#team plasma aldith
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bespectacled-bookwyrm · 5 months ago
Colress: Do you need anything from the shop?
Aldith: Actually, yes. I have a list.
Colress, reading said list: Epsom salts, coconut oil, baking soda, cornstarch, lavender essential oils. . . Citric acid. . . ?
Aldith: I'm making homemade bath bombs.
Colress: Smokeless gunpowder?!
Aldith: I want to do it right!
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dummy-yhan · 8 months ago
I drew Schwarz and Weiss, so why not draw them as well?
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rocketdust · 11 days ago
Team plasma + Unova protags + my shitty silly oc + free bases custom sprites cuz I got the plastism
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colressturtle · 9 days ago
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“What is the meaning of all of this? I don't understand the sheer ferociousness and brutality. You are so driven to take over the world that any comprehension of what I'm aiming to do goes way over your head!” 
“Silence yourself, Colress. You are not in your frigate anymore, you're with us now at this moment. This is Team Spark Plasma. You will be helping us, and this is not a request. You will be providing us with the components and blueprints with your machinery that is capable of opening up wormholes. Places where legendary Pokemon can be discovered, your dimensional rift machines… All of it. I desire to understand all of it, and you will not have a choice in the matter.” 
“You want my wormhole and dimensional technology? My apologies, but I will not be providing those to you. What you will do with those is not really any of my concern, but I will not be helping your goals. Your goals would diminish the scientific discoveries of myself and others… I cannot rationalize this.” 
“As I have said, you do not have a choice in the matter. Aldith, Barret, bring him to the laboratory and get him started on building these machines. There should be no hardship… He knows what will be the consequence of not listening to my commands; more and more destruction is soon to follow.”
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fyeahbestwishes · 2 years ago
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abbyandhanako · 6 months ago
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“Being on the Plasma Frigate despite being an Old Plasma grunt?
Well, I guess it’s everything I imagined….
It’s well guarded and the security is more strict than back at the Old Plasma Safehouse, It is easy to tell who’s the rebel faction and who’s the Pokémon welfare side and I am even allowed to take online classes at university here….
I’m still not allowed to wear the Neo Team Plasma uniform for safety concerns and risks of espionage due to Sage Ghetsis not taking any chances for a reason……
Even though not everyone is welcome towards me, I have grunts often criticize me because of me being in Lord N’s faction of Team Plasma…
I even was asked:
“Why would Grunt 627 date a treacherous ex-grunt like you?”
“Why does Lord Ghetsis let someone like you stay here?”
Aswell as told:
“We only have grunts from here to serve.”
“The rules here are stricter for you, especially for an Old Plasma grunt like you.”
But not everyone on the Frigate is like that, the female grunts in Abby’s dorm are very nice to me aswell as Aldith to some extent, but I don’t think Barret is more welcoming to an Old Plasma grunt…
The grunts in Abby’s dormitory despite them being skeptical of a male grunt in their dorm at first but when they found out about what happened to me, they went into protective mode in an instant and loved having me around.
So it isn’t all bad, I have Abby, T.K, Abby’s friends including Becky, my mother, Sages Zinzolin and Ghetsis aswell as Mr. Colress and my Eeveelutions��..” - Mark
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laadeplata · 11 months ago
How would you imagine Team Rainbow Rocket if it were to appear in a post-Journeys movie/special? For me, there wouldn't be any alternate evil team leaders involved. Instead, we'd have Giovanni, Matori, Gozu, Atilla, Hun, Pierce, Dr. Zager, Tabitha, Shelly, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Charon, Six Sages (Ghetsis would remain in prison), Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, Mable, Xerosic, Team Flare Admins, Team Rocket, Aqua, Magma, Galactic, Plasma, and Flare grunts, Brodie, Aldith, Schwarz, Weiss, and Barret.
That would be great. But since the Mewtwo movie and Mewtwo Returns special the ones in charge of the anime don't use cannonical Teams as villains :(
Also the new writters doesn't seem to care much about events from the past. They had lots of missed opportunities in Journeys °^°
But, let's imagine it could happen. Possitive thinking ✨
Ash would return to Alola to visit his Alolan family and friends. All happy reunited, then BOOM. An explotion and mysterious grunts invade the Aether Foundation. Chaos y des-con-trooool ♫ ooh ♪ (muy pocos van a leer esto así que puedo escribir cualquier locura que se me cante)
Once the invaders flee and everything calms down, they check the damage. They seem to have stolen something... Faba looks scared and nervous but pretends everything is alright.
