#tata steel 20
world-of-wales · 2 years
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4 FEBRUARY 2020 || The Duchess of Cambridge, along with Prince William, carried out engagements in South Wales.
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pettirosso1959 · 9 days
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L'industria siderurgica è stata una pietra miliare dello sviluppo industriale e la sua evoluzione è una testimonianza dell'ingegno umano e del progresso tecnologico.
Nel corso dei decenni, i continui miglioramenti nella tecnologia degli altiforni, nel controllo dei processi e nel recupero di energia hanno portato a significativi guadagni in termini di produttività ed efficienza energetica.
La Cina continua a dominare la capacità produttiva e le esportazioni, con giganti del settore come Baowu Group in prima linea. Altri importanti produttori di acciaio includono la giapponese Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp., l'indiana Tata Steel, la sudcoreana POSCO e l'europea ArcelorMittal.
Le acciaierie integrate di oggi sono meraviglie dell'ingegneria, in grado di produrre milioni di tonnellate all'anno con notevole efficienza. Gli altiforni più performanti possono raggiungere efficienze energetiche fino al 70%, valori che sembravano irraggiungibili solo pochi decenni fa.
L'acciaio è essenziale nella società moderna, in quanto ci fornisce la materia prima essenziale per ogni attività svolta dall'uomo; dalle industrie e relative macchine, fino alle infrastrutture strategiche, tutto è acciaio. Dal 2001, la produzione globale di acciaio grezzo è raddoppiata e la domanda continuerà ad aumentare nei prossimi decenni.
E come l'energia elettrica, anche l'acciaio entra nel mirino degli ambientalisti e della loro pretesa di "decarbonizzare" il settore attraverso l'utilizzo dell'idrogeno in luogo del carbone di cokeria.
Il carbone è essenziale, perché permette di ottenere il duplice vantaggio di procedere all'ossidoriduzione della materia prima (con formazione di CO e CO2, entrambe utilizzate per produrre energia termica ed elettrica utile ai processi di produzione dell'acciaio grezzo), ma anche per produrre acciai di elevata qualità da sottoporre a processi termochimici atti a migliorarne/esaltarne specifiche qualità meccaniche/termiche/chimiche.
La pretesa ambientalista di produrre l'acciaio dalla materia prima attraverso l'utilizzo dell'idrogeno espone il mercato ad un duplice pericolo. Il primo, l'eccessivo uso di energia elettrica, sia per trattare il minerale, sia per produrre idrogeno; i costi della materia sarebbero esposti ad un incremento esponenziale.
Il secondo pericolo, non meno grave, è la nota fragilità dell'acciaio in presenza di idrogeno incluso nella matrice cristallina, che ne altera in modo irrimediabile le caratteristiche chimiche e meccaniche. Note come "fiocchi di idrogeno" costituiscono discontinuità del reticolo, con maggiore fragilità e minore resistenza meccanica all'invecchiamento.
Il passaggio alla produzione di acciaio a idrogeno rischia di vanificare un secolo di progressi nella produzione efficiente. I costi elevati, le sfide tecnologiche e la limitata scalabilità dei processi basati sull'idrogeno sono garantiti per renderlo meno redditizio rispetto alla produzione di acciaio basata sul carbone.
Stime prudenti suggeriscono che la produzione di acciaio a base di idrogeno potrebbe essere del 20-30% più costosa rispetto ai metodi tradizionali. Questo differenziale di costo non è banale in un settore con margini ristretti e un'intensa concorrenza globale.
L'aumento dei costi si ripercuoterebbe sull'economia, colpendo l'edilizia, la produzione automobilistica e innumerevoli altri settori che si affidano all'acciaio a prezzi accessibili.
Rystad Energy afferma che l'acciaio "verde" può essere reso competitivo solo imponendo pesanti tasse sull'acciaio a base di carbone o assegnando enormi sussidi ai produttori di acciaio.
Inoltre, l'idrogeno prodotto attraverso l'elettrolisi è ad alta intensità energetica. Produrre abbastanza per soddisfare le esigenze dell'industria siderurgica richiederebbe una massiccia espansione della capacità di energia rinnovabile, ben oltre le attuali proiezioni.
Sebbene esistano progetti pilota di idrogeno verde, non è stato dimostrato su scala industriale. Al contrario, uno dei vantaggi più significativi della produzione di acciaio a base di carbone è la sua capacità di operare su larga scala.
I moderni altiforni possono produrre fino a 400 tonnellate di acciaio all'ora, funzionando ininterrottamente per anni tra i periodi di manutenzione più importanti. Questa scala di produzione è fondamentale per soddisfare la domanda globale di acciaio, che nel 2021 si è attestata a 1,95 miliardi di tonnellate e si prevede che crescerà, al netto delle considerazioni sulla qualità finale del prodotto. Un diverso modo di rubare il futuro all'umanità dopo averlo fatto privandola dell'accesso all'energia elettrica a basso costo ed affidabile.
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Looking for prominent high quality Tool and Die Steel Supplier in Jamshedpur?
