a german word that roughly translates to a yearning for the future, and can maybe be considered a rough antonym for nostalgia. it’s rooted in a belief of constant improvement and that perfection is impossible to achieve ( but that it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive for it anyway ). it fits will very well ; he’s not one to dwell on the past and is constantly working to improve himself and his game.
—- he really likes being high up, not because of any sense of ego but actually being high up and looking down at things helps him keep things in perspective ( everything is just a small part of each other ).
—- he hates when people worry about him which is real ironic since he worries about everyone else too much ; be it his team, his friends, or family. it comes with being extremely loyal. on the ice he hates to see teammates pushed around and pretty much will always do something about it.
—- he was raised by a single mother and he appreciates her very much #doubleshifting. it’s given him a humble outlook on life and for a while, he worked as a line cook in a diner to help pay for his hockey equipment. he never wanted to make the nhl for the money or fame, he just wanted to make a living playing the sport he loved. the most he’s made the tabloids was when he briefly dated a model/singer ( possible wc??? ) — they broke up after three months: she couldn’t cope with his schedule and said he was distracted from her.
—- he studied aeronautics in college because besides going into the nhl, the one thing he wanted to be was a pilot.
—- there’s this video of brock boeser where he says “y’know” 45 times in a three minute interview and that’s clarke trying to do media. ( like i said, dumb minnesota energy ).
—- PLAYING STYLE : clarke is an excellent two-way defenseman. his most prominent skill is his ability to skate. he’s very quick and evasive and very good on his edges. he’s good at defensive zone exits and capable of jumping up in the rush, and his speed allows him to get back quickly if he needs to. his slapshot finds its way through traffic and he’s looking to get more minutes on the second powerplay on the point. he can throw big hits when necessary and doesn’t hesitate to sacrifice his body to block shots. he’s good muscle on the ice when scrums break out.
—- 6’3” 201 lbs.
—- PLAY COMPARABLES: brendan guhle ( skating ability and speed ), seth jones ( two-way game ), jake mccabe ( physicality ).
—- PERSONALITY COMPARABLES : brock boeser, will borgen, casey mittelstadt ( just... dumb minnesota energy )
if you actually read all that... i’m very impressed and we definitely need to plot. i’m not one for listing wc’s mostly because i’m bad at them. i’ll be back later after my family thing to read intros, plot, and get interacting with you all!! 
oh also fun fact, i also wrote most of this without brady skjei in mind until i went on campfriendly to find contract comparables and i lowkey kinda accidentally made brady skjei huh.
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Grim History
The Moral Violence of John Brown: Abolitionism and the Start Of the Civil War
  Few acts of violence in American history have been as contentions as John Brown’s massacre at Pottawatomie and the Raid on Harpers Ferry. Had they not been done in the name of the abolition of slavery, they would be remembered, if remembered at all, as acts of gratuitous violence. The high moral purpose behind them, however, casts them in a more ambiguous light.
    John Brown, born in 1800, was raised in Ohio. His white family was deeply religious, coming from a strict Puritan and Calvinist background. His father was severe but morally righteous and raised his children with strong values that favored the equality of all people in the sight of God. These anti-racist views were not just progressive and radical but some would even say bizarre for their time. In any case, John Brown’s family made him socialize with Native American children who lived nearby. As he grew older, he also befriended an African-American boy; he had the misfortune of seeing his friend get beaten by a white man and Brown grew up, as a result, with a smoldering hatred for slavery and racial injustice.
    When he grew older John Brown moved on to the progressive northern city of Springfield, Massachusetts. He set up a tanning business and quickly immersed himself in the Abolitionist political movement. Springfield was a hotbed of Abolitionism and a major stop on the Underground Railroad. It was here that Brown met Frederick Douglass and went to work helping escaped slaves move onwards to Canada were freedom waited for them. At about this time, the US government ratified the Fugitive Slave Act, making the capture and return of runaway slaves to their owners compulsory, even in the northern states where slavery was illegal. In response, John Brown set up a clandestine militant group called the League of Gileadites to assist the freed slaves evade capture by bounty hunters. By this point, Brown saw the futility of the Abolitionist movement which was mostly comprised of pacifists who thought that slavery would eventually die out. He began to advocate for the violent overthrow of southern plantations at Abolitionist meetings; the response was one of sympathy but not support.
    In Springfield, Brown got married to a woman who would soon die; they started having a lot of children. His business failed. They moved to New York state and bought land near Lake Placid where he set up a homestead that welcomed freed slaves with open arms. In his sparse living conditions, black people and his white family members all slept side by side and no one had a bed that was better than anyone else’s; everybody was given equal amounts of work, pay, and food. John Brown built up a reputation as being a white man who truly trusted and loved African-American people.
