#team go rocket takeover
squidwardtentacool · 2 years
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leggerefiore · 7 months
Okay I know you've said you aren't really into Giovanni but just an idea that's been rolling around in my head sometimes I think the idea that Nanu's partner was with Giovanni before is funny (or vice versa) because I like to imagine one finding out and just being like "ah you've got a type" aka older men with Persians even if it's just an accident on their partner's fault Also as I wrote this I just imagined Nanu and his partner spiderman pointing meme at each other like "...how do you know Giovanni"
cw: nondescript references to sex,
relationship: Nanu/Reader, implied Giovanni/Reader
“… What do you mean that you had a one-night stand with the head of Team Rocket,” Nanu cocked a brow up from his place on the couch. He had been watching television vacantly while petting a Meowth. Some news flash had occurred, which brought your attention to it, too. A familiar logo was shown on the screen alongside an apparent takeover of the Aether Foundation. The old man planned on ignoring it and waiting it out, but you had apparently recalled something.
As much as he wanted to feign surprise, he supposed he should not play dumb. Giovanni was well-travelled and had a bit of streak. His time as an Elite officer in the International Police had garnered him a few connections. Most officers struggled with negotiations with Giovanni, but Nanu was fully aware of how to deal with those types. “You really aren't his normal type,” Nanu continued, leaning back. You seemed surprised by his words.
“How do you know Giovanni?” The question was heavy in the world. He only responded with a deadpan look. It should have been obvious. You were aware of his previous work. Looked had made sure of that when he paid a visit to Po town police station.
“… I'd ask the same of you,” he tilted his head. You blanked for a moment. Nanu did truly debate it for a moment. Were you a powerful trainer? It was a sure-fire method to encounter him. He seriously doubted you were a member of Team Rocket, but he supposed that was not impossible. Did you like to gamble? There was that casino Giovanni had owned as a front in Kanto. “Is it a common thing for you to go after older men with Persians?” he finally asked.
You blanked again. Well… It was not as if there was not an appeal to older men, but you were not sure that having a Persian was a necessary prerequisite. Though, thinking on it, there were some other traits that seemed to link the two, even if it was not so strong. “Uh… maybe,” you replied to his question. Nanu fought back a chuckle. Well, not overly surprising. “Hey, shouldn't you and Looker do something for what's happening at the Aether Foundation, then,” you decided to change the topic.
“No,” he leaned back, “Not my job.”
You wanted to sigh.
Well, why not go yourself, you thought. Maybe it would be nice to run into Giovanni again.
“What do you mean that you are dating Nanu?” The Rocket Boss seemed bewildered when you showed up within the depths of the mansion he had taken over. Certainly, he had recalled a previous “relationship” between him and you. Well, he supposed an alternate version for you, but a you nonetheless. Clearly, you were a more than capable trainer to have got through not only his grunts, but the many other organisation leaders that he had brought here. Then, you start a conversation immediately with that.
“I don't know,” you shrugged, “He implied I have a type because I mentioned that we fucked once.” Giovanni hummed. Well… Nanu certainly was not dissimilar to him, but he would not say their overlapping traits were more than their differences. Though, he did find the information that Nanu was around fascinating. Had he helped you? His eyes narrowed.
“Uh, also I'm here to stop you,” you pulled out a pokeball, “Before you ask, I'm not interested.”
“… Interested in having an affair or joining Team Rocket?” he tilted his head. Might as well try. Perhaps you could be convinced to either and get out of his way for just long enough to finish his work. Whatever it took to satiate you… And still possibly convince you to join his group would be preferred.
“Both,” you shrugged, “Nanu is better than you, sorry to say.”
Well, that pissed Giovanni off. Now he really had to put you in your place.
Nanu could only ask later what you did and why.
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jadeazora · 10 days
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A new Team Rocket Takeover event for Pokémon GO has been announced, running from Oct18 at 12am until Oct11 at 8pm, local time. Shadow Heatran will make its debut in Special Research!
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xxtc-96xx · 2 years
TC! If you want a Mewtwo on Pokemon Go, this might be the time! There are Special Research challenges you just have to be on the game currently to activate and then it’s non-timed so you can complete it as you go. The November Team Rocket GO event ends with fighting Giovanni and getting Shadow Mewtwo! (Altho he can be purified when you get enough rare or mewtwo candy.) Thought you might want to know sknce you said you only want to join if you can get Mewtwo :)
as much as I want to, there is no way I'd be able to grind enough in time to get a mewtwo within the event dates XD
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may-maple-blog · 1 month
Have you ever seen Team Rocket in person before?
i mean, not that i know of? with the exceptions of overt action like the goldenrod takeover they tended to lay low. like, there were rumors of them running an obviously highly illegal lapras hunting ring in olivine but like that's not something i can verify, you know?
but like... their overt action was overt. i don't think there's anybody in johto who hasn't seen the footage of them taking over that radio tower. in the aftermath, everybody was wondering if something similar was going to happen in their town, too. it was the only thing that people could talk about for months. it was terrifying.
in the wake of something like that, you start seeing team rocket members in every shadow, y'know?
