#tbh my biggest problem that i have with the omegaverse is the whole
userwasredacted · 3 years
one piece ficlet -omega Roci
got a request for an Omega Roci
Tbh I dont really get into the omega verse all that much but I may as well give it a try
The thing about being an omega was that most would think that they were weaker, more subservient, and easy to control. In many ways they were, because they were generally more passive, avoided fights and would prefer to follow along with others for the sake of the community.
Because of that, many of them get treated differently. Some people thought they were suddenly made out of glass. Others imagined that they would immediately need to act and serve in a certain way. Others immediately thought of them as objects to be bred. As if simple biology would necessarily dictate the indication and preference of a person. It was unfair and unfortunate that most people and sometimes organizations would lean in to heavily into those biasness.
You'd think that the marines wouldn't be as backward as that.
Rocinante sighed to himself as the alpha pup in front of him tried to put up a front about how he was an alpha and that indicated that he would definitely be rising up the ranks faster and easier than everyone else. It may be true here especially, that being an alpha in the marines meant that you were more of a shoe in to being promoted due to your 'leadership' skills. However most of the time it was simply because they were bullies who played into the role and society just collectively agreed to allow them to be that way.
Inwardly, Rocinante thanked the gods that his foster father wasn't as dumb and as narrow minded as that. Or else he would not even have been able to join the marines. And that Sengoku didn't believe in bullying and relying on just the idea of alpha supremacy in order to get his way.
He conveniently forgot the fierce battle that had occurred when Roci had first found out that he was an omega, and the pleads and entreaties that he should drop out of the marines because of that.
Roci was lucky in many ways. One that he was stubborn enough to go through with the marine training even when everyone said that omegas should stay to be on the admin team or something the other, he didn't really listen. Two that Sengoku was able to see that he wasn't going to be giving this up and quickly changed his tune to ensure that he would be protected instead of just making his life harder (Though this did cause an issue with supposed favouritism). And three, that Rocinante was not an attractive omega. Not anymore at least.
He was big for one. Much bigger than most alphas. He was also strong. He was able to throw a person with just his arm strength. He was not pretty either, with the sharp nose, broad chin and non-existent eyebrows. One could even call him ugly. Almost brute like. And that was perfect for him.
No more stupid wanna be alphas trying to bully him into submission by picking on him, or ordering him around. He memorized the marine hand book to ensure that the others knew what they could and could not expect of him. He was not a coffee boy or a runner. Nor was he someone that they could dump paperwork on him just because they were getting lazy. They couldn't try and intimidate him with unwanted growls and hoots. They also couldn't wipe the floor with his face. Not anymore since he had grown.
The alpha that was trying to parade around stopped in front of him with a smirk and asked him what his position was and why he was not under anyone's orders. Oblivious to who he was and his position. possibly because Roci wasn't wearing his coat. Just his usual marine vest and suit.
"You'd need to ask the Vice-Admiral for that information. I'm unfortunately classified" he said apologetically as he looked at the other with a small smile.
It was never good publicity to show the world that he was an omega and in such a high position. So he was stuck there in his little room with his little desk, away from big profile missions. Which was perfect for his actual job.
His hands were stained red.
"Probably an admin clerk somewhere. You're an omega right? I could smell it. They shouldn't put you out in the field. What would happen if you encounter an alpha in a rut? Or if you started your heat? Honestly its not a safe thing." he little pup said with a cocky smirk.
"You should come with me. I'm definitely going up the ladder. I could protect you."
Rocinante looked at him considering. The marks on his uniform and his rank. He was still very very young. It wouldn't do to have him be scared away from the Marines entirely. But this kind of behavior couldn't be left unchecked either. He took a drag of his cigarettes (and paid homage to another dead omega) before shaking his head.
"You really shouldn't be mouthing off so much to someone who is higher ranking than you, Ensign. You may get in trouble."
He noted the other's look of confusion.
"You also shouldn't just dismiss a person by their gender, Ensign. The Marines take a tough approach to everyone, and make sure things are equal. Do you intend to say that Vice-Admiral Tsuru is any weaker than Vice-Admiral Sengoku or Vice-Admiral Garp?"
The ensigned paled and shook his head.
"Gender is gender, Ensign. Please do be aware of that the next time. Who knows, maybe one day you would see an omega be the one that defends the grounds, or takes the killing shot."
With a hasty request to be dismissed the young alpha scattered away from him. Rocinante took another drain of his cigarette.
There definitely was a place for omegas who were deemed tough enough in the navy, he would learn. After all, an omega scent would help to let the enemy lower their defense. An omega croon would distract heavily involved alphas. The idea of a dainty little omega in a marine uniform ready to be ravaged called to the sickest pirates like a siren's call.
The kills were easy when nobody believed that an omega was capable of such feats of violence.
The tables easily overturned when the public believed that omegas were unthinking when they were in their heats, and couldn't remember what had happened.
The support mountainous when they believed it to be an assault on a helpless omega.
Infiltrator. Spy. Killer.
Slick may be dripping down my legs, but my aim will never waver from your head.
