#tbb crosshair x padawan reader
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the-toskaverse · 1 year ago
Hello it's @clone-anon. I love this new season. Who can say no to big brother Crosshair? Here's some Crosshair x former padawan reader with big brother vibes. Influenced by TBB S3E4.
You met Omega and her brothers while on the run from the Empire. You'd hidden your abilities ever since Order 66 was handed down, but sometimes it was tempting to reach out. It's not that you needed it for protection necessarily, although sometimes your lightsaber came in handy when you were in a bit of a bind. It was more that you missed your master and fellow jedi. It was lonely and you wondered if you took the risk to reach out more, you might feel those you'd lost again.
You first met Omega at a bazaar. You reached into your pocket for what few credits and she got the slightest glimpse of your lightsaber. Omega brought you to her brothers and promised you'd be safe with them, knowing how dangerous the galaxy was for you. It took some time for you to trust, but they made it easy. You were surprised by the openness of her brothers. While that was a comfort in a galaxy that seemed full of danger, you actually felt safest with her grumpy brother Crosshair. Although he seemed the most closed off, you knew where you stood with him and he always kept an eye out for you.
You and Crosshair walked through some town overrun with stormtroopers. You were trying to find some power supplies for Tech and it was getting harder and harder to come by credits and supplies these days. You did your best to blend in, but your hand always twitched toward the lightsaber hidden along your waist.
"Easy," Crosshair whispered, putting a hand on your arm. "They don't suspect."
"How can you be sure?" you asked.
"I can read them," he replied. He put a hand on your shoulder and you took a deep breath. He was right. You were looking at them more than they bothered to give you a second glance. You both managed to find the parts you needed and headed back through town toward the ship. Just as you made it through the busiest part of the city, Crosshair looked up and down the road before pulling you into an alley.
"You're still nervous," he said, taking your shaking hand in his own. His still shook sometimes, but it wasn't as bad as it had been. "Come here." He put his arms around you and held you. "They won't get you."
He knew you were still scared of being found out, even though you had become good at hiding any hint that you were once a padawan in public. Crosshair gave you a little squeeze.
"It's still overwhelming," you said. "They're everywhere. I just want to live my life."
"I know," he said, waiting for you to let go when you were ready. You knew he'd protect you like any of his siblings and after some minutes you pulled away and nodded. He put an arm over your shoulder and you walked out of town together. You relaxed as you got further from civilization and to the hidden woods where the ship was waiting. Another successful supply trip.
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clone-anon · 2 years ago
Hey so I’ve been thinking about this idea for a little bit- but maybe we could get a little bit of platonic Cross with a padawan reader and this sort of mirrors “the outpost” episode in tbb season 2- where reader and Cross are walking through a mine field or something and joking padawan says that like the mines probably aren’t even there, but low and behold they step on one and crosshair is now the one that has to carefully defuse it- maybe even at the end it could be like flashing back to the episode with Cross and Mayday where he’s thinking about it
Hope that made sense!
Okay I am falling in love with this dynamic. It's slightly different than what you described, but I think is in the same spirit. I'm going to set this after Crosshair leaves the Empire and rejoins the Batch because yes. Also, if he's flashing back to Mayday, that must have already happened.
The rest of the squad headed in one direction after Hunter sent you and Crosshair through a minefield. A supposed minefield. It looked fine to you. You practically skipped around with energy while Crosshair walked forward, long strides at a steady pace.
"I bet there aren't even any mines left out here," you said.
"You should be able to figure it out," he replied. "Search your feelings or whatever."
You gave him a look. Your days as a padawan felt long gone since the Empire came to power. You felt safe with the squad, knowing them since before Order 66 was handed down, and managing to find them on Pabu. Much had happened and while you didn't use the force in an obvious way in public, when you were with Crosshair you knew it was okay. Right now you were certain there was nothing to worry about. You took another few steps forward with a smile now on your face. Crosshair simply watched with a raised eyebrow hidden beneath his helmet.
"Pfft," you replied with a wave of your hand and a few more steps. "See? It's fine. I've searched and all I've found is dirt and more dirt and some trees. I bet there's nothing-"
You felt a metal click as your left foot stepped on a mine. Probably the only active mine in the entire area. You felt your heart leap in your throat and immediately wanted to reach for Crosshair's steady arm, but he was too far to reach just yet.
"Take a breath," he said. He was trying not to panic, but his face gave away his emotion as he removed his helmet and searched for any other mines in the immediate area. Finding none, he kneeled down in front of you and blew the dust and dirt away, revealing the metal contraption. You tried not to worry, but saw a small smile tugging on his face and felt a surge of frustration.
"Why are you smiling, Crosshair?! I might die."
Crosshair reached into his pack and got out three small stakes and a while he didn't have a hammer, he grabbed a rock nearby. He would need a steady hand, but that was something he could manage. In his mind he thought of Mayday in that cave. Despite the warm sun on his back, he suddenly felt a chill. He shook it from his mind, focusing on helping you.
"I'm not smiling because you're standing on a landmine," he replied. "I'm thinking of... a friend. A brother." He started gently hammering the first stake into place. He bent down further to make sure it was secured in the right spot.
"Oh," you said. "Which one?"
"A reg," he said quietly, hammering the second stake in. "His name was Mayday."
You looked at him while he hammered in the third staKe. You sensed his memory was happy yet sad. That if he could, Crosshair would want to talk to Mayday now. You smiled to yourself, wanting to ask a thousand questions, but holding off.
Crosshair finished the job and stood up. You went to move.
"No, stop! Wait!"
You stopped moving, keeping your foot steady.
"Now, I'll go stand behind those trees and when I say, you can move."
"Great," you replied sarcastically. "I get to die alone."
"No," he said. "I'm just not stupid."
Crosshair hid behind the trees and then told you to try easing off the mine. You did so, breathing a huge sigh of relief when you were clear. Crosshair came out from behind the trees, smiling and putting his helmet back on.
You hugged him, surprising him for a moment, but he quickly returned the hug. You continued walking together, feeling a little more cautious about the dangers of this trek. Crosshair was focused on the job ahead, but smiled to himself, thinking about the friend he had lost, but who would still always be with him.
"You would have liked him," he said.
"Tell me about him?"
Crosshair was silent for a minute, but then after considering it, started opening up about him for the first time.
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awkward-tension-art · 5 months ago
Order 66 (tbb x Jedi!reader)
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Ok, so i’ve had this idea in my head of the clones with a Jedi S/O during Order 66. I don’t mean they act on Order 66, I mean if everything sorta played out similar in canon (Chip doesn’t work)
Idk, I like me some protective boys.
CW: minimally proofread, jedi!S/O, Reader, Gender neutral pronouns, Order 66, violence, death, swearing, Hunter trying his best, Wrecker being a sweetie, Echo is ready to fight, Tech is the only one who is level headed, and Crosshair being somewhat emotional
You were following Caleb when the order came through. Your steps stumbled and your knees hit the cold ground. All around you, the Force was being ripped apart. Hands were on your shoulders. 
your lover. You barely realized through the haze.
With absolute horror, you watched helplessly as clones gunned down Depa Billaba. “Run Caleb!” You heard her scream through the overwhelming grief and death you felt. The padawan turned, lightsaber ready. 
“Get away from us!” he barked, calling your name, “Get up! Please!”
He was panicked, confused. So were you. 
You managed to look up, seeing the clone troopers across the field standing over Master Billaba’s smoking corpse. They were prepping to kill you and the padawan next.
Without another word you bolted, grabbing Caleb’s hand and sprinting to the trees. You didn’t look back. You had to make sure the kid was safe.
“Wait!” He’ll give chase before stopping at the tree line. He had never seen you look so devastated and afraid. 
He’s going to follow you. Of course he is. He’s just as confused as everyone else. 
Until Tech finally finds out what's going on
“The Jedi have been ordered to be executed.” “Which one?” “All of them.”
“What!? Why!?” Hunter is panicked at this point. The troopers behind him have orders to kill. They won’t show you mercy. 
“Apparently they’ve committed treason.”
By the time he finds you, Caleb had already jumped across the ravine and was waiting for you. You turned, tears in your eyes.
“I can feel it…everyone is being killed.” 
“We’re going to figure this out,” He’s going to try and calm you down, “I promise, we’re going to figure this out.” His arms are around you. 
It wasn’t safe for you. Not anywhere near him and the others. He knows this. You know this. 
The two of you come up with a hurried plan.
“Go to these coordinates. Once we know what's going on, I’ll come find you.” He’ll kiss you passionately, “Get the kid and hide.” 
Hunter won’t go with you. He’s the squad leader. He can’t just go missing. 
Despite the fear that you’ll be found out, he trusts you and your skills to stay alive.
Once you jump across, he’ll watch, make sure no one follows or tries to shoot at you. 
Once he’s questioned on your whereabouts, he’s going to lie, “I managed to stab the kid and shoot the Jedi. both of them fell into the water.”
I will say, his nerves are shot until he gets to you again. 
But in the meanwhile? He’s antsy. Anxious and a tad distracted.
Also a hairs trigger from snapping.
Crosshair badgers him at Kamino and Hunter barely holds back a punch.
Hunter loves you, so damn dearly. And right now he can’t protect you because he needs to figure out what the fuck is going on.
But, after finding the truth and getting Omega, he makes a damn beeline for the coordinates he gave you.
Plus side? Caleb and Omega become friends.
What the FUCK just happend!?
He sprints into the trees to keep up, ignoring how Hunter is calling his name. 
“Echo, get back here!” 
“No.” He will cut off his comms. 
He’s an ARC trooper, he can track you to a degree. He’s not like Hunter, but he gets to the general area where you are. 
He manages to get to a clearing where you and Caleb are hiding in the trees. 
“Cyare!” Echo is clearly confused, worried and he swears he feels the same amount of death that’s overwhelmed you. 
Once you reveal yourself, his helmet is off and his arms are around you so tightly.
“I don’t know what's going on, but I’ll keep you and Commander Dume safe.”
Hunter and Crosshair catch up to you, and once Crosshair aims his blaster at you and Caleb, Echo is ready to brawl. 
He stands protectively in front of you, gun aimed at the sniper, “If your skinny ass doesn’t put the fucking gun away I swear to-!”
“Both of you stand down!” Hunter will have to get between them, because Echo is 100% willing to shoot Crosshair if it means you stay safe. 
He’s not aware Crosshair doesn't exactly have a choice at the moment.
Really no one is aware.
But he’s lost domino squad, he’s lost Fives, he's lost legion, right now his former general is probably being killed…He’s lost so much already.
He refuses to lose you too.
So Echo pulls the trigger first, settling on stunning him and making a dash towards the ravine. Hunter has to keep up.
Once Caleb is across, he’ll get meetup coordinates from Hunter.
Echo goes with you. He doesn’t return to Kamino. The moment he's across the ravine with you and Caleb he’s a deserter. 
He doesn’t care. He just doesn’t want to lose you.
He’s a strong, determined guard, and one who didn’t let you or Caleb get hurt.
He casts a glance at Hunter before running off after you. 
He has no idea what Order 66 is. Nor does he care.
The guy saw you so…out of it. So scared and confused.
His protective instincts have geared up to 11. 
Hunter goes with him, while Crosshair is the one who remains behind to stall.
Once Tech informs everyone that the Jedi have been named traitors and should be executed on sight, Wrecker gets serious. Very serious. 
He becomes so unlike himself, even Crosshair is surprised.
Honestly? I see Wrecker as someone willing to gun down any ‘reg’ if they’re threatening his squad or s/o. 
Even this early into the Empire.
When he sees you, he’s immediately grabbing you into his arms which causes Caleb to attack.
Admittedly he’s gonna tackle Caleb, only adding to the poor kids terror. 
“Wrecker, you're scaring him!” 
But after a strong bear hug and an “Easy kid! I’m tryna help you!” The padawan calms down enough to listen. 
He puts Caleb down, rips off his helmet and gives you one hell of a kiss. 
He’s worried. He’s scared. And he wants to protect you. 
Hunter will have to talk him down from running off with you.
The sergeant has to keep his squad together. It sucks but they need to figure out what the heck is happening at the moment.
Wrecker desperately wants to go with you but he can’t abandon his squad.
However, he feels much better once Hunter gives some safe coordinates to lay low and hide.
He’ll get you to the ravine and stand guard until you and Caleb are across and out of sight.
You bet your ass when he meets up with you again he’s not letting you go. 
He isn’t as emotional as the others at the moment. He’s actually focused on gathering as much information in the least amount of time.
He waits, listening to the comm chatter. What is going on? why?
“Execute Order 66.”
After a second, he shares a look with Hunter.
“Tech, go after-”
No more words need to be said. Tech is gone and going after you.
He’s smart. He knows your patterns. He knows where you’d most likely hide. So he focuses on that.
Once he’s confident he’s in a broad area where you and Caleb are, he’s going to call out to you, “Cyare? There’s something called Order 66 on the comms.” 
Tech gives you information first. He won’t make you reveal yourself if you don’t feel safe enough. 
When Echo announces that the Jedi have been charged with treason, he’ll relay that to you. 
“The comms say the Jedi committed treason against the Republic,” He’s going to keep looking around for you, “I know you. You’d never do such a thing. I’m here, Cyare. I can help you.”
Once you reveal yourself, Caleb behind you, he feels the biggest amount of relief. 
He pulls off his helmet, giving you a small smile.
“Tech…The Jedi…” your voice cracks, “They’re being killed…I can feel it.” 
“I know, Cyare…I’m sorry.” He tries his best to comfort you, but he knows he can never understand. 
The amount of Jedi he’s worked with can be counted on one hand. 
