#team Remington
vitale-k-80 · 1 year
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Remington Shooters Dominate Tournament
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
Ruby: *Twirls CR* Well Hello There~
Meliny: *Loading Budge* Um. Hi?
Ruby: Oh! Sorry, I was talking to the Gun!
Meliny: Does that thing get heavy?
Ruby: Nah, my Baby it perfectly weighted~
Meliny: Cool.
Weiss: *Cycles Dust* Hello Remington. You seem well.
Remi: *Flourishing Levy* I am Feeling Better. It is a Pleasure to see you again.
Weiss: That is excellent News. I ... I had missed you. It's good to see you as well.
Remi: *Loading his Revolvers* Hey, Weiss, I want to apologize for being so Abrasive when we last saw each other. These guys have really Helped me come out of my shell.
Weiss: *Curtsy* Yeah, My team has tdone the same for me. You're forgiven.
Remi: I'm Forgiven? That Easy? Alright then! Let's Roll!
Blake: *Swings in* You must Be Marigold. I've heard a fair amount about you.
Marigold: *Stands Tall, Points sword at Blake* Aye! And a little Birdie told me you were one them Belladonnas! Seem our Reputations precede us.!
Blake: ... And Now I've heard From you. Hi.
Marigold: *Accidently sets off Hookshot, retracts it* Heya Catsup! How's the Family?
Blake: I could ask you the same question, Privateer.
Marigold: ... So that's how We're going at it, Aye?
Yang: *Punches Knuckles, Burn ignites* Wil, Wil, Wil, Look Who we've got here!
Wilhelm: *Nocks Bolt* Oh? Xiao-Long You been hanging onto that one?
Yang: Haha! Looks like we got a fight on hands!
Wilhelm: *Raps Crossbow against Shield* Come and GET SOME BLONDIE!
Yang: *Riding in on Bmblb* WITH THIS ENERGY! GLADLY!
Ruby: *Petal bursts in* Ooh! Are those Dual Chamber Dust infusion Revolvers?
Remi: *Loading Revolvers* Yep! That's a custom scythe, yeah? That Blade collapsing mechanism seems really tough for how thin it is!
Ruby: Ah, Thank you! My baby is my pride and joy!
Remi: Yeah, Well my pals here are some of my finest work - the most consistent and versatile tools I have! Carbon steel blade edge-
Ruby: With a custom Steel/Aluminum mixture for Weight, Strength, and-
Both: Heat sinking, because repeated firing increases weight of wear and results in damage to the edge of the blade unless the barrel is properly cooled ...
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virtualreader · 1 year
the thrill of the shot
summary: handling a gun can be challenging and tough, yet essential for apocalypse survival. so when a little shooting incident takes place during the prison conquest, Rick decides to give you shooting lessons himself.
word count: 2,5k.
warnings: gun handling, blood and walkers, sexual tension, very mild smut (if you squint), not proofread (yet).
a/n: so this was an idea of mine I had requested @sinsandsweetness to write a while ago. seeing as I started to write my own fanfics she suggested I did it myself, so here it is, hope you all enjoy it!
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Approximately one hundred walkers crowded the prison's patio, leaving you to wonder how many of them would be inside waiting for you when you enter the building. Foul-smelling blood splattered through the air as the bullets pierced their rotted skulls.
The plan was clear: as Rick had decreed, Gleen, Maggie and Beth would drawn as many walkers as they humanly could to the fence killing them through it. Meanwhile Daryl, Carol, Carl, Hershel and you took the vigilance towers, so Rick could run for the principal gate.
Despite being far from an expert shooter, Rick had entrusted you with one of his guns to take down the walkers from the tower. You recognized your lack of experience and skill, but you had held a handgun before and even shot it a couple of times. In this apocalyptic world, the need for survival often outweighed any apprehension you may have had about using a weapon. Still, it was difficult for you to aim and shoot, especially with the rifle that you firmly held. You took a deep breath, steadied your grip on the gun, and focused on the task at hand.
You kept shooting every walker in Rick’s way with the best of your efforts, uncluttering his path to the main gate, with Daryl and Carol’s help, whose aiming was way more ameliorated than yours.
The leader ran hurriedly to his destination, only halting momentarily to eliminate a rotter or two. Sweat drenched his shirt, dying the fabric a darker hue of brown. In his hands, he held a pistol that appeared almost small due to his large, calloused hands. His expert stance and accuracy with the firearm was a testament to his years of experience as a police officer.
As he approached the gate, a nearly pristine Remington rifle hung over his back, secured by a sturdy strap that caused the weapon to sway with each step he took.
Your newly acquired shooting abilities were successful, and you were feeling confident until one of your bullets hit the ground a few inches before Rick's cowboy boots. Startled, Rick skidded upon the gravel as he abruptly halted his jog. Rick's eyes widened with surprise as he realized that he had narrowly avoided being hit by the bullet. After a sheepish little "sorry" came out of your mouth, he regained his composure, giving you an accusing look before resuming his run.
You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you like a hot flash. You could feel your face flush as you realized that your nerves had gotten the best of you. However, you refused to let that stop you.
You took a deep breath and focused again on what you were supposed to be doing – help Rick to reach the gate safely. You knew that you had to be alert and precise in your actions if you were going to survive in this post-apocalyptic world.
You scanned the area for any walkers that might be coming towards Rick. Your fingers tightened around your weapon as you prepared to shoot down any potential threat. You were determined to prove to yourself and to Rick that you were a valuable member of the team.
After what seemed like an endless wait, Rick finally arrived at the main gate. You could feel the tension in the air as everyone watched him approach, wondering if he would make it in time. The sigh of relief you breathed when he finally reached the gate was almost palpable as you watched him close it securely. It was a small victory, but an important one nonetheless. With the gate closed and the yard secured, you and the rest of the group could finally take a much-needed break and relax for a bit.
As you looked out over the yard, you could see that there were still a few walkers left to take care of. It was a daunting task, but one that you knew you had to tackle in order to keep your campsite secure for the night. You and the rest of the group set to work, taking down the remaining walkers one by one. It was hard work, but you all knew that it was necessary to ensure your safety.
Although you felt a sense of accomplishment when the last walker fell, you couldn't shake the memory of the mistake that almost cost Rick his feet. And you could not help but think this would most likely make you a liability to the group's survival.
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You rested in your assigned bed among the many vacant ones in C block, which was now your home. It was a strange feeling, knowing that you were living in a prison. In the pre-apocalyptic world, such a thought would have been unthinkable, but now it was a reality that you and your fellow survivors had to face.
That morning, you and the others woke up early at sunrise to clear the rest of the prison, or at least a block of it. Living in a prison would have been unthinkable a couple of years ago, but things had changed. In fact, they had changed a lot.
Glenn and Maggie had managed to scavenge some armor from the walkers they had killed, but it was an arduous task as the dead wore it. You were grateful for the armor, as it made you feel safer while clearing out the prison block.
As you and the others moved through the cells, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The prison was dark and foreboding, and the sound of your footsteps echoed off the concrete walls. You moved cautiously, scanning each cell for any potential threats.
After what felt like hours, you finally finished clearing the block. You and the others gathered in the communal area, exhausted but relieved that the area was secure. As you sat down to catch your breath, you couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with your fellow survivors. It was a feeling that was hard to come by in this post-apocalyptic world, but one that you cherished nonetheless.
As you gazed around the cell you now laid in, taking in the various objects scattered throughout, your eyes fell upon Rick, who was leaning casually against the doorframe. You could see that he was meticulously cleaning his gun, the metal gleaming in the light. Despite feeling nervous, you knew that you had to approach him in order to make amends for your earlier mistake. As you drew closer, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
After what felt like hours, Rick looked up, his piercing blue gaze meeting yours. You could sense the tension in the air as you began to speak, your words tumbling out in a jumbled mess as you tried to convey your sincere apology.
"Rick, I—uh," you began, trying to figure out how to earn his forgiveness. "I wanted to apologize for yesterday. It was my fault, and I'm sorry. I should have aimed better, taken more care with my actions.”
Rick's eyes studied you for a moment, his expression unreadable. For a long moment, he didn't say anything, and you were left to wonder if he was angry with you. You could sense the tension in the air as he weighed his response. He let out a sigh and set his gun down on the small ramshackle table in your cell.