Jamshedpur is the largest and most populous city in Jharkhand and the first planned industrial city in India. Jamshedpur is a major industrial city located in the East Singhbhum district of Jharkhand, India. It is one of the largest and most populous cities in the state and holds significant importance as an industrial and economic center. It was founded by Jamsetji Tata, the founder of the Tata Group, and named after him.
Jamshedpur is renowned for its industrial landscape and is often referred to as the “Steel City of India.” The Tata Steel plant, one of the oldest and largest steel plants in the country, is a major contributor to the city’s economy. Other industries include automotive manufacturing, cement production, and various engineering and manufacturing units..
Jamshedpur is industrial city in the state of Jharkhand , India. It is also known for its industrial development and urban planning. Jamshedpur has some tools and die steel industries that manufacture and supply various types of tools, dies, molds, and other components for various industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical, etc.
Allow me to introduce one of the prominent Tool & Die Steels Suppliers in Jamshedpur: One of the best Tool & Die Steels Supplier in Jamshedpur Tata Steel city is:
Virat Special Steels Pvt. Limited : This is a company that deals in all kinds of tool steel, die steel, plastic mold steel, high speed steel, and alloy steel. They provide value added services, such as material machining, cut pieces, and tailor-made material. They also offer metallurgical advice and quality assurance. They have a state-of-the-art plant in Gurugram and Ludhiana. They also have a strong distribution network across India.
The following grades of steel are available with them on an ex-stock basis:
DIE STEEL ( HH 370 - 410 BHN ) (DB6 / DIN-1.2714 / AISI L6 )
HOT WORK STEELS (DIN 2343, 2344 / AISI H11, H13)
HIGH SPEED STEELS (DIN 3243 , 3343 / AISI M2 , M35)
COLD WORK STEELS - HCHCr. (DIN 2379 , 2080 / AISI D2 , D3)
Here, they also have an impressive fully equipped quality assurance and process examination facility. This includes a laboratory for analyzing steel by conducting both chemical tests and spectrometry; ultrasonic examination and hardness testing on Vickers, Rockwell and Brinell scales. This adds value for their clientele by allowing for them to select the most appropriate type of steel readily available for their specific application; and also allows them to examine options and in the long haul optimize costs.
As par in terms of Quality, Price & Services with steels of the same grade from multinational companies such as Thyssenkrupp, Poldi, Huta Celsa, Vitkovice, Lucchini, DEW, SWG, Edelstahl Groditz, Nippon, Hyundai steel, Seah, Villarus ( Bohler Subsidiary ), TG , EWK, DEW, A Finkl, Swiss Steel, Sanyo, Somers Forge etc.
Virat Special Steels also offer “Make In INDIA” products at competitive prices, great quality, and prompt servicing to increase & improve CPC (Cost Per Component) for their customers.
You can visit their website: https://www.viratsteels.com/ https://www.viratsteel.in/locations/tool-and-die-steel-supplier-in-jamshedpur/
Consult our Gurugram office for further assistance. Meanwhile for more on Virat Special Steels; Email Us: [email protected]. Contact them by mobile numbers 98140 - 21775, 99991 - 24971 to 79.
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newsriveting · 2 days
Tata Steel commissions India’s largest blast furnace at Kalinganagar
Team Tata Steel at the new blast furnace Team News Riveting Mumbai/Jamshedpur, September 20 Tata Steel today successfully commissioned India’s largest blast furnace at Kalinganagar, Odisha. With a total investment of Rs 27,000 crore, the Phase II expansion at Kalinganagar will take the total capacity at the site from 3 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to 8 MTPA. The new facility was…
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indian-suppliers · 3 days
Accelerator Cables: Important Component for Your Vehicle
When it comes to the smooth functioning of your vehicle, one component that often goes unnoticed but plays a critical role is the accelerator cable. This cable is the link between the accelerator pedal and the throttle, ensuring that your vehicle responds when you press the pedal, giving you the speed and control you need. Whether you drive a commercial truck, a personal car, or an industrial vehicle, the accelerator cable ensures that you can move smoothly, efficiently, and safely.
For drivers, mechanics, and manufacturers alike, understanding the importance of quality accelerator cables can save time, money, and hassle on the road. In this blog, we’ll discuss the role of accelerator cables, their applications across different vehicles, and why choosing the right supplier is essential.
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What Exactly Is an Accelerator Cable?
An accelerator cable is a steel braided wire inside a protective casing that connects your vehicle’s accelerator pedal to the throttle body or carburetor. When you press the accelerator pedal, the cable pulls the throttle open, allowing more air and fuel into the engine, which increases your speed. The cable’s strength and smooth operation are key to ensuring a responsive and safe driving experience.
Accelerator cables are made to withstand significant wear and tear. They must handle frequent use, extreme weather conditions, and physical stress without snapping or losing their tension. This is why it’s crucial to choose cables made from high-quality materials that are built to last.
Where Are Accelerator Cables Used?
