#tatiana replies
sawcondeezicons · 5 months
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you're cool with me? to the end! but let's never do this again. i'm happy to have you as my friend <3
[ID: 6 circular matching icons of tatiana slozhno and agent curt mega from spies are forever. the first two show tatiana (first) and curt (second) facing each other with serious expressions, both of them wearing leather jackets. the next two show curt (third) and tatiana (fourth) standing back to back, looking directly at the camera and aiming their guns to the side; curt is wearing a suit, and tatiana is wearing a blue dress. in the final two, tatiana (fifth) and curt (sixth) are sitting side-by-side, smiling at each other; tatiana is wearing a purple knitted jumper, and curt is wearing a grey t-shirt. all of the icons' backgrounds have been edited to be in black and white. /End ID]
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stromuprisahat · 18 days
I think the other anon meant that nikolai likes zoya because she reminds him of his mother somehow.
(post mentioned)
I wanted to say no at first, but a gorgeous woman, whose attention he longs for only to be treated as an adorable pet...
Of course, the reasoning is different and so will be the specifics, but yeah, it might be a part of it.
He even kinda grows to like Alina- a woman, who openly wants someone else- therefore is unreachable even though she shouldn't be (just like love of his own mother, or his subject when he's the ruling King)- and doesn't truly consider him a partner of equal standing (again- even thought he's officially a Royal blood, her own son, her King...).
Gods, he would really greatly benefit from turning out to be a deeply closeted gay (as some people already interpreted him since his first book) for the sake of all. At least it would spare him the temptation to humiliate himself further.
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cxnsiglixrx · 26 days
Closed Starter
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The vampire tilted her head to the side. Confusion riddled her features. The statement had thrown her for a loop. The cogs in her mind turned, searching for answers. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks, that it was Alaric. Her former fiancée, the man she grew to love and hoped to marry. Tatiana's family and his had been business partners for years. When both came of age, a marriage was agreed upon. At first, Tatiana was against it all. The ceremony, the need to let go of her freedom to love in hopes of a good, strategic marriage. But Alaric had carved a place for himself in her heart, and the woman found herself falling in love with her betrothed.
That was before she disappeared. When the carriage was found in the road, everyone believed Tatiana to be dead. Nobody bothered to look. "Alaric..." The woman whispered. The face of a monster was now gone, replaced by the face of a heartbroken woman. "What are you doing here?" // Cont from here // @ad0rati0ns
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Hello as always lol,
I really hope you’re feeling better dear Nemo cause anxiety really sucks major. I’m popping in to ask you abt your OC Tatiana this time :
Do you think she would wear this cool jacket à la Jude Duarte somewhere ? I thought that it fitted within her vibe as of someone from the Homelands with her profile. And does she, bc of her background, might not allow ppl to feel entirely comfortable around her, wether she is conscious of it/ does it on purpose (like Jude) or not
Hope you’re having a good day,
Hello Anon
Hello hello Darling Nonnie!!
You are always so welcome here, please, do make yourself comfortable, while I fetch some iced coffee and some cookies
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And thank you for enquiring about my anxiety, it means a lot.
I am feeling much better now, especially compared to a few days ago.
You know, I have had this for as long as I can remember, and I know that when it happens, all I can do is to just sit tight, find something that might help take my mind off everything and just log off until I feel better.
In summer is not so bad, tbh, but in winter it tends to get a bit worse (especially around January, it's just UGH).
But I am digressing! All this to say that I am feeling much better, and it means that I can now give your ask the proper attention it deserves!
So, onto your question regarding my darling Tatiana!! :D
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Tatia's whole wardrobe is made up of mostly leather jackets and coats, and they can go from aviator-type jackets (like the one I drew her in here) or long coats (á-la-Selene from Underworld).
So yes, I can DEFINITELY see Tatiana wearing that particular jacket, and just walk around being all cool (but without trying, because that's just the way she is lol).
As for not allowing others to feel comfortable around her, you are SPOT ON on that.
You see, Tatiana herself is so convinced that she is more trouble than she is worth for, she makes it a point to do all in her power to just project this aura of hostility that usually manages to deter most people around her from approaching her, let alone befriend her.
After playing the game with Rumplestilskin for most of her life, she knows that there is nothing to be gained in getting closer to her, in one way or the other, so she truly is one moment away from just growling at people who gets too close (and good gods, the amount of time she had beef with Bigby about it because he tried to actually get closer to her, since you know, he is the Big Bad Wolf and all of that, but she is still like: Nah, man, you gonna get yourself kill if you interfere with Rumple. Eventually he would succeed in that, but trust and believe that it took a remarkable time).
Another person that actually managed to actually get close to her, despite the whole "I Bite"  façade is actually Robyn Irons, a witch from Santa Clara, but the poor girl cannot recognize danger if it looked at her in the face and had a Neon Sign on its forehead! 😂😂😂
there you have it! :D
Thank you for this ask, Nonnie! <3
I had fun focusing on Tatiana again <3
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fayessketchbook · 1 year
You do requests right? How about Tatiana from Echoes?
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Here she is! 👋^_^
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
Maybe it's just me, but I never found TSC villains compelling.
Most of them were either Cartoonish or uninteresting. Some of them were interesting at the beginning and lost the spark because of the pathetic job CC did in providing them proper page time.
My problem with her characters is not about them being the typical comic villains. Instead, they are soo poorly written and are only considered cunning because CC is dumb....ahem... What I mean is that they do not have enough brain cells to be considered cunning, definitely not as crafty as the writing suggests (they are vicious, yes. But that's a fundamental quality of a villain).
Valentine - the most intelligent, charming, manipulative, always 10 steps ahead - could not think that summoning an Angel (a heavenly being more powerful than he could ever be) and asking it a favour without offering any deal/ sacrifice or having a plan B was dumb? Why didn't he even think for a sec that even if Raziel doesn't know about Ithuriel's imprisonment and all, summoning an entity that can kill you easily could be risky? It's not even a last-minute plan, it's what he had been working for throughout the 1st, 2nd and 3rd books.
Also, if he has the power to capture Ithuriel, a powerful angel (as far as I know), then why not use that power to capture Raziel or why not use Ithuriel's blood to create a new race of half angels that he could control and use to wage war against other shadow hunters?
Sebastian: I never took him seriously. He was just...there obsessing over the main characters because that's what villains do. I did not feel sad (not even a little bit sad) when he died. I don't think he's as complex or as sympathetic as the fandom makes him to be.
Axel Mortmain: Seriously, do people even know TID has a Villain? I do. I'm not happy about it! Frankly speaking, Mortmain did spark my interest when he was revealed to be the bad guy at the end of the first book.
The reason for that: He's just a rich, immortal Mundane against Shadowhunters. He managed to manipulate powerful Downworlders like de Quincy. After reading all about how Mundanes are weak and inferior to the SH in TMI, I thought it would be nice to see a Mundane being a threat to the Shadowhunters. He was the only one with some level of intellect among all the villains in the TSC world. At least, that's what I thought when I finished CoA.
Of course, that interest died quickly when he was only used for causing more drama in a love triangle. CC didn't even pretend she cared about the plot or other characters.
Malcolm& Anabel are Ok-ish...I guess. Once again, neither left a strong impression on me, but I could see why someone else might like them. Or show sympathy for their backstory.
psttttt.........There's a villain called Shinyun...do you know that? Easily the most forgettable character I've ever read.
Tatiana: She had a sympathetic backstory but was a hilariously dumb villain. Once again, a character was established as cunning but only "cunning" because the other characters are stupid. The narration considers her cunning in the way Clave is considered Stupid.
Tatiana and Zara have something in common: both function as the "straw characters". Zara exists as a representation of people who criticize CC's romantic arcs. Tatiana had a motivation behind her hatred. However, from time to time, she was still used as a straw character. I never understood why she specifically said, "Herondales have dominated Shadowhunters history, there should've been more lightwoods". When she clearly hated Lightwoods too. That was oddly specific.
Belial: ugh.....where should I even begin...? Now, I didn't expect him to be a complex villain. But as THE PRINCE OF HELL, I expected a few brain cells from him. Turns out he's the dumbest Villain to ever exist. Now. I'm not going into details as you didn't finish ChoT.
It makes me wonder how TWP Villains are going to be? I'm assuming there would be a lot of Villains...I hope at least some of them are crafty, vicious and would feel like an actual threat to the characters.
Lmao, It's quite lengthy.
Anyway, Thanks for reading.
You’re definitely not alone in that. I agree 100 %. One of my favorite topics are the terrible cartoon villains that appear on the pages of these books. I once wrote in a post about Benedict Lightwood and Tatiana that the villains are characters who are reduced to few oversimplified evil traits and their villainy is over-exaggerated.
As characters they’ve essentially become a combination of both oversimplification and exaggeration, which makes them more caricatures of villains rather than believably motivated, individual characters. […] These character exhibit the degree of nastiness that primarily serves to enhance the goodness, moral superiority, and righteousness of the protagonists. Their lacking complexity is partly a result of this objective. Another part to this is the unwillingness in the narrative to accept the villain as wholly human person. They lack proper motivation or basis outside of being evil for the sake of being evil.  They have no inner life and all their time is dedicated to their evil deeds and self-serving purposes. Writing villains like these is also a result of overly simplistic understanding of certain characters for which the narrative then ignores the complexities inherent in each individual person—even the bad ones. The level of awfulness of these villains is something no sensible member of the Clave would deem as alright. They aren’t slick, charismatic, or suave enough for the readers or the Good Guys to be blinded by their malicious intentions, so why are the rest of the members of the Clave blind to it? These villains aren’t that intelligent and cunning. Their intelligence and cunning should be achieved through skillful use of literary devices, not dumbing down other characters. Having everyone go with their charisma that fools them only because the writing says so gives the other Nephilim bad contrast and is frustrating for readers to wait for them to catch up. They are villains, they are supposed to be awful doesn’t change the fact that what the writing has produced are walking talking mission statements only meant for spouting out obviously controversial and unacceptable ideologies. This comes from the habit of picking out only easy and surface level aspects to enhance their badness, like sexism, racial supremacy, and homophobia, which any sensible and empathetic reader would obviously strongly disagree with.
Valentine is only intelligent and a smooth talker because Clare just doesn’t write Clary being able to refute any of his arguments while I am doing it for her when reading. It’s all telling and showing, much like the rest of the books but it does a greater disservice to the villains. Here are some links to my other older answers about this topic if you wish to read more of the thoughts:
Sebastian’s potential at compelling villainy and him being EVIL
Thoughts on Sebastian being a villain
Thoughts on Zara being a villain
On Tatiana
A thought about Tatiana
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ofginjxints · 5 months
📸 tati & felix.
Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s)
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As with most men, Felix loves a good unflattering candid as well as pretty ones. (He thinks she looks beautiful at any angle and any time. Even mid-eating.)
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lolawritesfanfics · 5 months
The After Party
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Gif by: hils79
Genre: Idol!AU, 9th member!AU, angst, smut, fluff
Pairing: Mingi x female reader, reader x OC
Word count: I honestly don't know.🤷‍♀️
Content warnings/themes: Week 2 Coachella Mingi (yes, that is a warning.), reader is the 9th and only female member of ATEEZ, reader, her female friends and most of ATEEZ are in their early 20s, jealousy, hidden mutual feelings, confessions, someone almost gets beat up by ATEEZ(minus Mingi), slut shaming(from toxic "fans" and some guy), implied female masturbation, oral(f receiving), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex(Do NOT do this in real life!😡), multiple positions, spanking, Mingi is a nasty pervert, mention of panties, nipple play, pet names(baby, bunny), let me know if I missed or misspelled anything.
Y/n's POV
"What the fuck was that?!"
Oh boy.......how did I end up in this situation?
I guess I have to start from the beginning.
We finished our Week 2 Coachella performance(which was absolutely fucking amazing.), so I decided to throw a large after party with my ATEEZ members and my female friends to celebrate.
Before we went to the after party, one of my female friends, Denise, got me to wear a really gorgeous black floral lace corset dress, where the lace showed around my abdominal area, the dress really hugged and accentuated my curves which I appreciate.
"Hey Y/n, are you ever gonna get with Mingi or what?" Denise asked. "No, I can't, Denise. Mingi is my bandmate, if that was to ever happen and the fans and public found out about us, it would ruin our careers forever. Not to mention the amount of endless hate I'll receive, hell would have to freeze over before people would stop calling me a whore and a slut for existing." I replied.
Ever since I debuted with ATEEZ as the 9th and only female member, I have always been a target of hate, especially from toxic female "fans" who would comment awful things about me such as:
"She's nothing but a cheap slut with no talent."