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hearthome-habitant · 1 year
Uh. Hey there.
I never envisioned making a Rotomblr blog... but here we are.
My name's Troy... they/them. I'm originally from Goldenrod City in Johto. Moved here after the Rocket Takeover... I'd rather not deal with a third wave of their antics.
I've got a grudge against Amity Square, so I'm training as both a coordinator and a battler to oppose their policies. I believe it can a space that all Pokémon and people can enjoy, not just those considered "cute."
My team consists of:
Silk (Eevee)
Blackjack (Murkrow)
An Oddish egg
Together, we're taking on the Sinnoh League. With them by my side, I know we can make it. Speaking of which...
Huh. This is where Bebe would pipe in... Did she lose access...?
((OOC info under cut))
Hey there! I'm @phosphoenix, I use they/them, and this is my first Pokémon IRL blog! Pokémon IRL interested me for a while, but I've always been intimidated by its size and scope. The new Amity Park blog seemed like a good opportunity to create a character engaging in relatively low-stakes conflict. I'm still working out characterization and learning things as I go, but I hope I can have fun regardless!
Like all Pokémon IRL blogs, blanket unreality warning.
Pelipper Mail/Malice is ON; Pelipper Unmail is OFF.
Musharna Mail/Malice is OFF.
Magic anons are OFF.
I am an adult. So are my muses.
No NSFW asks or events.
No abrupt high-stakes asks or events. Please ask me beforehand.
I'll do my best to appropriately tag things. If I've missed something, please feel free to send an ask!
Warning tags are formatted as “tw [subject]” + "cw [subject]."
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lumenflowered · 8 months
...While in theory I would love to rest here for longer, in practice I have noticed that I tend to grow very restless very quickly if I do not keep myself busy with something, and I am out of black thread.
So. A visit to the nearest Pokémart is in order.
...Unfortunately, the nearest Pokémart is all the way in Cherrygrove. It is going to be very strange to walk down the same route I originally woke up upon now that so much time has passed.
In the grand scheme of things... it has only been two months. Exactly two months, I believe, since I first fell here very early in the morning. Since...
Well, it is rather embarrassing to admit this now. The first person I encountered in Johto was not Ethan nor his mother, but a boy slightly older (I believe) than Ethan.
Red hair. Rumpled clothes. Silver.
He did not give me his name then. He also quite literally ran into me, promptly insulted me for not looking where I was going, and when I took issue with that interpretation of events, he challenged me to a battle on the spot and sent out his then-Totodile.
I, ah... did not then realize that what he meant was a Pokémon battle. Nor did I have a Pokémon of my own at that time.
(In retrospect, kicking me in the shins when our paths crossed next was more reasonable of a response than I initially thought.)
...I hope Silver is doing well, wherever he might be at the moment. I have not spoken with him since the incident at the Radio Tower; I believe he left Goldenrod City at least a few days before me, if not immediately after we put an end to the takeover. I might have seen him in Blackthorn City the day that I arrived, but it is rather likely that he defeated Clair before I did.
I suppose he must not have had any trouble convincing her to actually give him the badge.
Ethan is doing very well, too; he has a total of six badges, but instead of going on to Mahogany Town he returned home. I am honestly not certain if he intents to win the seventh and eighth badges at all or not, but he seems happy to be home, and it is nice to see him again.
It is nice to see his mother again, as well. Reina is... a very nice woman. Perhaps, if I had known her in Yharnam...
...Well. It is for the best that I didn't. I would not wish Yharnam on anyone from this world. Johto is peaceful, its inhabitants kind, and I do not belong here any more than someone from this world would belong in Yharnam.
Belong, perhaps, I do not... but perhaps that is a good thing. It allowed me to stand against Team Rocket when no one else dared to. To put an end to their schemes, once and for all.
Perhaps Reina would be willing to... no, never mind that.
I have some purchases to make.
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prestochange · 1 year
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blog information
Public Knowledge
Natsume or Sabrina is the Psychic Gym Leader of Saffron City, and the sixth leader in the circuit.
She is considered the de facto "Master" of Psychic Pokémon. This is a completely accurate title.
Her psychic ability is lauded as much as it is feared. She leans into this fear more than the accolades, designing her public persona as a goth icon as well as an extremely talented magician.
Sabrina forcibly took the Gym in Saffron City, seemingly with League support, from Battlemaster Kiyo.
Her gym is a hub for psykers interested in developing their psychic powers. It is often open to the public as a "dojo" of sorts for even very young espers. The pedagogy is mastery of mind and body, as to not seperate the two.
She was born with her psychic abilities.
For a while, she was split into two bodies, her favorite doll, and her own human body, although she was disconnected from both.