    After establishing the farm in New York, John Brown moved to Ohio and got re-married after his first wife died. They went on to have about twenty children, almost half of which died. He tried to make it as a land speculator but failed at that so he moved on to Kansas where three of his brothers were running a farm. Kansas was a newly admitted territory to the USA at that time. Both pro- and anti-slavery factions saw it as up for grabs; the stage was set for the skirmishes that later came to be known as Bloody Kansas. Brown arrived at the beginning of that era when pro-slavery landowners would routinely hire border ruffians from Missouri to cross the state line and raid the farms of Free State abolitionists; sometimes the border ruffians were paid to cross into Kansas to vote illegally in local elections as well, thus ensuring that pro-slavery politicians stayed in power. The petty raids eventually turned into a larger scale attack; in 1856 the thugs from Missouri, led by a local sheriff,  sacked Lawrence, burning down a Free State news agency and a hotel as a warning that Abolitionists would not be tolerated in Kansas. After the destruction, John Brown started to arm his family in preparation for military conflict. The pro-slavery farmers continuously made threats to the Free State supporters. John Brown at that point had simply had enough.
    One night at the end of May 1956, Brown led three of his sons and a band of settlers to Pottawatomie Creek. Armed with swords, they dragged five men, all of them supporters of slavery, out of their beds and into a field where they proceeded to slice them up with their blades. Brown turned his back and stared off into the night while the posse went to work, slashing and stabbing their victims until they were nothing but a bloody pile of corpses in the moonlight. The families of the dead racists quickly identified the ring leader as John Brown so he escaped with his men to live in the forest until things cooled off. Meanwhile, the battles of Bloody Kansas began in response.
    John Brown and his men participated in two of these fights. In his absence, the army captain Henry Pate burned down his family’s farm and took two of his sons prisoner. The pro-slavery Pate and his army of ruffians from Missouri marched on Lawrence. In the Battle of Black Jack, Brown and his outlaw band emerged from the woods and hijacked Pate’s column. They captured some of Pate’s men and held them for ransom; Brown let them go in exchange for his two imprisoned sons. They took to the woods again and hid out until the Battle of Osawatomie. The backwoodsmen from Missouri led an attack on that town; Brown  arrived and saw his group outnumbered so they tried to scare them away by shooting in all directions, making it look like they were a bigger army then they really were. The pro-slavery gang set the town on fire and ran. Brown’s gang scattered in the other direction.
    John Brown, under cover of night, secretly escaped to Springfield with two of his sons. Inspired by recent news of Nat Turner’s slave rebellion in the South and Maroon societies living in the hills of Jamaica, he began to scheme up a plan to hatch a rebellion which would end slavery in America. He believed the Abolitionists were not acting aggressively enough so he dreamed up a plan to begin a guerilla war by seizing an arms depot in the South, quickly arming the slaves and sending them on to other plantations to supply other African-Americans with arms in order to kill their masters. All the freed slaves would then escape into the Appalachian Mountains and hide until a later date when they would emerge and establish a country, neither Unionist nor Confederate, where all people white, black, and Native American would live in equality. He even drew up a provisional constitution boldly stating that the first president of the new nation was to be a Black man. Brown began lecturing on the underground circuit, hoping to attract thousands of followers. Although he found no shortage of audiences willing to listen, he only inspired about forty men, both white and black, to join him. However, a group of rich Abolitionists, later to be called the Secret Six, agreed to fund the revolt. Brown and his followers took their money and sneaked off to Ohio where they bought a supply of rifles and pikes to be handed out to slaves once the rebellion started.
    John Brown and his small army rented some land near  in Virginia (now part of West Virginia) where they began training and drilling for the attack. In October 1859, the amateur soldiers marched on Harpers Ferry. They cut the town’s telegraph wires and a couple men were left at a railroad bridge to prevent anyone from coming or going. As a train came down the tracks, the men blocked the rails and began shooting until it stopped. A porter named Heyward Shepard got off the train to see what was happening. He saw the men with guns and, thinking it was a robbery, began to run. They commanded him to stop and he did not, so they shot him in the back. Shepard was a free African-American man and, ironically, the first casualty in John Brown’s proposed slave rebellion. For some unknown reason, they allowed the train to continue on; it stopped at the next town and a telegraph was sent to a nearby military stating that a raid was taking place.
    Meanwhile, John Brown sent some of his followers around to the plantations to tell the slaves a rebellion was taking place and their help was needed. A small number of them reluctantly took guns and went along; most of the slaves refused to join, thinking the idea of a white man leading a slave rebellion to be bizarre and impossible to understand. Brown’s men seized the town’s armory which had been filled with a massive stockpile of weapons which they were planning to hand out to slaves all over the South until all the Black people were armed and ready to fight. Some of the town’s people took to the hills behind the armory and began to fire. Brown’s team killed several of them and held the fort. Then the army started to arrive and Brown decided to move his platoon to the engine house which was closer to the road. A night-long firefight ensued and several people on both sides got shot and killed. Brown knew he was outnumbered; their food and water supply was dwindling so in the morning he sent his son out with a white flag to declare a truce. The soldiers responded with a fusillade of bullets but they did allow the men inside the engine house to surrender and be escorted to the jail.