But he knows this is your family. Your friends. Your very life.
Once Hunter meets up with you guys, a plan can be put in place. 
He gives you coordinates for a location to meet-up and hide. You’ll lay low with Caleb.
In the meantime, Tech will return to Kamino, figure out what's happening, and from there a better, more long term plan can be made.
Before you leave though, he’s going to give you the longest, most passionate kiss he's ever given you.
He’s well aware that there's a chance you can be found and killed. 
Tech is the only one who has accepted that you may not make it out of this.
But he’s going to keep his mind occupied, distract himself until he’s by your side again. 
As soon as the order goes out, Crosshair is under the influence of the inhibitor chip.
He just doesn’t know. No one does at this point.
He watches you run away with Caleb and the drive to hunt you down is hard to ignore.
He needs to find you to kill you, to protect you.
But, the sudden headache he has is damn near blinding.
Crosshair follows Hunter, keeping his comms on.
He freezes when Tech finds out the Jedi have been marked for execution.
The Inhibitor Chip in his skull is contending with his feelings for you.
He needs to execute save you.
When he spots you he pulls his rifle and aims but barely manages to stop himself.
He can’t hurt you. He needs to kill loves you.
Crosshair draws some sort of conclusion that Kaminoans had conditioned all clones to follow specific orders.
He doesn’t know of the chip. He just assumes it comes from the troopers' conditioning.
When his arms are around your body, for a brief moment he thinks of snapping your neck.
Good soldiers follow orders.
He hates orders.
This is the point where Crosshair knows something is seriously wrong with him.
But he’s not going to say anything yet. He can still fight if need be.
“You need to run…hide…get away from here.” it's a rare moment that he’s scared.
The sniper is desperate to shoot protect you.
The headache is persistent, and it’s somewhat distracting.
But he’ll power through.
Crosshair will wait for Hunter to come up with…something. 
His eyes are on the area around you, gun set to kill in case any reg tries anything.
The plan? Clone Force 99 returns to Kamino while you and Caleb go into hiding. 
You have coordinates. He can find you later. 
But…well Crosshair doesn’t like that. At all.
Hear me out. Like Echo, Crosshair goes with you. He knows somethings up with him, but he trusts himself more than he trusts anyone else.
“Tell Kamino they killed me.” He instructs Hunter, “That I died trying to stop the Jedi and you managed to get justice.”
He crosses the ravine with you, only looking back to nod back to Hunter. 
By the time Crosshair, you and Caleb safely get off the planet, his headache is a small annoyance that goes away with time.
Crosshair sticks with you until he reunites with his squad and notices Omega
Welp, you got Caleb, what's one more kid?
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sweetcream-coldfoam · 15 days ago
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[updated 2/16/2025] posting this list now so it'll stop sitting idly in my drive. please read all warnings on individual fics. you are responsible for the content you consume!
✦ for NSFW/18+
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✧ touch starved by @nahoney22 [tbb x reader ]
✧ two faces by @stellarbit [ tbb x f!reader ]
✧ flower sniping by @jedi-hawkins [ crosshair x f!reader ]
✦ sharp edges by @spicy-clones / @lightwise [ crosshair x f!reader ]
✧ don't call me flower by @dragonrider9905 [tech x reader ]
✧ dork love by @starqueensthings [ tech x gn!reader ]
✧ tech & vel by @freesia-writes [ tech x oc ]
✦ just friends, right? by @nahoney22 [ tech x f!reader ]
✧ sweet thing by @starrylothcat [ wrecker x f!reader]
✦ stars beyond number by @dystopicjumpsuit [ gregor x oc ]
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✧ ad'ika by @toska-writes [ platonic fives x padawan!reader ]
✦ i yearn and so i fear by @enigmaticexplorer [ wolffe x oc ]
✦ soulmate series by @mandos-mind-trick [ various ]
✦ the popsicle by @rinwritesfics [ fives x reader ]
by @dystopicjumpsuit:
✦ martyrs and kings [post-stasis kix x oc ]
✦ double, double, boil and trouble [ boil x reader ]
✦ the sixth language [ waxer x reader ]
by @wanderinginksplot-writes:
✧ warriors in red armor [ corrie guard x ocs ]
✧ now boarding [501st x f!readers ]
✧ kix + competence
✧ hardcase + “is that seriously your password?”
✧ rex + “is that how you flirt with everyone?”
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✧ gar cabur by wanderinginksplot [ alpha-17 x f!reader ]
✧ the delta's jedi by @vodika-vibes [ fixer x jedi!reader ]
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[ masterlists to binge & fics i want to read when i get back into the fandom ]
@dystopicjumpsuit @wanderinginksplot-writes @freesia-writes / @spicy-clones @nahoney22 @starrylothcat @toska-writes @vodika-vibes
✧ hunter and the librarian by @clonethirstingisreal [ hunter x oc ]
✧ beyond the shadow of a doubt by @freesia-writes [ hunter x oc ]
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thanks for stopping by! ❤︎ please let me know if anyone would like their fic removed from this list!
(this list has legit been sitting for months, and i figured it would have way more use posted here than it would somewhere forgotten on my laptop—even if it’s just for me!)
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badbatch-badfics · 1 year ago
Padawan (TBB x Male Reader) Part 1
Part 2
Characters: The Bad Batch - Crosshair. Not much of Wrecker, mainly just meeting them.
Relationship: All platonic
POV: Mixture between 2nd (you/yours) and 3rd (he/him)
Pronouns: He/him, but referred to as they/them when identity is unknown to the Batch
Species: Unspecified, should be pretty neutral
Content: Angst?? Panic?? Introductions?? Beginning of found family??
Warnings: Panic attacks, minor injury description, thinking about your death (non-suicide), anything that would be in TBB normally. Possibly some lore inaccuracies. Cringe
Word count: 4,777
Notes: If you’re willing, please let me know if you think 2nd person or 3rd person POV is better, or if the combo is readable.
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You balanced yourself on the beam, steadily walking across with eyes darting back and forth for anything that seemed of use.  Or, at least, a new pathway, or bridge, or anything that could lead you somewhere new, where there was the possibility of supplies.  Or food, or some type of communication device, or, quite literally, anything.  You weren’t picky, given the circumstances- couldn’t afford to be.  But in truth, there was little to no chance of finding anything new.  You’d scavenged through the ship countless times, and for the past…however long, there’d been nothing new.  You hadn’t missed anything from the previous ventures, no small creature had drug in anything from outside or from a part with limited access, nothing fell to reveal a hidden treasure of some sort.  Absolutely nothing.  But yet, each day you once again went out with a glimmer of hope- or denial- that there would be something.  Or maybe it was just a feeble attempt to focus your mind away from the events.  Not that it worked.
As the beam came across a body of water, you peered down to the pool, loathing at what was reflecting back- raggy, dirty, and bloody.  Kriffing Hell, I could be mistaken for a Tusken Raider with this shit-job of a covering.  Your normal Padawan robes, as well as ones from your Master, had been torn into several chunks, and wrapped around different limbs, as well as pieces of fabric from any corpses you’d stumble upon.  Layered on top of those was a poncho-cloak, barely holding on by a thread.  An oxygen mask hung limply around your neck, and was covered with a fine coating of dirt and grime, with splattered blood on top.  Bandages, cloth, and even animal pelts wound loosely around your head, leaving only small holes and strips for the mouth, nose, and eyes.  Your waist was adorned with a make-shift gear belt, holding a multitude of different bones- sharpened and shaped to become tools and methods of protection.  Your Lightsaber bumped lightly with each step, an eternal reminder to what happened- and as many bad thoughts as it brought, it would be an absolutely idiotic move to ditch the weapon.  Not wanting to look any longer, you pulled back your head and took a deep breath, continuing on.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Rex led the squad of modified clones through the dirty, deserted and desolate hallways, shining a light so nobody fell to their demise.  The group talked about the war, inhibitor chips, and the like until they came across a large canyon, so to speak.  Rex, Omega, Tech, Hunter, and Echo all shimmied their way across, leaving Wrecker to go last.  “You can do it!  Just keep your eyes on the table,” Omega yelled encouragingly.  With a few grunts and a shake of his head, Wrecker began climbing the cable upside down.  Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, it couldn’t hold his weight, plummeting him down to the murky water.
The collective panic from all six clones shot out an incredibly large Force ‘wave’ to the padawan, of which felt as though he was being hit by a speeder bike head-on and then ricocheted into a Bantha.  The shock of realizing that someone- scratch that, multiple someones- were here, on the ship with him, at this exact moment was more than enough to cause (Y/N) to stumble backwards from where he was standing and trip over some debris, falling flat on his ass.  Once (Y/N) could gather that he and the strangers had a decent amount of space in between them, his breathing calmed- but not enough to be normal.
(Y/N) carefully got up, watching his foot placement, before turning to where he had been sleeping and recouping for the past few months.  His legs felt both stiff and shaky, his vision was blurry, and his breathing was ragged.  Once (Y/N) was finally in the small space that contained his very few belongings, he fell to the floor, backed into the wall, and curled up into a tiny, and rather pathetic, ball.  People were here.  (Y/N) didn’t know if they were good, or bad- or if they weren't much of either.  Didn’t know their motives, didn’t know anything.  When (Y/N) had prayed to the Force to find new things, this is not what he meant.  At all.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Soon enough, and with several general or head-based injuries, all four men had their inhibitor chips removed.  Omega and Hunter were walking around, exploring this and that and whatnot.  Mainly because Omega would have done so anyway, but she most definitely needs supervision on the death-trap that is so humbly called a ship.  Unfortunately for you, the pair was getting awfully close to his “hide-out.”  Even worse, it seemed Hunter was aware of that as well.
“Omega…I think there’s someone here with us.  Stay close,” he whispered, pulling out his blaster.  Your breathing grew faster and more shaggy, and your vision clouded.  What could I do?  They’re in front of the only exit, and I haven't fought a person, or even touched my lightsaber in Force knows how long!  Considering the only way out, other than direct confrontation, seemed to be a 100+ foot drop- the choice was more or less clear.  You shakily stood up, grabbed the lightsaber which had been doing nothing else than collecting dust (and bad memories), and began to sprint as fast as possible, shoulder aimed at the door.  Dank Farrik, please- don’t let me die like this.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hunter jumped back, quickly grabbing Omega’s arm and pulling her out of the way with him.  And lucky he did, otherwise she may have been crushed by the metal plate that went flying as the cloaked figure stumbled and bolted.  Immediately, Hunter reached up to his comm and reported, “There’s somebody else on the ship!  His motive is unclear- just blasted through a door and ran- looks like he’s going for an escape.”
On the other end, Wrecker almost jumped out of his skin in excitement- “Finally!  Some action!”  Tech couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Wrecker’s interest in beating someone to hell and back.  After some more information was passed through, Wrecker and Tech had an approximate idea of where they needed to head in order to intercept the stowaway.  Since Hunter had said that the mystery person appeared to be running away, stealth was not an objective for the pair- running through loudly was acceptable.
(Y/N) was solely focused on getting out- not where the others could be.  Which was a terrible mistake- if you’re running away from somebody, it’d generally be wise to know where they are.  Tech could guess as much, and used it to his advantage.  Although he hadn’t gotten a full map of the ship, based on Hunter’s location report, the mystery person’s motive, and the ship being heavily damaged, he could make a reasonable estimate as to where the person would be.
To no one’s surprise, Tech was absolutely correct.  After instructing Wrecker where to go, they had each blocked the end of a hallway.  Wrecker had cut in front and faced the mystery person head on, grinning as cracking his neck, while Tech had stealthily followed from a ways behind.  By the time Tech caught up, the mystery person had already slammed to a stop and immediately turned around to exit the other end, but to no avail.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You ran as fast as you could, and you really did try paying attention to your surroundings, but it was all utterly useless.  The intruders had pinned you.  One giant guy to the front, and one smart guy to the back.  Brains and brawn.  Your heart beat far too fast, feeling the thump thump in your head, being far too hot, and your vision was rapidly becoming smaller and more tunneled.
It didn’t help when the big guy spoke, and you realized they were clones.  Odd clones, granted, but clones, who, as far as you knew, executed Order 66, executed your Master, friends, your entire sense of familiarity and comfort.
You weren’t prepared for this- you hadn’t trained in months, or even used your lightsaber.  There was no means of escape, considering the second either of them saw you reach for a weapon, it would be over.  Running would do you no good, and if they had followed Order 66, talking wouldn’t do any good either.  It seemed you’d join the other jedi in whatever afterlife awaited.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The figure fell flat on their ass and scrambled half-way backwards and half-way to the nearest wall after hearing Wrecker’s voice- they were shaking, sweat drenching their clothes all the way through, and, all in all, resembling a caged animal who knew it was done for.  A loud echo ran out as the figure roughly contacted the metal wall, and pulled their legs up, semi-resembling the fetal position, as their hands were still on the ground.
Wrecker and Tech slowly approached the figure, blasters balanced on their arms.  Both took notice of the shaky and rapid breathing, the occasional twitching, and how the figure seemed to be ever-so-slightly rocking.  This person was a very good actor, or nothing more than someone scared, who was in the very wrong place at the wrong time.  They both assumed the latter.
As Tech walked forward, he used his scanner to find the general age and species of the subject, brows furrowing as results came forward.  The figure was somewhere in between 15 and 18, was (chosen species), and, as more data was collected, Tech discovered that the figure was a Jedi.  Or, at the very least, someone with a high midichlorian count.  He stopped walking, lowered his blaster- not a lot, but just enough, and gestured to Wrecker to copy.  Wrecker made a grunt in confusion, not understanding.  Tech sighed and replied, “I do not believe they intend to harm us.  If my data is correct, they are a teenager, and most likely a padawan.  And it would seem they do not wish to engage through a fight, anyway.  Put your weapons down.”
