#team frio
memelandia-y-algo-mas · 7 months
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Metro Universidad de Chile, Santiago Chile
Junio, 2024
Días de lluvia y frío, la ciudad no se detiene, no perdona…
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jukeboxofjellycat · 2 days
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larrea24 · 4 days
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majortom84 · 2 months
Solo los pendejos Team Calor escogerían la de Jamaica.
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tu-ternurauwu · 7 months
Odio el verano, y también a ti. 🌈
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callmeanxietygirl · 10 months
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Team frío y team calor, hay que ponernos a sembrar arbolitos.
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viejospellejos · 1 year
¿Team FRÍO ❄️ o team CALOR 🔥?
aporte: @dreapardextroes
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soloen · 4 months
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meloncito-con-viniito · 18 hours
Soy team frio, pero igual extraño el verano🥵
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jukeboxofjellycat · 2 years
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pheleszev · 1 month
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Que no se note que soy team Frio 🤭🤣
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melody-mwlody · 9 months
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team frio amando el sol
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dalt0-nico · 1 month
Team frio
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lunaverrse · 1 year
“ we’re a good team, you know. “ (kang & ahra)
Ahra & Kang : feat. @greencruz 🤍
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— Somos? — O tom de voz de Ahra não era debochado ou qualquer coisa do tipo. O questionamento era sincero, mas também retórico, porque ela já sabia a resposta. Eles eram mesmo um bom time. Naquele momento, pelo menos, Kang estava sendo uma ótima parte do time ao acolher suas angústias. Haviam parado em uma situação bastante recente, ela nem imaginava que seria possível reviver momentos tão próximos da realidade em que se reencontram e começaram aquela loucura. De qualquer forma, estavam na pista em que ela havia se apresentado algumas horas antes. Na pista em que havia falhado, caído, mostrado a fraqueza de uma profissional que já não era mais a mesma. O mais engraçado era que, nessa altura, Ahra já tinha aprendido que não poderia mudar as coisas e correr riscos nas mudanças pelas quais passavam, então a própria falha foi ensaiada e fingida, executada com uma perfeição que chegava a ser cômica. Na primeira ocasião, Kang não estava presente, é claro. Mas agora, não só teve a sorte de encontrá-lo ao cair naquela realidade, como de ter sua presença no dia que havia sido tão doloroso. Se antes ela não tinha nada e nem ninguém, agora havia o Han, independente das desavenças que eles mantinham.
— Você acha que eu devo desistir da patinação? — Questionou sincera, acomodando a cabeça no ombro dele. O joelho, que se arrastou sobre a pista de gelo, ainda estava dolorido, embora a queda tivesse sido forjada. O ego também estava machucado. — Quer dizer, olha só para mim. Não tenho mais vinte anos, existem patinadoras mais novas, não sei nem se deveria estar aqui hoje. — Murmurou, fazendo menção à competição regional. Ahra ainda tinha patrocinadores, então podia continuar competindo, mas as coisas haviam mudado muito. Resignada, ela virou um pouco, só para conseguir observar o rosto de Kang. Como sempre, amava observar seu perfil, ver os detalhes, reconhecer cada curva. Era quase um ritual. O gesto a fez notar que, tagarelando daquele jeito, estava estragando um momento que deveria ser muito mais apreciado. Kang estava olhando para a pista, sua expressão parecia indicar que estava um pouco perdido nos próprios pensamentos, não sabia dizer se ele estava ouvindo. Percebendo que não era o momento, Ahra voltou a sorrir e se sentou ereta ao lado do homem, agora enlaçando os braços e segurando as mãos dele com afeição, o lugar estava frio e elas precisavam ser aquecidas. — Nós somos, mesmo, um ótimo time, Kang. O melhor deles. — Com um gesto que se mostrava carinhoso demais, principalmente para ela, a mulher se aproximou e deixou a ponta do nariz tocar a bochecha dele, colocando ali um selar, demorado o suficiente para que desse conta da necessidade que tinha em estar perto dele. — E ainda bem que o meu time é você.
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asimfamilystory · 6 months
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Even at such a young age Oakes wants to try writing a book, to which his parents encourage him to try. His first book, a science fiction story called: The Message earns him $88!
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Oakes has his very first party, inviting over some kids from school to go swimming and play video games. From left to right there is Jessica Horn, Skip Javeed and Ken Kohler. Oakes even invites his brother, Oakley, to join them in playing.
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Bella Bachelor waited until the other three left to join Oakley in playing video games while Oakes talked to Sandi Frio, who came late because she had to wait to get a ride from one of her parents.
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Oaklynn's birthday came about and her parents and older brothers came to celebrate. Her younger siblings were there but they didn't quite have an interest in the celebration. Don and Erin are the most excited that their daughter is growing up and given how smart she has shown to be they expect her to have an easy time with school, but they also expect her brothers to help her out until she is comfortable there.
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Oaklynn is now a child! She has the traits of: Couch Potato, Genius and Good.
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Oakes talks to his mom about the party he had an how important it was for his image in school to being a popular kid. His mother, although understanding, wants her son to understand that being popular is not always the best thing but Oakes is at the age where being popular is incredible important to him, especially since he was on the schools basketball team and has already published a book that was doing pretty good!
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Don prepares for work. As an astronaut he finally achieved his dream and he only has to work one day a week. He is proud of how hard he worked to achieve his goal and he can support his family financially and from Tues-Sun he can spend time with his children and be a, kind-of, stay at home dad while his wife is working. He also looks quite good in the uniform too.
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Oaklynn is invited over to Same Sekemoto's after school where they work on homework together, Oaklynn happy to help.
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Whereas her brothers seemed to be struggling a little more with their homework.
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When Don returns from work Tuesday morning the children are up and getting ready for school. Oaklynn asks how his day went and Don tells his daughter about him having to stay even later than normal at work to help bring a fellow astronaut home due to an accident that had happened in their shuttle, his daughter completely engrossed in her dad's story.
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Obedience birthday happened later that day. She has the Couch Potato and Loner traits. Erin had gotten the outfit for her daughter and found she looks quite cute in it!
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Oakley went to Sandi Frio's house to do homework, having hit it off with her at his brother's party and finding her being a pretty smart kid and hoped she could help him with his school work.
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