#tbh I would also be that happy with a croissant on my chest
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bontholomew · 2 days ago
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On a scale of 0 to body pillow models on Amazon, how psychotic are you today?
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atlaese · 4 years ago
Chapter 7: long days
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summary: that was a hard case to crack, but when two soulmates work together, everything works out. pairing: spencer reid x reader TW: alcohol, food mentions, typical CM case stuff, talking about murder, cussing, angst baby words: 3.8K a/n: Sorry this took so long it hasn't been edited either :( uni is really kicking my ass tbh!! I need to submit my research paper soon so idk when I’ll have time to write the next chapter. I’m very sorry :( I listened to Introvert by Little Simz, Wish I didn’t miss you by Angie Stone and one of my fav German songs Hoch Oben by Dota Kehr its so cute ugh :)
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Your neck felt stiff when you opened your eyes, peering over at Benny, whose chin was dropped upon their chest and there was a little drool on their shirt. You lifted your head up and stretched your arms behind you, rolling your shoulders to get some flexibility going, after sleeping with your head on your desk.
You lifted up your phone to look at the time, 7:38 a.m. You got around two hours of sleep in, which was decent to say the least.
As you looked around at the precinct, you noticed a lot more people buzzing around. The morning shift had already started, but they were friendly enough to not disturb the light slumber you and Benny were in.
Standing up, you got a new shirt and blazer out of your bag as well as a small toiletry bag. The bathrooms was not the most… sanitary place, but you had encountered worse. After a quick change of clothes, a splash of water in your face and your teeth brushed to get the nasty taste out of your mouth, you returned to the conference room, only to see a familiar mop of brown curls waiting outside.
“You’re early doctor,” you said as you got closer to him.
“Thought you guys could use some good breakfast after last night. The coffee and bagels from the precinct don’t really cut it, to be honest,” he said as he held up a paper bag and a tray with three coffees.
You looked up at the ceiling with a small grin on your face. Spencer tilted his head sideways, then also looking up at the ceiling, but only noticing a weird brown stain that probably shouldn’t be there, “is there something up there I can’t see or something?”
You snickered, “I’m thanking whoever is up there, because you are definitely a god-send!”
He flushed instantly and let out a small laugh, holding out a coffee from you. You took it and instead of taking a sip, you quietly opened the door of the conference room, sneaking in and putting the coffee on Benny’s desk, for when they would wake up.
Spencer was just about to go in, as you returned with a scarf, nodding your head towards the door that led to outside.
It was a bit chilly outside, but the sun was already blasting its rays onto your face and you let out a happy sigh when you sat down on the bench, closing your eyes for a second to bask in the sun.
You opened one eye to look at Spencer, who was staring at you, “it’s always nice to eat breakfast outside, especially after pulling an all-nighter in a stuffy precinct.”
He nodded and also closed his eyes, enjoying the sun on his skin. Even though you were here under shitty circumstances to say the least, you were here. You were sitting next to him, enjoying the first rays of sun, small tufts of smoke leaving your mouth because of the chilly morning.
After a few moments, he opened his eyes and stuck his hand in the paper bag, the rustling alerting you. Your stomach was also alerted as it grumbled and you thanked him as he offered you a croissant and a coffee.
Shoulders barely touching, you sat side by side while eating breakfast. Spencer was happily munching on his croissant, enjoying the comfortable silence that hung around you. He was sure the silence was welcome, after you had spent the entire night working.
After you had finished your croissant, you turned sightly towards him, eyes watching his profile as he was trying his best not to stare back at you.
“I don’t want to ruin your morning already, but are you any closer to catching this person,” you asked as you put up your left leg on the bench and hugged it with your arms, “it’s already difficult enough for these people.”
He turned towards you and an empathetic smile appeared on his face, “well, I don’t want to scare you, but yes, we have narrowed down the profile a bit.”
Your brows furrowed as he bit down on his lip, avoiding your eyes, regretting the exact words he said already.
“What do you mean scare me?”
He contemplated waiting to tell you, until they had narrowed down the profile even more, but your eyes were almost begging him to elaborate.
“Uh, okay-, we are 85% sure that the unsub is someone who works with a NGO, so there might be a chance you spoke to them last night,” he wasn’t really sure what to make of your expression anymore. It had changed from confusion to a little anger and eventually it became a blank slate.
Your head had turned away from him, as you were staring at the street and thinking about what Spencer had said.
After you hadn’t reacted for at least 4 minutes, he touched your shoulder and you shot out of your stupor.
“Sorry,” you apologetically said, “it’s just that- I just- I never would have expected someone from our field to do something like this.”
Spencer remained quiet, but he gave your shoulder an encouraging squeeze, almost urging you to continue.
“I guess, I mean I’m not saying people in our field are perfect, there’s a lot of assholes who’re only doing it for the money and the travelling-,” you paused for a second, letting out a shaky breath, “but that doesn’t mean they are murders!”
Your head dropped into your hands and you let out a deep sigh. The job already was not easy, but this really put you down in the dumps. One of them had murdered a few people in cold blood? Without any hesitation, almost breaking the sacred oath everyone took when working in the humanitarian sector.
Spencers thumb rubbed circles on your shoulder, as if trying to calm you down. You focussed on the motion and felt your muscles slowly relax.
“Sorry,” he whispered, breaking the silence and biting down on his lip.
You shot up and looked at him with a soft look in your eyes, “why are you always sorry Spencer, uh- dr. Reid,” your brows were scrunched and your eyes were narrowed, “Can I just call you Spencer?”
A small smile now present on his face, he nodded and opened his mouth, closing it again after a second.
“You apologize too much Spencer. It’s not your fault you have to bear the burden of bringing bad news.”
“I know. Still sucks though,” he looked into your eyes searching for whatever emotion you were feeling right now, “just because there is one bad seed in the batch, doesn’t ruin whatever you have already achieved, you know that right?”
The weight of his hand on your shoulder comforted you, as well as the warm glow in his eyes. Nodding, you finally looked away from his eyes, “when the press will hear from this, our whole sector is going to be scrutinized. Lots of smaller NGOs will lose donations and then it’s just a vicious cycle.”
Always looking out for other people, worried for them what will become of them, forgetting that you needed to look out for yourself as well. Sian often said you gave too much of yourself, warning you that one day, you would give too much.
“So the people who need it most are fucked, that’s what I'm implying,” another deep sigh left your mouth and Spencer wasn’t sure what he could do to comfort you.
Spencer opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted when JJ opened the door to the precinct and waved at him, signaling they should come in.
“Duty calls,” you stood up and plastered a smile on your face, “thanks Spencer. For the breakfast and the talk.”
Pursing his lips, he nodded and got his stuff, as you stood up and followed JJ into the conference room.
Benny had just woken up and was sipping from the coffee, eyeing you as you entered the conference room with a frown present on your face.
Hotch didn’t waste any time though, launching straight into the case, “Team we have a lead. An hour ago another immigrant was abducted from the camp. Luckily for us, we have an eye-witness. They’re being brought over to the station as we speak. Morgan and Prentiss, you two go talk to the eye-witness. The rest of the team stays here for the moment and keeps working the case.”
Morgan and Prentiss immediately shot up and left the conference room, the rest of you stayed behind.
You turned towards Benny and sat back down at your desk, opening your laptop to check all the e-mails you must have missed in the few hours you slept.
Losing yourself into your work, you lost track of time. The phone was red hot and for every e-mail you send, two more came back. Benny had left, as they needed to prepare some stuff for the legal representatives that would be arriving soon.
Then everything kicked into overdrive. The team had found a lead with the witness, which had then caused a major breakthrough in the case. The witness had given a description of the car that had abducted the immigrant, which Penelope was able to then trace back to a firm.
“Sir,” her voice echoed through the room, “it appears the car has been reported as stolen, it’s uh- it’s an ambulance?”
The room stayed quiet, confusion almost palpable in the the room as the gears turned in your head.
“Didn’t the witness say it was a white van?” Rossi asked no one in particular, “they must’ve painted over it. Who reported it as stolen, Garcia?”
The clacking over the keyboard was the only sound in the room, before Penelope answered, “it’s owned by a small NGO in Southern California actually. They specialize in all types of medical aid for refugees who pass through California.”
Spencer’s leg was bouncing up and down at a rapid pace before he shot up from his chair, walking over to the board, “Garcia! Can you pull up all employees of the NGO, as well as employees who were fired or have resigned.”
“ On it, Reid.” A few seconds later, a document came rolling out of the printer, Spencer snatching it away from the machine.
“There’s only 15 people in total, 3 have left after a few good years of service, but one person was fired for malpractice! Robert Patton was a doctor- no! He was an oncologist.”
“It says here he was fired because he enrolled people in experimental treatments for cancer, without their consent or knowledge. He got fired and lost his license. Apparently he-… he also moved to Texas the following months!”
Your chair made a loud screeching noise as you shoved it backwards, coming to stand up next to Spencer to look at the document.
“I think I may know what could have happened,” you said as you looked at Hotch, who nodded.
“Before we arrived, there were only small NGOs present, most of which had left, right?” Everyone nodded and you continued, “well, as they were mostly small starters, I have a feeling their background checks weren’t too thorough. One of them must be a medical one who didn’t find anyone else available and must have trusted him enough to let him get into the field.”
“Our profile did say he was extremely intelligent, he must have found a way to forge his license! He probably has a very charismatic personality, which convinced them to hire him,” Spencer rambled and you continued, almost taking over without thinking, “and I mean, a doctor is a doctor, right? They must’ve just been happy someone was willing to help, so they weren’t alarmed by the fact he’s an oncologist who wants to help in a crisis situations!”
“And, we got lucky, because he had to list an address in Texas where they could reach him! I’ll send it to your phones now!”
Multiple pings were heard in the room as the BAU team shot into action, everyone working together like a well-oiled machine. Benny and you stayed behind in the precinct, as it was too dangerous for civilians and JJ stayed as well, so she could give a press statement as soon as the raid was done.
The next few hours were agonizingly slow. Benny and you were finishing up your work, ready to hand everything over to a local NGO that would continue what you had done the last few days. You kept checking the clock, hoping to hear something soon from the team, as you were worried for their safety as well.
You knew they were with a lot of people, but still…
When the doors finally opened and a sketchy looking man was brought in, cuffed and surrounded by a lot of officers, as well as the BAU team, who were all looking relieved.
Spencer, who was just finishing a conversation with Emily as you stepped into his view, gave you a smile, “we got him. He had some sort of secret basement that looked more like a hospital room if anything… there were three immigrants there, all still alive. They did need medical attention-, real medical attention…”
“No! That’s amazing Spencer! I’m really happy he got caught and that the others now got some real help,” you interrupted him, grasping his lower arm in your hand.
A small smile appeared on his face at the interaction and the pure look of happiness that was present on your face.
“You really helped us a lot y/n, uh, you and Benny, of course,” he scratched the back of his neck, “but uh, we just need to question him now, try to get some sort of explanation for this situation.”
You patted his arm, “this is great news. Benny and I are just finishing up, but I want to visit the camp to tell the people the news myself. I think they’d really benefit from this.”
Spencer nodded and you let him go, so the both of you could go back to work.
Transferring everything you had done to the local NGOs took less time that you had expected, so an officer drove you and Benny over to the site, so you could tell everyone the good news.
The atmosphere was tense when you entered the camp, children were always in companionship of adults, mostly small groups of people huddled together.
Benny had gathered a few people to tell the good news, so they could spread it to others and so on.
Small hopeful smiles made their way on some people’s faces, realizing they were just a bit closer to safety.
Meanwhile, you met with some people who were taking over for you, looking at the new camps that were being set up that were way better than the one they had now.
On the way back out, the atmosphere had done a 180, everything just felt a little bit lighter, a little bit happier than before.
Upon returning to the precinct, the BAU team was waiting outside, looking ready to leave.
“So, did you get an explanation out of this guy?” Benny asked when you got closer to them.
Morgan nodded, “Guy lost his license, which was a a trigger for this whole thing. He thought he could fix certain kinds of cancer with ricin, so he selected people that he had done a health check on to use them as guinea pigs. Obviously it didn’t work, so he kept kidnapping more people and dumping the ones that had passed.”
Hotch continued, “he’s facing life sentence. Fortunately, the people we managed to save are going to be fine. Your lawyers also made sure they wouldn’t have to pay anything concerning the hospital costs and they’ll probably get set up in a nice community.”
The lawyers had really outdone themselves and you smiled up at Spencer, who had come to stand next to you in the mean time, “this is amazing news, wow. I’m really happy.”
Emily hoisted her bag over her shoulder, “it’s too late now to fly back to DC, so what do you say we hit the bar and talk it over? We can all fly back tomorrow morning, if that’s alright for you guys?”
Benny looked at you raising their brows, a hopeful look present, “what do you say? The B-team is still on call and we never go out when we’re back from mission, y/n!”
That was true. Most of the times, you’d get back in the country at some godawful hour and everyone would go home immediately to see their families after being away for such a long time.
“Uh sure,” you shrugged and Benny’s face lit up.
“We’ll need some tequila up in this joint!” They squealed, laughing at Emily’s face which showed approval.
You decided everyone would go back to the hotel to freshen up and would meet in the lobby, before going in search of a bar that satisfied everyone.
The bar you ended up at had a moody vibe, very dark with lots of small light fixtures and a few neon signs. Both teams piled into two booths and you ended up squeezing between Morgan and Emily, bot notorious for not holding back on the alcohol and the questions. Spencer was sat on the opposite of the table, next to Hotch and Benny while the others sat on the booth behind you.
Morgan and Emily were throwing back shots as well as firing a ton of questions at you. They mainly asked about your job, but eventually more personal questions as well, hinting at boyfriends and eventually matchmaking business.
Spencer’s eyes found your face when he heard them asking about the matching, and he was gauging you for a reaction. You obviously had done the test, else Garcia wouldn’t have been able to track you.
You shook your head, laughing at the question as if it was pure and utter bullshit they just uttered.
“No way! Don’t say you guys believe in this crap?” You scoffed, “I swear it’s some sort of government scam! No offense guys!” You mockingly held your hands up in the air.
Emily scrunched her face, “hey, I think it might have some truth to it. A friend of mine got matched recently and they’re doing fine!”
You thought for a second, thinking about Sian and her new girlfriend, “alright, I’ve gotta admit, a friend of mine also got matched and she’s in over her ears.”
You downed another shot, enjoying the burning of the alcohol in your throat as Morgan started talking about another story.
You weren’t used to drinking this much alcohol, so you excused yourself from the booth, slipping out after Emily had made some room and went outside.
The gust of fresh air sobered you up a little, before you leaned with your back against the wall, staring up at the sky for a moment.
It didn’t take long before the door opened again, the noise of the bar slipping into the quiet night air and a person came to stand in front of you.
“Everything okay?” Spencer asked, putting his hands inside his front pockets and leaning against the wall next to you.
“Yeah, just a little bit too much alcohol, a little too much noise and a little too hot for a sec,” you laughed breathlessly, gazing up at him. His cheeks were bit flushed from the alcohol he had, but his eyes still shined bright when they gazed down at you.
A small smile tugged on his lips, before he wet them with his tongue, “I heard you saying something about this matching service? You don’t believe in it?”
Pursing your lips, you focused your eyes on his sweater vest for a second, “not that don’t believe it. It uh- it just sounds too good to be true, you know?”
He hummed, etching your face into his memory. It was too good to be true, I mean, look at you standing there, all starry eyed, your scent invading his nostrils and the lipstick stain on your lips just a tad massy. He felt himself warming up when you locked eyes again.
“So have you- have you taken it then?” He slowly said, trying to see what your reaction would be.
You shook your head and scoffed, “god no.”
His heart dropped all of a sudden, his brain short circuiting as well. He expected you to beat around the bush a little bit, not outright say no.
“Uh, i’m sorry? Uhh may I ask why?” He stuttered, his cheeks flushing as he bowed his head down a bit, not wanting to look you in the eyes anymore.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so final, but I guess, because of my job?”, you scrunched your face again, heat rising to your face when you said the next words, “and also because I uh, I really want to see where this might go?”
His head shot up at that last part of your sentence. His thoughts had been going a million miles an hour. He had no idea how this could happen. How could he have matched with you if you hadn’t even done the test yet? Was this some kind of government scam after al?!
His thoughts quiet down when you grabbed his hand in yours, which urged him to focus on your eyes again. A small grin was present on your face, “you’re not a big drinker either, I see?”
A laugh left this lips as he entwined his fingers with yours, “uh, well. Not really used to being in this situation as well.”
He bit on his lower lip as you stood a little closer to him, your body heat radiating off you.
Your hands hung between you as you just looked at each other for a while, taking in the details on each others faces.
Spencer’s other hand came up to your face and he slowly tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Uh, what if we went out once we’re back in DC?” He asked, his voice in a hushed whisper, almost to not disrupt the silence that hung between you.
Your eyes shifted between his as you rolled your lips to try to mask the smile on your face, failing flagrantly.
You nodded slowly before you lifted your head a bit closer to his and you pressed a soft kiss against his cheek.
He took a sharp breath when you leaned in, his heart probably skipping a beat.
You pulled away, just a bit as you looked up at him through your lashes.
“That’s a deal, doctor.”
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Taglist: @measure-in-pain @trans-reader-fics @spencers-dria @jswessie187
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zankivich · 6 years ago
If You Cross Her, Then You Cross Me: Werewolf! Shawn x Black Reader
a/n: Hi this is the third part of the In My Blood Series. It could probably be read independent, but its a lot cuter if you read all of them tbh. I just wanted to take the common trope of guy defends girl and make it a little less trash. So I hope I did that. Let me know what you think! 
Warnings: Assault/harassment, a little smutty smut. 
The first time you seen Shawn get angry is an odd experience. Mostly because it comes out of nowhere, and also because it’s not directed at you and yet you feel it deep in your gut. The pack had been running drills more often than usual lately as a result of a new scent that had been picked up that no one recognized. Shawn was a little tense trying to measure whether the scent was a threat or not, so he’d been asking a lot more of everyone. Even you.
“Baby, I need you to let me or one of the guy’s pick you up from work for the next few days.” He broached hesitantly as you were getting ready for bed one night.
And for good reason.
“Excuse me? I don’t need a protector Shawn, I’m a grown ass woman.”  You snorted.
Your latest hairstyle was a plethora of braids that fell all the way down to your waist and were a bitch to put up at night. Shawn appeared behind you and reached for the scarf in your hands to tie it more perfectly stable for you.
“You are a grown ass woman. This is much more for my sanity than yours. I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to you.” He murmured playing gently with one of your braids.
He was pointing those dumb big brown eyes at you and looking all downtrodden and sad. It was so annoying how easily it worked on you.
You rolled your eyes. “Why does it have to be one of the guys. Why can’t one of the women come get me?”
“Because they’ll be busy running patrol. I’m not dumb Luna and Jasmine are more ruthless than any of the guys could be. It will probably be me most of the time, as long as I can get away from the shop and make sure things are alright. Please, babe. Humor me?”
You heaved a sigh that was as dramatic as it was loud before letting your head rest back on his chest.
“On one condition.”
He whined, the alpha in him simultaneously displeased at not being immediately obeyed while also itching to serve.
“This weekend I get you all to myself.” You murmured.
His arms wormed around you from behind and he peered at you in the full length mirror.
“Don’t honey me. Ever since y’all sniffed something in the wind you’ve been out all hours of the night. You’re grouchy and tense all the time. We never just get to lay in bed and relax. I miss you.” You admitted softly.
“I miss you too.” He cooed squeezing at your hips. “But I’m the leader of the pack. I have to make sure everyone is safe.”