    The Raid on Harpers Ferry had failed.
    Fearing that the South was under imminent attack from the North, John Brown and his companions were quickly put on trial. Brown, suffering from a severe head wound, defended himself by stating that he committed a justifiable act of violence because the institution of slavery was an act prohibited by the Christian God whose law was higher than the laws of men. The trial lasted less than a week. Brown and his army were sentenced to hang.
    On December 2, an military unit came to Virginia to guard the gallows pole from anyone attempting to rescue Brown at his time of execution. Present in the squadron were Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, John Wilkes Booth, and Walt Whitman who later wrote a laudatory poem about the hanging, praising John Brown for his courage. John Brown, alongside two of his fellow fighters, were hung at 11:15 am, quickly packed into coffins with the nooses still around their necks, and sent away.
    The Raid on Harpers Ferry led to panic and paranoia in the South. Previously, the Southerners thought the Abolitionists were too cowardly and weak to use violence but then the Southern bigots became scared. The  Secessionist movement grew rapidly and the Confederacy declared their independence from the USA. Soon the Unionist troops would attack and the Civil War would begin, culminating in the Emancipation  Proclamation that freed the slaves. John Brown’s acts of violence are now believed to be the first battles of the Civil War.
    The practicality, morality, and sanity of John Brown have been debated ever since. Some of the more militant leaders of the Civil Rights movement hailed Brown as a hero while some historians and scholars have concluded that his violence was rational and sane, even if a bit far-fetched and grandiose, given the context in which they happened. Others say he was delusional, psychotic, and stupid. People of the latter persuasion tend to be Confederate sympathizers who wish to vilify and demonize the man. There have also been some pacifists who claim that Brown’s attacks were unnecessary as they continue to tow the line that slavery would have ended peacefully in the end anyways. That idea is not widely supported by scholars. In the end, if John Brown had never raided Harpers Ferry, the Civil War may never have started  which leaves the possibility open that America might still be a legalized slave state to this day. John Brown reminds us that sometimes violence is moral and sometimes violence is necessary.
Reynolds, David S. John Brown Abolitionist: The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War and Seeded Civil Rights, Vintage, revised edition 2006.
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gialonghousing-blog · 5 years
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 Real estate market in Hanoi
According to statistics, Vietnam has more than 100,000 foreigners living and working and this number is increasing every year. In particular, Hanoi is a crowded place with foreigners from main countries such as Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, Russia, the USA ... Let’s study about accommodation types in the heart of Hanoi: apartment, house, and villa.
Apartments in Hanoi:
Apartment for rent in Hanoi Understanding the psychology of the tenants, reputable investors have built high-class apartment buildings, attaching nature to the living environment with full utilities, creating a closed and convenient living environment at a reasonable price. Referring to the top of currently worth-living apartments, we cannot fail to mention the following areas: some of Vingroup like Royal City, Times City, Vinhomes Metropolis, Vinhomes Sky lake, green Bay; Ciputra urban; Sunshine Riverside; Imperia Garden; Golden Westlake; Hongkong Tower, etc.
Serviced apartment: is generally more modern, clean and expensive than houses which included services. Almost Furnished, individual serviced apartments in Hanoi offers facilities such as garage, 2-3 times cleaning service per week, drinking water, Wifi internet, cable TV and a 24-hour security and some of the high-end ones include gym, swimming pool, garden, are available on both short and long term leases and are recommended for newcomers. Price arrange from: …. for studio apt, … for 1 bedroom apt, … for 2 bedroom apt, … for 3 bedrooms apt that depending on quality, services, facility, etc.
Owner apartment in Hanoi is a type of apartment in the complex such as Ciputra, Vinhomes, Golden West Lake, etc which sublet by other landlords or investors, they will invest more high-quality furniture for the apartment and supply all services like a serviced apt and the price is higher and meet all your extra demands.
Houses for rent in Hanoi generally have more space than apt, comprised of from 3 to six bedrooms or more with terrace, rooftop, it has a small land area with 3 to 5 floors. It will be cheaper for tenants if your big family needs more space, more bedrooms and save your money for your living or a group wants to share with their friend or others to get a big house but still be affordable. There are both furnished and part furnished house, it could be negotiated with the landlord to buy furniture if you are a long-term stay.
Villas in Hanoi are generally comprised of three to six bedrooms with garden, car access, good size pool, spacious living room and big function Kitchen, larger bedrooms. Almost Villa has 250 – 1500 m2 land areas and is part full furnishing or non-furnishing with some basic furniture such as Kitchen cabinet, full air-conditionals, washing, and dryer machine, …
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30 Fun things to do in San Antonio
1. It Ain’t Texas while not A Rodeo Rodeo - Things to try to to In urban center
If you aren’t in city for the urban center Stock Show and Rodeo in February—one of the most important rodeos within the country—that doesn’t mean you have got to miss out on seeing this urban center tradition. The Tejas Rodeo holds events from March through Nov. Giddyup!
2. trying to find one thing Spookier? Take A Ghost Tour!
