#tbh i kind of really want some ear cuffs but the ones i like are the kinds that wrap around like. your whole ear w some cool design and it’s
maluspumilaa · 2 months
word ramble about the southerngothic farcille au bc im too tired to draw rn + i want to get better at talking about my fandom stuff on here !! below the cut since im still a bit shackled by cringe
so i had an entire whiteboard but its gone now because i am Not paying for premium but thats okay
this is pretty unstructured but i really like chewing on this au brainstyle
i think that imogen and laudna met on the island after separately being adventurers for a little bit (personally i think laudna wouldnt have had the best luck getting jobs, with the whole scary/off-putting thing about her, but still would be scraping by) – no magic academy, sorry farcille lovers
in terms of the bells hells: im honestly not sure !! i think that it would be cool to have them just be an adventuring party and all have ventured down to save laudna but i dont know how that would work, since it gets dangerous to adventure with a party larger than six or so... maybe someone joins after laudna dies, senshi style? i dont know how much meshi will be in the dungeon meshi au tbh
a lot of this au is me building around the fact i went "what if lesbians from one fandom were the lesbians from the other one" tbh
the treant that laudna is chimaeraed up with is definitely meant to do the same job as the red dragon from dunmeshi . im thinking about a crazy large treant btw. like a hulking monstrous mass of gnarled branches that shambles with alarming speed. bark so thick it seems like fire doesnt do anything except anger it. all that
also !! @/sharkodactyl 's comments on my first art post about this au made me insane (/pos), i def think that the imagery of replacing some of laudnas bones with parts of the treant is awesome... something something it ground up some of her bones to use like bone meal for itself and its not like they can just fix that damage
so they use parts from the treant in the ritual hoping that the absorbed bone will be okay to use . and it turns out fine (no it doesnt) !
ABOUT THE RESURRECTION: i think mashing the dnd and dungeon meshi resurrection scenes would be beautiful to me. i deeply enjoy laudnas resurrection in c3, maybe with the ancient magic ritual there has to be some calling of the spirit to beckon it forth or something?? i just want imogen to talk to laudna before the ritual . feels like it raises the stakes or something
also!! if you look at my au art youll see that laudna still has her ear cuff things. that is because i gave her different trauma for this au ♡
until there was some event like what happened in falins backstory, but after laudna was an adult, leading to worse, more direct treatment from her village/city – i was thinking that due to the general anti-elf/anti-magic attitude in her village, individuals deemed especially "dangerous" or suspected of practicing dark magic would have their ears cut to resemble elves (similar to the canaries but. worse i think)
from what ive gathered, a lot of tallman communities in dungeon meshi (specifically what ive seen of laios and falins northern village) are to some degree intolerant of magic, not super open minded, and to me laudna hails from a village or city around there (or somewhere similar to there) and ended up leaving because, like falin, she had an affinity towards seeing ghosts and performing magic and suffered for it
generally, she was a little bit of an outcast even as a child because she was just kind of scary? she had that weird girl swag but nothing that made her stick out all that much
SO BASICALLY thats why she has those ear covers. she doesnt like looking at the scars . maybe they also tried to hang her ? i dont know
also alsoo imogen in this au does have her lightning markies. frequently i forget those. i think theyre more subtle generally (to the point of looking like really pronounced veins) and restricted to mostly her wrists/hand area but they do glow when she uses magic (not a lot ! maybe a lot during the resurrection scene but thats for my enjoyment more than anything)
her lighning markies + hair color is still from her being ruidus-born. it has some sway over ley lines/mana in some way but the attitude in this au is very much the same as in exandria in cr (represents negative things to people, not seen as a good omen, and generally isnt focused on). it still flares and such, but the flares affect stuff with magic – something something it makes magic more volatile/is linked in some way to ancient magic
i think imogen (+ her mother) would have been fairly ostracized by the small village she grew up in (but not as severely as laudna) due to their unique appearances as a result of being ruidus-born. liliana still leaves relvin and a young imogen but not before introducing lifespan angst into her daughters mind
i think. ruidus flares fuck with peoples lifespan. generally elongates them by a good bit? since it has that connection with ancient magic which is from a time of longer lifespans and such
anyways. imogen ventured out from home to find out where her mother went + learn more about her ruidus-born status and such. she came to melini (or. the exandrian equivalent to it?) for research reasons, maybe to make money before setting off on her travels once again or something
and then met laudna and was charmed a normal amount by her on first meeting and decided to stay dungeon diving with her (and bells hells? for a little while after)
also dont ask about pate i dont know either. maybe he is just a little inanimate puppet made out of dead things or maybe hes a regular rat that wears a bird skull sometimes . maybe he has wings . hes a familiar he can do what he wants
if you made it this far, thank you for reading !! i would love interaction about this au :3 sorry if any of this got really long or ramble-y i have many thoughts LOL
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candyhoiic · 7 months
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Here’s my contribution to sinner! Adam because I just think he’s neat 👉👈
Anyways as one of my favorite characters of course I made his design with suffering in mind uwu /hj /lh
The reason why his collar and bracelets/cuffs are on even without his clothes is because he literally can't take them off, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the 'accessories' are actually fused with his skin. It's a part of his divine punishment as a physical means of constantly reminding him of how much he's a slave to his own desires and anger. It can also be interpreted as a physical manifestation of him being a prisoner to hell now tehehe
Actually, now that I think about it, the spikes we can see on his collar and cuffs most definitely go out both ways, so he has spikes piercing into his skin at all times.
His "hood" is actually apart of him too basically like a cobra's hood ^^ I did this since I like the idea of a sinner's appearance being somewhat determined by how they died, and while Lucifer didn't deliver the final blow, he definitely played a major role in getting him there. So, that's why I gave Adam some snake-like attributes (i.e the hood, split tongue, and scales) the very creature associated with the devil himself!
Plus, with the hood, he kind gives off grim reaper vibes, which is fitting since he was technically hell's very own grim reaper along with the rest of his exorcist.
He also has some goat attributes ie the horns, hooves, ears, tail (not that I actually drew it lmao sorry), and sideway pupils for his hood eyes because of their connection with the devil and well that's the first creature that comes to my mind that has horns tbh.
His face and horns are meant to mock his exterminator mask because I'm a sucker for that trope. Just imagine how pissed off he was to find out he couldn't take off his 'mask'
I gave him piercings bc their hot /hj I mean they are but let's be honest canon Adam should have definitely had piercings because they fit his vibe so well.
He also has a nicked eyebrow because he so would. He's just that type of cringe /j
As for the rest of his outfit? I don't really know what to say I just wanted to give him rock n' roll vibes while also capturing that fact that he is in fact an old man no matter how young he might look.
Also, for anyone wondering the belt was absolutely necessary. There was no way I wasn't going to add it when the thought first came to me. It just says something about his ego.
I did my best to make Adam somewhat out of shape, but I don't have really any experience with different body types so some of it might look off, but I did my best.
The headshot in the corner was a very quick drawing of what his full demon form may look like. If I ever actually give it a full design don't be surprised if it changes significantly because I definitely have some thoughts about it but I'm just too tired to actually pour the energy into drawing it rn oops
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However, I did have enough energy to draw what I imagine his wings to be like. And of course, I could pass up on another chance to give him a mocking reminder of how far he's fallen. He kept his wings technically but there next to useless as he can't actually fly with them. And honestly, they're not actually all that durable as one can imagine since well their just bone.
So, it's a big weak spot for him but luckily, he can detract them into his skin. Although the process is painful, and he has to let them out every now and then or it'll feel like his back is on fire. They also glow making it hard to hide them when they're out.
The marking/tattoo/brand on his back is a cross with his A over it. I like to think it symbolizes how he put himself before God which is a big no, no. It can also be interpreted as a nod to how he was basically acting like he was God himself by passing on divine judgement and punishment onto others for things he himself was guilty of.
Anyways the red glowing exes over the symbol are simply to show off the killing blows Nifty delivered to him.
Last but not least, I made him caked up and I won't apologize for that either.
Anyways byeee! Thanks for reading my rambles about my sinner! Adam design. Hope you enjoyed!~
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months
If it's not getting tiresome would you mind reviewing the mynci? They've been my favorite since childhood
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The Mynci is our only primate Neopet (not counting TNT staff, the freaks) and it's... alright. Honestly, I'm kind of amazed we only got a singular monkey Neopet for this category, considering how diverse primates are all-around—you have baboons, gorillas, monkeys, lemurs, etc. It's not a bad thing, but it's head-scratching compared to the number of dragons and birds we have.
As our only primate Neopet, the Mynci is about as literal as you could get with a monkey—long tail, big ears, snub nose (their most distinctive feature tbh) and what seems to be exposed flesh over their ears, face and stomach, down to even having a belly button. I feel like they're kind of like Lupes, being real animals, but they don't have as incredible as a selection of colours to support them like Lupes do.
I guess my main problem with them is that there's no fur indicated on their bodies, just two hairs on their heads, which always gave them this weird feeling of being bald. I feel like just a few small tufts of fur in the right spots would've helped avoid this. Their body shape is also pretty standard. Out of the designs that were voted on, I kind of gravitate towards Mynci #2 here, which both has more fur and a more interesting body shape, as well as a more obvious personality to it. (Though I will admit that #3 is the most Neopet-ish of them all.)
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Mynci were basically left untouched by customization aside from gaining a fist, so that's a plus.
Favorite Colours:
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Stealthy: Stealthy pets sometimes end up looking incredibly busy, with too many details and colors, but the stealthy Mynci gets it just right. I like the subtle dark green and gold palette used to accent the stealthy colour's natural navy and bright blue eyes, and little details like the stitch marks. I also love how the symbols on its headband and belt are clearly in the shape of a Mynci's nose. The only minor thing that bugs me is that those two hairs on top shouldn't be visible.
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Royal: I have no idea why these are Shenkuu-based and I do not care (I guess it's because China has a fair amount of monkey species IRL?). Either way, these designs are super pretty, and work well eith the Mynci's design. Both the royalboy and royalgirl feel on par with each other, with both sporting long flowing robes (hanfu) and luck charms—the main difference being the color palettes and the royalboy having a beard and hat while the female has a headdress.
For the record, both versions are fine with the UCs obviously being better, though there are some weird things we lost in the conversion—like, what happened to the RB's beard and tail cuffs, and why did its eye color change? What happened to the RG's ring? Why did the grey in the RB's eyebrows get lighter? But regardless, these are still solid.
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Toy: Come on, it's a symbol monkey! You can't not like it. The purple base is pleasant as well and goes well with the red and peach accents, and it looks nice and plastic-y. Bonus points for hiding the fist. (The eyes should've been purple or red though.)
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Bonus: If you want something more ape-like and don't vibe with the Mynci's overall design, give the mutant version a spin. I really like the gorilla-like stance and anatomy, the more muted colors with bright red accents, and little details like the devil-shaped tail and extra fur. My only nitpick is that having both ears and horns feels weird—should be one or the other.
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airbrushfather · 9 months
@paz-45 asked so here are my 5 ee tattoos lmao (warning for me just rambling absolute shit under the cut)
my first ever tattoo - jon's handwriting and a wild wave because i love violent sun so much. looking back the handwriting tattoo isn't something i'd do today but it's what got me started on getting tats at all and i had a very positive experience (both w getting it and w asking jon for the writing lmao)
the teeth are not related, for the record. writing is about 6 months healed in this pic and almost 18 months healed now. also i know no one asked but since i love talking about tattoos - this is on the outside of my forearm and the pain was about a 3/10. super easy placement if you want somewhere to put a first tattoo that won't kill you off immediately.