"Y/n, it's okay, mistakes happen," he said, his voice calm. He paused for a moment eyeing you as you nervously stood before him, playing with your silver ring, before continuing. "I’ll teach you to shot.”
Rick’s statement caught you off guard. You couldn't believe your ears. Was he actually willing to teach you how to use a gun? You took a moment to process what he had said, and you looked into his clear blue eyes, perplexed and stone-still.
The thought of learning how to use a gun from someone like Rick, who had years of experience in the field, was both exciting and daunting. You knew that learning to use a gun was not something to be taken lightly, and that it would require discipline, patience, and dedication. But at the same time, you felt a sense of urgency and responsibility, as if knowing how to handle a gun could be a lifesaving skill in certain situations.
“Will you?”
“Yeah, we can start right now," he said as he exited the cell. "C’mon, I’ll go easy on you.”
You followed him out of the cell block, feeling a sense of excitement building inside of you. As you made your way to the prison yard, Rick began to explain the basics of gun safety and handling. You listened intently, taking in every word he said.
Rick started by explaining the different types of firearms and their respective functions. He described how to properly hold a gun, how to aim, and how to shoot. He also shared some tips on how to improve accuracy and how to reload quickly in case of an emergency.
As you continued walking, Rick told you about the different parts of a gun and how they work together. He went on to explain the importance of gun safety and the different rules that must be followed when handling firearms. He emphasized the need to always treat a gun as if it were loaded, never point it at someone unless intending to shoot, and to keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
The more Rick spoke, the more you realized the complexity of gun handling and how much there was to learn. You asked him several questions, which he patiently answered, and you felt grateful for the opportunity to learn from someone with so much experience.
You were surprised at how quickly you picked up the basics, and how much fun you were having in the process. It was a strange feeling, knowing that you were learning how to use a weapon that was designed to take lives. But at the same time, you knew that it was a necessary skill in this post-apocalyptic world.
Upon reaching the prison yard, Rick handed you a gun. After hesitating for a moment, you picked the gun and aimed it to the target -a makeshift board, made with an old milk cardboard.
You would have expected Rick to lend you any gun to practice but his symbolic Colt Phython 357 Magnum. The sentimental value that the object held for the leader only made your hands tremble even more.
"We'll start off easy, the rifles can wait." he explained seeing the confused look on your face.
With Rick’s gaze pinned on you, the only thing on your mind was whether or not you were making a fool of yourself. You were going over the basic steps of how to position yourself properly, aiming the sight at the exact center of the target, when you felt the heat of Rick's body against your back. He towered over you, his tall and broad figure making you feel smaller every second. Rick adjusted your hands as he placed his over yours, helping you to align yourself properly.
You surely find him attractive, maybe even desirable. However, the situation you found yourself in was unexpected. It was not lost on anyone that Rick and Lori’s relationship had not been the same since he had discovered her affair with Shane, and this had given you hope of having a chance with him.
"Your arms are too straight," his breath brushed your ear as he corrected you. "Unlock your elbows. Your arms should be slightly bent, we don't want the recoil to knock you on your ass.”
You didn't respond, the words clogged in your throat. You could sense the electricity in the air, and the fine hairs on your arms stood on end at his gentle touch.
His hands traveled down to your forearms, his touch both comforting and commanding, as if he was signaling you to do as he said. It was as if time had slowed down, and you were acutely aware of every sensation in your body, from the pounding of your heart to the warmth of his touch.
The resounding thump of your heart speed up as something hard contacted your back, positioning itself between you both.
“Rick.” you gasped when realization came to you.
“Don’t lose sight of the target. Finger off the trigger,” he continued, ignoring your interjection. “Relax your shoulders, and when you’re ready, shoot.”
You took a deep breath and closed one eye, focusing intently on the target. You felt a sense of pressure, knowing that Rick was watching you, but you refused to let that distract you. You pulled the trigger, and the sound of the gunshot echoed through the prison yard.
Your heart raced as you looked at the target, surprised to see that you had, in fact, hit the center.
"Looks like you're a natural," he said, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips, as he held onto you to make sure you didn't fall backwards due to the recoil's force.
His hands lingered on your shoulders for a moment before you turned to face him. You shifted uncomfortably under his intense gaze as you handed him the gun, suddenly aware of how soaked your underwear had become.
Rick could never imagine the effect he had on you—how your heart raced at the sight of him, or how you struggled to suppress the urge to shift your hips when you saw him holding his revolver. And, undoubtedly, he could never imagine the sick, dirty fantasies you made up in your mind, him being the main character of every single one of them.
Briskly, your gaze shifted to his groin and then back to his face, where a suggestive smirk adorned his slightly aged features.
“Rick.” you reiterated in a husky whisper, practically begging this time.
Rick's left hand gently cupped your cheek, his touch warm and comforting as he set the gun aside. A few seconds was all it took Rick to gather enough courage to lean in, locking his smooth lips with yours in a tender kiss. The feeling of his growing beard brushing against your face added a new layer of intimacy to the moment, as his mouth nuzzled yours with a delicate touch. You could feel the beating of his heart through his chest as he held you close, his embrace strong yet gentle.
When you could not bear anymore with the arousing feeling of his throbbing boner, you placed your hand over it. Rick pulled apart momentarily to let out a surprised yet satisfied gasp.
“Bribery won’t work with me, little lady.” he teased you.
You pulled away from the kiss, your heart racing and your mind in a whirl. You couldn't believe what had just happened, and you were still trying to process it all. You looked up at Rick, who was smiling down at you, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement.
"I think we should stick to shooting practice for now," he said, his voice low and husky. “We’ll leave the rest for later, ay?”
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toasttt11 · 4 months
best friends
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September 18, 2017
Remington was sitting on the bleachers next to the practice rink waiting for his brother Trevor to finish with practice so they could go home.
Remington was working on his homework while Trevor practiced so he could be free when he got home and go outside to the net.
Luke walked in to the building having to come later to the rink that Jack having a meeting after his last class of the day and had to walk to the arena alone, he headed to the bleachers where he was planning to wait for Jack to finish practice.
The bleachers were mostly empty except for for one boy sitting with a few textbooks open and Luke titled his head and realized the boy is in a few of his classes.
Luke walked over to him, “Could i sit?” Luke questioned making Remington look up and saw Luke gesturing to the spot next to him.
Remington nodded and Luke sat down and threw his backpack onto the floor.
“I’m Luke.” Luke held out his hand, “I think we have a few classes together.”
“Remington.” Remington nodded and looked at Luke closer and remembered the curls he sees that’s a few rows in front of him, “Yeah we do.”
“You play hockey?” Luke questioned looking curious.
“Yeah, i’m playing on the little caesar’s team.” Remington nodded telling Luke, he starts practicing with his new team next week.
“No way me too!” Luke smiled widely, he’s glad to have met someone that’s going to be on the team having just moved to Michigan.
“Sick.” Remington smiled looking just as excited, “What are you waiting here for?”
“Oh my brother Jack is practicing right now.” Luke answered back and pointed at Jack who was on the ice skating around.
“Wait Hughes?” Remington blinked in realization.
Luke nodded in response.
“My brother Trevor is on the team and he never shuts up about Jack.” Remington snickered as he told Luke.
“Oh! you’re a Zegras.” Luke quickly realized having heard the name Trevor so much since Jack met Trevor.
“Yup.” Remington nodded back.
Luke and Remington became the best of friends that day, the next day at school Luke changed seats to sit next to Remington, they started walking to the arena together, they started playing hockey together and basically spent most of their days together.
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
I love the first meeting between Kruger and Sweetheart. How about the first meeting between Sweetheart and Alejandro and Rudy 👀
I'm so glad you liked it! ♡ this one is a bit longer I think than the last one
Warnings: blood, violence, gore, details of weapons, very tiny cod gun lore in there (if you notice it, I love you)
When Alejandro and Rodolfo met Sweetheart, they didn't think she would look like that. They thought that a person with the name 'Sweetheart' would be a medic, or maybe an assistant. Not a strikingly tall woman who looks like she can stomp your head in and go shopping for new shoes at the same time.
'It's nice to finally meet you both' she said to them, her regal like voice ringing in Rudy's ears. He had to stop himself from trembling. Alejandro grinned at her, telling her the same. 'It's nice to meet you as well, ma'am. I've heard alot about you.'