You peer up at him with a look that must state you’re not very happy. You can’t help it. You miss the feel of his curls tickling your face when he cuddles into your body. Miss the warmth and the fullness that his love brings to your tummy. You just miss him, and you want him. Is that so bad?
“I’ll do my best, okay? As long as nothing dire is happening, you can have me. I’m yours.”
You smirked softly and turned in his arms to wraps yours around his neck.
“Damn skippy you are. Come here already.”
His lips find yours and you squeal as he pulls your legs up around his waist heading straight for the bed. There is no feeling like the feeling of his hips pushing down against yours. His palms warm and firm on your thighs as his tongue works like heaven in your mouth. He makes you feel like you’re floating, like you are the most important thing in the world and he does it with incredible ease. This is exactly what you were missing.
“Can I?” He whispers all sultriness and lust.
His hands had found their way to cup your breasts through the fabric of your shirt. Shawn was obsessed with most parts of your body, but his fascination with your boobs was in a league of its own. You were helpless to pretend that it didn’t get you going. That the adoration and heat in his eyes didn’t make you feel sexy and wanted. So when his fingers reach for your tanktop you’re more than willing to indulge him.
He tugged your straps down over your shoulders and pressed kisses to the top of your chest. Your nipples pearled in the cold air and his tongue was immediately there to trace the sensitive skin. Your back arched involuntarily.
You moaned. “Shawn.”
Everything is perfect. His hips nestled between your thighs. The weight of his body keeping you anchored as he does everything in his power to make you squirm. And boy do you squirm.
“Mine.” He grunted, teeth grazing your flesh.
A knock on the door disrupts everything.
“Not now!” Shawn huffed still in your arms.
“Yea uh...trust me when I say I would love to not disturb what’s going on in there! But uh we just got back from patrol and we need to talk.”
That damn super wolf hearing was really beginning to be a nuisance.
“We have got to start staying at my place.” You huffed as he left you like a dead fish on the middle of the bed.
“You, don’t move. I will be right back. We are going to finish. I swear.”
You rolled your eyes letting your hands come up to cover your chest as your legs plopped out on the bed.
“Don’t mind me. I’ll just be here fondling my own titties. No worries!”
Shawn pulled the door open to Brian stumbling back to get out of the way. You only have to hear his voice to know his eyes are doing the darkening alpha thing that you might just think was hot if he wasn’t abandoning you mid nipple sucking.
“This better be good.” He gruffed pulling the door shut to leave you alone.
You peered aimlessly up at the ceiling before speaking to literally no one but yourself.
“This was my momma ain’t want me to date a white man. I just know it.”
It had been a busy day. Your assistant accidentally double booked you resulting in nonstop appointments all through your lunch hour. When you texted Shawn that you wouldn’t be able to make your usual lunch date at the diner because of it he had sent you a couple dozen heart and kissy face emojis with promises of making something special for dinner. It was sweet, even if it didn’t necessarily curb your hunger in anyway.
You pulled your gloves off and washed your hands after sending Ms. May, one of the older women in town, home with a decongestant.
“Ashley I’m gonna take a break until my 3:30. I’ll be in my office if you need me!”
You pulled your door open only to find your boyfriend with his obnoxiously perfect ass perched on the edge of your desk.
“Surprise?” He grinned.
You smiled tiredly and practically collapsed in his arms.
“What are you doin’ here?” You hummed as he kissed you hello.
“I couldn’t let my baby starve. I brought you lunch.”
“Boy, don’t you know you supposed to lead with that?! I’m sitting here kissing you and there’s some perfectly good food for me to eat?”
He made you a croissant breakfast sandwich at the coffee shop. It was kind of your favorite and he always made it with turkey bacon. You eat together and bask in each other’s company. It didn’t seem to matter how long you were together, you could always find something to talk about, could always find ways to make each other laugh. When he pulled you onto his lap and moved your braids out of the way to press kisses to your neck you turned to goo in his hands. He made you so unbelievably soft.
“I have another little surprise for you.” He hummed between kisses.
“It it one of your cinnamon apple muffins? You know how I feel about those.”
He chuckled. “Not quite, but I’ll make sure to bring one when I pick you up. I was thinking we could get out of town tonight. Go to the city. Maybe catch a movie?”
“I’m sorry? You actually don’t want to sit up all nice pacing and sniffing with your wolf senses while your beautiful girlfriend goes under appreciated?”
“Very funny.” He snorted rolling his eyes. “C’mon. I got Brian and Geoff to take care of things for the night. I just want to spend some time with you. What do you say?”
“You know damn well that’s all I want in the world. Of course I say yes.”
You spend the rest of your lunch break trying not to tip backwards in your spinny office chair while kissing each other senseless. His lips on your neck and jaw...the small spot behind your ear.
“I should get back to work. I need to prep myself on my next client.” You hummed.
You were sitting in his lap, arms and legs wrapped securely around him with zero care in the world to release him back into the world. Neither did he apparently.
“Mmmm, no.” He whined nipping at you jaw.
“Listen here big alpha, I have to be presentable. Can’t have you marking me up. We’ve got tonight for that.”
“What If I want to do it now?”
Honestly this man was beginning to be trouble.
“Ugh i hate you.” You groaned pulling his lips right back to yours.
“You wish.” He grunted hands reaching roughly to tug at your hips.
There’s another knock on the door just when you’re starting to get worked up all over again. Is was like the worst of dejavu in the world.
“Ma’am, your uh three-thirty is here?” Ashley called hesitantly.
You peered down at him where he was staring back at you with that cocky ass grin of his.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You huffed de-straddling his waist.
You turn to find your jacket only for a sharp whack to come across your ass stilling you completely. You turn over to peer at him and you really can decide whether to hit his face or sit on it.
“Too much?”
You snorted. “Not enough. Don’t try slapping this ass until you know what to do with it.”
Shawn got up out of your chair and grabbed his car keys off your desk. He reached for the door handle to prop it open for you like a gentlemen or some shit.
“If there’s one thing we both know is that I most certainly know what to do with it. I’ll pick you up at five thirty.”
That man would surely be the death of you.
“Can we get popcorn?” You asked, arms wrapping tightly around his bicep.
“‘Course we can, honey.”
“And nachos?”
“Annnnnnd a pretzel?”
He smiled at you and kissed your cheek and you damn near swooned.
“Order whatever you want baby. The night is ours.”
“Did you hear that?” You asked directly to the teenager running the food stand that had not a care in the world about your life. “My mans got money.”
“If only we all could be so lucky.” The angsty teen deadpanned.
“She’s a doctor by the way. I just own a coffee shop that people come to because there’s no starbucks in town.” Shawn snorted.
The teen was not very excited by your love. Rude.
“That is truly a harrowing tale. Would you like to order?”
The movie was good. You spent your time between snacks and cuddling into Shawn’s side. You couldn’t believe how much you could miss someone , didn’t even know it was possible to feel as full and happy as you did when the two of you were together. And it helped that Shawn was relaxed too. The past few weeks he had paced the length of his room hundreds of times, tension just coming off of him in waves. And when he hadn’t been doing that he’d been running perimeter checks like a mad man. He oftentimes would do them at two or three in the morning, the times he’d never ask the rest of the pack to do. It meant that sometimes you woke up to him not being there, and it would be impossible for you to fall back to sleep until he came home. Hard times for the pack tended to translate to hard time for you. This is what happens when you date a werewolf ladies.
“Can we spend the night at my place?” You asked softly when the movie had ended and you were exiting the theater with his arm wrapped around you.
He frowned. “I don’t know about that, babe. I should really be at the house in case something happens.”
“Yes, but you’re just a call and a couple hop skips away from the house anyway. Maybe we could be together for a change without someone’s super sonic hearing getting in the way.”
“I told you they don’t listen.” He assured you for the umpeenth time.
“And I told you that I am too intelligent to be that naive.” You snorted. “Pleeeeease?”
Shawn might be a wolf but you had some puppy dog eyes of your own on deck. Turns out they were just as irresistible. Go you.
“Let me call and check in, okay? No promises!”
You beam at him and press a kiss to his cheek as he leads you outside. Outside the night air is the perfect temperature. Cool enough, but not cold. It’s not raining, so while Shawn talks boring business with Brian, you walk a few feet away from him just to look up at the sky. You teeter playfully in your heels and just sort of walk aimlessly around still within close proximity to the theater. The sky was so beautiful that you stumbled slightly and almost knocked into a group of guys heading straight for the entrance. One of them catches your arm and makes sure you’re up straight.
You giggled slightly. “My bad. I was just looking up at the sky and didn’t even see where I was going. I’m so sorry.”
“You’re alright, sugar. You okay?” He asked a look in his eyes that had your spidey senses tingling.
You nodded. “Yep. Thank you. Have a nice night.”
The crowd comes to a stop as the guy does and suddenly you’re faced with a group of six or seven men that immediately make you feel uncomfortable.
“What are you doing tonight, baby? Why don’t you come see the movie with us?” He asked hand still on your arm.
You don’t have your mace on you, because werewolf boyfriend tended to trump that nowadays.
“No thank you I’ve already seen my movie.” You smile slightly and tug at his grip.
“What you don’t like white guys or something? We no good for you, baby?”
Well that was just incredibly ironic. A part of you wanted to say, usually, yes, but even you didn’t love to tackle a big group of men in public. It’s maybe a forty-five second conversation, but it feels like hours, and surely any woman could relate. There’s this innate sense to shrink in on yourself, to take up less space, to be anything other than what you are. The survivalist in you is already looking at the space on either side of you that isn’t occupied by a man, tried to figure out how hard it might be to run away. His friends certainly aren’t going to stop him, and you had no clue just the lengths he would go through to make his point.
At first you don’t even see Shawn. The only thing you see is the flash of red from his buttoned up shirt as he steps in to easily break the hold on the guy’s hand. You don’t feel nearly as bad about the ease of it knowing the whole super-not exactly human strength thing. The relief when he’s there is immediate and infinite. Your stomach had dropped and your throat had thickened. But, with Shawn there you knew nothing would ever happen to you. He wouldn’t let it.
“Excuse me? I don’t think she wants to be touched by you.” Shawn spat. “So, why don’t you back the fuck up.”
“Aye man we were just talking! What are you her fucking bodyguard?”
“Doesn’t matter who I am, now does it? A piece of shit like you puts his hands on someone when they don’t want it, I’m the guy who asks you to move on before I kick your ass.”
Said piece of shit felt much more confident with his group of friends around. He stepped to Shawn with at least three inches of height difference and not nearly the muscle mass. And that’s before you got to the fact that he was kind of an alpha.
“Bro why don’t you get your own bitch and stop--”
Shawn’s eyes flashed red immediately. Bright red. And before you’re even aware of it, he lifts the guy off his feet by his throat and sends him flying into his friends. You’ve never seen anything like it. Shawn turns to you and hands you his car keys and he looks livid, he looks...not completely human.
“Baby go get in the car.” He murmured, jaw clenched.
The group of guys are all collectively shitting themselves though and Shawn looks like he might not let the guy leave on anything but a stretcher.
“Hey, c’mon. Let’s go. I don’t need you to defend my honor.” You murmured tugging on his arm. “Please?”
“No one is ever going to speak about you like that in front of me. Ever.”
He turned, hell bent on doing damage, when you grabbed at the back of his shirt to pull him back to you.
“Please! I wanna go home, okay? Now!” You yelled.
He peered at you, his nostrils flared and his eyes were still red. But, it was you. So, he took a deep breath and another before he turned calmly back to the guy. You watched him squat down where the guy was clutching at his neck and coughing, which seemed just a bit dramatic in your estimation.
“If I ever see you again? If you ever think a negative thought about her again? I will rip your throat out with my teeth? K? K.”
He patted him on the leg and then reached for your hand, finally going back to the safety of the car. You hand him the keys and Shawn starts to drive you home, the events previously leaving you quiet and in a daze. Shawn peers back and forth between you and the road. When his hand comes to rest on your leg, you flinch and it sends a look of hurt across his face.
“You’re afraid of me.” He mumbled, pulling his hand back.
Shawn’s worst fear in the world was you being afraid of him. He constantly tried to not get too worked up, to not appear angry, or anything too strictly on the wolf side of him. He never talked about it, but you had a feeling it had to do with the fact that you were human,and that he was terrified of hurting you. You also kind of thought he might still think there was something that could make you run away from him. It would take time to prove him wrong.
“No.” You assured him reaching to pull his warm palm between both of yours. “I swear I’m not. I’m just still a little spooked by the situation.”
“You promise?”
You pressed your lips to his fingers and brought his palm up to your face.
“I promise.”
He frowned over at you. “I’m so sorry.  I was on the phone with Brian and I didn’t even notice. I should have been there sooner, and it never would have happened.”
“There’s nothing for you to apologize for. You shouldn’t have to be with me every waking second so that a man shouldn’t feel the need to harass me. That’s on him. Not us.”
Shawn drives the rest of the way home. You couldn’t help but notice that when he arrived at the house he pulled into the driveway instead of parking on the street, a telltale sign that he was spending the night.
You peered over at him with wide eyes.
“You’re staying?”
He turned the key to the off position and leaned against the middle console to press his lips to yours.
“Of course, I am.”
There’s a bit of a routine that the two of you follow. Shawn brushes his teeth while you put your head scarf on to keep your braids tucked away. He tugs off his clothes and puts them in the hamper by the door, because you see each other so often now that clothes are bound to end up split between places. He uses your face wash because you both have combination skin and you were nothing if not willing to share. You crawl into the right side of the bed and he crawls into the left. It’s perfect.
When you reach to crawl into his lap like normal, hell bent on “you time” before bed though, he presses you softly to the sheets. He kisses you with delicate pressings of his lips, hands rubbing up and down your sides. He won’t even bite your lip tonight, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why.
“Nothing rough tonight, honey. Just want to worship you tonight. Wanna take care of you.” He hummed against your throat.
Who are you to tell him no?
His hands brush from your calves all the way up to your thighs and to your hips, propping them around him the way he wants. His lips are searching your body like he’s looking for any signs of damage, any reason to go back to that guy in the parking lot. But it’s also like he’s searching for something for him to heal.He’s so tender and slow that night that you think you took what making love could feel like for granted. There’s something special about the way that he kisses you as he moves within you, the way that he cradles your head in his palm, the way that he groans into your skin as if you could absorb the feeling of his own pleasure. It is just as intense as any time that he touches you, and yet it feels more potent somehow. More overwhelming.
“You’re so beautiful.” He huffed into your neck, hips spiraling out of control. “You feel incredible.”
Your arms are around his neck and he everytime he pulls out even the slightest amount your hips can’t help but cant up towards him. You need him right.
“Please. Please.” You whimpered.
“What do you want? Use your words baby girl.”
He tugged at your bottom lip with his thumb and you nibbled playfully at his digit before sucking it into your mouth. His hips falter and your thighs tighten in response.
“I want--want you to take me from behind. It’s always deeper that way.”
He groaned softly and kissed you till you were breathless, till your head was practically spinning and all you could think about was the taste of him.
“Only if you look back at me while I do it. Need to see these pretty eyes of yours” He hummed.
“Ok, ok. Just do it, please.”
He flips you so fast you’re left breathless, back arching and ass presented to him clear like a present. He rubs himself against you and taps incessantly at your clit with his dick. You almost cry. And then he’s pushing into you and it just goes exactly where you need it to, to the point where you’re moaning, high pitched and breathy into the air.
His hands tense on your waist.
“Jesus Christ the sounds you make.” He grunted. “Baby, I’m trying to take it slow tonight.”
You whined softly into your sheets peering back at him innocently.  “Can’t help it. Just want you in me.”
His hands followed the curve of your body, gripping and squeezing you in all the right ways. He took a deep breath and pressed his body against yours. Your fingers intertwined and his hips nestled against you as he filled you up beautifully. You could feel his large, unnecessarily muscular thighs bracketing either side of your ass and his lips on your neck as he pushed into you so deep your toes curled. His hands came up to grip your boobs, fingers soft and warm. It felt so good you couldn’t stand it.
“Oh my god! Baby!”
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He hummed sucking a mark into your neck. “God, I love you.”
His hips piston in and out in rugged overwhelming lunges. He’s brushing against that part in you that makes your back arch, makes it feel like you can’t even breathe because it  feels so good. You reach for his wrist just to stabilize yourself, but none of it matters when he’s hitting it like this. It’s love and it’s romantic and it’s beautiful but it’s still the greatest sex you’ve ever had. So when your leg starts to shake and his fingers are pulling your hips against him so good, you can only try not to shatter across the entire room as your orgasm takes you. And something magical happens when he bites into your shoulder and reaches his own high at the same time. It’s ecstasy. Pure fucking magic.
“Roll over baby please?” He whines when you both have the ability to breathe again.
You let him maneuver you onto your back. Even try not to throw a fit when he has to pitch the condom. And then he’s back. Wrapping your bodies in the blankets and nestling into you so soft and warm. His fingers cup your jaw, his eyes pore into you, and your stomach just fucking flutters away like the first time. Like it’s always the first time.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on.” He whispered. “Making love to you is like the greatest pleasure I’ve ever known.”
You bit your lip and snuggled closer just to kiss him, just so you could hide your face for a few seconds from how overwhelmed he seemed to be able to make you feel. His arms wrapped around you have never made you feel safer, more protected, more loved.
“I love you.” You sighed. “No one could make me feel the way that you do. I just...I’m glad I found you.”
He hummed.
“Me too sweetheart. Me too.”
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1-800-seo · 5 years ago
domestic dad!kook
hi everyone I thought I’d post my crap here so here is my domestic dad!kook Drabble list thing?
involves: pregnancy, established relationship/marriage, kissing, hickies?, general tomfoolery, nothing major, dad!jungkook,
* those damned blue lines
* you thought you wouldn’t see them so soon
* after all you had only been married eighteen months
* old relatives have been asking since day 1 when they’re gonna he seeing some lil jeons running around smh aunty karen
* you wondered how he would react
* he’d never shown any adverse reaction to children before but he was practically still a child himself
* the spiderman onesie you washed yesterday attests to that
* you decided to tell him at dinner
* he’d just had his first bite of tagliatelle when you accidentally blurted it out
* “what?” he replied snapping his head up with wide doe eyes
* “I-I found out this morning...I’m definitely pregnant. I know it’s soon, but we can make this work.”
* “What’re you on about? This is amazing baby, I finally get to be a dad!”
* “So you want this?”
* “Definitely, I’ve always imagined a family with you, it was just a matter of time. I’m so happy though baby, over the moon.”
* The smile on his face was beaming and the twinkle in his eye sparkled, he looked the epitome of happiness
* “I’m glad you want this then, it’ll be a wild ride but I’m glad it’s with you.”
* you reach out and squeeze his hand, as a fat tear of joy rolls down your cheek
* “I’m glad too, I know we’re young but it feels so right, so right with you.”
* he looks down, a tear dripping onto the table
* he wipes a few more and giggles
* “Tbh im surprised this didn’t happen earlier considering we go at it like rabbits”
* “KOOK” you cant help but laugh
* He is right lol
One month 🍼
* “Where is my wife and my spawn~~~~~~”
* Jeongguk loudly sang as he burst thru the front door, arriving home from work
* “Wym spawn???“ You say as he pulls you into a bear hug and flops both of you on the couch
* “You know,, spawn, this baby, it’s my spawn hence why I’m calling it spawn like the superhero,, duh”
* he drops his hands down to your stomach and rest them their, flat palmed
* bowing his head so he is closer he says
* “I can’t wait to meet you Spawnie”
* Immediately you burst into a fit of laughter at the outrageous name
* “we CANNOT nickname our baby SPAWN, JEONGGUK”
* “Why not I think it’s well cool”
* he calmly replies proud smirk on his face
* “Is Spawn even a good guy?”
