#tbqh only ‘good’ characters are boring as hell
wingspiked · 4 months
sorry to be grouchy on main - but forgetting that sunday is by definition an antagonist, sadistic, and not a nice person all the time is a disservice to his character. like yes his backstory is sad and his arguments not wrong but he can still be morally grey with all of this in mind, because it is defined by what he is willing to do to achieve his dreams - and it is some heinous shit if he needs to.
like I wanna give him a hug too but are we forgetting he almost exploded aven with his mind
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thedeviljudges · 2 years
am i right in assuming you watched all of st4? if you have what are you thoughts/feelings now that you watched it? i just finished it last night and already feel behind on 'fandom thinking points'. i'm really interested in how you viewed things/characters.
i didn't watch all of it. i skimmed through it, and mainly only watched the hawkins storyline. if you asked me what happened with el or byers, i couldn't tell ya, lmao.
that said, i did have some thoughts of what i did watch. but ig you can take it with a grain of salt bc i didn't watch it all the way through. also, this is kinda negative. i've never been positive about stranger things tbqh so please keep that in mind.
i didn't think it was that bad story-wise. but i'm so tired of the dbags adding in new characters and not giving the ones they have the room to grow. for example (and removing my billy bias), they introduced erica as a prominent character in st3 and then... sidelined her in st4?? she's in the know. why wouldn't she help?
i really understand the continuity to make steve a little himbo, but i know someone on here mentioned, and i agree, that steve had some good ideas this season, and everyone else just thought he was crazy. like there's on part he talks about looking for that one dude bc he's most likely been arrested and might have a police history. that's... not a bad idea. but then robin gets the idea to look him up in the video store data base. who the hell is to say he'd ever be in there??? video rentals were big back then, yeah, but i'm sure there were a lot of people who didn't use it/couldn't afford it.
stancy. jfc i don't even want to talk about this bc it just makes me.... so annoyed. SO annoyed on this one. steve and nancy are better friends. they have both moved on, and when you part from someone, you grow up, but that doesn't mean you're compatible any longer. i don't understand the love triangle thing at all, especially bc it's an overused trope, and they were pushing it hard in nearly every scene with steve and nancy to the point of it being nauseating. like having robin hint at it? gross. robin should be the first one telling steve it's a sailed ship and it would be better for him to find someone better suited to who he is now. also, but why spend so much narrative convincing audiences that jonathan is better suited for nancy and then... undo all of that just bc nancy finds steve nice. like??????
i think the acting was very sub-par. it's actually even funnier when you skip scenes and you stop in the middle and you realize just how cringe the dialogue actually is.
i genuinely don't mind eddie. i think he's a nice balance and could actually be a good friend for steve (and even moreso for billy). as i was thinking about him, he's slightly an older version of dustin?? a little more out there, but that's what he reminds me of. i genuinely enjoyed his scene with chrissy. i've seen ppl on about how they disliked the possible path of them liking each other, but actually i saw that whole scene as eddie just... being a good dude and helping when he noticed something was wrong. like truthfully, that's how men should be without asking for anything in return, and i did appreciate that scene of trying to make her feel better.
the one part i did watch with el, and not the entire thing so maybe i missed some backstory, but the entire storyline of how vecna was created is so... boring. it's so typical, and i think as @aeon-of-neon put it in one of their posts a few days back, it's kinda ableist to go the 'autistic child is evil' narrative. like i was genuinely hoping for a much cooler story about the upside down and the creation of all the creatures, and it's that? ok.
i think that's all the main thoughts i have at this moment or that i can think of right now.
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djemsostylist · 3 years
The Great Dizi List, Part 3b (The Alperen Dizis)
Okay, so allow me to start by saying that I've finished Son Yaz, and as as result I may have fallen the tiniest bit in love with Alperen Duymaz and thus have embarked on the journey of watching all his dizis. He has this sad, earnest puppy vibe combined with an incredible amount of BDE in all his roles, plus he's just so damn pretty. Anyway. And by all I mean just two others bc I like him beardy and his teen one is a little young for me.
Son Yaz
This one will actually get its own post, because it deserves its own post. Tbqh it deserves sonnets written to its beauty, bc this is one of those shows that I watched all the way through in like, 3 days, and then immediately wanted to go back and watch again. It was that good. The main quartet are a delight, and honestly I haven't loved a ship like AkMur in far too long. (okay technically Edser but that ended in disaster and in retrospect I kind of think they were awful and I'm not even really sure what I loved about them tbh they kind of sucked.) They are one of those ships you can believe in, where you know they are going to work out no matter what and you want them to. The way they are together--they make my heart happy.
This show I actually started to watch back in September of last year, when I had just started watching Turkish dizis. Back then I was entirely on my own and I got about 40 min in and then freaked out. I read some reviews, freaked out some more and bailed. But I'm a dizi pro now, and with this being a combined Alperen AND Ayça dizi I basically couldn't resist. It helped that it was only 10 episodes and that meant it couldn't get too crazy. Both Alperen and Ayça were amazing, of course, and they are just so damn beautiful together. Their chemistry was electric and since they spent about 90% of this dizi crying at each other (and let me tell you that these two may be the best dizi criers I've seen) it was incredibly well done. They are so pretty when they cry. There is one story line which didn't make a whole ton of sense and kind of pissed me off, but honestly it gets so little screen time as to render it easy to dismiss or headcanon. (Hint: It should have been a hysterical pregnancy). But the acting was great, the ending was intensely satisfying, and honestly if you want to watch Alperen with curls and turtlenecks and peacoats (his curls, btw, may or may not have caused a few minor breakdownsif they give Akgun curls I won't make it) cry at Ayça beautifully while she cries beautifully back for 20 hours or so, then I highly recommend.
Okay, so I've watched several mafia/crime dizis. They're probably my favorite kind tbh. Usually they feature super smart main characters who are always a step ahead (you think they are in trouble but they always had a plan) and a bad guy with infuriating but understandable motives who usually lives too long, and at least one minor henchman guy who gets what he deserves. And usually our mains live happily ever after. Usually.
This show was not that. I should preface this by saying that my brand of humor is what you might call "dark"--I laughed more at the Americans than I ever have a comedy, lets put it that way. Anyway, this show featured 4 of the stupidest people ever to exist in a tv show, and I do mean that, and was also technically I guess kind of horrible what with the death and killing but tbh I laughed a lot. Now, I should say that the cast was excellent, and the acting was excellent and I loved every single one of those stupid idiots. But they were, in fact, extraordinarily stupid. These people got kidnapped like, and I'm not joking, at least once an episode. Sometimes twice. There actually came a point where they were getting kidnapped from their kidnappers by other kidnappers. And then literally every episode they'd get saved (and by they I mean the women, the two dudes never got kidnapped really) and then literally like, go right back to life as normal. Neither dude ever made sure their respective girlfriend got back in the house at night, neither girl ever believed in calling their respective boyfriend to, idk, buddy walk anywhere, they never checked before opening doors, they drove away without looking, got in cars without looking. It may sound like I'm exaggerating but I swear I'm not. And mind you, this dizi started with the main characters family getting blown up, and the other one being kidnapped and forced to shoot her husband in the face to save her kidnapped daughter. Spoilers I guess. So you'd think they'd be a little cautious but nope. Not even a little. Just out there, living their lives. The main villain of the first half of the dizi actually got redeemed and tbh by the final episode I was rooting for him to live his best life an co-parent with Kadir. At least he had a reasonable motivation, and he also did try and make up for the atrocities he committed. And really, what's a little murder now and again. The other bad guy's motivation was, and I swear this is true, "my son hates me for blowing up his family bc I didn't know it was his family, so bc he hates me I'm going to kill the rest of his family." That was literally it. The thing is, while the constant dying and torture would make you say "Djem, wtf is wrong with you, how did you get glee out of this show?" let me tell you that by the 945th kidnapping, you too will be like "can't even feel sorry for you really" and the just settle into this state of low level amusement and glee. Like, literally 90% of these kidnappings and deaths could have been prevented by like, idk, actually having police protection, or staying inside the house, or not opening the door for strangers, or watching to make sure the love of your life got inside safely, or not walking alone at night, or not GOING TO THE PARK TWO DAYS AFTER YOUR BESTIE WAS KIDNAPPED AND HAD A BOMB STRAPPED TO HER. So like, I mean, not to victim blame. But. Let's say by the end, while I loved the fuck outta the mains, I honestly was more emotional over Veli. Bc they were just so fucking stupid. Like, kidnapped, from a kidnapper. You really can't make it up. They make Akgun and Soner look like geniuses. And that's saying something. Anyway it was great and if you ff through most of the boring shit, I highly recommend. The acting is superb, the foursome is hilarious, and tbh Veli is a great villain that I loved. It was the stupidest dizi I've seen (that's a lie I watched parts of two Ayşe dizis) but tbh it was enjoyable as hell, so that's saying something I guess.
And that is BITTI for the Alperen dizis. For now. Son Yaz will be back soon and I can't wait!
Next up is Kuzey Guney, bc I made promises.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep33 S4 pt 1: Deus Ex US Military
Been a little distracted but was reminded--yo--I gotta finish S4 of Yugioh this year. I think I can do it. There’s like...what...two episodes left? Three? Like I don’t want to tempt 2020, but like...I think I can finish this thing.
