hanakokun77 · 4 years
Theories of chapter 71: Will hanako comeback in the future? NOTE: I UPDATED THIS THEORY!
Alright we all know hanako "shattered" away our hearts in chapter 71 (aka he had disappeared from the human world)
So let's first introduce my theory, then I will include evidence.
My theory :
So basically I think hanako will be back! I know he is dead and has disappear, but I am certian that he will be back and live/go to school with nene!
reason 1.
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Do u guys remember around ep 6 about the black, white, and red books? and how they include records about the living AND dead. we have been told that the white book contains records of living, and black of the dead. BUT we have not been told what the red consist. BUt what I think is that the red book might contain records of the future meaning things that might happen between the "living" and the "dead". I say this because when nene was opening her book, she actually read something about her future that's gonna happen to her which made her book to start turning RED. I think the red book will contain future things that will happening between the living and the dead for example: nene and hanako. ALSO I forgot to mention that EACH of these books will consist records of the person AT ThIS SCHOOL AND WHAT ThEY DID HERE. Which means hanako's book will still consist records of him even after he did die, since he was still at the school but as a ghost...
Reason 2.
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Remember when nene was told by her sensei that hanako changed his "future". I actually think he didn't because sensei started talking about how hanako became a science teacher at the school and became coworkers with him, but from what we were told, it didnt happened since he died before it. GUYS remember sensei read hanako’s book about the “hanako science teacher part”, WE never heard of anything in between hanako’s book.(I’m talking about the part of hanako’s records with nene and etc). These thing must have been in hanako’s book since it’s hanako’s records even if he is dead, it will still consist records of him!!(I mentioned this above in reason #1). I think sensai didnt want to say that part on purpose as a secret to keep everything spiced. 🔥👌I think sensei has some sort of power of the future and stuff about records since he is a school wounder too! I think he has something to do behind this all... (plus that teacher looks really sus and seems like he is hiding a lot.)  SO WHICH MEaNS hanako will be back somehow...-----> 
UPDATE): I now think that Number 6 will be the one that bring hanako back because he is able to bring the dead back to life! Not only that, hanako didn’t take away number 6′s seal either, which means he never disappeared during the severance!!! I also remember hanako saying that “no.6 might come in handy”, so he didn’t take his seal and just left it.
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I'm saying this because in one of the chapters I remember hanako mentioning of a "god". And also in chapter 70 he was speaking of how "he is gonna feel lonely" which just shows heaven and hell exists especially all about his sins and stuff.
I really think hanako will be forgiven by god and somehow god will give hanako a second chance to live as the same person again!!?? ((UPDATE: Or number 6 can bring him back through that path)) And that’s where the hanako school science teacher comes in!! I think hanako will come back and go to school and live/grow up with nene. AND THEN HANANENE SHIP LIVES HAPPlIY EVER AFTER!!! (Also guys I forgot to mention that a lot of twists and turns might happen for these events to occur) (also I think Aoi-chan will somehow be brought back using no. 6 or something OR maybe using Tsukasa too)
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ALSO HANAKO AND NENE HAVE A BOUND SO WE DONT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ThEM BEING TOGEThER LOL cause they eventually will!!!!!😂 ALSO IT says "now our fates are tied together. Across the worlds of the living and dead", this shows us that they will ALWAYS be together where ever they go. The "living" and "dead". which means that even if hanako and nene are separated right now in chapter 71, they come back together somehow at the end!!
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