#tea party gosip
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sipnoot · 9 months ago
If you had to eat a part of your body what part
Also why do gay people?
my knee. not the rest of the leg just my knee
i burn gay people for fun
Tumblr media
its my hobby
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hermits-that-craft · 4 years ago
Homebound - Deya’s childinnit au
This oneshot is for the amazing @deyageka ‘s hotel arc childinnit au! Go check it out, please! This is long, 8 page or 2,641 words, long, please note!
Sam walked home that day, humming to himself. Really, he wasn’t going home per say - just to the small house that Puffy, Foolish and himself had built after they found Tommy. Sam was calm as he could be, he walked instead of using his trident in an attempt to calm himself down after how long the day was. Dream has pulled at his strings early in the morning, and Ranboo sent him on a wild goose chase the second he left the prison. 
Sam hoped that Ranboo’s alright, his message didn’t sound right, even in chat. Why would Ranboo need a totem?
Sam walked into the house, and felt mounting dread as lights didn’t turn on. They should have already been on, the only reason why they would be off is if Puffy had taken Tommy out, but she had sent him a message asking him to come home as soon as possible. They weren’t in danger, she had said, Tommy had just wanted him back.
“I’m back!” Sam called. He smiled as he hoped that the pair were just napping as he shut the door.
False hope can only last so long.
“Puffy!” He screamed, looking at the woman as she lied on the floor. Blood ran down her face, unconscious. Almost like she was dead.
Sam doesn’t remember much of what happened next. Of course, he knows what happened. 
Dream escaped, stealing Tommy. At least, thats the basics. He knows Ranboo was there, he knows that Ranboo was - is - possessed. He knows that Tommy woke up as he was teleported away. He knows that some of the toys that Tommy had were taken.
He knows that Puffy hasn’t woken up yet, even though it’s been three days.
Phil and Techno came around, Techno helping Sam track down Dream and the boys. Tubbo moved Micheal into Sam’s base, hoping that it would be safer. Quackity, Karl, Sapnap and George also joined the search party. The groups split up, scouring the land. Tubbo joins, looking through places he knows Ranboo frequents.
Sam has been banned from searching after Phil found him, half dead, in the snow. 
Ponk helps him heal, but it isn’t enough. Sam can’t - won’t, he’s too much of a coward - voice why he won’t rest. It’s his fault that Tommy’s gone. It’s his fault that Dream got out. He is - was - Tommy’s father, and his was - is - the warden. He failed his jobs. He let not only Tommy, but the entire server down by letting Dream out.
Dream was right, Sam can’t protect anyone, let alone Tommy.  This is his fault.
“Hey, Sam.” Ponk says softly, carrying in some warm soup. “You up to eat now? I’ll eat some too, it can be a real date.”
There’s kindness in Ponk’s eyes, love and sympathy and caring in the brown eyes. Sam doesn’t deserve it. Sam’s hurt too many people, Ponk shouldn’t-
“You’re thinking too hard.” Ponk smiles, handing Sam the soup. “Stop blaming yourself for Tommy’s kidnapping. You couldn’t have known.”
“He’s gone because my prison failed.” Sam whispers. “I failed everyone. I was supposed to be the warden, I was supposed to protect-”
Sam breaks, sobbing. He can’t keep being strong, he can’t keep up this facade. It’s dragging him down, pulling him under the water. Vines wrap around his throat, squeezing the life out of him. The void would be a kinder death, he’s falling apart and-
And Ponk wraps his arms around Sam, letting the creeper hybrid sob into his arms. He holds Sam together, as the world falls apart.
“Tommy, settle down.” Dream rolls his eye, not that Tommy can see under his mask. The child is still annoying, but he follows orders easily.
“I want Papa.” Tommy protests, clinging to the Sam Nook toy that Ranboo had stolen for him when Dream took him. “Where’s my Papa.”
“I’m right here.” Dream says, cooing at the child.
“No you’re not.” Tommy glares, tears forming in his tiny eyes. “I want my Papa and Big Q and Karl and Foo’ish and Mama Puff and Sap and George!”
“Do you like George?” Dream asks quietly, shock filling his chest. He could have George back, his best friend.
“Yeah! He reads to me and is safe.” Tommy smiles, tapping the Sam Nook toy around. “Makes me sleepy, though.”
