taobee · 2 years
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Synopsis. In which you get rejected by your childhood crush, Childe, only to end up fucking his two best friends.
Wc: 4k
Warnings: underage drinking, Childe doesn't really outright reject you he kinda runs away like a pussy, clit stimulation, fingering, love bites, cervical stimulation, penetrative sex, threesome, loss of virginity, double penetration, anal sex, pet names, praise, face fucking, oral, spit roasting, dacryphilia, creampie
Tao's 1k followers event
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To say you had a crush on Childe, was well, a big understatement. You both met when you were both so little, both of you around seven years old. It was him who came up to you, you who was sitting in the meadow of grass, playing with your dolls. At the time, he had just been a new neighbor who didn’t have many friends, but it was obvious he didn't need the courage to make them easily because he got you interested enough to be able to initiate a conversation with you.
It was really fun, hanging out with him. Your parents started getting along quite well, and so you both saw each other during many families and close friend parties. It was around the seventh grade you started having a crush on him. He had grown up to be attractive although he was only twelve. He was cute, the girls in all grades had a crush on him. He never left you, he was a good guy. Even when people oo’ed you guys when you were walking to the bus together, or when girls bullied you for being with him, he didn’t let them talk bad about you. He never let anybody talk bad about you, and maybe that influenced the fact that you kept growing feelings for him.
In your freshman year of high school, Childe made two other very close friends during that period. Of course, being an attractive man meant that you also had many friends, of course, of whom were also attractive. These two friends were Thoma and Kaeya. Thoma was a sweet boy, very much like Childe. He was friendly, and so of course, naturally people were drawn to him and his sweet smile. He was popular for being so reliable and of course, for being cute. 
Kaeya was, not exactly the opposite of Thoma but he wasn’t really like him either. Kaeya was well, popular for being hot. His charismatic smile. those charming eyes and that sexy, voice, his words flowing out like a melody. These three were a troublesome duo indeed. Childe loved to take risks and be rebellious, and at his age it made sense. Kaeya only encouraged this behavior and Thoma was the one having to pull them both out of trouble. You were glad that Childe had other friends, but it made you sad, seeing as he didn’t hang out with you as often anymore. He had a lot of big parties he was invited to, he had to make time for all his other friends. You didn’t expect this not to happen, but you did wish he wouldn’t leave you in the dust. 
All your worries seemed to fade when he decided to introduce you to his best friends! You were so ecstatic, although you were also very nervous. You knew nothing about them except for what other people have told you about them. You all were just going to hang around Childe’s house, so you kept it pretty casual and wore sweats and a t-shirt. 
Your heart was beating as you knocked on his door three times. Your hands were fumbling with your shirt and you couldn’t keep your feet still. The door was swung open and Childe embraced you in a hug. 
“It's so good to see you, [name]!” His grip on you was firm and tight and loving, you tried to stop your own mouth from grinning so wide. It's been a while since you last saw him, and seeing him again made you so happy. He gestured for you to come in, holding the door open for you and showing you to the living room, although you've already been to his apartment many times before. Two other men were sitting on each side of the couch. One with messy, blonde hair that was tied back, and the other with dark blue hair that was also tied in a low ponytail.
You suddenly felt that wave of nervousness again to actually meet them. You weren't popular yourself, and you didn't stand out much, which is why you wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even know you attended the same school as them. But they weren't mean to you. Kaeya got up from his seat on the couch to introduce himself.
"Kaeya. It's a pleasure to meet you" he cooed.
"Oh no, the pleasure's all mine.." you shook his hand awkwardly.
"My name's Thoma! It's nice to finally meet you, [name]. You know, Childe talks about you a lot." Thoma waved from his seat and your face got hot. Oh.. was it that obvious that you were head over heels for him?
"Stop teasing her, guys." Childe interrupted both of them, creating space between you and Kaeya. Kaeya laughed but shrugged it off, giving Childe a pat on the shoulder before returning to his reserved seat on the couch, “You should join us, [name]. We’re about to watch a movie. You graciously took him up for the offer, and sat on an empty part of the couch, Childe plopping right next to you on the plush cushion of the couch.
"Cool, what movie are you guys going to watch?" You asked curiously. You don't get to see many movies often anymore, so it was nice to watch one and bond with new people. "Let's watch a horror movie!" Childe chimed in, but Thoma kept whining. "Horror movies are a bit much- eh? How about a romance movie?" "Oh you hopeless romantic, Thoma. Quit being a baby." Kaeya teased. In the end, Childe and Kaeya were able to rope him into watching the movie, whether he liked it or not.
Childe prepared a bin of popcorn beforehand and placed it on your lap since you were in the middle. It felt like any other day. The sun, setting low on the horizon, leaving a dim atmosphere in the air. You felt a tiny bit squished, but it added to the comfort of everything, and it wasn't like you minded anyways. You, fortunately, really clicked with Thoma and Kaeya despite you only meeting them today. You shared a bunch of laughs and hugs and you left that day feeling so accomplished at making a good impression.
It’s always been the four of you from that day on. You guys did everything together. You went to theme parks, parties, dinners, and even just hung out at each other's homes together all the time! It was a bit frustrating at times being best friends with popular men because people always came up to you asking you questions about them. Whenever someone tried to talk to you, it was never to get to know you, it was only to use you to get closer to your best friends. Because of this, you didn’t have many friends throughout most of high school.
Even then, they never let you sit alone. They encouraged you to come to sit at their table with the popular kids, and if you were uncomfortable, they didn’t have a problem sneaking somewhere quieter and more private. Your crush on Childe never went away, in fact, it only grew larger after you started spending even more time with him. Dressing up in a tight dress and flaunting your hair and not letting your makeup be anything but perfect for him. It only shattered your heart more when he never noticed, never cared, and would complement other girls right in front of you. 
It was your 18th birthday. Your hair was done professionally for this day, and your dress was so sparkly and tight that it complimented your features most charmingly. Your heels were a little difficult to walk in, but you thought it wouldn’t be too hard to endure for a while. The lights were sparkling and the disco room looked thrilling and exciting as you were ready to step onto the dance floor. Of course, Childe was one of the first ones to come, bringing you a big present that was inside a golden bag with your name on the tag. 
“Happy birthday, I know you’ll like my gift.” He smiled at you childishly and handed the gift to you so you could set it down somewhere. “Thank you, really, Childe.” Your grin was so wide it was embarrassing. As Childe was chatting with your family members, a few of your friends from school came and greeted you warmly. “Hope I’m not too late!” Hu tao grinned sheepishly, handing you the presents your other friends brought, although you assured her she was not late at all. Your mom came and tapped you on the shoulder.
“I’m so sorry [name], there is an emergency that came up so your father and I are not able to attend, we will throw another party with just the family, so please try to have fun, okay?” You were a little bummed out hearing that they wouldn’t be here, but at least that would be another party. You nodded your head and allowed them to take their leave. Coming through the door was Thoma and Kaeya. 
“Hey, how are you?” Kaeya tilted his head slightly, one of his hands in his pocket and the other holding your present, which was wrapped in royal blue wrapping paper and tied together with a golden ribbon. “I’m good, thank you so much Kaeya,” you smiled and took the present as you greeted Thoma. 
“It’s great to see you! We haven’t seen each other in a while~ here’s my present. Don’t open it till your alone!” He smiled and it would’ve looked devilish if his face wasn’t so sweet and cute. You grabbed the present and thanked him, putting it on the table with the other presents you had. 
As more people were coming in, the room started getting more crowded and loud. “Hey, wanna play some beer pong?” Before you even answered, Childe had grabbed your waist and was already guiding you to the table full of cups. “Hey- wait, I’ve never played beer pong! Plus we aren’t allowed to drink! We are only 18..” You whispered lowly but he dragged you there anyways. “Lighten up a little! You only live once, who wants to actually wait till they’re 21? It’s your birthday!” You finally gave in after he kept persisting. “You can be my partner, we’re playing against Thoma and Kaeya,” You nodded as he explained the rules. Even though you didn’t quite get it fully, you just tried to follow what everyone else is doing. 
“Haha, got it in! Drink up, Kaeya,” Childe smirked as he got his ball in the cup he called. “Fuck you,” Even at his cold words, Kaeya was flashing a smirk right back at him as he drank the entire cup. At the end of the game, you and Child ended up winning, to which you both loudly high-fived in front of Thoma and Kaeya as Thoma was pinching the bridge of his nose at his loss. You got to relax and eat after that, even though you felt a bit faint, the dopamine from the alcohol balanced it all out, and you were pumped. 
You went to go find Childe to hopefully play more, to only see a large crowd of people entering your party. “Childe? Childe, who are these people? I never invited them?” You asked him completely confused as they pushed past you into the party. You felt disrespected by these unknown people at your house who were invited without you even knowing. “They’re just some friends, calm down. It’s not like their doing anything,” Childe said, hitting up one of his friends as they called for him inside. 
