#tbh i dont know which to choose off the bat i have to think about it lol i love them all. so much
ilostyou · 1 year
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mwagneto · 9 months
sherlock & co. review from an insane person (me) coz this is like. the 25th? sherlock adaptation i've checked out so ofc i have opinions on everything ever. and ik ppl who work on indie podcasts browse tumblr sometimes so just in case you work on this DON'T click keep reading, this post is not for youuu shoo. thanks x
ok so far it's like. fine? which is lowkey sad coz i wish it was smtg i really liked but it hasn't gripped me yet which is a shame but yknow. early days. i'm giving it time since it's only 15 episodes so far
my main issue is like. i really wish it wasn't so obviously influenced by bbc but it just so clearly is which is a shaaame like it's better than bbc in every aspect but yknow. not a high bar to clear. like it kinda feels like they liked a lot of things abt bbc and set out to fix the bad parts (h&w friendship being nonexistent, the mysteries being shit) but just kept the rest? in some places keeping things that were invented by bbc which is. baffling tbh
i'm not really picky when it comes to h&w personalities like i think it's fine to just do whatever you want w them, i think it's really fun when an adaptation gives them different personalities than what you're used to but, and this is where it feels far too bbc-ish for comfort, i just don't like it when sherlock is a cunt for no reason? like. he's not a mean person he's only mean in bbc coz moffat thought house md was cool and ripped it off. can we stop making him mean pleeeease 😭 he's just some guy..................
h&w relationship wise it's like... ok so i tend to go into adaptations with a fully clean slate so like i never let my general attachment to them influence how i view them in specific adaptations, the work itself needs to sell me on both the characters and the relationship and like... here neither of those really happened yet which makes me sad coz i think by now it should've but i'm giving it time. at least they're friends and i like that watson is useful for cases/knows things holmes doesn't sometimes coz thats like. such an essential element to sh stories for me and a loooottt of adaptations tend to just completely forget it so that's a win but idk if anything they're too tame? like i dont expect a romance but they can't just be casual friends they need to be bat shit crazy about each other. to me. but like maybe that'll develop over the rest of the podcast we'll see
kinda related to that point but case-wise i think holmes is a bit too ahead of everyone else sometimes which isn't inherently a problem but it does once again smell of bbc which like. noone should ever emulate moffat writing don't do that 🙏 god bles. but i've been able to solve every case along with/before the mcs which is like. thee point of mystery stories for me so yea i really like the stories themselves so far, especially the way they manage to make them solvable even without visuals or narration. OH and i almost forgot but i rly like the soundtrack, i love it when sh soundtracks have a heavy emphasis on violins coz. yknow
howeverr i am on my hands and knees begging them not to give watson a girlfriend tho like please oh myfffucking god . obvs watsonlock doesn't usually factor into my enjoyment of adaptations given that like. y'know. out of the hundreds out there theres only two where either of them is even gay so it's not something i expect nor require but like. to me it is essential that these two ppl are insane abt each other and don't really have anyone else, definitely noone important. like even the rdj movies got this despite ritchie's obsession w the 2 men 1 woman dynamic so idk why i'm constantly having to wage a war against random unnecessary romances for either watson or, god forbid, holmes. when the only interesting relationship either of these men have is with each other. that one granada holmes quote about them choosing not to include mary coz holmes and watson dont need anyone else etc etc. like i seriously dislike it when they introduce anyone else like cmonnnnnn thog dont care
anyway tldr. i guess if asked to pick a short description i'd say. promising? i hope it's gonna be good in the long run. the way they do mysteries is already something i like so. i hope they keep that up and i hope the h&w relationship evolves into something i enjoy coz so far i'm like. i can see the bones of smtg i'll potentially like but it's not there yet. but also like. this is an indie production i'm listening to for free so ion wanna rip into it these are mainly just what i liked/disliked based on the preferences i developed with this one quick trick (grow up completely insane abt sherlock holmes -> consume every adaptation that you can get your paws on -> no profit)
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raccoonspooky · 2 years
7, 37, and 54!
⎛⎝( ` ᢍ ´ )⎠⎞ I found a good bat kaomoji for you hehe
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
Honestly I dont think I put any conscious thought into this hahaha. I guess it depends on whoever’s talking to me the most pfft, like if a character has a LOT of thoughts i’d choose em. I like doing alternating POVS for longer stories too.
37: How do you choose where to end a chapter?
Hmmmm. I’m really terrible at this tbh like I never know when to shut up. I try to have relatively even chapters throughout longer fics, so sometimes I’ll figure out how to wrap up a chapter on account of word count alone lol.
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Ooo I definitely love the freedom in being able to do whatever tf you want like there are no rules ever and you can just go OFF. No deadlines no word maximums or prompt barriers. I also definitely love how with fanfic, you’re able to put it out there knowing that someone will read it, sometimes with like other writing it feels as if you’re hoarding all your stories to yourself only to give it to someone who will turn their nose up at it and tear it apart. Fanfic is definitely a FREEING world as compared to other writing.
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the-owl-tree · 2 years
darktail or sasha for ur ask game :}}c
sexuality headcanon
both are bi to me
gender/pronouns headcanon
mm......dont know gender but i would say she/her sasha & he/they darktail
rate them out of ten
9/10 for sasha, darktail.... 7/10
favorite thing about them
i think sasha's just an interesting character right off the bat, someone who caught the attention of tigerstar and got pulled into this horrible relationship and finally escaped. You really do feel for her when she's left to raise three kits all by herself and constantly has to choose between keeping them fed and being able to watch them.
i like Darktail as a villain and i like that he utilizes the lake, something that the clan's all live by is his greatest weapon. Drowning is scary to me so i'm probably biased lol OH and i like his moment of trying to connect with Violet
least favorite thing about them
for Sasha probably the lack of closure for her? i guess it's a double-edged sword, i kind of wish we got to learn more what happened to her and if she got the happy ending she deserved.
darktail....probably his backstory? it comes out of nowhere and doesn't add too much to anything. I'd also say the kin as a group are kind of generic bad group who hate old people, i think they could've done more with a group trying to emulate the Clans.
why i first started liking/disliking them
Sasha's manga series which i liked!! and for Darktail.....idk i think he just had enough presence in the beginning that i enjoyed what he brought to the table
do i relate/project onto/kin them?
favorite quote/moment
sasha and russetfur bonding during the hunt and when darktail drowns needletail, great scene all in all
my fav ship
sasha/scourge, sasha/smoke, sasha/russet
you have me intrigued by darktail/spiresight tho, other than that i can't see Dark with anyone
my fav platonic friendship
sasha and pine, sasha and feather (rip that)
hmm....in a bizarre way Darktail and Violetshine?? that moment where he tries to like relate to her kind of intrigued me but eh
a ship i hate
mmm no strong feelings
do i prefer canon or fanon?
canon sasha, bits and pieces of fanon darktail
random headcanon
sasha ended up with some new housefolks to take care of her or she ended up meeting the church cats and chilled there until her death
darktail's actually a rather clumsy fighter and has to go for low blows (rain's eye), have some cats accompany him, or lead the battle to the water so he can use it to his advantage)
what color do i picture them as
sasha as a toasty brown, darktail as white
cat breed headcanon
sasha as a siamese, darktail is just a fluffy boy
unpopular opinion
hmmmm......idk i don't get sasha hate tbh i just don't think she's done anything to warrant being despised. i can't even like go against her for dropping her kids off at riverclan because that's just what the erins needed for their evil brother good brother plot
darktail.....idk what's unpopular with him
things i associate with them
sasha: fireplace, sweaters, kindle
darktail: drowning, water, daddy issues
song i associate with them
hhmmmm for sasha ptolemaea by ethel cain, for darktail sense, sensibilities by ajj
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them
sasha - a love song to finance, a baby for sasha, hey little songbird (we need more hadestown music being used)
darktail - sweater weather, kiss me, son of god
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Yeah I don't like brutalia either primarily because talia is out of his league no pun intended (and ahem she's my wife piss off bruce lol) i love that the impact of thier story is Damian!!!hahaaa
I dont ship babs with anyone really I wouldn't mind DinahBabs but I'm not fussed I just don't like her with bruce or any of his kids, they squished her into a relationship with dick and then in animated movie she was with bruce 😨 and I'm not sure if her and jason ever actually got together but he left her a note confessing his love which she never read so? Also Jay kid going after his big bros ex 😅
I dont really like WonderBat for no reason other than it feels so freakin weird to look at like my brain refuses to process it
I'd die for supes/lois harlivy and alfred/tea 😊 I like that you sent spideypool to superhell hahaa
Dickkory is supreme imo they should get married and let live in peace with thier chaotic super kids
Platonic stucky & SuperBat the brotp feels!!!! Just choosing someone and being like that idiot right there is my brother my family and I'd die for them is just ahhhh you're right platonic ships are the best ❤ohh whose your fav ships/otps ? I mean Lee and Ed yeah? I love ed he's such a poor disaster honestly bless him
LMAO at Talia being out of his league, the pun fits way too much tho 🤣👏🏻"piss off bruce" lmfaoo, get it!😂 I just dont like that some versions have dub con with her and Bruce, puts a yucky taste in my mouth and kinda tainted the whole ship for me tbh. I like versions of her where she isnt like evil lol. Honestly I dont really ship Bruce with anyone, I like the Ace!Bruce headcanon tbh! But lmao yeah that's exactly where I was going going the impact of the ship being damian ahahaha
Yeah I feel like I just dont know Babs well enough (well in canon, I feel like I know Fanon her way more xD she never seems to be in the stuff I watch and read too much) to go full out shipping her with someone, I dont oppose to DickBabs tho and love a good childhood friend to lovers trope, I just havent seen them in canon much. And yeah never actually heard of DinahBabs, again I'm not opposed to it but I honestly dont know Dinah well enough to ship her with anyone other than canon tbh. Wait which animated movie with babs with bruce?! I for some reason dont remember that?! I know she was Jim's wife in Gotham by Gaslight (hate that but like the movie, especially the street rat Robin's all together omg). But like I can actually see her and Jason a bit, I need to look into that more. Omg he did? Which comics???he is so dramatic tho, he freaking would leave a damn love letter 🤣that's so jason tho to go after his brother's ex too😂👏🏻
Omg SAME ABOUT WONDERBAT, omg, like that's my EXACT feelings towards it! For some weird reason it makes me brain go Huh? But I cant pinpoint why! I mean, she also is too good for him/out of his league lmao
So confession, I've never liked Supes that much at all and only recently started to come around after diving so deep into the Bat and titans world xD So I dont have a huge connection/seen Supes/Lois in much but I do think they are very cute, I just need to watch and read more of them! And Harlivy is iconic man. And are you even a batfan if you dont love Alfred and tea?! Gosh I would die for alfred tbh, he is too freaking pure for this world. That bats would be NOWHERE without alfred man
Lmao about me sending spideypool to superhell 🤣 like listen,there arent too many pop ships I would send there but they are one of them man xD On top of the fact I think of Peter as a high schooler and Wade way older, not to mention wade would corrupt that poor child, the whole ship just gives off Cursed vibes to me man🤣🤣🤣
Bro I need to read more of Dickkory cause while I dont like oppose, i just feel pretty neutral! What makes them supreme to you? Win me over Batanon!! Like I wanna go hard for it but again I guess I just havent read enough of them?(tho again, I LOVE the IG Teen Titans version of the ship!)
