#crosshair x teen!reader
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solar4seekstron · 3 months ago
Better shooter than me Part 1
Tf4!Crosshairs x Cybertronian!GN!Reader Oneshot
Part Two
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Content: 16+
TW/Tags: Mostly fluff, Crosshairs is falling for reader hard, Love my angry green boi, Hound is a good pal of reader, basically just building up the next chapter, y’all know how i write lmao. That should be all.
Introduction Movie Oneshot Masterlist
You were always with the Autobots. But ever since the humans came after you and the others. Forcing you all to go into hiding since the end of the decepticons. Things haven’t been any easier.
You always stood up for Optimus. Being one of his oldest friends and all.
Always by his side. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t trust his judgement. You’ll admit you doubted his thoughts and words towards the humans. But said nothing.
You’re not even sure why even now. Ever since you separated from the others. You were able to get a signal from a few other bots.
You realized it was from your old friend Hound.
You and him both friends before you all separated when coming to earth. Though you weren’t expecting the two colorful bots with him.
You and drift immediately having a playful beef that isn't that serious. It being you both use swords. Though you use one. The green one being crosshairs didn’t seem that too impressed.
Until Hound mentioned that you were a former weapon specialist and could easily build a gun from nothing but scrap. Something he learned about you throughout the years of war.
While Crosshairs worked with a different group of Autobots and Drift was a decepticon still at the time.
And so the four of you stayed close. Staying in your alt modes most of the time during the day until you all can find a new place to hide from the humans.
The chance of getting a signal from Optimus or any other bot seems to only wore thin with each passing day. One day when hiding in a garage ka bunch of teen boys walked around. Spray painting the walks and such.
Everyone can tell Crosshairs was getting anxious. Luckily for him. Because you alt mode was a Porsche truck. Which apparently is seen as boring to kids these days.
They start insulting your alt mode. Patting at the side and getting ready to spray paint the hood. Writing “shit” on it. They barely got to the “I” when Crosshairs and Drift transormerd and basically traumatized the kids.
After they left Hound made the call for them to leave. You all driving to another location far enough from them.
Once far enough after driving for an hour. You and the others were able to transform and stretch you arms and legs. The three mechs looking at your chest.
The words “Shi” sprayed on your chest with yellow paint. Hound tried to not laugh as drift just side.
Crosshiars not saying much as you tried to take off the paint. Crosshairs was the one who suggested you have a new alt mode. And so you got one. Getting rid of the paint as a new color covers your body.
That’s when you guys finally got the call. You being in your alt mode when changing vehicles.
You all then made your way to this desert in a line.
You all got closer and closer. Soon driving alongside Bee who also got Optimus call.
Soon enough Crosshairs was the first to transform when by Optimus. You doing the same he Optimus stopped near you. You transforming as drift got close as well.
Crosshiars tried to not stare. Drift being the one ot hit his arm with a smirk. The other speaking as they take turns. When Optimus transformed he had a new look.
You looked up at him and smiled. Crosshiars seemed to notice and grew a bit jealous.
You didn’t speak much when the humans were out. You standing next to bee unbothered as Hound and Crosshairs grew mad about the humans.
You and Optimus taking a moment to speak as the others investigate the humans.
Crosshairs to be glancing at him. Until hound grabbed his helm making him look down as e chuckled. “Watch it kid.” Crosshiars was annoyed and let out the groan as bee poked at the female.
You and Optimus speaking about not trusting the humans and more. Later he announces he’ll find the person who is hunting them down. Later you and the others watch the video of one of your comrades being attacked.
You looked away unable to watch.
Optimus standing and placing his cervo on your shoulder as comfort. Crosshairs glaring before looking away. A little more jealous.
Later that morning when at the abandon house Crosshiars spoke to Optimus. You were transformed and watched.
You’d then transform as Crosshairs left. Optimus still stood there. He’d then look at you. His frown gone when he saw you. Having a small smile as he spoke.
“Watch him. Make sure he doesn’t get into trouble.”
You’d nod and transform. Following him. From there you followed him back into he desert. Staying behind a mountain as he transformed. He started practice shooting with his weapon.
Putting up small cans he found on the ground at times. After a few moments he yelled. “You can come out. I know our oh so great leader sent you.”
You walked from behind the mountain with your cervo on the handle of your sword.
“Apologies, I am his most loyal soldier after all.” You responded as you got closer. He only scoffed as he looked over his gun. Responding as he doesn’t look at you.
”Of course. One of Optimus lap dogs doing his bidding.” You raised an optic ridge as he spoke. He seems to be struggling with his gun and trys shooting again.
But before he can pull the trigger you grabbed the top of it. Stopping him. He spoke. A bit mad as he turned to you.
”Are you bloody mad?” You let out a chuckle before taking the gun. Turning away as he stands there.
”I’ve worked with guns more times then you can probably count.” You start working on the gun.
Crosshiars looking over your shoulder watching as you fix up his gun. He was surprised as you soon spinned it them started shouting the cans flawlessly.
He stared at the cans before looking back at you as you had a grin on your dermas as you hand his gun back.
”Now try it.” He took the gun and started shooting.
Testing out the gun. He was surprised and looked back at you. You didn’t notice the way his optics stared at you as they soften. You looking at the fallen cans with your cervo on you sword handle once more.
“Thanks…” He said quietly, causing you to look at him. “You’re welcome.”
Crosshairs just smiled at you as you walked away.
Taking a seat on a big rock against the mountain as he continues. Later bragging about his weapons and how he learned to build weapons himself.
You two of you even flirting a bit before being called back to the empty house to the others. Something told you that you both are going to be good pals after dealing with your current enemy.
Oh BOY! Can’t wait to post part 2! This was a lot of fun to write and I cant wait for part 2 to release and post. It was hard not writing in scenes that I plan to add in my bayverse series. Which might be a while from now since this is in the fourth film. I wanted to write in interactions for the future couple goals.
I hope you guys still liked it. I love interacting with people who ask about my work and all. Lol.
As always a repost is appreciated and and I’ll see you guys in Part 2!!!
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lonewolflupe · 6 months ago
For All One's Worth (One-Shot)
Here's another request for my friend @welcometo79s <3 She asked me to write about Echo's insecurities and Reader being there to reassure him, to spoil him with compliments, and maybe making some sort of confession. Oh Maker, Echo is the most badass trooper of the GAR, but I can't stop thinking of him going totally soft whenever someone shows him some affection. So have another super soft Echo boi!
The first part (struggles/insecurities/triggering) was inspired by @isthereanechoinhere96 's post and by @/YubNubHub 's (YouTube) shorts on Echo's PTSD overanalysis (part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5).
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Summary: when Echo takes a break from his frustrating brothers, you're there to make sure he doesn't need to spend it in solitude Rating: Teen and up Tags: emotional hurt/comfort (insecurity/light triggering of PTSD), fluff (kissing), SFW Words: 2.053k Pairing: TBB Echo x gen!reader Read this one-shot here on AO3
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Echo loved his brothers, he really did. But sometimes they made it so hard on him. He was fully aware they didn't mean it like that; they probably didn't even realise the impact their remarks had. He was ever grateful they got him out of his physical and mental prison back at Skako Minor, and his choice to leave Rex for them really meant something. Loyalty was everything, after all.
But some days, Echo wondered if he had been better off staying with Rex. Any shinies might think him a freak, but at least Rex would appreciate his skills, his abilities; his worth. Now he felt like he was stuck with hurtful pun after derogatory remark.
For instance, the one time where Crosshair had made an unsubtle remark about the so-called incompetence of having just one hand. They were setting up for a mission and some crates needed to be loaded onto the Marauder.
“Gonna need some help with these,” Crosshair had shot at his brothers, not really being a question, but more of a statement. When Echo had volunteered, Crosshair granted him an almost scornful look, silently turning the toothpick around in the corner of his mouth before continuing. “Yeah, gonna need two hands,” was his sneering reply before turning around and leaving Echo behind in astonishment.
During a recent mission in some seedy city, it had been something Wrecker had said. The squad was chasing down a Palliduvan bounty hunter to avoid a suspected assassination attempt. Even during nighttime, her chalky-white skin was hard to miss in the neon-lit streets and alleys.
When they nearly lost her in the crowd, the uncanny reflection of the lights on her skin revealed her position. A rumble from Wrecker's throat gave away his amusement before he shouted the words: “She's even paler than Echo!”
Echo's helmet concealed his unamused expression, but he made his feelings clear by bumping into Wrecker and granting him a frustrated shrug. “Come on Echo, snap out of it,” Wrecker huffed in amusement, before continuing his pursuit.
Another time it had been Tech, whilst the both of them were waiting in the ship's cockpit. With his best intentions, he had triggered something in Echo; something he wasn't keen on recalling.
“Do not move,” Tech’s voice, suddenly obnoxiously close to him, came out of nowhere. Before Echo could realise what his brother was up to, Tech was wielding a tool towards his scomp. A flash of blue light and a hissing sound made him relive Skakoan moments he would rather forget.
In shock, Echo pushed Tech away with a crude movement, making his brother look up in irritation. “Kriff, Tech, you could have warned me,” Echo shot at him, his voice higher than usual, a slight tremble in it. Tech readjusted his goggles whilst granting him a serious look. “I did. I said, ‘do not move’,” he elaborated, not sure why his words had been unclear.
Echo was trying to regain himself, but his chest was still heaving from heavy breathing. “What were you even trying to accomplish?” he asked his brother, blinking his eyes to forget the images behind them, to get a grip on reality. “I was merely trying to improve your prosthetic, so it might be in better use to aid the squad,” Tech stated, before turning around to work on some other project. Ah yes, always putting the squad ahead of oneself; how considerate of Tech.
And just now, it was Hunter. Echo couldn't even remember what it was he needed from the sergeant. He blamed himself anyway, because it was probably bad timing on his part; Hunter had retreated inside the Marauder for a reason. His enhanced senses would often cause a sensory overload, causing him to withdraw to recover and reclaim himself.
It was probably the sound of Echo's leg prosthetics that triggered the sergeant, resulting in a low groan. “Just.. need some solitude, Echo,” he grunted at his brother, making Echo stop in his steps. He could understand Hunter’s reasoning, but the thought of solitude made him stiffen.
Despite Hunter's migraine, he noticed his brother's shift in demeanour. With visible guilt written on his pained face, he turned around and tried facing Echo from behind a tensed frown. “I'm sorry, it's just- it's like electroshock torture,” he attempted describing his pain through gritted teeth, trying to push back the headache. “I'll, er- leave you to it,” Echo replied softly, slightly taken aback, before turning around and leaving the sergeant alone - and being plagued with his own thoughts.
Echo found some place away from the ship and the squad. Not because he wanted to be alone in particular, but because he just needed a break from his brothers. The night sky was clear, painted with dark shades of blue and purple, adorned by brightly shining stars; but its beauty was currently lost on Echo.
“Need some company?” Your soft voice startled him, and he looked at you warily, as if you had shaken him from his thoughts. He was still searching for words when you continued, not wanting to put him in any discomfort, since it seemed he was already struggling enough. “I can just sit here in silence with you, if you'd like.” His face softened before he allowed a faint smile. “It's alright. I've spent enough time alone with my thoughts.”
Unlike his brothers, you understood him immediately. “Well then, anything you'd feel like sharing? Something you want off your chest?” you said softly, not trying to push him, but you wanted to let him know he wasn't alone - and didn't need to be. And when he looked at you, noticing the most comforting smile on your face, he instantly knew he wasn't.
“It's just the boys.. They.. They don't understand sometimes. They-” He interrupted himself to cast a glassy look at his mechanical arm, turning it in front of his eyes without really taking it in. Until you gently put your hand on it, snapping him from his thoughts.
“You know what? We all go through different ordeals, experiencing different hardships, and we all respond to them in our own ways. You cannot blame them for that, but most importantly, you shouldn't blame yourself for it,” you tried comforting him. He looked at you, his brows in a furrowed frown, his lips slightly parted, his eyes taking you in as you continued.
“Don't take it so hard on yourself. We all know what a formidable ARC trooper you are. What a considerate brother, and the best friend one could wish for. There is no need to prove yourself every minute.” You smiled at him, gently squeezing his mechanical arm where your hand still laid, although the gesture was lost on him. “Besides, they're not perfect either; none of us are. But you're too good to point it out to them. I really appreciate that about you.”
For a moment, you noticed a blush appearing on his pale cheeks, before he turned away his gaze and shook his head in denial. “At least they don't have any prosthetics or implants holding them back. And apart from those, what else am I besides just another clone?”
“Let me stop you right there,” you said sharply, cutting off any more negative thoughts that might haunt him. His eyes widened when you briefly cupped his chin in your hand to turn his gaze back at you. “As far as I’m aware, there is only one hero of Anaxes,” you smiled at him, the corner of your mouth almost curling into a smirk.
He chuffed, nearly certain you were just bringing it up to make him feel better. “I wouldn't have been if it hadn't been for Rex and the squad,” he mumbled softly, almost unintelligible, but you noticed he wasn't sounding as gloomy as before. You softly bumped your elbow against him. “Yes, but your actions made it possible to secure the shipyards. You saved a lot of brothers that day, Echo.”
He blinked at you for a moment, as if he didn't believe the sincerity of your words. But you weren't done yet. “And you know what? I think after your bumpy start and struggles, it is most admirable you've made it to ARC trooper. And let me tell you: you're an example and inspiration to others.”
Echo looked at you in silence whilst you expressed your admiration for him, describing your favourite moments and movements as him being an ARC trooper. As your face was radiating and your eyes shining, making wild, enthusiastic gestures with your hands to support your ardent speech, his lips slowly slid into a discreet appreciative smile.
You turned back towards him when you were finishing your passionate speech. "So no, you're not just another clone. You're ARC trooper Echo, and the best thing that could have happened to this squad and the Republic. The best thing that could have happened to me," you smiled at him, and when you realised you said the last sentence out loud, a warm feeling washed over you.
Echo looked at you for another silent moment, the corners of his mouth pushing his cheeks slightly upwards because of the smile he could no longer hide. You noticed a flicker in his eyes, as they finally shone in confidence again. "You mean that?" he asked you softly, without averting his gaze from yours. “Every word,” you replied in a whisper, before moving closer.
His heartbeat rose instantly; this time not from triggering memories, but because of your presence, you closing in on him. “You know, I, er- No one said something like.. Like that to me before,” he stammered nervously, his eyes darting around restlessly. You put your hand on his cheek in an attempt to ease his nerves. "Do I.. Do I need to repeat myself?" you asked slowly, your lips sliding into a playful smirk. “Not sure if I can handle any more praise,” he chuckled at you, as you felt him relaxing below your touch. You gently caressed his cheek with your thumb before continuing: “Too bad, because you deserve it.”
You moved in a bit closer again, whilst your gazes were still locked. “Have I ever told you about your eyes?” you whispered, the planet around you starting to blur as you had only eyes for him. “What about my eyes?” he replied softly, blinking a few times, afraid something was wrong with them. You chuffed amusedly before continuing. “I’ve never seen another clone with such eyes. Yours have the most beautiful golden glow, and I love how you make them shine with determination. How these little lights dance in them whenever I talk to you. I could just.. Just watch them forever.” You slowly tilted your head, even more mesmerised by his eyes than usual, now that they were this close.
Echo swallowed, making your focus shift to his mouth. “And those lips, you know..,” you smiled at him. “What.. What about my lips?” he muttered, not daring to make any movement, afraid he would spoil the moment. But you had his back. “Not sure yet, let me check,” you whispered, before wetting your lips and leaning forward, closing the gap between the two of you.
Your heart skipped a beat when your lips touched, how they briefly brushed against each other before you finally pressed them together. You felt how all the tension left in him melted away in a heartbeat as he indulged into your kiss. Your hand, still on his cheek, slid to the back of his head when you felt him wrapping his arm around your lower back to hold you, to move you closer. Everything around you just disappeared.
