#tbh the *thing* that i feel like im into most rn it just like. band stuff.
you-are-constance · 1 year
Hmm a Cabaret or Anastasia theme could be fun? I think you were Anastasia for a while though so Les Mis?
they all sound like great ideas my problem right now is that there's a lot of things/medias i love but nothing so like. consuming as what I've had my blog be in the past.
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sophaeros · 4 months
I think I'm hf in the exact same thing as you rn I just found your blog I am also obsessed with band rpf and Casablanca's/hammond jr do u have a kind of manifesto or anything I can read
dude did one of my irls send this or smth..i was literally Just talking about putting together a masterdoc and they were egging me on BSJFJWBS. i mean i'm kinda working on one but no promises bc im terrible w long term projects and also theyre very difficult to figure out
BUT i Will say (and i've seen other random people online agree w me) i think the general timeline is that during the seven years they lived together from 1998 to 2005 jules was down bad for albert but albert didn't realise his own feelings, so the most that might've happened is some fooling around physically. (this is mainly going off of this page from the meet me in the bathroom book where jules says "albert, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, baby!" insane quote. i could talk a little more about their full quotes but that's another post)
sometime between 2005 and 2013 (possibly 2011 tbh, comedown machine is The gay situationship album but angles touches on it a lot too) they dated twice and broke up both times. im not sure who broke up w who but tentatively i would say the first breakup was more acrimonious while the second breakup might've been mutual.
it's difficult to say anything for sure because most of their songs have songwriting credits shared with other people, so looking at lyrics for clues has a pretty big margin of error since a line might've been written by someone else and not them, yknow? i mean rpf is never a "for sure" kind of deal i could be entirely wrong and that would be fine but. you get what i mean
also one way trigger is the lynchpin for me. i physically cannot imagine a platonic explanation for this poster that uses a screenshot from thelma and louise of all films. not to mention the lyrics like even my Mom raised an eyebrow at "get dressed in your bed while she's asleep." and also it's one of two strokes songs albert has ever played solo with the other being elephant song (at least according to setlistfm, im still trying to find a video of it) (edit 12/08/2034: setlistfm lied to me he did not play elephant song 💔💔💔💔) which was written, surprise surprise, by albert and julian in 1999.
i mean i guess the poster could be them fucking around and having a little laugh but come on what an insane ass joke to make man. i'm gonna make a post later about one way trigger being their specialest little song because it really is
soo like..theres still more i could talk about like one way trigger being written by the albert julian nick trio (which makes me laugh imagining nick mediating their lovers quarrel) [EDIT: ACTUALLY WAIT NO ok it's hard to find definitive information on who wrote what bc different databases have information of varying precision but the canadian site socan which is the most precise so far says only albert and jules wrote the lyrics for one way trigger i'd misremembered. albert julian nick trio Did do call it fate tho which is still kinda crazy !! also jules and albert being the only ones to do one way trigger makes me crazier jesus christ why is this depressing ass song Their Song !!!!] which is the same trio as games from angles. theres a lot i've been thinking about them nonstop for like, what, a month? give or take? my poor friends have to deal w me sending dozens of messages at a time much love and light to them if they read this muah
and thank you for the excuse to be insane on main anon 🥰
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
Tysm for the tags @monacobasedgirldad @schumigrace @fernandoalonzoo sry im a bit late getting to this lol
Are you named after anyone?
My great great grandmother(I think??), though she was named Katarzyna, and I was born Catherine, but go by Catie obviously(this lowkey annoys my mom lmao, especially bcs if I were to have a nickname, it was supposed to be Cate.)
When was the last time you cried?
Today, over classical music. I think I cry at least once a day 😭 I am very emotional
Do you have kids?
Nope :)
What sports did you play/have you played?
I played soccer when I was a kid. Also does marching band count?
Do you use sarcasm?
All the fucking time, literally constantly. And also we sarcastically bully each other in my family, so I have to pull myself back from accidentally insulting people 😭
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmmm, I feel like ive done this tag game before bcs I remember writing this exact answer. But usually I notice if someone is a good conversationalist or not. Like do they like to lead the convo, do they like to listen to the other people, do they talk too much, too little, are they awkward about it? It's just very interesting to me, bcs I think that kinda thing really does instantly show you if you're going to be compatible with a person(as a friend or more etc.) Cause I talk a lot a lot, and I think it's difficult to get along w people who are untalkative but also people who talk an equal amnt if not more djkfkglg.
What is your eye color?
Just brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies definitely. I mean im not opposed to a happy ending obviously, but that's not really what im always looking for in a movie, I guess? Rn I'm trying to think of my top movies, and man, not a lot of them have happy endings 😭 But I literally just watched two horror movies the past wknd so! Even though they make me paranoid
Any talents?
I think I could go on a rant about anything if you gave me a bit of time. I really think I can just talk endlessly. Is that a skill? Or is it just annoying..? But yeah I'm not sure, but I think I'm pretty good at absorbing information and being able to go on and on about it.
Where were you born?
America rahhh 🦅🦅 I like my state a lot even though I feel like all my peers keep saying "ugh I don't want to be in [insert state] anymore" Smh how dare you
What are your hobbies?
Mostly drawing! I draw both F1 fanart(pretty much all selfmade AUs tho) and ocs. I like writing lore and worldbuilding and meta, but not really writing itself. I like reading fic and watching movies as well. And I think one of the main things I do these days tbh is read about history and keep up with politics. I get more and more involved with it as the days go by, but unlike drawing, I don't really have an outlet for it sigh sigh. So that's why a lot of AUs involve history and random other things, bcs its fun to involve my interests with each other!
Do you have any pets?
Yes I do! Two cats and two dogs. The cats are named Jin and Frank. Jin is basically me in cat form, he's so anxious 😭 and Frank is like my brother, he's such a little bastard who loves to hiss all the time. My dogs are named Maisie and Ruby. Maisie is a menace to society, but she is also the most beautiful dog ever, so I forgive her. Her name makes me laugh bcs she's named after this book character, Maisie Dobbs right? So her name tag says Maisie Doggs
How tall are you?
Around 5'4
Favorite subject at school?
Politics >:) But I'm pretty interested in philosophy as well rn. Unfortunately my love for foreign languages has been slipping in the semester or so, bcs my professors on that side kinda suck. So I've been putting more energy into my other major, and now all I can talk about is history, politics and philosophy, etc etc. It's just a lot of fun and very interesting to me!
Dream job?
Man, sometimes I wish I could just be a student forever, I just want to keep learning all about the world and other things. But I'd like a job that's not too static, something that pushes me out into the world a bit, maybe smth in the government or like a non-profit idk yet!
Ahhhh I'm doing this a bit late so I'm not sure who's done it yet, I feel like mostly everyone has :,) I tag anyone who's interested, like seriously I'd love to see people's answers who I haven't yet!!
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pharaohbean · 7 months
Hey, saw your Prsk Unit Shuffle AU and am very interested in seeing more.
In particular, I'm interested in hearing more about how the groups formed. It's always neat to see how these characters first meet and interact under different circumstances. And, as a little bonus, maybe what their "Untitled"/theme song is, because I feel like that's a very key part of a unit's identity that tends to be overlooked.
