#tbh i was agonizing over posting this or not but decided to bc irl im already suffering in how to peacefully end my friendships and i don
aplatonic-ryo · 2 days
Hiiiii mutuals reading this.
So. This Thursday, I've come to accept a fact that i was unwilling to accept for a year. That is: I'm aplatonic. More specifically, nonfriending and apothiplatonic. (Also loveless too)
And that's means i don't want to have friends nor I'm comfortable in being perceived as a friend.
Due to my pushover ass personality that I'm working on, even when i felt uncomfortable and repulsed, i wouldn't say anything about the whole "mutuals are friends" thing that is pretty common here on tumblr and would even join the posts. Yall dont need to feel guilty tho, thats on me, honestly.
I'm saying this just to clear things out, especially if i casually mention being aplatonic, and i dont want to let you guys wondering "so??? Lio doesn't like me??" And also boundaries is good. Setting boundaries is my favorite hobby.
Thing is: i do like you guys, but not as friends. I know this can be pretty hurtful to read since the majority of you guys are prob allopl and also "i dont want to be friends" is more socially frowend upon than saying "i dont want to be partners".....for some reason. But like, if you ever got rejected by someone you wouldn't think "oh this person is the worst for saying that" but rather, "Oh ok. Sad but that happens!" (I think at least).
I am allosocial, which means that i do like and need to talk with people and have acquaintances, and at least for me, "mutualship" falls under the scope of "social relationships". Not necessarily friends, but is accepted to regularly interact with each other without the expectation of turning into friends. I interact and ruin the dash cough i mean, joke around bc i like it! Heck, if possible, i want to interact and talk more with you guys. So dont think i was predenting or forcing myself. If possible I'd want to continue the interactions i have been doing, but if anyone don't like it, its understandable as well.
I hope its fine with yall that i want to remain a mutual but not be seen as a friend. I dont want to label mutualship as friendship, i dont want to be seen as a friend, nor do i want the commitment and expectations that come from friendships. None of it. If you feel that you cant do that, well that's fair but then i will unfollow you. No hard feelings so dw
As i also mentioned in the beginning of the post, i'm also loveless so if possible, don't tell me that you love me or anything like that. It does make uncomfortable, even more than being called friend.
Anddd that's it! Feel free to ask any questions! Idk any way to end this better....
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