Her Haunter possesses her hair.
She is a famous actress from the extremely popular Pokestars Studio series "The Magical Kingdom's Mysterious Door", starring as Magic Queen Jujube / Queen Bellelba.
She is a renowned director, producing exceptional and effective horror movies that have accrued a cult-like status. Her most famous film is Geist, a psychological horror/thriller.
She participated in the first Pokémon World Tournament, pulling a publicity stunt by registering and competing alongside a Mewtwo.
She participated in the Pasio Project with Alakazam, and later, Chimecho.
Sabrina was the PWT II Coordinator and absolute ruler of the event, though she only competed personally in exhibition matches.
Sabrina designed the PWT II Stadiums personally.
She became Silph Co's CEO after the rest of the Silph board was... relieved of duty.
Private Knowledge
Sabrina is an ex Rocket Commander, with a specialty in finding and manipulating powerful Pokémon.
She left Rocket violently after the Black Fog Incident.
The Black Fog incident was the catalyst for her personality severance. Her original, childhood Pokémon were killed by its first release.
Her Haunter is the ghost of her original Pikachu, which was separated from her in Lavender Town.
Black Fog came back for her and successfully ripped her soul out of her body while she was at odds with the organization.
The original Team Rocket were the ones to route Black Fog the first time, and force it to retreat.
Giovanni was the reason she survived at all.
Giovanni advised the League not to interfere after Sabrina's hostile takeover of Saffron City's fighting gym.
Her personality severance was solved by Satoshi, who returned her Pikachu's ghost to her.
She killed her parents in an accident, turning them into psychic ghosts that haunt Saffron.
Sabrina has been incorporating herself powerfully into the running and operations of Saffron City. Whatever it takes to make HER city more powerful. This includes installing Metagross as well as Beldum units into the automatic parts of the city.
Sabrina's an underground racer and drifter. She hosts battles on cars going 300+ mph regularly, and has three extremely specialized cars for this purpose.
She extorted the PWT II and stole insane amounts of money from the Silph Corporation, and the League.
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thekuraning · 1 year
in my head there are old guard rocket executives and they wont leave me alone
there are 5 of them and i am still trying to figure out designs for the last 2 but here's the first three + their aces
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faq under the cut
"isnt that literally just larry and some guys" yes it is
"why does he have a skarmory" that was Icarus's ace before he had a design planned, and then my friends were like "hey larry has some Sinister Vibes, hes ex-team rocket we've decided" and i was like yeah he do be tho and then he had birds for the E4 and you know what, it was just meant to be (he is dating* madame boss)
"arent those literally just slightly altered versions of acher's lgpe and petrel proton's hgss uniforms" yes they are
"who is juno" thats nanu before he had his redemption arc tm and became a depressed grandpa
"who is epsilon" thats petrel faba's dad hes my OC sotiris and i love him hes just exhausted all the time and boy can he cook
"why are they all posing like that" pov your friend just said something stupid and now they're going to beat the shit out of them
"are they friends" sotiris and nanu are, larry hates them both
"who are the two not here" that would be Atlas and Ceres, the company face and the r&d head respectfully
"which of them pictured here has committed the most murder" nanu/juno
"which of them gets the most bitches" larry/icarus*
"are they gay" all of us are gay
"am i gay" probably
"why are you doing this" because i have So Many Thoughts about how Giovanni takes Rocket from Madame Boss and it is 10000% a hostile takeover and then he puts her in a box and mails her to Pokemon Italy (its ok shes still alive)
"so what happens to the other two" giovanni's take over includes getting icarus, ceres, and atlas out of the way because they're madame boss loyalists. larry flees to paldea, and nanu takes a fall and a plea deal to get ceres and atlas arrested/executed for Crimes thumbsup emoji
*larry gets the most bitches, but that is 1 (one) bitch because they are """dating""", and the bitch is madame boss, who uses him like a rag and who will snap your neck in front of your growlithe if you call her someone's bitcohsHIT *my neck is snapped in front of my growlithe*
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The Infiltrator, chapter 4: A Legendary Rivalry
N woke up in the orb pool and sat up. It occurred to him that he wasn’t sure what to ask it for. If nothing else, now could be a good time to see if he could give it more complicated demands.
“I want to see what he thinks the plan is. And if you can show me anything about the other admins, that would be great, too.”
Several orbs lifted from the pool and arranged themselves in a line. The line of orbs slithered towards N’s forehead like a snake, and the first one made contact with his forehead, transporting him into the memories.
Maxie seethed anger. To be rescued from his dried-out husk of a universe, only to be wrapped up in an evil scheme he wasn’t even allowed to know about, planted in an room to slow down challengers like a mere grunt, and then whipped by random child had not put him in a good mood. He was just on his way down the Aether Foundation’s halls to fetch some revives and hyper potions when he saw someone emerged from one of the doors to make his day even worse.
The pirate caught notice of him. “Maxie?!”