This already put you on edge and made you extremely upset. Did he know that it wasn't his birthday, but yours? You reluctantly went back in, but you wish you hadn't. Childe's arm was wrapped around some blonde chick with bold red lipstick. You went up to him to talk.
"Hey, baeee.. whose this girl?" The girl that Childe had around his arm was talking boldly for someone who looked like her ass was botched by her surgeon. "She's a friend of mine," Childe replied, as he got up to ask you what was wrong. You pulled him aside to your room and looked at him with this stern expression on your face. "Childe, what the hell was that?" You looked at him, clearly pissed. "What? They're just friends I'm telling you, I just wanted to add some extra fun into the party," this is when you got really mad. "Childe, I never even asked for this! I never asked for your friends to come and drink and pass out on my floor. Why are you bringing people you don't know? Don't be fucking making out with some girl in my house."
"what's gotten into you, geez? You really care that much about some girl?" You clenched your fists. "Yes! I care that you're wrapping your arms around her and that she's holding onto your waist, Childe, I fucking loved you! I've had a crush on you since we were kids!" Childe stood there, almost dumbfounded, his eyes widening.
"Oh, she's done it now," Kaeya leaned on the wall. "You're pretty cruel Kaeya, y'know that?" Thoma crossed his arms.
"What... hah, are you serious right now?" Childe stood there, his eyes widening but it almost looked like he didn't believe you. "How.. how could you not know. You've been hurting me this entire time. Every time you do something insensitive like this.. how could you do something this fucking shitty, bringing your fuck buddy to my birthday party?" Tears were rolling down your face now. Childe just.. stood there. "I.. gotta get going..." He ran off, not even rejecting you. You fell to your knees. When Childe was running, he didn't even process Thoma or Kaeya, trying to get as far away from you as possible.
Thoma opened the door to hear your pained sobs. "Oh, honey.." Thoma crouched down to wipe your tears while Kaeya locked the door behind them to prevent anyone from intruding. "I hate him. He didn't even... respond to me.. he left me.." it was hard for you to talk when your nose was so stuffy and your eyes were reddening. "C'mon, let's get you on the bed okay?" Thoma spoke softly, carrying you onto the bed and sitting you on the mattress.
"We heard what he said," Kaeya explained, being truthful. "Are you alright..?" Thoma asked, you shook your head. "I just want to be loved and he just.. he didn't even care about my feelings. If he doesn't like me that's fine but don't go running off when I finally said what I've been waiting to say for five fucking years," this time you wiped your own tears. "Do you want us to make you feel better?" Kaeya put one of his hands on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, making you shudder.
"Wh...what do you mean by that?" You ask, a bit cautiously but also curiously. Kaeya pushes you farther into the middle of the bed, your back pressing against Thoma. You feel Thoma gently licking and nipping at your neck, while Kaeya was going in for a kiss. First, it was just a little peck, and then it turned into sloppy, open-mouthed kisses.
"Wait... I have never done this before... I'm nervous.." you already knew where this was going, better to let them know than not. "It's alright, we'll take it slow ok?" Thoma's hand found the back zipper of your dress, zipping it all the way down and sliding it off you completely, leaving you bare and exposed to them in just your underwear and bra. Kaeya reaches behind your back to unclasp your bra, slipping it off you and throwing it on the floor. Thoma's hands cup your breasts, softly rubbing over your nipples to make them hard. You squirm in pleasure and jerk your body around at the foreign stimulation.
"shhh.. it's okay, we got you, stay still so Kae can make you feel good, mkay?" Kaeya cooed at you so sweetly, so you tried to be good and stay still. Kaeya lowered himself down to your crotch, pushing your white panties aside to reveal your drooling cunt. Kaeya licked a strip up your cunt as you jerked uncontrollably at the pleasure. Thoma thumbed your nipples and kissed your neck, trying to reassure you.
"This... Feels weird..." You spoke, your words almost slurred. Kaeya pushed a finger in you and your eyes screwed shut, your cunt squeezing against his finger. "Relax, baby, if you squeeze that hard I won't be able to move," you could hear Thoma chuckling behind you at Kaeya's comment, and your cheeks burned. You weren't sure if it was from the pleasure or the embarrassment or both.
Kaeya sucked on your clit, pushing in another finger and curling them up to find your g-spot. "Mm-mhmm!!! Kaeya.. that feels good.. more please.. please..!" Your body jerked and shook from the pleasure while Thoma was rubbing your waist, trying to soothe you. Both of the men could feel their cocks straining against their pants and the air getting hot.
Thoma took off his shirt, fumbling with the buttons until they came undone. You could feel his hard chest against your back as he used his hand to press down on your stomach, making you clench hard around Kaeya's fingers. " Kae.. Kaeya!! I'm.. wait.. don't... I'm gonna.. c..cum!!!" You threw your head back as your walls spasmed around Kaeya's fingers. You felt dizzy, you just felt so good and you wanted more. Thoma unzipped his pants, discarding them on the floor. He grabbed your shoulders and gently turned you around to straddle his lying body.
"Gonna make you feel good, okay? Relax sweetie.." Thoma took off his boxers and guided your hips into his hard cock, slowly sinking you down on it, watching his cock disappear in your cunt. You tightened unbelievably around him while Kaeya was stroking your back. "Ow..ow.. Thoma.. it hurts.." your eyes were squeezed shut as his cock explored your cunt. "Relax.. it's okay.. you're doing great okay?" Thoma smiled so sweetly even though you were doing such lewd things.
You felt a wave of relief once he was all the way in, and Thoma let you wait so that you could adjust. Kaeya let his cock free from his boxers and saw you eyeing it lewdly. "Say ahh.." you opened your mouth obediently and started suckling the tip. "That's it, good girl.." you moaned around his cock as Thoma began thrusting his hips upwards and tears started prickling in your eyes. "Aww.. don't cry," Kaeya used his thumb to wipe your tears as you gagged on his cock. "Mm!!.. Thwoma.." your voice came out muffled as Kaeya fucked your face roughly. "Saying other guy's names when you're sucking me off? Naughty girl.." Kaeya pulled his cock out of your mouth to let you breathe and Thoma stopped thrusting into you.
Kaeya pushed your back so that you were pressed up closer to Thoma on your elbows. He spread your asshole before spitting in it roughly. He gave his cock a few strokes, while his cock was still slippery from your saliva, he pushed it into your asshole. You let out a wanton moan as his cock went deeper and deeper inside you. "Oooh she likes that," Thoma cooed, feeling your walls hug his cock hard. You bury your face in Thoma's shoulder, trying to relieve yourself of the embarrassment you were feeling.
"'s too.. much.. too deep!! Mm--nhghh!!" You couldn't help yourself anymore as they both thrust into you at a fast pace. When one was thrusting out, the other was thrusting in. It made your mind go mushy and made you drip with even more arousal. "Th..Thoma!! Kaeya.. so good.. 's so good.. love you.. love you so much.." the tears wouldn't stop coming out of your eyes and you didn't know why you were even crying. "Aww.. we love you.. our slutty little girl," Kaeya chuckled lightly.
Thoma and Kaeya were both thrusting much harder and faster now, trying to reach climax as fast as possible. "Fucckkk.." Thoma slurred out. "Thoma!! Kaeya.. 'm gonna cum.. please.. I'm...!! 'm cumming I'm cumming!!" Your body shook as your holes squeezed their dicks, as if trying to milk their cum out. "Fuck.. I'm cumming, where do you want me to cum?" Thoma breathed heavily. "In me!! I want it in me... Please.. 'm on the pill it's okay.." You felt Thoma thrust once more before he spilled his cum into your cunt, pulling out to watch it spill out before pushing it back in.
Kaeya gripped your hips hard, your skin slapping against his thighs. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he pounded into you deep. "Want me to cum inside?  Want me to cum inside your ass?" Kaeya grinned coyly, although your expression showed that you wanted it just as much as he did. "Y-yes!! Please!! Please cum in meee..!!!" Your words slurred and you felt warmth shooting into you again, both of your holes now drenched in cum. You were so exhausted you collapsed right on the bed.
When you woke up, the music was dead and it was quiet, but there were arms wrapped protectively around you to keep you from moving. You turned to look at Thoma who blinked his eyes open slowly. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your sleep," you apologize, feeling a little embarrassed that you were staring. "No no, it's really not a big deal," he laughed lightly, playing with your hair and combing through it.
"Hey, don't forget about me," Kaeya's voice tickled your neck as he groaned. "Ah, uhm, do you guys know what happened to Childe? You know... After uh.. last night?" You weren't sure if that night was intentional or not. "Haha, he probably ran home all salty and bitter cause he didn't get laid, you know, you're pretty loud," embarrassment washed over you as he said that and you buried your face into Thoma's chest to hide your face. "You're so mean, Kaeya," Despite saying that, Thoma laughed, stroking your head.
