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bart-mush · 5 years ago
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ファンジンに描かせていただいた絵 とても楽しかった!
My arts for @tbtfanzine
full zine: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hEx6F9CIezhnH5uBdStvd-v3MMsGIiJK
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floorune · 5 years ago
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At long last, my piece for the Bartimaeus fanzine: Millennia! @tbtfanzine​
Sorry I’m so late on uploading this. On the same day the zine came out (Christmas Day~) I came down with the flu :( I’ve been bedridden since then and am still recovering, bleh
@jonathanstroud​‘s Bartimaeus Sequence has been my favourite book series for over 12 years, so it was amazing working together with other fans and paying tribute through this zine. And, of the series itself, Ptolemy’s Gate is my favourite book so having the opportunity to create my own fanmade cover for it was a huge honour--like a dream come true!
Hope you guys enjoy and please do check out the rest of the zine here~
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bartimate-4-life · 5 years ago
Guys!! Omg???!!!
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He likes it!!
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dragonshine · 5 years ago
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My scene art for the @tbtfanzine! I’m so happy with how the zine turned out and proud of everyone who worked so hard on it hehe.
The first art took me three months and four versions arugghgasdslks. It has 100+ layers and is a monster. I learned a lot about scene composition and lighting though haha. It’s not really an actual book scene but more symbolic art of Nat stepping into his role as John Mandrake (the darker shadow area and leaving the light behind) while Bartimaeus can only watch. >:)
The second took around an average time for me, one or two weeks. I really love Nathaniel and Bartimaeus. 
See the full fanzine here: https://tbtfanzine.tumblr.com/post/189856191281/millennia-a-bartimaeus-sequence-fanzine
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thesaltwaterdaisy · 5 years ago
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This is my third and last piece for the Bartimaeus Zine. It's from Ptolemy's Gate, where Kitty enters the dead zone and stares out onto the ruins...This scene made me feel a lot of bittersweet feelings, even up to now. I love this series with all my heart. Aahhh 😭💖✨ Go give them a read, and if you like them lezz be fwends and talk about it. I enjoyed making this zine with everyone because we chatted all the time about our love (and pain) for this series. Go check out @tbtfanzine to see the link for the full Zine. (It's free!). There's a discord link too! Everyone's art and writing piece is super amazing, so go please check it out! (106 pages of Bart Content!!!) I am super duper happy to have been able to work with these awesome people. It would be the best if you could show them love too. 😊 //Wailing happy emotions// Also, special thanks to my brother for all your wonderful help hehehe.
Follow my IG: thesaltwaterdaisy. I post most of my art there. :)
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kawachii · 5 years ago
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bart for the @tbtfanzine 💫 i had so much fun with everyone; thank you all!
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bartseq-fanzine-2019 · 6 years ago
Greetings humans, 
This is the official announcement for Millennia, the Bartimaeus Sequence Fanzine! In this announcement, you will find instructions on how to sign up and learn more about the zine details! 
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Applicant Deadline: Application period until September 10. (If we get messages for late applications, we can open till September 30th at the latest.)
 Submission Deadline:
Creative period! (Now to November 30th) 
Check in- November 1st. (Tell us your progress/completion status!) 
Deadline- November 30th. 
Zine publication date: Zine organizers will format and put out the finished PDF by December 20th if possible. (Dec 31 at the latest.) 
Zine Information: 
The zine will be titled Millennia, with the theme of time continually passing... 
It will be separated into sections for each individual book in the sequence 
To expand on the theme, the majority of the zine will be filled with memorable scenes from the books in chronological order. 
These scenes can be depicted with imagery, writing, or a mix. Ideally each scene will include a memorable quote either in the piece (fake screenshot) or on the side in extra white space (Sign up for scenes in the “ideas sign-up” google excel sheets)
However, we want the zine to read like a film concept art book, in honor of the new upcoming (hopefully?) movie. 
So it will also scatter in images of: 
Character designs 
Setting concept art (landscapes etc) 
Magical artifacts/rune/spell designs (Gladstone’s staff, the amulet, pentacles (specifically named pentacles in the sequence), denotations, rosemary, etc.)
 Miscellaneous bonus images (Bart’s various forms..) 
Some example art (not ours, credits go to original artists) 
These are only examples, you do not have to draw like this! You can add quotes/scene excerpts anywhere, not just like shown in the examples.
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Concept art: Character Sheet Example 
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Concept art: Landscape example 
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Scene art: example (this example is missing a quote) 
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Scene art: cinematic style example (this example is missing a quote)
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Scene art: quote/excerpt on side example
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Scene art: quote/excerpt on top example
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Scene art: Fake screenshot example (add a quote in white on the bottom black bar) 
(Check out the “inspiration” channel on our discord, if you want some more ideas of what kind of art we are looking for.) 
Information for artists: 
(Psst: People can sign up to illustrate a cover for a book!) 
Image resolution: 300 dpi 
Dimensions: 8.5x11 inches or pixels: 2550x3300 is ideal. (Only use 1063x1375 if 2550x3300 is too large for your art program to handle) 
Traditional artists please scan your works at 300 dpi and size 8.5x11 inches or pixels: 2550x3300. 
Other dimensions are okay if the artist wants a certain ratio (etc. landscape or vertical) but the smallest dimensions must be at least 8.5’’ 
Note: (Recommend not putting really important details on edges of drawing) 
Send in character/other designs with a plain white background so that we can uniformly add a brown paper texture behind it. (If you have issues or questions about this, we can work something else out too, just message us!) 