In a town therefore wealthy with history, there ar inevitably lots of urban center ghost stories, too—discover them 1st hand with butchery town Ghost Tours or the Sisters Grimm Ghost Tour. Check them out… goodbye as you don’t scare easily!
3. Become a part of The “CSI” Team At The Witte depository
maybe it’s additional edu-tainment than academic, however the Witte Museum’s CSI: The Experience—created in cooperation with the CBS show—will be a success with fans of the series. And if “CSI” simply isn’t your issue, the Witte features a rotating choice of exhibits regarding science and history, particularly Texas history.
4. Get In Some Historic Drinking Why can’t all history have happened during a bar? The Menger edifice Bar is, famously, wherever President Teddy Roosevelt recruited his Rough Riders whereas the Buckhorn Saloon boasts of being the oldest saloon in Texas—though the Menger would argue it’s the oldest unceasingly operated saloon. Visit the Menger for a cultured cocktail and therefore the Buckhorn—which is, as delineate, stuffed with a good assortment of horns, looking trophies, and alternative exhibits—for kitsch.
5. Visit The Exotic life At The urban center installation If you’re trying to find one thing additional exotic than the ducks and squirrels that inhabit the remainder of Brackenridge Park, venture into the urban center installation. Nearly a hundred years previous, the installation options over three,500 animals together with lions, tigers, and bears—oh my!
6. investigate associate degree E-Book At The Country’s 1st All-Digital Library Bexar County’s BiblioTech may be a library while not one physical book, providing solely digital books and audiobooks. however the power itself is price a visit, with a large number of e-readers, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers on the market to use throughout your visit.
7. Get Some searching In At La Villita And mart There ar countless places to buy in urban center, however none quite just like the La Villita Historic Arts Village—in the oldest a part of the city—or the outside, Mexican-style marketplace of mart. once you’ve exhausted your case searching, each have events throughout the year—not to say nice people-watching. You won’t notice something like them outside San Antonio!
8. Go Spelunking In one in every of San Antonio’s several Caves If you’re bored with all of the outside and recent air, and ar desire one thing a touch additional brave, head underground to explore one in every of the area’s several caverns. Natural Bridge Caverns, Cascade Caverns, and Cave while not a reputation all supply some spectacular sights.
9. For Above-Ground Excitement, Ride The Coasters At fete Texas If you’re trying to travel air sure, you can’t do higher than Six Flags fete Texas that options many high-octane roller coasters just like the Iron Rattler. however if you don’t have a style for thrill rides, there ar lots of milder rides and family-friendly diversion on supply, too.
10. Take Special wants Friends and Family to go to Morgan’s Wonderland Morgan’s Wonderland may be a completely different quite common, designed and designed to be utterly accessible to youngsters and adults with psychological feature or physical challenges whereas being a fun expertise for all guests.
11. See urban center From higher than At The Tower Of solid ground
Sure, metropolis likes to brag regarding its house Needle, however at 750 feet, San Antonio’s Tower of solid ground is taller. It’s the tallest building in urban center—and one in every of the tallest in Texas—and it provides you a stellar read of San Antonio and therefore the close Texas hill country.
12. Play holidaymaker At The watercourse Walk (Even If You’re A Local)
Yes, the watercourse Walk may be a holidaymaker destination, however it’s a holidaymaker destination for a reason—it’s an attractive place to spend associate degree hour, a day, or an entire day. absorb the sights, grab a bite to eat, and simply get pleasure from the city district.
13. See the most important assortment Of Asian Art within the South You wouldn’t extremely suppose to go to urban center to examine Asian art, however the urban center depository of Art on the north finish of the watercourse Walk has an intensive collection—as well as works from solid ground, Europe, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The crazy juxtaposition of east and (south)west is well-worth seeing.
14. See trendy Art In Spanish Colonial vogue The first trendy art depository within the state of Texas, the McNay Art depository is found within the former home of Marion Koogler McNay, a Spanish Colonial Revival mansion located on twenty three acres of improved grounds. even though trendy art isn’t your jam, the grounds ar an excellent place to wander and explore.
15. Skip The Museums And notice Some Street Art Instead For all the museums we’ve mentioned, you’ll notice art in urban center while not ever setting foot in one. We’re notably keen on F.I.S.H. by Donald Lipski, that options fish floating over the watercourse Walk below the I-35 flyover close to metropolis Street. If you retain your eyes open, you’ll conjointly notice murals everywhere the town.
16. Cheer On the house Team At A Spurs Game If you’re in urban center you’re responsible to root for the house team—and four-time NBA Championship winners, the Spurs, can provide you with masses to cheer for!
17. Brush informed Your Texas History At The butchery
nothing says Texas—or San Antonio—more than the historic butchery. And tho’ we’ve all detected the story, it’s price taking the time to go to. over simply the long-lasting facade, the butchery may be a four.2 acre complicated of gardens and exhibits—and ideal for a stroll before or once a ride down the watercourse Walk.
