#tarayummy fluff
samandcolbyownme · 4 months
do you also write for tara????
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Just Kidding? | Tara Yummy
Summary: Tara convinced Zach to have you on the podcast, but he quickly picks up what you and Tara are trying to hide.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, Zach being Zach, flirting, girlxgirl, fluff
“He’s going to pick up on us for sure, T.” You brush hair from your girlfriend’s face as she sighs, “I know, but I just really wanted you on the podcast.”
Her hands slide up your arms, stopping at your neck, “So what if he does? We’d be the hottest couple on the internet.”
You smile, nodding your head, “I mean, you’re not wrong.” You bite your lip, eyes searching over her face, “Just means I get to rub it in Zach’s face that I got you and he didn’t.”
She laughs, “Oh my god. We have to tell him.”
“I’ll wait for him to run his mouth.” You laugh and she nods, standing up to kiss you, “This is going to be so much fun.”
“So Tara.” Zach says, his eyes moving from her to you, “So y/n.”
You both look at each other and back to Zach, “What is it?” You ask and he shrugs, “I heard a little rumor about you two and I just, you know. Figured we could put it to bed once and for all.”
“And what rumor is that, Zach?” Tara moves around to put her leg under her and you look back at Zach, “I’m curious, too.”
“Go ahead Zach, tell them exactly what you told me.” Jared laughs and Zach shakes his head, “No that’s disrespectful, they’re right here.”
“Jared.” Tara points and you look over at him, “What did Zach say?”
Jared stares at Zach, growing nervous as he looks back to you and Tara, “The first words out of that man’s mouth to me this morning, was, and I quote, when did y/n and Tara enter scissortown, end quote.”
Tara’s mouth drops and she laughs, “Oh my god.”
You look down, shaking your head, “I’m not surprised.” You look at Zach, “Do you wanna know the exact date and time you lost your chance with Tara, or?”
“Wait!” Jared tells, “What?!”
Tara reaches over, grabbing your wrist as she dies laughing, “Do you even know that?”
You shrug, “Could take a wild guess, I know it was after the final live show of the week..” you tilt your head, looking at Zach, “Two months ago?”
“Two months?” Zach raises his brows, “you’ve been exploring her caves for two months and I have yet to receive an invite?”
“There it is.” You and Tara say at the same time, laughing with each other. You give Tara a look and glance back over to Zach, “If you really want one that bad, Zach. Now’s your chance.”
Tara leans out, smirking as Zach looks between the two of you. You find his un-sureness comical, “Cat got your tongue?”
“No, but two of em is about to have it real soon.” Zach smirks, shrugging his shoulders as he tilts his head, “When are we doing this? Date and time.”
Hope you liked it! Love you all so much! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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chrissminipizzas · 1 month
I would write him a handwritten letter everyday
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rheabl00dyripley · 2 months
"I'm glad you didn't either."
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This is a second chance romance where the reader had broken up with Sam two years ago, despite staying friends with Colby and Tara. It makes things a little difficult, but things had never become an issue. Until now.
Pairing: Sam Golbach x Reader
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, unprotected p in v, pet names (sir, baby), Sam hating her rebound ex,  Sam being scared of abandonment, fluff, slight angst
18+ only, MDNI. If you’re under the age of 18, I don’t care if you read my work, just please do not interact with the works that I publish <3
It had been years. Years. Since we had last spoken. Sure, I’ve stayed friends with Colby. I don’t see why that would be a problem.
But clearly after all of this time, Sam can’t handle the fact that I still want to be around a friend of his after everything he had done to me.
(2 weeks prior)
I had just gotten ready with Tara for something she was dragging me to, unbeknownst to me who would be there or what would be there.
I tried coaxing her into telling me, but she kept telling me, “Be patient, (y/n). You’ll enjoy it, I promise!”
Not so sure that I’d enjoy it, I reluctantly agreed, knowing that Colby would most likely be there, alongside Jake. Internally, a part of me had been hoping and begging that Sam wouldn’t try and weasel his way into this gathering, knowing it would be the death of my internal being.
But just for him, a part of me would let it happen.
I have had to shut that part of me down several times. When he had left me for no reason back two years ago, I swore I’d never go back to him, swore to myself that I’d never put myself through that kind of torture ever again. 
Cutting me out of my thoughts, Tara had walked up to me in the store with a silk red dress, one that looked like it would barely cover me. I looked at her sheepishly with a skeptical undertone, making her giggle nervously.
“C’mon (y/n)! It’s so cute, you’d look gorgeous in it!”
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the dress from her to further examine it, imagining myself in it. I’ve always known that I’m not the best looking person. But, I decided to listen to Tara this time. Recently dealing with yet another breakup from the rebound to heal from Sam, it didn’t necessarily hurt me, just another inconvenience. 
Tara shooed me to the nearest dressing room and I smiled warmly at the girl, knowing that she only has the best of intentions for me.
Walking into the dressing room and locking the door behind me, I sighed, feeling relief wash over me in this tiny confined space. I hung the beautiful dress on one of the hangers inside of the dressing room and looked at myself in the mirror, taking in everything with my current appearance.
I haven’t worn makeup since my first date with my rebound, and it made me want to do it again, to wear the makeup I want with this red dress.
I slipped out of my t-shirt and baggy low rise jeans, staring at my half-naked body in the mirror, pointing out every flaw about myself that Sam once adored. How he used to tell me how beautiful I was, how I had nothing to be insecure about, and I missed that feeling. The feeling as if I was on top of the world with nothing to deal with, just there with the one I love. Loved. The one I loved.