Accelerator cables are essential for a wide range of vehicles and machinery, and the applications extend beyond just cars. Below is a list of vehicles where these cables are commonly used:
Tata Ace/Magic/Dicor/XL
Leyland Dost/Bada Dost
Eicher Canter Jumbo/Terra The 16/10.90/10.95
Tata Ultra/Prima/1109/909/Signa/40.28/40.23
Maruti Wagon R/Alto/Alto 800/Swift/Baleno
Hyundai Santro/i-10/i-20/Santro
Mahindra Bolero/Maxx/Supro/Jeeto
These are just a few examples of the wide application of accelerator cables. From light commercial vehicles to passenger cars, these cables ensure that drivers can smoothly accelerate, maintain speed, and control their vehicle effectively.
Made to Last: Materials and Construction
The quality of an accelerator cable depends largely on the materials used and the attention to detail in its construction. At Chhattrapati Auto Store, based in Delhi, India, we manufacture accelerator cables from robust galvanized materials, which are known for their durability and resistance to corrosion. This ensures that the cable can handle not just everyday wear but also extreme conditions, whether it's rain, heat, or cold.
Our accelerator cables come with a grey spiral and black color finish, giving them a professional and sleek appearance. These cables can also be customized based on the specific needs of the customer. Whether you need cables for heavy trucks or small cars, we ensure that our products meet the exact specifications for length, strength, and flexibility.
Beyond Accelerator Cables: A Full Range of Control Cables
In addition to high-quality accelerator cables, Chhattrapati Auto Store also manufactures a wide variety of control cables used in various automotive applications. These include:
Clutch Cables
Parking Cables
Gear Shifter Cables
Stop Cables
Speedometer & Control Cables
Earthmovers Cables
Machine Cables
Lever Cables
Each of these cables plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of your vehicle. From clutch cables that help change gears to parking cables that secure your car when it's stationary, our products are built to the highest standards of quality and reliability. Like our accelerator cables, all of these are manufactured using strong materials and can be customized to meet your unique requirements.
Customization: Meeting Every Vehicle's Need
At Chhattrapati Auto Store, we understand that different vehicles have different needs. That's why we offer customization options for all our cables, including accelerator cables. Whether you’re dealing with a vintage car, a modern sports vehicle, or a heavy-duty commercial truck, we can tailor our products to fit your exact requirements.
We can adjust the length, diameter, and material composition of the cables to suit specific vehicle models. Need extra durability for off-road conditions or extreme climates? We can add extra layers of protection to ensure that your cable lasts longer and performs better under stress.
Why Quality Matters
Using a substandard accelerator cable can result in several problems. The most obvious one is a lack of responsiveness when you press the gas pedal. A faulty cable can cause the throttle to stick or fail to open entirely, leading to slow acceleration, sudden stops, or even total engine failure. In worst-case scenarios, a snapped cable could leave you stranded on the road, resulting in expensive repair costs and lost time.
By choosing a high-quality accelerator cable, you’re ensuring that your vehicle will run smoothly, respond quickly, and last longer without needing frequent replacements.
At Chhattrapati Auto Store, we are committed to providing durable and reliable products that stand the test of time. Our cables go through strict quality checks before they leave our factory, ensuring that you receive only the best products.
Shipping Across the Globe
Based in Delhi, India, Chhattrapati Auto Store is not just a local supplier—we ship our products worldwide. Whether you’re an individual looking for a replacement cable for your personal vehicle or a business needing bulk orders for a fleet, we’ve got you covered. Our streamlined logistics system ensures that our cables reach you promptly, no matter where you are.
At Chhattrapati Auto Store, we are a leading manufacturer of high-quality accelerator cables made from tough galvanized materials, designed to meet the demands of modern driving. And with our commitment to customization and global shipping, we’re able to serve customers worldwide with the exact cables they need. visit our website https://chttarpaticables.com/ or call us at +91- 9212745230 +91- 8178624337 today to learn more.
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townpostin · 13 days
Tata Steel Tinplate Division Announces 17.89% Employee Bonus
17.89% bonus finalized, maximum payout set at Rs 1,00,694 Key Points: • 860 employees to receive bonus totaling Rs 4.68 crore • Bonus percentage lower than previous year’s 20% • Agreement signed by union leaders and company representatives JAMSHEDPUR – Tata Steel Tinplate Division has finalized a bonus agreement for its employees, offering a 17.89 percent payout with a maximum cap of Rs…
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tamanna31 · 2 months
Utility Poles Market Poised for Steady Growth in the Future
Utility Poles Industry Overview
The global utility poles market size was estimated at USD 57.65 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.0% from 2024 to 2030. The market growth is driven by multiple factors such as rising electricity consumption, the increasing demand for efficient energy distribution and the subsequent construction of power transmission and distribution networks. The proliferation of smartphones, internet connectivity, and data-intensive applications has additionally contributed to the market growth by increasing the demand for efficient communication networks.