“How would you feel if I asked George to come around?” Dream offers, taking out his communicator.
“Will he?” Tommy looks up, happily. 
“I’m sure he’d love to.” Dream says, and Tommy cheers, throwing Sam Nook to the side as he gives Dream a hug. “But now you need to go to bed.”
Tommy whines, but doesn’t struggle as Dream picks him up. The small child - only two or three years old at most - yawns, snuggling in to sleep as Dream places him in the bed. Dream smiles from under his mask, shutting the door slightly as he leaves. Dream walks down the stairs, watching through the door as Ranboo tidies up the living room. 
Dream whispers to Georgenotfound: Would you like to come around, I haven’t seen you since I left prison. Dream whispers to Georgenotfound: You can bring Sapnap as well, I guess. But I’d like to catch up with you - and tommy’s missing you i guess :/ Georgenotfound whispers to Dream: What are your co’ords? I’ll come now. We can bring Sapnap once he’s calmed down.
Dream smiles, sending through the coordinates without a second thought. Of course George would agree to come around. George is his best friend, he’s Dreams other half. George - and Puffy, a traitorous part of his brain whispers - would do anything for him.
Ranboo stops cleaning for a moment, looking up the stairs. Dream frowns, following his line of sight. No one is there, but he notices the small sobs that emit from the higher floor. Tommy. The child must be crying, maybe a nightmare. He’s too young to remember L’Manburg, the disks or the wars. He only remembers some people, after all.
Sam is one of them. Tubbo was not. A child's mind is a strange place.
Dream walks up the stairs, pausing outside Tommy’s room. He knocks before he enters, warning the boy. Dream turns on the light, not knowing what to expect. 
Tommy sits up in his bed, his eyes screwed shut as he sobs. Tommy hugs Sam Nook close, but no words fall from his lips. Dream sighs, scooping the boy up and gently rocking him. Tommy blinks his eyes open before he screws them shut, crying again. Dream frowns, sinking to the ground as he tries to settle the boy.
“Please stop crying.” Dream mumbles, rocking Tommy. He’s so small, so fragile. Dream can feel every shake of Tommy’s tine body as the child cries himself back to sleep. 
Dream sets the boy back into bed, tucking him in gently. He’ll wait with the boy until Ranboo is done, and then he’ll go to greet George.
“Dream sent me a message.” George says, casually leaning against the doorframe. “I have his coordinates.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Eret gasps, covering their mouth. Bad and Phil stand up, looking over George with carefully concealed confusion. “How long ago did you receive the message?”
“About fifteen minutes?” George frowns, checking the time. “Yeah, around fifteen minutes ago.”
“And you didn’t tell us until now?” Techno glares, an axe summoned into his hand.
“I couldn’t find you until now. Are you guys coming or what?”
“Have you told anyone else?” Phil asks, pulling his wings out of his cloak.
“Quackity, Karl and Sapnap are halfway there.” George says, walking towards the coordinates.
“Doesn’t need the stress.” George says. “He’s too sick.”
“What’s the plan?” Bad asks quietly.
“Karl, Sapnap and Quackity stake the house out from a distance. I go in, distract Dream and Ranboo, and then grab Tommy and run.” George says.
“Where do we come in?” Techno asks.
“I dunno, we didn’t think that far ahead.” George shrugs. “Work it out when we get there.”
And with that, they walk.
Dream stands in the kitchen, watching the kettle boil as he waits for George to arrive. He’s boiled the kettle twice so far, waiting for his friend, but he doesn’t want the water to go cold before George can have some tea.
A knock sounds at the door, and Dream cautiously walks over, opening it. White clout glasses and brown hair appears, and Dream relaxes, opening his arms for a hug. George hesitates for a split second before he sinks into the hug. Dream doesn’t - wont - think about it. The hesitation.
“Hey.” Dream breaths, and George smiles. 
“Hey yourself. How are you?”
“Good. I’m a father now.” Dream smirks, and George pulls out from the hug. “Do you want some tea?”
“The gosip type or the good type?” George jokes, and Dream steps aside, showing George the kitchen bench, where two cups are laid.
“Why did George hug him?” Techno whispers to Eret.
