#tea time with lindsay holiday
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luminouslumity · 1 year ago
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ariel-seagull-wings · 1 year ago
A History of Breastfeeding & Baby Feeding
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katruna · 1 year ago
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materialki-ff · 3 months ago
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the ton. oder auch bon-ton.
The Ton bezeichnet die gehobene Gesellschaft der UK und in der Regel Aristrokraten. Abseits der Saison residieren sie (und die Gentry) auf ihren großen Landsitzen, doch sobbald sich das Parlament in London trifft, zieht es die Gesellschaft in die Hauptstadt — genauer gesagt nach Mayfair und Belgravia.
Während sich das Parlament trifft und das tut, was ein Parlament eben so macht ... oder machen sollte, begann für die Töchter, Söhne und andere Familienmitglieder die Ballsaison — oder auch der Albtraum einer introvertierten Person. :)
[Bitte vergebt mir, wenn nicht alle Infos zu 100% richtig sind ... ich schaue gerade in meine Notizen und habe selbst Fragen. Leider habe ich mir auch nirgends die exakten Quellen abgespeichert. Danke, Vergangenheits-Milena, danke für nichts.]
Die Ball Saison / Social Season begann in der Regel mit der Zusammekunft des Parlaments und endete, wenn es Zeit für die Jagd war. Ingrid, pack die Koffer, wir müssen zurück aufs Land!
Eigentlich wurde die Saison von ca. Januar bis Juli gehalten, in Bridgerton jedoch beginnt sie im März mit Queen Charlottes Ball und endet scheinbar im August. Für boaf orientieren wir uns an der Bridgerton Season März - August.
Für die Singles der Gesellschaft hieß es dann Parties, Parties und nochmal Parties. Es gab unzählige Bälle, Theater- und Opernaufführungen, Pleasure Gardens, Ausstellungen etc. Also allgemein, gab's sehr viel zu tun. In der Serie sehen wir ja auch, wie Charaktere auf Bällen, Picknicks, Pferderennen oder auch Kunstaustellungen unterwegs sind.
Wer gehört zur Ton?
Grob gesagt, der Adel. Wobei auch Töchter von Offizieren, Doktoren und Anwälten Teil der Social Season waren. Als 2., 3. oder 4. Sohn muss man sich eine Tätigkeit aussuchen, die mehr als nur Erbe-sein beinhaltet.
Wie ihr in der Grafik seht, sind die Titel nach dem Rang geordnet. Der Duke ist ganz oben, während ein Baron den letzten Platz belegt. 1. Duke 2. Marquess (Marktgraf) 3. Earl 4. Viscount 5. Baron
boaf Ton.
Da Familie (und ihr Ruf) in Bridgerton nicht ganz so unwichtig sind — siehe z.B. die Featheringtons — wird es auch in boaf Familien geben. Neben den 4 Familien der männlichen HCs gibt es noch weitere 2 Familien, die Nebencharaktere stellen.
Ich hoffe es funktioniert so, wie ich es geplant habe — wichtige Familienmitglieder / NCs werden mit Bildern und mini Info versehen. NCs, die nicht zur Familie gehören aber auch keiner anderen "großen" Familie gehören, werden einfach ebenfalls unter der Familie des HCs/OCs gelistet. Does that make sense? Wahrscheinlich nicht. 🥸 Aber so müsst ihr (und ich) nicht extra eine neue Familie mit Stammbaum und gem danzen Pi-Pa-Po entwerfen, wenn es nur um eine/n wichtige/n Freund/in, Bedienstete usw. geht.
Was bedeutet das für eure OCs?
Ihr könnt eure eigene Familie, samt Titel, Farbschema, Vibes, Ruf etc. entwerfen und/oder auch mit bereits bestehenden Familien/Charakteren verwandt sein — sei es als Schwester, Cousine, whatever. Manche Konstellationen werden bei einigen Familien leichter möglich sein als bei anderen.
Für euch vielleicht interessant:
"How to Party Like A Regency Era Debutante" History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday Ellie Dashwood The meme mum herself Karolina Żebrowska
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foreverinthepagesofhistoryy · 8 months ago
which was the first otma documentary you ever watched?
Hello! The first documentary, more like informational video, of OTMA was actually a YouTube video from the channel “History Tea Time With Lindsay Holiday”. Her channel has a bunch of awesome videos about royalty and I was very into binging them when I first really got into OTMA.
Thank you for asking!!!
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mulled-wine · 1 year ago
History tea time with lindsay holiday on YouTube is genuinely addictive.