After the most soft and tender kissing, you both pulled away hesitantly to look each other in the eyes again. “So.. What do you make of them?” Echo asked softly, the tips of your noses almost touching, as the both of you weren’t ready yet to pull away any further. “They’re perfect. I could.. I could just kiss them forever,” you replied with the most genuine smile on your face. Echo swallowed before mustering the courage to continue his questioning. “Could you.. Could you repeat that?” You chuckled softly before wrapping your arms around his neck. “With pleasure,” you whispered before you moved in for more.
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Please put me in Reader's position here? Please?
Echo taglist: @welcometo79s @covert1ntrovert
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skellymom · 5 months ago
"Vagabonds" Chapter 21
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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To read Chapter 20 - "DIFFICULT CHOICES"
Word Count: 2.8 K
Background: The crew splits up: One group to continue repairing the Beldame. The other to take Mad to the Rebel Base. What lies in store for them?
Amaranthine definition: Undying, immortal, eternally beautiful. A deep purple-red color.
For anyone new to this series: "LOVE" is the nonbinary/genderfluid neurodivergent/nonverbal Force sensitive kid of the main OC of this series named Mad. Mad is an older single mother, close to almost 50 years of age (not many older female protaganists in stories, so I decided to make one.)
Warning: SW Canon violence, blood, snapped neck, dog mauling human (defensive move for the doggo), some swearing, angst, tragedy.
(Credit: Cool dividers by @plum98 @strangergraphics-archive Pinterest: Hunter)
“The Beldame STILL needs further repairs” Tech voiced his ship wide diagnostic report of the the Beldame.  “It seems the maintenance on YOUR ship hasn’t been kept up for some time.” 
“Not subtle are ya Tech” Mad shot back.  “Before the Coruscant Job, we BARELY fed ourselves.  Jobs weren't paying much of a living wage for Nomaadi during The Republic Era.”   
“No need to be offended.  I was merely stating...” Tech remarked flatly 
Echo comically slapped his forehead with his hand.   
Wrecker, standing next to Tech grimaced and signaled his brother to STOP TALKING. 
Tech was oblivious. 
Hunter just sat there, chin in hand as he rested it on the armrest of his seat, slight grin as he watched Tech unassumingly poke the Dryax.  He wished Crosshair could be here.  Knew the sniper would absolutely RELISH Mad and Tech bickering. 
He’d be eating this shit UP! 
“What I'm saying is LOVE and I are POOR.  Does that spell it out for you?”  Mad sarcastically replied rubbing her belly.  “Was hoping to finish the repairs with the credits from THIS job.” 
Giggles from the kids. 
Tech softened.  He realized his sass was rude.  By comparison, the Marauder was in top condition currently because the Batch hadn’t been estranged from the Republic for very long. 
“Well...an electromagnetic interference such as what LOVE emitted would damage ANY ship.”  This was the best apology Mad would get from Tech.  “If we expect to exit this hyperspace lane, rudimentary power for locomotion to the Beldame must be restored.” 
“I agree.  Don’t know WHY you couldn’t have just kept to the bare FACTS in your status report.” Mad verbally jabbed back.  “Didn’t need that EXTRA remark thrown in.” 
Tech rolled his eyes.  Everyone on the ship snickered at him. 
“So, how much longer before the Dame has some thruster capability?” Mad demanded. 
“Another standard day or two of repairs.  It will be enough to get us out of hyperspace and somewhere we can procure replacement parts.  Otherwise, the Beldame won’t be able to enter hyperspace again.  The Marauder used a considerable amount of power to pull your ship in.  However, it’s wearing on our ship’s engines to continue to do so.” 
Hunter intervened “Can we leave a group of crew members behind to work on repairs while another accompanies Mad to the surface of Taphao Kaew’s Rebel Base?” 
“Seems the only option.” Echo stepped into the conversation. 
Tech continued “Technically the Dame SHOULD be safe for now, but we cannot continue to lurk in this hyperspace lane long term.  Hopefully the Rebel Base will allow us to land and continue repairs on the planet’s surface.” 
“Sounds good to me.” Mad replied “Of course, I want Hunter with me.  Sil, I want you to stay and help fix the Dame.” 
Sil nodded to Mad who continued “LOVE, stay here and protect the ship for the time being.  We still need that shield generator up and working.” 
LOVE immediately shook their head in heated disagreement. 
Omega bounced up and down, hand up...clearly she wanted to be involved.
"Omega?" Mad turned to Hunter. Not wanting to speak for him regarding his younger sister.
Hunter added “Echo and Wrecker can come with us while Tech, Sil, and...” 
Tech interjected “We...will need MORE people to work on the Beldame if we are expected to leave within the expected timeframe.  Perhaps Echo and Wrecker should stay with Sil.  I will navigate the Marauder and LOVE can accompany Hunter and Mad for protection purposes.  That is MY suggestion.” 
“AWW!” Wrecker groused.  “I wanna go.  Been working on the Dame all this time!!!” 
“So have I.” Echo grumped at Wrecker “Don’t hear ME complainin!” 
Omega burst forth "CAN I GO TOO???"
ALL the Batchers simultaneously turned and shouted "NO!"
"Aaaargh!" She stomped her little feet.
Sil threw his arm around Omega's shoulder "You can stay and work alongside me!"
Omega pretended to be grateful...Sil scoffed at her halfhearted try.
Hunter glanced at Mad for her opinion.  She nodded. 
“Everyone in agreement?” He addressed the crew. 
Everyone nodded. 
Wrecker crossed his arms and pouted. Omega eyed Hunter disappointedly.
"Sorry kid...next time." Hunter promised.
“We move out early tomorrow morning.” Hunter announced.  “Everyone hit the sack.  Got a big day ahead of us.” 
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Mad didn’t need an alarm.  She awoke to Hunter stroking her hair.  Mad opened her eyes as he traced the side of her jaw sweetly.  She took his hand and kissed it. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Anxious.” Mad rubbed the sleep from her eyes.  “I don’t want to think about what we might or might not be walking into.” 
“Hey...” Hunter kissed Mad’s forehead “I’ll be there.  So will Tech and LOVE.  You got nothing to worry about.” 
Mad smiled. 
He’s worried too.  Trying to put on a brave face. 
She loved him for it. 
“Oof, the BABY pressure on my bladder!”  Mad threw the blankets back... 
Her belly was even LARGER this morning! 
Mad attempted to get off the bed and failed.  She flopped back on the bed and sighed. 
“Help please...” 
Hunter grinned.  He put his arm around Mad’s shoulders to help lift her off the bed. 
“Need me in there too?” 
“No, smartass.  I can pee all by myself thank you.”  Mad sassed.  “But if you’re offering you can scrub my back in the shower.”  
“Mmm...” Hunter pinched Mad’s butt cheek playfully. 
“Don’t get any ideas, Sergeant.  You ordered an EARLY start to this mission.” 
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Tech covertly landed the Marauder along the heavily wooded surface of Taphao Kaew.  The plan was to have Tech stay with the ship.  Hunter and LOVE would take Mad to the Rebel Base and radio Tech with any decision the extraction point contact had for the babies.  From there on in, the plan was open to “improvisation”. 
He watched Hunter, Mad and LOVE leave the Marauder and disappear into the strange alien forest.  Tech stood watch at the Marauder’s side hatch for quite a while... 
Eventually his attention-span waned.  It was taking longer than expected.  Tech wished he had advised Wrecker to come along after all.  He could carry Mad all the way there and back easily.  Not that Tech didn’t expect Mad to be able to make the journey, as she was capable albeit slower.  It was more due to Hunter hovering like a father hen, therefore slowing her down considerably. 
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Sil pulled out the treat box from the Beldame’s Galley and shook it loudly. 
“TIGGY!” Sil shouted through the Beldame. 
Wrecker came around the corner “I’m worried.  Still can’t find ‘er.” 
“Little Menace is probably tucked away somewhere in the Beldame.  Let sleeping dogs lie.”  Echo gestured.  “Got LOTS of work to do.” 
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Hunter held Mad’s hand and slung his other arm around her shoulders.  He could catch her lest she slip, protect her from blaster bolts, or an approaching enemy. 
Love hovered behind them, grinning and watching the interaction between Hunter and Mad.  Eventually Mad glanced over her shoulder, leading Hunter to do the same. 
“Wut?” She scowled comically. 
Oh...YOU TWO. 
Hunter picked up the subtle facial micro expressions between LOVE and Mad.  It seemed LOVE was able to control what and when Hunter could communicate with them.  He nodded to Mad, who instinctively understood his inquiry. 
“We’re being...lovey-dovey.”  Mad whispered to Hunter. 
“Not used to it yet, huh?” Hunter pulled up his helmet to expose his face, leaned in and kissed Mad on the cheek.  Just a gentle brush of his lips while walking the forest path. 
Mad roped an arm around his tucked waist, squeezed firmly and affectionately. 
Disss-gustin' LOVE snorted out loud. 
Mad giggled. 
“Stay here.” Hunter abruptly blurted, then nodded to a stunned LOVE.  He let go of Mad and dashed off the trail...quietly.  As if he was a weightless wraith, ghost of a man, vanishing into the deep shadows of the forest. 
Mad and LOVE glanced at each other with wide puzzled eyes. 
Hunter IMMEDIATELY popped back onto the trail startling them BOTH. 
He presented a Wild Rambling Amaranthine Rose.  Its passionate purple and velvety petals emitted a sweet yet exotically musky odor.  The abundantly green leaves nestled against the flower’s petals.  The large, lush blooms while striking were protected by razor sharp 4-inch spikes all over the plant. 
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A fitting flower for Hunter’s lady. 
He had SOMEHOW so quickly avoided the thorns to obtain an amazing specimen without injury. 
Hunter got down on one knee... 
“Whaddya doin???” Mad stared down at him suspiciously. 
“Proclaiming my love and devotion to my...lover...lady...special person.  We never settled on a title.”  Hunter preened. 
Mad stifled a laugh.  She was that cynical to think Hunter’s proclamation was a silly joke. He was coming out of his shell, exhibiting a dry humor, but THIS was pure tooth rotting sweetness.  A grown man with the occasional heart of an innocent boy.   
He’s not cynical like ME. He has SO MUCH HOPE Mad thought.  Thank FORCE.  I’ve LOST mine long ago.  I NEED this.  Mad thought guiltily.  She’s been ALONE for so long. Independence was ALWAYS Mad’s go to.  She could STILL have that, but with the luxury of passionate, empathetic companionship. 
Hunter cleared this throat embarrassingly “I’m hoping that WHATEVER is required on this planet...we’ll STILL be together afterwards.  I’ll even settle for whatever time we have left...a day or a lifetime.”  He had a fleeting expression of FEAR in his eyes. 
“Hunter...” Mad was speechless and a bit concerned.   
“I should’ve done this earlier with EVERYONE present.  Didn’t really HIT ME until now.”  
LOVE floated soundlessly watching and picking up on the vibes of the situation. 
Mad took the flower from Hunter, tucked it into the hair of her Mohawk, pulled Hunter from his knees, and embraced him.  He embraced her back with an emotionally hitched breath.  They kissed sweetly and deeply.   
LOVE didn’t feel embarrassed or offended by the open display of affection.  Their mother was long overdue the companionship of another.  LOVE wanted Mad to be HAPPY.  It seemed to FINALLY have arrived. 
Annnnd I pronounce you bonded life partners for many years, boop, beep, boop.  LOVE Force Spoke to them both while waving arms like a total goof. 
Hunter and Mad blushed.   
The group continued their journey. 
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Tech leaned over the game on top of Gonky’s head.  Rubbing his chin, while contemplating his next move.  His mind a million miles away... 
Gonky jumped up and knocked over game pieces as Tech whirled around. 
A green armored Trooper stood inside the Marauder; blaster trained on him. 
“Shit!” Tech swore under his breath, hands hovering over both of his holstered blasters. 
Well, I’ve DONE it NOW!  Tech mused.  Our goose is cooked!!! 
“Where are you from?  Any more crew members?  State your planet of origin!” 
Tech couldn’t help blurting out “Are you a mercenary???” 
The Trooper closed in on him menacingly. 
Tech improvised cooly “My companion and I” he motioned to Gonky “are traveling botanists who sample and study the flora from differing planets of the galaxy.  Today was the day to study YOUR fair planet.” Tech attempted to avoid grimacing embarrassingly.   
He failed. 
Clones are HORRIBLE liars. 
“Botanist with ARMOR and BLASTERS???” The Trooper wasn’t sold on Tech’s lie. 
Tech launched into what he knew “We MUST protect ourselves from many natural dangers.  For instance, the flesh-eating flower of...”  
“I’m NOT INTERESTED in your LIES!” The Trooper slammed his blaster into Tech’s chest... 
Tech put both hands up and steeled himself. 
Then a loud THUD caught the trooper’s attention.  He eyed Tech for a second, blaster still digging into his sternum.  When he felt sure Tech would not resist, the Trooper turned to glance behind him into the half-lit shadows of the Marauder. 
Tech, unable to do anything at that moment, glanced in the same direction as the Trooper...  At nothing but shadows. 
The trooper turned back to Tech “WHO ELSE is with you?” He viciously hissed. 
Tech attempted to come up with something on the fly, but his brain locked up while his eyes widened with concern due to the high probability of having his guts blasted across the Marauders cockpit. 
He didn’t need too much time though... 
A black blur SLAMMED into the Trooper!  He screamed for a brief second before it bit deeply into the gap in his armor.   
Tiggy snapped the Trooper’s neck with brutal precision.  The noise was loud as it silenced the scream immediately.  His body collapsed into a heap on the ship's decking. 
She did it all WITHOUT breaking ANY skin! 
Tech watched as Tiggy released the dead soldier, then guiltily backed up into the shadows.  She was comically visible... 
...until her dark coat seemed to melt and become one with them.   
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Only her yellow eyes shone in the darkness.   
Tiggy found the ability to CLOAK herself like some of the undersea creatures of Kamino!  Tech quickly surmised it was due to her enhanced breeding...even if she was only meant for food stock originally. 
Tech’s jaw dropped.  “Fascinating!”  He could see from her eyes Tiggy was NOW cowering in doggy fear.  She closed them and disappeared entirely. 
“Tiggy...” Tech coaxed.  “GOOD GIRL!” 
She LAUNCHED out of the shadows and slammed into Tech’s chest.  Tiggy slobbered his face, the areas where she leaned up against him blending in with his armor, clothing, and pockets...half of her cloaked, half a fully visible dog. 
She knocked the wind out of Tech, and he was absolutely THRILLED for it.  He wrestled her off him, then gave a command. 
Tiggy healed at Tech’s side as he stood up. 
She waited patiently for whatever else he required of her. 
Tech then attempted to comm Hunter that the Marauder had been discovered.  
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Hunter, Mad, and LOVE reached a small clearing and could see the Rebel Facility... 
PEOPLE WERE RUNNING OUT OF IT. Terrified people!  Frantically trying to escape a figure dressed in green armor, leveling a blaster rifle at them.   
He picked people off with a terrifying precision. 
Hunter drew his weapon.  Mad pulled a blaster out from under her robes, surprising him that she was even packing at all. 
“Didn’t think I'd walk into this without at least a blaster, Hunky?” Mad shot a glance at Hunter. 
“At least?  You’re carrying more???” Hunter quirked an eyebrow. 
“Of course.”  
They both took aim. 
A Rodian dressed in medical attire and an Empire Storm Trooper, dressed in plain white armor, ran towards Hunter and Mad screaming “LEAVE!  WE’VE BEEN INFILTRATED!!!” 
The Rodian grabbed Mad, trying to drag her away with them. 
Hunter and the Storm Trooper’s eyes met.  Hunter IMMEDIATELY sensed he was not a threat. 
“A few soldiers and I DEFECTED from the Empire.  CX-Troopers TRACKED us!” The Stormtrooper yelled as he ran past. 
“CX WHO???” Hunter yelled back. 
Then the hair on the back of Hunter’s neck stood up straight.  He yanked Mad out of the way of a blast bolt.  Unfortunately, it hit the Rodian doctor and she fell to the ground.  Hunter berated himself for not anticipating. 
