#tboi ref!!!!!!!
dgaftilwedie · 7 months
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shamefulcorpse · 23 days
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??? / Blue Baby (he / it)
This is the little guy that this ask blog is for! Please be patient and kind, it can be hard to understand how he views things, but that's more incentive to be nice. There is a lot to it to learn about. Currently he has a little strider buddy with him.
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Cain (he / him) A very hyperactive but quick thinking fellow, he is good friends with most and despite possibly saying otherwise- he is willing to take responsibility to care for ??? as once promised...
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The Lost (none / any…)
The timid, obscure ghost of the basement. The Lost may seem meek at first but it has a lot of strong opinions on many things. ??? would consider The Lost as his closest friend.
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the-horsemen-ride · 2 months
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Updated horsem refs 2/5. These are for art fight bc at these point they might as well be ocs but I figured I should post em here too. Will work on the other three asap but these are also very barebones so i may also go back to fix these up
Finally bought the game so I'm going to actually be able to play after all these years ^_^ which I am happy about.
I have not really had the time/ energy/ headspace to post here but I've got some things in mind for a return, maybe. Don't want to promise anything but I don't want any radio silence either. Either way that's gonna be after Art Fight.
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bootleg-sara · 1 year
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It’s twin time, time for twins
Idk what else to say. This is the last of the main designs for the purgatory AU, so that’s pretty cool. Saved my faves for last, completely on accident but what can you do lmao
As usual, the character bios are under the read more. Read if you wish 👍
The boisterous younger brother of Esau. Heaven’s very own bounty Hunter, who specializes in work that requires going into Hell. A rather important job to deal with any potential problems from the less desirable side of the afterlife. He takes great pride in his work and his clean record of jobs well done.
The boisterous younger brother of Esau. Heaven’s very own bounty Hunter, who specializes in work that requires going into Hell. A rather important job to deal with any potential problems from the less desirable side of the afterlife. He takes great pride in his work and his clean record of jobs well done.
Jacob is a passionate individual in anything he does. His confidence makes it seem as if he always knows what he’s doing, even if that’s not so much the case. He’s an intelligent individual as well, much better built for brain work rather than physical. Though he wants to prove that he can be both. Perhaps out of jealousy, or maybe deep rooted fears or not being enough. Either way, he regularly practices sword combat to keep up with the physical demand of his bounty hunter duties.
His conscious is racked with guilt. Most of his achievements are often also prefaced with some kind of misdeed he never forgave himself for. He strives to be a perfect man, something that’s completely unachievable. Any mistake is taken as his own failings as a person and takes everything very personally. Does a great deal of work to make up for his own unanswered sins. Work that is a constant uphill battle when you have to work an eternity without a single misstep.
One of his favorite past times is cooking.
Esau: voice claim- Rock me Amadeus by Falco
The shy older brother of Jacob. A fellow bounty hunter along with Jacob. His work isn’t done as openly confidently as Jacob, but that doesn’t mean he does his job poorly. His raw strength is a great deal of help when dealing with something pure strategy can’t tackle.
Esau is quiet and reserved. Never been much of a talker, would rather listen to someone speak than contribute. He’s a pretty chill guy too. Doesn’t spend a lot of his time going out in crazy adventures or exercise 24/7. He likes to chill in bed and read a nice book, watch the sunset, or hang out with a good friend. His ideal life would be spent relaxing every day without a care in the world. But his duties as a hunter prevent him from living his leisure life. Most of his muscle was left over from his life on earth when he was considerably more active.
Esau’s an understanding man, maybe a bit to much so. He’ll give the benefit of the doubt to nearly anyone. Even if a majority of Heaven doesn’t trust him due to his past sin of a murder. He can be aloof too. Sometimes he can’t be bothered with others and would rather be alone. Esau wants to be a good man, or at least a man worth being in Heaven.
Esau doesn’t have a favorite activity, but he does like practicing his magic. Since it’s not something he’s mastered quite yet.
What’s their relationship like?
Complicated is the best word to describe it. While they do absolutely love each other, being forever forced to live side by side can bring plenty of complications.
