#tbi billy
sp0o0kylights · 11 months
oho? I love playing with character perceptions, so number 11 got my immediate interest!
AND THE LAST ASK for real thank you for sending in so many and another thank you to anyone who sent in any ask at all this was a blast:
Turns out this connected to a different document. I desperately need to clean out my drive ANWAY
11! "A large part of the Steve Harrington lore was that he left his throne, his popularity, childhood best friends, behind for Nancy Wheeler. This was a lie."
A thump as the object rolled out of its bag and onto the floor.
It was a wooden baseball bat, same as one might find anywhere--with one noticeable difference.
"Steve." Eddie said simply, eyes raking over the haphazardly hammered nails, some of which were bent from use, "What the hell is this?" 
Steve at least, had the good graces to look abashed. "Ahhh…" He said, trailing off as he clearly fished for anything other than the truth and came up empty. "A nailbat?"
Spoken out loud it even sounded like a fucking fantasy weapon.
"Is that blood all over it?" Eddie asked, tone amazingly even given the panic that galloped wildly through his chest. 
The fucking thing wasn't entirely covered but there was unmistakable red and black splatter that was either the product of the world's best prop artist, or the real deal.
"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think any of the blood is human." Steve said, who overall looked more embarrassed than anything.
Like Eddie has found his porno mags, and not whatever the hell this was. 
"No Steve, that does not make me feel better." Eddie managed to get out, the words a little strangled. "You don't think the blood's human? What the hell do you think it is!?"
Because he had to know. There was no way he could not know, with a literal McGuffin, sitting in between them.  
In fact this entire set up felt like something right of of a D&D scene and once Eddie was done panicking, he kinda wanted to write down a few notes. 
There was a very long, dedicated pause, where once again it became very clear Steve was racking his brain for a lie. 
Eddie let it go on, because he wanted to hear what possible excuse the guy could come up for this. 
Particularly given that Eddie had once shared an English class with him. Steve Harrington was about as imaginative as a child's first chapter book (and frankly, the book probably knew more words.)
"Rabid dogs?" Steve said, sounding more like he was guessing than anything else.  
How he had gotten away with lying to the cops about those house parties of his was a downright mystery.
"Rabid dogs that just might be human." Eddie deadpanned. 
Steve winced.
"I might have swung it at a few people." He admitted.
"No shit." Eddie said, staring at him flatly. It almost felt like he was two people for a moment--a perfectly calm one, demanding answers out of a nervous and clearly spooked Steve Harrington like disappointed mother discovering a baggie of weed--and a person who wanted to fucking book it, immediately.
Before Harrington lost his shit and started swinging the nailbat at him. 
There was no reason for King Steve, richest boy in town and previously its most popular (though given Hargroves penchant for violence, Eddie didn't doubt a lot of people would accept Steve back with open arms so long as the guy stood in between them) to own a clearly used homemade weapon. 
"Okay look, you've caught me in a lot of lies and I'm gonna be real with you, this one came with an NDA." Steve said finally, like that wasn't a wild string of words. "The less you know about it, the better."
And that, Eddie could agree with.
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hickory-smoked-ass · 1 year
Why Don’t You Ever Call Me Honey? Pt. 2
God these chairs are uncomfortable..
Steve had been in the emergency room for two hours now, watching nurses and doctors alike rush past him. The whole place was giving him a killer headache. He wondered if Hargrove was going to survive. Even the paramedics seemed thrown-off, although Steve had to assume a stab-induced poisoning wasn’t all that common in Hawkins.
What? She just stabbed him in the neck with a needle? Did you call the police?!
Steve had just shook his head.
Well- no he was sort of- uhm, attacking me? But he’s fine, it was just a misunderstanding-
The paramedic who was asking the questions just stared at him in disbelief. He’d felt pretty stupid when all was said and done.
Spotting the nurse who had jogged along Billy’s gurney earlier, Steve shot up to wave her down. “Hey! I was wondering if you had any updates? On Billy Hargrove? I -uh, came in with him..?” Steve began to lose steam halfway through his questioning, watching as the nurse's eyebrows scrunched together. “Oh! Yes, ah- just follow me, he’s in room 24D, he’s extremely lucky to survive Mr…” she trailed off, “Harrington” Steve mumbled .
“-Harrington, a needle from that angle at that much force can kill anyone. Should kill anyone. Mr. Hargrove had some serious internal arterial bleeding, and a hopefully minor TBI as a result of the seizure. We won’t know until the scans come back, until then he’s being kept in a medically induced coma.” She sighed, glancing around her shoulder, “I know it sounds unprofessional, but I'm surprised he didn’t die, Mr. Harrington” She leveled him with a slightly judgemental expression.
Steve let out a breath, “A-alright, would I be able to see him? I-I feel real bad about this whole..” He waved a hand around in the air, “Thing…I-I didn’t even know she had the needle until it was already in his neck!…do you think he’s going to survive?” Steve asked, chewing on his lower lip.
The nurse sighed again, “Listen Mr. Harrington, I’m going to be honest with you. I’ve been a nurse here for 23 years, I’ve never seen anyone’s brain cut off from oxygen as long as he was, come away without a bad TBI, he’s not out of the woods yet, but for now all you can hope for is a smooth recovery for him, alright?” She shook her head, moving to guide him towards Billy’s door.
