#teal oranges & garlic soup
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
07/01-02/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Gizmo Darby; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Kristian Nairn; Samba Schutte; Adopt Our Crew Charity Raffle Results; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Gizmo Darby ==
Rhys has been active posting about Gizmo on Facebook!
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Source: Rhys Darby's Facebook Stories
== Rhys Darby ==
MORE TURAL commercials! Please don't stop Rhys, these are so much fun.
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika out cooking with Andy Hearnden!
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Source: FloodyWastaken's Instagram
== David Jenkins ==
Okay so this isn't exactly a Chaos Dad Sighting, but it IS a sighting of David and Kinga's new pup SimoneLeBone.
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Source: David Jenkins Instagram
== Kristian Nairn ==
Some more shots of Kristian from his trip to Yorkshire Comic Con
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Source: stuwhittaker_photography Instagram
== Jes Tom ==
Some shots of Jes at their show Corporate Pride!
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Source: Jes Tom's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Guess who's coming to Florida Supercon 2024? You guessed it! Vico! It'll happen in Miami Beach, FL, July 12-14, 2024. To buy tickets, visit: floridasupercon.com
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Guess who else is going to be at Florida SuperCon? Samba! Once again, it'll be at Miami Beach, FL, July 12-14, 2024. To buy tickets, visit: floridasupercon.com
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Adopt Our Crew Raffle Winners ==
Adopt Our Crew's Charity Raffle Winners have been pulled! Wanna see if you've won? Visit any of @adoptourcrew's socials! Tumblr / Instagram / Twitter
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Tumblr
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
I ran out of image space last issue but I wanted to highlight some more fabulous work-- this time check out @watercolourcritters and their fun and adorable submissions for @garlicsoupweek! I absolutely adore the sweet tenderness in each drawing. I also can't get over the awkward family photo, it made my day <3 Feel free to check them out over on their tumblr or Instagram | Etsy | Tip Jar!
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Source: @watercolourcritters Tumblr
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
The darling @melvisik gave us yet another fantastic crew member tonight, Nancy Hennah! She's also an "Emmy submission (Outstanding Period or Fantasy/Sci-Fi Make Up for Calypso's Birthday) P.S. Did not know she and Ra were married!" Also, thank you to @xray-vex for mentioning, she's the fantastic crew member that brought Ed's Tattoos to life!
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Source: Melvisik's Twitter
= Never Left Podcast =
Episode 24 is out! This week they're talking about Ed and Physical Touch! Check them out on Spotify or at on their https://linktr.ee/neverleftpodcast!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
New mini episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction - this time Murders at the Inn by ahopelessnecromantic! Read by Carly Heath. You can find it on your favorite listening platform on their https://linktr.ee/ofmff!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Loves Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. It's been a rough couple days for everyone, everyone I talk to is either not sleeping or having a bit of a rough time of it. Please remember to get some rest. Take a break, drink some water, step away from the computer, and go outside for a while. If you can, sit in the sun for a few minutes, take your shoes off and run them through some grass. Remember that the world is still turning, and it is lovely, and it is beautiful, and so are you.
Take care of yourselves lovelies <3
Some love notes from thelatestkate:
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Just a reminder one of the reasons we love this show. Those smiles <3 Today's gif courtesy of @livelovecaliforniadreams!
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ofmdrecaps · 3 months
07/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Leslie Jones; Ruibo Qian; Dominic Burgess; Samba Schutte; Logie Awards; AdoptOurCrew; Auxillery Wardrobe Zine; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Spotlight Cont'd; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
New month, new blog! Thanks everyone, as you probably can tell there's a new blog for the recaps! I'm doing this to allow for some more silly shenanigans to happen on my main, but also keep the recaps available and more easily accessible to those who want them! For the first few weeks I'll be reblogging them from main, but then will eventually move to just here so as not to overwhelm anyone following. Thanks so much for reading! I love doing these and I was actually surprised how many people followed! I didn't realize so many people were reading, so tysm that warms my heart and made my day!
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys will be join Baron Vaughn and Rory Scovel on AfterMidnight with Taylor Tomlinson on July 8th, 3 PM PST in Los Angelos, CA! Are you in the area? You can request tickets on their website!
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Source: 1iota's Instagram
Next up-- Peacock has posted an exclusive clip of the upcoming The Hungry Games: Alaska's Big Bear Challenge-- starring the voice of our very own Rhys Darby!
== Taika Waititi ==
Awesome new promo for Time Bandits! I'm gonna keep reminding you because I'm actually super psyched for this. July 24th on Apple TV!
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Source: Matt_Grace_Photography
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie out with the LA Sparks! <3 Also, did you know Leslie will be voicing a character in the New Hulu series Hit Monkey? I didn't know! New seasons starts July 15th!
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Source: LA Sparks IG / JoshuaGordon
== Ruibo Qian ==
Our Pirate Queen is going to be taking on the role of Ms. Sherlock Holmes in Ms.Holmes & Ms.Watson in APT 2B at the Old Globe Theatre in San Deigo CA! You can buy tickets for July 27th, opening day -- or any of the showings here!
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Source: OldGlobeTheatre Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Dominic is gracing us once again with cat pics. I love it <3
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Source: Dominic Burgess' Twitter
== Samba Schutte ==
More pictures with Samba at Dancing with Fire LA with the cast / crew of Advanced Chemistry!
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Source: alecmoore219's Instagram
== Logie Award Nominations ==
REMINDER! Our beloved Mads, aka Eddie Redcliffe in Deadloch, aka The Baddest MF in Tasmania, has been nominated for a 2024 Logie for Best Lead Actress! So was Kate Box, her costar, and Deadloch was nominated for Best Scripted Comedy Program!
-- and guess what? It's done by vote! If you feel so inclined, please take a moment to go and vote for our dear Archie/Deadloch (or Dulcie whomever you'd like)! https://vote.tvweeklogies.com.au/ Note: You do need to use your email to submit, just FYI!
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
Looks like something exciting will be coming soon from @adoptourcrew! I think I might have an idea what it may be related to...