“Does it fit?”
I hear Tara’s voice from behind the door and it, once again, pulls me from my thoughts. I quickly grab the dress and unzip the back, sliding myself into the material. I gasp when I take in myself in the mirror, how even with the dress unzipped it made me look ethereal. I tried to zip the dress up myself, feeling a little uneasy with how low the back was and how small the zipper was. 
I got it zipped and released a breath I didn't realize I had been holding, looking at myself from many different angles to ensure I got the right look of how this dress fit me.
I lowered my head and opened the door, smiling sheepishly as Tara took in my appearance with a gasp and a squeal, running up to hug me.
“Oh my god (y/n) it looks beautiful on you!”
Her comment alone made me feel flustered, fidgeting with my hands in embarrassment. I muttered a small “thank you” before returning into the dressing room and slipping out of the dress, putting it back on the hanger and putting my clothing back on before opening the door once more.
I walked out with the dress in hand, smiling at Tara and enjoying how excited she looked.
“I think this is the one.”
I said softly, walking side by side with Tara up to the check-out counter to buy the dress, and leaving once the purchase was made. As we walked to Tara’s car, we began talking about random things, things I don’t remember now. However, one part of the conversation stayed in my head like a broken record.
Tara had just gotten into her car, and I followed suit, placing the bag that the dress was in into the backseat and fastening my seatbelt. Tara had looked at me with a small look of guilt before starting the car and fastening her own seatbelt, taking a deep breath before speaking once more.
“Do you ever miss the relationship you had with Sam?”
As soon as I heard those words, I felt my heart break a little more, the memories of our relationship flooding back to me like I had them locked up for this very moment. I looked at her with a face full of shock, unsure of if I had heard her correctly. 
Once I was sure she had said what she had said, I shuffled in the passenger seat, focusing on the road in front of us as if I was the one driving. I cleared my throat before responding to her, knowing that I could very easily start crying from this conversation alone.
“Uhm… yeah, sometimes, I guess.” I had said softly, my voice merely above a whisper. I had seen her nod in my peripheral, deciding to not say anything else. She handed me her phone and I unlocked it, making sure the bluetooth was connected before playing some early 2000’s music to get me out of the destructive mindset that I had silently entered. The drive back to my house had seemed a lot longer than before, my mind racing with memories of my relationship with Sam, memories that I had shut out once the relationship was over.
Once we had finally made it to my house and Tara pulled into my driveway, stopping the car and turning it off, she looked over at me before opening her door.
“I’m sorry if me bringing it up caused anything bad, I didn’t mean to-”
I cut her off quickly with a shake of my head. “Tara it’s fine, I know you didn’t mean any harm. Let’s just get inside, okay?” She nodded, and I made sure to grab the dress before getting out of her car. 
Once outside, I made my way to my front door, noticing some people inside that weren’t there when we had left earlier. I looked back at Tara and saw her smiling, internally wondering what was going on. Opening the front door, I saw Colby and Jake waiting for us with some food they had grabbed on their way over. 
Colby was the first one to speak, moving towards me with open arms. He had enveloped me in a warm embrace, slightly swaying. “Hey (y/n), how’ve you been?” He said as he pulled away, looking down at me with a smile on his face. I smiled back, pulling away as well. “Been alive, that’s for sure. Nothing too important to speak of though.”
“She just broke up with her rebound.” Tara spoke bluntly, grabbing a piece of garlic bread from the kitchen counter and taking a bite of it, shrugging as I looked over at her in disbelief. Colby whistled in response, not knowing about my activities in the past few weeks. 
I decided to grab some garlic bread as well to try and avoid the conversation, looking over at Jake on my couch and laughing at Tara’s banter with him. 
The four of us had just sat around and ate the food, meaningless conversations filling the room as the hours passed by, the other 3 deciding to head out once the sun began to set.
“We’ll see you in a couple of weeks, got some things to do before then.” Tara had said, offering me a hug that I took, wishing I could disappear in her arms. There was nothing more that I wanted than to just disappear from the world, not needing to care about anything else.
Once we all said our goodbyes and the three had parted, I was left alone with my thoughts, pacing my bedroom as I checked my phone, scrolling through instagram without a care in the world. Until I found it.
A post that Colby had made, tagging Sam in it.
Now, usually this wouldn’t affect me too much because I know they’re best friends and run their youtube channel together, but it was the caption that really got me.
Two more weeks until the boys are reunited!
“They haven’t seen each other in more than two weeks?” I said out loud, my brows furrowing in confusion as I reread the caption and kept looking over the post. They were inseparable, what happened now?
(Back to the present)
Inside of my bathroom after a nice, cold shower, my mind was racing with endless possibilities. I had no idea where we were going, no idea who would be there, and Tara had not let up with the secret. I eyed the red dress that I was going to wear for tonight, knowing that nobody has seen me in a dress since the night before Sam and I had broken up. And that dress? Was red.
It was all too ironic for me. But, I pushed that aside as I slipped into the material, not bothering to put anything on underneath because it would show through the tight fabric. I zipped it up with a sigh, applying my makeup and lip gloss with newfound confidence. As I blow-dried my hair, I heard a knock at my front door. “Come in!” I yelled from my bathroom, finishing up drying my hair and fixing it up as I heard the sound of heels clicking against my hardwood floors, getting closer to the bathroom. The door swung open to reveal Tara in her matching style dress, except hers was black. 