Billy sat motionless on the scratchy white sheets of the hospital bed, breathing in and out at a calm rate. If it weren't for the mass of tubes and wires attached to him, he would have looked peaceful, thought Steve, grimacing.
His right arm, the one that had smashed into the table leg was in a light yellow cast. The nurse, catching Steve's eye, explained, “It’s only a hairline fracture, nothing too serious”. Steve nodded, “When do you think you’re gonna wake him up?” Twisting his hands, Steve sat down on an equally uncomfortable chair. The nurse shrugged, “Hopefully in the next day or two, if you want to leave your contact information, I'll be sure to have the hospital contact you”.
Steve nodded, “I’ll be sure to, thank you..”. “Donna.” the nurse finished. “Donna, I really appreciate you telling me everything” Steve shook her hand before she left, lightly closing the door behind her.
Steve let out a shaky breath, sinking further into his chair. He looked up, reaching towards Billy’s left hand, holding it gently. “Hey…listen Hargrove I’m sorry, I-I've been thinking and this must have been really confusing for you, really confusing. I mean, I’m not happy that you beat the crap outta me.. But I get it? I dunno…I just mean that,” He sighs, “I understand. If I had a little sister I’d probably be pissed that she was hanging out with some random guy too… I mean we’ve all watched Fatal Vision right?” Steve shook his head.
“Stupid… you probably can’t hear me anyway” Steve muttered, pulling his hand back. A small whine snapped his head back up, shocked to see Hargrove’s eyes were slowly blinking open.
“Holy- Nurse! He’s waking up! Nurse!” Steve darted for the door, spinning around when he heard a soft sobbing. “Hargrove? Hey- it’s gonna be okay- I’m getting the nurse! It’s fine-”
“I want my Momma!”
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astranix · 8 months
billy learnt how to hit people w plates from his mum. its. its literally there . we see billys mum hitting his dad w the plate and then billy..... ughjksjs
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jadlz · 1 year
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Today on my tbs server, we discussed what it might have been like if Damien had actually shown typical affects of the Traumatic Brain Injury he sustained on the show, so I whipped up this quick drawing of some of the ideas we came up with! Details below the cut
1. Rollator! For those who don't know, a rollator is a type of walker that contains a seat so you can sit down when needed. For this version of Damien, we discussed him dealing with dizzy spells, fatigue, seizures, or fainting spells, all of which would make having a rollator very important.
2. Service Dog! Bruce (named after Batman) is a big, black Newfoundland service dog, one specifically trained for detecting seizures and fainting spells. He alerts Damien when he needs to sit down and is trained to find someone to call for help in case of emergencies. Otherwise, he sticks close to Damien's side and makes sure he stays safe.
3. Adaptive Clothing! We discussed how Damien might have trouble with coordination and motor skills post-TBI, so he is wearing some clothes specifically designed to make dressing easier. His hoodie has a magnetic zipper, so it can be zipped one-handed. His pants are stretchy and have a snap and zipper closure on the hip to make dressing easier, though we also talked about him wearing skirts bc they're easier to wear. His shoes are styled after BILLY brand shoes, they have a zipper that goes all the way down and around the toe, so he can just set his foot in them, then zip them up, without dealing with sliding or laces.
4. In his bag, I included migraine meds and noise cancelling headphones for sensory needs. I imagine he could also carry sunglasses, chewelry, or anything else he might need on the regular.
Thanks for reading!
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hargrove-mayfields · 2 years
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New Hellcheergroveton Au ~~ Short Chapter Fic Coming Soon!
Premise: In a Post-Vecna world, Billy recently started using a cane to help with his developing mobility issues, while Steve, his boyfriend with partial vision loss, chronic migraines, and a TBI that affects his speech, has thought of a plan to help Billy feel more comfortable using it. That plan happens to involve Chrissy, who is blind, and Eddie, who is hard of hearing and uses mobility aids as well (a decked out, fully customized rollator or a wheelchair of the same punkness usually) to manage his fibromyalgia. Secretly they’re all definitely crushing on each other.
Small Preview of Chapter 1 below the cut:
His solution comes in the form of one Chrissy Cunningham.
Ever since she barely survived Vecna crumpling her like a paper ball, her vision never came back. They pinned together her bones and wired her jaw until it healed, but they can’t exactly get her new eyes that aren’t bloodshot and clouded milky-white. So she walks with a cane. It has a little round circle on the end to roll and feel more accurately where she’s going. She likes it better than the hard-ended tapping cane they gave her first.
And that’s a whole revelation.
A cane. Billy can use a cane.
He asks Eddie to arrange a ride for him, and the next day they’re at the pharmacy (thanks to Wayne. Billy loves that guy) buying him an adjustable, pretty cheap cane. There’s a choice between a harsh, eye-burning blue color that reminds him just a little too much of his old junked car, or a plain black one. It’s a pretty easy choice.
He’s just a little bummed that the one he gets is so… boring.
Billy’s second revelation comes in the form of Eddie Munson.
Why it didn’t come to him sooner, he isn’t sure. Eddie was literally there with him the day he got the damn cane. In his wheelchair. Totally decked out in patches and spikes and stickers.