* “ummm”
* “wym ummm??”
* “well he’s kind of ambiguous in the comics”
* at that comment you both fell about laughing, your sides beginning to hurt at it all
* and that was how your unborn baby was nicknamed Spawn
Three Months 🍼
* “I can’t push the trolley, I’m pregnant”
* you said matter of factly
* “oh you’re just being lazy,, I mean I’m not saying I won’t push the trolley, but you’re really pushing the boat out, baby”
* “hehehe my plan worked, you fool, you may have suspected me, however you still fell right into my trap muhahahaha”
* you dramatically laugh and put your hands on your hips like a comical villain
* so anyways you skrt skrt around the shop
* and right next to the book section is you know what
* so far you actually haven’t looked their yet because you don’t know the gender
* but curiosity brings you snooping in the aisles
* Jeongguk returns from the bakery section, carrying croissants and hair swept into a messy top knot
* you stare at the many many many racks of children’s clothes
* tiny baby booties
* hats that kook could only fit on his fist
* so so smol baby-grows
* “ngl I’m kinda overwhelmed”
* “how come?”
* he puts his hands round your waist and rests his head on your shoulders
* big soft comfy back hug
* “idk it’s a lot of responsibility, right? I can’t even begin to think about names never mind washing, clothing, feeding this tiny human being when it arrives”
* “baby, you have nothing to worry about, and I am positive you’re going to be the best most caring mother ever, and I have full trust in that.”
* He places a soft chaste kiss on the top of your head
* “thank you for always supporting me ggukie”
* “It’s my pleasure; we’re going to have the best baby ever, aren’t we Spawnie”
* You roll your eyes and kiss his cheek
Four Months 🍼
* you were sat on the couch in your small apartment, small but sufficient
* Jungkook was painting the spare room and deconstructing old furniture you were selling on eBay
* You’re job was to arrange the business dealings and to look for new kid-appropriate furniture to reoccupy the spaces now blank
* It was fine by you
* saves you from getting up off the couch and getting all sweaty
* after a good few hours JK came out from the room, sweat on his brow and hungry
* hungry for something else tho 👀
* he stalks over to where you are sitting and kneels on the floor in front of your knees
* he rests his head on your lap, arms folded underneath it
* his eyes were dark, full of want
* “How’s it going baby? You tired?”
* “hmmm”
* he just stares back
* brows slightly furrowed
* soon enough he was peppering your face in warm kisses
* he flipped you over and sat you on his lap, hands resting on your waist
* his lips latched onto your neck and he sucked a flourish of purple and blue flowers under your jaw
* his lips were warm and supple on your skin
* it sent a shiver down your spine and goosebumps to your skin
* you found the hem of his black T-shirt and slid your hands under the fray
* you’re hands met the toned muscle of his stomach and the soft honey skin
* “looks like I can’t knock you up since someone already has, oh well, more fun for me”
* his hands fiddled with the fabric of your top
* you obliged and pulled it over your head
* you were met with his mouth hungrily crashing into yours as he searched for more and soon enough you were underneath him
Six Months 🍼
* your belly was fairly noticeable by now and you couldn’t avoid the fact that you were pregnant
* people were starting to let you sit instead of them in public places
* you were getting more and more randos asking to touch your belly as well which wasn’t the greatest
* JK is always in protective dad mode™️ when this happens
* he’s ready to protect his babies
* one time when a sketchy looking old man asked to touch your belly JK immediately stood in between you and the guy
* he puffed out his chest and was hella macho
* Alpha Jungkook arises hehe
* ever since then he was more aware that people would be looking at you and more interested in you in general
* anyways
* he’s hella excited to be a dad
* his excitement is so pure and genuine it’s so sweet
* it’s like every day he gets more excited and you think by the full 9 months he’ll just be so excited he’ll be vibrating like a washing machine lol
* every night he kisses you and your baby good night
* “Night night baby jeon spawnie”
* without fail it makes you giggle
* his lil nose always brushes against your skin when he says it and it’s ticklish and comforting
* you can’t wait to meet your baby to see which of you they look like and in what ways
* will they have your double lidded eyes or his unique nose
* will they have his bunny teeth or your short stature
* either way they’ll be the most loved being in this world
Seven Months 🍼
* it was time for the long awaited gender reveal
* you and him had decided that you would go alone to the appointment since he had work and then you would surprise Ggukie when he gets back
* you decided the way you would tell him was by dressing in either blue or pink
* you know you know,, not really breaking gender stereotypes, but it gets the idea over
* so that’s what you do
* you wear you’re best maternity day dress and do your makeup all güd
* it’s 5:30pm and he’s so excited to know
* he barges thru the door and basically and sprints to you
* he’s met with a baby blue clad wife, her hair adorned with a periwinkle ribbon
* immediately he knows and swoops you up into a bear hug
* “Jungkook? We’re going to have a little baby boy!”
* “I’m so happy! I feel like I’ve drank five red bulls,, we’re going to have a boy”
* When you pull away from the hug his cheeks have tears dripping down them and his eyes are wet
* “aww baby why’re you crying?”
* “because I’m just so happy, I can’t wait to see him, he’s going to be perfect, we’ll all be perfect”
* “you’re right kook, we’ll be perfect”
* “You don’t know how much I love you, you know?”
* that was when you started crying tears of happiness too
* youd remember this moment forever
Eight Months 🍼
* “I think it’s time to think of some actual names”
* “yeahhh people at work keep thinking I’m actually calling the baby Spawnie and then I keep having to explain why it’s called Spawn and i don’t particularly like explaining that Spawn is a play on sperm and that’s my sperm”
* “What goes ON at your work”
* “you don’t even wanna know babygirl”
* “ummm so I was thinking, something familial, i don’t want a western name tho so that rules out my side,, unless you want to call him Barry”
* “uhh no thanks babes”
* “yeahh they’d sound like the flash lol”
* “I don’t want none of that DC propaganda in my household thanks”
* “tru tru”
* “so what about your side of family? Can you think of any family who have named you like?”
* “What about Junseok? My great uncle is called Junseok and I think that’s cool, also it kinda looks like a combination of Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung’s names.”
* “Wow they’d love that, that’s a good idea actually.”
* “Jeon Junseok, has a good ring to it”
* “I agree”
* “It’s settled then until further notice”
* “It seems it is Mr Jeon”
First Week Home 🍼
* The moment Junseok was in his little sunset coloured crib you burst into tears of relief
* you’d obviously been stressing post birth about the intricacies and once you’d got him home and settled it was like a weight of your shoulders
* he was home
* he was safe
* and you were both over the moon
* he had the smallest nose and the biggest doe eyes
* his dark hair swept across his delicate skin on his forehead
* you just knew he’d be the spitting image of his dad
* each following day with Junseok was amazing
* he was good for you
* slept so well
* settled into routine easily
* it’s as if you never had to worry
* and Jungkook was a life saver
* he was such an attentive father and husband
* always caring for you and Junseok
* every morning he’d bring you up a cup of herbal tea and bowl of granola
* and go check on the baby and if he’s awake change and feed him
* his paternity leave was a blessing
* it meant you actually got a lie in instead of Junseok waking you up
* “I can do the baby this morning, it’s ok”
* you say sitting up in bed
* “no no I’ll do it I’m used to getting up at this time for work anyway”
* “but you’ve been doing it all this week I feel bad”
* “Baby, rest, I want to do this, you deserve a rest after carrying the baby for nine months, I’m sure I can take care of him for a few mornings”
* then he gave u a sweet kiss and left to see his baby boy
Eighteen Months 🍼
* you pulled on Junseok’s tiny yellow wellies as Jungkook put on his coat
* “where are we going seokie?”
* “P-p-p” Junseok tried his best to get out the letters
* “Yayyy we’re going to the park”
* “Me and your mum are going to meet uncle Jimin too, and you know what that means? You’re going to get spoileddd”
* “V tru, but why does he always spoil him? I mean it’s not a problem he gets free things and stuff, but do you reckon he’s compensating for something?”
* “Yeah as nice as it is I think he might be compensating for not being around as often as he’d like to, solo career going strong as all, you know how he loves kids, in his head he probably thinks he’s an absent uncle but in reality he’s ever present just away for an odd weekend, which is normal”
* “yeah I get that”
* “But it’ll be nice to see him anyway, we can ask him about his new single”
* “Oh I’ve heard that it’s pretty good”
* Junseok pulled at the hem of your coat, indicating he wants to leave
* So off you went
* the day was filled with jumping in muddy puddles and Jimin nearly falling in said puddles
* Junseok got all dirty so you had to go find a bathroom to clean him up at
* hence why you ended up at an ice cream parlour in winter
* despite the cold weather you enjoyed the ice cream nonetheless
* JK teases Jimin a few times because apparently Jimin’s white blond hair was vanilla ice cream and his was chocolate
* Jimin insisted his was bingsu however JK refused
* Junseok had a great time fluffing up uncle Jimin’s hair after that
* and so the day drew to an end
* you headed home
* Seokie sleeping in the car all the way there
* you gently took him into the house and the pair of you collapsed on the couch and immediately fell asleep
* it was the cutest thing
* and when you woke up you saw your two boys asleep so soundly
* and you thought to yourself how content with your life you were
* how lucky you were
* how much you love those boys
* and you’d do anything for them
The End hehehe :)
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chocoluckchipz · 6 years ago
Dance with Me, Chaton - 5
Read it on A03, WattPad, FF.net
Written for @ladynoirjuly2019
< Previous
5. Lost
If by the end of day one Adrien was pretty sure that Kagami was Ladybug, then by the end of day two, he was almost convinced. She was a force to be reckoned with. Her colleagues admired her. Those who slacked at their job feared her. Adrien felt he had a long way to go to even think about reaching Kagami’s level of dedication and skill. Perfect description of his Ladybug. The only thing left was to match what little details she let slip online to the real person: Ladybug could draw well enough to agree to edit Gabriel’s sketches, and one of her best friends was a dance instructor. Neither one Adrien could confirm for Kagami yet. He didn't despair, though. With time he would succeed.
Chat Noir: I bet your day today was just as lovely as you are, my Lady.
Ladybug: LOL And what would you know about my beauty, Chat? For all you know, I can be that old, bearded dude from the accounting department.
Chat Noir: Le Gasp! My Lady, beards are sexy. I’ve been considering getting one myself.
Ladybug: Well-looked after and trimmed beards are sexy. The guy from the accounting department doesn’t know the meaning of either.
Chat Noir: Then you cannot be him. Even your words are fashionable, my Lady. I bet your beauty knows no bounds, and men drop by your feet with confessions of love on a daily basis.
Ladybug: And I bet you are a local Casanova whose sweet tongue and, possibly, easy on the eyes looks earned him a girl or two on his arms at any given time.
Chat Noir: You mocking me, aren’t you?
Ladybug: I’m making assumptions based on how you talk. Just like you do. What? I’m wrong?
Chat Noir: Yes. Severely. I’ve never been even kissed. Or dated. Or in love. Been too busy for that.
Ladybug: Accept my condolences.
Chat Noir: You’re still mocking me.
Ladybug: Not at all. I really am sorry. It must feel awful to have never fallen in love.
Chat Noir: Have you ever been in love?
Ladybug: Yes. But that’s all I’m telling you.
Chat Noir: Then maybe instead you can finally tell me how did your day go?
Ladybug: it was lovely. Thank you for asking. Yours?
Chat Noir: Pretty well. How is your baby? Taught him something new today?
Ladybug: XD Her and yes. She’s a quick learner.
Adrien frowned. Either he’s on the wrong track or Ladybug was trying to throw him off her trail. Which was a more plausible explanation because from all the conversations they’ve had so far, keeping her identity a secret was Ladybug’s top priority and she’d already let quite a lot slip. He wouldn’t put it past her at this point to throw him a few fake facts to prevent any possible reveals.
Ladybug: So, about our mission. I thought about it and I think that reworking designs and anonymously surveying Gabriel’s design department only should be the way to go. We won’t be leaking anything outside of the company since our designers had seen all the designs already at some stage. And we’ll show M Agreste that there are more people than just us who think his choices are ridiculous. This is the only way I can think of how to do this without risking losing our jobs.
Chat Noir: I like your plan, my Lady. So, all we need now are the actual designs?
Ladybug: Yeah. And there is no way I can get them.
Chat Noir: Leaving the dirty work to the keeper of misfortune?
Ladybug: You said you’re working in the Hawkmoth’s proximity, meaning, of the two of us, you have a higher chance of getting those files. But we can always forget it. I don’t want you to risk too much, and it’s not like we have to do anything in the first place. If Hawkmoth wants to get ridiculed, who are we to stop him?
Chat Noir: The warriors of truth and light who don’t want the company we love to suffer?
Ladybug: LOL Tbh, only if I’m not losing my job over it.
Chat Noir: Well, I don’t care if I lose mine. Been thinking of quitting actually, so I’ll get you the files. Do you want me to do the survey also? Let's get you involved as little as possible so you're not risking your job. Alright?
Ladybug: Only if you insist.
Chat Noir: I do.
Ladybug: Thank you, Chaton. I appreciate that.
Chat Noir: :3 I like your choice of a nickname for mew.
Ladybug: LOL Well since you’ve been quick to give me one, why can't I do the same?
Chat Noir: Fair enough.
The next hour, they spent chatting about anything and everything in between. By the end of the conversation, Adrien couldn't help but wishfully grin at the screen. This girl was amazing. Witty, funny, smart, confident and creative, she even designed and texted him their secret squad logo: a black kitten, looking at a tiny ladybug on his nose. It was cute. Adrien saved it as his phone background. Risky, but they were slowly becoming friends and with her changed opinion of Adrien, hiding his identity wasn’t such a priority for Adrien anymore.
The next day, however, brought some surprises. More like confused stupor, because the last thing Adrien had expected from his sweet Ladybug was to cold-heartedly fire some poor soul for making a simple mistake.
“I'm sorry you had to witness that,” Kagami apologized to Adrien after the fired man escaped. “Take it as an example that unless you keep them in line, nothing will get done right. People have forgotten what responsibilities and respecting your superiors mean, so I have to remind them from time to time.”
Adrien hummed under his breath, leaning on a windowsill. His father’s philosophy was also to rule with fear, but it was his mother who showed him that honesty, kindness, support and hard work went much further in earning people’s respect and inspiring them to work with you. It forged connections impossible to break. It bore loyalty and success. It was the way Adrien wanted to go. His chest tightened. He missed her dearly and was so happy that, at least online, Ladybug was so much like his mom. He'd hate to think that in real life, the girl he was smitten with upheld his father's way of thinking. Rather disappointing.  
“Would you like to grab lunch together?” Kagami intruded into his thoughts. “I’m almost done, and since today’s the last day you’ll be shadowing me, I thought we could share lunch?”
Adrien perked up. Lunch sounded like a good idea to ask more personal questions. More relaxed atmosphere and no pressure of a workplace. He needed answers and lunch sounded like the perfect place to get them.
“Absolutely,” he smiled. “I’d love nothing more.”
An hour later, they’d found a nice cafe and settled on the second floor. Conversation flowed almost effortlessly and soon Adrien braved a question lingering at the back of his mind. “Do you enjoy working at Gabriel, Kagami?”
"I do," she said. "I like the direction your father is heading, and his work ethic is one of the best in the industry."
Adrien quirked an eyebrow. The online Ladybug had a different idea. At least about the new collection. Maybe he needed to be more specific?
“What about his creative direction? The newest line that is about to be released. What do you think about it?”
“Hard to say.” Kagami shrugged. “I haven't really seen much of it since my work has nothing to do with designing or making the clothes.”
“Aren't you allowed access to unreleased items to create the advertisement?”
"Very limited. Usually, your father would send me pictures of what he'd like to be featured."
“I see,” Adrien sighed, resting his chin on his propped-up hand. “Well, I saw his latest line, and there were some questionable choices made. Sequins in formal wear, for example.”
Kagami didn't react much.
"I trust M Agreste to make it work." She shrugged. "His designs had made him into the fashion icon he is today, and that didn't happen because he was always careful and held back. Risks are inevitable if you want to take the top. That's what he's doing if you ask me."
Adrien leaned back into his chair. Kagami was either a fantastic actress or she wasn't the Ladybug he sought. His phone chimed.
Ladybug: I know we agreed not to chat during the day, but I need a third opinion. Help.
His breathing heavy, Adrien glanced at Kagami, eating her salad. There was no way she could’ve sent him this message. Her cell phone was still in her bag.
“Would you excuse me for a moment?” Adrien asked, standing up.
Kagami nodded.
Adrien walked behind a corner, stopping in a place he could still see Kagami.
Chat Noir: I’m at your service, my Lady.
Ladybug: Thank you! Tell me, what’s the best dessert ever: eclairs or macarons?
Chat Noir: Can I say croissants?
Ladybug: >:( Those aren't dessert. Choose from the two I’ve sent you.
Chat Noir: Well, then macarons.
Ladybug: YES! Thank you!
Chat Noir: Do I get to know what this was all about?
Ladybug: LOL Okay. You deserved that much.
Ladybug: Don't laugh, but my friend and I are at the cafe and we were choosing a dessert and kind of started to argue which one was the best. Since we couldn't come to a conclusion we’ve decided to ask a complete stranger for a third opinion. I just won. Thank you, Chaton.
Chat Noir: A complete stranger, huh?
Ladybug: I can feel your pout through the screen, Chaton. Don’t be silly. You know what I mean. Btw, my friend says Hi.
Chat Noir: Hi to her too.
Ladybug: Him. Gtg now. Ttyl. Thank you again.
Him. His chest tightened. Someone was spending their lunch now with that amazing woman. Someone was having fun arguments with her. Someone who wasn't him because Kagami hadn't even looked at her cell phone this whole time. She wasn't his Ladybug. He wasn't her Chat Noir. Back to the square one. Match one lost.
Surprisingly, he felt relieved.
Next >
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thranduilsperkybutt · 6 years ago
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While You Were Sleeping --- A Supernatural AU
Gif source:  1  |  2  |  3  |  4
Series Masterlist
Pairings:  Dean Winchester/Reader; Sam Winchester/Reader
Warnings:  Flangst in the first chapter, but there will be more Fluff than angst to come!! Me being a cheesy sap! Writing that will never be as good as the movie, but hell I tried! [Technically the first chapter involves Sam getting hurt… but don’t worry it’s not too angsty!]; Possibly OOC characters?
Word Count:  3,290 words
Reader Gender:  Female
Author:  Meg
Summary:  You live a simple life. You go to work at Charlie’s Coffee House, you pay your bills, you fantasize about finally bucking up the courage to speak more than three words to the tall, attractive regular who you knew only by the name that gets scrawled on the side his coffee cup. Simple. Up until the minute you wind up accidentally becoming his fiancée, that is... and he doesn’t even know it yet. [While You Were Sleeping AU, Coffee-Shop!AU? --- I’m playing fast and loose with the plot.]
A/N:  Don’t judge me! I love While You Were Sleeping and I really wanted to write this AU for SPN! I added in a coffee shop because I love coffee shops! This is shameless self-indulgence and not much else tbh...  I plan on this being several parts, but I don’t have how many pinned down yet! Second part is in progress right now, so I decided to post this one. [Also, due to school, it may take some time for me to post chapters, so please be patient with me!] Give me feedback to let me know if I should keep this going, or what you’d like to see in later chapters!
|  Part 1  |  An Accidental Engagement
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Your name: submit What is this?