The shift toward smart grid technologies is driving the market owing to their ability to enable real-time monitoring of power usage, early detection of faults or damage, and optimization of maintenance schedules. These technologies enable real-time monitoring of power usage, early detection of faults or damage, and optimization of maintenance schedules, leading to improved reliability and efficiency in energy transmission and distribution, which in turn is expected to present lucrative growth opportunities for the market.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Utility Poles Market
Companies operating in the market have adopted various strategies to enhance their market presence and meet the growing demand for utility poles. Many companies are focusing on developing innovative utility pole designs that offer improved strength, durability, and cost-effectiveness. In addition, companies are exploring new geographical markets to tap into emerging opportunities and increase their market share. This may involve strategic partnerships, acquisitions, or setting up manufacturing facilities in key regions to better serve local demand. For instance, in January 2024, Nippon Steel Corporation acquired a 20% interest in Elk Valley Resources, the steelmaking coal business partnership sold by Teck Resources Limited. The acquisition was aimed at securing stable procurement of high-quality steelmaking coal, which is vital for decarbonizing the manufacturing process of steel. Such strategies by key companies are expected to fuel market growth in the coming years.
Browse through Grand View Research's Communications Infrastructure Industry Research Reports.
The global rugged servers market size was estimated at USD 630.2 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global land mobile radio market size was estimated at USD 26.85 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.7% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Utility Poles Company Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Tata Power, Nov Inc, SAE Towers, Nippon Steel Corporation, KEC International Ltd.
Tata Steel's diverse product portfolio caters to multiple market segments. The company offers a wide range of steel products, including hot and cold rolled coils and sheets, galvanized sheets, tubes, wires, and construction rebars for various applications in the automotive, construction, consumer goods, and engineering industries, demonstrating the company's versatility in meeting global steel demands.
NOV Inc. (formerly known as National Oilwell Varco) provides equipment and components used in oil & gas drilling and production operations, oilfield services, and supply chain integration services to the upstream oil & gas industry. The company is committed to innovation and technological advancement. The company invests aggressively in research and development to improve the performance and durability of its products. The company’s commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in its efforts to improve the environmental footprint of its products.
New Forests Company, Lishu Steel Co. Ltd, and Omega Company are some of the emerging market participants in the utility poles market.
New Forests Company specializes in the manufacturing and supply of transmission poles across East and Southern Africa. The company’s customer base includes national electricity utilities, government agencies, municipalities, and turnkey operators.
Lishu Steel Co.Ltd’s product portfolio showcases a diverse range of utility poles crafted from various materials, including steel, concrete, and innovative composite materials, thereby ensuring that the company can meet the specific needs of its global clientele, providing solutions that cater to different environmental conditions, load requirements, and aesthetic preferences.
Key Utility Poles Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the utility poles market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends.
Al-Babtain Power & Telecom
American Timber and Steel
Bell Lumber & Pole
Energya Steel-KSA
Europoles Middle East LLC
Frank R. Close & Son, Inc.
George Scott (Geo Stott)
HAS Engineering LLC
Metrosmart International Trading & Contracting W.L.L.
New Forests Company
NOV Inc.
Omega Company for Luminaries, Poles & Galvanizing
R&B Timber Group
Techno Pole Industries LLC
Valmont Industries, Inc.
SAE Towers
Skipper Limited
Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
KEC International Inc.
Lishu Steel Co., Ltd
Nippon Steel Corporation
Qingdao Mingzhu Steel Structure Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Guohua Tube Tower Manufacturer Co. Ltd.
Tata Steel
Kalpataru Projects International Ltd.
Jyoti Structures Limited
Sabre Industries, Inc.
Foresite Group LLC
Nanjing Tuopeng Construction Technology Co., Ltd
Recent Developments
In February 2024, Bell Lumber & Pole acquired a pole peeling facility and wood concentration yard located in Newport in the U.S. state of Maine from Prentiss & Carlisle, a forest resource management and timberland services company. The company’s customers in the Northeast region would enjoy even more direct access to local pole fiber as a result of the deal.
In February 2024, Skipper Limited received a contract worth USD 88.55 million (INR 7.37 billion) for the design, supply, and construction of a 765 kV Transmission Line Project for Power Grid Corporation of India Limited.
In January 2023, Nippon Steel Corporation collaborated with Mitsubishi Corporation and ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. to jointly study Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and establish potential CCS value chains in Asia Pacific.