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classic lil gth hand. i always forget i have this because it's on the back of my arm (hence the bad photo too, say hello to my ear) but i do rlly love it, my artist did a very good job. it's about 5 months healed in this pic and just under 18 months healed now. this is on the back of my upper arm, the pain was probably a 4/10. a little spicy towards the inside but nowhere near the worst, certainly less painful than the inside of the bicep for instance. i also never find colour that bad (lines are worse imo) but i know some people do, so i guess if you came to this post looking for genuine tattoo advice, take that into consideration
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these eyes are, technically, ee related - and please excuse this horrible photo, they're really hard to get a pic of! but me and my artist designed them together based on put me together's bridge - 'is it the darkest night/or is that dawn in your eyes?' it's a very important song to me and i love these tattoos, especially the dawn one with all the little details. it actually looks a little better now it's healed, it's settled into itself a lot more. they're super fresh in this pic (less than a month each, i got them within about a week of each other) and about a year healed now
pain wise this is a rough placement. the bottom one especially was one of my most painful tattoos - probably an 8/10. it proved i could never tattoo my actual knee because i genuinely had a terrible time of it. though weirdly the top one was really easy, probably a 6/10
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i find this one incredibly hard to photograph bc of the way it wraps but my favourite line from final form (i stole the idea from someone in atb but it's one of my favourite sentiments, as in, this is my first body so i will make mistakes, and it is my last body so i will look after it). i broke one of my only tattoo rules for this too, which was No Words. i doubt i'll get any more words after this bc i don't think they'd really fit very well w the rest of mine, but i thought this was a really nice way to cuff my patchwork arm.
it's about 6 months healed in this video (from today). pain was probably another 8/10, wrist is a very spicy placement but not the worst one by any stretch. the outside (first body) was easier than the inside (last body) and it was definitely tolerable, tbh it was almost more annoying to heal than it was to get
i do have plans for more ee related tattoos (i want to get one from each album, so i have arc and rdf left to conquer) but atm i can't get anything because i have serious trust issies w new tattooists (and i love my artists who i know already) and my shop is currently 200 miles away. i'll probably get one in summertime if i have the money. i really like that for the most part they're not super obvious what they are, even the hand isn't bam in your face this is album artwork unless you're in the know. no hate to those kind of tattoos (ive seen some sick tattoos of the whole gth cover or at least the entire guy) it's just not my kind of thing, i like to be mysterious.
sorry for talking so much, but getting tattoos is my only personality trait. i could and would literally speak about it all day. consider this your formal piece of danny's tattoo advice. none of these are my most painful placements and none were my most painful tattoos, but everybody is different so if you genuinely do want this advice, take it with a grain of salt. and if anyone wants more of my advice/further tattoo tours, feel free to ask (idk why you'd want advice from me but i have probably about 40 tattoos at this point and i want to talk about it. because i'm boring and inufferable. i'm A Tattoo Person. this is my coming out </3)
cheers for looking x
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astraldraco · 1 year
Nutmeg, chamomile, chia
Nutmeg: how's your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style?
not really! I'm currently redecorating my room, so it's a bit of a wreck right now tbh. lots of piles of junk haha. when it's done I hopefully should have a nice relaxing room that caters to my brain though, so that's good! my room used to be an attempt at a "typical/normal" room, which didn't work well for me, so the goal is for this one to be better!
Chamomile: what kinds of things do you like receiving as gifts?
I am a bit of a mess when it comes to asking for things, so I just keep a list of things I want but don't own! I usually have plenty of books on there, as well as various artists' shops and Etsy stores. Ear cuffs, oversized thick sweaters, and pins are all things that I keep on there permanently, because I don't think I could run out of those! as well as candies and food treats.
Chia: what's an inside joke you have with someone else?
I've got a lot! here's a few that came to mind first:
several of my friends make fun of me for putting metal in the microwave one time because my brain had processed the rule as "no utensils" rather than "no metal" (to be fair it did spark and catch fire so the teasing is justified)
one of my friends recites the entire creative commons license that tma is under whenever it's brought up
"your bisexual is showing" to my best non-aro friend whenever he expresses any interest in fictional characters whatsoever
for some reason I can't think of more but friends on Tumblr feel free to add any if you want haha
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criticalsucc · 7 months
Take two....
1. What are the ideal nudes that someone could send you?
8. Something you never did in bed and would love to do?
27. What’s a part of clothing you would love to see your crush/partner in?
55. Best romantic evening setting, go!
61. Do you like tattoos or piercings on your partner? What would be the best places for them to have them?
Ropes or Cuffs?
Take Erotic photos of someone or Let someone take erotic photos of you?
Ok because I'm Me you know I have to over-elaborate so pardon the length 😅
What are the ideal nudes that someone could send you?: Generally, I think whatever kind of nude they feel the best taking. Like whatever photo they take of themself that makes them go "damn I'm hot." Whatever angle is their favorite, whatever lighting, whatever pose, that's what I want to see because that's where they are going to feel their best. But more specifically, anything that gives the feeling of an invitation. Like they are sending this to me because they wish I could manifest through the phone right that second and join them in the moment. Even more specifically than that, I think the back of the human body is so sexy. And low(ish), warm lighting too.
Something you never did in bed and would love to do?: So literally "in bed," I don't think there's anything that jumps out at me. I mean I'm sure there's something but I simply can't think of it right now. But in general one experience I think would be really cool would be having sex somewhere "public" but like, without the chance that you are going to be seen by unwilling participants. One time years ago on vacation in the Smoky Mountains I drove out to this jeep trail. And the trailhead had this little picnic area and it was so far outside of the city that you couldn't hear any of that background noise. It was the quietest place I've ever experienced. I mean it was stone silent. And not a single person in sight. So I think having sex somewhere like that, and the adrenaline rush of knowing you are so exposed, and every tiny little gasp and whimper being the loudest thing in the air would be exciting.
What’s a part of clothing you would love to see your crush/partner in?: Lingerie of course, but especially the full get-up. Garter belt, thigh-highs, really pretty lacy panties (maybe crotch-less?), a long-line bra or corset/basque type thing. That, or an oversized t-shirt where I keep getting little peaks of what's underneath. Bonus points if they slip their panties off without lifting the shirt up as a tease.
Best romantic evening setting, go!: You know I'm not sure because I've never been wined and dined (tragic). But my image of romantic is warm, dark, and sparkly. So a lovely (small) restaurant or a nice garden type environment with really enchanted lighting. Or just the bed with some candles lit.
Do you like tattoos or piercings on your partner? What would be the best places for them to have them?: Yes definitely. For piercings beyond just your standard earrings, it really depends on size, placement, and amount. A tongue piercing is kinda hot. A nose, eyebrow, or lip piercing can be really cute if it's small. Nipple piercings are so fucking hot omg. But piercings that are made to be deliberately...idk, intrusive? are a turn off for me. There's nothing wrong with having a face full of metal but it's not my thing. But a few piercings here and there are ok if it's done stylishly.
Tattoos are very hot. But I do prefer those that compliment the body rather than cover it. Back tattoos are hot of course. Sternum tattoos make me feel things. I like small subtle tattoos on the hips or ankle. Basically I like tattoos that are in very kissable locations.
Ropes or Cuffs?: I've never had any experience with ropes, like shibari, so I can't truthfully say if that's my thing or not. But tbh your posts are kind of making me a little curious 😅 Like I would be willing to be tied up, just to see if it causes any good feelings to happen. But service top that I am, if someone likes being tied up, I like the idea of being the one to tie them up. Cuffs on the other hand I definitely like. Probably cuffing a little more so than being cuffed, but I like both.
Take Erotic photos of someone or Let someone take erotic photos of you?: Ok this is an interesting one because I have a basic DSLR and do some amateur photography (mostly nature) so I could really enjoy taking photos of someone. Especially if they are like, putting on a show for me. That could be really hot. As for having photos taken of me? While I certainly enjoy showing off, I would have to REALLY trust someone with that power before I let them do it.
These questions were very well selected for me, thank you so much for sending them!! 😊♥️💜💛
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pallases · 2 years
i want halloweenish jewelry sooo bad rn omg
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p-redux · 4 years
Yes, I know about the podcast where a disgruntled would be lady friend of Sam's bashes him.
When I first was alerted to it, I didn't bother paying attention to what she was posting on social media leading up to her podcast because I was busy in RL and hadn't had time. Besides, I already knew, like I've been saying since 2014, that Sam is a heterosexual man who dates multiple women, and is not ready to settle down. I don't see anything wrong with that. Meh. This is NOT news.
Then today, I got a ton of DMs on here and some on Twitter, and I got a couple of Anon Asks about it asking me what my opinion is. I literally worked a 10 hour day today and then had some RL stuff to do after. I'm exhausted.
But I finally plopped on the couch and listened to her podcast because people were SO insistent about it. I guess at this point, my followers are wondering why I haven't said anything, and are looking to me to post what I think of it. TBH, I'm SO tired, brain function is slowing down. I'll probably write something when I gather my thoughts and have some time, and some coffee.
But here is my off the cuff initial reaction. Besides anything to do with what happened or didn't happen between Sam and the woman who did the podcast, my MAIN focus while listening to it tonight was: that what she posted sunk the SamCait ship for the millionth time, the "Sam is gay" false narrative got debunked AGAIN, AND we inadvertently got full CONFIRMATION that Sam DID date Georgia Ellenwood (athlete at track meet) and Danielle Kling (girl already living in Hawaii), Gia (new girl he met in Los Angeles and took to Hawaii during quarantine), and that Sam was thinking of rekindling with an ex (Mackenzie Mauzy, pic of her at Comic Con post break up wearing the Barbour jacket he gave her, and I was asked not to post the pic) HAHAHA. Just like I told the fandom. I LOVE when my info gets CONFIRMED. And THAT is and will always be what gets me off in this fandom. The only thing that keeps me here (besides my friends, of course). Sorry if you expected something more lofty...
Bottom line: Sam's a heterosexual human man who is not ready to settle down with one woman. Alert the presses! Lord.
Sam saying to her "Let's get together the next time I'm in town" is not a promise of a date, it's not a promise of anything, it's literally a flashing neon sign meaning "let's leave things open ended," "maybe," "let's play it by ear." And anyone and everyone who has dated enough human males knows this. Did she not get the Man Code Manual? I thought everyone knew this. When a man wants to see you, he doesn't say things like that, he makes CONCRETE plans with you and FOLLOWS THROUGH with them.
PROTIP: an actor who slides into your DMs and says let's get together when we're in the same town, and then doesn't, isn't "ghosting" or "gaslighting" you, he's letting you know without being direct that "he's just not that into you," but doesn't want to hurt your feelings. It seems to me that when the podcast woman figured out that there were women Sam WAS actually into and DID see in person, she got pissed...and got even. It really is a slap in the face to Sam that he helped her with raising funds and she went and badmouthed him publicly. Petty, petty.
MORE PROTIPS: When a man is into you, he, *taps chin* makes the effort to SEE you in person. Simple as that. The fact that Sam didn't, should have been the one and only clue needed to "move on" and find a man who is into you and will want to spend time with you in person. No need to keep waiting around, continuing to DM with or interact with a man who won't SEE you. Me, forever and ever 'splainin the facts of life.
I'm sorry she feels hurt, but it's way over the top that she now has taken it upon herself to "warn" women about Sam. Helloooo, he's not Shia LaBeouf or Armie Hammer FFS. By ALL accounts, pretty much EVERYONE who gets to know Sam says what a nice guy he is, including the women who dated him. Even his ex Cody Kennedy's MOM, Jinx said she didn't have anything bad to say about him, and said he was a "gentleman," and Sam broke up with Cody because, according to what Jinx publicly confirmed on Instagram, "he went back to his old girlfriend in London." (Abbie Salt in 2015)...just like I said sources told me months prior. :-). Sam broke up with her daughter and Jinx said nothing but nice things about Sam.
Is Sam a saint...or Jamie Fraser? NOPE. But, he's not a bad dude, and especially in Hollywood, he's, what I would call, one of the good ones. It's unfortunate that his name is getting smeared over something like this. Her reaction is totally disproportionate to what he actually did. Date a true Hollywood douche and then come back and talk to me. That's not Sam. Sam giving a woman his ubiquitous line "let's get together for a wee dram when you're in town" and then flaking, or flirting in DMs, and not having it lead to anything more did not warrant the bad press she is giving him. But I guess his fans can take solace in the fact that people who actually know Sam know who he really is, and his good heart.
Anyhoo, Imma pour myself a second glass of wine and I'll write something tonight or tomorrow or actually...I don't think I will...I kind of already did. :-).
Pssst: "He's just not that into you." Deal with it.
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padfootastic · 2 years
So… we know James Potter definitely has tattoos (love that fic btw) but what about piercings? I headcanon him has having some but I’ve never been able to decide on how many and what kinds. Like part of me wants to be like “YES! All of the piercing!” But alas I know that’s not super realistic lol. (Realism for a fictional character ha!) What do you think?
: o a prongsfoot tattoos reference, i repeat, a prongsfoot tattoos reference!!!! anon i’m so glad u like bc it’s one my favorites 🥺
as for piercings, god, i fully agree w the part of u that says ‘all of them’ lmao i have definitely moved past realism for my headcanons bc like,,,fiction ykno? (also i dont think two 16yo posh boys in private school in 70s britain would be as heavily inked as the fic showed but i’m not giving up on a single one of those tattoos so we should definitely ignore what makes sense in favor of what the heart wants :p)
so james. i’m obsessed with ear & nose piercings for men tbh, so i’m thinking a single stud on one ear and a cuff about midway through the lobe at least. definitely a ring or a little stone (like an american diamond?) through the nose, maybe even two.
i think he’d be a bit more subdued with the visible body mods but he does love them so he’ll have a collection of clipons for all sorts of other things. septum, eyebrow, lip etc etc for whenever the mood strikes
now, if we go a bit nff, i do think he’ll go for one of the more…risqué piercings if ya get what i mean ;) easily hidden, makes him feel like a badass and sirius loves the heck out of it so really, no extra incentive needed
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mascwhump · 3 years
Chapter 22 - Site Bravo
CW: dubcon touching, noncon drugging, forced pill taking, needles, minor blood, manhandling, creepy/intimate whumper, and just straight up smut tbh
Tag list: @whatwasmyprevioususername @milk-carton-whump @whatwhumpcomments @mnmlover2002 @ashintheairlikesnow
A few hours passed before Charlie heard the door unlock. He tore his eyes away from the ceiling and let them drift toward the door. Basil's small frame slipped in, carrying three plastic bags.
"Basil? I was almost positive that you were dead," Charlie said as he sat up.
"N-No, I was just reassigned here," he replied, setting the bags down on the desk.
"Where is here?" Charlie asked.