That and a bunch of my Photoshop files corrupted, I don’t know why, I’m very scared for my hard drive, and I need to do a big ol defrag and hope that’s enough. Really hoping this is my bad and not my computer’s bad. I’m pretty hard on this computer when I paint digitally.
and I was immediately gifted by the anime gods because yo, it’s my favorite storyboarder! They're back to carry me through my election burn out, every episode they touch has so much style and no matter how freakin weird or confusing the plot is, this storyboarder/animation team doesn’t seem to care. They will this kids show about cards with this attention to detail. They just have a lot of enthusiasm and that’s a thing about anime that I really like to see. No matter how weird it is, you gotta go 150% without any shame. Love it. Love to see em back.
First off, that earthquake from last episode?
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Just a little bigger of an earthquake than I originally thought, coincidentally, this is when Roland shows up, only to realize that he’s like...10 minutes to late.
Well, maybe a little longer than 10 minutes when you consider that Mai freakin died and Yugi almost died, and Joey is absolutely dead and being carried across Tristan’s back.
Anyway, Roland just walked into a whole lot and is just trying to process his life. Roland is all of us in October/November of 2020.
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If Roland only knew how many times Seto and Mokuba have totally biffed it when he wasn’t looking.
Like for reals...how is Roland still alive? Like...I don’t think the guy has ever died. Not even once. Maybe that’s Roland’s superpower as the secret FourthKaiba, by just being the only one to stay very far away from the constant BS strewn at this family.
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Roland is just...too inept to die. He’s always too far away, he comes after the big bad has already murdered a few people, he’s just...too bad at his job to ever be a target. Live long, Roland. The Kaiba who was the smartest of all by actually being the dumbest.
Also, look at him parking far enough away on the actual helicopter landing pad. He is the only ‘Kaiba’ that follows the law. This could also be the other reason for his secret to longevity.
(read more under the cut)
Faced with a stairwell between their freedom and this weird earthquake chasm that just opened on the top story of this building, Yami decides it’s his job to carry...................
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(Never forget that we know the exactly weight of Yugi Muto.)
And like Yami is weirdly strong because of magic powers but like...maybe Yami should take Joey and then Tristan should pick up Raphael? I’d say Tea could also pick up Raphael, but I feel like she just wouldn’t want to.
TBQH maybe the reason that Yami is carrying Raphael is because literally no one else feels like it? Like no one likes this guy?
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Just kinda feels like Yami is holding onto Raphael out of a sunk-cost fallacy. He’s already done so much work to this guy, can’t lose him now. Gotta save Raphael to make up for killing Gurimo, Weevil, and Yugi. Can’t fail a fourth time.
Anyway, you know what else this storyboarder is good at?
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How did they even get reference for drawing this? They didn’t, right? They’re just so good at art that they were like “I can draw ANY person in ANY outfit straight up the crotch, I dare you.”
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Seto decides to...not help out, much like virtually all of Yami’s other friends, who also just kinda...yelled and cried at this situation instead of...helping.
Which is fine, because the stairwell gave out and then Raphael decided to uhhhh throw this directly at me.
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Just one more yeet for the road. Youknow this guy has yeeted the Pharaoh not once but twice in one season, and both times he just chucked him like he was made out of foam core. (Also, please admire the millennium puzzle in this shot going out at like a 90 degree angle. Just...A+, this storyboarder is hilarious)
At first, I really thought Yami was dabbing his way over that ledge.
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In a moody shot with his hair and his jacket swaying in the breeze, almost designed for you to lift and stick into your Youtube AMVs, Seto looked onward and seemed...kind of bored because no one’s throwing any cards. And like who can blame him, he has been on the top of so many ledges and so many buildings that he’s seen Yami make this same speech of “DON’T DO THIS DAMN LEDGE THING I SWEAR TO GODS” like...so many times.
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He just immediately accepts Yugi died and is like “Well I guess that makes me king of games.”
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And Raphael, after like several minutes of begging Yami to just let him die, decides to let go of that ledge on his own, because this is Yugioh, and you gotta fit in that suicide within the first 10 minutes of the episode. Which, PS, is not the weirdest thing that happened this episode.
And because Roland is freakin late to everything, he showed he could have done this the entire time. Honestly I think Roland just didn’t want to deal with Raphael. We can blame this on Roland, right?
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PS we never see this building again in this episode.
I don’t know........why they bothered showing this. If anything it makes the next plot twist more weird because it’s like...what was the point of the random ass earthquake and the random ass concept art building if we, in fact, aren’t coming back here???
I mean I guess it’s a nice shot for your Artstation portfolio, good on you, Yugioh background artist.
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Unfortunately this chip contains Seto Kaiba’s greatest weakness. (SanDisk card? Jump drive? Which PS--if they had jump drives this whole time, why was Seto using floppies earlier in the season? Like what happened there?)
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And then, with the hatch of their helicopter just wide open, no one in a seat belt, and walking away from the destruction of one of the largest buildings in San Fransisco, finally the cops showed up. Real cops this time, not possessed cops. Also, it’s the Marines.
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Am I going to get my Monty Python ending? I mean...if cops can recognize these kids in this universe...I might get my Monty Python ending. :) :) :)
For some reason, back on the mean streets of San Fransisco with no people left alive in it, Rebecca just kinda started losing her mind. Maybe this was to make up for the 2 seasons I had to watch Duke Devlin flirt with a 12 yo? That now we have to suffer Duke saddled with this small crazy person?
This small crazy person who is painted as this intolerable person next to Duke Devlin, but is also a love interest for the main character? Like Yugi’s into some weird ass angry girls.
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PS the orcs were no longer needed for the plot so they have turned into streams of light in order to join with the Leviathan mass. So now Rebecca and Duke Devlin will just have literally nothing to do for the rest of the season. I guess they can go to Ghiradelli square...someone’s gotta eat that ice cream before it melts.
Also this happened.
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In case you were like “Wow Rach, you didn’t update the Death Count, how dare you”--it’s because I uh...completely forgot that the Oricalchos crew is immune to fall damage. Raphael’s just fine now. He fell down 50 stories...and then 50 stories fell on him...but don’t think about it.
Meanwhile, on the back of some aircraft carrier, far into international waters, the kids get recruited into the military of a foreign country and it’s just as weird as you think it is.
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Hey guys.
So, Bandit Keith was weirdly in Hell this season for no reason, right? What if he died offscreen because, earlier in the season, the US military threw him at Dartz because they couldn’t get a hold of Yugi or Kaiba? What about that headcanon? What if that’s why his angry ghost wanted revenge?
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Anyway, they join the ranks of Shadow T. Hedgehog, which makes sense because...these guys look like human OC’s of Shadow the hedgehog already.
Sorry I just had a moment because Shadow uses guns a lot despite not needing them at all so “people won’t get uncomfortable with how powerful he is” while in Yugioh they can’t even...show a gun. That really is...you ever think about how weird that is? That Shadow the Hedgehog, a strange remix of a 90′s sega mascot, has a million giant guns but Kaiba’s actual gun (which, apparently he does have in the Japanese version of this show) got edited out completely?
Sometimes it just dawns on me and I have a moment.
Now the US Military just hand delivering them to Dartz is so wild because their reason for the USA not doing anything on their own with their fleets and fleets of ships is:
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Have you MET the US? I live here, and if we were like given the choice to shoot the ocean...or just die...we’d be like “wait...for reals? So no one gets hurt, we just shoot guns at the water? You mean we finally found our true calling? For REALS? I just shoot this water bucket!??? FOR REALS????” and it would become a national holiday. All pop songs would be devoted to it. Our ancestors would make movies about it.
I mean, our dumbass president considered nuking a hurricane in 2019...in case you forgot because damn, it’s been a STUPID 4 YEARS. (And you better have voted already because for reals do not make me go through 4 more years of this. I do not think this blog would survive it...or the hurricanes that will keep getting nuked.)
Also....the show actually threw the word “proof” out there. Seriously show? You OK?
I figured the mind control situation would be a better reason not to arrest Dartz other than “Dartz is just so good at covering up his tracks” when the TRACKS have a broken down Caltrain on one side of them, and the other side of the tracks have the rest of that same Caltrain at the bottom of a river.
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Seto is not amused but he never is. He will take this Nobel Peace Prize and step up to the microphone at the UN and be like “I WANTED IT TO BE A CARDS PRIZE.”
PS--we HAVE a map already, right? Raphael died to give us this map--and then didn’t die, but it’s not like anyone else here knows that. So like...why did we need the US Military to show up at all? Why is this scene important? Other than to look cool, I guess? Like...
...why is the US military here we already have a Deus Ex Machina delivered by Raphael? At least that one was deserved--the whole point of that duel was to get this MAP.
A map that we are never going to use.
...There’s a good chance that two writers wrote this episode in two different buildings and just...glued the two halves together. Animation is wild. Weird ‘Cinema sins’ things like this happen...all the time. This one though, this one is kind of funny because it’s a ton of wasted effort on the very best storyboarder.