Of course he has. Her capitan and sergeant squawked non-stop about her when they met up with Los Vaqueros for the mission. She's well liked around her unit.
She's kind.
She's funny.
All good words complimented the woman with great expectations. The expectations were met tenfold to Alejandro.
You're staring too long at her. Snap out of it.
He walked Ghost, Soap and Sweetheart to the car they were taking for the travel, opening the door for Sweetheart. She chuckled at that. 'Such a gentleman.' She said. Alejandro's chest bursts with pride. 'Have to make a good first impression, estimado.' He says with such a flirty undertone, the other three men frown at him.
Don't step out of line, Alejandro. The outcome won't be good.
Her team followed suit in other cars. Rudy was the driver, fingers flexing on the steering wheel out of nerves. He wanted to pull over. He felt too lightheaded from her sweet scent swirling in the cramped car. Wanting to caress her arms while resting on her bosom, melting into her warm touch as they lay next to a fire. His fantasy took over his reality for too long as they already made it to their destination. Rudy breathes out when he gets out the car. He feels warm hand on his shoulder.
"You okay?" She asks, concern written on her face. Her beautiful, pretty face. And pretty lips.
He clears his throat. "I'm alright, flor-- I mean- ma'am! I- I meant ma'am." His cheeks flush with embarrassment as she giggles.
Such a pretty smile.
Alejandro was listening, unintentionally but there anyway.
Such a pretty laugh.
The day swirled into a blur, the soldiers already in the works of war. Bullets going off, bodies falling down, and Sweetheart carrying her weight. Alejandro and Rodolfo can't lie when they see Sweetheart actually fighting her way through the enemies like they were butter. Weilding a Remington 870 MCS breaching with 10" barrel, she goes ahead of them and blasts the heads off like balloons. She called it her 'fallen angel' when she was cleaning it at the base.
The blood splatters on her smooth skin, the sharp narrowing of her dark, focused eyes and her black curls now unraveled; she looks more like a warrior than a soldier. As she moves like a raging spirit in the wind, the bodies fall one by one in a mutilated mess.
"Mierda..." Rudy mumbles, hand covering his mouth. Her team seems to be used to this, staying behind and letting her do her thing with awestruck eyes.
She walks in their blood, mocking their loss as she stands over the terrified target.
"Target secured." She lowly says in the comms, picking up the stunned target by the collar like a wet cat. She walks by her team and other units, some stumbling back to get out of her way. Rudy and Alejandro part like the Red Sea, eyes glued on her figure. She's so much more, way much more than being kind and playful.
She's ruthless.
She's intimidating.
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nanuk-dain · 8 months
Generation Kill Research Results
We all know that there's really specific stuff in GK that only those who were there would know, much of which we get in the books Generation Kill (Evan Wright) and One Bullet Away (Nate Fick).
I needed some more intel for my fics, so I went hunting for all the things RL Ray said about GK relevant topics on reddit. The result is a list of all his comments, from radio frequencies to how exactly he got burnt by Rudy's stove to the MRE components and the truth about the Zeus attack and what colour the PT shorts of Recon guys were.
The list has been vetted by @bookishdea to make sure that there's no personal info about the RL guys in there.
It's sorted by topic: weapons/equipment, radios/comms, beanies/uniforms, officers in Recon, Humvees, MREs, Humvee arrangement/Reporter, Zeus attack, explosion of Rudy's stove, Captain America's name, invasion, Recon training/conditions of OIF, Ripped Fuel, First Recon, Afghanistan/Ray's Marine Corps career, characters/people career background, paddles, GK production, float tapes.
I hope you find interesting stuff in there. I originally made it for myself, but since the effort went in already anyway, I figured I could share it with those who don't want to risk coming across RL Marines infos, but who might still profit from the GK-specific infos.
- all intel are responses of RL Ray (plasmata) on reddit in various subreddits, collected 23. Nov. 2023
- Q = question asked on reddit, A = Ray's answer. There's not always a question supplied, just where it's necessary to understand his answer
- At the time most of the Marine Corps was still using the M16s and M249 (SAW). Recon units were one of the first ones to get M4's and Para-SAWs (carbine versions of the M249). So, folks like officers and regular support folks were still carrying their standard M16, while 0321 Recon Marines were carrying M4s.
- Q: I was rewatching GK (again) and I think it was episode 2 when Rudy and Pappy took out the RPG team. I don’t know what the sniper rifle caliber is called I would think it’s a .338 laupa because that was standard sniper rifle of the Marine Corps.
A: No. It was an M40 A3 which shoots a 7.62x51mm NATO round. It is essentially the same thing as a .308 They are based on a Remington 700 and modified by USMC armorers. Anyone that went to sniper school would shoot that rifle. Recon marines go to sniper school. Those who didnt would still crosstrain on range so they werent totally ignorant to the weapon.
- Q: Why do some of the men in the 1st Recon Battalion have no attachments on their M4 ie Q-Tip, Christenson, and Ray, while others like Brad, Fick, Fruity Rudy had optics and grips?
A: Because some people think that having that shit on your weapon makes you look cooler. It is all personal preference.
- Q: I've always wondered if the real Brad rocked that PVS-17 the whole time like his character did.
A: He sure did. It is an easy way to always have NV handy without having to have something strapped to your fucking head all the time (PVS-7's).
-Q: In ep 2, right after the ambush scene when there is a radio check, whatdo the "up" numbers mean? (up 120 and up, up 700 and up, up 200 and up..etc)
A: It is a short way to indicate status. "Up" means we are all good and no one is injured or dead. IIRC the number indicates rounds of ammo left.
- Q: In the ep 2 episode intro somebody says: "All Hitman Victors, be advised, we are rolling freaks to TAC 1-1-9 at 1400 Zulu. How copy?" I understand everything expect "rolling freaks". Any ideas?
A: It does mean "rolling freqs" which is shorthand for "Changing radio Frequencies."
As you have seen in the series, the military communicates using radio's. As a security measure, everyone changes to a different radio frequency at the same time at set intervals. Lets say that the enemy was able to steal/capture a US radio. Then they would be able to listen in on all our radio conversations...this is bad. So, just in case that happens we all change frequencies (along with crypto fills and other things) so that radio only has value for a very limited time.
This is definitely also combined with crystallographic signature changes as well as something known as frequency hopping (SINGARS) for additional security.
- Q: So how would the teams be able to keep up with the new radio frequencies? Are they passed by runner or is a CYZ used?
A: They are typically pre-planned in a "comm plan" (communications plan). If a radio were to come up missing then they would change the comm plan and distribute however they could.
If you look at the HMMWV windshield next to Brad Colbert in the series you will see a clear acetate with something printed on it. That is a cheat sheet of the comm plan.
- Different types of radios are capable of different radio bands. Most of what you hear in GK is all VHF (ground plane) band radio traffic. The vehicle radios and the handheld ones do VHF. Different groups have different "freqs" (pronounced like freaks) or frequencies that they use. Just like the FM radio in your car, you can tune into different radio stations by changing the frequency. Bravo 1 is on 95.7 Hot Country....and Bravo 2 is on 103.3 Smooth Jazz. You are always switching between the different freqs to talk to who you are supposed to be talking to. So, my personal radio may be set to be on Bravo 1's channel, but the vehicle may be set to Bravo 3 and then another guy may have his set to the Alpha channel. Just like setting the presets in your car, you can do that on these radios as well...so you can quickly switch between them.
The reason you also hear pilots in some of them is that some radios are UHF (line of sight) band to talk to pilots. The small handheld radios were both VHF and UHF radios so we could do things like call for fire missions and give the pilots our 9 lines.
Com plans utilize multiple channels across different spectrums (HF, VHF, UHF, Satellite) and many types of radios that have different spectrum capabilities.
Dude, have you never played with walkie-talkies as a kid...hahaha. You know someone is talking on your freq because you hear them. Only one person can talk at a time on any radio channel. You can only be "tuned" to a single frequency at a time. There is a very rigid etiquette when using radios to keep things clear and efficient.
We switched from the 77's to the AN/PRC-135 in 2002 (1st Recon Bn).
The 135's would do HF freq hopping, auto antenna tuning, and directly take crypto fills. But, the best part was they had a detachable face with an extension cord; so you could seal up the radio in your ruck (waterproofing and all). Then you would have the radio face in your front deuce gear to control the radio if you needed to switch freqs or something.