18. And investigate San Antonio’s alternative Historic Missions, Too Though the butchery continuously gets advert, urban center is home to over simply the one historic mission. Missions Conception, San Jose, San Juan, and Espada form up the urban center Missions park situated on the urban center watercourse.
19. wish to examine It All? Bike The Mission path From The butchery A hike and bike path runs from the butchery all the approach right down to the south Mission Espada. Rent a “B-cycle” from urban center B-Cycles and revel in the ride!
20. See The Nation’s Oldest Cathedral Built in 1750, the Cathedral of San Fernando in downtown urban center is that the oldest cathedral within the United States—and remains the middle of Catholic life within the town.
21. absorb Military History At Fort politico San Antonio features a massive military presence—enough to nickname the city “Military town USA.” Still a full of life military base, Fort politico is home to many museums and a grasslike, animal-filled quadrangle ideal for defrayment a day feeding the (rather demanding) birds.
22. Visit A Historic Homestead (Or 2 Or Three) Architecture lovers are in heaven. urban center is packed with historic homes, from the eighteenth century Spanish Governor’s Palace to the Steves Homestead and Villa Finale within the King William District.
23. See geographical region Fall colours while not confronting The weather condition
Texas might not be glorious for the dynamic  seasons, however that’s solely as a result of not everyone’s visited the Lost Maples State Natural space west of urban center. There, you’ll notice over two,000 acres of Bigtooth Maples and Texas Red Oaks that provides a sensible show each fall.
24. get pleasure from The Country while not exploit city The Lost Maples ar a touch of a drive, however Brackenridge Park offers 343 acres of out of doors diversion right within the heart of city. You’ll notice birds to feed, methods for walking or biking, playgrounds for the children, a links, and even a miniature railroad.
25. And Take Your Dog on Phil Hardberger Park - Things to try to to in urban center
Dogs ar allowed on-leash in Brackenridge Park, however at the 2 dog parks within Phil Hardberger Park , your hirsute friend will burst off the leash to run and play with alternative dogs.
26. notice Your Zen At the japanese garden For a touch additional Asian culture within the heart of urban center, swing by the japanese garden in Brackenridge Park wherever you’ll watch the swimming koi, relax by the water, or simply stroll the garden.
27. See Some ocean Life At SeaWorld SeaWorld - Things to try to to in urban center
You don’t have to be compelled to trek the 250 miles to town to examine marine life, as a result of the world’s largest marine park is correct in urban center with SeaWorld. make certain to catch up with Shamu and friends at the One Ocean show and take a swim with the stingrays at Aquatica!
28. Take A Spin At woman Bird Johnson Skate Park OK, therefore the town of urban center solely calls it woman Bird Johnson Park, however there’s a sizable—and free—skate park on the property. what percentage alternative 1st girls have their own skate parks? we tend to can’t consider any.
29. Entertain And Educate At The urban center Children’s depository San Antonio Children’s depository - Things to try to to in urban center Source: urban center Children’s depository
This kid-friendly—and, as a result, parent-friendly—museum focuses on interactive exhibits and learning through play. With 3 floors of show house, the urban center Children’s depository is bound to be a success with the miscroscopic ones.
30. Catch A Show At The butchery Drafthouse Or The Majestic Theatre The butchery Drafthouse Or The Majestic Theatre - Things to try to to in urban center
You can’t return through urban center while not catching a show. For recent run movies, strive the Texas original butchery Drafthouse Cinema, that serves up movies, food, and drinks tired identical place. For theater and alternative events, the historic Majestic Theatre is wherever you must go.
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pizzabandsyoutube · 6 years
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Moving To Littleton Colorado 
Prehistoric men once inhabited this area. Their settlements date back to about 7,000 B.C. A prehistoric site of early hunters was discovered at Lamb Springs, two miles southwest of Littleton, by Charles Lamb in 1960. The Spanish military expedition of Pedro de Villasur to this area took place in 1720. From 1770 to 1800, Arapaho and Cheyenne tribes of Native Americans migrated to this region.
Fur trappers and traders frequented the area in the early and mid 19th century. The community was named after one of the early settlers, Richard Sullivan Little. The local economy shifted from agriculture to manufacturing during World War II. Plants grown here were used for the production of pneumatics, munitions and aerospace products.
The best places to live in Colorado include Boulder , Castle Rock , Colorado Springs , Fort Collins , Lakewood , Littleton , and Pueblo Universities like Colorado, Colorado State and the U.S. Air Force Academy grace the education scene, while pro sports teams include the Broncos, Nuggets, Rockies and Avalanche.
Ask a Littleton local what to do, and they will more than likely point you in the direction of one of Littleton's countless trailheads, especially Deer Creek Canyon Park The 2.7 mile round-trip jaunt for mountain bikers or hikers of all levels provides vantage points of downtown Denver and scenic fall foliage.
