#tbh he could just call her 'farbauti' and she wouldn't mind
warringpeace · 5 years
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❝Are you attempting to bribe me?❞ A brow raised, curiosity piqued, he eyes her a long moment, searching for a reason why she would even need to. Perhaps something is wanted of him, something that might give him cause to hesitate. Unless… ❝Or are you asking FORGIVENESS?❞
Again, he may well be reaching, but the gesture itself is suspicious. Loki knows he’s done nothing to merit this manner of affection.
For fuck’s sake, he can’t even bring himself to call this woman “mother.”
from @kveljast​ [ x ]
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“More of the latter,” she responded evenly. She would be a fool to think that reconciliation was at hand. While one could argue that she wasn’t exactly alive to make amends in the past, he had gone through a lot to become the god he was now. “Though my original purpose was to make sure you had something to eat.”
Farbauti stood up straight. He could believe whatever he wanted from her, but if he thought that he could scare or intimidate her away from him, he was wrong. Stubbornness was a common trait, apparently.
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