She squealed when she saw me all dolled up, her eyes full of excitement. “Are you ready?” She asked, putting her hands on her hips in anticipation. “Almost, just gotta grab my heels.” I responded, turning off the blow dryer and turning off the light in the bathroom, walking to my room to grab the red high heels that Colby had gotten me for my birthday last year. As I put them on, I saw Tara fidgeting nervously in my doorway.
“What’s up Tara? You alright?” I asked cautiously, standing up once the heels were on and grabbing my black purse, placing my wallet and phone inside, along with a portable charger if it were to be needed. She avoided my gaze and I could tell that there was something she wasn't telling me about tonight. I walked over to my dresser and put on a pair of earrings and the matching necklace, remembering when Sam had gotten me them for our 1 year anniversary 3 years ago. 
I could see Tara watching me from the doorway, nervously chewing on her fingernails. I put on a couple bracelets and walked over to her, putting my hands on her shoulders. “Tara? It’s okay. We’re gonna have fun tonight regardless, alright?” I said, trying to comfort her despite not knowing what was causing all of her nervousness. She nodded and smiled, holding her hand out for me to take.
I took her hand and we walked to the front door, walking out and I locked it behind us, putting my keys in my purse. We walked to Tara’s car, getting in and putting our seatbelts on. She turned the music on this time, starting the car with a giggle and reversing out of my driveway, then starting to drive. 
At this point, I still didn’t know where we were going, all I knew was Tara was here with me and I’d be fine if anything happened.
I was wrong.
As soon as we arrived and got out of the car, I spotted Colby walking inside and someone walking with him, the familiar blonde hair sending a wave of nervousness down my spine.
I looked over at Tara and saw her look at me as well, guilt very much apparent on her face. I smiled warmly at her and nodded towards the front door of the house, noticing now that it was a party at Colby’s house, hosted by him and Sam.
Internally, I made a mental note to avoid Sam at all costs, not wanting to start any drama or even interact with the man. We walked into the house and immediately heard the loud music, getting excited already. We walked over to the drink bar and got ourselves some drinks to ease the obvious tension, doing some shots to distract ourselves. Well, more so to distract me. 
I felt myself cower inside as I saw Colby walk over to me, except he was alone. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw him by himself and gave him a hug and a warm greeting. “Tara told me nothing about this, she just wanted me to come.”
“And I’m glad you did. You look great, by the way. You clean up nicely.” Colby had said, looking me up and down and taking in my appearance, a huge contrast from how I normally look. I giggled nervously and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear from his compliment, thanking him quietly with a nod. I felt my gaze lingering around the room, immediately landing on Sam. Surprisingly enough, his gaze was already locked on me. I had to look away as fast as possible so I wouldn’t feel how his gaze was burning holes through me with how hard he was staring.
I hadn’t seen him since the breakup and I never felt like I wanted to. He gave me no reason when he left and it hurt. I quickly ordered another shot and threw it back effortlessly, feeling the burn of the alcohol in the back of my throat and sighing at how good it felt.
I looked up at Colby, clearly showing that I was extremely nervous and needed an escape already. “Where’s the bathroom?”
“Down the hall, 2 doors down on the right.”
“Thank you.” I responded, glancing at Sam once more before darting to the bathroom to get away from his gaze. Once I found it, I entered it quickly and locked it behind me, bracing my back against it and sighing. I felt a sense of horror, alongside betrayal towards Tara. She didn’t tell me that he’d be here, and even though I had brushed it off like it was nothing, it truly hurt me.
I didn’t want to be in any proximity to him and I would do everything I could to make sure I wasn’t-
knock knock knock.
I felt my body freeze in terror as I heard the knocks, recognizing the tone immediately. 
“It’s occupied-” 
My own voice felt foreign to me as I spoke, knowing who was on the other side of the bathroom door.
“Open this door, (y/n).”
I gasped when I heard his voice, the sound of anger and desperation evident in it. I felt my body shake at the tone, not daring to move from the door.
I decided to unlock the door and step back from it, knowing if he wanted to come in so badly, he could open the door on his own.
And he did.
I closed my eyes as I heard the door open, then shut, then lock. Hearing the lock, my eyes widened in surprise and fear, seeing the blonde man that I used to love standing in front of me in pure anger.
“Sam?-” I tried to speak, but he wouldn’t let me. I felt myself get turned around and pinned against the bathroom door, a gasp leaving my lips at the familiar feeling, except this time felt desperate.
“Don’t say a word, (y/n). Let me speak.”
I nodded reluctantly, my eyes locking with his own, taking in the desperation and anger that filled them. I felt terrified, being underneath the man after two years of no contact once the breakup had happened sent a shiver down my spine in anticipation, wondering what he would say.
“Let me start by saying that I never wanted to leave you-”
He tried to speak, but I cut him off, my own anger clouding my thoughts.
“Never wanted to? Then why did you! You hurt me, Sam. You did this-”
This time, he cut me off with a strong hand around my throat, silencing me.
“I said let. me. speak.“  
I felt the raw anger radiating from him as his hand tensed around my throat, then releasing and letting his hand fall back at his side as he realized what he did.
“Look, (y/n), I’m sorry. I was forced to leave, I forced myself to leave you. Because I loved you so much it terrified me. I didn’t want to hurt you, and I didn’t want to get hurt either. I just thought that if I broke things off, then neither of us would be hurt.”
“But it didn’t change anything, (y/n). It changed nothing. I love you more than I could’ve ever imagined, and this time without you with me has hurt so badly that I can barely live with myself.”
Dead silence filled the air at his confession, my eyes searching his own for any sign of mockery, but all that I found was raw feelings and desperation, alongside hurt. He had been hurting himself internally when he left, because he thought I couldn’t love him.