Then there is trouble in each of the 4 Alolan islands.
Teams Aqua and Magma (all the same as in the anime) in Akala island. Making plans in Brooklet Hill and the Volcano.
Team Plasma in Ula-Ula wanting to freeze the island.
Team Galactic in the almost empty Poni island.
Team Flare in Melemele. Maybe without Lyssandre because he is dead.
Team Rocket could be in Aether Foundation or the Ultra Space. Giovanni is the one organizing everything and stole blueprints from Faba. The one who tried to recruit but refused to participate.
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rocketdust · 17 days ago
Okay so- got bored and decided to use that incorrect quote generator with Team Plasma and omg I am losing it like whaajshusaakawjjw LMAO
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fyeahbestwishes · 2 years ago
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abbyandhanako · 1 year ago
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“Aldith and Barret, two of the elite grunts, I don’t actually get to interact with them often and I don’t have a lot of memories interacting with me, I think they know I’m Hugh’s younger sister so that’s probably why….
Barret is not used to being around me and is somewhat hostile to Mark, Aldith got used to it enough and is often nice enough to Mark.
I don’t see them very often at all….Barret does come into the infirmary however….
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Ghetsis, Team Plasma’s boss, he and Abby are in fairly close contact so I see him quite often, He’s known for being extremely ruthless albeit very apathetic…
He’s also a common infirmary patient so that’s another reason why I see him very commonly, He comes for F2440 and hemophilia shots.
His Hydreigon is my Deino’s father, so Frieden was originally his by a Unovan breeding law.
He looks even annoyed when the subject of my Purrloin’s theft is brought up, Abby later told me it’s because the only reason he remembers it is because Donna and Cletus never shut up about it, Can’t say I blame him….
I even overheard him tell Wesker ‘I wish I never met or known you’….
He also does NOT like my brother, Nate or Rosa, he even makes it very clear neither me or Mark are to assist them except when healing Pokémon, They took Mark out of the Frigate and he started freaking out about it.
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Colress, He’s busy most of the time but when I do interact with him, He usually asks me about my brother, Nate or Rosa, He even told me he thought Donna and Cletus’ grudge against me over Frieden and Wesker was ridiculous….I never thought I’d agree with this man…
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Rebecca, one of the grunts that befriended Mark was one of the few grunts other than Abby and T.K to a lesser extent I like interacting with, she’s very kind and loves K-pop music.
She has Deino of her own so she has been an excellent help with Frieden, Even Mark’s mom gets on with her…
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Alicia, T.K and Abby’s friend is also very helpful, She’s a bit headstrong but she means well.
She actually is responsible for keeping me and Donna and Cletus apart, sometimes this doesn’t always work….
She’s also responsible for Mark alongside Beckie if he’s outside the Plasma Frigate, Ghetsis, Zinzolin and Colress only allowed Mark for a time to be accompanied by female grunts and is only to stay in a female only cabin…
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Zinzolin, one of the sages, He’s a cold individual, despite saying he hates snow and ice, He’s got two Cryogonal and a Weavile…which is a bit strange, He gets on very well with Abby, T.K and Mark, He’s also the closest Meili, T.K’s daughter has to an actual grandparent, especially because her actual grandparents are horrible people.
He’s also pretty apathetic towards my brother, Nate and Rosa…
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N, Old Plasma’s de facto leader, He used to be Team Plasma’s King during OG Plasma before the split, Abby told me lots about him, He and Mark get on very well.
He’s also very remorseful for Team Plasma stealing Wesker as part of the organization’s very first liberation, Me and him get on well.
Unlike Ghetsis’ ‘I wish I never known or met you’ to Wesker, N does his best to make it up to him, he even helps me with Frieden too, He was a bit shocked seeing Mark on the Frigate and even more shocked at Ghetsis’ near violent protectiveness of him.
He also told me if once I chose Frieden’s nickname, It cannot be changed, It’s because of the law I mentioned.