(Not sure if you're still interested in asks about this AU. If not, sorry for bugging you about it)
GASP HELLO I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY UNIT SHUFFLE AU im so sorry this too forever to get u back on!! schoolwork is a pain and then i went SHOPPING (which takes forever :sob:)
okok so i haven't really thought about all the details of how they get together? so bear with me this is a rough draft lol
SSS: the idea at the core of this group is that its a family with different strengths coming together to make music. so tsukasa is the scriptwriter, saki is the lyricist, toya is the choreographer, and kanade is the composer! the group is headed by tsukasa, who's actually been putting on these shows for all of them since he was a kid. as he got older, he started taking stardom more seriously (leading into canon), but an incident in middle school ended up with the tenmas legally adopting toya, so that definitely shook things up for tsukasa (in a good way!). so i think that (+ l/n not reforming, which does happen in the SSS main story) allowed tsukasa and saki to consider banding their strengths together, since tsukasa loved putting on shows and saki loved seeing them, but she would also help put them on for toya (and later kanade, when she joins them not long after toya does). the two of them very quickly realize that they need more hands, and although recruiting kanade as composer is easy (bc 25ji never forms- dont ask why im still figuring that out lol) toya is a lot harder bc he's still active under BAD DOGS with akito. however, with akito picking up AWR around the same time (+ hatsune freaking miku appearing to toya), toya does join under their choreographer as for their untitled, their song is Wonderland and the Sheep's Song by Hachi, but I worked out their line distributions to this lovely KYO cover! you can see my color-coded lyrics for them here if you're interested :)
R/l: im gonna be 100% honest with you SSS and AWR are the only ones with any semblance of a plot rn LOL but here's the base idea around R/l: mizuki and rui both congregate on the kami school rooftop bc, yknow, loners (mizuki is never reached out to by kanamafu, so not 25ji on their part. tsukasa doesnt end up applying for phoenix so wxs doesn't have a chance of forming). at some point, i imagine they got talking about music, but never did anything concrete. but not long into the main story (probably the very start) an also joins them, her dream of surpassing rad weekend getting weaker as she struggles to find a partner (koha will be explained later) so she goes to hang with her friend on the rooftop. at some point, mizu and an both accidentally enter sekai, where they meet miku and len. those two tell them that there's still two others they need to find because they also made the sekai. mizu and an get.... maybe a little too excited over this. an takes this chance to invite her friend haruka over to kami (so she transfers) and join the group, but in their search for their fourth member they end up accidentally alienating rui (ironic). they fix that tho-- although HOW i dont know lol their untitled was one i went back and forth on (tbh only SSS and AWR i didnt lol), but i eventually decided on Untitled Hymn by shaito! their color-coded lyrics are here (i just realized you can barely tell where an is in lines but ehhh)
ATD: okay so. ATD is the group thats given the most gosh-darn trouble. ive revised their cast motivations like, TWICE now. but basically it goes like this: shizuku and mafuyu are both members of the archery club, with mafuyu trusting shizuku so much that her public mask slips a couple of times (against her will). shizuku's not dumb, but she doesn't say anything bc i think she understands that mafu has her secrets. after shizuku quits being an idol (on more of her own terms), she still wants to find a way to share the light she had before that seemed to reach mafu a few times. enter: accidental sekai trip! this trip both gives shizu the idea for an online group (which could sorta count as MMJ but i think the big distinction is they do more streamer/vtuber stuff and less purely idol stuff?? im still working on that) and lets her see mafu with her mask fully off. eventually, shizu drags nene into the business (nene never attends kami here, workin on that) bc shizu and mafu have no idea how streaming works and nene does, but nene likes hiding behind the camera but is still a part of the group bc who can say no to shizu? and hona joins at shizu's request bc they're both beautification members (and apparently hona+mafu are both honors students so i wonder if they have some overlap?? can you tell ive never attended public school lol) their untitled gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE. because ATD is supposed to be a weird mix of 25ji and mmj? but all of their songs get swiped by either R/l, AWR, or even SSS, so it was hard to find something that i thought could be specifically them. eventually, i finally decided on Common World Domination by PinocchioP! Their color-coded lyrics can be found here :)
MxC: oh boy this one's a doozy. so the idea here is like... there are underground music rings? which sounds wild but like if music is vaguely the lifeblood of this world i DONT CARE it can happen! i don't wanna make it life-threatening tho so its more like... you get blacklisted from everything. which for shiho--who got sucked into this world in an attempt to find bandmates--is VERY BAD. but shiho's given a little bit to find a band before their first performance, but with l/n definitely gone their separate ways (and she never wanted to involve them in the first place) she's kinda stuck. enter: airi and ena! both of them had been watching the music battles, unsatisfied with their current lives (airi having just quit idol/tv work, ena just frustrated over her art), but airi knows shiho thru miya, and when she heard about shiho's impending doom, she resolved herself to very quickly learn guitar and join her group, roping ena (who has a little bit of drum experience from akito and mom) into it as well. meanwhile, while all of this is going on, kohane (being the sweet soul she is) has been trailing shiho out of concern, but then is entirely horrified at the underground battles bc shes still pre-canon meek. but she really wants to help shiho, so she agrees to try and learn keyboard. after clearing the first battle, shiho and her group are safe--for now. they'll have to clear a lot more battles if they want to escape the underground their untitled is Hello Builder by UtsuP since i wanted them to have harsher rock songs than l/n (bordering on metal-ish)! color-coded lyrics here :)
AWR: funny story--all of the above units were made in the order listed! so i got to AWR and... i have ichika, minori, emu, and akito. and im like "NONE OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANYTHING IN COMMON". and then i went. "WAIT. THATS IT!" so here's how AWR goes: ichika still tries to reform l/n, but fails; minori is still trying to become an idol; and emu is still trying to revive the wonder stage. all three of them, all attending miya ofc, end up bonding over this and they start thinking. is there a way to satisfy all three of their dreams (band, idol, and show) at once? and at FIRST the answer is "no lol" so they go exploring. and somehow someway (workin on that) word finds out about this and some guy on vivid street dares akito to try and fix em into shape in a week. akito--being akito--accepts quite hotheadedly, then quickly realizes that maybe this wasnt a good idea?? because EVERYONE has a different music taste and its almost impossible to keep up with them all!!! but eventually they do figure it all out, and by the end none of them wanted to split apart or anything. AWR is i think the group that has the least amount of direction which might be on purpose. i think (again im rambling rn so) part of their story is figuring out what their direction is going to be! their untitled is Lip Sync by DECO*27, written as a part of holo*27 (hi no im not rlly into vtubers i just like their music) but i count it bc its written by a voca producer and this would not be the first time a non-vocaloid sung a unit song (cough cough mafumafu and tuyu). you CAN find my color-coded lyrics here.... but i did the translations. which means they're pretty much 98% google translated then bonked around to make sense. i dont know japanese please dont sue me
i hope you enjoy my indepth explanation!!! im always happy to talk about these guys :D
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lesliewasablogger · 7 months
okie so now that u can pin posts (or maybe it was already a thing idk oops) i thought i’d make an intro post just to make more friends n moots but also to (re?)introduce myself !!
i’m Leslie :p
-my username is a play on stella was a diver and she was always down by interpol. idk i think it kinda goes hard. (also see second point on this post)
- i’ve retired from fan girling in the sense that i kinda stopped stanning ppl? did that happen to anyone else? idk i just don’t rlly feel a passion for anything anymore besides a few things
- i’ve gotten rlly rlly into the band interpol, which is crazy tbh cause i haven’t felt super intrigued by any artists in such a long time but if there r any interpals out there…hiiiii
- i’m obsessed with secretary (2002) and i could talk about it for hours. lee holloway nation RISE!
