#taylor’s a yapper 🗣️
star-neo-love · 2 months
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hi guys!! 👋👋 I'm new here (the fandom, not Tumblr)
you can call me ACE 🔥🔥🗣️
I'm a guy, so he/him pronouns please (they/them is cool too, idm🤷‍♂️)
I love all three of the triplets, but Nick has me in a CHOKEHOLD (Chris is just like me tho icl)
I'm 16, turning 17 this year, and currently a senior in high school😒(I hate school😭)
I'm also a Scorpio, if you care about that stuff🫡
if you couldn't tell off my blog, my favourite colour is RED, especially dark red (RED + BLACK COMBO🔛🔝)
I also love stars!! (obvious considering my blog is COVERED in them) I just think they look so cool
I'm ADDICTED to music, and I listen to practically everything (87 genres, according to last year's Spotify wrapped💪)
my favourite artists are constantly changing, but my current ones are Måneskin, Billie Eilish, Hozier, The Weeknd, Arctic Monkeys, Lana Del Rey, Melanie Martinez, The Neighbourhood, Isabel LaRosa, Taylor Swift, and I'm gonna have to stop now this is getting WAY too long😨
my favourite animal is a snake, and I'd love to get a pet snake someday!!! 🐍
I also love cats, but I'm sadly allergic😔(doesn't stop me from trying to pet every single one I see, I'm too good😈😈)
I'm a chronic yapper (if you couldn't tell by the LENGTH of this bad boy), I literally never shut up, both irl and online (🗣️ - literally me)
I don't game, tho I wish I could, I just suck ass at every game ever, except racing games💪🔥 (WHICH I LOVE BTW)
I love cookies and fruit, and my favourite flavour is sour-sweet!!🤤
my favourite scent is sweet mint (mint haters fight me😠🤬/j)
I'd love to make new friends on here, so anyone who wants to either a) yap at me, or b) be yapped at by me, HIT ME UP🗣️🗣️🗣️
I use humour as a coping mechanism HEAVILY, so I'm literally a jester 24/7, I LIVE TO ENTERTAIN PLEASE TELL ME I'M FUNNY😩😩😩🤡
I'm also pretty flirty sometimes🫦🫦😏(post 11pm brain, except that's just me all the time) so if I make you uncomfortable PLEASE let me know and I'll stop!! I promise that's just my personality guys😔😔
that's it for now, though I might add some more if I think of any!! but yeah, nice to meet you all, and I hope you like my blog!
☆ACE☆ out!
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You know what I need to see more of? We get the companions’ opinions on your decision. I need to see us explain why we made that decision. We need to be able to express how hard these choices are and how much you hate having to make some of them.
Tav might decide to kill Valeria in front of the Murder Tribunal because it’s one captured creature versus a whole group of trained murderers. The party disapproves, and Tav disapproves too. Tav doesn’t want to kill someone who doesn’t deserve it. But they know there’s enough against them that they’re not pushing their luck.
I need to see the hard decisions talked about. I need to see Tav discuss it with her friends and allies because they hate that they had to make that decision in the first place. And now they feel the guilt eating at them and I need them to be reassured that no matter what there was a reason for the choice they made. It doesn’t have to be necessarily moral for it to be the logical option.
I need tav to respond when a companion comments on something that they did. I need tav to be able to say “I didn’t want to. I did what I had to” and for the companion to pat them on the back and say it’s alright because being a leader is hard.
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Screenshots of Aspen and Mizora 👀
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I’ll fuck Mizora every time don’t even with me
And I love that Halsin is like “I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to explore without me” cause like aww but also I’m not comfortable without you pls hold my hand 😭
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I think the gang would love this one
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For the first time I made it far enough in the game to actually have good dialogue with Halsin during his romance run. And I just finally got the line where he talks about how he never was given the opportunity to start a family and now I'm sobbing. 🥺💔
I want to ask him if would want to still. I want to be able to say it's still possible, especially as a tav romancing him. I want to tell him we will after all of this is over. PLEASE LET ME LARIAN!!!! 😭 I BEG OF YOU
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Some of my fav screenshots of Aspen in game 🫶
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girlwithadragonheart · 10 hours
As Venus moves into Scorpio it’s important to remember that passion has a time and place in relationships but you also need to be honest with yourself about how you feel about it! Whether you truly enjoy certain things or whether you are neglecting your own pleasure, remember to put yourself and your passions first!!!
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Hello this is me Aya.. ‏🇵🇸
Imagine having everything and suddenly you wake up with nothing left.That's exactly what happened with us .we moved from having everything to having nothing.In a blink of an eye ,we lost everything, our house ,dreams,
memories belongings and our works. We are starting from zero and need your help to climb the leader step by step from scratch.
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Please continue to support us by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.
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