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Auxiliary Wardrobe Zine ==
There's a new non-profit charity zine starting up-- in honor of our beloved Captain Stede and OFMD!
"From his flamboyant coats to his sword-slashed shirts, we want to celebrate EVERY way that Stede and fashion come together! Whether this be a canon look you're fond of, his job as a luxury fashion designer in an AU, or Stede in a style of clothing you personally love (or lack of clothing… pinups anyone?!) we encourage contributors to make this prompt their own. This zine will be a digital-only PDF and will consist of a SFW edition and a NSFW edition featuring fanart and fanfic. All proceeds for the zine will go to Care for Gaza."
Want to learn more? You can visit their carrd.co below for scheduling and FAQ's!
Info & FAQ: https://auxiliarywardrobezine.carrd.co
Artist & Writer Signups will start July 6, 2024!
Follow them on Instagram and Twitter!
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Source: The Auxiliary Wardrobe: A Stede Bonnet Zine
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Spotlights ==
Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week may be over, but that doesn't mean the spotlights have to end! Tonight we have the fantastic @hameko1019! I absolutely adore her style and use of color! You can check her work out on Hameko1019's Twitter! Thank you again to @garlicsoupweek for the wonderful prompts!
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Bonus
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Source: Hameko1019's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card by our fantastic @melvisik is Jordan Feldman who "was listed as 'Heavily Made-Up Man' in The Best Revenge is Dressing Well."
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Well lovelies, you've made it half way through another week. Only half more to go-- for those of you in the UK, good luck at the elections! For those in the US, tomorrow is July 4th, and while I know there are mixed feelings this year in the US, please remember to take some time to relax and enjoy a day off if you have it.
You're doing so very well friends. There is SO much going on in the world, so much going on in the fandom, so much going on in your lives. But you are still kicking, and I'm so very proud of you for that. If you need to take a break-- do it. Give yourself some grace and get some rest, the world will still be there in a few days. If you've already done that and you're taking some time to yourself-- great job-- you deserve it. Remember that we will still be here, and we will still love you when you get back. Ed and Stede? Still in love when you get back. They're off terrorising some poor patron of their Inn with stories of being gut stabbed, or forcing them to watch a puppet show they came up with.
You're kicking ass at whatever struggles you are dealing with right now-- give yourself time to celebrate the fact you're surviving them. Rest well lovelies, see you soon <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is these two goof balls singing. Someone help me find Taika singing Queen, cause then we'll have some gif smushes <3 Tonight's gifs courtesy of @celluloidbroomcloset and @eddie-redcliffe!!
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ms-demeanor · 11 months
Hey do you hate pumpkin? I hate pumpkin. It's okay in soup with garlic and chili but I can't stand it sweet in pie or bread or muffins. Gross.
But I like pumpkin pie spice, which is just a combination of ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon. (Hate sweet coffee so pumpkin spice lattes are off the table for me too, but I'll add actual pumpkin pie spice to coffee sometimes).
Anyway if you hate pumpkin but want to get in on pumpkin spice I've got two recommendations:
Add pumpkin pie spice to chocolate chip cookies
Add pumpkin pie spice to a Mother's Day Pie and dye it orange for a mock-pumpkin pie.
So pumpkin pie spice is one part of each cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves. If you've got those spices on your spice rack you can mix them together and add a teaspoon of the resulting powder to either cookies or pie for a nice hint of spice. Add two teaspoons if you like a lot of spice.
You do you for your chocolate chip recipe (I use the Tollhouse recipe but I double the recipe and cut the chocolate chips in half and I use all butter/no shortening) and here's a Mother's Day Pie recipe:
(This is supposed to be a pie so easy that a dad and kids can make it for mom without her help, hence the name. It's an egg custard pie with a self-forming coconut crust and without spices is just a bit bland)
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp all purpose flour
.25 tsp salt
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
6tbsp melted butter (cooled)
1 tsp vanilla OR .5 tsp almond extract
3 eggs
1 can of evaporated (NOT sweetened condensed) milk (12 oz can)
1 cup shredded coconut
Preheat your oven to 350
Mix dry ingredients (except coconut), add in the butter and flavor extract, then beat in the eggs one at a time. Stir in your can of evaporated milk and mix thoroughly, then fold in the shredded coconut. (optional: add a few drops of food coloring to turn it orange in a mock pumpkin pie or whatever color you want; i love teal food and no one can stop me) Pour into a pie plate and bake for 50-55 minutes; put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to allow the custard to set.
I find that if you're using the spices almond extract tastes better and if you're omitting the spices vanilla extract tastes better (and in that case the pie is nice when served with fresh berries)
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watercolourcritters · 3 months
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@garlicsoupweek Day 5!! A little bit more of a fucked up movie situation than a fucked up bed situation, but it's fine XD
Family Horror Movie Night becomes a tradition after the Garlic Soup gang find a new home together <3
[ID copied from alt text:
Digital fanart of Zheng, Archie, Jim, and Oluwande from OFMD, done in a cartoon style. They sit on a sofa together watching a movie. Zheng has her legs over one couch arm and her body leaned against Archie as she eats popcorn and looks skeptical. Archie, with a w-shaped smile, has her knees drawn up to her chest and looks happy. She holds one of Jim's hands. Jim, fast asleep drooling and snoring, leans against Oluwande with their head on his shoulder. Oluwande looks very scared and holds a bowl of popcorn tightly in his lap.
All four are wearing modern pajamas; Zheng wears a pink set, Archie wears a tanktop with orange pattern and teal pants, Jim wears a grey tank and orange boxers and socks matching Archie's shirt, and Oluwande wears a teal shirt that reads "100% Wife Material" and pants matching Archie's shirt.
Text reads: Zheng thinks the plot is bad and the gore unrealistic. Archie loves the gore and is living their best life. Jim fell asleep 20 minutes in. Oluwande is terrified. End ID.]