“Sam, why didn’t you just tell me? We could’ve worked it out back then-”
“-Because I was scared. I didn’t want you to see me as weak, (y/n). I tried to save myself from being hurt if you decided you didn’t want me anymore.”
I just stood there in disbelief, feeling a surge of different emotions clouding my vision. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt him shudder against me, feeling his own arms wrap around my waist.
“Sam, there isn’t a moment where I didn’t want you, nor will there ever be one. I love you, I always have.”
He pulled back and this time, he was the one to search my eyes for any mockery, but found none. He smiled at me for the first time in years, and I almost cried right there. 
“I’ve missed that smile.” I said softly, one of my hands reaching up to hold his face in the palm of my hand, feeling him relax into my touch with a sigh.
“I’ve missed you.” He said, his eyes staying locked with my own as he leaned in, his forehead resting against my own, a breathy laugh escaping me. He finally leaned down and captured my lips with his own, the two of us moaning in unison as we felt each other’s lips again, a feeling that neither of us could ever get bored of. 
I felt his hunger as he kissed me, his groans music to my ears as I felt his tongue explore my mouth like it was the first time, his hands exploring my body as if he’d found the holy grail. My body arched into his touch, feeling his body press against me, pinning me against the bathroom door once more. The feeling made me shiver in anticipation as he finally pulled away with a smile, both of us panting as if we had just run a mile.
He tapped my hip to signal me to jump up, and I did, my arms tight around his neck as I jumped up, feeling him hold me with ease, noticing the strength he had gained since we had been together last. My eyes were wide in surprise and I giggled as I looked down at him, his smile warming my heart that had once been shattered from his disappearance. 
I felt him lightly grind against me and I gasped, feeling how hard he was already and how much bigger he had gotten. He looked at me for permission, and I nodded, knowing we both needed this more than anything.
“Have you been with anyone since me?” He asked as he set me down, bending me over the bathroom sink with slight roughness. “Yes- But I never felt anything for him-” I said softly as I tried to look back at him, feeling his fingers tangle in my hair and pull me flush against him. I moaned at the pain of him pulling my hair, feeling the roughness in his grasp.
“No? Miss my cock that much?” He said darkly, a rough tone to his voice that I hadn’t heard since the night before we parted, the dirty talk making me whimper and wiggle my hips in anticipation. He chuckled behind me, releasing his grip from my hair. I heard the jingle of his belt as he undid it, a shiver running down my spine. I felt his hand grip my hip tightly and possessively, a grip that would surely leave bruises despite the thin fabric of my dress.
He pulled up the back of my dress and I shivered as I felt the cold air against my core, a newfound roughness radiating from him at my words. I felt him press against my back, his lips close to my ear as he spoke, his voice husky and rough. “You’re gonna take every single inch, baby. And you’re gonna tell me if that bastard ever fucked you as good as I do, yeah?”
I felt my core pulse in want at his words, an involuntary moan releasing itself from my lips at the tone, not used to his dirty talk and forgetting how rough he can be in situations like this. I nodded, but that wasn’t enough for him. He stood up and pulled my hair once more, a yelp coming from me at the unexpected movement. 
“Words, baby. Talk to me.”
“Yes, sir.”
I heard him groan behind me and he released his grip on my hair once more, letting me fall forward and brace myself against the cold marble sink. I felt him press against my core, a whine leaving me in anticipation. When I finally felt him start to enter, the stretch hurt so deliciously and I whimpered in pain, my eyes shutting tight and my grip on the sink so tight that my knuckles turned white. He didn’t stop, he kept pushing in until all of it was inside of me. I felt so full, and yelped when I felt him lean forward to my ear, the movement sending sparks through me. 
“You alright baby?”
I nodded, knowing that the pain would soon subside and then he could move. I heard him chuckle behind me as he stood back up straight, massaging my hips until he knew I was ready. “Seems like that fucker wasn’t as big as me, huh? Couldn’t fill you up like I can?” 
I shook my head with a whimper as I finally felt the pain subside, a soft moan coming from me at his words and the feeling of his cock inside of me, knowing he was thriving in this situation. I heard him growl behind me and he slapped my ass, causing me to yelp at the pain. 
“God, I missed this pussy so much baby, always gripping me so tight, fuck.”
I felt him start to move inside of me, a loud moan eliciting from me as he pulled all the way out and then slamming back in, pushing me forward against the sink. My cheek against the counter as he ruthlessly pounded into me, pulling my hair to pull me flush against him. 
“Did he ever fuck you like this? Huh?” Sam groaned, letting go of my hair to keep a steady harsh and even thrust as his hand gripped my hips tight enough to bruise, knowing for sure there would be marks there tomorrow that would leave people questioning what had happened.
One of his hands let go of my hip to slide down to my clit, rubbing it at a harsh and vigor pace. “Sam! Fuck!” I moaned out loudly feeling the sensations alongside his thrusts getting me closer and closer to the edge with each passing moment.
“Answer the question, baby. Did. He. Ever. Fuck. You. Like. This.” Each word was enunciated with a hard thrust, pushing me against the sink as loud moans continued to flow from my lips, his motions on my clit never once faltering.
“No! God, no-” I moaned out, feeling his pace speed up at my words, my own release getting closer and closer. I heard him groan loudly behind me as I clenched around him, my pussy taking everything he gave and wanting more. 