Dude YES to platonic stucky and sueprbats!!!! I rarely see them get platonic love in the fandoms!(tho platonic superbats gets more than platonic stucky it seems). But YES! Amen to what you said! I also am an only child so I kinda love any found family sibling vibes, especially bros.
Lmao you know me so well, def Nygmakins (Lee x Ed) is like my otp(he truly is a mess and needs her to stay in line man, Oswald is too much of a mess as well xD ) and I love how she is helping him fight his inner demons type trope and they are both like morally grey at that point in time and the chemistry and ah!
But also, Bbrae (Beast Boy x Raven (in all forms), DamiRae(Damian x Raven(especially in Justice Leauge Dark Apokalypse war), YJ Artemis x Wally (cant think of the ship name at the moment ), and most recently Jaytemis(Jason x Artemis, dif Artemis, this one is an Amazonian Bi queeeen )
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cosmicpercy · 5 years
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06x01 // 07x23
these are two completely different scenarios but jackie burkhart and steven hyde choosing each other will always be music to my ears because they are both 110% sure about it. no other explanation, just right off the bat, they just know it, and i'm sure they'd choose each other over and over again.
a longer explanation: this parallel just reinforces that they are meant to be endgame. why? because the way i see it, these are the two biggest and final obstacles for the couple before the next step (which is basically a happy ending) jackie's final obstacle is to finally leave kelso in the past and move forward with hyde which we've seen throughout s5. tbh i think ever since 05x14, she already knew her decision (they just had to go thru the whole cheating thing which ugh i dont wanna talk about) she already said she loves him but that scene in 06x01 is just as important for me because this is just her choosing steven, without any angst or drama or any pressure, just casually and naturally choosing him. which means she's overcome that obstacle. if that makes any sense. also i didn't consider the whole career-or-hyde drama as jackie's biggest/final obstacle (in terms of her relationship with hyde) bc we all know hyde won't ever let himself get between jackie and her dream job.
meanwhile, hyde's final obstacle is about him and whole idea of marriage. we're just gonna acknowledge that this whole issue was already resolved in season 6 but for the sake of the post, here we go. we know jackie gave him this ultimatum and while this is a lot of pressure on him, we gotta understand why he's iffy about marriage. basically, his parents suck, so he grew up probably not wanting to end up like them so he just renounced the idea of marriage because what's the point? on jackie's part, it's more of her parents suck too and she wants to avoid that future too, not by avoiding marriage but proving that they (her and steven) are the exception. which is why she gives this ultimatum, because i'm sure she knows hyde loves her and is committed. she just wants to have an even bigger commitment that they are in for the long haul because so much has changed for her already. anyway, flash forward, we also already know steven loves jackie just as much and this is him finally overcoming that obstacle and just deciding that yes i love jackie and if she wants to get married then okay i will!! hell, in the previous episode he already screamed he'll be mrs. jackie hyde!!!
honestly, i just love these two interactions because it's so casual and raw and honest. jackie has decided to choose hyde. hyde has decided to marry jackie which is translation to choosing her. that's it.
so yup that right there is why they are endgame material and not the complete bull of an ending we got also hello jackie and hyde always asking advice or opening up about their relationship to donna and eric who are definitely endgame ??? parallel much??
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jackie getting all giddy about it!!!!
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heyheyheeeyyyy @that-shy-puff what up 👻👻👻👻?? hahaha it’s been so long since we’ve sorta indirectly interacted hasn’t it?? hahaha anwww im finally getting to one of the tag games ya tagged me in hahahha... i cant answer the other one since i face the same issue as you as being unable to choose just a certain exact 5 so i’ve decided to delay until i kno fo sho and i sttiiilll havent decided til now hahahahahha 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷✨✨✨✨✨
anwww,,,,,, onto the actual game and i appreciate these things sfm as always,,,, i take a longass time but yall bet it’s always just in da bg of mah mind... imma get to these,,,, they so funnn yallss hahahaha 💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Zodiac sign: sagittarius (i think,,, not rlly sure,,, dont rlly care for it,,, sm so dat i had to search it’s proper spelling... which tbh kinda annoys me since idc bout it but im just such an annoying stickler for proper spelling like dat sometimes hahahha)
Height: 5'5
Last movie i saw: parts of Kung Fu Panda (whiCH BTWWWW is a hella good film yallssss!!!!! ahh discovering just ~how~ awesome something is at a happenstance rewatch is pretty dope yalls ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨)
Last thing i googled: saggitarius (hahahahaha das da og how i thought it was spelled hahaha but actually b4 dat, i searched herbal tea or how to know if herbal tea hahahhaa)
Favourite musician: heh.... idk y i’m actually feeling pretty certain i wanna promote filipino bands as of this moment... but,,, Parokya ni Edgar <33333333333333 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Song stuck in my head: Silhouette by KANA-BOON (if yalls kno..... yalls kno...... :::::”““““““““)))))))))))))
Other blogs: i made one before this one for school and it was super cringey... i dont even kno my username for dat one anymore,,,, i chose to make it about himym cus i was young dumb and cringeeyyy~~~,,,, and i wrote my posts there in my native language cus it was for mah class in dat language hahahahhahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦
Following: 1736..... yeah.... kinda an impulsive follow type bish..... i dont rlly go to tumblr anymore cus i kno i usually wind up spendin my entire day on it if i did hahahaha
Followers: 328.... nice.... pretty sure i rlly only kno a handful of yalls but,, it’s nice to know yalls nevertheless hahaha,,, much obligeddd haaha 💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨
Do i get asks: uhhhh yeahh,,, i do actually hahahaha,,, but it’s mostly usually only during on times when i’m rlly active on tumblr i think hahahaha so der~~~~
Amount of sleep i get: 7 to 12.... maybe??? idk,, i dont keep track of time hahaha
Lucky numbers: 13 or 11 or 7??? i actually dont knooo... im thinkin of the grp # mah classmates had that got em to win at a competition,,, but i wasnt even included in the actual competition so gosshhh idkkk i probs dont have one or if i did, i dont notice/pay attention to that type of thang hahaha
Dream job: probably something like a writer-director-actor-comedian who makes books, movies, tv shows that type of thang hahahaha 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Instruments: same bruhhh hahaha saammeee... i dont play anything either hahahaha does your voice when you like to sing a lot count??? hahaha
Dream trip: oohhh it is hard to choose just one,,, damn.... ahh,,, but,,, i guess the best choice would just be... JAPAN!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ (I WANNA EAT SEA URCHINS, REENACT SCENES FROM FILMS LIKE KIMI NO NA WA,,,, SEE SNOW AND SAKURAS!!!!! AND THERE’S MOUNTAINS AND OCEANS THERE/NEAR THERE TOO AREN’T THERE???? soooo japan,,, rn,,, hands down,,,, seems like they have it alll/most of what i want from a trip at the very least hahahhaa 💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨✨)
Favourite food: chicken and/or pizza 🤷🤷🤷 (it’s the one i can tolerate the most without getting tired of it anyways hahaha 🤷🤷🤷)
Languages: filipino and english yaaallsssss musta kayooo hahahahaha ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Favourite songs: ahhh yaassss finally a prompt that understands me,,,, idk man im just appreciative of the fact that it says songs and not the basic just oneee songgg hahahha....
....... ......... .... i uh--- i listed like,,, exactly 250 songs just like,,,,, off the bat when i skimmed my playlists for mah faves..... and,,,, i still cant choose,,,,, hahahahaha sooooo here’s the doc link for ref hahahhahaha but it’s mostly pop, hip hop, rap, rock, some angsty, lotta disney, opm, cxg, p&f hahahahha 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
@parallelmarvel, @secretlifeofacloud, @fangirltrash1312, @monchemunche, @zsanelleballeras, @warpedharpy, @ohdarnitripped, @untitledandrandom, @tare8chan, @totheendofthegalaxyandback, @sssunisshining,  @caseopenandcaseshut, @thegeekogecko
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raionmimi · 5 years
Do you have any oc's? I always love hearing about people's oc's
I do but I’ve been neglecting them these past few years
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Honestly for the most part, I just use the same damn design and alter it to fit whatever series I want a persona in. Timeline and OC details under the cut, and fair warning I ended up talking a lot more than I had intended because I keep remembering stuff 
2000: Lumina
I once read a kid magazine in my school and it featured something with a sneak preview of the Sonic Shuffle game. I really liked the character’s name (Lumina) and always used it when I played games with my best friend (her character was Danny). We really were out there larping our raw ocs with each other
2008: Yumi
My best friend in high school insisted that I have a Japanese nickname like her (She is half Japanese but still a huge weeb. Her nickname was Kisa) and even had a list of names for me to choose from. I ended up picking Yumi from my head and to this day I have no idea where I actually got the name from. Our senpai, a Chinese girl nicknamed Yue, who helped me with my art told us the animals we represented best, so Kisa got a tiger, and I got both a bunny and a lion since Yue couldnt decide which was better for me. 
I made up “blion” and attached the name Yumi onto it. She became my persona and rapidly took on my chaotic gremlin personality. I decided Blions were a species that devours souls in order to heal/revive others, but it had to be an even balance otherwise the creature would die. When they’re weak, blions turn into a small rabbit with puffy chest fur like a mane (basically picture eevee tbh) with a long lion-like tail. The gem on the end of the tail is where the souls are stored.
2011: Torola Olébul
When we were all huge Homestucks, my friends and I decided to make fantrolls of ourselves so Yumi became repurposed into Torola. Same personality, so not much difference. I eventually redid her so she was nothing like me. She became extremely shy and basically Babey. She’s the ox/cow in my set of Chinese zodiac fantrolls (I have designs and personalities for all 12 but I’m not gonna post them here, I already wrote so much) She’s a sylph of heart, her weapon is pinwheelkind, her chat handle is apothecaryBovine, and her lusus is obviously a giant cow. She’s an amber blood troll (in between rust and bronze) who used to live with a teal blood and acted like a little messenger girl. After the teal blood was murdered by indigo bloods, Torola was forced to escape and live in the middle of a forest, where she was pretty much adopted by a herd of hoofbeasts. Torola has a dancestor Pazvea/The Actress(??) and Torola’s ancestor self is The Guardian. 
Torola is the predecessor to Coryla, which was a fuschiablood.This one is just one huge Little Mermaid reference because she falls in love with a man who doesn’t love her back since he goes for someone else
2015: Onyx
Onyx was a short lived OC compared to Yumi and Torola and I didn’t do a lot of art of her. She’s kind of like a spy/surveillance guard because her gem extends out like bat ears. The other gem on her head is actually fake but she has it there so she looks symmetrical. It stores data though, so it has an actual use and she can remove it. She has wings that fold up on her back, and she uses it to check out a location. Since she’s extremely bat-themed, she uses sonar to check for other gems and stuff.
I also made her companions Sunstone and Obsidian, which make Bloodstone. Sunstone is a very laidback gem that spoils Onyx rotten, so she thinks she can get away with everything. Obsidian is the brooding type that complains whenever Onyx causes mischief. Bloodstone is a bounty hunter that uses Onyx’s surveillance abilities to aid them. They used to live on Homeworld, but they eventually came to earth long before Steven dealt with the diamonds. They have never interacted or met with Steven himself though
2011/2017 or 18: Riya/Tau Kiniun
I once drew a raionmimi character because I was thinking “Hey what if Yue had said I was just a lion instead of a bunny.” I didnt think much of it at the time and only doodled her once. She was a literal black lion that turned into a black lion cub but like with a mane to represent her hair. Years later, I dont know what possessed me to revamp her, but I did. Since I wanted to get away from having fandom shipnames as urls, I decided to go with Raionmimi which is literally “Lion Ears” and used Riya/Tau as my new mascot.