“What are you doing here? How are you even here? Are you here to ruin my plans again, you imbecile!?”
“Yer plans? Giovanni made a deal with me! He said that I’m the most successful Archie in the multiverse! And that every version of me was more successful than you’ve ever been!
Maxie crossed his arms and smiled condescendingly in the way that he knew infuriated Archie so much. “Hmph! Well, he was lying to you. You see, he said the exact same thing to me, and I happen to be able to tell when people are being dishonest.”
Archie ground his teeth. “Arg, you pretentious little dolt! Come here and I’ll show ye who the better man is!”
Maxie wasn’t about to take that sitting down. He came towards Archie with fists raised. Predictably, Archie had him pinned down quick with his caveman strength, but Maxie managed to get his teeth around Archie’s wrist and bit until he drew blood. Bellowing in pain, Archie tore his arms away for long enough for Maxie to get to his feet. They exchanged blows for a few seconds before a group of Rainbow Rocket grunts took notice of the brawl and held the two back from each other.
“This isn’t over, Archie!” Maxie spat, struggling against the grips of three grunts.
“Aye. Seems it ain’t ever over, Maxie,” Archie replied.
The scene changed. Maxie was sitting in Giovanni’s office, Archie in a chair beside him and Giovanni pacing before them.
“Alright. So, you had a physical fight. In front of the invading children. While you were headed to revive your Pokémon. You do realize that the time and manpower those grunts wasted splitting you up could have been used to stop them, right?”
Archie and Maxie stayed silent.
“So, truth be told, I was hoping to keep the two of you on separate sides of the Aether Paradise building long enough to raise the Ultra Beast army and move on into the next stage of the plan, at which point it wouldn’t matter if you two could be left in the same room or not. But the fact is, the takeover wasn’t a smash success or a complete failure. Everyone escaped to the back-up compound, and we at least stole the information to raise Ultra Beasts. But that means that I still have use for you two, and so you’re going to have to tolerate each other or I will be putting you both back into your respective universes. Capisce?”
“Yes, Giovanni,” the two said in unison. Maxie thought better of asking what would have been done with them had the plan been more successful.
“Good. Honestly, you two were such a good team back before you decided terrorism should be done to help your fellow beings. Just focus on the dollar bill and you won’t argue about your petty little differences in values anymore. Now scram. I’m late for my persian’s dance recital.”
Archie and Maxie got up and went back to the admins’ common area, which was surprisingly empty for it being around break time. The two gravitated to separate sides of the room, taking the occasional glance at each other.
Don’t do it, Maxie. Just play on your phone for a few minutes and then someone else will come in and it’ll be easier to resist the urge to strangle him.
“So, you won in your universe, too.” Damn it, Maxie. Self-control!
“Was it worth it?”
“Without a single doubt.  Pokémon can thrive now that people aren’t ruinin’ things for em’.”
“I’m sure all the children you drowned will be thrilled to hear that. How many people are left in your world? How are they living now that you ruined the planet?”
“A few hundred people escaped the flood on boats before the waters receded, and now they’re doin’ just fine. Adapting as humans do. And how goes the mass extinction over in your universe? How are you all doin’ without water?”
“I’m not an idiot, Archie. I know we need water. We still have lakes and rivers. The ecosystem is adapting, as ecosystems do. Humanity will never want for space or resources again now that the oceans are drained. And don’t lecture me on mass extinctions. You must have wiped out just about every land-dwelling species on the planet.”
Archie rolled his eyes and started going through a stack of magazines left on the coffee table. Maxie turned his attention to his phone for a few minutes before looking back to Archie.
“Look. This sucks for both of us, and we might as well not make it suck worse. I’m sorry for starting an argument. Let’s agree to not do that again, and to not engage the other if either of us does. We don’t have to be friends. We just have to stay out of each other’s way. Okay?”
Archie nodded. “Okay.” Was there something sad in his voice, or was Maxie just imagining it?
The scene changed. The Maxie was sitting in a line with the five other admins, Giovanni standing before a white board with a roughly-drawn map of Melemele island with three photos, one of each of the Alola starters on it. He and Archie kept giving each other sharp glances despite there being two people in between them.
“Alright, gentlemen,” Giovanni started, standing in front of the map, “one month from now, school will let off for the summer, meaning that a number of young people will be starting their Pokémon journeys. And we all know that the greatest threat to any criminal empire is that posed by children on Pokémon journeys. So, here’s what we’re going to do about it: We’ll intercept the shipments of starter Pokémon so that the children of Alola will have to wait until next year to have their journeys. Lysandre and I will be taking the shipment of rowlets being bred near Verdant Cavern. Archie, the littens are already en-route, so you’re going to have to steal their ship. Can you handle that?”
“Of course,” Archie answered, passing a smug side glance at Maxie.
He’ll have something for me. He’ll have something better for me, Maxie assured himself.