Customized mobility aids. Billy didn’t even know that was a thing!
Well, obviously he did, but he didn’t think that was an option for him. Eddie Munson is so much cooler than him. They both went through hell, but only one of them had come out the other side passionately fighting against the systems that would make it impossible to pay for their meds and their aids were it not for the liability payouts they were owed by the assholes who made the monsters that tried to kill them. Billy admires the social reform shit Eddie gets up to in his free time, when the spoon drawer isn’t empty.
He calls it Cripple Punk. It’s a whole thing. Billy doesn’t like that word so much, but he likes Eddie a lot, and he likes what he stands for too. And honestly, he kinda likes the idea of having spikes on his cane like Eddie has on the back of his chair.
Just the idea makes Billy feel badass too and not so much like somebody’s old granny.
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Announcement! Upcoming Event!
Hello Harringrove fandom!!
July is disability pride month, and since Billy and Steve are both canonically disabled characters (Billy has bpd, and Steve has tbi), my amazing friend and I have decided to create a week long event celebrating them! It will run sometime in July, with the date still being decided (we will keep you updated!)
This event will be run by @hargrove-mayfields and @intothedysphoria, EJ and Max respectively, who are both disabled creators in the fandom! Our experiences as such have inspired us to host this event dedicated entirely to raising awareness and support for Steve and Billy’s disabilities!
Any content will be allowed, from art, to edits, to playlists, to fic of any length! There are no limitations except it is preferred that there is no extreme or proship content. 18+ creations will be allowed as long as everything is tagged properly, and the interactions are safe and consensual!
The main rule: The fic must feature Billy and/or Steve. Other ships are allowed. That means this isn’t just a Harringrove event, just a celebration of Billy and Steve in general!
Also, either Billy or Steve must be explicitly disabled regardless of who they are shipped with. This can be any disability, canon or headcanon. A modern definition of disability is any state of being that causes an individual to face social barriers. Including but not limited to: sensorial impairments, learning delays, chronic conditions, certain mental health disorders, and physical differences.
Prompts will be provided soon once interest is gathered so creators can begin working! No sign ups required!
Additionally, depending on the number responses we get here, we might create a discord server for members of the event!
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
OC ask time once again :3. I honestly have no idea if you've answered something like this before already.
Your characters are given the ability to time travel once as a one way trip to whenever/wherever they'd like. Who uses it immediately without hesitation? Who never uses it? What do they do once they're in their new time?
Oooh man, a one-way trip? That's got the potential to get a little dark... interesting
Thank you for the ask!! This one's really interesting!
Rae: Decides she's going to save it for when things go really wrong, and never actually ends up using it. She doesn't want to change what already happened, even the traumatic stuff, since she doesn't want to change where they ended up
Robin: Goes back and avoids her TBI - keeps herself and Six out of the room with the feral Beast clone, blocks up the door, and continues on. She recovered from it, but it took time and she'd really rather not have to go through it at all.
Madison: I feel like she'd actually weigh the merits of a bunch of different times, just for the hell of it, but would end up balking at the fact that it's a one-way trip and wouldn't end up using it at all. It does become a running boredom buster, where she'll daydream about going to another time and how good or bad it would be to live there. (like my irl boredom buster of debating the merits of whatever building i'm in as a bunker in the zombie apocalypse. i maintain that movie theaters would be the best)
Ophelia: Stops her father from running his experiment with the tritium reactor, which effectively spares both her parents. It means she has to go through all of college and her doctorate program again, but it's worth it to have her parents alive with her again.
Katherine: Hm... realistically, she wouldn't use it at all since she's happy with the life she has, but just for fun I'm imagining her going back to Ahk's reign in Ancient Egypt and meeting him there, stopping his murder, and eventually resulting in the two of them being remembered in history as benevolent rulers. Their tomb is eventually discovered and, in a cyclical and slightly paradoxical way, both become exhibits in the museum.
Kestrel: Saves it for some split-second moment - if they, Warren, or someone else they care about ever ends up being badly injured or killed in a way that can't otherwise be fixed, that's their get-out-of-jail free card.
Quinn: Goes back to stop what happened in Kyiv - stops herself and Billy from falling, herself from being injured, and warns him of everything Lex was planning with the Kalahari. It's not quite as emotionally rich of a story for her, but it saves them a lot of pain and trauma
Jasper: Goes back to just before that fateful frat party and begs Kyle not to go - he's incredibly confused by all the intensity, but trusts them enough to listen. They have a quiet night in instead, studying and playing Minecraft on their survival server, and the bus crash is on the news the next day. Crisis very much averted.
Eris: Saves it, but with the full intent to use it in the future. His plan is to save it until Rick passes away (hopefully of old age), then to go back to just before they met him and do it all again. It still doesn't compare to their immortal lifespan, but it at least would stretch the time she gets with him. (but eh I'm a metahuman Rick Flag truther anyway so Eris probably never has to actually use it)
Nikoletta: Just about the only one who would just jump to some other historical period and start a new life - she'd go somewhere (and somewhen) where she could use her modern knowledge and shadow abilities to be seen as some kind of witch queen or oracle, lives in wealth and power for as long as she can... and probably dies of some illness that's eradicated in the present.