OCs that werent in the chart because I forgot lmaoooo
2011: Euphoria
She’s the oc I had to make for an animation class. We were instructed to make a superhero character to animate on the computer and also with claymation. The art is super bad, but she was supposed to be a terrible hero because she had no intentions on saving anyone!! She’s actually a deity of life that’s come to earth because her brother, the deity of death, is causing problems. Whenever she stops his plans, people praise her for being a hero. It wasn’t her attention at all. She’s expressionless 99% of the time and doesn’t really care much about humanity. Ironically, her brother thinks humans are pretty neat. Her name is actually one of my favorite words of all time, and that’s why I used it for her!
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2016: The Witches
I totally forgot about them until now, but I have a set of triplet ocs. I use them for D&D and Pathfinder sometimes. They’re little witch girls that run a potion shop. Euphoria (yes, I repurposed the name from my superhero oc), Celeste, and Cheshire! Hopefully you can kinda read my handwriting to get their personalities
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2018: Socks and the succubi
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One of my fave monster girl species have always been Succubi, so I made different sub-species of them! I think I may have posted them a long time ago, but I dont remember. Socks is also my mascot for my old lewd art tumblr blog that I abandoned eons ago because having side accounts takes up too much energy for me. I kinda want to make a webcomic about Socks but I haven’t gotten around to it. She’s a platonic succubus who feeds off of intimate energy, and she befriends an agender, asexual college student (I guess you could imagine Haruhi from Ouran)
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Somebody To Love
Part 5
Pairing: Female Reader x Ben hardy Warnings: language, explicit references to sex but no actual smut, alcohol Summary: Roger Taylor’s daughter (you) has just gone through a horrid breakup after finding her boyfriend in bed with another girl. When she gets a job as an assistant on set, whether ready or not, she falls for Ben. Chapter summary: After dinner the cast and you head back to Lucy's trailer. Joe decides to make everyone play 20 questions in order to set you and Ben up together. Word Count: 2,166 An: If you’re looking for a long to listen to obviously somebody to love but also  I HAVE A WHOLE DAMN PLAYLIST FOR BEN HARDY to which you can find here: Ben’s Playlist New songs are added regularly! (Also I made one for Lucy and Tigerlily Taylor and all my other Celeb crushes so just HMU if you want any of those. I highly suggest James McAvoy [thats my favorite playlist tbh] but also new songs are added to those regularly as well). Also Thanks to @di-in-al for your help on this! Love you!
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gif by: @benshardy
The night dragged on. Everyone had so many questions for your fether and Brian. Lucy and Rami looked as if they were going to snog, all night. You and Ben, however, both were quite quiet. As dinner finished you all got into the appropriate cars and were headed back to set to drop you and the cast off.
Joe cleared his throat. "So, I think you owe Lucy 3 pounds." "The night is not over yet, Joe. She has until midnight. It is only 6:30." Lucy winked at you. "Besides I was going to invite everyone to my trailer so we can all get to know eachother a little bit more." "That sounds very Cinderella-esque." Joe said. "Then call me her fairy godmother, Joe." Lucy smiled back him. "What about you, Lucy? Get anywhere with Rami?" Sarina asked, causing Lucy to blush. “Um. Yeah. No. I don't really know. I don't think he is interested." She said, turning more red by the second. "Darling, he is QUITE interested." Sarina said. "Just because you can't see it dear, does not mean we cant either. Y/N? Anything on Ben at all?" "Nope. In fact, he probably said 15 words total to me all night." you said, disappointment flooding through your voice. "I am sorry, dear. But, you did say that you didn't want a relationship right now." Sarina spoke softly to you. She may have wanted you out of the house but she did love and care for you. "I don't. But... I don't know. There is something about it. I have this feeling, like... Maybe I meant to just be with him, even if it's in the friend way. Like I know he is going to be important in my life, if that makes sense." You said. "That is exactly how I felt about your father. I mean yeah, I was super excited when I got to meet one of my biggest celebrity crushes, but when I actually talked to him, I knew he was going to be much more to me than that." She smiled through the rearview mirror. "Personally, NOT THAT I COULD ACTUALLY TELL CAUSE YOU KNOW I WAS AT THE OTHER END OF THE TABLE, having a wonderful conversation with Anita actually," Joe started. "I think he just looked nervous." "You will get your chance, darling." Anita said. Both cars pulled onto set and everyone stepped out. Sarina hugged you and whispered 'good luck' in your ear. The boys headed back to their trailer to get in comfier clothes. Brian, Anita, Sarina, and your father headed home. You and Lucy walked back to her trailer. She let you borrow some sweats and a t-shirt. Then you heard a knock. You opened the door and the 4 boys were standing there. You ushered them in. "Lucy is still getting dressed in comfier clothes. She will be out in a second. You boys need anything?" you asked. They said no as they sat down on Lucy's couch. "So....anyone up for twenty questions?" Joe asked, throwing you a look. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben's POV (first person) "So here is how the game will work since we have multiple people. We will split upon pairs. I am going to go with Ben first, Gwyl go with Rami, and Lucy and Y/N. And then we will switch off." Joe said. I'm not really one for Twenty Questions but I guess its a good bonding exercise for the lot of us. Lucy had come back into the room before Joe assigned us to our person. "Okay Im gonna be here on the couch, Gwylim is gonna be over by the bathroom. Lucy gets the doorway into the bedroom and then we will choose where to go from there." Joe continued. "Now go my little darlings." I was already seated next to Joe. "So what are doing exactly?" I asked him. "Is that your first question?" He asked me. "Yes. Is that yours?" I said raising my eyebrow. "Yes. So are you going to ask her out?" "Who?" He mean't Y/N, he must have picked up on my nerves from dinner. I was so scared to talk to her all night. I figured I would try to hide that I knew he knew. "Y/N. Are you going to use the game?" "Are you insinuating I like her?" "I don't know am I?" He raised his eyebrow and winked at me. "Yes, you are. Do you really think I like her?" My heart started beating faster and faster. "Yes. Did you really just ask me that?" "Am I that obvious?" I started to get a bit nervous knowing that everyone knew I was starting to crush on her. "To me yes. To her, she thinks you don't like her. Did you guys talk about it in the car?" "Yes. I asked Roger if I could ask her out. Did you guys talk about it too?" Maybe she liked me back. "Yes. So are you going to ask her out?" "I don't know. What did she say?" "Can't tell you. If she likes you then you get a girlfriend if not you get experience on rejection. Are you scared?" "FUCK YES." I said that a little too loud. Gwyl and Rami turned and looked at me. "Uh. Will you tell me if it was good or bad?" "No. Are you that scared, bro?" "Mate, I'm terrified. Will you tell me anything you talked about in the car?" "Sure. Are you going to ask me right?" "What was said in that car?" "Well, Sarina knew Roger was important to her as soon as she met him." Joe smiled knowing full well he was hurting me by not telling me what Y/N had to say. "Okay! And... What else Joe?" He came quite close and whispered in my ear. "Lucy likes Rami. Was anything mentioned on your side?” “He totally likes her.” I whispered back. “This is all cute but I’m worried about Y/N. Will you PLEASE tell me?" I said, hoping the please would help my case. "No. Are you that worried?" "The more we talk about it, yes.  Umm Do you think she sat next to me on purpose?" "Yes. Also she was trying to keep me from you and Gwylim. What did Roger say about it?" "He said he didn't have a problem but that the last guy was a jerk and she may not be ready for a relationship. Does anyone else in the car know I like her?" "The whole car does. Does anyone else know Rami likes Lucy?" "All of us. What about your car?" We kept glancing at Rami, I think he was picking up on our conversation. "Everyone. Women are pretty good on picking up on that kind of stuff. What number are we at?" "I think this is 17. Sound right?" "About yeah. So are you going to do it?" "Do what?" "Ask her out. Are you going to ask her out?" "Yes. Do you think Rami will ask Lucy?" "Doubt it. Are you going to do it tonight?" "Yes!" I said, my heart filling with temporary courage. "This is the last one right?" "Yes. What's your Dog's name again?" "Frankie." The thought of my little girl made me happy. I love my dog so much, she was less my dog and more my daughter. "Is everyone ready to move on?" Joe asked as everyone shouted yes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y/N's POV (first person) Me and Lucy actually took Twenty questions seriously. There were a lot of questions on what alcohol we preferred. I had played with Gwylim and Rami. I only needed Joe and Ben at this point. Ben was playing with Gwylim now. "What did you a Ben talk about?" I asked straight off the bat. "Not telling you. You and Lucy?" "Alcohol. Why wont you tell me?" "Took a vow of silence. Just alcohol?" "No, but it was pretty generic stuff. Did you ask him about me?" "Yes. Why are you so curious?" "That bet. What number are we on?" "Four. How have you already lost count." "Dont know. So this is five?" "Yes. Why do you care so much about the bet if it's only 2.97 pounds?" "Because if I don't do it, I'm kind of a coward for not following through.  See what I mean?" I asked him. "Yeah... So are you going to ask him out during your round?" "I don't know, I only have until midnight right?" "Yes. What time is it now?" "11:30. Ugh why is it so hard to ask someone out?" I was getting frustrated. I only have 30 minutes left. "It is only hard if you like them. Do you think he likes you too?" "I don't know. When did you become so wise?" "Jurrassic Park days. Are you scared?" "Hell yes. Does he like me back?" "Not telling you. If he does, you get a boyfriend, if not you get experience with rejection. Is that what you are afraid of?" "I literally caught my boyfriend in bed with another woman. Of course I'm scared of rejection. Why would you ask that?" "Good point. It looks like everyone but us somehow finished. Want to cut it early at 12 and say we did all twenty?" "Yes! I hate this game! Don't you?" "I set this up for you kid. See you on the other side. SWITCH!!!" Joe yelled. This meant I was about to ask Ben out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Third person POV) "So umm... favorite color?" Ben asked. "Blue. Why wouldn't you talk to me during dinner?" Y/N asked almost immediately. "Wow. That was unexpected. Um, I was being pestered by all the boys in the car. Was kind of pissed off. Did your dad teach you to play drums?" "So that's why. No he never did. Why were they pestering you?" Y/N pushed. "I made my dog an instagram. Did he teach you any other instruments?" "No. That's cute. I want to follow your dog." Ben's heart fluttered when Y/N called him cute. "Whats the username?" "Here it's kind of long, let me type it up for you." He typed the username into instagram and clicked follow for you. "Good?" "yeah. She is really cute. So Gwylim called you Benjamin, is that your real name?" "Nope. Actually it's just Ben. Did you hear Rami likes Lucy?" "I did. I also know the feeling is mutual. Did you?" "Joe told me. So are you staying the night here?" "Yup." You had run out of questions to ask him. You knew you had to ask him soon. You were so nervous though. You were so scared he woudk reject you. But you were more terrified of not getting an answer. You had to ask him, and if you didn't ask him now, you probably never would. You were trying to come up with a question to stall maybe a little bit longer until you decided you were just going to do it. You had sat there for a good 25 seconds before you decided, YOU WERE GOING DO ASK HIM NOW. But the same thing was running through Ben's head. Why were you taking so long to ask a question? 'Here is my shot. I should do it now.' "DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME?!" You both shouted in unison. You both sat there shocked for a second. "You... I thought... I was..." "Yeah... Uhh... I..." Then you both started laughing. "Well it's nice to know I wouldn't have gotten rejected." Ben said, scratching his neck. "haha yeah. Umm I don't really want to rush into anything, though. You know?" Y/N said "Yeah. No. I totally understand that. I didn't plan on rushing into anything." "This is all quite funny and all cause you know... Last night we did it." "WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT?! WE DID NOT-" Ben started but you cut him off. "wait we didn't?!" "NO. NO. I WOULD NEVER-" "OHHHHHHHH. It's just everyone made it seem like... And I don't really remember... No one clearly stated..." Y/N struggled to get it all out, Realizing how stupid you felt. But hey at least that means you will get to remember your first time, especially if it is with him. "I DID. Next to your dad." "You didn't look to sure." "That is the exact same thing your dad said." He said plainly. Suddenly Lucy stormed in. "It is 11:48. Keep your 2.97." She smiled at you and walked straight back out. "What was that?" Ben asked. "She dared me, for 2.97, to ask you out because she knew I liked you you, and she had a feeling that you thought the same." you explained. "Wait? WHAT?! AM I ONLY WORTH 2.97 TO YOU? DO YOU EVEN ACTUALLY LIKE ME? WOW A FUCKING DARE?! Nice to fucking know." With that he stormed out, leaving you in utter shock. Taglist:
