#tbh a relationship i think would be VERY interesting to explore post-finale is actually roman and ewan
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lith-myathar ¡ 2 years ago
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ryouverua ¡ 6 years ago
Kirumi Tojo FTE - (Kaede #1)
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“It would be a shame to die on an empty, unsatisfied stomach.”
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That’s actually a good question. This is a sealed space, after all, and they have to come from somewhere.
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Kaede has spent half of this chapter being hungry lmao
Even now, after the big reveal, thinking about how they managed to get perishable food in is pretty interesting. When I’d been speculating originally, most of them involved it being a sealed area with the students/captors relying on them being able to be self-sufficient in some way? There was a lot of greenery, they had machinery, lots of open space to potentially grow things but it also seemed like they had to have been bringing stuff in from outside of the end wall...
But no, it was a show small-scale or truly global is still up to debate but yeah. Assuming this wasn’t a VR world, and considering how we literally managed to figure out that the mastermind was one of the 16 students (that this was a sealed space), they were going to have to get the food in here somehow. That could actually lend well to the idea of it being fine out there, and them having the resources to bring in all sorts of high-quality food for the students? From what I remember, Kirumi was able to create a lot of interesting dishes for them, and even seems to have been able to diversify them based on the likes and dislikes of each students, which seems to imply them having a whole system set up to deliver food on a regular basis, as well as them having the funds to customize as well? Just some food for thought badum tsssh
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someone really needs to stop me
again I must emphasize that I did not give her her own gloves, literally the same gloves that gave her away and ultimately sentenced her to death
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I forgot that she has the same voice actor as Virgilia whoops lol
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Holy shit did that come off as unintentionally brutal to anyone else or is that just me -
people always ask how to romanize my name, ‘tojo’ or ‘toujo’, and I always tell them the same thing - ‘how dare you speak to me’
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“Why does someone climb a mountain, Kirumi? Because it’s there.”
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Oh god, what a depressing life that must be. I mean, I know it’s her whole talent and basically encompasses her everything, but the idea of only ever expecting people to approach you because they want or need something...
.... I can.... see, maybe, why she would be able to put some cognitive distance between herself and the others. It’s like some weird, bizarre superiority complex, in that by serving everyone she almost has power over them?
Mind you, I don’t know if I’d have reached all these conclusions without the experience of Chapter 2 behind me, but I have to say it’s really neat to read these now after-the-fact.
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She’s baffled, damn.
Interesting how she still turns it into a ‘request’, though. Hmm... does she really not know how to operate outside of the ‘maid’ paradigm?
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One step at a time, Kaede. She really is a ‘fixer’ type of person, huh?
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This is hilarious - is she talking about general demeanor? Colour scheme? Hobbies? Interests? Hairstyles?? You’ve barely talked, do you know that for a fact? I mean, have you not been showing a lot of interest in our other resident monochrome quiet kid, Shuichi?!
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She actually took out a notebook???
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Why are so many of her FTEs bringing up food.
O-Okay, I mean, I guess we’re in the kitchen... but still.
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Well shit now I wonder if anyone had allergies and if that could have been a potential problem or way to kill someone?
How much do you bet there’s been at least one peanut allergy that has been weaponized in the past -
and honestly I know so many people with allergy issues - like, huge ones - like all seeds and nuts, etc, and they’d be so fucked in this setting tbh
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Wait, really? Not a single one? Not a hankering for chocolate or a dislike of eel or something? Nothing?!
That is so on-brand for a protagonist that you’re supposed to be able to project onto lmao
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no seriously how could you not have any food preferences whatsoever -
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.... Buckwheat pillows are a thing???
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WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING lmao I’m going full hostile here
The idea of Kaede getting all riled up over the most milquetoast questions is hilarious.
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‘Wow Kaede I can’t believe you saw through my devious plan to smother all of my classmates with their favourite pillows -’
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Finally a crack in the veneer!
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I know right?!
Okay, onto less paranoid answers! Though given how Kaede ended up acting post-timeline announcement, a more paranoid Kaede isn’t exactly out of character... but anyway!
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“Because,” flips notebook, “we have a lot to cover here. Air freshener scents, shampoos, the ideal housekeeping time, morning tea or coffee and the preferred brew -”
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To be fair, there’s not exactly a hostile way of taking these questions, right?
.... Right?
Kaede, shaking Kirumi vigorously: “WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING -”
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She always looks so intense when she’s saying things like this, damn. You will take her service, damn it, and you will enjoy it and benefit from it -
..... And now, onto the last (and kind of dumb but in a cute way) answer!
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Thanks for the input, Kaede!
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More importantly it’s important that your head is well-supported so you don’t mess up your neck. Honestly, you just underestimate the importance of a well-cared-for neck until it’s all strained and tight. 8′)
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What, are you going to design, sew and hand-stuff the pillows themselves? Where are you going to get the things needed for that?
.... How much is in that warehouse exactly?!?!
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You said it yourself! Pillows are important!
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Ah, she really does take this all very seriously...
Seriously, her talent may be one of the few that seem to be engaged at all times. I mean, everyone else is informed by their talents - their personalities, their attitudes, and maybe their more passive thoughts - but she’s the only one who never seems to have an off-switch. That’s... pretty awful? And all-consuming? I’d say if it works for her it’s okay, but it... really... didn’t, in the end. It led to her making some pretty cold decisions in the end.
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it’s okay kirumi you can tell us you like kaede and shuichi the best and kokichi and miu the least
well up until the end of trial 2 for shuichi anyway lmao
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1) Maki, Miu and Kokichi would be hell to ask about even basic questions like these
2) I suddenly, desperately want to know what Korekiyo’s answers are to some of these things because I bet they’d be hilarious
3) How many bug- and wilderness- related concessions will she have to make for Gonta to feel comfortable
4) Will she have to talk Kaito down from attempting to go with something similar to Eau d’Axe Bodyspray for his room
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kaede is just another client to her feelsbadman
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So. Did her caring nature grow with her talent? Her talent must have grown from her own initial inclinations, but it seems like a lot of it is also from her hyper-competency, right? That’s what defines her as an Ultimate.
... Does she solely like ‘taking care of people’? Thinking of, for example, Kaito - who vicariously lives through his ‘sidekicks’ - does she get her pleasure from the job from seeing them succeed? There’s definitely some selfishness wrapped up in here (chapter 2), and I’m kinda... hoping it’ll be explored a bit more. A lot of the most interesting parts of her characters really did come out in the later stages, so I’m wondering if we’re going to see hints of that soon. Maybe Kaede can quiz her back or something! and who the hell knows how Shuichi’s will go tbh
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I guess we did a bit? This did feel more like a client-relationship, but I guess it’s something?
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‘The mothering type’ I cannot believe -
and so it begins.
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