Anyway I broke this up into two segments because I’m tired, and also, while a lot of people like long posts, the smaller posts are kinda easier to read. More will be upcoming in like...I dunno it really depends on a lot of things right, now, I’ve been having a time, but at least Yugioh is always there to enjoy. Maybe I’ll need so much distraction you’ll get an update tomorrow? Good things can happen, and it’s not like I get to do anything else for Halloween.
Happy Halloween Y’all! Lets make the most of it!
(here’s a link to read these in chrono order)
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hcrcwitz · 5 years
last but not least! please HMU or LIKE THIS to plot again, i luv u all for stickin w me in this trying time.
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❝   constance wu.  cisfemale.  she/her.   ❞   ━    𝕝𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨  welcomes  heather zhao  with  open  arms.  the  thirty-five  year  old  botanist has  been  living  here  for  fifteen years,  give  or  take.  on  a  good  day,  they  seem  the  vehement  &  eccentric  type,  but  their  deceitful  &  capricious  tendencies  shine  through  when  there  are  no  taxis  into  the  city. 
heather was also a freak as a child. why??? bc i find freaky children to be very relatable ok. im incapable of writing a character w a normal childhood.
born in raised in toronto, her was was a dentist & her mom stayed home to watch her & her 2 siblings!!! she’s the middle child and u can TELL
she was a science kid!!! like....u know the kind w all those little science kids to like grow ur own crystals and blow shit up and whatever. thought lighting stuff on fire was cool. 
she was fairly popular in school!!! although most definitely a trouble maker. top of her class, student council president, yearbook editor, track star, valedictorian, her plate was FULL. and yet.....the little shit was always in detention
everything was just so BORING, which is why she chose to keep herself busy and do so many things. there was never one place she fit in, always bouncing around trying new things and befriending new ppl. 
she graduated early and ended up getting hella scholarship money & she went off to uni to study dentistry just like her dad
her uni roommate was..........a horrible influence on her. well, they were bad influences on each other tbqh because heather wasn’t exactly a good egg to begin with LMAO. 
they definitely focused more on their social lives than their grades, but heather still did p well in school.
heather decided pretty quickly that she did NOT want to be a dentist and eventually, after her and her roommate decided it would be a great idea to grow pot plants in their dorm closet, switched her major to botany instead and the bitch was a whiz! casually growing & selling closet pot to fund their horrible spending habits
she got engaged to her college bf on a whim & she moved to lakeview w him & they got married as soon as she finished her degree. needless to say it definitely did NOT last. she stayed married to him while she finished her masters and then the two called it quits, but she stayed in town. 
a few years later she ended up pregnant w her first child shortly after she finished her doctorate!!! she’d only been dating her boyfriend for a few months at the time but of course......being the impulsive gal she is, they got married!!!! they ended up having another child before they inevitably split up. they currently share custody and they’re on v good terms!!!! there rly are no hard feelings, things just didnt work out for them romantically but they’re still v good friends!!
she got engaged again at some point but never quite made it to her third marriage, which is fine by her. she’ll probably be married another 3 times before she dies but who cares!!!!! weddings are fun. when will she learn her lesson???????? we may never know
anyway, now she out here doing plant things and being a Cool mom. she mostly does a lot of environmental research w her job but also......she runs a grow op on the low, pls don’t tell the police. she’s making bank for the future of her CHILDREN.
she rly is a whackadoodle y’all
she is Loud. generally a cheerful person but she can flip flop so quick it’s SCARY. blames her lack of sleep but she’s always been like this.
indecisive as hell, moody, generally just........a little bit psycho. 
kind of has her head in the clouds???? 
kind of wants to fight everyone she meets.
she rly still is that little trouble maker she used to be and has only smartened up a LITTLE bit since becoming a mom LMAO. 
likes to to reckless things to feel alive. still thinks everything is boring, which is probably why she’s being risky af with her fuckin grow op???
she’s like nancy botwin but actually a Good mom LOL.
a bit of a creative type! never really had the chance to explore that side of her growing up but she’s fully exploring it now that she has kids. makes their halloween costumes and now she’s 10000% a pinterest mom.
she’s Out there. marches to the beat of her own drum, doesnt care what the other bitch pta moms think. she’ll FIGHT THEM!!!! karen better watch her damn back sis
some extra lil bits bc i Gotta
her two kids are ava (8) and miles (6) and she loves them more than absolutely anything in the entire world ofc!!! they are her angels............if u let her she will show u a million photos of them and brag abt them forever.
wine mom??? we don’t know her. heather is a VODKA mom 10000%.
her ex has the kids on weekends so........that is her time to SHINE sis!!! she rly loves to go out and dance and she slays karaoke. 
she rly likes cooking and she thinks she’s AMAZING but.....anyone else will tell u that she is horrible. 
but she’s rly into healthy eating & her and her kids have a garden and they grow their own veggies & shit its a wholesome family activity 
honestly she rly is a kid at heart!!!!
always stressed out but still crackin jokes
she’s smart but still bad at most things??? bad at cooking, bad at driving, bad at time management, but good at helping her kids out on their school projects and REALLY good at planning the best sleepovers
honestly the best way to sum her up is just..........she’s nice but she wants to fight u 
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janiedean · 6 years
It really sucks how judgmental you and some people in this fandom are of anyone who doesn't interpret the text the same way as you or who you deem as intellectually inferior to you. I agree with so many of your ideas about the characters, but I hate how high and mighty you are about those ideas. Someone isn't an idiot if they interpret Jon or Cersei differently than you.
okay anon, thing is: one thing is being high and mighty, one thing is telling you that you’re not reading the text.
like. I read yesterday someone being like ‘omg I read someone dared saying C. abused people and murdered someone before puberty HOW STUPID CAN PEOPLE BE’. it’s textual evidence that a) she molested tyrion sexually and that’s even without taking account my opinion re lann*ncest, b) that SHE KILLED MELARA WHEN THEY WERE TWELVE THROWING THE POOR GIRL DOWN A WELL, which means that whoever said it cannot fucking read the text because it’s black on white that she did both those things and refusing to accept it is Not Reading The Text. that’s not even text interpretation, that’s basic textual reading.
now: never mind cersei who gets a pass for about every fucking shit she pulls because she’s a woman, and don’t tell me she doesn’t because if she got as much shit about robert’s fifteen bastards that she ordered dead without even blinking as theon got for two kids that he’s felt guilty about since it happened then we could discuss it but she doesn’t and that’s not even the beginning of it. now: do you see me tagging my opinions? like, honestly, if I think something shitty about cersei, do you see me tagging it? I didn’t even tag the one time I ranted about the valonqar prophecy with her, I only tagged it with the prophecy/meta/the two characters I thought were the v. and the younger and more beautiful queen, because in the middle I said that imo cersei only cares for herself and I know ppl on her tag aren’t into reading that opinion. so: I didn’t tag it. now: how many people came in my inbox informing me my opinion of c. sucked, was biased and so on never mind lann*ncest never mind actually harassing me for it? well, enough that I had to shut down anon to avoid feeling like shit for two days about it. so like, I’m so high and mighty that I keep my opinions about people I don’t like untagged even if I think that the other side can’t read. but okay.
now, about jonc: listen, fact is, there’s exactly ten people in this fandom that I know of who give a shit about jonc period and three of them are fanartists who show up once in a while. like. exactly TEN. I made peace with the fact that no one gives a fuck about jonc, I 100% embraced that if I want content I have to do it myself, fine, whatever. but what I’m really getting sick of is that every goddamned fucking time I see the jonc tag updating (as in, five times each month if it’s a good month), it’s someone informing us of how selfish, pathetic, useless and dumb he is FOR THINGS THAT ALL OF THEIR FAVORITE CHARACTERS ACTUALLY DO ALL THE TIME and for which fandom at large praises them. or something about how him being in love with R is the most horribly pathetic thing that’s happened to adwd, or how he’s an idiot because he apparently hasn’t understood that aegon is fake because his eyes aren’t the same color as R’s when not even dany’s or viserys’s are, but no one says they aren’t targs for THAT now, do they? and sorry but reading that this dude would treat either rhaenys or jon snow like shit when this is canon:
Last night he'd dreamt of Stoney Sept again. Alone, with sword in hand, he ran from house to house, smashing down doors, racing up stairs, leaping from roof to roof, as his ears rang to the sound of distant bells. Deep bronze booms and silver chiming pounded through his skull, a maddening cacophony of noise that grew ever louder until it seemed as if his head would explode. Seventeen years had come and gone since the Battle of the Bells, yet the sound of bells ringing still tied a knot in his guts. 