@mcuandhp @mrsmazzello @murydedeus03 @inlovewithmycarboi @fuckinghurricanesoul @apinkwhisperscollector @bloodyantichrist @unicorngummybears @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank @cosmiclunas @brianapasteur @lelifesaver @bitemerog @sevenseasofrog @jelly-snow-stark @hopefully-aesthetically-pleasing @im-a-mazzellhoe @lady-renlyn @justonks @imagesofeveryone
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askmyboys · 5 years
The Family (their not ACTUALLY related tho I’llexplainintextshh)
Names: Luke, Alan, Scott, and Wyatt | Genders: Male | Ages: Unknown | Heights: Luke is 7'3", Alan is 5'0", Scott is 6'2", and Wyatt is 7'1" | Species/Race: Human | Hair Colors: Alan's hair is Peanut Brown (his hairstyle is Tapered Sides + Messy Comb Over),  Luke's hair is pitch black (his hair style is fairly lengthy, curly/stringy and honestly it looks very scraggly, it looks like he barely e v e r combs it or anything), Scott's hair color is Ginger (his hairstyle is: Shaved Sides + Long Parted Hair), and finally Wyatt's hair color is Hickory Brown (his hairstyle is Cool Textured Thick Hair + Short Sides) | Eye Colors: Alan's is Denim Blue, Scott's is Forest Green, Luke's is Seal Gray, and finally Wyatt's eye color is Charcoal Black (their eye colors are mostly the way they are because of the colors meanings) | Appearances: Let's start off with Alan... he usually wears sweaters, turtlenecks or hoodies most of the time- complete opposite to the others for sure, he'll wear some ripped jeans to go along with them and some regular boots, nothing TOO fancy- he just likes the comfy feeling of sweaters/turtlenecks/hoodies n such mostly, he does wear them bc of that but also to cover up all his scars- I'm going to get this out of the way already, all of them wear animal masks tbh- Alan's mask is a mouse, Scott's mask is a bull, Luke's is a wolf, and Wyatt's mask is a Fox, Alan has a circle beard, Scott has a short boxed beard and both Luke and Wyatt have full beards. Scott usually wears tank tops and ripped pants, combat boots included as well, he's not really much for fashionable looks- just whatever fits and is easy to throw on usually, he also has a ton of scars on himself as well, the most prominent one is over his right eye however it doesn't seem to affect his vision- oh he also wears fingerless black leather gloves with spikes on them- I do gotta also say- Alan's a skinny not so strong looking dude, Scott looks a bit chubby but he's definitely beefy and could probs take out 5 people at once if he so desired, Luke is pretty beefy considering those kinds of standards- he doesn't look TOO strong but he could definitely take some people out if he wanted, Wyatt is a large chubby man but don't underestimate him- he can EASILY kick your ass too. Luke's main outfit is a long sleeved black t-shirt along with overalls over them, and he also wears combat boots as well- if he's not wearing his overalls- he'll wear a ripped denim jacket (a simple white t-shirt underneath it), ripped up blue jeans and- well- okay the combat boots stay either way, he gotta have those- and he wears dark brown punk rave gloves (I have an image ref if ya wanna see- just ask and I'll show ya) he has scars on his arms, legs, chest, back- and especially his face- although they don't seem to bother him in the slightest tbh. and finally Wyatt usually wears ripped denim jackets as well, again a simple t-shirt underneath, and his boots look more punk like than anything really, he also wears fingerless/knuckle-less leather driving gloves on both hands (all the lads that DO wear gloves have them on both hands btw), he also has a bunch of scars all over him but like everyone except for Alan, his scars don't bother him- in fact he's happy he's got them- its proof of just how strong he is. | Personalities: Let's start off with Alan once again, he's the surprisingly "sweet one" of this fucked up bunch- he's shy, he hardly talks because of that fact but also the... "outsiders" as his "family" calls them (fun fact: their not actually related at all in the slightest, they just... consider themselves this kinda weird, fucked up family if you will-), so the outsiders terrify him- he's worried they'll corrupt him or worse, hurt/kill his family, he can't let that happen... So, despite his shyness n such, he WILL kill someone if it means protecting his family but that's the only way he'll kill or torture e v e r, he's the sweetest one compared to the others however so long as no one tries to corrupt him or hurt/kill his family then he's chill, he just isn't good at conversations because of his shyness and fear of corruption, he does genuinely care for his family however, they all do- they'd protect each other with all their dying breaths for sure. Scott is cold, uncaring, and pretty much the brawn of this group- sure, Luke n Wyatt are also pretty strong as well BUT- Scott still counts as the brawn, he's completely silent- doesn't ever speak a word- he's not mute actually but he just chooses not to speak, words waste time when he can be causing mindless carnage ...so long as Luke or Wyatt give him the okay that is, he HIGHLY respects them both as the leaders essentially in a way, as for Alan... despite his cold and uncaring attitude towards the outsiders, to his family he is respectful and even... friendly actually- he tries to toughen Alan up on occasion- not because he thinks Alan is weak, he just doesn't want him to be... left behind in a way- he wants him to be able to defend himself if the outsiders come into their territory. Luke is cold as well, he also rarely speaks- only when he needs to truth be told, he h a t e s the outsiders but loves his family, he won't hold back at all most of the time when an outsider comes into their territory- Wyatt has to tell Scott to restrain Luke when it comes to them, he also tries to help Alan out along with Scott, he wants Alan to have not only a strong body however he also wants him to have a strong mind- the outsiders... he'll give it to em begrudgingly, their smart... too smart, they could easily corrupt such a young fragile mind like Alan's and he won't e v e r let that happen, he has a high respect for Wyatt, Wyatt is like the true leader of this family- and finally Wyatt... Wyatt is a fuckin lunatic im just gonna say that right now, he's mysterious and unpredictable- you never know what his next move is going to be no matter how much you try to get a read on him, he's v e r y cryptic with his wording and well various other things as well (he's p much the cryptid of their territory at this point), he's cold, calculating, and cunning- he's pretty much the brains in this here family, always makes the plans when outsiders venture into their territory, he's ALWAYS prepared just in case, can't have a n y o n e ...well, anyone that isn't w o r t h y inside... but to be honest, most outsiders aren't worthy, they aren't f i t to be let inside, those that are however... Well... It's best to just wish them luck, that's all you can do at this point, because after he finds the worthy ones, there's not much hope for them afterwards... | Side Facts: Before I talk more bout them, let's talk about their territory that's referenced so much... So, their "territory" is pretty much a deep part of the woods, they have a fairly big log cabin, its a very old and dirty looking house both on the inside and outside in fact, there's lots of things on their property, lots of it looks like junk in a way, junked up cars even, honestly- it looks like something out of a horror movie which in a way is fitting given their personalities n such, you can tell your getting close to their home when you see lanterns hanging on the trees and that's a sign you should turn back and r u n, that is... If you can, there's usually one of them ALWAYS patrolling EVERY inch of their territory. Tbh- their territory is also gated off anyways and for a g o o d reason, so crossing the gate is of your own free will- so you'd p much be putting yourself in harms way willingly so yeaaahh... Now onto the lads, what do they do in their spare time when their not patrolling or keeping close eye on the new outsider that wandered inside, etc? Well, Alan usually spends most of his time inside and reading or he's making and inventing things and new weapons for the rest of his family, he's always happy to give them a new weapon when one of theirs breaks down or help out when they need (but first, lemme say that their MAIN weapons they have around the property and like to use is, well... Alan likes to use a simple baseball bat, Scott uses a hook/chain, Luke has an axe, and Wyatt will honestly use whatever he wants, in a way- their kinda similar to slashers when they start bringing out the weapons n such), when Alan's not doing any of that- he usually explores the woods, well MOST of the woods... He's always heard from the others not to explore the d e e p e r parts of the woods and of course he listens despite his curiosity. Scott usually helps Wyatt hang up more lanterns on some of the trees bc a lot of those outsider nuisances for some reason grabs the lanterns and usually winds up dropping them on the ground out of fear n other bullshit, they keep those lanterns there for a r e a s o n... aside from that, he'll borrow Luke's axe and chop some firewood (they dont have electricity, they dont really care for technology or any of that), mostly aside from doing work around the property- he'll exercise more with Luke, carrying and lifting heavy objects- gotta keep their strength up, he'll also help Alan try this as well ...he has on occasion panicked bc Alan was struggling so much with one object, it looked like it was about to crush him, Wyatt has warned both Luke and Scott to start small and then go for the much bigger objects, you can't rush these things. Luke usually also does some work on the property, he hunts food more so for the family than anything, he's a good hunter and damn good tracker, of course- he uh, uses a gun for the hunting not an axe lmao, he'll bring back the food to get them through the harsh winters and just to get by in general, he's also good with telling which plants/berries would be safe to eat and which are not, he patrols the area ON OCCASION along with Wyatt but, his self restraint to go and rip them apart needs to be stronger in order for him to patrol- he needs MORE self control than that, like Scott- he also helps Alan out with not only strength of the body but also mental strength- he knows those... book thingies, albeit usually an outsider item- will help him gain more knowledge, Wyatt has told him however that, even books can be mistreated by an outsider, they take stuff for g r a n t e d... Which is foolish, but he'll still help Alan out himself as well. and finally... the big finale of this long ass post, Wyatt, the l e a d e r of this fucked up family... He usually spends his time outside, keeping an eye on the property and ready to help one of his "brothers" as he calls them (again, just in case its been forgotten, they are not ACTUALLY related, they just think of themselves as this weird lil fam) if they need, he's essentially the overseer of them and of course their property, he makes the plans if outsiders come into their territory OR... if their worthy enough, he'll help them... see the light so to speak, he'll help them see the true meaning... blah blah ya know all that cryptic shit, he's been to the... D E E P E R parts of the woods before, he knows a l l about it... He tries to keep his brothers shielded from it, they don't deserve to be put through a n y t h i n g like t h a t, he's warned Alan himself before too of course like "Now brother, don't'cha dare go wanderin' into them deeper parts of the woods, it ain't safe... Not for a young fragile soul such as yerself..."