(Y/N)’s head darted back and forth between the two, confused- was he safe?  They were clones- were they not going to execute Order 66, or at the very least, kill him as a simple intruder?  Just then, a third clone appeared- one with half the helmet white, the other black, with a few more details and some large red stripes.  He had a vibro-knife in one hand, extended outward with a curve, and his other hand, holding a blaster, rested on top of it.  “Hunter, I do not think they are a threat- at least, at this moment.  There has been no attempt to harm us as of yet, and they appear to be force sensitive, which would most certainly warrant an attempt to flee from a group of clones,” Tech informed.  (Y/N) slowly reached his hand towards the lightsaber on his makeshift belt, but didn’t quite grab it- not yet.  Hunter slowly put his weapons away and set down his helmet, a small hiss ringing out when he took it off.
He crouched just enough to seem smaller and slightly less intimidating, without looking like he was getting ready to spring up.  He extended his hands, walking slowly towards (Y/N).  “We’re not here to hurt you- we're not like the other clones– we’ve had our inhibitor chips removed.  You’re safe,” he spoke slowly and clearly.  Tech jumped in, “The inhibitor chips are what programmed the regs– the other clones– to execute Order 66.  So we don’t want to hurt you.”  Wrecker grunted something in agreement.
“Now, we have a functioning ship with us, and we can get you out of here- somewhere safe, or at least, more safe than here, okay?  We have food, water, medical care, and we have a place to stay where the Empire won’t bother us.  Let us help you.”  By the time Hunter had finished his little speech, he was only a few feet away from (Y/N), crouching down, now eye-level with him.  (Y/N)’s hand slowly came away from his saber.  This felt safe- he could sense it, more or less.  There wasn’t actually any danger, and the clone, who (Y/N) assumed was Hnuter, felt safe and honest– reminding him of the warmth and comfort the Jedi Temple, his fellow Padawans, his Master, all brought him.
(Y/N) tried to say something, but his voice caught and cracked horribly- a mixture of the panic, and having not talked to anyone in months.  He felt his eyes water behind the terribly dirty rags, which stung more than it should have.  “Let's start by getting those rags off you, okay?  Tech, bring over some bacta-spray and clean bandages,” Hunter instructed.  Tech did as he was told, fishing out some spray and bandages from one of his several pouches that lined his waist.  
Tech passed the supplies to Hunter, who indicated for him and Wrecker to go report to the rest what was happening.  He directed his attention back to (Y/N), calmly asking, “I’m gonna take off your face wrappings, alright?”  (Y/N) mumbling what Hunter assumed was an ‘okay,’ and felt his body go heavy and almost limp.  Hunter reached up, tenderly brushing against the Padawan’s face, swiftly untying the bounds of cloth.  He quickly used his other hand to bring the rest of it down, now draped around (Y/N)’s neck.  His face was dirty, caked in dirt, grime, and what appeared to be blood.  The mixture of paste, so to speak, was cracked and chipping, looking like a desert’s mud-crack.
Whether or not he meant to, Hunter grimaced at the sorry state of the Padawan.  He took his gloved hands to try and brush and scrape off the majority of the paste off, which was primarily successful.  After the layer of muck was removed, Hunter found one long gash, following the curvature of (Y/N)’s jawline, from just below the eye to just above his mouth.  It was inflamed and oozing, and was most certainly going to need stitches.  He held up the bacta-spray, and lightly spritzed it onto the wound.  A sharp hiss sounded out from (Y/N), who was now squinting his eyes.  Hunter mumbled some sort of apology before taking out the bandage and delicately, yet firmly at the same time, placed it on the gash.
“Are there any more major injuries we should worry about?  We can take care of the smaller ones on the ship, but still.  Better safe than sorry.”  (Y/N) shook his head no.  Hunter slowly stood up, and extended a hand, but (Y/N) just seemed to stare at it.  Slowly, though, the Padawan extended his own hand out, flinching and hesitating once his arm was half-way extended.  After a few seconds, though, he fully reached out and tightly grabbed the man’s hand.  Using the wall behind him, (Y/N) pushed himself up, legs shaky.  As soon as he was steady, (Y/N) ripped his hand away, bringing it close and pinning it tightly against his own chest.
Hunter commed Tech, instructing him to get everyone on-board the Marauder, and to try and use any spare pieces of clothing or blanket to form some type of clean cover that would fit the Padawan.  After what seemed to last forever, Hunter broke the silence- “So, what's' your name, kid?”
“(Y/N)...” he mumbled, quiet enough that only Hunter’s enhanced ears could make it out clearly.  The pair continued their walk through the broken up ship, eventually coming up to the ramp that led out to the Marauder.  (Y/N) brought his arm to his eyes, squinting at the sun- being far too bright, seeing as he hadn’t gone out of the ship in Maker knows how long.  Hunter took notice and briefly stopped, turning his head back to the teenager.
“You alright?  I’m sure I have something if you want to block out the sun for the walk,” he gently offered.  (Y/N) silently shook his head no, while slowly taking his arm down, bringing it back down to his chest, head and eyes solidly trained on the ground.  Hunter stared for a few seconds more, just to be sure, before continuing on towards the Marauder.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Your head was woozy, your heart beating out of your chest, and you were simultaneously shaking, yet felt numb.  All in all, it felt terrible.  And perhaps even worse, you knew there was no real reason to feel this way.  You were finally safe.  And there was no possible way that the clones would turn and execute you.  They would have done so already, without a doubt!  Why would anyone go against direct orders, and pure convenience, just to make someone suffer more?  That would be beyond inadequate. And it just made you feel terrible for not trusting them, or at the very least, for being suspicious of them.  And now your head hurt more than before.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, but was no more than a five minute walk, the pair came up on the Havoc Marauder, in all its battle worn glory.  Echo was leaning on the frame to the entry ramp, draping a clean, albeit worn and torn, wool poncho over his scomp.  From the time Echo had spent with them, he gathered that the Jedi seemed to really like their ponchos.
As you and Hunter finally came up to the ramp, you froze.  Your heart got significantly louder, palms sweater, which, by the way, was never pleasant under the dirty rags, and your eyes began darting around.  There was only one way out, it seemed.  If the group did have ill intent, you’d be done for as soon as you set a single toe in the ship.  That was not a comforting thought.  Hunter could hear your heartbeat and smell your sweat (or rather, the reaction it has with your skin) from a mile away.
Alerted by this change in demeanor, he turned back to look at you- who was completely frozen stiff, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape and pulled downwards.  He may have been prepared for any mission the Republic gave him, but there certainly wasn’t any briefing on traumatized teenagers- let alone force sensitive teens.  Kriff, he barely knew how to socialize with the Regs, and it was a miracle he could bond as much as he did with Omega.
Echo, even with his lack of enhanced senses, could easily see Hunter’s predicament.  “How about you get the rest of the squad together, keep it calm for the kid.  I’ll go take care of this.”  Hunter silently nodded in thanks, brushing past his brother to head inside and start giving orders.  That he was good at, no matter the topic.
Echo slowly, but not too slowly, as that would seem like a predator circling its prey, walked down the ramp and stood just in arm’s reach of the Padawan.  You seemed to stare at each other for an eternity before he slowly handed you the poncho.  “Here… seems you Jedi like ponchos, and we had one lying about.  Hope it works.  Got some more fabrics up on the ship, if you need any.  And better med-kits, stuff to find infections or fevers.  In case.”  He spoke both in a calm and precise manner, and continued on, “Name’s Echo, by the way.  Yours?  If you don’t mind, anyway.”
You didn’t respond for a few more seconds, taking it all in.  Finally, you mustered up a small response, “(Y/N)... and thank you.”  Echo smiled lightly, extending the poncho out a  bit further.  Quickly, you threw off the old poncho, which wouldn't have lasted another week, and put on the fresh new one.  “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up, at least around the arms and face, yeah?  We’ll be on another planet soon, and then you can get some proper fitting clothes.”
Echo turned and walked back up the ramp, making sure he could hear your footsteps following him.  A few steps after you had gotten in, and the ramp seemed to slam shut.  Realstickly, it was probably shutting for a while, but you hadn’t noticed it until it registered that there was no way out now.  And everything seemed so tight.  Sure, you had just been in a wrecked ship for Maker knows how long, but it was a big one.  Now, you were stuck on a much smaller ship, with however many clones.  Before the claustrophobia and feeling of complete despair could kick in, a small blond girl tugged at your burnt, calloused, and wrapped up hands, attempting to pull you somewhere.  Of course, given your larger mass, as well as training, you didn’t budge, not one bit.  You stared down at the young girl, eyes wide, yet blank.  To say it disturbed her would be an understatement.
“Omega!  I’m Omega, and this is Lula- Wrecker’s tooka doll!” she exclaimed, bringing your attention to a large stuffed…rabbit?  Or… loth cat?  It was hard to say.  It had a black body, with red sock paws, similar to the red tips on its ears.  The tooka doll sported some pattern of white, clearly resembling a face, with two red dots for eyes.  Distracted by the stuffed creature, she could successfully pull you, where she then disposed of you in someone's bunk.  She all but slammed Lula into your chest before running off, what, or who she was looking for, a complete mystery.
She came back with a collection of blankets, pillows, and snacks, and most certainly more than she could carry. Immediately, Omega got to work, bundling you like a baby in a blizzard.  You were too stunned to do anything, really.  What could you do, anyway?  After about two or so minutes of her layering, she paused, and frowned.  “How are you going to eat if your hands and arms are covered! Agh!”
She quickly began undoing her work, until your arms could be brought out, and then resumed the stacking of blankets.  All you could do was blink repeatedly, ever confused.  After another five or so minutes, she smiled triumphantly at her work.  “Perfect!  Here, have some mantell mix!” she said as she shoved a fist full of some clunky substance into your palm.  Looking down at it, mouth watering, you slowly reached down and plucked one of the misshapen balls, and popped it into your mouth.  And by the Maker, was it delicious.  Your eyes widened, and without a second thought, your hand flew to your mouth, sending the entire pile of mantell mix down your throat.  After eating random rodents, insects, and food that was quite possibly expired from the ship, this mantell mix was a blessing to your senses.
As you continued chewing and swallowing the treat, you leaned back against the hard wall of the ship, a quiet, content sigh escaping.  While it certainly wasn’t the most comfortable, it was ten thousand times better than anywhere you had slept on the Venator.  Lula was still resting across your chest, and Omega smiled proudly at your comfort before running off again.  Although it was muffled, you could hear her talking to one of the clones, before grabbing something and running back towards you.
“I was training with Nala Se and the medical equipment at the Kaminoan facilities, so I can fix you up!  Now, where does it hurt the most?”  She was a bit too excited about her ‘patient’ needing help, you thought.  It was cute, though.  The younglings and other Padawan at the Jedi Temple were like that, too– always eager to be the first to help, even in situations where most would never be joyous.  You supposed there wouldn’t be any harm in humoring the girl, even if she was, by all means, a possible threat, with everyone else on the ship.  I mean, if they did plan to harm or kill you, there’d be no chance of survival, so you might as well play along with the little girl.  Either your last moments wouldn’t be too bad, or you’d start bonding with your saviors.  Either version was a win, in one way or another.
Cocking one eyebrow, you raised a question– “How are you supposed to take care of me if I can’t move under all these layers?  That seems rather counter-productive, no?”  Her face molded into one of thought and consideration, nodding her head in agreement.  Before you could register her next move, she essentially lunged, quickly stripping you of the layers for the second time within the hour.  Now, the blankets all strewn around you resembled a porg’s nest, without the sticks and twigs, anyway.  Omega yanked your arm forward, a tad too eager, considering you should always be gentle with your patients.  Your eyes squinted, brows furrowed in a smidge of pain- Omega immediately noticed, and gave you a sheepish smile before apologizing and bringing it towards her more gently.
She carefully wrapped the bandages off of your arm, eyes widening at the…state of it.  Burn spots, blisters, scratches, bruises, and more littered the entirety of it, looking like it came out of a horror holo-film.  You stared at it rather intensely.  You had no clue it was this bad.  I mean, it hurt, obviously- you were in a crashed ship and had no proper care for however long.  Of course it was going to hurt.  But seeing it, that was still a shock.
“Umm… I should probably get Tech.  I’m not this good, I don’t think…” Omega whispered, frowning.  She scurried off, but you just kept staring.  How could you have let it get this bad?  Was all the training useless?  Or was it you?
Tech, the one with goggles and a plethora of gear, came over, holding what Omega had given him, and more.  His armor was still on, but the helmet had been discarded.  He bent down on one knee, and scanned over your body, checking for any and all injuries.  And, oh boy, did he have his work cut out for him.  Tech carefully took your arm in his gloved hands, and stared for a little bit before spraying a lot of bacta on.  You lurched forward, bringing your other hand to your side, in a feeble attempt to focus the pain elsewhere.  Your brows scrunched, and cheeks pulled down, biting your tongue in every attempt to not bother him any more.
“Let me know when it stops stinging.  Most of the bacteria should be gone, then.  We’ll still clean it out routinely, as they’ve been untreated for so long,” he spoke precisely.  After what felt like eternity, he was finally finished applying the spray.  “Hold your arm out.  Make it as level and steady as you can,” Tech instructed.  Fingertips barely brushing your skin, he brought the clean cloth around, wrap after wrap, from your palm to your elbow.  He took some smaller bandages and wrapped them around each of your fingers, leaving your entire arm covered.