“Thought so. Gonna cum for me, baby?” He continued his pace, pounding into me relentlessly. He pulled my hair once more to force me to look into the bathroom mirror, his eyes locking with my own almost making me cum on the spot. He looked disheveled, lost in the pleasure. He was giving me everything, making up for everything he did to hurt me.
“I love you, I’m so sorry baby, didn’t mean to hurt you” I heard him mumble as we both got closer, his hand speeding up on my clit to bring me to the edge first. My eyes rolled back as I felt ecstasy flood my body, my thighs quivering so hard that I would’ve for sure fallen if Sam wasn’t gripping my hips as if his life depended on it. 
“Oh yes baby, keep clenching around me like that, fuck. Gonna fill this pussy, mine, You’re mine, all mine.” I felt him speed up, finally releasing inside of me with one long thrust, holding me close against him while we rode out our highs. 
We were both a panting mess as he finally pulled out of me, feeling myself slump against the sink. He reached behind him to grab a washcloth and reached in front of me to turn on the water, making sure it was warm before turning it off and cleaning us both. I sighed contently as I felt him pull the bottom of my dress back down and I lifted myself back up with my hands steady against the sink, giggling softly and turning around to face Sam, watching him pull his pants and boxers back up.
“What?” He said with a chuckle, fastening his belt and looking at me, seeing my tired expression and soft smile. He pulled me into a warm embrace and wrapped his arms around my waist, my arms wrapping around his neck. 
“I missed you.” I said softly, kissing him lightly and pulling back, seeing his soft smile matching my own. He released his embrace and picked me up bridal style, unlocking the door. “I missed you more, baby. I love you.” He said with a soft kiss planted to the side of my head, opening the door and walking back out to where Tara and Colby were standing and speaking. As soon as they saw me in Sam’s arms looking tired with messy hair and messed up makeup, they knew what happened and chuckled together.
“I’m taking her home, we settled everything.” Sam said quietly as he saw me falling asleep in his arms, grabbing my bag from Tara and nodding at them before heading towards the front door and walking out to his car.
I stirred a little in his arms as he walked, feeling him stop as he got to his car, unlocking it and opening the passenger side to set me down on the seat, putting the seatbelt on for me and placing a soft kiss to my forehead. He closed the door, walked over to the driver’s side and opened the door, getting in and closing the door. He put his own seatbelt on and started the car, looking over at my tired self with a soft warm smile.
“I’m glad I didn’t have Tara spoil the party tonight.” I said softly, looking over at Sam with a small smile. I saw him smile back at me with a nod, placing one hand on my thigh as he began driving.
“I’m glad you didn’t either.”
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johnniesverr · 3 months
Ok so I actually have so many drafts it's insane bc I can't help but work on many fics at the same time BUT what do y'all wanna read most/first :
Bathroom break - Chris.S (smut)
Goodluck, Babe ! - Tara yummy (angst?, a lil sad, might add a happy ending)
where Chris is begging u to blow him off (head cannons? this is wild ik)
Help a girl out please 😞
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sturniqlo · 26 days
Talk About Hard Launch- C.S
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summary: chris hard launching his relationship on instagram, y/n following shortly social media blurb
cw: none! just pure FLUFF
an: like sabrina's album, this is short n' sweet
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liked by y/n, nicolassturniolo, matthew.sturniolo, madisonbeer, and 197,428 others
christophersturniolo: 🎞️ @ y/n
view all 14,732 comments
y/n: oh? we're doing this today?
| christophersturniolo: yes😁 i couldn't wait
nicolassturniolo: keep it pg kids
matthew.sturniolo: mom n dad
tarayummy: y/n my favorite😭😭
madisonbeer: cutest couple🤭
sturnfan1: what happened to hello?????
sturnfan47: CHRIS? Y/N?? WHEN WAS THIS!!
| christophersturniolo: a year, five months and three days ago
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liked by christophersturniolo, nicolassturniolo, matthew.sturniolo, tarayummy, and 194,275 others
y/n: me and bf on film💋 @ christophersturniolo
view all 15,284 comments
christophersturniolo: love these and love you🫵🏼❤️
| y/n: 👁️❤️🫵🏼
nicolassturniolo: "thank you nick for 2/3 of these pictures" we all say in unison
matthew.sturniolo: dare i say your post was better than chris'..
larray: me when😞
tarayummy: cuties🍊
madisonbeer: love is in the air
| y/n: always🪽
sturnfan73: didn't expect this on a random thursday
y/nfan29: lovee the way they hard launched their relationship
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h3arts4harry · 30 days
- its not your fault -
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warnings: angst with happy ending, fluff, social media being a meanie☹️, idk
summary: billie and y/n reveal their 5 year relationship to fans and it doesn't go as they hoped it would
Billie and i had been friends since we were 7. we were inseperable to the point when we weren't together people would ask where the other was, and we always knew. on my 17th birthday billie took us to a lake in the forest, we had a picnic, swam, and laid under the stars. that night she asked me to be her girlfriend and of course i said yes. now 5 years later billie wants to tell the world about how she has 'the most perfect girl ever' in her words, in all honesty shes wanted to post about us since the start. the only thing stopping her is me, ive been too scared. fans can be crazy and i dont think i could handle if people hated me, sure they know and like me now but that's as 'billies best friend' and i still get a little hate from that.
"cmon baby pleaseeee, i hate that i cant post about you" billie pleads from next to me, "i dont know bils.. what if they hate me?" i question placing the clean dishes away in the correct cupboards, "why would they hate someone who makes me soooo happy" she smiles wrapping her arms around my waist placing small kisses around the base of my neck and shoulder. i swiftly turn and face her, wrapping my arms around her neck, i lean in and place a kiss on the tip of her nose "okay", her smile widens "yea? really?" i nod not being able to hold my smile from the joy on her face, "yeah lets do it" "i love you i love you i love you" she repeats covering my scrunched face in kisses.