"I can't say, I'm sorry. I have to go," Basil replied, quickly exiting the room.
Charlie scratched his head as he moved to inspect the bags. Inside one was a meal, another had a few essential items, and the last one had a set of clothes. Charlie ate the meal ravenously before organizing the rest of the items. Not long after, the door opened, and none other than Mallory entered the room.
"Where's my team?" Charlie demanded.
"Hello to you, too. They're just fine. In fact, they're in the rooms on either side of you," Mallory said, straightening his sleeves.
"Where are we?
"America. This is my new compound, provided to me by your lovely government. We're calling it Site Bravo," Mallory answered.
Charlie twisted back to face the desk, placing his elbows on it to rest his head. Mallory approached him and placed his hand on the back of his head, causing him to flinch.
"Don't worry, love. Things are how they should be again. Although, I will admit, it was fun seeing what it's like in your position for once."
"How did they even know where to find us?"
Mallory tapped on his collar. Charlie sighed heavily into his hands. He hadn't even considered the fact that there might be a tracker inside of it.
"I'm moving the majority of my operation here. It's a much more advanced facility, and that means our research should increase tenfold."
"And I'm assuming you plan to test your stupid fucking research on us indefinitely."
Mallory sat down on the edge of the bed.
"We're expanding our testing. Right now, we have Q-179, T-77, also known as the truth serum, and C-282, the control serum. There's two new ones in the works right now, and the next one should be finished by next week. I have some good news for you, though. They no longer expect me to eliminate you. They're happy allowing me to keep you as healthy test subjects."
"Is that still all I am to you, a test subject? What you've done to me- to us, is beyond what could possibly be needed for your tests. You're obsessed with me. I'm absolutely more to you than a fucking test subject."
"Do you really care that much about what I think of you? It sounds like you're the one obsessed with me."
Charlie put his head down. He sighed deeply against the cedar desk. Mallory was next to him again, running his fingers through Charlie's messy hair.
"Come on," he said quietly, "I've got a welcome back present for you and your friends."
Charlie's blood ran cold. He moved robotically, as if someone else was in control of his actions. He followed Mallory down the narrow hallway and out a set of doors. They entered a large empty room with high ceilings, about the size of a basketball court.
"This will eventually be an indoor shooting range, but for now, we'll use it for this," Mallory said.
Soon after, the others were filed into the room, only restrained mentally by the rifles the soldiers held. They stood in a line against one wall. Charlie brushed his hand against Ethan's to acknowledge him. Another solider entered the room, holding a plate of cookies. The team exchanged confused glances as they were each passed a cookie.
"A welcome back gift," Mallory said. He took a cookie himself, and that lowered their suspicions.
"This is pretty good," Adrian said, mouth full.
"I only hire competent cooks," Mallory said. He noticed Crow wasn't eating the cookie.
"Don't worry, they aren't poisoned or anything. See?" He said, taking another bite of his own.
Crow finally ate his, and once everyone had finished, someone they hadn't seen before entered the room, rolling a cart with drawers. He wore a black bandana on the bottom half of his face. He nodded to Mallory before quickly exiting the room.
"So, now that I have you all here, I have to ask- how did you find Charlie and I?" He asked.
"The metadata from the video you sent," Adrian spoke. His eyes went wide, and he began looking around frantically.
"Ah, I see," Mallory sighed, "Didn't think about that."
"Adrian, what the fuck?" Crow hissed at him in a hushed tone.
"I didn't say that!" Adrian yelled.
Charlie froze once he realized what was happening.
"You put truth serum in the cookies," he said.
"No, just one of them," Mallory replied.
"You bastard," Crow spat.
"Shut it," Mallory hissed.
Crow opened his mouth to speak again, but the way the color drained from his face indicated that he couldn't. Charlie and Mallory realized it at the same time.
"Oh, excellent. You got the control serum biscuit," Mallory said.
"No," Adrian growled. Crow moved toward Mallory, but stopped in his tracks when ordered to.
Mallory clicked his tongue as he smirked. His eyes darkened, and Charlie clenched his jaw.
"First off, Crow, not a word unless directed. You and you, restrain Rex and Adrian," Mallory ordered to his soldiers.
"It's Deke," he spat. One of the men forced his arms behind his back and secured them with handcuffs before kicking his legs. Deke snarled as he dropped to his knees, his dog tags clinking together. Adrian put up a fight, managing to land a punch to one of them before another stepped in and got him on the ground and in cuffs.
Mallory opened one of the drawers on the cart and pulled out a bottle of pills will no label.
"Crow, make Charlie take this," he ordered. Crow walked over to him, and Mallory dropped one of the beige tablets in his hand.
"What is it?" Charlie questioned.
"Don't know. Can't be good if it was in this drawer," Mallory replied.
Crow approached him slowly. Charlie's back was already pressed against the wall.
"I'm not taking it," Charlie said, speaking to Mallory, but looking at Crow.
"Too bad. Do anything to get it down his throat, Crow," Mallory said.
Crow tapped on his jaw, and Charlie shook his head. He gritted his teeth. Crow eyes were filled with sorrow as he gripped Charlie's jaw in an attempt to force it open. He turned his head away and tried to move, but Crow pinned him with one hand on his chest.
"Stop this! This is insane!" Deke yelled. He was met with a blow to his shoulder with the butt of a rifle.
"Maybe he'll open his mouth if you pinch his nose," Mallory suggested.
Charlie struggled and squeezed his eyes shut right as Crow gripped his nose, cutting off his air. He could only hold his breath for thirty seconds before his mouth dropped open. He gasped for air as Crow shoved the pill to the back of his mouth, then covered it with his hand. Charlie had no choice but to swallow.
"Well done," Mallory spoke, "It was just a vitamin, by the way."
"You motherfucker!" Charlie yelled, pushing past Crow.
"Grab him," Mallory said quickly. Crow took Charlie's arms and held them behind his back.
Adrian began struggling against the soldiers' hold.
"Get him out of here," Mallory hissed. They picked Adrian up and dragged him out of the room as he began to yell numerous threats.
"Such a waste. Oh, well. I didn't really have anything for him to confess to, anyway."
Charlie was attempting to rip his arms out of Crow's grasp. Mallory watched in amusement.
"This is ridiculous," Ethan spoke.
"Oh, really? Come here," Mallory responded.
"Don't fucking touch him," Charlie spat.
Ethan approached him slowly, and Charlie could see that his hands were shaking. Mallory pulled him toward him and whispered something in his ear. Ethan pulled back, eyes wide. Suddenly, Mallory reeled back his fist and hit him square in the face, knocking him down instantly. Deke and Charlie began to yell as Ethan hit the ground, blood escaping from his nose.
"Take him to the infirmary. Fuck it, get Rex out of here, too. I don't need any more distractions," Mallory said.
Deke kicked and threw himself at the soldiers, but stopped when the barrel of a rifle was in his face. They shoved him out the door before dragging Ethan out after him. The three of them were alone.
"Soon, you'll all learn that you're not going to get away with those kinds of things," Mallory said.
"Fuck you. What the fuck did you say to him?!" Charlie yelled, his hands balling into fists.
"Nothing. I suggest you shut up before you're met with the same fate."
"Do it, you coward!"
"Hm, no. That'd be too generous."
Mallory set his phone on the cart, open to the app that controlled the collar. He didn't press anything, and Charlie knew it was a warning. He stopped struggling, and Crow loosened his grip. Crow moved away when Mallory motioned for him to. Mallory gripped his shirt to pull him down, then whispered something.
"What's with all the secrecy?" Charlie questioned.
Crow turned and approached him slowly. His face was turning pink, and Charlie backed away until he hit the wall again.
Crow stopped directly in front of him and looked him in the eyes. Charlie gasped when he felt him rest his hand between his legs.
"Wh... what are you doing?" He breathed. He gripped Crow's arm as he started rubbing his hand against him.
"St-Stop," Charlie stammered. His heart was racing, and he could feel that Crow's was, too, from the pulse in his wrist.
"God, Charlie. You're such a whore. You're not even trying to make him stop," Mallory teased. Charlie broke out of his daze and moved Crow's hand away. Mallory laughed.
"What, you don't like him touching you like that?"
"No... I-I mean, not while he's... not acting on his own free will," Charlie said.
"I've read the rest of his journal. Trust me, he wants to. Go on, Crow."
He moved his hand back, despite Charlie's hold on his wrist. Charlie slowly released his grip as he rubbed him and moved his hand slowly up his tatted arm. He hadn't realized that his eyes were closed until he felt Crow's other hand tangle in his hair. He could feel his blush as he began to get hard, and found himself pushing against Crow's hand.
Crow suddenly tensed, and Charlie opened his eyes to see Mallory had stuck a syringe in his neck.
"What the fu-"
"Shh. It's just a reversal," Mallory said.
After thirty seconds or so, Crow relaxed.
"Come on," Mallory said.
They followed him out of the room. Charlie felt the hairs on his neck and arms stand up. They ended up at his room. Mallory opened the door, motioned for them to go inside, and shut the door. They stood awkwardly as they listened to Mallory walk down the hallway.
"Um, hi," Crow finally spoke.
"Hi," Charlie laughed.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Are you?"
"I'm fine."
Charlie gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him down to him.
He reached for Crow's hand without breaking his gaze. He slowly moved it back between his legs as he bit his lip. Crow leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Charlie wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He kissed him again, this time with more force.
Crow picked up him, and Charlie wrapped his legs around his hips. They grinded into each other as their kisses became sloppier; their tongues becoming entangled. Charlie moaned softly as he ran his fingers through Crow's hair. Crow pulled away and started kissing along his jaw.
"Wish this fucking collar wasn't on," he growled.
Like magic, the collar popped open. Charlie pulled it from his neck and tossed it away.
"Room's fucking bugged," Crow said.
"I don't care," Charlie breathed.
Crow kissed his neck and bit it gently. Charlie leaned his head back against the wall as small moans escaped his lips.
Crow moved him over to the bed, and continued to kiss his neck as he lied him down.
"Fuck me," Charlie moaned.
Crow straightened up and slid his pants from his hips. He gripped the top of Charlie's shorts and pulled them off, along with his boxers, in one movement.
"There's... there's lube on the desk," Charlie said, "I don't know why, but it's there."
Crow swiped the bottle from the desktop and flipped open the top. Charlie watched in a daze as he let it drip down onto his cock. He put a bit on his fingers and rubbed them over his hole.
"Fuck," Charlie breathed.
Crow leaned over him and guided himself in with one hand. They moaned in unison as he entered, and Charlie pulled him down to kiss him again.
Crow rocked his hips slowly at first, steadily increasing in pace. Charlie gripped his own cock and stroked himself
"You're so fucking tight," Crow murmured in his ear.
"Ah... don't, hhh, fuck, don't stop," Charlie moaned.
He hated how close he was already. He wanted this to last forever. Crow left love bites along his neck as he traced his fingers beneath Charlie's shirt, eventually pulling it over his head.
"I’m close,” Crow breathed. He gripped onto his hips, allowing him to go deeper.
“Fuck!” Charlie cried out as he came, lines of cum landing on his abs. A few seconds more, and Crow pulled out, stroking himself until he finished on Charlie’s chest.
They were both breathing heavily. Charlie grinned ear to ear as he pulled Crow down to kiss him again.
“I should shower,” he murmured against his lips.
“Can I join?” Crow asked.
“Yes,” Charlie giggled.
Charlie stepped in first and rinsed off. They took turns lathering up with soap, and kissed in between.
“Are we telling anyone about this?” Charlie asked.
“Fuck no. We’ll never hear the end of it,” Crow said. Charlie laughed as he shut off the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist. He left the bathroom to retrieve their clothes, and jumped when he noticed Mallory sitting at the desk. He quickly picked up Crow’s clothes and threw them to him in the bathroom.
“Have fun?” Mallory asked.
Charlie ducked down behind the bed to slip on his clothes, only popping back up when dressed. Crow stepped out of the bathroom and folded his arms.
“Why are you here?” He questioned.
“To take you back to your room,” Mallory replied.
As they left, Crow looked over his shoulder and smiled at Charlie. Charlie returned it. He lied down on the bed, and let out a content sigh. Mallory was back a minute later, and picked up the collar from the floor.
“Sit up,” he ordered. Charlie sat up, and Mallory took note of the hickeys on his neck before snapping the collar back on. He looked annoyed, but Charlie didn’t care.
“I’m surprised you allowed us to do that,” he said as Mallory turned to leave.
“I have my reasons,” he said, walking out the door.
Charlie lied back down and stared at the ceiling. He closed his eyes, and for once, he was able to have a refreshing nap.