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nochedura · 5 years
bane “nochedura” bane timeline of events
so the thing about bane is most of the shit written with him in it is a) racist, b) ooc, c) a horrible mix of both, or d) uses him because of his status as Bat Breaker as a way to show someone else’s strength which is often times not realistic (ex. theres a new villain in town and to show how tough they are they clowned on bane). a lot of interpretations tend to forget he is brawn And brain (tbh i tend to write him as a strategist first and a fighter second) and its all just a mess.
this interpretation of bane is an attempt to right these wrongs and also streamline his canon a bit because we All Know comics are a mess and extremely inconsistent but especially with characters who don’t get their own titles. nochedura is an anti-hero and also currently on the path of redemption. obviously he’s still not nice and has done a lot of Fuck Shit but yknow. who hasnt.
with that in mind this is a very broad timeline of events that have happened to this bane in particular (with the links to the comics accompanying these events) to clarify what the heck is happening with this man and why he’s like this. im taking a lot of liberties here but fuck everybody im god. without further ado.
bane is born in pena duro. he grows up under the prison’s influence, gets a vision that he was born to rule and in order to become his ideal self he must kill his fear (which takes the form of a bat, obviously), spends 10 years in the cavidad obscura* after killing a man at 6 y/o, and comes out the biggest and the strongest. he trains his body and his mind (by reading thousands upon thousands of books) as he pursues self actualization. he learns from his ally bird that the greatest city in the world is gotham and it is ruled by batman and he decides to break out of prison and kill him to take gotham by force. he is selected for venom experimentation and is the only survivor of the drug’s intensity. the venom aids him in his efforts to get to gotham (if you read nothing else on this list read vengeance of bane #1 (+ 2) because its Good and its required bane reading material)
bane relocates to gotham after kidnapping and killing pena duro’s warden and studies batman. he’s able to figure out his secret identity within a few months and unleashes everybody from arkham city with the intent of mentally and physically breaking bruce so that he can kill him. this culminates in the final confrontation in which batman isn’t even strong enough to fight back and bane decides that killing him would be a mercy and breaks his back. (knightfall is long and incomprehensible so i’ll just link the directory page and broken bat #11)
bane rules gotham for a while and its sexy up until batman’s replacement azrael clowns on him. the fight’s pretty sexy but honestly i dont care about this that much. (he who rules the night #11)
after losing to azrael bane does some silent contemplation in black gate prison. he was taken off of venom cold turkey and suffers through crippling withdraws but he, and i quote, “bears the pain.” he realizes venom was, in fact, poisoning him and taking him further away from his Ideal Self. he finds out venom is being further distributed and after some nonsense breaks out of prison Again to track these clowns down. he has a confrontation with bruce who he tells he has no qualms with, decides he wants to find his father, and presumably goes back to santa prisca. this is also the beginning of bane coming to the conclusion that he’s an innocent man which comes up later. (vengeance of bane #2)
so this is where im Really taking liberties. this is what i’m choosing to call the switcheroo arc where i clown around and decide im in charge and im going to make this more comprehensive. bane goes to santa prisca and gets told that there are five men who could be his dad and it probably takes some time to narrow down that list (while also finding out who each of these men are) so i’m declaring that’s what he’s doing for a while. this search is ongoing and doesnt stop until, well, he finds him. he’s still a villain at this point even though he claims to be innocent.
this is also where he’s knocking out some loose ends. specifically he tracks down a reporter who interviewed him as a teen and murders him for knowing something that could paint him as sympathetic. (batman secret files #2)
it’s at this point that he joins up with the secret six. he probably does this for the purpose of networking and garnering information, but then gets sort of swept up in everything and grows extremely attached to scandal savage, who he takes in as an adopted daughter. secret six 2008 is long and has a lot going on but its a good time. (SPOILERS) at the end of it he convinces everyone in the group to go on a suicide mission with an ulterior motive of severing his attachments to them because he feels that his affection has weakened him. everything goes according to plan and he breaks out of a police van and fucks off. (/SPOILERS) (secret six 2008)
after some time away from all that he gets into a feud with ra’s al ghul who wanted bane as his heir but some bullshit happened with talia, i forget, this doesnt matter to me, what Does matter is he’s now on a crusade to fuck up all the lazarus pits for funsies. this is also the point where he realizes one of the men on his Dad List is thomas wayne. he confronts bruce about this and everyone in the batfam is, understandably, cross. but bruce is nothing without his rehabilitation shtick so he goes crime stopping with bane in the batmobile until the results of the drug test come out and thomas is not, in fact, the father. this absolutely crushes bane for reasons he doesnt understand (he’s a lonely man and it turns out he Does need a family) but batman tells bane if he proves he’s Actually innocent by, yknow, stopping crime rather than doing crime, then he’ll help him find his actual dad. he agrees, but uses... unconventional (read: horrific) methods. (gotham knights #33-36) (tw for rape)
bane continues fighting crime and trying to prove his innocence and change/redeem himself up until he actually finds his real dad who is.......... king snake! who at this point in the canon is really fucked up and somehow alive in the himalayas and is just a real mean son of a bitch. bane is conflicted because like, hey cool, a dad, but also, he kinda sucks! bane’s kinda fucked up himself because he’s been climbing up a mountain and he’s a little brain sicky so i think hes just like... trying to absorb everything and then the bat crew shows up because they do Not like the idea of bane finding his dad who is king snake who is also at a fucking lazarus pit. king snake gets pissed when they show up and starts attacking and almost shoots batman but bane, distraught, jumps in front of the bullet and takes several in the back, lamenting that he wishes thomas was his father and not king snake. king snake ends up getting killed(?) and batman dunks bane in the remainder of the lazarus pit and gets brought back to life, reborn and changed. (gotham knights #47-49)
at this point this is just. my own writing. i guess. but after bane, yknow, literally died for bruce, bruce realizes that bane truly has bettered himself and is on the path of becoming a good man. he welcomes bane into the vigilante side and, eventually, to the batfam itself. when a man breaks your back and then takes several machine gun bullets for you a few years later i figure batman’s like... alright we’re square. comics are like that.
this is also where bane realizes he was wrong to cut ties with the secret six and seeks out scandal savage and her wives and brings them back into his life as his adopted daughter (and daughters in law)
so bane’s just... clowning now. he’s still like, brutal, and when he’s fighting baddies he’s not opposed to just Wrecking their shit (see: the time he used one of mr. freeze’s goons’ freeze gun on his arm) and i think he definitely does some murders but only if it’s like. the sort of bastard who really deserves it(tm) so like. mass murderers. the joker. sex criminals. etc. he’s not always in bruce’s best graces and he’s still on THIN ICE with dick and tim and the rest but its a work in progress. he’s trying.
anyway i left out a Lot of shit because like. theres a lot. but this is ... the basics believe it or not tl;dr bane is a good man born into horrific circumstances and he did a LOT of bad shit but he’s working on redeeming himself.
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romanovcain · 6 years
( BILL SKARSGÅRD, MALE, HE/HIM ) I, CAIN ROMANOV am a LEGACY student and would hereby like to submit my application to Kingswood Boarding School. I am EIGHTEEN years old and will be a SENIOR I would describe myself as RIGHTEOUS and AMBITIOUS, but also AVOIDANT and UNTRUSTING which I plan to work on during my time here. This is my request to join the HENRY building as a house MEMBER and look forward to hearing back from you. [ jimbo, 19, est ;)] 
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hi this is cain and i love him treat him nicely ok thanks
tw: cults, abuse, heroin, weird religion shit
son of vaughn and adelaide romanov
vaughn being one of the senators of the state [whichever one that kingswood is located in] and his wife being a huge contributor to charity work over the years
adelaide was born and raised in england to a very, very, noble family and still keeps in close contact to them--often visiting them with the children
cain is the eldest of five children and always had a strong sense of duty to protect his younger siblings from harm’s way
the only one allowed to bully them is cain himself
right off the bat, cain could do no wrong. he was a perfect child who never threw tantrums or tracked mud throughout the house--he was obedient and had a great deal of respect for his parents and their reputations
they practically grew up down the street from kingswood, and he had always known he was going to attend the school. it was in his blood, both lines, and cain strove to never disappoint
being of such high status did, admittedly, give cain too much of an ego
he wasn’t boastful about his family, but he did give off an almost untouchable air
he either acknowledged you, or ignored you completely. often decided on who your parents were
at kingswood he was practically their golden child; the poster child.
he was respectful and charming, his smile could get him free of a month’s worth of detention, and he never let himself get into any bad publicity
he was part of several clubs, and was the star jumper on the track team
his presence at kingswood was known, and it was that simple. either you knew of him, or you wish he knew you
he was elitist and didn’t acknowledge those he considered ‘less than’ him; scholarship students, henry boys and victoria girls--anybody who would tarnish the reputation he had from birth was a no-go
he never sought out problems, himself, having always avoided unneeded conflict
that being said--when there was needed conflict, he wasn’t afraid to have it...handled
his best friend died sophomore year and it affected him pretty badly, though he would have never showed it
if anything, he became colder--if that was even possible. he was practically the ice king.
he went into senior year as head of edward house, the president of student gov, along with a member of several other clubs, and captain of the track team. 
and months later; on january 1st, 2018--cain disappeared
nobody knew where he had gone; it sent the nation into a panic.
months long search hunts, constant activity checks on his cards and phone, national broadcasting of his information. radio silence.
cain was, not dead--but seemed like it
in reality, he had given up his life of luxury to pursue what he thought was a new beginning
his recruiters were carefree children of god; who believed wealth was the root of all evil, and that those corrupted by capitalism had to be saved
they were part of a much, much, larger cult--with many, many more followers
they met cain by coincidence; small talk in a bank. they knew who he was; everybody knew who cain romanov was.
the fact his name was cain, was a message from god
they had to have him
they managed to impress cain with their intensive knowledge of life, and from there they had stayed in contact
right until january 1st, when cain was ‘initiated’ into their cult
the new year symbolized new lives, and they stripped him of his sins.
it was fine, at first. cain enjoyed the simplicity of their lives and didn’t particularly mind the worship--he had grown up religious
they were minimalist, and didn’t want cain to own any personal belongings, but he managed to hide a secret journal inside his mattress.
it was at first, just something to record his days with, or write letters to the people he missed, despite the fact he could never send them
it soon proved to be his means of survival
as the months passed by, cain was finding it harder to please his new family. they wanted more out of him. they wanted him to bless them, but he was just a boy
he was just a boy.
they found reasons to punish cain, no matter how small the error--he was punished
they involved him being grabbed at and tugged at, dozens of hands pulling at his limbs and clothes and begging him--chanting at him--to repent, until he did so
other times, they’d cleanse him via baptism, repeatedly, until water nearly filled his lungs
one of the worst things they did, were their attempts to subdue him and force him to conform back into their ways. everyday, they’d inject him with a small dose of heroin
this action led to cain’s eventual memory loss; his memory became fuzzed, shattered, only pieces and bits of his previous life left behind
but his journals reminded him of what he used to have. even if he didn’t remember it fully himself, he could read his own words and know that no matter what was going on--it was not right. and he had to get out.
he let the cult thing he was conforming, for a few months after that--to just, avoid the punishments.