The next day at school, none of you were with Childe. He was hanging out with the same people from last night and you didn't feel comfortable going up to them, and you wouldn't make yourself uncomfortable just to talk to him. So it was just the three of you for now, but you still had fun. Kaeya always found a way to slither his hand around your waist, and Thoma always found an excuse to come and see you and hug you tightly. This didn't go unnoticed by any of the students either. They always told you that you were "lucky" for being around attractive men. Meanwhile, Childe has been sulking. He pulls the blonde girl closer to him and kisses her on the lips, but he doesn't imagine her. He imagines you.
"I want you back."
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2K notes · View notes
taobee · 3 years
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Summary: The types of nudes they send
Pairings: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Thoma, Kazuha, Itto x GN!Reader (separate)
Warnings: male masturbation, dick print/buldge, exchange of nudes, hand kink/mentions of veiny hands,
Wc: 871
Notes: I believe not all of these count as full on nudes, but decided to add them in anyways!
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The tavern is the perfect place for someone who wants to be exhausted in the first hour, so Diluc often gets worked up about drunk customers. This causes him to daydream quite frequently, most dreams containing you in one of many erotic positions. It's not like he's trying to think this way, it's just that the thought doesn't leave his mind. He'll excuse himself from bartending and have another one of his workers take over for a short walk, while he's on his phone, scrolling through the lewd pictures of you as he feels the tent in his pants grow tighter every second. He'll unbutton his shirt and snap a few photos, ensuring the bulge in his pants is visible in the photo before sending it to you.
Kaeya's the type of person to just send whatever he feels like. Even when he's drunk and thrown out of the tavern, his mind wanders to you, your perfect figure and your skin, waiting to be tainted by him. More often then not, he finds himself drinking away in his office and will send you whatever he's thinking of in that moment. Lots of dick pics at a flattering angle, and a lot of videos and audios. He sends a little bit of everything cause he tends to not lean towards a specific preference when it comes to nudes.
Since he's away fairly often for Fatui missions and expeditions, it means he can't always hold you close and fuck you straight when he wants to, so expect a lot of nudes, especially when he's away. He'll send you videos of him laying back, pumping his cock profusely with a flushed expression. Throws his head back and says how much he loves you, how much he wants to be with you in between breaths. This is what you do to him, he says. You get him all worked up and now he has to excuse himself to fix the mess you've made. Don't worry, you'll make up for it once he sees you again.
As the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and Consultant, Zhongli is often busy organizing and spending money. The times where he's away from you, he carries little trinkets that remind him of you, one of which being a photo of you in a rather.. erotic position. He quickly stuffed the photo away in his pocket, shielding it from the public eye, only he should be able to look at something like this. When he sweeps away into a private area he'll take the picture out again, admiring the lustful expression you had on your face as he feels his cock straining in his pants. When he sends dick prints, his hands almost always make the cut, their fair and a bit veiny, makes sure to get a good angle of them too. You can see the large bulge in his pants, and you'll get a quick text right after he sends you the photo saying "look what you've done to me."
You and Thoma are practically always together! Whether it's just having a picnic in the grass or cuddling up next to eachother under a tree. Whenever your away, he can't stop thinking about you. What are you doing right now? Are you hurt? What are you doing in your bed? Are you thinking about him? He's thinking about you.. fuck. He has a boner. He'll lock himself in his room and send an audio clip of him moaning and panting to you, saying how much he wishes you were doing this to him. Sometimes, he'll take pictures of him in front of a mirror, and he looks so beautiful doing so, no matter the angle. He'll send a text saying " miss you baby :(" then will proceed to send audios of him pleasuring himself at the thought of you.
Even without the stress of the vision hunt decree, Kazuha is still on high alert in Inazuma. There are times he can't bring you everywhere with him, so to make up for it, he writes a lot of poems about you. Some are more.. sexual then others. Such said sexual poems tend to come in his mind when his head is wandering.. thinking about the next step to take. Remembers the many poems he's made about you. The way your clothes hug your skin.. how sensitive and flustered you get when he gets a little too close. Recites the poem while voice recording, making sure you absorb every single detail through the screen.
When he's feeling horny and your not there, he takes a lot of pictures. You'll be getting spammed with dick and ab pics with the often "babe I'm hornyyy come over" text again and again. Can you blame him, though? You've got him all worked up and your not there to make things right! You can't blame him for being just a little desperate. Definitely sends you videos of him slowly pumping his cock up and down, you can see his abs flexing on the camera. Maybe your starting to get a little horny aswell...
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3K notes · View notes
taobee · 3 years
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Summary; Your troubled by the reoccurring nightmares you've been having. Luckily, Xiao knows just the way to fix them.
Pairings: Soft Dom!Xiao x Reader
Wc: 2.6k
Warnings: sub reader, nipple play, fingering, creampie, vaginal penetration, squirting, breeding kink, unprotected sex, reader has nightmares, lmk if I missed anything
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Xiao's feelings towards you are.. complicated. He doesn't know why, it's difficult for him to really come to terms with his feelings, because he had just ignored them prior. When he saw you fall off the jade chamber, his heart sank and he immediately came to your rescue. He dismissed this as an act of kindness. Not many get the privilege to be held by an adeptus in such a way. Why was he holding onto you, why was his grip on your hand so tight, as if he didn't want to let go?
Obviously, the more he tried to ignore these feelings, the stronger they crept back. He knew you were strong, he wasn't going to underestimate you, but surely you could've gotten yourself in some silly trouble right? Yeah, he doesn't keep watch over you cause he wants to, it's cause your definitely going to get yourself in another situation he has to pull you out of. Surely this is the reason he's seeking you out.
He looks at the couples of Liyue, how they cling to eachother, and how he also desperately wishes to be in your embrace. He connected the experiences of the Liyue people to the things he wanted to experience with you. He tried to grasp the concept of love, having a crush. People tell him it's something that makes you feel happy and giddy all over. When you think about them, you just can't stop! You feel the urge to be near them and get closer to them. They are special.
Overall this just makes Xiao more confused. He's never experienced the concept of love with anyone else. It's a sense of vulnerability for him. He's been hurt by a lot of people and has experienced a major amount of trauma over the years, it's only natural that he's quite reserved to those that are not close to him. Infact, he hasn't made another friend since he was introduced to the adepti of Liyue, and he isn't that close with them. The adepti find it hard to strike conversation with the Yaksha, but even they've noticed that he's become more relaxed.
When these feelings first arose, Xiao thought nothing of it. It's normal to not think of someone that you have a small bond with to be a nuisance. Whenever people approach him, it's always to get something. Some young men get on their knees, pray to the Yaksha to give them wealth and happiness. Others demand a relationship or to be of high social status. These are the people Xiao finds nuisances. Mortals must be idiots to believe that a god can grant them everything they've ever wished for. Things like wealth have to be achieved through perseverance and hard work, not set on a plate for you.
He found you were.. different. You did things and never asked for anything in return. What a naive way to act, he thought. When you helped fight off all the Fatui with the assistance of the adepti, and when you saved Liyue from Osial. You had come into this nation and willingly lended a hand even though you had no knowledge of who these people were. When you brought him his favorite food after he had turned you down multiple times, refusing to talk to you because he assumed you were like everyone else. Seeking him out for such a mundane reason. Preposterous. Although.. he might have enjoyed the company just a little bit.
He always told you to call out his name whenever you needed him. He trusts you, even if he doesn't want to admit it. He feels at ease when he's around you. He's not in pain when he sees you. You understand him, somehow. He really has grown quite attached to you. He likes you. A lot.
Once he came to terms with how he felt about you, it was still difficult to say anything. Whenever he had the chance he always blew it all instantly. The right words wouldn't form and his ears would turn red from embarrassment. So he opted to just waiting til he knew you liked him, which was hard. You see, Xiao can be patient, but too much patience becomes excruciating after a while. He didn't know if you liked him. It's not that he doesn't know how mortals express love, it's just when he's around you, his brain circuits and can only focus on you. That's why when he heard you call his name, for the first time, he came rushing to your rescue.
"You.. called?" It sounded more like uncertainty, like he was trying to ensure that this wasn't a prank.
"mhm.. it.. hurts. My body. Everything. It feels numb and I feel tired. I've been having nightmares." You looked up at him from the bed with such doey eyes, how could he refuse to help you? Not that he would either way.
"I can.. help.. if you want." He prayed his hair was covering his ears that were now turning red. " Can.. you stand?" He asks cautiously, as if one wrong move would break you completely. "I'm really tired..." your voice trailed off, but he understood your message. He picked you up in a bridal position, and suddenly the room switched. It was dark, there were candles all over the room and it emitted a warm atmosphere.
He set you down on the mattress, the plushness could be felt by your fingertips. He used a pillow to further elevate your body. "Close your eyes.."