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liked by itsssy/n, drewstarkey, others
billieeilish letting you in on a little secret.. who would've thought🤷‍♀️
itsssy/n: i love you <3 billieeilish: i love you more <3
quenblackwell: finallyy, yall these 2 r the cutest istg liked by author
zoedonahoe: my favourite gays liked by author
madelyncline: so cute!! liked by author
madisonbeer: im so happy for you guys <33 liked by author
user1: OMFG???
user3: ugly ass clout chaser, kys finneas: ur disgusting
user 4: ew wtf that should be me
user5: OUR GIRLS ARE IN LOVEEEEE liked by author
user6: billie you could've chosen anyone, literally anyone is better than whatever that is eugh itsssy/n: real
user7: shes so fat wtf
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liked by billieeilish, quenblackwell, others
billieeilish: mine mine mine itsssy/n: yours yours yours
tarayummy: so happy for you girls!! liked by author
christophersturniolo: bestie is in love itsssy/n: deeply😔
madelineargy: QUEENS OMG itsssy/n: says u (ily)
matthewsturniolo: happy 4u dude itsssy/n: thanks dude
maggiembaird: so happy that you two are finally telling people, you girls mean to world to us<33 itsssy/n: love you maggie <33
larray: bitch hit the jackpot (ily) itsssy/n: yes yes i did💁‍♀️ (ilyt)
user9:its giving clout chaser nicolassturniolo: girl stfu💀 liked by author
user11:i bet shes just using our bils, she deserves sm better
user 12: ill pray for you, sinners. user5: brother eughh
user14: couple goals omfg liked by author
user13: no no no no noooooo
-a week later-
"y/n baby?" billie peaks through our bedroom door "hm?" i pear over the thick covers billie walks over sitting next to me leaning against the headboard, i lay my head on her chest and her hand instantly wraps in my hair. "whats going on with you?" she asks lowering her head slightly to look at me, "nothing" i mumble hiding myself in the covers a little more, "uhuh" she pushing the cover out of my face, "talk to me, whats bothering you" i stay silent for a moment before speaking up "i urm- have you seen the comments?" i ask sitting up next to the worried girl, brining my knees to my chest "theres so many posts about us, an-and its exactly what i was scared of billie, if not worse"
billie had seen a few comments on both our posts. she tried to delete as many as she could but there was no way she could get through them all. her heart physically hurt knowing that her fans, the people that were supposed to support and love her, would treat someone she cares for and loves so deeply with such hate. it made her sick to think about everything posted to the public to see about her girl.
billie stands in the kitchen, racking her brain for ways she could help y/n. she ends up calling her brother, finneas; "hey bil whats up?" "i-i dont know what to do, y/n hasn't left our room in a fucking week and i dont- ive tried everything she wont leave" "woah billie slow down whats going on?" "y/n, she hasn't come out our room in a week, she said before that she was scared this would happen and i- i told her, i fucking promised her it would all be okay, that they would all love her but- i dont know what to do fin" "everyone that's hating is so obviously jealous" "i know that but i dont think she does, ive told her again and again but its like she doesn't believe me" "i wish i could help billie but im slumped, i never see hate on Claudia so i wouldn't know" billie groans before saying bye and ending the call.
the anger in her rises as she paces around the living room before posting on her Instagram story
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-the next day-
im scrolling through tiktoks, basically all of them being edits and videos of billie, the odd one being a hate vid on me before i scroll upon a sad edit of me and billie. its cute but sad, containing old clips of me and billie when we were younger, a few being from the last couple of years. the caption being 'billies insta story was so sad to read, i have never hated on y/n and for billie to have seen so many people hating to post that is honestly heartbreaking.' i open the comments to see everyone agreeing with the caption.
myb0ybillie: our girl was so happy but seeing how much hate y/n got was crazy
y/n4ndb1lliee: they've been the cutest ppl ever i couldn't believe ppl were hating
wherearetheavacad0sss: loved y/n since billie first posted with her, sickening to see how ppl are treating her
it warmed my heart a little to see that some people actually did like me, and by some i mean tat post had around 21k comments on it, basically all saying the same thing.
the door creaks open slowly, billies head poking through before stepping fully in seeing me awake, "morning baby, how are you" she sits next to me on her side of the bed, "im okay, look at this edit" i nod passing her my phone, she faintly smiles watching it, the same as i did. "this is so cute" she mumbles scrolling through the comments, "mhm" i hum as she passes back my phone, i turn it off and sit up slightly leaning against the headboard with my hands in my lap. "i was wondering i you wanted to come out for a drive with me? just to get out of the house for a bit, get some fresh air?" she suggest looking down at me, rubbing her hand up and down my upper arm. "i dont know bil.." "come onnn, ill drive and we'll play your favourite playlist-" "my favourite playlist is literally all of your songs" "meaning you get a free live performance" she chuckles jokingly nudging my shoulder. "mkay fine, but let me shower first" "yesss okay baby, go shower, i love youuu" she drags out as she leaves the room.
i shower, get dressed into some sweats and her hoodie, slip on my uggs and walk out to see billie in the car, leant over the back seat. i open the passenger door and sit down, immediately pulling the seatbelt over me. "what are you doing?" i ask looking over to her now sitting down properly, "i have a surprise" she giggles, shes loves always surprising me with things. billie takes my phone and connects it to the Bluetooth, passing it back to me. i open spotify, pressing on my playlist hitting shuffle. a small smile spreads on my face as my favourite song starts to play 'bitches broken hearts'.
