#taurus 4th house i thank u 4 ur blessings
germaphrodite · 5 years
For dinner yesterday after a meeting, conference call, social media org. and spending time with a honey: cashew miso tumeric garlic ginger soup with mushrooms, brussel sproats, baby bok choy and recycled s.potato fries. For dinner today after completely a zine and scheduling food distrib.: smoked tempeh mushrooms roasted tomato sweet potato picked onion garlic, next to barley tossed and toasted in miso, next to roasted potatoes, next to picked cabbage kraut. crumbled walnuts on top 
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briteboy · 7 years
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+ SOME NOT ANONS because i had so many astrology questions omg i’m just gonna put them all together ok
it’s honestly mostly astrology stuff, some other random things and of course a GoT question because it’s not a mass answer post unless i get at least one of those. and if ur the anon who sent ur theory to me yesterday, my answer is.............. quizas 🌚
aight let’s go
do you have any tips on websites i can look on for figuring out my characters zodiac signs? (moon, fire, water and those stuff). i dont know where to look and on the sites i found its so complicated :( thank u!!
welllll if you aren’t really familiar with astrology i’d say to just make up a birth time/place for your character and put it in here and then you’ll have your answer. but if you don’t think those results fit your character and you want to make it more personalized, i’d say it’s worth it to firstly research each of the 12 signs a bit so that you gather their general traits and such, and then research about the different planets and houses in your chart (sun, moon, first house which is also rising/ascendant, mars, mercury, venus, etc.) and start trying to piece together what their placements would be. i know when i do this i might research a couple different moon placements or something (i.e. literally just google like ‘aquarius moon’ ‘ cancer moon’ ‘virgo rising’ etc.) and see if it fits. if you need further help, message me off anon!
@hhoneybadgers​ said: whaaat how is there so much astrology?? everyone's sun/moon/rising/venus/mars/jupiter/freaking kepler-666/andromeda/sirius/draco malfoy and have houses, and here i am, just an ordinary lil aquarius
OMG well ur in luck because you also have kepler 666/sirius/regulus/hagrid shit too. aquarius sun is only a very small part of your birth chart, which you can look up here
(how many times will i link to this site i wonder)
@thosefuckingsims​ said: are people just sending you their birthcharts?? i'm a scorp sun cap moon n taurus rising tell me about myself pls. drag me :^)
oMGDF i already know ur chart is spicy, but scorpio/taurus is one of the most interesting sister sign combos to me. it’s one of those ones that have a real connection and usually when two different people respectively have them, they’re attracted to each other (not necessarily romantically, just they might click really well) the fact that your sun and rising oppose (but have that awesome connection) probably makes you initially come off much differently than your actual personality would suggest, and then when someone gets to know you it’s like meeting a whole different person. you probably come off very grounded but stubborn (your scorp sun also might suggest this as well because of all that aggressive mars influence), and i know for me personally i’m often intimidated by taureans so that also might apply. your cap moon probably enforces that as well (freaking earth signs, they’re always so resilient in their own way) i feel like this combo might make you seem really deadpan, maybe appreciate some black humor. and ur probably not afraid to stand up to anybody (*cowers in fear*) u wanted me to drag u but i’m sorry i’m mostly in awe
@nnicolesims said: Oooh, me next also! I'm still figuring this out honestly. Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, ascendent Scorpio!
OMG another taurus/scorp mix! wtf this is basically the same as @thosefuckingsims except your sun and rising are switched lmaoooo that’s too funny
so like honestly i feel like a lot of that ^^^ would also apply to you? taurus suns are often intimidating to me because they come off as Too Cool 4 U but really they’re usually sweet and shy on the inside. i think your scorpio rising will also amplify that cool factor just because that placement is so ~Mysterious~ and like, people look at you and are just captivated by something. almost like you have a magnetic pull. scorpio rising is the most fascinating ascendant to me, that’s the reason i gave it to ramona (her heterochromia influenced it a lot too) i feel like you might be shy but secretly passionate and willing to put a lot of effort to that passion.