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dirtyrottenraskel · 4 years
my take on yueki's personalities
notes / personality
cocky (but also like understated confidence - r e g a l af) 
kind of a nerd
maybe a little entitled, and a little bratty and suki loves to indulge her or to rile her up depending on her mood
seems soft but made of steel
strong sense of duty
socially intelligent - can be manipulative and suki (the dork) thinks it is so hot 
aloof queen bee typa beat
supportive, both in ur day to day and in going after your big moral life goals 
deep water - steady and powerful, often underestimated
untold depths, private yet surprisingly nurturing - master of deflecting away from herself
political nerd - well read, and when she has someone she trusts not to take advantage of her, she goes OFF 
distrusting of most people, has been used and ignored and underestimated her whole life
patient - homegirl knows how to play the long game
excellent at pai sho / chess 
she and suki have epic battles of wits - dif types of strategy but both are really into it and get a little too competitive (multiple board games have had to be replaced over the years)
loves travel bc wasn’t allowed to much, esp when she was sick 
was super repressed growing up - never let her be herself or really have any sort of independence
used to sneak out and wander around in rebellion and casually sabotage plans and decisions she didn’t agree with 
introverted, many opinions but keeps them to herself, discreet but well spoken
weaponizes secrets and information - doesn’t often use it but...she could
definitlyyyyy worries and overthinks and re-evaluates - worries ab social politics a lot
obsessive about picking things - wants it to be perfect
shes growing into her confidence as a leader
prefers quite intimate places
incredibly romantic
classic lit
planner for the future - visionary
kind / sweet / gentle - yes, but that’s also her “front” to a degree (seriously, i feel like she gets painted as so sweet and submissive and one dimensional by the fandom a lot of times and it freakin kills me)
INFJ-T (The Advocate) ((yes this is from 16p which i know is not super accurate but u can still catch her overall vibes from it ya know)
sensitive/reluctant to open up/perfectionist/prone to burnout/not a fan of the ordinary
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - puppy love crushes, laugh ab it now, get into deep late night talks about responsibilities and leading, water tribe culture, prank wars (no one believes sokka when he says yue is a mean prank master (expect suki comes to see it in action lol))
katara - <> badass women friendship, totally would go to matches and protests together, tough girl shit, waterbending practice/duels - start of cautious, but then get rough in a good way bc they trust each other, they do water tribe food adventures together
toph - indulges her chaos, bonding over stupid royal upbringings, odd yet weirdly endearing pair
zuko - both sort of standoffish gay royals, but once they come to see that they are friends - take up similar spaces though, so only hang out in a group or rarely by themselves, they do hang out at like political parties and stuff when they get more comfortable together
aang - <> he has an impressive world view, yue is super studied and well read, so she and aang nerd out over past cultures together, and also their peace keeping nature, they have tea together often - usually after she and katara wipe the floor w/ each other
clothing / aesthetic:
blues and pale colors
classy and understated wealth
like those cute feminine button down shirts
like cold weather classy
complicated braids
sort of soft girl aesthetic?
pleated skirts !!!
i feel like she would wear ethically sourced fur (i don’t wear fur but idk how to get it in an ethical way - maybe it’s just fake??)
knit sweaters and skinny jeans and heeled ankle boots
light academia !!!
hella funky earrings - to mark her native pride and also cuz gay
from my readings, tattoos have a lot of cultural significance for Inuit women, and so i feel like yue would totally have some (when she comes of age ofc) 
notes / personality 
also very strategic 
more spontaneous tho - will totally calculate the odds in a spilt second in her head and then just go for it
like still a careful planner, but willing to say fuck it, yolo if it seems right 
reflects on her mistakes, but more in like a healthy way - unless it was a leadership mistake, then it eats her up inside - worries more ab keeping her girls safe and making the right call
likes lively places
total bashful romantic
manages the present and the short term - realist
loves to do lists 
a little punch happy - loves to make violent threats, but also does it out of excitement and she’s just a really physical person tbh
steady, can come off as stubborn and abrasive but she really just wants what’s best for everyone she loves
harsh on herself and worries about her girls a lot 
always ends up in the oddest situations 
totally would kick someone’s ass for being racist/sexist/homophobic/etc 
dedicated to her training and her regime 
not a great cook, but she can manage 
would drink monsters 
has a weird relationship with femininity - took her awhile to reconcile strength and toughness and being assertive and aggressive with also wanting to feel pretty and feminine and embracing being a girl and how those things can coincide and amplify each other
abandonment issues - parents absent/dead 
was imprisoned - obvi she had several almost successful escape attempts, but she got really close to breaking 
was incredibly independent really early, grew up really fast and tries to make up for that now by sometimes being reckless 
tough/assertive/woman of action 
dry sense of humor/sarcastic - not good at nickname/pun humor tho
stubborn/judgmental/difficult to relax/difficulty expressing emotions/too selfless 
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - <>  man they’re like platonic soulmates - she beat him up, and now they spar all the time, totally funny and crack jokes all the time, go skating together, they do shitty art together, and then show their lovers after zuko and yue come back from their high society mixers, broke her out of prison, m/f friendship !!! 
katara - also sparring buddies (suki will throw down at any literally moment (and tbh so will katara)), not close but will hang in a group - go to each other for advice 
toph - <> listen these two wreak havoc together, they help each other out a lot, i feel like they’re shopping buddies (similar enough style to frequent the same shops) toph knows suki won’t judge her for wanting to feel pretty and suki knows toph will be honest, they are both blunt sarcastic assholes and get along like a house on fire 
zuko - <> shows zuko how to like,,,enjoy things (and how to let go of some of that pressure to be always right and the adult and in charge bc they were raised with so much responsibility on their shoulders even tho they were just kids)? she is also super protective of him (once she trusts him), one of the only ppl who can match suki fully in hand to hand combat, both do the Disappointed Parent Look when the group falls into chaos, but by themselves, the two of them end up in hijinks
aang- suki enjoys his optimism and they’re just chill bros, they love exploring abandoned placed together 
clothing / aesthetic
sporty and skater mixed 
ripped jeans, crewnecks, vans 
green and yellow and dark red 
gym clothes/athleisure - lifting style gym clothes - cut off t-shirts and bike shorts
skirts too, likes to play into femininity
she’s a gold jewelry kinda girl - but stuff that won’t hinder her movements 
necklaces that end in the hollow of her throat & occasionally rings
definitely cuffs all of her jeans (it’s just bisexual culture ya know)
so many crop tops - some came like that, some were more of a diy project
yueki’s relationship!!!
nerd/jock solidarity 
feel the burden of responsibility and the weight on their shoulders 
they create a safe space between them, full of trust and warmth and vulnerability 
yue will read suki sappy passages from poetry books while suki polishes her fans 
they slow dance in the kitchen a lot 
they get good at ordering takeout - and they have some weird decision making process that only they understand - bc neither of them are great cooks 
yue would feel jealous of suki and sokka, if it weren’t for how stupid in love sokka was with zuko and yue can see that suki really only has eyes for her 
yue is taller than suki and it amuses her to no end to pick suki up and carry her away from a fight (we all know suki could get away if she wanted to, but when ur hot tall sexy gf throws u over her shoulder,,,,,,u don’t complain)
joke they’ve adopted kataang and zukka, bc they’re all dummies, but in reality every last one of them is stupid LMAO 
they love to do each other’s hair and it’s like super intimate and really cute 
sometimes it’s these epic elaborate hairstyles and then at other times, they try to see how many ponytails they can fit on suki’s head and how many little braid yue can do 
they travel EVERYWHERE 
since yue is royalty and suki is her body guard,,,, well i mean, they totally have to see these kingdoms they are doing trade deals with in person 
it helps that they're friends with a lot of them 
they stay over in everything from camping so they can stargaze to ritzy hotels with hot tubs in the bathroom 
yue gives suki rocks she finds on all their travels and suki lines them up on their mantle around the pictures of them in increasingly weird locations 
suki loves guarding yue’s meetings bc she gets to watch her absolutely rip a new one into misogynistic old men and it never fails to bring her joy 
While yue doesn’t love getting attacked, the ruthless efficiency suki defends her with is like,,,,,stupid attractive 
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tintinwrites · 4 years
indelible | Comandante Veracruz x Reader | Part Three
Rating: 18+
Warning: Reader dominates Veracruz and he’s pissed bc HIS PERFECTLY STYLED HAIR but he loves it. Naughty words. Veracruz calls Reader mean names bc he thought she was abandoning him. Lots of lawbreaking and mentions of violence.
Word count: 3,424, apparently!!
Summary: You save Veracruz from being arrested and let your more assertive side out.
Part One | Part Two
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GIF credit: thewaythisis (Please let me know if you don’t want me using your GIF!)
Tags: @shadow-assassin-blix​ @bisexual-space-slut​ @damndamer0n​ @woakiees​ @anetteaneta​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @mynameisabsinthe​ @damerondjarin​ @arkofblake​ @spacegayofficial​ @perropascal​ @theocatkov​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @readsalot73​
“Stay out of the way, girl.”
That was what Veracruz told you when one of his men’s cars was blown up, as he drove up to where Commander Axe’s people were hiding out in a building, nodding for you to go hide out among some nearby trees with rage in his eyes.
You listened because there was concern there, too, you thought, but you stayed at the edge of the forest to watch.
You let out a quiet laugh when you saw Commander Axe approach Veracruz and his men on a donkey with his hands up in the air to show he wasn’t armed, thinking that you rather liked this man even if he was working against your...whatever Veracruz was. You weren’t even sure whose side you were on considering you tried not to be involved in such things.
Sam was quickly yanked off the donkey then pulled to his feet, only to be punched right back to the ground; you admitted to yourself that your comandante was fairly sexy when he did it, though it seemed immoral.
You were close enough that you could hear them if you really tried, hearing Commander Axe seemingly lying to them about how they needed to surrender because there was more than ‘smelly, stinkin’, unwashed farmers’. You didn’t know what he was talking about, but he really seemed to be bluffing.
“—that’s why I’m here with my one time only, not to be repeated offer,” he pointed almost in Veracruz’s face like he was a child. “Unconditional surrender, right now...and I will let you walk away.” He counted the two terms on his fingers as he smiled almost patronizingly, Perez grinning at him like he was an idiot and Veracruz seeming to consider it with a shrug, but you knew him too well to think that he believed him. “And one more thing.”
“What is it?” Veracruz’ words were clipped as he paused with his hand lifted slightly, turned away from Sam.
“You hand over that pretty girl you’ve been holding hostage.”
Veracruz practically sneered at the idea that you were held against your will, or perhaps at the idea of another man talking about you. He yanked a gun from one of his men and turned back to Commander Axe with a pissed, “You’re bluffing,” before he rammed the gun against his stomach.
You didn’t like knowing about these things, flinching and looking down when he used the gun hard enough on the other man’s head to send him to the ground. By the time you looked up again, he was cocking the gun to shoot him and you kind of wanted to run out to stop him yourself, but Perez did.
They instead turned and started shooting up at a building that you imagined was hiding some people connected to Commander Axe, and you decided not to look again.
Until you heard the sound of helicopters and looked up to see them over the building, then Veracruz was yelling at everyone to leave the trucks they were parked in as all three helicopters began shooting.
Now you really wanted to run out and grab Veracruz and drag him away with you since you would need to start a whole new life without him, but you didn’t want to run into that when all the trucks were being blown up.
A voice started to say that it was the police, telling everyone to surrender, and most of the soldiers walked over with their guns held up to kneel down; Veracruz, however, yanked out a knife and ran for Commander Axe.
You didn’t know whether you were cheering for Sam or wanting to protect the man who never needed protection as he was quickly disarmed and knocked out by the commander, a pang somewhere deep down as you watched the only person you even knew anymore lay there on the ground.
Sam’s eyes scanned as if he knew you were there and you quickly backed away to hide yourself, knowing it wouldn’t be helpful if you were arrested too.
Veracruz knew he told you to stay out of the way, but that was so you wouldn’t distract him or end up being shot by one of his or Commander Axe’s men, an idea he didn’t like to entertain the thought of.
Where were you now?
You chose a life with him and now that he was being shoved to his knees in handcuffs to be carted away to prison, you would most likely go back to the life you knew before him.
His eyes scanned the trees where he told you to hide in search of you, lips pulling into a snarl when he saw you briefly running through; running away, abandoning him.
He started to move to his feet, muttering rather unsavory words to himself, thinking of what he was going to do to you for abandoning him like this.
But the officer who was searching him and removing any weapons shoved him right back down with a punch to the ribs that made him grunt.
He was yanked to his feet once he was thoroughly looked over and shoved unceremoniously into the back of a car where he simply stared out the window, raging about his scheme being ruined and you leaving him when he’d done so much for you.
He paid no mind to the driver who slid into the car, only rolling his eyes when their driving made the car jostle.
“Doesn’t this thing go any faster?” That voice made him look forward to see your hair, his gaze moving up to meet yours in the rearview mirror.
“—so you are not off fucking Commander Axe?” His look was shocked, but he hid it beneath the anger he was currently holding onto, quickly moving his expression back to a scowl.
His words made you pause slightly, the submissive side of you backing down a little as you responded curtly, “I knocked out a police officer and stole a government vehicle to save your ass, and you ask me that?”
He was a little taken aback by your snippiness since he was used to the deal that you decided on; you were submissive to him because you enjoyed it so much, usually hanging back and listening to whatever he told you to. You’d never exactly spoken to him like that.
Rather than letting you know it surprised him, though, he kept on with his own attitude. “Are you going to uncuff me?” He raised an eyebrow when all you did was glance in the side mirror to make sure no one was following you, though thankfully no one noticed you take the car. “I asked you a question.”