Jacob had made a deal with the Archangel Uriel to prevent Esau from ending up in Hell after he learns of his grave sin of murder. Jacob was also very old, his mind not the big power it once was. When they both had died on the same minute, Jacob was horrified to find out that Esau had a chain wrapped around his heart that came from his own chest. To make up for his sin, Esau is to follow around Jacob and follow any orders he gives out. Jacob immediately felt like shit for this. He didn’t think he’d be getting rid of his brother’s autonomy and it eats his mind every day. Esau, while understandably doesn’t like this, also understands Jacob was sincerely trying to help him from a terrible fate in Hell. The chains can be removed, but they will slow drain Jacob’s life and lead to his death. And Esau is damn set on making sure Jacob doesn’t try anything like that. Though Jacob has tried a good few times.
They have a deep brotherly love for one another, even if they also get on each other’s nerves from time to time. There’s nothing that can take away their bound and are each other’s biggest supporters.
That’s it. Maybe an anti climatic end, but there’s not much else to speak of. Unfortunately I don’t see this series being as active as it once was before, but it might get some love now and again.
Now I just need a bit of time to greave what has been lost ✌️
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syncr3tical · 4 months
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Fursona reveal!! (no bg under cut)
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thisuglyangel · 10 months
Oh um if you’re doing R1999 fanart please may I request an Oliver?
I haven’t seen a lot of fansrt of this guy. Loved drawing him but I’m still si confused oh how hair works 😭
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porcelainvino · 1 month
please whenever have you have the time you should draw tboy klaine :3
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thebindingofpillo · 1 year
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Azazel’s former boss, leader of the Watchers, massive fucking slut. I don’t want to write too much about him (I say, as I’m preparing a whole ass document) because on one hand, I don’t want to spoil too much the story, and on the other I hope his personality will shine through my comic. He’s going to be a villain in a pretty important arc, and I want to do him justice. Anyway if you’re reading this, a warning for some deaths and genocide (Sem is also a major abusive asshole so no sympathy for him).
Semjaza was once one of the Seven Archangels, and as such his purpose was to lead the Watchers to protect (and observe!) humanity from up close. For this he was given permission to go on Earth with his subordinates, buuut things did not go well. At all.
Semjaza was never one to care much about humans in the first place, if anything he found them quite disgusting, a few degree above animals. This however didn’t stop him from finding some use for them. When he (and the Watchers) arrived on Earth, they were greeted with great honours and worshipped almost as gods, and Semjaza discovered he liked the power he held over those weak creatures. God ruled over the angels, right? It only ade sense that an angel could rule over humanity. Not everyone held the same ideals as him though, and when the Watchers started intermingling with the humans, there were some angels who genuinely sought out a connection, and even dared do hope for a family (*cough* like Azazel *cough*). Still, Semjaza was the first to “officially” take a human wife (her name was Istehar, she’s gonna have a ref eventually) to better gain the trust of humans, and thus he’s usually considered the one who started the whole rebellion thing. Soon, he rose to even greater power, as a sort of king among men.
This didn’t go unnoticed by the other archangels however, and soon the archangel Jegudiel came to Earth. Heaven was already keeping an eye on the Nephilim and with Semjaza trying to amass all the power, direct action was needed. Once Semjaza realised his manipulation wasn’t moving Jegudiel, he killed them in a fit of rage, but couldn’t hide from the watchful eye of god (and Michael). Because of this, the remaining archangels came to Earth, both to punish Semjaza (and the Watchers) and to deal with the Nephilim situation that was quickly getting out of hand. All the Watchers fell (all of them!), all the Nephilim were killed, and all the humans were dispersed or even killed in the Great Flood, sent by God to kind of “restart” humanity (the whole Flood thing is a bit iffy though, it might change in the future)
I actually wanted to write more about the Watchers, but I have a lot to say about angels in general, so I’ll probably make a separate post in the future.
Semjaza is, to put it simply,  a master manipulator. He’s quite observant, with a keen eye for any weakness to exploit, and can easily worm his way into anyone’s good side with his silver tongue. He is also not above using more… questionable methods to get what he wants, especially since his fall. Hell is no place for weaklings after all. His silver halo was a tell-tale sign he had other things on his mind other than fulfilling his purpose but despite this, the other angels greatly respected him, and he even rose to power as an Archangel (truly the highlight of Semjaza’s whole existence). Some could argue that he did so through the manipulation he was so apt as, but at first Semjaza really wanted to do right by God! Even accepting to watch over those disgusting and limited humans the Great Creative loved so much. That being said, while having some acquaintances in Heaven, he never really grew closer with any of them, only keeping an eye on the ones he thought most useful for whatever he needed to be done. This made him grow extremely close to Azazel, who was the only one Semjaza could consider a friend (and hopefully… something more?) but this still didn’t deter him from using Azazel as a scapegoat once shit hit the fan. Still, when Azazel lost everything he loved, he turned to Semjaza for comfort, and this eventually caused the two to develop an incredibly unhealthy relationship that lasted literal millennia and culminated in a huge fight in which Semjaza broke Azazel’s horn and threw his wedding ring at him, essentially leaving him forever. Despite this, Semjaza still has what could be considered an obsession for Azazel, and is always keeping an ear out for any news concerning his former lover. He’s just incapable of letting go.
