chrismilliganphoto · 3 years
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Tapirs are my favourite land mammal. They are exactly the sort of weird sketch explorers of old used to come home with, attempting to describe the fantastical animals they had seen. In the Corcovado National Park, the endangered Baird's Tapir can - if you're extremely lucky - be seen grazing the grasses and jungle along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. I was lucky to get a photo rather than rely on a drawing, but the sentiment remains. @tapirvalley @tapir.crc @protapir @visit_costarica #tapir #tapirusbairdii #nose #bairds #bairdstapir #wild #wildlife #nature #animal #mammal #adventure #costarica #cr #puravida #corcovado #jungle #rainforest #tropical #tropics #centralamerica #conservation #endangered #protected #saveourforests #savetherainforest #chrismilliganphoto https://www.instagram.com/p/CLddE97gz3w/?igshid=84yhxup67mtd
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bwaguatemala · 4 years
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En la #RBM habita el danto o tapir, un mamífero herbívoro de aproximadamente 2 metros de longitud. Se estima que en Guatemala existen menos de 1000 individuos en estado salvaje. La destrucción de hábitat y cacería furtiva son sus principales amenazas. #danta #danto #tapir #tapirusbairdii #guatemala #rbm #nature #conservation #forest #endengeredspecies #extinction #tropicalforest #jungle #peten #kuktours #bwaguatemala #rainforest #wildlife #fauna #vidasilvestre #biodiversity #biodiversidad (at Carmelita, Peten, Guatemala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEvppIVAIad/?igshid=drahnkqjpr1w
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