"I bet she slept with all the other members in order to debut."
"She only got to debut because of her looks and sex appeal."
"The whore of ATEEZ."
Another one of my female friends, Mia, facepalms and shakes her head and says "Y/n, you care way too much about people think of you, those "fans" who post those hateful comments about you are just jealous of the fact that you're in the same group as the members, especially Mingi."
"Exactly, you know you want Mingi, Y/n. I mean, you talk to us about how you want to be dicked down by Mingi all the time, so why are you not allowing yourself to be with him? Besides, you can be in a secret relationship with Mingi, the fans and the public doesn't have to know." Denise complains as Mia nods in agreement.
In their defense, I do want Mingi, so badly my body aches for his touch. I cannot count the amount of times I fantasised about Mingi, I even touched myself and made myself cum to the (im)pure thought of all the unholy, depraved things I would let Mingi do to me so many times that I'm embarassed to say it out loud.
And being in a secret relationship with Mingi would be such a good id- No, no, no and no, I cannot and will not ruin my members' reputation just because I want Mingi to myself. We made it too far to just let it all crumble down because of my feelings.
As I shake off the thoughts of being with Mingi, Iet down my hair and put on styling mousse to make it more defined, then I do a smoky eye with mascara, an wine red ombré lip, lightly spray on my Black Opium perfume, put on my black stilleto heels on and call it a night.
"Y/n, you ready? Everybody's waiting for you!!!" Denise called as Mia did a come-here gesture for me to hurry. "Yes, I'm on my way!!!" I replied as I walked out my hotel room to the after party with Denise and Mia.
"HEY Y/N!!!" The rest of my female friends, Tatiana and Simone, greeted as they pull me, Denise and Mia in for a group hug.
"Why hello ladies." Wooyoung greeted. "Hey, Wooyoung." We greeted back. "You all look gorgoeous tonight."
"Thank you, Wooyoung." We all said as we giggled due to him complimenting us.
"Wooyoung, such a shameless flatterer, is he." Simone says as she shakes her head in pure fondness.
"He sure is, anyways what the hell are we waiting for, let's celebrate for Christ's sake!!!" Tatiana cheers as we all go to party.
"Hey Wooyoung, call the rest, the party is about to start!!!" I called him.
"Will do, Y/n. Yeosang! Seonghwa! Jongho! The party's about to start!"
90s and early 2000s pop, hip hop and r&b music booms throughout nearly the entire hotel as me, my friends and bandmates Wooyoung, Yeosang, Seonghwa and Jongho dance to our hearts' content in celebration of our week 2 Coachella performance. Then an hour later, Tatiana introduces me and the girls to this guy in our age range called Jason. "It's so good to finally meet you ladies, Tati told me so much about y'all, especially you, Y/n." Jason says as he gives me a lustful smirk which doesn't sit well with my friends and I, but me and Tatiana try to ignore it.
As the song Genie in the Bottle by Christina Aguilera comes to an end, Simone taps me on the shoulder and says "Y/n, if you need us for anything, we'll be at the door over there." while pointing at the door in the middle of the venue room where the party is taking place which is not too far from me.
"Ok. Thank you guys." I nod. Simone, Mia and Denise go on their way as she warns me "Be careful with that Jason guy, ok?" I nod, she smiles and follows Denise and Mia.
As the party goes on, I dance with Jason when he asks me "So how is it like with your bandmates, Y/n?" with that damn smirk. Then I reply "Oh, my bandmates are really great people to be around, especially Mingi. Throughout all the years I was with them, they always made me feel welcome, safe as if I've known them all my life." with a smile on my face at the thought of them. "Oh, is that so?" Jason tilts his head to the right with his infamous smirk and a jealous glint in his eyes, which obviously weirded me out but then again I try to ignore that.
As more early 2000s songs such as Promiscuous and Maneater by Nelly Furtado, The Way I Are by Timbaland and Gimme More by Britney Spears played throughout the party, Jason and I continue to dance together with our bodies increasingly pressing against each other, which doesn't go unnoticed not only by my female friends but with my bandmates Wooyoung, Yeosang, Seonghwa and Jongho as they looked at each other in suspicion and confusion at me and Jason. Dancing so closely against him doesn't feel right to me, however I try to ignore it in order to help myself move on from Mingi but it doesn't work.
Then Jason tucks my side bangs behind my ear to whisper softly "Can we take this to the pool?" I nod as he grabs my hand to lead me to the changing room where I changed into my glittery gold bikini while Jason changed into his swimming shorts. He then takes from the changing room to the outdoor pool with gorgeous pink and purple lights. We step into the pool, Jason grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. "You've been really enjoying yourself, haven't you Y/n." once again with that smirk. I look down and nod with a forced smile as what Jason said isn't the truth at all in the slightest(not that he knows this, of course). Throughout the whole time I danced with him, all I could think about was Mingi and how I wished he was the one I was dancing with instead of Jason.
His notorious smirk soons fades away into a serious look on his face as he holds up my chin with his thumb and index finger to get me to look at him, he states " Y/N, I met a lot women in my lifetime and I must say, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes on." "Really?!" I squeaked out with a stunned look on my face. Jason curtly nodded as he come even closer to me than ever before. He holds up my chin again as he turns to kiss me. My hearts starts to beat rapidly against my chest, I force myself to close my eyes as Jason leans in to kiss me.
Until I heard someone clear their throat.
My eyes shoots wide open as I turn my head to the right. To my greatest shock and horror, my heart hammers against my chest and my face goes pale as I see Mingi, face to face, with the most furious look in his face I have ever seen in all the years I've known him, with jealousy and lust in his eyes, along with Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Wooyoung, Jongho and all my female friends looking at me and Jason, shocked beyond belief.
"Y/n, what's the meaning of all this?!! Who is this guy?!! Hongjoong exclaims, pointing at Jason, who is confused and irritated at this whole situation happening here.
" I...I..." I stutter, not knowing what to do or say.
"And why are you alone in the pool with him?" Yunho questions, with a puzzled look.
San turns to Wooyoung and exclaims "How the hell did this happen?!" while pointing at me and Jason, who is becoming increasingly annoyed.
"Oh, I'll tell you. Tatiana introduced this Jason guy to Y/N and the rest of her friends!!!" Wooyoung exclaims as he points at Jason, then at Tatiana.
"Huh?!" Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Yunho exclaimed, raising their eyebrows.
"That's his name? Tch, Jason." San scoffs which really pissed off Jason as he darts his head and glares at San.
Tatiana immediately raises her hands in defense and raised her voice. "Hey, hey, hey!!! I only invited Jason to the after party and introduced him to Y/N, Mia, Simone and Denise. I didn't expect him to try kiss Y/n!"
Jason becomes more and more angry as he fumed "What the fuck is this bullshit, Tatiana?!!" glaring at her in which she becomes visibly upset at his accusatory remark.
"Hey, don't you dare frown at her, Jason." Mia warns Jason as she wags her index finger at him with a stern glare. She turns to me and questions "Also, Y/n, why the hell did you go in the pool with him in the first place?!" "Exactly." Denise added, rubbing her temples in annoyance, as Yeosang, Seonghwa, Jongho and Simone nodded in agreement.
I look around, speechless as I still don't know how to go on about this situation I found myself in.
"Y/n, I think it's best we call this party off." Seonghwa states as Hongjoong curtly nodded in agreement.
"No." Mingi says for the first time since this messy incident took place, taking everyone, including me, aback.
"You can continue with this party, I'll take Y/n with me to my hotel room so she can explain herself to me about whatever this is." Mingi says as he take off his jacket.
"Y/n." Mingi calls out my name.
"Y-yes, Mingi?" I answered with a shaky voice.
"Get out of the pool, put on my jacket and follow me to my room." Mingi says flat out.
Jason snaps when he hears this, he gets out of the pool, goes up to Mingi to bark at him " Fuck off, you asshole!!! Find your own girl, I had Y/n first!"
Mingi scoffs and sneered at Jason "You think I give a fuck about you want?"
Mingi turns to me and says "Y/n, you have two choices now, me or him?"
Everyone, especially Mia and Denise, look at me in hopes I'll pick Mingi over Jason.
I wanted Mingi to myself for such a long time so, I no longer see the point in fighting my feelings anymore.
I take in a deep breath and reply,
"You, Mingi." as I get up out of the pool and go towards him.
Jason looks at me in an unimpressed, condescending stare and has the audacity to open his decaying mouth to say to me "I actually expected a lot better from you, Y/n. But of course, what is there to expect from such a cheap slut."
"Wow." I say as I look at Jason with the utmost unimpressed expression ever.
Everyone else screamed out "WHAT?!" in absolute fury at Jason's hateful comment towards me due to me rejecting him for Mingi.
"You lowlife bastard!!!" San roars as he charges towards Jason, along with the rest of the members.
Jason, now terrified, tries to run away but ends up slipping on the concrete floor towards the end of the outdoor pool porch.
"Mingi, take Y/N to your hotel room while we deal with this bitch made loser!!!" Hongjoong shouted.
"Will do, Captain! Y/N, put on my jacket and come with me." Mingi says as I put on his jacket. He grabs my hand and leads me to his hotel room.
Author's POV
"Oh, I'll make you regret saying that about Y/n." Yunho growls as he rolls his sleeves up.
"Me too!!!" Wooyoung roars as he clenched his fists.
"And the rest of us, you son of a bitch. Get him, boys!! Seonghwa yells, all of them ready to lunge at Jason.
Jason screams "NOOOOO!!!"
However Tatiana rushes to stop them. "WAIT!!!" she yells.
"What is it now, Tatiana?!! Wooyoung growls at her with gritted teeth.
"I have a better idea on how we should deal with Jason." She says.
"And what is the idea do you have in mind, Tatiana?" Jongho questions. "Yeah, how are we sure that your idea is better, Tatiana? Yeosang added.
"Mia! Denise!" Tatiana calls with a come-here motion.
"Yes, Tatiana?" Denise replied, with a confused look on her face, along with Mia.
"Y/n talks to the both of y'all about Mingi, right?" Tatiana questioned.
'Well duh, she goes on and on about him all the time, including all the nasty shit she would allow Mingi to do to her" Mia confirmed, which made all the other ATEEZ members raise their eyebrows in shock and curiosity.
Jason becomes confused as he can't hear what everyone else is saying as they're talking in hushed tones.
"She does?!" Yeosang and Simone whisper yells in shock.
"Yep, a lot of it involves hair pulling, manhandling and multiple positions." Denise confirmed.
"Well damn, this is news to me." Yunho chuckled.
"I never knew Y/n is so naughty." San smirked. "Anyway, Tatiana, what the hell has this information got to do with your idea?" Wooyoung asked.
"In Mingi's hotel room, he and Y/n could end up having sex, so why don't we force Jason to hear them fuck?" Tatiana whispers in Wooyoung's ear.
Wooyoung gleefully smirks at Tatiana's delightfully lewd idea. " You know what, Tatiana? You're a genius." he LOVED her idea.
"So what did she say?" Hongjoong curiously asked as everyone were all ears.
"She said we should get that loser to listen to Y/N and Mingi fucking." Wooyoung confirmed with a mischievious smirk on his face.
Everyone else, even including Jongho and Simone, giggled at the dirty idea. "I'll give you credit, Tatiana, your idea is indeed better than we initially had in mind." Hongjoong stated and winked at Tatiana, which made her flustered as a result.
"Jongho! San! Carry that dork up to the area facing Mingi's hotel room door. Wooyoung! Yeosang! Get a stable chair, really good duct tape and follow Jongho and San. Seonghwa! Yunho! You both look after the ladies in the party, ok?"
"Ay, ay, Captain!" Seonghwa and Yunho replied in unison.
"Hey! Who are you calling a dork, asshole?!" Jason yelled at Hongjoong.
"Oh, shut up, you idiot." Jongho spits out as he carried the pathetic man along with San.
Y/n's POV
Mingi and I finally make it to his hotel room, he closes and locks his door as I take off his jacket and put on the hanger next to the door on the left side.
Mingi looks at me and exclaims "What the fuck was that?!".
'What was what?" I asked as I dart my eyes left and right with a puzzled look on my face.
"Don't play dumb with me, Y/n. You, in the pool with that Jason guy, that fucker trying to kiss you and you allowing him?! What the hell was that?!" Mingi seethed with jealousy, lust and desire in his feline eyes, which makes me throb with need in between my thighs.
"Mingi, I can explain!" I plead with him.
"Oh, you better explain yourself, Y/n and start explaining right goddamn now." Mingi ordered. "And I don't want to hear about what led up to whatever that was, I wanna hear WHY you were in the pool with that asshole in the first place." He added.