“They’re best friends, he’s keeping up the persona.” Eret replies. “Letting Dream’s guard down.”
“Will it work?”
“Well, we won’t know unless George either gets Tommy.” 
“Or he starts screaming.” Phil says darkly, his wings fluttering nervously behind him.
“Dream wouldn’t-” Bad shakes his head. “No, this Dream isn’t the same one who played with Sapnap as a kid. Dream would hurt George, wouldn’t he?”
“Is Tommy sleeping alright?” George asks, trying to sound casual. “Sam used to complain that he’d only ever sleep peacefully if I was there.”
It’s a lie, but George and Sam had both noticed that Tommy would sleep easily in George’s arms. Nightmares would still happen, but Tommy would calm down faster.
“He’s been having so many nightmares.” Dream admits. “He also cries a lot, even during the day. I think he needs you around. Familiar faces and all that.”
“What about Ranboo?” George asks, curiosity getting the better of him.
“Ranboo hasn’t been Ranboo since I escaped.” George can hear the self centered smirk in his voice, the proud lilt of admitting that he’s controlling the teen. “I think Tommy can tell that. It doesn’t seem to bother him all that much, he’s seen my face and isn’t scared.”
George’s stomach drops at that, fear lacing his insides. There’s a reason Dream wears the mask. He doesn’t look safe to be around, he looks like if the void had a neon green eye and a glowing, neon green hole gaping where his mouth and nose should be. But George knows better than to mention that, only raising his eyebrows with surprise.
“I would have thought that would make him cry.” George jokes, lightly elbowing Dream. “Is he sleeping?”
“I hope so, do you want to check?” Dream cocks his head to the side, not too unlike a puppy. George nods, and let’s Dream walk him up the stairs. 
Now’s his chance.
Sapnap nervously paces, the treeline hiding him from Dream’s watchful gaze. He’s far enough away to see everything, but not be able to hear anything. It’s safer this way, watching from a distance. Karl and Quackity won’t get hurt if he’s caught, this way. He doesn’t trust the silence, and from the nervous looks on his fiancees’ faces, they don’t like not being able to hear either.
An ear piercing scream tears the silence in half as Karl makes eye contact with Sapnap.
“GEORGE!” Sapnap screams, running towards the house. Snow melts under his feet, he can’t contain his anger. “George!”
Sapnap slams open the door to the house, his hand melting the door handle. George lays on the ground, his glasses under Dream’s foot. Blood. There’s so much blood. Too much blood. George is curled around Tommy, who wails at the top of his lungs. George isn’t moving. Why isn’t George moving? Why isn’t he struggling.
Ranboo’s punch misses.
Sweep your opponents leg out from under them.
Ranboo falls to the ground, his head cracking painfully.
Keep your eyes on the room.
Blood pools under Ranboo’s head. Dream laughs.
Don’t let your guard down.
“Did you really think that George could take Tommy from me?”
Don’t let your opponent see any fear.
“I trusted you both. You’re my friends. I can’t believe you would betray me like this.”
Focus on the fight.
“I thought you cared about me, all I wanted was for us to be a family again.”
Dream stands on George, and Sapnap can hear the pained weaze that George breaths out. He’s still alive.
“Eyes on me, Snapnap.” Dream taunts, and Sapnap’s eyes jump back to his once-best friend. “You’ve got to work on that.”
Don’t make the first move.
“Not going to talk to me?”
Go on the defensive.
“That’s rude.”
“Let’s dance.”
Duck. Sidestep. Block. Jab. Punch. Duck. Owch, was that his eye? Duck again, keep focusing. Get to the door. Duck. Open the door. Punch. Step outside. Block. Run backwards. Duck. Throw a punch
Sapnap is thrown through the air, landing with a scream on the ground. Snow melts around him, and he lets out a gasp of pain. There’s blood underneath him, staining the snow red. It’s pretty, almost.
Sapnap can see Phil and Techno fight Dream, out of the corners of his eyes. Eret and Bad run into the house, carrying out Ranboo, Tommy and George. They’re safe. Everyone is safe now. Sapnap did good.
“Stay awake Sap.” Karl says, and Sapnap forces his eyes open - when did they close - to see his fiancee’s. Quackity cradles his head in his lap, and Karl fumbles with his pockets. “Keep your eyes open, yeah, that’s good. Keep it up.”