He is also extremely vain, and cannot stand his new body. He still holds the belief that angels are God’s most perfect creation, and greatly wishes he could be one again. Because of this he usually hides under several layers of heavy clothing, and considers both fallen angels and demons the scum of the Earth. This makes him incredibly wary of the people he comes across in Hell, to the point of paranoia. The only person he trusted was Azazel, and only because he thought he was a mindless bimbo only devoted to him.  As of right now, his biggest goal is to dethrone Satan and rule Hell, but that’s not really going to happen anytime soon (Satan himself keeps a close eye on him), so that he can gain enough power to be respected again and maybe have some legions of demons working under him. What Semjaza really wants however, is to be worshiped again as a god, like when he was still a Watcher amongst humans. Becoming an angel again would be pretty nice too, but considering his awful personality and the fact he doesn’t think he did anything wrong, this will never happen.
uuuuh more stuff I guess?
Him and Azazel are Adversary’s adoptive parents. Semjaza kidnapped her when she was still a baby because he thought having a child would save his failing relationship.
While still despising humans, he’s more open to strike deals with them, as a way to gain more power via their souls (and flesh!)
His symbol is based on the Eye of the Occult item, and is basically a bastardization of the original Watcher symbol
His clothes, while copletely different from when he was an angel, still echo come of that fashion, with the long sash bearing his symbol tied at his waist.
Being worshiped by humans left him with a taste for the finer things in life, and he prides himself in being impeccable all the time.
Usually very soft spoken, unless he’s pissed.
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delirious-basement · 2 years
One thing ppl don’t talk about enough is the fact that Gish in the game he’s originally from is like. Canonically a married man. He has a human wife (formerly girlfriend) named Brea and they’re like legit both entomologists. What is this dude doing in the basement don’t you and your wife need to be collecting bugs.
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mothnoir · 9 months
So so normal about what a character's music tastes says about them
#[miserable sigh] hello its s0naverse again#how each song wraps around and peers into their psyche#indicators of their sense of style and taste.#do they like sad music? do they like loud music? upbeat and pop-y music?#do you feel your grip on your soul slipping onto a numb nothing every day.#are you full of rage and urges you cant control that scare you beyond belief#are you becoming mortal again. are you losing your mortality. are you two stars hurtling past eachother#desperately reaching out for one another and clinging on for dear life the second you make contact#when you inevitably explode into nothingness will you reform together into a nebula or warp into a black hole?#will you save eachother?#<- inevitably circled back into those tragic little gay men they consume my every waking thought still /ref#nvjdkj god's third wheeling at this point & the only thing holding her into the equation is how deeply she's#wormed her self and her influence into it. into the tboy. metaphorically and literally#and like. he can always leave her but he'll always have her heart. she'll always have his#but by god she cannot stop their supernova of a love#nvkdkkjs I say that like theyre so romantic with eachother. they cant hold hands for more than a few minutes without getting#deeply embarrassed. dork ass nerds /affectionate#s0naverse posting on main. late night rambles from beyond the stars. the shooting stars [joke drum sfx]#gndkks having a ship name for them feels so dumb but going sona x stylus feels even dumber sometimes#hey it leads to cheesy analyses so its good for something#delete or not to delete later#status noir#sonaverse
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dgaftilwedie · 5 months
how i feel after fucking a perfectly good run with something stupid (popped an im excited pill and accidentally ran into a spike door room w/ guppy's head in wombs 2. i had one heart and no teleport card. i could not leave.)