Edit: I just realized that I was talking about the 104's not the 77's. Yeah, late 90's the 77's were replaced by 119's.
- Part of it is real (the black beanie's) and the rest is done by David Simon. The real part is that we all wore black beanies. It wasn't breaking any rules as they were allowed, but most other units frowned on wearing them unless in private. We did all wear them everywhere and it kind of became a “thing” that the recon guys are the ones in beanies.
The David Simon/ Ed Burns part is the rest of the scene. I think they were trying to explain to the audience who Recon Marines were and used Trombley/Espera to do that. It was a wise choice as neither Trombley nor Espera were Recon Marines at that point…which he mentions in that scene.
It followed the PT uniforms we wore also. The Marine Corps wears “green on green” shirt/shorts. Recon’s official PT uniform is “black on black”…so if you see guys PTing in black you know they are Recon Bubbas.
officers in Recon
- A little late to the party, but there is no such thing as a recon officer. The "Reconnaissance Man" MOS is 0321 and is only for enlisted marines. Godfather was not a recon marine...no officers are.
1st Recon is comprised of many that are not recon marines; support personnel like motor T, communications, navy corpsmen, intel, etc. Officers that are platoon/ company/ battalion commanders are typically Intelligence or Infantry officers.
- Q: Not trying to correct you as you were there, I definitely wasn't... but Fick mentioned he went through BRC in his book. I guess maybe some officers go thru BRC but retain their MOS whether infantry/intel/whatever?
A: Rarely, some officers do go through BRC/ARS; but even if they do they still never are recon marines and are never in a recon team.
- Platoon commanders for Recon are kind of in the rear with the gear...they don't go out with teams. They typically command a ROC (Recon Operation Center) and provide support and are a liaison between the team and higher-ups. They feed the teams direction (via radio comms) and take intel and generate reports (again via radio comms)...but they aren't with the teams.
- Q: If I may ask...were you guys ever told why you weren't given closed-top humvees (except of course the lead vehicle).
A: Because we didnt' have them. The HMMWV's we got were Army surplus ones we scavenged.
- You don't go to war with what you want, you go with what you have. Everything has to be adapted on the fly...which is what happened. Everything in war is a calculated risk with a margin for "acceptable losses". Were we lucky? Sure.
- Q: In ep 5, when Ray is making MRE cookies, would that actually work? If so, how good could those actually be?
A: Yes it actually works. The sugar will melt and crystalize in the creamer which makes it solid and like a cookie. When you haven't eaten anything other than MREs for months straight they are good.
PS2: Ray seems like a good guy to have drinks with in a bar.
I agree...but I am a little biased.
- Point of clarification: These aren't really MRE's, they are just components of an MRE that can come in different MREs.
Personally my favorite MRE was the Beef Stew. It came with a pouch of Beef Stew, Jalapeno Cheese, pack of two crackers, and something like Skittles. It also came with a little packet with things like Folgers Crystals Coffee packets, creamer, salt/pepper, wet wipe, etc.
There were 24 different MREs in a 12 pack "A" or "B" case. Each had a different main meal and then accessory packets that included things like Peanut Butter, Regular Cheese, Jalapeno Cheese, Crackers, "Bread Slice", Charms, Skittles, Lorna Doone Cookies, M&M Cookies ("Cookies with Pan Coated Chocolate Disks"), Nature Valley Granola Bar, Strawberry Milkshake, Pound cake, Hot Cocoa Mix, etc, etc, etc.
The GK time generation of MREs were fairly new at the time and included new meals like "Bean Burrito", "Cheese Burger", etc. There were quite a few that were in the previous generation like "Beef Stew" and "Minestrone Soup". Probably the absolute worst one was "Pork Slice in Jamaican Style Sauce".
- It was a common tradition in Brad and my old platoon to stash fun things to share amongst the team at fun times. Like when your team is all wet and cold and hasnt really slept for weeks then you bust something fun out to share…it is a great pick-me-up. My favorite thing to do were king size snickers bars.
Humvee arrangement / Reporter
- Q: Who sat in the passenger side rear seat before the reporter came along?
A: No one. We determined who was in what vehicle right before the invasion..so we knew we had to fit Evan in somewhere. He really wanted to be with Brad and me...so there he went.
- Q: Why?
A: Because we're awesome. Honestly it was because he was told we would be the go-to team (because of Brad and me) for any special fun missions and he didn't want to miss out on those. That and I think he liked our dynamic as "characters".
- Short answer is because that is where he chose to be. For this war the US did something interesting in allowing for journalists to be embedded with the military units for the invasion. There were a ton of journalists that came and got a briefing on different unit types so the journalists could pick where they wanted to be. There were three journalists that after hearing what Recon was and that we would be a combat unit (so you may get shot at if you go with them) picked to be embedded with 1st Recon.
The three journalists then came to where we were staged in Kuwait and met with the BN Commander (Godfather) and were then briefed more specifically on who we were and what our role would be during the invasion. After that briefing two of the three journalists decided they didn't want to kick it with us...pussies. I do remember one of them was some guy with Men's Journal.
Evan then started hanging around us and learned that our team would likely see the most action and be at the front the most...so that is where he wanted to be. After a few nights in the tents hanging out with us he decided that he wanted to be in our vehicle as he liked our "characters" for his story.
Evan, in retrospect, would frequently say he's not sure whether he was more brave or stupid/naive to embed with us for the invasion. After each firefight/ambush he would say that he was going to leave...then we would tell him to stop being a huge pussy...so he kept going.
Zeus attack
- Q: Was Trombley actually just sitting there observing like he did in the film? [note: about Zeus attack]
A: Yes and no. Lots of people were kind of looking. I was the one that jumped up and observed the gun firing to find its location. I then called Walt up to the MK-19 to walk him in on target while calling in CAS via rotary wing at the same time. I got a Navy Achievement Metal with Combat V for that action. Interesting the series got it wrong on that.
explosion of Rudy's stove
- I didn't set my face on fire, Rudy set my face on fire…hahaha. That was all healed in just a few weeks like it never happened…I heal fast. It is a common joke amongst my friends that i am Wolverine because of my rapid healing.
- Rudy was heating water for coffee. It didn't explode. To use diesel fuel in those stoves we would preheat the fuel tube with a hexamite tab. Hexamite tabs turn to gel when they burn. Rudy was carrying the stove outside and some diesel on the outside of the stove caught fire in his hands. He then dropped it and the hexamite splattered off it all over my face. Burning gel all over my face
Captain America's name
- Yeah. A little into the invasion he went running into these mud huts with a fixed bayonet. I was sitting in my HMMWV with my team watching him run in and made the comment “This guy thinks he is Captain America!” We all started calling him that afterwards. To not embarrass the guy publicly they used it in the book and film instead of his real name.
- Q: Given the might of US military and Nato forces, could the invasion have been planned better? Maybe take more time to get there instead of the confusion and rush?
A: There was a plan and it worked pretty well. Our unit was only one small part of a much larger machine so you don't get to see the overarching thinking behind the entire invasion, you just see a tiny tiny part of it. Two quips that sum it up nicely are "Speed is far more effective than a plan" and "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"
- Q: Why weren't tanks and armor part of your group specially when entering hostile town?
A: Because they were needed elsewhere and we were essentially probing the battlefield so the commanders would know where best to direct the invading force...including armored units.
Recon training/conditions of OIF
-Q: How do you cope with the constant dangers and lack of sleep, food and hygiene. Most people would operate at lower levels under these circumstances and make mistakes. Was there something you guys did that made things better?
A: You fight how you train. We were used to little sleep, food, and hygiene because that is how we always trained. So, when it came to war we were already very comfortable and used to operating in that condition. Same shit, different day.
- All Recon Marines have the same MOS...0321. There are team roles such as Pointman, Navigator, Slackman, RTO, Assistant RTO, Assistant Team Leader, and Team Leader. Every Recon Marine is expected to have held each role to be well rounded. You may be the RTO in one team and then a Navigator in another.
All Marines (not just Recon Marines) are marksman and have to qualify just the same. This is independent of their MOS. Every Marine is a Rifleman.
Nearly all Recon Marines have gone through Sniper School...this is nothing super special.