Sapnap groans as Karl pours a healing potion directly onto his torso. It wont help much, there’s something in his back, but he can’t speak. It hurts too much.
“Open your eyes.” Quackity says, and Sapnap feels warm fingers on his cheek. “Open your eyes. BAD! BAD SAPNAP’S-”
Sam watches out the window of his room as birds flit around tree branches. Ponk had left the room half an hour ago, just after he served breakfast. Ponk hadn’t said much, simply kissing Sam’s forehead and telling him to relax.
Sam can’t relax. He shouldn’t be allowed to, pneumonia or not. Not while Puffy suffers, while Tommy suffers. 
“Hey Dad.” Quackity’s voice doesn’t surprise Sam, who sees his son every morning.
“Hey duckling.” Sam smiles. “How are you this morning?”
“Good. Sapnap and George are in a bad shape though. Bad kicked me out of their rooms.” Quackity laughs wetly, tears in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Sam says, opening his arms out for Quackity. The man smiles, but shakes his head, wiping away tears. 
“There’s something you need to see.” Quackity says, and apparently thats a cue for something, because Jack opens the door to his room.
Niki wheels Puffy into the room, the woman sitting on a wheelchair, her hair falling down over her shoulders. She’s still got a bandage on her head, but there is colour in her cheeks and a knowing smile on her face.
“Puffy.” Sam gasps, happy to see his friend better, if not up and running. Sam tries to stand, to give Puffy a hug, but Quackity just pushes him back into his bed.
“If you’re that happy to see me, you’ll need someone to hold you back with who Foolish has.” Puffy jokes, though her voice is hoarse.
Foolish walks into the room, gently holding a wiggling Tommy. Sam gasps, and true to Puffy’s prediction, it takes Quackity and Jack to stop Sam from getting out of his hospital bed. Foolish passes Tommy to Sam, and the man holds onto Tommy gently, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he’s here. He’s safe, finally.
“We’ll explain later.” Quackity says. “Just relax for now. Everyone is safe.”
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babydocx · 6 years ago
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? 
Kayaknya my ex or my dad? Holding hands is an intimate act you can’t do with anybody tbh jd lupa terakhir kapan??
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My medschool friend who are scattered all around the country. I’m dying to meet them!
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Lumayan, tahan2 aja sm kelupaan gue
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I think so. Tapi 1) alkohol punya metabolit toksik yg ga bisa dieliminasi 2) gue gamau sirosis 3) gadibolehin sm my ex ktnya nanti gue bisa diculik
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
The ones who have big dreams and the determination to achieve it
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Definitely ngga
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Abang tukang nasgor yg tadi nasgornya lupa gue ambil stlh pesan... bodoh
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Tentu saja my geng regal
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Paradise, We Go Up, Fire Truck, 7th Sense, Candle Light all by NCT
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yep, asal cuci tangan dulu y sblm megang
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I do
15. What good thing happened this summer?
HAHAHAH gue presentasi oral pertama di kongres asia pasifik, mayan deg2an... The best career peak so far sih
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Definitely, wkwkw bandara emang selalu menimbulkan haru biru
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
I still do. He’s gonna have a wedding in several months to a beautiful, smart woman so I am happy for him!
19. Do you like bubble baths?
BANGET aku sbnrnya putri duyung
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Rumah Kertabumi iya, rumah Bekasi ngga teralu... 
21. What are you bad habits?
LUPA + procrastinating
22. Where would you like to travel?
Every sea in the world
23. Do you have trust issues?
HAHA punya banget
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Mandi malem sblm tidur
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Hmm my brachimetatarsia kali ya, tapi ya the more mature I am the more I embrace it kok. Thanks to the people who know it and still love me for who I am!
26. What do you do when you wake up?
I check the phone and then stretch
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Lighter plis wkwk tp my skin is beautiful period
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
Myself. Makin tua makin ngerasa introvert
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
I do
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Wadu not my thing kayaknya? HAHA liar uga
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Nggak, aku couch potato. Dulu badminton-an
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV! Music is my life
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
AHAHA belum tahu yg terakhir ini ya.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I don’t make things awkward in the first place
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Someone who can give me a lot of food for thought and do wall climbing with me. Dan tentu aja harus receh sepertiku
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Actually gue jarang banget belanja buat diri sendiri. Banyakan dibeliinnya (?) tapi kalo basic needs ya pasar deket rumah aja
40. What do you want to do after high school?
WKWKKW astaga jd gue daritadi jawabin pertanyaan buat anak sma
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
I do!
