#team black vs team green
sansalicent · 3 months
GRRM really wrote a story where the main lesson is there are no winners in war, power corrupts and ultimately there are no good sides then y’all are out here missing them point and fighting over who’s got the moral high ground out of all these power hungry war criminals who sit in their castles as the smallfolk suffer because of their war and weapons of mass destruction.
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ararebreedstory · 15 days
They really tried to ham-fist in as much cute sympathy as they could before the end of the episode.
If they were smart they'd have focused a bit more on that in season one. Instead of putting the kids vaguely in the background of two scenes.
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It's bad when the Lannister is more annoying than the green seed crotch-spawn of Aegon the usurper.
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Why I Dislike the Idea of Team Green vs. Team Black 🖤💚
Am I the only one who thinks it's weird how rivalry-focused the House of the Dragon season 2 marketing is?
Disclaimer: I love the idea of putting out trailers for both sides, it's asking the viewers to choose that seems off.
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Cause from my view, you just choose your favorite characters randomly. Maybe I like show!Rhaenyra and show! Alicent the same. We can do that. We can root for both. 🤫
Of course you're free to pick a side, it just seems unusual since Westeros isn't the type of world where you'd normally stand fully behind a character, because things can get very messy.
Also I hate when fandoms have beef with each other over things like that, especially when women are pitted against each other (like Sansa and Arya often were) and we talk less about other topics
Choosing a side is an interesting thing to think and talk about but it can make you forget a very cool aspect of fiction as entertainment: you can enjoy things from multiple sides. 😊
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Re: Alys/Aemond being foils to Daemon/Rhaenyra I've seen Green/Aemond stans saying this as well. But see, they argue that Daemon is a villain type of character, a sexual predator and a groomer (to young Rhaenyra and Nettles) but Aemond is a man who respects women and a MILF lover who would never be interested in teenage girls like Daemon. They say Daemon abandoned and betrayed Rhaenyra to be with his teenage lover (Nettles) while Aemond returned to Harrenhal just to be with Alys, to save her from Sabitha Frey and marry her because he loves her, is a honorable man and wouldn't want his child to be a bastard. They say that Daemon is abusive towards Rhaenyra but Aemond loves and respects Alys and so on, you get the idea. To them everything about Daemon as well as his relationships is bad and everything about Aemond is positive and therefore it would make sense for Aemond/Alys to be a genuine romance (yes, in the book and in the show as well) as opposed to Daemon/Rhaenyra which is a toxic, abusive, incestuous relationship.
I'm not in the business and telling these people that they are fools. I will just say this:
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ophelieverse · 20 days
certified lover boy certified ped0ph1le
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
This is how I imagine Rhaenyra and her brother conversation after his coronation
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Made by @vivalarevolution​
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sorrydetka · 3 months
me, a veteran game of thrones stan, looking at team green and team black supporters going at each others throats
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rhaenin-time · 4 months
B-b-but Rhaenyra's siblings were always in danger and even if she didn't think she'd need to kill them she definitely would have because of all these historical figures who killed or imprisoned those they saw as a threat to their claim:
[Insert list of historical rulers who were not named heirs and who came into power during a power vacuum or crisis where there was either no clear line of succession or where they used force to supplant the line of succession. Also insert list of competing heirs who refused to renounce their claim.]
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chicken-wayng · 30 days
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caniacccroro · 1 month
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Brunette Queen Consort Aemma Arryn!!
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rozsesandart · 5 days
The Dance of Dragons - Blacks vs Greens ⚔️🖤💚
Queen Rhaenyra and Aegon II
Art by @rozsesandart
Art masterlist - socials - ko-fi - commissions
Do NOT repost
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ararebreedstory · 15 days
I'll never get tired of watching Alicent being shocked at the consequences of her own actions.
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It was also pretty funny to have Aemond casually admit that the greens are thieves, traitors, and usurpers.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 2 months
Okay but imagine Rhaenyra and Daemon were in King's Landing when Viserys died? Would there still be a war? Would Otto and the Greens try to kill them there? A war breaking out even before anyone could ascend the throne?
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queenvhagar · 1 year
The thing is Rhaenyra didn't need to make babies with Harwin. I don't care if she wants to be with him, that's fine, but moon tea was right there in two separate episodes. She didn't need to have children to have heirs to the throne, and no heirs is definitely better than "obvious bastards posing as trueborn" heirs when it comes to future stability of the realm. It's not like the Targaryen family would end if she didn't reproduce - her brothers and sister and their families could carry on the line, and in the event she became queen, her brother would be heir. Not having babies with your husband isn't necessarily unheard of in this world - infertility happens.
I could even be sympathetic to her if she made a mistake and got the tea wrong once and oops! Bastard baby. But three? That was definitely on purpose and a very big "rules for thee but not for me" moment. Like I don't care if she should have the right to have babies with whoever based on our modern views but doing it back then with all that was riding on her to follow the rules and uphold the law as an heir was expected to do was just stupid and dangerous to everyone around her. Sorry girl if you wanted to prevent a war being fought over you succeeding the throne you needed to have done better.
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
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OC💙🧡 (drops w no context)
edit: ok some context.. it's all the same girl! Her name is 이설/Yi Seol. the long hair is a disguise/fake identity (for plot reasons)... I think I'll make her fake name 김노을/Kim Noeul
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House Of The Dragon costume DTIYS
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Ok I had to do it 🙃 I have never hosted a dtiys before but I'm super excited about this one! If you'd like to do it please tag me so I can see and we'll use #chicdtiys just so they're easy to find. This is just costume based so feel free to draw any character you want!
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