- Q: Though I did do underwater football with a few of the Recon guys for PT a few times. That was a pretty brutal game. Put a plastic chair in either side of the deep end of the pool (12'+ at Flores) and put an underwater weight between the chairs in the middle of the pool. Line up 5 guys on either side. Dive in on the mark and try to get the weight into the seat of the chair opposite of your side. Tap if you need air, usually you get released pretty quickly... After a second or two. And that was about the only rule. Underwater everything was game. Grabbing, choking, ripping off masks...and it was a brutal workout. You'd be sucking wind after a few goals.
A: When I was in we played a lot of "Underwater Soccer" which is basically the same thing just without the chairs. Two team on either side of the pool and a weight (either a 25lb bar weight or dumbbell) in the middle on the bottom. Your team gets a point when you touch the opposing teams wall with the weight in hand.
The other game I used to love was the "Whistle Game." In this game a metal whistle was thrown into the middle of the pool. It was every man for himself. You had to grab the whistle from the bottom of the pool and rise to the surface and successfully blow it. If you did then you got to get out of the pool. Everyone else keeps going. It was one of the "Pays to be a winner" games.
- Another fun side note: We used to play a game called "Tap-Out Pass-Out" in which we would ground fight (think Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) and the only rules were no eye gouging. The game was only over when someone would pass out or tap out. While Rudy is/was an amazing standing fighter, he wasn't great on the ground. I am very good on the ground and would always beat him, much to Rudy's chagrin. Because of that Rudy began to diligently practice and improve his ground fighting, so I don't know if you should mess with him on the ground now.
Ripped Fuel
- Q: Ray, how much Ripped Fuel have you had?
A: Believe it or not I only had 2 the entire time. Two were issued to each marine as part of a med kit. The rest was just swallowing Folgers Coffee Crystals that came in the MREs.
First Recon
- Former B Co, 1st Recon Bn 0321 (1999-2003) checking in. 1st Recon was a Battalion in 1990? It was a Company when I first got there (I was in 2nd Platoon - 1st Recon Co)...then it changed into a Battalion a year or two later.
Afghanistan / Ray's Marine Corps career
- Question: Were you on this float? What did you do before joining 1st recon? Did you go to Afghanistan?
Answer: Yes. I was a pipeliner, so I was always always at 1st. I did go to Afghanistan. I was in 1st Recon Company, 2nd platoon on this float. It is the same platoon as Brad Colbert but I was in a different team.
- You can petition to "try out" for recon. If you pass a screening (run by Recon Marines) then you typically go to a "RIP" platoon (Recon Indoctrination Platoon or something like that) to be weeded out if you aren't able to hang. From there you go to a Recon MOS producing school (ARS or BRC) and if you pass that course then you become a "Roper" until you pass the unit Indoc. It isn't just jump right in.
- Q: I guess that means you went fleet grunt first then tested into recon yeah?
I enlisted 03XX then got 0311 out of SOI, then was picked up by recon at the graduation of SOI.
A: I am a fellow pipeliner. When i went in, 0321 was a secondary MOS (circa 2000)…so I was an 0311 with the secondary of 0321.
- Q: What year did you graduate boot camp? Company? Platoon?
A: January 2000, San Diego, Mike Co., Plt 3014
- Q: The 9/11 attacks solidified my choice in enlisting. At the time, I was a Sophomore in HS. 3rd period Geometry. Where were you?
A: Sitting in a pub in Darwin Australia (it was night time there) on libo. Shore Patrol comes running into the pub screaming for everyone to get back to ship (15th MEU on the USS Dubuque). Get back to ship just in time to see the second tower fall on tv. Go to drunken sleep as we set sail for Pakistan (Bravo Platoon, 1st Recon Company).
- He [note: Ray talking about himself] picked up Sgt. before he got out through. Fellow B Co 1st Recon alum. Yut Yut.
characters/people career background
- First Recon Bn is not just Recon Marines...it includes all the support personnel that are needed for a unit as well; like Armorers, Motor T, Intel, Supply, Communications, Admin, etc.
Jeff wasn't a Recon Marine; his MOS was Motor T. He was a Motor T Marine assigned to First Recon. We loved Jeff because he was super pessimistic and hateful. When Darnold was shot and medevac'd out, Jeff filled the vacancy in Kocher's team.
- Capt. Eric Dill was our Recon Platoon Commander during Afghanistan and can be seen in Part-8 @ 11:42. His/my platoon is the one that he handed over to Fick after we got back stateside.
- One thing to note is that Fick wasn't with Recon during Afghanistan...he was an Infantry Platoon commander. Afghanistan is where Fick became buddies with our current Recon Platoon commander, Eric Dill. Dill convinced Fick to come over to 1st Recon after getting back from Afghanistan. This is also where we "found" Garza, Leon, etc and convinced them to come over from the infantry to become Recon Marines.
- The first casualty was Darnold in Eric Kocher's team. He was shot in the forearm when we drove through an ambush. This is the scene where Walt was possibly tangled in the electrical wires and I believe it shows a HMMWV monster-trucking a car. Dirty Earl (Jeff Carizalez) then took over for Darnold in Eric's team.
- Paddles aren't just a Recon thing...they are generally a boat team thing...which Recon guys are amongst. Honestly, it varies as to who would get one. Some think that only other Recon Marines should get them...others think that support guys should too.
Typically the size of the paddle matters. The bigger the paddle the more senior/experience/loved the guy was. When I was in the small novelty paddles were for thank-you's to folks. Regular 4 foot paddles were for solid Recon Marines that were liked. Large 6 foot paddles were reserved for guys that had been there a while and were exceptional.
GK production
- David Simon (the guy that did Gen Kill) was really the instrumental piece to making it what it was. Early on HBO was going to have someone else do it...and it was straight up fucking Michael Bay style. David wanted real Marines to be able to watch the series and see not a single thing wrong with it; from the dialog, equipment/uniforms, actor body types, mannerisms, etc. He gave us a hell of a ton of leeway to just "be ourselves" so he could have that in the series.
I got involved early on when they were working on the scripts to make sure the slang and jargon added was Marine Corps specific and current. Even the radio chatter in all scenes was written by real Marines...all the pilot sides of radio chatter (like when calling CAS) was recorded by a real FAC.
All the actors were put through a two week "How to be a Marine" course. From how to wear their uniforms, how to carry their weapons, hazing motivational physical exercises, etc. One of the biggest problems was all the actors wanting to do exactly what Rudy Reyes did on set; and Rudy lives in a comic book so it wasn't all exactly accurate.
In one of the episodes, the Oscar Award winning Director (different episodes had different directors) was going to have guys flying when shot like you see in the typical movies. After the Marines on set (Eric Kocher and Jeff Carizalez) told her that was not real and she did it anyways; Eric and Jeff started just making comments like "This episode is going to fail fucking miserably", "Wow, this episode is going to suck balls", "This is the worst fucking thing I have ever seen"...as you already noticed, those scenes were redone.
float tapes
- About the Float Tapes: OMG!...these videos are gold. Watching through them now. I have already seen Gabe Garza (Part-3 @ 1:04 far right) Tony Espera (Part-3 @ 7:50) as they were both with that infantry unit at the time.
- I had never seen these so it is fun to relive this float. In Part 4 when they are doing the "Steel Beach Party" he has a part where he films guys playing hacky-sack with "Black Shirts = Cool AF" on screen. The black shirts are Recon guys (everyone else has to wear green). In that shot are Eric Kocher (in the green flight suit) and Larry Shawn Patrick (tall guy with sunglasses on) along with some other brothers. There were 22 Recon guys total on that float in 4 teams. I haven't seen me or anyone from my team in the videos yet.
- Part 36 @ 3:17 is Rudy Reyes, a guy i forgot his name right now in the SERE shirt, the blond guy to his right (James Klepel /was on my team), and the guy that walks in behind Espera (Luke Meister / also on my team).
Real Evan Wright intel (twitter) about GK
- Reporter's camera was a Leica m6 50mm, analogue (film, not digital)
- Anthony "Manimal" Jacks usually wore his teeth and was a serious person who spoke to me a lot about his family & his concerns about doing right, if we crossed the border. Being "Manimal" was sort of a character he played to amuse people
MRE crates
- As is clear in this photo, Holsey, too, could scarcely contain his joy that I was taking his picture. Note: he's seated on an MRE crate. Those are like general propose chairs and tables in the field, like "apple boxes" in the film industry.