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Sins & Amends Chapter 56
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Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: You and Billy look towards the future
"I had a ring" Billy's voice was barely a whisper in the darkness of your room and at first you weren't sure he was even awake until you turned enough to face him. "What?" You asked tracing the scars on his left shoulder as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Before Rawlins threatened you, before I had to make a choice. I bought you a ring. I was planning to propose the day Frank got stateside from that last deployment"  your heart dropped when you realized what he was saying "Oh" if he'd bought a ring back then he would've gotten Maria to go with him. No wonder she'd thought he was going to propose the night he broke up with you.
He blinked a few times then finally looked down into your eyes and confirmed what you were thinking "Maria helped me pick it out. I was so nervous but she said Billy she'd say yes to you with a ring from a gumball machine but I've known her since we were kids. This ring is absolutely perfect for her"  you tried to keep your face neutral as memories flooded you both. "I'm sure it was Billy but she was right. I'd marry you without a ring" 
He half smiled then leaned over to press a gentle kiss to your lips "I know but you deserve a ring sweetheart" you shook your head then laid over on his chest being mindful of the stitches in his stomach that still had a couple weeks until they'd come out "I love you Billy" he kissed the top of your head and said "I love you too. Get some sleep baby"
He laid in the dark as your breathing evened out and he knew you were back asleep. He was racking his mind trying to remember just what had happened to that ring. He knew you weren't a materialist person but after everything if he could give you that ring, that small piece of Maria it would mean something. Your hand flinched slightly and he laid his hand over it smiling when you calmed at his touch.  
There were still mornings he'd wake up and just for a second the dread would wash over him that maybe he was still in the hospital after his tbi and he was stuck inside his own head. After all he had the woman he loved in bed next to him and his daughter one room over. He never dreamed of having a family before he met you. You had always been the one he was meant to be with. 
The dread would quickly fade when he was met with a kiss from you or the way Adi would call out for him, wanting daddy first thing upon waking. The two of you could pull him out from the worst of the memories. Hell the two of you were the reason he'd ever would've wanted to survive the fallout from Rawlins, you were the reason why he had a life worth living.
He finally fell back asleep holding your hand in place on his chest.
When you woke up the next morning you were still laying halfway on his chest. You laid there for a few minutes letting your eyes skim across every scar on his face, resisting the urge to do so with your fingers.
You weren't sure where the late night confession about having bought a ring in the past had come from. Maybe the memory had just surfaced? You hoped he knew you meant it when you said you didn't need a ring. You loved him, the two of you shared a daughter. Him and Adi were all you needed.
You hadn't noticed he was waking up until he said "You know I love you but staring is a little creepy darling" you popped his chest playfully "I was not staring, I was gazing. That makes it romantic not creepy" he opened one eye and grinned "Tell yourself that baby" you mocked hurt and said "Well in that case I'll just sleep my creepy ass on the couch tonight" and acted like you were going to get up but he pulled you closer before you could've ever had the chance.
"Oh you're going to leave me when I'm injured? I haven't even got the stitches out and you're already bored of me" you sat there with your mouth gaped open at that because you honestly had no other response. He started laughing and pulled you in for a kiss "Come here baby. I know you're not bored of me" you allowed yourself a moment to enjoy the feeling of his lips on yours before pulling back long enough to say "Nu uh Mr Russo. You've hurt my feelings. A kiss isn't getting you out of it"
He flipped the two of you over so he was on top of you and smiled "What can I do to make it up to you?" You raised an eyebrow while trying and failing to not smile. "Well I'd prefer you not bust your stitches open! I've got plenty of time to let you make it up to me but blood isn't really a turn on" he pushed your shirt up just enough to let his hand slip under it "Well if you stay still I shouldn't hurt myself" his lips found your neck at the same time you felt his hand slide across your bare skin and without meaning to a light moan escaped your lips. 
He chuckled against your neck but you felt the moment both of your moods shifted when his hand ghosted over the scarred tissue on your left side. His fingers were so light you almost missed the touch. "I love you Y/N" you reached up to let your fingers trace one of the scars on his cheek "I love you too Billy but you do know even if you'd been home, I was at work when it happened. You couldn't have protected me from it"
He half smiled then placed a quick kiss to your neck "I know baby but it doesn't help me to know you nearly died and if you would've Curt would've had to tell me on a visiting day" you moved your hand to make him look you in the face.
He smiled when you said "Billy you still have stitches from taking a bullet meant for me. The scars on your face are a direct result from protecting me. Hell I've shot you, twice! Once with a paintball gun then when I actually shot you. You've got to not beat yourself up over things" 
He laughed then "Gotta admit our love story is unique" "That it is" you agreed with a laugh.  Before either of you could move the monitor crackled to life and you heard Adi "Daddy" you glanced over at it then back up at him "You're being paged dear and I need to get a shower before work" he kissed you on the lips then climbed off of you and out the bed.
You watched him leave out the room then laid back with a laugh. God what was Adi gonna think when she got old enough to find out everything that had went down? Now wasn't the time to worry about that at least.
You climbed out of bed then headed to grab clothes for the day.
Billy was sitting across from Adi at the table when you walked out the bedroom pulling your hair up in a bun. She'd wanted pancakes so he had delivered then cleaned up the mess.
