#tatsuhime is the soulmates one
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mysterylover123 · 3 years ago
Mysterylover Watches Bleach episode 355 “Hime Gets Donuts and a Tsundere”
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1. We join Urahara and Ichidad as they talk about Ichigo’s future. Decide the fate of our hero, dudes. 
3. Back in Video Game Land Ichi’s sword gets broken and itl ooks like the bad guy’s gonna win. I’m sure that he will indeed die here and the other 400 or whatever chapters are about Ruki and Hime dueling monsters in revenge.
4. ORIHIME IS HERE!! Another leading lady arriving to help s ave the day. The villain calls her hte “healing item”, which I guess is true, though given the extent of her powers I feel like Hime can be so, so much more than that. 
5. Hime goes to heal Ichi and Chad shows up and apparently he set this up. Dude that’s the smart move should’ve done that from the beginning. But apparently he ‘didn’t want to get her involved’. Eye roll. 
6. Oh and Chad got hurt by the villain dude too. Damn he really has it out for Ichigo’s friends. I think. LOL I don’t know I’m not sure what his plan is.
7. Villain dude: What’s taking so long? Hime: DON’T RUSH MY PROCESS. Roughly paraphrased.
9. Hime’s been training her ass off it seems just in case more shinigami trouble came their way. That’s our girl. LOL Ichi did you really think you were the only one with superpowers?
10. Of  course being Hime she heals the villain too. And we get a cute IchiHIme moment where he’s grateful for her help and she smiles.
11. WE get some fun banter between Orihime and Pigtails over the intercom. I’m relieved there hasn’t been too much fighting over Ichi between these two. 
12. GIVE ORIHIME A CHAIR DAMMIT. Oh and she finally gets to eat all the donuts she wants BTW. 
13. Hime and PIgtails are eating donuts and bonding over Orihime’s backstory as she talks about how her parents were apparently abusive shits and her brother - who I still remember, BTW, more than half the random guards from last arc - saved her from them.
14. I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. And Pigtails is asking her how she’s so smiley. We’re getting honest character development here.
15. Pigtails - whose name is Riruka - is having such a moment with Hime right now. Hime is calling her a nice person and she’s blushing and baka-ing at her. Well we can now check Redhead Tsundere off of the Orihime Harem checklist. 
17. The dudes are like no hime don’t heal him let him fight without eyesight he’ll be fine manliness and all. 
19. We end with Ichigo having a powersplosion, a sword in the gut, and apparently reaching fullbring. Boom just like that.
20. LOL I know I said I was gonna speed things up and here I took anohter full episode. I can’t help it guys there’s so much weirdness to comment on. 
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my-cuppa-bleach · 7 years ago
ALL My Ships!
Alright, y’all, here it is. A master list of everything I ship. I made a post explaining why I think certain ships are soulmates, and that gave me an idea to attempt to list every Bleach ship I have. I mentioned some in an ask I answered on my main blog, but I’m going to make this a more in depth list because I’ve got a lot of little, obscure ones. 
The way I’m going to do this is by naming a character and then naming all the ships I personally have for them. I’ll also put in “()” whether I see them as: 
OTPp (romantic primary, meaning this is the main person I ship a character with; can only be one of these per character)
OTPs (romantic secondary, meaning this is someone I ship a character with, but they aren’t the main person I ship them with; can be more than one of these per character)
BROtp (platonic; I have a lot of them because I love all the beautiful friendships in the show and I wish there were more) 
Crack! (crack!ships... obviously) 
I’ll list the ships in that order, as well. I’ll also put a “*” by the ships I consider to be soulmates, whether that be romantic soulmates or friendship soulmates. I also won’t explain why I ship them here, I’m just listing them, but if you’d like to know why, feel free to shoot me a message or an ask. Okay, let’s do this, putting them under the cut because long post is long!
*Sidebar: This list will include ships featuring filler characters. If I don’t know the ship name, I’ll just guess and put down the one that sounds the best! If you want to know what one is, leave a reply!*
These are not in any sort of order, I’m just writing them down as I think of them, sometimes branching off of the previous one.
