fer8girl · 6 years
“ Why are you naked? ”
Left this one for Selari, Taren and Te’ig. Got a lil’ steamy so put in under a read-more to be safe.
“Ohhh…. damn, Kitten… OHHH!”Taren’s pale body arched as he pulled against the binders trying his wrists to Selari’s bed, the muscles along his torso stretched taut while she traced the tip of her claw along one solid thigh. She nicked it lightly, smirking at the moan he let out, then soothed the spot with her tongue.
“Didn’t realize you’d be this responsive,” she teased, watching his skin prickle at her rough tongue.
“Neither did I,” he groaned.She continued moving over his body, mixing sharp nibbles with soft kisses. The anticipation had him writhing, straining at the restraints holding his hands over his head. Heat rushed through her veins at the sight, his sinewy body twisting under her, completely at her mercy.“Bu'nas'a, Kitten!” He sounded close to panting while she ran her claws and sensitive finger-pads gently down his rock-hard abdomen, the sounds he made music to her ears. They almost drowned out the chiming of her comm unit, almost but not quite.It was her turn to groan as she dragged her hand over her face and rolled off the bed. “Betcha it’s that lunk-headed brother of mine.” She flashed Taren a toothy smile, “Don’t go anywhere.”“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he chuckled.She snapped her comm unit on and when met with the image of a dark-furred face crowned by heavy dreadlocks she sighed. “Thought you were on a job.”“Hey Ona!” Te’ig tried giving her a charming grin but his bright-blue eyes - mirrors to her own - were filled with worry. “Yeah, job’s done but ran into a hiccup. Sending you coordinates, need an extraction.”“An extraction?!” she huffed in outrage. “Here I could be in the middle of doing something important, and you want me to drop everything to rescue your big ass?!”“I hardly think your Buckethead qualifies as ‘something important’,” sneered Te’ig.“Ooh, you’re breaking up Ina…” She shook her comm and made crunchy, static noises. “Don’t thi… can.. et… you.”“Fine, fine, he qualifies,” he grumbled. “Just get here a.s.a.p.” His eyes darted from side to side, “And grab me some clothes.”Clothes? That’s when she noticed the broad shoulders barely visible from the image’s angle were no long bearing the heavy armor Te’ig had left the ship in.“Ina, are you naked?” Her brother glared through the comm in surly silence, confirming her suspicion and she had to hold back her laughter. “Why are you naked?”“It’s a long story and I’d rather not go into it until I’m dressed,” he spat out. “Now get me some clothes and get over here.”“Half,” she said.“Half?”“Half of your last take. Should be worth it to you.”“Why you….” he sputtered for a moment then pressed his lips together. “A third, but NO questions.”“Fine,” she agreed. “We’ll be there as soon as we can.”Switching off the comm she sprinted back to her bed and released the binders holding Taren. “Guess we’re on the move Buckethead.”Not one to mince words he grabbed his clothes and threw them on while she tossed on hers. He followed closely as she headed to the Te’ig’s quarters, raising an eyebrow when she snatched some clothes and put them in a ruck. “Should I ask?”“I’ve been bribed to keep my mouth shut, but you can drill him all you like once we find him.“ With one more regretful sigh she stepped over to Taren, sliding her arms around him and pouted. "Leave it to Te’ig to interrupt our fun.”“Ehh, we’ll continue where we left off when we get back.” He hugged her tight then smiled wickedly at her. “Maybe even switch places.”Now that was a cheerful thought, letting Taren return the favor as it were. Selari’s smile bloomed again as she pulled from his arms and urged him out of the room, “We should hurry up then.”
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kilshade · 8 years
Date? but you get to choose ~,^
Beri’s chasing after a mando! Ji Cadera!
Who asks for it:
[ x] Your muse asks mine
[ X] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[ ] Romantic Date
[X] First Date
[x ] Double date with: _Dixie_ & _Corso_ (Beri thinks they’d be a blast!)