He looked up when you walked out and smiled when you asked "Do you have to go in today?" He nodded "Yeah we got a few meetings I've got to go to. Dinah nor Sam is really budging on me helping with training until I'm completely cleared" 
"Good. That means I don't have to threaten to shoot anyone in Homeland again" you muttered and he laughed. "Sarah picking up Adi or are you dropping her off?" You asked, starting the coffee maker.
He ran a hand over her head and she grinned up at him  "I'm going to drop her off then I was thinking if the meetings ran short enough I might be able to talk her into visiting Simba and Nala?" Her eyes got big at the mention of the aquarium "Please daddy?" You looked over your shoulder at her "You gotta be good for aunt Sarah ok baby?" She nodded "I will"
You finished making your coffee in silence while Adi finished her pancakes then ran off to play for a few minutes. Billy stood up and slid his arms around your waist "I meant to tell you Curt reminded me that I still have some stuff in his storage unit. I have no idea what it is but do you want to go through it with me tomorrow?" You leaned nodded then looked up at him "Sure why not but I'm warning you right now better not be any souvenirs from anyone you took home while we weren't together"
He knew you meant it as a joke but there was just enough hesitation in your eyes he felt the need to say "No one went home with me. My bed always belonged to you Y/N" you blinked a few times as his words sank in then the smile that slid onto your face was enough to make his heart skip a beat "Really?" You asked it in almost a whisper.
He let his lips brush against your neck "Really" You were quiet for a moment before saying "Matt never came here. Not like that anyways. It didn't feel right, not to mention I never really found it in me to take your photos down" he smiled against your skin "Nice to know"
About that time Adi came running back in "Daddy!" He turned to see that she had four different outfits in her hand. "Which?" He looked back at you so you shrugged. He looked between her choices and picked her red dress and black leggings. "These babygirl. Now do you need help?" She shook her head "I can do it"
You watched her run off with a smile. "She's already getting independent Billy" he looked back at you with a grimace "I know. I hate it" you couldn't help but laugh at the little pout he had.
Your phone went off with a text so you grabbed it and saw it was Alice saying she was downstairs. "Shit. I gotta get my stuff together" you walked over to the closet to grab your bags then stepped into Adi's room.
She was dressed but was trying to get her leggings straight. "Baby do you need help?" You asked and she shook her head "I can do it" "Ok sweetheart well can mommy get some love aunt Alice is downstairs so I got to go"  she stopped fighting with them to run into your arms "Love you mommy" you kissed her cheek and said "Love you too"
Billy glanced up when you walked back into the living room so you pointed back towards Adi's room. "She's gonna need some help but you gotta make her think it's her idea" he nodded "Yes ma'am" you shook your head then stepped over closer to pull him into a kiss "I love you Billy" he smiled and said "I love you too. Have a good shift and tell Alice I said hey" you gave him another quick kiss then headed for the door. If you weren't down soon Alice would start calling.
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"So when are you going to propose to Y/N, Bill? I mean is she going to be a Russo before Adi turns three or four?" Frank asked with a smirk. "When I finally heal up for one and when I get a ring worthy of her" he replied but Frank shook his head "Ok first all we don't want to hear about your sex life and I know that's why you said once you're healed and also you know it's bullshit saying that you got to have a ring. She'd marry you today" Curtis cut in. 
Billy groaned "That's my point! She would marry me today but I think you both agree after the hell she's been put through doesn't she deserve a ring, the dress she wants and the wedding she wants?" David raised his hand slightly "Hasn't she yelled at you and Frank both about saying what she does or doesn't deserve?" Billy shot him a glare so he added "And haven't you bought her a cabin already?"
Billy shook his head at the three of them "I swear the bunch of you gossip worse than any woman. I will propose when the time is right ok? I love her and want nothing more than to call her my wife" Dinah walked by about that time and added "If you keep dragging your feet I'm going to propose to her" causing all the guys to crack up laughing.
It was a relief to get out of the office and head across town to pick Adi up. Leo answered the door and he had forgotten that school was out for spring break. "Hey Billy!" She greeted with a smile then hollered "Lil bit, your daddy's here!"
Adi came running around the corner with a smile and what looked like a cookie smeared across her face "Daddy!" Sarah was behind her with a wipe in hand "We made cookies. Adi was the official taste tester of course" he laughed and said "Of course"
Once she'd let Sarah clean her up Adi grinned "We're gonna go see sharks!" Sarah smiled "Really? I know you love the sharks" he watched her go around and hug Sarah then Leo and even Zach came down to tell Adi bye. "Be good little bit. I'll see you tomorrow" Sarah told her with a final hug.  "Bye aunt Sarah"
Billy held her hand out to the car and when he went to pick her up she shook her head "I can do it" he held his hands behind her just in case she slipped climbing into the car but she managed to get into her seat without incident so he leaned over to strap her in then kissed her forehead. "My big girl. Ready to go?" She nodded "All ready"
Adi made it through the sharks,penguins and seahorses before she was tugging on his sleeve "Can we go home?" He nodded and picked her up gently to not pull his stitches "Let's go babygirl"
Once he got her home she was asleep by the time he carried her inside and laid her on the couch. He watched her sleep for a moment thinking just how lucky he was but everyone was right he needed to make peace with not being able to give you the ring he wanted and find you a different one. 