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Capek dd/ marah banget dd/ deep in thought
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Tergantung. I smile and wave at children and geriatrics, or ibu2 rempong wkwk
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
OMG CAN I HAVE BOTH :(((( tapi sbnrnya takut ok
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
My patients
46. What are you paranoid about?
Zombie, natural disaster HAHAHA
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
I’d like to but never
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
I wished I was Kim Doyoung, bisa cuddle Jaehyun sama ajak Jeno makan everyday
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My impulsivity
53. Favourite makeup brand?
54. Favourite store?
Pasar teluk buyung yhaa
55. Favourite blog?
Ngga punya
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
58. Last thing you ate?
Nasi Bebek
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Nasi gudeg/pecel Mbah
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Ngga kayaknya
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Anjir ga jd dokter odng gue
62. Been arrested? For what?
Krn ga bawa sim wkwk konyol
63. Ever been in love? 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
It was sweet peck in the forehead for being the kindest person ever!
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Ngga punya temen di tumblr
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
71. Craving something? What?
PIZZA I WANT PIZZA since 4 am in the morning
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Can’t count
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Not gonna answer wkwk
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Green tea
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
Grey’s Anatomy!
82. Favourite movie?
Ngga suka
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Ngga nonton both
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Ga nonton
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Ga nonton
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Tentu nemo
87. First person you talked to today?
Hardya, jam 4 pagi, krn insom middle dan gosip over kerjaan
88. Last person you talked to today?
Mas huda krn minta foto klinis
89. Name a person you hate?
Hmmmm ga ada sih
90. Name a person you love?
Jung Jeffrey plis
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
No currently
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
3 di kertabumi
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
2 di kertabumi, di bekasi gatau
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
97. Favourite actor?
Nam Joohyuk, Lee Jongsuk, Bradley Cooper!
98. Do you tan a lot?
Ngga sih
99. Have any pets?
2 cats!
100. How are you feeling?
I’m feeling tired for answering this questions! I gotta stop here wkwk
101. Do you type fast? 102. Do you regret anything from your past? 103. Can you spell well? 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? 107. Have you ever been on a horse? 108. What should you be doing? 109. Is something irritating you right now? 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? 111. Do you have trust issues? 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? 113. What was your childhood nickname? 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? 115. Do you play the Wii? 116. Are you listening to music right now? 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? 118. Do you like Chinese food? 119. Favourite book? 120. Are you afraid of the dark? 121. Are you mean? 122. Is cheating ever okay? 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? 125. Do you believe in true love? 126. Are you currently bored? 127. What makes you happy? 128. Would you change your name? 129. What your zodiac sign? 130. Do you like subway? 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 133. Favourite lyrics right now? 134. Can you count to one million? 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? 137. How tall are you? 138. Curly or Straight hair? 139. Brunette or Blonde? 140. Summer or Winter? 141. Night or Day? 142. Favourite month? 143. Are you a vegetarian? 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? 145. Tea or Coffee? 146. Was today a good day? 147. Mars or Snickers? 148. What’s your favourite quote? 149. Do you believe in ghosts? 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
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kibodat · 8 years ago
Dunia, Aku Berangkat ke Melbourne Part 1
Dunia, engkau pasti sudah tahu kalau aku sekarang sudah nggak di Jakarta lagi. Ya, sekarang aku sudah ada di Melbourne, bersama pasangan hidupku tercinta, Kai, sayangku, cintaku, manisku, bangsaku, tanah airku.
Begini, aku ingin bercerita kepada engkau bagaimana perjalananku hingga mendarat di benua lain ini. Aku akan memulai dari ketika aku melakukan Medical Check Up (MCU) dalam rangka mengurus visa ke Australia, seminggu yang lalu. Ketika itu aku berangkat pagi sekali, hmmm sebenarnya nggak terlalu pagi, sih. Tapi karena aku terbiasa bangun agak siang, karena memang, ketika bekerjapun aku berangkat agak siang. Dan saat MCU aku berangkat jam 6 pagi. Mataku masih merindukan gelap, merindukan melihat hal yang ada di dalam kepalaku secara acak, alias bermimpi.