Order a free sample PDF of the Utility Poles Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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chess-engines-diary · 2 months
Dziś 20 lat ukończył arcymistrz z Indii Nihal Sarin. Uznawany za "cudowne dziecko" hinduski szachista uzyskał tytuł arcymistrza w wieku 14 lat i 10 miesięcy. Dziś (według stanu na dzień 1 lipca 2024) Sarin ma ranking 2682, co daje mu 8 miejsce wśród szachistów z Indii. Zobaczcie zwycięską partię Sarina z Gukeshem:
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optionperks · 3 months
Top Gainers and Losers today on 20 June, 2024: Hindalco Industries, Grasim Industries, Hero Motocorp, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries among most active stocks
Top Gainers and Losers Today : The Nifty closed at 23,516.0, up by 0.22%. Throughout the day, the Nifty reached a high of 23,624.0 and a low of 23,442.6. The Sensex traded between 77,643.09 and 77,100.36, closing 0.18% higher at 77,337.59, which was 141.34 points above the opening price. Nifty Index Top Gainers and Losers Today The top gainers in the Nifty index were Hindalco Industries (up 2.13%), Grasim Industries (up 2.11%), Bharat Petroleum Corporation (up 1.70%), JSW Steel (up 1.61%), and Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone (up 1.45%). On the other hand, the top losers in the Nifty index were Hero Motocorp (down 2.53%), Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (down 2.19%), Mahindra & Mahindra (down 2.14%), NTPC (down 1.34%), and Wipro (down 1.08%). The Bank Nifty ended at 51,398.05, with an intraday high of 51,842.2 and a low of 51,281.5. The Bank Nifty's performance in terms of returns is as follows:
In the last 1 week: 3.52%
In the last 1 month: 7.73%
In the last 3 months: 11.78%
In the last 6 months: 9.1%
In the last 1 year: 18.27%
Here is the list of stocks that were the top gainers and losers during the trading session on June 20, 2024:
Sensex Top Gainers And Losers Today Top Gainers: Tata Steel (up 1.28%), ICICI Bank (up 1.05%), Reliance Industries (up 1.00%), Kotak Mahindra Bank (up 0.96%), and Axis Bank (up 0.95%). Top Losers: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (down 2.24%), Mahindra & Mahindra (down 2.10%), NTPC (down 1.26%), State Bank Of India (down 1.03%), and Wipro (down 1.03%).
Nifty Top Gainers And Losers Today Top Gainers: Hindalco Industries (up 2.13%), Grasim Industries (up 2.11%), Bharat Petroleum Corporation (up 1.70%), JSW Steel (up 1.61%), and Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone (up 1.45%).
Top Losers: Hero Motocorp (down 2.53%), Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (down 2.19%), Mahindra & Mahindra (down 2.14%), NTPC (down 1.34%), and Wipro (down 1.08%).
Nifty MidCap 50 Top Gainers And Losers Today Top Gainers: Bharat Forge, Bandhan Bank, NMDC, L&T FINANCE, Max Healthcare Institute.
Top Losers: Tube Investments Of India, Vodafone Idea, Coforge, Bharat Heavy Electricals, Jubilant Foodworks.
Nifty Small Cap 100 Top Gainers And Losers Today Top Gainers: Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilisers & Chemicals, Sonata Software, City Union Bank, Himadri Speciality Chemical, Mahanagar Gas.
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sharpbharat · 3 months
Tata steel johar haat : टाटा स्टील फाउंडेशन का जोहार हाट संस्करण शुरू, 3 राज्यों से 5 अलग-अलग जनजातियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले 20 उद्यमी हाट में भाग लेंगे
जमशेदपुर : टाटा स्टील फाउंडेशन की पहल जोहार हाट का जून 2024 का आयोजन शुक्रवार को जमशेदपुर के कदमा प्रकृति विहार में शुरू हुआ. इस महीने के जोहार हाट में 3 राज्यों से 5 अलग-अलग जनजातियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले 20 से अधिक उद्यमी भाग लेंगे. जोहार हाट का यह संस्करण 5 जून को मनाए गए विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के अनुरूप सस्टेनेबिलिटी की थीम पर आधारित है. सप्ताह भर चलने वाली इस प्रदर्शनी में रचनात्मकता,…
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thecioworldindia · 3 months
The Emergence of Sustainability in Indian Business
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The concept of sustainability has become a global imperative, and India is no exception. The emergence of sustainability in Indian business has been a gradual but significant shift, with companies across various industries recognizing the need to adopt sustainable practices to address pressing social and environmental challenges.
Driving Forces for sustainable business in India
One of the primary steering forces behind the emergence of sustainable business practices in India is the increasing awareness and concern about climate change and its impact on the environment. India is among the top 5 nations in the world that are most vulnerable to climate change, and its economy heavily relies on natural resources such as water, forests, and biodiversity. Companies that operate in India are facing increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint and implement sustainable practices to protect the environment.
Challenges to sustainable business in India
Despite the growing awareness and demand for sustainable practices, there are several challenges that companies face in adopting and implementing sustainable practices in India. One of the prime challenges is the lack of a supportive policy framework and regulations that incentivize sustainable practices. While the Indian government has taken steps to promote sustainability, such as the launch of the National Action Plan on Climate Change, there is a need for stronger policies that create a level playing field for businesses that prioritize sustainability.
Opportunities for sustainable business in India
Despite the challenges, there are several opportunities for companies to adopt sustainable practices and create value for their stakeholders. One opportunity is to leverage technology and innovation to develop sustainable solutions that address social and environmental challenges. For example, Indian companies are developing solar-powered irrigation systems to address water scarcity and mobile-based applications to promote sustainable agriculture.