- i like glee (it’s so bad it’s good), criminal minds, new girl, la casa de las flores, PEN15, ugly betty, jackass, n other shows i can’t think of rn !!
- i rlly love sanrio….it’s bad for me
- music wise im like all over the place most likely i listen to whatever artist / group / etc u r thinking of
- idk wat else i like the color pink (??? LOL)
ya idk im a lurker hopefully this works LOLLLL…so sorry if u have seen me in ur likes like a creep…my bad
thnx for reading or viewing idk...maybe i'll become an avid poster soon? no promises i'm in college n a champion procrastinator LOL
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siren--squid · 1 month
haiiii um. maybe its just bc ive been associating you with music the last week or so. but im a little Hyperfixated on Ice Nine Kills rn, so im here to pitch a rec to you.
theyre like, metal? maybe? metalcore? so i get if ur not into that kind of thing but i think theyre very fun. more bands should have a gimmick fr.
most of their songs are based on Horror Movies!!! they kind of have a fanmade fnaf song vibe going on sometimes, lol. they have songs based on IT, resident evil, jaws, friday the 13th, halloween, etc etc. they also covered Walking On Sunshine which is fun, and they did a Stacy's Mom parody about Jason (which tbh is mid but i still find it very funny)
but anyway. Ive been listening to Love Bites a lot (which features a girl from stranger things i think??? wild) but idk. i thought id rec it. idk why. i hsvent listened to enough of Waterparks to know if its in your wheelhouse but it feels like a Lore Song yk. like u can imagine ur OCs to it. or Mystreet characters if yiu feel so inclined.
(but my other favourites are Rainy Day, Funeral Derangements, and Thank God Its Friday. TGIF has the GNARLIEST scream ive ever heard in a metal song /pos i love it)
Uhm!!! I actually really REALLY like Ice Nine Kills,, and I think my boyfriend does too!!! SUPER SUPER COOL,,, and also lmao dude. Dude. I love LOVE metal and everything adjacent to it,, my older brother is in a metal band!!! (For The Dead on spotify, he's the bassist, they're epic!)
I LOVE THAT YOU SENT THIS TO ME,, YOU HAVE NO IDEA, seriously reading this made me get all super excited lol, and!! Waterparks has been dipping into harder stuff technically!!! With RITUAL, RSD, FAI2, and like all of their live performances of TURBULENT,,, the lollapalooza show had an AWESOME ASS scream during the transition from FAI into FAI2,,,,,
I'm a huge fan of heavier music, and horror films, or just scary or bloody movies lol. I'm obsessed with Chucky, my brother introduced me to childs play when I was literally not even two years old yet. It was GREAT. So!!! Yeah!! I go a little feral for those things combined lmfao,,,
ALSO i'm 100% gonna check out the others you listed!!!! Definitely sounds really really cool!!!!!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
*Spoilers for anyone else reading also a slight language warning*
Oh man, that was fun but annoying, especially Azul's boss battle he took forever! I really like Azul, Jade, and Floyd. I'm not quite sure who my favorite of the three is! I love them all so much! I couldn't stop giggling like an idiot when everyone was looking at the picture after the boss battle. The overblot voices are so cool, and Azul was no exception. I kinda feel bad for the poor guy. No one deserves to be bullied. (He's still a lovable little shit though lol)
I really like their suits when they are working in the lounge! I also really like their underwater forms! Not to mention just how cool Azul looks in overblot form!
But why was Micky Mouse in my mirror lmao (rhetorical question)?
Now, for the real question since I always ask something: you obviously really like Azul, so who is your second favorite?
overblot azul took me so long to beat too but isn't he just GORGEOUS??? i wish we got to see his merform without the near death experience :((( i would really like a coral sea event but even though i know azul wouldn't be inclined to show that side of him regardless. but yes, the leech twins are beautiful in their merforms. i'm so curious about how their fins and skin feels, with the mucus. it might not be a good idea to touch though since moray eels can be toxic.
azul's been through some tough shit but he came out the other end stronger and smarter, for better or for worse. on one hand, he's a powerful & influential person, which is everything he wanted to be when he was younger. he proved his bullies wrong. he stomped on them with foot and said "HAHA BITCHES WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!!!!" but that's also really bad sometimes because all of that drove him to overblot. he spends all of his time working and working and working because thats all he is. if he doesn't have power he's nobody. of course this isn't true by a long shot. azul is the dork that likes collecting coins. he's the boy that's so close with his family and greatly treasures them. he's the boy that played piano in the band he had with his childhood friends. he's the boy that can sing really well and has an amazing eye for business opportunities. azul ashengrotto is a person without his power, but he feels that's all he has to lean on.
ANYWAYS.....MICKEY MOUSE. i may be stupid but i have no idea why he's showing up. i just kinda rolled with it.
I LOVE AZUL I WOULD GIVE HIM MY SOUL IF HE SANG ONE PRETTY NOTE FOR ME I WOULD THROW MYSELF AT HIS FEET IF HE NEEDED HIS SHOES SHINED I WOULD LAY MY JACKET IN A PUDDLE IF IT MEANT HE WOULDN'T HAVE TO CHANGE HIS COURSE OR GET HIS SHOES WET!!!!! second fav though would be jade, he's also a dork and i think he's really silly. the leech twins never really scared me that much? i think the most intimidating thing about them is their height tbh.
jade single handedly dragged me into researching edible plants (for the harveston event) and got me into watching mushroom documentaries, which eventually got me into the science of mycorrhiza (a symbiotic relationship between orchids, one of my favorite flowers, and mushrooms) so he's taught me like half a bio degree i think /J
also jade's one of those characters that is just gorgeous. there's no explanation for it, he's so just so ethereal. its unhinged. hes so weird. he also played the contrabass when in that band w azul and in the harveston event he talks about having a knack for woodwinds which i FREAKED OUT upon hearing because i play the FLUTE and i was SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am so sorry i talked your ear off HELP ME
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turbulentscrawl · 9 months
Hello there! I hope you’re doing well! I love your writing your are literally sustaining the entire idv fandom rn skcbsnsnd. I would like to request a match-up!
My name is Nico and I am a 21 year old female (she/her maybe they if i’m feeling spunky) bisexy (bisexual). ehmmmm. Idk what to say already LOL. uh I believe i am infp and 4w5 I am a scorpio rising and sun and capricorn moon. I personally think that my duality is silly, weird, kinda naive tbh, cute, chill, friendly, maybe a bit talkative? but im also very introspective, melancholic, wise, quiet, perceptive, thoughtful. i can be quiet insecure/self-deprecating/self-critical, i have a hard time being vulnurable and usually help others without allowing myself to be helped. i’m stubborn in that way and like to be independent and tough even though i crave being cared for lol. i am very passionate and empathetic and i have very strong intuition although i tend to ignore it in favor of “logic” and my attempts to feel in control. i am ambitious and always come up with grand ideas in my head and hyperfixate on them and ultimately become disappointed when i can’t bring it to fruition because it’s too ambitious. however that has also made me resourceful because i will find work arounds to make my ideas possible, even if it’s not how i originally planned.
i am a sort of solitary creature, and i know how to be my own best friend and to enjoy my own company, not having grown up with lots of friends. i didn’t used to go out much and i used to think i was very quiet and unsociable but after going out a bit more i have discovered that i can actually be a bit of a social butterfly, and it comes more naturally than i previously thought, although it makes sense considering i could talk to anyone and was a great leader/public speaker as a child. (and then anxiety/depression hit and i retreated into a shell as a teen.)