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the-widow-olivia · 6 months
Saw that Rhys Darby was going to be in an episode of Night Court, and I got really concerned for any Night Court fans out there who have no idea that there is a flotilla of pirates about to descend on them.
So I made a helpful guide we can give to fans of other shows when OFMD cast members show up.
So your favorite TV show has cast an OFMD actor!
Hello! It's us, the friendly queer pirate crew, here to enjoy your television program alongside you. We don't bite (and even if we do, it usually sets off a hilarious chain of events that ends in a lovely wedding).
You may notice at some point during our time together that one or more OFMD fans will begin foaming at the mouth or melting into the floor as though they have no bones. This is perfectly normal, as all OFMD fans suffer from a severe form of brain rot previously only found in goats.
However, be warned, the following "normal" items may cause ferality in OFMD fans:
- Oranges (petrified or regular)
- The color teal
- The color purple
- The color black
- The color red
- Fuck it, all the colors. We own colors now.
- Goldfish
- Cats
- Seagulls
- Snakes
- Beanies
- Gloves
- Cake (can be combined with oranges)
- Garlic
- Soup
- Garlic soup
- Legs (pronounced "ligs")
- Eyes (“EYEEE!” however, will just make us laugh)
If an OFMD fan becomes a little too feral, you can soothe them by playing Gnossienne No. 5 and putting a blanket over their head until they calm down. Note: Results may vary if said fan is in “clowning” mode.
OFMD fans are a friendly bunch, but we are often socially anxious. Here are a few phrases you can practice at home if you want to befriend an OFMD fan:
“Wow, that Rhys Darby sure has nice legs.”
“That WJW with Con O’Neill got me right in the feels.”
“Our Flag Means Death deserves a third season and all the Emmys.”
Anyhoo, we’re delighted to be here enjoying TV with you, and you are all invited to Calypso’s next birthday. (BYO bathtub)
The Crew
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garlicsoupweek · 3 months
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From the bottom of our hearts, a massive thank you to all of you for a wonderful TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week!! This community is so amazing, and we're truly grateful for all the ways you celebrated with us. Things were a bit quieter on this platform, but we still so appreciate everything that got shared with us. You made this week something really special <3
Art made for this post is by @watercolourcritters <3 (used with permission)
And if you're looking for new fics to read focusing on Oluwande, Jim, Zheng, and Archie, go check out the prompt week's fic collection! There are 62 fics in it, which is absolutely amazing!!! The fic collection will be staying open so any late fics written for the prompt week can make it in there - and please tag us or use the hashtag for late art or fics or posts, we'd love to see and share them!!
[ID copied from alt text:
A panel with a cartoon illustration of Archie, Jim, Oluwande, and Zheng from OFMD holding up a large banner that reads "Thank-You (heart shape)". It is credited to @ watercolourcritters. They are all smiling, and red, orange, and teal hearts float above them.
Text below the art reads "Thank you for an amazing TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week!! Much love, the mod team (heat shape). End ID.]
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bisexualr2d2 · 8 months
I made another OFMD shipping video, transcription under the cut
GentleBeard - Once episode 3 came out, you ran out to get one of those gay merman ornaments, even if you don’t celebrate christmas 
EdIzzy - you were mad about the season finale, you’re still mad about the season finale. You’re never going to stop being mad about the finale. In fact, I’m surprised you're watching this, I thought you rage-quit the fandom
SteddyHands - Ed and Stede became a weird couple, Izzy became a unicorn. You just put two and two together.
Stizzy - you're a big believer in the inherent eroticism of being a bitchy old queen
Sprizzy - you think every bitchy old queen needs a bitchy young protege
Fang/Izzy - you know those memes about how big dogs think they're puppies and little dogs are aggressive little freaks? That's your ideal ship dynamic. 
Anne/Mary - there’s a predominant online opinion that sapphic ships should be soft and pure. You vehemently disagree.
Archie/Jim - you know having a good coworker is the key to surviving a toxic workplace. Especially if you get to see their boobs.
Teal Oranges - on one hand, you’re disappointed because your ship got pushed to the sidelines, but on the other, everyone else’s kinda turned into a mess so you’re a little relieved
Zheng/Oluwande - the sexiest thing someone can have to you is common sense. Especially if they're surrounded by idiots.
Archie/Jim/Oluwande - the phrase “polyamorous workplace just chilling situationship" makes perfect sense to you
Garlic Soup - everyone here seems to get along and has openly communicated their feelings. Congratulations, you’ve won Our Flag Means Death shipping.
Spanish Jackie/the Swede - your ideal ship dynamic is girlboss/malewife
CJizzy - you're happy to see your ship reunited! ...Kind of. 
Pete/Lucius - you think the wedding deserved a whole episode, and IT DID.
ButtHands - you don't think Izzy's dead. You think he's just in the gravy basket.
Ed/Hornigold - you have daddy issues that would make Lana Del Rey jealous. 
Izzy/Steak Knife - you're a size queen.
Frenchie/Roach - you think there's a another nut product Roach could feed Frenchie
Rizzy - your AO3 bookmark section is nothing but fix-it fics where Roach tends to Izzy’s gunshot wounds
Fang/Roach - being in this stressful ass fandom has really made you appreciate two people who just wanna chill the fuck out
Buttons/the sea - you actually got what you wanted this season
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thetragicallynerdy · 3 months
TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week Fic Recs - Day Two
Okay here are a few older Teal Oranges recs for today's @garlicsoupweek prompts!! The theme of the day is Soup, and prompts are sick fic, acts of service, and cooking together!! I have SO many more for Wednesday (when our Hurt/Comfort prompt comes around), but these are the ones for today!!