Mad squeezed off a shot.  It impacted the CX’s pauldron, throwing him off balance, but still alive. 
LOVE threw out a Force shield around them all. 
Hunter and Mad provided cover fire while watching the stormtrooper drop to the ground over his comrade.   
The Stormtrooper yanked up his helmet and a Mirialan TEENAGE BOY of no more than 15 or 16 peered out from under the armor. “Reeda!  Let’s get you up.” 
The older Rodian sadly replied.  “No... RUN Jebith.  Take them with you.  Be safe.”  She yanked a detonation device off Jeb’s belt and activated it. 
Jebith embraced Reeda, wiping a tear from his eye, then glanced up at Hunter.   
Hunter, shocked, threw his hand out to the teen.  “Come with us!  We’ll get you off world!!!” 
Jebith grasped Hunter’s arm, and he hauled Jeb to his feet. 
Hunter grabbed Mad and RAN!  Jebith on his heels.  LOVE levitating quickly behind him, keeping the Force shield.  The CX-2 regained his footing, openly stalking and attempting to blast them dead. 
Unfortunately, NOBODY got very far before the device went off.  A blinding flash of light sent EVERYONE flying backwards.  Hunter and Jeb had their armor, LOVE had The Force... 
...Mad was RIPPED from Hunter’s grasp...she had NOTHING. 
LOVE was pushed violently away like a leaf in the wind.   
Hunter and Jebith found themselves thrown like toys.  Jeb cleared a tree by millimeters as he flew.  Hunter anticipated his trajectory and was able to tuck and bounce off a large branch, his clone physique MUCH hardier than a human.  He landed on the ground yards back, continued to roll as he contacted the ground, then flipped up in a crouched standing position. 
Hunter scanned the area around him.  He attempted to see past the smoke and debris raining down.  “MAD?  LOVE?  JEB???” 
Jeb landed HARD, then managed to lift his head in time to see Hunter run off. 
Hunter and Jeb heard a blood curdling wail. 
Hunter went into autopilot and ran blindly towards the sound.  He could almost taste singed flesh, fresh blood, and smell LOVE’S fear as it joined with his.  He ignored the small raining debris and instinctively dodged the larger ones.  Hunter tracked low to the ground, almost on all fours as he wove, dodged trees, and uneven ground. 
The smoke cleared as he approached LOVE howling in emotional agony.  They were holding Mad... both covered in blood... 
I TRIED...I... COULDN’T CATCH HER IN TIME!!!  LOVE screamed inside Hunter’s head. 
...bloody flower petals strewn across the forest floor.  Purple contrasting with crimson red.
A beautiful thing destroyed in an instant... 
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To read Chapter 22 "THE TEMPEST":
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notgonnaedit · 2 months ago
Healer's Love
A Different Approach
Summary: Six months after Eriadu, the remainder of the squad struggles to be whole as they fight for their right to be a family.
Pairing: Bad Batch x Teen!OFC (clones being good brothers/dads)
Chapter summary: Omega, Crosshair, and Batcher make their way home.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, feels, crying (If I miss a tag LMK)
Tags: @hugmekenobi @nottwonerdy777
@dreamsight73 @delicioustacocollector
@covert1ntrovert @clonethirstingisreal
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Omega huffed as she stared at the crashed ship in front of her. "This will take forever to repair."
The top had been ripped off during their crash landing, and the engine was smoking. Batcher whined and jumped out, pacing the bare ground.
"No. There's no time for that," Crosshair said.
Omega turned to look at him. "We need to get the nav reader online to extract the coordinates to Tantiss for when we go back."
The sniper left the ship, backpack over his shoulders. "We're not going back."
Omega stood. "We left the other prisoners behind."
"And the Empire is going to be searching for this ship and us. We have to move. I scanned a spaceport a few clicks east. We'll start there."
Omega sighed. Her breath frosted in the air. It was cold on this planet. She jumped out and followed Crosshair, Batcher with them.
Omega held Batcher to her side as she and Crosshair hid behind a pillar from a few stormtroopers.
"Empire couldn't have followed us here that quickly," she whispered.
"They didn't," Crosshair told her. "That's a standard patrol presence."
The girl furrowed her brow. "Okay. So, let's find a way to send a message to Hunter, Wrecker, and Althea."
Crosshair looked at her. "We can't. They monitor long-range comms. It'll give us away. We'll have to figure out something else."
He took a step forward into the open, but Omega grabbed him. "Wait. We can't walk around like this." She gestured to their prison garb. "We'll draw too much attention."
"You're the one who wanted to bring the hound." Crosshair pointed out.
Batcher whined a nuzzled Omega. The blonde scoffed and scratched the beast's neck. "Don't listen to him. Come on."
Omega ran down the street, Crosshair following soon after. The girl snagged some clothes off a laundry line that were warm and would disguise them. Then, they went to the space port.
Crosshair wanted to storm the place, but Omega had a different idea.
"Hello." She approached the clerk. "We'd like two tickets on the next shuttle, please."
"Chain codes?" He asked.
"About that. We lost our chain codes," the girl lied.
"No chain codes, no passage."
Omega hummed. "Right. But you see, a problem for us could be an opportunity for you if, say, you knew of an alternate way–" she rubbed her fingers together. "–of booking passage without a chain code?"
The clerk leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Are you insinuating that I should take a bribe?"
"If that's what you want to call it." Omega smirked.
"I do. And that could be arranged... for 15,000 credits."
The girl blew out a breath. "For two tickets??"
"Per ticket. And it's nonnegotiable. You're lucky I'm not charging extra for the creature."
"Where do you expect us to get 30,000 credits?" Omega asked.
The clerk folded his arms. "Sounds like a you problem. Don't come back without the credits."
Omega sighed and turned around, walking back to Crosshair.
"Well, that went well," he said.
"Stow it."
Crosshair didn't know how Omega planned on getting 30,000 credits, but he sure wasn't expecting her to gamble for them. He definitely wasn't expecting her to actually get the money too.
But then an Imperial walked in. An officer. Crosshair coughed to signal Omega. The girl made no sign of acknowledgement.
She looked to the Trandoshan she was playing with, who was begging for another game. 
"I think I'll quit while I'm ahead," she said, gathering her funds.
But the Imperial walked over to her. "Leaving so soon?" He jerked his head at the Trandoshan. "You're in my seat."
He groaned and left. Omega eyed the new man warily.
"So, you think you're good at this game?" He asked. "Want to try against a, uh, real opponent? I insist."
Omega, realizing she didn't have a choice, conceded.
Batcher growled at the man, rightfully so.
"Your mutt don't seem to like me," he said as they played.
Omega didn't look up from her cards. "She's harmless."
"She's a distraction. Get rid of her."
Omega knew there was no negotiating with this guy. She nodded to Crosshair, who clicked his tongue to get the dog to come.
"Never seen you or your dad around before," the Imp mused.
"We're just passing through," the girl told him.
He laid down a card, and the crowd became more attentive.
"Looks like the captain is heading towards a victory," the bartender droid noted.
"Eh, I'll admit, you're not bad. But you seem to have misunderstood your enemy." The captain smirked.
"Did I?" Omega laid down three colorful cards. It was her turn to smirk.
"The three Eastern Stars," the droid announced. "That is game over."
"I'll take those 20,000 credits," Omega said.
A stormtrooper walked over, but the captain waved him off. "I concede. You beat me fair and square. Nicely played."
Omega smiled as he walked away. "Thanks." She scooped her winnings into her bag and walked over to Crosshair. They were home free.
Or so they thought. "Now, hang on a minute," the Imperial said, stopping them. "We're not done here. You haven't paid your fine."
Omega furrowed her brow. "What fine?"
"Gambling's illegal in these parts."
"What?" Crosshair snarled.
"The law is the law," said the captain. "Now, all you gotta do is pay the fine. And I'll be on my way."
"How much?" Omega asked.
"Ten thousand credits. Unless you prefer to be arrested instead."
Omega conceded, shoving the required money into his hand.
"Excellent. Consider your fine paid in full. Try and stay out of trouble."
Omega sighed as he walked away. "Let's get out of here."
Crosshair stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. "How many credits do we have left?"
She checked her bag. "Thirty-five thousand. Enough for two tickets on the shuttle and a little extra."
They never did end up using those credits. The slimy Imperial had taken Batcher, and Omega refused to leave without her. In the end, they did Crosshair's plan and blasted their way out, stealing a ship in the process.
Omega piloted through hyperspace, Batcher sitting at her feet.
"The Empire will be able to track this vessel," Crosshair told her. "We need to ditch it."
The girl nodded. "We will. I'm heading to a remote location, and I sent a coded transmission for Hunter, Thea, and Wrecker to meet us there."
Batcher whined at her feet. A sinking feeling settled in Crosshair's stomach. "Omega," he said slowly. "It's... It's been months. You don't know if they're still aliv–"
"They'll be there." The determination in her eyes... She was so sure.
Omega dropped the ship from hyperspace, flying to a grey moon. On the surface was something she wasn't sure she would ever see again.
The Havoc Marauder.
She landed the ship and went out to the ramp. Then she saw them.
Wrecker and Althea stood in the door. The older teen's hair was shorter, but her eyes were the same.
"Now, there's a sight!" Wrecker shouted.
Omega couldn't hold back her tears. "Wrecker! Thea!"
They ran for each other, finally embracing. Wrecker scooped up both girls in the tight hug spinning them around. When he set them down, Althea held Omeha close.
"I wasn't even sure your message was real," she murmured. She chuckled tearfully, tugging at Omega's curls tied back. "You changed your hair."
Omega laughed, tears rolling down her cheeks. "So did you!"
Wrecker knelt down, pulling them all together.
"I knew you'd show up," Omega sniffed.
Wrecker pulled away, wiping his eyes. "We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you."
Omega looked behind her brother to see another standing in the ship. "But you're the one who found us."
Omega took a step forward, then another, and before she knew it she was running into Hunter's arms. 
The tracker ran down the steps, skipping some to get to her faster. She collapsed into him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Hunter held her close, cradling her head against him. "We missed you, kid. We never stopped searching." He had to tell her. She had to know they never gave up on her. That their fruitless attempts were not for lack of effort.
Omega sobbed into his neck, her breaths shuddering when she finally pulled away. Hunter brushed her hair – which was now as long as his – out of her eyes. Her face was dirty, the only clean parts being the streaks from tears.
Hunter rested his hands on her shoulders. As happy as he was to see her, a nagging question rose.
"But how did you escape?"
Omega chuckled. "I had help."
Then, Hunter saw him. From the ship Omega arrived in stood a familiar figure. Hunter rose to his feet, his instincts screaming to get the girls behind him.
Crosshair had come too.
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court-jobi · 2 years ago
Just Be Gentle
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Pairing: Paz Viszla x reader (fem!reader, 'Songbird' for the use in the fic)
Words: 3,589
Rating: Teen+
Warnings: post-mission, light banter, mutual pining, mild!grumpy/sunshine, FLUFF, tender touching, teaching self-care, injury care, washing up- (not spicy yet, sorry loves) cuddles if you squint
Summary: He is a Cornerstone in his own right. The moment the Hunter dropped her off to him, she knew instantly by the reactions of everyone around her that this was a leader they respected, followed into the grittiest of scraps, because he’s the man with the biggest gun and equal fire. They call him Al’orad, their Top gunman, and always, brother. And brothers, well– he sure fought to protect them as only family would.
Paz Vizsla is the storm itself. Only now, it seems he got caught in the crosshairs and succumbed to the hurricane of the skirmish. It didn’t worry him, he’s patched up his own scrapes before.An immovable Mandalorian he may be, but she his Songbird– gentle soul who’d sooner see to his wounds herself than watch him treat himself so roughly any longer.
A/N: Special thanks to @newpathwrites for the original ask! Here's to you~ The response to my Paz thoughts inspired me to finish this one out the rest of the way, and was a joy to write. If you're like me and still reeling from the episode which must not be named, then you'll be glad to know PAZ LIVES ON IN FIC! This was written in third person as a practice for me, but please put yourself in Songbird's shoes in whatever race, kind or creed you claim. It's a big galazy, so imagine along with me~ edit: @newpath3432!
For my Star Wars | Mandalorian Masterlist, check it out here!
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She could tell by the slight limp: Big Blue was hurt. He walked the earth with a strong presence, and now that presence hobbled with a case of the hiccups. It would be funny, if it weren’t stemming from a place of clear pain. Wouldn’t be caught dead admitting it, but he can’t avoid the obvious. 
When he started walking into a lean towards the pillar in the dank entrance to the covert, she walked even faster. The heavy artillery strapped to his back in coils was slipping. Speeding up to a light jog, she caught him fast by the elbow– flitted past the other sentries like the little Songbird she is, straight to his side to corral him by the arm.
"THeRe you are.."
Her name flowed off his tongue when he realized she’d snuck up on him; not that the Mandalorian ever really used it. By the way she’d been caught humming at all hours of the day and night, she’d come to earn the nickname ‘Songbird’ around the dank halls of Nevarro’s underground lava flats.
There’s barely a point trying to hide someone as tall, broad, and vast as him; as her blue-armored warrior claims the attention of everyone in any room he enters… but perhaps for just a minute, she could manhandle his form so that he’d blend into the support column on the other side. To keep him behind it, and out of sight for only a quick once-over.
He is a Cornerstone in his own right. Both a buoy in the sea and a lighthouse on a hill. The moment the Hunter dropped her off to him, she knew instantly by the reactions of everyone around her that this was a leader they respected and would gather arms with him into the grittiest of scraps. They call him Al’orad, their Top gunman, and always, brother. ‘You couldn’t be in better hands,’ the one she’d later call Din Djarin had said:
Paz Vizsla is the storm itself and brings the fire befitting a Mandalorian. Only now, it seems some of the fire has caught him.
He halted at her first call to him, yet followed into her tug willingly. A testament to their unexpected orbit; Paz found himself biting his tongue and falling into her draw whenever she sought him out even though he’s twice her size– just as she could pick his boisterous call out of a crowd and would come to stand alongside him as if no one were watching. For her, stepping out under everyone’s helmeted attention took an uncharacteristic flare of courage- one that Paz brought out in her.
Under the arch, the Alor’ad was quite literally pulled from the roster of tasks in his mind to her will. That stern look in her usually tender eyes siphoned his full attention.  How they never failed to stare right where his would be.
Paz greeted her with his immediate sense of concern.
"--shouldn't you be inside?" he braced an arm against the pillar ledge, relaxed.
"Shouldn't you be in the med tent?" Her eyes flickered across him: around his belt, to holster, and up again.
"I'm just fine."
He pressed a hand over hers, where she’d gripped the lip of his chest plate. "I will go when the others are seen to.”
“You need to be seen to!”
“Our healers are few; they’re overwhelmed.” Paz’s firm words -though delivered peaceably- commanded this conversation. “Those who suffered entry wounds receive attention first. My injuries are not urgent."
"You're limping; I could see it a mile away, and that's no good to anyone if you're ignoring your own problems,” she stressed again, “Play ‘Mr. Defender’ to your tribe all you want, but you’re fooling yourself if you think you can serve them at your best in this shape..."
He paused, looking back to her again and winced internally at the level of quiet care she was pleading to him.
"In my experience,  I know you Mandos tend to shrug off anything short of a lost limb when it comes to pain,” Songbird’s a natural at this; making a case. She spoke her peace with a rein on her temper. “I'd prefer to see it not get to that point. You're no exception… and you're the strongest one I know." she admitted.
Against impropriety’s warning bells in his bucket, Paz cupped her cheek, mindful of the rough leather to not irritate her. It’s indulgent, but he risks it.
"I'll be there soon,” he promises, “I give you my word, if you'll believe it."
"I want to, Blue," she offered with a gentle warning.
"Then keep me accountable. You’ll find me sitting in that alcove in ten minutes. If I'm not..." His head quirked with a little show of amusement, "You have my permission to drag me by my shebs there."
Sure enough, he did– true to his word, once his offloading task was completed. 