Others might claim that the realm was lost when Prince Rhaegar fell to Robert's warhammer on the Trident, but the Battle of the Trident would never have been fought if the griffin had only slain the stag there in Stoney Sept. The bells tolled for all of us that day. For Aerys and his queen, for Elia of Dorne and her little daughter, for every true man and honest woman in the Seven Kingdoms. And for my silver prince.
now: it’s there black on white that he feels guilty for BOTH elia’s and rhaenys’s death, it’s not interpretation, it’s what is fucking written in there same as you can’t interpret that ned’s head got cut or cat’s last thought before she died was about ned loving her hair. so excuse me but I’m tired of going into a character who’s in my goddamned top ten and have to always, always run into people assuming he’s a pathetic selfish asshole (and the one time I tried to argue that there’s no way he’s *selfish*, maybe all the contrary to a pathological degree, the answer was basically ‘lol cannot hear you’ and not even a reblog but nvm that) rather than actual content because any of those people who have a obvious hateboner for jonc can’t just fucking tag it with *anti* jon connington. no, they have to use the character name and it’s never *content*, it’s just this drivel over and over again. and since I don’t do it with characters I don’t like, I’d appreciate if I could have the same courtesy spared for this asshole.
that said, the situation is that *one* single person (that I blocked but that’s apparently not enough for tumblr to spare me from seeing them on the tag) has asked that question to multiple blogs which all agree on jonc being shitty which means that it has popped up on the tag a whole lot in the last month and like....... if you don’t like that character why do you care so much, IDEK, but wow, I wrote one post, that I tagged with the character only, saying that ppl don’t bother to read his chapters (btw, one of the people who replied that he’d have been shitty to both jon and rhaenys was someone I ended up blocking because they were on the tag like ‘lololol grayscale I’m sure elia is laughing from the afterlife’ and when I told them it wasn’t funny and if they could avoid tagging that stuff I got told to fuck off but fine I guess, that was me being holier than thou I suppose...) which is true because they don’t, they only base their reading of jonc on that ONE line about elia which is a) obv. proof he’s jealous, b) way less bad than anything cersei and barristan think about her just to say two but lmao I don’t see them getting dragged for it, but everything else? what? two full chapters? do they exist? tyrion’s chapers? never knew them.
anon, tbqh at this point if you wanna think I’m holier than thou just think that because while I like to think I’m not, if there is one thing I know I’m good at is text analysis (okay, last time I said I got two degrees based on text analysis I got told ‘ah okay so if she studies she’s obv. bragging so she knows nothing’ by someone whose main theory was robb stark is the unsung villain of these books but lol I mean having studied this counts for nothing, right???) and it irks me that in a fandom based on books/text analysis I have to read **meta** which is obviously made by people who haven’t read the text and then when given a counterargument ignore it. but even with that, do you see me engaging with it? nah. I can 100% assure you none of the people I would like to see out of the jonc tag actually go on the jonc tag nor follow me, so they will never know that I think their opinion is shit unless they go looking for it. and this because I might have engaged with at least two of them on the topic once - and nicely, not *judgmentally* - and no one gave a shit or reconsidered their stance, so like, excuse me if once per month I write a post on my own blog venting about how imo a character I like gets a shit treatment.
and for the love of god, anon, sorry, glad you like my opinions, but the fact that you’re coming at me assuming I am judgmental when I come from a fucking month and a half of people literally harassing me on anon over my fucking triple-tagged opinions on c/ersei and lann/incest and ignoring anything I said about how uncomfortable it was making me just because I happened to, in the most generous explanation, WRITE A META WHERE I C/P-ED CANON QUOTES WHERE C. WAS AWFUL TO J. WHEN IT CAME TO HIS DISABILITY which GRRM wrote, certainly not *me*, and it happened to get reblogged by asoiafuni, is really, really rich.
like, I tagged that shit to hell and back so people who aren’t interested in jb wouldn’t find it, I made sure to warn every time, I even tag anti-c/antijc posts so they don’t show up on mobile search in case ppl don’t have the anti tag blacklisted because I’m THAT invested into making sure other people can blacklist if they feel like it, but I can’t fucking say on my blog that I think some people in this fandom pull their meta out of their asses and haven’t even read the chapters of the character they’re supposed to discuss? like... really?
also, I’ll tell you a secret: I don’t remember 90% of what happened in dany’s adwd chapters and I don’t remember about 60% of what happened in her got-asos chapters. zero. now: do you see me meta-ing about dany and/or discuss her arc if not in extremely broad terms unless asked? no, because while I don’t particularly like her, I also don’t think it’d be fair for me to meta about her BECAUSE IF I DON’T REMEMBER HER CHAPTERS THEN I’D BE PULLING OPINIONS OUT OF MY ASS, and I don’t go judging anyone’s opinion re dany beyond the basics because mine is that her chapters are so boring I can’t even remember them. at most I’ll discuss the show version and I can swear to you that even if I’m not a fan or anything I’m still more lenient with her than about 90% of people who aren’t fans, and since I don’t pull meta out of my ass for people whose chapters I haven’t read, I would be extremely grateful of the rest of this fandom paid jon connington the same damn bloody effort, especially when he has TWO of them and hating on him that way is like... why would you, just ignore his fucking existence and let us ten ppl into him have a decent tag.
btw, the ONE time I dared say on a post that wasn’t tagged to hell and back to avoid people finding it ‘it’s kind of hypocritical that people fight themselves over bi!CHARACTER headcanons *because asoiaf doesn’t have lgbt POV CHARACTERS* when they ignore jonc exist and he actually is an lgbt pov character so maybe it’d be nice if they cared about the rep’, I got someone like WELL HE ISN’T LGBT REP ENOUGH, and on the other side I’ve had people actually giving me shit for liking him/writing him content because I’m straight so how do I dare writing a gay dude, and like, idk, since I can’t like him in peace in that sense, can the universe allow me to at least not see bullshit on the tag or is that too much to ask?
and to end this rant: anon, not to be that person, but fyi I’m hardly the person who dictates how the wind flies in this fandom unless we count maybe theon/robb fandom as a ship, my opinions aren’t nearly as popular as opinions belonging to ppl who imvho don’t read these books and that’s fine, I don’t particularly care beyond cultivating my garden as voltaire used to say and see if anyone else wants to come and see the flowers and in case they’re more than free to take some, but like...... the idea that me expressing an opinion about the fact that people in this fandom don’t use the same standards when judging characters and some haven’t read the book or forgot it and assume they know anyway is somehow being high and mighty when I also don’t tag that shit 99% of the time (with jonc I do it just because I know no one but me and ten other ppl goes on that tag) when there’s people in this fandom who outright deny what’s written black on white and actually literally harass you on anon for it when I can 100% swear to you that the only times I’ve gone on anon in my entire life were for a) memes that required being on anon, b) sending people headcanon requests, c) sending people I ALREADY KNEW and who KNEW IT WAS ME personal things that I didn’t want ppl to attach to me because I don’t owe 100% of my life history to tumblr dot com and I always put my face to my opinions.
like, glad you like my opinions, but honestly, if you think this is me being judgmental, fair enough but maybe I’m also tired of having to read stuff that’s based on not having fucking read the book.
thank you.
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what are your asoiaf (maybe pre-asoiaf idk) ships? also merci for being in this shit-storm we call a "fandom", you light in darkness
ahh thanks
i had a lot of fun with this.  i’ve deleted more asks than i can count asking me about what ships i don’t like, so getting to squee about what i do and dive down a rabbithole was great!
because i’m a fucking parody of myself, get excited for some layered bullet lists.
Ned x Catelyn
I like parts of Ned x Ashara, but wouldn’t say I’m #invested in it
Ned x Catelyn
Cat x Jaime was my first crackship and I’ve grown away from it but it holds a fond place in my heart.
Cat x Cersei would be incredible tbh
Cat x Brienne
Robb x Jeyne
I was big into Robb x Myrcella back in the day.  Less so now, but I’m distantly fond of it.
Throbb (I mean...how can you not love the ship with the name Throbb?  It’s like...perfect...as a ship name....and I hate...ship names....)
Robb x Margaery
I’m also casually into things like Robb x Meera and Robb x one of the Mormonts bc Robb x Northern Ladies is great.
I kind of like Robb x Roslin, but prefer Edmure x Roslin and don’t think the “what if the Red Wedding had never happened” AU is interesting to me at the moment.
Lately I’ve been super big into Jon x Daenerys (in case ya missed it l o l).
This I find to be hilarious because I think there are definitely receipts to be found somewhere on this website of me going “ew jon/dany is so boring ew” womp wompw omp wopm wopmw
Cackling @ my past self
This also happened with me and SanSan which I find similarly hilarious.
Other than that the main one I have is Jon x Asha (the good ship Crowken) because it’d be most excellent and you know it.  It’s been a while since I wrote it, and they have never interacted so it’s based purely on potential.
Which lends itself well to the mostly unpopulated ship of Jon x Asha x Daenerys, which like...hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah gimme.
Hi I’m perpetually in SanSan hell bye  (no, this is not an exagerration)
I also am rowing my little Sansa x Edric rowboat come play it’s great and hits so many of my !!!!!!!!!!s about Sansa’s themework (and also Edric but he’s a smaller character so headcanons abound!)
I wish I shipped Sansa x Brienne more than I do; I salute it from afar tbh, and hope the books will give me more fodder for it.
Sansa x Podrick is heartcluchingly adorable
Sansa x Mya is the lesbian ship that Sansa deserves fight me
I have more emotions than shippy feelings about Sansa and Theon; I think what shippy feels I have come from Theon’s wistfulness more than actively shipping it.
On that note, I also like Sansa x Myrcella a good deal
I’m fond of Sansa x Tyrion tbh and hope they don’t get their marriage anulled in TWOW bc I think that’d be fascinating since everyone assumes it’s gonna happen (including Sansa). I’m down with it as an endgame ship for Sansa t b q h.