Tides - by MintPepper
Jim/Olu - this one is a bit more hurt/comfort, but I'm counting it as sickfic!! When Jim is in a lot of pain from menstruation, Oluwande helps them. There's also a smutty follow-up (Calm Seas) that's one of my fav fics in the fandom.
there's orange juice in the kitchen by @nevershootamockingbird
Jim/Olu - Jim is sick. Oluwande makes them soup and takes care of them. Have I mentioned lately how much I love this fic???
everybody saw that spring had come again (with a love song) by @aletterinthenameofsanity
Archie/Jim/Oluwande - Ahhh this fic!! It's part of a much longer series, but this one is Archie getting sick, and her partners taking care of her. It's lovely. Huge found family vibes <3
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cantankerouscatfish · 2 years
tagged by @sad--ghost--kid ✨
rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: single! I don’t play well with others.
favorite color: #006688. teals and blues in general. also orange. :)
song stuck in my head: Gregory Alan Isakov - In Tall Buildings. it’s a cover but I like it more lmao
last song i listened to: Matthew Good - Los Alamos. been hopping around on youtube, listening to him for like 3 days now. this happens sometimes. help.
three favorite foods: jeez uh. 1. this one soup made from roasted eggplant, tomato, onion, and garlic. you put goat cheese on it. it’s SO fancy but so filling. 2. corned beef & cabbage idk. everyone’s making it now and it’s tasty. 3. just like. baked squash or sweet potato with some butter on it maybe. orange goop. 👍
last thing i googled: the lyrics to Los Alamos lmao
dream trip: before covid, my mum and I planned to drive up through Michigan in October to catch the leaves changing and hopefully see some parks and stuff before they closed down for the winter. we’d done the same out to Boston and Bar Harbor in years previous. uhhh but now that is on indefinite standby. :(
anything i want right now: my back to stop hurting?? idk. nothing pressing atm.
tagging if you'd like to share!
hi @neriad13, @dashingdetectivetimelady, @roshi-no-tabi, @blujayonthewing, @cynicalwindmill, @processintegrated, @ragsy, ? ?? idk sorry if this bothers anyone
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/09/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rachel House; Jes Tom; Kat Buchanan; GypsyTaylor; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Unicorn Day; Uproar; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlights: OurDragMeansSlay; Cast Cards; TealOrange & Garlic Soup Prompt Week! Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Rachel House ==
Rachel House's new directorial movie topped the charts in Taranaki!
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== Jes Tom ==
Gonna be in New York in May? Well Jes Tom and lot's over other asian comics will be performing at the 2024 Asian Comedy Fest! For tickets visit: asiancomedyfest.com. 2024 Asian Comedy Fest IG
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== Kay Buchanan ==
Kay Buchanan, one of the prop designers for OFMD s2 dumped a bunch of prop pics today for Izzy's leg! Src: Kay Buchanan IG
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== Unicorn Day! ==
Yesterday was National Unicorn! Some of our lovely crew put out some dedications For Our New Unicorn! Img Src: @blueberreads
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== More Uproar News! ==
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Uproar is coming to digital on April 30 so those of you who couldnt get in to a theatre to see it can purchase and download it at home!
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For those still interested in theatres-- if you happen to be nearby, @elby3000 was kind enough to note that theUproar opening date at Salem Cinema (Oregon) of April 12 at Blue Fox Entertainment may be in error. The theatre's website lists opening as April 19 (subject to change). Just in case you happy to be looking for one there!
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Flight Of the Conchords ==
Today we're on Season 1 Ep 5 and 6. Join OFMD Crew, and @iamadequate1 this week for Flight of the Conchords watch parties! You can watch each day at 4pm PT, 7 pm ET, 11pm BST! If you don't have access, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, you can hit me up for an invite.
== Taskmaster NZ ==
*Please Note*: @ineffablecollision was kind enough to let us know of some desyncing issues! Thanks friend!
"During the TMNZ watch party, depending on where you watch, you *will* get desynced! I don't know if TVNZ kept the ad break bumpers, but Ch4 has one missing (TMNZ has four ad breaks compared to TMUK's three, so they cut to fit), and YT has them cut altogether!"
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Series 1 continues Weds at 11am PT / 2 pm ET / 7 pm BST on any of the @saveofmdcrewmates socials.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
Our Big Gay Energy Podcast interviewed Gypsy Taylor and we learned some pretty amazing things. Some highlights:
Stede's cravat was fabric left over from his old couch
Ed kept the teal robe (the one he wears the morning after calypso) as a memory of Stede and then Taika kept the robe after the show.
Please check out the whole episode below!
Where to Watch Where to Listen
= Our Drag Means Slay =
Hey all! Are you in the Chicago area? Why not checkout Our Drag Means Slay on April 27! It's $25/ticket and doors open at 5:55pm! For Tickets
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= Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week! =
A new celebration week is coming up in June for all things Jim/Oluwande and Archie/Jim/Oluwande/Zheng (or any combo in between!) Prompts will be released on April 15th!
When: Sunday June 23 - Saturday June 29th! How: Create or Share - Fic, art, and other fan creations!
Please follow them on Tumblr! @garlicsoupweek You can visit: Linktr.ee Or follow them on Twitter!
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= Cast Cards =
Today's cast card is Jennifer Onyeiwu, one of the lovely pirates that asked Stede out for a drink in "Man On Fire". If we ever get a s3 I hope she comes back-- thanks @melvisik!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. This weeks turning out to be a bit of a doozy. I hope you all are practicing some self care. It's been a lot lately. I have seen a lot of you mentioning re-watching the show, which I love. It feels like we are getting past the raw part of our grief into being able to celebrate it as a group again.
Be kind to yourselves lovelies, be kind to yourself and others. There's enough hate in this world that we don't need to add undo stress to others or especially ourselves.
Love you crew.
Img Src: @BethDrawsThings IG
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
The theme today is, there are two wolves inside of me, both of these gifs represent them
Darby Gif Courtesy of @ofmd-ann
Taika Gif Courtesy of @gentlepanpirate
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/21-22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Bronson Pinchot; Jes Tom; Damien Gerard; Hugo Pierre Martin; Fiber Arts Brigade; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week!; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; OFMPride Colouring Pages; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika
== Taika Waititi ==
You've probably heard, but it's been announced that Taika is in talks to direct Percival Everett's Novel film adaptation 'James'!
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Source: Inforo_media Instagram
More interviews with Taika at the Peabody!