Examples of sustainable business practices in India
Several Indian companies have already taken steps to adopt sustainable practices and create value for their stakeholders. One example is Tata Steel, which has implemented a comprehensive sustainability strategy that focuses on reducing its carbon footprint, conserving natural resources, and promoting social welfare. The company has set an aim to reduce its carbon footprint by 20% by 2025 and has invested in renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power.
Read More: https://cioworldindia.com/the-emergence-of-sustainability-in-indian-business/
Source: https://cioworldindia.com/
businessmagazine #bestbusinessmagazineinindia #bestbusinessmagazine #EmergenceofSustainability #IndianBusiness
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dan6085 · 3 months
Here is a list of the top 20 wealthiest Indians with details on their net worth, sources of wealth, and family members:
1. **Mukesh Ambani** - Net worth: $116 billion
- Source of wealth: Reliance Industries (petrochemicals, oil and gas, telecom, retail, financial services)
- Family: Son of Dhirubhai Ambani, married to Nita Ambani, 3 children (Akash, Isha, Anant)
2. **Gautam Adani** - Net worth: $84 billion
- Source of wealth: Adani Group (ports, airports, power generation, transmission, green energy)
- Family: Married to Priti Adani, 3 children (Karan, Jeet, Vinati)
3. **Shiv Nadar** - Net worth: $36.9 billion
- Source of wealth: HCL Technologies (IT services and consulting)
- Family: Married to Kiran Nadar, 1 daughter (Roshni Nadar Malhotra)
4. **Savitri Jindal** - Net worth: $35.5 billion
- Source of wealth: JSW Group (steel, energy, cement, infrastructure)
- Family: Widow of O.P. Jindal, 9 children including Sajjan Jindal
5. **Dilip Shanghvi** - Net worth: $26.7 billion
- Source of wealth: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (pharmaceuticals)
- Family: Married to Vibha Shanghvi, 2 children
6. **Cyrus Poonawalla** - Net worth: $21.3 billion
- Source of wealth: Serum Institute of India (vaccines)
- Family: Married to Villoo Poonawalla, 2 children (Natasha, Darius)
7. **Kushal Pal Singh** - Net worth: $20.9 billion
- Source of wealth: DLF (real estate)
- Family: Married to Indira Singh, 2 children (Rajiv, Pia)
8. **Kumar Mangalam Birla** - Net worth: $19.7 billion
- Source of wealth: Aditya Birla Group (textiles, telecom, cement)
- Family: Son of Aditya Birla, married to Neerja Birla, 3 children
9. **Radhakishan Damani** - Net worth: $17.6 billion
- Source of wealth: Avenue Supermarts (retail chain D-Mart)
- Family: Married to Shrikantadevi Damani, 2 children (Gopikishan, Rukmani)
10. **Lakshmi Mittal** - Net worth: $16.4 billion
- Source of wealth: ArcelorMittal (steel)
- Family: Married to Usha Mittal, 2 children (Aditya, Vanisha)
11. **Uday Kotak** - Net worth: $12.9 billion
- Source of wealth: Kotak Mahindra Bank (banking)
- Family: Married to Pallavi Kotak, 2 children
12. **Azim Premji** - Net worth: $9.2 billion
- Source of wealth: Wipro Group (IT services and consulting)
- Family: Married to Yasmeen Premji, 2 children (Rishad, Tariq)
13. **Ravi Jaipuria** - Net worth: $8.6 billion
- Source of wealth: RJ Corp (fast food, beverages)
- Family: Married to Seema Jaipuria, 3 children
14. **Hasmukh Chudgar & family** - Net worth: $7.6 billion
- Source of wealth: Intas Pharmaceuticals (pharmaceuticals)
- Family: Founded by Hasmukh Chudgar, now run by sons Binish and Urmish
15. **Benu Gopal Bangur** - Net worth: $7.3 billion
- Source of wealth: Shree Cement (cement)
- Family: Married to Nidhi Bangur, 2 children (Prashant, Shreekant)
16. **Rohiqa Cyrus Mistry** - Net worth: $7.0 billion
- Source of wealth: Shapoorji Pallonji Group (construction, real estate)
- Family: Daughter of Cyrus Mistry, former chairman of Tata Sons
17. **Ashwin Dani** - Net worth: $7.0 billion
- Source of wealth: Asian Paints (paints)
- Family: Married to Ina Dani, 2 children (Jalaj, Manish)
18. **Sunil Mittal** - Net worth: $6.1 billion
- Source of wealth: Bharti Enterprises (telecom)
- Family: Married to Nyna Mittal, 3 children (Kavin, Eiesha, Shravin)
19. **Gopikishan Damani & family** - Net worth: $6.0 billion
- Source of wealth: Avenue Supermarts (retail chain D-Mart)
- Family: Brother of Radhakishan Damani
20. **Vikram Lal** - Net worth: $5.6 billion
- Source of wealth: Eicher Motors (automotive)
- Family: Married to Meher Lal, 3 children (Siddhartha, Simran, Navya)
[1] Top 10 Richest Indians On Forbes 2024 List - NDTV https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/forbes-list-2024-top-10-richest-indians-5366623