About 18,000 students attend Arapahoe Community College, one of Colorado's largest, and Littleton Public Schools is one of the state's premiere school districts with the highest graduation rate and lowest dropout rate of any high schools in the metro area.  Littleton Public Schools has won Colorado’s highest academic accreditation rating seven years in a row and is listed among the Top 20 in the nation for safety and security. In fact, Littleton’s schools consistently claim some of the top spots on Niche.com for best school district, best places to teach, and best teachers.
The City of Englewood is served by the Englewood Public Schools (EPS), a district with two high schools, Englewood High and Colorado's Finest High School Of Choice Small parts of the city are served by the Littleton Public Schools and the Sheridan Public Schools. South of town the large suburbs of Littleton and Centennial offer good schools and housing, and still further south Castle Rock offers family living in more of a country setting, though growth in this direction has been maybe a little too rapid
Whether you're drawn to the capital city of Denver (Colorado's largest city by a wide margin) or to one of the smaller cities or mountain communities, you'll find plenty of apartments for rent to explore before you settle in and find a home to call your own.
Thus, many addresses written as "Englewood, Colorado" are actually in the Arapahoe County cities of Sheridan , Cherry Hills Village , Greenwood Village , or Centennial ; or in Meridian in unincorporated Douglas County This area includes part of the Denver Tech Center and the surrounding commercial development along the I-25 corridor, which is often erroneously attributed to Englewood; the city actually lies several miles west.
Whether you're into extreme sports or prefer to simply take in the breathtaking views, Colorado has the scenery and adventures to keep drawing people out of their apartments. By approximately 11:35 a.m., Klebold and Harris had killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded more than 20 other people.
According to USA Today, nearby Denver is one of America’s top 10 “thinnest” cities. The ranking is based on only 19.3% of its population being obese, which is low compared to other locations.The original founder of Denver’s oldest restaurant, the Buckhorn Exchange, met Buffalo Bill when he was 10 years old and, within two years, was riding with both Buffalo Bill and the great Indian Chief, Sitting Bull. The later even gave him the nickname, “Shorty Scout,” because of his small stature.
Also Denver International Airport is the largest airport in the country in terms of land area. It’s so huge that the four busiest airports in the US (Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, O’Hare International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport and Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport) could fit into Denver Airport’s 53-square miles of land. 
With its great schools clean air and wide open spaces Littleton Colorado is an attractive place to call home. If your considering relocating to the area be sure to get multiple moving quotes from Long Distance Moving Companies. By doing so you can literally save 30% - 40% off your moving costs. 
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basshouse · 6 years
Of Politics and Road Trips
Welp, it seems like the time has come to address one of the gnarliest and most frequently asked questions of all time.  To be clear, that's gnarly for me and to me, respectively.  I’d also like to memorialize a recent road trip.  Before I start, though, let’s get grounded in the current context: it’s late summer IN MARCH; We are headed intro autumn, and there has been enough early snow that Mount Hutt was open for skiing (what?!?!).  I started my new job at Jade Software; the kids started a new school year in January, with Anily headed off to her first year of high school (5 years of high school here); both kids have changed to a new soccer club, which is much closer to the house (thank god); Anily made the A team; James is playing soccer and basketball and ridiculous amounts of Fortnite.  It’ll soon be a year that we’ve been here. We are right in the middle of a full 12 weeks of visitors and trips from/to the US. And in case you were wondering, the cat has managed to escape through open windows and doors a few times, but he’s always come back so I guess he’s ours for real :-)  
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I still haven't submitted my dreadfully complicated tax return.  I am seriously procrastinating, and having visitors and reasons to road trip is helping/hurting. 
So!  BFGFAQ (big fat gnarly...you get it): It’s the political one.  From the Kiwis this usually comes in the form of “are you a Trump refugee?” or “what do you make of what’s going on over there?”  And even if it’s not an explicit question, how can I possibly answer the most frequent Q of all time -- “why did you move to New Zealand?” without considering how the political landscape of the US factored in?  I mean, you don't just up and move across the globe and leave a great place and a fabulous life without at least a mental checklist of pros and cons.  At least, most of us wouldn't.  And if you’re a grown-up (which we sadly have established that I am) and a contributing, aware, member of society (which I would argue that I am), your list must include considerations of the way your taxes are spent and people are treated in the place you live and how the outcomes of those things impact your lifestyle, your life, and the lives of other human beings.  Right? Right!  
MAJOR UPDATE:  A handful of days after I posted this, someone (likely an asshole white supremacist) shot and killed people in a CHCH mosque.  The city is still in lock down as I write this.  It is terrible and sad that  things like this happen anywhere, ever.  And I just want to say that as you read the ideas below, I’ll be watching closely the response of the NZ government.  