Source: PeabodyAward's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's new movie, Advanced Chemistry will be airing for the first time in LA on June 26th! Tickets available Dances With Films Website.
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Bronson Pinchot ==
Did you know Bronson was going to be in the new Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F movie? I didn't!
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Source: Bronson Pinchot's Twitter
== Jes Tom ==
"Pride50 award ceremony held at the Edison Ballroom Monday evening in NYC" - Jes was a Queerty Honoree!
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Source: Queerty's Instagram
== Damien Gerard ==
Damien is such a kind dude, he keeps sharing kitten pictures <3
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Source: Damien Gerard's Instagram
== Hugo Pierre Martin ==
Our dear Hugo Pierre Martin has a new audio series on Spotify! He asked for some help from the pirate crew to checkout the new audio series and he'd share some anecdotes from the set of OFMD! There were lots -- so I tried to make a screenshot of all together-- (not sure where #3 is?- couldn't find it on the thread). Wanna give a listen? Check out The Diaries of Netovicius the Vampire - Podcast!
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Source: HugoPMartin Twitter
== Fiber Arts Brigade ==
Our lovely friends over at the Fiber Arts Brigade have another Cameo, this time from the sweet Dominic Burgess! Check out the video below!
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You can help support Sage USA on their direct donation link: https://give.sageusa.org/campaign/592202/donate
They'd like to remind you, you can also enter your @sageusa donation in @adoptourcrew's raffle! You can also support SAGE by checking out the Fiber Arts Auction: https://tinyurl.com/FABforSAGE
Source: Fiber Arts Brigade Twitter
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Reminder ==
TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week Starts Tomorrow! Need a reminder of hashtags and more info? Visit their Tumblr post!
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Source: Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More cast cards from our dear friend @melvisik! The first cast card is William Meny, one of the writers aka executive story editor! The next is Edward Fletcher! "The cuckolded spouse of Eugenia. He was one of the officers in Titanic (I think the one who hears about the iceberg from the lookouts) so had to include that."
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Source: Melvisik's Twitter
== OFMPride Colouring Pages ==
More colouring pages from the absolute legend @patchworkpiratebear!
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Source: Adopt Our Crews Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I realise this is really late.. I took last night off because I needed a break. I highly recommend it, it's amazing what a good nights reset can do for you. Tonight I wanted to just say a few little things... You all really are an inspiration. I keep reading more meta... more fics, and so many of you are putting up more art-- there's another prompt week starting tomorrow, I'm seeing multiple collaborations... I've been reading so many lovely letters, and seeing so many fun new gifs, and so many artists/writers being part of these wonderful donation drives. Some of you are making sweet comments, and encouraging others to create-- you are all just absolutely amazing.
You're just so damn creative and so kind, and so brilliant, and I'm really really humbled to be apart of this lovely community with you. Please know that you are so very wonderful and so very loved crew. Hope you get some rest this weekend <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's theme, well, I don't have one. Instead, just enjoy. Gifs courtesy of our good friends @meluli and @ofmd-ann!
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63 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/29/2024 - 06/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Guz Khan; Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; How To Fuck Off With Con O'Neill: CW; AdoptOurCrew Charity Raffle Update; Gold Derby Voting; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Quick sighting of Rhys with Kirk Thatcher and another commercial for FFXIV!
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Source: kirkrthatcher's Instagram
Source: FFXIV's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Quick shot of Taika and Rita with Andy Hernden!
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Source: Andyhernden's Instagram
= Guz Khan =
A shot of Guz with Mark Silcox-- apparently this is a hint at Season 5 of Guz' show Man Like Mobeen!
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Source: Guz Khan Official Twitter
== Vico Ortiz ==
Lots more sightings of Vico out and about!
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Source: Vico Ortiz Instagram
== Rachel House ==
Yet another chat show with Rachel house!
Source: The Last Video Store instagram
CW: Con O'Neill in Underwear under the cut.
== How to Fuck Off w/ Con O'Neill ==
Many of our crewmates attended the Momentus class with Con O'Neill on Saturday! When Samba did his cooking class, the video was released to youtube a week or so later so hopefully this one will be too. I did try to transcribe some of the information, if it is quoted it should be word for word minus uhms. Non quoted is paraphrased. This was 3 hours long if you did the meet and greet so I've only added what I was able to get through. If I have time I'll transcribe more.
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Con showed up on camera with no pants on
Re Izzy: When David approached him, Izzy was just a thought, a husk yet to be formed
David saw Izzy as a Salieri from Amadeus, or Iago (from Othello)
Con "Agreed with David" but also "saw [Izzy] as a man desperately, painfully in love. So his passion, and his anger, and his fear and his love, all erupted in his expletives, i loved him from the off, I loved his directness, I loved his fearlessness, pain, and of course his fabulous use of profanities"
Con then taught the class how to do various types of "fucks" "shits", "twats" etc.
Some fun quotes:
"A happy shit is one with a smile"
"A sad shit is one you say with a frown"
"Everyone give me an orgasmic twat"
Some Transcribed BTS Info:
"In Season 1 I was terrified of ad-libbing, improv, which I've said many times. We had great writers and everything we needed was on the page-- Except for the day 'Daddy' came to visit."
"I have no idea where that line came from, no idea which part of my dark perverted psyche it erupted from but as soon as it was out, it was out."
"In Season 2, again, everything I needed was on the page, our writers are/were will always be spectacular, they gave Izzy such beautiful stuff, and I will be forever grateful to them, to David Jenkins, to the whole cast and crew, and to you all for your continued support."
"But towards the end of the shoot, we were filming the tavern scene with me and Erroll, aka Ricky and it was the 'belonging to something' which was so beautifully written it took my breath away."
"And we shot many many takes, and I was tired, and emotional, and I knew we had it nearly. There was something missing. There was a beat, a moment to end what was really Izzy's epitaph. And then-- our brilliant director Fernando came up to me and he whispered in my ear 'we'll do one more take, let him go' and we started the take and I could feel myself getting emotional."