He tried not to stare at you even though he wanted to watch as you drift off to sleep. Your light snores and your parted lips are something he's yet to see. His fingers touched your skin. They were rough and calloused, but also a tad bit cold on your cheek. Slowly you felt the pain and soreness fading away. This process made you extremely tired, and almost instantly after that a dark, void consumed your mind.
Your sibling, with the abyss.
"Leave her to die. I don't want to see her anymore."
You were so... Confused. Did he not care one bit about you? How long you've traveled to just get someone to recognize his name just to be disregarded even by him, as if you were a pile of dust on the floor.
You watched as a black hole opened up behind him. "Sister. If you think you are worthy enough to hold our families name, prove it." He drew his sword, until suddenly you felt a hand caressing your cheek again. You saw Xiao. Your sibling faded into the background. Xiao pressed his lips against yours, his hands had a firm grip on your waist. He slid them up to your breasts, toying with your nipples...
You suddenly woke up, your eyes shot open, but not on a bad way. You saw Xiao sitting in front of you. "Sorry, you looked like you were in pain. Your lips were trembling so I tried to.. eat your nightmare."
"You can do that?!" You exclaimed with a yawn. You were still a little tired. "I can eat your nightmares and turn them into whatever I want, or whatever you want. Don't worry. You will only feel pleasure."
"oh.. guess that explains what was happening in my dream.." you mumbled, but he apparently picked up on it. "Hm? What were you dreaming about?" Suddenly, your face gets hot and you try to lift the blankets to cover your flushed expression.
"Don't think anything about it.. if you have another nightmare, I'll be there."
So for the next few nights, he watched over you as you slept, trying to find even a sliver of discomfort in your face that he could fix. He practically jumped out of his seat when he heard his name being called.
"mm.. Xiao.. don't.." you mumbled, was this dream about him?
He placed his hand on your forehead and closed his own eyes, but in your dream, he was.. on top of you? Your hair clung to your skin and your shirt was lifted up. Your bra? Nowhere to be found. The sight made him so, incredibly hard.
"Hurry.." you whimpered, trying to rub your thighs together for friction, if only he wasn't standing in between them. "Are you sure this is alright?" Xiao stuttered, as if he was afraid he was going to taint your innocent soul. You nodded your head, your flushed expression displayed for him.
Xiao peppered kisses all over your neck, sucking on the skin, watching it blossom into a hue of purple. You whimpered and your fingers were dug into his shirt, all while he was trailing one hand up to cup your breast, and the other down to your sopping pussy. He pinched your clit, flicking the nub almost playfully and you whined, grinding up against him.
Although, the feeling didn't last too long as you both were snapped back into reality of what was really happening. Xiao's eyes shot open, his face still red and his hand still feeling your warm cheek, that was also flushed.
You slowly blinked your eyes open, your vision fuzzy from your dream. You woke up to a very flustered Xiao with his hand still on your cheek. "How was your dream..?" Xiao spoke softly. "Oh! Uh..um.. it was.. fine.." you muttered almost under your breath, but he was quick to catch your words. "Would you.. like to continue your dream? Only if you want too, of course." He avoided eye contact with you, he knew looking at you would only remind him of the events that took place in your dream.
"I want to continue.. only if that's fine with you.." you muttered just under your breath, just loud enough for him to hear him, and that's all he needed to hear.
He kissed your lips to try and ease the tension in the room, a bit embarrassed to take the lead. "Is this okay?" He trailed his hands up your shirt, asking you to confirm if it was okay to move on. "Mhm.. just do it already.." you whispered. This situation was too embarrassing and lewd for you to handle.
Xiao pulled your shirt over your head and his eyes widened at the fact that you didn't have a bra on. It wasn't a problem for him, though, because he just tugged your nipples lightly, toying with the buds in between his fingertips. You arched your back in pleasure, using your hand to try and silence your voice.
"Don't. Let me hear them." Xiao's hand held your hand that was practically clamped down on your mouth to carefully remove it from your face. One of Xiao's hands made it down to your panties, rubbing against the cloth to feel your wetness before moving it to the side. He pinched and rubbed your clit in his fingers. "Mm! Xiao.. feels good.. more.." He didn't have to use lube, because his first finger went in so easily.
He felt you tighten around his finger, your eyes screwed shut as he placed a few comforting kisses on your cheek and neck. "Mmm.. Xiaoo..." He couldn't handle your whining. It made the tightness in his pants grow. He inserted another finger, curling them upwards. "a-ah! Xiao.. Xiao right there.." he stimulated that same spot harder, and he could tell you enjoyed it, by the way you were arching your back, consumed in pleasure.
"Xiao! Xiao, it feels weird.. a-ah...! Um.. I think I might..!! Cumming!!!" You gushed all over his fingers and the smirk on his face wasn't helping you. You were so embarrassed you wanted to shrivel up and let the bed eat you up. "Are you alright..?" You circuited back into reality when Xiao was looking over at you. You could hear the sound of a zipper being undone.
"I'm fine.. hurry and put it in.." you whined. He couldn't take it anymore. He lined his cock up with your entrance, rubbing it against your slick folds. "Tell me if it hurts, okay?" You nodded. He slowly inserted his cock, being careful not to hurt you. You furrowed your eyebrows and your body shivered at the feeling of being filled up. You hissed at the feeling of insertion and Xiao tried his best to ease the pain by kissing you all over and rubbing small circles into your clit.
"Xiao.. you can move now.. I think I'm fine." You avoided eye contact. It was too humiliating. You shrieked when he started moving unexpectedly, thrusting into you at a fast pace. "X-Xiao!! Xiao.. mhpm!!" You clenched around his cock and he hissed out in return. "Fuck.." he whispered to himself, luckily his own moans were drowned out by yours. You looked like you were truly on cloud nine. Your hair was disheveled and some strands of hair stuck to your face, and you were drooling so cutely.
"You okay?" He stroked your hair gently, and you nodded. "More Xiao.. wanna cum.." you whimpered and whined as you grinded up against his cock. He couldn't take it anymore.
He wanted to see you cum. Wanted to see you cum with his cock in you. So Xiao started thrusting harder, partly trying to reach his own release, but also wanting to see your face while you cum. He rubbed light circles on your clit, trying to push you over the edge. "X..iao!! Xiao!! Oh.. Xiao.. Xiao!! I think I'm gonna.." before you finished your sentence, you were already gushing all over his cock, clenching down on it as if your body depended on it. "Mmmm.." Xiao let out a small moan in your ear before releasing into you, filling up your hole with his fluid.
Your hole was twitching, and his cum was leaking out from you. You looked spaced out for a moment before you blinked and looked around the room for Xiao. It seems like he left the room, but he quickly reappeared with a water bottle in his hand. "Are you thirsty? Here." He handed you a water bottle and you realized he was already dressed. You snatched the water bottle and tried to use the covers to shield yourself from him, but it seemed like he knew what you were doing. "I won't look.. just.. drink the water okay? Do you mind if I lay next to you?" You didn't answer, you just scooted over and patted the spot next to you to invite him to come sit with you. You set the water down on the nightstand and laid down next to him. He watched you fall asleep quickly, softly caressing your skin.
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taobee · 3 years
HI I love your work! Could I perhaps request kazuha? Any kink works but maybe B̶r̶e̶e̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ k̶i̶n̶k̶ if that's alright 👀
Spiderman Kazuha + Breeding
Warnings: creampie, breeding, established relationship, blood,
I hope u don't mind my brain is turning into literal mush at the thought of Spiderman Kazuha, and I had to incorporate him into this post cause it was the first thing I thought of
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"What on Earth happened to you?" You look at Kazuha through the window who would look like he's half dead if he wasn't grinning shyly. You pull your window up to allow him access to your room, removing some textbooks and paperwork that were scattered across your bed. "Haha, nothing you need to worry about,' Kazuha climbed into your room and took a seat on your bed while you shuffled through your medicine cabinet, getting some cotton, bandages, and a cloth. "Are you okay if I take off my suit? I uh.. don't have much underneath.." Kazuha rubbed his neck, his cheeks a slight tint of pink. "It's fine, just take it off." You set everything on your bed and start to apply a bit of pressure with a cloth to stop the bleeding. You clean the wound carefully with water, making sure to not further infect the wound. During this process, you wipe off any other blood that was spattered on his face or body. Kazuha was in nothing but a pair of boxers, not that it bothered you too much, it was often that you saw him like this. You then bandaged up his wounds firmly, making sure that it wasn't suffocating but also so that it would be able to heal without getting infected. You give Kazuha a small peck on the forehead and he smiles back at you. "Is this my reward for saving the city?" He looked at you and let out a small chuckle. Kazuha brought you in for another kiss, this one far more demanding than usual. "Mm, I don't know. What kind of reward would you like?" You devilishly smile, watching his lips quirk slightly upwards. Kazuha quickly tossed your back on the bed, towering over you as he peppered kisses over your sensitive neck. "Wanna fuck you." he let out a pant, almost tearing off your clothes in the process of trying to take them off. "Kazu..ha..!" You let out a small yelp as Kazuha was already lining his cock up with your hole, slapping it against your clit. "Go slow.. Kazuha.. I didn't prep myself.." your hands fell at the sides of your face, looking up at him as his face contorted in pleasure when his cock entered your gummy walls. You sucked him in tightly as if trying to milk him dry. "Nnghh!! K-Kazuha... Kazuha.. move more.. faster..." You whined as he bucked his hips forward, eliciting a loud moan from you. Kazuha picked up his pace, pulling his cock out and slamming it back inside. "Kazuha..!! It feels good.. fuck.. a-ahh..! Don't.. I think I'm already cumming.." You can hear the creaking of the mattress as Kazuha's quiet moans got louder. "I'm gonna cum.. fuck Fuck.. I'm about to cum.. where do you want it?" "I want it inside me Kazuha.. cum inside me!!" You let out a loud, wanton moan as you felt Kazuha release inside you, painting your walls a perfect shade of white. You were both so out of breath and Kazuha fell beside you, pulling you close. "Come on, it's getting late. Let's sleep."