1. Ichigo Kurosaki → IchiRuki* (OTPp)  ―  IchiNel (OTPs)  ―  RenIchi* (BROtp)  ―  IchiIshi (BROtp)  ―  SadoIchi (BROtp)  ―  IshiHime (BROtp)  ―  IchiTatsu (BROtp)  ―  IchiKei (BROtp)  ―  IchiShin (BROtp)  ―  ByaIchi (BROtp)  ―  IchiKen (BROtp & Crack!)  ―  GrimmIchi (BROtp & Crack!)  ―  ShūIchi (Crack!)  ―  AiIchi (Crack!)      
2. Rukia Kuchiki → IchiRuki* (OTPp)  ―  KaiRuki (OTPs)  ―  RenRuki (OTPs & BROtp)  ―  ByaRuki (BROtp)  ―  RukiHime (BROtp)  ―  AshiRuki (BROtp)  ―  KeiRuki (BROtp)  ―  RukiKon (BROtp)
3. Renji Abarai → ByaRen* (OTPp)  ―  RenRuki (OTPs & BROtp)  ―  RenIchi* (BROtp)  ―  RenIshi (BROtp)  ―  SadoRen (BROtp)  ―  IkkaRen (BROtp)  ―  BazzRen (Crack!)
4. Orihime Inoue → IshiHime (OTPp)  ―  UlquiHime (OTPs)  ―  TatsuHime (OTPs & BROtp)  ―  RukiHime (BROtp)  ―  SadoHime (BROtp)  ―  MatsuHime (BROtp)  ―  GrimmHime (Crack!)
5. Yasutora Sado → SadoNoba (OTPp & BROtp)  ―  SadoIchi (BROtp)  ―  SadoHime (BROtp)  ―  SadoKei (BROtp)  ―  SadoRen (BROtp)  ― SadoIshi (BROtp)    
6. Keigo Asano → TatsuKei (OTPp)  ―  IchiKei (BROtp)  ―  SadoKei (BROtp)  ―  MizuiKei (BROtp)
7. Kon → NozoKon* (OTPp)  ―  RukiKon (BROtp)  ―  MatsuKon (BROtp)
8. Isshin Kurosaki → IsshiMasa* (OTPp)  ―  IsshiRan (OTPs & BROtp)  ―  HitsuIsshi (BROtp)
9. Masaki Kurosaki → IsshiMasa* (OTPp)  ―  RyūMasa (OTPs)
10. Shunsui Kyōraku → ShunUki* (OTPp & BROtp)  ―  ShunYadō (OTPs & BROtp)  ―  ShunNao (BROtp)
11. Izuru Kira → IzuMo (OTPs)  ―  IzuGin (OTPs)  ―  ShūIzu* (OTPs & BROtp)  ―  IzuRan (Crack!)
12. Sōsuke Aizen → AiGin (Crack!)  ―  AiIchi (Crack!)  ―  AiShin (Crack!)
13. Shinji Hirako → HiyoShin (BROtp)  ―  IchiShin (BROtp)  ―  AiShin (Crack!)
14. Kensei Muguruma → ShūKen (OTPs)  ―  MashiKen (BROtp)
15. Shūhei Hisagi → ShūRan (OTPp)  ―  ShūKen (OTPs)  ―  ShūIzu* (OTPs & BROtp)
16. Tōshirō Hitsugaya → HitsuHina (OTPp)  ―  HitsuKarin (OTPs & BROtp)  ―  HitsuMatsu (BROtp)  ―  ByaHitsu* (BROtp)  ―  HitsuIsshi (BROtp)  ―  HistuKen (Crack!)
17. Rangiku Matsumoto → GinRan* (OTPp)  ―  ShūRan (OTPs)  ―  IsshiRan (OTPs & BROtp)  ―  MatsuHina (BROtp)  ―  HitsuMatsu* (BROtp)  ―  MatsuHime (BROtp)  ―  IzuRan (Crack!)
18. Kenpachi Zaraki → KenUno (OTPp)  ―  YachiKen* (BROtp)  ―  IkkaKen (BROtp)  ―  IchiKen (BROtp & Crack!)  ―  HistuKen (Crack!)  ―  ByaKen (Crack!)  ―  MayuKen (Crack!)    