Rocinante took another long drag, and tried to clear his head away from the blood splatter and the screams. It didn't matter in the end Alpha, Beta or Omega, young or old they all begged for mercy. In the end, they all died the same.
Who knew that being a marine would lead to this? At the very least, he was staining his hands for the good of the people. for justice.
Idly, he let his thoughts run to the various pirate crews with all the various genders interspaced. It didn't matter Omega or Alpha or Beta, everyone could be a captain, a first mate, a navigator, a shipwright. The way they would all laugh together as they drank their booze before he lured them away with his scent. They would all scream their crews names as they were eliminated one by one. They would all curse the marines as their ships that held their memories sank with them inside of it, crackling flames, drowning out their words, but never their intent.
His fingers burned as the ash reached them, causing him to drop the cigarette and burn his clothes. With a loud cry he patted on the flames as he searched for water, rushing over and falling on the process.
With a groan, he sat up and doused the flames with his own hands.
This kind of thinking was dangerous, he knew. If he started to question the marines and what he did... Well, it wouldn't be good. He'd need to talk to Sengoku about this and soon.
Maybe finally take up the one job he was mulling about for so long.
It would be good. To have his last mission and stop before he lost faith in what was happening in the marines. Before he could be turned against the Marines due to the thoughts in his own mind.
It would be good to do one last justice in the world, so get back to the day that had haunted him for so long.
His aim would not waver... could not waver.
This time, he would bring Doflamingo down.
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asocier · 5 years
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interaction guide for emile! 
last edited: april 6th, 2021
          emile ... my sweet baby boy. he’s an extremely friendly muse all around, and while he seems like he’d crumple at the first sign of danger, emile has surprisingly good fight or flight instincts. there’s a part of him that can work well under pressure, so when the world literally is on fire, emile will unexpectedly take charge and call the shots. of course, that’s when the pressure is really on — for the most part, emile is extremely non-confrontational and is perpetually stuck in a loop of ‘what am i doing with my life?’ as he wakes up everyday to a job he doesn’t care for. he makes the best of things, however, and finds pleasure in the simple things. he especially loves being out in nature, so that’s where he’ll truly be himself. in terms of his love life, he’s trying — that’s all i can really say on the matter. he’d be a good boyfriend, though, once things get serious; my sources have confirmed this. 
          supernatural plots — boy howdy, does emile befriend supernatural beings easily! i’m not sure what it is, but he really has a history of forming meaningful relationships with those who aren’t human, and it might just stem from the fact he thinks they’re incredibly interesting so long as, you know, they aren’t trying to kill him. so throw your magical girls, your aliens, your monsters, your non-human muses at emile because boy howdy is he down for the shenanigans and the adventure that comes alone with befriending these muses. he will absolutely literally be so fascinated by them and not give them grief if they’re nice to him !!! if they try to kill him, boy howdy will he be ready to run for his life because emile is already scared of everything and now he gotta run to save his ass. 
          family friendly wholesome plots — emile + children is literally one of the best things on this blog. i say this for like two other muses on this blog too but c’mon, emile and kids literally get along so well, how could i not suggest this possibility too in an interaction guide for him? he’s one of best babysitters and would love to interact with young muses, even if they aren’t small children but still quite young. even tween/teenagers might get along with him ( though if they’re going through some angst, he’s gonna be ... a lil awkward )
          nature/camping/plant plots — i mentioned that emile loves being out in nature, and this has long been the case since he was young. i make fun of him by saying he’s like an overgrown boy scout just because he has so much knowledge about the outdoors and camping from years of doing things like hiking. he also has a green thumb; really loves himself a nice plant. so here are some plots where your muse: 
needs a camping/hiking buddy and invites emile ( pre-est relationship most likely )
meets emile at a campsite ( first meeting type of plot ! )
is a camp counselor at a summer camp and emile is your co-counselor/head counselor and yall gotta take care of all these fking kids together for a whole summer 
works at a plant nursery/floral shop and they always see emile come in bc he hoards plants and loves to buy fresh cut flowers, either for himself or his sister, alison bc she loves flowers too 
just ... talks to emile about his plants casually or asks him for advice on why their plant isn’t doing so well 
needs a new trail mix/energy bar recipe and asks emile ( a neighbor? a friend? someone who is also looking at recipe books in a book store? ) if he has any
          art/photography/music plots — like his sister, emile dabbles in a lot of hobbies too and he shares a lot of those with alison. the biggest differences lie in the fact that while alison favors watercolor painting or body art with acrylics, emile prefers sketching with paper/pen and paper. similarly, while alison mainly plays the piano, emile plays the violin. photography is something both siblings share, though emile likes to take pictures of landscaping in addition to portraits. here are some plots where your muse:
needs a photographer for their *insert special event here* and hires emile 
needs a violinist for their *insert fancy event here that requires live music* and hire emile
asks emile for violin lessons 
wants to play pictionary with emile and that’s how they learn that emile can draw really well
          “what even is emile’s romantic life” plots —  my boy really tries to fall in love, okay. he tries, but it’s not that easy for him when you take into account how he’s not really out of the closet to a lot of people in his life and how he generally just has terribly luck with romantic relationships in general. this started back in high school, and it really doesn’t do much for his self esteem when it come to dating. it kind of puts dating on the back burner for him, really, especially since he isn’t in the best place in his life at the moment to find a serious relationship, but he still likes to try and go on dates once in a while, and he’s trying to learn to embrace the fact he isn’t straight. so here are some plots where your muse: 
bothers emile a lot about why he doesn’t have a girlfriend and plays matchmaker/tries to teach him how to talk to girls because that’s what you think the problem is 
gets set up on a blind date with emile and it either goes really well, or it goes really badly. plot twist: you two used to know each other somehow ( high school, community college, work before one of yall left the office, camp a while back, ect ). 