You lifted up your other arm, and you both repeated the process.  Bacta, wrap, done.  He gestured at your legs, silently asking to both take off your shoes and life up your pants, to at least the knee.  There was a much larger and deeper gash on your left shin, courtesy of a falling metal plate as you finally managed to get some sleep.  “That…will need stitches.  Wait here.”  Not like you were going anywhere.
After what felt like hours upon hours, everything that was physically wrong with you had been fixed- or, at the very least, temporarily fixed.  Obviously, there weren't the best medical supplies on a smaller ship that had long left the army, and thus left behind the blessing that was gift-wrapped med-kits.  Finally, he gave you some type of liquid- not a lot, just a shot.  He could see the quizzical look on your face, and quickly explained– “It’ll help you go to sleep, for quite a while, and it’ll help reduce the pain.  By the time you wake up, we should be at Orl Mantell, where we’ve been staying.  Or, at least, close to it.”
In a fraction of a heartbeat, you downed the small glass and handed it back to Tech.  He ran one more scan on you, just to be sure, before getting up and heading to the cock-pit with his brothers and little older sister.  Your heart slowed, and your eyelids grew heavy.  That serum worked fast.  Half involuntarily, you fell face first onto the bed and drifted into the best sleep you’d had in countless rotations.
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toska-writes · 2 years ago
Summary: 6 members of the bad batch decided to through a party for the last member
Paring: TBB x GN padawan reader (ITS PLATONIC FOR EVERY MEMBER)
Warning: none just fluff!
Word count: 1377 (Not proof read)
Notes: it’s my birthday tomorrow! The 23rd!! So it felt appropriate how self indulgent is this 🤷‍♀️
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In their defense it was sensible not to tell Wrecker or Omega until the day off. They even thought of keeping it from Tech with his blabbering mouth.
Hunter Echo, and Crosshair need the perfect planning though so that was out the window.
"Why didn't you tell me!" Omega tugged at the arm of Hunter for what seemed the millionth time as they walked through the small shops.
Hunter sighed before saying. "Sorry kid, but we couldn't risk it. We can't really surprise them."
Omega didn't seem satisfied with the answer yet until Hunter took her by the shoulder before whispering. "It was Echos idea anyway."
She smiled up at him before trying to lead Hunter to the next little shop. He was going to get an ear full from Echo if he found out Hunter threw him under the bus.
Omegas giggles filled the air snapping Hunter back to his young sister- She claimed that unlike the others she would find the gift you would like the very best for your birthday.
Satisfied she held her hands out in a grabbing motion for Hunter to drop a few credits in.
Wrecker swatted Tech's hand away for the millionth time in the last rotation.
"Would ya just let me finish this in peace?" Wrecker was balancing with one foot trying desperately to hang that last banner from the roof of the Marauder.
"If you would hang it sufficiently." Tech muttered to himself finishing blowing up the rest of the balloons.
"Hey!" Wreck whipped his head around, for a moment his entire life flashed before his eyes before Wreckers hand slapped the wall and he fell flat on his back.
The banner now had one end hung neatly from the ceiling and the other completely lowered hung on the wall.
Wrecker only laughed trying to return the breath back to his lungs. "Well Tech hope your happy with that, I'm not gettin' back up there again."
Echos laughed filled the right space, quickly he walked over with a hand outstretched.
Tech only scoffed before throwing a ballon at the head of his brother as he stood. "That is quite alright Wreck, we don't have that much time anyways."
Perfectly on time with his words the hatch to the ship open and in rushed Omega pushing past their legs and up into her loft.
"Well whatcha get 'Mega." Echo called after her.
She didn't poke her head out until the sound of paper crunching filled the room.
"It's a surprise! I gotta wrap it."
Hunter walked over and took a seat momentarily looking around the now brightly colored ship. A small smile appeared on his face.
"Food is all prepared Hunter." Tech spoke over his shoulder, he quickly checked something off of his data pad.
"I'm comming Cross then." Echo took a seat next to the sergeant. "You better finished wrapping." He now directed at the younger girl.
Omega flew from her loft and place the small package next to the small assortment of food and gifts. "Ready." She jumped up to high-5 wrecker.
You didn't think Cross was one for nature walks, or sight seeing before as that is what the story he came to you with.
Confusion flew out the window however we Crosshair starting giving you lesson in sharpshooting.
As he talked you didn't dare not to pay attention knowing that this was a privilege to even be breathing near his precious sniper.
Laying down Crosshair snug the blaster into your shoulder and positioning your hands the right way.
"You need to keep steady both internally and externally." He spoke quietly to you lining up your shot.
Breathing in once, the out again you pulled the trigger. The shot wasn’t far from the mark, but with the expert sniper breathing down your next you felt differently.
Crosshair took the time to adjust what seemed to be wrong and let you have a few more shot.
The last 3 neared closer and closer to the center mark of a tree you both decided on. Your focus was all on the center-
That was until Crosshair’s comm beeped sending a rouge shot up through the trees.
“That’ll wrap it up for today then.” He held his hand out waiting for you to return the blaster.
“That last shot was hardly my fault.” You tried to defend yourself getting to your feet quickly.
“Good snipers will tune that out, I thought that’s what the Jedi taught you.” A dastardly smirk edged onto his face.
“Yeah well they did, but I wouldn’t say I was the best at it.” The duo started the small walk back as the twin suns just started retreating over the horizon.
Breaking the comfortable silence you said. “Any reason you wanted to go shooting today?” With this being one of the days the group had nothing planned that was dangerous it was refreshing.
“Doing something nice.” He shrugged pulling a toothpick out its case and putting it right into his mouth.
“Yeah right.” You snorted, quickly bumping shoulders into the man. “Because you were so nice when you first met me.”
“You were weird kid.” He barley spared you a glance before continuing. “And you still are.”
Coming up on the ship now the hatch door wasn’t opened which was odd for a nice cool night. Glancing at the other man quickly, clearly he didn’t think nothing strange so you shrugged it off and opened the door.
Squinting your eyes into the darkness you barley could make out a few figures before the lights flashed on.
“SURPRISE!” A chorus of people yelled. Looking around all the bad batch members had their eyes on you as Omega flew into for a hug.
“You like it?” She asked with a giddy laugh.
“You guys it’s wonderful!” The siths themselves couldn’t have wiped the tooth eating grin from your face. “I barely remembered, how did you know.”
“Your records has all the information needed.” Tech stepped forward wrapping an arm of his own around your shoulder and giving a quick squeeze.
You laughed for saying. “Yeah we’re gonna talk about that later.”
“After food of course!” Wrecker shouted point to a table filled with many delicious treats.
Crosshair planted a hand on your shoulder flashing you a smirk before joining Wrecker with a plate.
You looked around once more, the streamers were magical hanging from the ceiling and the banner… well it definitely made you laugh.
To the side stood Hunter and Echo with their own grins in their faces. Rushing over quickly you gave no warning flinging your self and trapping both of their necks in your arms.
“Thank you too.” You whisper at both of them. “I can’t remember the last time I celebrated something like this.”
“Any time kid.” Hunters warm voice filled your ears.
“Now would you go eat? Some of us trekked along forever looking for it.” Echo playful taped your shoulder.
“Why of course.” You turned, Omega had a plate already stretched out for you and the pair quickly found a comfortable place together on the floor.
Even Gonky got into the spirit with his own party hat on.
Omega rambled on for a minute or two before she finally recalled. “Oh I got you something! It’s way better than the others so you should open it first.”
With your laugh echoing around she jumped up and quickly grabbed the gift off the table.
“You guys didn’t have to get me something.” You said as the package was handed carefully to you.
“The least we could do.” Wrecker boomed from behind you. “Now open it up so I can see what it is.”
With Omega’a and the rest of the Batches eyes on you you peeled the paper away.
Inside was a trooper doll that matched Omega’s, this however seemed to be a tad bigger and had more colors on it.
“Look now we match!” She said delighted. Pointing to the shirt, which seemed to be homemade, Omega said. “It even matches your lightsaber!”
Tears welled in your eyes now. “Oh Omega it’s perfect.” Scooping the girl into your arms you came her a tight cuddle.
This is how you wanted to spend all your birthdays, happily surrounded by your family.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook
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littlemissmanga · 2 years ago
LittleMissManga Fic Masterlist
My entire blog is 18+ so minors begone! The asterisk (*) denotes explicit 18+ material. Please read responsibly. If it isn't for you, I got plenty of SFW content.
So far, I've only written for Star Wars, the clones in particular, including Rex and various 501st members, The Bad Batch members, Hound, Wolffe, Cody and Boba Fett.
Requests are closed!
I'm taking a small step back so I can recharge. I'll still be lurking and hopefully working a bit on WIPs, just without the self-imposed pressure to get them done quickly. If you've sent anything in, know that I am working on it! This includes all the First Kiss Prompts.
NSFW requests are OK and welcome, but please no gore, major character death, romantic/mature relationships between padawans and adults, or clonecest.
If you'd like to be tagged in future fics, you can join my taglist :)
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Random Clone Shenanigans
Clone of the Month Calendar
Tooka Interviews
Dad jokes/puns
Threesome Choice* (Rex, Jesse, Wrecker, Crosshair)
TBB Meets Sailor Moon Crack
How the 501st & BB Boys Handle a Reader with Chronic Pain
Hound Thots (SFW above, NSFW under the cut)
Maybe Among the Stars
One Last Order Part 1, Part 2* (only part 2 is spicy).
Did He Hurt You?
Date Night Pt 1
A Little Something Sweet for Breakfast
Kiss Prompt
"Just Lay Back and Let Me Take Care of You"*
Why Is There Rope Next to the Bed?*
"I'm Trying to Be Sexy and You're Laughing!" (SFW but alludes to intimacy)
"Seems Like Someone Likes Being Praised"*
Date Night Pt 3
Date Night Pt 4
Clone x OC Week 2025 Day 4
The Promise In Your Eyes
Why Echo is the best smelling clone trooper (HC)
"Seems Like Someone Likes Being Praised"*
A Teasing Echo*
Bittersweet (HC)
Spicy Echo Thot*
Wedding Speech
Tell Me*
Don't Forget That, Okay?
"He Was Staring At Your Ass ... And That Ass Is Mine." (SFW, but implied impact play).
Song of the Caged Bird (1/3)
Song of the Caged Bird (2/3) TK
Song of the Caged Bird (3/3) TK
What Are You Wearing?
Unwind With Me
Spicy Tech Thot - Cerebral Stimulation*
Why Now? - TK
A Mechanic in the Sun
Tech & Non-Verbal Reader
"That's the Most Attractive Thing I've Seen in My Life"*
"Looks Like Someone Likes Being Praised"*
A Little Awkward Never Killed Nobody
Home for the Holidays With You
A Man What Takes His Time*
"Are You Wearing My Shirt?"*
Wrecker Headcanon Asks* (SFW above the cut, NSFW under)
Wrecker Spa Day HCs
Spicy Games Thots*
Rainy Day Comforts
When Wrecker Gets Comfortable Thot (Not spicy, but there's definitely heat)
The Slow Stretch*
"That Is the Most Attractive Thing I've Seen in My Life"
Date Night Pt 2*
The Once and Future Brother
Wolffe Thots* (SFW above the read more, NSFW under the read more)
"Just Lay Back and Let Me Take Care of You"*
Boba Fett
The Daimyo's Princess
My OCs (Star Wars)
Yen Ori'ken (You can read more about her in Date Night)
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
Yen x Wolffe/Yen x Kix hcs
Yen x Cody hcs
Yen x Echo hcs
Yen x Wrecker hcs
CT-2460, Clone Pilot Corkscrew, AKA Cor
Intro & SFW Alphabet
(I don't know why this last link isn't working so I'm putting it here, too)
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ilcuoreardendo-fic · 1 year ago
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Welcome. Ask is on. Anon is on. My inbox is pretty much always open for thoughts or thots, comments, ramblings, etc.
I take fic requests, but I’m a very slow creator with constantly multiplying ideas of my own. So, feel free to ask/submit, but know that it might not happen (or might not happen very quickly...)
Like what you see here? Give me a follow. I usually follow back. And I don’t bite (without consent.)
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Lins. She/Her. Taciturn, introverted, word lover. Annoyed atheist. Jaded feminist. Pramgatist.
Been in fandom since I was a wee teen in the late 90s.
I have a low tolerance for BS. (Like ship shaming, fandom policing and fandom purity culture - just to name a few things.)
I tag liberally, so if you have a problem with something (kink, ship, whatever), you can block the tag. Curate your experience.
I’m currently living in the Star Wars fandoms, bouncing between the Prequels, Clone Wars and the Bad Batch. (Love the entirety of TBB, but I definitely have a huge soft spot for Tech, Echo, Crosshair. Especially Echo, my cyber cinnamon roll.) But I moonlight in others.
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In addition to Tumblr, you can find me at: Archive Of Our Own | ilcuoreardendo Dreamwidth | raptureofthemoon (largely just a backup space)
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I'm all over the place and not consistent on any one project (and I’m slow AF when it comes to creating new fic lately). 
But here are a few things I’m working on (and a few highlights for flavor). I’ll try keeping this up to date.
The Bad Batch
Most of my images/edits and gifs: TBB Media
One Shots
The Fall (AO3) S2. Tech, in that moment. And the moments that come after.
A Hole in the Universe (Tumblr) S3. Crosshair mourning Tech.
Nights Like This (Tumblr) S3, Post Series Finale. Some nights, they can’t sleep.