PLS ME NEXT (u really don't have to I'm just curious 😂) Virgo sun, sagittarius moon and gemini rising 😃
o0o0o0o i like this combo! it reminds me of my mom heheh. she’s a virgo sun/scorp moon and i feel like she also has an air rising, maybe libra tho
virgo/sagittarius is such a good match, like it’s weird but whenever i see those two signs together, especially in the form of different people, it’s always like a lasting bond. both virgo and taurus always seem to pair well with sag. you wouldn’t expect a virgo sun to be so ardent but sagittarius has a profound influence, and it’s interesting because virgos are often always looking for answers, and i think sagittarius would only make that need for reason even more so because sags find possibility in everything, especially as a moon placement. it’s one of my favorite moon signs (and not just because i have it too lmao) gemini rising in this mix is also very interesting because sag and gem are sister signs (opposites) (so many sister signs in these questions dang) and gemini rising is almost one of the most fitting rising signs to me for some reaso, especially with a virgo sun (both virgo and gem are ruled by mercury) because that makes you even MORE inquisitive and probably very friendly. people might consider you easy to talk to, and i bet you have a lot of intriguing things to say.
sagittarius sun, aries moon, scorpio rising!!
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this combo...WHEW!!! i love it tho. i feel like your sun/moon combo makes you very child-like, which can be a blessing or a curse depending on the situation. you might be very independent and full of thoughts or energy that you don’t know how to channel. i feel like especially with your rising sign, you might be very sarcastic and that might come off as a little harsh to people but you mean well. i really like this combo, lots of mars influence with that happy-go-lucky jupter nature!
Its so cool to see everyone talking about astrology and stuff ! i love it!! I'm a capricorn sun and moon and saggitarius rising :p sometimes i feel like i vibe more with pisces more ya know? but idk lol
i feel like capricorn and pisces often fit each other well, strangely enough. pisces are kind of bubbly and caps are kind of serious so they balance each other out. but anyway, onto your chart! you might be a bit introverted because of double cap but your sag rising might help mitigate that and make you a warmer person (caps are known to be a bit cold, honestly it depends tho, especially if there’s a fire influence) a lot of the time you might feel a bit to mature for your peers, but your sag rising makes you want to go back to a time when things were simpler and you could just be a kid. you probably feel like you need to prove yourself a lot too, but sometimes u just gotta give into ur sag nature and let loose a little u know
Sagittarius sun, aries moon and libra ascendant. I don't actually know what any of that means. It confuses me lol
omg hello can i set u up with the sag/aries/scorp above, you guys would be perfect for each other but maybe a little too perfect. you might get on each other’s nerves. and again with the sister signs, this time it’s aries and libra which is........honestly i can’t read this one, in the case with people, either they despise each other or they grow to love each other. (at least that’s been the case with me and libras.) so with that in mind with your moon opposing your rising, it’s very interesting. you might come off as calm, agreeable, charming because of your libra rising, only for others to find out you’re a bit more excitable and aggressive due to your moon. but aries is still charming in their own weird way, and sag too (dang fire signs) and sag + libra is like THE otp only next to aries + gemini. people probably think you’re really cool and chill. you probably get fired up easily about stuff tho
Scorpio sun - Taurus Moon - Scorpio Mercury I am a walking contradiction lol
OMG ANOTHER TAURUS/SCORP WOW third time’s the charm. can i set you guys up too?? WHAT’S UR RISING THO
basically what i said above goes for you too. people are probably in awe of you because you project, like...not necessarily a domineering nature, but more like...very self-assured and set in your ways (which might be your downfall if you aren’t careful, especially with that scorpio mercury, hoo boy) my mercury is in pisces but in the 8th house (ruled by scorpio) so i vibe with this. sometimes i say too much or go too far when i’m talking to someone and i can probably thank the scorp influence for that. i bet u love to talk about taboos and push people’s buttons in a sneaky way, not in an annoying way like an aries might
i'm kinda confused but sun - Aquarius, moon - Leo, ascendant - Gemini, i don't think its anything special but idk ;)
IT IS SPECIAL! any fire/air combo is automatically fun to pick apart. and omfg AGAIN with the sister signs!! what is this the 4th? 5th time?? i had no idea there was so much opposing influence on simblr wow. actually your sun/moon combo is the same as one of my characters, avey! if you’re like her, you might be pretty ambitious, flamboyant, but you also might go through a lot of identity crises trying to stay true to yourself. you’re the kind of person everyone can find a friend in, especially with your rising being gemini! people probably love to talk to you. leo moon is one of my favorite placements because it’s so weird, leo is ruled by the sun, so even tho leo and cancer aren’t opposites, they still kind of oppose each other. leo moons are often silly and funny, everyone finds them hilarious. i’d probably wanna know someone like you tbh
Wheres the rising part on the birth chart thingie?