719 notes · View notes
taobee · 3 years
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Pairings: Kaeya x Gn!Reader x Childe
Warnings: throat fucking, pet names, dacryphilia, blowjob, hair pulling
Wc: 360
Notes: Kaeya and Childe brainrot ajdksksk
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Imagine Kaeya on a call with Childe, putting the call on facetime, flipping the camera and showing Childe how well your taking his pretty cock in your hands, kissing the tip and swirling your mouth around it, coating it in thick saliva. You lick up and down his shaft and then pop the tip in your mouth, slowing easing his cock in.
"C'mon, baby, you know you can take more than that," Childe teased from behind the screen. You were beyond humiliated, being seen doing such a lewd act, even if not in person. You clenched your thighs together, and you felt a hand grip your hair.
"You heard him. I know you're capable of going deeper, c'mon cutie," He gave you some encouragement before suddenly shoving his length in your mouth, throat fucking you at a pace so fast fat globs of tears started to stream down your cheek. The sounds of gagging and your saliva coated his cock, and you could hear Childe's pants through the screen as he was fisting his own cock, his tip swollen and hard.
"Fuck, baby I'm gonna cum. You want it in your mouth?Yeah? Want my cum in your throat?" You could feel his pace fasten as hunger filled each thrust, nearing him orgasm.
"Fuck fuck..." You heard Childe panting as he was nearing his own release. You heard the squelching of his precum mixed in with lube through the screen and it made your panties dampen and your thighs squeeze together.
"I'm gonna cum.. take it all, take it..!" There was one final thrust before Kaeya's cum shot into your throat as you swallowed obediently. "Fuck.." you heard Childe panting as he reached his own orgasm, cumming all over his stomach at the sight of you sucking off his friend. You looked up at Kaeya to open your mouth, showing him your empty throat. You heard the fumbling of clothes and keys from the other screen.
"Kaeya? What's Childe doing?" You questioned the random movement as they both had just reached their high. Childe spoke through the screen one last time before ending the call.
"I'm coming over right now."
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985 notes · View notes
taobee · 3 years
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NSFW Alphabet: D, J, K, N, W
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Pairings . . . Kazuha x F!Reader
Words . . . 411
Notes . . . Enjoyed making this one. I love kazuha 😭
Warnings . . . Thoughts/implied Somnophilia, edging, bondage, dacryphilia, vaginal penetration
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D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Whenever he catches you sleeping, your tits resting perfectly on your side, your shirt lifted just slightly and your ass poking out of the covers, he desperately wants to strip your entire body. He'll envision it while he's watching you sleep, turning you on your back and unbuttoning your silky shirt to expose your breasts and stomach, fondling the flesh and watching as you let out a soft, breathy moan. He'll slowly take off your pants, and your underwear, until you're fully naked. Proceeds to stuff his cock in your cunt, hoping you don't wake up...
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Likes to jerk off slow and sensually. He'll go faster when he's about to cum, and his cum is on the more liquidity side. He finds pleasure in watching you jerk him off, there's something about the way you look at him and the softness of your hand that just makes him get rock hard.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Edging + Bondage
He just loves seeing your face when he stops stimulating you, you get all whiny and beg for him to let you cum your words fall on deaf ears. He watches as tears flow down your cheek as he kisses them away softly. You're all sniffly and you look up at him with eyes that carry so much lust inside them, you please him to let you cum, and how can he refuse, when his little darling looks like that?
I think he's into bondage, not the rough rope kind, more like wrapping you in silky bondage like a present, tracing the skin that isn't covered, making you shutter. He may even blindfold you too as he's kissing and sucking on the soft skin of your neck and on your nipples.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Doesn't like inflicting pain on you. He might try it but I think he'll quickly realize he dislikes the red marks on your ass, knowing he caused such pain on you. I think he'd feel guilty for it and think he's hurt you.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
This man's cock is sooo sensitive. Shutters in pleasure when you swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock, or when you press both your tits against his dick, rubbing them up and down. He'll cum extremely fast.
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706 notes · View notes
taobee · 3 years
Scandalous !!
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summary: you were picked to work under the most elite Fatui Harbingers as their secretary. but it seems they have much more in store for you then just paperwork.
pairings: Childe x F!Reader x Scaramouche x Dottore
warnings: dacryphilia, vaginal penetration, clit stimulation, gangbang, throat fucking, degration, humiliation kink, dom Childe, Scaramouche, and Dottore, fingering, Childe calls you a pretty girl, Dubcon, hand job, making out, afab reader, creampie, blow job, lmk if I missed anything
wc: 3.1k
notes: this was a commission that I made longer then expected. Apologies for the one who commissioned this piece, but I hope you will still enjoy! Commission prices are linked here
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Being in the Fatui wasn’t really as bad as everyone depicted it to be. Constantly throughout your life you were always told that these people were evil, dangerous. It would have clouded your brains in fear, if your sisters weren't in the fatui. Both of your sisters have worked in the fatui since you were young. It kind of disappointed you that your siblings were always away, too busy with work to accompany you anywhere or to spend any quality time with you, but there wasn't anything you could do.
The first time you ever met another fatui member was at Northland Bank, which was a bank that the Fatui owned. You still remember the sight of them. The men were dressed in red and black in long sleeved clothes that had a hood made of fur. The women were dressed quite similarly, except the women there wore purple, most likely to make it easier to distinguish the difference between the women and men. They both wore a mask over their eyes, you were confused on whether it was implemented in order to hide their identities or not. 
Whenever your sisters came back from an expedition, you ran to trap them in a tight hug. Constantly, they would tell you stories about how tiring work is and how you had to work really hard if you wanted to get into a rank as high as them. They would get sent out on expeditions from all sorts of nations and would take pictures as proof of their travels. That was how you started to train in order to get into the Fatui. You knew you had to be the best of the best if you wanted to be picked. You even heard if the Fatui Harbingers really take a liking to you, you would be one of their assistants! Unfortunately, you washed away these hopes of living in luxury, because it was incredibly difficult to get that high of a rank in just a year or two.You had much more time to think about becoming an assistant once you got in, and within about a year, you were selected! 
Although it wasn't as easy as you had expected to get into a higher rank. The ranking you had right now was the lowest ranking in the Fatui. You didn't even have an insignia yet, and you knew that had to change. Having a pyro vision did have some perks. Some people believe it is one of the most powerful visions, and while they probably aren't necessarily true, it was a false fact that made you feel just a little stronger. 
Within another year of training, you had gone from the lowest rank to just being informed that you were going to work under a few Fatui Harbingers! You were ecstatic! Although you didn't quite understand it at the time, they did. Everyone else only worked under one Fatui Harbinger, if any at all, it would certainly make your job harder if you had to accommodate more than one, seeing as you expected it to be challenging. You’ve seen how the harbingers treat their subordinates, you weren't oblivious to that fact. You were determined to work hard and become as powerful as them. 
Although there were a few Harbingers you had your eyes on. Lord Tartaglia, the 11th of the Fatui Harbingers. Lord Scaramouche, the 6th of the Fatui Harbingers, and Sir Dottore, one of the Fatui Harbingers. Would it be wrong to say that you had a crush on all three of them? Lord Tartaglia just had this cheerful aura that could dissipate within a second and something about it was so alluring. You weren’t that stupid, you saw him wink at you when he saw you staring at him, or when he would talk to the lower ranks just to get a look at you. Lord Scaramouche seems scary to everyone, and he also scares you, but you figured it was because of that you were just a little bit attracted to him, even though you tried to deny it. Sir Dottore was a scientist who loved experimenting. To be honest, you’d let him experiment on you. His big grin is so seducing in all the best ways. 
Honestly, for the longest time you thought there was something wrong with you, crushing people who you’d never get a chance with? Maybe in another life, but if you could just be in one of their units, you’d be jumping up and down like a little kid! When it was time to announce the lucky candidates that were lucky enough to work under one of the Fatui Harbingers, you saw them all lined up, reading off the people that were now in their unit. You realized your name hadn’t been called yet, and there were only two harbingers left. 