plays a supportive role in helping emile discover his sexuality ( can be in high school or afterwards ). your muse can either be super helpful or super intrusive and it makes emile suffer but, you know, your muse has good intentions. this “help” can be your muse sharing their experiences with emile, taking him out to lgtbq+ spaces to help him embrace this side of his identity, assuring emile that it’s not wrong to like the same sex, ect. they could also just take a balls to the wall crazy approach if that’s more their style, up to your tbh
          miscellaneous plots — here are some more random ideas in case you’re feeling stuck still! i’d like to remind everyone that my wishlist tag is always a great place to look too if you aren’t feeling what’s in the guide. i hope that the guide gives you an idea at least as to how you might approach a muse and what plots work well for them!
your muse offers to find emile a better job because they can tell he’s not loving his current job, so they offer him a helping hand. similarly, your muse offers to help emile go back to school because they wants to see emile succeed and be happy doing something in a field he actually cares about.  
office plots — your muse works at the same law firm as emile and shares an office space with him. please talk to him because emile needs a friend at work to make his job more enjoyable :’) 
high school plots — emile does have a high school verse like most of my other muses do. the bulk of what happens in high school involves emile discovering he’s not straight and being bullied for it for nate and cedric. on top of that, he’s witnessing his sister go through a really bad relationship, but with how secretive she is with things, it’s hard for him to intervene. there’s a lot of avenue for serious plots in this verse, but as with alison, lighthearted high school plots can also happen with emile! teenagers aren’t just full of angst, after all. sometimes we just need some shenanigans.
community college plots — instead of university, emile attends community college for a couple years to obtain his associates so that he can work as a legal assistant. he works odd jobs to keep himself afloat, and for the most part, he’s just vibing. 
werewolf verse plots —a post explaining the basics of this verse can be found here! in this verse, emile is considered a beta and spent his whole life practically raising his sister, alison. growing up, the siblings did not belong to a stable pack, and as such, they pretty much spent most of their life kind of living how they wanted. emile in this verse is just vibing, too. he’s not looking for a mate or for drama, he’s just trying to make sure his sister doesn’t get herself into trouble.           i’d like to re-emphasize that this is not a true omegaverse even though i do categorize muses as alphas, omegas, or betas, mention bonding between werewolves, nesting, heat/rut, and the use of suppressants to control the severity of heat. the description of these topics, however, are very tame as the focus of this verse is not unhealthy power imbalances or plotless smut. this verse exists bc werewolves are cool, and also because the idea of bonding between partners is where i find the most interest since true bonding really embodies the “to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death” sentiment in marriage vows except even to a more serious degree. so yeah — werewolves. have your werewolf meet mine. it’ll be fun. 
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omegaverse-seeker · 5 years
As someone who spends a little time in the bts fandom on twitter, it’s a very bad argument tbh. They only say it’s bad when it’s m/m ships but totally ignore cishet omegaverse fics, wlw omegaverse fics, beta/beta fics and things of that nature. I truly think it’s an excuse to attack shippers of things they don’t like because the blackpink fandom (a girl group) has abo fics and they never attack them because it’s all women.
Ah yes, the band everyone is crazy about. Are they called bands? Am I gonna get beat up for saying that? Blasphemy?
Anyways, isn’t that anything and everything though? We fetishize m/m relationships in almost everything we have from video games, to fucking emojis, to god damn trains. It’s a given. Lol. Of course people are just gonna focus on that fact because it is the biggest thing in Omegaverse. With that comes a lot of internalized homophobia, where there can only be a masculine Alpha and a feminine Omega if it’s anything other wise, it’s not right.
Though this is my whole big picture point, it’s not really like that anymore. I mean it the majority of fics but now it’s reaching out to all factions like you mentioned. There are wlw, alpha/alpha, alpha/beta, and things w/nb fictions that people ignore. Though I personally think people just find it easier to hate Omegaverse than having to explain why they like it or what it’s not entirely problematic.
With you mentioning that they don’t attack the women group, then that just means that the internalized homophobia is the problem. Especially when it’s safe to assume that the fans are majority women or feminine people. They can’t think of their idols being gay or in love with another male because they wish it for themselves.
Just to make this clarification, I know nothing about kp*p and I am putting the asterisk because I don’t want insane fans getting pissed at me for just talking about what I personally see. I am cisfemale (sexuality????), I am not directly educated in lgbtq+ problems. I am will love to hear you out so please feel free to explain where I am wrong and teach me things that are important in an ask!
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