"This was Izzy's big moment, it had to be right, it had to be right, and then as we reached this final line, instead of what was written, I heard Izzy say: 'and you are a rancid syphilitic cunt' and to my dying day, I will never ever understand how we got that on the telly, but we did because sometimes in life only a rancid syphillitic cunt will suffice."
== Adopt Our Crew Pride Month Charity Raffle Update ==
Well done everyone! $7041.72 was raised for 148 LGBTQ+ charities around the world! Thank you so much to @adoptourcrew for all the wonderful work they did and all our crewmates for all the donated art, writing, crafts, etc to make this happen!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Gold Derby Voting ==
Rhys, Taika, and Our Flag Means Death are up for some more nominations-- this time the Gold Derby for best Comedy Series / Comedy Actors! It does require you to sign up, but if you'd like to add to the nominations you can follow this handy guide:
Thank you to @adoptourcrew for sharing the goldderby information!
Source: AdoptOurCrew's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More cast cards from our dear @melvisik!
Simone Grace: "Tonight's is another Emmy submission "for Outstanding Period Costumes in a Series for Impossible Birds" - @adoptourcrew"
Francesco Toby: "Credited as Jean Luc, the beret-wearing French sailor in Pete's story."
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
= OFMD Colouring Pages! =
Once again our kind and wonderful friend @PatchworkPirateBear has more colouring pages for Pride month! Hosted by @adoptourcrew! Wanna following PatchworkPirateBear for more colouring pages? Visit their socials!:  Instagram / Twitter / Tumblr 
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Tumblr
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
There's a new episode by our lovely friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This time a ranking of the top 10 Rhys Darby moments by members of the Rhys Darby Faction! Visit https://linktr.ee/ofmff to pick out your favourite listening platform!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Big Gay Energy Pod ==
Another episode of Big Gay Energy Pod! This time covering Season 2 Episodes 5/6! Check them out on Youtube, or their https://linktr.ee/biggayenergypod!
Source: Big Gay Energy Pod Instagram
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
As you may remember, our crewmates over at @garlicsoupweek have been hosting a wonderful prompt week for our favorite Polycule! I would love to do a much bigger fan spotlight, but I was only able to get permission from some of the artists to share-- so I'll do more if I can get more permissions from folks! You can also scroll through all the awesome art/writing/edits on @garlicsoupweek!
= OhTangerine=
First up is the absolute stunning work done by @ohtangerines on Instagram and here on tumblr! The faces, and background detail is just so amazing-- please visit them on instagram or here on tumblr to check out more of their awesome work! Check them out on the various socials on their carrd! https://ohtangerines.carrd.co/
Source: @ohtangerines's Instagram
= Sonorawent =
Next up for Teal Oranges is our dear crewmate @sonorawent! Check out their incredibly gorgeous water colour of our Jim and Oluwande! I adore the colour blending! You can follow them on Twitter / Tumblr!
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Source: sonorawent's Twitter
= Blackbeardskneebrace =
Our next artist spotlight is none other than the magnificent @blackbeardskneebrace! You may recognise them from their wide variety of artwork styles (medieval, peanuts, tradition, etc) whatever style they decide to create in -- they've gifted this fandom with such beautiful work! Please visit their tumblr, or their Ko-fi, or their twitter for more brilliant work!
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Source: BlackbeardsKneeBrace's Tumblr
= _SilverSheep =
Next up on our fan spotlight for the evening is @_silversheep on twitter! This adorable rendition of Cambell's Soup has such cute details hidden in the label, I'm so glad she was kind enough to allow me to share it with you! You can check them out here on their twitter, or her https://linktr.ee/asisherright !
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Source: _Silversheep's Twitter
= LibroseITM =
Back again is our absolutely lovely @libroseitm! They were kind enough to let me share this steamy scene with our Polycule for @garlicsoupweek based off of Sense8! Want to check out more of their work? Visit @libroseitm on Tumblr, or Twitter for more beautiful work from LIb!
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Source: LibRoseITM's Twitter
= ipomoea-batatas =
Next in our fan spotlight is the briliiant @ipomoea-batatas! I cannot tell you how much I adore the detail on their work! Look at those faces, it's like looking at our dear Archie, Jim, and Olu in person! Capturing Olu's smile and excitement is no small feat too! Wanna check out more of their awesome OFMD art? Please visit their tumblr here on tumblr!
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Source: ipomoea-batatas's Tumblr
= TheseAreTheKids =
Another incredibly talented crewmate - thesearethekids on twitter put together this very sweet cross-stitch pattern for our polycule! She was kind enough to make a downloadable PDF chart and put it up on her Ko-Fi as well so you can work on it yourself. Want to follow them for more cross stitch/embroidery fun? Visit their Twitter!
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Source: TheseAreTheKids Twitter
= ErosTheArtist =
Back again with more artwork from the lovely @erostheartist! This time with our Polycule in the Teal Orange outfits! I love it! Love their work? Follow them here on tumblr, or on instagram/check out their https://linktr.ee/eros_the_artist!
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Source: Eros The Artist Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I hope you had a wonderful weekend-- and an even better pride month! There has been so much queer joy this month-- and everyone's been celebrating being themselves and celebrating all the wonderful people around them-- and I'm so very happy so many of you have gotten to experience that. If you aren't out yet, or pride isn't your thing, or maybe this month is always tough on you, that's okay too. Your safety, and comfort is more important than anything, so please don't feel bad if you aren't experiencing that joy like others are. Just know that no matter what stage of your journey you are in-- your crew loves and cares for you. I wanted to send a gentle reminder, I know that after so much excitement, sometimes our brains can rebound a bit and go the same distance in the other direction. This is perfectly normal lovelies, so if you feel a bit sad tomorrow or the upcoming month, just remember to take it in stride. If you are feeling heavy feelings, remember to embrace them and acknowledge them, and let them go in your own time. No matter what gender, sexuality, or various degree of queer you are, or not queer at all, please know that you are so very loved crew. Truly truly loved. You are beautiful, and unique, and brilliant, and wonderful, and no one gets to say otherwise, okay?