This made you worry, because even through the entire speech you hadn’t heard your name once. It wasn’t until you were pulled aside by a tight grip did you understand what was going on. 
“Hello!” The man whispered in a light, cheery tone as you scanned his features, trying to identify who he was. His hair was a shade of strawberry blonde that was more on the orange side, and he had a few freckles dotted on his face. 
“Lord Tartaglia?!” You weren’t sure if you were more surprised or afraid. Childe was someone who was highly feared on the battlefield, both for his strength and murderous intents. You couldn’t help but blush a little bit, you’ve always had a little crush on him. His features were of a model, if he wasn’t a Harbinger anyone would’ve assumed he was in the modeling industry. 
“I apologize for not explaining beforehand. You’re with me and my unit,” He sounded sincere and so you chose to believe him and followed him to where the fatui soldiers were, all lined up perfectly. In your head, you were jumping up and down and trying your best not to grin. You did it, you're working under a Fatui Harbinger, and it's one that you hoped to work under! You quickly parted from him, not wanting to draw anymore unwanted attention towards yourself before blending in with the rest of the crowd. You listened intently to the smaller speech he made to his new subordinates. 
“Congratulations! I have to say, it isn’t everyday you begin to work under a Harbinger. I want all of you to continue training hard. Remember that just because you're a rank higher doesn’t mean your duties are to be neglected. Don’t disappoint me.” Shortly after, the entire group dispersed more evenly, talking amongst themselves. The next two weeks consisted of mostly the same thing, he’d have his groups train every Tuesday and Thursday, and the other days were just running errands and going to their assigned camp locations. You started to wonder if the Fatui ever got a break. You were at a Fatui camp with a majority of the other units. You felt a tap behind your shoulder. It was Childe again. 
“Hey, do you have a minute? I want to talk to you in my office.” Your heart immediately sank, jumping to conclusions at every second. Did you mess up? Did you say something you weren't supposed to? What did you do? All these thoughts were running around in your head, but you had no choice but to follow him, it wasn’t really a choice to disobey your superiors. You watched as he sat down in his seat and you sat on your own. “Let's talk, ok ?” He was acting so strange, so different, but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“Wouldn’t you like to become my little assistant? You’d have everything. Wouldn’t you like that?” He looked at you and could tell you were beaming. You’d always dreamed of this! How could you let an opportunity like this slip from your grasp so quickly? 
“Ah ah! There's a catch. Not everybody gets an opportunity like this so easily.” Childe interrupted you from your thoughts, seeing as you were almost beaming with joy. You were confused. 
“Huh? Then what do you want me to do?” He laughed like it was no big deal. “You have to do everything I say.” He emphasized the last three words by speaking slowly, like you were a toddler who couldn't comprehend words. “I can do that. I mean.. It's what I’ve been doing right?” He chuckled menacingly in a way that slightly worried you. 
“Is that so?” He questioned your own judgment. “Alright then, Come sit over here.” He patted his own lap affectionately while you stared at him in shock. Was he really, actually serious about this? “Are you sure? Lord Tartaglia, I'm not sure if we should be.. Doing something like this..” Before you could finish speaking, he’d already pulled you on top of his lap. 
You felt him rubbing circles into your hips as you squirmed pathetically in his grasp. It felt like he was laughing at your struggle, because he continued doing it. “Um..” you spoke meekly. You heard a loud bang on the door that made you jump in his hold before hearing a voice booming from the other side. 
"Childe, if you don't open this fucking door I'm going to come in there myself. I know you took my secretary." You looked up at Childe, only to see him rolling his eyes. "That's Scaramouche, don't mind him." He gave you a small smile but you were panicking in his hold. 
"Wait! Lord Tartaglia- what if he sees me here.. and his assistant? I thought.. I was only working as a soldier in one of the units under the Fatui Harbingers, surely there were others that fit your expectations, what about them?" You were so confused but you tried to keep the questions at bay to not annoy Childe. Dread filled the pit in your stomach as you heard a clanging of keys and the inserting of a key in a keyhole. You could only bury your face in Childe's chest to avoid the sheer embarrassment you were about to face. The door opened, you shut your eyes. 
"Ey' Childe, the fuck are you doing with OUR assistant?" You heard a voice, it was deep and raspy and it sent tingles down your spine. You opened our eyes and slowly peeked to see two figures standing there, instead of the initial one you were thinking of. A tall man with faded teal hair and such deep crimson red eyes you'd think they were artificial, and a shorter man with purple hair and a piercing gaze so sharp he looked like he could kill you just by glaring at you. You were shocked but also confused, Childe only let out a huff of amusement though, as if he was enjoying the ordeal. 
"Your assistant? Well I had her first so I'll be keeping her," he argued right back to Dottore before Scaramouche butted in, "Can both of you shut up? You're giving me long term memory loss". You saw the corner of Childe's lip quirk up before he repositioned you on his thigh and started bouncing it, making you let out a whimper that you desperately tried to cover up to save yourself some embarrassment. You heard footsteps coming towards you, and soon a hand made its way to grab your jaw harshly, 
"Didn't know our little secretary was such a slut," his eyes stared into yours as you started to get a little warm in your outfit, squirming around in Childe's lap, which you haven't gotten off of. You heard the door close and then heard it lock. "Don't keep us waiting then. Strip now. That's an order." You saw Dottore, who was crossing his arms as he looked down at you from across the small table. You slowly got up from Childe's lap and tried to stand up properly, your hands were together and they pushed your breasts closer to each other. 
"Guys wait, don't you think we shouldn't really be- ah!" You tried to protest, but an arm grabbed you instead and started stripping you of your clothes, 
"God, do I really need to do everything around here." Scaramouche's eyes almost looked like they were boring into yours. He made quick work of your skirt and your panties, and Dottore assisted in helping you take off your coat and unbuttoning your blouse before lifting it above your head. Childe rose from his seat and sat you down on the table, not being bothered about the paperwork that fluttered onto the floor. Dottore latched both his hands on your breasts and rolled your nipples in between his fingertips, watching them harden while you were whimpering and squirming about. Scaramouche rested his head in between your thighs, watching your juices spill out from your pretty cunt before shoving a first finger in, listening to the sweet sounds that were coming out of your mouth as he curled his finger up. 
"Ah! Wait- mm! This is.. so wrong.." Childe turned your head to face towards him and pressed his lips against yours to silence you, starting with a few closed mouth kisses and then gently brushing his tongue on your bottom lip. Soon, he was using his tongue to stimulate your tongue and your lips, swirling your tongues together and groaning into the kiss.
"You're clenching down here, you deny it but your body is really honest, isn't it?" Scaramouche laughed when he shoved a second finger in, using his tongue to suck on your clit. A failed response came out of your mouth, too occupied with Childe's tongue and the many ways it was pleasuring yours. You heard crinkling of fabric and it was Dottore undoing his shirt, throwing it somewhere irrelevant on the floor which initiated Childe to do the same, his lips leaving your mouth and ridding himself of his own clothes. 
"Oh.. My Lord.. My Lord..!" Your attention was mainly focused on Scaramouche, who could feel your cunt clenching tightly on his fingers, signaling to him that you were close. Your expression was no less then pure lust, your lips parted and your legs spread, your eyes glistening. 
"Come on pretty girl, you wanna cum don't you? Cum for us.. you want it don't you?" Childe was teasing you, pressing fluttery kisses on your jaw and making his way down to your neck, sucking on the skin. "aa-ahh! St-stop tha..t!" You could feel Scaramouches smile as you released all over his fingers, clenching onto his fingers tightly as you reached your orgasm. 
"Look at that. You're telling us to stop, but you enjoy every bit of this don't you?" Dottore whispered harshly in your ear, Scaramouche removed his fingers from your cunt and he took no time in unbuckling his pants and zipping them down. Childe pushed your back onto the table, muttering words like "Just relax, we'll take good care of you," you heard sounds of shifting and you felt something prodding against your hole. 
“Sir..! Dottore.. Please.. Wai- mm!” You didn’t have time to protest as Childe took this opportunity to guide his shaft to your mouth, harshly pulling out and slamming it back into your throat. You felt something sliding into your hole, looking down and seeing Dottore slamming his cock inside you, his tip kissing your cervix as he bottomed out on you. You helplessly moaned around Childe’s cock but all that could be heard were muffled screams of pleasure. Scaramouche guided your fingers to pump his aching cock that had been strained for so long. 