One Shot Reader Fics
Staring Contest (Tumblr; Crosshair x Jedi!Reader)
From Here On Out (Tumblr; Echo x Reader; post series finale)
Written in the Dust (AO3)  [In progress] A fix-it series branching off of Season 1. Echo’s past finds him. Echo x F!Jedi. Maybe...some other TBB x F!Jedi...we go where the wind takes us.)
A Place Called Home (Part 1 of Written in the Dust) Meaningful moments Echo shares with his new squad as he thinks about his past and finds his place in the present. (Complete)
Rescue on Bernilla [Working Title] (Upcoming; Echo/Female Character/Fives)
Series extras
Untitled (Upcoming; Crosshair/Female Character/Tech) Crosshair and Tech’s shore leave on Chandrila.
TBB Headcanony Stuff
Gifset: “Care to introduce your new friends, Caleb?”
Mood Boards
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
A Clone and His Jedi (AO3) [One-shot] Cody. Obi-Wan. A moment alone, waiting for rescue.
Star Wars Prequel Era (Samples)
And the Force Will Lead Them (AO3) [Complete; Zine fic] After Obi-Wan's actions on Naboo, he and Qui-Gon drifted from one another. A rare disease and a mysterious Jedi master draw them back together and lead them to discover the depth of their bond.
The Sacrifice (AO3) [Complete] It's been a year since Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Anakin Skywalker, fell to the dark side. It's been nine months since the gifts started showing up at the Temple, addressed to Obi-Wan.
Acquisition (AO3) [In progress] Wherever he went, Vader seemed to follow. And it became much too frequent an occurrence to just be coincidence.
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night3owl · 2 years ago
Crosshair x gn Teen!reader (platonic of course)
A/N: this is my first fanfic so sorry if it’s bad lol
Warnings: Order 66, nightmares, star wars violence, death, mentions of death, I think thats it? Lmk if i missed any!!
(Y/F/N)= Your fake name
Word count: 1319
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Blaster bolts were flying at you constantly, it seemed like they would never stop. The clones you fought along side with turned against you, showing no mercy. You followed Ahsoka to the ship Rex was in, both of you jumping in the air, falling.
You wake up with a start, another nightmare. That whole day was a nightmare if you were being honest. The day the Jedi fell, the day your best friends turned on you within the blink of an eye, the day you had to fake your death, and the day you couldn’t do anything about it. 
You rub your face to try and wake yourself up more. You get up and get dressed into a shirt, pants, boots, goggles, and mask. Your comm goes off, Cid was comming you.
“Hey kid, you still looking for some jobs?”
You walk through the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone who might cause trouble. After a few minutes you reach Cid’s and go inside, going to the back where she usually gives jobs.
“-And you’ll be working with someone else for this job”
You walk in as Cid points to you. Looking around the room you see the Bad Batch, and a child..? You walk up to the holotable, keeping as calm as possible ‘they might have their chips out, you never know’. You hope they have their chips out, they were some of your closest friends. But that was in the past now, now you had to focus on your identity being hidden. And credits. Credits can get you a lot of things.
“This is (Y/F/N), the person you’ll be working with. (Y/F/N), this is the Bad Batch.” Cid points at you, then the Batch. You nod to them, acting casual.
“Here’s the job-“
You walk to the marauder from your apartment since you had to get your blasters, one on each of your thighs, resting in their holsters. You also got your knives and hid them in your boots, just in case. 
Once you arrive you notice Crosshair standing on the stairs, obviously impatient. ‘Of course he is, he’s Crosshair for force sake.’
“You took forever”
“It’s a ten minute walk each way, of course I took forever” You roll your eyes. Crosshair walks up the rest of the ramp, and you decide to follow him. Crosshair closes the ramp behind you two, yelling to Tech that you’re on the ship.
The mission was simple, in theory of course. Just sneak into an academy, find the person who wants out, and leave. Simple, right?
“Alright, we’ll split up into groups, Omega and Tech, you’re with me. Crosshair and (Y/F/N), you’ll go around back and watch our backs. Wrecker and Echo, you’re our backup” 
Everyone nods to Hunter, going to their groups. You walk up to Crosshair, looking up the cliff.
“So, how are we gonna get up there?” You ask him, although you already knew the answer to that.
“Just like how they are,” Crosshair nods over to the right as Wrecker throws Tech, Omega, and Hunter up the cliff. You turn your face to an expression of horror as Wrecker starts walking towards you two. Crosshair smirks, telling you that you’re going first, making you panic. 
By the time you protest Wrecker throws you up into the air while chuckling. You land on the edge of the cliff on the dirt, your left foot slipping off into the air. You quickly grab the ground and pull yourself up. Crosshair lands next to you as you stand up while wiping the dirt off of your clothes.
“You okay kid?” 
You start walking towards the back of the building. You and Crosshair walk through the forest, a comfortable silence between you two. You guys quickly get to the back of the building. Crosshair shoots a grappling hook above the second-story window and attaches the line to his belt. Realizing you can’t use the force to jump up, you walk over to him and grab onto him. He makes sure you’re secure before tugging on the rope to pull you two up.
You go inside through the window first, landing on a metal grate bridge that’s 6 meters above the floor. You make sure Crosshair is inside and there are no traces of you coming in.
“Hurry up kid, can’t be wasting any time”
“Yeah yeah”
You both walk over to the armory on the bridges, since that’s where the person is supposed to be. You got there before the others on purpose to make sure the coast is clear. Crosshair sends a signal to Hunter while you look around. “There’s no one up here with us”
“Don’t worry (Y/F/N), the less we have to shoot the better” You nod, looking down at the door. Suddenly you sense danger coming from the left. You quickly shove Crosshair and yourself down to the floor of the bridge and bring out one of your blasters, shooting down TK troopers. Crosshair quickly joins you and tries to comm the others.
“Kriff, they’re jamming the comms! Its a trap!”
“Obviously! They’re probably trying to get rid of whoever doesn’t like the empire!”
You can barely hear each other over the blaster fire. You sense more troops coming behind you and turn around to shoot them. ‘If only i still had my lightsabers.’ You both finally shot down all the troopers after a minute but still hear blaster’s shooting. You look down to see about 40-70 TK Troopers shooting at Hunter, Tech, and Omega.
Not caring anymore about hiding your identity, you jump over the rail, hearing Crosshair yell out your fake name. Using the force to cushion your landing, you take out your blasters and start help shooting down the TK’s. You can see Crosshair helping out as you get shot in the goggles, sending you to the floor.
You hear your fake name being called by multiple people. You take off your goggles since they’re cracked, which results in taking your mask off too. You quickly stand up, you weren’t injured since your goggles took the bullet. You start shooting again, this time using the force to aim. Within a minute or two all the troopers where shot down and you were almost to the front of the building. There were about 15 TK’s at the front doors. Crosshair signaled to you, ‘Sniper time’, you nod in response. You back up a bit while looking up at the bridges, Crosshair following you. Using the force, you throw him up onto the bridge above you. He quickly starts sniping the TK’s, all of them down within 30 seconds.
Crosshair jumps down from the bridge while you use the force to catch him. You all quickly run outside and head to the cliff, you didn’t realize how steep it was until now. 
“How are we going to get down?” You chuckle at Omega’s question, everyone else already knowing the answer.
“The same way we got up here of course. Up and away.” You use the force to lift them all up and throw them into the air and then jump off. Once you all land you go inside the marauder and Tech goes to the cockpit, flying the ship. 
“So, how long were you planning to hide your identity for?” Crosshair points at you with his toothpick, smirking. 
“Eh, hopefully forever,” you chuckle, “but look how that turned out.” 
Tech walks in, datapad in hand, “According to the empire you’re dead, same place and time as Rex, which I assume you know he’s alive”
“Gee, is everyone faking their deaths?” Echo complains, rolling his eyes.
“Only Rex, Ahsoka, and I”
“Commander Tano’s alive..?”
“Er, technically she isn’t a jedi anymore, she left the order a while ago.” You rub your neck, looking anywhere but at Echo.
“She wHAT-“
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kaminocasey · 2 years ago
We Were Golden (Part 1)
Summary: Order 66 is given and you can't fathom why the Republic would suddenly execute the Jedi. Crosshair doesn't seem to question it.
Pairing: Crosshair x f Medic!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Sexual implications, angst, Order 66, death, Season 1 tbb
WC: 1.2k
A/N: I have a million WIPs lmao. Why not add one more I guess? hahaha. Anyway, I heard Miley Cyrus' new "Flowers" song and got a little inspired.
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Gif Credit: @cawyden
“Are you two finished?” You hear Hunter bang on the door. “We’re coming up on Kaller.”
Crosshair chuckles, pulling you against him before pulling up his pants, and kisses you. 
“Yeah, Cross… are you finished?” You laugh when he pulls away to fasten his pants as you situate yourself. 
“Sure am. Are you?” He pinches your chin so that you look up at him. 
“For now.” You shrug with a smirk.
You and Crosshair have been together for the last year since you’d joined them as their medic about when Echo joined. You’d mainly joined to look after him for a while but then ended up staying when you fell in love with the sniper. Now, they’re like your family and Hunter knows exactly what you and Crosshair get up to in the fresher but doesn’t bother stopping it anymore. He made a deal with the two of you that as long as it didn’t affect the squad, he wouldn’t stop you two from being together. 
You both exit the fresher with Wrecker chuckling at you and Crosshair as he lifts his Gonky. 
“Entering Kaller atmosphere in three… two… one…” Tech speaks up.
All around you the clones start to attack General Billaba and you look to Hunter for some sort of explanation. 
What is happening? And why is this happening?
“RUN CALEB!” General Billaba shouts to her padawan and he stops when he approaches your squad. 
Your heart shatters at the desperation in her voice. You look in time to see the general drop to the ground and the clones continue shooting her. You want to scream at them to stop, but you’re completely frozen with fear.
“Stay away from me!” The kid points his lightsaber at all of you. 
You can see the terror in his eyes and your heart breaks for him. Caleb takes off toward the treeline and Hunter tries to yell for him to wait but he just continues running. 
“What… what just happened?” Hunter asks, clearly just as confused as you.
Looking around, you see the clones pick up General Billaba’s body and carry it away.
“The comm channel is repeating one directive. Execute Order 66.” Tech tells him.
Order 66… what does that even mean?
“Yeah, I heard that too.” Wrecker says, confused. “What’s Order 66?”
“I… am not certain.” Tech sighs. 
“Echo. Tech. Talk to the reg captain. Find out what you can.” Hunter tells them then turns to you. “Are you okay? Do you need to go back to the ship?” 
Hunter knows you’re used to worse but this… this is something entirely different. Something you’ve never dealt with before. You’ve never seen clones just execute their Jedi Generals like they were nothing. 
“I’m alright…” You lie. 
You know that Hunter knows you’re lying but you’re running short on time. 
“Crosshair and I will go track down the kid and make sure nothing happens to him.” Hunter says then puts a hand on your shoulder just to keep you steady. “You and Wrecker stall anyone who tries to follow us.”
You look at Crosshair but he seems tense and won’t look at you. It sends a slight chill down your spine. 
“Be careful.” You tell him. 
He walks past you, and Wrecker even looks at you weird. Crosshair gets into moods sometimes when he’s cranky… but this… This was new.
“That… seemed off, didn’t it?” You ask Wrecker, just to make sure it wasn’t in your head.
“Yeah, it did.” Wrecker agrees.
You watch Crosshair and Hunter disappear down the hill and then wait for anyone to approach you. You’ll have to talk to Crosshair later. You’d like to keep your promise to Hunter that you wouldn’t let your relationship get in the way of missions. 
A few minutes later, a couple of regs come running up. They seem different somehow… more alert… sharper… It’s unsettling. Almost how Crosshair was…
“Where’s the padawan?” The one in the middle asks.
You eye their guns. Are they really going to kill a child? Surely they wouldn’t… He’s their commander… That didn’t stop them from killing General Billaba, though.
“Yeah, don’t worry… Hunter’s handling it.” Wrecker tells them.
“We have orders from the supreme chancellor himself.” The reg replies.
The supreme chancellor? Why would the supreme chancellor want to hurt General Billaba or this kid?
“That’s great. But like I said, Hunter’s handling it.” Wrecker nods. 
You can’t help the terrible feeling that’s stirring in your stomach. 
“Step aside, trooper.” The reg gets impatient and brushes past Wrecker. 
The second trooper follows and then the third stops to look at you.
“Who are you?” He asks you.
“I’m just a medic.” You shrug and Wrecker steps closer to you. 
He accepts that answer and starts to catch up with the other two regs. You look up at Wrecker, still terrified, and he pats you on the shoulder, encouragingly.
“Hunter, you’ve got regs inbound. I’m getting her back to the ship.” Wrecker comms Hunter.
“Copy that.” Hunter replies
“We have a situation.” Tech’s voice comes in over the comms. 
“Tell me something I don’t know, Tech.” Hunter replies. 
“It appears the regs have been ordered to execute the Jedi.” Tech says.
You and Wrecker stop walking, looking at each other with shock and confusion. 
“What? Which Jedi?” Hunter demands.
“All of them.” Tech replies. “They’re saying the Jedi have committed treason… I suggest you get back here.”
“Can’t… Haven’t found the kid yet.” Hunter tells him.
All of a sudden, you hear distant blaster shots in their direction and without a second thought, you take off that way. You can’t let them kill this child. It’s not right, no matter what “order” they’ve been given and who gave it. 
Wrecker calls after you but you tell him to wait there and continue to run down the slope, just hoping you can help this kid in time.
You finally reach them in time for Hunter and Crosshair to be heading back your way. 
“Where’s… the kid?” You ask, out of breath from running as fast as you could.
Running in the snow wasn’t the easiest. You’d almost wiped out a couple times. 
