#taurus job
massivementalitynut · 2 months
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My Connection Lost Comm of White Fang Members by @ogariane
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soapdispensersalesman · 9 months
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howlingday · 1 year
Little Jaune
Jaune: I can't! I can't do it! (Sighs) I'm just not strong enough...
Jaune: (Chibi) Then it's up to me!
Ruby: No! No!
Ironwood: You'll only get yourself killed faster!
Jaune: Dammit! I'm sick of everyone telling me what to do! And... And... So... Am...
Jaune: I! (Everyone gasps) Wassup, juggle-dudes? Chibi Jaune here, and my homie for life Jaune here has something to say. (Points at White Fang) You only wanted your ideas shouted back at you, so shut up! Delete SpaceLook and call your parents!
Adam: (Sheathes his sword)
Ilia: (Rubs her arm)
Jaune: (Points at the Schnees) And you never cared until Jaune became useful to you! He's put up with your pbullshit long enough!
Jacques: (Looks away)
Jaune: Which mean... it's time, Jaune. There's nothing left for me to teach you.
Jaune: What?! No! No, Chibi Jaune, don't go into the light!
Jaune: (Death rattle)
Jaune: Chibi Jaune, don't leave me! I'm not strong enough without you...
Ironwood: It looks like it all worked in the end.
Ruby: Except for Jaune, who's still treated like crap.
Jaune: I want a raise, motherfucker!
Jaune: Shshsh! Don't rock the boat, Chibi Jaune!
Jaune: Oh, you wanna double cross me?! I have seen shit, Jaune! Dark things! I'm not the most embarrassing thing you've done to yourself in your bedroom!
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kathybluecaller · 2 months
more doodles
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dohko is fully aware he the cool uncle
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strqyr · 5 months
With old theories about Cinder and Raven, in my head that also involved tying in Adam. Coz despite Raven's claims of leaving, she clearly never took her eyes off the game, so it got me wondering: what if she had trained other people, to have her own pieces on the board without being directly involved? People she thought could make difference, had the same drive to survive. See shocked Pikachu face Yang as she realizes her biggest problems were trained by the mom who wasn't there to train her.
learning that raven trained adam would be probably one of the least surprising developments this show could have like just look at them; the way they dress, their weapons, their masks, it's all there lol
on top of that adam already had his weapon at the very beginning of his character short when he, presumably, wasn't yet a big name in the white fang, and thus wouldn't have been noticed by sienna yet. it's unlikely anyone trained him when he was a child-slave in some SDC mine, and getting as good as him by training solo would be incredibly difficult, so the likelihood that he was trained by someone is very, very high—and looking at vernal, we know getting trained by raven pays off.
while it wouldn't be surprising, it would indeed be hilarious. the raven branwen special: causing problems without even intending to do so.
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citrusastro · 3 months
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Vocation Astrology - Career & Life Path Astrology
My name is Citrus and I’m passionate about Vocation Astrology. I’m a visual learner and wanted to blend the layered mysteries of Astrology with the beauty of design.
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Tis the season
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
Drew what I think Taurus will look like. I will color them later. I just wanted to get these out in the wild before Taurus arrives ♉️
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angelsdean · 1 year
dean's kinda right for calling sam a selfish bastard in 1x11 because like, in this instance sam insisting they do what HE wants very much WILL result in two people getting killed. like it's a certainty. if they turn around and head to california two innocent people WILL die.
while they're driving and discussing the case they figure out the window for these disappearances is consistent across the board: second week of april. then sam say this is the second week of april.
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sam sums up the gist of it, john's sending them there to save this next couple before they vanish. this job isn't just about hunting some monster or spirit in the area that may attack, the attack is certain. the pattern has been consistent for years. it's very likely another couple will disappear / die. and it's already the second week, there's no wiggle room, no space to pause and come back to this case later.
still, sam insists on dropping the case and heading to california. the demon and getting revenge is more important to him right now than saving lives.