Frank and Karen were hosting the bi-weekly dinner this time so there was nothing that had to be done until you got home. He decided to grab his laptop and look through options on engagement rings.
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findafight · 1 year
they actually didn't win steve's senior year bc his concussion after the fight w billy got him benched for the rest of the season
Oh yeah Steve was absolutely benched until at least late January, considering the severity of the concussion/tbi. Running on a concussion suuucks. Like yeah sorry one of your best players is benched because some racist beat his face in for protecting a kid! Maybe be more particular about who you let join the team! Maybe next year his little protege will win the championship for you, who knows!
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kyo-isuppose · 17 days
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MAKITA YURI HEADCANNONS (except I’m American, so it’ll be Americanized)
Dresses like if a little girl was an old man (mary janes, blouse, suspenders.)
She likes the Happpier Than Ever/What Was I Made For era Billie Eillish
Ankle socks (most of her socks are white)
Her room looks really cute, organized, and tidy because of her color coded bookshelf and merch, but her drawrs are wadded up clothes
Nest of a bed (loads of stuffed animals on her bed)
Her favorite vocaloids are Teto and Kaito (she doesn’t listen to much vocaloid, bit enthuses over the cute mascots)
She can play nursery rymes on the mbira
She crushed on a girl in primary school cause they did eachothers hair during free time
“dadylions are flowers“ (not a joke. She is stubborn about tbis topic, and has gotten into many debates with her friends when she’s supposed to be planning school events)
“If I was a planet, I’d be pluto, probably“ (joke)
Incredibly smart and self aware (this is cannon, but had to reinforce it)
Doesn’t like baloons soley because of the pop sound
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trickarrows-bishop · 6 months
okay SO... keep in mind these are mostly chronic disabilities because i thought of them when i was half asleep and i'd just been reading a fic where ava had CPS (chronic pain syndrome):
zack got a really, really, really bad hit on the head which gave him a TBI (traumatic brain injury), which lead to chronic post-traumatic headaches and epilepsy
trini got hit by a ray/spell from an alien villain which caused really bad pain and somewhat injured the nerves (? or something along those lines). it receded a bit once the villain was defeated, but it still kind of constantly hurts
kim's zord got hit by another and crashed while she was in it and a piece of sharp metal pretty much impaled her shoulder, and there are lots of nerves in the shoulder. she has reduced mobility in it and it hurts like a bitch a lot
jason's was relatively simple in comparison; his leg was already kinda weak in relativity to the rest of his body (because he's a ranger, his newly unbroken leg is just less strong than the rest of his superpowered body), and a villain saw this and went for that, not much to say. the damage was so bad that amputation was briefly considered before it got salvaged.
i don't remember what billy had (remember, half asleep), but i think his hand got amputated, likely from a dangerous alien machine he was trying to stop. though it could've just been an injury too, i'm afraid i can't quite remember
in any case:
trini alternates between crutches and a wheelchair depending on the severity of the pain, kim uses a brace on her arm, zack has to take things easy (no more crazy stunts), jason uses a cane, and billy has to use his other hand (luckily it was his left and he was right-handed)
whaddya think?
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svnflowermoon · 4 months
omg tbis is so confusinf like are they fighting or loving or what?
billies a great actor
i knowwww her acting is so omg omg
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sbknews · 1 year
Change Has Come With Husqvarna Motorcycles
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Change has come with Husqvarna Motorcycles unveiling new generation enduro models for 2024. All-new platform and multiple technical advancements raise the bar for next level enduro performance. Allowing riders to master terrain like never before, Husqvarna Motorcycles’ all-new 2024 TE and FE machines set a new standard for riding offroad. Expertly crafted with new frames, subframes, bodywork, suspension, and brakes, the extended list of shared innovations across the new enduro platform was introduced to further improve overall rideability. With every model continuing to deliver outstanding performance, riders will undoubtedly embrace and benefit from the technical changes made to all seven class-leading machines. Offering predictable damping, the new enduro-specific WP suspension allows riders to conquer technical sections with complete confidence and control. The WP XACT Closed Cartridge spring forks incorporate a mid-valve piston for smooth action and consistent performance, while a hydrostop in the final 68 mm of travel helps to maintain forward momentum. A redesigned WP XACT shock features a new piston to improve comfort and is 100 g lighter and 15 mm shorter while retaining 300 mm of travel. Both the fork and shock settings can be adjusted by hand for a fast and easy personalised set-up.