Hello and welcome to my Arya x Gendry tag
I multiship Arya a lot, actually, but AxG hits so many of my personal boners that it’s the big deal in my life and when I find myself in times of trouble, GRRM comes to me, speaking words of wisdom “you can be my forest love and me your forest lass”
I also like Arya x Aegon blame Jo she did this to me
Arya x Myrcella and Arya x Tommen are both wildly underrated ships imo
As is Arya x Shireen
Arya x Hot Pie is something I wasn’t expecting to like but then a few years ago an IRL friend of mine talked about how she goes out, does stuff, and comes home to freshly baked pies and how great that was as a life and I havne’t been able to let go.
Arya x Podrick sure why not
Bran x Meera = important
Bran x Lyanna Mormont = a big good thing
I respect, even if I don’t ship, Bran x Jojen.  Not so much my thing.  Bran x Meera is where it’s at for me and the Reeds.
Elia x Lyanna is v v v important
Arthur x Lyanna is also a good ship
Arya Flint x Rodrik Stark is a great ship too, I keep meaning to write more of them.
Brandon x Barbrey is a hot mess and I love that
Torrhen Stark x Aegon the Conqueror
As mentioned above Jon x Dany is a thing
I’m also into Dany x Tyrion
Peter Dinklage did this to me he’s so gd talented @ fandom please don’t be really gross and ableist when HBO turns this into a love triangle (since they already did).
Ok, let’s be real here, pissing off Tywin Lannister also did this to me though to a lesser extent than Peter Dinklage can you imagine how mad he’d be?  It’d be fantastic.  Fuck that guy so hard.
Dany x Asha also is a good
I’m into Dany x Daario because I like Dany having agency and she chose the actual human peacock so you know what girl I personally wouldn’t go there but I’m glad that you got to choose this particular relationship for yourself.
Everyone Else
As mentioned abouve Arya x Aegon
I crackship Rhaenys x Viserys idk man I just do
Big Into Aegon x Betha
I love Elaena Targaryen and all her love interests but if I had to Pick One it’d be Michael Manwoody
I mostly wish I had a ship for Rhaella.  Maybe Willem Darry??  
Brynden x Shiera is a good ship I have such specific headcanons for them that I did to myself writing a first person modern AU that I keep trying to get people to care about as much as I do.  
God I can’t think of other Targaryens, chances are I ship them lol
I like Tyrion x Tysha, but am not sure I ever want them to meet again?  I’m very torn on that front bc both outcomes would mean such different things.
As I said above, I also like both Dany and Sansa as Tyrion ships
I also have a pointless AU in my head that is a Tyrion x Lyanna au, but I’ll never write it bc I don’t have enough of a plot so much as a “wow I’ve liked this for years.”
Also Cat as a crackship
Also Rhaegar as a “what if”
Cat as a crackship
I have very torn and mixed feelings about Jaime/Brienne.  It hits a lot of what I like about Brienne, but hits very little of what I care about with Jaime and Saw some Things that Made Me Mad a while back.  And then I read Bea’s thesis about Brienne and got even more confused.  So idk man idk idk idk.  idk.
Ned is basically the only acceptable ship for Robert tbqh
Though someone wrote a Robert/Cat AU that I liked?
Big into Stannis/Asha
And Stannis/Asha/Jon
Also Stannis/Mel
Loras is it kids.
AXG or bust.  I’m a multishipper on Arya’s end but am Not Really on Gendry’s.  Maybe a Heddle sister?  Maybe?  but AXG or Bust TBH.
Shireen x Devan is the cutest
I also like Shireen x Edric
And Shireen x Arya
Myrcella x Trystane is adorable
Myrcella x Sansa and Myrcella x Arya are similarly cute
I read a Tommen x Arya AU I liked--other than that I don’t have major shippy feels about him.
Other Ships
Alys x Sigorn is a top notch ship
Elia x Arthur is a similarly top notch ship
Missandei x Grey Worm is the best thing to happen on GOT tbh.
I’m at the end of my leash and can’t think of more and this is probably more than you bargained for when you sent this ask isn’t it?
If you’re reading this and you saw me miss something lmk??
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bartsugsy · 7 years
Which period of relationship has been your favourite and which has been your least favourite? Boyfriends, fiances, just marrieds or exesbutclearlystillinlove? and why.. For whenever you next have spare time to answer, I always enjoy reading your insightful Robron posts :)
So my brain roughly sort of splits it all up as:
Pre-affair era
Affair era 
First and Second Break up era
Abuse era
Boyfriend era 
Fiancé era
Husband era
Third break up era 
also happy long post day, this shit is going under a cut
Now on the one hand... OK THIS IS WHY THIS IS HARD BECAUSE THIS ERA HAS MY FAVOURITE STRING OF EPISODES BUT ALSO MY LEAST FAVOURITE STRING OF EPISODES -. Ultimately the "least favourite" string lasts way way longer than the good stuff, which is why it's sitting pretty at the bottom. But like. The good stuff is real damn good.
CRYIN IN A GOOD WAY OVER: Cain vs Robert, Aaron to the rescue, FLIRTY! FARMING! FUN!, the portacabin, THE GOD DAMNED LODGE, some of who shot robert, some of the affair reveal, everything about robert getting aaron out of prison
CRYIN IN A END IT ALL HERE WAY OVER: most of who shot robert, most of the affair reveal, ☠️Donny☠️
THE GOOD SHIT CELEBS ARE BUYIN: HOOOOME FAAARRRRM WEEEEEEEK, that time rob killed katie and had to go to his own wedding immediately afterwards, christmas, the barn, the hotels, just… all the sexin’, rob telling aaron he pushed katie, high! drama! everywhere also the fact that they literally jumped straight into a relationship after two bones is incredible.
THE STUFF THE RANDO IN THE TOILETS IS TRYING TO SHIFT ON U: rmr how we never actually knew whether rob was being sincere at any point, aaron ending up in hospital and everything being terrible, their relationship was just pretty awful as a whole tbh lbr
IN CONCLUSION: GET READY FOR THIS CONTROVERSIAL OPINION BUT LIKE… everything in this era was reaching highs of 7 where every other era has stuff that, to me, hits highs of 52? On the other hand, the lows are much higher than every other era - this is the one era where you can say that as much as nothing soars quite as high as SSW, but equally, nothing is hitting the lows of rebecca. I look back on this era a lot more fondly than I felt about it originally and I'm trying not to rely too heavily on my hindsighty feelings because that's unfair to more recent eras. So. NO RISK NO REWARD KIDS. THIS BAD BOY IS GETTIN PLACED DOWN LOW AF SORRY SON
LIVIN MY LIFE AND LOVIN MY TIME: REUNION BABYYYYY, Rob basically moving in immediately, Rob actually moving in, Rob and Liv bonding, ~Get stuck in~, slowly understanding that DOMESTICITY WOULD BE THE WAY FORWARD FOR A BIT AND GETTING A HELL OF A LOT OF IT
HATIN THE WORLD AND BEING SAD AT MY SCREEN: The Chill™ was a thing. Memories.
KNOCKED UP THEIR EX: well… rob knocked up his ex didn't he
IN CONCLUSION: if I were to rank these eras by how much fun I had in fandom this would be at both the top and the bottom and lbr…. lbr that about sums up this era in general, doesn't it? Horrendous, horrible, terrible pacing - everything post-incident pre-Aaron getting out and everything before the reveal and urgjejd why…. BUT but but the good stuff was just… legendary. that’s why this shit is bang fuckin in the middle.
CURRENT DAY TIMES THIS IS IT THIS IS WHERE WE ARE. And I’m sure this will change when the era is over but like. My current rn feelings are all for it.
DISCONNECT MY INTERNET AND CRY: where's my make outs. also it's painful and sad. also we all have to come to terms with plot baby. did i mention it's sad af? the lead up to the break up was the worst too like murder me right here why
Can u believe this time was real no me neither
IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES: THE SMITTEN KITTEN DATE, rob being ride or die aaron and aaron slowly growing to trust rob again because of it, ILL WAIT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!, the whole best friends who are totally in love but not in the right place to do anything about it vibe,
IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES: it was hardcore A Lot because of the subject matter but mostly they knocked it out of the damn park and so idk what the bad would be honestly it was just… real good
IN CONCLUSION: just real real good and like… as a redemption storyline for rob and a vehicle for danny to do his thing and fuckin kill it and liv’s entrance… oh i just love it my dudes (but i can't rank it right at the top purely because it's TOO MUCH to rewatch on the reg for me because it is so big and heavy and dramatic)
‘GOLD.MP3′: SSW. There’s other stuff but like. Who cares. That’s enough of an explanation. Tbh.
THE FUTURE POP ONE HIT WONDER ‘POOP EMOJI.WMA’: Rob and Rebecca kissing that one time (hilarious but pointless). Rob and Rebecca kissing that second time (less hilarious slightly less pointless). The general Aaron being jealous at all times and prevalence of Rob/Rebecca and just… the absence of fun things… outside of a few key episodes. The whole initial weirdness over buying the Mill that I still hate bc it completely ignored Robert’s presence.