The covert’s Song remained under the awning of the covert’s med tent in the karyai as she watched Paz’s still-armored self being seen and treated on the left triage station. There she waited for him, until he reemerged with a hand to her shoulder in greeting. She squeezed it, asked if he was good to go, and he was all too ready to agree to some downtime. To seal the deal, she offered an arm around his back and he willingly outstretched his across her shoulders. 
It would be pointless to assume she’s honestly bearing any weight, but her offer to help was received kindly, as if he did. Then again, the way Paz spoke of her to the others in his faction, she knew he believed her capable of heart.
Then, with every grace like a nesting dove, she moved independently in his space like it was second nature, despite her only having been here one or two other times as emergency demanded it. A sealed bacta patch had been applied to the slope of his neck on one side, but after inspection, they’d hardly cleaned him up much. She'd located clean handcloths and a pitcher since they were ready and prepared at a moment’s notice on Paz's galley counter.
The question of what the case for water was at the front table lingered at her tongue, but it left her completely as she heard Paz grunt on sitting, one leg extended further than the other. He busied himself with smaller huffs of effort trying to get his armor off.
"Do you need help?" She offered gently, not wanting to coddle the grown man before her.
“M’fine. It's-- (ah) tricky, anyway. Faster if I do it." 
But even as he turned to wince and release the back plate with no success, she’d stepped over to him and released the clasp with a few well-placed fingertips. It unlocked easily and loosened into his lap. He turned a bit -until the woman he’d come to adore came into his visor’s view- to see a smile finally eased across her features.
"I've watched Djarin work it enough times, I could wear a kit myself. May I?"
Just the sound of that one word alone sunk a ballast into Paz's stomach worse than the fight did. Not even the clan he was folded into–she knew his first. His low tone shared such, though she took it as tiredness at first,
"You know his name."
"Hm? Oh, yes! I do know," she piped up. "It was the two of us drifting out on the Belt for so long, I think he took pity on me. Only so many times I would say 'hey you' before he felt bad for me, I think. Just calling him ‘Mando’ like everyone else seemed odd after a while– especially since he said I’d be meeting more soon; even that was never going to last as a nickname around a covert of them."
Paz only hummed. The clear picture of familiarity came to mind, how their months were spent  in the time before him buzzed around his jealous thoughts uncomfortably. That nasty inkling of jealousy seeped into her sharing of stories of him. 
But her lightness never wavered as she kept speaking–she simply moved her way to take care of his shoulder pauldrons next.
"--but he did tell me that's not the case everywhere, telling a non-mandalorian their name... He asked for discretion, so I never speak it around anyone else. Said it was fine here though, that you would call each other by clan name or given, so. Uhm.. where do you keep these?"
Paz turned to see her cradling one piece under each arm, one contoured to her breast, and the other gently in the crook of her elbow - hands full with the inner paddings of both. He leaned forward a touch, drew up a bottle of some solvent from the crate nearest him, and squirted some into the basin of water. 
"In there is fine.."
She emptied her arms, and noticing he made no move to continue disarmoring himself, she kept going in his stead. She imagined he'd probably never had someone tasked to do this for him, and perhaps enjoyed the doting behind closed doors. 
"Secret ingredient?" Song pried.
"It's an old recipe; cleans the armor without stripping it." He leaned back to where he was before, widening his legs for her to step between if she needed. “The alchemical reaction requires a tub to dilute the concentrate. Too strong and potent on its own, it would oxidize on contact without water."
“You’re on the wrong planet for that.” She grimaced with a jerk towards the window, the lava flats beyond.
“All the more reason for us to keep sentries by the reserve tanks. It is precious.”
Huffing a bit, she chuckled. "I can tell. oof- but that smell would be strong on a ship."
He hummed back to agree, and in a rare show of comfort as the weight of beskar was taken from him piece by loving piece, spoke, "...You're good at this."
She shrugged, a little tone in her voice. 
"Yeah, Din came back half dead after a run-in with a pack of Trandoshans on Ord Mantell, so that was a trial by fire I won't forget. I had to do it all myself. He could barely talk, his concussion was so bad- oh gods, I was terrified the whole time, because I knew I needed to check to see if any bits were cutting into him between the plates. But also figured because of the Creed, I thought he might have to kill me once I was done. Had to weigh the options for a sec, but really, he was too passed out to notice. When he woke up the next day he was mortified, poor baby.. Felt bad that I had to manage on my own, but he didn't care at all that I had seen actual skin." 
Her eyes twinkled and she smirked at what happened next. 
"I told him I was flattered of course, but I wouldn't have peeked.. if for no other reason, then out of respect for that sweetheart he's got on Sorgan."
–And thank the MAKER for that sweetheart on Sorgan.
But rather than scream his relief, Paz laughed it out to cover up his anxious nerves. 
"Sorgan, huh? Isn't that planet just a bunch of fishing holes?"
“Farms of them, apparently.” His elbows were now exposed, and next, the vambraces.
“So Djarin was wooed.. by a farmer.”
"Mhm," she removed the second, slipping out the lining and gloves to wash. "Widowed, with a cute little daughter who has eyes for the nugget- sweet guy was done for. She started leaving him his meals out for him on a hot plate the first night, so he wouldn't have to eat it cold. He still denies it," she rolled her eyes, "--but he said if he had the chance, he'd love to 'teach the little ones how to hunt one day’. Tell them more stories since so much has happened since we last stopped there. He'd make a good retiree. Deserves someone like her." 
She seemed full of nothing but pride as she spoke. However, soon the sentimental coles turned impressed.
"And hell, she's a real catch if her shot is any indication. No wonder he was so gone on her. So... Who knows?"
She busied herself with turning the gloves back inside out to wash and knelt to start on his boots, but froze looking up when Paz asked, 
"And you? Anyone else on Sorgan?"
"No. Not into farmers." she didn't look up, but shrugged, "Nothing Sorgan could offer me." She leveled out her mouth oddly, “...Might find it here, though."
"Is that so?" 
"mhm..." She finished loosening one and yanked it off with a little give before moving to the hurt one, more carefully. 
"If I can get 'im to quit getting banged up," she groused adorably, "maybe, just maybe I might find a Mandalorian to put up with me long enough…." 
Attentive as always, Song remained mindful of his breathing to ensure she wasn't jostling too much. 
"Might have to learn how to shoot better though. Those weapons are everything to you. I doubt anyone around here would take on a civvie like me as I am." She looked up and leaned into deprecating humor with a shy look. "M'not exactly the strongest either even though I’m light on the feet. That won’t do much good around here.. And I have a pretty bad mouth to get myself in trouble enough as it is."
This worry under the surface– not unlike a turtleduck spending its days furiously pedaling under the water, but looking ever too graceful on the surface. Naturally, the covert’s Songbird herself made counting her faults look like preening.
Paz chuckled.
"That's hardly a bad thing." He eased her worries. "Shooting can be taught. It's things like that ‘smart mouth’ that draw someone in. Catch someone's eye and ear."
How dare her heart give her that much hope…
"Y'think so?" She loosened his knee braces, doing her best not to ogle the strength of his legs in such close proximity. Surely he’s being too kind.
"I listened to you, didn't I? The list of those who can manage that feat is very short– ask anyone here…”
This seemed to humor her at least, if not outright pleasing her, and she shuffled back up to her feet, taking the cloth he'd been wiping his hands with and taking it with the dirty clothes. 
He'd shed his shirt too in the space while she talked-- and she hid her surprise the moment her back turned and her ears burned with the sight. 
Thick arms matched his thicker-than-durasteel legs, and strong ones– they’re downright gorgeous like the rest of him… but when she looked back, a tremor of panic surfaced, seeing how rough he was wiping along his patches from the nurses station, and she hurried back to his side right away to remedy that,
"--hey, easy!"
Paz looked up with surprised and she second guessed her urgency, coming back calmer.
"Y’just-” the poor thing braved a word of careful guidance, “You shouldn't be so rough, when the edges are still healing.."
Although intimidated by his size and what foul response he may have for being chastised, Paz surprised her with a simple 'by all means' and surrendered the cloth. She dampened it, and dutifully stood before him again.
To her surprise, Paz patted his leg and prompted her to sit: just as she had by the fire.
Yet while she took the spot, she didn't fall into his arms with the same comfort as that night a few weeks back. A wine-drunk flirty version of herself sunk into the embrace of her protector to chat him up, at his invitation. She’d not even been that nervous then, or even days after when they’d both been sober. There was a shortage of chairs in one of the meeting rooms, one glance turned to another, and he patted his leg in just the same way. She’d hardly shied away from his attention– enjoyed it, actually, to the point of craving. The top-of-the-line thermal compression pajamas she’d seen spread around on all the midwinter advertisements around the market could never warm her through like he could. She’s ruined for life if this trend turns into a habit…
But this was hardly the time for a cozy rendezvous– not while he was hurting. 
Unaware of any of these inner ramblings, Paz laid a hand on her waist to train her to relax anyway. His free hand simply held her to his lap, thumbing along her far thigh. To ensure she didn't slip, of course. 
Starborne’s Grace and Favor… this man is a delight for the eyes. For a man brimming with muscles, the cushioned fat layer made Paz quite comfortable– and quite the sight with blossoming tattoos along his chest and ribs.
While she set to cleaning the remaining blood the nurses missed first, Song also freshened the cloth, waving it a bit to introduce cool air, and dabbed off his collarbones and along either side of his neck, swiping along where his lean indicated. 
Gods it felt good. He'd be asleep in minutes if she kept this up. Paz bit his tongue to keep from moaning outright.
Attention trained towards his comfort, the Songbird asked softly, "You must be hot under there."
His words slurred a tad in response, "I'm used to it."
She frowned a little but just tipped the chin of his helmet up just a touch, wiping up his throat to catch some sweat. She was interested to find dark, auburn stubble to hint at a full beard under the seal, but evaded from peeking too much and jerked her sights up to his visor instead. 
"I don't say that to pry about what's under there, but I'd reckon to say a beard does make it warmer y'know…"
"I count on it during the cold seasons here." He murmured just as low as the first time, tilting whichever way she wanted. She could feel his true voice hum along his throat by the bob of his Adams apple. " I didn't plan on going to a damn swamp for the last week, or else I woulda shaved it."
"Poor thing." She mimicked, caressing the back of his neck. She spaced out at some point over him as she worked along his shoulders and passed the hand towel back and forth, registering only through touch how warm he felt beneath her. Warm and pliant and dangerously close to stealing her heart away and ruining her for other men… 
It felt incredibly good, but Paz had half a guilty heart; she must be getting tired. The helm faced her head on,
"You don't have to do all that..." he cupped the fleshy inner part of her palm with utmost care– care that he typically never treated himself with.
"I want to.” she hummed back easily. “You deserve it.”
At his encouragement, she swept broader strokes down his back and up again with one hand, bracing on his shoulder with the other. It was so contoured, sweeping hills of strength along his spine where muscles built up over years of use. A landscape worthy of some special attention.
Paz just sat there –calm on the exterior, but a swirling pool of doubt and bewilderment, and unworthiness weighting down his chest into heavy breaths. This girl was making him into mush by the minute.
"How's that. Better?"
The helmet nodded back and its voice hummed a little.
He’s growing more in love by the minute, too. Just keep talking, sweet sparrow.
She sat back and propped up in his lap, crossing her ankles.
"I can warm up that food if you want; or you can shower up and I'll have it inside for you before I go." 
His hand caught hers, "--You don't have to go."
"Not even so you can eat?" She clarified, curiously.
"I can wait on that. You..." He tipped the helmet down so their joined hands were in view. "...Food can wait."
The Paz Vizsla was holding her hands in both of his now, and she let him. These hands– the ones that made it their mission to treat him kindly when little mercies in this galaxy ever did…
She smiled, even though he was hardly watching: his big blue helmet is trained on feeling how soft hers must be by comparison. She’s finding it adorable that the big, strong Mandalorian seemed fascinated by her hands of all things. Song couldn't imagine she was the first girl to be perched on his lap like this, but by the way he rubbed over her like something precious, she secretly hoped she could be the last.
" ‘Food can wait.’ “ she repeated in a tease, “Since when would any fiery Mandalorian say such a lie– stalling a meal just because you found a little bird on your lap, huh? You want me to start singing for you next?"
Nudged from his trance, the visor lifted to her again making him lean back more comfortably, 
"I wouldn't say no to that." Paz flirted right back. 
With outstretched legs once more, Paz brought one up to be elevated as advised while guiding her in by her waist to relax in his lap again and take a break herself. 
The Songbird followed his lead this time– and resumed her trademark humming with the knowledge of a job well done.
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hunnythebee · 2 years ago
Questions and Answers
You are a medic in Tipoca City on Kamino. You’ve been falling for the dark, brooding sniper of Clone force 99, but had assumed your feelings weren’t reciprocated. After a brief but heated moment, you can’t help but feel that your assumptions may have been wrong, but you have questions, and need answers.
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@girlzrok-99 Here's your request from this ask! I was intending for it to be about 1k words but I got kinda carried away and fell in love with it. Instead this is now a one shot dedicated to you. Hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.
2.1k words - first person - gender neutral - teen+
Tags and Warnings: reader x Crosshair, gn!reader x Crosshair, medic!reader x Crosshair, light angst, fluff, brief vague descriptions of medical treatment, confession, first kiss, pining,
It had been an exhausting mission. The boys came back to me more beaten than usual. Wrecker collapsed the minute he got to one of the med-bay beds, followed closely by Hunter. Tech and Echo had some scrapes from debris but nothing major. Crosshair however, was untouched. A perk of being in the sniper’s position. I tended to those who were afflicted, moving methodically from bedside to bedside. The whole time I worked I could feel Cross’ eyes on me, following my every movement. I did my best to ignore him, but his stare was causing butterflies in my stomach and making my hands shake. I had been harboring a crush for him for the longest time, and him watching me like this wasn’t helping. I finished with Tech’s bandages and discharged him and Echo. I explained that Hunter and Wrecker were fine, aside from some cuts and bruises. The pair were just exhausted. Once they woke up they were free to leave as well. Finally I allowed myself to focus my attention on the brooding white haired man in the corner of the room who, despite his lack of injury, was still here.
“You’re also cleared to leave,” I stated bluntly, trying to mask my nerves. “Unless there’s something else you need?”
He pushed off from the wall he’d been leaning on and stalked over to me. He was so close I could smell him. A sweet musk, like smoke and dark chocolate, flooded my senses. This paired with the way he was looking down on me with those deep set golden eyes tugged at something inside me. Something that was yearning to be held by him. But I knew that wasn’t a reciprocated feeling. I took a few steps back, trying to give myself room to breathe and think. His toothpick shifted between his lips to rest at the corner of his mouth and finally he spoke.
“Would you say you know me and my brothers…well?” His question caught me a little off-guard. I looked from him to the two men resting in the beds and back.
“I’d like to think so. Why do you ask?” I couldn’t help the curiosity prickling at the back of my mind.
He hummed and took another two steps toward me, closing the distance once again. I attempted to take another step back but was met with a wall. He was so close I had to crane my neck to look up at him now. “And do you know all of our mutations?”
My throat was so dry. I needed to ignore the proximity of this beautiful man and focus my attention on answering his questions.
“Y–yes, I was briefed on your genetic modifications,” I responded, avoiding the word ‘mutation’. It didn’t suit him at all.
“Name them,” his tone was commanding, yet soft.
“Hunter has heightened senses. Tech is gifted with knowledge retention. Wrecker is double the size of an average clone. Echo was a reg, but required mechanical enhancements after his rescue. And you’re a sharpshooter, you never miss.” I answered, feeling a small sense of pride that I remembered all of them.
“Technically, you got them all right. But do you know what makes me a sharpshooter?” He asked.