Ya, berangkatlah aku ke RS Premier Bintaro untuk MCU, ditemani Papa. Jujur, ketika itu aku mulai berpikir aneh-aneh, lebay, memang, aku justru terbayang siksaan Rumah Sakit Jiwa di zaman dulu…… Maaf.
Sesampainya di sana, aku dan Papa memilih untuk sarapan terlebih dahulu, hemmm sesungguhnya perutku memang sudah meronta-ronta menagih untuk diisi dengan apapun itu, selain air mineral dan susu beruang. Akhirnya rontaan perut berhenti ketika diisi oleh nasi goreng dan lemon tea yang aku pesan. Setelah itu aku pergi ke ruang MCU, dan melakukan ritual MCU.
Awalnya kupikir akan ribet, ternyata, gitu doang…. Ritual pertama adalah pipis di tabung kecil. Ritual kedua tempelin dada di mesin x-ray yang bunyinya udah kayak truk mau take off. Ritual ketiga cek mata, sebenarnya ada penyesalan di sini, kenapa nggak nanya ke dokternya berapa minus mataku saat itu, yasudah, nanti lagi aja. Ritual keempat gosip bareng dokter, di mana ketika dokter bertanya lebih dari 10 pertanyaan, aku jawab kurang dari 10 menit, kilat!
Ketika itu, dokter mengatakan seluruh pemeriksaanku baik dan bagus, sudah kuduga, tubuh ini sebenarnya tidak rewel dan mudah diurus. Dokter berjanji akan segera submit hasil pemeriksaanku ke Kedubes Australia sore itu juga, sesegera setelah hasil x-ray keluar. Awalnya sih ragu, soalnya ketika suami yang MCU, hasilnya lama banget di-submit, bikin emosi dan ketar-ketir (maklum, soalnya mendekati waktu pernikahan hehehehe).
Selepasnya MCU, aku dan Papa berencana menyambangi rumah Cipete, rumah siapa ya??? Itu rumah dinas Mama, yang akan ditempati ketika rumah senayan dibongkar dan diacak demi berdirinya kosan 3 lantai yang rencananya kerap tertunda, dari dulu, dari dulu, dari dulu. Gitu.
Di jalan, aku menelepon suamiku, ya sekedar ngobrol saat itu, seakan-akan kami pergi bertiga. Akhirnya aku menapakkan kaki di Cipete, melihat rumah yang, Masya Allah, kayak rumah zombie, berantakan. Kata Papa memang rumahnya perlu direnovasi, dan memakan waktu 2 bulan. Cukup, lama, untuk rumah yang sudah jadi.
Nah, seselesainya dari rumah Cipete, aku digondol Papa entah ke mana, ngikut aja sih. Ternyata Papa berencana belanja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pergi ke Melbourne, berangkatlah ke ITC Kuningan. Tempat yang katanya menjual apa saja yang kita butuhkan, katanya sih, nyatanya? Ke sana aja sendiri. Niat utamanya sih beli coat doang, tapi belanjaanya jadi banyak. Apa aja dibeli, mulai dari jaket yang entahlah akan berguna atau nggak, tapi beli ajalah siapa tahu nanti berguna, pokoknya beli apapun yang ada di depan mata.
Bolak-balik ke mobil cuma untuk taruh barang di bagasi karena sesungguhnya tangan ini sudah tak mampu menahan beban yang cukup berat ya, nggak seberat beban hidup sih. Belanja, belanja, dan belanja, terus lanjutin ke Ace Hardware dan Lotte Mart. Ya, habislah waktu sekitar 8 jam cuma buat belanja. Layaknya, bapak-bapak shopaholic ya, aku juga udah bapak-bapak lho!
Malamnya, biasa, teleponan selayaknya pasangan LDR, melepas rindu yang bikin menye. Esoknya, teleponan lagi, ya mengisi waktu Minggu yang sedikit hampa karena jauh dari suami, beda benua, lagi-lagi entahlah ngobrolin apa, kadang gosipin AC yang netes-netes kayak bocah ngiri ngeliat temennya makan es moni. Itu kegiatanku sepanjang hari.