it worked for a while, up until new years eve.
he had done something, unworthy to their god, and he was to pay in a terrible way.
they held him down, and attempted to brand cain with--well, the mark of cain
he bit them whenever they tried to come near his head, so they settled with his chest--right over his heart
at their cleansing ritual, that was when cain made his escape--running through woods and woods and woods until he collapsed in the middle of the highway, nearly causing an accident
it was soon reported, on january 1st, 2019, that cain romanov had been found
despite having been, running for hours, and extremely dirty--cain had been forced to recount to the police exactly where he had gone, what he had endured.
he broke down several times, sobbing, though it is a fact he keeps strictly to himself
and just like that--he was taken home.
the family reunion was....tough. some of his family had accepted the fact he was dead, others had always known he was still alive, somehow.
regardless, it was all very emotional.
despite how emotional, it was, every time somebody went to hug him, or shake his hand, or anything--he’d back away, cringe, with a repulsed look on his face
it was an extremely quick decision, but after a brief amount of thought--both kingswood and his parents thought it would be good for publicity if he finished the school year he never got to see--enrolling him for his senior year. again.
his father took advantage of the heartfelt reunion, and took the chance to announce his campaign for presidency--in name of his found son, who gave him hope once more. or some other bullshit.
cain is not the boy he was previously. he is much more reserved, yet not nearly as elite as before. he doesn’t give a shit where somebody came from. he just wants to finish his year and go about his life again
suffers from pstd and goes to therapy once a week; he still journals because his therapist told him too
also took up sketching (often, abstract portraits) as a way to help him think, or process, or cope. it was a method of healing.
looking at his old journals helps him with recognizing people, but he doesn’t really remember them
he doesn’t remember too much of his time at kingswood, and is struggling. it’s weird to know he meant so much to specific people, even though he has no memory of them anymore
he’s gradually regaining his memory, but is also dealing with heroin withdrawals. after all, they had been forcing it into his system everyday
he cant stand being touched, contact with others repulses him and often triggers flashbacks to the cult
he has no interest in any of his former positions, choosing to focus on schoolwork.
there’s probably more that i forgot tbh
EDIT: the police found the recruiters of the cult, but not the entire ordeal. cain is obsessed with the investigation, and follows it extremely closely. if anything, he’s creating his own mini investigation in following.
wanted connections !!!
past connections, mainly
old friends
people he should really remember but doesn’t
he was an idol for many, and was notorious around the school. if theyve been at kingswood for a while, there is a huge chance they knew of him
god i dont know
just. give me angst. he doesn’t remember a lot about others.
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cwombw · 6 years
isn’t life great?
below cut.
void-Yesterday at 11:25 PM
wtf do you even have to say to me
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:26 PM
I just, if youre this upset with riley for doing then we need to talk about this so you understand
void-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
im ALLOWED to be hurt that he thinks i can NEVER be trusted AGAIN for no apparent reasonif you cant recognize that then WOW
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
He doesn't think thatHe blocked people he's know for years
void-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
then WHY the MCFUCK did he block me and why are you saying i should just shut up about it and get over iti cared about him damnit i say him as my own fucking childyoure not who i thought you were lmfao
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:28 PM
He's just really scared right now, youre allowed to be upset but try to underastand
void-Yesterday at 11:28 PM
im done tbh?i blocked him back.its what he wants anyway
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:29 PM
if you feel that's what you want. he's just scared and hiding from everything
void-Yesterday at 11:29 PM
and yet hes still in dandys friendchat.
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
He left active chats right off the bat and then got scred people would hate him and stoped
void-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
whatever then.too bad star came home im this close to self harmingim  going to talk to her and hope shecan calm me down from a meltdown
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
I just, he's literally dying rn, please try to understandAnd please stay safe
void-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
you also need to understand that others are having similar reactions due to his actions just now
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
youre having a heart problem? you were so upset you had a heart attack last night? I'm sorry but I dont think this is comperable
void-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
i meant the goddamn breakdown thing
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
I'm sorry i misunderstoodHe jsut doesnt want anyone to see him die
void-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
i f he wants to push everybody away and ruin every good friendship he had and also ruin the dnd kin thing, fine. im not going to open my arms to him anymore.i dont hate him.but the wanting nothing to do eith each other thing is mutual now.
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
i hope you understand that i stand with him on this. he just doesnt want to hurt people if he actually dies
void-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
if he actually diesso if he doesnt, what. hes gonna be like "heyyy.. fingerguns sorry that i ruined all my friendships, amde people hate me, and made people panic" i dont play ehadgames like that and i refuse to do that with him.plus, idk. iunno. maybe it should be our choice if we want to stick with him even if hes on his death bed?by doing this its hurting more than watching hiom die
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:43 PM
He's in the hospital and they said things arent looking good. he's terrifiyed and I think you should remember hes only 16. he's just scared as any dying kid would be
void-Yesterday at 11:44 PM
.. so wait. let me get this straight . he decided to. block. every single one of his online friends, out of fear of hurting them. but he didnt try to distance himself from his irl ones, even though it should be thje same fear that drove him to block everybody online in the first place.iwhatnothis boils down to paranoia and distrustwhy exactly, does he  let his irl friends care for him but wont let his online ones do the same
ArchaicArcade-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
It;s easier to block people you don't know in personI just, I cant do this. hes a scared kin and that's all there is to it
void-Yesterday at 11:46 PM
okim dropping itfeel free to block mefigure you want nothing to do with me anymore eitherJune 8, 2018
ArchaicArcade-Today at 12:01 AM
no it's just I need a bit
ArchaicArcade-Today at 8:34 AM
I'm sorry to say this but I've know Riley way longer and well, I choose him over you. I feel terrible but I need to side with my best friend here
void-Today at 11:56 AM
there shouldnt even be a side but okay. i had a feeling y'all weren't telling the truth. because i forgot last night but now i remember that he certainly did not block everybody he was friends with online and the chat in gov kin is evident as such, since people there could still message him.
you all have fun lying now. but i want you both to remember that i would have gone above and beyond for the both of you because i trusted you, cared about you, and loved you.thanks for ripping away a part of my life.
s/o-Today at 7:48 AM
Fuck meRiley is the rat talking to lou
s/o-Today at 11:01 AM
Let me know if you are okay.
void-Today at 11:59 AM
s/o-Today at 11:59 AM
He shared our entire dm
s/o-Today at 12:00 PM
God me too
void-Today at 12:01 PM
you know i have a feeling all their friends were in on it and he didnt even have a heart attack last night
s/o- you know I never had a grudge against you, and I wasn't in a good place either when you were in my life. please leave me out of your mouth and i'll continue leaving you out of mine. Don't dis GAK either, it's a quiet kin family. -Lex's "live in" partner.
s/o- also I'm carful about the ages of the people I talk too, and that "flirting with a minor thing" not sure who that was at all? I'm sure it had something to do with the nonsense in KK. Anyway last message I will send unless you choose to respond. Yesterday at 4:53 AM
agenderdad420/mysterypeaches the minor was jeremie diioscuri and the offending behavior was via discord in a mutuals server that he had created Yesterday at 2:26 PM s/o- Now i know what you are talking about. I was mislead about his age. But I also never flirted with him. I sent him an NSFW meme once and his little friends started making wild accusations of me. And I do feel bad for offending him, but I didn't know he was a minor.
s/o- That is also how I personally got kicked from KK. I kicked Alex from KK the previous night because it was behaving destructively Today at 7:44 AM
agenderdad420/mysterypeaches thats not an accusation thats straight up telling the truth
s/o- Talking about trans stuff? I was literally complaing about tucking. I also really feel stabbed in the back right now. You think you know someone
agenderdad420/mysterypeaches you... knew who? look idk what you deem appropriate to talk to minors about but maybe it differs for us
s/o- i don't think a trans vent between two trans people is inappropriate if he was squicked by that he could've told me lol. not go sharing a private convo with you. (and i'm not blaming you for that)
agenderdad420/mystery peaches i will say that there is often an inherent power dynamic between older and younger members that maybe made him more uncomfortable
s/o- you know i can take the blame if I fucked up. I hope you know that I've changed a ton since KK. and since I your drama with Lex started. All I want is to be a good person and contribute something to my fellow kinnies.\
agenderdad420/mysterypeaches honestly i havent really kept up w either you or alex since that point, but i dont doubt you can take accountability for your actions.
agenderdad420/mysterypeaches i just hope that there is change that goes along w acknowledgement and perhaps there has been
s/o- I don't speak for lex. But i just want peace Today at 9:21 AM
agenderdad420 fair
s/o - Today at 7:49 AM Apparently riley is the one talking to the person who made my callout Do you have a problem with me arcade? 
ArchaicArcade - Today at 8:07 AM no 
s/o - Today at 8:16 AM I guess i squicked him with something i said 
ArchaicArcade - Today at 8:17 AM i guess 
s/o - Today at 8:19 AM My brain: hes sick because of you 
s/o - Today at 12:02 PM I know you have your reasons  for what you guys are doing. But I hope Riley knows how deep he cut me. I would've given you both the moon.
not only have these people caused me to have a severe anxiety attack, they caused my partner the same, as well as many others who weren’t even a part of this.
they have caused me to feel suicidal and paranoid, to want to self harm
as for agenderdad420/mysterypeaches, they have sent me anon hate before, accused me of being racist for my neopronouns (all while saying they’re not against neopronouns, lol), and blew up at me for dropping them after they told me they didn’t like that i was trying to set boundaries for my borderline behaviors with them, and that i was confiding in them everything that was going on with me at the time (which was heavily toxic and depressing towards me) they have used language against me that is ableist and abuse apologetic in nature and their claims otherwise are blatant lies.
i had previously published the majority of the anon hate before deleting it from my blog after a while due to discomfort of having drama on my blog.
they have taken to stalking me to find out more past drama about me, as well as taking false anecdotes from others who claim my s/o has been inappropriate with minors to the point of grooming them, which is 1000000000000000% untrue and taken greatly out of context and skewed into something that never happened.
talking about trans issues isn’t grooming, sending a nsfw meme to a person who my s/o believed to be an adult isn’t grooming.
these people are pure evil and have been planning this for a long time from what i’ve gathered.
they are dangerous and unpleasant and will apparently stop at nothing to obtain their goal, whatever it actually is. as evident as one of them faked a heart attack and may have faked an entire condition.
update 7/17/2018
after speaking to rileys sister who he abused for a good part of their life, as well as ruined it and made their mom send them to live with their aunt, i’ve since learned that this is serial abusive behavior and he has also physically beat his younger siblings, is a pathological liar, and everything i’ve thus learned about him 100% fits his m/o.
he can try all he wants to pretend that he got better and has improved but all i see if that he got better methods.
faking a heart attack in order to call my gf a pedophile for talking about trans issues is fucking despicable.
another thing i’ve discovered is that he did in fact assault the person who he says assaulted him 
and the fact he freaked out over a poorly written callout like that, no offense to the victim is kinda funny and really telling. if he was innocent then why bother mentioning anything? i dont think that many people saw it.
i’ve also learned that archaicarcade, aka julien/julian (and plenty of other past names) also has a past of fucking people over very quickly into friendships and relationships and changing their name and other information in order to hide their past.
in fact.. riley hangs out with a lot of weird people, including somebody who was brainwashed by their older brother to be transphobic, and julien, whos relationship with the minors he surrounds himself with is suspect at best.
he also keeps company with a jehovah’s witness, which i shouldn’t have to explain how problematic that is.
my current thoughts about this is that riley while not innocent at all may be being groomed by julien is who also grooming others with help from his other adult buddies they all hang with. i have no sympathy for riley though after what occurred, whatsoever.
just 10-20 minutes ago somebody on a sockpuppet from wilson, north carolina sent me hate after checking out this callout post for riley, this is the screenshot i took
Tumblr media
i’ve since blocked and reported the sockpuppet, even if this doesnt belong to riley, its clearly from one of his brainwashed supporters. amazing that a month later they still want to start shit. but this? this is pathetic.
look riley and co. i, my gf, my bf, my other bf, and all my friends know the truth. you’re fucking liars and fakes and abusive and groom people. do the universe a favor and go to long term therapy or maybe just never go online ever again with any device, anytime, anywhere, ever. and in fact hole yoruself up in your homes and never speak to anybody ever again because you clearly can’t help yourselves from finding new targets to fuck with.
emotional terrorism at its finest.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
How many cats and dogs have you had as pets in your lifetime? oooo boy. ok lets see. 5 dogs, 9 cats?