“Alright. And someone needs to go after the popplio being bred at the seashore, so... Archie, choose a partner, and whoever’s left, go get the popplio.”
Archie immediately grabbed Ghetsis’ hand. Of course he chose the one with military experience- he wanted to make himself look like some big hero with this stupid mission. Well, Maxie would show him!
Cyrus was the only one left for Maxie to pair with. He could work with that. Maxie took him into the hallway.
“So... Cyrus. You must have explosives in your lab, right?”
Cyrus looked at Maxie with dead eyes, as though Maxie were the stupidest and most annoying person alive. “How is that relevant?”
“I wanted to put some flair into this mission, and I was thinking...”
“We’re stealing Pokémon. What good is ‘flair’ when, in the best case scenario, we won’t even be seen?”
“Well, I- Archie gets to do something incredible, so-”
“I have no interest in the meaningless strife between you and Archie. But, if that’s what this about, it would be easier to give in than to risk you trying to come up with some heroics on the fly.”
Maxie smiled. “I knew you’d be on on board with this.” Maybe, Maxie thought, while Archie was stuck with Ghetsis, Maxie could get a second victory on Archie by befriending one of the most unpersonable admins.
A few hours later, the two men were watching as dozens of popplio and brionne clumsily rolled and flopped over each other as they exited their crates and made their way down the steep rock cliff and into the waters of a secluded, rocky beach. The adorable seals looked none too bothered. The distant crackling of a fire and wail of a fire siren pierced the air as the two got into their getaway vehicle.
“Well, that was a near-perfect success, now wasn’t it?” Maxie said.
“It was,” Cyrus replied, starting the car’s engine and pulling onto the road.
“Not only will the kids not be getting their popplio this year, we burnt down their breeding facility and released their breeding brionne. They’ll be lucky if there’s popplio next year, either.”
“It’s so good to have another academic to talk to. So, how are you adjusting to Team Rainbow Rocket, Cyrus?”
“I’m not interested in your friendship. I don’t intend on spending more time in Rainbow Rocket than necessary. This is a waste of your time.”
“No, it isn’t. We’re in a vehicle. It’ll go just as fast whether I fill the awkward silence or not.”
Cyrus sighed. “I suppose. What do you want to talk about?”
“Well... where do you come from? Do you miss home?”
“Sinnoh. And no.”
“Oh. Because you like this place better?”
“I care nothing for the old world. That’s why I was willing to destroy it to create something better.”
Maxie nodded. “We both have reasons for regret.”
“My only regret is that I wasn’t able to finish my work.”
“Oh. Well, I’d ask for elaboration on why you don’t regret destroying the world and everyone in it, but I want to be able to sleep tonight, so, um.” Maxie cleared his throat. “You’re into space, right? Hoenn was a real nice place for meteor showers and I even got to do some geology work on some asteroids. Interesting stuff, right?”
Hey, this had to be better than Archie was doing with Ghetsis, so he was still winning, right?
The scene changed. Maxie was lying in his bed, wide awake. He turned over to look at his digital clock, which read 4:46. A few hours ago, he’d woken up from a dream about Hoenn. Nothing special had happened in it, just regular nonsensical dream things, but anything that made him think of the home he might never return to was bound to keep him up at night.
It was useless to lay in bed. Maxie got up, put on his daytime clothes, and left his room. He approached Archie’s door and raised a fist to knock on it, but he just couldn’t. Archie was adapting so well to this place, and to show weakness like this... Archie would never let him forget it. Maxie turned and took to his office instead.
Maxie focused himself on balancing Rainbow Rocket’s books. It was fairly easy work considering their generous budget, but also a reminder that the other admins were as intractable as cats. He scanned over a list of bills and invoices.
An invoice from Stage 3- a pure gold necklace, gifted to the princess of Paldea. Of course Lysandre had found another person he wanted to bribe into joining his little task force. It was more surprising that this was the first one this month.
The monthly energy bill- surely enough to power a small village thanks to Cyrus’ lab.
An invoice from Stage 2- a Judas Cradle. Inexpensive, and Maxie knew better than to question what that was. He’d made that mistake before by searching up “breaking wheels” on his pokétch and was forced to conclude that either Ghetsis’ invasion plans involved a lot of psychological warfare or... well, it was better not to wonder.
About an hour into his work, Maxie heard a knock at the door.
Maxie groaned. Who could it possibly be at this hour?
To Maxie’s surprise, it was Archie. “Maxie, could ya come with me a second?” he asked, a sheepish look on his face.
Maxie looked up at Archie. “Sure.”
Archie led Maxie down to a beach. The sunrise was turning both the water and the sand a brilliant orange, and the air was beginning to warm up. Archie looked out at the water, a solemn look on his face.
“If yer world is so great, then why do ya follow Giovanni? The threat he be usin’ on us is to put us back in our universes, after all.”