Just the sight of him was enough to have your breath catching in your throat. He moved through the coffee shop familiarly, with a confident grace as he arrived right on the six-thirty dot as had become routine. He looked crisp in his dark suit, which was no doubt expensive if the glance you got beneath his heavier winter coat was anything to go by. It was the height of winter, in that freezing limbo between Christmas and New Years, but the murky clouds above were determined stay, bordering on the threat of snowfall. Long, leather-gloved fingers push back the chocolate locks of hair that had cascaded into his vision as he ordered the same thing he always did, before moving to the side to wait on his order, completely oblivious to the way you had barely been able to function since he came in the door as he turns his attention down to his phone.
“Sam!” Charlie barks out not three minutes later, her fiery red hair tied up into a bun that was already falling down her neck and would most likely fall to pieces before her shift was over. Your heart skips a beat as the tall man looks up from his phone before taking his nonfat soy latte from the pass and hurrying towards the door in long, fluid steps without a second glance behind him, instead focused on whatever important text he was tapping away on his cell.
You sigh, watching him leave. There he went, your future husband, in all his mountainous glory. You could see it now, the two of you together. You could fit perfectly under his arm, thanks to his height. Maybe you could even warm to the idea of having a few rugrats running around eventually, if it was with him. Of course, it would be after he inevitably proposed and you had your own luxurious, fairy-tale wedding. You hoped they would look more like him, with his hazel eyes, and dark hair---
Charlie swatting playfully at your butt with a dishtowel brings you out of your fantasy, forcing the empty coffee mug in your hands back to the forefront of your attention, “Hey, lovergirl, quit drooling and get back to work!” Thankful the door had just closed behind Sam, you jump a bit at the smack. You shoot her a light glare, but still feel the pang of embarrassment at having been caught. Charlie just snickers at you, looking back to the line as Cas takes the next customer in her absence, “Look, chica, I don’t know why you don’t just go on and talk to the suit already! You've nothing to worry about. I know a billion girls who would think they went to heaven to be on a date with you! You’re gorgeous, and a super cool friend, which is a diamond in the rough to find nowadays.”
“Don’t butter me up like one of your croissants, Char! I don’t think talking to your online girlfriends would be the same as bucking up the courage to talk to him,” even though you roll your eyes, you can’t deny the gratefulness you had for her compliments. She single-handedly boosted your self-esteem half of the time, but you doubted it would ever actually grow enough for you to actually make a move on Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome who frequented her coffee shop.
“If this Friday goes well, it won’t be online anymore! I’ve got that date with Ruthy, remember?” Charlie reminds, adding a slight, happy squeal to the end of her declaration as she pulls the lever to the latte machine, a tuft of air accenting her giddy excitement as she froths the next order’s milk.
“And you’ll totally knock her socks off! But, me?” Finishing up the order you had, you send it to the pass with a call of, “I’ve got a black coffee for… Chuck,” before looking back to your boss, “I can’t make it past three words when he comes in! You know that you and Cas have to handle his order all the time, because I’m completely useless when it comes to actually speaking more than one singular word to his stupid, beautiful face.”
She glances back at you skeptically, in the midst of making the espresso order Cas had sent her way before taking his next customer, only to chuckle at your pout, “But have you even tried---?”
The sound of tires screeching violently and people shouting interrupts Charlie and pulls you away from the conversation, your attention shooting towards the glass door to focus on a commotion beyond the windows of Charlie's Coffee House. Your heart jumps into your throat, a sharp fear rushing through you as you realize what is happening in the parking lot.
You didn’t know you could move that fast, as you hadn’t a reason to in the past couple of years, but you closed the gap to the door quickly with how you found yourself running. Disregarding anything else in your haste to get to the scene outside, you pushed out into the winter morning without a care for the way the wind whipped through you, unable to settle it’s chill into your bones with the heat of the adrenaline already warming you.
Not bothering to stop at the driver, you dart past him, barely catching the stunned explanation, “He--- he just walked right out in front of me, on his phone! I didn’t see him until he was right there!” There, on the ground not three feet from the grille of the driver’s Audi, was your favorite customer, his nonfat soy latte scattered and soaking slowly into the unforgiving asphalt.
“Sir? Sir!” you rush to his side, slightly out of breath as you gently press at his shoulders. When you get no response, your gentle pressing grows rougher in an attempt to get him to stir, your voice coming more frantic and scared at the lack of response, “S-Sir, are you okay? Please, say something if you can hear me!” That’s when you notice the blood beginning to pool from beneath his head. Heart hammering in your chest, you turn towards the driver and shout with far more assertion than you ever had in your life, “Call 9-1-1, right now!” Looking back to him, you don’t dare move him, freezing up in a horrifying moment of uncertainty. What do I do? What do I do?
“Oh my god,” you faintly recognize Charlie’s voice from beside you, watching her grey converse sneakers step closer in your peripheral as your hands press into the asphalt, cold and wet beneath your fingers, while you try to get enough of a grip to be useful at all.
Mustering up his name, you urge, hearing the desperation to your voice, “Sam? Sam, come on, buddy… tell me something!”
“I don’t think he’s breathing,” comes gruffly from Cas, who looked on from the sidelines, but still managed to notice something that you hadn’t. You were beginning to draw a crowd now, and Sam still hadn’t stirred yet.
Glancing around frantically, catching the eyes of anyone who would look at you directly, you ask, “Is anyone a doctor? Or nurse? EMT?” When you get only a collective, resounding murmur in response, you look back to Sam, unresponsive and most certainly not breathing at this very moment. You knew you needed to act fast.
If the CPR class you took for kicks last summer was ever going to do you any good, now would be the time.
“Oh, god. Okay. I got this. I got this,” hands shaking you wipe the gravel off your hands before you press them, hard, one atop the other, in the center of his chest, silently praying that you don’t break any ribs, “Sorry, Sam…”
You were still shaking by the time you got to the hospital. Whether it was from the ordeal or from the chill that had finally soaked into you, you didn’t know. Charlie urged you go with the paramedics who took Sam, and they needed someone to tell them what happened anyway. She excused her motives as liability reasons, since the accident had technically occurred on her property, but you figured otherwise. Either way, you were too worried about him to refuse, especially in the split second you had to decide as he was getting hoisted into the ambulance.
Following after the doctors and nurses as they wheel him through the emergency room, you’re quickly stopped by one of them as you come to a set of large double doors, which Sam quickly disappears behind, “Sorry, only family past this point.”
“Are you family, ma’am?”
“N-No, but---”
“Then, you can’t accompany him.”
“I’m--- I’m his fiancée!”
Your hand goes over your mouth as soon as you’ve said it. Shit, why did you just lie? The guilt is immediate and you’re about to backtrack, but the nurse changes his tune at the information.
“Oh! Well, why didn’t you say so? This way, please!”
You don’t know why your feet follow him or why you keep to yourself the fact that you weren’t, in fact, this stranger’s fiancée, but the deeper you find yourself going into the hospital, the more you convince yourself that this is only until you make sure Sam is okay. He didn’t have anyone with him, so you were the only one there to check in on him. After all, what harm could it do if you just stayed long enough to make sure he was okay?
Besides, it was too late to tell anyone otherwise now, right?
You wrestle with the realization of your deception until you’re drawn out of it by a different nurse than before, a shorter, kind-looking older lady who smiles sympathetically at you, “Mr. Winchester has been transferred to the third floor, so you can go to his room, now. I can take you, if you’d like?”
“Oh, no, I can find it. Third floor, right?” you confirm, wishing to be out of the family waiting room as quickly as possible. You knew that you don’t belong there, and the guilt was already eating at you for having lied earlier. It put you on edge, but the slight worry made everything much clearer as you sought out his room, as if it were a task to complete.
You’d just make sure he was alright, then you’d leave, and go back to being the girl at the coffee shop that he didn’t know existed. That’s that. The way it was meant to be.
When the elevator dinged, signalling the third floor, you find the nurse’s station easily enough, and they give you his room number freely since you’re his fiancée, after all, and it was just so wonderful you were there to stay by his side. It was a smaller room that they had him in, lined with glass so the nurses could monitor him at their station, which made you feel a little more at ease that maybe he wouldn’t be as alone as you thought. At least the nurses would be keeping a watch over him. It also made you feel a bit less awkward, as if you weren’t doing something wrong by staring through the glass to make sure he wasn’t currently on the brink of death anymore.
By the time you become satisfied that you’ve done all you can, nearly ready to turn and leave, you’re caught by an older man in a lab coat who had headed your way, “Ah, you must be Mr. Winchester’s fiancée. I’m Dr. Stanton. Why don’t we go in, so I can get you up to speed on what’s been happening with him?”
“Oh, uh,” you glance away from the doctor, trying to come up with an excuse to leave and failing, before you inevitably follow him into the room with a meek, “okay.”
“I know you must be very worried right now, after an ordeal like you’ve been through--- I understand you performed CPR after the accident?” Dr. Stanton was a mature-looking man, with kind eyes and a receding hairline. He fixed you with a sympathetic stare, over the glasses which must have been for reading, as he didn’t seem to need them to watch your reaction.
“Yes--- Well, I tried, at least. I only took a layman’s class last summer, because my friend, Charlie, got on a worst-case-scenario kick,” you admit, before adding with worry, “I didn’t hurt him any, did I? No...” you linger on the words, sparing a worried glance to Sam and fixating on his chest, though you can’t see any bandages through the hospital gown they had him in, “broken bones, right?”
“Oh, no, no! You didn’t break any ribs, thankfully. In fact, you may just have given him the time he needed to get to the hospital---”
“Oh, my god!” wails from the door to the hospital room, drawing yours and the doctor’s attention to a blonde woman who rushes to Sam’s side immediately, trailed after by a tall man who had a salt-and-pepper beard, and two others. “What happened to my boy?”
“Sam?” the second man, wearing a worn-looking baseball cap, calls out, to no response. He looks towards the brunette woman at his side, “When was the last time you heard from him, Ellen?”
“You know that boy hasn’t been home in over a year, Bobby! I haven’t heard from him no more than you,” she huffs, before moving towards the blonde woman to offer a comforting hand on her shoulder, “He’ll be fine, Mary. I know it. That boy of yours is strong.”
“Excuse me, but who are all of you?” Dr. Stanton huffs, clearly a bit perplexed by the sudden influx of people into the room.
It’s Salt-and-Pepper who speaks, all firm brow and frown as he fixes the doctor with a stern look, “I’m Sam’s father, John Winchester, and this is my wife, Mary,” he gestures to the blonde currently grasping Sam’s hand, “What happened to him? We were told on the phone he was in some sort of accident---”
You ease towards the door, hoping to slip out relatively unnoticed now that Sam’s family had arrived, but you’re stopped in your tracks by a girl who appeared to have been at the back of the pack, lingering by the door. She was about your age, maybe a bit younger.
Looking you over, apparently sizing you up with a scrutinizing look, she states boldly, “You aren’t dressed like a nurse,” which draws the attention of the rest of the family, as her arms cross over her chest, “Who even are you?”
“I’m… (Y/N),” you manage dumbly, noting the growing silence at your lack of real explanation, “I’m, uh…”
“Mr. Winchester’s fiancée,” Dr. Stanton clarifies slowly, as if to remind them, as he looks on incredulously.
“Fiancée?!” John nearly shouts, anger boiling under the surprise in his tone, “That’s just like him! Moving off! Not even bothering to tell his family he’s getting married!” John’s hand grabbing the end of the bed roughly makes a loud, banging noise that makes you jump in surprise. Wow, looks like things are not peachy in this family dynamic.
“You don’t think you have anything to do with why Sam doesn’t share with the rest of us how he lives his life? You just had to keep pushing him about the family business,” Mary shoots back, quieting her husband with one cold look. That doesn’t stop John from scoffing, or glaring his attention back to you in a way that put you on edge at the fire behind his dark eyes.
“He woulda’ told Dean, though! And Dean woulda’ told me!” the girl currently standing between you and the exit huffs, still not buying it.
“Jo, honey,” Ellen begins, moving from Mary to her daughter, a slightly wistful glint in her eye, “I wouldn’t be so sure of that nowadays. You know how private Sam’s got. I don’t even think Dean talks to him like he used to.”
“It’s a surprise… but it’s not like Sam’s ever been too keen on bringing home his girlfriends before,” Bobby adds softly, looking on sadly at Sam before his eyes are drawn back to you. “At least you seem more level-headed than the last one. She was a handful.”
“Can we please get back to what, exactly, happened to my son?” Mary demands from the doctor, getting his attention with her snap of annoyance. “Why isn’t he waking up?!”
“He’s in a coma,” Dr. Stanton frowns, before following up the swift blow with, “but his brain waves appear normal. There was some brain swelling from the concussion due to the car accident, but luckily there are no broken bones. He’s a tough one, your son. We expect him to heal adequately, but these things just take time. We’re keeping him heavily medicated as well, which can contribute to the sedation, but we want him to use as little energy as possible while he heals. It truly would have been much worse had his fiancée not given him emergency CPR at the scene.”
“You… you did that?” John’s glare softens a bit at that, astonished at your life-saving efforts, only for you to be cut off from forming any response when a pair of strong arms pull you into an embrace that knocks the wind out of you. Awkwardly, you lean into it, giving a tense hug in return to Mary, who had a deceptively good grip that forced you to linger until she was ready to pull back.
She blinks away the tears that brimmed her lashes just as quickly as they appeared, but you still catch it, as well as the slight strain to her voice when she thanks you, “Thank you for caring so much about Sam. He would… he’s going to be so grateful when he wakes up. He was… lucky you were around.” The way she says it, like it was almost hard for her to admit, makes you acutely aware that she must not say things like this too often. You were about to tell her that, no, you did what anyone would have done, but you don’t have the chance to formulate your words into an appropriate response, despite the lingering pause that permeated the hospital room, accompanying the repetitive beeping of Sam’s vitals on the monitor.
“You know what, why don’t you come to the family dinner on Sunday?” Ellen offers you a smile, trying to lighten the mood and fill the silence, “After all, you’re gonna’ be family soon enough, and we have some getting to know each other to do.”
“That’s a great idea, Ellen,” Bobby chips in with a laugh, giving a familiar pat to Sam’s calf, “This boy’s kept ya’ all to himself for long enough!”
“Wow, that’s...” you find yourself at a loss for words yet again. They all were so welcoming, so ready to take you into their homes, all looking so hopefully that you would accept the offer. Once again, your mouth does exactly the opposite of what your mind was telling it to do, and accepts the offer, “That sounds... great, actually.”
“Oh, Dean’s gonna’ love this,” Jo’s sarcastic tone draws your attention to her.
“Jo,” Ellen warns, but Jo ignores it.
“What, Mama? You know it’s true!” You raise a brow as she looks down at Sam with a sigh, “He’s gonna’ go crazy when he finds out Sam’s kept this a secret. They used to tell each other everything before, well… before. If Dean didn’t know about this, he’s gonna’ be crushed.”
“Sam and Dean are close?” you ask tentatively.
Jo looks at you like the answer is clear, before she adds, “Well, duh, they’re brothers.”
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vicccwrites · 7 years ago
Boyfriend! Zheng Ruibin
(A/N: Hello!! This is for the sweet anonnie who requested bf! ruibin :)) I’m sorry that my fics have been a bit all over the place recently and I hope you enjoy lovely~ <333)
- Picture Source: Google -
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The sheer amount of visuals that are being served every single day.
legitimately rude tbh
You get lost in his eyes on a daily basis for what feels like hours at a time
Would definitely be the type to sing to you
Whether he wants your opinion on a new track, or is just absentmindedly singing along to a song on the radio, you can’t help but melt a bit inside every time you hear his amazing vocals
Also him singing you to sleep is totally a thing that happens
Just him humming completely relaxes every muscle in your body and makes you feel so safe in his arms that you can drift off to bed
His singing is really calming and reassuring, but also conveys a lot of emotion at the same time?
So like if he’s in a good mood he’ll hum some upbeat, catchy tune
But if he’s feeling down he might choose to sing something sadder/more of a ballad type song
It all depends on his mood and what he feels like singing that day
Unless you bring up Hamilton
Then he’ll rap the entire rap thing (? I have no idea what it’s called) like his life depends on it
Which is both really endearing and totally hysterical
You always end up laughing for some reason,,, and it’s a sure way to cheer you up after a rough day
Takes mock offence at how hard you laugh at him to amuse you further
But he genuinely enjoys seeing you being so happy so he’ll join in on the giggling too
His laugh??? Is the most precious, adorable little sound you’ve ever heard
It’s so pure and sweet,,,, and it makes you fall a little more in love with him every time you hear it
Which is a lot since you’ve basically made it your life goal to make him laugh as much as possible
So he’s usually really upbeat
Sometimes he may feel a bit down though?
Like he might feel discouraged by a performance that didn’t go as well as he was expecting, or even a particularly mean comment
While he has gotten quite used to it over the period of time that he has been in the spotlight, his empathy and the amount he cares for his fans would shine through
He is only human, after all
And he may doubt himself or his abilities
In those cases, all you can really do is hold him tight in your embrace as he spills his heart out to you
While constantly reassuring him that he is good enough, and that you love him so, so much
Eventually, he will get over it with you by his side and will use the pent up emotions as fuel to work even harder
Which is a really great mentality!! Don’t get me wrong here
Except that your boyfriend already lives in the studios and you already have to drag him home every night
Even with as much as he denies he’s overworking himself, you can’t help but worry every time you see the bags under his eyes
You really have to convince him to take regular breaks
But then ruibin finally gets some of the rest he deserves!! So it’s all good
100% he would be the big spoon
Though you would much prefer snuggling into his chest than being cuddled from behind tbh
(More staring into his eyes)
Erin once said this about Zhangjing but it’s how I feel about ruibin’s eyes
His eyes are just so beautiful
And so is he lmao
He would also be the type to buy you little trinkets wherever he went for fanmeets or events
You guys might have an ongoing tradition? Where he buys you a keychain every place he goes and you collect them all on your car keys or something
Ahhh this is such a concept I’m in loveeeee!!!
So you have this giant collection of keychains
He gets invited to Paris fashion week?
If this doesn’t happen in the future I WILL sue someone istg
You get a little charm of the Eiffel Tower or a cute croissant to add to your key ring
He shakes his head in amusement every time he sees it because he finds it so ridiculous that you lug the whole collection everywhere
But he knows it makes you really happy so he keeps buying you more
Plus it’s a way to show you how much he adores you 💕
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cherri-ice · 7 years ago
All the numbers
fuck you 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
uH MY CLOSE FRIEND LMAO? 2. Are you outgoing or shy?
lowkey both?? im more shy but if i know the person im incredibly outgoing 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
MY LOWKEY GF4. Are you easy to get along with?
oft no 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
YEP6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
ppl who are kind !! also ppl who could either break me or love me 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
,, hopefully8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
,,, can i say keaton henson bc his music makes me sob9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
no but depending w who lmao :””^10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
mm i think my friend from school abt shitty people ngl 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
”do you think it’d be a good idea for me to run and get tea right now”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
ok jeez
1. cherry bomb - the runaways (wow, original)
2. all of sevdalizas songs ever
3. blood // water - grandson
4. charger - gorillaz
5. pools - glass animals
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
YESYEYSYESYEYSYES. fuck yes.14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
mhm!!15. What good thing happened this summer?
err i mean, if u count summer as past summer then convincing my dang dad that i dont wanna stay at my shitty school lmao?? 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
depends on what kind of kiss !! but ye!!17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
pfft, absolutely 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
,,, i dont think so tbh19. Do you like bubble baths?