If there’s one thing that moving around the world to a place you’ve never been before, with a small family and no friends, and taking up a real life with a paycheck and a rent and a job does really well, it’s create an opportunity to reflect on the differences between where you were and where you are.  It also is extremely useful for considering, in a very real way, how the values you hold are (or are not) reflected in both a political system and a local way of living.  You really notice how political decisions, socioeconomic forces and cultural norms trickle into investments, infrastructure, bureaucracy, language, aesthetics, and interactions that impact you as you move through your day-to-day and learn how to get things done.  And because you’re an observer who is trying to become an insider, you may operate with less bias and pre- disposition to judge, more of a natural curiosity and interest in gathering information and then assimilating it and deciding over time. Chalk one up for perspective!  Happy to say this was the kind of experience and growth I hoped we’d all get through this adventure. 
Now, from the Americans this question usually comes in the form of something like “OMG, are you so glad you’re not here for this?” or “are public healthcare and lack of gun violence really as amazing as they seem from here?”.  Because, like me, most people I talk with on a regular basis feel something like this:
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t least you do now, thanks to Willie Wonka’s and friend above, and this: 
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So while I am not here in NZ without political bias or personal ideas of what’s right, wrong and important, I am more open minded to considering what’s good for this country and this context, and I have a stronger appreciation for the complexities of things all across the board since I’ve now gathered more data and had more experience. 
So, my American friends, in the interest of helping you draw some of your own conclusions, here is a segment I like to call Fact, Figures and Feelings:
America is amazing.  You have SO much of everything.  Including great food, tons of money, vast political power, and a really noticeable amount of homeless people.  I mean!  When I was in San Jose I felt so conflicted by both where to go for every meal and the fact that to get where I wanted to go I was uncomfortable with my own feelings and anxiety about possible conflict with the homeless and mentally ill folks I passed constantly. And it was often while I was walking into a convention center full of people trying to give away millions of dollars, listening to speakers who had made millions through technology. And while the dog adoption station on site and the furry friends in it made me feel a little better in the moment, could there be anything more cliche? Embarrassing. And yet is it fundamentally bad to have cute dogs making rich people feel good and maybe getting adopted?  No.  But it maybe uniquely American. 
Know what else you have a lot of, USA?  DRAMA.  Seriously.  The NZ morning news is usually about 25-50% reporting on the shitshow that is US and Brexit, and it turns out that when people say “if you get homesick, just listen to the news” they are correct.  
So what about NZ?  Well, when you live in a country with SO MANY FEWER (like so many!) people and a much smaller GDP, your reality is very different.  Not so loud.  Not so busy.  Not so many options. Much much simpler and frankly, it feels more sane. But we know the Mexican food sucks.  So... six of one/half dozen of the other?  This is what I am saying: I cannot tell you if Enchiladas and Aveda products make up for dealing with the opioid crisis if you’re seeing it every day, or if leaving Tito’s vodka and a much higher salary on the table is balanced out by the fact that police here in CHCH carried guns last week and this is how people think about it: 
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FUN FACT: During the “summer holidays” (December-Jan), the morning news show on public radio literally went off air.  They replaced it with special summer programming, mostly dedicated to personal profiles and reviews of music and activities.  The only headlines they read each day were almost entirely about the US (shut downs) and UK (Brexit).  Apparently it’s possible for time off to extend to politics and news.  WOW.  Just notice how you feel about that. 
Now, NZ is certainly not the rainbows and unicorns utopia we liberals like to think a place with a public healthcare system and affordable education and far fewer guns will be -- there’s a growing imbalance in the distribution of wealth, the abortion laws are archaic, affordable housing is a big issue, nurses and teachers strike because they don’t get paid enough.
Politics was not the only motivator for our move, but we considered it -- sure seemed like a nice time to be out of the US, and it is.  It’s certainly not a clear #NZFTW-100% -they -nailed-it situation, though.  Every place and every system has its bad sides, and I have a lot to learn to really decide how the pros and cons balance out. All I know is that it’s really, really nice to be in a place where the political conversation is much simpler and more focused on politics and their outcomes on people than on hateful rhetoric. I am disappointed when I think of the lost opportunity due to the amount of resources you are wasting on unproductive, unkind conversations in the USA, when you have so much.  I feel bad for not being there to help stand up for the rights of people I believe in, but when you don't wake up angry every day at the headlines and the people you share space with, when the dialog is a little more open and productive, when the headlines are not so likely to be violent and sad, you start with a much better mental health baseline. You just can’t eat a great caesar salad whenever you feel like it, and it’s expensive as hell to leave the island and you don’t get paid enough to be able to do it often, which may really stress you out. For now, I’m really ok with it. But over time will the flaws in the NZ system (every system has them) outweigh the positive?  Do the opportunities in the US outweigh the negative? 
In the interest of letting you form some your own opinions: Take a look at the the top headlines of 2018 in New Zealand.  They include a pregnant PM; visits from Ed Sheeran, the Royals, and Obama; a handful of natural disasters; a bunch of news about other countries and sports; and the BIG BIG Drama which “unfolded over several deeply uncomfortable days” and ended in a minister being briefly admitted to a mental health facility and broad discussions about mental health.  Consider if the US was as concerned about its politicians’ mental health when they did crazy shit :-). 