[2] List of Indians by net worth - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indians_by_net_worth
[3] Forbes richest list 2024: Mukesh Ambani tops in India, Gautam Adani ... https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/forbes-richest-list-2024-mukesh-ambani-tops-in-india-gautam-adani-at-2-check-top-10-names-here-101712116481250.html
[4] Indian Billionaires Soar To Record Highs - Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/naazneenkarmali/2024/04/02/indian-billionaires-soar-to-record-highs/
[5] India's Richest Billionaires 2024: Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani ... https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/india-richest-billionaires-2024-mukesh-ambani-gautam-adani-bag-first-second-spots-check-list-of-top-wealthiest-indians/photostory/109012084.cms
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newsriveting · 2 months
First ferrochrome Plants in India, Tata Steel conducts successful trial of biomass usage
First ferrochrome Plants in India Team News Riveting Bhubaneswar, July 20 Tata Steel has successfully conducted the trial of biomass usage in ferrochrome making at its Ferrochrome Plant in Athagarh of Odisha’s Cuttack district on Saturday. The plant, operating under the Ferro Alloys and Minerals Division (FAMD) of the company, becomes first in India to have performed the trial run as part of…
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Today’s Current Affairs: Cherry-picking Winners in Stock Market ETMarkets' latest mutual fund analysis showcased six stocks that are held solely by a single scheme and have experienced significant price surges in the year 2024 so far. These unique stocks have seen a rise of 25-40% and have caught the attention of investors. The curated list includes companies like Vardhman Special Steels, GE Power India, GPT Infraprojects, Century Enka, Entertainment Network (India), and Orient Paper & Industries. This selection highlights the potential of cherry-picking winners in the stock Market. [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] **Cherry-picking Winners** - Which stock has experienced a price surge of 40% in CY24 so far? - A. Vardhman Special Steels - B. GE Power India - C. GPT Infraprojects - D. Century Enka Answer: A. Vardhman Special Steels **Vardhman Special Steels** - In which mutual fund scheme is Vardhman Special Steels solely held as of April 2024? - A. Tata Small Cap Fund-Reg(G) - B. Nippon India Multi Cap Fund(G) - C. Bandhan Infrastructure Fund-Reg(G) - D. Quant Active Fund(G) Answer: A. Tata Small Cap Fund-Reg(G) **​GE Power India** - What is the price performance percentage of GE Power India in CY24 so far? - A. 30% - B. 35% - C. 40% - D. 45% Answer: C. 40% **GPT Infraprojects** - How much is the investment value of GPT Infraprojects in Bandhan Infrastructure Fund-Reg(G) as of April 2024? - A. Rs 30 crore - B. Rs 32 crore - C. Rs 35 crore - D. Rs 40 crore Answer: C. Rs 35 crore [ad_2] Question 1: What is the focus of ETMarkets' latest mutual fund analysis? The latest mutual fund analysis by ETMarkets focuses on stocks held solely by a single scheme in April '24. They narrowed down the list to include stocks with a Market value exceeding Rs 20 crore as of May 2023 and experiencing a price surge of over 25% in the calendar year 2024 so far. Six stocks met these criteria. Question 2: Which stock is highlighted in the second slide? The second slide highlights Vardhman Special Steels. Its current Market price is Rs 306 with a 40% price performance in the calendar year 2024. The Tata Small Cap Fund-Reg(G) had an investment value of Rs 61 crore in this stock as of April 2024. Question 3: Which company is featured in the third slide and what are its details? The third slide features GE Power India. The company's current Market price is Rs 318 with a 40% price performance in the calendar year 2024. Nippon India Multi Cap Fund(G) had an investment value of Rs 58 crore in this stock as of April 2024. Question 4: What is the focus of the analysis on GPT Infraprojects mentioned in the fourth slide? The analysis on GPT Infraprojects in the fourth slide highlights the company's current Market price of Rs 230 with a 39% price performance in the calendar year 2024. Bandhan Infrastructure Fund-Reg(G) had an investment value of Rs 35 crore in this stock as of April 2024. Question 5: Which stock is showcased in the fifth slide and what are its key details? The fifth slide showcases Century Enka. The company's current Market price is Rs 581 with a 34% price performance in the calendar year 2024.