19. Ikkaku Madarame → IkkaYumi* (OTPp)  ―  IkkaNao (OTPs)  ―  IkkaMizu (OTPs)  ―  IkkaKen (BROtp)  ―  IkkaRen (BROtp)
20. Mayuri Kurotsuchi → MayuNemu* (BROtp)  ―  MayuIshi (Crack!)  ―  MayuSzayel (Crack!)  ― MayuKen (Crack!)         
21. Yoruichi Shihōin → UraYoru* (OTPp)  ―  ByaYoru (OTPs)  ―  YoruSoi (OTPs)
22. Bazzard Black → BazzHasch* (OTPp & BROtp)  ―  BazzRen (Crack!)
23. Masayoshi → MasaMayu (OTPp)  ―  MasaYachi (BROtp)
24. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck → GrimmNel (OTPp & BROtp)  ―  IchiNel (OTPs)  ―  NnoiNel (OTPs & Crack!)
25. Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez → GrimmNel (OTPp & BROtp)  ―  GrimmIchi (BROtp & Crack!)  ―  GrimmUlqui (Crack!)
*Tl;DR (kinda): I’m gonna sum up my BROtp soulmates and OTPp ships.*
OTPp: IchigoxRukia*, ByakuyaxRenji*, IshidaxOrihime, SadoxNoba, TatsukixKeigo, NozomixKon*, IsshinxMasaki*, ShunsuixJūshirō*, ShūheixRangiku, TōshirōxMomo, GinxRangiku*, KenpachixUnohana, IkkakuxYumichika*, UraharaxYoruichi*, Bazz-BxHaschwalth*, MasayoshixMayu, GrimmjowxNelliel
BROtp Soulmates: IchigoxRenji*, ShūheixKira*, TōshirōxByakuya*, RangikuxMomo*, KenpachixYachiru*, MayurixNemu*, Bazz-BxHaschwalth*    
Okay! I came out with a nice, round number, which is always satisfying. There could potentially be a character or two that I have a ship for, but it’d be super obscure, plus there’d only be one ship. I kept the list to characters I multi-ship or have at least an OTP and a BROtp ship for. 
Thank you so much for reading! Next, I’ll be making a post about all the Bankai we’ve seen plus all the ones I wish we’d seen. I’ll also be theorizing what I think unknown Bankai would be as well as what mine would be. Stay tuned!
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mysterylover123 · 4 years ago
Mysterylover watches Bleach Episodes 140-141
1. So there’ve been like a billion Bleach analysis vids dropped in the last week. I was curious enough to check them out, but did my best to make sure I skipped past spoilers. That was interesting, especially since they dispelled a bunch of myths about the show (like getting ‘cancelled’ or ‘falling in popularity’), and validated something I’ve kinda begun to suspect: Namely, that Bleach is actually kinda good and most of the  critiques of it are things that are problems with any Shounen. Which is neat. Got me plenty hyped for this episode. 
2. Darnit we’re starting out with Ura’s fight. I’m still mad at you Ura. 
3. Rangi is so fiesty. Kick their asses Rangi! Also: So Hitsu is a full on WaterBender?! Damn that’s cool.
4. Oh Damn back to Ichi vs GJ. Ichi’s gonna get fucked up this time, I just know it. He’s so screwed. Thank god he’s a Shonen protag or I’d be worried he’d be dead. 
5. RUKIA WITH THE RESCUE!!!! YAS!!!! GO RUKIA VS GJ ROUND TWO. And Ruki Ices him up good and quick, then saves Ichi from being all bound. She’s awesome. I kinda have the feeling turning her back on frozen GJ is a bad idea. HE’s gonna pop outta that ice any minute now...
6.th YUP THERE HE GOES. GRabs Ruki’s head and looks like he’s sucking out her energy, only for...something to get in the way? OK who’s here to save Ruki now? (seriously we’ve got such a circle of saving). OK it’s uh...(checks subtitles) Shinji. Blond guy. OK. I guess he’s cool now.