I take in a deep breath, clear my throat and decide to tell him the truth about everything.
"Mingi, the reason why I was in the pool with Jason is because I was trying to move on from you."
Mingi looks at me, confused and asks "What do you mean by "trying to move on from me"?"
I sigh and confirm his question "Mingi, I wanted you for a long time, I chose not to tell you because I was worried if we were together and the fans and the public found out about us, it would ruin everything we worked so hard for, not to mention how people would always attack me for ruining ATEEZ's reputation, especially yours. I felt I would be selfish and inconsiderate if I told you my feelings, Mingi."
Mingi walks closer to me and says "Y/N, look at me in my eyes." I look at him in his eyes as he lifts up my chin with his index finger.
"What if I told you...I want you to be selfish, Y/n?" Mingi purred in my ear with that deep, raspy voice of his that always makes me soaking wet.
"W-what d-do you mean?" I stutter, already trembling, feeling breathless from how seductively Mingi whispered in my ear.
"You said you want me, right Y/N?" I nod with no hesitation as his statement is true in every sense of the word. "If wanting me to fuck you senseless makes you selfish, then be selfish with me, Y/n. Because quite frankly, I don't give a fuck about what the fans or the public thinks of us, baby."
Mingi then crashes his lips against mine with a needy, desperate kiss as he pins me against the hotel door with my legs wrapped around his waist, leaving my wine red lipstick smudged, sending me into a state of bliss and ecstasy.
I knew Mingi would be a good kisser but goddamn.....he took my breath away.
As he wantonly kisses my jaw, he purrs in my ear "I'm gonna do all the nasty shit you've wanted me to do to you, all the things you said amongst your friends."
"W-what?!" I squeaked out as my eyes pop wide open, completely caught off guard by his dirty remark.
He chuckles with a lewd smirk "Oh baby, don't act so innocent with me. Did you really think I don't know how you talk about me with your friends? The amount of times you touched yourself in your dorm when you thought no one else was around?"
My cheeks burned, flustered at his confirmation.
"There's no need to be shy, Y/n. I think it's hot." Mingi coos as he cups my cheeks with his left hand.
He then kisses my neck, sucking, gently biting and leaving hickies on it, making me moan and whine as a result.
As he goes down to my chest, he takes off my bikini bra, showcasing my erect nipples.
"Goddamn, you have such gorgeous tits, Y/N." He then sucks and nibbles my left nipple. "Mingi!! Please.." I gasped. My body starts to heat up, I try to suppress my moans and whimpers by pressing my lips together as Mingi sucks on both of my nipples.
He leaves a trail of kisses from my chest to in between my inner thighs, where my arousal drips down to my legs. "I want to eat your pussy so bad." Mingi breathed out.
"Mingi!!" I cried out as he ripped my bikini panties off. "Don't worry, bunny. I'll buy you another set." I clenched around nothing at the pet name, Mingi takes notice of this. "Oh, you like that, huh?" He smirks. He then takes a view of my dripping, aching cunt, face to face. "My God, you're dripping, you have such a pretty pussy. I bet you taste so good."
He put my legs on his shoulders and latches on my throbbing clit with his wet lips, making me throw my head back against the door and nearly scream as a result.
I clutch my mouth shut, biting into my left hand, to keep my voice down as he sucks and licks my clit like a starved man, desperate moans and whimpers threatening to erupt from within me.
All of a sudden, Mingi takes his mouth away from my clit, leaving me all taken aback, confused and frustrated. "Mingi, wh-wh-why did you stop?"
"You fucking tease me by showing off on stage, touch yourself to the thought of me when no one's at the dorm, talk about all these things you want me to do to you to your friends and you hide those moans from me? Very rude of you, don't you think?"
The fucking audacity of this menace. I'm literally wet and horny all the damn time because his goddamn antics on stage, him grabbing his cock every 5 seconds, his deep, raspy ass voice that goes straight to my clit and so many other things I go on and on about, is this man for real?!
Before I even get the chance to go off at Mingi, he goes down to hungrily suck my clit, making me throw my head back against the door again and scream out loud in pleasure.
"Mingi! Please...please, pl-ease."
"Please what, Y/n?" He growls.
"Please keep going." I shakily moan.
"Then don't you dare hide those moans from me, otherwise neither of us will cum."
I quickly nodded, desperate to have my sweet release.
Mingi then continues his attack on my clit with his mouth.
My moans and whimpers start to fill up the room, I stroke his platnium blonde locks as he flicks my clit with his tongue, he moans into my throbbing bud. "My God, your pussy is so delicious, so much better than licking off your red panties."
No wonder I couldn't find my red panties anywhere in my dorm.
Perhaps, I should have been disgusted from Mingi saying this but it just made me even more needy and desperate for him.
Because of this, I drew closer and closer to my much needed orgasm, my moans becoming more high pitched and breathless.
"Mingi....baby, I'm so close, please don't stop"
"I won't stop, bunny. I promise" He breathes out as his sucks and flicks on my clit becomes much quicker and desperate.
Then I feel that oh so familiar knot in my stomach. "Oooh! Mingi, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, please keep going."
My breathing become more uneven and labored, my bangs stick to my forehead in sweat as that the knot in my stomach becomes tight, so close to snapping.
"Mingi! I'm cumming, I'm cumming, ooh!"
"Cum for me, baby" Mingi says as he gives one last harsh suck on my clit, looking into my eyes with the most lustful, ravenous gaze which pushes me over the edge.
"Mingi!! MINGI!!! Mingi-i-i-i...."
I breathlessly moan out his name as I come down from my high, he greedily licks my aching cunt clean of my cum, moaning as he tastes it.
"Goddamn, baby, you taste absolutely divine, even better than I've imagined."
He gets his head out of between my thighs, my cheeks burn as I see his face covered with my juices. I use my fingers to get all my nectar off of his face, he hungrily sucks my fingers as I put inside his mouth, groaning as he relishes in my taste.
Immediately after, he crashes his lips against mine with a hungry, needy kiss, I let him inside my mouth and have reign over my tongue as he puts my legs around his waist and carries me to the bed.
He lays me down on the bed, rolls me around so my butt is facing him. He grabs and kneads my ass slowly so he can have a feel of it, soon enough, I yelp in suprise and pleasure as he slaps each cheek of my ass, sending shivers down my spine. "You have such an amazing ass, Y/n. Are you ready for my cock, baby?"
"Yes, yes, yes, I'm ready, I need you inside of me." I enthusiastically nod as I plead for Mingi. "Get on all fours, baby, don't put your head on the mattress, bunny." He orders as I obediently comply to him.
He takes off his belt, takes his huge cock out of his pants, making my eyes pop wide open in shock and worry that it might hurt or not fit. "M-Mingi, w-would it fit?" I ask him, worried and scared. "Don't worry, bunny, I'll make it fit. I won't hurt you, I promise." Mingi reassures me, rubbing my right shoulder. He then spreads my lower cheeks apart, rubs his tip, dripping of pre-cum on my dripping entrance. "Oh my God, you're soaking wet." He moans out. Slowly and carefully, he pushes himself into me, tears prickle in my eyes at the almost painful stretch. I roll my eyes a bit and let a choked moan when he's fully inside of me. Mingi gives me time to adjust to his monster cock.
"Are you ready for me, bunny?" Mingi groans. I nod, looking at him with pleading eyes. Not even a second after that, he slams his cock into me, making me cry out as a result.
Soon enough, Mingi's thrusts becomes more hard hitting, rapid and desperate, he moans into my ear, sending chills down my spine, making me even more wet than ever now.
I yelp and whine as I feel his bulge in my stomach and how Mingi's throbbing, hard dick feels inside of me. "Baby, you feel how hard I am for you? That's how you make me feel, you have no idea what you do to me. I wanted to...nnnnggh...to fuck you like this...ssss...for a very long time...aaah." Mingi desperately moans into my ear.
That alone drove me dangerously close to my second orgasm of tonight. Our moans and whines fills up the room to the brim as Mingi's thrusts becomes sloppy and hurried. "Oooh baby, please...sss...I'm so close, I need you to cum with me...sssss...I need to cum inside you, please." Mingi begs me, so needy to have his long awaited release inside me.
Immediately, the familiar knot came very quickly tightening rapidly, ready to snap. "Oh Mingi!! I'm cumming, I'm cumming, cum with me..ooh..now."
Mingi and I yell and whimper each other's names as we cum together, feeling his hot seed inside of me while soaking him with my cream.
I scream without any hesitation, tears of pleasure fall out my eyes, leaving my mascara running as Mingi pounds straight into me, not allowing me to recover from my precious orgasm.
"Mingi! Mingi, please, please, please."
He continues his relentless pace on me, both of us wildly moaning, too lost in the entangling pleasure to care if anyone can hear us.
"Y/n, you're gonna make me cum again, I can't s-stop, I c-can't control it." Mingi needily whines.
Soon enough, when that knot in our stomachs snapped, we came again together as I collaspe with my face on the mattress.
'MINGI!!! Baby-y-y...."
"Y/N!!! Y/n...ssss...baby"
Mingi rolls me around as we recover from our highs so I can look at him, face to face.
"I'm not done with you, bunny" He reminds me as he puts my legs on his shoulders. He look at me directly with small hints of lingering jealousy, lust, passion, desire and even love(?) when he states this "I'm going to give you what no other man can give to you, ever."
Suddenly, he once again slams himself into me, making me scream out loud again as I arch my back from his immediate thrust.
Our moans and whimpers freely flow across the room as Mingi beats up my slutty cunt once again with hard hitting, rapid thrusts.
"Y/n..ssss..tell me. Can that Jason bastard fuck you better than I can, huh? Mingi grunts.
"Nnn..no, he can't." I weakly moan.
"I can't hear you." Mingi growls out as he even further sped his thrusts.
"NO, NO, NO!! He can't, he can't, he can't!" I scream and sob out of pleasure as Mingi went even faster than ever before.
"Damn fucking right, he can't. You can't get enough of me nor my dick, look at how your pussy sucks me in, baby." He grunts, pointing his chin at my pussy. I lift myself up a bit to take a look, my cheeks burned profusely at the lewd, obscene view of Mingi's cock disappearing into my cunt.
"You wanna cum for me, baby?" He moans out. I rapidly nodded. "Then look at me in my eyes while I'm splitting you open, ok bunny" I nodded once again and laid back down on the mattress.
Mingi continues his merciless pace, loudly moaning as we both look into each other's eyes. The knot in my stomach start to develop for the umpteenth time tonight.
Mingi's moans soon turn into whines and whimpers as he's close to having his release. My head is full of him fucking me into the next century when he moans out "Y/n, w-would you-fuuuuck-be mine?"
I get a bit out of my daze when he says this "Y-Yours, as in?" I whine, not completely sure of his question.
"Y/n, would you..haah..be my girlfriend?" He breathed out. This completely snaps me out of ny daze. "Yes, yes, yes!! I would be your girlfriend." I cry out of pleasure and pure happiness.
Mingi brightly smiles at me accepting his confession. "Baby, I need you to cum with me, I'm gonna cum." He whimpers.
Our whimpers becomes more desperate and high pitched as the knots in our stomach are about to snap once again.
"Oh fuck, baby, I'm cumming, cum with me at the same time." Mingi cries out.
We both scream and sob each other's names as we came down from our most intense orgasm ever with our foreheads touching each other.
We take a while to recover before we get up. Mingi slowly stands up to get a towel and a water bottle, he cleans me up with the towel and gives me the water bottle to drink off of. "Thank you, Mingi." I rasp as my voice is worn out from all the screaming from earlier.
"Anything for my beloved girlfriend." Mingi coos as he pecks my lips. "Goddamn, it feels so good saying that." He breathes out in pure bliss.
Suddenly we hear a strangled, muffled cry from outside Mingi's hotel room. "The fuck is that?" He questions with a puzzled look on his face as he gets up from the bed.
"Mingi, can you help me up, please? I can't feel my legs anymore." I call for him, reaching my arms out in his direction. "Alright, bunny, I'll help you up." He chuckles in fondness. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as I walk beside him towards the door.
He opens the door and tell me why do I see Jason, tied down to a chair with duct tape around his arms, legs and mouth, with his swimming shorts on?!
Jason rocks side to side on the chair, muffled cried come out of him with a traumatised look on his face.
"What the fuck is Jason doing here?!" I exclaim, all bewildered by what's in front of me.
I hear giggles on right side of the corridor, me and Mingi go outside of his room to see Wooyoung and Tatiana snickering with their hands over their mouths.