Can your mom and/or dad play any instruments, or how about anyone else in your family? My mom doesn’t play anything. My dad is a drummer
Have you ever colored in an adult coloring book as a stress reliever? Yes. I’ve done it this week alone, just to try and calm down a little.
Can you crack crab legs without a tool? i have no idea. I don’t eat crab or anything in the sea for that matter. 
How many light sources are in the room you’re in? ooo good question. umm, eight? lol
What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels? uhhh cream cheese.
Who’s your favorite director? i really don’t know, i don’t follow who directs what.
Bats: cute or gross? i mean, I don’t really care.
What was the last really intense pain you felt? lung pain during this whole nonsense.
Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? either. 
How would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I would love to, but I don’t see it happening with the travel restrictions these days.
What is your father's middle name? He doesn’t have one. he’s got a family name and the men who have it do not have a middle name. Where did your last kiss take place? uhhh I believe on my driveway 
Which movie villain do you find the most terrifying? no clue, tbh. none that come to mind
Do you stick your tongue out often in pictures? I don’t think ive ever done that. 
Which one of your family members are you closest to? My mom. one of my brothers and my sister.
Would you rather have name brand shoes or name brand clothes? brand names just don’t matter to me, but if i was forced to choose i guess shoes?
Are you a good liar? no. not at all.
Are you proud of your parents? Im super proud of my mom.
Which is better: orange or grape soda? orange
Was the last thing you ate hot or cold? hot. so yummy.
Who was the last person in your house who isn’t family? uhhhhhhh, idk who was here when I wasn’t in town, but prior to that I would imagine em/nathan
What color was the last swimsuit you wore? green 
Can you remember the last song you listened to? something from the toy story soundtrack lol. I’m binge watching all four today... I am using Kile’s disney+ for as long as he has it. I don’t think he watches it ever, so I imagine it’ll cut off soon.
Have you ever been dumped really harshly? once. it was horrible. every other time I’ve done the break up.
Can you do a back flip, or anything else of that sort? heck’n no. unless im going into a pool maybe.
Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? yes
What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? he sexually assaulted me
Are you more of a phone or a computer person? my preference is laptop, 
Do you have a job, and if so, where do you work? not currently.
If not, do you want one? yeah i’d like to have income.
Do any medical afflictions run in your family? yes. a few.
What’s your favorite Mexican dish? pork tacos from mama marias omggggggggggggg.
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes. bulls games, bears games
Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? of course.
What months were you and your siblings born in? january, july, august, august
What did you have for dinner last night? nicks.
Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows? absolutely. to keep the shape n such.
Has your town ever flooded? uhhhhh to my knowledge once. it had rained SO heavily for like a week and the local ponds and lakes were over-flowing. a car literally floated down my road. it was so weird.
Have you ever played at the McDonald’s play place? when I was a kiddo yes. not often tho cus I didn’t like the smell, it was always sticky, and there were always bratty kids.
Have you ever taken a picture of snow? only every single day it snows
Do you cry easily? i notoriously do not cry in front of anyone. I am not a crier. when I lost Kile I cried for weeks.
Are you happy with where you live? I love it.
Do people ever mistake you for being a different race? No
Do you hate the last person you kissed? no, i’m not a hateful person
What genre is your favorite movie? drama, romance, kids lol
Who was the last person you were in a car with? Mom. she picked me up from the airport.
Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? yes. I always seem to get the nice workers and they help so much.
When was the last time somebody hit on you? yesterday. blegh. 
Was the last person you met a male or female? hmm. Iiiiiii wanna say male. 
What brand is your underwear? I think the pair im wearing is hanes.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? usually green bean casserole.
Do you have a TV in your room? yup. watching TS1 right now.
Are any of your electronics charging right now? my phone. of course it was on 2 percent.
What was the last video game you played? acnh on the switch.
What’s the biggest promise someone’s ever made to you? Did they keep it? that they will be there for me forever and always take care of me. no. 
Google, Bing, or Yahoo? Google.
What was the last song you had on repeat? more by bobby darin
Who is your favorite person to watch on YouTube? froggy fresh
How many college degrees do you want? i have two. I’d like my masters and/or phd
Can you wink? yes but I dont think it looks good lol i have to get better
Do you own any jerseys? I did, I dont know if I have any still
Have you ever tried to snort Pixie Stix as a child, or even an adult? No. i wasn’t a dumb child and i certainly wouldnt do that as an adult
Do you like going to baby showers? Do you go only for the cake? not really no. 
Has there ever been a time in your life, you felt sexually undecided? no. 
Do you think tattoos and piercings are sexy on the opposite sex? im not into piercings on guys. tattoos are fine if they arent trashy
Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? all the time.
What color are the headphones you have at this moment in time? kind of a creamy taupe-y color
Ever choked severely on something during lunch at your school? no
Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie? i probably consume more fruits? but i love both. 
What would you say is the color of your favorite bra? white
Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? no. sadly
What do you usually buy when you go to the dollar store? i cant even tell you the last time i went to a dollar store.
Ever peed in the pool? Be honest! I would have been murdered lol no i dont do that. it grosses me out.
When you’re older, what kind of house do you want to live in? something on a lot of land, big front porch.
Where do you want to get married? probably a courthouse. maybe outdoors?
Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? no. just mom.
What is your favorite childhood TV show? recess
Honestly, do you like school? no. i looooooooooooooooooooooooove it.
Last thing that made you cry? probably dejavu.
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? sort of yes.
Last person you took a walk with? liza, em, dutch, della
Have you ever liked someone who didn’t like you back? i think currently to be honest. 
Who was the last person to actually pick you up in the air? lol either mario or an old friend david
Does any part of your body hurt? yeah. my muscles have been weakening sooooooo bad it is so painful. 
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret what would you do? Million bucks. noooooooooooo question.
Can you keep a secret? Sure.
Your favorite romantic movie? sleepless in seattle probs.
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? I loved it for the longest timeeeeeeee. i dont think ill love it as much this next year, but maybe by then ill have met someone new who knows.
Who was the last person you took a picture with? uuuuuhhh probably one of my nephews/niece
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? Some do, some dont. 
Do you celebrate 420? Nope. verrrrrry much not my thing.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? i think so lol
How do you eat Oreos? with milk. 
Do you wear your shoes in the house? sometimes. my preference is slippers. we usually wear something on our feet because gram needs to and so does mom.
Would you survive in prison? probably not, tbh. 
Ever been to Georgia? the state, yes. many times. the country? never.
Do you get your hair cut every month? gosh no. my dream is to get my hair done professionally again sometime, but its so daggum expensive.
Current relationship in detail. I am single. i will probably start casually dating soon. 
If you were kicked out of your house, who would you call/go to? i dont even know. I always imagined I’d go to kile. but who knows now.
List things you spend money on in an average week. i can go several weeks without spending.
Rate each of your sexual partners (if any) from 1-10. ooooooohhhhhh, id rather not.
Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? i am convinced bill would not give a fig whether or not im in a relationship. mom, however, would probably be EEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXtra cautious now.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? oh im sure. 
Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? yes. even if we don’t talk anymore... theres just always a connection.
What board games are you good at? oooo, i’m very good at board games.
Is there a sport/hobby you keep thinking about taking up, but that you’ve never quite gotten around to starting? quilting. its expensive and im not wanting to get it all cvid-y
Do you think pranks like egging/toilet-papering someone's house are funny or immature? Immature.
Do you think “sleeve tattoos” are a good idea? there are people who can pull it off, but it is notttttttttt my style.
Is there anything in particular that your parents argue about? What? debt bill put my mom in. they don’t speak tho.
Do you ever actually read the “Terms and Services” when you sign up for websites and such? the first couple years. 
If you have a handheld games console (a DS or GameBoy, for example), how often do you use it? I don’t use the switch handheld, despite really wishing i could. the controllers are broken and beyond what I can afford. so I just use the tv dock.
Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, what do you say? i’d pick it up 1000000000000000% , I just would be so curious what they would say.
If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you? absolutely.
Are you afraid of falling in love? I am. I don’t ever again want to feel the way ive felt with my two heart breaks. 
Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now? yes, but the feeling is lessening. I responded to him for the first time in... idk how long. thinking he’d be eager to talk and be responsive. he wasn’t. it just pushes me further and further from feeling those feelings.
Have you ever kissed someone & wished you didn’t? no, i dont think so.
Did you get kissed last night? goodness no. 
Do you enjoy going through a carwash? I love it.
How did you get most of your scars? benny. by far.
Ever had to take an inkblot test? I have taken 2. One for a fellow student in a classroom who had to administer it for a project. another time in a psych class the prof asked me to for a demonstration
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? yep! the only time ive been grounded.
Have you ever seriously slapped someone in anger? no. I do not get physical in my anger. I withdraw. 
What/who woke you up this morning? Just me.
Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you? My mom. dropping off ice water and benny.
What’s one of your locked text messages? I don’t even know if this phone locks messages tbh. I used to do that all the time on my t9 phones.
Have you ever finished a game of Monopoly? I think maybe 1 time.
Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed? Yes.
The truth all comes out when someone is drunk, true? I wouldn’t say alllllllll, but i do think inhibitions are lowered so it makes it easier
When was the last time you felt disappointed in yourself? messaging kile and realizing he isn’t interested in responding. makes me feel so dumb.
How about feeling disappointed in someone else? something a family member did to me this past week.
For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy? ummm. lately it’s been jealousy. i dont like people taking what was mine. but i’m learning if they had access to it, that likely means that it is best to let it go. so maybe im now leaning towards envy of like beautiful relationships.
Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions? uhhh, not unless its like in a joking, light-hearted manner.
Do you have any specific chores you do around the house? when im not sick... i vacuum, dust, do dishes, wipe counters and table, do laundry of others, disinfect, etc.
For you, does comfort or fashion come first in dressing? I would say 51% comfort and 49% looking nice
Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? yes. lots of jealousy due to their feelings toward me.
Do you like Laffy Taffy? No. not my style of candy
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? manual.
Are your biceps at all noticeable? hardly.
Have you ever seen a walrus? absolutely!
Did you ever have one of those Easy Bake ovens as a kid? no. one time moms friends daughter (who was significantly older than me) lent hers to us... but there were no mixes of anything. so I didn’t know what to do with it.
Does your bathroom have a theme to it? nope.