I used to say my favourite colour was green because I really like it, but then I thought it was grey because that is the colour i perceive myself as. but lately i have began thinking it might be red as that is what i have always been drawn to, regardless of what i think. idk why but it felt important to mention that.
anywhoo. my hobbies are playing any and all video games, watching horror movies, playing board games/card games, doing puzzles/puzzle books (crosswords, sudoku, word search), playing piano, singing. i love antiques and i love buying them because they are practical and beautiful and often much sturdier and long lasting than more modern things (they just ain’t built to last anymore) and i believe that they have so much character and soul and it’s tragic that there is a lost art in craftsmanship of furniture and clothing and like. shoes! and pens and clocks and everything! so i like to give those old beauties a new home where i can actually USE them as well as admire them.
i also love singing i have been told im good at singing but honestly i think im only mediocre. i sing in choir and i would honestly love to be an opera singer haha even though that might seem silly. i would love to be in a band too and i genuinely have been attempting to pursue that. oh i also study biochemistry in university i am suffering but it is interesting and i have always had an innate curiosity about things. i was a very dark but bright and curious child. i was fascinated by death and other things as a kid, but i never found it morbid it was just interesting to me.
i love science and random fun facts but i also love tarot and astrology (even though i barely know anything about it) and i am interested occultism and metaphysics and would love to know more about it because i don’t believe science and “magic” kind of stuff is mutually exclusive.
i feel like i am writing too much but you said write a lot so 😭 i enjoy talking abt myself as im sure most people do but i always feel bad for it lol. uhmm i do like writing and i used to do it a lot but ive been struggling with it lately. i also love lots of different types of “aesthetics” i suppose, such as dark academia/victoria /gothic/antique but also cottage core/witchy/nature/kinda hippy forest lady but also grunge/punk/garage rock/seattle in the 90s but also 70s and 80s style but also 2000s but i also sometimes enjoy modern fashion. idk im a real mixed bag but i love it i mean there are just so many things to love in the world. i am a very sleepy gal too i mean some people wake up early to be a hater but i wake up early so i can have time to go back to sleep.
i cant really think of much else. it’s hard to perceive yourself ya know, but hopefully there is enough information there for you and i sincerely apologise if it is too much!! thank you very much for your consideration and i hope you truly have a wonderful day. sending you good vibes full of love mwuah <333333 :3
oh i also really love sharks and foxes and bears and bats and squids. and cats. and silly little shrimps and trilobytes. and pterodactyls. OK WNOUGH-
Yes I love lots and lots of info 👀
I ship you with Fiona Gilman!
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-From how you write and what you’ve described, I’m getting a sense that you strive for a strong identity, but both struggle with and respect the complexity of trying to achieve that. Due to the nature of her worship, Fiona finds it attractive when people accept the intricacies of life. Things are rarely easy to pin down, life is fluid, people included, and she thinks it takes great wisdom to understand that.
-She shares your curiosity for life and the universe, and since your expertise seem to be so different, teaching one another is a great excuse to spend time together. ;) Unfortunately, there are some things in relation to the occult and her worship that she simply cannot share. It’s for your safety, as much as she trusts your ability to comprehend things that would break others…better safe than sorry.
-Fiona is an ambivert. She’s good with socializing, but she also likes equal time to have quiet time. Since you’re still getting the feel for these things, she’s fine letting you take the lead on going out or staying in. If you need space away from her? That’s fine too, there’s plenty of things she can busy herself with in the meantime.
-She’s both persuasive and a little sneaky, and will take steps to assist you in getting better at accepting help. If she has to, and if your workload is too big, she will go behind your back to help with a few things. Nothing major, partially because she feels bad and partially because she hopes you won’t notice, but she can’t just do nothing when she feels like you’re sinking.
-She’s not much of a nap-taker, but as long as she’s not busy with something she does like to offer you her lap as a pillow.
Runner Up: Grace
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jwowwsboobs · 10 months
is there any particular outfit piece that ur looking 2 get/is on your wishlist? if so what is ur plan with it & where would u wear it to
the most specific outfit piece ive looked 4 was a leather harley davidson halter top which i found THIS YEAR after abt a year n 1/2 of watching ebay listings n waiting but usually i try not to focus too much on super duper specific items of clothing cuz ill get fixated n do nothing else BUT look 4 it ... most of what i like is just casual clothing, jeans, tank tops n shirts cuz i do literally 3 things: eat, sleep, thrash, repeat. kidding LOL but i really just like being comfy. i do have a couple pieces like my beloved harley top tht i bust out 4 parties n that sorta thing (wore it when i played my last show lol) but other than that ... i am kickin it in my dirty ass sneakers jeans n a tank top LOL !! i always always always keep my eyes peeled 4 things tht remind me of my favorite parts of fashion from the 70s n mid/late 2000s (well like. 2003-12 tbh its not exactly pure mid 2000s cuz of my love 4 jersey shore n their clothes) !! that being said. the top 3 like...pieces im always keeping an eye n an ear 2 the ground (ebay) 4: (read more cuz there r pics <3)
lowrise jeans w fun things on the back pockets / butt, like these super cute jeans from red pepper !!
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i love love love the look of big patches on jeans esp in the back i feel like its so playful n fun n a little sexy !! i dont like highrise jeans which totally bums me out cuz most of the flares i find / see r high rise n i exclusively wear flared jeans LOL ... like i said most of my style is pretty casual i am not usually putting in a ton of effort 2 look put 2gether n cute n whatever literally i just throw on jeans n a shirt i got at a show n call it a day but having jeans tht hv exciting details like this get me thru life fr <3 my favorite pair r my flame flares which u cn kind of see in my avi but some better pics r below. i wore out th first pair of them (below) n had 2 make another one but they r literally like. iconic 4 me im almost never not wearing thm. wearing them rn even !
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2. vintage band shirts 4 bands tht i cant/wont see in concert ... rn the shirt ive been lusting after is this dope ass etown concrete (BEST JERSEY HARDCORE BAND WILL FIGHT 2 DEATH ON THIS) shirt thats got fuckin mike "the situation" on the back n it says "JERSEY CORE" on the front in the jersey shore font. i am literally so obessed w it u dont get it ... im praying itll still b on ebay in a couple months so i cn get it 4 my bday cuz i am. not prepared 2 drop 124 on a fucking tshirt. yet. but i will. i am not sharing pics cuz i am very paranoid someone will buy it out from under me so i am #gatekeeping. i promise its sick as fuck tho
3. nearly anything thts sort of r bikerish whether tht b theyre vintage or reprinted harley davidson shirts (like my BELOVED "put something exciting between yr legs" tank top) or just from a brand thts demographic is bikers (anjill or not has some CUTE jeans tht im infatuated w!! look at these blinged out jeans like omggggg ... so sad theyre out of the ones w angel wings on the back but honestly idrc im sure theyll come back lol)
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4. pretty much anything they were wearing on jersey shore ... ed hardy, rush couture, affliction, yoga pants, furry boots, shirts w obnoxious sayings on them ... great 4 daily life, 4 shows ... rush couture is my fav honestly, i like the tracksuits they hv on their site rn but hvnt bought one yet n honestly probably wont 4 a while from the state of my bank account 😭😭 oopsie! but anyway yeah ed hardys great n all but ppl charge wayyyy too much 4 those jeans n same w affliction its so . ugh !!
