#tboi Abraham
ninten-draw · 2 years
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scrunkl3bunk1e · 2 years
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I warned you, there was some spoilers for the whole storyline and some theory… But here he is, The Lost. Otherwise Isaac’s deceased father, Abraham.
I don’t wanna get into the dark parts of everything so take the whole entire theory as a chunk of angst I guess
Byee 🫠
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dreg-heap · 2 months
And that mogged up tboy posting thirst traps... was Abraham Lincoln
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mews-your-genics · 2 years
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Fanart of @dogmababy‘s “Dad’s note” Abraham!
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I could go on for HOURS about the amazing, deep, and sometimes scary lore in this game. In my first post, I talked about the starting concept provided by the bootup video. It’s pretty similar to the original biblical story of Binding of Isaac. Y’know, Abraham is told by God to kill his son to prove his love, and Isaac is saved last minute by an angel who tells Abraham to kill a ram instead of Isaac. This parallels quite well with the story of our game, Mom is told to kill Isaac to prove her love, and instead of being spared, Isaac jumps into his basement. However, your first playthrough, after three chapters, (and defeating Mom) you unlock your first ending, which is drawn by Isaac. It speaks cryptically, saying Isaac is cornered, and that last minute, “God intervened, sending an angel down from above to stop his mother’s hand. And just like that, it was over.” Now, in the animation, “the angel” is a Bible on a bookshelf, which falls over and knocks Isaac’s mother unconscious.
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[The Save File screen presented after you kill Mom for the first time.]
This is where the story gets weird. After you kill Mom, you unlock a new chapter, the womb. The womb lasts two floors, and the final boss for the womb is “Mom’s Heart”. Nobody seems to know WHY Mom’s Heart is in her womb, but....it is. Don’t question it. So you defeat Mom’s Heart for the first time, and you get your first PROFESSIONALLY ANIMATED CUTSCENE!! Of course, by PRO - I’m sorry, I’ll stop. By professionally animated I really just mean “Actually aesthetically pleasing.” It depicts Isaac in the womb, (alive, present day, not a fetus,) and he’s staring at his toy chest. He climbs inside, and it closes, locking him inside. There are a few signs of struggle, before the movement ceases. Suddenly, it busts open with a holy light, and Isaac rises, glowing eyes and white hair that changes styles every second.
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[Eden rising from the chest in the 1st ending]
Eden is unlocked as a new character at this point. (I’ll explain how he functions in a future post, him and the other characters really deserve a whole post for themselves.) Eden is one of the five characters in TBOI that is a dead incarnation of Isaac. After you defeat Mom’s Heart for the first time, no new chapters are unlocked. Instead, you have to go through nine more playthroughs with Mom’s Heart as the final boss. After each run, you unlock a new item: whichever item Isaac pulls out of his toy chest in the ending. On your tenth ending, Isaac opens the chest to see a dead, blue, suffocated child. You unlock ??? as a new character. (Many people refer to ??? as Blue Baby, and I will be referring to him that way in any future utterances.)
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[Blue Baby in the 10th ending]
Unlocking Blue Baby allows potential access to the 4.5th chapter. As of right now, though, I’ll leave that for the next post. I’ve guided you through the lore of 4 chapters and 10 endings, and we’re only scratching the surface of what Edmund McMillen gives us. In the next post, we’ll dive a little deeper into Isaac’s “Basement” and Isaac’s lore. But for now, may the RNG Gods bless your runs. Good luck, and have fun!
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librius · 7 years
that's rly cool thank u for explaining!! may i ask what the binding of isaac is about? are there more games n if so what order do they go in? :o (i hope this isn't too much or anything you dont have to answer if you dont wanna hdfjkgfg!!)
!!!! yeah ofc!!! the binding of isaac is kinda based off of the legend of abraham and isaac in the bible? but only just barely
btw!! there are heavy themes of physical abuse, suicide, and self harm and stuff like that involved!! so if those make you uncomfortable you should rlly probably not get too involved in the game
its about a boy named isaac (obv) and his mom, his mom is v much implied to be abusive (there are power ups in the game such as the wooden spoon and the belt, which imply that she beats him with them x.x)
well one day his mom hears a command from ‘god’ (its also very much implied that she only imagines she hears it and is not exactly mentally sound in any way shape or form) who tells her to kill isaac, her son, just as abraham was told to in the bible
basically isaac escapes into the basement to get away from his mother, and must fight all sorts of monsters in order to kill the boss at the end, his own mother
there are lots of different power ups and items you can pick up, and a lot of characters too (though the characters are treated as though they’re just isaac, the story doesn’t change at all) and the maps are always randomly generated unless generated with a seed!
but the game itself is a standalone! the original game, known jsut as the binding of isaac, is basically the same thing, it has the same basic story, but less characters and items, and a couple other things are different
afterbirth and afterbirth+ are both dlc for rebirth! which also add more characters and items and enemies, but tboi: rebirth is basically the only game you really need if you want to play
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magic-can · 7 years
The other day my brother was talking to me about how someone should make a TBoI mod that's about Judaism and Islam because they're the other two Abrahamic religions. What do you guys think?
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ninten-draw · 2 years
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Anniversary is… today!
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scrunkl3bunk1e · 2 years
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“ Why, Magdalene. Why do this. “
“ You do know there isn’t anything stopping me, right? “
Drew tainted lost in my version, plus some lore (but you probably already know the stuff…)
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scrunkl3bunk1e · 2 years
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I just wanted to draw a lost loaf with my version because Abraham my beloved
Then I went bananas and drew BB and Forgotten but fly and cat- What have I done-
Still taking requests for being added to my headshot board, pack 4 has only one slot left!
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ninten-draw · 2 years
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Cmon guys! We’ve got repenting to do!
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