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Designed to work in perfect harmony with the WP suspension is a new chromium molybdenum steel frame. Improving anti-squat behaviour and offering revised flex characteristics, the chassis, which includes a new and much more durable hybrid subframe, guarantees each machine delivers exceptionally agile handling with confidence-inspiring straight-line stability. Wrapped around the new chassis is new bodywork that is adorned with modern, Swedish-inspired graphics and a new high-grip seat cover. Offering an improved 'rider triangle', to ensure more knee contact and therefore better control, the slim design of the bodywork also offers complete freedom of movement when riding while standing up. The updated bodywork is completed by a redesigned headlight, producing a brighter light output and is installed using a much more efficient and user-friendly mounting system. For the new generation, the TE 150, TE 250 and TE 300 2-stroke models are now powered by new engines, fuelled using Throttle Body Injection (TBI) technology. Introduced to ensure these lightweight machines maintain their best-in-class performance, TBI guarantees a much more consistent and controllable spread of power throughout the rev range, even in the toughest of conditions. The FE 250 and FE 350 machines benefit from new and much more compact DOHC engines. These are positioned in the frame two degrees backwards when compared to the previous generation, which further centralises mass and contributes to the improved anti-squat behaviour of the chassis. In addition, both engines are designed to position all major components as centrally as possible for improved handling and to generate maximum torque and power. All models in the range take the enduro riding experience to new levels thanks to advanced electronics. The EMS (engine map selection) allows each machine to offer two pre-set riding maps to suit varying terrain, with each gear selected engaging a tailored power delivery. The 4-stroke models offer additional rider aids including Traction Control and a Quickshifter for positive upshifts, even under heavy load. The line-up is complete with premium components shared across the range including a new LED headlight, enhanced BRAKTEC brakes with high performance GSK discs, a combined start/stop button, ProTaper handlebars, and Michelin enduro tyres. On the global racing stage, Billy Bolt’s most recent success clearly underlines Husqvarna Motorcycles’ reputation as a highly competitive manufacturer. Competing in the FIM SuperEnduro World Championship, the Husqvarna Factory Racing star secured his third consecutive title indoors to once again demonstrate the exceptional capability of the FE 350.
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2024 Technical Highlights - New chromium molybdenum steel frame optimised for improved anti-squat behaviour and enhanced flex characteristics - New polyamide/aluminium hybrid subframe offers exceptional strength and durability - New 48 mm WP XACT Closed Cartridge spring forks deliver consistent damping and predictable handling - New WP XACT rear shock is lighter and developed specifically for enduro riding - New ergonomic bodywork offers revised rider triangle for enhanced control - New 2-stroke engines feature TBI technology for improved rideability and ease of use - New 250cc and 350cc DOHC 4-stroke engines provide class-leading power and torque - New LED headlight provides a brighter light output and simplified fitment - New BRAKTEC brake system and high-performance GSK discs provide superior stopping power - New multifunctional Map Select Switch design controls the Quickshifter and Traction Control (4-stroke only) - New Offroad Control Unit (OCU) for highest level of reliability and user-friendly serviceability of electronics - Premium-quality ProTaper handlebar and ODI Grips - Electric starter powered by a lightweight Li-ion 2.0 Ah battery All enduro riders can dress and prepare for all conditions with the Functional Offroad Apparel Collection. Headlined by the new Moto-10 Spherical Railed Helmet, an extensive range of riding gear and waterproof clothing ensures riders can perform at their best for longer and in total comfort. For the new models, a comprehensive selection of Technical Accessories is now available with each component designed to enhance the performance and durability of each machine. The 2024 enduro range is available in the UK from mid-June at all authorised Husqvarna Motorcycles dealers. See below for full model price list.* TE 150 - £9,249.00 TE 250 - £10,149.00 TE 300 - £10,349.00 FE 250 - £10,649.00 FE 350 - £10,849.00 FE 450 - £11,149.00 FE 501 - £11,249.00 *Price includes VAT, delivery to dealer and PDI. For more information on the 2024 Husqvarna Motorcycles Enduro range, click here. For more Husqvarna Motorcycles news check out our dedicated page Husqvarna Motorcycles News or head to the official Husqvarna Motorcycles website husqvarna-motorcycles.com/en-gb.html Read the full article
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Elysium Movie Clip | Full Robot Fight Scene | Matt Damon | Diego Luna
ad the threats are from john r and now and in the future ad all over ad we hit the sht ad his. ad blow them away tons do. he is a idiot and wants our son in actioonad such. wont lift a finger to do so and is a moronn. and spaz billy hiks. lol and gutless worm gets hit in the heart and gets a ew one  ad tey take it out and he is johnny breaveheart goes for days with no heart a message from his own. dies a lot.  then this. out now by tommy f your done.  tons see he figured it out at taht stage. he is this cheap shit and doest do a thing for us.  and  he is ded.  finally.  not long after this tommy f sees him.  and it  is after the glades. mb not really.  so we see.  it might not be tommy f the macines were in the  hands of the trumpsters in the tv shows.  and they were caught.  try to blame them. and oh yeh thier women at the pit in the silver cahair video
Thor Freya
and you send things to me. this ahole about you trump bu t are true your a friggin liar and stupid.  this stuff sucks. mostl only.  you want to be a conservationist and stuff.  and he smirks and up to two ad and they flee he will stay is a mutant your not you will sicken.  and die and then realy sick in mad max and out of your body. or the recent one.  and says it the pyramid ppl tke you there piece by piece.  and gross. ok.  your abnormally insnesative for someone who is attacked by them rude crass mean. you should see it is hard enough.
i try to get up over mac  proper cant so i do others and aim sick so what caant change
wont ok you suck there trump and you do badly
we use this and he is nasty and not human he was hit severly with tbi and bad need him out
Olympus we sit meet now
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wrestlingfaves · 2 months
The Royal Rumble Marathon: 1999
We’re rumbling into 1999.