“Hunter stunned him as he jumped.” Crosshair sneers, clearly in a worse mood than before.
Your head whips toward Hunter. “You what?!”
Hunter looks down at you, his helmet in his hand as he puts his blaster back in its holster. His expression is unreadable. He’s always been a bit dark and broody, but this was an expression you’ve never seen before. 
“Why would you do that?” You ask him, angrily.
“We were given an order.” Crosshair continues walking past you.
You push Hunter’s chest, forcing him back some, tears springing to your eyes. “What the hell? He was… he was just a kid…” 
Hunter sighs and looks up toward Crosshair who’s already further up ahead. Your eyes follow his and Hunter guides you back toward the way that you just came from. 
“Something isn’t… right…” Hunter whispers, clearly not wanting Crosshair to hear. “I didn’t stun the kid and he didn’t fall off the cliff. He made it across… using the Force or whatever… I couldn’t do it… I couldn’t-” 
You stop to hug him, quickly throwing your arms around him, and he freezes, confused.
“Thank you.” You murmur and then let go, turning around in time to see Crosshair watching you. 
Without another word, he turns back around and heads up the slope. You know that whatever is going on with him, it’s definitely not good and you’re definitely going to find out what it is.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @grievouus @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @crosshairmylove587 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @dnxgma @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @brownstalebread @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaws @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana
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clone-anon · 1 year ago
He's really shining this season! We love big brother Crosshair!
Hello it's @clone-anon. I love this new season. Who can say no to big brother Crosshair? Here's some Crosshair x former padawan reader with big brother vibes. Influenced by TBB S3E4.
You met Omega and her brothers while on the run from the Empire. You'd hidden your abilities ever since Order 66 was handed down, but sometimes it was tempting to reach out. It's not that you needed it for protection necessarily, although sometimes your lightsaber came in handy when you were in a bit of a bind. It was more that you missed your master and fellow jedi. It was lonely and you wondered if you took the risk to reach out more, you might feel those you'd lost again.
You first met Omega at a bazaar. You reached into your pocket for what few credits and she got the slightest glimpse of your lightsaber. Omega brought you to her brothers and promised you'd be safe with them, knowing how dangerous the galaxy was for you. It took some time for you to trust, but they made it easy. You were surprised by the openness of her brothers. While that was a comfort in a galaxy that seemed full of danger, you actually felt safest with her grumpy brother Crosshair. Although he seemed the most closed off, you knew where you stood with him and he always kept an eye out for you.
You and Crosshair walked through some town overrun with stormtroopers. You were trying to find some power supplies for Tech and it was getting harder and harder to come by credits and supplies these days. You did your best to blend in, but your hand always twitched toward the lightsaber hidden along your waist.
"Easy," Crosshair whispered, putting a hand on your arm. "They don't suspect."
"How can you be sure?" you asked.
"I can read them," he replied. He put a hand on your shoulder and you took a deep breath. He was right. You were looking at them more than they bothered to give you a second glance. You both managed to find the parts you needed and headed back through town toward the ship. Just as you made it through the busiest part of the city, Crosshair looked up and down the road before pulling you into an alley.
"You're still nervous," he said, taking your shaking hand in his own. His still shook sometimes, but it wasn't as bad as it had been. "Come here." He put his arms around you and held you. "They won't get you."
He knew you were still scared of being found out, even though you had become good at hiding any hint that you were once a padawan in public. Crosshair gave you a little squeeze.
"It's still overwhelming," you said. "They're everywhere. I just want to live my life."
"I know," he said, waiting for you to let go when you were ready. You knew he'd protect you like any of his siblings and after some minutes you pulled away and nodded. He put an arm over your shoulder and you walked out of town together. You relaxed as you got further from civilization and to the hidden woods where the ship was waiting. Another successful supply trip.
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clone-anon · 2 years ago
Ayoooo! So I may or may not have requested once before but I’m kinda excited to do it again!!! Love your writing so much and the joy it brings me is unreal!
Only if you have time and want to but I feel like I need more platonic crosshair pairing and that he would be the best big brother to a padawan reader!
Thanks for just reading this have an amazing day and remember you’re loved!
Thank you so much for your kind words. Thank you for this request too. It was fun to think about.
You walked down the hallway, having just left your master and a particularly difficult day of training. Despite trying to search your feelings and let go, you had a bit of a sour look on your face that matched your emotions. You headed toward the barracks to find some friendly faces.
"Patience," you mimicked. "Paaaatience padawan. Ffft. I am plenty patient."
"Is that so?"
You smiled as Crosshair stepped out from the corner you'd just rounded, so busy with your own thoughts you hadn't noticed him at first. You then frowned as he approached.
"What," he asked, nodding toward the door and walking with you outside.
"I should have felt your presence in the force before you said anything." You sighed.
"You surely can't expect to be 'on' all the time," he replied.
"Do you ever not notice something when sniping," you countered.
"That's not the same," he said. "I can't just turn it off." He paused as you continued to walk together. "I bet if you tried now you could tell me where each of my brothers is."
You looked up at him with half a smile, considering it. You knew you could tell if they were near or not, but specific locations. You liked the challenge, but also didn't want to fail.
Crosshair gave you an encouraging smile. "Reach out or whatever."
You snorted and closed your eyes. Hunter was the easiest to find and Tech was near him. Wrecker and Echo were surrounded by many brothers. You stopped without coming to specific conclusions.
"Well?" Crosshair looked at you.
"They're all in there," you replied, gesturing in their general direction.
"What's that? Giving up so soon?"
You rolled your eyes at him and tried again. A moment later you responded. "Hunter and Tech are talking in what I'm guessing are your shared quarters. Wrecker and Echo are in the mess hall."
Crosshair smiled at you.
"And you're hungry," you added.
His stomach growled and he rolled his eyes. "Yes, that's true too, but we didn't need the force to tell us."
You walked to the mess hall together.
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clone-anon · 2 years ago
This is sort of a masterlist.  Sometimes I send someone a story and they decide to keep it to themselves (which is totally good and fine!), so I don’t have it posted.  Here are the ones that are posted.
Assume these are gender neutral unless stated otherwise.  I also tried to indicate the theme of each ficlet or something that happens and if they are platonic/could be read that way. If you notice any errors please let me know!
501st (multiple clones)
Rex x f!reader have the 501st over for dinner
Echo and Fives x platonic medic reader struggling with nightmares
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo x platonic transmasc reader helping with dysphoria
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo x platonic reader support when depression hits
The Bad Batch (multiiple clones)
TBB x reader who has had a terrible day and needs support
Hunter and Wrecker x plus size f!reader (platonic) go dress shopping
Hunter and Tech x platonic reader who is overwhelmed
Hunter and Tech x reader who struggles with self-depricating thoughts
Coruscant Guards (multiple clones)
Headcanon: Corrie Guards and their pets
x platonic padawan artist reader
Below, clones are listed in alphabetical order.
x reader snuggling (Daimyo Boba)
x reader making out on a loveseat
x m!reader reconnecting when Cody has leave
x reader and Cody starts a garden
x m!reader who is sick and mildly dramatic about it
x reader where Cody gives reassurance
x reader who is having a hard day
x reader being domestic
x reader go to a festival
x reader where Cody surprises you on your birthday
x reader where he surprises you with lunch
x reader the story of how you met
x reader making plans on a rainy day
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo x platonic transmasc reader helping with dysphoria
x reader hugs and reassurance
x reader napping together
x m!reader where Cody wants to get to know you
x reader go to a flower festival together
x reader who is having a fake battle with someone else over Cody or something I don’t know I just live here
x platonic reader leaving the Empire
x reader who makes a tough decision
x reader who’s had a long day and needs some comfort
x fem reader enjoying her birthday together
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo help reader when depression hits (platonic)
x m!reader first kiss in the rain
x platonic reader who can’t sleep (big brother figure Crosshair)
x f!reader on her birthday
x f!reader who is feeling insecure in her swimsuit
x platonic padawan reader
x reader getting caf
x reader with PTSD nightmares (can be read as platonic)
x reader dating and some feelings
x reader who doesn’t feel good and needs comfort
x f!reader where he surprises reader on her birthday
x reader who needs to cry by can’t get it out (can be read as platonic)
x reader where Crosshair apologizes
x reader where Crosshair missed you while gone
x reader confessing feelings to each other
x reader where he supports you when you have your nose to the grindstone
x f!reader who fights a guy who thinks he can steal Crosshair away
x reader comforting him
x reader who is under the weather
x reader being there for each other
x reader where he’s proud of you for trying
x reader and how he shows he cares
x reader expressing their love
x reader saying how much you mean to each other
x reader where he starts getting more comfortable being closer
x platonic reader and morning caf
x reader where he makes the smallest move
A Little Drabble After the Trauma of Season 2 Episode 14
x reader where he checks in on you
x platonic reader where he supports you when you let out jealous emotions
x reader what he sees when he looks at you
x reader (who is shorter than he is) where Crosshair struggles to express his feelings
x transmasc reader who is struggling with chest dysphoria (can be read as platonic)
x reader where he surprises you on your birthday
x padawan reader (platonic, obviously) steps on a landmine and he remembers Mayday
x s/o afab reader and period comfort
x reader when they’re nervous for a job interview
x reader (platonic) where he helps you work on your blaster aim
x m reader who uses sign language when overwhelmed or overstimulated (Part 2 here!)
Late Nights (Crosshair x gn Werewolf Reader) for Pineapple’s 2023 Halloween Party
x reader hanging out on a rainy day (platonic with big brother Crosshair vibes)
x ftm trans reader coming out to him (can be read as platonic)
x male reader who sometimes goes nonverbal and teaches him some more sign language
x f reader going to doctor’s appointments and cuddling after
x reader where reader gets swept away in the snow (part of the Clone x Reader Life Day Fic Exchange 2023)
x reader who would like some help getting out of work early when overwhelmed (follows the previous fics with a reader who goes nonverbal and uses sign language)
x transmasc boyfriend reader where Crosshair helps after reader’s top surgery
x former padawan reader (platonic) avoiding the Empire
Big Brother Crosshair x Pabu kid who needs time to be a kid (platonic, obviously)
x m!reader swimming on Pabu after the events of the finale
x reader where he comes over to surprise you on your birthday!