“Ummm… no…” I deflated slightly. I didn’t know what the details of their modifications were, I just knew the basics. Crosshair smirked and leaned over me, resting a fist against the wall over me and tilting my chin so that our eyes were fixed on each other. “I see everything…” He was leaning in closer and closer, “I see you…” His lips were an inch from mine. I could feel his breath ghost across my lips. We were so close and then the door to the med-bay slid open as a pair of troopers came inside. Crosshair had removed himself from our precarious situation and was now leaning against a nearby counter. He gestured with his head towards the clones that were here for treatment and I reluctantly turned my attention to them.
My examination of them didn’t take more than 5 minutes, just a routine pre-deployment check-up. However, a steady flow of clones continued to trickle into the med-bay and I had been so preoccupied I hadn’t noticed that Cross had slipped out undetected. Once everyone was gone, I fell back into a chair and began to process what had been happening prior to the interruption. What he was going to do. Never in a million cycles did I ever imagine that he might actually return my feelings, but there was no denying that there had been a spark, a flicker of a flame between us as our lips almost met. I looked at the time on my datapad. I glanced at the time on my holo-watch. The numbers flashed bright blue over my wrist ‘00:00’. Kriff… it was probably too late to try to go and talk to him about it tonight. I sighed and heaved myself up out of the chair. I left AZI with instructions to allow Wrecker and Hunter to leave for the Barracks once they woke up and left to return to my quarters.
The halls were half-lit. A calming contrast to the usual blaring white light usually emanating throughout the immaculate hallways. I wasn’t anywhere near tired when I finally reached the door to my quarters. My mind was still stuck on that interaction with Crosshair. I thought about his scent as I showered off the day and got comfortable. I remembered his warmth as I opened the heated ration packet. I was lost in nothing but thoughts of him and how close his lips were to mine as I laid spread out on my bed. I rolled to one side and looked at the time on my holo-watch. ‘02:40’ flickered to life on my bedside table. If I had thought it too late before, it was definitely too late now. 
“I should just wait till tomorrow”, is what I was thinking as I sat up in bed and swung my legs over. “He’s probably asleep…” as I slid my feet into my slippers. “And he’s probably tired from the mission…” My front door hissed open. “He might be mad that I woke him…” My feet carried me at a hurried pace through the dimly lit halls of the Barracks. As I passed the large pod rooms I could hear the men snoring peacefully. This hour was one I hardly saw outside my room, and it was strangely serene to walk the hallways empty. Not a clone nor kaminoan in sight. It was also eerily quiet, aside from the wind whipping the glass panes that overlooked the ocean.
And then there I was. My two feet planted firmly in front of the door to the dorm belonging to the 99. He was inside, along with the answers to all my questions. All I had to do was knock, but knocking felt like an impossible task now. What if he was mad I woke him up? What if I didn’t like the answers he had for my questions? What if I had completely misread the situation with him earlier? What if– My thoughts were cut off when I lifted a hand and knocked three times on the metal door. The door slid open and revealed a rather shocked looking Crosshair. Once he had recovered from the initial shock he spoke.
“It’s three in the morning. What’re you doing here?” His voice was hushed and alert.
“We need to talk about earlier,” my voice shakes more than I would like but I just brushed that off. No turning back now. He looked down the hallway in either direction and then grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me inside his dorm.
“Come here,” his tone was soft yet commanding. I followed him inside and the door hissed shut behind me. I scanned around the round room for a moment. It was a standard dorm with five bed alcoves and a large table in the center. I noted the utter lack of others.
“W-where are Tech and Echo?” I stammered, feeling a familiar dryness creeping back into my throat.
Crosshair hadn’t been facing me as I had looked around the room. All I could make of him was his slender silhouette and the heavy rise and fall of his shoulders. 
“Tech went to check on Wrecker and Hunter, since they haven’t come back yet. And Echo is usually in the training center at this hour.” He explained, shoving his hands into the pockets of his blacks and turning to face me. The dim lights were highlighting his sharper features. His strong jaw and long nose. His deepset eyes reflected what little light the room was offering, giving him a wicked gleam.
“Oh… I see…” I felt my chest tighten as he stepped toward me. The corner of his mouth quirked up into a faint smile. I hadn’t moved from the spot at the door since he pulled me in here, and my back was essentially to the door.
“You said we needed to talk? So talk.” Crosshair answered, bending at the waist to look in my eyes. I swallowed hard, unable to break away from his gaze. I could feel the heat spreading across my cheeks.
“Earl-” the first attempt came out feeble and broken, I cleared my throat and tried again. “Earlier, in the med-bay… you had been watching me.”
Cross stood tall over me, his presence alone was intimidating, but I needed to know. 
“And then you said you ‘see’ me.” I continued to press on. He nodded, slowly rolling his toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other with his tongue.
“A-and you got so close to me… why? What were you doing?” I finally managed.
Cross’ eyes flicked from my eyes to my mouth and back while he licked his lower lip. His hand pressed into the door above me and we were back in the same position as before. My heart hammered in my chest.
“I think you know,” Cross’ voice had a teasing lilt to it as he slid a hand along the side of my neck and gripped the base of my skull lightly while tilting my chin up to him with his thumb.
“If I knew for certain I wouldn’t need to be here,” I bit back with a tinge of sass.
“You wouldn’t?” He raised an eyebrow at me.
I sighed heavily into his mouth, inches from mine. “Just– I just–” 
“Yes?” His voice was so teasing, it was going to drive me insane.
“I want an answer goddamnit…” I managed to breathe out.
Crosshair’s lips crashed into mine with a fervor. It was deep and passionate, yet a sense of longing existed in the undercurrent. After a moment of us melting into one another he broke away.
“Is that an acceptable answer?” He smirked. I reached back up and pulled his lips back to mine, craving the taste that I had desired for so long. He smiled against my mouth and spoke with his lips still to mine, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Cross’ hand moved from the door to snake around my waist and pull me closer. It was a good thing too, because a moment later the door slid open and there stood a very surprised looking Wrecker and Tech, and their Sargeant with a smug look on his face. We had stopped kissing but Crosshair was still holding me tight. He dropped his forehead against mine.
“You three have impeccable timing, you know that right?” He grumbled.
Hunter responded, “You’re the one that chose to make out in our doorway.” He nudged his brother playfully as he walked past. 
“It’s about damn time!” Wrecker approached us and lifted us together in a tight bear hug. As he set us back down, Tech moved past to his workbench and fixed his goggles.
“Yes, yes. We are all thrilled for the new couple. Maybe now we can all have a little break from Crosshair going on and on about her.” Tech announced. Crosshair shot daggers with his eyes at Tech, which Tech wasn’t even remotely phased by. Cross grabbed me by the hand, interlacing his long fingers with mine and he tugged gently towards the door.
“C’mon, let’s find somewhere less crowded to finish our… conversation.” Crosshair left the room with me happily in tow.
Tech called after us, “I doubt you’ll be doing that much conversing!”
Crosshair shook his head and let out a soft chuckle, while my cheeks turned a bright red. This had been the best answer I could have hoped for.
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mydearlybeloathed · 8 months ago
Hello again! I promise I hadn’t forgotten, I was struggling with request ideas 😭 I have two if that is okay? One for rebels and another for the bad batch!
Could I request a x fem!teen reader (all platonic) with the ghost crew? Maybe reader struggles to find her place among the crew as she isn’t a Jedi like Ezra and Kanan, or a pilot like Hera or a Mandalorian like Sabine, or a warrior like Zeb; however Kanan reassures her that she is just as valuable as every other member of the crew and maybe the force had guided her there for a reason that was yet to be seen… I’ll let you make up the rest! I need some fatherly support from Kanan and a hug 😭
Secondly, could I request a platonic fic with the bad batch with a fem!padawan reader, preferably before order 66? Perhaps reader was stationed on Kamino with her master and where assigned the bad batch, with reader gravitated more so towards Tech and Crosshair (though she found Crosshair very intimidating at first!) …again, I’ll let you decide the rest! I absolutely adore the bad batchers though Tech and Crosshair are my favourites and I need some content with them 😭 I can imagine both of them completely out of their depths looking after a teen Jedi and their master having to drag them away in order to let them concentrate!
Would love if you could make these possible! No worries if not! Thank you <3
AHHH i love these ideas omg im gonna start working on them soon
i'll tag you in them when i post them 😘 here's to hoping I get em done relatively quickly instead of a month later like your last request 😭😂
particularly excited to write fatherly kanan, it'll be so fun. and tech and crosshair 😭
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ilcuoreardendo-fic · 1 year ago
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Welcome. Ask is on. Anon is on. My inbox is pretty much always open for thoughts or thots, comments, ramblings, etc.
I take fic requests, but I’m a very slow creator with constantly multiplying ideas of my own. So, feel free to ask/submit, but know that it might not happen (or might not happen very quickly...)
Like what you see here? Give me a follow. I usually follow back. And I don’t bite (without consent.)
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Lins. She/Her. Taciturn, introverted, word lover. Annoyed atheist. Jaded feminist. Pramgatist.
Been in fandom since I was a wee teen in the late 90s.
I have a low tolerance for BS. (Like ship shaming, fandom policing and fandom purity culture - just to name a few things.)
I tag liberally, so if you have a problem with something (kink, ship, whatever), you can block the tag. Curate your experience.
I’m currently living in the Star Wars fandoms, bouncing between the Prequels, Clone Wars and the Bad Batch. (Love the entirety of TBB, but I definitely have a huge soft spot for Tech, Echo, Crosshair. Especially Echo, my cyber cinnamon roll.) But I moonlight in others.
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In addition to Tumblr, you can find me at: Archive Of Our Own | ilcuoreardendo Dreamwidth | raptureofthemoon (largely just a backup space)
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I'm all over the place and not consistent on any one project (and I’m slow AF when it comes to creating new fic lately). 
But here are a few things I’m working on (and a few highlights for flavor). I’ll try keeping this up to date.
The Bad Batch
Most of my images/edits and gifs: TBB Media
One Shots
The Fall (AO3) S2. Tech, in that moment. And the moments that come after.
A Hole in the Universe (Tumblr) S3. Crosshair mourning Tech.
Nights Like This (Tumblr) S3, Post Series Finale. Some nights, they can’t sleep.
One Shot Reader Fics
Staring Contest (Tumblr; Crosshair x Jedi!Reader)
From Here On Out (Tumblr; Echo x Reader; post series finale)
Written in the Dust (AO3)  [In progress] A fix-it series branching off of Season 1. Echo’s past finds him. Echo x F!Jedi. Maybe...some other TBB x F!Jedi...we go where the wind takes us.)
A Place Called Home (Part 1 of Written in the Dust) Meaningful moments Echo shares with his new squad as he thinks about his past and finds his place in the present. (Complete)
Rescue on Bernilla [Working Title] (Upcoming; Echo/Female Character/Fives)
Series extras
Untitled (Upcoming; Crosshair/Female Character/Tech) Crosshair and Tech’s shore leave on Chandrila.
TBB Headcanony Stuff
Gifset: “Care to introduce your new friends, Caleb?”
Mood Boards
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
A Clone and His Jedi (AO3) [One-shot] Cody. Obi-Wan. A moment alone, waiting for rescue.
Star Wars Prequel Era (Samples)
And the Force Will Lead Them (AO3) [Complete; Zine fic] After Obi-Wan's actions on Naboo, he and Qui-Gon drifted from one another. A rare disease and a mysterious Jedi master draw them back together and lead them to discover the depth of their bond.
The Sacrifice (AO3) [Complete] It's been a year since Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Anakin Skywalker, fell to the dark side. It's been nine months since the gifts started showing up at the Temple, addressed to Obi-Wan.
Acquisition (AO3) [In progress] Wherever he went, Vader seemed to follow. And it became much too frequent an occurrence to just be coincidence.
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ash-and-books · 1 year ago
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Rating: 3.5/5
Book Blurb:
"Action-packed and utterly vivid, Nightbreaker leaps to life with its formidable world and spirited protagonist. As soon as you start reading, you won’t want to stop." —Chloe Gong, #1 NYT bestselling author of These Violent Delights Fifteen years ago, The Vanishing thrust Manhattan into darkness, forever changing the City That Never Sleeps. By day, resilient New Yorkers have adapted, clinging to the vestiges of their cosmopolitan lives. By night—well, you never go out at night unless you have a death wish. Or unless you're Rei Reynolds.
Rei attends an exclusive New York prep school, but unlike her classmates, she welcomes nightfall. That's when she can secretly hunt Deathlings, the deadly creatures that have prowled Manhattan's subway tunnels and blood-soaked streets since the Vanishing. After they brutally slaughtered her parents years ago, Rei is desperate for vengeance.
To get it, Rei must qualify for—and win—the Tournament, a competition to join the ranks of the city’s legendary Deathling hunters. Rei’s nightly pursuits should give her an advantage, but the other competitors are fierce, and in some cases familiar: enter Kieran Cross, Rei’s most infuriating rival . . . and ex-boyfriend.
As the Tournament progresses—and the cutthroat competition escalates—everything Rei believed about who she can trust is called into question. Soon enough, she’s caught in the crosshairs of the elite who want to keep the city's ruling class in power, as well as those who will stop at nothing to bring it down. Because sometimes it's not the monsters waiting in the dark you should fear . . . it's the ones who dare to walk into the light.
Coco Ma's exhilarating urban fantasy thrusts readers into an immersive world of thrills and chills, featuring the smart, sardonic post-apocalyptic heroine you’ll soon wish you could be.
In a city taken over by monsters, teens train to become hunters of these monsters... but one girl's training leads her down a darker path than she could have ever imagined. Fifteen years ago, The Vanishing happened in Manhattan, New York. The city was plunged into darkness and monsters known as Deathlings have plagued the city ever since. To defeat these monsters, people are trained to rigorously fight and kill them and they must compete and win the Tournament to make it amongst the ranks of the prestigious Deathling Hunters. Rei Reynolds has dreamed all her life of becoming a hunter, she's been hunting illegally outside of school hours, but her skills have not gone unnoticed. When the tournament comes around she finds herself face to face with her ex, Kieran Cross, a skilled rival and the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart out of nowhere. Rei's parents were murdered and she's been living with her aunt, a Master of the prestigious school that is involved in the Tournament... and the person who has hired Kieran to be her new assistant. As the tournament progresses Rei finds herself questioning everyone and everything she's every known as the secret of the Deathlings and how they came to be and what exactly is happening to the city begins to cause her to unravel. Who can she trust? Can she trust the system that she thought was meant to protect her or will the secrets of those in power cause her to break free? Will she finally find out Kieran's secrets and why he is so determined to protect her but why he broke her heart? This is the first book in a series and it gives off Hunger Games x Maze Runner vibes. The story is a urban fantasy that involves teens joining a deadly competition to fight against monsters while there is a group of higherups who run society watching them. The book has a pretty slow start and doesn't pick up until the 40% mark and I honestly didn't care much for the second chance romance between Kieran and Rei. The world building is really interesting and I am intrigued by the monsters/society structure that the story has going on. I liked the tournament aspect but I felt like a lot of the characters could have been fleshed out better because not a lot of them were all that memorable. I am curious to see where the next book goes and how the story progresses for Rei after the events of this book. Overall if you like urban fantasy novels with young adult tournaments and monster survival fights, definitely give this a go!
*Spoiler: Rei discovers that her sister is a halfling ( she consumed some of the deathling) and she ate their father (he sacrificed himself) and that her aunt (adopted mom) knew that her sister has turned. Rei also discovers that the deathlings can be part human. Kieran broke up with her because he wanted to protect her and he had a lot of other stuff going on but he's always loved her and is still in love with her. Rei also has her Token ( a magical artifact) taken by the board of Directors and they threaten to kill her if she exposes what she's learned about the things happening. *
*Thanks Netgalley and PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group, Viking Books for Young Readers for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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maybe-some-words · 18 days ago
WIP title game!
Thanks for the tag @i-will-write
rules: 1. make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. 2. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! 3. tag as many people as you have WIPs
I'm gonna limit this to things I've worked on in the last six months. Not all of them actually have titles so have brief descriptions instead.