“You like being treated like this, huh?” Dottore slammed into you harder, you could feel the wide grin on his face. You tried to respond that no, you didn’t like being treated like this, but you could feel yourself clenching around him and whimpering desperately around Childe’s cock. You felt a finger slide up to rub your neglected clit, pinching and pulling the bundle of nerves to send electricity all over your cunt. It made you twitch in pleasure, you felt hands caressing your tits again, you saw Scaramouche fondling your breasts, pinching your nipples till they went hard and pulling on them harshly. You felt their pace fastening. The way Childe fucked your face harshly, pulling out only to slam himself back into your mouth, as groans escaped his lips. Dottore having your legs lifted above his shoulders, throwing his head back as he rubbed your clit rougher and faster than before. Scaramouche letting out soft moans as your fingers got faster around his cock, helping him near his release. 
"Fuck, pretty girl, you gonna take our cum? Wanna cum in your mouth.." Childe panted hard and fast. He thrusted a few more times before releasing into your mouth. "That's it, swallow all of it… good girl.." he used his index finger to scoop up the remaining cum and shove it back in your mouth. You turned to Scaramouche and started jerking him off harder, watching him desperately trying not to moan. 
"That's it.. just like that.. fuck.. cumming..!" You opened up your mouth to allow him to cum into it. You made sure to swallow and to look back up at him and open your mouth, ensuring that you swallowed it all. You quickly choked on your own spit when Dottore started to fasten his pace, slamming into you harder then before. You moaned pathetically against his cock, his fingers were rubbing circles into your clit. 
"Aa-ahh! Fuck..fuck… Sir.. It feels too good, please.." You whimpered underneath him. Tears started to well up in your eyes and trickle down your cheek. "Aa-ahh! Gonna cum, m' gonna cum..!!!" Your cunt spasmed around his cock as he thrusted a final time, letting his cum fill your hole up. He pulled out and admired his own work, watching his cum leak from inside your pussy. You were out of breath, panting and tired. Childe was the first one to break the silence, 
"Well, we should get you cleaned up now shouldn't we? Don't want the others to know what went down here." You couldn't hear anything else as your eyes shut, too tired to care. You woke up in Dottore's harbinger room the next day, with Childe and Scaramouche sitting on the couch while Dottore was making coffee.
 After that, you ended up being a secretary for all three of them. The job was challenging, you wouldn’t lie about that, but also fun and exhilarating. You met up with your sisters the moment they got back from their expedition, and they were surprised to see you had made it all the way up to the secretary position so fast! They would ask you for your secrets and what techniques you used, but you just shrugged like you were dumb even though you knew the answer. 
"I guess they just take a liking to me."
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taobee · 3 years
for the ask game hmm how about yae miko + cunnilingus? thanks <3
Yae Miko + Cunnilingus
Warnings: cunnilingus, squirting, clit stimulation, fem reader
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"How does it feel?" Yae's mouth was inches away from your cunt, blowing softly on your puffy clit. "Need it now.. hurry.." you whined, bucking your hips up at every blow. "Alright.. hold still now." Yae laughed quietly at your eagerness, slowly licking up and down your cunt, feeling your juices all over her tongue. "A-ah!! Yae- Yae.." you roll your hips forward to meet with her tongue. "Faster.. please.. can't take it anymore.." you whimper, curling your toes when she starts sucking on your clit, using the saliva on her tongue to act as a kind of lube. "O-oh! Yae.. mmph..!!" Yae's tongue starts to lap at your cunt, drawing out the prettiest of moans from your mouth. "Yae.. Yae wait.. it's too good.. I'm gonna cum..!!!" "A-Ahh!! Yae! I'm cumming I'm cumming!!" Your legs twitched as you squirted all over her face, your cum dripping from her lips.
"Oh, that's no good. Look, you got my face all dirty. I guess I'll just have to punish you for that."
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taobee · 2 years
Featuring: Kaeya. Albedo. Diluc.
Warnings: Consensual drugging, drugging, aphrodisiacs, dry humping, not really drugging for Diluc and Albedo,
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Kaeya knew what he was doing when he slipped a few drops of the pink liquid into your morning drink. It was around 10 pm when you came into his office, whining about work and having to deal with a bunch of nuisances. Your brain didn't have the time to comprehend that your tea was a slightly different hue than usual, you just picked it up and took a sip, sighing heavily. Kaeya watched as you shifted in your seat, practically begging him with your eyes for him to fuck you. "C'mere, why don't you sit on Kaeya's lap?" Kaeya called, patting to the empty spot on his lap. You couldn't help but shift uncomfortably around his groin. "It hurts Kaeya.." you whine, rubbing yourself on his cock. "Hm? What hurts?" You balled up the fabric of his shirt with your fists. "Down here.. help me.. please.." you guide his fingers down to your groin area. "Hmm? What do you want me to do?" Kaeya lifted a brow as though he were clueless. "I want you to.. fuck me! Please.. put your cock in me.." you hear the sound of his pants unzipping as his cock sprang out.
"If you want it, come get it."
Diluc was not exactly clueless about aphrodisiacs, all he knew was to not let you get your hands on one. One of Diluc's workers had gotten a strange, out of the blue supply of wine bottles, ranging from a variety of strange names such as "obsession overload" and "arousal stimulator". He knew these wines were no good, but why throw them away when it was all free? Diluc stored these wines in his own wine cellar where nobody would touch them, for the safety of others. You were snooping around Diluc's mansion, greeting the maids politely as you made your way farther into the mansion until you saw "Master's Wine Cellar" printed on the top of the door. Curious as you were, you just wanted to explore a bit. You looked at the various bottles of expensive wine, and then came across some in the back row. You picked one up and it had a pretty pink color to it, so you opened the bottle, and it smelled so sweet. As if it were raw sugar, the smell attracted you to it, a small sip wouldn't hurt too much right? That one small sip turned into gulping down half of the bottle until you were wobbly. You pushed yourself out of the cellar and your mind was only on one person. Diluc. As you wobbled into his room your face red and your voice slurred, Diluc was on his computer, typing away until he saw you. "What.. happened to you? Are you alright? Your face is all re-" Your lips pressed onto Diluc's, clenching his shirt with your fists and moaning with every breath you got. " 'Luc.. I feel weird.. help me.." You looked up at him innocently, rubbing his now growing boner. If you were begging so erotically, how could he refuse you?"
"Alright then, come here."
Being an alchemist and all, Albedo had a pretty good idea on the effects of aphrodisiacs, which is why he would never, ever let you have the satisfaction of knowing he keeps such a thing in his laboratory. It's only for experimental purposes! Nothing else!! So when you start having a headache, he has you grab a pink pain relief potion from one of his potion shelves. Surprise, well, Albedo has dozens of pink potions on the same shelf. You just grabbed the first one you found and took a small sip, not thinking much of it until your heat suddenly went all the way to your groin. Your body grew uncomfortably hot and tight as if you were going to burst. Electricity shot through your core when you tried to run your thighs together to make the feeling go away, although it only made it stronger. You kept thinking about Albedo. Where's Albedo, he can fix it. As you stumble back into his lab his eyes widen at your state.
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taobee · 3 years
Hii~ can I request B,C,D,F,W with tohma please?
(NSFW Alphabet event)
NSFW Alphabet B C D F W !!
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Pairings: Thoma x F!Reader
Warnings: creampie, vaginal penetration, pussy licking, clit stimulation, overstim
Wc: 465
Notes: Thank you for requesting~
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B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your face. Everything about your face. When you're sad, angry, happy, aroused, it turns him on looking at your facial expressions, especially when he knows he's making you feel so good.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically...)
I feel like his cum is more on the liquidy side? I also feel like it's stickier too, and he shoots out more than the average man. I feel like he has a thing for cumming on your tits? Don't get me wrong, he loves cumming inside you and feeling the warmth of your walls when he's buried inside you, but he also loves the view of his cum smeared all over your tits. I also have a feeling he loves cumming on your stomach. There's something so entrancing about seeing your cum on your breasts and stomach. It drives him nuts.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bro gets flustered so easily. He thinks it's not noticeable but it is so very obvious. When you slightly moan when you're stretching, or if you bend over to get something, mans is already bricked up. The worst part is he doesn't understand why he feels this way, he ends up having the face of a tomato when you look back at him.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
I feel like Thoma is open to any position, so long as you enjoy the experience. He's really into any position that lets him get a view of your face, like I said, he loves seeing your facial expressions. I actually feel like he often likes to switch up the positions each round. Maybe one round you'll be in a mating press, the next you'll be on your stomach, etc.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He has a big thing for giving. Often neglects his own strained cock because he's so focused on making you cum over and over again, he just wants you to feel good, don't blame the man too much :(. I feel like he unintentionally overstims you because he knows your feeling so so good. His tongue lapping up your juices and his fingers pinching your clit.. soon he finds he sort of enjoys overstimming you... He believes that your pleasure is more important than his, putting your sexual needs above his. He's gotta at least make you cum with his tongue three times before you even think about his pleasure!
He's also extremely needy and clingy in general, but even more so during sex. He really wants to make sure your alright, it would crush his heart if he knew he did something that you didn't want to do, or he pushed you too far.