Spoilers for past Rumbles.
We’re still in the Attitude Era so beware of retrospective cringe.
The undercard:
We open with a Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon video.
Road Dogg vs the Big Boss Man. Meh match.
Ken Shamrock vs Billy Gunn for the Intercontinental championship. Feud started when Billy mooned Ryan Shamrock. Shamrock pulls off the win despite Val Venis interfering on Billy’s behalf. Slightly better than “meh” match.
Vince-Shane-Stooges promo.
Gangrel vs X-Pac. More meh.
DX Rumble promo.
Shane McMahon in-ring promo – he introduces Luna Vachon.
Luna Vachon vs Sable in a strap match. In what universe am I supposed to believe Sable has a chance against Luna? Michael Cole has the audacity to say “Sable has worked so hard to learn her craft”. Sure. Shane joins Cole and Lawler on commentary. Shane notes Sable is “a prima donna and unappreciative”. Just wait a few months, Shane.
For the record, I don’t approve of any harassment Sable received behind the scenes. I also don’t appreciate how vastly more talented women had to be humiliated to make Sable appear talented. Jacqueline, Luna, Ivory, and Teri Powers all suffered in her wake.
A “fan” (Tori/Terri Power) interferes, costing Luna the match.
Corporation Rumple promo.
Mankind/DX recap video
Mankind vs the Rock for the World championship in an I Quit match. The match is infamous for the Rock unloading a series of unprotected chairshots in front of Foley’s family.  The Rock wins with shenanigans. I’ll give the match a “good” rating. I’d say great but the unprotected chairshots were uncomfortable viewing in 1999 and they’re horrible in 2024 with the knowledge of TBI and CTE.
Another Austin/McMahon recap video.
The Rumble entrants in order of appearance:
Steve Austin (Austin and Vince spend most of the Rumble outside of the ring due to brawling, backstage Corporate attacks, ambulance angles, and Vince spending time on commentary)
Vince McMahon
Golga (Earthquake/John Tenta)
Droz (in his Legion of Doom attire)
Gillberg (I always enjoyed the Goldberg parody)
Steve Blackman
Dan Severn
Tiger Ali Singh
The Blue Meanie
Mabel (Undertaker and his Ministry decide to sacrifice Mabel backstage)
Road Dogg
Al Snow
The Godfather
Ken Shamrock
Billy Gunn
Big Boss Man
Triple H
Val Venis
Mark Henry
Jeff Jarrett (accompanied by Debra)
D-Lo Brown
Owen Hart
Winner: Vince McMahon (with the help of the Rock)
First Time Rumblers: Droz, Edge, Gillberg, Dan Severn, Tiger Ali Singh, Blue Meanie, Gangrel, Test, Val Venis, Chyna
First Female Entrant in the Rumble: Chyna
Most Eliminations: Steve Austin (for the third year in a row)
Quickest Elimination: Gillberg
Cringe Moments: The unprotected chairshots in the Rock-Mankind match.
Rating:  5 out of 10. The undercard was weak besides the Rock-Mankind match and I’m deducting points from that match for the series of unprotected chairshots. The Rumble itself was fine.
Wrestlers and others who have passed on: Howard Finkel, Big Boss Man, Pat Patterson, Luna Vachon, Golga, Droz, Mabel, Owen Hart, Chyna
Total number of deceased individuals: 9 (down two from the previous Rumble)
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pearlzier · 2 months
OMG DUDE I JUST HAD THE CRAZIEST LIKE SLEEP PARALYSIS DREAMS EVER LET ME TELL YOU OKAY SO THE first one i could like choose my dreams like there were multiple doors open and one of the doors had like a walk way with candles and the other door had like a grey tint and that was my room but j always chose this werid option idk how to explain it but just know billy butcher was on the tv and thats how i picked like my option i had to click something on the tv i forgot what the option did but like i was NOT about to go through a door anyways so i go baxk to my room right like i “woek up” in my dream right and i thought i was wake fr and loke i went to the bathroom in my dream and everything and looked in the mirror and like started counting but my mouth wasnt synced so i knew i was still dreamingand like i started hitting my arm and pinching my arm but it didnt work and then i went to my room in my dream and something else happened but i forgot but then i woke up like fr THEN I ACCIDENTALLY FELL ASLEEP BC IT WAS 3AM ALMOST 4 BC MY SLEEP SCHEDULE IS SO BAD BUT ANWAYS so then the second time this one just happened bro like at 4:50am so i accidentally fall asleep right so i was sleeping in tbis dream and like there was a demon and tbat shit like started possessing me like i saw its eyes and everything like it started posseimf me and i cpuldnt speak to preach ang jesus stuff like i could not speak bro and then it stopped and i tried to wale up but didnt work and then it possed me again and it lokweu hirted so then i get up in my dream and go to my mom and im like i cant wake up help me and like bro she wakes up and was like what and then i was like this aint real!! and then i actually woke up so heja this was frazy!!
THIS IS ACTUALLY INSANE ANON ARE YOU GOOD WHAT. stop last time i had sleep paralysis this woman was screamimg at me and chasing me or some shit this is on another level
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