Senin esoknya, aku kembali ke rutinitas, aku bekerja menulis berita seada-adanya. Nah, di hari Senin itulah, tiba-tiba ada email masuk, email dari Mbak Ira IDP, agen resmi kepengurusan visa ke Australia. Awalnya aku mengira ada dokumen yang kurang (lagi), kan bete. Agak malas awalnya untuk membuka email dari dia, tapi entah, tiba-tiba tangan gatel buat buka email itu. Dan…. Tadaaaaaaa…… Ternyata visa udah kelar dan siap diberangkatkan untuk misi perdamaian Senayan. Jauh lebih cepat dari ekspektasi.
Di sini, ada sedikit drama soal tiket. Karena, tiket Garuda Indonesia yang dijual sudah habis dari tanggal 26 Januari hingga 12 Februari. Kalau mengikuti adanya tiket pesawat, mungkin akan sangat lama berangkat untuk mengentaskan misi perdamaian senayan. Namun ternyata ada tiket di tanggal 25 Januari, hari Rabu. Dan itu dua hari lagi, sedangkan, sebelumnya baru akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan pada Jumatnya.
Demi misi perdamaian, marilah kita mengheningkan cipta, berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk diberi kedamaian dan kemudahan. Seketika datanglah kekuatan untuk berbicara kepada manajemen di kantor untuk menyelsaikan kontrak kerja di hari Selasa. Berhasil pula lah itu, lancar seketika. Maka perjalanan hari Rabu akan segera terlaksana, misi sudah dimulai.
Selepasnya dari kantor, aku packing semua barang-barang yang akan dibawa ke sana, tapi belum semuanya karena ada satu hal yang belum ada, yaitu, rokok. Awalnya suami sangat bawel, dan bilang untuk packing secepatnya, karena packing butuh waktu lama. Sepengalamanku, aku nggak pernah berlama-lama melakukan packing, karena aku terbiasanya melakukan packing secara efisien dengan sebelumnya melakukan proyeksi atas apa saja yang harus dimasukkan ke dalam koper.
Demi memenuhi koper dengan lintingan tembakau dan cengkeh, Selasanya, pada pagi hari, aku memberi uang kepada Sherly untuk melakukan tugas suci, membeli rokok. Di lain tempat, manajemen dan bos di kantor ingin memberiku farewell party, jadi aku harus tetap ke kantor hanya untuk beberapa waktu, ya untuk menghargai niat baik mereka meski aku hanya satu bulan di kantor itu. Di sana mereka mengajakku dan teman-teman untuk makan di sebuah restoran yang ternyata restoran kelas atas, Sar* Rat*. Restoran Padang yang biasa menjadi tempat makan siang pejabat. Di sana aku dan teman-teman ditraktir. Seperhitunganku, untuk menraktir kami semua, kutaksir mereka menghabiskan dana sebesar satu bulan gaji satu karyawan. Ya, tapi namanya ditraktir, kit amah lanjut aja badog makanan. Hohohohoho
Selepasnya dari kegiatan kantor yang nggak singkat nggak panjang itu, aku ditodong untuk bertemu teman-teman kelasku ketika kuliah dulu, hanya untuk sekedar bersenda gurau, bercanda, melepas rindu dan melepas kepergianku. Kuturuti mereka, berangkatlah dari kantor ke daerah Blok M, tempat yang dipilih secara cepat, singkat, padat dan agak kurang jelas. Di sana, keceriaan terpampang di wajah mereka semua, entah ada apa yang disembunyikan yang pasti mereka semua ceria. Aku ceria, dunia mau nggak mau harus ceria. Egois ya.
Sesudah dari sana, aku bertemu dengan Sherly yang sebelumnya melaksanakan tugas suci. Aku bertemu Sherly di warkop Senayan, dia memberikan kotak-kotak emas itu. Kami bercengkrama singkat sampai akhirnya kami harus berpisah karena kesibukan masing-masing. Aku harus menyelesaikan packing. Sesampainya di rumah, aku langsung melakukan packing hanya dalam waktu kurang dari satu jam, sudah kubilang, aku efisien dalam hal packing, dan aku membuktikannya kepada suamiku. Aku bangga.