Maxie sighed. “I was hoping you’d ask that, actually. My universe didn’t turn out. Groudon was uncontrollable. He dried out all the surface water in the world. Pockets of humanity are surviving by using ground water for crops and personal use, but I’m not sure they’ll be able to last long enough for the water to return.” Maxie brushed tears from his eyes. “You tried to stop me. I know you’re not the version of him who did, but I’m sorry that I didn’t listen. I’m so, so sorry.”
Archie turned to look at him, bewildered. “There’s a universe where I was the rational one?”
“In my universe, you tried to stop me.”
“I’m sorry-”
“No! I should’ve listened. Kyogre flooded the world. He capsized every one of our ships and I couldn’t stop it! I’m not sure humanity’s going to make it.”
There was a moment of silence between them.
“I’m glad there’s someone who knows how I feel. Do you miss Hoenn, Archie?”
“Aye. Every day. I miss  Slateport City. And I miss knowin’ what the hell I was workin’ towards.”
Maxie nodded. “Remember back when we were just Team Rocket grunts and you took me to the hot springs in  Lavaridge? Or did that happen in your universe?”
Archie smiled. “It did. Yer numel ran off with yer glasses-”
“-And I had to run after him with just a towel on. I remember. In that universe, were we... you know...”
“Datin’? No. I never had the courage to ask.”
“Well, actually, I asked you.”
Archie’s face scrunched up in offence. “You got the courage up before me?!”
“Yes,” Maxie said, his voice slipping back into that condescending tone, but he stopped himself. “If it makes you feel better, you could do the honours now.”
“Well, alright. Maxie, this position we’re in is shitty and the other admins are monsters, but let’s give this place a silver lining. Come here.” Archie spread his arms out, and Maxie came in to kiss him. It had been years since he’d felt the stubble on Archie’s face and tasted his sea salt-flavoured lips, and he loved it.
The two separated. “You know, I’ve been wondering: what did Giovanni tell you about the plan? Maybe we can figure out a little more of what he’s planning.”
“He told me that there would be more wild areas for Pokémon. I didn’t ask him to elaborate because I didn’t believe him to begin with.
“Hm. He promised me more space for people. Assuming he isn’t just lying entirely, maybe he’s going to create a new country for himself. It would make sense, as that would give him a good place to start the invasion he’s planning. But again, he could have just been lying to both of us.”
“Well, regardless, let’s keep our eyes peeled for a way out of here, or more information on what the bloody hell he’s doing.”
“Yes. Once there’s a chance, we’ll leave here together. Let’s make that a promise.”
Archie put a hand on Maxie’s shoulder as they looked out at the sunrise. “I promise.”
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Okay so in Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Firered, and Leafgreen, there were four generic Team Rocket Grunts in the Silph Co takeover who referred to themselves as the Rocket Brothers.
In the Let's Go games, they are now the Rocket Sisters instead.
If we assume the Rocket Sisters are the same characters as the Rocket Brothers, does that mean that Giovanni canonically supports trans rights?
I mean he's a mafia boss, not a transphobe!
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Niantic have announced the details for the Team GO Rocket Takeover in the Solstice Horizons event!
Runs from 12am on Jun21 thru 11:59 (local times) on Jun25. Adds Shadow Regirock and Shiny Pancham into the game
Shadow Alolan Geodude, Ledyba, Hitmontop, Glameow and Gible are added to the game
Team Rocket will appear more at PokéStops and in Balloons
You can use Charged TMs to remove Frustration from Shadow Pokémon
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The trailer for Eusine's event! Somebody (Kris) already beat him to the punch in befriending Suicune. This event starts Thursday!
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Psyduck's One-Minute Cooking Challenge event begins today, along with Porygon2 in Deliveries.
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Some upcoming Takara Tomy merch. The rings release this month.
And lastly, the first episode of Advanced has been added to the Classic episodes playlist. Unfortunately you would need a VPN or to live in Japan to view it:
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xxtc-96xx · 2 years
Dude, the current Team Rocket Takeover event just started today, and you can obtain Mewtwo for it. The special researches has no expiration so you can start it now and still eventually work through it to beat Giovanni to rescue Mewtwo!
I wouldn’t be able to be ready in time I know it XD I thought it was only a few days long, and I assume rescuing Mewtwo you need to be at a high level and I do t even know how Go works
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teamgamble · 1 year
Team gamble tainted au (which I remember is a thing but not a lot of people showed interest :[)
Oh no don't worry I'm still planning a tainted universe takeover, just waiting for the right time. Which is hard because I have a bad habit of doing things at the worst time possible hjsdafhgj.
Basically the Tainted AU is where the kids a) never met, b) never went to the academy, and c) never got the help they needed, to various effects. Buckle up because this has been rattling in my brain for a WHILE.
CW for mentions of abuse, religion, homelessness, juvenile detention, transphobia, deadnaming, neglect, cults, beauty pageants, and death.