HELL YE I DO20. Do you like your neighbors?
ngl i dont rly talk to them but they seem Nice21. What are your bad habits?
if i dont know someone all too well i tend to joke around w them?? idk its weird but i kinda get annoyed easy as well,, altho another bad habit is my flaky ass backing out of events sometimes22. Where would you like to travel?
i’d love to ,,, travel to scotland or france23. Do you have trust issues?
oh boy i do24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
going the hell to sleep again and wrapping myself up25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
every part w scars lmao26. What do you do when you wake up?
take my dang meds27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
,, idk?? i like my skin tbh but it could clear tf up28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my sister29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
nope :””^ 30. Do you ever want to get married?
yes!!31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
ye lmao32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
,,, IM 16 LETS NOT GO HERE33. Spell your name with your chin.
aki34. Do you play sports? What sports?
i work out but i dont play sport lmao35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
without tv, music is my lifeblood36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
almost always37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i try to joke abt smth usually38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
someone who cares for me smh39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
T2, I LOVE TEA,,, 40. What do you want to do after high school?
university or nap 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
yes!! unless they’re super shitty42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m nervous, anxious or overthinking43. Do you smile at strangers?
i try to ??44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
oo fuck outer space ty45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
,, honestly talking to lovely ppl46. What are you paranoid about?
people abandoning me or being completely alone and shut in and just,, closed away from the world47. Have you ever been high?
tba48. Have you ever been drunk?
not rly lmao i have a high tolerance 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
,, UM,,, lowkey yes50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
olive51. Ever wished you were someone else?
before, yes. now? nah, i’m pretty good 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
highkey wish i was less anxious 24/7
53. Favourite makeup brand?
NARS. nars. or kat von d altho i hate what she stands for
54. Favourite store?
T255. Favourite blog?
,, idk? 56. Favourite colour?
blue / green!!57. Favourite food? 
creme brulee58. Last thing you ate?
a rly good double cheese burger59. First thing you ate this morning?
croissant60. Ever won a competition? For what?
knowledge of novels for school!! or art wise, i’ve won a few comps inside our school61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nope62. Been arrested? For what?
nada63. Ever been in love? 
smh i fall in love,, way to easily64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
,, jeez i hate the person who it was with, but it was underneath the harbour bridge after chocolate strawberries and a picnic,, she asked if she could kiss me and i said yes65. Are you hungry right now?
jfc not rly im super content tbh66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
no @official-akko is a binch (im kidding i love u)67. Facebook or Twitter?
fb68. Twitter or Tumblr?
tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?
nope but i was watching law and order svu 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
beauty, my cat71. Craving something? What?
cuddling someone and gently lying my head on their chest 72. What colour are your towels?
white!!72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
3 binch73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
yes!!74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
on my bed is 2, but i think at least 5+ around 75. Favourite animal?
i love,, cats,,,, so fucking much 76. What colour is your underwear?
wouldn’t u like to know77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
mm cookies and cream?79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
dark bluuee80. What colour pants?
grey81. Favourite tv show?
right now its between brooklyn 99 and stranger things82. Favourite movie?
i will never stop loving mulan or the princess diaries 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls i guess 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
,, janis ian86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
uh the turtle smh87. First person you talked to today?
ash!! 88. Last person you talked to today?
rn, its niko89. Name a person you hate?
me90. Name a person you love?
ash91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
GOD this one asshole from school i will actually brawl92. In a fight with someone?
not rly?? idk93. How many sweatpants do you have?
at least 494. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
5!!95. Last movie you watched?
legally blonde pfft96. Favourite actress?
i lowkey love madelaine petsch97. Favourite actor?
shrugs loudly98. Do you tan a lot?
no im pale af99. Have any pets?
a cat!!100. How are you feeling?
tired, coffee makes me tired101. Do you type fast?
yep!! i can touch-type too so i dont even have to look most of the time as well lmao102. Do you regret anything from your past?
waayyy too fuckin much regret over what ive done to myself 103. Can you spell well?
ye!!104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
,, my grandma :105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
nope lmao106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
,, i think i have,,, 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yes!! i go horseriding at least four times during the year108. What should you be doing?
sleeping probably109. Is something irritating you right now?
i have a fuckin itch on my leG110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yep,, oh boy 111. Do you have trust issues?
i already answered this lmao112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
,, my sister because i wanted her to comfort m e shes v sweet113. What was your childhood nickname?
”leash”114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yes!!115. Do you play the Wii?
sometimes116. Are you listening to music right now?
i am, its glass animals :””^117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
yes!!118. Do you like Chinese food?
eh, iffy but i dont mind it!119. Favourite book?
THE NAME OF THE WIND BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS120. Are you afraid of the dark?
only a lil121. Are you mean?
,, i think i am sometimes122. Is cheating ever okay?
never ever ever ever is it okay.123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
yes! if not i fuckin clean em wth124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
not rly? i think love is something you have to grow and share together, kind of like a garden plant? works gotta go into it for it to blossom 125. Do you believe in true love?
i believe in it!126. Are you currently bored?
,, yea lmao127. What makes you happy?
memes, reading and tea ngl128. Would you change your name?
birthname? ye, probably lmao129. What your zodiac sign?
cancer! im an emotional fucking crab130. Do you like subway?
ye!131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
remind them im a lesbian132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
binnch this is a past question133. Favourite lyrics right now?
”Our skinIn time would tellCan I hold on to our genesIn my lifeI could not failWhen I run out will you leave?”
134. Can you count to one million?
i can but i’d loose track i have attention issues pfft135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
”i was late because my cat threw up one on of my school uniforms and i had to change”136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed, idk who can trust anyone that much to keep them open137. How tall are you?
5′7!138. Curly or Straight hair?
i have wavy hair if this is asking m e139. Brunette or Blonde?
blonde140. Summer or Winter?
winter141. Night or Day?
night142. Favourite month?
july bc its cold and my birth month143. Are you a vegetarian?
nooppe144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk chocolate!145. Tea or Coffee?
tea146. Was today a good day?
meh, highs and lows 147. Mars or Snickers?
mars148. What’s your favourite quote?
either:a. “And what we learn about ourselves in those moments, where the trigger has been squeezed, is this: the past is not dead. There are things that wait for us, patiently, in the dark corridors of our lives. We think we have moved on, put them out of mind, left them to desiccate and shrivel and blow away; but we are wrong. They have been waiting there in the darkness, working out, practicing their most vicious blows, their sharp hard thoughtless punches into the gut, killing time until we came back that way.” from Trigger Warning (Short fictions and disturbances), neil gaiman
b. “Perhaps the greatest faculty our minds possess is the ability to cope with pain. Classic thinking teaches us of the four doors of the mind, which everyone moves through according to their need.First is the door of sleep. Sleep offers us a retreat from the world and all its pain. Sleep marks passing time, giving us distance from the things that have hurt us. When a person is wounded they will often fall unconscious. Similarly, someone who hears traumatic news will often swoon or faint. This is the mind's way of protecting itself from pain by stepping through the first door.Second is the door of forgetting. Some wounds are too deep to heal, or too deep to heal quickly. In addition, many memories are simply painful, and there is no healing to be done. The saying 'time heals all wounds' is false. Time heals most wounds. The rest are hidden behind this door.Third is the door of madness. There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow it hides itself in insanity. While this may not seem beneficial, it is. There are times when reality is nothing but pain, and to escape that pain the mind must leave reality behind. Last is the door of death. The final resort. Nothing can hurt us after we are dead, or so we have been told.” - The name of the wind, patrick rothfuss
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yes!! i believe that ghosts exist lmao, or at least guiding spirits 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“… but he left his doubts unspoken. Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.” - Game of thrones lmao
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zankivich · 6 years ago
In My Blood: Wolf!Shawn x Black Reader: A coffee shop/baker AU
a/n: Look. I’ve been reading fanfic a long ass time. And I’ve been reading supernatural fanfic just about as long. And I dead ass have never in my 21 years encountered a story where the point of view, where the story, is centered on a black woman. So, we gone change that today. I am absolutely obsessed with this. It honestly started out pretty horrid, so I’m so happy she came together. I hope y’all like it! Let me know tbh. 
Trigger warnings: mentions of sexual situations, conversations regarding race/hint at police brutality, cussing
It rained the day you moved in. This would go on to become your new normal though so you thought you might as well get used to it. Moving to a new town was always hard. It helped a little bit that the town was so small, tucked quietly away in the midst of trees and general greenery, it was just extremely different from your norm. You’d been a doctor in a large city for a few years where the hustle and bustle of corporate medicine had taken its toll on you. You wanted an intimate setting of clientele, not squeezing people in just for the sake of money and greed. So, when you saw an ad looking to basically apprentice someone into their practice so they could retire, you took the leap and left.The nearest hospital was a bit of a drive, forty-five or so minutes into the city, so the clinic usually served most people for their day to day problems. It was perfect.
So, you packed up all of your shit and moved to this tiny town, the kind of town where people noticed when someone new arrived. It was also the kind of town where when the Black girl moved in with her shea butter and head scarfs, people might feel inclined to take pause. The good news was that you were unapologetic and quite ready to make yourself comfortable. One might say you were ready to take on the world.
One day when you were still settling in, but couldn’t take unpacking another box you went for a walk to try and get used to the new town around you. The first thing you stumbled upon was a cute little coffee shop with this beautiful image of a wolf as its logo. You quickly stepped inside. There were a few people sat around tables with their earbuds in typing away on laptops. The counter was large and took up most of the shop with a big display of baked treats sitting proudly beside the register. There was no line, but you could clearly see a guy cleaning up at one of the tables so you stepped towards to the display case to see if anything caught your eye.
“I’ll be with you in one moment!” He called moving so quickly he was practically a blur.
“Oh no worries, take your time.”
You were stuck between a chocolate croissant that looked like it was the size of your head and a cinnamon bun of equal proportion when he finally stepped up the counter.
“So sorry about that, what can I get you?”
You looked up and honest to god your heart must have skipped a beat. First of all your eyes went to the average height of any other human you’d ever talked to you, which barely cleared the abs of this ridiculous human being. And then there was the color in his cheeks which stood so starkly on his jagged jawline. His eyes were honey brown and he had these beautiful curls that seemed to take on a life of their own. He was absolutely beautiful. And huge. And warm looking in the apron that was slung around his waist. Honestly what the hell?
It didn’t help that he seemed to pause when he saw you too. As if anything you had going on could cause the kind of reaction this man was creating within you.
“Uhhhhh...H--Hello.” You stammered awkwardly, brain completely fried.
“You’re new here.” He murmured teeth nipping at his bottom lip.
“Yea. I um I just moved into town over the weekend actually. I’m working at the clinic with Dr. Savage? I’ll be taking over for him eventually.”
He hummed and it was like windchimes.
“Ah, I didn’t know Dr. Savage had actually found someone. He certainly didn’t mention you.”
“Should he have?” You asked slightly confused.
“Oh, we just go way back. He’s a family friend, and really important to the community. I always stop in and bring him breakfast after the rush here.”
He stared at you for a second and you stared back and it wasn’t awkward, but more charged, more like both of you wanted to say something that you couldn’t find the words for. Eventually he smiled and his teeth glinted sending your heart into another round of unsteady rhythms.
“I’m sorry. You must be waiting for me to actually do my job. What can I get you, honey?”
Jesus. Christ.
You smiled. “I think I was actually trying to figure out if I should try the chocolate croissant or the cinnamon roll. Which would you recommend?”
“Both.” He said instantly. “You should have both.”
You chuckled. “Please. They’re massive. I could never finish them.”
“You can take them home with you.”
“I could always just come back to try the other.”
“I’d rather you come back knowing what you want.” He murmured.
You paused for another moment, his statement seeming to be layered. There was also something about his eyes, so warm and inviting, that it was incredibly difficult to say no. You were a black woman after all, you’d been raised to say no. What was up this guy?
“Why don’t you go sit down and I’ll surprise you instead? Would you like a cup of coffee too?”
You nodded slowly. “Can you make a white mocha?”
“‘Course I can.” He grinned showing off his teeth once again.
You thought it best you just go sit down because you were beginning to feel lightheaded.
It was hard not to get swept up in his energy. He was wearing a white t-shirt that hung on his body beautifully. His shoulders were broad and twitched endlessly under the fabric as he shuffled around behind the counter. You suddenly wished you could draw or paint, because surely he was deserving of such a treatment.
When he stepped back up to your table his hands were completely full. He was balancing two plates in one palm and a massive cup of coffee on the other. You were starting to get the sense that portions weren’t really a thing here. You also couldn’t help but noticed that nothing looked too big when he was holding it in his hands. But nothing could have prepared you for him to set down your treats and then immediately plop a squat beside you.
“I want to see your first reaction. Everyone in town is old and comes here every day.” He smiled.
You swallowed. “Well I guess if you’re gonna join me for breakfast you could at least tell me your name.”
“I’m Shawn.” He chuckled reaching his oven mit sized hand out for yours.
His hand was warm. In fact he seemed to radiate heat like an oven. But, you couldn’t tell if that was you sweating like an idiot or if he just really was that warm. What a shit show.
“That’s a beautiful name. Now try your croissant, please?”
He gently nudged the plate forward until it bumped against your hand. You rolled your eyes playfully at him before pulling at the flaky bread with the chocolatey center and popping it square in your mouth. Holy fuck it was good. You thought that maybe it was hard to fuck up a croissant, but surely it had to be just as hard to make the best one. Your face must have shown how good it was because he smiled at you big and warm like. It was so incredibly rude.
“Wow, that is so fucking good!” You giggled.
“That means I’m doing my job well. Thank you, it makes me happy. You uh got a little something on your lip though.”
You frowned and licked quickly at your lips in the hopes of ridding the offending mark only for him to shake his head softly at you. It caused one of his curls to flop down in front of his face. Wow was he beautiful. You dipped your head down both to try and find the chocolate as well to not have to look him in the eyes anymore, and still you couldn’t get it. How pathetic.
“Here, c’mere.” He mumbled leaning forward in his chair.
His large palm caught your cheek in his hand as his thumb rubbed softly at your lip. He was warm. Warmer than warm and it made your heart beat loud and fast in your chest. Your lips parted and you felt air whoosh past them. You swore that his eyes got brighter in that moment, that they actually got more honey and less brown. It was incredible.
“I--I’m so sorry. That was really inappropriate of me.”
“No uh...you’re okay. Thank you for not letting me walk around all day with shit on my face.”
He chuckled softly so you did the same.
By the time you’re stuffed with various forms of sugary breads and he’s refilled your coffee twice, you realize that your plan to explore the town had much more turned into exploring the attractive man in the only coffee shop around apparently. You were reminded of your pact with yourself to absolutely not get into a relationship in your first year here. Not that Shawn would have any interest in you in a non-platonic way, but it did mean you probably shouldn’t get your hopes up. So, you politely got your leftover sweets put in a box and got out of there as soon as you could. When he asked if you would be back the next day you just shrugged your shoulders and told him maybe before practically running for the door. You had to stay away.
Your first day at the clinic finds you up at six in the morning. You wanted to give off a good impression, so you made coffee in this funky old coffee maker in the corner. You cleaned up some of the mess that had been lying around and even checked the email where it looked like Dr. Savage had struggled to get working. You managed to set him up a couple of social media accounts and even took his older logo of a wolf howling at the moon and updated it slightly using one of the random editing websites online.
By the time your boss arrived it had been quite a productive morning and you were happy to see his eyes light up at all that you accomplished.
“We’re gonna be a good fit, I think.” He said to you.
You agreed.
Before the open sign had even been flipped, the bell on the door clanged as someone entered the space. Dr. Savage rose slowly from his chair and went to check on it leaving you with a stack of paperwork to start thumbing through.
You hear the soft chatter of voices and then footsteps as your boss lead someone back to your area. At first you figured it was just a customer that had arrived a little to early, but it didn’t take long for you to pause at your desk as the familiar timbre hit your ear.
“Y/n, I have someone to introduce you to.” Dr. Savage called.
“Actually, I think we’ve already met.”
And there he is. It was raining outside, a near constant for the tiny town, leave his curls floppy and wet atop his head. This didn’t stop him from running his fingers through the strands and sending that dumb, perfectly straight smile at you now did it? You looked at Dr. Savage with what was sure to be a gaping mouth before peering back at Shawn. Bitch if you don’t get your shit together.
“H--Hello, Shawn. It’s nice to see you again.” You smiled.
He nodded. “You never came back to the shop. I thought maybe I’d made a bad first impression.”
“Actually you uh...you made quite a good one. I’ve just been trying to settle in a little more.”
And trying to stay far away from white boys with smiles like yours.
“Well that’s good at least. I’ve got a new recipe I’ve been meaning to try out. You’ll have to stop by and test it for me.”
Dr. Savage snickered and clapped his hand on the back of Shawn’s beautiful, burly shoulder.
“Stop flirting with my employee and come to my office will you? Y/n, if anyone rings can you handle it?”
Shawn’s cheeks took on a brilliant red hue that matched beautifully with his golden eyes. It softened him somehow. He was so big and so muscular, and yet you had the feeling that you could crawl into his arms and wouldn’t mind somehow. Shit.
“Of course. I’ve got it handled!”
Shawn smiled sheepishly at you before allowing Dr. Savage to pull him along to his office. You shook your head and turned back to your work wanting to to have all of the medications and tools ready for the appointments that you had coming in that day. It wasn’t even a minute later that someone was walking up behind you and placing a cup and box on the counter. You turned to look up into those warm eyes of his again with a smirk on his lips to match.
“White mocha and a cinnamon roll. I figured I might see you this morning so…”
“Oh Shawn you didn’t have to--”
“Wanted to. Good morning, honey.” He breathed before heading back to Dr. Savage’s office. “Let me know if it’s better than the croissant.”
With the door closed, you can finally focus on something other than the beautiful man from the coffee shop. Once you establish your rhythm, you’re able to send all of the reminder emails for the appointments for the week, schedule the few people who do call in, and organize the supply closet. When a client actually does come in, you help them with their paperwork, get it filed, and do the preliminary check ups and vitals. By the time Dr. savage is actually meant to see the patient, Shawn is already gone. There’s a tinge of disappointment when he’s not around, before you remembered that you weren’t in high school anymore and that you actually had a job to do. Idiot.
The rest of the day is busy with clients, paperwork, and billing. Dr. Savage doesn’t take his lunch break, so neither do you. By the time the sun had gone down you’re exhausted, and the two of you work smoothly side by side to clean the clinic for you to do it all over the next day.
“So uh...How do you know Shawn?” You murmured eyes completely on the broom you were sweeping with.
He chuckled softly. “I’ve known the kid since he was born. I’m what the town calls an elder. I know mostly everybody. I worked very closely with his father when he was elder as well.”
“Was an elder?”
“Yes. Shawn’s father actually passed away a few years ago. He was what you would have called our town leader. And with his absence, Shawn has had to step up to the plate. So I look after him to offer guidance. This isn’t exactly the sort of thing they provide you training on.”
“Hmm...well, why does Shawn have to take over the town? Like what if he didn’t want to?” You asked.
“It’s not really an option. It’s in his blood.”
That was odd. Suddenly you were seeing Shawn in a bit of a different light. He was no longer just the cute baker barista down the street. Apparently the expectations for him were far greater. He didn’t even look old enough to be a town leader. And the thought that he might not even have a choice did something strange in your heart. You felt...protective of him. There was this weird feeling in your stomach that you should fight Dr. Savage on what he’d said, that Shawn should get to do whatever the hell made him happy. And you didn’t know how to reconcile these thoughts with the fact that you’d only just met him. It didn't make any sense. None of this made any sense.