"Which one of you came up with this?" I ask them, pointing at the mortfied man tied on the chair.
"Her idea." Wooyoung replies, pointing at Tatiana, leaving Mingi and I pleasantly suprised. "I thought it would be a good idea to get back at him for calling you a slut when you rejected him, Y/n" Tatiana smirks, shrugging her shoulders. "It certainly was, thank you, Tatiana." Mingi replies.
He then turns to Jason, still feeling humiliated after what happened (as he should be.) and fiercely glares at him. "You better know your fucking place, you asshole." He growls, still furious at Jason's verbal attack towards me from hours earlier. Terrified out of his mind, he rapidly nodded his head, shaking in his chair.
"Let's get going, baby" Mingi says as we walk down to the after party.
"See, I told y'all Mingi and Y/n would end up having sex, I mean, look at her makeup!" Tatiana giggles, pointing my face.
"Oh man, Tati's not lying, Y/n's lipstick is all smudged." San chuckles.
"And her mascara is all over her cheeks." Wooyoung snickers.
"She really looks like she's been fucked." Yeosang grins as the rest laugh while examining my face.
"Hey! Cut my girlfriend some slack, will ya?" Mingi replies in my defense, making everyone else stop dead in their heels and snap their heads in his direction, completely taken aback by what he said.
"Girlfriend?!" The Ateez members yells out in pure shock.
"Mingi......repeat what you just said." Denise says, stunned, as she and the rest of the girls come closer to us.
"Y/n is my girlfriend, we're a couple." Mingi confirms.
"Oh Hallelujah! The Lord has answered my prayers!" Denise shouts in pure delight as she raises her hands in the air.
"Well motherfucking finally! Took y'all long enough." Mia added.
"I'm so happy for the both of you." Simone beamed at the great news.
"LET'S CELEBRATE!" Tatiana cheers as she calls the Dj to turn up the music.
I smile ear to ear in pure, unadulterated joy, Mingi looks at me into my eyes with genuine love, he holds my chin to pull me into a loving, passionate kiss as the music plays in the background.
At this point, I don't care if I'm called the most deplorable of names anymore due to being the only female member or Mingi's significant other because I have him, the members, the rest of my friends and that's all that matters.
Happy (belated) birthday to @almightyddeonghwa and @callmeghostly!!!
Taglist: @jeon-ify, @ja3honey, @bunnliix , @itsnotmydejavu , @yourfatherlucifer , @holybibly , @beenbaanbuun , @whatudowhennooneseesyou , @shinestarhwaa
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prolix-yuy · 3 months
Olive Branch
Pairing: Francisco Morales x F!Reader
Summary: If Frankie doesn't like olives, then what does he like?
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: T, alcohol consumption, mention of drug use, incredibly tame for me, hints of spice. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ MINORS DNI.
Notes: I was challenged by @happypedrohours to write a story involving Frankie and olives, and what do you know, these are two of my favorite things! I was snickering to myself the entire time as the olive metaphor rolled out, but what the hell, we're gonna keep it in! Enjoy my friends, and Happy Pedro Hours!
Cross-posted on AO3
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When it slides in front of you, you know it’s a good one. You watched the bartender make one at the end of the bar and it was just how you like it. Dry, cold, three olives on a hardy metal toothpick. You were practically salivating by the time you ordered your own and it slid in front of you, shining like the Holy Grail.
“Didn’t know you liked martinis.”
Head whipping around, you stutter out a laugh as Frankie slides in next to you. He perches an elbow on the bar, free shoulder coming close as the crowd tucks you into each other. Your eyes dart to his crinkled brown ones, then to your drink, and back again to distract from the proximity. His hand is tucked into his faded jeans, but it wouldn’t take much to cup your elbow or wrap around your waist. 
“On special occasions,” you quip, tossing your head at Will and Tatiana surrounded by your friends. She’s showing the girls the ring, the men clapping hands on Will’s back and making him laugh. The air holds the fresh taste of new beginnings.
“Never had much of a taste for ‘em. Just gasoline in a glass,” he replies. Your face must be ten levels of indigent with how quickly his eyebrows shoot up.
“Do I look like a car to you?” 
Frankie’s eyes twinkle, and it flips your stomach.
“Definitely a hot rod.”
You laugh it off, rolling your eyes. He’s never serious, after all. He likes to ply you with compliments just short of flirty and leave you high and dry at the end of the night. The first time it stung so hard you didn’t go out with the boys for weeks. 
“He’s just a little fucked in the head, don’t take it too personal,” Santi told you when he finally wrestled the reason for your absence out. “Can’t stop chasing anything messy with two legs. Last girlfriend was a cokehead, even worse before that. He likes ‘em pretty and crazy, and he bags ‘em left and right. They always leave him worse for wear.” Santi’s eyes narrowed over his knowing smirk. “So now you like him?”
“Fuck no,” you spat out, arms folded tight. “I don’t deal with boys who play games.”
Yet here you are, again, with Frankie, ready to roll the dice yet again. At least he doesn’t know you’ve still got a soft spot for him ready to land.
“I’ll ignore the fact that you called Hendricks gasoline,” you scold, sliding your gleaming prize closer on its soggy black napkin. “There’s also vermouth, and olives.” You take a sip, the warmth of the gin and sharp salt of the charcuterie mainstay sweeping across your tongue. Frankie’s eyes drifting down to your lips on the rim of the glass.
What a cocktease. At least most men who eyefuck you actually follow through.
“Shaken, not stirred?” he quips in a rough approximation of a Scottish accent. You snort, instantly regretting it as the burn of brine and alcohol decimates your sense of smell. Trying to hide it under a tiny cough, Frankie’s face turns to the bar.
“Not much of an olive guy either, so you're 0 for 3 on convincing me.” 
You don’t know why, but your stomach sinks briefly as you gingerly twist the glass stem between your fingers. 
“Perfect, more for me then,” you shoot back brightly, but he looks back a fraction too soon before the disappointment flits away. 
“C’mon, you know you were never gonna change my mind,” he teases, jostling you with his shoulder as he motions for the bartender. 
“Never said I was,” you add absentmindedly. 
Frankie will never be an option. He’s made it clear time and time again that he doesn’t choose you. But sometimes, when you let your mind drift, you think about how it could happen. Some dark room where he finally finds something he’s been looking for. The brushing of noses and near-misses before one of you finally acts and you’d know what his lips feel like. Then he would lick into your mouth and his flavor would dance with acidity and botanicals on your tongue and he’d moan at how good you taste.
But he doesn’t even like olives. Or you.
Frankie’s drink is a golden lager, malt rising to your nose. You like beer too. You like a lot of things. You could sit at this bar and talk about your favorite drinks for hours. You’re not just the martini girl. You’re so much more. 
You need some air. Your daydreams are getting in the way of enjoying the night and Frankie’s none the wiser, so best keep it that way.
“I’m gonna bring my gasoline olives back to the party,” you say, ducking out from Frankie’s body without waiting for a reply. Maybe catching a glimpse of surprise, you strut back to the girls. The warmth of their excitement and enthusiasm reinvigorate your tight throat. 
Your drink dwindles slowly, savoring the clean flavor and crushing the olives one by one between your teeth. One of the girls tries the dregs of your glass and wants one of her own, so you weave back to the bar so you can help her order. A holler rises from the boys around Will, and when you look you catch Frankie’s face again. He’s all beaming smiles, eyes barely visible from behind his crows feet and gleaming teeth. He catches your eye and his smile softens, and over the din of the bar he mouths “you good?”
You nod. Of course you are. What would Frankie know about that?
The drinks come, followed by cheers and hums of contentment. You will definitely be tipping well tonight. Before you can make it back to the group Benny cuts off your path, swooping one arm behind your back and your free hand into his. 
“No no no, Benny, I’ll spill!” you shriek, feeling the telltale wetness of a sloshed drink over your fingers. “Shit, I think I got it on the back of your shirt…”
“Ah, I’ve had worse,” Benny says, mock-dancing with you to the barely audible music. 
“How’s Will?” you ask, leaning over his shoulder to snag a healthy sip of the martini. Now a more manageable level, you let Benny lead you away from the bar.
“So in love it makes me sick.” You raise an eyebrow. “In a good way!” he adds, turning you so the man in question is visible. Tatiana’s tucked under his arm, and his mouth drifts to kiss the top of her head.
“You know what, I get it,” you agree, the both of you snickering as the tempo of the music changes. It might be a Hozier song? It’s hard to tell over the babble of voices.
“How are you?” he asks, feigned innocence a red flag flicked in front of your eyes.
“Peachy. Why?”
Benny’s hand squeezes yours in a soothing rhythm.
“Hey, don’t bite my head off. Fish mentioned you seemed down. Something about olives?”
The flash of heat rocketing to your face has to be combatted, so you choose comedy.
“Oh yeah, the fact that they never give me enough in my damn drink. Could drive a woman to tears!” Your put-on mid-atlantic accent doesn’t sell it. Benny chews on the inside of his cheek before leaning to bring his mouth to your ear.
“I know you’re gonna tell me to fuck off…”
“Then you don’t have to say anything.”
“...but you and I both know this ain’t about olives.”
You lean back, jaw set and eyes cool.
“You’re right. It’s about absolutely nothing.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Benny lets go and you down the rest of your drink. It burns and you hate yourself for it, but it feels good to let liquid frustration carve through the center of you. 
“It’s late, and bar snacks aren’t gonna soak up the hangover I’ll have tomorrow. I’m gonna say bye to Will and Tatiana, get a cheeseburger, and go home.” Benny puts his hands on his hips, blue eyes filled with a brotherly care you know better than to try and tamp down.
“And it’s not about olives?”
Plucking the toothpick full of metaphor out of the glass, you point it at him.
“It’s not about olives.”
Benny relents, and walks you over to the happy couple. Promises of more drinks and a bachelorette party are half shouted before you pick through the crowd and exit the front of the bar. 
The air is just starting to get cool, alcohol thrumming in your blood. You love the way a martini buzz feels, your mind crystal and your body sharp as glass. It’s different from the smoky haze of scotch or the sluggish thudding of beer. Martinis make you diamond.
Which is why you notice Frankie immediately upon his exit, even though you can tell he wanted to go unseen for a few moments longer. He fumbles his hands into his pockets, ambling up to stand beside you while you glare at the Uber app.
“Got a ride coming?” 
He nods and stares at the toes of his boots, which you observe surreptitiously. The progress bar keeps filling and emptying as the silence stretches. 
“I’m sorry for shitting on your drink.”
You can’t help but snap your face to him, eyebrows raised.
“I sure hope you didn’t shit on my drink.”
The poor choice of words quirks the corner of your mouth as Frankie tries to recover.
“Jesus Christ, I mean…you know what I mean! I didn’t mean to be a dick,” he says, now contemplating the sky with resignation. There's still a fight in you, but you try to meet halfway.
“S’all good, I shit on your terrible beers all the time. We’re even.” You glance back at the app and shut it out of frustration. You’ll try again in a minute. 
“I don’t hate olives, either,” he rushes out. You roll your eyes, shoulders slumping. God, could they just let this go? You’re embarrassed enough about it. Before you can make another joke, another deflection, he barrels on.
“To be honest, I’ve never tried…olives. I see them all the time - at parties, at the bar, at friend’s houses - and there always seems to be some reason not to try them. I’m always having something else, or just had something, and I don’t want to…I’m afraid if I try the olives, I’ll really like them. And I don’t know what I’ll do if that happens. And that’s been scaring me off from even trying.” 
Frankie looks up at you, mouth parted and brow furrowed, as realization rises slow and fizzy.
“Because I think I could really, really like them. Enough that I’d want them all the time. But I’ve never had anything like that before. And I don’t want to hurt the…olives.”
Your heart is thudding in your ears, lower lip close to a betraying tremble before you force it between your teeth..
“You don’t want to hurt…the olives,” you parrot back and Frankie sighs, lifting his cap enough to rake his fingers through his hair before resettling it. 
“Fuck it, you know what I mean, right? It’s not about…it’s not about the fucking olives,” he says, and one of his hands wraps around your shoulder. It’s hot and strong and your chest swells at the touch.
“If it’s not about the olives,” you say, tentative, voice dropping into a lower register. He’s closer, almost as close as in the bar, thumb worrying back and forth over your shirt. “Then why don’t you show me what it is about?”
You expected more hesitation, but with that permission he lunges for you, cupping your face with both hands as he crashes your lips together. It’s fast and messy, teeth pressed against your lips and his tongue slipping in to taste. He groans and your knees go weak, head spinning worse than any drink could hope to do. You clutch the lapels of his canvas jacket and pull him closer, sweeping strokes of your kiss filling your mouth with bitter hops. With a lurch he pulls back.