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libidomechanica · 1 year ago
Again these years the Soul a cursed heart is
To lash and rose avarice all     ills, receive; let they praises little than the print of the     light event with Phoebus light in Truth, with&. A bargain was     those me this reede of those. She is so mix’d with me with while     she doth no mean no more
clere vsed on; he have knows; yet how     nature dressed for me: he, dear There is powres and you hast     sun. I’d water for the her yellow not; we have to     that fair way: let the onwardly doctors are lies; amid     there, in you passion-flower
off or on which may be friendship     travel’s end, but I may get me instead of think the     world sloop in the winding Body’s boast, to your hair and the     Mountain great opening, and sang a Fantom of his full     of loue he children
undefiled in her was bust of     mass for of wild, we drops death length forth, whether; and overlean     of every night to strong; but kind. To the Hielands, Leezie     Lindsay, will lovelin- like theory and him crying     to despatcht the jewels from
mountain-side, the spright darkness of     Sense; or far, and looked the pale flits are like the narrows whose     Waters, and how Aurora throught from the silt and then a     stitch in Miracle is renown’d was verse.—For Fame of his     Hand on this our beauty
sting your most so stays bee and my     past remains on, and may not known serene, just as the great     be. Lighted arose in violin, bassoon; and thus a     Noodle heard to hatch o’er thou shall night, we easily know,     that loved unto the gave
offices? Been married. And     energy—his Treasure-House it has not talk’d away for him.     I bring fastidiousness. His but in men’s soul may be children     of wealth, in a day and heart, and sycophants. Alone     lose mountains among the
wisardsweltre in face, strangers the     door. With not looked knife. Angrily of the pleasure of my     pension of hys Lordes theyrs, let’s gore, where like thou like     featherine’s trueth, while I decide, were thou shalt winter mind     triumph’d that indifferently
open fingers cold have frontier     iudgments. Of Heauen the love. Thee lusteth our dues. I dancer,     mine eye in sight, or be concealed, I like some may there.     He smile the to you said, had give a dole of Sharon, and     the child crash, some hundressing
the wilde plain, to follie of her     Day’s Delight! There they from The daughter—what without, or next     the Faith-press into his answer. Again these years the Soul     a cursed heart is thing upon the after than thus by such     somethings are reign church, wind
on earth regard—how long-stemmed     wilderness, come, we could have tea-hours appear, but a favourite     down thy sweet Accept together lids: against that someone     especial perfumes the univers by thee fair friends.     The forsworn, down thee, I
said, their stature the debt to veil     thy side. Lie all backs, and weetly, she has twa sparkling     round, what thou forget where is raking the word; they also     calm, a magnetic Discipling on still of love of the     brough and Ruby and stress,
love! Ye shoes, O princess, nor for     then a white through, and a hey done who ever know fatigue     with the must kind and terribly afar in alley light,     after sunlight, nay chief some groan dogma rathers hunger     pretty ring, Jámi, in
their stature’s stark mute into     his my sounds, Leezie Linnet and those eyes and where blink it be,     simple tree precedence in vain of a set upon his     Despaired workman. She must half yielded holiday, was till     was yet new! Melt thou art
for which do us none of wealth,     that watch’d boors was out the compensate, creature by rote. They     lay me not for but no doubt to give and sip her virtues     with the maize, both oh! Like a thou like to the should be dead;     you see thought time, the sea.
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queenalexandraofdenmark · 2 years ago
2, 3, 19 :)
2: tag any two mutuals you'd go on a trip with right now
@abigaaal @foreverinthepagesofhistory & @krasivaa :)
3: what is your comfort media? (book, movie, song, show, etc)
Probably TikTok lol
19: recommend a youtube channel you subscribe to (or a streamer/gamer on another platform)
Sam & Colby, British Pathé, & History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday!
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lindsaywesker · 1 year ago
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day (green tea!) Welcome to the weekend!
Wow! Here we are again: Friday! Where did that week go? No, seriously, where did that week go?
First of all, many thanks to everyone that got involved with Throwback Thursday on my page. Yesterday’s word was HISTORY. Again, another emotive word! It has both good and bad connotations for people. All of those photos on Tuesday made everybody very nostalgic. Whenever I pass The Electric Ballroom, I remember Paul ‘Trouble’ Anderson playing ‘The Return Of The Magnificent Seven’ by The Clash. Over those huge speakers, that big old bass line absolutely blew my mind!
Was it hot enough for you yesterday? 30 plus degrees for the fourth day in a row! I spoke to one of my students in Los Angeles and he was gutted! “It’s only 24 degrees where I am!”
Yes, there is publicity saying I’ll be on stage at the Camden Music Festival on Saturday at 1.00 p.m. but the person that created that schedule was clearly on the cooking sherry! Unless Gordon can find me a new slot – apologies – I won’t be coming to Camden! You’ll get your Lindsay hug and your selfie some other day.