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dean says, this is important. saving lives is important. and sam says he understands, but his next statement shows he really really doesn't. because he says "I'm talking one week here...to get revenge." ONE WEEK is exactly the amount of time you don't have. Letting this case sit for one week will ensure that another couple dies. Revenge can wait. John can wait. It's been over six months at this point without word from John. Now that they know generally where he is, it can wait. One week won't change much on that front.
so, i mean, dean IS kinda right. sam IS being selfish in this moment (and stubborn. he is thee Most taurus)
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yes, dean is also a bit defensive and deflecting because sam won't stop insisting dean's a mindless little soldier and dean also feels some resentment at sam for just leaving him to deal with john on his own (1x06 shifter monologue) and some of those feelings are a bit unfair (but dean's allowed to feel them! just like sam's allowed to feel his anger and resentment toward dean! they can feel things even if their perceptions of the situation are not 100% true). and this scene is playing off as an echo to sam leaving for stanford, he's going to california whether dean likes it or not! and that's gotta be dredging up some bad feelings for dean. but dean's still right about sam acting selfishly here. sam says he understands that hunting is important and this job is important, yet he's willing to let these people die and be collateral in his quest for revenge.
(side note: it's also very interesting to me that when sam asks "that's what you really think?" dean owns up to it right away. which is a nice contrast to the last episode where sam under ghost-possession says a whole lot of shit to dean, fulled by his anger which the ghost is exacerbating, and it's very obvious to dean and the audience that sam does feel those things, even if the words came out harsher than they might have normally. but sam insists at the end of the episode he didn't mean it !! but from dean's reaction we can tell dean doesn't buy it. but here, dean doesn't beat around the bush. he's angry with sam, he's annoyed that sam is putting his own feelings and need for revenge over what dean believes is the more important part of their job, saving people. and so he says it! and maybe it's harsh and sure he'll feel bad about it later, but it's healthier to say how he really feels abt the situation then pretend everything is fine)
in summary: AITA for wanting to drop a case that NEEDS to be completed this very week or else two people WILL disappear and likely die, just so i can track down our dad who's been MIA for *checks notes* over six months, because he's closing in on the demon that killed my mom and girlfriend and i just want to get revenge already !! even though california's a big state and it'll take me at least a day or more to get there and there's no guarantee i'll even find our dad but we can work this case now and save lives now but i just, don't wanna :/
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777astrology · 2 months
Choosing the Right Career
Brings Purpose/Joy
Highly Informed on Subject
Parental/Peer Expectations
Light Stress/Easy Labor
Desired Reputation/Income met
Most Unsure about Job Field:
12. Pisces/Neptune (2.5/5)
11. Leo/Sun (3/5)
10. Cancer/Moon (3.5/5)
Moreso Unsure about Job Field:
9. Aries/Mars (3.5/5)
8. Scorpio/Pluto (4/5)
7. Sagittarius/Jupiter (4/5)
Moreso Sure about Job Field:
6. Gemini/Mercury (4/5)
5. Aquarius/Uranus (4.5/5)
4. Taurus/Ceres (4.5/5)
Most Sure about Job Field:
3. Virgo/Chiron (4.5/5) - The "Worker Bee"
2. Libra/Venus (5/5) - The "Opportunist"
1. Capricorn/Saturn (5/5) - The "Employee of the Month"
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xblackreader · 1 year
when I’m not stable financially, I’m not stable emotionally.
they directly correlate. 🩵
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massivementalitynut · 5 months
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My Pool comm of Adam from @iwanttobeaseme
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warm-aries · 3 months
natal taurus mars curse is really just “i don’t wanna go” for EVERYthing even if it’s just getting up bcs the bed is too cozy . uuuughhhh comfort is gonna be the death of me
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howlingday · 1 year
Adam: I'm going to murder everyone here! (Opens jacket)
Blake: Oh my god, it's a bomb!
Ruby: (Squints) Wait, are those... chocolate bars?
Adam: N-No! They're bombs! That look like... chocolate bars.
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all-small-n-mighty · 6 months
Wow just wow some people are very upset with me about personal life stuff and wrote some fake reviews saying I was the worst server ever etc and so I got a call today on my day off and they fired me. Coming for someone’s job is very very low. But hey karma is a bitch. I’m so glad I’m not in those circles anymore.
Should I sue for wrongful termination? I mean the reviews are ironically tied to the new manager, while I don’t think he did the reviews himself I know that someone who knows him did and I have enough proof.
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thegenewilderside · 1 year
Wish me luck as I continue to apply for jobs. Devastated that sleeping my way to the top hasn’t worked out for me.
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