Star Wars Bad Batch Fics
Runaways Cadets (bad batch fic featuring a GN reader)
Jedi reader x Crosshair
(reader works at Cid's tending the bar when TBB show up. not sure where that's going but it's in my WIP folder so its here)
Original Fics
Squad 177 (original scifi that I got inspired to write while watching the clone wars)
(original fantasy; a bunch of teens/YAs discover ancient charms that give them powers and have to save the world)
(other original fantasy; i can't concisely summarise this but it also features a team of heroes with magic powers, but its different from the other one I promise)
Tagging @orangez3st @ladylucksrogue @nkinene and anyone else who wants to join in!
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night3owl · 2 years ago
hello hello just letting you know you may want to put the "(platonic)" beside the star wars x readers or use an "&" instead of an "x" where they are listed on your masterlist post because i nearly shat my pants taking in the header "crosshair x teen!reader" completely raw
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lonewolflupe · 3 months ago
A Wish Come True (One-Shot)
This is my entry for week 10 of The Clone Wars Winter Spectacular 2024 / @clone-wars-winter-challenge !
I wish I could have spend a bit more time on this, but I had an extremely busy week. I hope you'll enjoy anyway!
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Summary: When Hunter’s senses kick in, you’re determined to see if he’s alright Rating: Teen and up Tags: fluff, developing friendships, found family, Clone Force 99 Words: 1.209 Pairing: Hunter x gen!reader (platonic; might evolve into more) Prompts: Coffee/Caf Break / Northern Lights / *Clone Force 99* / Mistletoe Read this one-shot here on AO3 week 9 < | ↓ | > week 11
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For once, the items littered over the Marauder's durasteel floor were put there deliberately. It almost resembled a command post; datapads sharing crucial information, a star chart on the ship's screen illuminating the ship's interior, a physical map of a city covering the floor. But it still had Clone Force 99’s touch. A vibro-blade stuck in the floor through the map to mark the target, Lula being used as a datapad stand, a toothpick giving away Crosshair's tactical position within the city.
Hunter sat on the floor, hunched over the map as he pointed out both strategic and weak points, preparing the squad for their upcoming mission. Tech sat in the pilot’s seat, glancing back and forth between his datapad and the physical map laid out on the floor. Wrecker was in the seat beside him, watching intently as Hunter pointed out every move. Echo was already calculating a hyperspace route, whilst Crosshair stood leaning against the wall, keeping a sharp eye on everything.
You felt out of place between these seasoned soldiers as you watched over Hunter’s shoulder. You hadn't been with the Batch for too long, and although you were aware of all the squad members’ desirable mutations, you were still getting used to them. And thus you were slightly confused when Hunter suddenly straightened himself, the little muscles around his eyes slightly tensing as focus covered his gaze.
It was almost as if he pricked up his ears, and you weren't sure if he was alarmed or something else had caught his attention. It likely wasn't a rare sight, for the other squad members paid little attention to his sudden shift of demeanour. Abruptly, he got to his feet, making you move aside hastily to give him some room.
“Caf break,” he said at last, his voice low and serious. His sudden announcement was received with mixed reactions; Wrecker's face lit up in an instant, whilst Tech’s became rigid; he’d rather finish the briefing before moving on to the next objective. With a sigh, Crosshair tossed his toothpick to the other corner of his mouth and Echo just rolled his eyes before getting up to prepare a pot of fresh caf.
Without sharing another word, Hunter stormed out of the ship into the night beyond. You blinked your eyes a few times as you watched him disappear, before moving over to Echo. “Is he.. Is he alright?” you asked softly, your eyes still on the Marauder’s entrance whilst Echo casually added some ground caf beans to the machine. “Don't worry, he probably sensed something. Happens every now and then,” he smiled at you, his voice kind and reassuring.
Still bothered by it, you couldn’t leave it behind as easily as the others. “I'll just go check on him,” you said softly, almost under your breath, but Echo heard you loud and clear. He granted you a quick look before chuckling in amusement. “You do that. Caf will be ready in a few minutes,” he shot at you whilst continuing to prepare the caf. Already lost in thoughts, you nodded in response before silently making for the ship’s boarding ramp, cautiously exiting the ship. And when you stepped outside, you were welcomed by the most magical sighting.
The clear, dark sky was filled with a mesmerising light. It was constantly moving, changing shapes and form, the greenish-blue illumination dancing in the sky like a rippling river meandering through the land. You knew all too well what northern lights were, but had never been lucky enough to see them with your own eyes. Not until now. Without realising, a gasp of wonder left your lungs as you stood frozen to the ground, your gaze caught in the beautiful spectacle far above you.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Hunter’s low yet warm voice brought you back into reality, snapping you from your thoughts. You nodded in agreement, the awe of the phenomenon reflecting from your eyes as your gaze slid down to meet his. “And you could sense it?” you asked softly in admiration, as you found yourself slowly walking over towards him.
He was sitting near the Marauder, his leg arched and his arm casually dangling on top of his knee. He hummed in affirmation, a careful smile sliding on his tattooed face. You sat down at his side as he continued to elaborate. “I find nature comforting.. It doesn't overstimulate my senses, like technology does.” You weren’t too sure how his senses worked yet, but you understood the healing effect of nature. “It’s very pretty,” you whispered, your gaze locked on the dancing river of light in the sky again. “It sure is,” he confirmed softly, looking straight at you whilst speaking those words before joining you in the skygazing.
“I, er- I didn’t know wishes could come true,” you said softly, wrapping your arms around your body as your shoulders relaxed. You felt comfortable, and the way the light reflected on the surface of the planet had a calming effect on you. Hunter shot you a quick, confused look. “What do you mean?” he asked curiously, watching you closely as memories crossed your mind, making your eyes shine.
You felt somewhat vulnerable getting this personal. But again, you felt comfortable with him, and you were part of the squad now; you had to trust each other. And that meant becoming personal every now and then. “Every Life Day, I made a wish. And every year, it was the same; I wished to see the northern lights,” you confessed to him, hiding your face behind your arms when you felt a rush of warmth washing over it.
Hunter hadn’t taken his eyes off of you, and seeing you flustered from your own confession amused him in the most endearing way. He chuckled affectionately, putting his hand on your arm in an attempt to reveal your face again. You huffed softly before complying. “I know, it’s silly,” you continued with a sigh, “All my friends wished for a kiss under the mistletoe, to find the partner from their dreams, raising kids, to live happily ever after.. Wishing for things that actually matter, I guess.”
As soon as you looked up to him again, he shot you the most understanding smile. “I don’t think it’s silly. Seems to me you’re more aware of your surroundings. Seeing the beauty of the galaxy instead of thinking like everyone else. And who knows, maybe those other things will come for you as well,” he encouraged you, and the warmth of his voice wrapped you like a blanket. It made your mind soar and your heart beat faster, and for a moment, you didn’t know how to respond. So you smiled at him before leaning slightly against his shoulder. Only after another moment, you found your words. “Thank you, Hunter. For taking me in with the squad. For looking after me,” you whispered, allowing your gaze to wander the mystical sky again.
His muscles seemed tense for a moment, but with a deep exhale, he relaxed, allowing you to lean further into him. “Don’t worry,” he cooed softly, and the low, rumbling sound of his deep voice resonating through his body made you feel safer than ever. “You’re part of us now.”
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skellymom · 7 months ago
"Vagabonds" Chapter 15 "Get In Losers"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
To read Chapter 14 "In Confidence":
Word Count: 2.7K (sorry, tried to keep it under 1.5, but failed this time)
Background: A message from Cid which gives Hunter has some character growth. The crew of the Marauder and Beldame sit down for a meal and a fun card game. Basically some fun fluff in-between all the action and angst...but the memory of Crosshair won't be forgotten! And...Tech has an important message for Hunter!!!
*The card game CUTTHROAT is a combination of Gin Rummy, Poker, and Uno with differing/ever changing House Rules depending on where you play it. It's meant to be a high stakes betting game that is played ruthlessly and obnoxiously. Cheating is not against the rules, either. A favorite of Arc Troopers, Bounty Hunters, and card game casinos but the Nomaadi have their own version, usually less fatal (people have been shot dead during hands played by Bounty Hunters-think old Western card games) and a LOT more fun!
*Hammer, Datapad, Cutting Torch! is TBB equivalent to Rock/Paper/Scissors...as paper and scissors don't seem to exist in this universe...
Warning: Star Wars Canon Violence, earth swears, bodily functions (boys being silly), hints at horniness/sexual innuendo/humor.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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Sil put his hands up to his face in shame.   Echo could barely make out the next muffled statement from Sil. 
“I’m happy that man is dead.” 
Wrecker, who had been sitting nearby playing on a datapad, and unable to NOT hear what was being said turned to Echo with an extremely horrified expression. 
Echo met Wrecker’s expression with a mournful one. 
Sil broke into loud sobs and let the tears overtake him. 
“Does he need a hug?”  Wrecker whispered. 
Echo shook his head.  “I don't’ think he wants ANYONE to touch him right now.” 
Wrecker nodded.  “I’ll...uh...go make a fresh pot of caf.  Ok?” 
“Good idea.”  Echo replied.  “Going to be a very long night.” 
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"Get In Losers"
Awhile later Mad and Hunter Emerged from the back of the Marauder and made their way to the front of the ship. 
An incoming communication alerted Tech, and he sprung up from the game of Balaans he was playing to sit in the cockpit. 
“Hunter, Cid is attempting to contact us.” 
Hunter stopped with a mistrustful look on his face. 
“Should we even answer it?” Echo asked.  “Empire has probably taken over Ord Mantell.” 
Everyone eyed each other, waiting for Hunter to make the final decision. 
“Tech, if we answer the comm how long before our coordinates can be traced?”  
“Approximately 60 seconds.  Anything over that we have a high probability of detection.” 
“Hunky, you DON’T have to do this!”  Mad was worrisome. 
“I do.  Let the comm through.”  Hunter was determined. 
A blue hologram projection of Cid appeared in the middle of the Marauder’s cockpit.  She looked PISSED. 
“BANDANA!” Cid shrieked.  “Where have you boys been!  Need you to do another job for me.” 
“We’re DONE working for you, Cid.” Hunter seethed. 
Then Cid noticed Mad standing with the Batch.  “I should’ve known.”  Cid crossed her arms.  “The love birds flew the coop... after ALL I've done for you!”   
Cid’s eyes betrayed her.  For a second, they flitted offscreen...as if SOMEONE was urging her to keep them talking to give up their position. 
“That’s a load of Bantha Shit, Cid!”  Hunter was about to give the signal to end the comm. 
But Cid wasn’t done.  She had ONE more petty thing to say: 
“And WHERE is my expensive settee from The Oasis that’s been missin’ since you two were up there???” 
Hunter sneered “WE FUCKED IT TO DEATH AND BURNED WHAT WAS LEFT!” Then signaled to Tech to immediately cut the comm. 
The LAST expression ANYONE saw from Cid was a look of wide-eyed disgust.  Then the hologram disappeared. 
“Transmission terminated before detection.” Tech remarked. 
Everyone else was silent for a few seconds...then erupted into laughter. 
Hunter leaned down to face Omega.  “Sorry you had to hear that, Kid.  Was uncouth of me.” 
“I’m not sure EXACTLY what you said...but I think you got the desired reaction.”  She grinned. 
“OHHHH!  I NEED DETAILS!!!”  Wrecker slapped Hunter on the shoulder. 
Hunter blushed deeply and glanced up at Mad.   
She had that devil-may care smirk on her face. 
Echo chimed in at Hunter “No wonder the Empire found us!”  Then turned to everyone else on the ship. “They sent a HUMPING BEACON!” 
Hunter covered Omega’s ears.   
It didn’t matter as Tech was recording EVERYTHING.  She’d see it sooner or later. 
Everyone was slap happy having escaped a terrifying situation...and for some crew members possible death... 
“Coming and going” Love Force signed with a silly face. 
“Breaking and entering” Sil added with a deadpan expression. 
“Get in loser...we’re busting stuff up!” Omega chirped, staring RIGHT at Hunter with a snarky smile. 
Wrecker slid off his chair and laid on the floor in a laughing fit.  Tiggy jumped up and down on him in glee. 
Hunter sighed...” Trying to keep her innocent here!” 
“Good lucky, Hunky.  Ain’t gonna happen with this bunch.”  Mad ran her fingers through his hair. 
After the laughter EVENTUALLY died down, Mad made an announcement. “Whoever’s hungry come downstairs to the ‘Dame’s galley.  I’ll whip up something good.” 
She made her way to the bottom entrance of the Marauder. 
Hunter took his hands off Omega’s ears “I had such high hopes for you...” shaking his head at her, then winked. 
Omega beamed back, then hugged him.  He squeezed her back, then got up.  “I’d say keep out of trouble...but that isn’t gong happen, is it?”  Glancing at her, Sil, and Love. 
Everyone nodded innocently “No”. 
“Well...can’t say I blame you.  Remember four brothers who were troublesome kids, too.”  Hunter glanced around the cockpit, then followed Mad. 
A feeling of melancholy hit Hunter in the heart...while he meant himself, Wrecker, Tech, and for right now Echo...even though Echo joined their squad later in adulthood... 
...he couldn’t help but think of Crosshair.  His most favorite troublesome brother.  They got into so many fun shenanigans while on Kamino thanks to Crosshair.  He was SUCH an instigator... 
Where was he?  What was he doing right now? 
Mad noticed the faraway look on Hunter’s face. 
“What’s bothering you, Hunky?” She stroked his jaw gently. 
Hunter popped back into the present.  “Just a memory...nothing...” 
Mad stared empathetically into Hunter’s eyes.  She could relate.  So many memories...so many FEELINGS. 
“Proud of you telling Cid off like that.” 
Hunter beamed.  “Felt REALLY good.”  Then feigned a badass expression. “Fuck her.” 
“OH MY!  Angry Hunter is sooo HOT!!!” 
He chuckled.  “Alright...let me climb the ladder FIRST.  Then I can help you down.” 
“Whatever you say HOT STUFF.” 
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The ‘Dames small galley pantry was almost empty. 
Everyone had filed down from the Marauder into the Beldame, looking for a meal. 
Wrecker apologized “I ate a LOT of what was in there...sorry.” 
“You don’t have to apologize, Wrecker.” Mad poked him in the belly playfully.  “A ship this size can store more than that dinky pantry.  Love, show them what I mean.” 
Love floated towards the back of the ship, past the cabin bunks and Mad’s stateroom.  From what the Batchers could see were only engine compartments and miscellaneous mechanical panels. 
They bumped several of the panels with their fist and an entry door slid open.  Lights flickered then snapped on, illuminating a hidden larder of food, weapons, and other miscellaneous items.  Mad stepped in followed by The Batchers. 
“Extraordinary!”  Tech exclaimed. 
Tiggy ran past him and yanked a bag of grain meal off the shelf, shaking it furiously. 
“Drop it!”  He ordered.  She immediately dropped the bag, with a hole now in it, white grain powder coating her snout. 
“You are SO dumb.” Echo looked down at Tiggy. 
“She is technically a very normal puppy.  Full of energy and mischief.” Tech corrected Echo. 
“My bad.  You are SO normally troublesome.”  Echo teased. 
“Wow.”  Hunter glanced around.  “Must sustain you for months.” 
“Depends on how many people are on board.  Believe it or not, the amount of people staying on this ship currently is NOTHING close to how many people we’ve crammed in these spaces to smuggle them out of danger.  And fed them for weeks.” Mad explained. 
Sil added from the doorway. “There’s another secret pantry flanking the other side of the ship, too.  But that one isn’t as full.  It’s mostly for hiding people.  Occasionally animals, too” 
Then there is the top crawlspace above us. Love signed.  Another hiding space for people and supplies up there.   
Wrecker, Echo, Tech, and Hunter stared back at Mad incredulously. 
“Hey, I can’t take all the credit.  This ship belonged to my Uncle Taavi before I owned it.  He designed and built the Dread Beldame himself.  He was quite the smuggler back in the day.  Now, he just builds stuff for fun and money.  The ‘Dame was a gift from him when I had Love.  We needed a home...and he gave us one.” 