7. So Shinji’s gonna fight GJ instead huh. DAmmit that’s so much more boring than Ruki fighting him. 
8. Wow GJ’s actually scared of Shinji huh? And damn that was a pretty big blast. Hope GJ’s not dead, he’s still a cool villain. LOL and Ichi and Ruki just stand there watching like ‘damn’. 
9. GJ yelling Damn really makes him seem like this show’s Vegeta. Like the badass villain rival whose role is to get his ass kicked all the time and be mad about it.
10. ULQUIORRA?!?! WTF WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHY ARE YOU INTERFERING IN THIS FIGHT? not that I’m complaining. I mean more Ulqui is always good. But wow they just left like that. Cause they  already got Orihime so they don’t need to bother with any of these losers I guess.
11. So Arrancars ascend through their light columns while Ulqui thinks judge-y thoughts about Ichi while flashing back to capturing Hime. Cause again, they’ve got her so they win. 
12. OOH Ulqui gave Hime a Phaser/Invisible bracelet huh? She can say goodbye to one person? (I’m going to guess it’ll be Ichigo, though my heart wants it to be Tatsuki). And damn there’s some serious Phantom of the Opera vibes in this sequence, huh? Hey, he is letting her say goodbye and spend 12 hours getting chores ready for everyone. That’s something. Most anime villain kidnappers are not that considerate.
13. Invisible Orihime sequence! And Phasing! Damn it’s like being a ghost. Spooky.  
15. Tatsuki be looking right at Hime even though Hime’s invisible. That’s some serious soulmates stuff. 
16. Sad Ichigo & Rukia scene next, as of course the minute Hime disappears nobody can heal him right away. Damn they’re gonna lose their white mage healer this arc! Without Hime the squad is gonna be so screwed, they’re  worse than Deku at avoiding getting injured.
17. OOH this guy described his powers as being like a ‘time reversal’. Is that how Hime’s powers work too? DOES SHE HAVE ERI’S POWERS?! (or maybe not since Eri doesn’t talk to fairies).
18. Rukia immediately tries to reassert her position as Hime’s main femslash pairing by worrying about her and ditching the injured Ichigo to go find her. Even though she’s hungry and Ichi’s nice sisters have dinner ready for her. 
19. I like how Ichi’s family has just kinda accepted that Ruki now lives in Ichi’s room. Like, it’s just the way things are.
20. ORIHIME KITTY PRYDES HER WAY THROUGH THE WALL. She’s picking Ichi? darnit. Ah well. OK let’s see whatcha got for Ichi, Hime. She lists all her ships to make sure we know she still remembers them. 
21. She’s sweet about Ichi’s sisters spending the night! And gets embarassed about being in his bedroom. This sequence is so wholesome. (except the “your scent” line wtf hime you been memorizing that?) Anyway, she puts her hand on his. 
22. DON’T KISS HIM WHILE HE’S UNCONSCIOUS HIME!! GUY CAN’T CONSENT IF YOU DO THAT!! Anyway we get a cute IchiHime montage, to make sure we’ve covered all the main Hime shipping bases this episode. And thank god her tears wake him up before she can kiss him unconsciously. 
23. DAMMIT HIME YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY. She wanted to do all this stuff. Damn she likes sweets huh? oh god she’s gonna make me start bawling. She wants to live 5 lives. “I would have fallen in love with the same person five different times” HOLY SHIT HIME. You are smooth. That’s a hell of a line. 
24. “goodbye halcyon days”.
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mysterylover123 · 4 years ago
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 142-143
1. Ichi wakes up “My hands healed OMG how could that possibly have happened?” He needs Hitsu to remind him it was Hime, duh.
2. Ruki is super depressed now that her girlfriend is gone natch. And Ichi is also pretty panicky now and even puts two and two together. (and wow, really getting mad. Ooh, so this is the part where he starts to officially fall for her.)
3. OOH and he freaking loses it when the old guy suggests that Hime might have betrayed them (screw you old guy she would never) and Renji has to reign him in. 
