#tasshinas deponia art
vogelfreyh · 7 years
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Getting a little tired of coloring all the shit with cel shade, so I tried mixing it up with soft shade :’)
Have an apocalypse Doomsday AU Tallis!
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elysian-renegadesss · 3 years
Hey all! 
I used to be active on tumblr years ago as tasshina, but after a long break I decided to create a new acc to repost my Deponia art and OCs! <3 I’m happy to meet up with old faces as well as with new ones ;)
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zmistress · 6 years
I got tagged by @tasshina several days ago and now finally get around to answer. Thank you, tasshi, and sorry for the delay!
Rules: answer these 30 Qs and then tag 10 blogs you want to get to know
Nicknames: Z, Stef
Gender/pronouns: Female/she
Star sign: Libra
Height: 163 cm
Time: 7:54 pm
Birthday: I don’t like to celebrate or even be reminded of my birthday.
Favorite bands: Imagine Dragons, Wir sind Helden, Roxette (oh, nostalgia), Marillion
Favorite solo artist: Enya
Song stuck in your head: Currently none
Last movie you watched?: Avengers Infinity Wars
Last show?: Agent Carter
Why did you create your blog?: I felt that most artists I watched on DeviantArt moved on to tumblr and so I followed.
Last thing you googled?: 'Deponia datasette’(cartridge) because I needed a reference image for the picture I’m working on
Other blogs: @elysianinspector An ask/rp blog for Cletus from the Deponia series
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ZMistress
Do you get asks?: Rarely
How did you get the idea for your URL?: My family name starts with Z and I didn’t come up with anything better 
I follow: a lot of Deponia blogs, some blogs of my older fandoms and of old friends, some art blogs, some writing blogs
Followers: 133
Average hours of sleep: I go to bed early enough to have 7-8 hours before I have to get up but I always wake up about an hour too early, so it’s more 6-7 hours
Lucky number: Don’t have one
Instruments: piano, some guitar, and flute
What are you wearing? Black pants, mauve t-shirt with butterflies on it (even though I don’t even like butterflies), black cardigan
Dream job: Translator, but that’ll never come true anyway
Dream trip: New Zealand
Last book I read: The devil lies in the detail
Top 3 fictional universes: Deponia/Elysium because I’m still obsessed, Horizon Zero Dawn, Avatar TLA
I tag: @annadraco ,@mediasploshion , @diamantdrache , @kadesc, @bonzly-says, @shinakazami1, @daypril and @lytorika
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vogelfreyh · 7 years
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Poor Quatre, he has no idea what he got himself into :’D Tallis’ temper isn’t much of a blessing lol
Based on this Draw your squad - http://draw-your-heckin-squad.tumblr.com/post/156183116658
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vogelfreyh · 7 years
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Just a quickie of my Deponia OC Amerena, the weaponsmith from Requio! I really missed her :') She looks quite angry here but she's actually a kind person. Pff might be because Tallis stole her the show in the last months :'> however, Amerena was my very first Deponia OC and I dooo love her lots.
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vogelfreyh · 8 years
Goal "Castle in the Sky"?
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I’m not as fast as I hoped to be :’D ahh
Also me - person most creative with Goal poses….NOT XD sorry.
Thank you!
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vogelfreyh · 8 years
Tallis in Cherry Soda maybe ?
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First one :D Thank yoouuu!
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