Mad smiled.  Then wiped a tear just forming from her eye. 
Mom? Love signed.  Are you ok? 
“Yeah.  Just hit me right in the feels.  I’m not sad.  Just miss that scruffy nerfhearder.  Anyhow, l need help restocking the galley pantry and fridge.  Then we’ll throw together some grub.” 
You didn’t have to tell everyone twice.  They set to work IMMEDIATELY. 
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Dinner consisted of a hearty stew and fresh baked bread, made from ripped grain meal package.  Mad had help cooking and baking from Hunter and Sil.  Wrecker put together dessert: nondairy whipped topping and cookies on the verge of going stale.  Omega got together plates, napkins, and cups.  Love found something to drink for the kids.  And something to drink for the rest of the adults who could imbibe in alcohol.   
Echo brought down the rest of the caf from the Marauder.  Then poured a mug for Mad. 
Tech, while setting the table, henpecked Echo for pouring such a large mug. “She shouldn’t ingest too much caffeine.” 
“Oh, I’m sure those Jedi eggs will be just fine!” Echo rolled his eyes. 
He handed Mad the mug.  “Thank you Echo.”   
Echo omitted to Tech how much sugar and creamer he loaded into the mug.  Tech would have a cow.   
Mad threw back a mouthful of caf while stirring the stew.  Then grimaced and spit the caf back into the mug.  “This taste...gah...HORRIBLE!  Like...soil!!!”  
“Oh, NOW I'm OFFENDED!”  Echo scowled.  “Fixed that cafe EXACTLY like how I drink it.”  Echo addressed the caf drinkers in the room “Was your caf horrible.” 
“No.” Wrecker, Tech, and Sil answered in unison. 
“Let me have that.” Hunter took a sip from Mad’s mug.  “If you mean horrible by ALL the sugar and creamer Echo put in it.  I agree.  But the coffee portion is just fine...” 
“Ohh...Mr. It’s Not Coffee Unless It’s Black...” Echo teased. 
“Right.  It’s not coffee.  Just sugar sludge.”  Hunter teased back. 
“Time to eat, children!”  Mad turned the burner off on the galley stove.  Then handed the mug to Wrecker, who downed it like a liquor shot.  “I appreciate the thought, Echo.  My tastebuds are just crap tonight.” 
Everyone dug into the food like they had never eaten before. 
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The meal was decimated.  Everyone sat around in a food coma.  Tiggy passed out under the table.  The kids had other ideas. 
“We need to break out the cards!” Sil suggested. 
Love nodded and floated away towards a storage locker. 
“Music too!” Omega blurted out. 
Tech perked up “I have a collection of antique recordings...” 
“NO!” Echo cut him off.  “NO MORE of your antique folk songs.  Maker, you had them on REPEAT since Ord Mantell!!!” 
“WHY?  They are entertaining AND educational.” Tech attempted to explain. 
“Can we PLEASE have a break from something...educational?” Hunter threw in his opinion. 
“How EXACTLY do you suggest we decide on WHO picks the music selection.” Tech groused openly. 
“Hammer, Datapad, Cutting Torch!”  Wrecker blurted out.  “READY!” 
“I’m NOT getting involved.”  Hunter leaned back to watch the shenanigans. 
“One, two...” Wrecker started 
“Wait!  This is completely arbitrary.  Echo...YOU CANNOT USE YOUR SCOMP...it is UNFAIR!” Tech tried to stop the process but couldn’t catch himself from mimicking his brothers and sister’s hand signals. 
“THREE!!!” Wrecker bellowed. 
Three hands and a scomp slammed onto the table. 
“I WIN!!!” Omega yelled with glee. 
“Ugh...WHY are we resorting to childish games of chance to make decisions???” Tech rolled his eyes.  “Because...” Echo bumped him “It’s fun!” 
“Hand it over!”  Omega wriggled her fingers at Tech’s datapad. 
Tech sighed and handed it over.  Omega scrolled through playlists to find “her music.” 
Mad leaned into Hunter and laughed “You guys REALLY are siblings...”  
“Heh, this beats the OTHER childish game we used to do...were MUCH younger then...” Hunter trailed off. 
“Should I ask?” Mad was curious. 
“I DEFINITELY wanna know!” Sil leaned in. 
Tech perked up “As young cadets we would urinate off the platforms of Kamino into the ocean to see who could eliminate the furthest.” 
EVERYONE around the table gave Tech a dead eyed stare...except for Hunter who chuckled, and Wrecker... 
“I could pee the FURTHEST!” He preened proudly.  “Crosshair was the MOST ACCURATE if we threw something in the water for target practice!!!” 
Good ole’ Crossy, Hunter thought.  He was SUCH a HOOLIGAN! 
Omega’s hand shot up in embarrassment.  “I. Uh...wasn't involved AT ALL!” 
Echo eyed his brothers strangely “Yeah, glad I missed THAT one, too.” 
“As I recall Hunter and I were neck and neck as far as distance.” Tech reminisced. 
“Uh...huh...that’s NOT weird...” Echo quirked an eyebrow at them. 
“Was all fun and games until we did it on a windy day.  Really spoiled it.” Hunter joked. 
Sil couldn’t hold back “It TOOK a windy day for you guys to figure that out???” Then burst out laughing. 
Mad snorted with glee. 
Love returned to the table and tossed two decks of cards onto the table.  Tonight we play CUTTHROAT! 
“OH!  Haven’t played this since my Academy days!”  Echo excitedly blurted. 
“What’s Cutthroat?”  Wrecker asked.  Tech leaned in to listen curiously. 
Mad interrupted “If you play this on the Beldame, there are Special House Rules.  We are a betting House, and we add new rules ALL the time.  Keeps the game fresh and everyone ready to play like a...” 
“CUTTHROAT!!!” Sil yelled with a crazed expression. 
Love pumped their fist in the air. 
“OHHH YEAHHH!!!” Wrecker shouted excitedly.  They had gotten HIS attention. 
“Sounds Intriguing.  I’m in.” Tech excitedly pulled out the cards from the box and started to shuffle them. 
Omega put on her tunes and turned up the datapad’s volume to max, which wasn’t much with all the talking and noise. 
“Omega, hand that to me.  I’ll plug it into our speaker system.” Mad offered. 
The brothers stopped stunned. 
Mad smirked.  “Hey, we LOVE our music...and Uncle Taavi installed them all over the ship BEFORE he gave it to us.”   
She got up, set the datapad into a docking station and jacked into the Beldame’s sound system.  Upbeat pop/club music emanated through the ship with a crisp bass beat. 
“NICE!” Wrecker and Echo jammed to the beat. 
Tech bobbed his head and tapped his feet while taking instructions from Sil on dealing cards.  Omega and Love were teamed up with love hovering behind to oversee and instruct her on gameplay. 
“You guys in?”  Sil asked Hunter and Mad.   
Hunter nodded “I’ll pass this time.  Think someone is getting sleepy.” 
“I’m not sleepy...just...don’t want to do anything that requires TOO much thinking.” Mad mumbled. 
“Suit yourself.  Gonna be a WILD game.  These guys are CRAZY!!!”  Sil seemed genuinely excited and happy. 
Hunter and Mad leaned back cuddling in their seats watching the game. 
And, true to Sil’s observation, the game was indeed WILD!  It started out as each person having their own hand, then as players had to fold, those “out” chose sides.  As it progressed, snacks and drinks broke out.  Kid friendly drinks for Sil, Love, and Omega.  Spotchka for everyone else, which worked to their advantage, as the kids seemed to be whipping the adult's butts.   
Tiggy had awakened, wandering around the table begging... 
...she was also an effective card mule.  Both sides covertly tucked cards into her collar as she crawled under the table to deliver them...and was rewarded with a treat. 
The Betting Pile was indeed growing larger as time went on: Credits, a bar of expensive Coruscant chocolate, death sticks that SOMEONE stole from the secret compartments (nobody on the Beldame smoked, but Mad always kept a couple cartons for trading purposes when they ran out of credits), Lula, Echo’s scomp, a full roll of toilet paper, and other odd assorted objects that made NO sense whatsoever. Wrecker helped Echo with his cards since...he was down one working appendage.  Tech tried to use his vast intellect and strategy, but The House Rules befuddled his Spotchka infused brain. 
“Hunky...” Mad whispered. 
“Hmm?” He hummed into her hair. 
“I’m gonna go lay down.” 
“You ok?” He seemed concerned.  She seemed more tired than usual...and his senses picked up a slight difference in her body chemistry the last 48 standard hours during the time she had passed out. 
“Yeah.  Not really tired...just...I don’t know.” 
“You want me to come with you?” 
Mad smiled.  “I SHOULD say stay and watch the game or play a hand.”  Then she stopped, concentrating...  
“Hey...” Hunter noticed an uptick in her heartbeat, then caught a faint whiff of...  “Oh...hey...” 
Mad smiled recognizing Hunter’s expression “Yeah...horny...kinda out of nowhere.” 
“Well, let’s get you to bed.” 
Hunter helped Mad stand.  “Lads, kiddos, we’re off to bed.” 
“Goodnight, all” Mad nodded. 
Everyone bade them goodnight as Hunter and Mad made their way towards Mad’s stateroom.  The whoops and hollers amid dance music intensified as Echo gained some ground, but Omega blocked him with a hidden card. 
“Hunter?” Tech had left the table and followed them. 
Hunter turned to see his brother’s expression slightly uncomfortable, yet soft.  He could smell the booze on Tech’s breath. 
“Eh, what is it, Tech?” 
“I... uh...need to speak to you...privately.”  Tech shifted pushing his goggles up the bridge of his nose. 
Hunter turned back to Mad “Go ahead and get comfortable.  I’ll be in shortly.” 
Mad nodded. “Goodnight, Tech.” Then wandered into her cabin, closing the door. 
“Goodnight Maadienne.” Tech flustered, realizing he had called Mad by her “proper name” NOT the one she preferred. 
When he had Hunter’s full attention, Tech reached down under an instrument panel, pulling out a small metal box and handed it to him. 
Hunter, awaiting an explanation and getting none, opened it... 
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To read Chapter 16 (SMUT!)
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panic-in-the-multiverse · 3 years ago
One of us
Pairings: Bad Batch & teen!reader
Requested by: @thequantumphysisist Thank you sooo much!!! For the bad batch one can it be kinda like the batch meet a teen girl around the age of 16 and then later discovers she’s a clone, like them?:) and she never knew it her entire life? :) the girl is really nice and polite maybe also kinda anxious when she first meets them? And also maybe later on everyone is settled she asks echo what happened that made him lose his arm? And then shows a whole lot of empathy when he tells her and maybe cries a little bit? And when that happens the other batchers kinda hear/see it only to get insite as to what they’d do or how they’d react:)
Warnings: anxiety, a bit of angst, sad Echo, crying, fluffy ending
A/N so I don’t know if this is exactly what you wanted. I am truly sorry for the wait. But once again it seems that my old friends depression and anxiety wanted to knock down on my door. So I am sorry that it’s not my best works, but I did really love writing this. I might make more imagines with this idea, like a follow up or something. And sorry I just had to add Jango Fett. I have no idea why this ended up so long, and I intended to write it even longer but I stopped myself before I could of done that. So yeah well enjoy. (It’s not proofread, will do that someday when I have time for it)
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It was a long time ago that you had landed on this planet you now lived on. Your childhood consisted of only living on a water planet. Never ever had you left Kamino until Jango Fett flew you to a different planet. For your own protection. It was the very same planet you are on now.
Instead of being a planet that only consisted of water, this planet had nearly no water at all. Sure there were some lakes and seas but that was it. No, you liked this planet a lot more. You weren’t stuck in one republic base filled with clones and Kaminoans. On this planet you could walk freely wherever you wanted to. No water, and no idiotic Kaminoans to stop you from leaving.
Sure it got lonely sometimes, living on your own, but you were used to it now. The house you resided in was in the middle of nowhere. It was a quiet and peaceful life. That is also why you got confused when a large ship landed a few meters outside of your little house.
Out of the ship came five men. The first one to come out, you guessed, was the leader. He carried himself in such a way only a leader could do. He had a tattoo that covered half his face and a red bandanna tightly put around his shoulder length hair. The second guy had a lot of robotic parts instead of real body parts. He didn’t have any hair and he looked a bit like one of those clones you used to see on Kamino. The third one had round glasses. This one looked like their tech guy. The fourth sported a glare. A tattoo around his eye that looked like the scope from a gun. He also had a toothpick in his mouth. The last one was a lot bigger than the rest. He was taller, and a lot stronger than the other four. When they all stood together they looked intimidating enough to make your anxiety kick in.
You had no idea if they picked up on your anxious state but they slowly went over to you, like they needed to be careful. They soon stood right in front of you and you were sure that if they stood any closer they could hear your racing heart. The leader looked at you before he stated that they were there on the republicans order. To retrieve you and take you back to Kamino. Now your anxiety has really picked up. What did the republic want with you. Why did you need to go back to Kamino. The questions only grew until you realized that you had stood there in silence for a lot longer than you would of liked. So you asked politely “what do you mean, sir”
The one that looked like their tech guy now proceeded to talk. He talked long and fast as words passed his lips. It seemed that the only thing you got out of him that was actually useful was that they didn’t know why but they were to take you to Kamino.
That was how you found yourself on their starship. They had introduced themselves after they had deemed you as not that big of a threat. Though they still didn’t entirely trust you. The leader was Hunter, he was the one with the tatto that covered half his face. The tech guy was actually named Tech, and the robotic one was named Echo. Crosshair was the one with the glare and Wrecker was the big guy.
You were currently pacing back and forth in the room. Something you often did when your anxiety got really high. The Bad Batch all stared at you. They didn’t know if they should tell you to stop pacing or if they should let you be.
All of them had one question in mind. You were their newest mission. The mission was as simple as to retrieve you and get you back to Kamino.
Why their mission had been to retrieve a sixteen year old girl none of them knew. That was the exact same question they wanted to ask you. Surely you would know what you had done to be sent down to Kamino. Your pacing and anxiety had made them unsure of asking the question.
“Hey, kid, what did you do to get in the ranks of the missing people from the republic?” Of Course Hunter was the one to ask. What were you supposed to answer to that. After all, you had no idea what you had done. Why the Republic felt the need to get you back was a mystery to you. You hadn’t done anything that you knew of at least.
“I don’t know sir”
The five men stared at you. How could you not know what you had done. They hadn’t got any details so they had hoped you could tell them. To be in the ranks of the Republic wasn’t a small thing. You must have done something, why else did they want you back.
“Where’s your parents?” Tech broke the now uncomfortable silence.
“I don’t … have anyone, sir” The question had caught you of guard. Why did he want to know that. You were a teenager and could take care of yourself. You had never had the need of anyone else. Sure it got lonely sometimes, but you had a few friends so you were totally fine. So why did he want to know about your parents.
Tech on the other hand, only got confirmed by what he had figured out.
“You’re a clone” Tech’s voice once again broke the silence. His voice was layered with curiosity. He wanted to know more. How come you had no idea yourself of the fact that you were a clone. The rest of the boys and you looked at Tech as if he could grow two heads.
Were they supposed to believe that you are a clone. You didn’t look like the refs and, for that fact you were a girl. Didn’t the Kaminoans only make male clones out of Jango Fett’s DNA. Not female. Maybe they had heard Tech wrong. Maybe he had said something else and not clone. But when Tech repeated it. They were sure that they hadn’t heard wrong this time. You were a clone. Their sister.
It actually made sense. You shared most of the personality traits as the reggs had. Except you did clearly not know how to follow orders and you seemed to have a very kind side to yourself. Instead of the serious and hard side that every clone seemed to have. You were more polite than some clones, but still, they couldn’t help but see the personality traits that the clones shared in you as well. The same braveness and selflessness that nearly every clone had thrived through your veins.
“Huh” was the only sound that came out of you.
After a while you started to realize what he had said. You. Are. A. Clone. How could you possibly be a clone. Well sure you had never met your real parents. You had kind of been adopted by Jango Fett. Sure you lived most of your life on Kamino, but that didn’t mean anything, right?. You didn’t even age as quickly as the rest of all the clones. So how could you possibly be a clone.