He also got dismayed at Donna and Cletus refusing to change their opinion of me at all, especially because of his remorse for what happened to me and Hugh….” - Hana
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veterantrainerray · 3 months ago
Alright, here goes. I think I mentioned in passing once, but here’s the full story.
It wasn’t too long after I inherited the ranch. Half a year, give or take. Most of the family had gotten through most of the grievin’ and gone their separate ways. My sister’s off in Unova these days doin’ her own thing, my ma’s somewhere down in Galar still doin’ her best to look after the folks around her. Meanwhile I was tryin’ to figure out what to do with the land my family refused to give up. Couldn’t bear the thought of the place just goin’ overgrown and the critters that call it home left to their own devices. But I couldn’t give up training and battling neither. Ain’t sure when the idea struck me to start takin’ on students right here on the ranch, but by the end of that year I’d put out word on FlySpace and Acebook (which was a brand new website at the time.) I’d put flyers on every utility pole in Galar, just about. Even called the League to offer services, but they didn’t take interest till years later when my email crossed ex-Chairman Rose’s desk. That was right ‘round when he adopted Bede, see, and he was in the market for a private tutor to ensure he had the chops to ace Trainer School. But that’s a story for another time.
What I didn’t even dream of was gettin’ a hand-written letter from foreign royalty. Had a couple ‘o trusted young folk under his wing, Aldith and Barret, and three whose names I never actually learned. Wanted to see to it that the two got what it takes to step into battle if things got hairy, and the other three were to be trained to work as a team. Now, I had no idea why they were comin’ to some nobody on the backend of Galar for training royal agents. But when I ran a background check, the pedigree checked out. Kid had the records on file to have a claim to be king, and the advisor what wrote the letter was legitimate. So I agreed to take ‘em on. Said to send ‘em on over to the ranch as soon as they’re comfortable and I’ll start coaching.
Some of yall what paid attention to current events a handful of years back might recognize the names Aldith and Barret. Turns out, they were to be officers for that Team Plasma group that tried to stage a royalist-nationalist coup on the pretense of “liberating” Pokemon. And the other three were apparently known by the name “Shadow Triad.”
I only got through teachin’ the lot of ‘em the basics over a few days. All the while Aldith ‘n Barret were yammerin’ about how they were gonna make the world a better place. Affairs of the rich ‘n powerful, I figured. Seemed like they meant well at the time. The other three never showed me their faces without masks on an’ never spoke, but they listened to every word and took every lesson to heart. On the third or fourth day, though, I had interpol knockin’ on my door. Real brutish, aggressive sort started yellin’ accusations of runnin’ a terrorist training camp.
Now, as yall who followed me during the disaster at Blueberry Academy with the Skarmory know, Pyrite and Bruce take my safety pretty damn seriously. So when this guy grabbed my collar and tried to toss me to the ground, Bruce went and returned the favor unprompted. Pyrite and him handled both their Pokemon without breakin’ a sweat while I caught my breath. Now, I ain’t exactly one to get angry, but I gotta admit I was a mite peeved at these two, showin’ up at MY home and actin’ so rude. But clearly there was a misunderstandin’ at play here. So I… Politely… Invited the two inside to talk it out in a civil manner. My partners were a little less polite, if ya catch my drift. I put on a pot of tea, set out some of those little butter cookies, you know the ones, and asked them to start explainin’ what the heck they were on about.
Turns out it was my background checks on the client and the travel records what led them to me. And when they found the five members had skedaddled and left everything but the clothes on their backs, these “gentlemen” assumed right away I saw them comin’ and were hiding them somewhere. Then they started takin’ note of the training equipment I’d set up earlier that mornin’. Showin’ them the letter and givin’ em the laptop to check all my communications got me more or less off the hook, but the bastards still got me on the person-of-interest list in regards to Team Plasma.
It didn’t take the media parasites long to pick up on an attempted interpol raid on Galar soil. You know how those types are. Facts and the like don’t matter at all to ‘em as long as they can stir up outrage and get a decent news story out of it. All anyone in Galar saw on the news for about three weeks was talk of terrorists on Galarian soil and my name bein’ spat like I were some kinda villain.