It was another dreary weekend. The clinic being closed meant that you had plenty of free time to fix up your new house. Because you had only moved clear across the country to be here, you didn’t exactly have furniture. So, armed with your rainboots and headwrap you braved the horrid weather in search for a desk and a new bed frame so that you might not have to sleep on a mattress on the floor anymore.
There was only one furniture store in town that happened to double as the all around convenience store for the town. You were hopeful that it wouldn’t be too expensive, as you were trying not to blow your entire savings. First, you headed straight for the beds peering inquisitively at the frames and trying to determine which would actually be better. Adulting for you often times meant bullshiting your way through situations, and you frankly had no clue what made for a good bed or not.
While you were searching you heard the rowdy laughter that typically came with testosterone. A chill ran down your spine as you were blasted back to the past of middle school boys tugging on your pigtails on the playground and running off in fits of giggles. This group was certainly not those middle school boys though. They were all huge. You peered curiously at them as they rough housed and pushed playfully at one another. Something had to be in the water in this town because every single one of them you saw was bigger than the next. A man with red hair shoulder checked another man with shoulder length brown hair sending him into a display of pillows and knocking a couple of the over onto this floor. This only caused the lot of them to laugh harder, and that’s when he stepped out.
“Can we try not to act like wild animals in the store please?!”
Shawn pushed through the crowd of them, everyone immediately straightening up as if a sergeant in the army was addressing them. It was like night and day, the difference. His command of them was quite frankly a little startling...and a lot hot.
“Bro, we kinda are?” The red haired one snickered, only to get playfully slapped upside the head by Shawn.
“Not funny jackass. You’re skating on thin ice for breaking the door to begin with. Now let’s get a new one and get the hell out of here.”
He was wearing a black long sleeved sweater that molded to his body like a fucking dream and smoothed down into black skinny jeans and matching boots. Where the hell did they find this guy at? Shawn reached for one of the pillows before standing up straight and immediately looking you dead in the eye. You were definitely caught staring. Nice.
“Go pick out the door, and I’ll meet you all the cash register.” He mumbled already making a beeline for you.
You peered down at your bright yellow rain boots and thermal leggings and cursed whatever thought you’d had that morning to be cozy. This man looked like a greek god on the cover of GQ and you were serving nothing but childishness.
“Hi.” He spoke warmly waving at you in a way that sort of clapped his hand together.
He stepped closer to you, leaning on one of the bedposts and pointing that wicked smile at you.
“I’m beginning to think this town might be too small, if I keep running into you like this.” You smirked.
“You don’t like running into me? I’m hurt.”
“I suppose I don’t mind it. Surely you must be getting tired of me though?”
He shook his head. “On the contrary, I think I don’t see you nearly enough.”
It had its intended effect. You giggled like a schoolgirl. Ugh.
“You getting a new bed?”
“Y--Yea. I uh actually just packed up and moved here with whatever could fit into my car, so I’m kind of in need of a few things at the moment.”
“Oh...So you’re sleeping on the floor right now?” He frowned suddenly leaning closer into your space.
You caught a whiff of what smelled like sandalwood, spice, and musk. It was incredibly intoxicating. Literally where did he come from?
“I have a mattress, but yes I guess you could say that.”
“We have to find you a bed. C’mere I think I know a good one.”
He grabbed your hand, you were starting to figure out that personal space wasn’t really a thing when you were six feet tall and built from steel, and quickly pulled you over to the neatly lined boxes of frames.
“Wait, Shawn. What about your friends? You don’t need to help me.”  
He shook his head. “Those guys will take forever to figure out what door we need. I’d rather spend it helping you. Trust me.”
There was a dark brown wooden frame that on the box looked pretty beautiful. Shawn picked it up gently with both hands as if it was nothing and presented it to you.
“When I broke mine a few months back this is the one I got. It’s really good. Sturdy.”
You peered up at him, because up was the only way to see his face, and probably gawked him. You didn’t want to know what he had been doing that caused his bed frame to break. However, a part of you wanted to know every detail. He seemed to pick up on the implications if the reddening in his cheeks was anything to go off of, and quickly laughed and tugged his curls more perfectly into place.
“N--Not like that. I uh it was an accident actually. I was moving the furniture around in my room and it just didn’t end well for me.” He smiled sheepishly. “But uh, this one’s real good. And since I’ve got one myself I could probably help you put it together.”
“Ah. So, you think I need a man to help me put my furniture together?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No. N--No! No that wasn’t what I meant all!”
He looked good flustered. The strong aggressiveness that he showed the group of guys from earlier was non-existent when he was stammering and looking so panicky. You absolutely adored it and couldn’t help the laugh that fell from your lips. He placed his hand to his heart and took a deep breath at your reaction.
“Geez you scared me . . . I like your laugh by the way. It’s beautiful.”
And just like that the power dynamic was flipped on its head as you were trying not to squeal and he was trying not to piss you off. It was quite the shit show.
“Thank you. I like your smile.” You admitted.
He beamed at you, eyes warm and full of nothing but kindness. You were struggling to remember why you shouldn’t ask him out immediately. He was sort of perfect. And it was just kind of obvious that he might be a little into you too.
“Thank you. I would love to help you put this together if you want that. Not because you need it, but just because I wish someone would’ve helped me put it together myself. And maybe I wouldn’t mind hanging out with you either.”
You bit your lip and peered down at your boots. As per the usual, you were quite grateful for your melanin, but it certainly came in handy when your cheeks were warming up at the sweetness he was laying on thick.
“I’m actually pretty useless when it comes to putting furniture together, so I guess I wouldn’t mind the company either.”
He smiled again, dipping his head to make eye contact with you.
He helps you find a desk and then has the audacity to carry them both to the cash register without breaking a sweat. You notice his group of friends eye the both of you as he not only waits for you to pay but then quickly follows you outside to help put them into the car. When the trunk it just barely closed and your backseat is full with your desk, he walks back around to your car and quickly produces his phone.
“So, I have a meeting with my friends back there and that damn door, but what if I came over this evening? Like around five? I don’t want you sleeping on the floor another night.”
“Tonight?” You checked. “Are you sure? We could always do another day.”
“Of course not. I’m free as soon as we’re done. Just text me your address and I’ll come help. I’m looking forward to it!”
You exchanged numbers and he sent you a smile and a wink before walking away for you to hyperventilate in your car. Truly a shit show.
You nearly jumped when the knock on the door came. You’d been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for the last three hours trying to make sure your place wasn’t a complete and total mess. Shawn had made no indication that there would be any funny business or that he might try and make a move on you, but that didn't mean you weren’t interested in creating an environment that was conducive to just that. You weren’t consciously breaking your rule of not dating someone, however...if he wanted it bad enough? He could get it.
You opened the door and there he was wearing a t-shirt that left little to the imagination again. He leaned against the frame, teeth glinting for no damn reason and radiating warmth like no other.
“Hi.” He whispered eyes raking you up and down.
You had traded your leggings for some shorts that had shrunk in the dryer and a sweater that showed off your cleavage. Subtle enough to just be an outfit, but obvious enough for his eyes to take pause when he looked. You were, however, still wearing your headwrap that sat on the front of your head in a beautiful, intricate knot.
“I didn’t get to tell you earlier but uh...I really like your head scarf. It’s pretty.”
God this boy was trouble.
“Thank you. Please come in.”
There wasn’t much to show him in terms of your house. It was small and cozy with a pretty big layout. The living room took up much of the space, with your bedroom and bathroom past the tiny kitchen. He followed silently behind you as you pointed to the spaces around you, following way too closely behind if the heat on your back was anything to go off. God, you wanted him closer.
In the bedroom you worked to pull out all of the pieces. You didn’t even pretend that you could offer much besides organizing them in order of the letters in the manual. The best part was apparently watching Shawn struggle at something. As good as putting the frame together before had done for him, this time still did not come naturally. He spent at least twenty minutes with two metal frames in his large hands just squinting and huffing at them as he attempted to get them to fit together. It was incredibly adorable.
“So where are you from anyhow?” He asked still frowning at the pieces.
You grinned at him. “I’m from North Carolina. The better of the Carolinas. Born and raised.”
“Yea? And what made you wanna come to our tiny, rainy town?”
“I went to med school back home, and I worked in a big city for a few years. The pay was great obviously but..I don’t know I just felt like I was trying to get as many bodies in as possible just to make the hospital more money, and I didn’t really get to connect with my patients and take care of them holistically you know? So, when Dr. Savage said he was looking for someone to essentially take over his practice and provide care for a town where I would get to see people grow up and evolve, it just felt right. If I’m honest I think it was gut reaction. I kinda felt like something was tying me here before I even made my decision.”
He peered over at you and his eyes did that thing again where they seemed to get even lighter. The urge to reach out and touch him was nearly unstoppable in that moment.
“I think I know what you mean.”
It was another one of his weighted statements that you’d give anything to understand.
“What about you? Baker extraordinaire by day and it sounds like town leader by night?”
His back straightened at that and he quickly dropped eye contact with you.
“Who told you I was a town leader?”
“Dr. Savage did. He said that you might not have a choice. That it was in your blood.”
You were standing propped against your dresser and you couldn’t help but notice that his jaw got tight and and more pronounced beneath his perfect skin. It was similar to the way he had looked speaking to his friends earlier. There was a maturity and an intensity there that made his edges seem sharper. It wasn’t that he was intimidating necessarily, but that you knew he could be if he wanted to. Shawn had been so soft and so endlessly kind to you since you met that it was a little odd to see him not be that always.
“I shouldn’t have said anything.” You murmured playing awkwardly with your fingers. “Don’t be angry with Dr. Savage. I made him tell me. You can be angry with me.”
“I’m not angry. Hey, look at me.” He paused to wait for you to follow his directive. “I’m not angry. I just want you to know things about me from me, alright? This town can be very gossipy and it’s not always accurate. I just want you to know the things that matter.”
“Okay. So, tell me the things that matter.” You shrugged.
He smiled again and the edges softened out.
“What do you want to know honey?”
His favorite color was hunter green, although in the fall he could be persuaded to a mustard yellow. He liked to have cereal as his midnight snack when he couldn’t sleep. When he was a kid he tried to hop a fence and it left a gnarly scar on his abdomen. He liked reading books in bed. He started working in the coffee shop when he was twelve, and his favorite thing to bake was baklava because it was hard and it took a long time to make. The recipe was his mother’s and she’d had it passed down for generations.  
“I only make it for special occasions. We don’t even put it on the menu.” He explained.
“Maybe you could make it for me sometime. I don’t know if I’m special enough, but I’d love to try it.”
“Yea, maybe.”
Somehow, someway he gets the bed  together. And he helps you put the mattress into the frame. While you put the sheets back onto the bed he gets the desk put together too, which was arguably much easier. By the end you both collapse side by side on the bed peering over at each other as if you’d been doing extreme physical labor instead of simply putting a bed together.
“That was so much work.” You whined. “Thank you. I never would have gotten that damn thing put together.”
“I’m so glad I could be of service.” He chuckled. “Now you can rest a lot easier.”
“You have to let me thank you though. I’d cook dinner, but I don’t have all of my dishes yet. Do you want to order takeout?”
“Are you sure you want me to stay? I don’t want to intrude.”
“No I--I want you to stay. As long as you want to?”
“Yea. I’d love to.”
You stare at each other far too long. It’s not normal. You want to want to stop, but you don’t. And it doesn’t help that he keeps pointing those eyes of his at you and completely clouding your judgement. You physically have to get up off the bed to break the spell. It’s a bit ridiculous.
There’s chinese takeout and really shitty wine. You sit on your couch together side by side, both sitting crisscross applesauce though your legs look far more toddler like in comparison to his. You talk a lot. In all honesty small talk had always been your weak spot. You never knew what questions to act, how to respond, or how to behave. But, with Shawn it was different, which felt so cliche you could feel your ancestors rolling their eyes at you from above. You didn’t have to think super hard because you were genuinely curious about so many things. And he was more than willing to talk nonstop to you about them. And he asked you about your life, and what home was like, and what kind of music you listened to. On top of him being endlessly attractive, and this odd sort of pull that you felt towards him, you thought that he might be the first friend you’d made in town.
“I was so nervous about moving here.” You sighed when the wine had loosened your muscles and you were both leaning way to close into each other’s space.
His eyebrows furrowed in interested. “How come?”
“Well it’s not like this little town of yours is crawling with black people.” You snorted. “I don’t know my mother was always so protective of me and so nervous about what this world could do to me. When I decided to move, she just wanted to know that I would be taken care of. And I guess some of her worries rubbed off on me a little. It’s one thing to be the outsider because you’re new in town. It’s another to also be the outsider because no one looks like you.”
There was a frown on his face now. And you found that you didn’t like it. You liked him happy and soft and warm and nothing else. Your hand came off your glass before you’d even registered it and you almost touched his face to try and smooth out the lines. But, you quickly pulled away before it got that far. This didn’t stop him from somehow getting closer on the suddenly very small couch.
“You’ve got nothing to worry about here. I would never let anyone hurt you.” He murmured feverently.
You chuckled a little, head rolling back against the couch so that you could peer up at the ceiling.
“That’s sweet and idealistic. I don’t know if you noticed, but there aren’t exactly a lot of ‘knight in shining armor rescues the black girl from the cops’ type fairytales. It’s okay though. I’ll be okay. I can take care of myself.” You hummed.
You were still staring up at the ceiling when you heard him sigh and nestle himself deeper into the couch too.
“I keep forgetting that I can’t share everything yet.” He whispered to himself. “It’s not the right time.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing, never mind.”
There’s silence for a little while except for the even pulls and pushes of you both breathing. Sleep starts to cloud the edges of your mind and you can’t be bothered to do anything that isn’t snuggling closer to Shawn’s warmth. He was like a walking blanket and campfire rolled into one, but with abs. The perfect sleeping companion. The last thing you heard him say before sleep took over was:
“I just want you to feel safe here. It’s all I want...you deserve to be taken care of.”
The next week is completely focused on work and getting settled into your new home. The morning after you and Shawn put the bed together, he had run off quick, fast, and in a hurry apparently late for some meeting. It didn’t offend you in anyway, although it was a little weird. You spent the day deep conditioning and doing laundry. Shawn didn’t text, so you didn’t either. It seemed as if things sort of hit a standstill.
Apparently Shawn still visited the clinic every morning to drop off breakfast and speak with Dr. Savage. Monday morning you missed him because Dr. Savage had asked you to take the bills to the post office. You came back to a breakfast sandwich and your white mocha with a note that said good morning honey. It seemed like a pattern was forming. But then, when you texted him thank you the response wasn’t anything more than a simple, “you’re welcome”. You were thoroughly convinced that it was something you said that night. And if you had to guess? It was definitely talking about race. You never censored yourself when it came to shit like that, cause if the guy you were hooking up with couldn’t handle it, you weren’t fucking interested.
By the time Wednesday rolled around you had told yourself that it didn’t matter. Just because you weren’t going to date didn’t mean you couldn’t play the field a little bit. And perhaps getting Shawn off your mind was exactly what you needed.
There was a bar in the heart of town that everyone seemed to go to. You thought maybe you could go out, drink a little, maybe make a friend or two. After work, when the sun had gone down, and all of your work for the day was done, you put on a pretty outfit of a long flowy skirt and an army green tank. You’d swept your hair up into a high bun and tied it with a pretty scarf to match.
Sally’s pub had obviously been there for years and years, but there was a clear attempt to keep it updated and modern, which worked lovely. There was a huge bar in the center that wrapped around the back of the building with an open floor for dancing, pool tables, and general hangout space. For a Wednesday night, the bar was pretty packed leading you to wondering if this was the place everyone went for fun.
You took a seat at the bar, ordered yourself a long island, and sat around to people watch. The good news was your bartender was pretty talkative and willing to take pity on you for the evening.
“Haven’t seen you around here before.” He said placing your glass in front of you. “I’m Cal.”
You grinned. “I’m new in town!”
“I wish I had a really funny joke to tie in John Mulaney, but alas I’m just a shitty bartender.”
He was the tall and burley type with copper like skin, but his shoulders and biceps were massive and his arms leaning on the counter took up a ridiculous amount of space. You took a deep sip of your long island and send him a smile.
“Well I don’t know about that, I’d say you’re at least a mediocre bartender!”
“Oh why thank you! That’s so sweet of you to say!” He chuckled. “Well since you’re new in town, I guess I can help fill you in on all the town gossip.”
“That’s awfully nice of you.”
He tells you about the different groups that are seated around the bar. There was a group of women that were the moms of town who tended to get a little more wasted than their husbands might like. There was the group of barely 21 year olds who tended to get a little rowdy sometimes, but were generally harmless. And then in the back of the bar by the pool table was the only group you didn’t want to see that night.
“That’s the town pack. They make sure everyone’s safe and what not.”
You saw the redhead first. Only because he was trying to smooth talk some girl who was watching one of the other guy’s play pool. Then there were all of the other guys from the furniture store strung about the booths drinking beer and joking around with each other. Shawn, for whatever reason, was nowhere to be found. Not that you cared. Cause you definitely didn’t care.
“Make sure everyone’s safe?”  You asked, eyes still on the group. “What do you mean?”
“Well it uh It used to Manny’s but, when he passed Shawn took it over. He’s always been an alpha, but having to take over younger than expected was a lot for him. He mentored all the rest of them when they turned, even though he was going through it ten times worse himself. Brian and Geoff are the betas. Matt, Zubin, and Sterling are all omegas. There are female betas and omegas too but they tend not to hang at the bar, just because the guys’ shenanigans typically bore them. It’s the largest pack for quite a ways away though, so they make sure nothing bad happens.”
You paused and took a look back down at your long island. You’d drinken about half of it, but surely you weren’t that much of a lightweight.
“I’m sorry? I think I’m not hearing you right.”
He simply raised an eyebrow and laughed at you.
“No one’s told you yet, huh?”
“Told me what?”
“Sweetheart, this is a werewolf town.”
It was actually the most ridiculous thing you’d ever heard in your life. You kept looking around for someone to pop out and tell you it was a joke, and yet no one came. He really expected you to believe that you’d somehow stumbled into some straight twilight shit.
You chuckled. “Okay sir. Sure.”
You brought your long island back to your lips to take a deep sip. As you were setting the glass down the door to bar opened and the whole crowd cheered exceptionally. Your bartender peered over towards the door and grinned down at you.
“And our alpha arrives.”
He practically glided along the floor shaking hands and clapping people on the back. Everyone knew him and everyone seemed to love him. And he smiled and spoke to them with all the grace of a natural born leader. It sure was nice to know that he could be nice and respond to someone. He was wearing a black t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and he looked absolutely delectable. It accomplished nothing but pissing you off.
“Can I get another one of these?” You mumbled knocking back the rest of your drink quickly and moving the glass back towards him.
He peered at you curiously before reaching for a larger glass.
“How about I make you something special to take the edge off?”
You nodded. “Yes. Absolutely. Sounds great.”
The bastard doesn’t even recognize you the whole time he’s making his rounds despite being the only black person in the bar. You make a mental note to down the whole drink and go the fuck home. If he was such a fancy hotshot why did you seem to see him literally everywhere?!
As Cal was making your drink though, Shawn finally made his way to the bar in search of a drink of his own.
“Hey Cal! How’s your mom doing?” He asked leaning on the edge of the bar in a way that made his arms bulge.
“Hey Shawn. She’s doing a lot better, her heart isn’t causing her as much trouble. She can actually walk around on her own now.” Cal smiled. “Let me finish up this drink here and I’ll get your IPA.”
“Hey thanks! Sounds good.”
Shawn was the on the opposite side of the bar, but the second Cal went to place your drink in front of you, his eyes went straight to you.