In the end the more you thought about it, it started to make more sense. Jango Fett had only ever told you that he had saved you from dying on Kamino. He most probably meant that he saved you from the Kaminoans. They had probably seen you as a default clone. But again you didn’t really know, as Kaminoans didn’t make different clones as mistakes. They would have known that you were a girl. Maybe that was what Jango had done, saved you from being killed.
The, not having any parents, living on Kamino, being on the ranks of missing people from the Republic (or more the Kaminoans). It made sense. But at the same time it didn’t really make any sense either. Even though you didn’t want to believe it you knew it was probably the truth. Why else would the Kaminoans want you back.
The Bad Batch just watched you as you tried to process what Tech had said. Tech himself wanted to take a blood sample so that he could check your DNA. To see if he actually was correct. Hunter had stopped Tech before he could even ask, knowing full well what Tech was going to say. Instead he led them out of the room, so that you could comprehend the news. Obviously later on they would make sure but, they knew that Tech was right. You are a clone and their sister.
・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Some time went by and Tech had finally got his blood sample. Turns out he was right. You were a clone. Hunter had made sure that no one had bothered you in a while so that you could comprehend the news. You were very much thankful for that.
Usually the things that bothered you the most got sent to the back of your mind. Where it would dwell until that thought bothered you enough to make you have a mental breakdown. It was no exception this time. You had forgotten about the clone part at the moment. As your curiosity got the better of you. After all, you were still a teenager. At the moment you stared at Echo. To be specific, his right arm.
Even if you tried your best to be discreet, it had no effect on a trained soldier like Echo. Obviously he knew you were starring, but he let you be. After all, you hadn’t done anything wrong, so he let you think that he had no idea of your stare.
The arm seemed to be robotic. What in the galaxy could make someone need a robotic arm. Well you had heard about Anakin Skywalker, his hand had been cut off by a lightsaber. Was that what happened to Echo too. It seemed kinda far-fetched. But who knew maybe clones had run-ins with siths and survived. How would you know, you didn’t even participate in the war. Or maybe he had been shot and his arm stopped working. Maybe some kind of animal tore it off. You could continue the guessing game for a while but one thing you were sure about. He had lost his arm in the war.
Against your better judgment you decided to ask the very same question that had been on your mind for a while now.
“How did you lose your arm”
“Huh” even though he knew you had stared at him, Echo still got caught off guard. He hadn’t thought that you would ask him. After all, you were a very polite and kind person.
His short grunt made you think that you had offended him in some kind of way. So you were quick to add “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to”
“It was a mission” he paused for a while before he continued “Me and a few other clones and three jedis were going on a rescue mission” once again he paused. “I got caught in an explosion… and everyone including myself thought I was dead” he took his time in telling the story. Still pretty fresh to his mind. “Turns out I survived and the separatists took me” it sounded like he was going to cry. “They changed some parts of me into robotic parts… so that they… could get information out of… me” his voice cracked a few times. The guilt was finally getting to him. “I uh… I betrayed everyone I cared about… without… without even knowing” the tears that had threatened to spill from his eyes, got too much. A few single tears slid down his face. He hadn’t told the story out loud before. The Bad Batch members already knew what happened to him as they were the one to rescue him. They didn’t have any need for him to tell the story. It seemed like telling the story to someone outloud was harder than he expected it to be.
You didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t what you had expected. The guilt he must feel, to be the one who feeds the information to the enemy. So the only thing that came out was a simple “I am terribly sorry” and a “I can’t imagine the pain you must of felt, the guilt”
Echo tensed up a bit when he felt your arms sneak around him. For starters he hadn’t heard you moving closer to him. The second thing was because he couldn’t remember a time where he had been hugged. Your hug was nothing but comforting, as you hugged him not too tight but tight enough. It was a way of saying I’m here, I understand that you feel pain and it’s okay. As he relaxed you said once more, hoping to bring him some kind of comforting feeling. “Again I’m sorry for something like that happening to you, it’s just so wrong” and as you looked at him you saw that more tears were now streaming down his face. You also realized that you yourself had a few tears that slowly rolled down your cheeks.
Unbeknown to you and Echo, the rest of the Bad Batch were looking at the two of you. Their expressions were soft, even Crosshairs. None of them were a Jedi but still, they could all feel the comfort that you brought to Echo. As well as the sadness and guilt that had filled the room.
Hunter who was most of the time on high alert couldn’t help but change his opinion on you right away. At first he thought that you were just another teenager who had happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and just acted polite and kind just so your situation wouldn’t get worse. He had then found out about you being a clone. It made him trust you a tad bit more but not fully. No he needed to be alert to defend his squad. How wrong he had been. He would never need to protect his team from you. The scene that just played out in front of him showed that. You weren’t acting, no you were overall polite and kind (and most probably anxious) person. The fact that you had shown him sympathy and tried to comfort him, made him rethink everything. That it was a good thing to have you as a sister. To have such a kind soul caring for them. That was when he swore that if he could he would prevent anything more bad happening to you. He would protect you, and maybe, just maybe he had gotten a soft spot for you.
Wrecker, who was quite the hugger himself, might have gotten a bit jealous. Echo had been the one to first get a hug from their sister. As he did found it very exciting to have a sister. He had after all only grown up with males except for maybe a few female Jedis that sometimes came to the water planet. Of course there were the Kaminoans, but they didn’t really count. Now he had a sister that he could hug whenever he wanted now, as it seemed none of his brothers were huggers. Though he easily recognized that you had helped Echo, and that was what he cared most about in this situation. You hugging Echo was also what made him realize that no matter what anyone said, you would stay with them.
Tech who had been excited about you ever since he connected the dots of you being a clone, couldn’t help but smile. He had tried to figure out as much about you as he could. After all, he loved gaining new knowledge. Tech had since long figured out that Echo had indeed bottled up his feelings about that specific topic. He also knew that it was a good thing to share your thoughts and feelings to others. After all that’s what therapy is for. Though this might not have been exactly therapy, it was still good for Echo. You had gotten their brother to open up. You had helped one of the team members. Tech found himself very thankful for you being their mission. In the end, his conclusion was that you were a good person. Their sister was a good person.
Crosshair who hadn’t cared about you the moment he took you onto the Marauder, felt himself soften a bit towards you. He found himself wondering how you could be such a kind person. With the ongoing war, living on your own, and literally finding out something that would change your life entirely. Your guardian had died about three years ago, and still, you showed emotions like an open book. Not like him. No he rarely showed any emotions at all except for his many glares, and voiced opinions of annoyance. You shone with some kind of warmness that radiates comfort to him, and all of the others that were present on the Marauder at the moment. As he observed you and Echo his thoughts wandered and he realized that he admired you in a way. He might not know exactly what the cause of that was, but he knew that he wanted you to stay on the ship. You were good for them. Although he would never admit that.
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zoeykallus · 3 years ago
Stuff I Wrote/Masterlist Part 2
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Tumblr media
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch x Reader - Lepidopteraphobia
The Bad Batch x fem!Reader - Wedding Dress
The Bad Batch + Fives and Rex x fem!Reader - Love Bites
The Bad Batch x Seamstress Reader HC's
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader Spicy HC's - Little Black Dress
TBB x Fem!Reader Getting A Breast Reduction HC's
The Bad Batch - Being A Dad HC's x Reader
The Bad Batch + Rex x Tall Reader HC's
The Bad Batch x Reader With Coily Hair (Afro)
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader - First Date HC's
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader Hurt HC's - She Loves Me Not
The Bad Batch x Reader Soft HC's - Tall Guys
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader Spicy HC's - Needing Your Attention
The Bad Batch + Howzer x Fem!Reder Spicy HC's - Wedding Night
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Holding A Baby
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - A Soldier's Love
The Bad Batch x Reader HC - Get Rid Of A Toxic Friend
The Bad Batch /Maul /Fox/Kit Fisto x FemReader HC's - Adopting A Pet
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - To Be Heard
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Kitchen Dancing
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Trustfall
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Regain Trust After Order 66
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Bra-less Comfort
The Bad Batch x Intellectual Reader HC's - Brains Are Beautiful
The Bad Batch /Rex /Cody x Fem!Reader HC's - The Savior And The Hostage
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Scardy Cat
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - The Sweet Sound Of A Heartbeat
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - About Break Ups And Moving On
The Bad Batch /Rex x Reader Hc's - Sleepy Cuddles
The Bad Batch - Night Robes Hc's
The Bad Batch x Jedi Reader Hc's - A Jedi's Sacrifice
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Insights And Glimpses
The Bad Batch x Depressed Reader HC's - I Need Your Help
The Bad Batch / Fox / Wolffe x Fem!Reader HC's - Memories Lost And Memories Found
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Cold Hands
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Hiding Your Pregnancy From Them
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader Spicy HC's - Beloved Boobies
The Bad Batch - Dog Breed
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Learning About Your Culture
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Small Breasts
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Not Made For Parenthood
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Stay Hydrated!
The Bad Batch x Giggle/Touchy/Affectionate Drunk Reader HC's
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Caught You Singing
The Bad Batch + Howzer x Reader HC's - Your Proposal
The Bad Batch x Jedi!Fem!Reader Oneshot - A Work Of Art
The Bad Batch + Rex + Howzer x Fem!Reader Spicy HC's - Caught In The Act
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Workout
The Bad Batch x Jedi!Reader HC's - The Descent To The Dark Side
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Formally Dressed
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader Spicy HC's - Hot Tub
The Bad Batch + Fives/ Gregor x Blind Reader HC's - See You With A Touch
The Bad Batch + Maul x Reader HC's - Left Behind
The Bad Batch Headcanons - Reacting To Abuse Of A Minor (Teen)
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Please Don't Leave Me
The Bad Batch Headcanons - Cars And Driving
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Aggressive Negotiations
The Bad Batch x fem!Reader HC's - React To Your Jealousy
The Bad Batch + Rex x Fem!Reader HC's - Halloween Costumes
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - "You Are Part Of My Family"
The Bad Batch x Afab!Reader - Silent Night, Bloody Night
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader - Happy Halloween!
The Bad Batch x Reader - The Puppy Surprise
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader (with prematurely silver hair) HC's - A Dazzling Appearance
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader Spicy HC's - Caught In The Act 2
Tech x fem!reader short Fluff Onehsot - Little Secrets
Hunter x fem!Reader - Smut Oneshot - Versatile Usable
Hunter x Fem!Reader Smut Oneshot - Love Me Gently
Hunter x fem!Reader Smut Oneshot - Mine And Mine Alone
Crosshair x Fem!Reader Smut Oneshot – Under The Surface
Imperial Crosshair x Fem!Reader Short Fic Part 1/? - My Sweet Traitor
All following parts are/will be linked in part one!
Imperial!Crosshair x fem!reader Hurt/Smut Oneshot – One Last Time
Part 1
All following parts are/will be linked in part one!
Echo – Sweet Love ( Soft Smut Oneshot)
Gregor/Thorn/Hound x Fem!Reader HC's - Love And Spice
Gregor/Thorn/Hound - Date And Spice HC’s
Fox x GN!Reader Short Oneshot - Relaxing Quality Time
Clones x Reader Hc's - Time For Nailpolish
The Bad Batch + Rex/ Fives/ Kix/ Gregor/Jesse / Fox/ Cody/ Wolffe/ Maul x Reader HC's - That Little Touch
Alpha 17 x Fem!Reader - Hold Your Head Up High
Fives x Virgin Fem!Reader-Smut Short Fic - Part 1/2 I've Got So Much Love For You
Rex x Fem!Reader - Hurt/Comfort/Smut Oneshot - The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors
Maul x fem!Reader Headcanons - Spice/Hurt/Angst And More
332 notes · View notes
i-willstealyourtoes · 2 years ago
(Main page (rules, fandom list, extra info))
💗 is multishots / 💝 is oneshots / 💌 is headcanons
💕 is fluff / 💔 is angst / ❣️ is lime / 💋 is smut
💞 is poly / 💘 is match-up / 🤍 is not an x-reader / 🩵 is platonic
orange means it is being worked on / red means it is in my inbox
Sniper only connecting with the reader - 💕/🩵 + 💌
RED!Mercs with Pacifist!Medic!BLU!Reader - 💕/🩵 + 💌
Touch starved!Sniper with s/o - 💕 + 💌
Scout with introverted s/o - 💌 + 💕
Engineer with chronically ill s/o - 💌 + 💕
Heavy, Engineer and Medic with an s/o with night terrors - 💌 + 💕
Medic finds out crush is an alien - 💕 + 💌
Sniper + Wildlife anon - 💕 + 💘/💌
LGBTQ headcanons - 💌/🤍
Trans Scout - 💌/🤍
Engineer + Autistic Fem!Reader - 💕 + 💌
Adopted!teen!reader + the PDG - 💌 + 🩵
Jimmy and his s/o during + after work - 💌 + 💕
Joy with fem!S/o who is depressed - 💕 + 💌
Dallas with a male crush - 💕 + 💌
Wolf with shy!male!reader - 💕 + 💌
Dallas with small!fem!sniper!S/o - 💌 + 💕
Hoxton x Wolf x reader - 💌 + 💞 + 💕
OG gang post-ending - 💌/🤍 + 💔
Dallas with a Medic s/o - 💌 + 💕
Houston + Hoxton flustering their s/o - ❣️ + 💞+ 💌
Wolf with a male s/o - 💕 + 💌
Bain, Houston, Sokol and Dallas with shy/cute/sensitive (fem) reader - 💌 + 💕
Clover, Bonnie, Bodhi + Dragan grieving their s/o - 💌 + 💔
Sokol + Jacket with (male) s/o watching (bad horror) movies - 💌 + 💕 + 💞
Hoxton with crush that's a (nice) guard - 💌 + 💕
Bain + Heisters with a cuddly s/o - 💌 + 💕
Sokol, Hoxton + Bain with hypersensitive s/o - 💌 + (slight) 💔 + 💞
Jacket, Jimmy, Houston + Hoxton with innocent s/o - 💌 + 💕 + ❣️
Houston + Hoxton with mediator/s/o who breaks up their fights - 💌 + 💕
Bain with his crush - 💌 + 💕
Dallas with younger/silly s/o - 💌 + 💕
Jacket, Hoxton, Sokol + Bain with s/o who's an 'over-achiever' - 💌 + 💕
Dallas, Hoxton, Houston + Wolf with hurt s/o - 💌 + 💕
Houston with tiny s/o - 💌 + 💞
Dallas + Houston catching their s/o singing - 💌 + 💕
Jacket with s/o 'sharing a bed' - 💝 + 💕
Hoxton with s/o 'no strings attached' (I hate this one sm bc it's old and cringe) - 💌 + 💔 + ❣️
Sleeping Dogs
Wei with s/o helping him with his grief - 💌 + 💔 + 💕
Wei, Jackie + Winston and their s/o - 💌 + 💕
Wei with s/o who's cousins with Dogeyes - 💌 + 💔 + 💕
BBC Ghosts
Thomas with best friend/crush reader - 💌 + 💔 + 💕
Clone Wars/The Bad Batch
Hunter with caretaker!Reader - 💕 + 💌
Crosshair + Hunter with the same crush (Mafia AU) - 💌 + 💕
Demon Crosshair with a crush that's an Angel (AU) - 💌 + (slight) 💔 + 💕
Ninjas with angry sibling reader - 💌
Star Wars: Hunters
General Sentinel Headcanons - 💌 + 🤍
Star Wars: Rebels
(There's nothing yet)
Faith: The Unholy Trinity
(There's nothing yet)
Detroit: Become Human
Ralph + reader angst - 💌 + 💔
(There's nothing yet)
Henry Stickmin Collection
(There's nothing yet)
Yandere simulator
(There's nothing yet)
Minecraft: Story Mode
(There's nothing yet)
Sons of the Forest
(There's nothing yet)
(There's nothing yet)
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