Rest well lovelies, tomorrow is another day.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's gif just exudes Last Day of Pride Month for me -- as well as running straight into July's Queer Wrath! Tonight's gif courtesy of the wonderful @edsrosetattoo!
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71 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/15/2024 - 06/16/2024 Weekend OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Nathan Foad; Vico Ortiz; Eliza Cossio; OFMD Billboard Status; Articles; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Reminder; Fan Spotlight; Pride Month; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad (or Pirate Dad) popped out to send us some love on Father's Day <3 Thank you @ NoraKitty9 for sending him some love notes.
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Source: David Jenkins' Twitter
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys and Rosie are out and about with friends!
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Source: KieranHutchinson's Instagram
Rhys was also on the Talking Strange Paranormal Show, where he was asked about OFMD. Warning, the commentary by Rhys is both wonderful, and heart breaking. It'll make you feel lots of things. Just FYI.
Source: AdoptOurCrew's Instagram
== Con O'Neill ==
This Father's Day, Con is taking some time with Cooper to watch the game and send everyone some love.
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Just some love from Nathan <3
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
== Samba Schutte ==
Our dear Samba shared some baby pics of him with his dad as well as him with his baby and Aria! Emoji's for privacy purposes for the little babe. Happy Papa's day Samba!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Jes Tom ==
Jes has been busy busy and is going to be performing on June 30th. Check it out Corporate Pride with Jes Tom and Tessa Skara
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Jes was also out at the 2024 Vision Awards!
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Source: Jes Tom's Instagram Stories
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico and Ane wishing everyone a Happy Daddy's Day!
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Source: Enbybruje's Instagram Stories
== Eliza Cossio ==
A rare sighting from one of our lovely writers, Executive Story Editor, Eliza Cossio!
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Source: Elidelsol's Instagram
== Hollywood Billboard's changed ==
Whelp, the Hollywood OFMD Billboard is finally gone. So ends an era. There's been speculation that because there's been so much fan FYC campaigning Max didn't need it anymore? Or maybe they paid for it just until Emmy Nominations went through and that's why it's been around so long.
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Source: @ofmd-ann's Tumblr
== Articles ==
Institutional owners may consider drastic measures as Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:WBD) recent US$2.6b drop adds to long-term losses
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup ==
Reminder! One Week Away!
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Source: Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Tonight's cast card is Alyssa Lane! One of our wonderful producers on OFMD! Thanks @melvisik!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Blueberreads ==
Since today's Father's Day in the US, I thought I'd point out this awesome pixel art that @blueberreads has done of Chaos Dad <3
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Source: Bluberreads Twitter
== Pride Month ==
= Eros The Artist =
@erostheartist is back with more beautifully colorful work for Pride Month! You may recognise them from their Mermay work last month! Check them out on their socials! https://linktr.ee/eros_the_artist
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Source: ErosTheArtist Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. I hope you all got some good sleep this weekend, it's the beginning of another week coming up and you deserve to relax a bit. Remember that you deserve to relax, alright? Whether you've been incredibly productive, or done nothing productive at all. You deserve to relax, you deserve to take a break. Your "value" is not measured by your productivity. We all make our way through this life at our own pace and there's no shame in whatever speed you're doing it at. You deserve kindness from everyone else as well as yourself, and if you don't feel like facing the day, and you can take a break-- do it. Sometimes you need to listen to your body, even when it feels like you have too much to do. It'll be okay, and you aren't a bad person for taking that break. Sending lots of hugs and good vibes your way lovelies. Rest well. One last thing, I know today can give mixed feelings to a lot of people so I'll be brief as best I can and just send some other folks words.
Source: Positively Present's Instagram
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight just needed some laughter tonight. Hope you enjoy these two and their giggles <3
Gifs courtesy of some of the most amazing folks @funforahermit and @meluli <3
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59 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/09/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR: Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Rachel House; Taika & Samba; Gypsy Taylor; Watch Parties; SOFMD Crew Fibre Arts Auction; AOC: Raffle Update; Articles; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
More photos of Rhys from To 29 and Beyond!
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Source: The Girl Blogger's Instagram
Also Rhys shared this on his instagram stories-- don't worry Rhys, we're way ahead of you! Round 2 is closed! On to Round 3!
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Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram Stories
== Taika & Samba ==
Taika was found responding to Samba's post yesterday, nice to see him making comments on social media again!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
Taika was out with Sterlin Harjo! (Creator of Resevoir Dogs)
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Source: Sterlin Harjo's Instagram
== Rachel House ==
Rachel has been out attending the Sydney Film Festival, and was interviewed on TheProjectTV about her movie The Mountain.
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Source: Temaungafilm Instagram
Source: TheProjectTV's Instagram
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Source: SydFilmFestival Instagram
== Gypsy Taylor ==
Some very fun looking outfits with Gypsy Taylor!
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Source: PainterByNumbers / Gypsy Taylor's Instagram
== Watch Parties ==
Good Omens Season 2
Dates: June 10-14, 2024
Times: 3:30 pm PT, 6:30 pm ET, 11:30 pm BST
Episodes: M-Th: 1-4, F: 5-6
Where: RhysDarbyFaction Discord Server
Need access? Reach out to @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
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== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week is still coming up on June 23 - 29! Wanna learn more of the prompts? Please visit their Tumblr!
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Source: TealOranges & GarlicSoupWeek Twitter
== SOFMD Crew: Fibre Arts Auction ==
SaveOFMD Crew has announced their auction items! Lots of folks in the fandom have donated fibre-arts prizes to help benefit our Queer Elders at SAGE USA! You can check out the prizes on the saveofmdcrew website. The auction will be opening in a few days!