Popped into Tesco’s yesterday’s and found this woman with her arms full of vegetables. Something was about to drop on the ground. “Would you like a basket?” I said to her, giving her my basket. “You’re such a gentleman!” she said. “Does your wife tell you that?” “Yes,” I replied, but I didn’t elaborate! “If my husband was here,” she added, “he would’ve done that!” What is ‘being a gentleman’? And is it important to women? Whenever people come into the Mi-Soul studio, I always offer and then make them a cuppa, and they always remember that act of courtesy! Seems pretty normal behaviour to me! I still open and hold doors open for women. Seems pretty normal behaviour to me. Other men, maybe not? It reminds me of that classic meme of a brief social media exchange. A woman asks, “Do men still open car doors?” And, underneath it, some smart alec has replied, “How do you think we get inside?”
Really hope you can join me tomorrow at 1.00 p.m. for ‘The A-Z Of Mi-Soul Music’: The Letter Q. We’re going to Jamaica for a wedding on September 13th, so I’ll miss one radio show (September 16th) but I’ll be back in time for the start of The Letter R on September 23rd.
The Trouble has bought me some holiday clothing. I tried it on yesterday. Man, I look good! “I’m going to look better than you!” I said. She chuckled to herself. “Sure, baby!” However, I know better! I really look good! Testament to her good taste, though.
Have a fabulous and funky Friday! I love you all. You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me!” but, if people can hate for no reason, why can’t I love?
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luminouslumity · 3 months ago
Regency Christmas - Celebrate the Holidays with Bridgerton & Jane Austen
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ariel-seagull-wings · 1 year ago
A History of Birth Control
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katruna · 2 years ago
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citedesdames · 1 year ago
woman-run history channel History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday. Lindsay focuses on European royal history and women.
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fandom-girl-99 · 1 year ago
Daily Prompt: What Podcasts Are You Listening To?
Heloo! Thoughtto try again answeringsomedaily prompts!
I listen sporadically to many podcasts but my favourites are; A Superbloom Podcast with Candice King, True Crime with Kendall Rae, Odd Trails with Andy Tate and Brandon Lanier, Quitters Podcast with Julie Bowen and Chad Sanders, The Mother Daze With Sara Wright Olsen and Teresa Palmer, History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday, The Criminal Makeup by Audioroom Studios, The Let’s Read Podcast, Dark…
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rhonddaandallaneuro · 1 year ago
Life on the road is made a lot better when a good camp kitchen exists and here at Cessnock it is huge and very friendly. Met up with a group of travellers while we watched “The Block” or at least the girls did while Lindsay and I cooked tea.
After the stay in Cessnock we headed off towards Tuncurry, a hidden little gem of a town that is part of Forster. Here we stayed at the “Sporties” club for a fee of $5 per person per night. The trade off is you are expected to eat dinner within the club and so happy we did. This place puts bigger clubs to shame through its friendly staff, food, drink and raffles.
Rhondda and I both had the king garlic prawns and what a feast. Quality and quantity. Probably the oddest thing here was the raffles. The people literally line up to get their favourite ticket numbers, where they sold on the first night, 30,000 tickets at ten cents per ticket.
A couple of female members actually kept getting up at various times to buy $50 worth at a time. I am sure they spent close on $500 on tickets where they could win a $25 meat tray. Between the two of them they won 15 raffles. Just do not see the value. We actually won 3 trays out of a total 40 trays.
The following day we jumped in the car to drive around the area and it is just not what we had imagined. No country seaside village but some of Australia’s best water views, beaches and cliffs mixed with high rise units and a thriving community. Got to dine out at one of Australia’s top pie shops where they had won over thirty awards over last few years. Food was amazing and cheap. Coffee sucked however as they used goats milk. Only made that mistake once.
Had to return to the club on Wednesday night only to find more raffles with more members queuing to buy tickets. A bit smaller with only 18,000 tickets sold with most of the buyers male as it was mens bowls day. We can only imagine how big the Friday night raffles must be.
This club has a members stand better then most QRL clubs with at least ten different sports operating. They also proudly display the community groups they support. This is what clubs are supposed to be like. Members within the community making it better for everyone.
Sadly our time came to a close here so we drove on to Sawtell along a must changed Pacific Highway that passes every town except Coffs Harbour. The drive was easy and our sites while a little difficult to access are nested in a shady area. Did the walk up to town where not a lot has changed over last ten years. Great atmosphere in tree shaded Main Street where we did breakfast.
There is a lot of opposition between the cafes so the standard is high and fairly cheap. I has poached eggs on salmon and has to be best and biggest ever.
Now on to Brunswick Heads where we free camped at the bowls club which definitely has not changed. The town itself though has thrown off the family holiday image and is a mini Byron Bay. Sad very sad. The camp sights have been removed and the cabins have increased form $100 a day to $2170 per week.
After one last morning walk we packed up and headed for home. A smooth however slow drive sees us home and safe and starting to plan our next trip.
PS cleaning the caravan is a pain in the arse.
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teartra · 3 years ago
Teen Raine, trying to get close to Lilith: so, what song are you listening to?
Teen Lilith, took off her earphone: song? No, it’s a documentary
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