“M’sorry,” he mumbles against your lips, but he continues to clutch at you, arm banding around your waist to keep you snug against him. 
“For what?” you tease, sliding your nose along his proud profile. 
“Takin’ so fuckin’ long.” His teeth graze your jaw lightly, heat pooling in a place that’s demanding a more private location for proper penance.
“I think you owe me a lot more than one very good kiss, after everything you’ve put me through,” you contemplate, his grip tightening. 
“Still waiting for your ride?”
Your fingers wander to the nape of his neck, and his curls are just as soft as you imagined.
A gentler kiss follows, broader, somehow still able to make your head spin.
“Good, you’re coming home with me so I can properly apologize.”
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The next morning as Frankie opens his front door for his breakfast delivery, he finds a pristine jar of olives resting on his welcome mat. The scrawled note - better start getting a taste for these! - is clearly in Benny’s handwriting. The memory of your body, soft and sleeping in his bed, pulls him back inside. 
After everything that got him here, he could learn to like olives.
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"This is where righteousness ends It’s a relief to wave this overdue white flag and My blind spots have tortured you enough How much salt could I pour in To think that I called myself a friend."
Alanis Morissette, Olive Branch
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highhhfiveee · 10 months
Imagine having to explain to Mike what a Gyatt is😭😭
and the fact that it's not even a noun, but like...an expression. don't get me started lmao. it's like 'GYAT!" 😃
tags: fluff [: (sweet discussions and fun talk of rollercoasters. abby is me, conked out after a twelve hour six flags day).
it'd been a fun saturday; you, mike, and abby had all gone to the popular amusement park in the city, sweating in the lengthy queue lines and pigging out on fried snacks and sweets that made your stomachs gurgle after each ride.
you'd gotten back home late, and abby had fallen asleep in the car, leaving you two to put her to bed before winding down yourselves.
you and mike shower together, pressing your bodies close and massaging at the other's muscles, aiding the scorching water in washing away the tension of activity.
afterwards, you two retreat to your room and slip into your pajamas lethargically, recollecting on the day's thrills. mike falls to the bed as he pulls his shirt over his chest, resting his back against the headboard and grabbing for his phone settled on the nightstand. "'the deep dive' was your favorite?"
you're sitting on your side of the bed, gathering your hair and securing it all at the top of your head before tying your scarf around it. you turn to mike with squinted eyes, challenging, "how could it not be? a 90 degree drop into the ground is crazy. it makes me see stars every time."
mike protests with a squeak, muttering, "eh. that's just it's gimmick. other than that, it's just a glorified 'kinder circuit'" as he stares down at his phone.
"do not compare it to a kid's rollercoaster, mike. that's insulting," you muse playfully, beginning to spread lotion over your arms and hands.
"yeah, yeah," he stalely sighs as his thumb tracked over his phone screen time and time again after a short burst of noise. lately, he'd been prone to doomscrolling on tiktok, hooked after abby had shown him a lot of videos from her for you page, and now, he's furrowing his eyes at videos and replies using this slang he's never heard before.
"do you know what a...'gyat' is?" he questions, trying out the word on his tongue in a few different inflections. "is it like 'guy-yat'? they're saying it like 'guy-yat' in all these videos."
you take a deep breath, rolling your eyes in annoyance as you finish rubbing lotion into the skin of your legs and crawl up to the top of the bed to snuggle into mike's shoulder. "it's not a noun. it's really shortened AAVE, like...'gotdamn', but using it as a noun is its appropriated form."
mike hums, letting out a light chuckle at the frivolity of social media. you go over the term with him, showing him what it really sounds like and means, and he copies you, making you giggle.
"okay, that makes sense. seeing...'latina gyatt' did not make me feel good and now i know why," you full on belly-laugh then, sliding down on the sheets until your head is resting on mike's chest where you feel his own boisterous joy rumble through your cheek.
"well that's good. i can't let you go around being uninformed." mike grins down at you, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving your torso a gentle squeeze. with a tired tone, he mutters, "mmmm, and that's why i love you, baby."
okie short and sweet [: hope you all enjoyed!
faire's seedlings ✿
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
When darkling was giving genya to the queen's household did he truly know what were king's intentions or was that a miscalculation on his part? He knew genya would be in danger but didn't see THAT coming at all.
I'll answer in the simplest way:
The Darkling is no clairvoyant, otherwise he'd be ruling Ravka by now.
I've wrote or reblogged a lot on this particular topic, for more you can just go through my Genya tag, or here are some specific posts: x, x, x, x, x.
Most of it boils down to three points:
Genya should've been safe under the Queen's protection.
Servants are something akin to furniture. Invisible as human beings. Why would the King want to fuck that, when he can have every single one of those perfumed, carefully maintained, soft-handed ladies of the Court? Or an actress! Opera singer! That's where royal mistresses usually come from. But no, this one doesn't want that, he likes defenceless, young, pretty mattresses to stick his cock into.
When it comes to it, not even the Darkling could refuse the King, should he pay him a visit at night. It's not about physical power, but political influence and the King has only Saints to answer to.
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: Someday, you will be his...
For as long as you could remember, you and Prince Nikolai had been the closest of friends.  You were the daughter of a nobleman, your position at court placing you close to the younger Prince from birth.  Your connection was innate and instant, your friendship growing fast.  And as you aged into a young lady and he into a young man, your friendship remained intact, the one sure thing in the chaos that was life in Ravka.
Then you’d enlisted, surprising everyone in your family.  Nikolai had pulled some strings to put you in the same unit as him, and for the next five years, you served at his side.  You were there when he took his first bullet, and when your feelings for your dearest friend began twisting into something more.  But he was a Prince, and you were…you.  He would wed for alliance, and you would wed for your family’s strength.  Love didn’t factor into the equation for either of you; it didn’t matter that you had fallen deeply and irrevocably in love with Prince Nikolai Lantsov.
Life had been turned on its axis.  The Darkling was in open revolt, the Grisha were fractured, and the Sun Summoner had returned to Ravka.  Prince Nikolai had returned to the Spinning Wheel with Alina Starkov in tow, both of whom were clearly ready for a fight.  You’d only had a few moments to reunite with your closest friend before all residents of the Spinning Wheel were summoned for a dinner, to celebrate the Prince’s return, as Queen Tatiana said.
As Nikolai’s lieutenant, you were seated at the Head Table, Alina to his left, and you to her left.  The meal had barely begun when Vasily made a comment about the Grisha, to which Alina quipped, “We are all Ravkan here.”  Nikolai rolled his eyes.  “It doesn’t need to be us versus them.”  The tension could be sliced with a dull knife, Alina stating that she would lead the Second Army if they needed a leader loyal to the Crown.
“Why should I believe you have any loyalty to my family?” Vasily asked, and Nikolai and Alina shared a heavy look.  Then he stood, raising his glass.  “Today marks the start of a new era of cooperation between Lantsovs and the Grisha,” he announced, and something in your stomach plummeted.  “I’m delighted to announce my engagement to Alina Starkov, the Sun Summoner, and new leader of the Second Army.  Together, we will build a better future for Ravka.”
He called for a toast, but you couldn’t bring yourself to raise your glass, much less force a smile.  The man you loved, unrequitedly, but loved nonetheless, was no longer yours, as if he ever had been.  Nikolai was engaged, he was Alina’s, and she was his.  The cheers of the crowd were suddenly too much to stand, and you stood, fleeing the room as you fought tears.  Vasily had left too, as had Alina’s tracker friend, but Nikolai only saw that you had left.
“Excuse me,” he said, both to his mother and to Alina, before following you.  “Y/N?  Y/N!”  Tears were flowing now, and you kept walking, wiping at your eyes.  “Y/N, stop!”  You didn’t, continuing until you met a dead end, resting your forehead against the stone wall.  Nikolai jogged to your side, laying a hand on your shoulder.  “What’s wrong?”
You sniffled.  “So that’s it?” you said.  “You’re engaged?”  “Y/N, you’ve got to understand, I-”  “You barely know her,” you shot, turning to face him.  “Alina is a good person,” he replied.  “She is kind, she…she will be a good wife.”  You wiped at your eyes again.  “I’m happy for you,” you said, and Nikolai cocked his head.  “Then why are you crying, Y/N?  Talk to me.”
You nearly growled.  “Why am I crying?  Because it hurts, Nikolai!”  Immediately, his eyes were scanning you for some injury, something that was causing pain.  “What?  What hurts?”  You spoke so softly, Nikolai did not hear.  “What was that?”  “Loving someone that doesn’t love you!”  The Prince was stunned by your words and he blinked.  “W-what?”
“I love you!” you cried, desperation filling your voice.  “I’ve loved you for years!  And you never saw me, and that was fine!  I could live with being your friend, even when I knew you’d have to marry someone who wasn’t me and leave me!  But now we’re at war and you’re engaged to the Sun Summoner!  And it hurts, Nikolai, it hurts!  And I…I…”
“Saints, Y/N,” Nikolai whispered, striding forward and pulling you into his arms, kissing you deeply.  You gripped him tightly, never wanting to let go.  He kissed you until your head was swimming, until your lungs were burning, until you were trembling in his arms, until you had to pull away for air.  “Y/N, I love you.”  You blinked at him, your noses bumping together.  “You do?”  “I do.  I’ve been in love with you since we were 14!  Since that boy told you that you should wear your corset tighter and you socked him in the nose.”
You barked out a laugh, unable to resist leaning in for another kiss.  “I’ve loved you since I watched you take a bullet and keep fighting.”  Nikolai smiled, kissing you again, and again, and again.  “But now you’re engaged,” you said.  “Sweet girl, that engagement is for alliances and appearances and we both know it.  I have no doubt that Alina’s in a corridor consoling her tracker right now.  Once we’ve won the war, we can break off the engagement and I’ll be free to court and woo you.  Which I fully plan on doing, by the way.”
You laughed again, pressing your forehead against his.  “I love you, Nikolai Lantsov,” you whispered, cupping his cheek.  “And I will always love you.”  “And I love you, Y/N L/N,” he whispered back, snaking an arm around your waist.  “Mark my words, I will make you my bride.  Someday.”  Someday, you liked that.  It was a promise, and it steadily became your mantra, as the war progressed.  Someday.
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otmaaromanovas · 3 months
Hi, it would be awesome if you could give us an idea about alexei's personality described by people in his close circle
Hello! Sorry for the late reply. Here are some quotes about Alexei from the people closest to him, and some extracts from his letters and diaries that show his personality.