5. n speaking of things ppl overcharge 4 ... of course. juicy couture anything !!!!!!! ive been on the hunt 4 an (affordable! please god) hot pink juicy tracksuit like the kind paris had in the 2000s just 2 lay around the house in LOL but im also carefully watching out 4 a daydreamer or just any of their cute bags cuz i love purses but i am pretty picky abt my juicy cuz its SO expensive. kinda hv 2 b tho n its worth it 2 b
thts kind of all i can think of. usually when i pop in the thrifts i look 4 shit like belts or necklaces or rings tht i dig but i cant wear rings or jewelry very much anymore cuz im either 1) at school or work (no jewelry policy <\3) 2) at house parties/shows moshing 3) laying in my bed recovering LMFAO. i also love looking 4 cheap cowboy hats cuz i LOVE a cowboy hat n i usually always end up giving it away 2 someone at a party or a gig LOL currently all out of cowboy hats but im gonna get some in january probably . idk. need 2 save my money LOL !!
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
OKAY SO during the like week or so while you were gone i got really really REALLY fucking deep into my emo punk bands/bandom hyperfixation and oh my god someone please save me
you don't really have to hear too much abt it if youre uninterested atm since ive infodumped abt this to nearly all my irls who'd listen but if u do thatz cool to :) but yeah uh my bandom hyperfixation got/is getting so bad to the point im referencing real events/theories in my band au fic 😭? esp cuz the two ppl surrounding it are in bands that i headcanon on the tokyorev dudes so yeah it worked way too fucking perfect and im here for it!
but lil spoiler its abt a lot of unrequited izakaku<3333 if you remember that one sanzu x mucho breakup fic i wrote before i kinda hinted the arrival of izana coming back into mucho's life so thatz where the angst comes from. its ur good ol 'i'd die for you but i don't really think you know how serious i am about it' dynamic (again, projecting)
but yes. going into the bandom rabbit hole unexpectedly and never being able to look back has been one of the best and the worst things to happen to me /affectionate. like my sleep schedule is at an all time low my grades arent getting any better and my bf is already having problems of his own with HIS boyfriend (who is also sadly my ex. fucked up i know) BUT. staying up all not consuming media and content from these lil fandoms make that lil whole in my heart rn full for just a few hours so- it means a lot to me yk <3
ANYWAYS i love my emo boys pls ask me abt my emo boys. (u dont have to btw im just insane abt them)
oh oh i am definitely listening!! this feels kinda embarassing to say tbh i know like. zero things abt music most of the time i’m just not interested in more than like three songs from a specific artist/band so yeah never hyperfixated or anything. which means taku dear i have no clue what i should even ask you 😭😭 but but but i am listening, feel free to infodump!! i love absorbing new information <3
also. unrequited izakaku :((( <33
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skiasurveys · 2 years
What does the shirt you are wearing look like?   its a grey oversized tshirt that says "All roads lead to rome" lol
What was the last thing that stressed you out or upset you?   school. I have like 9 assignments to do this week.
How do you stay positive with all that life throws at you?   I... don’t.  <- same
What quality do you admire most in other people?   being actually loyal.
What is the highest level of physical pain you have ever been in? rate 1-10   tw// abuse: probably when I got hit by my ex
...same question, but with emotional pain?   -- abuse
What is your most prized possession?   my macbook, it has all my stuff on it lol
Which youtuber do you feel like you could be friends with easily?   i feel like safiya and tyler, and maybe Molly Burke.
Do you like your natural hair color?   its alright. its brown.
Do you think you will dye your hair when you start going gray?   i was thinking this the other day.. maybe.
Are you pale right now, or do you have a tan?   pale
Do you think you look best with a tan?   yeah
What is your favorite app on your phone?   Twitter, Spotify, Tik Tok even tho that app is a curse, and Tumblr
How old were you when you got your first smartphone?   I was 14 I think
Do you ever meditate on Scripture?   sometimes actually
Are you living a life you want to escape from? or do you love your life?   im just living.
When was the last time you felt that life was good?   when i was manic
Do you have one big mistake that you've made that you want to fix?   not anymore. I made mistakes, but it got me to where I needed to be.
Do you wish people would forgive you for your past so you could move on?  yes 
Do you wear green on St. Patrick's day?   no. My dad died on saint pats, so..lmao
Are you Irish at all?   i dont think so
Do you pray to God every day?   sometimes
What are three things you are currently looking forward to doing soon?   sleeping, the last of us episode 9, and working ig
Do you ever dance in the rain?   No.
Have you ever sat on a rooftop?   no, i want to so badly 
Who is that last good musician or band you discovered?   I have no idea.. I think Grandson?
Do you like to watch talent shows like America's Got Talent and X Factor?   i used too but not anymore tbh.
Have you ever tried avocado toast?   yup, and i didnt mind it
Name three items on your wish list right now.  New Ipad for my art, new bed, and maybe a new phone.
Are you more talented musically or artistically or neither?   i guess art
Are you better at English or math?   English.
What were your best subjects in school?   Social Studies/ History and Art
What was your favorite subject in school?   Social or any art class. 
Have you ever visited a teacher at their home?   once when I was in kindergarten and she held a bbq at her house
How many windows are in your bedroom?   One.
Who was your first roommate?   i guess my ex boyfriend
Who was your first best friend (besides a sibling)?   Eden
Do you have a sibling who looks like you?   Not really. I have brown hair, and brown eyes, and my sister has blonde hair and blue eyes lol
Name three women you know who have lost a child.   -- I only know two.
Whose was the last funeral you attended or watched?   My dads like 10 years ago
What types of cancer are in your family, if any?   Breast
Do you have big dreams for your future?   I stopped dreaming.
Do you feel alone?   Yeah, quite terribly.
What is this month's calendar picture?   I dont use a physical one
What is the theme of your wall calendar for this year?   --
Have you ever seen a double rainbow?   Yes.
How old will you be on your next birthday?    27
Which nationalities have you been told you look like? (i.e., Asian, Irish) I got told I looked dominican but I dont see it
Have you ever had an outstanding library fine?   No.
What book are you currently reading? nothing atm
Are you poor/broke right now?   Im broke rn but I get paid soon
Have you ever received any scary, threatening messages on social media?  yeah, I got doxxed once
What is the name of your youtube channel?   I dont make youtube videos but i have a channel ig
How many subscribers do you have on youtube? like 110
Do you wish that life were more fair?   yup
Who was your first kiss?   his name was Brandon
Do you feel you have found your soulmate yet?   Nope.
Are you single or in a relationship?   Single
If you're single, do you want to be, or do you wish you weren't?   I wish I had someone but realistically atm i dont have time for one, and also i need to heal still i think
Ever collected shells at the beach?   i used too omg.
Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin?   carve
Who are three of your favorite youtubers to watch?   i have so many i watch but i guess atm- CallmeKevin, Kurtis Conner and maybe Markiplier, or Gamegrumps
What year did you graduate high school?   2015
What do you miss about high school?   I think what i miss is life wasnt as stressful as it is now, and i miss seeing friends every day.
What do you miss about college?   Im still in college
What color was your first car?   white
Do you have a car now?   yes
What color was the house you grew up in?   its like a light light teal
Growing up, what floor was your bedroom on?   top floor
What is your birth order in the family?   im oldest
What would your name be if you were the opposite gender?   I think mom said Nathan
What were you almost named?   Jaycee
Does your bedroom have carpet?   Yes.
Best camping experience?   i dont remember much from camping.
What are the top three travel destinations on your bucket list?   Iceland, Italy, and Japan i think
Do you get heartburn?   sometimes, i HATE it
What are three things you are known for in your town?   omg..idk.
What are three things you are known for on social media?   Stan accounts, I run a traumacore account as well on here, and my art i guess
What is your Instagram account name?   --
Have you ever used Snapchat?   Yes, but now I only use for selfies
Did you want to be famous when you were younger?   yes
What show did you most want to be on as a kid?   i didnt rly want to be on any
First celebrity you were obsessed with?   I think Joe Jonas
First celebrity crush?   Michael J Fox LMAOOOO
What was your first favorite stuffed animal?   I dont know my first. but Max my horse i got when i was 4, which i still have lol
What was something unique about you as a kid?   *annoying as fuck
Were you ever goth/emo?   technically I had a emo phase, but my mom nEVER let me fully unleash it lMAO
Do you want any more piercings?   i want them done
How many tattoos do you have?  Zero.
Do you want more tattoos?   I want to get one.
If you had to get a tattoo, what would you get?   I think a cute fox
Do you mostly write in cursive or print?   I think its kinda mix of print and cursive
Were you ever homeschooled?   nope
Describe your dream wedding in five words. too lazy
Pick three animals that you think resemble you, and why?   raccoon, rat, and a fox
Are you unique?   no
Do you get called a free spirit?   No.
What day of the week were you born on?   Thursday
How are you feeling right now? tired
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fates-theysband · 2 years
💖 have you ever been in love? are you in love rn?
🌹 what do you think are the most romantic flowers other than roses?
🍫 do you have a favorite chocolate or sweet?💗 how do you show you care? what do people do that makes you feel loved?
🕊 what do you think about marriage? how would you like to be proposed to?
🍰 what’s your favorite dessert to eat? do you have a favorite to make?💘 you would fall in love with someone who…
💫 do you get crushes easily? what makes you fall for someone?
🍓 what are you doing for valentine’s day? do you have any self care plans?
🍦 what are ten things you love about youself?
❣ red, pink, or purple? glitter or sequins? silk or velvet?
readmore for long
💖 have you ever been in love? are you in love rn?
i have been before! until...coming up on a year ago i was in a relationship (we broke it off, we just weren't compatible anymore). right now i am extremely taking it easy on irl romantic stuff. sort of a romantic gap year while i figure stuff out. i honestly am probably arospec in a real-life context.
🌹 what do you think are the most romantic flowers other than roses?
not to sound like a 2012 tumblr girlie (<- technically is a 2012 tumblr girlie) but sunflowers
🍫 do you have a favorite chocolate or sweet?
i love truffles so much. i've eaten two bags of them since february began.
💗 how do you show you care? what do people do that makes you feel loved?
i am a big physical affection person and also i just like...doing things for people. like YES i will watch your dog YES i will run to the store for you YES i will spot you some cash so you can eat after rent hits
i also feel super loved by just like...being known. i mentioned before that my bil sends me every tbh creature meme he finds. my brother sends me tma memes. my friends will send me everything related to cephalopods and skeletons they find. even my mom, as fraught as my relationship with her is, will send me things related to movies or bands she knows i like.
🕊 what do you think about marriage? how would you like to be proposed to?
my view on marriage is, at this current point in my life, similar to that of ms. whoopi goldberg: i don't want somebody in my house
seriously though...hghhh the thought stresses me out. commitment scary. if i actually did get to that point with someone i would NOT want a big showy proposal. nobody fucking look at me. take me somewhere romantic and/or significant to our relationship and propose to me there.
🍰 what’s your favorite dessert to eat? do you have a favorite to make?
i love love love cheesecake!!! i found frozen japanese-style cheesecakes at costco once (they're not at my location anymore but i still have one in my freezer) and those are fantastic. i like making various types of bread. my mom swears by my lemon bread but im not impressed with it and i think i do a better job with pumpkin bread (had a family friend polish off an entire loaf of it in like, two hours once).
💘 you would fall in love with someone who…
uh...i dont think i have a good answer for this one. not a huge amount of experience playing the field here.
⚘ what’s your have a type?
i super don't have one lol im a romantic wildcard. you don't know what i'm gonna do next and neither do i!
💝 what gift would you like to receive? what type do you like to give?
i can answer the ones i like giving more readily so ill start there. i like coming up with gifts i feel are practical based on the person's hobbies or interests or that remind me of them.
i really like getting handmade gifts. like my best friend is a very crafty person so she makes gifts for basically every occasion. and my bil made me those spell bottles i mentioned earlier. which reminds me, i gotta text him for the directions.
💕 vague about your crush or paterner?
well in an irl context i am the most single of pringles rn. How Ever...i sure do wish A CERTAIN SOMEONE was real right now so i could kiss him. on the mouth.
💫 do you get crushes easily? what makes you fall for someone?
i super do not. i have a long-held fantasy of feeling comfortable infodumping to someone who was genuinely interested in what i had to say so the day i can unleash the madness to the full extent it's over.
🍓 what are you doing for valentine’s day? do you have any self care plans?
the answer to "what are you doing for valentine's day" is currently "probably my laundry 😔" bc that's an hour and a half round trip so it's an all day deal. the day before (since that's the common day off between me and my friends) i'm gonna go see my buddies and eat pizza and play some viddy games though.
🍦 what are ten things you love about youself?
i do think im like, actually funny and witty
i'm actually starting to like my writing.
i have fucking impeccable fashion sense.
i am starting to realize that oh, yeah, i can be cute.
i'm starting to grow a spine??? what the fuck??? new development but welcome
i do think i have a nice voice.
i hate myself a lot less than i did when i was younger
i used to like, wonder if i would ever be emotionally mature enough to be a person but i think i actually have been all along.
i like. believe myself now when i say i'm doing everything i can to be a good person and put good things into the world.
my taste in music is also impeccable.
❣ red, pink, or purple? glitter or sequins? silk or velvet?