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This is of no one's interest but me but... meh
Background characters of my fanfic (Riot's new squad in the 141, belonging to Bravo Team 5)
From left to right:
Corporal Andrea (Andy) 'Nitro' Williams, demolitionist/linguist (4 languages) - Bravo 5-4
Corporal Remington (Rem) III 'Whistler' Davies, signals and FAC (Forward Air Control), Bravo 5-5
Corporal Edouard (Eddy/Eddie) 'Grizzly' Petit, mechanic/battering ram/tailend charlie (belt-fed machine gun carrier), Bravo 5-6
Corporal Dayo 'Marbles' Ibekwe, nurse trainee/signals, Bravo 5-3
Sergeant Christine 'Riot' Vega, linguist/reconaissance/resident volcano, Bravo 5-1
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stephensmithuk · 15 days
The Hound of the Baskervilles: The Man on the Tor
E. Remington and Sons, founded in 1816, was an American company known for firearms and typewriters, manufacturing the first commercial model of the latter. The typewriter part of the business was sold off in 1886 and via a series of corporate changes, the company is now part of Unisys. Not that it makes typewriters anymore.
The earliest known use of the word "sexy" comes from a letter by Arnold Bennett in 1896.
This is a period where people, especially of class, very much cared about avoiding scandal. A married woman visiting a single man late at night would be a scandal.
At this time Laura Lyons would have to prove that her estranged husband had committed both adultery and abandoned her. Proving the former would usually require a private detective of some form, beyond the means of most people.
A red letter day is one of special significance. In the UK, there are certain days where English High Court judges wear scarlet robes instead of the normal black. This would include religious festivals and the Sovereign's birthdays (official and actual), but I am unable to find an updated official list to reflect the situation with the current King.
Red Letter Days is also the name of a company that sells "experiences" like tank driving days or a cream tea at a posh hotel.
While Franklin possibly isn't aware of it as it was a common turn of phrases, the term "double event" was used in a postcard purporting to be from Jack the Ripper sent the day after that serial killer murdered two women in the space of an hour.
The Court of Queen’s Bench, now the Court of King's Bench, is the division of the High Court dealing with things like personal injury, libel and breach of contract:
Frankland clearly does not remember that you cannot sue the Sovereign. He could sue the Devon County Constabulary though, which has since become the Devon and Cornwall Police.
Tins for food were widespread at this time. They were made of iron, soldered with a tin-lead alloy, which could lead to poisoning by the latter until Max Ams developed a seam in 1888 that only required the solder on the outside.
A pannikin is a metal cup coated in enamel.
"Spartan" means austere. The city state of Sparta in ancient Greece was known, in a rather mythologicalised fashion, for its heavily militarised society, eschewing personal comfort for this. It attracted a lot of admirers as a result, including playing a big part in fascist beliefs. Their reputation for physical prowess has also seen several sports teams adopt their name, like AC Sparta Prague, who dominate the Czech association football game.
There is also of course 300...
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thinkrp · 5 months
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✨ explore bennington bay ✨
springing up in the gold rush era, remington and sable grove on sit on either side of bennington bay, on the coast of georgia. remington to the north is a vibrant city full of noise and lights, a bustling place of ambition and promise. busy streets and a lively nightlife offer a myriad of possibilities and entertainment, from convenient all-night coffee shops to bars and clubs. whilst, in contrast, sable grove is your all-american white-picket town, full of gentle suburban charm, its streets lined with neat homes and small locally-owned businesses. the town offers an escape from the urban hustle of its neighboring city, leafy and quaint in its allure. the residents of the town are proud of the close-knit spirit and safe community that they call home.
the rivalry between the sleepy coastal town and the bustling city is intense, bitter, and deeply engrained between the inhabitants of both sable grove and remington. the local games and matches that occur between the rival school sports teams are often heated affairs, and disputes between the “city slickers” and “townies” can range from jovial, joking arguments to fights that result in the participants cooling off for the night in matching jail cells. the rivalry is decades old, originating from the founding of both settlements in the 1800s and losing none of its fervor over the centuries.
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Fankids Nobody Asked For #3: Vhad/KillingBlonde
Worker drone
Knows damn well about Remington's crush on her. She like him back, but thinks it's hilarious every time he spazzes out around her.
Uzi and Lizzy's apprentice. (It's exactly as terrifying as you think)
Does everything in her power to push Henry's buttons.
Captain of the cheer team, ballerina, expert sharpshooter and has all the ego that goes with it.
Alpha bitch facade, but huge softie underneath, especially for kids. Bellum calls her big sister for this reason.
Under a lot of stress and pressure from herself to be perfect. If you look and listen closely, you can see and hear that she is constantly on the brink of burnout.
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vitale-k-80 · 1 year
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NSSA , Team Krieghoff & Remington support STPC shooters
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 month
KRML Communications
Marigold: Yer doin' well out there Bucko! Just keep Dancing like a Carouser too deep in the Swill!
Remi: *Actively Sparring* What the in the Sam Hell are you saying!
Marigold: You know, I Wouldn't one to think these Valian Swabs to be brave enough to have a Strumpet on school grounds!
Wilhelm: ... Mari, That 'Strumpet' is the Professor Glynda Goodwitch, and one to whom we will be deferring. She is the Illustrious Headmaster's right hand, and we will be giving her her well earned respect.
Marigold: ... Why's the Provost dressed as a Wench?
Wilhelm: Alas, I've not deigned the answer, yet I fear the reproach for asking will be much greater the satiation of curiosity.
Marigold: If those bilge rats and Picaroons keep Choosing to harangue us, We'd be'er be dead set on making 'Em dance with Jack Ketch!
Melonie: Do you speak english? It would be nice if you spoke English.
Remi: Y'all Yellow-Bellied, Broomtailed, Coffee Boiler's better stop Barkin' at the Knot 'fore I give you an Invite to a Dance! Why I oughta Give you a taste of a Bad Plum!
Redd: Those are some mighty big words fer a Field mouse.
Remi: *Whips out Levy and Dividend* YOU FOUL-MOUTHED WOBBLIN' JAWED VARMENT-
Marigold, Melonie, and Wilhelm dog pile Remi
Remi: *muffled* Let me shoot 'im! I need tah FUCKING Shoot 'im!
Remi: *to someone being obstinate* Boy, you as stubborn as a Rocky-Mountain Canary, Aintcha? Got all the Fire 'n stink of Prairie Coal Too.
Wilhelm: Remington, My Friend, Why can you not hold your tongue when facing opposition?
Remi: 'Cause they need to know that they're bein' Simon Pure knuckleheads.
Wilhelm: Hmm. I Suppose I can understand that, but do you need to speak in such Quatsch terms?
Remi: Well Dang, This is a darn Shame, a real Bumble, this is all jus' beer 'n Skittles, and All-Standin' mistake. Guess We deserve this for takin' the mission after someone's Lick and a Promise go at it.
Melonie: What does mean? What the hell Does that mean!
Wilhelm: I think you should change your clothes, Lackaffe.
Marigold: What?
Wilhelm: Lackaffe is ... Overdresser. Flashy, and uneeded attention.
Marigold: Ah. I do look a bit like i'm wearing a Chest.
Wilhelm: Uh ... Ja. Yes.
Redd: Start Hustlin' on you weasel-assed brick
Wilhelm: You are Backpfeifengesicht.
Redd: You'd best be speakin' plain english- *SLAP*
Redd: *Holding his face* WHAT IN THE BLAZES OF HELL WAS THAT!
Wilhelm: Learn to hold your tongue when speaking to peers.
Wilhelm: Remington, Put your Tongue in the Birdle!
Remi: *Deep Breathe* Fine. I'll keep my mouth shut. That fuckin' ingrate better start respectin' me or he's gonna start fearin' me.
Wilhelm: Remi?
Remi: What!
Wilhelm: Dánke. It means a great deal that you are trying to be calm about this.
Remi: *Sigh* Not a Problem Wil.
Marigold: How's your day been?
Wilhelm: Everything is in Butter!
Marigold: *Just guessing based on his tone* ... Well That's nice for you.
Weiss: It's been a pleasure speaking to you, Wilhelm.
Wilhelm: It has been ... not as unpleasant as I expected to meet you, Schnee.