You were willing to leave him handcuffed if you were doing this and he was acting like that, staying silent as you drove in the direction of the camp.
“What are you doing? Take these off me!” He shook his hands behind his back, looking at you like you were crazy in the rearview mirror.
“Maybe when you calm down a little.” The drive to the camp was a little bit of a long one and you were reflecting on all you’d done for him, and what little he’d done in return.
“Whore,” he spat like a reflex since you weren’t doing what he wanted, but it was more out of anger then the usual sexy scolding.
“The whore you liked so much that you kept me,” you spat right back, finding your own anger the more you thought about his behavior.
He was silent for a long moment and you thought maybe you actually shut the man up, until you felt his lips pressing to your skin. There was no partition in the car, so he was able to lean forward, his chest pressing into the back of the seat. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you when I’m out of these?” He asked softly, letting the tip of his tongue run along the shell of your ear.
It was kind of a threat, yet it made you squeeze your thighs together tightly because you knew he’d never hurt you; spank your ass and not let you cum, yes, but he’d never actually hurt you.
“Shut up,” you mumbled, then tightened your grip on the steering wheel and nodded to yourself as you said it more firmly, “Shut up.” You leaned forward and turned on the radio, leaving it on the first station there and turning it up enough to tell him you didn’t want to hear him.
You pulled up to the campsite soon enough with Veracruz insulting you again as you hopped out of the car, though he calmed down some when you pulled him out of the car to come with you to your tent. You left him at the entrance of the tent with the cuffs still on as you started to throw some clothes and valuables into a duffel bag.
“Where do you keep your money?” That was something he’d always kept private so no one would steal it and you didn’t care much since he kept you fed and clothed.
“Why?” He was standing there with the grumpiest look, all but pouting.
“I just interfered with your arrest for trying to kill people and I stole a government vehicle, so we need to leave and we need money.” You’d almost forgotten that you were once more assertive, before you and Veracruz came to your agreement.
“—the metal box under the bed,” he mumbled.
You crouched down and pulled a green metal box out from under the cot that other soldiers might keep pictures and special items in; this one was full of Colombian pesos.
You’d wanted nothing to do with any of Veracruz’ work and now you’d not only stolen him away from being arrested in a police vehicle, but your first thought when you saw the money that you would probably need to exchange it to the currency of whatever country you needed to flee to.
It was almost funny how you went from not knowing much at all to committing some fairly serious crimes to save the man who was calling you a whore.
You shoved the box into the duffel bag and put it over your shoulder, walking over to grab Veracruz’ arm and drag him out of the tent back to the police car.
All you did was lean in to grab the keys that included the one for the handcuffs, then you walked into a tent to take the keys for one of the cars that had been left behind.
Continuing to drive around in a stolen vehicle would’ve been quite stupid and the car you’d chosen wasn’t a military one, which meant it would be harder to find the two of you.
“Uncuff me,” Veracruz hissed when you opened the passenger side of the car, figuring he couldn’t really do anything with his hands behind his back and he probably wanted to leave as much as you so he wouldn’t try anything.
You merely pushed him into the car and shut the door, noticing his glare through the window as you walked around to hop into the driver’s side.
Tossing the duffel bag into the back and putting the keychain with the handcuff keys on it into a cupholder, you put the key for this car into the ignition and started the engine, pulling out of the camp and onto the road as quickly as you could.
There would still be a bit before anyone was at the camp if they’d seen the car was gone yet, but you wanted to put some distance between you and them.
Veracruz was quiet on the way into the city which you were pretty sure was because he was pissed, and you much preferred it to him insulting you when you were doing all of this for him.
When you pulled up to a cheap little hotel in the middle of the city, you told him you’d be a minute and hopped out of the car, going into the back to grab money from the box then going in to pay for a room; a man in handcuffs might look a little suspicious, so you wanted to buy the room first then bring him in.
Only one night, as you would be booking a plane ticket for the first decent place out of Colombia.
You walked back to the car for Veracruz, the bag, and the keys, going quickly up to the room.
It was small, but it would do, and you left Veracruz on the foot of the bed as you moved to put the keys on the nightstand and the duffel bag in a chair.
“I suggest that you uncuff me.” The anger in his tone made you tense slightly, slowly turning around to face him.
“I suggest you respect me since I broke the law to save your ass.” Yes, you submitted to him in bed, but him acting like this with all you did for him was pissing you off.
“As if I’ve never broken the law for you, hm?”
You glared at each other and as you stared at him, there on the bed, hands behind his back, you thought that maybe you could be the one to do the dominating. To show him what it was like to deal with a brat. He was angering you so much that you wanted to dominate him, to boss him around because you were the one in charge right now.
You smiled at him and he only looked angrier if that were possible. “Now there’s an idea.”
His shoulders straightened and his head lifted slightly when you pulled your shirt off, his expression going from angry to turned on as his gaze went to your breasts.
You were still in your bra, but there was plenty showing to entice him like it always did.
“You’re gonna be a good boy and let me do what I want.” That made him scowl again even with you undoing your pants and pushing them down.
“Did you forget who you belong to?” His eyes followed the lines of your legs anyway, then moved up to stare at your panties.
“Are you saying that you don’t want me to sit on top of you and ride you?”
He was both pissed and turned on at your brazen move, his anger perhaps a bit of an act now to remind you he was the dominant one, though his cock was hardening at the thought of you doing this.
You took off your bra and he watched, you took off your panties and he watched, and he stared up at you as you climbed into his lap and freed his cock from his pants.
Your other hand went to that forbidden place that was his hair, messing it up from its neat styling, and he might’ve sneered up at you, but something else flashed in his eyes.
“Are you going to stop misbehaving?” You pouted at him, enjoying this role since he was being such a jerk.
He smiled at you, but it was not a sweet smile by any means, and he said softly and mockingly with a patronizing humor in his eyes, “Si, puta.”
The way he continued to say these things to you when you’d helped him out of going to prison made you so angry, you moved off his lap and looked around the room, quickly grabbing your panties off the floor when you saw them and balling them up, shoving them into his mouth right when he opened it to say something else that was probably unfriendly.
His eyes went wide with shock then turned to rage, glaring up at you as you climbed back into his lap. “There we go.”
You lined his cock up with your entrance and slowly moved down onto him, enjoying the way your underwear muffled his groan. You sat there on his lap and he tried bucking his hips to make you move yours, but you stayed put.
It wasn’t until he stopped that you did what he wanted, riding him at a slow pace that made him twitch inside you.
You moved one hand down to play with your clit, rubbing yourself as your other hand continued to muss his perfectly styled hair; you knew he really hated that, but you could also tell he was turned on by everything you were doing.
Even though you were submissive and happily agreed to be that way with him, you were really enjoying being on top.
“I saved your ass and instead of thanking me like you should, you’re calling me names and insulting me like I abandoned you.” You were able to angle your hips so his cock brushed up against a certain spot inside of you and you moaned.
He was no longer glaring at you as much as before, his eyes mostly filled with lust as he stared up at you.
You were honestly so turned on and the angle you were fucking him was so good that you were close to coming, moving your hips a little bit faster much to his enjoyment.
Your fingers moved faster against your clit and you saw the way he watched your every movement, listened to each moan that fell from your lips like they were music to him.
The way his hips started rocking up into you again wasn’t something you cared about now, focusing only on your pleasure as you pressed against him and came hard around his cock, moaning as you clenched down around him.
He moved a little bit faster, grunting around your panties, and it was when you knew he was about to come that you lifted your hips off of him.
His eyes widened with anger and you smiled at him. “Maybe be nicer to me next time I save you from going to prison.”
It was then your eyes that went wide when his hands were on your arms and he was spitting your panties out before yanking you against him so that your nose was practically pressed to his. “Maybe you shouldn’t leave handcuff keys with the person who’s handcuffed. Now it’s my turn.”
You were quickly turned around and pinned down to the bed by your wrists, moaning loudly as Veracruz thrust into you and began a fast pace against you.
He was groaning and grunting over you, his hips snapping into yours hard. “You’ve been a naughty girl, haven’t you?”
It turned you on for him to be on top of you and dominating you, you couldn’t deny it, but it was fun to be the one dominating for a moment.
“You’re like me now. You’re stuck with me.” He was referring to you breaking the law in such a way and how you were both now criminals who needed to stay together or you might rat each other out; the idea of it seemed to turn him on so much that he thrust a few more times before spilling into you.
He panted as he rolled off you, not saying anything when you slowly moved to lay under his arm with your head on his chest. Your relationship was almost a game and even with him insulting you or you dominating him, you would still silently cuddle as if you needed each other.
“When did you unlock the cuffs?” You asked, looking up at him from the position you were laying in.
“When you went to pay for the room...you are not very good at crime.” He put one hand behind his head, looking at the ceiling.
The two of you laid there in silence for a moment, your hand moving down to put his cock back into his pants. He shooed you away from it, pulling away and undressing himself then laying back down next to you.
He lifted his arm so you could crawl into his side again. “What is your plan, little lawbreaker?”
You ran your fingers over his belly because it was ticklish and you liked the way the muscles twitched, how he’d glare at you but wouldn’t stop you from doing it.
“We’ll buy tickets for the first country out of here and then…”
“And then?”
“We’ll lay low, use some fake names, find some jobs wherever we go so we can make a living.”
“Perhaps you are a smarter criminal than I thought you were.”
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aerielz · 4 years
come and untangle me one of these days
- a dream. a mistake. company, to make it better.
This is for and because of everyone in the original Flower Shop!AU post notes, specially @claudiasjeancregg and @stars-on-the-cuffs-of-her-jeans. You guys went waaaay too fast and I’m still trying to put Donna in here let alone everyone else, but I do hope everyone enjoys this! Title from Come and Find Me, by Josh Ritter. I feel like everything I’ll ever write for this AU will be somehow based off this song, tbh.
fandom: the west wing pairings: JD, CJ/Toby wc: 2453 rating: gen tag: flowershop au
He wakes up at the crack of dawn, stirred by some weird dream he can’t quite remember — some bittersweet memory. The coffee he takes washes away the sweetness and he’s left with only the bitter of it, stuck to the back of his throat.
He leaves the house, then. The streets are still somewhat deserted, but, much like his hometown, DC never really sleeps. Toby walks the five minutes from his house to the shop, and watches as the sun comes up behind the Capitol dome.
Walking into the storefront proves itself a bigger hazard than his own mood, though, as he is almost run over by a flurry of blonde as soon as he steps through the threshold— “Wow.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry!,” Donna is already there, crossing quickly towards a table under the wall-to-wall window with a spray bottle in hand and talking into a phone she holds with her shoulder. “Oh— no, no, don’t worry, that was just Mr. Ziegler. Yes, of course. Yeah. Yeah, I’ll let him know, don’t— tomorrow? That should be hard, how about Saturday? Okay. Okay, thank you so much, Dr. Bartlett.”
“Donna,” he says when she hangs up.
“Shouldn’t we receive a shipment of sunflowers this weekend?” She sprays a mist over an arrangement of daisies.
It's too early for this. Too early for and her energy and her incessant talking, but somehow Toby can never be mad at Donna. Even when she sends congratulatory arrangements to funerals by accident. Even when she turns around still spraying, causing him to find himself inside a cloud.
“We’ll sure need them, Dr. Bartlett just called saying that Liz will be home for the weekend.”
"How many times I have to tell you to never call me Mr. Ziegler?"
"Should I call you Mr. Grumpy, then?"
"It's Mr. nothing, Donna."
"Oh, c'mon. Don’t be so harsh on yourself,” she jokes. But her quip lacks the bite and the sparkle, and Toby finally notices it — she was here before sunup, too.
He barely has time to register the conversation and that last fact when the bell above the door rings behind him. His heart skips a beat.
Donna looks up to check and her eyes widen, just a little bit. Just enough.
“Oh, God, no, not him,” he mutters to himself.
“Can anyone tell me what magnolias are supposed to stand for?”
Toby sighs, closing his eyes.
“This is a flower shop,” he says, turning around, “can’t say much about trees.”
Josh Lyman, arrogant extraordinaire, flashes a smirk, shrugging apologetically. "Maybe you should start thinking about expanding."
He swagger his way further into the shop, stopping just beside him.
“I—,” she says, putting a strand of hair behind her ear, “Well, actually flowers from magnolias are very common in bridal bouquets. They’re these beautiful, delicate, things, they’re supposed to be all about purity and nobility.”
This is why he keeps her here, Toby thinks. For every fact about flowers that he doesn’t know, Donna knows five he’s pretty sure no one but her knows about. But she looks down to the floor, and Toby thinks she sounds sad, somehow.
“Well, that..." Josh’s smirk quickly turns into a grimace. "That makes sense."
“The more you know,” he says, clapping his hands against his legs. "Well, you got your answer, then."
"Yeah, maybe... maybe we should focus on some other flower," Josh says.
Toby is more than ready to focus on showing Josh the door when—
The bell rings again.
Sam walks in, saying, "Oh. And here I was thinking I was gonna be the first."
Toby runs a hand over his face and takes a glance at his wristwatch. It’s barely seven. "Why are you all even up?"
"No reason," Josh answers. It's way too quick, but he's not about to question him.