i made a very official comprehensive guide to reading ur birth chart
Hey sorry to bother, but where did you say you got your star chart thing from? I tried to find where you mentioned it but couldn't.. 😩
oK I THINK THAT’S IT FOR THE ASTROLOGY ASKS? WHEW it’s been a long time since i’ve done this, i forgot they just come pouring in when i open the floodgates of the stars omg
I'm so so late but Santi literally breaths sweater weather to me and I'm CRYING HDISHDJSJSB THAT'S MY SONG AND MY BOY I'M SAD
OMG i haven’t heard that song in so long. i feel like this isn’t the first time someone has told me this, or maybe it was just that he reminded them of the neighbourhood in general. i can’t totally see it tho it’s okay i’ll cry with u :’{
I just found your blog and holy shit your edits are amazing! How do you edit????
like this! it’s from a while ago and i made my own psd since then but essentially it’s pretty much the same. i probably won’t update it because all of the main principles are there and if you follow that tutorial you should be putting your own spin on it anyway, not trying to replicate it exactly y’know
Do you use height mod for toddlers?
i haven’t yet because i’ve been using that fake baby, but i will probably have to bite the bullet and do it now -___- here’s a comment on one of the height mod threads that i’m essentially going to follow, confusing as it is:
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How do you make the toddlers smaller? Is it editing or something else?!
i explained that here!
AHHH!!! I'm trying to catch up on your posts but I ran out of data and the pictures aren't loading now. Apparently I need to get unlimited data so I can read your beautiful wonderful story?!?!? This is torture!!
OMG NOOOO well this was from like last week so hopefully you got data and caught up since then. i’m sorry u had to go through that :{ also thank you for the compliments i’m cryin
I just spent the last 3 hours reading your story from start to finish. INCREDIBLE. AMAZING. EMOTIONAL. IM ADDICTED.
AKSDKJGFDKSLJ THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always get so giddy when people send me messages like this, ily so much ;___; <333
Lemme just say. I'm all for them wearing stupid effing shirts.
I THINK THIS WAS FROM WHEN ROONEY WENT INTO LABOR? with the cactus shirt and santi’s wild ride of an outfit? if so i agree
Can you link me to the beginning of your story?
(I'm the anon with an aunt who had kidney failure) it turned out alright in the end. We managed to get ahold of her ex-husband bc we knew he was a match, and he so very graciously agreed to donate 😭 I'm so thankful for him at the moment; even though he wasn't a very good husband
yay thank goodness!!! i’m so glad it all worked out, bless her ex-husband wow that was a really great thing of him to do (aside from being a shitty husband lmao.) i hope all is well in your family now and that your aunt has a successful and quick recovery! <3
So I saw that you've never watched supernatural and honestly, it's actually better than a lot of ppl say it is. It's definitely not the best show out there, but a lot of people give it shit just because of the fact that it's on the CW. Another thing people complain about is the queerbaiting but I don't think it's that bad tbh
i honestly don’t know anything about it lmao, i watched the first episode yeeeeears ago and wasn’t really hooked in so i was just like “eh it’s not for me”. i know some people who liked the earlier seasons so i bet they are good. i know @wanderlustonline likes it! it’s just never really interested me, and also YEAH LMAO i remember all the queerbaiting. i literally thought there was a character named destiel. just like i also thought there was a member of 1D named larry
people keep saying emilia (daenerys) can't act but the way she acts in GOT is literally how they want her to... i don't get how people don't understand that :/ look at her background, how she was raised. her character mostly ignores or hides her true emotions. to stay strong as a leader. in the last ep of S7 you can see the writers chose to let her character finally "break" and show her emotions. so i'm pretty sure you don't like dany's character writing, not the acting :P
the whole time reading this i was like “but that’s totally not how her character is?” but then i realized that’s probably how it is in the show. from what you’ve said, she honestly sounds so different from the books lol, and that’s just my main gripe: is that it doesn’t follow the story it was meant to. it’s diverged too much. so i guess you are right, but it’s kind of like comparing apples to oranges at this point when the show is so different. and i’ve only seen one season of this show, the most recent one because i wanted to witness the trainwreck of everything lmao. but i’ve heard a lot of people complain about her acting, which i’m sure is largely the writers’ and directors’ faults of course. but you can’t deny the girl moves her eyebrows too much and relies on that to convey her emotions omg. (she literally didn’t move them at all this season which makes me think they specifically told her not to so ppl would stop making memes of her ridiculous Acting faces)
anyway yeah i hate the writing most of all and i feel bad that the actors have to just deal with it at this point. especially nikolaj coster-waldau who basically shares the same relationship with GoT that robert pattinson did with twilight at this point. it’s so funny
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