Weiss: I'm proud to hear it. I should get going now. Take care of yourself.
Wilhelm: *waving goodbye* Mach's Besser, Weiss!
Weiss: Dánke!
Wilhelm: *stubs toe* GOTTEN HIMMEL! Scheiße! Wer hat das da hingelegt!
Melonie: Hey, You Dead-ass need to stop being mean to my team.
Redd: Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?
Melonie: *loading Budge* Look, you can either shut up or get shot, I really Don't want my team to Jack you up, but I'm really beginning to not care.
Melonie: Hey, buddy, I've said no. Stop thirsting for me, and just take the L dude.
Melonie: Low-Key? She's kind of a Baddie~
Remi: Really? I thought she was Real' nice.
Marigold: Aye! She was As sweet as a siren's call!
Wilhelm: Perhaps it is Jealousy! Melonie is quite an emotional Alter!
Melonie: ...
Melonie: *Crying* You are all so fucking stupid.
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julie-sufan · 2 months
The In-Depth Look at Julie-Su Part 5: Knuckles #10, 11 & 13-15
Issue 10 starts with Julie being interrogated before heading off to a jail cell.
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issue #11 is when she officially joins the Chaotix.
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This scene just raises too many questions. If Remington didn't recommend her, who did? A judge? Jury? Parole Board? And why does Remington even have a say over who gets to be part of the Chaotix? They became a team way back in the Knuckles Chaotix One Shot special before Remington was even created. And as far as I know they answer to Knuckles.
Issue #13 is the start of the Chaotix Caper. It's my favorite arc in the whole series. It shoves Knuckles to the background thereby cutting out any overly complicated echidna lore that's been so prevalent. By doing so it allows the Chaotix to actually be showcased instead of being a afterthought. Not only that but it actually gives Julie-Su a leading role. Unfortunately, after this Julie-Su's role and prominence in the series declines quite a bit until the dating arc in Issue #26.
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Charmy is being questioned due to his friend Mello getting sick after eating food at a amusement park.
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Julie-Su uses the term copacetic which I've never seen in a comic book since. Here's the definition:
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Turns out the food is laced with Lemon Sundrop Dandelion. I didn't know it when I first read it but it's abbreviated form is LSD. Charmy is on drugs and on a wild acid trip. This is how Issue #13 ends.
I still can't believe this actually got to the printed stage and didn't get rejected or changed by the editor at the last minute.
Issue #14 starts off with a beautifully drawn cover by Spaz of Julie-Su reloading her gun.
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The Chaotix are in the hospital recovering from food poisoning. This means that Julie-Su has to team up with Remington for the rest of the issue. I'm not going to lie, I've always found Remington to be a super boring character. I think a better choice would have been if instead of eating the food along with everyone else Vector had been chided by Julie-Su into not eating it. Then he could have teamed up with her bringing their rivalry into the forefront of the issue.
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Saffron the Bee appears for the first time in Charmy's flashback. Her design here is simply Charmy with blue hair and a dress. It won't be until later on that she gets a vastly improved new design.
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After some more sleuthing the two notice that Renfield appears to be in cahoots with a suspicious rabbit character. Julie-Su is set up to be the bait in order to gather new information that may help their investigation of Happyland.
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Issue #14 ends and Issue #15 begins with Julie-Su being tossed off the roof of a building.
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I love that as soon as she's thrown off the roof she's already working on a way to save herself.
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She's definitely not the stealthy type.
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They sneak back into the Rabbit's headquarters to stop him once and for all. For the life of me I can't remember the rabbit's name.
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Here we see how terrible Remington is at his job. He doesn't even fine Renfield. Way to go Remy! Now that the rat barely got any kind of competence he's free to poison people again if he so chooses. Remington really should of threaten to bring in a health inspector on a daily basis.
Meanwhile Charmy Bee gets a send off as he is written out of the series. His next appearance is only a wordless cameo during the upcoming dating arc. He won't really appear again until somewhere around Sonic #100.
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Boy, I really miss pre Sonic Heroes Charmy. His character was never the same after that.
Coming up a whole slew of Knuckles issues (16-25) as Julie-Su is regulated to being a mere side character once again.
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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Tragically, I have returned. I’d like to begin this update by thanking @lurking-lilibeth​ for solving the mystery of how tf Sugar died: apparently the ‘struck by lighting’ memory is glitched and sometimes won’t show up, so the conclusion is Sugar got hit by lighting, his needs went to shit, and he crawled to the bathroom to die. A death most befitting Sugar, if I say so myself! How cute are the zombs??
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-They sure are, I wanna be struck by lighting, become a zombie, and go on a date with Sandy too! 
Sophito istg, first you roll Jojo’s werewolf bs, now this, GET YOUR OWN THING
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-Forget about my faildad and look at me being all pretty and wholesome and non-conspiracy-to-murderous!
YOU. Seriously, it’s been like 2 months since the last update and I still haven’t recovered from the reveal of Felina’s ‘real self’. Admiring herself in the mirror while her uncle died, there hasn’t been such a stone cold bitch around here since VICTORIA.
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-I’m a stone cold bitch! Aren’t I, Servilia, you lil’ cutiepie baby booboo?
I mean you’re definitely formidable, Soph, especially when babytalking to the dogs, but you must admit you have mellowed out a lot in your old age.
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-Gee thanks, grandma.
Ya team Sophie on this one. Rest in piece Servilia, you were sweet, cuddly, batshit insane and gave us a dog heir that looks like a deer. I’ll miss you baby❤️
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Felina can you have one shred of dignity and wait till Bartholomew’s birthday so this can be an even fight? 
-Did HE have a shred of dignity when he RUINED MY PARTY???
Well no but I reprimanded him for it too!
I didn’t? Probably too busy laughing, either way knock it off!
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-I can take care of myself, GET REKT, FAILINA
-Is Klaus getting a little fat, Remington? 
-I think so, you should put him on a diet.
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I’m happy to see Cyneswith come out of mourning, and I’ll continue to hide my shock that she was in mourning in the first place.
-Does you metal back feel a little less tense now, iVan, huhu?🌸 -𝙸𝚃 𝚂𝚄𝚁𝙴 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂. 𝙸𝙽 𝙲𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙲𝙰𝙽'𝚃 𝚃𝙴𝙻𝙻, 𝙸 𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴 𝙳𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙻𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 𝚃𝙾 𝙻𝙸𝙴.
That’s great, iVan, are you ever gonna develop the ability to do something around here that isn’t fighting zombies and banging the elderly?
How did you even wink??
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Cyn is such a good ‘grandma’, bro I cannot. WHERE WAS THIS SHIT WHEN SUGAR WAS A KID
-I was young and hot back then!💗
You know what, enough is enough, I’m breaking this cycle of bad parenting!
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Liz stop vibing with Shajar and get your ass downstairs.
-But I love Shaj! -And I love you, Liz, you’re the child I never had! 
Ok is it me or is it really becoming clear that both Shaj and Cyn wanted daughters?? Whatever, LIZ GO DOWNSTAIRS AND TALK TO YOUR DUMB EVIL KIDS
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-Little detour hehehe!  -Oh Soph, let’s get a pool table in here and relive our youth!
-We totally totally will, just give us 2 hours- -3 hours- -Yes, 3 hours, to ‘get ready’- -Hehe! -Huhu!
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-Alright kids, we are here for you.  -We absolutely are. For 10 minutes, then we have to go upstairs again. -Exactly. So let me just start the clock here, aaand we have 10 minutes, alright, GO.  -So kids, fighting is bad.  -Yes. And we are family and we love each other.  -Right. So no more fighting, ok? -Yes, good talk! Let’s go, darling.
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-If I might address the elephant in the room- -Oh he’s gonna talk too? Ok. -9 minutes 28 seconds.  -I have done my best to hide it as to not disrupt the family BUT FELINA IS BULLYING ME. -WHAT?! THAT’S IT, I WILL DROWN YOU IN THE TOILET -Felina!
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-HE’S LYING, HE’S BULLYING ME, HE’S THE WORST BROTHER IN THE UNIVERSE AND HE RUINED MY PARTY, YOU WERE THERE YOU REMEMBER -We were?! -I have no fucking idea.  -WILL YOU STOP WHISPERING, WE CAN HEAR YOU -Ya you’re not even trying to whisper, you’re just talking in normal volume italics. -STOP AGREEING WITH ME -EAT SHIT
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-ALRIGHT. This has gotten out of hand and we need to leave in 7 minutes and 17 seconds, so here it is. Bartholomew, you are the worst brother in the universe. -HA.