Ourple, sequins especially if they're the flippy ones, i like both silk and velvet but if my nails accidentally graze against silk the wrong way i explode so velvet
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chococookiez · 10 months
nightly ptv posting in random places until i see them live (123 days left!!) - not in the greatest place rn as this cold covid continues to fuck with me both physically and mentally so im gonna get really sappy and talk about how significant each album is to me cause i could write a whole essay on this. under cut cause this is gonna be long
collide with the sky was the album that got me into this band. one of my irl friends was reposting tiktoks about them, i heard the hell above transition and instantly ran to them for recommendations cause i was HOOKED. that night i think i listened to them for around 3 and a half hours straight, i think i went through the entirety of collide, selfish machines and afftd (im not sure if i finished afftd or if i looked at misadventures yet) and the only thing that stopped me from continuing the binge was a massive headache that came over me. hold on till may inspired two of my ocs as i imagined them taking the roles of both people in the song, their personalities and how that'd fit into an existing universe we (me and my friends) had. they're still the two ocs i think about the most since i connect them with ptv very often and - yknow, hyperfixation. fun fact: i timed the "im sorry but ive made up my mind" in bulls in the bronx to happen when it hit midnight on my birthday. no clue why, just thought it was cool ig
the jaws of life was the first album i owned physically, accidentally managing to acquire both the cd and the vinyl on my birthday (cd was spotted in hmv, vinyl was my grandma's gift. there's a certain cashier at that hmv that i think happened to be working that day who shares my music taste, they recommended my dad listen to them since he said he got the cd for me lmaoo) the songs on that album were the first ones my parents heard, as my dad's car has a cd player so i popped it in on the way back home. much later on due to some shenanigans involving a shitbox car thats best music source was cds and oh look ptv is the one band my mum didn't mind listening to and i had 2 of their cds (i'll talk about that later), it ended up becoming her favourite album of theirs so we'd very often listen to it on journeys even when she got her car back as it was one of the few things we shared taste wise after i took a dive bomb into rock/metal, so while its my least favourite in terms of songs as im writing this (i don't dislike them!! some of my faves are on there!!), im incredibly sentimental towards it regardless.
misadventures was the second album i owned physically, finding the cd buried in a local record shop (it has the acoustic bonuses on it!!), and i think i can sorta call it my favourite album of all time. almost every single song in that album has been put on loop at least once (i mean that very literally. every single one. except sambuka? idk, just wasn't in my head as much...) it was also involved in the shitbox car shenanigans which might have influenced my love for it too. the divine zero in particular had (and still has tbh) a strong chokehold on me, being a little too relatable for me as i was going through a very dark patch in life that im not sure is entirely over yet actually, though it at least feels like it might be. i still can't listen to that song only one time whenever it comes on, i have to replay it at least once. it was my top song on spotify and i barely even fucking use spotify. can you tell im normal about the divine zero?
tl;dr - ptv are cool. im normal about them. thumbs up emoji.
a flair for the dramatic and selfish machines, while not having a big long story behind them, have been incredibly important to me during The Cold Covid as their songs are the main ones im obsessed with currently. some noteworthy songs off them are she sings in the morning/yeah boy and doll face (ok this one's kinda silly: i found out people found the first song through osu which i hadn't played in ages and these two was some of the first plays i got in a very long time so i currently hold them very close. fun fact: i like rhythm games!), wonderless/chemical kids and mechanical brides (INCREDIBLY calming to me, go tos when i need to lower my energy levels), million dollar houses (very closely connected to one of the two hold on till may connected ocs) and fast times at clairemont high (ok it's just a banger to me. the high notes make me fucking feral and i listened to the song 10 times in a row once. oops)
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nostalgiaispeace · 1 year
What does the shirt you are wearing look like?   It's black with lana's latest album cover
What was the last thing that stressed you out or upset you?   probably work
How do you stay positive with all that life throws at you?   I have a hard time doing that.
What quality do you admire most in other people?   smarts and bravery
What is the highest level of physical pain you have ever been in? rate 1-10   tbh i'm not sure. maybe an 8
…same question, but with emotional pain?   10
What is your most prized possession?   my stuffed frog
Which youtuber do you feel like you could be friends with easily?   bailey sarian
Do you like your natural hair color?   sure
Do you think you will dye your hair when you start going gray?   probably
Are you pale right now, or do you have a tan?   tan
Do you think you look best with a tan?   sure
What is your favorite app on your phone?   i like all the ones on my phone.
How old were you when you got your first smartphone?   22
Do you ever meditate on Scripture?   no
Are you living a life you want to escape from? or do you love your life?   Im trying to better the life that i love
When was the last time you felt that life was good?   idk
Do you have one big mistake that you’ve made that you want to fix?   yeah
Do you wish people would forgive you for your past so you could move on?  
Do you wear green on St. Patrick’s day?   If i remember
Are you Irish at all?   yes
Do you pray to God every day?   No
What are three things you are currently looking forward to doing soon?   yes!
Do you ever dance in the rain?   no
Have you ever sat on a rooftop?   yes
Who is that last good musician or band you discovered?   i'm not sure
Do you like to watch talent shows like America’s Got Talent and X Factor?   no
Have you ever tried avocado toast?   yes 
Name three items on your wish list right now.   books, clothes, tattoos
Are you more talented musically or artistically or neither?   music
Are you better at English or math?   English
What were your best subjects in school?   history
What was your favorite subject in school?   history
Have you ever visited a teacher at their home?   no
How many windows are in your bedroom?   One.
Who was your first roommate?   my husband
Who was your first best friend (besides a sibling)?   Jordan
Do you have a sibling who looks like you?   no
Name three women you know who have lost a child.   lindsay and april
Whose was the last funeral you attended or watched?   my grandma's
What types of cancer are in your family, if any?   prostate
Do you have big dreams for your future?   yes
Do you feel alone?   Yes.
What is this month’s calendar picture?   It's marilyn
What is the theme of your wall calendar for this year?   Marilyn Monroe
Have you ever seen a double rainbow?   Yes.
How old will you be on your next birthday?    33
Which nationalities have you been told you look like? (i.e., Asian, Irish) asian
Have you ever had an outstanding library fine?   yes
What book are you currently reading?   white horse, the summer of broken rules, and harry potter and the chamber of secrets
Are you poor/broke right now?   yes
Have you ever received any scary, threatening messages on social media?  no
What is the name of your youtube channel?   Its just my name i think
How many subscribers do you have on youtube? i'm not sure
Do you wish that life were more fair?   yes
Who was your first kiss?   jeremey
Do you feel you have found your soulmate yet?   yes
Are you single or in a relationship?   married
If you’re single, do you want to be, or do you wish you weren’t?   -
Ever collected shells at the beach?   yes
Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin?   paint
Who are three of your favorite youtubers to watch?   bailey sarian, charlie...i forgot her name, and brett cooper
What year did you graduate high school?   2009
What do you miss about high school?   being young
What do you miss about college?   i'm in college rn so nothing lol
What color was your first car?   grey
Do you have a car now?   yes
What color was the house you grew up in?   i moved too much to really answer this
Growing up, what floor was your bedroom on?   first
What is your birth order in the family?   first child
What would your name be if you were the opposite gender?   Michael
What were you almost named?   Amber
Does your bedroom have carpet?   Yes
Best camping experience?   i don't remember
What are the top three travel destinations on your bucket list?   london, paris, ireland
Do you get heartburn?   yeah 
What are three things you are known for in your town?   nothing
What are three things you are known for on social media?   nothing
What is your Instagram account name?   nostalgiaispeace
Have you ever used Snapchat?  yes
Did you want to be famous when you were younger?   yes
What show did you most want to be on as a kid?   lizzie mcguire
First celebrity you were obsessed with?   emma watson
First celebrity crush?   leonardo dicaprio
What was your first favorite stuffed animal?   my stuffed frog
What was something unique about you as a kid?   nothing
Were you ever goth/emo?   I still am lol
Do you want any more piercings?   no
How many tattoos do you have?  9 Do you want more tattoos?  yes i'm getting one soon
If you had to get a tattoo, what would you get?   i'm getting a pomegranate with a snake
Do you mostly write in cursive or print?   a mix
Were you ever homeschooled?   no
Describe your dream wedding in five words. i'm already married
Pick three animals that you think resemble you, and why?   none
Are you unique?   aren't we all?