From inside of your house, how many doors lead outside? uhhhhhhhh 3 if you dont include the garage door.
Are there a lot of trees in your yard? i wouldn’t say a lot. I wish.
Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap? treating me like crap cuts down my interest like immediately.
Have a best friend? meh.
Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you? no.
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? yes. I dont need to concern them or worry them.
Does anyone hate you? kiles ex(?) i am sure does.
What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? hm. i dont really have any.
Do you remember important dates? yes. almost always.
What’s some lyrics from a song that means a lot to you? “what if we could put the world on hold and finally meet somewhere inside of the world? I would meet you... would you meet me?”
Who gives the best advice? mom
Who do you usually see in your dreams? :) It varies. depends on who I think about.
What type of cake did you last eat? graduation cake. 
How many of your friends are gay or bisexual? I have like 4 casual friends that are, but my closest friends are all straight.
What’s your favorite type of sandwich? buona chicken one. bless it.
When was the last time someone asked you out? Did you accept or decline? tonight. I said maybe once this quarantine business is over.
Do you like The Offspring? I know a couple of songs but I definitely can’t call myself a fan. << same
One pillow or two? 12
Do you like Mad Libs? not really no.
Are you suicidal? no. I mean there are moments where I think wow, i dont want to be here. but not like let me put together a plan.
Where do your grandparents live? my fathers parents were killed by a drunk driver bout ten years ago. My mothers father passed away maybe 12 years ago. My gram is fine and lives in the room down the hall. 
Do you cut yourself? not purposely
What is your pet’s name? benny and lottie.
Have you ever been to Canada? not yet.
Aren’t babies overrated? no, no. theyre expensive af though.
Have a built-in pool in your backyard? i wish more than anything but no.
Ever won yourself a stuffed animal? maybe once or twice. I one time had a guy win me an animal at a carnival and i found that sooooooooooooooooo attractive.
Ever had someone else win you a stuffed animal? woops. yes. lol
Ever been to a circus? i think when i was really little.
Ever shot animals? I have not. i couldn’t. 
Do you consider yourself intelligent? I do. It is something I have some confidence in.
Have you ever run away from home? when my dad was abusive, yes. 
Do you put family first, friends, relationships, school, or something else? faith, family, friends, school, relationships (only cus im not in one)
What’s something you’ve stood up for in the past? my faith.
What’s something you worked extremely hard to get? my degrees and honors.
Are you satisfied with your body image? no. I am honored to have a body that is capable of all that it is.. that has been my “home” all these years. the body that still breathes life every day, thats all incredible. I dislike having the fat that I do, as I worry it could be off putting to others. but then I realize im fine being single, so then my body imagine is fine. its a weird cycle.
Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory? yes. when I worked and a customer didnt like a policy or whatnot.
Have you ever seriously taken advantage of someone or been taken advantage of? never to my knowledge have I taken advantage of someone else seriously. I have been VERY seriously taken advantage of.
Have you ever been seriously ill? trying to get over it now tbh
Have you ever befriended a former enemy? uhhhh, not that I know of. I tend to be friendly to everyone, but I can’t think of a situation where it was an enemy.
If you’re not religious, would you ever pray as a last resort? If you are religious, do you often pray for other people? I do pray for others quite often. it’s important to me. I sometimes will see strangers and immediately start praying over them. I actually almost started my GRE late because I was praying over every person I saw in the room lol.
Have you ever dated someone, then after you dated they came out of the closet or switched (for lack of a better word) sexual orientation? no. not to my knowledge anyway.
Has a boy/girl ever walked a ridiculous distance just to see you? How about vice versa? yes! like 8 miles lol. I have not. 
When was the last time you felt really uncomfortable? this past week.
Is there anything that your mom is really known for as to how she is as a person? shes everyones favorite. shes kind, funny, sarcastic, down-to-earth, warm.
Who have you been talking to the most today? mom lol
Are you nosy? I think it could be perceived as nosy but I love to make people feel ridiculously special. So I will sit and ask questions just to get them talking about themselves. If I recognize the personal questions are not working, I’ll keep it totally light.
What’s the meanest thing you have done to a friend? i really dont know.
If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about? if we consider kile an ex, it would probably be that he feels overwhelmed and feels alone because he doesnt have me or his ex anymore. :(
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed? ooooo thats hard to narrow down.
Have you ever been told that you have an annoying laugh? no. everyone comments on how they love when it turns wheezy.
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
so what did kagura say to shizuma?
I know pretty much all of us stripe squad fans are annoyed by this  convo that we cant hear between shizuma and kagura. Its kind of a cheap story telling ploy to keep us interested so i kind of see why they did it but im irritated never the less.
I think given the criminally short amount of time these “bad guys” were actually on screen we really could have been doing with more information.  As it stands Buntan (and kinda Hassaku if you squint at that shark jesus scene) are the only ones with any backstory. Not even shizuma, the main antagonist , has much fleshing out other than hes a hoshigaki with a bad attitude and a personal space problem.
Of course this could all come in later arcs but we fans are not patient people.
this is a MASSIVE post so its under a cut to avoid bloking up peoples feeds
Ok first off : this, THIS RIGHT HERE, is not the face of apology.
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Shizuma is smirking and kagura looks scared, nothing fun is happening here. Jesus shizuma is behind what looks like a good 2 inches of solid glass  and poor turtle child is still afraid.  Further more shizuma is not the apologizing type. He does it sarcastically or as a means of gas lighting or emotional manipulation .
This right here is mockery. I can see shizuma saying something with a tone of “oh look the mizukages pet got free who would have seen that coming”
something rude , hurtful or other wise insulting 
I mean
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Kagura is literally recoiling in horror and fear. Hes still scared of shizuma and why shouldn’t he be? Shizuma went feral and nearly killed them all not that long ago ( time line is a wee bit dodgy here because everyone was knocked out at night . hassaku and shizuma are up and about , even if shizuma is a little bit scratched, but buntan Ichirota and possibly hebiichigo are still clearly injured so im not sure how much time has actually passed).
Kagura is freaked out and ready to leave. He cant do what he came to do because shizuma still has power of him.
That is until he realizes chojuro has his back
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Look at chojuros face. The little hand on his shoulder : thats the kind of reassuring body language you use to tell someone  “youve got this but im right behind you” .Suddenly he’s much more confident. What exactly would be so scary to kagura that he couldn’t do it alone?
He clearly came to say something. Hes not armed so hes not here to kill shizuma. The building theyre in isn’t like any prison weve seen in the naruto world( like the blood castle or karins prison during the war arc) . its very clean and the bright lights give it a medically sterile feel. I think this might be some sort of combination prison/mental hospital.
Which tbh is probably what shizuma needs, coup or no coup.
So what do i think happened?
I think for Kagura to have any kind of closure from this incident chojuro insisted he see shizuma one more time to say what he needs to say. To get some things off his chest so hes not them around with him. Chojuro has an enormous amount of faith in Kagura . hes given him 2 chances at his own expence. Kagura is clearly  unstable in some situations. Mei and chojuro have both spent the better part of 20 years sorting out the mess Yagura left behind. So why stick his neck out?
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( side note i love how all the stripe squad are just ignoring shizumas antics. Like kyoho is just stairing into space like “i wonder if i left the stove on....”)
Sorry back on track
There was very little from stopping chojuro from treating kagura like everyone else does but he doesn’t. He goes out of his way to build kagura up. Its pretty much implied that hes actively choosing Kagura as his replacement as 7th mizukage.
But for chojuro to help him achieve that goal, kagura needs to get over some stuff. So he has to confront shizuma. Yeah ok maybe Kagura needs a little help to do it but hes there none the less
 What is kagura doing?
Well i think its 1 of 3 things
The most likely answer
Option 1 ) Hes telling shizuma he forgives him.
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As i mentioned shizuma is not an apologetic person. That ladies and gents is the face of shock. Shizuma really only understands violence, like pretty much any blood mist kiri nin. So what would be more shocking to him that forgiveness? To me this shot just screams “ how could you forgive me after all i did to you.”
Furthermore do you have ANY idea how DIFFICULT it is to forgive someone who hasn’t even said they’re sorry? Lets be real here, shizuma was AWFUL to kagura. He literally called him a tool and told him hed use him till the end . he told him he was a murderer and that he was of no use to anyone but him.
I really admire people who can let stuff go like that. I had to learn through a lot of therapy but here kagura is doing it off his own bat. 
 SERIOUSLY i am really struggling to think of something that would shock  shizuma more than heartfelt forgiveness  except maybe option 2
Option 2 ) kagura is the one apologizing.
Now this seems unlikely  to me as i doubt chojuro would let kagura put any blame on himself for shizumas actions. That kind of goes against the established plot of ‘chojuro build up kagura’ by letting kagura accept blame for something that wasn’t his fault. But it could be kagura is apologizing for something else. Maybe “ im sorry it came to this. When im mizukage things will be different, ill make everyone happy” or “ im sorry shizuma but you clearly arent well, this is where you belong “
something along those lines
Yes im looking at the ninja world with rose tinted glasses here but it is a possibility. The stripe squad are disillusioned with the ninja world to the point of thinking they have nothing else to live for if they don’t succeed ( just look at hassaku “the executioners blade is all i have”). Kagura and chojuro aren’t stupid. Maybe Kagura knows this is something Shizuma needs to hear as much as he needs to say.
Option 3 ) kagura is goodbye/goodluck/im done with you.
This is another fairly likely one.Now what kind of put this one down for me was these two clips
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Look at how determined kagura is. This isn’t the most forgiving of faces but then again id hardly expect kagura to break out his best cinnamon roll impression for an abusive asshat like shizuma . its possibly hes doing some sort of “ i forgive you now lets never speak again” sort of thing.
When hes done he bows his head: maybe in relief ? maybe he just cant stand to look at shizuma anymore. We don’t know and We don’t find out .
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The second bit is this. Chojuro looks like hes ready to kill a bitch. This is his warning face: hes pulled a lot of stringers for kaguras sake and even shizumas. Like do you think if this kind of shit had happened in Yaguras kiri shizuma would still be alive and talking crazy through the glass? No hed be  buried in the flower beds nourishing the tulips before you could say  “whats the blood mist?”
The combination of orochimarus voice over and chojuros face makes things pretty damn clear :you mess with kagura again and i wont be so forgiving.
And then shizuma is just left alone. Kagura is done with him , hes gone, hes finished and by siding with chojuro and accepting his training to become hirameikaris wielder ( and possibly eventually the mizukage) hes essentially telling shizuma “ i don’t need you im stronger without you.”
And ouch thats gotta hurt someone with as many emotional issues as shizuma.
Hence sad shark boi above^^^
 I feel what would have really made this scene for me is if we got to see shizumas reaction to Kagura walking away from him. Like shizuma has demonstrated an unhealthy level of possessiveness over kagura: to see his tool walk away from him, get the better of him and be the better person would fill him with some sort of emotion.
Like did he pound on the glass screaming about how kagura needed him and how kagura was nothing without him? Did he freeze ?defeated by kaguras words, some sort of final revelation that he was in jail/ an asylum  where he belonged ? did he slide to the floor sobbing because all he’d worked for, one of the vital pieces of his plans was walking away from him and his team mates were all ignoring him? jesus did he even throw a little hissy fit???? we just dont know.
We’re missing a big piece of the puzzle here in not knowing what shizuma did after kagura left and the worst part is we’ll probably never find out
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