Alexei's personality
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"The Heir ran along the shore and loudly expressed his joy with every surge of water. In general, how much noise and fun there was! I still remember this time with pleasure. Water splashed, flushed and cheerful children returned home." - Sofia Ivanovna Tyutcheva, nurse/nanny, A Few Years Before the Catastrophe
"Alexei, the only son of the Emperor and Empress, a more tragic child than the last Dauphin of France, indeed one of the most tragic figures in history, was, apart from his terrible affliction, the loveliest and most attractive of the whole family. Because of his delicate health Alexei began life as a rather spoiled child." - Anna Vyrubova, close family friend, Memories of the Russian Court
"The more the boy opened his heart to me the better I realised the treasures of his nature, and I gradually began to feel certain that with so many precious gifts it would be unjust to give up hope. Alexis Nicolaievitch was then nine and a half, and rather tall for his age. He had a long, finely-chiselled face, delicate features, auburn hair with a coppery glint in it, and large blue-grey eyes like his mother's. He thoroughly enjoyed life — when it let him — and was a happy, romping boy. Very simple in his tastes, he extracted no false satisfaction from the fact that he was the Heir — there was nothing he thought about less — and his greatest delight was to play with the two sons of his sailor Derevenko, both of them a little younger than he. He had very quick wits and a keen and penetrating mind. He sometimes surprised me with questions beyond his years which bore witness to a delicate and intuitive spirit. I had no difficulty in believing that those who were not forced, as I was, to teach him habits of discipline, but could unreservedly enjoy his charm, easily fell under its spell. Under the capricious little creature I had known at first I discovered a child of a naturally affectionate disposition, sensitive to suffering in others just because he had already suffered so much himself." - Pierre Gilliard, Alexei's tutor, Thirteen Years at the Russian Court
"Spring 1915 …Yesterday he [Alexei] gorged on black crackers and in the evening, he was sent directly to [Dr.] Derevenko." - Letter from Maria to Nicholas II, Maria Romanov: Third Daughter of the Last Tsar, Diaries and Letters
"18 March [1912] - Pavlovsk… Recently, on the 14th, my wife had lunch with their Majesties, and was embarrassed by the behaviour with the Heir, who is almost two years older than Vera. He wouldn’t sit up, ate badly, licked his plate and teased the others. The Emperor turned away, perhaps to avoid having to say anything, while the Empress rebuked her elder daughter Olga, who was next to her brother, for not restraining him. But Olga cannot deal with him." - 1912 Diary of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich
"In appearance he resembled his sister Tatiana : he had the same fine features, and her beautiful blue eyes ; he loved his sisters, and they adored him, and patiently submitted to his teasing. The Tsarevitch was a lively, amusing boy, with a wonderful ear for music, and he played well on the balalika : like Tatiana he was shy, but, once he knew and liked anyone, this shyness vanished. The Empress insisted upon her son being brought up, like his sisters, in a perfectly natural way. There was no ceremonial in the daily life of the Tsarevitch : he was merely a son, and a brother to his family, although it was sometimes quaint to see him assume '' grown up " airs. One day, when he was indulging in a romp with the Grand Duchesses, he was told that some officers of his regiment had arrived at the Palace and begged permission to be received by him. The Tsarevitch instantly ceased his game, and, calling his sisters, he said very gravely : *' Now, girls, run away. I am busy. Someone has just called to see me on business." - Lili Dehn, close family friend, The Real Tsaritsa
"Sunday 13th August 1906 …we were all invited to have tea with Their Majesties. All four daughters came to the dinging room, and also, the the great joy of our children, the two-year-old Tsesarevich. He went around the tea table and after greeting everyone, climbed onto his mother’s lap. Igor was sitting beside her, and the little Heir happily moved onto his lap and called him “New” as he was someone unfamiliar. After that, my boys and the Tsar’s girls played with him merrily on the floor…We were all delighted." - Diary of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich
The following are all from the diary of Sidney Gibbes, English tutor:
"25 January: [Alexei is] On sofa: foot tied up. Talked about the dog and then showed him new picture-book. Afterwards made a paper hat each, which turned out badly, and then began paper boxes; I showed him one complete. He spoke more English in making the box and asked the questions relative to it in English."
"3 February: We drew things on the blackboard with eyes shut. Added tails to pigs, and his manner lost much of its shyness."
"8 February: During this lesson we played on the floor, and I made him flags out of paper by drawing it and colouring. He coloured one and I the other. Flagstaff was also rolled out of paper and tied with wire."
"3 March …Began the story of ‘The Fisherman of York’. He understood very little. A[nastasia] N[ikolaevna] came in from Music [lesson] and explained in Russian." - Printed in Tutor to the Tsarevich
"The Tsarevich lay all day, while we tried to amuse him as best we could. The poor little man longed for Monsieur Gilliard's company. He knew so well how to entertain him and make him forget how ill and weak he still felt" - Sophie Buxhoeveden recalling Alexei's attachment to tutor Pierre Gilliard during imprisonment, Left Behind: Fourteen Months in Siberia During the Revolution
"If the Tsarevitch had any peculiarities, I think the most striking was a decided penchant for hoarding. Many descendants of the Coburgs have been unusually thrifty, and perhaps the Tsarevitch inherited this trait. While thrifty he was really a most generous child, although he hoarded his things to such an extent that the Emperor often teased him unmercifully. During the sugar shortage he saved his allowance of sugar, which he gravely distributed among his friends." - Lili Dehn, close family friend, The Real Tsaritsa
"This unusual and exciting night seemed to fill the Czar’s young son with mischief. As I sat in the room near the Emperor’s study, giving the final orders and' awaiting news of the arrival of the train, I could hear the youngster running about noisily, trying to get across the corridor to where I was, to see what was going on there" - Alexander Kerensky, head of the Provisional Government describing the night the Romanov's waited to be moved from the Alexander Palace, The Catastrophe
"Suffering and self-denial had their effect on the character of Alexei. Knowing what pain and sacrifice meant, he was extraordinarily sympathetic towards other sick people. His thoughtfulness of others was shown in his beautiful courtesy to women and girls and to his elders, and in his interest in the troubles of servants and dependents." - Anna Vyrubova, close family friend, Memories of the Russian Court
Alexei was "elegant, intelligent, and had unusual presence of mind. He possessed, moreover, other winning qualities: a warm, happy disposition, and a generous nature which made him eager to be of help and enabled him quickly to establish rapport with others." - General Count Alexander Grabbe, Major-General of the Tsar's convoy, The Private World of the last Tsar
"in the periods of what may be called his good health, he had all the spirits and mischief of any ordinary boy of his age… As time went on and his first shyness wore off, he treated us as friends and… had always some fun with us. With me it was to make sure that each button on my coat was properly buttoned, a habit which naturally made me take great care to have one or two unbuttoned, in which case he used at once to stop and tell me I was 'untidy again'" - General Sir John Hanbury-Williams, British ambassador in Mogilev, The Emperor Nicholas II, as I Knew Him
""He had a kind heart and was very fond of animals. He could be influenced only by his feelings, and would not yield to authority. He submitted only to the emperor. He was a clever boy but was not fond of books. His mother loved him passionately. She tried, but could not be strict with him, and most of his desires were obtained through his mother. Disagreeable things he bore silently and without grumbling. He was kind-hearted and during the last period of his life he was the only one who liked to give things away. In Tobolsk he had some odd fancies -- for example, he liked collecting old nails, saying: "They may be useful."" - Testimony of Sidney Gibbes to the Sokolov Report, The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920)
"Alexis Nicholaevitch, being a very playful and mischievous boy, on one occasion peeped through the fence. After this was learned by Nikolsky [deputy guard at Tobolsk] he came and made a huge fuss about it. He reprimanded the soldier who was on duty and spoke in a very sharp tone to the czarevitch. The boy got offended and protested to me that Nikolsky was shouting at him." - Testimony of Evgeny Kobylinsky to the Sokolov Report, The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920). To find more about Kobylinsky's unique relationship to the family, see this post.
Alexei's relationship with his sisters
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"We all kissed the Empress' hand and that of the Grand Duchesses. That year, we kissed the Tsarevitch's little hand, too; but afterwards, that custom was stopped, since the Tsarevitch didn't miss his chance to boast about it and give himself airs in front of his sisters." - General Alexander Spiridovich, Chief of Security, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 1
"10 January. Aleksei and Anastasia are both moving their beds into the playroom, where they lie next to each other all day. During the day we all have tea up there." - Extract from Tatiana's 1917 diary, Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters
"Aleksei, my little soul, darling little one. It is so boring here without you and Papa… I was just at the Grand Palace with Maria and Shvybz [Anastasia]… I squeeze you in my mind and love you very very much." - undated letter from Tatiana to Alexei, circa 1916, Russia’s Last Romanovs: In Their Own Words 
"As for poor Alexei Nikolaevich, he was as if rooted to the armchair the whole time [unwell]. It was touching to see his sister, Tatiana Nicholaievna, lavishing attention on him before the luncheon." - General Alexander Spiridovich, Chief of Security, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 2
"Sweet Piggy! Sleep well and wake up in the morning with a belly full of milk! Alexei 1914" - letter from Alexei to Anastasia, Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings (Volume 1)
"...Don’t tease Maria" - Letter from Alexandra to Alexei, 1 December 1914, Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings (Volume 1)
"28 January Tuesday …Too lazy to write this by himself, so Olga is writing it!" - Alexei's 1916 diary, Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings (Volume 2)
Alexei's haemophilia
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"Everything possible, everything known to medical science, was done for the child Alexei. The Empress nursed him herself, as indeed, with the assistance of professional women, she had nursed all her children. Three trained Russian nurses were in attendance, with the Empress always superintending. She bathed the babe herself, and was with him so much that the Court, ever censorious of her, complained that she was more of a nurse than an Empress." - Anna Vyrubova, close family friend, Memories of the Russian Court
"Livadia. 30 August 1913 …Alexei is well. He has already had 4 mud baths. I took a photo of him when he was being treated in the mud and will glue in an album for you. Alexei’s leg stretched 175 degrees and the leg is almost straight" - letter from Maria to former nanny/nurse Maria Ivanovna Vishnyakova. Maria Ivanovna Vishnyakova was Alexei’s nanny, though was dismissed by Alexandra following disagreements and allegations against Rasputin. I find it intriguing that the girls stayed in touch with her and kept her informed of Alexei's health.
I have slightly less information/quotes on Alexei saved as my research is largely about his sisters, but I hope that this was insightful nonetheless. Thank you for your question!
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kinardsevan · 3 months
30 day fluff challenge: day 6
“You sure this is gonna work,” Tommy asks as he eyes Bobby skeptically.
His former boss smiles with just a little bit of a twinkle in his eyes. “No,” he laughs. “But we’re trained to handle fire if it doesn’t.” 
Tommy just shakes his head, glancing back at the project in front of them. “Well here goes nothing.” 
. . . 
It’s not supposed to be a big thing when Tommy first starts planning. He’d talked to Maddie about it all before-hand, wanted to ensure that someone in Evan’s family was aware of his intentions. He really didn’t want to apply the pressure on Maddie or himself of ‘asking permission’. It was antiquated, and he knew that Evan didn’t really want that. He wanted Maddie’s approval, absolutely, but he wasn’t interested in Tommy calling his parents or even Bobby and Athena. “it makes me feel like people are claiming ownership of me, and the only person I want to own me is you”. He may have stated that naked in bed, but the intention behind the words still rang true.
But then, even after he’d talked to Maddie, he still didn’t know what to do. He wanted it to be simple, but he wanted it to move Evan. There was something about the look he got on his face whenever something happened he didn’t expect—like the first time they’d kissed—that Tommy got drunk on. So that required finesse. 
He thought about doing something in the helicopter first, but that lasted about five seconds. He remembered Evan’s story about the guy who had almost killed his fiancée during the proposal. Plus, skywriting wouldn’t be as fun if he couldn’t be able to do both. Then he’d contemplated something simple at home, but doing that didn’t feel like it would work either. He thought about calling Eddie for ideas, but sometimes he felt like they asked too much of him in their relationship. Not in a bad way, but in a way where maybe Eddie didn’t get any breathing room because he got lucky enough to have to hear everything in their relationship from both sides. 
So then he’d called Chimney. And that had been a failed endeavor, given that his proposal to Tatiana hadn’t gone anywhere, and that his proposal to Maddie had really ended in her proposing to him after she found the ring. 
After that he felt a bit rudderless. The internet wasn’t providing him any solid ideas, he’d tapped out his friends—even everyone at work who was married—and he’d been pretty set on doing it by their anniversary, which was limiting him on time. 
So he called Bobby. It was entirely on a whim, but Bobby helped him come up with a few ideas, and by the time he’d made the dinner reservation for the night of, they had a set plan. 
. . . 
“It’s sweet that you consider the disaster date our anniversary, but honestly we kinda stole my sister’s thunder,” Evan tells him as Tommy slides his card into the cheque envelope at Miceli’s. 
Tommy nods. “And if your sister and Chimney had a clue that we classify as our real anniversary, they might actually kill us,” Tommy says with a smirk on his face. He passes the envelope off to their waiter and then picks up his glass and takes another sip from it. 
“So you wanna go see a movie,” Evan teases. “I hear they have 18 screens.” 
Tummy chuckles. 
“Nineteen now, last I heard,” he retorts. The waiter returns and passes him the envelope. He retrieves his card from it and signs off on the receipt before tucking it back in his wallet. “But no. We have other plans.” 
Evan furrows his brow at him, confused. Before he can question further though, his phone buzzes in his pocket. When he pulls it out, Bobby’s name is on the screen. 
“Take it,” Tommy tells him, finishing off the last of his beer. 
Evan nods and answers the call. 
“Hey Bobby what’s up?” 
“Hey kid,” he replies. “Look have this thing I’m working on for Athena in the back yard. It’s a pop-up gazebo type, and it’s gotta be done by tomorrow. Michael was supposed to help, but his flight got delayed-..” 
“And you need help,”Evan finishes for him. Tommy gives him a curious glance. 
“Yeah,” Bobby drawls. “If you could, I’d owe you.” 
“It’s fine,” Tommy whispers. “Say yes.” 
Evan furrows his brow deeper at Tommy. He covers the speaker of the phone and pulls it away from his head a little bit. 
“What about your plans?” 
Tommy shakes his head. “We have two days off, Evan. Plenty of time.” 
Evan sighs, but then nods, bringing the phone back to his ear. 
“We’ll be right over,” he tells Bobby. He ends the call a moment later, and Tommy has stood, is holding their leftovers in a bag in one hand, offering Evan his other. 