“This is what the mom’s usually order.” He explained as you took a sip of the bright pink concoction. “There’s some tequila, rum, rose, and cranberry juice. Enjoy responsibly and all that jazz.”
“Is this gonna land me on my ass?” You asked.
He simply smiled at you. “Only if you can’t handle your liquor.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying...drink up, sweetheart.”
You giggled a little and took another pull of the truly strong but delicious drink only to look up and see that Shawn’s eyes were still on you and now Cal.
You kept your eyes on your drink, but it was useless. The second he had his beer he was headed straight for you.
“Hi!” He cheered quickly popping a squat right next to you instead of going to his friends. “I’ve never seen you in here before.”
You rolled your eyes into your drink but threw him a tight lipped smile regardless.
“Yea, trying to make some new friends, I guess.”
He peered over at Cal who making a drink for someone else.
“I see that. You uh...you haven’t been at the clinic any of the times I’ve come in this week.”
“Well, I’ve been busy getting things prepared for Dr. Savage to retire so…”
“Oh. No, yea that makes sense. I just, you now, after that night you weren’t at the clinic on Monday morning. And then you didn’t text.”
“Neither did you.” You snorted.
Shawn took a pause then peering at you a little closer. You kept your eyes on your drink refusing to make eye contact. Subtlety wasn’t exactly your strong suit.
“Are you--Are you angry with me?” He asked.
You sniffed and shrugged, your shoulder so cold that the whole bar seemed to drop a few degrees.
“Look it’s no big deal alright? Whatever I thought was happening clearly isn’t happening. I’m a big girl I’ll get over it. I’m just not really interested in putting myself in a position to be toyed with.”
The whole time you had both been sitting facing the bar, knees tucked under the counter, but at your speech he turned so that his knees were facing you and turned your bar stool--way too easily one might say--so that yours faced his.
“What are you talking about? What have I done? Talk to me.”
His eyes were warm and inviting again, his jaw clenched just tightly enough to make it even more prominent. He wasn’t technically trying to invade your space, but he was so tall on the tiny bar stool that he kind of did anyway.
“You didn’t do anything. You practically sprinted out of my house the next morning and then radio silence? No text, no call, nothing. Like I said, it’s not a huge deal. I guess I just thought you were more interested than you are. That’s on me. I shouldn’t have shared so much of myself.”
You kept your eyes on your drink as you took one too many sips in the last five minutes. You were hoping he might get the hint and just get up and leave, because you were far more hurt than you’d let on. That night had meant a lot to you. You hadn’t felt so comfortable around anyone like that before. Shawn wasn’t just easy to talk to; he made you feel safe. He made you feel like anything that came out of your mouth was worthy of being listened to. You had almost thought that maybe all your worries about the move had been silly. He was the first person to really listen.
His hand on your knee brings you out of your thoughts and when you look up his eyes have turned more honey than brown once again.
“You think that I don’t like you? That I was leading you on?” He sputtered. “Y/n I’m crazy about you.”
“I--I really did have to go that morning. I had a meeting with the guys, and I didn’t anticipate staying over so I had to rush because I overslept. I was going to text you, but a lot of shit has been going on lately. So, I thought I’d see you at the clinic that next morning! I brought your favorite breakfast and everything, but you weren’t there. I left a note, and I sort of thought you’d text me or something to hang out again but when all you said was thank you, I guess I got a little insecure. I just...I’ve been trying not to fuck this up because I think I like you more than you could even understand right now.” He sighed. “It looks like maybe I did just that though.”
“Wait, so you’re not like...intimidated because of the whole race thing?”
He shook his head. “Of course not. I couldn’t be more serious right now. I completely understood where you were coming from that night. I mean as much as I can as a white guy. That could never run me off. I promise you.”
You peered over at him trying to measure the level of bullshit he might be feeding you. The problem was his eyes were so soft and his face was so sincere. Even if you wanted to be mad at him, it felt like fighting something instinctual. It felt like something internal was telling you not to be mad at him. It was unlike anything you’d ever felt before.
“Okay.” You sighed. “I believe you.”
“Good. Can we maybe start over? I’ve been meaning to ask you out on a proper date. We can just talk, get to know each other.”
“Sure uh..when did you have in mind?”
He grinned sheepishly. “Is now too soon?”
You snorted. “What about your friends over there? Haven’t they been waiting on you?”
Shawn peered over his shoulder at the group of guys up in the corner, but quickly shook his head.
“They’ll be fine. What do you say? Can I take you to dinner?”
His eyes were hopeful, a glint in them that was pulling you in deeper and deeper. How dare he.
“Fine. It’s probably for the best, I was starting to get a bit tipsy with this drink.”
He took your hand and led you away from the bar, a room full of eyes locked in on both of you. You got the feeling that walking around with Shawn was bound to come with attention whether you liked it or not.
You go to one of the diners in town, the meal completely irrelevant to the company. It is exactly as it was when he was at your apartment. He makes you laugh and he asks you questions about your life, your friends, your past relationships, the things that make you happy. You talk about your favorite books and his favorite books. You learn that he loves music and plays guitar. He told you of his first kiss at the eighth grade dance in middle school with Julia Potterman and how their braces clashed together. You told him of Andrew Jackson who grabbed your boob at your first dance because his older brothers told him to. You laugh and you laugh until the diner is ready to close.
“Can I walk you home?” He asked when the bill had been paid.
You nodded softly. “Of course.”
He takes your hand in his, fingers intertwined, and leads the way back to your house. You feel like you’re just floating along with his fingers keeping you tethered to the earth. It’s incredibly soft and sappy but you just can’t help it. When you get to the door, you don’t want him to go. And that’s when you know you’re in deep.
“I’d uh I’d invite you in, but I have work in the morning.” You murmured stepping up onto the front steps.
He smiled. “It’s okay. I understand. Maybe I could stop by at the clinic around lunch time. You know just in case you’re hungry and don’t want to eat alone.”
“Ah. You know I do hate eating alone.” You chuckled.
“Yea? Me too.”
You bite your lip and watch the way the street light catches his cheekbone perfectly. He tugs his curls back into place and it brings attention to both his face and his arms. He knew exactly what the hell he was doing. When he takes a step onto the first step, just one below the one you’re standing on, he’s suddenly leaning over you with those eyes of his and those fucking arms. You peer up at him and maybe you bat your eyelashes a little bit who’s keeping track. He leans down and skims his nose against yours, fingers trailing teasingly along your hips.
“Can I kiss you goodnight?” He whispered, voice husky.
Kissing him is heaven. It is ridiculous, the way he feels. His hands on your hip, and cupping your jaw cause sparks to shoot across your skin. And you only want to be closer, need to feel him more. Your arms thread around his neck, lipps molding perfectly to his. He has the audacity to bite playfully at your bottom lip causing you to gasp, lips parting just enough for his tongue to slide between. Your heart thuds unevenly in your chest. Who gave him the right to kiss like this?
His fingers bunched up in your skirt and before you knew it you were flying through the air as he lifted you like a piece of paper. You didn’t like to think of yourself as light. You had hips and thighs and an ass and none of these things came without the consequence of some lbs. If you hadn’t drooled at the prospect of him leaning like a greek god against your door way, him wrapping your thighs around his waist like you were a rag doll would certainly do it. Jesus.
Your back hits the front door and he’s not letting up, keeps dominating your mouth in a way no one else ever has before. You can feel your skirt riding up, can feel his hips pinning you to the hard wood of the door, and it’s simply too much for you to bare. You pull away with a gasp, and he honest to god growls against your neck. It causes a twitch in your stomach that cannot be started if it won’t be finished.
“God, your lips are incredible.” He whined breathing just as uneven as yours. “Wow.”
“That was...yea.”
You barely make it back into your home alive. Even getting out of his arms and to the door means nothing when he’s still pressing chaste kisses against your neck. He leaves you with his famous good night, honey before skipping off and leaving you to collapse just inside the door. Wow.
“So Mrs. Stenson will be in around three today. She’s been having knee troubles for a few years. It may be time for another cortisone shot.”
“And, if you could check her mobility as well as that would be wonderful.”
“Of course.”
“And if you wouldn’t mind kicking me in the face that would be great too.”
“Not a problem.”
“Y/n you are not even listening!”
You peered up from checking the door for the umpeetenth time in the past fifteen minutes to Dr. Savage staring at you like a crazy person. Woops.
“Sorry. So sorry. Mobility and cortisone for Stenson. I’ve got you!”
He raised an eyebrow and stared at you for a moment, making your cheeks feel warmer as a result.
“What is up with you?”
And just like that the bell over the door dinged as your lunch date and general mind fuck of the month walked in.
He wore a navy blue button up and black ray bans which was a stark departure from his usual t-shirts at the bakery. You found him even hotter than normal.
“Hi.” You murmured voice way too light and high for your liking.
He beamed back at you. “Hi.”
You were just sort of standing there smiling at each other like idiots when Dr. Savage figured he’d had enough of whatever was taking place in front of him.
“Shawn, may I have a word, please?” He asked.
Shawn nodded not even bothering to take his eyes off you. “I’ll be right back and then we’ll go okay?”
You set your notes back at your desk, putting away all of the files that were still out from the morning. Then you spent some time in the mirror trying to make sure that you looked good enough for your lunch date. You wore a yellow sundress and play aimlessly with the straps that criss and crossed along your back. Eventually you went snooping wondering exactly what they were talking about.
“How much longer are you going to let this go on?!”
“I don’t know, alright? I just need to make sure. I need to know that it’s real! I don’t want to ruin her life, if it’s not real.”
“It’s not about any one life, Shawn; you know that. Your father taught you that all decisions need to be for the good of the town!”
“Don’t fucking tell me anything about my dad!” He yelled.
A few moments later the door bursts open and Shawn looks flustered and angry. It’s a new look for him, and it’s not one you enjoy seeing on him. Your heart ached to see him in a state of anything but happiness. And you couldn’t explain it, couldn’t make it make sense. You just needed for him to be okay.
When he sees you he makes quick work of taking your hand in his and leading you out of the clinic. You intertwined your fingers with his and leaned your head against his shoulder. By the time you had rounded the corner, he was already more calm than he had been when you found him.
“I’m sorry about losing my temper. I am usually in much better control I just...sometimes Dr. Savage likes to use his relationship with my dad against me to get me to do things I don’t want to do. It’s a sore subject.”
You nodded up at him giving his arm a squeeze.
“Well maybe you can tell me about him sometime. When you’re ready. If you’re ready.”
He peered down at you, eyes completely returning to their softest form. Your heart similarly turned to goo.
“How do you do that?” He sighed.
“Do what?”
“Make everything better.”
You just shrugged. “I don’t know. Just like you when you’re happy.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead. The audacity.
And so became the norm. Every morning Shawn came for his meeting with Dr. Savage to talk about townsfolk stuff, and he always brought you breakfast. Usually he stuck around long enough to make you giggle like a school girl unless you were real busy with work. At lunch time you went together to the diner, or went and ate packed lunches in the park if the weather was good enough. Dinner times were a hit or missed only because Shawn tended to get busy with whatever the hell he did at night, but he always stopped by when he could. And when he did, dinner usually got long forgotten when he pulled you to the couch to kiss for what felt like hours. Whatever it was, you were in it together.
A boy comes in. He’s fifteen, maybe sixteen at the oldest, and he’s absolutely sweating buckets with apparently muscle pains from hell. You take his temperature and it’s a hundred and four degrees. You’re ready to get him into an ice bath until Dr. Savage comes into the room. He gives him a glance over and isn’t nearly as concerned as you are.
“How long has the fever set in?” He asked.
Eric winced on the table. “Since yesterday.”
Dr. Savage nodded and grabbed his pad of paper to write something down.
“Eric, listen to me. You need to go home and get some rest. This fever will break in a day or two. When that happens you’re going to want to call this number, okay? You’re going to have a lot of questions, and this is the person who can answer them. It’s going to be alright, son.”
As Dr. Savage was walking around the room to grab the paperwork you couldn't help but notice that the phone number written down on the sheet of paper looked oddly familiar. The problem was it was 2019 and who the hell had time to memorize phone numbers? But, you could have sworn you had seen it before somewhere.
When Dr. Savage came back and the boy had left, you refused to stay silent.
“Doctor...why would you send that boy home without even a prescription for ibuprofen? He had a serious fever.”
“We see that in our boys here at his age all the time. It’s just the sign of his changing. He knew it too, that’s why he came here. I do greatly appreciate your concern, but I assure you he’ll be fine.”
“His changing? Doctor are you trying to convince me that his fever is due to puberty?”
“You’ll understand in due time. I promise.”
It was so incredibly weird. You didn’t know what to make of any of it. Who the mysterious number was. Why Dr. Savage seemed to be keeping you in the dark. What the hell any of what he said actually meant. Whatever it was, he certainly wasn’t going to give you any answers. You made a deal with yourself that you’d reach out to Eric yourself after seventy-two hours. But, it wasn’t even a full two days later that you saw him, at Shawn’s shop no less while you were grabbing breakfast for you and Dr. Savage. He seemed absolutely fine. He was cleaning dishes from the tables and taking them back to the kitchen area. The fever had completely broken. It was strangest thing in the world, although somehow not strange enough to confront anyone over. It just become one of those things you thought about at night. Nothing more, nothing less. When a few more of the town’s boys came in with similar symptoms the exact same thing happened. One second they were in agony and the next they were fine. You had no clue of what to make of it.
He texted you on a Saturday to put on your rain boots because he was taking you for an adventure. You had to tell him that you weren’t interested in any white nonsense, before he was able to convince you to go with, “i promise to keep the white nonsense to a minimum, honey”. Your kind of man.
“Where are we going?” You asked as he waved your intertwined hands back and forth in the space between you.
He smiled. “I’m taking you to my happy place.”
His happy place was the farmer’s market in the city outside of town limits. The rain was a fine mist that day and Shawn wasn’t even wearing a jacket. His body just seemed to radiate heat unlike anything you’d ever seen before. You found it difficult to complain when he wrapped his arm around you beneath the umbrella you were sporting.
The people there knew him by name. He took you to all his favorite little booths which were mostly the fruits.
“I like trying to find new ways to make different baked goods for the shop. My dad used to bring me here as a kid and every recipe I’ve ever made comes from here.” He explained.
You watched him move around, towering over everyone he came in contact with. The large apples, grape fruits, oranges etc. all looked miniature in his hands. But when he was holding a strawberry to your lips and looking at you with nothing but joy while you ate, he couldn’t have seemed softer to you. He was kind of perfect.
“So...What do you want to eat? Pick anything.” He said arm waving out over the sea of people selling their own produce and other foods.
“What do you mean?”
“I figured we could come here, buy some ingredients, and I could cook for you. Or, we could cook together. Whatever you want.”
“Where in the hell did you come from?” You sighed wrapping your arms around his waist in content.
He leaned to kiss you and smiled softly.
“Didn't you hear? I was made for you.”
“What do you want to do tomorrow?” He asked head nestled softly against your stomach as you lied in bed.
“Tomorrow is deep condition day.”
“Deep condition day?”
He lifted his himself up so that he was half on top of you, eyes as honey brown as could be. Damn you were so soft on him already. Just looking at him made you smile.
“It’s gonna take all day?” He frowned.
You giggled. “Yes, baby it takes all day. This here is a project. That’s why we don’t let you random white folk put your dry ass hands in it.”
He seemed to take that and ponder it for a second. Shawn had already grown used to your satin caps and satin pillows and tied scarves. He took it all in stride, was just as willing to ask questions and to understand as he was to just let you be yourself. It meant all the world to you.
“Hmmm...well can this random white folk hang out with you while you do it? I promise to keep my dry ass hands to myself.” He grinned.
“Hey now… I never said you had to keep your hand to yourself, just keep them out of my hair.”
“Ahhh. So, can I put my hands...here?” He murmured letting his fingers meld to the curve of your jaw.
“Yes.” You hummed.
“And can I put my hands...here?” He asked letting his hands run down to the curve of your hips.
“Uh huh.”
“And can I…” He whispered face leaning closer and closer towards yours.
You never let him finish before sliding your lips together.
Sure enough, the next day, instead of leaving only after having prepared you an adorable breakfast, Shawn followed you to the bathroom. His long legs stretched out against the length of the bathroom watching as you let the cold water seep deep into your curls before the host of products began to enter. He watched you condition, comb, and dentangle every strand before applying the deep conditioner that would sit for the vast majority of the day.
When the conditioner was in, and you’d covered your plastic bag egg head with a cap, you spend the entire day watching netflix crime documentaries and making out on the couch. It was the best deep condition day you’d had in months.
He let you lie on his chest and he traced shapes into your back underneath your t-shirt. He told you how good your hair smelled and sometimes when a drop of water would run down your neck he would chase it away with his thumb. It never ceased to make your body run hot.
When you finally went to rinse, Shawn ordered dinner for the two of you. You sat on the couch in one of his t-shirts, and slowly detangled and two-strand twisted your hair. By the time dinner arrived, you felt soft and warm and kind of obsessed with him. You couldn’t even think about food. You just wanted to be near him, just wanted to touch him.  
“Thank you for spending today with me.” You murmured. “Not a lot of men want to sit around all day just watching a girl deep condition.”
He smiled at you. “I just want to be with you, y/n. Doesn’t matter to me what we do.”
You rolled your eyes and snuggled deeper into his arms.
“Where is the hell did you come from?” You whispered not sure who you were asking in all honesty.
“I was right here waiting for you. What took you so long?” He murmured.
You had started to learn about each other’s bodies. His lips mapped whole stories across your body, made your breathing uneven and your thighs tighten. He never took it further than that, but he did let you rile him up. And riling him up turned into your favorite pastime. When your teeth would graze his earlobe and that growl would rumble in his chest, fingers tightening on your body in the most delicious of ways, it would send you to this ultimate buildup of a moment only for him to suddenly decide that he needed to go. At first it was fine, but the more he kept building you up and leaving you hot and cold, the more you began to get a little bit frustrated.
It was a Saturday night, and Shawn was going to spend the night, so you had taken full advantage of straddling him on the couch. You’d been hoping on pushing the envelope a little more, but the second your fingers edged underneath his shirt, his hands came to wrap around your wrists.
“Babe.” He whined eyes closing. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me.”
You wiggled your hips slightly above where he was poking your ass through your shorts.
“I think I get the hint.” You chuckled. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” He hummed thumbs rubbing softly along your hips.
“Well it’s just that...I think you’re attracted to me.”
He smirked, eyes running up and down your body.
“And I’m attracted to you. And I don’t want to be too forward, if you have like a policy or something. Cause like if you do, that’s totally fine! I mean your body, your rules. You deserve autonomy ya know?”
“Baby?” He murmured squeezing you playfully. “You’re rambling.”
“Ah yes . . . Why aren’t we--do you like not want to?” You huffed and took a deep breath. “We haven’t had sex yet.”
You winced. “Well it--it’s not a huge deal. It’s just been almost two months. And while it has been a wonderfully refreshing to not have someone trying to get into my pants on the first date...I guess I’m kind of trying to get into yours now.”
He stared at you with conflicted eyes like he sometimes did. There was something brewing under the surface, you just didn’t know what. The more you were around Shawn though, the more you became able to read him. Sometimes you got more out of what he didn’t say than what he did.
“I uh... I don’t know what to say.”
“Do you...maybe you’re not attracted me to in that way?”
His eyes widened. “Not even remotely. Trust me. I want to.”
You stared at him in complete and utter confusion. You were trying to understand and take his word for it, but none of this was matching up. Things with Shawn rarely did.
“You know sometimes you say things to me that don’t add up, and just expect me to believe them? It’s getting harder and harder to do that.”