~~~~ THE END FOR NOW ~~~~
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ghostdives · 7 years
how would you rate the tekken series (sans the handheld titles but including the tags and revolution)
overall its great 10/10 best fighting game series
Admittedly, i dont have much memory of the series from Tag1 and back, but T3 was the first in the series i played and i do remember having tons of fun with it
T4 was the first one i personally owned, i liked it a lot despite that game being busted competitively. But back then i didnt care much about learning the game properly, so that might have had something to do with it. And that game had the sickest character designs(Paul, Julia, King, and Nina especially). Also for some reason Anna wasnt in this one?? i never understood that. 7/10 because busted gameplay and no Anna
T5 is probably my fave, with nostalgia goggles at full power. It had the best stages(moonlit wilderness is in its own tier), music(again, moonlit wilderness), and roster out of the whole series. The aesthetic of that entire game always stuck with me. 10/10 its flawless
T6 was good too, but it was the introduction of the bound system(which im bored with now) and the online barely worked. It also had the worst newcomers imo. 7.5/10 because fucked up online, and Lars and Alisa(also Lars and Bob were too good in this game iirc so thats even worse)
Tag2 was probably my favorite in the series competitively. The tag system was extremely fun and intricate at the time(though a little over the top) and it had plenty of content. The online was decent enough too. I guess the only real issue it had was that it was really complex, even by tekken standards, so it was hard to get new players into it. 8.5/10 great game, but a little too much goin on with it
Im loving T7 currently too, its really refreshing after being stuck with Tag2 for 84 years. It does have its fair share of issues(input lag, lacking some content, no Anna), but I want to say its the best Tekken gameplay-wise(the rage system is 110% better, and i dig tailspin) 9/10 cause it could use a little more content and no Anna(yet)
tbqh, the only game in the series i really disliked was Tekken Revolution. It was a broken, thoughtless mess filled to brim with the worst kinds of people. Also it was broken as hell. But at the same time I’m not upset about it or anything since it was a one-off free to play game. 4/10 im glad The Evil Is Defeated
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indygotcha · 7 years
who in your opinion is the coolest mc ever?
IDK how to answer this truthfully, TBQH. This question landed right on my face during me suddenly feeling dissociated with my interests out of nowhere yesterday.
I more or less dunno if I can entirely distill myself to talking about who’s best among best when it comes to certain things and stuff. It seems like I can take everyone for who they are, and the ones I would love the most are the ones I might want to relate to the most, or have certain special connection.Like right now, your question brought reminded me that lately I haven’t bothered watching BNHA at all, and have had very.. “indifferent” feelings to it over these times despite having read all the chapters and everything
I think it has had to do with the time I had watched the 1st season and had overall on-going history with dissociating on liking fictional characters or relating to them and stuff. When I got into the series first time, I think it was because of its amazing shonen spirit that felt like simple, yet very reconstructed. I had been pretty depressed during that time and was already in middle of struggling through graduating high school. 
Thanks to my hard efforts though, I managed to get through and graduate with quite a bang. Quite amazing times too, especially since BNHA was still on-going and I had a blast watching it. You can read more about it here.
But again, what did happen? I think it’s an awful mix of me again having to start to thinking I’m nothing in a fandom if I can’t make myself well-known there in some way, or something. I guess because I tried to draw a BNHA OC due them becoming a trend, but then none batted an eye as much as I though they would despite me working hard on it, and it had me lose interest due war flashbacks on being rejected/ignored in some previous fandoms I was part in, and went on to go try writing some fanfictions in order to build a following. Even worse if something happens to become hated even when I liked it: Because TBQH, it’s hard for me to hate something to the point of bandwagoning on it out of spite -  I always believe they can be made better without changing the character outright most of the time.
This has been like this for the whole time now since being back in this fandom, and lately it had me lose interest on keeping up watching the newest episodes. I instead decided to follow my curiosity and watch something less intensive and prone for me to think I need to make myself “alive” here in this fandom.
Which um, leads to what I think is what reflects my feeling on this question: Kazuto “Kirito” Kirigaya A.K.A “Jesus-kun”
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Most standard response on this would be “why would I even wanna a bat an eye on this dude, he’s nothing well-written, he’s clearly a stupid wish-fulfilment character, etc. Hell, why am I checking out what’s considered “the worst anime” of all time, at least in mainstream presence?
Perhaps the starting point was that I knew there was already better anime out there I can kick back into if it really is trash, and well, I have nothing to lose if I watch this incase I wanna go back to good stuff again. Might as well gain knowledge on how mainstream anime works today. TBQH, I had also had some subtle feelings of being tired of watching high quality stuff and wanting to kick back a bit. 
So something odd happened during certain moments in the show. I… had moments of “feels” for more emotional scenes and stuff.
I was, frankly, appalled. Because for longest time, I had been thinking that the overall reception to something is the truth. So there was no way this show would have me in feels. In fact, it should had been complete opposite because there’s clearly plot holes, deus ex machinas, etc.
In fact, I wondered what had me keep going watching this show, and I soon realized why: because the show wasn’t actually as bad as peeps made it to be.And frankly, the “wish-fulfillment” or other things that would feel unrealistic in some ways, felt actually more beautiful due their imperfection:  because they forced me to feel them instead of trying to dissect intellectually in order to allow myself feel them in a legit fashion (A.K.A every frigging argument on Tumblr other site ever).  
Like yeah, this is definitely a dumbest excuse for a family ever
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But I again, feel like that the imperfection on how this family got together anyway, being stranded together by the circumstances that the world they got trapped and how they can be so sweet with each other makes it actually something I wanna find one day due coming from a rather broken family myself. It’s all in the feelings that this stupidly imperfect yet so cuddly and badass gave to me. 
Then come videos like this which dissect how it all is so illogical for it all to happen it is that frankly, I lose the sight of getting to it because “it’s unrealistc” and “stupid” and that feeling gets broken:
They keep piling on and on which frankly has me lose the sight of the feelings that these kind of things gives to me, from my own ground and personal past experiences + desires. And thus, I rather try to cover up my thoughts via intellectual reasonings among other things in order to stay on top instead of being forgotten.
And that’s how it’s been for most of my life, I had treated things I used to enjoy as something I need to analyze and find so objectively good that there’s no way I can be looked down upon for liking it because I was made fun of or treated like shit for just liking them for my own reasons (usually more emotional than intellectual).
But that’s not how it goes when you try to enjoy these things. It’s not about how objectively good they are - it’s about what they made you feel. The surprising part is… there usually is a reason. And it has something to do with yourself deep within. IMO, those reasonings are more purer and perhaps larger than life, compared to whatever objective reasons there are to say when something is good, reasonably explained, or other things to be allowed to be felt validly about.
So why Mr.”Jesus”-kun? 
Well, because… at first he and the series reminds me of the appealing things in anime. The keyword is on “appeal”. 
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Like, you see a dude who gets some kickass moves or abilities, who seems like, liked overall by many folk and yadda yadda. Your usual mess and stuff. But overtime on always just analyzing these things instead of just taking them in, I kinda felt like a kid again wanting to be all those things that makes for a cool person even if they might appear to be some dumbass wish-fulfillment char. But it’s the feelings that matter - since in the end, they springboard you right away from there. Like, don’t think of how he got there. Think of the first impressions you had on some characters upon seeing them be awesome enough to hype you when you flicked a channel on randomly running these anime.
Now I would have dropped this whole series at once due harem shenanigans that were so brought in about as one of the series’ most notable “infamies”, yet frankly enough, there was no such stuff enough to make Certain Magical Index look a genuinely romantic series. It just kept on whatever plots it had, even if it had some controversial stuff going for it (like the whole cousin incest-shit, but they actually resolved it in pretty “okay”, dare I say, tasteful manner compared to your other animes with much heavier focus on such topic and never bring it up again ever since.)
I thought it’d be there, but since the show wasn’t apparently harem jazz and tried to tell story arcs as they came anyway, I decided to chug along since I had gone enough deep  -  yet later on in the 2nd season, Mr.Jesus-kun goes through some hard events and through that he went on to make an act of being a fucking DECENT PERSON  pretty damn admirable and heartwarming - something I always took for granted even if I do that a lot of the time. In fact, I think he’s quite a heroic guy for a “boring” person. 
Like, he goes to kick rapists’ asses even if you might say they rip that stuff of from better anime and it’s used for pointless drama. 
And if that wasn’t enough, he goes all the way to help a girl he bonded throughout the arc she’s featured with her severe PTSD to see a very positive flipside to the incident that led her to get one, which leads to one of the most satisfying endings for an arc I’ve seen in anime for a long while:
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I think what took me most aback was how Jesus-kun himself felt so strongly about giving her opportunity such resolve, which is frankly admirable thing. 
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In the arc, he had to deal with similar feelings due certain incidents in SAO that had him also kill folk before, much like this gal Shino above. He found resolve through as well after talking it out with his personal doctor:
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Like, say what the fucking ever you want about this overly dumb MC, but this guy deep inside is a decent person throughout and tries to go all by helping others beyond virtual reality jazz that he’s given so much flack about. No fucking rocket science why girls fall for him. :P  Not that the anime is like the spinoff-games which has the harem mess people laud the series so much as for some reason.