"The magnolias, they..." Donna looks up directly at Josh, "Why you ask?"
"I— uh."
"Magnolias!," chimes in Sam, leaving his shoulder bag in a corner and sitting on top of the sales counter, right beside Donna, "Such pretty flowers! We're doing bridal bouquets, now? We should, the marriage stuff really is great business."
"Oh, God, no," Josh mutters.
"It really is!,” Sam continues, “There’s definitely money in the sector, and it’s not like it’s an unpleasant job. Donna here, for example, would love it. Anyone with a knack for romance would, really.”
“You work the afternoon shift,” Toby tells Sam, exasperated and already so, so, tired. “On weekends. What the hell are you doing here?”
“I have no idea, Josh was the one who called me.”
“And you came?”
"Absolutely," says Sam, almost triumphant. “I mean why not?”
“I can think of at least, I don’t know, twenty reasons.”
“Well, I like to help my friends when I can, Toby. For the same reasons I think we should really start doing weddings.”
“Unbelievable,” he cries out, “How did we even get to this point of the conversation, we are not doing weddings, what’s wrong with you?”
“I’m a romantic—”
“Yeah, that explains it.”
“—and you know what, I think you are one, too. I think most, if not all, of us here are. Or you're gonna tell me you wouldn't like the sight of the love of your life, surrounded by blooms and blossoms, walking her way towards you? Or, or— maybe doing that walk yourself, that would probably be quite an experience, right? C’mon, Donna, you look like someone who dreams about a big wedding, tell ‘em."
"I... really rather not."
"God, kill me. Right now," Josh mutters a bit too loud, "Just kill me."
Toby notices, strangely enough, that Donna seems to second that thought, but the impression barely has time to settle in because at that exact moment the door opens again. But instead of the light, almost quiet, chime of the bell, they hear a sharp shrill and a loud thud, from the door connecting violently with the wall.
"Joshua Lyman, I will have you hanged," a familiar voice booms.
"I didn’t mean literally," Josh whispers to no one.
"What the actual f— I mean, really, I am never leaving you in charge of the schedule again. Amy just called me asking for your head and I’m pretty sure Joey wants your nuts served on sterling silver — why the hell did you think it was a good idea to have everyone here at like six in the morning, Joshua?"
“Choose your next words carefully because in order for you to keep your internal organs on the inside of your body this will have to be really good.”
His answer ends up not coming in words at all, but in a pleading look — the wide eyes of a man who needs help.
The room awaits silently for Josh's defense, but Toby is looking at CJ, who, for some reason, seems to have a monopoly on his attention whenever she's in the room. And so he catches the moment when her gazes subtly travel to Donna's face. He follows just as carefully, to find her sniffling quietly, cleaning her eyes with the sleeves of her cardigan.
CJ swallows and tracks her eyes back to Josh. Something passes between the two, some understanding, that Toby is not privy to.
“Well." She sighs, rage completely gone. Everyone looks at her. "Since we’re here... maybe... we could all just have something nice to eat...? My treat.”
Josh is visibly relieved.
"I'll take you up on that," Sam says, "I haven't eaten a thing yet."
"You left home without eating?," Donna asks.
"I'm not used to waking up this early."
"Well, let's put some kind of food inside you then," CJ says.
"And coffee," he completes.
They all walk to the nearest café together, finding Bonnie on her bike on her way to work. She unmounts and joins them. Ginger arrives later, when they're all making a fuss over latte flavours, chipping in too. Seasonal spices are seasonal, that's why they're special!, cries out Donna. Nonsense, says Josh, what if I want pumpkin spice all year round, what's wrong with that?
Toby is equal parts impressed and not at all by Josh having an elaborate coffee order. He's hanging back behind the group, watching them have fun with nothing but their own friendship, when CJ finds him.
"What about you, Tobus, gonna drown yourself in cinnamon and allspice, too?," she asks.
He lets himself laugh, "I don't think I have it in me to drink something that complicated."
"A simple man, huh."
"You could say that," he tries and fails to hide a smile.
"I have just the thing."
She enters the line and comes back two minutes later, shoving a blueberry muffin into his hands.
"You didn't have to."
She's the one smiling, then. "I know."
CJ looks up ahead at the rest of their party and her gaze falls on Donna, going soft when she watches how openly the woman laughs while trying to argue some sense into Josh about something as innocuous as coffee.
“Why do I have the impression you know something about my own employee that I don’t...?," Toby asks, then takes a bite from his muffin. It's a bit too sweet for him, but it tastes good. It feels good, like replenishing something inside him.
“I... might.”
“I’m not supposed to say anything.”
“Those flower arrangements, you like them a lot, right.”
“You don’t play fair.”
“It’s why I’ll never be a professional baseball player.”
“Could've had a chance with the Red Socks team of nineteen—”
“You don’t know anything about baseball, stop obfuscating.”
She sighs, sagging.
“She was supposed to be getting married today.”
Toby chokes on a piece of his muffin. CJ gives him a slap on the back.
“Married?”, he all but yells, between coughs.
“Keep your voice down!”
“What do you mean married?,” he whisper-yells, “You’re telling me she was supposed to marry that asshole?”
“We all make mistakes.”
“Voice of experience?”
“I’m a tattoo artist, Tobias, I have seen things.”
"Married," he repeats. "Married! She's, what, twenty-five? And she's supposed to be getting married to— to a guy who wanted her to throw her entire life away to—"
"I shouldn't have told you anything."
"—what, pay his bills?!"
He breathes in deeply and takes a big bite out of his muffin, knowing the sugar will help him cool down.
It must be quite a picture, his beard covered in crumbs while he munches angrily, because CJ looks at him like she’s about to burst into laughter.
"I swear to god between you and Josh the girl’s got more protection than a mafia daughter.”
"Josh knows?," that explains a lot, he thinks. "You're not very good at keeping secrets are you."
"Listen pal, I am very good at it, I just... She needed help, okay?"
"And you think we’re the right people to help her?"
He's not being skeptical, he really isn't. But Donna’s far away from home, and she’s bound to be missing more substantial support. It is true that CJ has a way of making him feel better by just being there, though, and to be fair it is a general talent of hers. Regardless of his protests both her and Josh, they do this, somehow. They arrive, arguing over something tiny, and he forgets he’s worried about anything.
"Yeah, I mean," she shrugs, "isn’t that what friends are for?"
Toby looks up ahead at the people who came around the shop, and all the way here, too, just to keep each other company.
“I think it might work,” CJ concludes.
Between their party and the sugar in his system, he can’t remember what was it that upset him so much that morning.
They all sit on a big table outside the shop, still discussing seasonal lattes. Sam remembers some of his favorites, recalling one or two that never came back another year. Ginger and Bonnie share hot chocolate recipes, and Donna makes notes.
The sun settles itself in the sky and shines down warmly. The District starts moving faster, getting into the gears of the day.
Their regular opening hour approaches.
CJ rises from her place beside Toby and motions with her head for Josh to follow her.
“It's been nice to be robbed blind by a coffee shop chain for your benefit, but we better get to work.”
“Thanks for coming around,” Donna tells her, “I've been having a couple of rough days and…this helped.”
“You should come up to the shop, if it happens again,” CJ says. “Just to hang around. There's always someone there to keep you company.”
“Come today, even,” Josh completes, “I think Amy might not murder me if there’s witnesses.”
“Today's probably not gonna happen,” Donna answers, “We'll be doing some new arrangements, for a while, Dr. Bartlett called.”
“MD or PhD?”
“It’s a lot of work anyway, so does it really matter?”
Josh smiles, shaking his head, “I guess not.”
Is there someone he didn't call?, Toby thinks.
Josh and CJ bid the rest of the table goodbye and head in the direction of their shop. The conversation around them resumes, but Donna is chewing on her lips instead of jumping in to refute Sam's argumentation over croissants.
She steals a glance to watch their backs retreat on the sidewalk, but, before they can get too far, Donna bolts from her seat and stops Josh with a hand on his forearm.
He stops and looks back. “Yeah?”
She hesitates. When she speaks, it is just loud enough for him to hear.
"Why did you ask about the magnolias?"
She notices she’s still holding him by his shirt and lets go of it, but Josh slides his hand into hers. "Someone came into the shop yesterday to get them done. They reminded me of you.”
He gives her hand a squeeze, that she returns. They share a smile.
“Maybe I could come around tomorrow?,” she says.
“Yeah,” he nods, “Yeah, I think I’d like that. See you tomorrow, then.”
A few steps behind Josh, CJ is watching them, too.
She finds Toby's gaze, when Josh releases Donna's hand to join her. And gives him a wink.
He laughs at the ridiculousness of it, at how warm it makes him feel. But something in the gesture between him makes him believe that there are better days ahead. For all of them.
He turns back to the table around him and when Donna sits down he finally gives in— “You’re all delusional, black forest is just chocolate and cherry, it tastes the same anywhere.”
—starting another round of protests that leads to laughter and lively conversation that lasts the rest of the day.
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sm-entertain-me · 5 years
Bad (M)
Contains: Na Jaemin x (f) reader, adult language, smut, depictions of sex, bondage kink, use of handcuffs, spanking, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, degradation, dom!Jaemin, sub!reader, criminal!Jaemin, interrogator!reader. Pure filth tbh.
Synopsis: It's time for your first real interrogation without your supervisor breathing down your neck. No biggie, right? That is, if you weren't dealing with such a tempting criminal so late at night.
(A/N: Before any of my followers come at my neck for “sexualizing” the ‘00 line, I would like to inform you guys that they are all legal. They are all adults. They are all able to fully consent to sex. So please refrain from any negative comments or inboxes, I’m only human. Thank you.)
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“Are you ready?” You supervisor, Lee Taeyong, asked as he rested his hands on your shoulders, giving you a reassuring squeeze to calm your nerves. He knew how important this night was going to be for you. All throughout your career, every one of your male colleagues has made a few snide remarks at you for not being able to do an interrogation all on your own, claiming that women aren’t nearly as effective at extracting information out from renowned criminals like men were. You were here to prove them wrong.
Taking in a deep breath, you rested your hand on one of Taeyong’s hand that cupped your shoulder, turning slightly to face him directly, “Ready as I’ll ever be. I just wanna say thanks for being the only guy in this place that actually believes in me. It really means a lot coming from someone in such a high place as you.” 
Taeyong smiled softly at you as he gave a firm nod at the person behind you, looking back into your eyes to show that everything that needed to be done prior to the interrogation was set. All that needed to be done was getting you in that room without any help from any of your colleagues. Taeyong knew your potential; he knew how special you were when he first laid eyes on you at the academy. And now here you are, ready to finally branch out and do things on your own.
“You’re going to do great in there, kid,” Your captain, Moon Taeil, said to you as he held the door open for you, offering you a kind smile as you walked into the dimly lit room. A simple nod was offered in exchange to his smile as you allowed him to shut the door, turning around promptly to face the person you were set up to interrogate for a possible burglary charge.
Case file in hand, you walked over to your subject who was handcuffed to the table, his eyes trekking your whole entire body before his eyes bore into yours. He had light brown hair that tickled the tops of his eyebrows, a sculpted jaw that clenched tightly to make him seem as terrifying as he could given he was in restraints, and eyes that could make any girl weep. He was... gorgeous. 
“Aren’t you a little hot to be an interrogator?” The man’s voice called out, grabbing you and yanking you from your thoughts that were all but professional. Shaking your head to bring you fully back into reality, you tiled your head at him and let your eyes wander his perfect face, taking a mental note to have him tell you his skin care routine because he seriously knows how to keep blemishes off his face. The man sat there twiddling his thumbs as he stared up at you, waiting for an answer to his rather straightforward question.
“Aren’t you a little young to be burglarizing houses?” You retorted, combing over the information in his case file, noting his younger age than most of the perps you had to deal with around here. 
“Ahh, answering a question with a question. Smart girl,” The man said as he stared up at you, watching as you pulled the chair out from in front of out and plopped down right in front of him. As you sat down in front of him, you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes dart to the tops of your breasts in that semi-scandalous blouse you were wearing. Taeyong even told you about appropriate work attire being way more important in interrogation rooms, but you figured he was just being protective of you. 
“You’re not too bad yourself,” You muttered as you folded your hands and placed your chin on top of them, focusing all your attention on the man in front of you. It was somewhat of a tactic to focus on the facial features of the person you were questioning, to get a sense of their tells and how comfortable they are with you. You most definitely wanted him to feel comfortable around you since that was one of the best ways to get accurate information... And you kind of just wanted to stare at his face a little longer. 
A little bit more of researching led you to find out the man’s name is Jaemin, he’s 18, and he has a knack for being a little trouble maker. “It says that you’ve been in a lot of trouble as a kid. Juvie three times, anger management, four court appearances... Are you doing these things for attention or do you do them for the hell of it, Jaemin?” You asked with a curt tone, flipping through the multiple court documents that you had in your possession, unimpressed with his record. He had a little bit more on his plate than you thought he would, and you never thought Taeyong would throw you in a room with someone that dangerous by yourself.