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-Felina, you are a psychopathic robot. You are both terrible, terrible kids. But.. that’s just how Union kids are! -Exactly, by our standards you are normal and that’s why everyone hates our family! -So when you go out in the world, you’ll have to rely on each other because everyone else will despise you!  -They will?? -Honey, everyone hated me and your father, and we had way more going for us than you two.
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-So.. no more fighting?? -No more fighting. -And being a Union is a bad thing?? -It’s not bad, it’s just that there is a preconceived notion around town that we are.. umm.. -Trash! -Trash, thank you, babe. 
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-So, now that we’ve cleared this up, we’re gonna go!  -You kids get along from now on, cause you only have each other! -And don’t bother us anymore!
Well, that’s all better now. What’s up, Vic?
A heartfelt family discussion, clearly!
Um, do I need to remind you of your parenting?
Is that supposed to be a flex?
Oh, goodie!
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It’s a new day and this lot is FUCKED, we’re def gonna have to gtfo. The fire that started the night Sugar died IS STILL GOING but is not acknowledged by anyone, we just have a permanent glitched fire burning in the background. SYMBOLIC
-Mmmm.. Now I know what I want for my birthday.. Failina barbecue!
Try again!
-How about a kitty? 
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‘Grew up badly’ memory avoided at the last second! Ugh I’m such a pro gamer. 
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Welcome to the fam, Wendy! Wendy is really cute and mean and is gonna have kittens with Shinok! Alright Barth, time to blow the candles..
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-Can I blow my parents’ brains out instead? 
Ya can’t blame you on this one, WILL YOU TWO KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS FOR 2 MINS 
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Alright, here we go, I’m not even gonna ask what you’re wishing for because we all know. 
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Glitched yard background fire: 🔥🔥🔥
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Not so fast, the Ti-Ning nose takes no prisoners! 
-Failina has it too!!! >:(
Well it looks better on girls, what can I tell ya! Whatever, let’s roll for your aspiration, don’t even THINK of rolling family too..
-Oh don’t worry, I sure won’t!
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UGH. At least we have a normal chem panel for once as Barth likes fancy bespectacled non-blondes. Boy do I have someone in mind for you! 
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Ok Barth, here is your interim makeover until I download some stuff for you, how do you like it?
-I don’t know, I feel there’s something missing!
That’s just your soul, don’t worry about it!
-No no, it’s something else..
Alright I see where this is going..
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-Now that’s better!
Oh ya, you look.. there are no words.
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She’s got us there, Barth, you look ridic. 
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-HEHE, here I go, first day of high school wearing a crown! Now everyone will know who’s boss!
Wow yea, that will def make people think you’re awesome and cool! 
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-A̸N̵D̴ I G̸O̵T D̶E̸M̷O̴T̵E̵D A̶N̷D B̴R̷O̴U̶G̴H̶T M̴Y E̷X W̸I̷F̸E H̸O̸M̴E W̶I̴T̶H M̶E🧟
Seems like an amazing day for everyone! Where’s Felina?
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toasttt11 · 2 months
and again
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January 5, 2021
Remington sat on a couch out on the balcony of the bar he was in, he has just played in the world juniors with Team USA and they won the gold medal game only a few hours ago.
Remington enjoyed being able to play with his brother, something the brothers haven’t been able to do much before.
He didn’t like that Luke was not playing as he was recovering still from an injury, it was still very werid to Remington not playing with Luke but that was something he would have to get used to as they would be getting drafted soon to separate teams.
Remington’s head shot hearing the door open and saw a smiley Cole walking out side onto the balcony and shutting the door behind him.
“What are you doing out here Birthday boy!” Cole teased softly trying to keep his eyes on Remington’s eyes and not get distracted by admiring him.
“It’s your birthday too.” Remington quipped back fondly rolling his eyes.
“Yeah but you can legally drink here.” Cole teased shaking his drink towards Remington, who just rolled his eyes.
The world Juniors that year was held in the Edmonton and luckily for Remington he can legally drink in Edmonton at eighteen.
“I just had a drink from Trev.” Remington told Cole, Trevor was so exicted to give his baby brother his first legal drink.
“Want more?” Cole smirked slightly titling his head at Remington.
“No i’m good.” Remington politely denied not really liking drinking much.
Cole shrugged accepting that and plopped down on the couch next to Remington, “Hey we’re cool right.” Cole nervously blurted out, he’s been worried that he overstepped on his draft night for one and half years now and he has never had chance to talk about it yet with Remington.
Remington blinked looking shocked, He knew why Cole was asking. It was a moment he could never forget and thought about it often, even if he wanted to admit he forgot about it.
“We are good Cole.” Remington gently reassured him, Remington never had a problem with Cole he was just trying to distance himself from Cole to lose his feelings for Cole but that did not work at all.
“Good.” Cole nodded looking less tense, “Still i am really sorry if i made you uncomfortable that night.” Cole looked at Remington with sad apologetically eyes. Cole noticed the distance between them since they almost kissed at his draft party and could not help but feel it was his actions that caused them to grow apart.
“You did not make me uncomfortable i promise.” Remington kindly reassured Cole reaching over and gently squeezing Cole’s arm.
Coles eye’s widen and he looked at his arm and Remington’s gentle touch, “Okay.” Cole shakily nodded getting distracted at Remington’s touch.
Remington’s eyes widen realizing he was touching Cole’s arm and quickly brought his hand back and awkwardly smiled thinking he made Cole uncomfortable.
“Sorry.” Remington awkwardly mumbled avoiding Cole’s eyes.
Cole shook his head snapping out of his daze, “It’s all good Rem.” Cole softly reassured him, he was not mad at all that Remington touched him, he never would mind if Remington touched him.
Remington nodded in response fiddling with his bracelets, he started at out the balcony with his shoulders tense from how awkward it is to be around Cole now.
“Really it’s okay.” Cole gently reassured Remington laying a soft hand on his shoulder feeling Remington tense more before starting to relax.
“Okay.” Remington nodded looking back at Cole.
“You have grown quite a lot.” Cole commented after a few moments of silence and he was just looking at Remington.
Cole noticed when he saw Remington for the first time in a while at the beginning of the tournament how tall Remington has gotten but also how much Remington has grown in looks, his face lost most of his baby fight.
“That’s what happens.” Remington nervously quipped, feeling way to nervous from being stared at from Cole to even think about what he just said.
Cole laughed at Remington’s words shaking his head fondly.
Cole’s laughter died down and he stared at Remington with a soft smile, “I have missed you.” Cole admitted his hand slowly and tentatively reaching out and brushing a strand of hair off Remington’s forehead.
Remington’s eyes widen drastically at Cole’s words and touch and stared at him shocked, “I missed you too.” Remington admitted as well, he has missed Cole even though it is his own fault for the distance between them.
Cole slowly leaned closer to Remington admiring him even closer. His hand slowly slid down and rested on the side of Remington’s face.
Remington’s eyes were sharply watching Cole as Cole continued to lean closer and closer to him until their noses brushed against each other.
Remington sharply inhaled as Cole went to lean forward so their lips could touch when the door of the patio slammed open making the two spilt apart quickly.
Remington quickly got off the couch turning away from Cole rubbing a hand over his face, he couldn’t believe he let himself get that close to Cole, again. He shook his head cursing himself, he needed to talk to Luke.
“My favorite boys!” A drunk Trevor yelled loudly as he stumbled onto the patio not knowing he had interrupted Cole and Remington again.
Cole didn’t even turn his head at Trevor to focused on Remington, Cole cursed himself for getting too close to Remington again and making him uncomfortable.
“I’ve got to call Luke.” Remington stammered out hurrying off the patio brushing past Cole and a drunk Trevor.
Cole opened and closed his mouth watching Remington rush off, Cole frowned seeing Remington walk away from him again.
“Where’s he going?” Trevor drunkly slurred plopping down next to Cole. His head flopping onto Cole’s shoulder
“I don’t know.” Cole mumbled distracted, he hoped that he hasn’t ruined his friendship with Remington and that Remington was okay. He can’t believe he almost kissed Remington again.
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