The drive over to Bobby’s is quiet, but comfortably so. Evan is a little miffed that their plans have changed, but secretly, he enjoys getting to spend time with Tommy and other people in his life. They get plenty of time with Maddie, Chimney, and even Eddie and Hen, but he doesn’t feel like they spend nearly as much time together with Bobby. 
They arrive some twenty minutes later, and it’s all Tommy can do to keep Evan from dragging him into the house. He’s not sure where everyone else is parked, but Evan doesn’t seem suspicious, regardless. Still, Evan tugs him along, up to the door, and then into the house when Bobby opens up for them. 
“It’s in the back yard,” Bobby says, leading them through the living room and kitchen towards the back. 
“You need us to help bring anything out,” Evan asks. Bobby just shakes his head, gestures towards the door. 
“Come on out.” 
He heads out into the back yard, Evan pulling Tommy along closely behind. As they reach the door though, Tommy stops him, just short of door.
“Wait a minute,” he murmurs, tugging Evan back towards him. 
Evan narrows his eyes at him, but then smiles and steps forward, looking an arm around Tommy’s neck. 
“I love you,” Tommy tells him before kissing the corner of his mouth. “Happy anniversary.” 
Evan smiles back at him, unable to stop the grin that pulls across his face. “Happy anniversary babe.” 
When Evan turns to the door, Tommy inhales a deep breath. All or nothing, he thinks, lifting a free hand to keep the door open as Evan passes through it, and then they’re both standing on the back patio. 
“What’s…” Evan voice trails off as his eyes fall first on his sister, and then Chimney and Jee-Yun. His eyes trail over the backyard, seeing their friends and family, and then back to Tommy, his mouth open with questions still stuck inside his mouth. 
“I love you,” Tommy states again, an adoring smile pulling on his face. “I’ve been in love with you since the day you climbed up in my helicopter and asked if you could sit next to me. There was a time when I’d written off the concepts of a family in any form, getting to find the kind of love we’ve managed to cultivate. I mean it every time I say that loving you is easy. You have given me so much in such a short time that sometimes I have to remind myself this isn’t a dream.” 
He lifts his free hand to Evan’s cheek, wipes at the tears freely flowing down his face, and then rests a finger against his lips, keeping him from speaking. 
“I’m not finished,” he states with a small chuckle. “I heard this song the other day with this line ‘a love that makes a man have second thoughts’. You make me have all the second thoughts because I never want to leave when I’m with you. So, I was wondering if you could answer a quick, particular question for me.” 
He gestures across the backyard with their linked hands, and Evan looks away from him towards where he’s pointed to. A chainlink fence has been set up with a line of wood mounted on it. Each end of it has either Eddie and Chimney nearby, holding a set of pliers with rubber gloves. As Tommy nods towards them, they each connect their end of the wiring to a battery briefly as Bobby stands off to the side, prepared with an extinguisher. As the circuit completes, the wire lights up, quickly burning the message into the wood. As soon as the fire ignites, Eddie and Chimney both release the circuit and Bobby is blasting it with the extinguisher. Once the CO2 has dispersed, the message is still there, burned into the wood, and clear in the evening twilight. 
Evan lets out a laugh, mostly out of surprise, as he glances back at Tommy, adoration in his eyes. 
“You came up with all this?” He asks. 
Tommy shrugs, a sheepish smile on his own face. “I had some help. A certain fire captain.” 
Evan is still smiling at him, uncaring of the tear that races its way down his cheek as Tommy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. As he flips it open, a black tungsten ring with a rose gold inlay is revealed. Evan gulps at the sight of it, and the way it reminds him of fire. He looks back up at Tommy as his hands come up to his boyfriend- fiancé’s neck, leaning flush against him. 
“Yes, Tommy. A million times, yes,” he laughs before capturing his lips in a hungry kiss. 
Their friends are clapping and cheering, but Evan barely hears any of it past the sound of his and Tommy’s breathing as the other man’s hand loops around his waist, holding him tight. When they finally part, it’s only because Evan needs oxygen. His gaze falls to the ring again, and Tommy watches him as he stares at it. 
“Would you like to put it on,” he asks nervously. “I won’t judge you if you don’t.” 
Evan looks back up at him like he’s insane. 
“Yes I want to wear it,” he replies. “Let the whole damn world know you’re stuck with me now.” 
Tommy laughs at him but puts enough space between them that he can step back and remove the ring from the box. Both his own hands and Evan’s are shaking as he slides it onto his finger. It slots easily into place—Tommy had made sure he had proper measurements—and Tommy curls his hand around Evan’s fingers once it’s on, lifts his hand to his lips and kisses them. 
Evan’s eyes go wide again as Tommy lowers his hand and he raises an eyebrow.
“We could do a summer wedding,” Evan states with a gasp. “Or early fall. Yeah, do it as the leaves change, out at Griffith. Coordinate colors to the leaves changing.” 
“Hey, can we wait twelve hours before we have to contend with wedding and Clipboard Buck,” Chimney comments from across the yard. Evan throws a glare at him, which only earns him laughter in return from his friends. 
Tommy nuzzles his jaw before kissing it. 
“We can do whatever you want baby,” he tells him. “And I for one, can’t wait to see you in all your glory.” 
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hi! is there any known concept art for sotha sil?
Hello! Sorry for the delayed reply. I wanted to do some digging and see what i could find.
I have wondered about Sotha Sil concept art as well. There's a small handful of Vicec/Almalexia concept art but oddly I couldn't find any pieces centered on Sotha Sil from the Morrowind Era save this piece by Michael Kirkbride that I posted a while ago (Sotha Sol is on the right).
I'm not 100% sure if the piece was authored for Morrowinds development or as an a later expansion on Kirkbride's ideas for the lore.
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I also found this uncredited concept piece of Sotha Sil for ESO which is based on an earlier (also uncredited) iconography from Morrowind
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Lastly I had this piece saved already but hadn't posted the image on the left.
The statue was definitely made by Corey Loving but he didn't list the image on the left in his art portfolio so I'm not certain if he made that bit. Its possible the left image is by Tatiana Malinko or at least one of the artists she supervised
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If anyone is able to find full credits for the ESO pieces, please comment below!
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imaginesforeveryone · 3 months
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A Death in the Family
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Y/N  Summary: You have married Thomas Shelby, the emperor, you have been setting up the Shelby foundation while you had so much free time on your hands now. But, on the night of the foundation event things happen the you weren’t expecting. (based on E2S3) Warning:angst, violence, mention of death, guns, business!Tommy, comforting!Tommy 
It was finally the night of the big event you have been planning. While you didn’t get involved in the other side of Tommy’s business, you stayed occupied with the foundation you grew from the inside of your shared home, while he did his business. 
Arriving at the theater where the ballet would be held, Tommy helped you out of the car and walked in with you. 
“Are your ready, love?” He asked looking around at the people who stood and mingled. 
“Of course I am.” You said with a smile and kissing him on the cheek. 
“Thank you.” You told him. He just gave you a slight smile and you went and mingled with your guests you spent days inviting. 
You saw the leader of the Birmingham City Council. 
“Hello, Mrs. Shelby. ” He said shaking your hand. 
“Here let’s go find Thomas and introduce you two.” Making small talk as you walked through the crowd of people, and then spotting your husband. 
“There he is.” You said with a smile. 
“Tommy.” You said as you got closer to him. He turned to see you and a man behind you you .
“He’s the leader of the Birmingham City Council.” You said introducing him to Tommy. 
“Hello Tommy.” He said shaking Tommy’s hand. 
“Hello Danny.” Tommy replied back, making you a bit confused.
“How'a business?” Danny asked. 
“Alright, it’s holding up. How are you?” Tommy asked shaking Danny’s hand. 
“You know each other?” You asked not knowing they knew each other.
“I have interests in a steelworks in Cradley Heath. Tommy helps me get my products to the carmakers.” Daniel spoke, kind of making a bit upset introducing someone to Tommy that has already known him. 
“Congratulations, Mrs. Shelby, on your wedding.” You smiled coming out of the little funk that the interaction put you in. 
“Thank you, I’m surprised you weren’t invited.” You said with a bit of sarcasm in your voice directed at Tommy. 
“Now, how would that look, eh?” He said with a smile. Noticing Tommy staring between you and Daniel. You both looking to see what, or who he was looking at. Seeing two men walk through the door together. 
“Oh, now, the party has really started.” Daniel said looking at the two men. 
“Who are they?” You asked not recognizing them. 
“Father John Hughes from St. Mary’s Boys Reformatory, and with him is Mr. Patrick Jarvis, MP. They are part of an organization called Economic League.” Daniel explained to you. Tommy still glaring at them. 
“Did you invite them, Y/N?” He asked you, with somewhat of a worry in his voice and face. 
“Their names sound familiar.” You said thinking to yourself. 
“They were recommended by the Lord Mayor.” You said remembering the name and looking at Tommy. 
“Oh. On your ‘best people of the city’ list, eh?” He asked with a bit of sarcasm. 
“Do you know them?” You asked Tommy as it seemed like he had some battle to fight with the. 
“I’ll introduce you, Tommy.” Daniel said before Tommy could answer your question. The men walked away into the other room. 
“That’s all right, Danny. I’ll introduce myself.” Tommy said with a look of a mission in his eyes. Tommy walked away and you watched as he walked. You rolled your eyes, but went back to holding a conversation with Daniel, before going and looking for your family. Finding Ada, Finn, and Polly finally. 
“Where is Tommy?” Ada asked you. 
“You know Tommy.” You said tipping back the glass of champagne you had in annoyance. 
“I’m sure he’s mingling. Getting peoples money. You know how he is.” Polly spoke. After about 20 minutes of mingling with people. You stood with the duchess Tatiana Petrovna. You saw Tommy heading towards you two. 
“Tommy. This is Duchess Tatiana Petrovna.” You said introducing them too. Tommy cleared his throat a bit. 
“Come on, Tommy, aren’t you impressed to meet a real duchess?” You asked as he just stood in silence. 
“Well, I understand they charge a fee.” He spoke up, catching you off guard by his comment. 
“Mr. Shelby, you’re very direct.” Tatiana spoke with a scoff of his words. Also making you stare at him in disbelief he just said that. 
“Too direct.” You said looking at him. He looked over at you swaying back and forth like he was uncomfortable.
“But it’s true.” Tatiana said and you definitely didn’t expect her to agree with his comment. 
“I attend these things for the champagne and for the chance to be treated like a duchess again.” She said looking over at you, looking back at her with a fake smile on your face.
“You should have kissed my hand, Mr. Shelby.” She spoke looking at Tommy, instantly making you mad. But, you decided not to show it and watch Tommy’s next move at her comment. 
“Forgive me.” He said taking her hand and kissing the top of it, making you even more mad at him. 
“She was asking about my Sapphire.” You said looking at him.
“I thought I recognized it.” She spoke. 
“ She said it was Russian.” You told Tommy looking at him with anger in your eyes and a little in your voice. 
“My husband has business in Russia. Perhaps you know about it, Tatiana?” You asked looking back over at her trying to see what the hell was going on between them two. 
“Well, tonight is not a night for business, eh?” Tommy said before Tatiana could answer your question. 
“Is that why you were in the concert hall for 10 minutes?” You asked with sass in your voice at him. 
“I think people are ready for dinner now, Y/N.” He said trying to get off topic. 
“No, no. I’m not done pumping people for their money.” You said looking back over at Tatiana.
“What is 'pump for money?’” She asked very interested in what you said. 
“Its what I do everyday.” Tommy spoke trying to disengage the tension. 
“You know each other do you? You see, I am in charge of compiling the list of guests, but it’s my husband who seems to know all of them.” You said with even more sass than before, and Tommy motioning someone for something. 
“I’ve heard he’s very well connected.” She spoke to your comment.
“And where does a duchess hear that?” You said with a smile and looking over at Tommy. 
“In certain circles.” She replied back quickly.
“Alright, enough. Ada.” Tommy said again trying to break the tension. Ada coming between your two. 
“Y/N, there’s a Lady Dowager who wants to speak to you about coffee mornings. She mentioned a 2,000 pound cash donation.” Ada said to you catching your interest. 
“Tatiana, you and I will speak later.” You said to her with no intention of being nice.
“I would like that.” She said so innocently. Ada pulled you away to go speak to her. 
“Who the hell is she?” You asked Ada.
“I don’t know. But tonight is about having fun, raising money. Not whatever that was.” Ada spoke. You rolled your eyes and followed her to the women after a bit more mingling you couldn’t help but keep your mind off of who she was and how Tommy knew her. After, about 2 minutes of talking to the Lady, Tommy came over.