we sing along to billies songs, driving for a couple hours before billie pulls into a random field. "why are we here?" i furrow my eyebrows turning to her, she smiles brightly "close your eyes" i shrug and do as she says, i hear her get out and run around the car opening my door helping me out. she guides me walking down to the end of the car before i hear her open the boot, she ruffles about for a minute before standing next to me, placing her hands lightly on my waist. "open" she whispers in my ear, i look to see the back seats laying down and the whole trunk converted into a comfy bed, snacks and drinks placed in a cute basket on the side. my eyes widen and my jaw drops with a gasp, my hands quickly covering my face "omg billie this is so cute" turning around to face billie who still has a bright smile, i wrap my arms around her neck, peppering her face with kisses "i love you i love you i love you" i say inbetween, she laughs grabbing my chin, pulling me into a kiss "i love you too".
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we lay there talking about everything and nothing for hours, watching the sunrise.
a moment of silence goes passed before billie breaks it "im sorry y/n" she looks down, "no" i bring my hand to her jawline, making her look at me "its not your fault bil" "i know not technical-" "no not technically, not at all" "but i-" "billie." "hm?" "none of it, and i mean not one bit, is your fault, please understand that" she just nods, pulling me in closer. we continued to watch the sunrise until i fell asleep cuddled into billies side.
first time adding insta posts/stories so lets hope they work 🙏
as always feedback is appreciated <333
@m0r94n @sturnzsblog @junnniiieee07 @chrisgetsmewetterxo @raysmayhem-72 @sturniolo-slvt @mattspolitank @cerismo @chrispotatos @ncm9696
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colorthecosmos444 · 3 months
Summary: Chris and his girlfriend go on separate trips with their friends, and they post all their favorite pictures.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
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therealy/n made a post
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liked by madifilipowicz & 243k others
therealy/n we put the fun in dysfunctional #girlstrip2024 🍾🪩🌊
christophersturniolo hot damn that's my babygirl 💦
christophersturniolo i miss you these boys are crazy
thereal/yn aww i miss you too baby, only a few more days
madifilipowicz best trip everrrr
nicolassturniolo HOT HOT HOT
matthew.sturniolo don't get eaten by sharks, chris might cry
christophersfavorite chris would cry
madisonbeer you are stunning 🤩
tarayummy omg i wanna go on the next one
therealy/n you and @.madisonbeer are coming for sure starsformatthew omg @.tarayummyy please make a vlog of this im begging you
christophersturniolo made a post
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liked by nathandoe8 & 675k others
christophersturniolo it's hot af out here
therealy/n look at my man 😍
nicolassturniolo y/n idk how much longer i can stand him talking about how much he misses you matthew.sturniolo he literally talks to you in his sleep christophersturniolo stfu, y/n don't listen to them baby
nathandoe8 yo where my invite at
sturnfam aww you guys forgot nate?!
samsmcgrath 🐚🐚🐚
jakewebber9 we could make a better vlog than @.tarayummmyy
johnnieguilbert let's do it christophersturniolo just need @.larray @.samgolbach and @.colbybrock tarayummyy no way you boys can party harder than us chratt4ever best youtube collab of all time
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ: @aurora-merritt @spideylovin @watercolorskyy @esioleren @luvbotsblog
𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 <3
love you all to the stars, cece ★
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sturnstars4 · 2 months
birthday wishes-c.sturniolo
also i can make a nick and matt version if requested
warnings: smuttt, fluff, mentions of alcohol, and i think that’s it
you wake up, carefully sliding out of your boyfriend chris’ arms. today was his and his brothers birthday, so you had to go get some things ready for it. you were also going to jake webber’s house because that’s where the party was hosted.
“where ya goin ma?” chris lazily says.
“i’m goin to get you something for your birthday.”
the party wasn’t a surprise, but you didn’t tell the triplets about many details. you and tarayummy were the ones planning it the most.
“but i only want one thing for my birthday.” he yawns and looks up at you
“what?” you ask, hoping to get more details for gifts.
“i want you.” he pulls you down to the bed, making you fall on top of him.
“chris, that’s so sweet.”
“can ya do one thing for me ma?”
“can ya take care of this?”
he points down to the errection that you could feel before he even said anything.
“sure i will, but only because it’s your birthday.” you wink as he smiles.
“yeah i wanted to do it before i got all drunk and shit, and you look so hot right now.”
you get off of the bed as chris sits on the edge, taking off his boxers and revealing his hard dick.
you start by stroking it gently, watching him squirm with anticipation. you hover over it, watching chris move his hips, trying to force himself down your throat.
“come on ma, i need you.” he moans.
you can sense his desperation, so you finally lower your mouth on him.
first, you bob your head at a slower pace, watching chris’ face change from neediness to pleasured.
you start to go faster, bobbing your head while taking the rest of him in your throat.
“mm-yeah. right there-ma.” chris moans out.
you moan back, the vibrations causing chris to thrust into your mouth faster.
in seconds, chris is rolling his hips, trying to fight the urge to come, but he fails. he shoots himself down your throat.
“thanks ma. i love you.” he says, kissing your forehead.
“i love you too. and happy birthday!”
you guys sit in bed for a while longer before you go to jake’s house to set up for the party.