Isaac would have never left her mother's home in Solaceon Town and the Arcist religion. He would have become completely obsessed with worshipping Arceus and Creation Duo and self-hating.
Maggie's parents never divorced, leaving her abusive father to continue harming her. To cope, she would get fights with other children frequently and act rebellious. Probably ended up in a toxic relationship or two.
Cain was never disowned by his parents, mostly to save face. However, he's considerably more scared up because of "accidents" set up in the hopes he'll pay for what they think he did to Abel.
Judas was refused to be taken to another region by the pilot, and so he was forced to remain in Orre. They would continue to steal Pokemon to make ends meet, and eventually he probably would've joined Team Snagem.
Evelyn chose not to go to therapy and start gardening. Due to faer horrible physically abusive uncle, even after escaping from him, she would still fear mean and have a worse mental state in general.
Samson was never taken into foster care, and he would become extremely violent and have a hair-trigger temper. Samson was floating in and out of juvenile detention, and probably never accepted his homosexuality.
Azazel never escaped from their parents. They would bide their time until they're eighteen, but they're stuck in a household that misgenders and deadnames them and would clip their metaphorical wings by forbidding them from flying on their Pokemon.
Laz would keep floating in and outside of the hospital. Even after Beth runs away to join Team Plasma, his mother would keep ignoring and neglecting him, letting him get injured and ill. At times, he feels like he's just a dead boy walking.
Instead of spurning Eden for getting into the Internet, their father would embrace it and keep them in a position to continue being manipulated. Their only identity is their loyalty to their father and to archiving knowledge, to the point they don't even believe they need a name.
Lily never got sponsored by Naranja-Uva Academy, leaving them in the Galarian foster care system. To cope with neglectful foster parents that refuse to deal with a blind child, she would hoard Pokemon to both her and the Pokemon's detriment.
Apollo not only ever attended the Academy, he didn't even join Team Skull. Because he failed the Island Challenge so hard, he would become a homeless child on the streets of Hau'oli City, too ashamed of himself to return home.
Beth, finally having enough of the beauty pageants and being judged for every flaw she had, would run away from her mother. Instead of being found by child protective services, she would be found by an attempted third resurgence of Team Plasma. Having no faith in humanity, she zealously follows Team Plasma's teachings of separation between Pokemon and humanity--and her secret wish for mankind's downfall.
Jacob didn't choose to fight against his father. He warned him of what Esau was planning with him. So when Esau tried to free Entei, their father effectively injured him with his Pokemon and left him for dead. He got a promotion to Rocket Admin for the capture of a Legendary, and Jacob got to be his secondhand man and his approval. However, he feels guilt over what happened. He never wanted Esau to die, just his dad's love and approval. And what's worse, Esau holds it against him.
Esau died after getting Fire Blasted by his father's Arcanine. Seeing he tried to do the right thing, Ho-oh attempted to revive him. But because of his rage, hatred, and malice, he came back wrong and returned as a black and red Hisuian Zoroark. Now he haunts Jacob, randomly appearing in a Pokeball on his body even with a full party. And it's a 50-50 if he'll go straight for Jacob, or get distracted by the opponent so Jacob can start running.
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chatotbox · 2 years
“ You’re to take an extended leave, Sato. ”
The Director of the Radio Tower is a kindly man named Hiro who Remy has known for three years now. He looks frazzled still, his auburn hair refusing to lay flat with the stress of the tower’s takeover by Team Rocket in the last few weeks. He’s aged overnight almost -- if Remy looks closely, they think they can see gray starting in his hair already.
(They think about how the morning started so normal, how Hiro had greeted them so kindly, and the sour roiling in their gut when it turned out to be Petrel in disguise -- the way he grinned with recognition at seeing Remy has their skin crawling even now.)
The command (because it is a command, not a request) comes on day two of Remy’s hospital stay. The burn salve under the bandaging wrapping their left side does very little to stave off the intense pain that thunders through them without strong painkillers. There’s talk of what can be done and what has to be tested first. Houndoom bites, apparently, never stop aching.
(Archer must know about it, because why else would he point a Pokemon at a person like that?)
Remy nods numbly at the order when Hiro pauses for a response, before he continues speaking.
“ You’ll be paid for it, of course, and the Tower. . .well, the station is going to be closed for repairs and renovations for some time anyways. You’ll have time to recuperate. You aren’t the only person I’m paying visits to today. ”
He tries for humor and Remy misses it in the fog of painkiller and exhaustion. The station is going to be closed for an indeterminate amount of time while they clean up the broken machines, busted furniture and Rocket blood.
(There’s a lot of Rocket blood, too, because of a boy and his hulking beast of a Feraligatr.)
They have time off for now, to recuperate and wonder how fucked their life might be now. It’s not like people aren’t going to notice the recognition from the Executives that had decided to torment them in the Tower. Remy hopes, more than anything, that they can brush it off as a case of mistaken identity.