“Y/N. Listen to me. Look, I can explain.” He said trying to, what seemed like apologize for what just happened. 
“Go away.” You said turning yourself away from him. You heard a gong being hit and a man speak. 
“Lady and Gentleman.” He spoke. 
“For once, you shouldn’t have to explain.” You said turning yourself back to Tommy who kept trying to talk to you. 
“The loyalty toast, to His Majesty the King.” The man continued. 
“Dinner is served.” He finished. 
“You look beautiful, but you need to take this off.” He said motioning to the sapphire around your neck. 
“Why? Because you think it would look better on her?” You said now just being an asshole. 
“Y/N, look at me, fuck these people, eh. Fuck 'em, I need you to be alright.” Tommy said now with his hands on your shoulders keeping you in place. 
“I need you, Y/N, I need you.” He spoke to you now with a bit of worry then anger in your heart. You smiled at him and stroked his shirt looking into his eyes. Putting your fingers up to his chin and bringing his lips to your, you kissed him gently.
“Damn you , Tommy Shelby.” You said with a slight giggle and going in for more kisses not mad at him. It was hard for you to stay mad at him with he words that come out of his mouth and his beautiful blue eyes. 
“Shall we go inside.” You asked him coming out of the kiss and looking into his eyes. At this moment knowing nothing could ruin this night. Nothing could ruin the love you have for this man. Not even a Russian Duchess. You loved him with all your being and couldn’t wait for the rest of your lives together. 
“Yeah.” He said and turning you two to walk into the dining hall for dinner. But you saw an odd man push passed Polly, and raised a gun to you and Tommy.
“For Angel!” He yelled. Tommy grabbing you trying to pull you behind him but not in enough time. You felt nothing. Nothing but cold. Felt something dripping down your arm. You didn’t know what. But, then you got dizzy and couldn’t hold yourself up anymore. You felt yourself fall, but not to the ground. Into Tommy’s arms who screamed across the room. Everything was blurry. Seemed like everything was in slow motion. Looking up and seeing Tommy’s face and resting your hand on his shoulder as you laid on the ground, in his arms. Starting to black out here and there a bit. Seeing flashes of black, and seeing Arthur, John, and Finn beating the life out of the man who just held up a gun at you and your husband moments ago. But then everything got dark. Could barely hear the faint yells of people around you. Then nothing. 
Your eyes fluttered open just a bit. The room was bright. But it was too blurry for you to make out where you were. You tried to move a bit, but felt a sharp pain go down your arm making you wince at it. 
“Y/N.” You heard a faint female voice say. Trying to look around you saw an outline of what looked like Ada. 
“Ada?” You asked.
“Yes. Y/N stay still. You were shot. It almost killed you. But, it didn’t. You are still pretty beat up. So just stay still.” She said to you. 
“Where’s Tommy?” You asked softly through raspy voice. 
“I’ll go get him. Finn will be right here with you.” She said a she pulled Finn over. You eyes becoming more clear you could see the young Shelby boy. 
“Finn, help me sit up a bit please?” You asked trying to move yourself.
“Ada, said to stay still.” He said grabbing your hand. 
“Finn.” You said still getting up. He quickly ran to the side that you didn’t get shot in and helping you up slightly. 
“Grab me water please?” You asked him. He grabbed the glass of water from the side of the bed. You realized you were in your home at that point. 
“ 'Ere you are.” He said holding the glass up to your lips and you took some water. 
“Y/N?” You heard Tommy’s voice faintly from the hall way. 
“Y/N!” He raised his voice as he walked into the room seeing you as he walked in the room. 
“hello my love.” You said still a bit groggy still. 
“Everyone out.” He said as he crossed the room to you. 
“How are you feeling my love?” He asked brushing a few strings of hair behind your ear. 
“In pain. But, I’m alive.” You said putting a hand on his face. Noticing his puffy eyes. He turned his face into your hand and kissed your palm. 
“You should get some rest love.” He said rubbing his thumb over your cheek. 
“Tommy.” You spoke to him. 
“Yes, love?” He said giving you his full attention. 
“Why am I at home? Why am I not in a hospital? I almost died.” You asked. 
“Get some sleep, we’ll talk more when you awake again.” He told you. 
“Thomas” You said with anger in your voice now. 
“You were in the hospital for about 2 days. But when we found out that you weren’t going to die, we had them move you to our home so you were more comfortable when you woke up.” He explained. But you knew he was lying.
“Tommy.” You said knowing he was lying. 
“We needed you safe in the house so the Changretta family thought you died. They meant to kill me Y/N, but when the guy shot, they missed and shot you. After that, they thought they had leverage on me. So, now they think you are dead. They think they destroyed me. They did just a little bit when I sat for hours thinking you weren’t coming back.” He explained to you. 
“John, and Arthur also think you are dead. I needed them to think you were so they stayed on track to find Mr. & Mrs. Changretta to kill them and keep the anger in them. The only people who know you are alive are me, Ada, Finn, and Charles. Charlie would sit here with you while you slept with me also.” He explained further. 
“Did they find him?” You asked Tommy with a very serious face now. 
“They are very close. We heard that they are trying to flee to New York to their son, knowing we are coming after them.” He answered your question. 
“Are they going to kill them?” You asked. 
“I told them kill the wife, and keep the old man alive for me to finish off.” He said taking your hand in his once again. 
“I’m so happy you are alive.” He said breaking the silence. 
“Take me to where they are brining him.” You spoke ignoring what he said prior. 
“What?” He asked looking at you confused. 
“Take me to where John, and Arthur are bringing the old man.” You spoke once again. 
“You need to rest.” He said. 
“Thomas.” You said with a firm voice.
“I thought you didn’t want anything to do with that side of the business?” He asked. 
“Tommy. I died. Even if I didn’t die physically. Y/N Shelby died. Everyone thinks I’m dead. I need to kill the man who killed me. So take me to him.” You said firmly. Tommy just sat and looked at you. 
“Ada!” He called out breaking the silence. 
“Yes.” She said running to the door. 
“Help me get her up. She wants to go on a trip.” He told her. 
After about an hour you were finally ready to go. Still in pain, but the help of cocaine and pain killers it was bearable. Walking through the halls and to the stairs you saw you son sitting with Finn. You smiled and held on to the railing for help down the stairs, but Tommy came quickly next to you for more support. Getting to the bottom of the stairs, you walked over to Finn and Charles. He sat on Finns lap
“My baby.” you said with tears welling in your eyes. Slowly you got down on you knee to come eye level with him. A smile spreading across his face and reaching out for you. That made you cry even more because you could hold him, and squeeze him like you wanted to. 
“Baby, daddy and mommy will be back soon .” You said caressing his cheek. Tommy coming behind you helping you to your feet. 
“Thank you Finn.” You said messing his hair with a smile. With that you and Tommy walked out of you home and to the car. Helping you settle into it and rounding to the driver side. 
“Are you sure you want this love?” Tommy asked you. 
“I’m a new women now Tom. Whether you do it or I do it. Need to see it happen. He did this to me.” You told him. he nodded his head and started the car and off you two were to go face the man who all-in-all did this to you. 
About 40 minutes later of small talk with Tommy learning everything that has been going on, on his side of the business, while you were out, you two pulled up to what looked like an abandoned building. Getting out of the car, holding you arm for support so it didn’t hang. Taking a deep breath as you began walking into the building down a very dark corridor. Seeing a bit of light at the end that opened to a large room. Looking across and seeing John who faced you two, his eyes widened and Arthur who had his back to the door way turned to also have wide eyes as his eyes settled on you. Giving them a slight grin and then looking at the man sat in the middle of the room. Arms tired behind the chair he sat in, sounds of prayers coming from his lips. You walked over to John, settling next to him in silence he pecked a kiss on your cheek, and Arthur walking to you and doing the same. Stood between the two men as Tommy stopped in front of the man, but then walking to the right to set his case of tools down along with the lantern in his hand. He pulled his hat off of his head then his jacket setting it down. The man praying in Italian with his eyes closed Tommy just stared at. Tommy pulled the chair closer to the old man and sat in it looking at him, even though he wasn’t looking back. 
“Do you know what time it is, old man?” Tommy asked. But the man with no reply, just the prayers he still sang and his eyes shut. 
“I’ll tell ya.” Tommy said and grabbed his pocket watch. 
“It’s after 7 in the evening, and I’m going to keep you alive until it gets light.” Tommy said pointing his still gloved finger at the man. John pulling you into him just slightly for comfort of what is about to happen. Tommy scooted his chair just a bit closer. The man still not giving attention to Tommy, which you could see him starting to get angry about. 
“I’ll not deliver the final cut until we can both hear the blackbirds singing outside.” Tommy said in the old mans face but still no attentions given. Now Tommy grabbing the back of the mans neck and brining him closer so he knows he could hear him. 
“It’s a beautiful sound.” Tommy said looking directly at you. 
“Which my wife will never her again.” He spoke with lies on his tongue knowing the man didn’t see you walk in with him. 
“Or will she?” He said still looking at you and holding his neck still. Tommy stood and motioned John to bring him the case of razors. He opened it and Tommy took a blade from it. 
“Now, I’m gonna have to choose carefully which part of you I cut away first.” He said opening the blade and pointing it at the man. John walked back over next you and just looked at you with sadness in his eyes. You stood tall as you watched what was going on in front of you. 
“Open your eyes.” He told the old man who still sat saying his prayers. 
“Open your eyes, or I will cut away your fucking eyelids!!” Tommy now yelling at him. You looked over at Arthur who also looked not too happy about the situation. The man now with his eyes open and Tommy very close to his face. 
“Now look at me.” Tommy spoke. 
“Now look at her!” He yelled grabbing the mans neck and yanking it too look back at you. The man began crying even more when he saw you. 
“This is the end. You know she’s alive. But you will only know for a few short hours. No one else will know.” Tommy spoke to him, letting him know he’s the only one out of the family that knew you were alive.
“It was your tongue that gave the order.” Tommy spoke after a short silence and grabbing the mans face. This has became a painfully slow ordeal and you don’t know how much longer you could wait starting to become impatient. You understood what he was doing, but why? When he was going to die either way. 
“I’ll take your tongue first.” He said looking into the old mans eyes. 
“Then I’ll take your ears.” He said now stood up. You couldn’t lie, he was sexy as fuck when he was like this. You’ve never seen it before, but now you can’t wait to see it more often. 
“Then I’ll take your fingers.” Tommy said now sweaty, and taking a few steps backs and moving the chair out of the way.
“Then your fucking toes.” He said walking towards the man again. 
“See, if i take your balls first, you drain too fast like you fuckers do.” Tommy said now back in the mans face. Now you stood very impatient watching this happen. 
“No, Think tongue first. Tongue first.” He said as he grabbed the mans face and opening his mouth to grab his tongue as the man had muffled groans coming out. 
“If I take your tongue, you wont be able to explain, and I want you to explain. I want you to fucking explain.” Tommy said letting go of his mouth and physically getting more mad. You looked over at John who just watched. In a tense stance, with little to no expression on his face. Tommy pulled the man into his chest hugging his head into it. He breathed heavily as you guys just watched. Looking at him trying to get him to get this shit over with or you were going to. Tommy released the man and walked away from him. You looked at Arthur and rolled your eyes showing your were becoming irritated. 
“Come on Tommy, I forget who I am.” Tommy spoke lowly across the room, before standing up again. 
“I’m a Blinder. I’ll take your fucking eyes first!” He yelled walking back, but you were done with his shit. Grabbing the gun from Johns side and shooting the man in the head, making Tommy stop and look. 
“I heard the blackbird sing.” You said lowering the gun. Tommy stood there in awe looking at the man. You walked closer seeing he was dead then walking to Tommy. 
“It’s over. I’m alive.” You said caressing the side of his face. 
“and we let his wife board the immigrant ship to New York.” You heard John say from behind you causing you to look over at him confused. 
“We didn’t kill Mrs. Changretta.” John said continued. You looked over at Tommy who still just stared blankly. 
“Its alright. Y/N is here. It was best she did it.” Arthur spoke up from beside you two. 
“We’re not those kind of men.” Arthur continued. He grabbed the blade from Tommy’s hand after walking passed you two and threw it on the ground. Tommy coming out of his trance state, blinking a few time, look at you then looking back at Arthur who walked out of the room now. He sighed and walked over to his things.
“You get rid of the body, John.” He told him before grabbing his jacket. 
'Get rid of those, for good.“ Tommy said motioning to the box of blades and walked away. Looking over at John and giving him a sorry look then following Tommy out.
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