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Source: SaveOFMD Crew Instagram
== AOC: Our Flag Means Pride Raffle ==
Raffle Update on #OurFlagMeansPride! 40 Charities already benefited! Raffle tickets are still available! You can enter on their page!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Tumblr
== Articles ==
Heyyyy, Tokyo Vice Also Cancelled on HBO Max :(
After Max Raised Its Subscription Prices, The Streamer Confirmed Another One Of Its Shows Is Canceled
10 Best Period Drama Shows of the Last 5 Years, Ranked
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== Taika 2048 ==
Okay, who was going to tell me there was a Taika Waititi 2048? Thank you to @lisahafey for posting on Twitter so I can finally lose myself in this for the next many many hours.
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Source: Lisa Hafey's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight / News =
= Cast Cards =
First up tonight from @melvisik is another member of the Red Flag Crew, Kathleen S. ! Second is another one of awesome directors - Katie Ellwood!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Next up on Our Flag Means Fanfiction is The Dark Episode (hurt/comfort, whump, angst)! Find somewhere to listen on Our Flag Means Fanfiction Linktr.ee.
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Big Gay Energy Podcast ==
New episode of Big Gay Energy Pod! They're talking These Thems this time around! Check them out on your favorite podcast platform!
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Source: Big Gay Energy Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Another weekend has come to an end, and we're starting another work week. Whether you got some rest, or just got some stuff done, I hope you are in a place where you feel you can face the next few days-- and if not, I hope you get some rest and get a chance to recoup. I've been hearing several folks running into some struggles--struggles brought on by others. Whether those who cause it intend to or not, I want you to know my friends, you don't deserve to be treated badly. You really don't. Don't let those people make you feel like you deserve that. You deserve to be happy, to feel safe, to feel comfortable, to feel like you, in your own skin, whatever that means for you.
I know you probably already know, but sometimes it's good to hear it from an outside source too-- you are not what other people think you are or expect of you. You are you. The ever wonderful, kind, unique, beautiful you. On hard days I know it's hard to see, but you're still there, and things will look up again. Be kind to yourself lovelies, you deserve the best, no matter what anyone says. Rest Well, I hope the start to your week turns out calm and kind to you <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is...thoughtful with glasses. Gifs courtesy of kind @eaion and the fantastic @celluloidbroomcloset!
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50 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/14/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Ruibo, Samba, Vico; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; s1 script; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika.
= Ruibo Qian =
Our Pirate Queen once again asks us to think some important questions of ourselves.
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= Samba Cameo =
Some of our crewmates got another Cameo from Samba! This one was requested by The Bardflies! It's fantastic and full of Shakespeare!
Thank you so much The Bardflies for sharing this cameo! Source: Cameo
= Vico Ortiz =
Vico apparently has made some more changes to their Patreon and have updated their IG to let everyone know! Here's a link! Vico's patreon
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== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Flight Of the Conchords ==
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Today we're on Season 1 Ep 11 and 12. Join @saveofmdcrewmates, and @iamadequate1 this week for Flight of the Conchords watch parties! You can watch each day at 4pm PT, 7 pm ET, 11pm BST! If you don't have access, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, you can hit me up for an invite.
== Fan Spotlight ==
== S1 Script Pics ==
Some of you may have noticed one of our crewmates posted several pictures of some of the original S1 script. Some juicy stuff in there if you're interested! Visit @amefuyuu's tumblr below :)
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Our crewmates over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction are giving away two Samba Cameo's! You can Enter by Following the IG Account. liking the post, and adding a comment tagging a friend who would appreciate a Cameo from Samba!
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= Cast Cards =
I 100% did not realize that was Pete Gardner! That's awesome! Tonight is the Dutch Captain Cast Card by our darling @melvisik!
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== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
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FYI! Prompt release will happen on April 16th instead of 15th in consideration of Global Strike for Palestine Monday April 15th.
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I know it's been a crazy week or so... tax time, all the random sightings of Chaos Dad, WBD being a POS. I know a lot of you are hurting pretty bad right now, and not sure where to vent your frustrations.
Just remember that it's okay to step away, and it's okay to not engage with things you don't feel like you can stomach. It doesn't mean you're not allowed in that space, and it doesn't make you a bad person. You are allowed to shine as bright as you are, but you can also choose which places get to bask in that light. You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to shine. You are allowed to find the places that your sunshine helps others to grow and vice versa.
We aren't all going to get along all the time, as much as I'd love the world to be in that kind of space to allow for it. We've all been hurt, and we've all been through things in this life that have made us no longer trust people and places. I hope that one day, along with this awesome crew we can make a better space for everyone, and even if not all of us can get along all the time, that all of us find our ways to people who we feel safe with.
Remember that you are so kind, and you are so worthy. Some days it doesn't feel like it. Some days others try to take that from you. But that's what you are. You are worthy of love, and safety, and you are so very beautiful. Remember the kindness in your heart, and try not to let folks snuff it out. I know it's there, and I believe in you.
I really hope you all get some rest tonight lovelies, or soon, you deserve a break. The world can be very hard, but you are the soft, bright ball of love it needs, don't forget that.
It's gonna be okay.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme: Arms
Darby Gif courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika Gif Courtesy of @mulder-isms
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52 notes · View notes
watercolourcritters · 7 months
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had a free morning and felt like drawing some silly soup valentines!! happy valentines day lovelies, hope you get some nice soup <3
[ID: three digital drawings of OFMD characters done in a cartoon style.
First, Zheng, Oluwande, Jim, and Archie drawn tiny and standing in a soup bowl with text reading "Will you be the garlic in my soup, Valentine?" They all hold each others hands, and look at each other with happy, gentle expressions. Zheng holds a red heart, and red, black, teal, and orange hearts float above them. The soup bowl has faint hearts carved at the bottom.
Second, Roach wearing his outfit from Zheng's ship. He holds a bowl of soup and looks peaceful. Text reads "I love you almost as much as soup, Valentine!" Hearts are beside him, as well as floating out of the bowl of soup.
Third, Archie, who is pointing at the viewer and looking astonished, with text reading "You're the Stede to his Ed, Valentine??" Archie has a soup bowl in hand, and her mouth is open, with noodles falling out of it.
The artist's signature on all three reads @ watercolourcritters. End ID.]
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