Darman Skirata
x fem reader who wonders if she’s not good enough
x reader and first kisses
x reader helping him relax (cameo from some others of the 501st)
x reader supporting a freed Dogma after Umbara
x reader where Dogma realizes how much he loves kissing
x reader and a lot of hugging
x reader gets flowers
x reader where Dogma admits he gets nervous butterflies before seeing reader
x reader who needs encouragement to finish work
x reader gets flowers (another one)
x reader and the things he loves about you
x reader go on a walk together
x reader go stargazing
x reader spend a day together and Dogma learns he can relax
x reader where he holds you while you work
x reader where he asks if he can kiss you
x f!reader where he finally approaches you
x reader waking up together
x reader who needs some fandom encouragement
x reader who is having a hard day
x reader is surprised by Echo
x reader who is feeling a little down about their creative skills
x reader who wakes up to Echo making them breakfast
x reader who has anxiety / anxiety attack
x reader who needs comfort
Echo and Fives x platonic medic reader struggling with nightmares
x reader spend a day together
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo x platonic transmasc reader helping with dysphoria
x f!reader spend a day in the city together
x reader confession of feelings
x reader where he needs to take some of his cybernetics off and relax with you
x reader where he takes you on a date to Cloud City
x reader first I love you’s
x reader where they befriend a lot of birds
x reader on their birthday
x reader comfort while reader is finishing up work
x reader (platonic) and Tech x reader (romantic) cuddles after Tech’s return
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo help reader when depression hits (platonic)
and Tech x reader who needs to take a break and rest (can be read as platonic) 
x reader who has to have a wisdom tooth removed (can be read as platonic)
x reader making out
x reader who is really sick
x f!reader and flowers
x m!reader on their first date
x platonic reader opening up to him about CSA trauma (no specific descriptions)
x f!reader who is insecure about their body
x reader who doesn’t feel well
x f!reader and helping her after a nightmare
x reader where reader is stressed and Fives comes over
x reader where Fives welcomes you home from a trip
x f!reader morning snuggles and affirmations
Echo and Fives x platonic medic reader struggling with nightmares
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo x platonic transmasc reader helping with dysphoria
x reader first date
x reader where Fives sings and hums
x reader having a nightmare and getting reassurance
x reader having a nightmare (another one, he’s good about helping)
x reader where he gets back early and surprises you
x reader who gets dizzy and can’t sleep in pitch black
x reader tells Fives they would die for him
x reader romantic feelings
x reader where Fives gets lost in thought
x reader who gets a root canal and needs TLC
x afab reader who is struggling with health issues (period problems and dental work)
x reader who needs comfort in hard times
x reader comfort after someone steals reader’s holiday gifts
x male boyfriend reader where he teaches you how to shoot a blaster to protect yourself while he’s deployed
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo help reader when depression hits (platonic)
x reader who is having a rough day (can be read as platonic)
x reader where Fox comes home late to reader and snuggles
x reader on a date night
x reader where he finds a way to ask them out
x reader on an easy-going date
x reader having bad vibes hit and needs a snuggle
x reader where he misses your birthday because of work but comes home to make it up to you
x reader taking a nap together
husband!Gregor flirting with spouse!reader
x reader who doesn’t feel good
x reader spending a day together
x reader who he always visits when he’s on planet
husband!Gregor and wife!reader
x reader comforting Gregor
x reader finding comfort in each other with cuddles
x reader who uses a cane
x reader where he has a tough day with his TBI/PBA (can be read as platonic)
x reader dealing with chronic pain after work
x reader go to a fair
x reader where Hardcase finally comes home after being gone and off the radar for a long time
x reader where Hardcase is kind of all over the place
x reader where he asks you out to dinner
x reader have lunch at a park
x reader where he tries to cook for you
x reader where you watch fireworks together
x f!reader riding a speeder through Coruscant together
x f!reader learning about what you do at work
x m!reader helping ground him
x reader dancing together
x reader who just got a new tattoo
x reader going on a date and making out
x mtf reader who is worried about passing
Finding a Way: Hevy x reader: a Hevy Lives AU written for the rare-clone-fic-exchange
Coming Home: Hevy x reader: a continuation of my Hevy Lives AU for Life Day
x reader with PTSD and who does not like fireworks
x reader first meeting plus massiffs! (can be read as platonic)
x reader who just had surgery
x reader go to a butterfly garden
x reader and helping them have a good cry
x f!reader romantic moments
x reader where he comes home from a mission
x tall reader who is a little insecure about their height
x wife reader who needs a little break (mention of dad Howzer)
x wife reader who has some mental health struggles (mention of dad Howzer)
x fem reader seeing each other after a long time
Hunter and Wrecker x plus size f!reader (platonic) go dress shopping
x m!reader and a first kiss
x single parent reader talking about having a child together
x reader with social anxiety (can be read as platonic)
x reader where he lets reader touch his hair
Hunter and Tech x platonic reader who is overwhelmed
x reader where Hunter is supportive during a big change
Hunter and Tech x reader who struggles with self-depricating thoughts
x reader where he reminds reader to take it easy sometimes
x f!reader who is worried she can’t get pregnant
x reader where he braids your hair (reader has long hair)
x reader confessing feelings for each other
x reader helping when they are panicking / worrying
x reader where he helps with your blood sugar issues
x reader who holds their cards close to their chest
x reader who is sick
x reader where he gives you a massage and cuddle
x reader with domestic fluff
x pregnant reader with discussion of taking care of a baby
x reader where Hunter has a headache and reader needs rest too
x reader who needs some closeness after disappointing news
x reader and domestic life together
x pregnant reader who is having a rough time being pregnant right now
x reader spending time together plus a quiet evening
x reader who is struggling with vision problems
x reader cuddles the night before reader has a medical procedure
x reader waking up together on Pabu
x reader and budding romance
x reader who goes unnoticed by others (can be read as platonic)
x m!reader where Jesse is flirty and sweet
x reader in need of comfort
x m!reader first meeting
x m!reader go kayaking
x reader where Kix cooks for reader
x reader who started new mental health medication and is dealing with side effects
x reader comforting Kix after a hard day
x m!reader have a domestic moment when you’re overworked
x reader where Kix supports you after an unnamed medical procedure
x m!reader where he brings flowers
x f!reader where he learns to brew tea
x reader have a picnic
x reader whose pet tooka just passed away
x reader going through burnout and Kix talks to them about the importance of valuing themselves
x platonic (little brother vibes) transmasc reader hanging out
x reader dealing with nightmares and panic (can be read as platonic)
x artist reader
x reader who helps him find home on Pabu
x reader go swimming
x platonic reader who is homesick
x reader enjoying domestic life
x reader having a date at the beach when reader is scared of deep water, but feels safe enough to go in with him
x reader having a date at the beach when reader is scared of the water and doesn’t go in
x m!reader shows Monnk his favorite spot to swim in the ocean
x reader having an ordinary yet romantic evening together
Rex x f!reader have the 501st over for dinner
x platonic reader hanging out and Rex talks about 501st shenanigans
x f!reader dyes her hair blue
x wheelchair user reader with chronic pain cuddling and reassurance
x reader reunited after Rex was gone for a long time
x reader on a date
x reader and a sweet kiss
x reader stargazing
x platonic reader catching up after a busy time
x reader where Cody and Wolffe spy on your date
x reader who has a chronic illness and fatigue
x reader spending quality time together
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo x platonic transmasc reader helping with dysphoria
x reader escaping a social situation
x reader doesn’t feel good enough
x reader where he supports you through a tough time (can be read as platonic)
x reader where he knows you’ll get those WIPs done
x afab reader dealing with a miscarriage
x reader share a moment in the moonlight
x m!reader a declaration of love
x m!reader on a romantic date
x reader where he makes you a flower crown 
x reader makes him a flower crown
x reader who doesn’t feel well
x reader happy birthday surprise
x reader who has to have dental work done
x reader who is struggling with parents encouraging disordered eating (can be read as platonic)
x reader who is dealing with an eating disorder
x reader going on a cozy trip together
x reader where he comes over to ease some stress
Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo help reader when depression hits (platonic)
x jedi reader comforting him after Umbara (can be read as platonic)
x reader comfort during a day of grief
x reader after reader has to move their pet chickens to another home
x reader who has a bad day and he helps
x reader with ADHD and depression who struggles to sleep
x reader who needs support
x afab reader on their period
x plus size fem reader with disordered eating
x reader who is sick / going through it
x reader snuggling with Tech and telling him about sharks
x platonic reader on the anniversary of an unnamed traumatic event for reader
x reader enjoying quiet time outside together
x m!reader showing affection
x reader after Tech comes home from a mission
x reader where Tech helps reader ward off an anxiety attack
Hunter and Tech x platonic reader who is overwhelmed
Hunter and Tech x reader who struggles with self-depricating thoughts
x reader who is sick (can be read as platonic)
x reader takes Tech to one of their favorite places (can be read as platonic)
x reader dealing with chronic pain (can be read as platonic)
x reader where Tech gets some civilian clothes
x reader where Tech takes you to see a meteor shower
x reader where Tech returns after being gone
x reader with quality time and sweetness (”talk bumpers” reference)
x reader cuddles (can be read as platonic)
x reader who needs encouragement (can be read as platonic)
x reader going to bed together
x reader have drinks and dance at 79′s
x reader starting the day with caf together
x reader going out to lunch
x reader where he makes modified goggles
x reader who is having a hard time
x reader dancing together after a long day
x platonic reader where Tech comforts you when you’re unconfident / overwhelmed
x reader where he gets something to represent his commitment to you
x m!reader where Tech tells you how he feels
x reader where reader opens up about their home world
x reader where he helps you fix your speeder bike
x reader is comforted after a nightmare
x reader going on a date to the aquarium
x reader telling him how you feel
A Little Something After the Season 2 Finale (Tech Lives)
x f!reader who has tokophobia
x reader who is overwhelmed
x f!reader who is pregnant where they find out it’s twins
x reader who has nightmares
x f!reader who has a miscarriage
x s/o reader who uses a wheelchair/hoverchair 
x reader who needs comfort when feeling unwell
x reader looking at the night sky together (could be read as platonic)
x reader (romantic) and Echo x reader (platonic) cuddles after Tech’s return
x s/o reader who’s been in a funk and needs some comfort
x reader who struggles with passive suicidal ideation (could be read as platonic)
x reader who supports him after he finds out the Marauder blew up (written as platonic)
and Echo x reader who needs to take a break and rest (can be read as platonic)
x plus size reader with chronic illness
x reader studying for a certification exam (implied romantic relationship)
x reader feeling low and needing support (implied partnership)
x reader painting their nails and Tup’s
x reader making cookies together (can be read as platonic)
x reader braids Tup’s hair (can be read as platonic)
x reader nervous first date
x reader who wants a mohawk
x reader where he makes breakfast
x S/O fem reader comfort and cuddles
x fem reader who is self-conscious about having facial hair
x platonic padawan reader who learns a lesson and how much Wolffe cares
x afab reader who is on their period
x awkward m!reader asks Wolffe out on a date
x platonic padawan reader are stuck in the rain
x reader waking up to reader’s croaky voice after an illness
x reader where Wolffe takes you out
x reader where reader is shrunk slightly on a mission
x reader where reader helps Wolffe relax
x reader who is grieving (can be read as platonic)
x f!reader where he returns to you after losing his eye
x plus size reader who uses self-depricating humor (can be read as platonic)
x boyfriend reader who struggles with chronic pain as a result of childhood trauma
x s/o reader having a quiet evening together
x reader go to the beach
x reader who is having a bad day
Hunter and Wrecker x plus size f!reader (platonic) go dress shopping
x reader at a food truck festival (can be read as platonic)
x reader affirmations
x reader after reader gets a diagnosis that leaves them feeling self-conscious
x reader taking a lunch break together
x reader where Wrecker lights up your world
x reader bouncing on a giant trampoline together
x reader where he reminds you to eat and take care of yourself
x reader where he shows you it’s safe to let him in
x reader where he supports you when you’re over-extending yourself
x plus size f!reader first meeting
x reader crocheting together
x reader needing distraction and cuddles
x reader rocking in a hammock together
x reader more snuggles
x f!reader early romance
x reader go to an amusement park
x reader spending quality time together
x reader cuddling and falling asleep together
x reader taking care of him after Tantiss
The Anon that Started It
Pulling Fives, Gregor, and Crosshair
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kaminocasey · 2 years ago
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I posted 4,961 times in 2022
That's 4,585 more posts than 2021!
554 posts created (11%)
4,407 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,023 of my posts in 2022
#tbb - 231 posts
#the bad batch - 186 posts
#lmfao - 182 posts
#captain rex - 146 posts
#tbb crosshair - 133 posts
#tcw - 126 posts
#the clone wars - 116 posts
#tbb tech - 108 posts
#star wars - 100 posts
#codywan - 88 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#op are you implying that dooku left the order bc he was tired of his great-grand-padawan biting his ass???
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Cottage Part One
Summary: You and Rex are married and live in a cottage and still can't get enough of each other.
Pairing: Rebels!Rex x wife!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; SMUT SMUT SMUT. Unprotected sex between spouses, p in v, oral (both receiving), Rough sex, if I missed something please let me know!
WC: 2.6K
A/N: This is like cottagecore/smut. I just kind of thought about being married to Rex and thus this was born. I'm already planning on there being AT LEAST five parts to this. ALSOOOOO...
My amazing friend @twistedstitcher27 made art for my fic that you can find HERE. Can you believe the absolute talent?! I'm STILL emotional over this! Thank you, Steph!! You're the best!! <3
Part Two
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You look out the kitchen window as you wash the dishes from breakfast, mesmerized by the way the field of wildflowers are blowing softly in the wind. You notice the storm clouds starting to roll in over the ocean and you start to hope that you may actually get some reading done today. It's going to be a perfect day to start that new romance novel you just downloaded. Rex is supposed to be out with Wolffe, Zeb, and Kallus all day, so you should have some “you” time. 
“Guess what.” Rex comes down the stairs into the kitchen.
“What’s that, love?” You smile, glancing at him as he comes and rests his chin on your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
“The guys canceled, so you have me all to yourself today.” He kisses your neck.
“Oh, good!” You smile, trying to mask the slight disappointment. 
Nothing ever gets past Rex, though. 
“Did you have plans today?” He asks you, apologetically.  
You shrug slightly. “I was just going to read my new book. It’s no biggie. We can watch something or do something, if you want.” 
“You’re sweet.” He kisses the back of your head as you finish the last dish and dry your hands. “You read your book and I’ll go work on the speeder.”
You turn around in his arms, resting your arms around his neck, smiling up at him before kissing him. 
“Are you sure?” You ask him. 
He pulls your hands down to his lips, kissing them. “I’m sure.”
You’re a few chapters into your book when the rain starts coming down, thunder rolling and lightning filling the sky every couple of minutes. You can see Rex in the barn working on the speeder with the doors open from your big comfy chair by the front window. He’s bent over the hood, shirtless, wrench in hand, when you feel a familiar warmth pool into your stomach.
You always enjoy watching him do his thing and you know he’s probably counting on you getting distracted by watching him. You resist the warmth in your stomach, crossing your legs as you start to read again. 
About another chapter in, you look out the window and see Rex wiping his face off with a towel and then putting it down on the hood a little forcefully, earning a soft yet needy sigh from you. The warmth in your stomach makes itself even more known.
You set your reader down on the end table and pull your blanket off, wandering to the front door and opening it, leaning in the doorway with your arms crossed. The rain starts to come down a little harder and you can hear it pelting the roof.
“Hey, you tease!” You call out to the older man. 
He flashes a grin instantly, which means he knows exactly what he was doing. 
“Yes, cyare?” He calls back, smirking. 
You beckon him toward you with your index finger. He closes the hood of the speeder and pats it, suggesting he wants you to come to him. You sigh, clearly amused. You step out of the house, closing the door behind you and start walking quickly toward him, feeling your clothes become soaked almost instantly.
When you finally reach him, he’s grinning widely down at you. You can feel your nipples harden from the cold rain, underneath your t-shirt. He guides you by your hips to the hood, helping you sit on it. 
“Were you hot and bothered by your book and decided you needed some help?” He teases in a low voice. 
See the full post
311 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Late Night Feelings
Summary: Crosshair won't let you do your job by helping him with an injury. He thinks maybe you can help him some other way.
Pairing: Crosshair x f!Reader
WC: 1.3K
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Sexual situation, Angst
A/N: So, @dumfanting made me start to really fucking miss Crosshair and It was late night horny hours, but you know me. Gotta throw some angst in at the end to keep ya on your toes.
Part One | Part Two
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“Just let me get you a wrap and some ice for your wrist.” You insist, trying to check Crosshair’s wrist out. 
Crosshair had slid down a tower, taking out practice droids and got caught on something jutting out which sent him tumbling and he landed on his wrist. Now, he’s acting like a child and won’t let you do your job and help him. As a medic, you know that he’s going to regret it in the morning and won’t be able to hold his gun properly for a few days.