Quant Active Fund(G) had an investment value of Rs 48 crore in this stock as of April 2024. Question 6: What is the highlight of Entertainment Network (India) mentioned in the sixth slide? The sixth slide highlights Entertainment Network (India). The company's current Market price is Rs 239 with a 31% price performance in the calendar year 2024. ICICI Pru Multi-Asset Fund(G) had an investment value of Rs 44 crore in this stock as of April 2024. Question 7: Which company is featured in the final slide and what are its details? The final slide features Orient Paper & Industries. The company's current Market price is Rs 56 with a 29% price performance in the calendar year 2024. HSBC Small Cap Fund-Reg(G) had an investment value of Rs 32 crore in this stock as of April 2024. [ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later. function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] Today's Current Affairs shed light on unique stocks that have seen a significant rise in the year 2024 so far. These stocks are held by only one mutual fund scheme, showcasing the art of cherry-picking winners in the Market. Among the six stocks that have made the cut, Vardhman Special Steels stands out with a price surge of 40% in the calendar year. This pattern indicates a strategic investment approach that has paid off well for these particular stocks, creating lucrative opportunities for investors and fund managers alike. [ad_1]
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townpostin · 13 days
Tata Steel Announces Schedule for Aspiring Engineering Program
Recruitment process includes mock test, online exam, and interviews Key Points: • Mock test from Sept 10-12, online exam on Sept 15-16 • Culture Appreciation Test for successful candidates • Interviews and physical tests scheduled for Oct 19-20 JAMSHEDPUR – Tata Steel has unveiled the recruitment timeline for its Aspiring Engineering program, featuring multiple stages of assessment. The…
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tatastructura · 8 months
Why Construction Companies Prefer Using Tata Structura Steel Pipes?
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Every project is developed with the intention of specific utility. Hence maintaining the integrity of any construction is extremely important. It is made possible by the use of high-quality raw materials. Steel is one the most important factors for developing a robust construction. Steel is an integral part of every construction project. Hence use of the finest steel is extremely important. Steel works as the skeletal structure which works as the foundation of the entire project. For best results, the builders and engineers need to install rust-resistant and corrosion-resistant steel tubes or structural pipe.
For this very reason, Tata Structura is the preferred and loved name in the industry. The hollow-section steel pipes or tubes are made from hot-rolled steel coils and are a hot favorite in the industry. It is the crown jewel of the brand, developed in various sizes and shapes to serve multiple structural purposes. Beyond the supreme quality, the Tata Structura Steel pipes offer a wide range to meet a variety of applications.
Tata Structura’s flagship products include structural steel tubes/pipes. These tubes come in various sizes and diameters and coatings. At Tata Structura various shapes of hollow section steel tubes/pipes are produced. They are made from hot-rolled steel coils, which integrate into concrete bases to support the structure thereby ensuring heightened durability. Beyond the trust, construction companies prefer Tata Structura for the following reasons
Superior Quality
The hollow section of steel tubes from Tata Structura undergoes an extensive galvanizing process, to improve corrosion resistance. These sections can be utilized in project places with increased exposure to moisture, chemicals, and other corrosive substances. It also maximizes the product’s shelf life, thereby making it a beloved choice for construction companies
Wide Variety
Tata Strutura’s galvanized hollow section steel tubes have four incredible variants with varying grades.
1. Tata Structura YST210
The YST 210 steel tubes by Tata Structura have a breaking strength of more than 201MPa, tensile strength of over 330MPa, and more than 20% high elongation. The hollow section galvanized tubes offer better geometric quality. Thus making it a superior-grade product. When compared with open-section steel tubes, like channels and angles our product offers high-quality steel tubes with constant yield strength and good geometric features. This helps in saving approximately 25% of material waste. The coating of these Tata Structura tubes is of perfect finish, providing a smooth surface for a superior look and feel for the high-end application.
2. Tata Structura YST355
Tata Structura YST355 grade steel tubes are hollow and have high steel strength and efficiency. These galvanized tubes have a yield force of 355MPa and a UTS of 490MPa. As compared to their competitors these steel tubes provide savings of up to 40%. Tata Structura was the first brand to launch such a product in 2016
3. Tata Structura Z+
Tata Structura Z+ has powerful corrosion protection, due to the galvanized zinc coating of 360GSM. These steel pipes have pure zinc coating are particularly successful in preventing corrosion and are best suited for places with high rainfall and humidity. This product has great potential for fences, gates, frames, grills, and pergolas as well as structural roofing applications like garages and car parking shed.
4. Tata Ezyfit
Tata Ezyfit is designed to be used as door and window frames. They are galvanized steel tubes with superior strength and hollow insides, making them a robust option as compared to their traditional counterparts like wooden frames. Since they can withstand harsh weather they are primarily used for door frames and hence available in single-door frame and double-door frame options, These frames can be customized to ensure precision fitting.
Wide Applications
1. Residential
Thanks to our wide range of steel tubes, they can be imbibed in many aspects of our day-to-day lives, especially in our abodes. They are extensively used for developing car parking shed, house main gate, balcony railing, and extended roof constructions.
The commercial application includes a wide array of sectors
2. Commercial
Shopping Malls and Office Spaces
Atriums/ Skylights and Facades
3. Infrastructure
Metro Station
Foot Bridges
Bus Shelters
4. Industrial
Warehouse and Industrial Enclosures
Pipe racks
Solar Panel Support structures
5. Architectural
6. General Engineering
Vehicle Chases
Green Houses
Truck Bodies
Playground equipment
Using Tata Structura’s hollow-section steel tubes will increase the lifeline of any construction project. Hence, construction companies prefer using Tata Structura Steel Pipes.
For more information, visit our website: https://www.tatastructura.com
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