No matter, Jaemin didn’t seemed fazed by your question as he cocked the sexiest eyebrow at you, running his tongue over his lips before he spoke, “None of those actually. I love the rush it gives me. Being so bad feels so good. I’d tell you to try it but you seem a bit uptight. Shame, you look like you could use a little loosening up.” Jaemin ended his words with a quick wink and then raised his eyebrows, signalling there was a deeper meaning to his words. Of course you picked up on it because you could feel a wet patch forming in your panties from his sinful words. 
Jaemin watched with amusement as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, trying to suppress the mild throbbing sensation that was steadily growing the longer you sat in that room. How the hell was he affecting you so much? Was it the deep tone in his voice, how he exuded pure sex with that goddamn smirk of his? You didn’t know, and you didn’t know if you wanted to find out for sure as you tried your best to keep your thoughts to a minimum. Until Jaemin chose to test you further.
“Haven’t you ever wanted to be bad? Just to try it?” Jaemin asked as he leaned forward, watching the way your pupils dilated and how your tongue slid out to coat your lips. “I’d say fucking a known criminal in front of all your supervisors is the perfect way to do that, huh? If you think all that stuff in that little file of yours is bad, just wait until I get my hands on you.” 
The throbbing in your core was getting too much for you as you simply threw the folder down on the table in frustration, opting to get up from the table and make your way to the door. Jaemin was someone you couldn’t handle, not by yourself. He was so tempting, so sexual, so vulgar. Jaemin’s words had such a hold on you that as you were grabbing for the doorknob to leave, you had a quick change of heart and decided to lock it instead. Wouldn’t want anyone coming in to ruin your new interrogation technique.
Once Jaemin saw your figure come closer, he leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smirk, “Just couldn’t keep away from me. I tend to have that affect on women. Now, get me out of these cuffs and I’ll show you how bad I can be.” But you weren’t willing to give yourself up that easily, you were wanting to have the same amount of fun as Jaemin was having getting into your head. You wanted to see him break.
As Jaemin held his wrists out for you to unlock his cuffs, you shook your head while wearing a devilish grin on your face, pushing his hands back to him, “Nope, you’ve had your fun. It’s my turn now.” Before Jaemin could quip back at you, you threw your legs over his lap and sat down on his lap, straddling him against the metal chair. A small gasp fell from Jaemin’s lips as he looked at you with hooded eyes, wondering what you had in mind.
You started off slow, rolling your hips against Jaemin’s crotch as he panted, wanting nothing more than to grab your hips and force you to go his own pace. But he was rendered useless thanks to the handcuffs, letting you take full control as you pressed your heat firm against his steadily rising erection. 
“Fuck, baby. Don’t do this to me,” Jaemin begged as you leaned forward and sunk your teeth into his neck, licking the skin and kissing it softly when you knew you bit too hard. You ignored Jaemin’s pleas as you continued to grind down onto his throbbing cock, feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter the longer you slid against him. Jaemin was getting desperate for some kind of release as his hand tried its best to grip onto your waist, but failed as you rolled faster against him, trying to chase your high. You were so close, so very close.
However, in your lust driven needs, you failed to realize that Jaemin wasn’t trying to grab onto you hips to get you to go faster. No, he grabbed at your hips because the key to the handcuffs were in your pocket because now Jaemin hand the handcuffs off and was lifting you onto the table behind you. As you sat pert on the table, Jaemin smirked as he dangled the keys in front of your face, “My turn.”
Jaemin was swift as he grabbed onto your hips, pulling you forward to have your abdomens touch briefly before he spun you around and forced you to bend over the table. The sound of Jaemin fidgeting with the belt he was wearing filled your ears as you tried to turn around and look at him, but were met with Jaemin’s hand coming down on the side of your head to keep you forward as he tsked at you, “Ah, ah, ahhh. None of that. You’re going to stay right here and do as I say. Understood?”
All you could do was nod at his question, keeping the side of your head pinned to the cold metal of the table as you waited patiently for your next instructions. Once Jaemin deemed your answer satisfactory, he managed to slip his belt out from his pants and wrap a small portion of the expensive leather over his knuckles while still keeping a a lengthy section exposed. He had to teach you a lesson for being so naughty earlier and this seemed like the way to do it.
Jaemin’s fingers slipped into the waist band of your pants, yanking them down the swell of your ass in a quick motion, groaning out from the look of your ass in those barely there panties. “All this for me?” Jaemin asked as he couldn’t resist grabbing your cheeks in his hand, pushing himself against you so you could feel his length in between your cheeks. “Too bad I have to ruin them.” Before you could turn and ask him what he meant by that, you felt a burning sensation on your ass that left you breathless.
“Count for me baby,” Jaemin demanded as he drew his belt back and whipped you again, watching the way the skin became instantly red from his punishment. “One!” You screamed as your hands gripped the edge of the table, bracing yourself for what was to come but still unsure of how long you were going to be taking such a hellish spanking. Jaemin never specified how many you were going to take. 
“T-Ten!” You sputtered as your knuckles had become stark white from how hard you were gripping the table, tears starting to run down your face from the burning in your ass. Again, you braced yourself against the table, waiting for another smack from Jaemin’s belt but it never came. Instead, you felt Jaemin grab your skimpy underwear and rip it from your body, snapping the fabric in two.
“You were such a good girl for me, but now it’s time to fuck you like the needy slut you are,” Jaemin growled as his hands kneaded the reddened skin of your ass, watching the way the color of your flesh contrasted with his hands. All you could do was moan out from his words, feeling the way your arousal was sliding down your thighs. Jaemin noticed a particularly interesting sheen on your thighs and proceeded to take his finger and trace upward, reaching your slit and pushing his fingers deep inside.
“Fuck you’re so wet,” Jaemin groaned as he rested his free hand on your back, acting as leverage as he went knuckle deep inside of you to get a feel for what spots had you arching up for him. Whenever Jaemin curled his fingers up into you, he had you seeing stars, moaning his name out shamelessly. You honestly weren’t remotely concerned with how loud you were being, the only thing you care about was getting fucked so hard that the table would be moving across the floor.
Once Jaemin was satisfied with his fingers opening you up for him, he took his spot behind you, teasing at your entrance with the oozing tip of his cock. The sight of Jaemin’s precum mixing with your arousal had Jaemin throwing his head back in sheer pleasure, cursing silently to himself as he wasted no time ramming himself deep inside of you. His cock parted your walls significantly, giving you a delicious stretch as he bottomed out in you, a soft groan coming from him.
“You take me so well,” Jaemin groaned as he looked down to see your pussy swallowing his cock, watching how your pussy would suck him right back in if he drew out too far. His hands found purchase on your hips as he held you in place, rolling his hips against your ass to tease you. 
“Jaemin! Do something!” You cried out as you tried to push yourself back and fuck yourself on his cock, but Jaemin kept a firm grip on your hips to prevent you from doing that.
“Patience baby. I’m just getting started. By the end of this, everyone in your whole precinct will know how good I fucked you,” Jaemin snarled, his grip on your hips tightening to the point you were sure you would have little crescent marks by the time you were done. No matter how badly you wanted Jaemin to pound you into the table and have his name permanently etched on your lips, you were at the mercy of Jaemin now.
Jaemin’s thrusts were slow at first, but they were calculated as he dug his fingers into your hips, slamming his hips against your ass to feel how deep he could go. “So tight,” Jaemin grunted as he pulled himself halfway out just to thrust himself back in, relishing at the feeling of your walls clenching hard around his cock. He knew exactly what he was doing when he entered you fully, making sure to have his cock rub harshly against the best part of your body.
“Oh god, right there,” You cried out as your hands gripped the table again, knuckles forming a pale white color from the hellish grip you had. Jaemin took notes of your pleas as he continued to pound into you at a faster rate, him throwing his head back from how tightly your walls squeezed. It was like your pussy was meant for him.
As Jaemin fucked into you faster, his hand came up to grab a handful of your hair and yank you flush up against his torso, him leaning down and allowing his lips to ghost the shell of your ear, “I want you to look in that double mirror and scream my name. Let your bosses know how much of a slut you are to be taken by such a lowlife like me.” You simply whimpered at Jaemin’s request, not knowing if you could do it, but Jaemin had ways of making you.
His grip on your hair got tighter and his movements deep inside of your slowed to the point there was no stimulation, causing the harsh throbbing in your pussy to become painful. “Jaemin, please,” You begged as you tried to wiggle your hips but were met with a harsh slap from the hand that wasn’t wrapped tightly in your hair.
“I said, scream my name,” Jaemin commanded as he stilled his hips, the only thing moving inside of you was the throbbing of his cock. He was perfectly fine with denying both of your orgasms unless you fed into his ego. He knew he could get himself off anytime he wanted, but it would be worse for you since your fingers didn’t even come close to the feeling of having Jaemin’s cock deep inside of you.
“Fine!” You screeched as you let your hormones get the best of you, looking directly at the double sided mirror that was right in front of you two. Through the mirror, you could see Jaemin’s lips form a devilish grin as he began to move his hips again, waiting to see if you would come through with his sexual demands. 
“Oh god! Jaemin, yes. Jaemin!” You cried out as promised, fueling Jaemin’s ego as he continued to fuck you harder, grabbing onto your hips as support. The lewd sounds of skin on skin slapping together and the smell of pure sex filled the room, causing your head to spin from such a lust filled experience, feeling yourself let go in the process.
Another shriek of Jaemin’s name flooded from your lips as you arched your back against him, granting Jaemin better access deep inside of you to feel your walls pulse around him. “Oh fuck, you’re clenching! F-fuck!” Jaemin groaned as his grip on your hips became the tightest it got all night, followed by the warmth of his seed spilling into you without so much as a strangled moan.
As the two of you came down from your highs, you lay flush against the cold metal that was somehow steaming from the sinful act you two had committed. Jaemin had collapsed on top of you, his rapidly rising and falling chest laying completely on you back as he tried to catch his breath. 
“I think... You’re the best fuck... I’ve ever had,” Jaemin whispered quietly, clearly out of breath from exerting so much energy into proving how great he was in bed. “I think I’m in love.”
You busted into a small fit of laughter underneath Jaemin after his comment, ultimately having Jaemin join in as well. This was the first time you had ever seen his be genuine without putting on this bad boy facade since you met him thirty minutes ago. He was quite charming and humorous, you’ll give him that. 
“You’re not too bad yourself,” you responded, pushing your body off of the table to stand up and reach your hand around to guide Jaemin out of you. He gladly obliged as he slid his now softened cock out of you, watching in amusement the way his cum glided down your thighs but you were quick to wipe it up with your hands, not wanting your bosses to question why there’s cum on the floor. Then again, they probably already know since you were forced to scream Jaemin’s name so loud that you’re pretty sure the pigeons outside could hear. 
As much as you hate to admit it to Jaemin, he was right. Being bad feels so good.
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xx-sikki-nixx-xx · 5 years
Tommy Lee
requested by @fan-with-issues
Aftercare(what they’re like after sex)
As we all know Tommy is a hopeless romantic so after sex he is very attentive and loving, Kissing your forehead and playing with your hair, he loves to pamper his girl so even though he isn’t always the most affectionate (especially around the band) after you two finish he is the most lovey dovey boy you’ll ever meet.
Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
Let's be real here Tommy loves boobs… it's just the truth he loves your boobs no matter what size he thinks they’re as he would say “awesome” he loves playing with them and watching them bounce up and down when you’re on top. He also steals your bras so you have to go braless in public because he likes to watch you when it gets cold (if you get what I mean) 
 Cum (anything to do with cum…basically I’m a disgusting person)
Tommy likes to cum inside of you obviously but when you won't let him because you don’t need a baby any time soon he likes to cum on your stomach, as for your cum when you two are finished he likes to lick you clean because he loves the way you taste and he likes to make you feel like the princess you are. 
Dirty secret  (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Tommy is pretty much an open book but the one thing he doesn’t tell people is that once he had a threesome with none other than Nikki Sixx and some groupie they met on tour… doesn’t seem like a big deal but the thing is some gay stuff may have kinda happened due to intoxication and from that day forward Nikki and Tommy swore never to speak of it again.
Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) 
C'mon we all know that Tommy Lee has had his fair share of experience and for sure knows exactly what he’s doing, it only took him one time with you to know exactly what you like and what it takes to make you cum and he imploys that method every time you two fuck to make sure you have the best time possible because as previously mentioned Tommy is big on making you feel good.
 Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Our boy Tommy loves doggy style because it gives him all kinds of possibilities, he can grab your boobs, he can pull your hair, he can choke you, he can rub your clit it's perfect for him and he loves how deep he can go in doggy style… not that it’s necessary seeing as we all know about Tommy’s 10 inch situation
 Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Tommy’s a goofball so yeah sex like the rest of his life isn’t very serious, especially because now that he trusts you he feels he can let loose and be himself. His favorite thing to do is look up at you while he’s eating you out and wiggle his eyebrows which always insights a giggle from you. 
 Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
Tommy is a little narcissistic so he likes to be groomed, he had pubes but they’re trimmed nicely so that they don’t get in the way or tickle your face when you give him blowjobs. Yes the carpet matches the drapes it's a nice warm tone shade of black just like his beautiful head of hair.
Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Tommy goes all out on romantic occasions, for instance for your one year anniversary he did the whole cliche rose petals and scented candles and red velvet bed sheets, that night after a delicious dinner he managed to cook without burning the sex was like every romantic comedy ever, slow, gentle, romantic, passionate, missionary looking into each others eyes with a lot of kissing. Not something you want all of the time because you also love the rough angry sex you two have but it was a sweet gesture.
 Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Tommy isn’t big of Jacking off because sex is 90% to pleasure you but occasionally he gets an inconveniant boner that he needs to get rid of quickly and you aren’t always around to help so he’ll occasionally finish himself off in his hand but very rarely.
Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Tommy LOVES handcuffs… why? Because when you two are doing doggy style he likes to cuff your hands behind your back to prevent you from trying to put the focus on him because he wants to be in control and keep the focus on you. Another kink Tommy is really into is spanking, when he’s going at it from behind he likes to land a few hard slaps on your ass to watch you jump and squirm, he’s not into it because it puts you in pain he’s into it because he likes to hear you whimper and ask for another because you both know you secretly like it but you’d never admit it to Tommy.
Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Tommy is very easy to turn on… even looking at him a certain way gets him like an overstimulated puppy bouncing up and down and begging to be touched, but his favorite thing is thigh riding especially if you are trying to pretend that you aren’t doing it like if you’re out at a bar with the guys sitting on his lap and you suddenly get horny so you discreetly grind down on his thigh to relieve some of your needs, it really gets him going knowing how desperate his babygirl is for him and he will as soon as possible drag you to the nearest bathroom to help you with your desires.
 NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Tommy’s not into knife play or blood play, he’ll do almost anything else but he doesn’t like the idea of doing that to you because you are his beautiful perfect princess and he would be too scared that he’d cut too deep and seriously hurt you, besides he doesn’t need knives to mark you as his… that’s what hickeys are for. He also isn’t into shit or piss for obvious reasons (that’s just too far for him)
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Tommy loves to eat you out because as previously stated he loves to make you feel good and the best way to do that is with his tongue and fingers so he’ll suck and lick and kiss you for as long as it takes to make you cum, Tommy also likes receiving I mean how could he not but he usually doesn’t make you and when you try he’ll say “baby you don’t gotta do that, I can get off fucking you, I do it to you because you need a little more help finishing and I love you” and then he’ll kiss your forehead like the sweetheart he is.
Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on the mood tbh like most of the time it’s rough but passionate but there are times when Tommy’s feeling extra cuddly and he’ll take his time more kissing every inch of your body and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
 Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Tommy isn’t a fan of quickies because he always feels guilty after a quickie because he feels like he hasn’t got the chance to pleasure you as much as he’d like to so he rathers to take his time but occasionally like when he’s on tour he’ll resort to a quickie before a show or some similar situation.
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Tommy likes to experiment but tbh you two have already tried everything because he likes to experiment so much that it all happened very quickly in the relationship. 
 Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
A LONG ASS TIME to the point that if you two decide to have sex one night you two usually finish and realise it’s time to get up for the day. 
 Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Nope Tommy doesn’t have toys because weather it’s on you or himself he likes to do everything his own way by himself without help from toys. 
Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Tommy isn’t a big teaser because he ends up feeling bad and having to make it up to you, but he has his moments where he’s pure evil especially when you’ve been teasing him all day he can be especially cruel. 
Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Tommy isn’t big on noise but he lets out a few cute grunts when he’s about to cum, but he heavily encourages you to be very vocal because he loves to hear what he does to you, his heart swells with pride at every moan, squeal and little grunt you make. 
Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Tommy has this big fantasy of watching you with another man preferably with one of his band mates, he loves watching your movements when you have sex with him and he loves the idea of getting to watch you from a third person angle. 
X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?
As high as Nikki Sixx in the late 80’s (sorry I’m a bad person) but Tommy is almost always at least a little horny and can spring to action at any moment you need him which is very helpful in your opinion. 
ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
After about 5 or 6 rounds in one night Tommy is out like a light afterwards, of course he’ll take the time to clean you up, make sure your comfortable and cuddle you up in his chest but after that he’s asleep almost immediately but that’s ok because so are you.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Sixty-Three: Strange Children ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
“So what’s gonna happen when you have kids?”
“...excuse me?”
Hearing the tinge of temper in his friend’s voice, Naruto backpedals...figuratively, and literally. Hands lift defensively, as if expecting to be struck. “It’s a serious question!”
Giving Naruto a narrow-eyed glance, Sasuke’s brow furrows. “...it’s rather vague. And you’re assuming a lot. Who said anything about us having kids? We’re hardly even seeing each other.”
Blinking blue eyes and clearly trying to judge Sasuke’s mood before he relaxes, Naruto replies, “...well, it’s...y’know. I figured you’re the kinda person who isn’t gonna date just anybody, teme. Given how, uh…” A pause, fishing for the right word. “...selective you are, I thought if you made any kind of move, it...was gonna be with a lotta conviction. Right?”
“Tch…” Sasuke finds himself a bit surprised at Naruto coming to that conclusion. “...you’re not wrong. I’ve put a lot of thought into this...and not just because I’m serious.”
“...whaddaya mean?”
The Uchiha heaves a light sigh. “...you know well enough it’s not exactly safe being close to me. There are still plenty of people angry with me. Including some pretty powerful people.”
“Well, yeah…”
“So I didn’t want to put anyone I care about through unnecessary danger.”
Naruto blinks...and then brightens in understanding. “...you mean…?”
“If Hinata was serious - if she really wanted this to happen - she had to realize just how much her life was going to change. Not just due to danger, either. Her entire reputation is going to be brought down by mine, now. And she’ll never get rid of that stigma unless people change their mind about me. And let’s face it...that’ll be a long time coming.” He stares off ahead, expression a bit stony. “...she had to know what she was getting into. How much she’ll be judged, ridiculed...and likely attacked.”
The blond sighs, rubbing a hand along the rear of his neck. “...guess I, uh...didn’t think about it that far.”
“I can’t afford not to. Everyone close to me is going to be affected one way or another. But her most of all. You’re my teammate, as are Sakura and Kakashi. Sai, to a point...Yamato. But that’s not something you chose. Hinata is willingly putting herself into this mess. And I didn’t take that arrangement lightly. We talked long and hard about it. And I even did my best to convince her not to.”
“What? Why?! During all the time I’ve known you, you’ve never cared about anyone the way you care about her. Why throw that away?”
“Because sometimes it’s kinder to push away what you love than drag them down with you,” Sasuke cuts in, tone a bit curt. “...it’s because I care about her that I had to be sure. If she had any doubts, I had to find them. Because this is serious, Naruto. There are people who want to hurt me. Kill me. And she’ll be the first one they target to do so.”
“Hinata’s not weak -”
“And I know that. She’s not a jōnin for nothing. But the people who’ve cropped up so far...they worry me. They feel dangerous. And while I know she’s capable, I don’t know what we’re up against. And I won’t assume they’re weak. If anything, I’ll assume the worst, so I can do my best to prepare for it.”
Naruto heaves a heavy sigh. “...yeesh…”
“...yeah. But no matter how much I needled her, tried to convince her otherwise...she wouldn’t back down. That’s the only reason I let this continue. We’re adults. She can make her own decisions. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let anything slide. Yes, I’ve pretty much made up my mind...but we’re still going about this the proper way. She has time to change her mind. Maybe, if she decides to leave, she’ll no longer be a target. We’ll just have to see how things go...but we’re not leaping right into a wedding and kids,” he then finishes sourly, circling back to the blond’s original point.
“All right, all right! I’m just curious about, y’know, bloodline stuff.”
“...in what regard?”
“Well...dōjutsu stuff mainly, I guess. I mean, you’ve both got pretty strong kekkei genkai. Think it’ll react strangely?”
Sasuke perks a brow. “...I have no idea. As far as I know, our lines haven’t ever crossed...or if they did, I never saw the result. You think I’m going to have strange children -?”
“I dunno! Just...kind of a weird thing to think about. Like, could a Sharingan and a Byakugan...combine? Maybe have the tomoe pattern in a white eye, or something?”
“...how do you have time to sit and think of these things?”
“What, you haven’t considered it?”
“No. Because it’s not an immediate concern. And I highly doubt they’d in any way combine into one kekkei genkai. The Sharingan came from the Byakugan. We’d probably just have kids with either one or the other.”
“Ooh! What about one in each eye?”
“...I…” His brow furrows at that. “...it seems unlikely. But...I don’t know. I’m not a geneticist. And it’s not like there’s many other Uchiha I can just walk up to and ask.”
“I know, I know...but man, wouldn’t that be weird! I mean...imagine trying to use both at the same time. I think my brain would explode!”
“There’s a lot of very simple things that could make your brain explode,” Sasuke retorts flatly.
“...well, for now, I don’t have answers for you,” Sasuke then sighs. “And I might never. It really just...depends.”
“Okay, but...when you do have kids, you gotta show me!”
“I’m sure you’d see them eventually. If they happen.”
The pair then part, Sasuke making his way back toward the Uchiha compound.
...damn that Naruto, now he can’t stop thinking about it!
There’s no way the two eyes would combine. That’s just ridiculous. But the concept of a child having one eye from each honestly bothers him. Would they have to be like him, and Kakashi: keep one eye covered as not to confuse or exhaust their brain? Surely the different inputs from the eyes would be a nightmare to process at the same time.
...would it be cruel to subject a child to an existence like that?
Turning to see Hinata coming down a side street, he simply greets, “Hinata.”
“Are you all right? You had a rather...troubled expression.”
“Just thinking about something stupid Naruto said earlier. It’s nothing.”
Her head tilts, and he inwardly curses her ability to always look so innocent and inviting. “...I hope it didn’t upset you.”
“No, not really. Just something I’d...rather not consider.”
“Do you want to talk about it…?”
No, he doesn’t want to talk about it. Doesn’t want to, in any way, imply that he was thinking about the possibility of children in their future. It’s far too soon for that, hypotheticals or not. “...it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
She blinks pale eyes at him, brows wilting a bit. “...well, I won’t pry...but, um...your adamance is rather telling, Sasuke-kun.”
...right. Because if it wasn’t a big deal, he’d briefly summarize and that would be that. But withholding it from her only makes it all the more suspicious. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighs curtly. “...Naruto was suggesting rather...concerning outcomes for possible children between an Uchiha and a Hyūga. Regarding their eyes.”
Another blink, looking completely unphased. “...you mean how their kekkei genkai would manifest?”
“Hm...I really don’t know. I know that having children outside the clan was a very, um...rigorous process for us,” she muses. “Given how prized the Byakugan is, and the seal...any children of outside marriages had to be monitored and sealed if need be. So...if there had ever been a match between our clans before, it would probably be noted. But I’ve never heard of it. So...I really have no idea. What was your worry…?”
“...what if they had one of each? A Byakugan, and a Sharingan? That just seems like it would be disastrous. Can you imagine?”
“Well, I...guess it’s a possibility, but...surely a rare one.” Her brow furrows. “I don’t know w-why the body would take DNA regarding the eyes and just...split it down the middle like that. I mean, heterochromia is very rare. It would likely be about the same odds. Not that I know all that much about genes, but...I wouldn’t worry about it, Sasuke-kun.”
Her answer, slowly mulled over, actually makes him feel a lot better. “...I see.”
As he appears to relax, Hinata smiles. “Well...you know how, um...eccentric some of Naruto-kun’s thoughts can be.”
“Yeah, true.” Letting the subject rest, he then gives her a glance. “...that doesn’t...bother you?”
“Him...speculating like that?”
Hinata blinks once more, apparently not expecting the question. “...why would it?”
It’s Sasuke’s turn to hesitate, and he only gets all the more flustered as he feels his ears heat up. “It’s just, you know...it implies...things it shouldn’t imply. That’s all. I mean...we’re not that serious yet.”
Taking in his expression, Hinata has to fight to keep a straight face. Never did she think she’d see him like this! “Well, true. I don’t know...I guess I’m just used to talk like that, given how my clan, um...treats discussion of new generations. Besides...it’s a possibility. Not a certainty, I suppose...but I don’t mind it.”
He...isn’t sure what to say to that.
Seeing that he’s clearly a bit in over his head with all this, Hinata finally lets loose a giggle into the cuff of her sleeve. “A-anyway...don’t worry, Sasuke-kun. It will all be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow for our shift, ne?”
“...uh...yeah. Right.” Taking that as her offering him an out from this conversation, he says a quick goodbye and retreats.
She watches him go with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. “...boys,” she then notes quietly to herself, shaking her head and making her way home.
     Some random, mostly-silly my-canon stuff xD Poor Sasuke...why does Naruto have to give him such troubling thoughts? Jeez! And yes, I know that Kishimoto has said that a Hyūchiha babb would have one eye of each, and I TECHNICALLY don't know enough about genes to counter that (and it IS a fantasy world with magic eyeballs), but...tbh I just don't see how that would work very well. SO in this canon we just kinda...ignore that for the most part. Neat concept, but...I just feel like it would be very messy in execution. So we have Tenkai with his Sharingan and Chikyū with her Byakugan, and we leave it at that lol      Buuut yeah! It's very late, so I'm gonna go crawl into bed~ Thanks for reading! -Two more days kjfdgjdhgf-
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