4.  And Oh shit the old guy’s gonna force them not to go save her?! He’s gonna have RukiBro stop them?! SCREW YOU OLD DUDE THEY’RE SHONEN HEROES. LIKE HELL THEY’LL JUST SIT BACK AND LET A NAKAMA BE CAPTURED.
5. Ichi of course is like “SCREW YA’LL YA’LL”. You’d think these old guys had never met a shonen hero before. 
6. TATSUKI!!!!! Tatsuki’s here looking for Hime. PLEASE JOIN THE CREW TATSUKI. HELP ICHI RESCUE YOUR GIRLFRIEND. We get a beautiful sad Tatsuhime montage because this episode really likes me.  
7. Bless IchiDad and sisters for trying to cheer him up. Damn he doesn’t even wanna eat he’s so depressed. And he’s in class? Wow he really is depressed.
8. Wow Ichi’s acting like Orihime. Smiling and being friendly to people. It’s like he’s trying to compensate since she’s not around. And TATSUKI’S HERE YES. JOIN THE CAST TELL HER THE TRUTH ICHI. 
9. “I’ve always been able to sense her”. Cause she’s her soulmate. And smart enough to know that Ichi knows what’s what. And she knows what’s going on cause she’s Tatsuki. BRING HER IN ON IT ICHI STOP RESISTING. 
10. HOLY SHIT SHE ACTUALLY PUNCHED HIM FOR GASLIGHTING HER. Holy shit childhood friend flashbacks?! OMG Tatsuki feels! Tatsuki feels for hours. And dammit Ichigo Why are you still not telling her?!
11. YES URAHARA HE’S REPENTING BEING AN IDIOT AND KEEPING HIME OUT OF THINGS. OK good. And Uryu’s here too? In a sexy new outfit? Good ,Uryu. Reclaim your boyfriend before I declare a Tatsu/Ichi/Hime OT3. 
12. Tatsuki and the idiot duo are tailing him! YES TATSUKI BE IN THE GANG. (ditch these two losers thought). And we get more Tatsuki/ichigo developments in flashback form too. 
13. WHOA Ura is sending them into HM RIGHT NOW?! What about the rest of the squad? Surely it won’t just be Ichi, Uryu and Chad?
14. Tatsuki and the dumbass duo were there the whole time? And Urahara gives a little friendship analysis. IS URA GONNA TRAIN TATSUKI AND THE DUO TO BE PART OF HTE SQUAD? (please just tatsuki). 
15. ORIHIME MEETING AIZEN HOLY SHIT THAT WENT FROM 10-100 IN ONE COMMERCIAL BREAK. (lol at Aizen lounging on the throne like the evil emperor he is)
16. HIME’S GONNA HEAL GJ?! Please let this be the start of a beautiful friendship. ‘She’s not a god’. Shows you what you know dumbass. 
17. Hime is so effing OP. Aizen are you gonna tell us what her power is? “REJECTING PHENOMENON”. ‘REALITY WARPING’!!!!! IT IS THE ERI QUIRK!! ONLY EVEN MORE OP!! 
18.  Purple eyes was annoying so I’m kinda glad GJ’s gonna kill him. Though it’s probably gonna make Hime said that she healed him so he could kill someone though. 
19. The Resce Squad is having a lot of trouble running through nothing. EXCEPT URYU WHO IS FABULOUS AND COOL. And he and Ichi immediately pick up where they left off with that fun banter. 
20. And talk about the agreement with his awful dad too. Basically he broke it cause he knew Ichi would get himself killed and had to watch after him. Of course. Because he care about him duh. And he found a loophole lol.
21. ICHI DAD AND URYU DAD ARE MEETING UP? They know each other? Yikes. 
22. Hime is alone in a pretty nice looking cell. Well at least she got a couch. She’s luckier than Rukia. And like I guessed she is brooding over healing Grimmjow. Don’t worry bout it Hime I can just tell he’s one of those “gonna eventually be a less bad guy” villains. 
23. Because Hime is smart, she guesses that she needs to play along and seem useful to keep everyone safe. And with a big rumbling announcing that the heroes have arrived, we break. 
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