Selepasnya, aku tidur untuk menunggu esok pagi, tidur cepat agar perpindahan waktu juga cepat. Oke, cerita berlanjut di part 2 nanti, ya.
                     Melbourne, 29 Januari 2017
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sipnoot · 4 months ago
Trick or treat!
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Sorry if i already send you this ask. If yes just ignore this one.
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"Pick whatever you want!"
this was very lazily rushed lmao-
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sipnoot · 7 months ago
points at us getting mentioned in the twelve(12) nicest people post aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA /pos
I see and adore it but brain is sorting through how to respond ����👁 /silly
Anyway, YOU, I'm gonna get you /silly /pf
Somehow /silly /lhj
AWHHH its ok lol i get it!!! i almost didnt respond to the one i was tagged in my brain was not braining /pos
dont feel pressured to respond at all <3
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sipnoot · 1 year ago
apparently we're moots, so tiramisu asks be upon you!
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hope your day's goin well!
YOO ive never had tiramisu before but it looks soo good
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have some cookie cat ice cream sandwiches :)
you have a good day as well :D!!
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sipnoot · 10 months ago
Just wanted to tell you i think your very silly.
Stay hydrated
i AM very silly. thanks for noticing
hydrate or dydrate
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sipnoot · 10 months ago
Hi, I mean this very politely I'm genuinely curious,
How are you aro/ace and lesbian? Dont those things contridict eachother? (Sorry if it's a dumb question)
not a dumb question at all!
but basically its from a platonic 'standpoint' (for lack of a better word). id never be in a (platonic) relationship with a man like i might will a woman/nb person- i am not attracted to men in any type of way like i am women
most the time i just say im aroace anyways- being a lesbian kinda comes second? (even tho i was a lesbian before i was even questioning if i was aromantic lmao)
when i explained this to my brother as well he said "yeah i get why you would use those terms for yourself- even if i feel like its technically incorrect" (bc to him being lesbian/gay/bi/whatever involves being romantically attracted to them)
but yeah sorry i hope this answered ur question well enough
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sipnoot · 11 months ago
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(hope your day's goin well!)
YOU....! 🫵💥💥💥
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have some cat burgers :3 bc i already had this saved and couldnt think of any sweets or snacks
(hope you're doin fantastic as well !!)
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sipnoot · 17 days ago
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Hello, I'm sending this early since Valentine's Day is tomorrow for me - Thank you for existing, may you have a good day today and know that you are loved and cared for! 🫂💗
Starrie 🌠
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sipnoot · 4 months ago
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD. Once you're given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing happens but it's sweet to know so. I think you're beautiful inside and outside :]💕💐💛💛
what if i just started crying /j /silly
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sipnoot · 4 months ago
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sipnoot · 7 months ago
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sipnoot · 9 months ago
Greetings loved ones
Let's take a journey
I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet n' wild
There must be something in the water
Sippin' gin and juice
Laying underneath the palm trees
The boys
Break their necks
Try'na to creep a little sneak peek
(At us)
You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the golden coast
Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love
Ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh
California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We'll melt your popsicle
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
Sex on the beach
We don't mind sand in our stilettos
We freak
In my jeep
Snoop doggy-dog on the stereo oh oh
You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the golden coast
Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love
Ooh oh ooh ooh oh ooh
California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We'll melt your popsicle
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
Toned, tan
Fit and ready
Turn it up 'cause its gettin' heavy
Wild, wild west coast
These are the girls I love the most
I mean the ones
I mean like she's the one
Kiss her, touch her
Squeeze her buns
The girl's a freak
She drive a jeep
And live on the beach
I'm okay
I won't play
I love the bay
Just like I love L.A.
Venice Beach
And Palm Springs
Summertime is everything
Home boys
Bangin' out
All that ass
Hanging out
Bikinis, zucchinis, martinis
No weenies
Just a king
And a queenie
Katy my lady
And looky here baby
(Uh huh)
I'm all up on ya
'Cause you representing California (oh yeah)
California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We'll melt your popsicle
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent (west coast, west coast)
Now put your hands up
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
California girls man
(California girls)
gotta bust out the Just Dance moves
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sipnoot · 11 months ago
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