A slander lawsuit got ‘em to stop and funded the rest of the fences and training equipment on the ranch, but the damage was done. Ain’t nobody in my home country trusted a damn thing I said anymore. Only the folks I dealt closely with often believed me over the roar of public opinion.
For a while, once in a blue moon some disgruntled “Patriot” would show up and try to cause me trouble, spittin’ bile all the while. Ain’t none of them could handle a Rhyperior what was done with their nonsense from the get-go, but it was still a depressing nuisance.
A couple of years later, I got an email from ex-Chairman Rose. Started goin’ down to his estate on weekends to coach his adopted son, did that for a whole summer. Rose was mighty pleased with the kid’s progress, and offered me a contract with the Galar League Association. A contract that’s been renewed ever since and is in place to this very day. I know folks are sour about Rose, but I can’t rightly hate the man. His support was what turned my life back around and put me on track again. After all, folks can only hate the guy coachin’ all their favorite gym leaders in the off season for so long before they start to wonder if he’s really all that bad. Took a few years and Milo graciously havin’ me as a guest of honor at his gym as a commentator for the TV station before folks really came around though.
So… Yeah. That’s the story. Maybe not nearly as excitin’ as I’m sure some of yall were hoping for, but a pretty shameful misstep in my career all the same. Heck, some of yall might even remember my name being in the papers at the time. I’d wager not though, since nobody’s gone and asked about it till now.
The lesson here is, if somethin’ seems off, such as someone who has no reason to contact you for your services going out of their way, something is probably off. In this case, them only choosing me because of the isolated location and the nature of their future plans. Always be extra thorough when vetting anything; a cursory background check ain’t telling the whole story.
Aight tell yall what. I got here a list of stories I ain’t keen to share under most circustances ‘cept after a stiff drink, and I haven’t had any alc in eight years.
To celebrate there bein’ a hundred plus of yall following me now, I’m gonna put these to a vote. The winning one will be told right here on this blog for the world to see. No details spared.
Go ahead ‘n reblog if ya want to get more folks weighing in on it.
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wolfietheangel · 4 years ago
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hail team plasma . ( older bday gift for @endervention !!!! )
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bespectacled-bookwyrm · 6 months ago
Colress: Maybe you shouldn't get into fights with people bigger than you?
Aldith and Schwarz: But then we wouldn't get to fight anyone!
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themattress · 5 years ago
Unpopular Opinion Re:Pokemon
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The Episode N arc of Best Wishes is better than the Team Plasma plot of B2/W2.
Now, I do miss stuff like Ex-Plasma, Kyurem, and the Plasma Frigate, and B2/W2′s climax at the Giant Chasm is stronger than Episode N’s climax at the White Ruins which petered out once Reshiram was released from the Light Stone rather than maintaining its momentum.
But otherwise, B2/W2′s Team Plasma plot was weak. The entire first third of it dedicated to stealing Pokemon for experimentation amounted to nothing because the Plasma grunts can’t possibly succeed in their thefts because of the player character’s interference, and even worse we never see or get any feel for Colress’ experiments on behalf of Team Plasma because the game stupidly tried to play him as a last-minute twist villain even though most players could tell right away just by looking at his character design that he was a bad guy. And throughout all of this, we don’t even have any idea why Team Plasma is doing any of it! They’re just being Team Rocket-style villains: criminals who are evil for the sake of being evil.
The second third, kicking off after getting your 6th badge, was made up of plot-crucial info we should have begun learning a long time ago, a pointless battle with Zinzolin in Lacunosa Town, and the big “freezing Opelucid City” event after winning your 7th badge...and while the event is cool (pun intended), the damage done to the city in the game isn’t all that severe, to the point where as the final third begins you’re encouraged to ignore Team Plasma and go get your 8th badge, which you get from a Gym Leader who tries to push BW!Team Plasma’s moral nuance onto B2W2!Team Plasma as if they hadn’t just frozen a whole fucking city! Add to this the overexposure of Zinzolin, underexposure of Ghetsis and Colress, and general lack of action from the grunts outside of on the Plasma Frigate, and it’s severely underwhelming.  