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allaboutsturns · 4 months
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- 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕖! -
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ hi i’m ace! i’m 17 years old and my birthday is november 28, 2006! i’m from florida. my favorite color is pink and i’m a matt girl (i love nick and chris soso much too though).
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ my pronouns are she/they! i’m a more masculine presenting person and i’m bisexual and demisexual.
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- 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕤! -
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ my favorite youtuber’s are the sturniolo triplets (obv!!), tarayummy, sam and colby, jake webber, markiplier, and more!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ in my free time i enjoy baking, writing fanfics and poems, talking to friends, hanging out with friends, singing and listening to music, playing video games, and drawing!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ i loveee animals so much but have a huge soft spot for cats :3
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- 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕗! -
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ my blog will consist of strictly sturniolo triplets fluff and angst (smut is a potential but it’s rare from me)!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ my blog will also include reblogs of things i find relatable and sturniolo triplets content!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ you’ll find pretty much everything sturniolo here!
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- 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣! -
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ my writing requests are open so feel free to submit requests. writers block hits hard sometimes but if i get requests it’ll give me motivation!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ i’m constantly looking for new moots and friends so if you ever want a new moot or someone to chat with, please reach out! my dms are always open.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ you’re incredible and i love you <3
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- 𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕤! -
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ masterlist
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ taglist requests
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attractedtopeoples · 10 months
About the Account
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Warning: mainly smut or smutty headcannons, although I’m open to fluff/angst if I’m in the mood for it :)
Request Guidlines Page
Masterlist Page
My Fav/Main Characters
Sorted by fandoms, pink means I’ve written for them, white means I plan to write for them in the future
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne
James Potter
Pandora Lovegood
One Piece
Johnnie Guilbert
Jake Webber
Other or Less Likely
Sam Winchester
Daenerys Targaryen
Tags Guide
#lily’s drabbles - drabbles and smaller fics
#lily’s thoughts - little headcanons
#lily’s updates - random unrelated things
#lily writes - bigger fics or works
#lily speaks - me typing out the random shit in my head :)
#lily replies - replying to requests or asks, or just ppl talking
#fandom: insert here - the fandom I’m talking about (shocking I know)
e.g; fandom: one piece = all one piece content
Requests (if u wanna, def don’t have to)
Open :)
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samandcolbyownme · 5 months
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Warning: These one shots will contain adult content. Please read with caution. 🖤
You can go to my main masterlist to find my other works.
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Pretty Vibes
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chrissminipizzas · 1 month
POV: what I look like watching Chris sturniolo edits ☺️
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4ngels0uls · 5 months
(or WASSUP😜)
My name is Tamia (pronounced tuh m I uh), I want to start writing on here because I’m basically just getting sick of Wattpad..
A little about me,
I loved cats ever since I was a little girl.
I love nu metal, so like slipknot, korn, ptv, etc.
My favourite drinks are root beer, monster/rockstars, and apple juice.
My birthday is on November 19.
All about me kind of.
I am writing one of those’s book things on wattpad currently though, it’s also about Johnnie guilbert but it also has tw about sh & an ed (self harm and an eating disorder.)
The tw I have on Wattpad, I’m not so sure If want to write about depression on here. I mostly want to write about smuts and fluffs. (Not so much fluff)
I will write about,
Johnnie guilbert
Jake Webber
Christopher ( chris ) sturniolo
Matthew ( Matt ) sturniolo
( Nick sturniolo?)
( Tarayummy? )
Please lmk if you want the ones with the ( on it?🙏
Yeah boringggg
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sturns-4-life · 2 months
About me!!!
Tara is a middle name I gave myself! (I don't have one)
My favs are: @immattsslut @nickgetsmewetter and addi
My least favs are: @dev-sturns @hoes4matthew (petty and idc)
My fav color is teal.
Some of my favorite YouTubers are: sturniolo triplets, tarayummy, larray, sam and colby, sssniperwolf (fuck off me), jake webber, carrington (I don't write for him anons!), chase keith (no anons!), etc.
I write for: madi filipowicz (go away anons!), tarayummy, billie eilish, oliva rodrigo, sabrina carpenter, matt and chris sturniolo, nathan doe, jake webber (only if y'all really want it), johnnie guilbert (same thing I said for jake), and maybe in the future I'll add more!
I won't write: shit kinks, nick sturniolo (maybe), rape, any specific races, oc reader.
I will write: smut, angst, fluff, threesomes (and four ig).
My alt is @sturns-4-lifealt
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berriesnursery · 2 months
Little reminder that my requests are open! I write agere, fluff, moodboards, hcs, etc no smut! I write for tarayummy, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber and Sam n Colby.
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strunstyless · 3 months
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Welcome to my page!
About me: My names Juli! I love music! My fav artists rn are Sabrina Carpenter, Taylor Swift, Madison Beer, and all of the One Direction members! I like to sing and make edits online. I've been singing since I learned how to and I've done editing (like TikTok edits) for 2 years! My fav YouTubers are Sturniolos, Sam & Colby, Jake & Johnnie, Tarayummy, and Larry! Random things about me are that I LOVE to yap so feel free to yap with me! I will try to be posting more often! Anyways that's it love u!!
Who I write for:
- Sturniolo's
- Sam and Colby
- Jake and Jonhnie
What I will write: Fluff, and Angst! Suggestive stuff too but prob not too much smut. I might consider smut if it is requested tho!
What I will not write: Nick x Female Reader, Matt or Chris x male reader. No werid stuff like brother x brother. Smut wise: No anal (sry it makes me uncomfy to think abt) no piss kinks or weird shit like that.
Requests: Open!
(Send em in!)
Love u all!!
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