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that-lemur · 27 days
As a fat person, I will be embracing my body and making my tru-sona an anthro ref sheet with my body type <3
Yes he will be a tboy with tits and fat rolls yall be prepared :3
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someguythatdrawsstuff · 4 months
Oh boy a wip *insert happy tboy noises here*
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I have 3 more forms to sketch out: the smol (look at my pfp for ref), furry, and feral
Reminder that this is my persona and I'm mostly basing it's look on the fact that I'm cat kin, kitten kin, neko kin, and an age + pet regressor- jdjd
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nuevo-city · 2 months
can i have. oc infodump please im genuinely so curious
some background info on this world; ~700-1000 years in the future. cyberpunk dystopia. almost all of the world is a desert, with only one city of mutated humans remaining. nuevo. these humans main survival adaptation is their ability to survive the slight remaining radiation from the nuclear apocalypse that happened, as well as their ability to drink saltwater, but they have powers too. the city has been divided into three “levels”, all built vertically on top of each other.
the lower levels are a cyberpunk undercity type place, with crime both violent and harmless running wild due to the lack of the hero society’s influence here (i’ll talk about them in a seperate post, but unfortunately to convey it simply, imagine the heroes from mha if they were basically the fbi and the cia at the same time and also even more corrupt and like. paying off the villains to kill people)
. the middle levels are basically solarpunk aesthetic with none of the e benefits of solarpunk, vaguely-futuristic nyc. think spider-verse earth 1610 for what daily life is like, just a lot more future-y.
upper levels are where the hero society mainly influences, the city in the sky. the RICH people live here. generally if you’re up here you’ve got ties to the hero society or the government, or you just work here and live in the middle levels.
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NOW. this is my precious son leo grayson arnaud. vigilante name red noise. bisexual transmasc disaster/professional enabler older brother/part time wannabe wine aunt. he is sad and pathetic and here for a bad time, not a long time. (*cough cough* leo-grayson-arnaud.carrd.co check it out if it still works)
he’s a vigilante!!! he’s awesome!!!! he’s a boyfailure!!!!!! he’s cool as fuck!!!!!!
some info: he’s deaf! his powers let him control sound waves, so he uses them to be really fucking loud so he can utilize noise to electricity to electrocute people with the power of punk rock, but uh…. (garfield meme here) you are not immune to power drawbacks. safe to say, he’s lost most of his hearing. he was also raised the cyberpunk equivalent of a catholic lol? but it’s more akin to like,,, the legal religion from the silt verses than anything. he’s also got an AWESOME boyfriend
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(the cowgirl in the second image is @the-lonelyshepherd’s oc shay. if you’re reading this and don’t know her, check her out!!! she’s cool and shep’s stories are so awesome)
this is sam pines. my BOY. fellow disaster tboy, professional hunter noceda relater-to. absolute poor little meow meow. he’d probably like mother mother but he doesn’t even HAVE a mother mother, carrion bird motif, “my guilt does not purify me” ass.
(the flower clasp is only part of his design while he’s in the cult.)
anyway he’s a born and raised lower level kid. he was abandoned by his mother (DO NOT THINK SHE WAS BAD FOR THIS. it was her only option) and grew up in the foster system until he was nine. at that age he was roped into a cult known as the sentinels. (ill go more in depth with them in another post too) they promised him food and shelter, and he needed it, so he took it. over time he was made to be a soldier for them.
he’s basically a prophet for the sentinels? of sorts. it’s very confusing and strange because it’s a Cult and that’s how they are but yeah. he does get out eventually but it’s more “outcast as a heretic and hunted down and almost killed and then saved by the leader because she thinks he’ll be useful if he still has some devotion left”
bonus info: he’d probably like will wood and jhariah tbh. he lost an arm to his own powers (if i had a nickel for every time power drawbacks showed up in my main ocs if have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice). he feeds stray cats. he falls asleep in the weirdest positions. chronic pain haver (the haverrrrr). all i can think of as basic info rn but im working on making full refs and posts for the rest of the team
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bootleg-sara · 1 year
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Ref work is happening again
In the meantime, here’s a J&E sketch I found while looking for something else lol
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nervousyoungtboy · 6 months
did not know i was into forcemasc but ur blog has got me feeling SOOOO many different things rn i am so incredibly gendered and turned on and i genuinely dony think im going 2 be able to do my t shots the same i am going insane /pos
-🤟( i have been on t for over a year for ref 😭 )
jumping for joy rn!! love showing other tboys forcemasc :3 n im so glad you enjoy my blog 🩶
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