Oh also, this is my CEO at work on Friday (hee hee): 
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So far this year Lime Scooters (people get hurt on them, and people break the rules and double ride with no helmets -- gasp!) and the potential of a capital gains tax have been in the news pretty much daily. And that’s about it. Boring? Yes! Nice? Also yes! Did you know NZ is the only country in the OECD to not have a CGT? Are you impressed with my knowledge of initialisms? Worldly is the word you’re looking for to describe me.
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I know, it looks like I am pooping on a trail, but I am actually doing squats mid-hike IN A SKIRT.  Probably gives me enough credibility to become a world leader, or at least present these numbers for your consideration: 
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Now that you have something to think about -- because you weren't already thinking about politics enough (sorry!) -- let’s turn to a less political, but more important spiritual and philosophical topic: The Art of the Road Trip.
Pro tip: It’s easier to be a Road Trip Rembrandt with the right tools -- like these:
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Mountains + Vans = Roadtrip Masterpiece
I think I mentioned in an earlier post that one of the things we’ve been doing a lot of is road tripping. Not so different from Seattle, eh? True. But since we can surf so close to the house and we have such a beautiful country to explore and a slightly less active social life, the road trips are more frequent and more varied.  As we are all happiest when we’re in the flow and hitting the right balance between challenge and success, I guess it makes sense.  Because if I do say so myself, we are damn good at the road trip, but there’s no way to have 2 to 6 people in a small space with a lot of stuff and a windy road ahead and podcasts and music to choose without challenge.
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Here’s a map of where we’ve been on our travels thorough the country so far: 
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So what’s the art of the road trip?  Composition: 
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And the science?  One part great music, one part planning, and at least two parts having a sense of humor and joy about all the chaos. 
Like when there’s no where for you to sit: 
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My most recent road trips were extra awesome due to the fact that Leslie Lapham (AKA Alex, AKA LL) was here and we took off on a few fun adventures. Now, Leslie is great for a lot of reasons and it was super fun to have her here for 5 weeks...and one of her best qualities, she takes great pictures!
Here’s what I like to say about our first trip:  it started with a bang and ended with a bee sting.  
Here’s the bang -- this is what happens when some dickhead decides to pass you on the right at high speed on a highway while you are TURNING RIGHT into a campground: 
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So, that sucked.  Especially because aforementioned dickhead did not stop to see if we were ok, just left us there in the dark on our own. Luckily the Taupe Donkey was still drivable and packing enough duct tape to make it work.  So, off we headed from Kaikoura to make ourselves feel better in the vineyards and wineries of Marlborough.  
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The Cloudy Bay Winery was not a bad place to spend an afternoon!  
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Watson’s Way (not pictured) was a really weird place to spend a night though -- we were basically parked in a gravel parking lot in someone’s yard.  But man, did we have some good food! 
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Although oops, I accidentally tried to take a grapevine as a souvenir.  And I swear this was before I even did a tasting!
After wine tasting and an amazing dinner at Arbor, we headed to the Marlborough Sounds, starting at Havelock, the mussel capital of the world!
We did a cool tour on the mailboat, which literally delivers mail, packages, animals, groceries, and god knows what else (possibly the odd tourist by accident?) to the residents of the remote 300 or so bays in the region, which can only be reached by boat. 
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We ate a lot, of course.  But we ordered more than we could eat. 
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After that we headed south on the inland route and camped overnight at the Tasman Lakes National Park.  
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There were eels, pretty views, and random dock yoga.  
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And last but definitely not least, we topped off the trip by meeting Jason at the always fabulous Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools.  What a drive to get there, too!  I did get stung by a bee while I was soaking, which was a total and pretty painful shock, despite the signs warning people to watch out for bees.  Little fuckers! 
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After that, back to co-working and a couple weekends in CHCH:
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Now this blog is not about all the visitors and it’s already so long I dare not start going on about having Leslie and Lois here together.  Suffice it to say we had some fun times, some great food, and after 8 hours in the emergency room we did a quick road trip to Oamaru.  There were PENGUINS!!!!
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There were penguins!!! We saw them waddle onto the beach at dusk after swimming 50K through the ocean all day.  Alas, you cannot take pictures of them, so you’ll have to settle for 3 Generations of Wachsmuth Women in the Wild until next time.  XO. 
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Movers and Movers companies will lighten the load. Its services have been acknowledged. In Ukraine we slightly have ghost villages which deisappeared as a result of migration of people from villages to cities. We arrived late within the day attributable to some journey delays so we didn't tour this part of the museum but it's a part of the admission cost. Part of our expensive vaccuum cleaner was missing. So my search for a backup meal is still going robust. She continues to be my favorite feminine recording artist. I actually get pleasure from discovering that superb artist that simply is not well-known or in the highlight, so to talk. I used to be a a bit concerned that my furniture was going to be too heavy for the three of them to maneuver but these guys had been as efficient as ants. They do what they say there going to do. All I can say is WOW. In search of the good features a moving service can offer? Coastal is locally owned and has a record of excellent customer service.
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