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taobee · 3 years
Could I get diluc c i g m s
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Pairings: Diluc x F!Reader
Warnings: creampie
Wc: 293
Notes: Enjoy! :)
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C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Cums a good amount, and it's thick too. Prefers to cum on your thighs or inside you, the thought of even seeing his cum dribble out of your hole makes him hard.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Very intimate. Wants you to know that he appreciates and is grateful for you. He'd hold your hand while his cock bullies it's way into your cunt and press feathery kisses to your cheek to soothe you. He could absolutely just kiss you for hours. He's just so whipped for you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Definitely serious. I mean, a few jokes here and there don't faze him in the slightest, but during intimate moments like these, he keeps it pretty serious and romantic for the most part. Wants to treat you how you deserve to be treated.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Lingerie turns Diluc as hard as a rock. Doesn't matter what kind it is. Lacey bra? Crotchless panties? He's all for it. He desperately wants to see you in a maid outfit, though. Gets really flustered when he does see you in lingerie, his face turns beet red.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
A man with a good amount of stamina. Will stop at just a round if you're feeling tired, but if you wanted to go for more he surely wouldn't mind. He can go around 2-3 rounds, but he lasts a while. He might switch up the positions every round or so just to keep a bit of variety in there.
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taobee · 3 years
May I request d,e,f,j,k with Childe for the smut alphabet event please? Thank you <3
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Nsfw Alphabet: D, E, F, J, K
Pairings: Childe x F!Reader
Warnings: degradation kink, praise kink, vaginal penetration, Childe is a horny mfer, mentions of pet names, mentions of stripping, reader is shy
Wc: 446
NSFW alphabet event
Childe is so beautiful please
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D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He might never admit to it, but seeing you confident, determined to beat him already forms a tent in his pants. Loves wrestling for dominance. Even better if you're a fighter, or if you're in the fatui. He'll request you at almost any given time, giving his other subordinates nothing more than a "I have business with them." Before they scurry off to fetch you. Definitely uses his status to order you, demanding you to strip your clothes off. Definitely enjoys watching you get all shy and flustered, talking about how they can't do something like this here! What if his other subordinates come in and see you in such an embarrassing state?
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I think Childe is definitely experienced. I like to think he's had a few partners before, but it never worked out due to his work in the Fatui. Knows exactly where to touch to make you go crazy, picks up on your facial expressions, your body language, and the sounds you make. He's very observant, and knows when your feeling good.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Generally I think he's open to experimenting with a lot of positions. I think his favorites are cowgirl, just letting you ride him, he watches you roll your hips and slam them down. Probably gets horny thinking about it, pervert. He also enjoys having you against your wall, your back pressing the cold surface as he lifts one of your legs up and pounds into you. I also think he's open to just bending you over on his desk and fucking you, it might get his paperwork dirty but he doesn't seem to care.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
If you're with him, I believe he doesn't jack off that much. Him being the little horndog he is, of course he needs someone to help alleviate it, but he has you, so why would he need to jack off if you're with him? Although he isn't opposed to letting you jack him off, actually he probably finds it quite arousing. Even before you came around, I don't think he jacks off as much as some of our other candidates.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Degradation + Praise
Ok hear me out. I feel like he loves degrading you, calling you nasty words and calling you a nasty slut for getting off on his cock. At the same time I think he also includes praise, telling you that you're so good for him. Good little sluts do what they're told, right?
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taobee · 3 years
b,f,k,m,n,o,s,v,w, with ningguang,if its too much its okay if u did some of them :)) Thank u~
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୨₊˚🌹ᘏ NSFW Alphabet﹕B, F, K, M, N, O ₊˚જ﹆
Pairings: Ningguang x F!Reader
Words: 359
Notes: I did the first six if that's okay with you! This isn't proofread, there may be mistakes.
Warnings: pussy licking, fingering, nipple stimulation, vaginal penetration (strap on), multiple orgasms, mommy kink, praise kink,
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B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your tits, but more specifically, your nipples. She's quite a gentle Dom, but it doesn't mean she doesn't love having you squirm in her lap while she twists and pinches your hardened nipples. The flesh of your boobs are so soft, your pretty little nipples covered in slick saliva and your tongue practically lolling out of your mouth. She thinks it's so adorable.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Probably any position that has you on her lap, bouncing up and down on her strap on, coating it with your slick as your tits bounce up and down, giving her a lovely view.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Mommy Kink + Praise. I think the mommy kink was quite obvious already, watching you pant out her name like a bitch in heat makes her want to thrust into you harder. Caresses your check and wipes away those tears of pleasure as she reassures you on how good you are, just for her, you're doing so well, you wanna make mommy happy right?
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you look up at her with puppy eyes, pressing your tits together while pressing up on her as if she doesn't know what your doing, it really gets her going. When she questions you, asks what you think your doing, trying to seduce her like this, you only reply with a simple "what do you mean?". Seems like she has to put someone in their place.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I believe Ningguang dislikes hair pulling. She doesn't mind her hair getting messy after having sex, but she doesn't like it pulled, especially harshly. I believe she dislikes the feeling of it in general, the scrunching up of hair and the knots, and the way it yanks her head back.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Ningguang is pretty experienced when it comes to making your cunt spasm in pleasure multiple times. She knows where to touch and where to lick to bring you to your high. She might have two fingers buried into your cunt while licking small circles on your clit, as for giving and receiving, I like to think she believes it should be pretty 50/50, you both should be giving and receiving, although on some days she might enjoy giving you more pleasure.
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taobee · 2 years
okok so i havent said anything so ill share this thought with you
signora and childe fighting over you.
yes you heard correct dommy mommy fire got me signora and childe the murderous sugar daddy for zhongli.
Them two have so much rivarlly when it comes to anything but if its you their talking about a war could go on or a treatee where childe slams his cock into your pussy like mouth and signora eating your wet clit and sucking it with your poor poor cunny hole being abused by them <<33
You hate how their words make you feel good and bad about yourself making you choke on sobs from childes fat cock in your mouth while signora laughs at you pitfully and dives right back into your pussy again :((
once their fighting they try and see who can make you cum the fastest is it childe or signora? whoever wins gets to overstimulated your poor holes into submission :((
what a pair they can be. They can be nice or mean leaving you fucked out of your brains or…never mind just that one option take it or leave it
No bc I actually love this duo so much they can absolutely destroy me
They find pleasure in your tears, how your crying that it feels too good and that it’s too much but all childe does is wipe your tears while signora fingers your little cunt <3. Childe would abuse your throat, gripping your hair and roughly thrusting it in and out of his cock like your a flesh light while Signora sucks and licks your cunt like it’s the last thing she’ll ever eat !! They just find you so, so adorable
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taobee · 3 years
May i request B, D, K, T for the NSFW alphabet with Venti if you are comfortable? (If Venti isnt okay, please take scaramouche instead!) <33
Nsfw Alphabet B D K T
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Pairings: Scaramouche x F!Reader
Warnings: vaginal penetration, creampie, edging, dacryphilia (?), overstimulation, spanking
Wc: 250
Notes: Since I don't write for venti, I hope you can still enjoy this piece with Scaramouche!
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B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your ass. Occasionally he sends sparks of electricity directed towards it. During sex, expect a lot of harsh slaps to your ass. He loves seeing red marks printed all over your ass, knowing that he did that. In general, he fondles and has his hand on your ass a lot.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Creampie enthusiast. He actually didn't realize this until you gave him permission to cum inside you. Now he's addicted. Seeing his seed leak from inside your dripping pussy makes him want to shove his dick back in to plug it up, and that's exactly what he'll do.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Edging + Overstimulation
A big fucking tease. Will edge you for hours, watching tears prick in your eyes as you beg him to let you cum. Unfortunately, he won't give in to your pleas so easily, but once he does, there's no stopping him. Keeps pounding into you recklessly even after you've cum multiple times. Your cries of pleasure and overstimulation are so amusing to him.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Scaramouche owns his fair share of toys. Butt plugs, maybe dildos/strap ons? I feel like he enjoys being pegged. Ropes, chains, whips, you know, that kinky stuff. Honestly doesn't mind using them on you, or having them used on him.
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taobee · 3 years
May I request A, B, D, F, and I of the NSFW alphabet for Xiao?
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Pairings: Xiao x F!Reader
Wc: 171
Notes: You can find D and F for Xiao here!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He's very gentle with you, he's careful, he knows he can get carried away during the heat of the moment, and that's why he makes sure to take good care of you to make up for it. Wipes the remaining fluid from your thighs, trying to not overstimulate you from the pressure by wiping lightly. He'll give you a bath if you wish, or maybe he'll just hold you in his arms until you both drift off.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your thighs, and breasts. Likes the warmth of your thighs and how they radiate heat, and how soft they are. Enjoy the soft tender meat on your breasts.. squishy…
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Definitely pretty romantic. He trusts and loves you a lot. As his significant other, he cherishes you, and he will treat you as such. He wants to show you how much he cares about you.
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