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Random Real Thoroughbred: TATIKA
TATIKA is a bay mare born in Great Britain in 1945. By TAI-YANG out of FOXGLOVE. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/tatika
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character sneak peeks disguised as incorrect quotes before i pick the one i want to reveal first (because i’m bored :>)
Hollyhock, the blacksmith (hodgkins): Hold on there, boulder-brain. This is detail work! No need for a giant mallet when a humble hammer will do. Marigold, the lamplighter (groke): They might have passed a very pleasant evening had shit not gotten real Pepper, the clerk (gaffsie): Don't you think it's about time for us to be the ones who entrust, not the entrusted. It's a drag, but I can't say that Chervil, the governor (no species name given): I’m surrounded by idiots. Saffron, Chervil’s secretary (no species name given): Anxiety and caffeine are having a cockfight in my brain- Borage, the organist (no species name given): If anybody touches my piano, I will personally cancel their life subscription :D Mullein, the barista (hodgkins): Hey, you could pour hot soup into my lap and I’ll probably apologize to you Vervain, the wandering salesman (no species name given): *$4.99 by Jack Stauber intensifies* Wisteria, the warlock (cursed): I feel like a fucking celebrity in this town! Tatika, the “mafia boss”: I might be a fool, your honor, but you’re just simply stupid. Dandelion, The Parasite: "tHaT's mY gRaMmA's!" I ate my gramma! And it took a week, 'cause she was absolutely humongous.
#idk what i'm doing this was just fun to do#hollyhock#marigold#pepper#chervil#saffron#borage#mullein#vervain#wisteria#tatika#the parasite#also if yall want to hear about any of them just let me know bc i still don't know who to pick#moomin oc#moomin ocs
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Balada Sedikit Fals Seniman Milenial
Balada Sedikit Fals Seniman Milenial
Pippo tak perlu mengetuk dua kali untuk tahu bahwa Ramon, sang adik, sedang berada di kamar. Ramon duduk di meja belajarnya, matanya menatap kosong lembaran partitur musik penuh coretan disana-sini. “Tidak perlu mengurung diri begitu, Bro”, tepuk Pippo di pundak Ramon sembari menarik kursi dan segera sibuk dengan jari-jemarinya mengusap layar HP. Ramon melirik sebentar ke arah Pippo. ‘Oh, nggak…
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some ocs me and @stricklanderpls have been working on.
you might recognize that troll if you go through my art tho. last i drew them they were a babie. The human is their adopted sibling/ex-familiar. they’re both ridiculous nerds. the guy with the pony tail goes by Bug, but his name is Burgony.
(his name is derived from a word for potato. he’s the potato child. he’s well loved ok. his mom’s understand how good potatoes are. :P)
#trollhunters#sfw#original character#woof bits#i made this#artists on tumblr#art#tatika#burgony#i also have taken to calling him burger boy#cuz burg#look my sense of humor is bad
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Note to self:
Don't create the perfect dad again or you'll be depressed once the protagonist has to leave-
#random squeak#I MADE A BIG MISTAKE MAKING TATIKA NOW I WANT HIM TO ADOPT ME#i'll have to show him soon#frickin maffia dad supremacy
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A beautiful color inspiration from my balcony - combination by @pantone 💚💟 #pantonecolor #pantone #designseeds #inspiration #creative #art #urban #balcony #flowers #hippie #bohemian #leander #tatika #pink #green #free #wild #beautiful #instagram #photo #corner #perlinacreativecorner #zitazimmermann (at Perlina Creative Corner)
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Wazifa for love back in Hindi and in Urdu consult with our Astrologer for get my love back by Vashikaran mantra. Strong Islamic Wazifa for getting love back in Urdu will pretense its signification by producing the spells.For more information visit us @ http://wazifaforloveback.com
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mets kui kodu
kolisin suurlinnast maale kui olin kuuene, ehk suht tatikas. ma olin varem ka muidugi loodusega sõber olnud ja meeldis paljajalu murul joosta. aga siis ma reaalselt hakkasin tajuma seda enda ümber ning kui palju see mulle annab. nüüd on see veel rohkem süvenenud ja ma naudin looduses olemist südamest, sest seda võimalust mul pole koguaeg. mulle meeldib metsas koertega jalutada ja oma tiigis ujumas käia, korjata aiast marju ja metsaservast kõrvenõgeseid. no täiega maakas ühesõnaga. mega kaiffi saab sellest, loodus justkui tekitab sinus sõltuvust. looduses viibides alaneb vererõhk, hingamine muutub sügavamaks, aju töötab paremini ja “stress” asendub heaolutundega. mõnest minutist päevas piisab, et sellest eufoorilisest joovastusest sõltuvaks jääda ja end paremini tunda. me või vähemalt mina vajan loodust nagu kalad vett.
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Random Real Thoroughbred: BAMATO
BAMATO is a horse born in Argentina in 1950. By BADRUDDIN out of TATIKA. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/bamato
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for fuck’s sake...
Regardless if you support it or not, Gunn being fired seems very conspicuous to his attacks on trump.
Literally, it’s almost convenient. Gunn attacks trump, a trump croney in Hollywood digs up dirt and exposes, people rally against Gunn. Honestly, you better fucking hope Tatika Wattiti(?) gets the director role and not a Trumpy-dumpty.