For that, he’s been “coolest” MC for these past 3 days (and gets to join in ranks with others I know in similar being). And from what I heard about this series, it seems to keep on getting better, if only for the fact that the author (Reki Kawahara) appears to not be some stuck-up man and tries to address problems with his writing as series goes on, even to the point of rebooting the whole series for a new series of light novels. On that end, most peeps lauded anime as worse than original LNs, so I guess it means I can go fill in the blanks for these chars in them incase I get curious, and build my vision of them even further.
In short, I have a lot of MCs I consider cool.  Why settle on one only?
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And now here comes the unfollows
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dapperfvck-arc · 7 years
How do you run your blog?
Repost; Do Not Reblog
Speed: It really depends. Usually I’ll get to a thread within a week or two at the longest. Given that have several partners that I talk to and plot with daily/weekly, we generate a lot of new ideas frequently and when something takes awhile, it usually got buried by under a crust of new threads and occasional meme prompt ask. My drafts box is like an archeological site, I swear. Sometimes I do have trouble with inspiration for a reply, but usually it’s just a matter of getting wrapped up with my little circle of friends and co-writers.
A side note, during my working week, my productivity slows to a crawl. I’m usually better off in Skype or tumblr IM and may get to a thread or two either before or after work if I’m just not in lurk/shit post mode until I pass out.
Replies: Aesthetically I use extremely light formatting. The first word always bolded and italicized and default size with all other text smaller. I also bold the quotation marks in dialogue because it looks hella cool on my blog proper given that I have bolded/italicized text is a different colour than the rest of the text. It also looks classy af on the dash. Icons for either FC depending on verse or comic caps are used until it gets to nsfw stuff or with some drabble prompts. As for preferences, I’m really quite flexible. Honestly, tho, I’m a multi-para whore and with most threads, eventually they start to get longer and longer. However, unless I can’t parse my muse’s thoughts on a matter or situation, I won’t go in hard and fast on a one-liner or small single para. Unless you’re one of my people, but then again, you prolly already have experience being slapped with my throbbing multi-para hard-on. 
I don’t expect people to match me, and sometimes I may struggle to match length, as well, but I do like to see an attempt. Like if I give you a four para starter, I would prefer not to get a two sentence reply back (some of you are shaking your head, but this actually happened to me in my halcyon days in the community).
Starters: I don’t do greeters, because idk, for me it feels like when a teacher called on you because you weren’t paying attention. Nearly every time I’ve gotten a greeter, I’m unprepared and feel quite suddenly pressed. The RPC is already a ball of anxiety 85% of the time and I don’t want to add to anyone’s discomfort, providing I’m not the only crazy person who reacts to getting a greeter like a distant gunshot. Depending on how clogged my drafts box is and how busy I am, I probably post a starter call every couple weeks and open starters very rarely because like, idk, no one ever hops on them, so I don’t really feel like they’re welcome. In the case of the latter, I only ask that people read the tags. Some open starters are meant for mutuals, particularly ones with some established interaction.
Unless they’re plotted starters (or replies to longer ask box meme responses that I wanted to turn into a thread), they usually start short and often vague. Please don’t keep it vague. It drives me nuts. I want you to present an idea, go out on a limb, whatever (I mean within reason of course, use your common sense, too). 
Inbox: It’s a mess, tbqh. A lot of times I mindlessly reblog or queue memes, especially at work or when I’m out and about on mobile, and then don’t feel like doing them or get excited over certain prompts over others. I will say that I keep things in my inbox for a very long time and might get to replying to prompt weeks to months later. Frequently I will draft ones that I know will be long.
Selectivity: Hoooo boy. I’m pretty fucking selective tbh. I like my partners to be literate and of course be able to enjoy their portrayal/character. That’s not to say I’m not open to meeting new people and interacting with new muses. I don’t need to know your muse extensively to RP with you, but I’m also perfectly willing to educate myself (I’m not going to front, I was compelled to watch both Daredevil and Preacher for the sake of character/canon research, as well as starting to read Lucifer). Also, I mostly RP with mutuals, but again, that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to discover new mutuals, you feel me?
Sometimes when my stress levels are high or I’m drowning in drafts, I tend to be a bit more standoffish and stick to “my people”, however this doesn’t last for long and may be broken by a compelling enough new interaction.
Anyway, idk, I really don’t have a wishlist? I mean, there are certain themes I’m keen to explore. Like my mythological bent to John, and developing certain verses, but like...all things considered I’m just more interested in world and relationship building than ticking off a wishlist of AUs or situations I want to see played out. 
Honest note: I’m fiercely independent, and I don’t put up with bullshit. Honestly, I don’t have much tolerance for drama and the easiest way to push me away is pull me into a vortex of social or interpersonal drama. Been there, done that, and honestly I can be a bit skittish if I start getting a weird vibe. I’m coming up on five years RPing on tumblr and there’s not a lot that shocks me anymore. 
A few more admissions:
-- I love writing ships. When I wrote fanfic, it was 95% shippy stuff. That doesn’t mean it’s all about romance, fluff, and sex, sometimes it’s just how two muses relate to each other or a glimpse into their lives together, but I know my strengths and tend to default to them. This doesn’t mean I’m out to collect lovers for John or am not willing to step out my comfort zone, just that there’s going to be a lot of that stuff here.
-- If we talk ooc, there’s a 100% more possibility that you’re going to get more attention from me both ic and ooc. It’s just a matter of comfort level. Though I might seem together and confident, it’s only really in regard to my writing. I’m intimidated by people who are so much better at being witty and fun and silly on tumblr and chatty about their characters and fandom outside of the constraint of meme prompts or whatever. I guess I’m just afraid of boring people or having followers roll their eyes like “omg Iggy stfu. Don’t you have twenty-odd replies? Chop, chop you anal retentive bitch.” Mind, no one’s actually said this to me, I just have dodgy self-esteem, honestly, and some days are worse than others.
-- If I tell you I think you’re a good writer, I mean it. This is important.
-- If I tell you I’m worried about the quality of a reply I gave you, I’m not fishing for compliments, I’m legitimately uncertain that you’ll like it. Just fyi.
-- I’m bad at writing m/f ships in any expedient manner. I have no good excuse for this other than being queer trash that would rather write about men being in love and lust. And uh, that’s not a good excuse at all. I’m just the literal worst and I’m sorry I come off as not inclusive enough. Honestly, I’m trying to be better about this deep failing of mine.
-- I apologize a lot for things I shouldn’t. Sorry lol
Tagged by: @vamptrampbamf
Tagging: @dcviltongued, @aliasinvestigate, @hittcr, @haharlarious, @riskedfalling, @hawkwxrd, @rageinmybones
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sage-nebula · 7 years
pokemon (games and anime) and yu-gi-oh
There are so many Pokémon characters that it’s honestly hard to pick one . . . though I’d have to say that it’s probably a weird sort of tie between Trevor and Wicke.
As far as Trevor is concerned, honestly, I can’t stand any of the XY rivals. Three out of the four of them (Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno) are pathetic in terms of having a good opponent to battle against, and likewise, three out of the four of them (Calem, Trevor, and Tierno) have awful personalities. Like, Shauna is at least okay in terms of personality. I didn’t mind her as much as I minded the other three. But Calem came off as a fuckboy, Tierno was nothing but his gimmick, and Trevor’s dialogue was painful to sit through due to how redundant he was. “I like trees. In other words, trees are a thing I like.” No fucking shit, Trevor. Can you please piss off and let me get back to my journey now? Christ. 
In all honesty, the “rival” squad (can we even really call them rivals when they never have more than half of a team and can’t put up more than a three second fight?) wouldn’t have been so bad if they didn’t show up so often---and even then, I think if you probably pieced the game apart, it’s not that they all show up all the time, but rather that there are so many of them that it feels like you’re being stopped every five seconds so that characters you have no reason to feel attached to can squeal “BFF!1!!!1!! 8D” and impede your journey with dialogue you don’t care about. Because after all, they didn’t all travel together all the time. I think there are only a couple times when they all show up together. Otherwise you were just stopped by one or two of them, but given that there are four, it really dragged things down and aggravated me to the point where I just wanted to push them all off a bridge somewhere and have done with it. They’re absolutely my least favorite rivals in the entire series, hands down. But with that said, as much as I dislike all of them (with the caveat that, again, Shauna is okay, she’s just a pitiful excuse for a rival since she never gets a full team and can’t even begin to pretend to put up a fight), Trevor is hands down the worst, imo. I can’t stand his dialogue. Repetition makes me want to carve out my brain with an ice pick and there is no character more redundant than Trevor. So yeah, there’s a special place of hate in my heart reserved just for him.
As far as Wicke is concerned, my dislike for her primarily comes from how terribly written and bland she was. In canon, she’s nothing more than your standard Sweet Motherly™ stereotype, meant to contrast with Lusamine being an abusive mother. There’s nothing standout about her dialogue; if you read it without a dialogue tag attached, it would read as completely generic. She has virtually no personality aside from “somewhat timid and motherly,” and that’s incredibly disappointing considering the fact that she’s one of the few Aether Foundation members with an actually unique character design, and a somewhat important role in the plot. (Of course, the female characters in general were treated rather horribly in Gen VII imo, and this is part of that, but that’s another discussion for another time.) 