Location for the date:
[ X] Movies  • [ ] Romantic Comedy  • [X ] Adventure Movie  • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [ ] Horror  • [ ] Drama  • [ ] Buddy Movie  • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ X] Restaurant  • [X] Expensive/High Class (She’ll pay!)  • [ ] Small and familiar  • [ ] Fast Food
[X ] Nature • [X ] Beach • [ ] Park • [ ] Forest     • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[X ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[ ] Staying at home • [ ] Watching movies • [ ] Playing Video Games • [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[X ] …holding hands
[ X] …a kiss
[X ] …in bed
[ X] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ X] Yes. (If you want to!)
[ ] No.
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fer8girl · 6 years
❝Urgent care or ER? Those are your two options. We’re not staying here.❞
Now why does this scream Te’ig? :D
“You’re a blasted idiot!” grumbled Selari as she tried supporting her hefty brother. The awkward angle of his leg screamed ‘BROKEN!’, she was just glad she’d been able to staunch the bleeding. “What in the galaxy made you think you could make that jump from the speeder?”
“I’ve made it before.” He tried sounding cavalier but she could hear the strain in his voice.
“It wasn’t a good idea then either,” piped up Taren. He slid to Te’ig’s other side, but even with his added strength they staggered under the weight of the hulking Cathar. “C’mon Ina, we need to get you medical attention.”
“Don’t need any!” Still trying to play off his injury Te’ig took a step, pressing his lips together to stifle a groan. “Le… let’s go. Cantina’s calling.”
Selari peeked around the thick torso, trading a look with Taren before asking her brother, “Med Droid or Hospital?” 
“Hospital or Med Droid? Those are your two options. We’re not staying here.”
“Uhhhh,” he started sounding dazed and she knew the pain was finally getting through his thick skull, but he wasn’t relenting. “Told you, don’t need no Med…”
Rolling her eyes she whipped one of the trank guns they used for bounties from her belt and hit him with a stim. His huge shaggy head started lolling and he suddenly slumped over their shoulders. 
“Ooof, a little warning next time,” gasped Taren.
“Sorry Buckethead but he was being too stubborn for his own good.”
“Remind me not to get on your bad side Kitten,” Taren chuckled under the limp mass of black fur and she giggled along with him.
“Ohh, I think you already know better.”
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fer8girl · 7 years
Main SWTOR character link!
Just created a link anyone needs a quick reference to my main swtor ocs. There are more characters in the works of course(like crews and family members) but I wanted a quick link to the Bold and Beautiful that most of my fics revolve around ^,^
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fer8girl · 7 years
Five word prompt - "So... can we go eat?" :)?
The crew of the ‘Renegade’ gets this one.
Te’ig’s expression flitted from annoyed to pouting and back but Selari wasn’t held her ground. 
“Come on Ona,” he cajoled. “Take the binders off.”
“Nope, he who flirts with the bounties must wear the binders of shame.”
Braxx and Taren snickered, the Zabrak and human having gotten used to the antics of the Cathar siblings. They also knew that if they stepped forward to free the Te’ig, the slim sliver Cathar would just direct her irritation at them.
“It’s unprofessional Ina,” she scolded. “The bounty board is not your personal dating service. And if you hadn’t been flirting, that Nautolan’s partner wouldn’t have gotten the drop on us.”
The hulking Cathar opened his mouth as if to protest, then struggled against the binders though he knew it was futile. He let out a sigh, tilting his head at his littermate and pinned her with his piercing ice-blue eyes. “And where were you? Weren’t you look-out?”
“Uhh.” Her own light-blue eyes slid over to Taren who suddenly developed two matching red spots high on his cheeks, partially hidden by the tattoo covering one side of his face. 
She had been on look-out but couldn’t resist sneaking over to Taren’s position and stealing a kiss, or two… or about half a dozen. It was Te’ig’s shout that reminded her of where they were, just in time to tackle the target as he ran by her. 
“That’s beside the point. It was me and Taren who landed the bounty,” she said, then rolled her eyes. “But I think you’ve learned your lesson.”
Sauntering over she unsnapped the binders on her brother’s wrists and ankles, chuckling as he rubbed the circulation into his fingers. “So what have we learned?” she teased, and he bopped her on the shoulder.
“No flirting with bounties. Everyone else is fair game though, right?”
“Fine, just don’t get shot,” she laughed. “So… can we go eat?“
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