You climbed off of his lap needing a little distance between the two of you. It wasn’t the thought of him not wanting to. If he genuinely had a reason that is. Sometimes it just felt like Shawn was flirting with the line of lying to you, as if he was purposely keeping important details for himself. You hated it. It drove you up a wall.
“Hey...I’m just--I’m trying not to hurt you y/n.”
You rolled your eyes. “Boy please. What exactly do you think you’ve got in your pants that is going to hurt me? Try again.”
“You don’t understand!”
“Then make me understand, Shawn! The coded riddles and town secrets shit is getting old.”
“I--I can’t. It’s not time yet.”
“See that is exactly the shit I’m talking about. Time for what? Why are you always acting so shady?”
He groaned and crossed the room reaching for your hands to pull you close. His forehead pressed against yours, and he smelled so incredibly good. You couldn’t deny that there was something drawing you to him, that there was a part of you that wanted him in ways that you yet to understand. But, you hadn’t gotten through life thus far letting people mistake your kindness and your heart for naivety and you certainly weren’t about to start now.
“Please just...give me some time.” He whispered against your lips. “I don’t want to rush this.”
“Fine. Take all the time you need. But, I can’t sit here and be lied to and played with while the whole fucking town seems to be in on the joke.”
“Y/n that’s not--”
“I think you should go.” You cut him off pulling your hands away. “I want you to go.”
He stared at you with hurt in his eyes and you had to stave off the instinct of reaching out and making it all better for him. You had to decide that you deserved before all else. It was the only way you’d been able to survive thus far.
Shawn: What are you doing tonight?
y/n: Minding my business.
Shawn: I want you to come over tonight. To my place. I’m gonna tell you the truth.
Shawn: I miss you
You paused peering down at your phone. It had been over a week since you’d asked Shawn to leave your apartment. It hadn’t exactly been radio silence, since he’d been trying to get in contact with all week, but you weren’t really interested in the half assed excuses anymore. You had planned to wait until he was ready to tell you the truth. You just weren’t prepared for him to cave that quickly.
y/n: no more bullshit?
Shawn: no more bullshit. Please come.
He sent you the address and another plea to show up. You weren’t quite sure what was leaning you towards going. There wasn’t exactly anything that pointed towards him suddenly being honest with you. The problem was you were kind of falling for this asshole, and so wanting to be realistic and wanting to be with him weren’t  lining up.
The house you pulled up to was far larger than anything you’d seen in the town thus far. It was nestled in the woods, all dark mahogany walls and big wide windows. It was big even by your standards, let alone for small town baker. You parked the car and headed for the front door where he seemed to be already waiting for you. He opened it and you could feel the nerves rolling off of him in waves. There was almost a sadness about him to. A sadness that had you stepping far closer to him than you should have.
“What’s wrong?”
He shook his head softly. “Nothing yet. Come in.”
He led you straight to a kitchen that was wide and vast just like everything about this place. You made a note to ask him about that later. Also, in the kitchen were the two guys from the bar: Brian and Geoff. Suddenly it was three on one and the atmosphere in the room had you stopping in your tracks.
“What’s going on?” You asked refusing to take another step forward.
“This is Brian and Geoff. They’re just here to make sure everything goes okay.”
“That sounds like exactly what the killer says in the movie where my black ass gets the ax.”
Shawn sighed and stepped closer to you.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think about how intimidating this might be. I’m just trying to make this go as smoothly as possible. No one is going to hurt you okay? I promise you.” He murmured feverently. “Trust me.”
“Christ, Shawn. Just tell me what you were going to tell me.”
He nodded and paced quickly around the kitchen before settling in front of you once again.
“Remember those cases you started having with the teen aged boys who were breaking out into sweats and muscle pains?”
“Yea. Dr. Savage said it was just them changing or something.”
“Exactly! And remember how he told you that I was the town leader and how I had to step up after my dad died?”
You nodded. “What the hell does that have to do with anything?”
“It has everything to do with it, y/n. Everything! I’m--I’m not just some town leader okay? People don’t just say hi to me when we’re walking around town because of who I am, but because of what I am.”
“Well what are you?” You asked, more confused than ever.
“I’m . . .I’m a wolf. My dad used to be the leader of this town, and my family is a long lineage of alphas. I’m not a town leader, I’m a pack leader.”
Time seems to hit a standstill as you stare at him. There’s a whole lot of emotions that flicker through you in rapid cession. Shock. Confusion. Acceptance. Anger.
“And that is my cue to leave.” You snorted turning for the door.
“Y/n I am telling you the truth!”
You turned on him rage coiling deep in your stomach.
“Did you put Cal up to this too? What the hell is the matter with you Shawn?! I mean why, why are you playing with me like this?”
“I can prove it!”
“Excuse me?”
“I can prove to you, that I’m a wolf.”
You simply did not have the time or the patience to continued to be toyed with. Shawn wasn’t taking no for an answer and proceeded to tug his shirt over his head.
“Okay what in the Black baby Jesus are you doing?!” You groaned as he began to work on his belt.
“I like this outfit. I don’t want it to get ruined.”
You peered over at his friends who were now just peering over in amusement.
“Are you aware that your friend is crazy?”
“Why yes, we absolutely are.” Brian snorted. “But jackass is actually telling the truth.”
“Turn around. It’s not actually all the pretty.” Shawn mumbled as he got rid of his jeans.
“Which part, you turning into a big dog, or you taking your underwear off?”
Geoff laughed. “Wait, I like her. Where have you been hiding her at?”
“Not now, assholes! Will you please, please just turn around?”
Your rolled your eyes as far back into your head as humanly possible before turning your back to the man who you’d thought you were falling in love with, but who was turning out to be almost certainly off his fucking rocker. You were about to start throwing out more snarky comments when the most horrendous sounds began to occur. It gave you the more visceral reminder of the time you had broken your arm by falling off your bike, the bone scraping so graphically against the concrete that your stomach lurched just thinking about it. But this was somehow worse. This sounded like bone scraping against bone, joints popping in and out. You wanted to turn, but something inside of you kept you frozen exactly where you stood.
The next thing that you registered was something pushing gently against your back. And when you turned, oh so hesitant, sure enough behind you was a fucking wolf. A huge, up to your chest, head the size of your body, fucking wolf. You still couldn’t believe it. You blinked over and over again willing for it to change. Everything in your life had been so straight and narrow for so long. Elementary school. Middle school. High School. College. Med school. Simple cause and effect. Every illness had a response, had something that you could offer it. Logic had always been your MO. But this. What the hell was this?
“I don’t…I don’t understand.” You whispered.
The wolf nudged its head against your stomach and wined paw reaching up to slap at your waist. He nearly knocked you over. You let your fingers slide through his fur, hair incredibly thick and lucious. When he leaned up on his legs you could see his eyes and that was what got you. Even in his wolf state, those eyes were unmistakably Shawn. They were warm and brown, the shade of honey much brighter. It was him though. That was your Shawn.
“Holy shit.” You gasped. “It’s really fucking you, isn’t it?”
He barked and nuzzled his head deeper into your arms.
Holy fucking shit.
Suddenly he was out of your arms and stepping back around to the other side of the kitchen. He barked at Brian and Geoff who easily translated.
“He’s gonna change back now. He wants you to wait for him in the living room, if you’re not too afraid.”
You weren’t sure that you would’ve made it to your car if you wanted to. You felt like your legs might give out any moment. It was a struggle even to make it to the couch. The whole time, you were trying to rationalize what your eyes had just seen, and trying to figure out how to make the puzzles pieces to fit together. There was a fear that maybe there was no logic to be had in this scenario. Perhaps the most logical answer, was the one that made the least sense in your head.
Shawn stepped into the room a few minutes later in nothing but a pair of sweats. Geoff and Brian were nowhere to be seen anymore, but that didn’t stop him from taking slow and deliberate steps towards you with his hands raised.
“Are you afraid of me?” He asked.
You stared at him trying to reconcile how his large body could be even bigger, and furrier to boot. It just was unbelievable.
“I...I don’t know.” You mumbled. “I don’t know about anything anymore.”
He sat on the couch, keeping an entire cushions distance from you.
“The reason that I had Brian and Geoff there was because...I don’t want you to be afraid. I guess in hindsight I didn’t think about how three random white guys might be all the more intimidating. I--I wanted you to feel safe. And I wanted them to be in their human forms just in case. I’m so sorry y/n. I wanted to do this all differently, but I couldn’t lose you. I’ve been trying to fight my instincts to satisfy, to do whatever you need for days, and it’s been killing me. I needed to do whatever would make you happy.”
“Holy shit, this is really happening, isn’t it?” You chuckled humorlessly letting your face fall into your hands.
“It is. But uh...you’ve got some choices to make so unfortunately there’s more.”
All you could do was groan.
“How could there possibly be more? If you tell me there are vampires walking around too, I’m having myself admitted.”
“Not exactly.” He chuckled dryly. “You’ve been feeling something since we met right? There’s a--a pull between us. It feels instinctual. Maybe you have a sense for what I’m feeling without me ever having to say it. You uh might feel the need to do whatever would make me happy, even when it’s not within your control.”
You raised an eyebrow but nodded.
“Yea. How did you know?”
“It’s not a coincidence. You and I...We’re mates.”
“We’re what now?”
“Mates. It’s sort of means we were created for each other. Like destiny or fate or whatever. Usually werewolves mate with other werewolves but not always. My mother’s human for example, and she still mated with my dad. You said you felt something pulling you to this town, like it was decided before you even consciously thought it. That was me. That was us.”
He now looked just down right sheepish. This man was essentially telling you that he was a dog and your soulmate all in one night, and has the audacity to try and smile at you while he did it. Your mind felt like it was about ready to explode. You couldn’t even fathom all of the information he was trying to make you take in. four years of med school had nothing on Shawn.
“So what we’re just...meant to be? Like we’re stuck together forever?” You asked.
You knew immediately that he’d been dreading you asking that question by the look of defeat on his face. And just like that the need to fix it came roaring back in your gut. It felt oddly nice to give that feeling a name now.
“N--No. It doesn’t mean that. If you decide that you hate me, or that this isn’t what you want for yourself you don’t have to stay with me. There are some cases of mated pairings not working out. It’s usually pretty terrible but...I would never make you stay if you didn't want to. I love you too much for that.”
Somehow out of all the things that he’d said that night, of all the feelings he’d made you feel, he was still able to shock you.
“Did you just say…?”
He reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers.
“I love you. It’s a bit different for me because I knew we were mates the second we met but...I don’t think being human could have changed anything. You’re just, you’re you. I meant it when I said I was crazy about you. I love every moment we get to spend together. I love your sense of humor, and how you’re probably the smartest person I’ve ever met. I would love to just be with you, if you’ll have me. No secrets. No half truths. No running off anymore. It would be just you and me, forreal this time.”
It felt good to hear. That part was undeniable. But you couldn’t help but feel incredibly overwhelmed by it all. Not just the “i love you”, but the fact that the first time you moved out of your home state you stumbled straight into supernatural shenanigans. When you had asked for Shawn to be honest with you, you figured he was maybe hiding an erectile dysfunction, or even a secret job as a hitman would have been less shocking.
“This is . . . a lot, Shawn. I don’t even know what to say to any of this.” You admitted.
He nodded softly eyes downcast. “Of course. If you want to go home, I understand. And if you don’t want me around anymore, you can just text me or something.”
You didn’t know how to explain not wanting to be alone. You couldn’t reconcile needing the space to think, and yet wanting him to be close by while you did it. It wasn’t fair to you or to him, but you found that now that you knew the truth, your instincts toward him were even harder to fight. You just wanted to be with him.
“Is it weird to not want to be alone right now?” you mumbled.
He reached hesitantly forward, tapping on your chin till your eyes met with his.
“No. Nothing you’re feeling can be weird right now. I just told you I’m a wolf, y/n.”
A chuckle passed your lips and you paused not sure if it was okay to laugh or not.
“It’s okay. You can laugh. I’d rather you laugh.”
“Can I--Can I stay here tonight?”
His eyes widened. “Yea. Yes, of course. You can stay in my room. C’mere.”
He leads you through the house, all wooden floors and wooden walls. There seemed to be a lot of patch ups, from what you weren’t sure, but you even passed the door you’d seen him get at the store all the months ago. It made you curious how violent wolves actually were. It was difficult to imagine Shawn as being anything other than kind and warm. Then again you’d never imagine him to grow four legs either.
“This house is so big.” You noted as he led you up the stairs.
“It’s been in my family for generations. The pack usually lives here. When my dad passed away, my mom couldn’t be here anymore, so I took over and she moved into an apartment.”
“Wait, so they all live here? Where are they?”
He shrugged pulling you into the last room at the end of the hall.
“I had everyone leave but Geoff and Brian. I thought it might be a little intimidating.”
His room was obviously the master bedroom. It was far bigger than yours, with the king size bed to match. There was a guitar in the corner next to the night stand. He had a picture of him, his dad, and his mom on his dresser. There were cookbooks and pastry books galore all on a shelf. It felt like him. It was so obviously him that you somehow felt immediately at home.
Shawn moved to his dresser pulling out one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants. He then walked into his closet and pulled out a pink satin pillowcase before pulling it onto a fresh pillow and lying it next to the clothes.
“Here you go. You can change in the bathroom.”
You eyed the pillow curiously. “What’s that for?”
“Oh,” He scratched nervously at back of his neck. “Well I just remembered that you had one at your house. You said it was for your hair, right? So it doesn’t get messed up? I bought one off amazon so if you ever came over you wouldn’t have to worry.”
You stared at him, lips parted, because what in the entire fuck? Your eyes flickered from the pillow and back to him, heart doing another unsteady gurplunk in your chest. He had to be stopped.
“Is that...is that okay? Did I get the right one?”
You nodded. “Yea it...it’s perfect. No one’s ever done that for me before.”
“I just wanted you to feel comfortable here.”
Another layered statement. Another round of intense eye contact. He was sure to be the death of you one way or another.
You changed into the clothes and ran some mouthwash through your cheeks before stepping back into the room. Shawn was just sort of standing there with his hands in his pockets like he didn’t know what to do with himself. In your mind, you wondered how anyone that beautiful and chiseled could be so goofy.
“What now?” You asked.
“Nothing! I just didn’t know if you’d want to sleep alone tonight. You can if you want. I meant what I said about giving you space.”
You looked over at the bed and then at him before shaking your head softly.
“Don’t wanna be alone.”
The sheets are soft and they smell just like Shawn. The satin pillow is kind of perfect and when he turns the light off it’s almost like all the other nights you spent together. You’re almost able to forget that he’s just flipped your entire world upside down. It doesn’t help that you feel better being in a room with him, than you’d felt in a week. It doesn’t help that when he was describing all of the reasons why he might love you, they  matched perfectly with how you felt about him.
“I can hear you thinking.” He murmured into the dark.
You gasped. “What?!”
“Not like I can read your mind.” He snorted. “More like, I hear your heart rate increasing. I can feel your body language. Usually it’s the wolf instincts, but I think I’m just attuned to you at this point.”
“Oh...I guess I was wondering, when you didn’t want to have sex with me? You said that you didn’t want to hurt me. I still don’t get what you meant by that.”
He goes quiet for a little while, and you’re sure that you’ve struck a nerve. When he releases a little breath, you find yourself doing the same.
“Well it’s two things. I guess it’s why I started to freak out when you called me town leader?
I didn’t want you to know what I am. I didn’t want you to have to come into my world. I--I knew that you were my mate. I knew that I loved you, but every second you were in the dark you were safe. I didn’t want to lose you.”
“Safe? Does that mean that now that I know I’m not safe anymore?”
“No. I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. Not now, not ever. There’s just always a chance when you’re dealing with wolves. We’re protectors. Of the town, of our pack, of our families. That typically means there are things that one might need to be protected from. The closer you are to us the more likely it is to need protection. But I’m alpha for a reason. No one would ever touch you.”
You’d been laying their long enough for your eyes to adjust to the dark. You could see the firm set of his jaw to match the seriousness of his tone. Before you had even consciously made the decision, you were flipping over onto your side and nuzzling into his side. He quickly lifted his arm for you to slide beneath. The warmth he gave put your mind way too at ease.
“Tell me the other part.”
“The other part is...I’m kind of really strong. Inhumanly strong, obviously. And I just want to make sure that when I’m intimate with you that you don’t get hurt. Mated love making is...intense.”
You peered up at his face with raised eyebrows. “What kind of intense?”
“Remember what you thought happened to my bed to make it break? That kind of intense.”
Hmm. Hot.
You hummed. “Well I guess it has been so long since I’ve got laid, I’d welcome you throwing my back out at this point.”
“Not funny.”
“Not even a little bit?”
“Me breaking your back? No not in the slightest!”
“Well no one said anything about breaking it Shawn! I simply implied a little soreness and tenderness after a good dicking.” You snorted. “You werewolves. So touchy.”
“Oh my god. I’m in love with an actual dork.”
*Ten minutes later*
“I just want to point out that when I said no white nonsense, being a fucking werewolf was automatically on that list”
“Sweetheart, go to sleep.” He hushed.
“Yea, okay.”
*six months later*
“Babe have you seen my lucky head scarf! I’m gonna be late!”
“Did you check your hair drawer?!”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes! Coincidentally that was the first place I looked!”
“Well stop being sarcastic to me and just come downstairs!”
It was your first date completely running the clinic by yourself. Dr. savage had been slowly edging himself out over the past few months, but not without letting you in on the town secrets. Little did you know that being able to accept Shawn as a werewolf meant having to take care of all the werewolves. The clinic would be their safe haven if anyone got too hurt to heal, which apparently shouldn’t happen often because they healed super fast. A learning curve did not begin to describe all the shit you had been over in the last few months.
In the end it had been way too easy of a decision. You had woken up the next morning in Shawn’s arms and he had just stared at you with hopeful puppy dog eyes--which definitely held a new meaning now. You couldn’t leave. You didn’t want to. It had taken a while for you to get used to it all. He was incredibly gentle and understanding with you. And thus there you were...wrapped up in continuous white nonsense. Because love. Or whatever.
“Shawn,” You whined thumping down the stairs. “I really do need my scarf, babe. My edges are rough.”
You headed straight for the kitchen only to see your boyfriend standing there with a cinnamon roll the size of your head with a candle sticking out of it  in his hands, smile big and wide on his face. It had turned out to be your favorite after all
“Happy First Day!” He cheered.
Usually the kitchen was crawling with people in the morning, everyone trying to get their breakfasts in before going off to their respective days. This morning it was absolutely bare besides the two of them. You had gone on to notice over your months dating Shawn that when he wanted to be alone with you, he was going to be, and anyone else around wasn’t even an option. Again. Hot.
“What are you doin’?” You murmured playfully stepping up to claim your prize.
And it wasn’t the cinnamon roll. You had him put the plate down and quickly wrapped your arms around his waist. He took your cheeks in his hands, warm as always, and pressed a kiss to your lips that left you a little breathless.
“I wanted to celebrate my baby being the badass doctor in town.”
You giggled. “When you said you were letting the other guys open the bakery today, this was not what I was expecting.”
“You didn’t think I’d make you your favorite breakfast? I’ve been bringing you breakfast for almost a year now.” He chuckled.
“Hmm...it’s been a good year.”
“I would have to agree. I have your scarf. What do you say I drive you to work today before I head to the bakery. And after your first full day, I want to take you out just the two of us.”
Your eyes widened. “Really? No one else?”
“No one else. Just you and me. I’ve got a lot of plans for you today.”
“Oh really? What kind of plans you talkin’ bout sir?”
“The throw out your back kind of plans.”
“Well those just happen to be my favorite kind...C’mere.”
The End.
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