But that’s only part of it. In truth, while I really hate how generic she was, and while I feel that it’s a complete waste to not have her be evil as well (though again, with how Lusamine was handled . . . god there’s so much to complain about with the Gen VII plot istg), I also feel that there’s something insidious about her that’s just never touched on or actually brought up. Like, for instance, Wicke knew about how abusive Lusamine was to the twins. Supposedly, she “helped” Lillie somehow. Yet, Lusamine was still able to abuse Lillie (and Gladion, while he was there), and Wicke did nothing. She didn’t actively defend them, and even seemed (in a couple lines) to disparage Gladion a bit for leaving. In fact, she straight up calls him “sheltered” later on, which is complete fucking nonsense considering he was abused and then was homeless for two years. Yet she’s going to sit there and mock him for being “sheltered?” What the fuck, Wicke? We’re supposed to believe she’s this nurturing, kind woman, that she has nothing malevolent in her personality at all, yet she seems to know an awful lot about Ultra Beasts, and seems to have quite a bit of interest in them herself. She didn’t help the twins when they were being abused. Gladion is technically president of Aether Foundation now, but she’s right there running things behind the scenes . . .
Of course, I don’t think she’s actually meant to be evil or malicious. She’s too bland, too much of an afterthought for that. But I do think that while she’s a terribly written character for being so boring, she’s also terrible in what little we get of her. She didn’t help the twins, and she flat out belittles Gladion and calls him “sheltered” despite what he’s been through. Wicke can go fuck herself, tbqh.
That fucker Damien from the OS. I’ve ranted about him at length before, so I won’t go into it again, but he can go get fucked. He’s the actual worst for how abusive he was to Charmander (and others, I’m sure). I hope a wild pokémon ate him at some point. He’d deserve it.
If Characters of the Day don’t count, then probably Paul. Yeah, yeah, I know, “but he was such a good rival for Ash!” and “but he learned to thank his pokémon!!1″ Well, one, I honestly wonder if people would think he was ~zomg the best rival~ had Ash lost to him at the Sinnoh League (or if they would instead be salty against him 5ever), and two, I don’t care that he learned to do the absolute bare minimum when it comes to being a decent human being. The fact remains that he was still an abusive fuck to Chimchar at the least, and didn’t treat his other pokémon much better, instead viewing them as tools he needed to win battles. (Which, yes, was the point considering he was supposed to be a foil to Ash, but that doesn’t mean I have to personally like it.) Animal abuse (which pokémon abuse is, in my eyes) is one of my biggest triggers. I have it blacklisted every which way I can in Tumblr Savior and hate when I’m surprised by it on Facebook, et cetera. It’s easier to digest in a show like Pokémon since it’s all animated, but nonetheless, it’s one of the absolute worst things in my eyes. It’s one of the most heinous acts a human can perform in my view. And so the fact that Paul is a pokémon abuser---the fact that he was shown to have “developed” by just thanking his pokémon and that we were supposed to be proud of him for this---is disgusting to me, and something I can’t forgive. I especially can’t forgive it since, again, him thanking Electivire was supposed to be seen as ~zomg development~ when, again, that’s the bare minimum you should expect out of a trainer. The absolute bare minimum. That’s not love, or even care; that’s being halfway decent. I also hate that Paul’s “style” of “training” was supposed to be seen as just “one way to do things,” because no. No. It’s cruel and unacceptable. It goes completely against what the franchise has always been about, and hell, we never even saw the Johto Rival dismiss one of the pokémon he said he was going to, and yet he still wasn’t allowed to succeed until he openly started showing love and acceptance toward his team. Yet Paul is able to make it all the way to the League despite being an abusive prick on-screen? Get out of here. It’s especially ludicrous when you consider that the Johto Rival has an understandable reason for his attitude (i.e. he was raised in Team Rocket where this kind of abusive behavior was normalized---though again, despite his constant threats of getting rid of his team, he never actually does), whereas Paul does not (“wah wah my brother Reggie gave up training to be a breeder instead---” get the fuck over it, that’s not an excuse for abusing innocent creatures). Seriously, it’s beyond ridiculous.
So yeah, either Damien or Paul. I usually hold stronger feelings of hatred toward Damien, particularly openly since I know that Paul is a Fandom Darling™ (and seriously, I don’t want to argue with anyone over Paul, please don’t try to start The Discourse™ with me, I’m not interested), but in truth I don’t like either of them. They can both go get fucked, imho.
(And the fact that people ship Dawn with Paul, like . . . why would you play her like that . . . Dawn, sweetie, I’m sorry they treat you this way, you deserve so much better . . .)
“Bandit” Keith Howard. I used to answer Haga for this question, but upon reflection, even though Haga is terrible, he’s only fourteen. He’s a kid. He still has room to grow and become less of a shitty person.
Keith, on the other hand, is twenty-six. He’s the oldest person present at Duelist Kingdom, outside of Pegasus’ employees (since I don’t think we’re given ages for them). I’m not exaggerating, here: Keith is older than both Pegasus and Mai, both of whom are twenty-four. Sure, he only has two years on them, but he’s still older than them both. He should, theoretically, be at least a little more mature than them.
He’s not. Keith is awful. Not only is he a filthy cheater when it comes to games, but he’s willing to assault children (well, teenagers, but teenagers are kids to me and I’m only a year older than Keith at this point) and commit murder over a card game. I understand that Keith wanted to win money from Duel Monsters, but goddamn. He’s selfish, violent, and doesn’t really have any redeeming qualities whatsoever. Keith is, in many ways, written like a school arc villain, albeit with the caveat that he actually has a much longer stay in the plot due to being an antagonist throughout all of Duelist Kingdom (which in turn makes him even worse than a school arc villain, since none of them* really had the opportunity to show any good qualities, whereas Keith did and he still didn’t). Either way, I don’t find anything redeemable in Keith’s character. He is trash from start to finish, and in the end is a grown man who assaults children and tries to murder people over a card game. He’s definitely my least fave, particularly since he’s not even a very creative, compelling, or effective villain.
(*Hirutani has two appearances, and thus he also had some extra time to showcase good qualities, and he still didn’t. This is because Hirutani Kimio does not really have positive character qualities, at least not when it comes to being a decent human being. He is not decent by most people’s standards. He is aware of this. He does not care. However, unlike Keith, Hirutani is an effective and compelling villain, and his second appearance really served to drive this point home with how much clearer his obsession with Jounouchi---which, tbh, was even evident in his first appearance---became. Hirutani has a lot of worth and value as a character, in my eyes. Keith does not. So therefore, while Hirutani is also a bastard, he’s an effective one, and thus I love him for the effective bastard he is. Keith is not effective, or useful. He’s just trash. I have no use for him. Back in the dumpster he goes.)
(Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my least favorite character in it.)
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tutelele · 7 years
my general, non-gamer, anime-only thoughts on tozx:
* i picked up the anime bc i’m a sucker for elemental powers. i was hoping to see a lot of boss scenes of the seraphim using their “artes” like in atla! (spoiler alert: i barely got any.)
* i don’t understand the berseria moments.
* but that’s fine bc i don’t really understand the shepherd lore - tozx’s basic premise - either. (the info dump on episode #24 was just- )
* the logistics of dragon purification make no sense to me, but i’m 100% on board (as long as purification doesn’t entail the dragon just blowing up and going poof) bc i love edna and i want her to be happy and reunited with her (purified) brother.
* edna’s desperate bid to save her bro driving her to tag along a shepherd and mikleo’s sad as hell unrequited crush on his human childhood friend aside, i still have no idea why i’m supposed to find the idea of seraphim and humans coexisting good and worthy of emotional investment. humans can’t stop generating malevolence that turns seraphim into dragons. how does coexistence benefits either group? if i were a seraphim, i’d just build a crib in elysia and have nothing whatever to do with humans tbqh.
* ash ketchum has a better rapport with his pokemon than sorey has with the seraphim in his party (ash and his pokemon also have more meaningful conversations tbh). why the hell am i supposed to see them all as great pals, found fam or whatever? idgi. for someone who was raised by seraphim, he treats them an awful lot like conveniently sentient weapons. (lailah also doubles as exposition device!)
* i will say, tho, that a lot of thought seems to have gone into the relationship between rose and alisha! they come across as good friends who genuinely care about each other’s well being! can’t say i actually give a damn, but good for them! (i always support fictional portrayals of female friendship even if i’m not personally interested in the characters involved! uteruses b4 duderuses!)
* none of the big emotional moments (first dragon purification, alisha’s father’s death, evil politician dude’s suicide, dezel’s death, fox dude’s death) had any impact on me bc idgaf about most of these characters. i care about edna bc she’s a devoted little sister (and bc she always looks as bored as i feel watching tozx) and i care about mikleo the sad lovelorn little nerd gay seraph bc his crush is tragic. that’s pretty much it!
* and i’m totally finishing this shit (if i can remember the late april thing for the finale) bc it’s only 25/26 eps long and i’m a completist! 
* tl;dr: prettily animated flavorless nonsense, not enough elemental powers.
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