In Episode N, we get to see Colress leading Team Plasma right off the bat, and we see Pokemon being stolen and experimented on in order to build toward a grander objective that is made clear through information given fairly early on. Aldith and Barret are good stand-ins for the Shadow Triad, other grunts like Schwarz and Weiss that have distinct designs and personalities, an attack on a city (with a mind-controlled Haxorus and its Hyper Beams rather than a giant ice ray from a flying ship), and no deviating from the action once it gets going (also, no bullshit “are you sure they’re truly evil?” centrism from someone like Marlon here!) The only real downgrade is Ghetsis, who appears far more than he did in B2/W2 but is somehow even more boring than he was there and thus makes even less of an impact.
Episode N is definitely not better that the B/W games’ plot that it derives elements like Reshiram, the Heroes Legend, and N’s character development from, it may not be better than whatever the writers’ original plan for the show’s Myth Arc was (we’ll never know for sure), and it’s also not better than Pokemon Adventures’ version of the B2/W2 plot (or Pokemon Generations’ if it was a fully fleshed-out anime series, for that matter), but when compared to the half-baked Team Plasma storyline of the B2/W2 games, it is the superior experience.
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fyeahbestwishes · 2 years ago
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abbyandhanako · 10 months ago
You Waited Five Fucking Years For This: The Motion Picture
‘You Waited Five Fucking Years For This’ is the recording (called the world’s greatest Team Plasma comedy film) for the day that Hugh and Nate raided the Plasma Frigate.
It lasted over an hour and a half and was centered around the name Plasma grunts had given to Hugh, an annoying and reckless kid who won’t shut the fuck up about his sister’s Purrloin.
The recording’s footage starts with Hugh and Nate battling Neo Team Plasma until Zinzolin, One of the sages referred Hugh as the crude nickname ‘Angry Qwilfish Motherfucker’, a term coined by the grunts of Neo Team Plasma.
The accidental nickname caused almost everyone except Zinzolin and the Shadow Triad to burst into laughter, before you all ash, yes, Lord Ghetsis was fucking laughing aswell and it was a relief to the grunts strangely enough.
Despite Zinzolin’s frantic attempt to correct himself amid the snickering grunts, it ended up failing and turned the entire battle into a huge, hilarious clusterfuck.
Ghetsis ran out of his office to laugh in a bathroom, most of the grunts and personnel were dying from laughter, including a certain younger sister of said ‘Angry Qwilfish Motherfucker’.
And then Abby, who actually knows this annoying little bastard commented: “Awww, he remembers your nickname!” only to be told by Hugh to ‘shut the fuck up’
And it may of embarrassed Hugh even further when Nate started laughing hard at this almighty nickname clusterfuck,
After a few minutes, Ghetsis and Mark, the Old Plasma grunt soon left the bathroom, the latter had been crying in the bathroom earlier, then both burst into laughter again
This scene caused Abby to point and then playfully pat Ghetsis on the shoulder commenting that her ‘grouchy boss is laughing’, Ghetsis and Mark were laughing too hard to notice
Unfortunately calming down was futile because of the hilarity of the nickname and Ghetsis and Mark laughed even harder
Surrounding grunts were ‘aww’d by the sight of their boss who is likely the grumpiest man in Unova and Team Plasma laughing and smiling for once and how precious Mark is when he’s laughing because he cries so much it would put a water fountain out of business
And here is the movie’s all star quote and tagline:
Hugh who started to become even whinier demanded Ghetsis to answer him.
Eventually the two bastards left because of the humiliation, also Hugh’s little sister, Hana or 627-2 heard the whole fucking thing, DOUBLE POINTS!
Enjoy an hour and a half of the funniest comedy movie in Team Plasma
Grunt 027 - Aldith
Grunt 011 - Barret
Annoying little shit 1 and intruder - Nate
Annoying little shit 2 and Angry Qwilfish Motherfucker - Hugh
Grunt 196, the Old Plasma Grunt - Mark
The Boss of Neo Plasma - Ghetsis
The Sage who started it all - Zinzolin
The Dark Scientist and me - Colress
Angry Qwilfish Motherfucker’s Little Sister or 627-2 - Hanako
Grunt 158, That guy who got punched by the Angry Qwilfish Motherfucker - T.K
Grunt 627, Dr. Death and 627-2’s babysitter for some weird reason - Abby
And the rest!
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