Do you get called a free spirit?   no
What day of the week were you born on?   a monday i think
How are you feeling right now? Tired
0 notes
qqtahng · 1 year
im going to put some octo2 thoughts here now that i’ve had time to digest it. there will be spoilers
overall i think i liked octo2 as a game more than 1. im sad they (understandably) changed some (kinda broken) mechanics from the first game (sp steal/share on thief and tomahawk nerf..............), but we got some great qol updates, like no more purple chests and the hunter’s monster system got LEAGUES better. all the jobs got more powerful overall despite them nerfing some aspects (i dunno if like a 1.5/1.5 turn kill on galdera was possible in the first game....... insane), the new parts were so fun to use (vengeful blade!!!!!!! arcanist as a whole!!! aaa!!!)
the music and art too oh my goddd. i didnt think it could get better but somehow it DID and i just. its amazing, aesthetically, on all fronts. yasunori nishiki could tell me to kms rn and i would. gladly. for all the work he put into the ost. just, chefs kiss. i dunno what else to say.
love love love the new travelers tho. they’re all very colorful and whlie i do like some more than others (hi tem, hi castti) i cant say i actively dislike any of them. thats not much different from the first game.
the writing was overall more enjoyable than 1 too imo, tho i dont get why they had the split route thing when they had progression recommendations for them anyway and it ended up being like... not much of a choice. the crossed paths were really nice. it would’ve been a Lot of work but i wish we had one for every combination of traveler rip. throne and tems was so good tho, definitely my fave of the bunch.
that aside im not gonna lie, i did not vibe w hikari partitio or agnea’s stories very much.
hikari’s story i think just did not fit the 5 chapter format very well. it felt really rushed to me and like it didnt have much depth to it. it was serviceable but didnt feel exciting to me.
paritio’s was... idk it felt a little repetitive?? hes a funny guy i like him but i think his goals were just a little too mundane and also global to be very interesting. like compare “i wanna get rid of poverty” to “im on a journey to unravel the mystery of who i once was”. like one of those is more intriguing and believable :/
agnea’s just felt way too low stakes compared to everyone else’s. i did see someone point out that the game might’ve felt a little too dark without it, which is... fair?? i guess?? the first game was also pretty dark it just took a little while longer to see compared to like, half the cast having a murder happen in their ch1. anyway, my girl just did not have an interesting story arc. it was all “i wanna be FAMOUS” without very many trials and tribulations tbh. not enough character struggle for me personally.
the final chapter was interesting. it was really cool to see everyone band together narratively to fight vide. mechanically, i also thought vide’s fight was cool as shit. all 8 on the field at once!! wow!! i do think the first game tied everyone in to the Big Bad better tho. bc like, wtf are u doing making fucking *npcs* the relevant ones from agnea and partitio’s stories?? like even in the first game the traveler’s that had weak ties to galdera’s revival were still like... idk it was still *them* and it was formative to their characters?? we have a reason to like graham via alfyn, and a reason as to why hes important via tressa, arguably 2 of the most indirect ties to galdera in 1 imo--graham also inspired alf to save others, and his journal eventually helped tressa learn the value of things that arent contemporarily accepted as treasure. idk i also felt like ori’s personality switch was so last minute. same for tanzy’s backstory tho the tragedy as to why she would follow through makes more sense. neither of them really had any impact on their respective traveler’s character either. like they didnt do anything to change their goals or personality. very weak.
i also dont know wtf was up w that alfred hornburg thing. like hello??? wtf are YOU doing here sir, u have gone and messed up my placing of the game in the series timeline/universe
but yeah. that last little bit of negativity aside, octo2 kinda just does what the first one did but better in most aspects. great game would recommend if u played the first. if the first didnt vibe w u, maybe would rec if u didnt vibe w the first bc the second is less frustrating mechanically.
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rrxnjun · 2 years
OH MAN THATS JUST... but the fact that taking the the bus is slower AND u had to pay for it just smh i hope at least the company was good!!:o
U ARE JUST TOO NICE FOR SAYING THAT;-;💕💞wahhh i hope u get used to again!!!!!!💕💖
and idk if u mean like genres or artists but other than k-pop i tend to listen to what's popular tbh💀(more so indie pop and hyper pop! but i'm just not very picky with the music i listen to tbh😟) and if u meant artist, rn i listen to a lot of lovejoy (WHICH I KNOW U LISTEN TO! UR KNEE DEEP AT ATP FIC WAS🤌🤌🤌and i was so surprised u know them tbh and also knowing wilbur soot in general i never expected seeing them in like "k-pop grounds" xd) beabadoobee, gracie abrams, aespa, the boyz, ericdoa and some hungarian artists!!! and i also feel like this is the time to mention the just saying fic as well cuz 5sos is🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 like ur music taste just slaps tbh it's just sooooo good!!! and if u have any artist recommendations i would gladly accept them🫡(liebestraum anon💕)
AAA definitely do leave a review even tho theres no pressure !!!! hope u like the fic 🤭💕💕
i love getting inspired by songs!!! thats why i usually have a playlist for each fic i write hhh its a part of my creative process at all times 🥰 AAA THE YANGYANG FIC IS ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES BECAUSE OF THE SONGS THAT INSPIRED IT. i fucking loooove paramore i grew up to their music 💕 but the fact that the whole fic was inspired by awsten and the fact that he used to be a guitar teacher is so funny to me sometimes i cant 😭
NO WAY U LIKE LOVEJOY WHAT ((the second to last scene in the yy fic was literally inspired by perfume and the "its 3:45 the taxi's not arrived i dont think that he's coming" line 😭😭) MY BIO IS LITERALLY A PERFUME LYRIC i love that song sm i dont think im ever changing it. tbf i was never into mc youtube and i just found a random wilbur edit on tiktok one day which led me to watching some of his and tommy's vlogs which led me to lovejoy AHAHA.
i do love aespa too🤭 i think nct and aespa are the only kpop artists i actively stan rn HAHA but i always wanted to check out beabadobee so maybe this is my sign 👀
U LIKE 5SOS TOO IM IN LOVE W YOU 😻 ive been a 5sos stan for like 8 years now and i wanted to write a fic inspired by just saying since like 2015 so im glad i finally got to it last year 😭😭 thank u for complimenting my music taste i take big pride in it actually😭😭😭😭 i dont really have many recs since u like most of my fav artists,, but i also really enjoy wallows, chase atlantic and the driver era too! i am also currently fighting with hyuck for the position of baekhyun's biggest fan but im severely losing 😔
also hungarian artists hm....ive never listened to any hungarian songs,, do u have any recs? 👀 also does that by any chance mean u are from hungary...?(its ok if u dont wanna tell me!! its just that if u are we might be neighbors LMAO)
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