“No.” He grumbles, yanking his hand away from you. “I’m fine.”
He tries to hide the slight wince and you do everything you can to not point it out.
“Maker, you’re so stubborn.” You roll your eyes, starting to get frustrated.
“I’m fine.” He assures you, getting up off of the edge of Tech’s workstation.
Whatever, you decide, leaving him be and going to pack your bag for the next mission. Tomorrow, you’d be back on the Marauder and leaving Kamino for the next year. Unable to believe it, you realize you miss the void that was vast space. You miss hyperspace and the beautiful blue dancing glow it casts in the cockpit. All the stars you could ever see. Kamino is starting to feel a little claustrophobic. Not that being stuck on the Marauder for days at a time is much better, but at least there’s more to see than just rains, oceans, and regs who are rude to you for literally no reason.
“You know, your life would be easier if you’d just listen to her.” Echo chides Crosshair. “Surprised you haven’t figured that out by now.”
Crosshair flips him off with his good hand and goes back to cleaning his rifle. Echo throws you a “what can you do?” look and you nod in agreement. 
Later that night, after your shower, you’re walking back into the barracks that you share with the batch when you notice that their curtains are all closed and that they must have turned in for the night. Your showers usually take a lot longer than the guys’. Except Hunter. He definitely out-showers you. 
Thinking about earlier, with Crosshair and his stubbornness, you want to check and see if his wrist is feeling okay. He’s probably just reading, so you decide to go and quietly pull the curtain back.
“Hey, are you feeling okay?” You ask him as you realize he’s pumping his length in his hand and you can’t help the gasp you let out. 
Trying to run away in embarrassment, face full of heat and shame, you try to go back to your bunk. Crosshair’s quick, slender fingers are around your wrist before you can even make it a step and you’re swiftly pulled into his bunk.
He yanks the curtain closed, glaring at you. Unable to look him in the face, you try to apologize. Surprisingly, living with five other men, this has never happened before so you don’t know the code for this. Do you just act like you didn’t see anything? Do you get it out in the open and just apologize?
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He asks you, whispering angrily.
It surprises you that he’s whispering and not yelling. He probably didn’t want the others to hear because he was just as embarrassed as you were. Knowing he’s never going to forgive you, all you can do is apologize. 
“I said I was sorry… I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” You whisper.
“One, these privacy curtains were your idea. Two, why do you care so much?” He tries to catch your eye but you’re too ashamed to look at him.
He’s right. The curtains were your idea when you joined the batch. 
“It’s my job to make sure you’re okay and able to do your job.” You tell him. “Why do you hate me so much that you won’t just let me help you?” 
Crosshair lets out a dramatic sigh. Here we go, you think to yourself, it’s about to be a long list.
“I don’t hate you.” He whispers.
See the full post
324 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
◻ Single
◻ Taken
✅ Waiting for a Star Wars clone to become real so he can call you cyar’ika and treat you better than any real person could treat you.
520 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Woke up in an Echo mood today. My first thought of the day was “Echo was so good with Omega.” And now my heart is mush today.
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See the full post
544 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what’s gonna happen since Din got that starfighter??? It’s gonna get blown up in Boba’s war against the pikes. Then he’s gonna go back to Pelli and be like “Alright. I had my midlife crisis. Give me back my dad-mobile, please.”
629 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
0 notes
the-toskaverse · 2 years ago
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I am…. Completely normal about this fic
Hey so I’ve been thinking about this idea for a little bit- but maybe we could get a little bit of platonic Cross with a padawan reader and this sort of mirrors “the outpost” episode in tbb season 2- where reader and Cross are walking through a mine field or something and joking padawan says that like the mines probably aren’t even there, but low and behold they step on one and crosshair is now the one that has to carefully defuse it- maybe even at the end it could be like flashing back to the episode with Cross and Mayday where he’s thinking about it
Hope that made sense!
Okay I am falling in love with this dynamic. It's slightly different than what you described, but I think is in the same spirit. I'm going to set this after Crosshair leaves the Empire and rejoins the Batch because yes. Also, if he's flashing back to Mayday, that must have already happened.
The rest of the squad headed in one direction after Hunter sent you and Crosshair through a minefield. A supposed minefield. It looked fine to you. You practically skipped around with energy while Crosshair walked forward, long strides at a steady pace.
"I bet there aren't even any mines left out here," you said.
"You should be able to figure it out," he replied. "Search your feelings or whatever."
You gave him a look. Your days as a padawan felt long gone since the Empire came to power. You felt safe with the squad, knowing them since before Order 66 was handed down, and managing to find them on Pabu. Much had happened and while you didn't use the force in an obvious way in public, when you were with Crosshair you knew it was okay. Right now you were certain there was nothing to worry about. You took another few steps forward with a smile now on your face. Crosshair simply watched with a raised eyebrow hidden beneath his helmet.
"Pfft," you replied with a wave of your hand and a few more steps. "See? It's fine. I've searched and all I've found is dirt and more dirt and some trees. I bet there's nothing-"
You felt a metal click as your left foot stepped on a mine. Probably the only active mine in the entire area. You felt your heart leap in your throat and immediately wanted to reach for Crosshair's steady arm, but he was too far to reach just yet.
"Take a breath," he said. He was trying not to panic, but his face gave away his emotion as he removed his helmet and searched for any other mines in the immediate area. Finding none, he kneeled down in front of you and blew the dust and dirt away, revealing the metal contraption. You tried not to worry, but saw a small smile tugging on his face and felt a surge of frustration.
"Why are you smiling, Crosshair?! I might die."
Crosshair reached into his pack and got out three small stakes and a while he didn't have a hammer, he grabbed a rock nearby. He would need a steady hand, but that was something he could manage. In his mind he thought of Mayday in that cave. Despite the warm sun on his back, he suddenly felt a chill. He shook it from his mind, focusing on helping you.
"I'm not smiling because you're standing on a landmine," he replied. "I'm thinking of... a friend. A brother." He started gently hammering the first stake into place. He bent down further to make sure it was secured in the right spot.
"Oh," you said. "Which one?"
"A reg," he said quietly, hammering the second stake in. "His name was Mayday."
You looked at him while he hammered in the third staKe. You sensed his memory was happy yet sad. That if he could, Crosshair would want to talk to Mayday now. You smiled to yourself, wanting to ask a thousand questions, but holding off.
Crosshair finished the job and stood up. You went to move.
"No, stop! Wait!"
You stopped moving, keeping your foot steady.
"Now, I'll go stand behind those trees and when I say, you can move."
"Great," you replied sarcastically. "I get to die alone."
"No," he said. "I'm just not stupid."
Crosshair hid behind the trees and then told you to try easing off the mine. You did so, breathing a huge sigh of relief when you were clear. Crosshair came out from behind the trees, smiling and putting his helmet back on.
You hugged him, surprising him for a moment, but he quickly returned the hug. You continued walking together, feeling a little more cautious about the dangers of this trek. Crosshair was focused on the job ahead, but smiled to himself, thinking about the friend he had lost, but who would still always be with him.
"You would have liked him," he said.
"Tell me about him?"
Crosshair was silent for a minute, but then after considering it, started opening up about him for the first time.
63 notes · View notes
stardust9905 · 2 years ago
Awe this was cute hehe -- you should totally write more!! Keep up the great work!!
Crosshair x gn Teen!reader (platonic of course)
A/N: this is my first fanfic so sorry if it’s bad lol
Warnings: Order 66, nightmares, star wars violence, death, mentions of death, I think thats it? Lmk if i missed any!!
(Y/F/N)= Your fake name
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Blaster bolts were flying at you constantly, it seemed like they would never stop. The clones you fought along side with turned against you, showing no mercy. You followed Ahsoka to the ship Rex was in, both of you jumping in the air, falling.
You wake up with a start, another nightmare. That whole day was a nightmare if you were being honest. The day the Jedi fell, the day your best friends turned on you within the blink of an eye, the day you had to fake your death, and the day you couldn’t do anything about it. 
You rub your face to try and wake yourself up more. You get up and get dressed into a shirt, pants, boots, goggles, and mask. Your comm goes off, Cid was comming you.
“Hey kid, you still looking for some jobs?”
You walk through the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone who might cause trouble. After a few minutes you reach Cid’s and go inside, going to the back where she usually gives jobs.
“-And you’ll be working with someone else for this job”
You walk in as Cid points to you. Looking around the room you see the Bad Batch, and a child..? You walk up to the holotable, keeping as calm as possible ‘they might have their chips out, you never know’. You hope they have their chips out, they were some of your closest friends. But that was in the past now, now you had to focus on your identity being hidden. And credits. Credits can get you a lot of things.
“This is (Y/F/N), the person you’ll be working with. (Y/F/N), this is the Bad Batch.” Cid points at you, then the Batch. You nod to them, acting casual.
“Here’s the job-“
You walk to the marauder from your apartment since you had to get your blasters, one on each of your thighs, resting in their holsters. You also got your knives and hid them in your boots, just in case. 
Once you arrive you notice Crosshair standing on the stairs, obviously impatient. ‘Of course he is, he’s Crosshair for force sake.’
“You took forever”
“It’s a ten minute walk each way, of course I took forever” You roll your eyes. Crosshair walks up the rest of the ramp, and you decide to follow him. Crosshair closes the ramp behind you two, yelling to Tech that you’re on the ship.
The mission was simple, in theory of course. Just sneak into an academy, find the person who wants out, and leave. Simple, right?
“Alright, we’ll split up into groups, Omega and Tech, you’re with me. Crosshair and (Y/F/N), you’ll go around back and watch our backs. Wrecker and Echo, you’re our backup” 
Everyone nods to Hunter, going to their groups. You walk up to Crosshair, looking up the cliff.
“So, how are we gonna get up there?” You ask him, although you already knew the answer to that.
“Just like how they are,” Crosshair nods over to the right as Wrecker throws Tech, Omega, and Hunter up the cliff. You turn your face to an expression of horror as Wrecker starts walking towards you two. Crosshair smirks, telling you that you’re going first, making you panic. 
By the time you protest Wrecker throws you up into the air while chuckling. You land on the edge of the cliff on the dirt, your left foot slipping off into the air. You quickly grab the ground and pull yourself up. Crosshair lands next to you as you stand up while wiping the dirt off of your clothes.
“You okay kid?” 
You start walking towards the back of the building. You and Crosshair walk through the forest, a comfortable silence between you two. You guys quickly get to the back of the building. Crosshair shoots a grappling hook above the second-story window and attaches the line to his belt. Realizing you can’t use the force to jump up, you walk over to him and grab onto him. He makes sure you’re secure before tugging on the rope to pull you two up.
You go inside through the window first, landing on a metal grate bridge that’s 6 meters above the floor. You make sure Crosshair is inside and there are no traces of you coming in.
“Hurry up kid, can’t be wasting any time”
“Yeah yeah”
You both walk over to the armory on the bridges, since that’s where the person is supposed to be. You got there before the others on purpose to make sure the coast is clear. Crosshair sends a signal to Hunter while you look around. “There’s no one up here with us”
“Don’t worry (Y/F/N), the less we have to shoot the better” You nod, looking down at the door. Suddenly you sense danger coming from the left. You quickly shove Crosshair and yourself down to the floor of the bridge and bring out one of your blasters, shooting down TK troopers. Crosshair quickly joins you and tries to comm the others.
“Kriff, they’re jamming the comms! Its a trap!”
“Obviously! They’re probably trying to get rid of whoever doesn’t like the empire!”
You can barely hear each other over the blaster fire. You sense more troops coming behind you and turn around to shoot them. ‘If only i still had my lightsabers.’ You both finally shot down all the troopers after a minute but still hear blaster’s shooting. You look down to see about 40-70 TK Troopers shooting at Hunter, Tech, and Omega.
Not caring anymore about hiding your identity, you jump over the rail, hearing Crosshair yell out your fake name. Using the force to cushion your landing, you take out your blasters and start help shooting down the TK’s. You can see Crosshair helping out as you get shot in the goggles, sending you to the floor.
You hear your fake name being called by multiple people. You take off your goggles since they’re cracked, which results in taking your mask off too. You quickly stand up, you weren’t injured since your goggles took the bullet. You start shooting again, this time using the force to aim. Within a minute or two all the troopers where shot down and you were almost to the front of the building. There were about 15 TK’s at the front doors. Crosshair signaled to you, ‘Sniper time’, you nod in response. You back up a bit while looking up at the bridges, Crosshair following you. Using the force, you throw him up onto the bridge above you. He quickly starts sniping the TK’s, all of them down within 30 seconds.
Crosshair jumps down from the bridge while you use the force to catch him. You all quickly run outside and head to the cliff, you didn’t realize how steep it was until now. 
“How are we going to get down?” You chuckle at Omega’s question, everyone else already knowing the answer.
“The same way we got up here of course. Up and away.” You use the force to lift them all up and throw them into the air and then jump off. Once you all land you go inside the marauder and Tech goes to the cockpit, flying the ship. 
“So, how long were you planning to hide your identity for?” Crosshair points at you with his toothpick, smirking. 
“Eh, hopefully forever,” you chuckle, “but look how that turned out.” 
Tech walks in, datapad in hand, “According to the empire you’re dead, same place and time as Rex, which I assume you know he’s alive”
“Gee, is everyone faking their deaths?” Echo complains, rolling his eyes.
“Only Rex, Ahsoka, and I”
“Commander Tano’s alive..?”
“Er, technically she isn’t a jedi anymore, she left the order a while ago.” You rub your neck, looking anywhere but at Echo.
“She wHAT-“
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