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This is a big part of why I hate that we almost never see genuine Federation Civilian ships.
You can't convince me that some college doesn't have a ship that they fill up with researchers and students, and park in orbit of Trappist III to begin a two year comprehensive survey study of the geology, flora, and fauna.
Starfleet divert's the Enterprise from charting stars to the Tatika system, because The Cousteau Society lost contact with the Calypso two months ago. (Turns out their subspace communcations array broke and they were unable to fix it. But they also didn't want to leave because they think they finally figured out where the eagle sharks go to pup)
That makes a heck of a lot better story than another "Troi gets psychically tortured" episode.
As a trek fic writer, and a person who is very interested in the topic, I am wondering if you have any thoughts on Astrobiology/"exozoology" that you would like to share?
Oh golly I sure do!
I'm actually kind of surprised that Trek doesn't talk more about exozoology since discovering new species is like 80% of Starfleet's mission and somebody would need to map out the taxonomy of all these aliens. You'd think an exozoologist would be a permanent installment on every ship. I also think Trek should be talking about non-sentient alien species more too. Like, where are the space cows? Where are the space dogs? Where are the pets all the humanoid species keep in their homes? I want space gerbils and I want them catalogued NOW.
Honestly, I think Trek should make an entire show about a science vessel that is composed of 90% exozoologists because it has PRIME comedy material in terms of characters. I'm thinking that, since the universe is so diverse, you would have people who specialize in a certain area of taxonomy and they have weird little competitions with each other whenever a new species is discovered as to who gets to catalogue it under their order/class. The Canidae and Feliformia people absolutely cannot get along except for when they get to talk trash about the Aves experts because everyone knows bird people are crazy. The Chiropterologists and Rodentia experts are constantly fighting over the title of "most populous mammal" (I volunteer to play the chiropterologist. I'll do it for free. Hire me, Johnathan Frakes). I also think there should be someone who specializes in exolivestock there who is the most laid-back, relaxed person on the ship. They always wear a hat, so no one is sure if they are a Vulcan, or if they are just a farmer from the midwest. Could be either.
Also, every modern zoologist or biologist or animal scientist I've ever met (myself included) is just so whacky. You would have an entire ship of some of the quirkiest characters ever and it would be so funny.
It would be even better if the captain of the ship is not even remotely a biologist. You have some poor captain who was on the engineering track and is so excited to have their first command, only to find out that they are flying an exozoological research vessel full of a bunch of overly-passionate and competitive animal scientists who want to stop at EVERY sign of life they find on their sensors. The captain is exhausted. They have to sort out arguments between species specialists each week. It's exhausting.
Additionally, I want more space vets. I just think it would be really funny to see an exovet and an exodoctor duke it out over who gets to treat the new species of the week. Like they both are sprinting down to the transporter every time a new alien gets brought in to figure out who's jurisdiction it's in.
Thanks for asking about this! I wanna write a whole show now.
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Fără dividende la Sphera, din profitul anului trecut - 03.04.2020
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/fara-dividende-la-sphera-din-profitul-anului-trecut-03-04-2020/
Fără dividende la Sphera, din profitul anului trecut - 03.04.2020
• Compania a distribuit acţionarilor 13,68 milioane de lei, în acest an, din rezultatul obţinut în 2018
Acţionarii Sphera Franchise Group (SFG) au fost convocaţi la adunarea de bilanţ, pentru data de 26 mai, cu propunerea ca, din rezultatul net al anului trecut, de aproape 32 milioane de lei, 30,38 milioane de lei să fie profit nedistribuit, restul reprezentând rezerve legale, se arată în comunicatul companiei postat, ieri, pe site-ul Bursei de Valori Bucureşti (BVB).
Este o propunere aşteptată în piaţă, în condiţiile în care activitatea operatorului lanţurilor de alimentaţie publică KFC, PizzaHut şi Taco Bell este puternic afectată de deciziile Guvernului care au vizat închiderea activităţii restaurantelor şi a limitării circulaţiei persoanelor pe teritoriul ţării noastre, pentru limitarea răspândirii pandemiei de Covid – 19.
Totuşi, acţionarii Sphera au primit dividende în acest an, cu plata începând din 31 martie, în condiţiile în care, la începutul lunii trecute, s-a decis distribuirea sumei de 13,68 milioane lei, bani ce au rămas nedistribuiţi din profitul anului 2018.
Pentru 2019, Sphera Franchise Group a raportat, la nivel individual, venituri de aproape 51,24 milioane de lei, cu circa 17% sub cele aferente anului anterior, în timp profitul din exploatare a fost de 32,13 milioane de lei, cu 19,9% mai mic decât cel refelectat în stuaţiile financiare de la finele anului 2018.
La data de 31 decembrie 2019, Tatika Investments (Cipru) avea 27,33% din acţiunile SFG, Computerland România – 21,43% şi Wellkept Group (România) – 16,34%.
Tatika Investments şi Wellkept Group sunt deţinute de Radu Dimofte, iar Computerland de Nicolae Badea.
După scăderile din ultimele două luni ale preţului acţiunilor SFG, în ton cu deprecierile generale ale activelor de risc la nivel global, valoarea de piaţă a Sphera Franchise Group la BVB este de circa 500 milioane de lei.
Sursa stire bursa.ro
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