Fake screenshots meaning adding  a black bar above and below your artwork and write white text in that bar (like a real movie would have text at the bottom if captions were included) so it would be nice to have the text in a standard font with white lettering.
Information for writers: 
Writing focused on Bartimaeus or the other main characters would be great. Whether that involves filling in missing scenes (Like what happened between GE and PG, case of the curiously heavy trunk etc.) or writing your own headcanons about the characters, it would all work. 
(Note that they have to fit and make sense within the canonical universe and cannot be alternate universe. Etc. “superheroes AU would not be allowed since superheroes aren’t canon) 
Writing has a lot of freedom but cinematic writing (dramatic, movie-like scenes) or dramatic language is encouraged.
Putting more focus on imagery and mood is also great but optional. 
An example idea would be to write out how you imagine a scene would happen in the movie. 
How do I sign up?
Register first on this google form: https://forms.gle/2HPAon3G8fdKZQ4Q7 
Write what you are planning to do in this ideas sign up google sheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QAkMcMKEpcPIwgDu9zo5iolGx-MOk0oMbXnS79gtlrg/edit?usp=sharing
The sections are: 
Plot ideas dump → AOS/GE/PG/ROS 
Art ideas dump → Artbook art 
For example: 
If I were signing up to illustrate an AoS scene, I would first put the idea in “plot ideas dump”, cross the idea out (so we don’t get repeats), then I would go to “AOS” and sign up for it. 
If I were signing up for a concept art, I would first put the idea in ‘Art ideas dump”, cross it out and then I would go and sign up in “art book art” 
If I were signing up for writing, I would go straight to “writing” and sign up. (I do not have to pick a idea from the scenes and concept art ideas tabs (those are for artists))  
3. Join our discord to interact with other members or alternatively follow our tumblr to keep updated as we might be posting further instructions!
4. Remember to “check in” before or on Nov 1st to let us know where you are/if you cannot finish it in time/if you have completed it/ (There is a section on the “ideas sign-up” sheet where you can fill out. (we might add additional check in days if needed so keep updated ^^)
Where and when do I submit the piece when I am done? 
You can submit at anytime! 
You can either: 
post it in the discord “submissions” channel 
message us on tumblr 
Ask us for an email address
How many pieces can I submit? 
You can have multiple submissions, however you need to let us know by adding what else you are submitting in the “ideas-up” google sheets. 
Can I submit old art or writing? 
We are looking for new content created especially for the zine, but any content is always good so if there is an old art that few or nobody has seen and fits the dimensions and theme requirements, ask us and we might accept it! 
Can I promote this on social media? 
Go ahead and thank you for supporting this zine! 
What if I cannot make the deadline? 
If you are sure you cannot make the deadline, please tell us ASAP so that we can open up the idea again for someone else to take. 
If you are going to be a few days late or just need a small extension of a few days, shoot us a message and it’s probably going to be okay. 
If you are backing out of the zine, it’s okay, don’t worry and let us know before Nov 1st!
What if I have an idea I want to sign up but it has already been taken? 
If the idea is a book scene, then you have to find another one 
However, if the idea is concept art, then feel free to do your own version of it. (Seeing multiple takes on the same designs and characters is great!)
What do I do if I have questions or want clarification?
 If you have any questions, feel free to message us on discord or tumblr! (On discord, we have a channel called “ask questions here” specifically for this purpose!) 
Our discord: https://discord.gg/Rn2F6Tq 
Our tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/tbtfanzine
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lucentshadow · 5 years ago
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I'm glad i could be a part of Bartimaeus fanzine. @tbtfanzine
Check out full fanzine here:
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bart-mush · 5 years ago
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The progress and line art of my art for @tbtfanzine
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thesaltwaterdaisy · 5 years ago
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This is the second piece I made for the Bartimaeus Zine! It's one of my favorite goosebump-y scenes from The Amulet of Samarkand. When 12-year old Nathaniel, (smol boii filled with silent rage) is mocked by a powerful magician, he plots his evil revenge and summons the great Bartimaeus. Nat charges the Djinni to steal the amulet, and then, to hide the amulet on his Master/Tutor, who also thinks Nat is incapable of summoning even an imp, for... "safekeeping". Ouch. Revenge scheme is real yo. Deeeeemm. Even Bart was shookt. 😂✨ Check out @tbtfanzine to see the link for the full Zine! Everyone's art and writing piece is super amazing, so go please check it out! (106 pages of Bart Content!!!) I am super duper happy to have been able to work with these awesome people. It would be the best if you could show them love too. 😊 Also, special thanks to my brother for all your wonderful help hehehe.
Follow me on my IG: thesaltwaterdaisy. I post most of my art there :)
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thesaltwaterdaisy · 5 years ago
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I am happy to share with y'all one of my art illustrations from the Bart Zine! I drew a scene from Ptolemy's Gate, where soft boii Ptolemy does his studies while Bartimaeus enjoys his freedom and sightsees the earth. It's one of my favorite moments in this series because this is one of Ptolemy's gestures of trust and kindness... Such an amazing bond. Ugh, my feels.
Check out @tbtfanzine to see the link for the full Zine! Everyone's art and writing piece is super amazing, so go please check it out! (106 pages of Bart Content!!!) I am super duper happy to have been able to work with these awesome people. It would be the best if you could show them love too. 😊 Also, special thanks to my brother for all your wonderful help hehehe
(follow me on my IG: thesaltwaterdaisy cuz I post more art there :)
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