Hiro, in his infinite patience and honestly baffling charisma, says nothing of the matter right now. It would be insensitive to insinuate such a thing to a worker who was now hospitalized because of those same Executives, or so Remy assumes.
“ We’ll keep in touch, of course, and you’ll be one of the first to know when we’re back up and running. If you decide to continue with us, we’ll be happy to have you. ” He strokes a hand through his hair and musses the auburn strands more, causing them to fall across his face. “ You did good work up there, or so I heard. I didn’t know you were a trainer! ”
That gets a little smile from Remy, the forced kind of kindness that comes with a public persona, and they shake their head.
“ I don’t -- battle, usually. It’s been a long time. Thank you, sir. ”
The smile, wobbly as it is, works -- Hiro takes it in stride, leaves them a get well soon card and a promise to call when work resumes, and Remy’s left alone in the buzzing quiet of the hospital room until a nurse comes by to tell them they’d be going home soon.
And home they go, with more painkillers and a note to seek out a therapy group for other people with chronic pain problems.
(Home is hardly comfortable either, with their face known to Rocket again. They don’t sleep very well, not until their Pokemon post up around the home to keep them safe. The first time they sleep through the night, they do so with Ariados hanging by their side and Arbok curled across their feet.
Ampharos, newly evolved, stands guard with a slowly blinking red light illuminating the room to chase shadows from every corner.)
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lumenflowered · 9 months
Hello. My name is Maria—nothing more, nothing less. I am a Faller hailing from a place known as Yharnam, though I am currently in the Johto region. It is a less harsh place than what I am used to; I would not recommend requesting further information regarding Yharnam unless you are mentally prepared.
Out of a lack of anything better to do after falling here, I embarked upon the Gym Challenge. At the time of writing this, I bear seven of the eight Johtonian badges, and intend to attain the eighth as soon as I have recovered enough to travel.
As of less than a week ago, I have been Chosen as a champion of sorts by Ho-oh, a Pokémon with power tantamount to the gods of my former world. While I still have rather complicated feelings regarding the matter, the gods of this world are considerably kinder than those I am used to, and doing this allowed me to put an end to Team Rocket's machinations once and for all.
My team is as follows: Rakuyo (Meganium, X) Hunter (Furret, F) Molotov (Arcanine, M) Adeline (Gengar, F) Evelyn (Seadra, F) Eileen (Honchkrow, F)
Adeline, my Gengar, rather likes to steal my device and make posts for herself—she is considerably better with this world's technology than I, so I have no qualms with this—and her commentary can be found in purple.
Though this has thus far only occurred once twice thrice, Ho-oh has utilized this platform and blog to communicate directly with me and others before, and they have done so in bold orange text. They have recently adopted another name in addition to their first: Solaire.
A very angry child named Silver, who inexplicably decided to form a rather one-sided rivalry with a grown woman, is unlikely to be on the blog again given how much the anonymous masses of Rotomblr set back my progress in having a reasonable conversation with him. However, while he was posting here, he used blue.
I am more than happy to discuss a great many things. Do keep in mind that I hail from a far deadlier place than this one, should you care to ask about my past prior to Johto.
...I still would rather like to know why and how I am here at all.
(OOC info under cut.)
Sup, it's still @ofstormsandfire getting perhaps a little too invested in my silly little blog where I throw a Bloodborne boss into the world of pokemon. I really wanted to make a faller blog of some kind, and promised myself that I could if I survived Nanowrimo, and... then I did. And went well, alright, Lady Maria's going to have a great time in Johto!
(That was sarcasm. Though honestly even a terrible time in Johto is an improvement over what she's used to.)
Do keep in mind that Maria is in fact a Bloodborne boss and as such will be unfazed by things that would disturb the vast majority of characters. I'll happily tag things as necessary, just ask if I've missed something you would like tagged.
Here's some navigational tags for y'all. If/when I actually reach the conclusion of this blog's story maybe I'll make more.
#firebird arc: I smashed together the Radio Tower plot and the Ho-oh plot, made the Kimono Girls more relevant, and also ramped up the stakes a little. Called that because Ho-oh is a firebird and also I'm 90% sure there's a kind of rocket called the Firebird. I like puns. I also put way too much effort into this and I regret nothing.
#the vampire allegations: A couple of people made jokes about Maria being a vampire. Admittedly, she is from Cainhurst which is the closest Bloodborne gets to proper vampires, and I thought it would be really funny to have her be allergic to garlic for legitimately mundane reasons.
#rainbow wings: That time Ho-oh showed up on the blog specifically to tell Maria to take a break. Same tag is used whenever Ho-oh turns up. (It's been like three times now.)
#what's with this sassy lost child?: The Silver takeover. For some reason the last couple posts just aren't showing up in the tag despite being tagged with exactly the same thing, but he got Pelipper Mailed bad memories of his dad and promptly dipped.
#hints to the future: Bits of prose foreshadowing things to come, because I got really into that one ask game with the gears.
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